ms-gallows · 3 years
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Who’s the real prisoner?
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alexversenaberrie · 3 years
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theartofnieriel · 3 years
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Obikin 2021: Day 2 - Soulmate AU+Force Dyad
Separated by light-years and the war, Anakin finds himself struggling with his insecurities and doubts. While Obi-Wan can’t find the words to comfort his former apprentice.
Thankfully the Force finds a way to connect them and, hopefully, come to terms with their feelings.
reblog, don’t repost. thank you
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obikinweek · 3 years
Hello, Obikin fans!
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We’re happy to announce that obikin week is back for another year! We want to celebrate our favorite duo and their relationship.
The week will run July 17th through 23rd.
Please REBLOG this post to spread the word! The more this post travels, the more people we’ll reach and the more works we might have for everyone to enjoy!
Keep an eye out for the opening of prompt suggestions!
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obiwanobi · 3 years
Went wild for the last day of Obikin week and used all three prompts: Bodyguard AU — “I will always come for you.” — Protectiveness, so here’s an AU with Obi-Wan as the personal Knight of the Chosen One that will haunt me for a while:
The Force is angry, the Jedi say. The Force has been angry for some time, now.
There is no braid in his hair, —there has never been a braid in his hair— masters bow too low in front of him and padawans’ whispers are always louder when he’s close by.
The Force is angry and the war is at our door, but the Chosen One is here. The Chosen One will save us all.
(Lux Æterna is on ao3) 
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himboskywalker · 3 years
New fic is up for Obikinweek! Immortal and divine
For day 4’s prompt of praise kink and the previous prompts of sith au and possessiveness.
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treescape · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Professor Kenobi, Established Relationship, Oral Sex Summary:
He doesn’t think Obi-Wan actually means it as a challenge, but Anakin doesn’t see why he shouldn’t take it as one. He looks at Obi-Wan, thighs spread beneath the grey of his trousers and hands steady on the essay held above his lap, and thinks why the hell not. Anakin’s about a step away from leaking in his own jeans just thinking about it, and Obi-Wan will tell him if he’s taking things a lot too far.
Or, Anakin helps his husband, Professor Kenobi, with his grading.
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ann-i-inthestars · 3 years
Love Comes in Many Forms:
The Jedi were not perfect, they made mistakes. When Shaak Ti realized the extent of the misunderstanding surrounding Anakin Skywalker, she vowed to correct it any way she could. Starting with taking him as her Padawan. She knew his training would be different than any other Padawan she had. Not because some silly ide of him being the Chosen One, but because he would need support in a way a child who grew up in the creche wouldn't. He would need extra affection and friendship that doesn't come from a Master. He would need the guidance of a friend, and there was no one better suited for that role than Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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Sneak Peak:
Despite the tense set of his shoulders, and almost blank face, Anakin was instantly happy to see him. His face lit up and he asked eagerly, “You going to help Se’auze Shaak, Obi?”
“No, Anakin. That's just for her. I, I came to bring you this. I found it in Qui-Gon’s things.”
He held out a small black remote that had Anakin freezing. He wasn’t even breathing. It was as if he had been turned to stone.
After a second he asked, “I can take it?”
“You’re free Anakin.” Kenobi assured him softly. “You belong to yourself. No one but you should touch it.”
He reached out a shaking hand and Kenobi dropped it into his palm. The boy stared at it for a moment and then the Force surged around him. With a loud series of cracks, the small black rectangle shattered and then turned to dust. 
Kenobi brought wide eyes up to Shaak, an expression she was sure she was mirroring. Anakin didn’t seem to register their shock at his display of power. He was too busy radiating joy.
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willshowerthots · 3 years
For Obikin Week 2021 Day: Sith AU| Enemies to Lovers
Summary: Sith Emperor Consort Obi-Wan Kenobi, Consort to Emperor Sheev Palpatine has not want for anything. He had everything he could ever dream of, power and the loyalty of his men.
But he found his match in the form of Rebel Hero, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.
There was just something remarkable about Skywalker that beholds Obi-Wan to him like a moth to a flame.
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miyasprada · 3 years
obikin week day 1
Day 1: Sith AU | Enemies to Lovers | Possessiveness (sort of maybe i think)
Anakin walked with a hurried pace, it had been a few months since he'd seen Obi-Wan. The Negotiator had picked him and what was left of his troops up only a few hours ago, and he still hadn't seen him. Obi-Wan had sent him a message asking to meet him in his quarters.
As he entered the room, Anakin squinted, having to adjust to the dim light. Obi-Wan was standing by his desk with his back to him. He brought his hands up to cover himself, he was starting to get a bad feeling about all this.
“We need to leave, we
cannot trust the Jedi.”
The words echoed in the cold room.
“What? What are you talking about?”
A nervous laugh escaped Anakin's lips, Obi-Wan not facing him made the uneasy feeling in his stomach grow even stronger.
“I didn't want to believe it either, dear one. But I had to face the truth sometime,” he turned, golden eyes glowing with the light of deception, “They'll betray us,
(betray you)
Ani, I know they will.”
