#obi-wan: he's 6'2.
deserthusbands · 5 months
obi-wan, sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose: in your opinion, dear, what's the height of stupidity?
cody, turning to anakin: how tall are you?
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
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hi!! so i got a lot of skywalkers apart au asks last night and rather than obliterate everyones dashes with like 5 posts, just doin it all in one!!!! and i made a banner so this post looks cuter
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YEAH he rlly does!!
its a little awkward when they reunite -- don't get me wrong, SUPER loving and everyone's trying so hard to make it work and like it-- mostly does work? but there's a lot of growing pains lol especially given Luke's only been raised by his very civilised mum, so suddenly having a dad that's 6'2 of bug-eating chaos is a bit of whiplash loll. but they all love each other very much and the twins are old enough to mostly understand their parents' decision
luke's rlly going thru it tho loll he's got that family going on while he's also dealing with going from senator's son to recently-liberated-force-sensitive-rebel-fugitive
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LMAO i mean i assume they don't BLAST (in a lot of cases you don't want to let the enemy know you've got an ace up your sleeve lol) but you can bet there's been a couple times where they've found their least secure comm to say it over lolll. then again if you see a blue lightsaber absolutely whipping everyone's shit on the battlefield you can just guess, who needs an announcement <3
BUT LMAO I LOVE THAT Anakin gets back and Leia's like I CANT BELIEVE THAT ACTUALLY WORKED??? meanwhile Obi Wan and Ahsoka are like ohhh that tactic. classic. and Leia's even more shocked that he's made this work MORE THAN ONCE??
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@mayordomogoliat loll i mean. he was a jedi fugitive!! he can't predict when the empire'll spot him!! sometimes that's during grocery shopping when he's got his baby daughter (who's weirdly gleeful in the fight??) strapped to him!
LMAOOO YEAH "if i could avoid falling, so could you. do better" hes not angry hes just disappointed
YES ABSOLUTELY i mean obvs i've drawn Kanan fangirling but so many other younger jedi would be so happy to see him omg also COOLEST PERSON TO BE SAVED BY!! tbh anakin not falling definitely leads to more jedi survivors (as in ppl not the game) partly bc palps doesn't have that immediate killing machine
loll anakin's absolutely spending any downtime he doesn't spend with leia working on ships etc. probably gets annoying sometimes bc "Hey mr jedi can u do this mission" "no look i worked out a way to make this ship respond .3 seconds quicker i NEED to finish this first" local jedi forgets he's a useful jedi and thinks he's just a mechanic
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yes absolutely. like canon threepio's absolutely ???? all the time bc nobody tells him what's going on and
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@british-sarcasm YEAH!!!! palps is so pissed off he didn't turn anakin bc that means he's alive and rebelling and MY GOD is he annoying for everyone involved.
and omg YES good for them. if they ever ran into each other/ did a mission together they'd make everyone there regret ever signing up for the empire
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mrs2224 · 6 months
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CT-1149 Will become an ARC Trooper
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
She is a Female Clone trooper who was part of Nala Se's first experiments on special clones. Aria being a female made her defective. But she was certainly effective!! Emerie was also part of this squad they were seperated. But Aria was a big love bug to her brothers
She was first in 501st and played the big little sister role to Dogma and Tup. She is very close with those two. She is 6'2 and can crush you if you mess with her brothers
She is not into men at all. But Obi-Wan had the hots for her.
She was Switched to the 212th due to her being too harsh and hands on. Which to Cody, she was exactly what he was looking for!!
Her story is just beginning. But Welcome Aria!! ❤️😂🧡💙🩵💕
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sonorousabyss · 2 years
𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝘂𝗽 - 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝗸𝘆𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗲𝗿
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A/N: It's no problem at all @alittletoobsessedwithclonewars, this was... way... way too much fun.
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So long Seppies, better luck next life.
Seriously though. You know how you said you were a menace to society? Yeah. You with Anakin? Take that, and multiply it by cancer.
