#obstacles verse
acoldsovereign · 12 days
{{ As I search up references for Vamp!Maiz--
*points dramatically at all of my mutuals*
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starrkc · 2 months
I finished the first chapter of my novel project red, the story I've been currently working on yesterday. 🎉 🙌 🥳 But now I have to polish it up after getting some feedback from a writing buddy. 🌸
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yngai · 1 year
sad to report i've gotten to that scene in succession & thus have to induct it into the larger ada wong cinematic canon
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#* file // : OOC — ( 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐄 . )#this scene specifically not succession as a whole though i am always a fan of portraying the inherit pathetic-ness of the rich & powerful#making ada a mother is my worst & most inspired decision (nobody does it like me)#kind of plagues me how good of a plotline it really is#burdening her with the guilt of project ada without implying her fault or participation#(since her campaign is spent as you the player and her figure out answers none of the other characters are given)#(the reason she was down this path is because she was investigating the family in the first cutscene of her campaign)#(as her own words say after wesker's death her focus moved onto simmons as he was the next obstacle towards her true purpose)#it allows ada to evolve as a character past her selfishness & need for self-sufficiency/autonomy#& it does tie a nice knot between her last appearance in 6 & my verse for her role during village#something that feels like a personal ending for ada & yet her story goes on as the world isn't done with her quite yet#where she goes after village i haven't yet decided but i do think the BSAA is no longer an obstacle to consider in her movements#in the eight years of her exile the family itself loses its grip on the US government due to internal investigations into simmons' conduct#while he was replaced i assume the new leader is a bit too young & malleable to external forces beyond the family's interest#& the resulting power struggle is another nail in their coffin#she has some freedom#& seeing the desperation in herself through ethan & miranda to reunite with their children does make her consider what to do with it#she's past the halfway point of her life with someone to care for & the decision to settle is less daunting twice over#we'll see - i suppose
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sunnys-sonata · 1 year
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Save me 🥲
#omori au#sunnys sonata au#literally the only reason i haven't posted anything about the au in a while is just because I'm losing it over every single character#and most of them aren't even important/canon to omori canon or they just have a miniscule appearance/role#there are so many side characters and jokes With these side characters it's not even funny anymore#i dragged characters from completely different universes that have a tiny tie to omori into the sonata verse bc i thought it would be funny#Little Jack from the old OLD Halkenna verse is in this verse- Omoboy is in this verse- there are characters that had NO screentime in here#there are plots for fights that aren't on the main storyline. there are alternate endings that were literally never touched on anywhere#not even in the disc server where i jot down my ideas#i have aus of aus and literally for what#honestly I think the funniest bits of side plot I've developed have to do with rococo having to deal with sbf making summoning circles#either that or just the clone hearts all roaming around the world being a weird family and also being an obstacle to the main group#everything else is just very scattered development changes and add-ons to characters i already had planned. both main and side characters#Shattered Omori got a very. dark? design change. Hero and Aubrey were both slightly tweaked. The Twins's fused form was HEAVILY updated#that fused form had a lot of notes added to it.. how their emotions work. how they speak. their height. abilities. basically everything#i. actually just have a lot of notes for the twins lol#what can i say. i think they're neat
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arachnidiots-a · 8 months
LIAM KAZ . 911 : lone star ! timeline breakdown
below the cut you can find a timeline of events tracking liam's story in their 911 : lone star verse. this timeline will be frequently updated with more information and serves primarily as a point of reference for certain events, development, and plotting!
late 1993 : martin levy is born
january 1995 : liam kaz & roxy fields are born
mid 2001 : emmett jeffries is born
september 2016 : biological lab explosion. liam and roxy are trapped in the building but not before being able to make sure others get out first. it's the turning point in both of their lives that propels them towards a life of service beyond that of research
december 2016 : liam graduates a semester early and receives their undergrad degree
april 2017 : liam is accepted into the fdny academy
may 2017 : roxy graduates
june 2017 : roxy moves to texas, following her girlfriend brooke on a job. she begins working towards becoming a paramedic
august 2017 : liam finishes academy training and joins the engine 153 company as a probie
august 2018 : liam finishes their probation period
october 2018 : roxy becomes a paramedic
may 2019 : emmett graduates high school and is accepted into a uni in texas
august 2019 : emmett starts attending uni and martin leaves for his research abroad
november 2019 : liam decides to move and puts in for a transfer into the 126
february 2020 : liam officially ends their time with the 153 and begins moving to austin
march 2020 : liam is involved in a small restaurant explosion and their start time with the 126 is partially delayed for recovery
late march 2020 : liam starts with the 126
early 2020 - mid 2020 : the pandemic hits. liam's roommate moves back home and liam struggles to pick up the whole rent by themself
mid 2020 - late 2020 (early season 2) :
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wethecelestial · 2 years
put morton’s fork on repeat because unfortunately it’s my pavlovian conditioning editing music but it got tangled up in the silmarillion brain worms and now i’m like. morton’s fork maedhros animatic
#something something the inevitability of trying to save the people you love from their doom something something all roads eventually leading#to the same fate#something something the cut from 'i thought we lived forever / a simple obstacle in the way' to 'turns out we are shit out of luck'#something something and the sun will explode but not before you and everyone that you'll ever know will be gone long ago#i can like. feel the thesis of this amv just right outside of my field of vision i am turning it around and around in my head like an apple#the first verse 'i told you ma i'd keep you safe when the sun expands to consume our house in flames'#and shots of the two trees dying / maedhros and his brothers running through formenos to find their grandfather's body#in the wake of melkor's destruction#to the last verse 'i haven't slept in several nights but i'm not tired / who protects the ones i love when i'm asleep'#cut to shots of elwing running through sirion holding the silmaril in the wake of the third kinslaying#'though there's little i can do i say a prayer that when the wolves come for their share they'll come for me' cut to her being cornered by#maedhros on the cliff and stepping off the edge and falling into the sea#the oath twisting your intentions until no matter what choices you make it leads you to become the villain of someone else's story in#the end#oh wait actually. im realizing that the final argument between maedhros and maglor is also a morton's fork. either we turn ourselves in and#forfeit the oath or we follow the oath and die but either way we damn ourselves#..........morton's fork amv just of that argument and the final attempt to get the silmarils......wait a minute.