It couldn't be happening, it was a nightmare. Obi-Wan, -his- Obi-Wan was all light, no darkness. Never darkness.
this isn’t true. you know it’s not. like you needed your mother to only be strong you need your master to only be light.
Anakin could hear his heart beating a wild dance, feel his breathing becoming more and more constricted and his hands trembling.
What was this feeling that clenched his heart in an astringent grip? Fear? No! Fear was such a weak emotion, and he was not. Anakin was not weak. And he was not afraid of Obi-Wan. How could he be afraid? He would never fear his master, his best friend, his lover, his Obi-Wan. Yet he felt trapped, Obi-Wan was the predator, he was the prey. It was a sick feeling.
“Darling,” his face bore a reassuring expression, “Don't be frightened, nothing will happen to you, I'll make sure of it.”
Obi-Wan reached up to caress Anakin's cheek. Force how he wanted to linger in the caress! But he knew he couldn't, it would mean agreeing with what Obi-Wan was saying. So he pulled back, taking a few steps back to put some distance between them.
“I'm not afraid of the Jedi.” Anakin muttered, bewildered.
Anakin could see the irritation creeping into the cracks in Obi-Wan's face.
“You are lost, don't you understand? The Jedi won't protect you, only I will.
(only I can)
Open your eyes dear one, they only want you for your power, and when they don't need it anymore, they...”
“Obi-Wan, please, stop this, you're not making any sense!”
It wasn't Obi-Wan talking, he didn't know who this golden-eyed demon was, but he wouldn't let him take his master from him. Anakin knew that his words were lies after lies. He remembered having the exact same thoughts, but Obi-Wan had made him see the truth. He had made him see what they had and could have. Even though his lover's embrace would always be the home he would return to, he had learned to see the Temple as a home too.
Anakin didn't understand, his worlds colliding with each other. Obi-Wan's words were what he believed before anyone else's. But this person, this thing, was not like the one he loved so much. There was no harmony, no serenity, only anger and pain that rolled off the man in sharp, turbulent waves.
“I don't understand, Obi-Wan, my love, please. Why would you believe such nonsense? You know it's not true.” Anakin whispered, desperation becoming more and more evident in his voice.
“I...” Obi-Wan began, the gold in his eyes no longer shining as brightly as it had a few seconds ago, almost fading at the sight of the misery painted on his lover's face, “I had a vision. Darling, they want to hurt you, use you! They only see your strength, you’re only a weapon to them.
(not to me. i see you. i know you. i love you.)
You were right, all those years ago. We must leave.”
Oh. Visions.
Visions of what? Anakin died to know, to ask, but he knew now was not the time to push Obi-Wan. He was already barely hanging on the edge, Anakin didn't want to be the reason Obi-Wan would never see the light again. But if he'd been having visions, maybe he was right.
There might be time later to demand an explanation, and not to beg for one. Force how pathetic he must look right now, how pathetic Obi-Wan made him, still Anakin found comfort in that vulnerability.
How long had Obi-Wan been having these visions? Why hadn't he told him about them?
Anakin blinked away the water grouping in his eyes, drops clinging to his eyelashes. 'Yes, yes I believe you. Let's go, let's leave it all behind.' he wanted to tell Obi-Wan. But he wouldn't mean it, he wouldn’t believe it, or maybe he would, how could he make up his mind now, when his master had fallen? Even if he were right, he shouldn't encourage his fall. 'You could bring him back, if he fell for you he could come back to the light for you.'
He closed his eyes, searching for a semblance of Obi-Wan's comforting presence in the Force. It was here, but too feeble, it felt like his light was oppressed. A foreign darkness clung to him. An insidious tenebrosity that had so discreetly settled in his mind. And that's when Anakin knew.
Maybe they did have to leave.
And he’ll rain all his light on him. He'll give him all he had to get him back, and he would, he would get his lover back. He wouldn't let the tempest take over his lighthouse.
“Where to?”
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ms-gallows · 3 years
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Soulmate AU: Threads of Fate
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alexversenaberrie · 3 years
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AU Idea: Padawan Kenobi didn’t expect to travel in time, nor he never thought that he would meet a strange young man, who was saying that Obiwan was his master.
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theartofnieriel · 3 years
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“I can explain... Sort of...”
That awkward moment when you go back home with a new husband friend and don’t know how to explain what happened.
Bonus confused Mace and amused Yoda:
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[part 1]
reblog, don’t repost. thank you
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obikinweek · 3 years
Obikin Week is less than a month away!
July 17 to July 23!
Check out our prompts!
We can’t wait to see what you’ll create! Don’t forget to tag your entries as #obikinweek2021
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obiwanobi · 3 years
For the third day of obikin week and the trained by a different master AU prompt, here’s 4k about the Jedi but enemies AU featuring Qui-Gon forcing his kids to get along even when no one asked him anything (also dedicated to @artemisthehuntress who’s always so supportive of this AU, thank you!): 
"I hate Obi-Wan!"
The door of their quarters violently shuts down and Qui-Gon wonders if he'll have to change it for the third time this year. The accounting department will probably send a very passive-aggressive note about it to the council. Again.
"Obi-Wan is a difficult person to hate," he says mildly.
(Significant Bother is on ao3!) 
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tealbluemagic · 3 years
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