All semi-references aside, to say that you are chaotic is an understatement. While you both get the job done, you certainly do so in style.
...If by style you mean getting your ship shot, spiraling out of control, crash-landing on a planet, and having to wipe out hoards of droids in order to steal a new one.
You know. The usual.
It's well known on both sides of the war that statistically speaking? When you get Anakin, you're going to be trailing not too far behind.
This is either a good thing... or a bad one. Depends on who's doing the paperwork.
A lot of people just assume that you and the general are close friends, but some people do have their suspicions.
He'd definitely try and drag you on as many missions as possible regardless of your status because it means he can keep an eye on you and keep you safe. He's fairly protective by nature, and it means he gets quality time with his significant other, so to him? It's a win.
That said? I wouldn't be surprised if a few arguments arose between you both because of the missions he doesn't want you going on with him because it's "too dangerous."
We've seen it platonically with Ahsoka, and several times with Padme, so it's safe to say he dislikes when the risk is a little too high for you. If you're capable of protecting yourself it certainly eases his heart a tad- double that if you're force sensitive- but that doesn't stop his anxieties. That said, you'll probably have similar concerns for him, so you'll both have that to look forward to.
Anakin will almost always make a game out of missions with you. He's well known for droid kill count competitions with his padawan- but you make them more entertaining.
Your easy-going nature is something he admires, and before you were together it was definitely something that drew him to you.
He's charismatic by nature, but seeing someone who's fully capable of getting along with him, his padawan, his master, AND his troops is a sight and a half. Talk about a fast pass to earning brownie points.
Mischievous as you are, that gremlin energy was also a major factor in why he liked you. You clicked almost immediately.
Creativity comes in many facets, and whether it's doodling in a sketchbook or... less than orthodox methods of getting things done? He finds it endearing.
Any time he can get alone time with you, he'll take it. Believe me when I say that he'll listen to you ramble about anything for hours. Sometimes the things you come up with absolutely baffle him.
Hope you like cuddling and physical forms of affection, because he certainly does. Messing with your hair, hugs, kisses, the whole nine yards. He gets what he can, and if you think he isn't going to attempt to steal kisses while people aren't looking, you're wrong.
Of course, he'd still respect any boundaries you set in that regard- that's a given. If PDA isn't your thing he'll tone it down, but best know that if that's one of your only gripes about it all he'll be pulling you somewhere private as soon as possible.
100% makes jokes about you being a hazard to society. Hypocrite.
Anakin has stolen your beanie more than once. He doesn't wear it, but he does carry it, and if I had to describe the urge in a nutshell? His obsession with that thing is very much the phenomenon of "If not there to take, why hat?"
If you happen to be shorter than this 6'2, force-sensitive gremlin? Good luck with getting it back because he is not afraid to use your height against you.
Makes you chase him to get it sometimes. He finds it fun. Part of his charm, I suppose.
This was a thing even before you were an item. He stole it in front of Obi-Wan, and the poor man just shook his head and sighed as he watched you book it after him in a desperate attempt to get it back.
He keeps a mental tally of how many times he's kept it from you versus how many you've successfully stolen it back from him. Will argue against you getting a point if he was "distracted" by someone else when you got it, but you and he both know who the winner really was.
Would absolutely adore it if you gave him a keepsake he could wear out on missions when he was away from you. Don't think you'll be conning him into wearing a beanie with his robes anytime soon though.
Has definitely sent one of his boys to give you a gift disguised as something important for a mission, when in reality it was probably something goofy he snagged on one of his trips without you.
This has happened a few times, but I like to think at least one of these 'mystery gifts' was a beanie, or something similar.
If you wear it'll give him a confidence boost that he'll be riding for weeks.
Might need to bully him just a little bit afterward, to knock his ego down a few pegs. /j
Anakin's absolutely enamored with you. He loves giving his beloved boyfriend compliments whenever he can... to the degree that having to disguise the loving nature of them in public mildly annoys him.