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princelyshoto · 12 days
tag drop as I am rapidly attempting to follow people back and check out blogs. I AM A SNAIL pls forgive me.
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revolutionary-thoy · 7 months
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Re-Verse Lila/Cerise and Vixen
Lila is a double agent working for both sides. She infiltrated the Supreme and managed to manipulate her way into the top ranks and recieve the Fox miraculous, while at the same time being a member of Gabriel's resistance. She isn't loyal to either one of them and has her own agenda. Also, neither side knows she's also working against them. Using her illusion powers, she can appear to be in two places at once. She joined Gabriel's cause to try to get her hands on the butterfly miraculous. As Vixen she doesn't work alongside Luka, Kagami and Felix. She's slightly higher ranked than Kagami, so she's usually sent to more high-profile missions. The resistence is constantly trying to figure out who she is, since she's one of their toughest obstacles. Lila is constantly leading them in wrong directions regarding her identity
Full Re-verse cast below
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anheidonia · 2 years
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machine-saint · 5 months
Salman Rushdie, played by Afzaal Ahmad, is portrayed in the film as a sadistic criminal mastermind, working for an international conspiracy devoted to destroying Islam (as the Muslim faith is an obstacle to his wishes of building casinos, nightclubs and brothels around the world). He is depicted as hiding in the Philippines, guarded by a private army led by an Israeli general. Saeed Khan Rangeela stars as "Chief Batu Batu", Rushdie's main Jewish henchman. Rushdie lives a life of hedonism and other excesses and routinely amuses himself by torturing and killing the mujaheddins who regularly try to hunt him down. He also enjoys torturing Muslims by making them listen to readings of The Satanic Verses.[2] [...] The film ends with a gunfight opposing the four "International Guerrillas" and Rushdie's army of Israeli henchmen. The heroes defeat the villains and, as Rushdie attempts to flee the scene, three giant Qur'ans appear in the sky and fire lightning bolts at the writer, incinerating him.[2][3]
lmao what
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kiddotarot · 3 days
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As explained in the preceding issue, the Sun is regarded as the generator of power that gives spirit and life to all planets, the Moon is considered to be the conductor of power lent by Sun and rules over the lives of the beings on this earth. Sun represents individuality, whereas Moon shows one’s personality
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This house is affected by the Mercury and Ketu. The Moon in this house will be affected by the planets placed in the 2nd, 8th, 12th and 4th houses. The native will receive education with obstacles and will have to struggle a lot for reaping the benefits of his educational achievements. If the Moon is placed in the 6th, 2nd, 4th, 8th and 12th houses it is auspicious. The native would enliven a dying person by putting a few drops of water in his mouth. But if the Moon is malefic in the 6th house and Mercury is placed in the 2nd or 12th house, the native will have suicidal tendencies. Similarly, if the Moon is malefic and the Sun is placed in the 12th house, then the native or his wife or both will have severe eye defects and troubles.
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Moon in 7th house
The 7th house belongs to Venus and Mercury. When the Moon is placed here, the results of this house will be affected by the Venus, Mercury and Moon. Venus and Mercury combined together give the effects of the Sun. The 1st house aspects the 7th house. Consequently the rays of the Sun from the 1st house would be enlightening the Moon if placed in the 7th, which means that the things and the relatives represented by the Moon will provide highly beneficial and good results. Educational achievements will prove fruitful for earning money or wealth. He may or may not have properties but will certainly have cash money in hand always. He will have good potential for being a poet or astrologer, or else he will be characterless and will have great love for mysticism and spiritualism. The 7th Moon also denotes conflict between the native’s wife and mother, adverse effects in milk trade. Disobedience towards mother will cause overall tensions and troubles.