He has thought about ditching the order a few times for you, but is also torn because of his sense of duty to his men, the Jedi, and the people of The Republic.
Don't think he won't be planning every aspect of life with you after the war. He will. Both with and without you. It's a hobby of his that helps him get by. He's down to go just about anywhere if it's to live with you, home planet, or otherwise.
Just keep him away from sand. It's course, it's rough, and its irritati-
He's really big on open, honest communication between the both of you, so you're free to talk to him about just about anything without judgment.
Like you though, he does have some anger issues, so you may have to dissuade him from doing anything rash and vice versa. I like to think that you both could balance each other well in this aspect.
But if you both get angry together good luck to anyone on the other side of that charade. By the force-
The theater kid aspect could enter the playing field in a number of ways depending on what role you played in theater- ex: minor actor, major actor, set designer, lighting and sound tech, etc.
The first two could help when it comes to keeping things on the down low so people don't know he isn't breaking the code. Set stuff is tricky but it gives you points in the technical category and any edge you have in that department could come in handy, what can I say?
Maybe for once the Master... at being caught isn't Anakin. Perhaps you've played the role a few times. Who knows?
If that were the case, Anakin would have been mildly grouchy during and after the fact. You? In enemy territory? Without a weapon? Alone? Absolutely not.
He's gotta admit though, you fooling the enemy or executing any successful strategy never ceases to impress him.
He's always so proud. Salty if you're ever at risk, but proud nonetheless.
100% will drop anything to help you with your anxieties, no hesitation. Need something? Wanna talk? Need him to get you away from a place or certain people? You got it. He's head over heels, so if you name it? You've got it.
Y'all are too. Damn. Cute.
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A/N: I'm stopping myself here because if I go on for too long, I'll be up all night. I feel like I was only scraping the bottom of the barrel here, but by the force was it fun. I read your request and knew that you and Anakin would click immediately. I felt it in my bones, man. Request again anytime, and let me know if there's anything I missed or something you'd like to hear more about. May the force be with you, and may your day be as wonderful as the ocean's abyss is deep. Thanks for reading.
If you're new here, I take requests. You can find my rules here.
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mayxthexforce · 7 months
okay well first of all, let it be known that I ship Anakin/Sabe more than any of his other ships because we have developed them so much and they are our babies. I will AU the fuck out of them with you and I don't just AU with anyone.
I'm not a split Anakin and Vader person because as you know, we have Vaderkin ships and Sabe, and those go under Anakin typically.
But, I also ship Vader/Sabe in that exact form. There's a familiarity and a two lost souls in them that I love so damn much, and we need to fix what the comics did to them. Plus, I love what we were talking about with them yesterday about if he survived and how he still gets panic attacks and such.
Don't think I have forgotten about Anakin/Merrin and Vader/Merrin. Nothing appeals to either side of him more than the green glowy trick and well, with Vader, the whole desecrating altars.
I also love the idea of Sabe/Obi-Wan. That's just one that we need to get off the ground, same with Anakin/Vader and Trace. I'm sure there are more. You've got 99 characters and I could probably find a character to throw at any of them. Be careful or I'll throw my married at 16, 6'2 NBA player at them.
But no, I ship so much with you. I love writing with you. Also Vader thinks he and Sabe need to punish Fox.
Who do you ship with my muse?
Bonus: Include why you like the ship!
You know how much I love Sabekin. They were the very first ship I roleplayed in this blog. Pioneer ship fr fr, and for the longest time I was only roleplaying regularly with you, so I don't think I'd have stuck around as long as I have if I hadn't brought you down to the dark side with me xD Merrin and Trace also love their disfunctional man, even if they've not been as deeply explored. And Obi-Wan and Sabé are that couple who judges everyone else, I love them! RIP Fox, again
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thewriterowl · 3 years
I'm going to hell anyway so might as well have fun before the flames hit. Can I see some more Luke/Vader head canons? Preferably with a fuck ton of daddy kink?
Lol if it is what you and your trashy panda heart hungers for, I will do my best to provide:
TW: Anakin/Luke, incest, daddy kinks, possessive behavior, language, unhealthy relationships, dark elements, icky stuff people will not like cause of the pairing so be warned!
Anakin is not the most sound mind of people--even if he stays in the Light, he has a lot of Darkness in him. He's jealous, possessive, protective, attention whore, who could thrive off of just living from the attention of one to three people he loves alone. He wants, and wants hard, for those he adore to be around him at all times. Luke, as son or lover, is not immune to this. He gets the treatment the worse. Anakin is not about to share his beloved little starlight with anyone or anything. Luke belongs to him and him alone.
Luke is expected to call Anakin "Daddy" at all times. From the day to day, to any missions, to training, to when they have sex, Luke is expected to call him "Daddy".
If Luke calls him "Father", Anakin knows he done fucked up.
Anakin demands to carry Luke often. He loves how tiny Luke is (Anakin is 6'2 & Vaderkin would be 6'8...Luke is 5'6) and how easy it is to just hoist him up whenever he wants. It is a bit of a power-move, but also because Anakin is a massive cuddler. Who needs to hold those he cares about.
Luke is a sub and a bottom and not super aggressive. Anakin (for Luke; it's different if it's Obi-Wan, or a new fave of mine, Jango) is an aggressive dom top. He is going to push Luke around. It'll be gentle, but he is going get his way and get Luke dressed as he wants and eating what he wants...just needing to control and protect.. He isn't really doing it to be evil. He just doesn't trust anyone to look after Luke other than himself.
Anakin is obsessed over Luke. He has to know where he's at all the time. Needs to keep him controlled and focused and tied to Anakin alone. Of course, there is a Force bond there that Anakin will always know where Luke is no where to hide.
Luckily, Luke doesn't want to leave his father. He knows things were...off, if not wrong, but this was something he wanted. It made him happy. He was tired after everything and this was something that helped him.
Anakin switches between a very soft, seductive, gentle lover who provides lazy morning sessions of just rocking into Luke from the side, grasping his throat and nuzzling into his hair, whispering out adorations and affections, thanking him for being his. Luke reaching behind him to grip Anakin's hair, sighing out, "daddy." Other times, Anakin is a monster, who has the only purpose in life to fuck the sanity out of Luke. The blond is always, yelping out, "daddy, daddy, daddy" each time Anakin's hips hit him from behind.
Luke is just there to take the pleasure his father is there to give him. And he takes it happily.
Luke has meals in Daddy's lap. They bathe together. They nap together. Train together. everything is about the two of them together.
They are a dyad who are forever intertwined.
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neversith · 2 years
anakin has several notable features
the first one someone will notice his height. he stands at 6'2" and he towers above usually most humanoid beings. there are his piercing blue eyes and that iconic scar of his above his right eye he has gotten thanks to a battle with asajj ven.tress. his right arm was severed and a mechno arm made by anakin himself was grafted to what was left. his left leg was severed right at the knee by palpatine on mustafar. no fight between him and obi wan took place this isn't the canon you're looking for. his right leg received severe burns on it but the lava did not reach him any further. the mechno leg was once again built by him.
lastly, post ret.urn of the jedi, anakin has lichtenberg scars on his back due to when he threw palpatine down an air shaft. his heart also has a device similar to a pacemaker implanted in it.
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thesoobfiles · 4 years
feelings vs. duty - a. skywalker
Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Prompt: "For some reason, I'm attracted to you."
Words: 3.1k
Summary: You and Anakin are both padawans and are paired up for a mission on Hoth. During said mission, you question your already forbidden attraction towards Anakin.
a/n: this was a little something i whipped a few weeks ago, but rest assured i’m getting to the requests as quick as i can :)
Your P.O.V.
For reasons unknown to myself, I've been called down to the Jedi Council. 
Perhaps for some sort of message or task?
I stand in front of the large doors and smooth out my Jedi robes, making sure I look presentable before I stand in front of the Council and my Master, Yoda.