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Moon in 8th House
This house belongs to Mars and Saturn. The Moon here affects the education of the native ad- versely, but if education goes well the native’s mother’s life will be shortened and very often such a native loses both -education and the mother. However, the evil effects of the Moon in the 7th house will be mitigated if Jupiter and Saturn be placed in the 2nd house. The 7th Moon often deprives the native of his parental properties. If there is a well or pond adjacent to the parental property of the native, he will receive adverse results of the Moon all through his life.
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Moon in 9th House
The 9th house belongs to Jupiter, who is a great friend of the Moon. Hence the native will imbibe the traits and features of both these planets - good conduct, soft heartedness, religious bent of mind and love for virtuous acts and pilgrimage. He will live upto 75 years. A friendly planet in the 5th house will augment comforts and pleasures from the son and develops intense interest in religious deeds. A friendly planet in the 3rd house ensures great increase in money and wealth.
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Moon in 10th House
The 10th house is in every manner ruled by Saturn. This house is aspected by the 4th house, which is similarly ruled by Moon. Hence the Moon in the 10th house ensures a long life of about 90 years for the native. Moon and Saturn are inimical, therefore, medicines in liquid form will always prove harmful to him. The milk will act as poison if taken during night. If he is a medical practitioner, dry medicines administered by him to the patient will have a magical effect for cure. If a surgeon, he will earn great wealth and fame for surgery. If the 2nd and 4th houses are empty money and wealth will rain on him. If Saturn is placed in the 1st house, the native’s life will be destroyed by the opposite sex, especially a widow.
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Moon in 11th house
This house is strongly influenced by Jupiter and Saturn. Every planet placed in this house will destroy its inimical planets and the things associated with them. In this way the Moon here will destroy its enemy Ketu’s things, i.e., the sons of the native. Here the Moon will have to face the combined power of its enemies Saturn and Ketu, which will weaken the Moon. Now if Ketu is placed in the 4th house, the life of the native’s mother will be endangered. The business associated with Mercury will also prove harmful. Starting house construction or purchase of a house on Satur- days will strengthen the Saturn (the Moon’s enemy) which will prove disastrous for the native. Kanyadan after the midnight and participating in any marriage ceremony on Fridays will damage the fortunes of the native.
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Moon in 12th house
This house belongs to Moon’s friend Jupiter. Here the Moon will have good effects on Mars and the things associated with Mars, but it will harm its enemies Mercury and Ketu and the things associ- ated with them. Hence the business and things associated with the house in which Mars is placed will provide highly beneficial effects. Similarly, the business and things associated with the houses where Mercury and Ketu are placed will be strongly damaged. The Moon in the 12th houses causes a general fear in the native’s mind about numerous unforeseen troubles and dangers and thus de- stroys his sleep and peace of mind. Ketu in the 4th house will become weak and affect the native’s son and mother very adversely.
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hope you enjoy
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soylikethedrink · 3 months
Forbidden By Nature
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A bird and dog shouldn't be together. You knew that. But you found it hard to resist against the handsome drinksmith at the bar. If people were to know about your secret relationship with him, it wouldn't look too good for you, a Halovian from the Oak Family. And it wouldn't be too good of news to your two siblings, Robin and especially Sunday, who strongly detested the 'despicable and wicked' dog.
⚠️ Tags & Warnings: GN Reader, Infidelity, Major and Minor Character Deaths.
⚠️ Note: Major spoilers from the 2.1 patch. This was also written before the release of 2.2 patch. I'm 100% cooked if Gallagher is actually a nice guy.
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Sunday prided himself in his leadership. One could not deny that he was a man of many fortes. His great wit, and his erudition, and his unbreakable composure, these qualities made him worthy of being the head of the Oak family. 
And then there was sweet-faced Robin. While Halovians were naturally born with an attractive aura, Robin could easily draw crowds and crowds of people from different planets with just her voice alone. It wasn't much of a wonder that she climbed her way up in stardom with little effort.
Unlike your siblings, you weren’t interested in the spotlight. Being in the center of the spotlight means that you must possess the voice that the people want to hear and listen to, you must have a face that is easily distinguishable among rows and rows of people, and you must have a heart that naturally desires to be adored. And frankly, none of these appealed much to you. 
But one should not presume that your lack of interest in the world of celebrities implied that you weren’t promised for greatness. 
You were well-versed in the world of business. Your social networking skills were of top-notch quality. Negotiation comes naturally to you. While Robin found joy dancing and singing on the shining stage, your happiness lied under stacks and stacks of wealth and luxuries. Your riches were forged by your own sweat, blood, and tears and most knew that. 
Though some people would have assumed that greed would eventually have spoiled your heart to the rotten core, you would continually prove them wrong. As someone who knew the language and the culture of business, you decided to pass it all to Sunday. At young, he became well-acquainted with the mortal psyche. He knew about the worlds that they wanted to walk on, the lullabies that they wanted to hear of, and the lives that they wished they had. With the help of your connections, he easily made his way up. And before you even know it, he became the head of the Oak Family. 