I push the doors open and the attention of everyone in the room is directed towards me. I walk inside, looking around, to see Obi-Wan Kenobi's padawan, Anakin Skywalker, already present, in the middle of the circle and already having his eyes on me.
"My padawan, glad you could join us." Master Yoda says. I slightly bow before making my way into the circle alongside Anakin.
"We were just informing Padawan Skywalker of the mission at hand and of its importance." Master Windu voices.
"There has been chatter of Sith sightings and suspicious activities going on upon the planet, Hoth." Master Koon informs.
"You two will be accompanying one another on this mission, right away and this mission is strictly reconnaissance so DO NOT engage." Master Kenobi emphasizes while looking directly at Anakin. Not that he noticed because he's too busy staring at me, with his beautiful cerulean eyes.
"Given the destination of this mission, make sure you wear the proper attire." Master Kenobi finishes. All the while, Anakin continues to stare in my direction instead of paying attention; classic Skywalker.
"Your mission, understand, do you?" Master Yoda asks.
"Yes, Master. I'm humbled to receive such an important task." I say and bow before the Council.
"Do you understand the mission, my young Padawan?" Obi-Wan directs his question towards his apprentice. His question is met with silence as Skywalker's attention is still on me. I roll my eyes; I slightly turn my head to look at him and gesture with my eyes for him to pay attention. At the same time I try and help him out, Master Kenobi makes another attempt at grabbing his attention.
"Anakin?" Master Kenobi inquires and Anakin's head snaps to the source of the voice calling his name.
"Do you understand the mission?" Obi-Wan asks again.
"Yes, Master." He finally says and bows.
"Dismissed, you are." Master Yoda says and I bow once more before I make my exit, Skywalker hot on my trail.
I speed walk, trying to lose him, but he manages to keep up with me. Curse his long legs. I make a beeline to my room to grab my winter robes and surprise, surprise, Anakin is still following closely behind me. I stop abruptly and he bumps into me. I turn around, looking up at his gorgeous face and flawless skin. I stare into his ocean blue eyes and they stare right back at me. However, now is not the time to be drooling over Anakin Skywalker; I need to focus on the mission at hand.
"Out of curiousity, did you hear anything they said in the Council room?" I ask, wondering how much of the weight I'm gonna have to pull.
"Important mission on Hoth regarding Sith sightings and suspicious activity." Anakin makes it short and sweet. Huh, so I guess he was paying attention.
"Well, maybe instead of following me to my quarters, perhaps you should make your way to yours and grab your winter robes." I say. He stands there, in all of his 6'2 glory and looks like he's actually pondering whether he should head towards his room. He looks back down at me with mischief in his eyes. Oh my stars, may the force be with me so I can handle this guy.
"You have a point; I just wanted to say that we'll be making our trip in my ship." He stated.
"Who has decided this?" I question.
Who in the galaxy gave him clearance to fly? From what I hear, he's a suicide pilot!
"Me." He says, signature smirk planted firmly on his face as he walks away without another word.
This is going to be a long mission
I make my way down the halls of the Jedi Temple and to Anakin's ship, fingers crossed that I survive the trip.
At the entrance of the ship is Master Obi-Wan and Anakin; they appear to be conversing about something. I didn't want to interrupt their conversation so I walked slower, looking around. Taking in all of the other ships and the pilots climbing in to fly them.
The next time I look in their direction, Anakin is gone and Obi-Wan is walking in my direction.
"Please watch over Anakin. He's hot-headed and acts before he thinks. May the Force be with you" Master Kenobi requests with his hand on my shoulder.
"Of course, Master. Thank you, Master." I reply and nod my head. He provides a small smile then walks off.
"Hurry! We do not have time to waste!" Anakin shouts from the entrance of his ship.
"Says the boy who wasted time following me around..." I mutter under my breath. I walk over to the vehicle and settle into the co-pilot seat. Anakin is already seated and flips and pushes all the appropriate switches and buttons.
"Against my better judgment, you'll be flying this vessel; so, try not to kill us before we reach our destination." I say, voicing my concerns.
"Please, I am the best pilot the galaxy has to offer." He says, attempting to shoo away my worries and brag about his piloting skills. In return, I roll my eyes at his statement and prepare for the long trip ahead.
It's not too long before we're off the ground and on the path to Hoth.
The stories are true, Anakin Skywalker is a suicide pilot! He flies like a mad man! Anakin spins and twirls the ship any chance he gets and speeds off like there is no tomorrow!
He makes an especially dangerous turn; in response, my eyes squeeze shut and my hand flies off to grab the closes object. Turns out, the closest object was Anakin's right arm. Since it’s metal, I did not notice until Anakin started snickering. I open one of my eyes and look at Anakin; his eyes are still facing forward, but my hand is on his arm and he's got a smirk on his face.
"If you wanted to hold hands, you could have just asked..." He teases. I quickly retract my hand and return it to my lap, cheeks ablaze and heart rapidly beating.
You're losing your composure, (Y/N). Just focus on your breathing. Not on how gorgeous his eyes look even in the vacuum of space. Or how handsome he looks when he’s concentrated on flying.
“Your thoughts are loud.” Anakin speaks up, smirk never leaving his face.
Jedi can read thoughts now?
“Any force user can, it’s just frowned upon by the Council; it also takes a lot of focus to hear thoughts and not just sense the surrounding emotions.” He responds, confirming my thoughts.
Oh my stars, that means he’s been listening to everything I’ve been thinking about. My face goes red at the thought, heart beat still racing rapidly.
This is ok, it’s fine. Breath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out. I repeat in my head until my heart beat returns to normal.
“No need to be nervous; we’ll be there shortly.” Anakin says, whether to reassure me or calm my nerves. Still, after he finished his statement, he made a particularly sharp turn and my hand flew out again. Why can’t I control my limbs today? I assumed I grabbed his arm again, but no; I ended him grabbing his thigh.
“I’m sorry!” I say abnormally loud as I quickly pull my hand back.
Jedi are supposed to be calm and rational, I’m not being any of those things!
“Don’t worry about it; we’ve arrived.” He says, chuckling. I exhale a breath of relief. Finally, I’ve lost my composure more times than I would have liked to on this trip.
Anakin lands the ship in a rather wide trench, easy to land in or make a quick exit in, and we leave the vessel to take a look around the area.
The cold, harsh winds of Hoth howl as we stealthily walk around. We scout the trench, nothing out of place. We look around the surrounding area of the abandoned planet and see nothing but tauntauns.
“Looks like we are going to be walking a lot for this mission.” Anakin voices, a hint of complaint in his voice.
Not soon after, we see one of the wild snow lizards scampering off in the snow.
Anakin turns his head to me and smiles. Oh no. He’s not going to…
He is. He whistles and runs off like he’s going to wrangle horses. He returns on the backside of a tauntaun.
“Only you, huh?” I ask eyebrow raised. He smiles from his position and extends his arm to me.
“For some reason, I’m attracted to you…” I mutter and take his hand. He pulls me up and I sit behind him, arms crossed.
There is no way in the galaxy I’m wrapping my arms around this guy!
“If you say so…” Anakin shrugs and we start moving, fast.
On second thought, I fling my arms around Anakin’s waist and hold on for dear life. If I feel unsafe in an aircraft with this man, what would make me think I’d be fine on the back of a tauntaun?!
We ride around until we stumble upon a cave. We dismount the tauntaun and it goes running. It’ll be fun walking back to the ship…
We creep inside and take a look around the entrance; hands readily waiting on our lightsabers. Nothing. I wonder who said there was something suspicious happening when this is an uninhabited planet… As soon as I make this statement, I see a flash of red out of the corner of my eye.
Was that a lightsaber, a Sith, or something else entirely?