And this went the same for Robin. As you weren't very fond of the life of celebrities, you faced some obstacles in conditioning her up for success. But you disliked failures, hence why Robin managed to become a top star at a young age with your help, despite the disagreements and disputes that you faced by the people in your surroundings. You then received Sunday’s assistance, who helped his sister to adapt to the life of a star. 
Because of you, the two of your siblings were well-known figures in Penacony. 
Your achievements alone served as the evidence of your success, thus bringing some clarification towards your prestige in the world of the rich. 
But you didn’t reach this elevated level of success overnight. You had some help here and there. Met a few people, some that you shouldn't even acknowledge. 
“Gallagher?” Your voice was pitched with curiosity, as you swirled the drink inside the glass by the stem. “Gallagher, the member of the Bloodhound family?”
Your maid nodded her head in confirmation. “He shared with me that he would like to meet you soon, and asked when you will be free.”
The sip from the drink trickled down to your throat. But the sip could not muster a quick answer out of you. You thought deeply on how you should approach the situation. The kick from the aftertaste finally booted out a response out of you. 
“There's no need for such a formal arrangement. We were close friends,” you said calmly.  “He can meet me right now if he wants to.”
Your maid gave you a second nod, before walking around. As her hand rested around the doorknob, you loudly said, “Actually, he doesn’t need to see me. I will see him myself. It would have been easier for both parties.”
Your maid pinched her eyebrows together confusedly at your suggestion. “But what would they think about—”
Her question was interrupted by the clinking sound of the glass against the table. Raising from your seat, you gathered your purse in your hand. You reassured her, “Don’t fret about it.”
When the door opened, you swung your car keys between your fingers. “I’ll be home around 8 PM. You know what to do if I'm not home by then.”
Before your maid could even argue against your departure, the door behind you was already slammed shut. 
You were an individual who marched forward with a well-strategized stride. It was an uncommon sight to see you standing still, feeling lost. You always knew what to say, when to act. It was almost as if living was natural for you. 
But anyone who observed you from a distance, knew that there were rare moments where there was a crack in the facade you wore. 
Heels clicked against the marble floor, turning the heads of the few customers in the bar. You sat at one of the empty seats, before placing your purse on the table. You wiggled yourself out of your coat, folding it neatly before placing it on the seat next to you. 
Closing your eyes, you indulged in the noises and chatters of the bar. The bar didn’t have too many attendees. But you were hardly bugged by it, as a quiet bar had a greater appeal to you. 
A glass was placed in front of you. It was filled to the brim with a pink juice, in which you suspected it to come from the finest of strawberries. Lemon slices were floating on the surface, with a sticker of the top-star celebrity of Penacony being plastered at the corner of the drink. The presentation of the drink was endearing, you would say. Especially given your background. 
Strangers would have been confused by the strange gesture. But you were no stranger to this place.
“Aw, how sweet.” Your hand reached out for the drink, as the ice cubes clinked against the glass. Even by a simple glance, you could easily guess it. Rose In Rain. 
Before you could even have a sip of it, you can already taste the flavors of the drink melting into your tongue. “It’s not a wonder that the bar has managed to retain its popularity among people of all classes.” 
With a very composed air, the drinksmith pronounced his response, “This is simply a part of my job. There’s no need for such flattery.”
He grabbed a towel, as he began drying the newly-cleaned glasses.
“Surely, a part of your job does not include you offering such a special treatment to his customers,” You teased, as you brought the drink close to your lips. “And why, I wonder. Are you interested in me, Mr. Gallagher?”
He kept the towel away, and you noticed that the folds were rather uneven. His lack of verbal response might imply disinterest, but his body language was telling you a different story. 
“Yes. Because no member from the Oak family, who are raised with wealth and riches, would spend the night in such a shabby, gloomy bar with moody bartenders. How could I not be interested when met with such abnormality?”
“Abnormality,” you repeated after him playfully. “How awful! I used to be addressed by such endearments, now I’m reduced to an abnormality. Do you detest me that much, Mr. Gallagher?”
You attempted to tease an answer out of him, as you slowly stroked his leg with the tips of your heels. 
“And here I thought that you would have a change of character after successfully climbing up in the social hierarchy,” he commented flatly. 
“Let me hear it.”
“Feisty, birdie,” he said in a voice that was tinged with slight amusement. With arms crossed against his chest, he asked in a huff, “Don’t say you come all the way here for that?”
“No,” you denied. “My maid came here telling me that you would like to discuss some matters. I just thought that it would be convenient to come here instead of the other way around.”
“Well, the discussion is not bar-friendly, I would say. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”
An exasperated sigh came out of your mouth. “I’m assuming it involves Sunday.”
When your younger brother’s name rolled out of your tongue, there was a slight disdainful glance towards you. “Spot-on. Quite impressive, really.”
“Give him time.”
“And will time grow him out of tyranny?” asked Gallagher. 
“Tyranny?” You repeated him again. But instead of uttering it in a playful chirp, your tone was raised in frustration. “You’re speaking nonsense. He is controlling and demanding, but none of that fits what people might consider a tyrant. You need to kill someone to become one. And I don’t recall my younger brother getting involved in a manslaughter case.”