Anakin must have heard my thoughts or saw it too because he’s also on high alert. We draw our lightsabers and move closer to the source. We stalk closer and closer until we turn the corner the color vanished behind to see a family. One child is wearing a Darth Maul mask and the other a Yoda one. They play fight with icicles found in the cave, no doubt. The mother and father are sitting around, trying to communicate with some sort of radio. We relax, hilt our lightsabers and their attention turns to us.
“Are you alright?” Anakin asks the family; concern evident in his eyes.
“Do you need medical attention or anything of that sort?” I supply, searching the eyes of the parents.
“Yes, we are ok; we crash landed a few days ago and our ship has been buried under the snow.” The father fills us in.
“We have been trying to get in contact with someone since then and nothing but static is heard on all of the stations…” The mother says.
“It’s most likely because of the thickness of the ice in these caves combined with the howling winds outside.” I concur.
"Perhaps the damage from the crash discombobulated the device. May I see it?" Anakin asks politely and the father hands him the small metal box, as requested.
Anakin’s hand flies up to his ear at the same time he grabs the box.
“Master?” He calls out, eyeing the device.
“Y-s, A—k-n.” Master Kenobi’s voice rings in the cave of ice; the signal goes in and out.
“There are no Sith here; just a family and children playing as such.” Anakin fills in Obi-Wan.
“U—d-rst—d.” Master Kenobi says.
"Once we are aboard the ship, I'll fix it." Anakin informs the father.
"Thank you so much, both of you." The mother voices.
"Not a problem, ma'am. We'll be heading to Coruscant to inform the Jedi Council as well as get you a new ship." I say, reassuring the family of their transportation.
We take off a layer of our robes and hand it to the family. They happily take it and we start our trek back to the ship.
Multiple minutes later, we are standing above the trench our ship is residing in and make our way down. Anakin climbs down first as to help the family when they reach the bottom; I stay above to help them start their way down. When they are all down, I make my way down to see Anakin helping me.
“I’m a perfectly capable Jedi, Anakin. I can make my way down a cliff of ice.” I say as my foot slips and Anakin catches me in his arms.
“You sure about that?” He questions as the only face he seems to be able to make is displayed across his features. I roll my eyes in response as Anakin is still holding me in his arms.
“You have made your point. You can put me down now.” I say, as the blood rushes to my face, hopefully from the harsh winds and not the close proximity of one Anakin Skywalker. He places me down and we make our way to the ship. Anakin steps in first and myself right behind him.
“Everyone strapped in?” I ask, looking around to see them tugging on their seatbelts and giving me a thumbs up. I smile in return.
“It’s going to be a bumpy ride, so hang on.” I supply, subtly warning them of Anakin’s flying. I make my way to the cockpit to see Anakin in the co-pilot seat.
“Oh?” I question, settling in the pilot’s seat.
“Want to play it safe now that we have passengers?” I tease as I flip and push all the switches and buttons. He only smiles in return, tinkering with that radio as I take off.
Hm, let me try something…
I pay attention to what’s in front of me; but, at the same time, I’m focused on what’s going on in that brain of his… I concentrate. First, I feel emotion; he’s nervous. For what I’m not sure…I concentrate more, and his voice starts to ring out in my head.
I wonder what species that family is. I hope they get back to their planet alright...
Aw, how sweet.
It seems as if some of the gears inside have been knocked out of place. I'll have to unscrew the face to put them back where they belong...
I glance down for a moment to see Anakin unscrewing the "face" of the radio. I then revert my eyes back to the vacuum of space and hone back in on Anakin's thoughts.
There we go... (Y/N) handled that pretty well back there. Who knew a woman in charge could be so attractive... Am I too flirty? I can’t help it, it’s just how I am with her. What if all she thinks I am is a flirt? I don’t flirt with anyone else, despite the rumors, only with (Y/N). Occasionally with Padmé, but only as a joke. How are there even rumors of this sort of thing, Jedi’s aren’t supposed to have attachments… Maybe I’m overthinking it…
Wow, this boy thinks a lot more than I thought he did.
“You are definitely overthinking.” I say as I giggle in response to his thoughts.
“Oh, you’re focused enough to hear my thoughts? How long have you been listening?” He asks, curiousity evident in his voice; though I am surprised at the lack of embarrassment I expected to see.
“Yeah. From your worries of the family to your overthinking. Let me assure you, you don’t have anything to worry about. I’m sure the family will be alright and if you haven’t noticed, I like you quite a bit.” I say, eyes trained in front of me.
“Really? I haven’t noticed, especially not from how gorgeous you think my face is or how beautiful you think my eyes are. Definitely not from how you think my physique is impeccable or how you love our height difference.” He states, recalling all the things I’ve definitely thought about him.
“Alright, alright. You’ve proved your point.” I stop him before he says anything else.
How long has thig guy been reading my thoughts?
“Don’t answer.” I say, holding a finger out in his direction as he closes his mouth.
“Not even curious, sweetheart?” He asks.
“Might as well say all my thoughts aloud if you can just hear them. 1) The way you call me sweetheart really gets my heart pumping. If you don’t want us to crash, I suggest saving the cutesy nicknames for when I’m not piloting your ship.” I start off.
“2) Honestly, I’m afraid to know the answer. So, no, I am not curious about how long you’ve been listening in on my thoughts like your favorite radio station.” I continue.
“And 3) if there’s something going on here, it can’t. Jedi’s are forbidden from having attachments. Unless you are ok with having a purely physical relationship, this kind of banter cannot continue.” I finish, getting everything off my chest and making my position clear. I turn on autopilot and turn to face Anakin.
“We will be in Coruscant’s atmosphere shortly. Any questions?” I ask, once I have said everything I needed to say. He looks at me, his eyebrows raised. He ponders, seeing if he has a response to any of my statements.
“1 and 3.” He says, stating he has a reply for those numbers as he places the now fixed radio in the glove compartment.
“1) Good to know I have such an effect on you, angel; but, taking into consideration the fact that you are piloting my ship, I guess I can stop.” He begins. Thank the stars.
“3) Even though I disagree with the Council’s attitude towards attachments, I respect your decision to follow their rules. On the other hand…” He trails off. He places his hand on mine and looks me right in my eyes.
“…I believe this kind of banter can continue even with a purely physical relationship.” He concludes, staring straight into the very recesses of my soul. I blink multiple times.
Did I hear him right?  Was he agreeing to the engagement of this kind of relationship?
“Yes.” He confirms by thoughts out loud as I feel the ship land.
“We’ll talk about this later.” I point at him as I turn off the ship and stand up from the pilot’s chair, moving to the area where the family is situated.
What have I gotten myself into?
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thewriterowl · 3 years
Hey yo! I just find out that people are calling Luke and Jango short for being 1.70 (aprox) like ????? Excuse me ?? How tall are y'all? 😭😭 I thought Luke was 1.60 because in every fic and post they called him short and I was like owww but apparently the man towers at 1.72 ???? What?? Bestie I'm 1.49, 1.50 with shoes on, if Luke is short i don't want to know what I am lmao
LOL in regards to the average (western?) men's height is 5'9-5'10. Din is 5'11-6'0 (1.82 m), Han is 5'10 (1.77 m), Obi-Wan 6' (1.82 m), Anakin is 6'2 (1.8 m), Vader is 6'6 (2.03 m), Chewbacca is 7'5 (2.26m)
Luke is 5'5-5'6. Add in to him being lean (Jango at least is built and thiccc) he appears very smol in regards to the rest of the male characters he is around. Because so many of the men around him are also thic with muscles (like some of the pictures of Din? oof) Even crusty old Palpatine is taller than him.
Luke is smaller than a few women as well.
Luke is just a little taller than I am and I believe I am the average (western?) height for women.
Now, do we may over-elaborate the height differences because we're thirsty??? Maybe.
Forgive my translation from feet to meters--it may be wrong :/
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