You slowly pushed the drink away from your sight. You continued, “I come here with the intention to have some fun. Let’s not sour the mood with such hostile arguments.”
“Sunday is young, and inexperienced in this kind of position. But he’s fast-learner. With his wits and charms, it wouldn’t take that much time for him to grow and become a proper man,” you defended.
There was an unusual pause in the conversation. And for some reason, the hairs on your arms stood up from the freezing air around you. Too cold for your liking. Not only the air, but also the man in front of you. Too cold for your liking.
“A higher position comes with higher ambitions, and followed with a higher price,” your voice dropped at a lower note, while shrugging your shoulders. “It’s just the way it is.”
He hummed in response. “It comes naturally out of you.”
Your forehead wrinkled at his remark, but before you could question his comment, he cut you to it: “Almost as if you are speaking about yourself.”
“Funny,” you said, feigning amusement. You heaved out a sigh of exasperation, your gaze fallen on the shiny counter. Your tongue no longer longed for the sweet, pink juice that was served earlier. “Let’s settle this with civility. We don’t need to jab at each other’s faults and families. To be insulting and mocking one another relentlessly is very unprofessional of us, who are known as the people who oversee all of Penacony’s matters.”
“Ah, I see. We are colleagues now.”
You closed your eyes, as you swallowed the rising anger that nearly escaped from your throat. “Yes. What else would we be?”
“Old friends?”
“Stop,” you commanded. Though your lips curled into the sweet smile, the white feathers on your wings started slicking down out of fury. 
“Stop?” He raised his eyebrows, amused at your attempt in concealing your anger. “I’m pointing out facts. There’s no need to get riled up over the truth. As someone who values honesty, I don’t understand why you are upset at the mention of our relationship.”
You exploded in fits of laughter at his provocation. The hand covering your mouth was an attempt in restoring your graceful image. And though the corner of your eyes wrinkled in delight, there was a mischief gleam shining in your eyes.
“Ah. I see it now. Well, forgive me for acting all uptight earlier. I seem to have forgotten that dogs need plays and treats in order to feel fulfilled in life,” you mocked. 
“And where’s my treat?” he asked, playing along with you. 
You grinned back at him, with your nose scrunched in slight repulse. “You will get your treats when you shut up about us. Alright, puppy?”
“No problem, birdie. As long as you could convince your bird friends that they wouldn't be chirping around about our reconciliation. ‘Don’t want to be on the bad side of your spouse. ‘Heard that they’re a scary person.”
“Fine,” the smile on your lips was now hanging loosely. “If that’s what you want the most.”
“Now, here’s where you are wrong. That’s not what I want the most.”
Your face scrunched into confusion, but how the corner of your lips twitched implied that you were not very happy with the way he was leading the game. 
“Then?” you dared yourself to ask. “Tell me. What is it that you want?”
He took out the container of washed blueberries, tossing them in the blender. 
“You,” he answered. It was such a plain reply that was pronounced in a flat tone but it had such a strong effect on you.
The chair that you were sitting in was very uncomfortable, you suddenly noticed. 
“You are a little quiet. Bet your mouth dry,” he asked. He threw out the first drink that was served for you, as he replaced it with a new one. You observed the drink, as the radiant, yet somewhat gloomy, blue color of the juice was toned down by your shadow that loomed over it. “Drink up.”
“Do you mean it?” you asked. “Do you want me?”
“Yes,” he answered. 
“After all these years?” again, you asked. But this time, with the intention to confirm. 
The toughest challenge in the world was no longer convincing the other four families that your brother was not a despicable, hellish being. But rather maintaining a simple eye contact with your first love at his bar.
He nodded his head. “How is that shocking to you?”
“It’s shocking to me because it has been so long. Was it like, 9— no, 12 years?” 
“13 years,” he confirmed. “I waited for 13 years. For you.”
“That sounds ridiculous,” your wings tucked closely to your neck, as they hid in your hair. “Not only that, this seems like what? A poor attempt to lure me in your little trap? But this. This whole thing— it’s not something that you could blurt out so loudly. Especially in a bar where we have eyes everywhere. What would my spouse think about this, what would Sunday and Robin think that their older sibling is out fraternizing with the drinksmith while their spouse is waiting for them at home?”
“You already spelled it all out. There’s not much for your ‘baby brother Sunday’ to figure out why this reunion was such a big deal,” Gallagher teased. With a shrug, he corrected you, “You got one part wrong though.”
This man. 
“Mind telling me?” You were greatly exasperated at this point. 
“I don’t like how the drinksmith sounds. How about your ex-boyfriend?”
Your hand reached out for your purse, and then the coat that you threw over on the next seat. In a hurry, you rose from your seat. “If this is what we are doing, then I’m leaving.”
As you turned your back against him, he walked around the counter as he chased after you. “Hey,” he called. “Don’t get all pissy about it. Teasing used to be our language. Remember?”
At the corner of your eyes, you took notice that one of the bartenders immediately took over Gallagher’s job. You had a hunch that they had been observing you two in a while. Even guessing what they could have heard gave you a headache.
But the man who was following you from behind was ticking you off even more. Even when you were both outside of the bar, he was still trailing you behind like a puppy. 
Finally, you spun around, now facing him. Baring your gritted teeth, you hissed, “I’m not going to lose my dignity tonight just because you—” You pointed your finger towards him, “—couldn’t move on from the past. I have a reputation, Gallagher. So do you. But unlike you, I care deeply about my image. So, let’s just bid our farewells. It’s for the best of us.”
He seemed to be taken aback by your fierce statement. With his hands placed on his hips, he dramatically tapped his foot against the ground a few times before shaking his head, “Wow. People weren’t lying at all. You changed.”
Your jeer was barely registered into his head. With his chin slightly tilted upward, he continued, “You really did lose yourself to the riches and fame.”
The feathers of your wings hackled in anger. “And you changed too. It’s hard to believe that the lone wolf of Bloodhound family has now decided to be gossipy, and the first thing that he did is to believe some moronic rumors. Fuck off, Gallagher.”
“Did your partner teach you that?”
“Teach me what?”
“Teach you to curse,” he said, as he pulled out a cigarette box from the pocket of his pants. “Because I’m tellin’ you right now, they’re doing a poor job.”
You shook your head in disbelief. You huffed, “Why are you so against my marriage? Do you hate to see me happy, is that it?”
With nonchalance, he nodded his head in confirmation. “Yes. I’m unhappy that you are with them.”
“And so? Do you want me to toss my future away with them just because of what?” You gestured towards him angrily, “Some man?”
“Now it’s some man. Back then, you used to call me cuter names than that,” he teased. “Actually, it sounded even better when you moaned it out in bed,” a muffled groan escaped from his lips as he thought of all the good times you two shared. Well, it was all funny memories now. 
“Should I list it all down right now, birdie?” he asked, his eyebrows raised. “How would you prefer me to do it? Should I yell it out so that the whole world knows about your secret scandal with the drinksmith from the Bloodhound family?”
You leaned forward towards him, as he pretended to flinch. Your wings flipped angrily, messing up your hair. “Cut it, dog.”
“Oh, I will,” he agreed, with the tone of his voice now lowered. “But only if you tell me why you left me for that stupid chicken you married to.”
“They’re Halovian, not a chicken,” you exasperatedly corrected him. 
You look at a distance, as you wrung your brain out for an appropriate answer. While you thought deeply on what to say, Gallagher caught a glimpse of the wedding band around your ring finger. 
“Are they wealthy?” he risked another jab. “Old money, or new money?”
“Old,” you answered flatly while rolling your eyes.
He hummed. “So I guessed it right.”
Gallagher pulled out the cigarette out of the box, before putting it between his lips. He patted on his pockets for his lighter.
But you were quicker. You pulled out the lighter from your purse, as you lit it up the end of the cigarette. The light from the fire shone on your face. 
And out of sudden, his intense hatred towards you slowly burned away along with the ashes from the cigarette he was smoking.
You were annoying, that was for the first fact. While the second fact, you were dangerously beautiful. 
“Maybe if I wasn’t much of a social climber, I wouldn’t leave you,” you suddenly confessed. “But I wanted all the fame and the wealth. Because I have a family to support. If I were to run off and marry the guy I actually liked, there’s no such thing as Sunday the Allegedly Tyrannical Leader of the Oak Family or A-List Celebrity Robin in the news and other media outlets. They were out there, taking jobs of some rich pigs. Not living comfortably as today.” 
Now, his mouth felt dry. And the air around him felt hot, making him sweaty and uncomfortable.
With your arms crossed and your wings slightly droopy, you continued, “I saw the ring in your pocket when I was cleaning the house before we broke up.”
Gray smoke escaped from his cracked lips. “You did?”
By the tone, it was clear that it wasn’t your confirmation that he needed. Rather, he wanted your clarification on why you decided to ditch him out of nowhere. 
“You never told me that you wanted to be more than just that,” you said.
“Sucks to know that you hate surprises right now.”
Even in moments of a heated dispute, Gallagher would try to twist it into a comedy. 
“I wanted to make a name for myself in the Penaconian society. And the only way for me to do so was to make myself seen by these prominent people. At the banquet, at the ball, at the party, or at the bar,” you explained.
“I didn’t want to be a nobody. I wanted to become somebody. In that way, my siblings can live an easy life, without some rich snobs telling them what to do, and what to say. How to dress and when to speak. I lived that life. That was how I realized how irksome it was, and how I refused to let it happen to my siblings.”
You looked down to your feet, as your shoes reflected your face. All the treatments you received to retain your youthful beauty, but yet you hardly felt that your younger self was with you. Your younger self wouldn’t make that many excuses. They weren’t avoidant — they faced all obstacles head first with a feisty spirit. But nowadays, even a confrontation from a past lover can get you this upset. 
“It wasn’t a part of my plan to be pinned down by marriage. I was just taken aback by the sudden shift of our relationship, so I left. I worked for a few more years, then I received a marriage proposal from them. Old money, goal-oriented, business-minded. I knew two things when I saw them. That marrying them means that I could finally retire from all that social-climbing and establish myself among the elites. And marrying them means that my siblings have a greater chance to become successful. It would be a great investment, really,” you explained. 
“But I didn’t like them that much.” you reassured him. “They were good, but only enough to make me feel wanted. To them, I was just an accessory for him to flaunt off to his rich friends. They lie sometimes, even to me. I can see it right through them,” you admitted. “They lie to feel respected and liked. To fit in, sometimes. And I guess whatever they say about marriage is true. You will slowly become them, whether you like it or not.”
“So let me get this straight. He didn’t teach you to curse, but he did teach you to lie so  you could look better than everyone?” Gallagher joked bitterly. He looked at you up and down, “Yeah, I see it now.”
You decided to ignore him. 
“I liked you because unlike other people I have met, you were truthful. You didn’t treat me like a sweet candy meant to be tasted, or an object that was meant to be possessed. You were honest and you were genuine. I knew it by the first time we just met, when you dissed me about my drink order,” you laughed a bit. “What was it? My first order? Oh, dearest Xipe, I think I forgot about it.”
“Mungbean Soda. With that distressed look on your face, I knew that a few shots of Stellar Champagne was all you needed to keep yourself composed while dealing with those aristocrats,” he answered.
“So then I decided to take your recommendation.”
“Which was Rose In Rain. A classy and sweet choice, but strong enough to make you forget all your miseries for the night.”
“And it was delicious. That tipsiness made me realize how kissable you were, especially under that dimmed, yellow light,” you finished your sentence. 
“Am I still kissable now?” he teased, as he blew the smoke from his mouth. When he took notice of your irked glare, he raised your hands up in defense. “Hey, ‘just confirming.”
“Annoyingly kissable,” you replied. 
You watched the direction of his eyes fall to your lips. And just by a simple stare, you could feel all the blood from your feet and legs go up to your face, making your cheeks and neck feel hot. 
When he removed the cigarette from his lip, he slowly leaned forward. Your breath hitched up in response, he noticed. So he stopped. 
What filled in the air was the strange silence, the acrid smoke and your guilt. 
“What’s stopping you, then?” he asked softly.
Honestly, it was a difficult question to answer. Could it be that it had been an hour past eight. Or it could have been the wedding ring around your finger. Or it could have been because the way your stomach churned at the bitter smell of his cigarette reminded you of why you left Gallagher that day.
“I don’t know,” but your eyes told a different story.
His hand reached out for you, and as he interlocked your fingers with him, he played with the ring, twisting and turning it. But he knew what was your answer when your fingers curled in your palm, suggesting that you refused to let go of the ring.
“Oh, but I think I know,” he answered.
A worried sigh came out of your mouth. “I can’t leave all of this behind. I climbed too high, I’m not sure how to get down. If I choose to go down with you now, the fall would be too painful. And I don’t even know if I could survive through it.”
There was too much running in his head. His thoughts fly from one extreme to another. It was impressive that you could easily turn a decisive, composed man into such a mess: where he struggled to feel pity for you or just kill you off on the spot. 
“Why didn’t you want to be with me?” he asked, losing the childish accents in his voice.
“Marrying you was a choice, marrying them, however, was a necessity,” you answered. The softness in your voice felt like a sharp piercing through his heart. “A bird can’t be with a dog. That’s unnatural.”
Quietude witnessed the way you looked at each other longingly. While your heart weighed with guilt and shame, his mind was congested with frustration and anger. But yet, both secretly longed for each other. 
“But  I refuse to accept it as the truth. No, not when I keep on missing you for all these years.”
Before he could come up with a cheeky reply, you shushed him from his sarcastic remarks by resting your hand on his cheek, bringing his face to yours. Your soft lips pressed against his bloodless and dry ones. The heat from a sinful kiss engulfed the two of you closely, burning the part of your skin on your back that he gently touched. His hand rested on your lower back, bringing you closer to him. You could feel his beard tickling your chin, and he could smell your perfume in his nostrils. The bitter taste of his alcohol that he downed melted in your tongue, causing you to groan in delight.
The kiss lasted a few minutes, but you wished it could go on for hours. 
“For the last time,” you reminded him, your thumb rubbing his cheek in circles. “There will be no longer us after this.”
You stepped away from him, as your wings shyly closed your mouth while you were cleaning off your lips with the back of your hands. 
“You sure?” he asked breathily, his pale lips now stained with a crimson-colored lipstick. He might have to lie to everyone that he was drinking too many bottles in the Soulglad in the past few days (though Soulglad was clearly orange.)
“Yes,” you confirmed. You took a few steps backwards. With your hands gathered together, you gracefully bowed your head towards him. An act of courtesy which also served to restore your damaged dignity as a married person from an honorable family. 
“Goodnight, Gallagher.”
You waited for his response, but all he did was stare at you. The light from the lamp above you started flickering, before it completely went out.
Was it longing on his face? It was difficult to make out his expression, especially when the shadow covered him.
You guessed that it was hard to bid goodbyes after such a kiss. 
But for some reason, you felt shivers running down your spine. Beads of sweat were forming on your neck from the cold. Your mind was sending rapid signals to your legs: alerting it to run immediately.
Though your sudden instinct to run was scaring you, you calmed down your nerves by guessing that it could have been because of the kiss. 
Your thoughts were quietened when you saw the shadow of Gallagher rolling his thumb against the metal wheel of his lighter that he pulled out of his pocket.
Yes, yes. It must have been the kiss.
You were scared of your partner leaving you. Or Sunday being humiliated at his work because of his older sibling’s infidelity with some member from the Bloodhound family. And it could be because that person happened to be his colleague who kept on riling him up at work. Or maybe you were afraid that your scandal could create a blemish on Robin’s reputation as a celebrity. Now the whole world assumed that she was a dirty popstar.
But it didn’t seem that your body was agreeing with any of those guesses. 
Gallagher’s frustrated grunt at the stubborn lighter shushed your thoughts again.
You came to notice that your white wings were quickering badly. 
There was too much happening at the moment. You were so overwhelmed by the urge to flight, that you felt that you could vomit on the spot. 
Suddenly, a thought came to you.
His cigarette was already lit up. So what could be the reason why he pulled out his lighter?
The flame from the lighter brought some light to his face, but the sight of the man you used to love led to you gasping in horror. It was gloomy with burning hatred, the glare alone could almost kill you on the spot.
But before you could ask, a mysterious sound of ringing pierced through your eardrums. It belonged to no other but Memory Zone Meme, a secret from The Family that were kept away from you. You could feel it slowly spread its wings, which resembled the terrible noise of bone-cracking. 
You gathered the courage to turn around. But it perceived the sudden movement of its prey as an attempted fight. Feeling threatened, it stabbed its stingers through your body. The ground was splattered with a mysterious blue liquid, followed by the sound of your wedding ring rolling and spinning in circles. 
Your purse that was hanging around your arm was now on the other side of the ground. 
The outside of the dark bar that was filled with heated arguments and sweet confessions earlier died out, with only silence remaining. 
Well, only for a few minutes.
A melodious voice of Robin was heard, muffled by the zipped purse. Your phone rang a few times, playing the same music. It appeared that the caller was worried. Or angry. 
Gallagher crouched down, unzipping your purse. He groaned in repulse when the blue liquid stuck to his skin, as he wiped it down on his pants. He took out your phone, as the name of your spouse filled his vision. 
Your phone was flooded with notifications of your worried partner, asking about your whereabouts. 
Ah, you were supposed to be home by 8 PM. He looked at the time, it was already 9:30 PM.
In your defense, he would also be sneaking around to kiss a drinksmith at the bar if he had an overbearing partner like yours.
He thought of sharing the news of your infidelity.
But then, he scrapped the thought. He wanted to respect your wishes. Something about how the story of tonight was going to destroy Sunday and Robin’s image. Or something similar to that. He didn’t remember much because he hardly cared about your siblings.
It was not like all your siblings had the time to process your death, especially when they were next in line.
So he came up with a different plan. Your password was easy to guess. It wasn’t difficult with the help of your maid who used to work under him. 
A flash from the camera was heard. The phone captured the scene of a mysterious liquid splattered across the ground, with the gold-colored wedding ring shining brightly under the light, with some being covered by the puddle of your remains. 
Along with the picture, he texted, “Not coming home tonight, sorry.” 
He later pressed the send button, before tossing the crushed phone into the trash. 
The plan was to kill you off in your house. But you made it easy for him instead. He was amused, really. 
But his amusement was short-lived. He was disgusted at the sight of your wedding ring, which stared back at him menacingly. He kicked the ring into the trash as well. He wasn’t an expert in the art of interior designing, but he hated the ring being near his bar. It was ugly, hardly matched the aesthetics of his business.
But your finger wouldn’t be too lonely without the ring. Not when he still had the same wedding band from 13 years ago in his pocket right now. What was left for him was to wear it around your finger in the real world, then he could truly move on from his past. Just as you asked him to. 
And just like that, his mission was done.
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parlerenfleurs · 3 months
In the notes of the previous post I've reblogged I saw a discussion about why Ringo isn't considered (by the fandom) as a romantic interest for Mizu despite treating her better than all the other men in her life, and how this is tied to fatphobia. Also the fact that the fat character is often the comic-relief and the fact that if he is indeed intended as platonic why make him the only fat (="unattractive") man among the three (others being Taigen and Mikio) that can or have been considered love interests for her?
And that's really interesting because indeed, I never considered Ringo a potential love-interest for Mizu... And so I have to wonder if it's because he's fat. But I also never saw him as a comic-relief character, and I want to expand on why first.
He is indeed funny, and brings levity. But it's not "comic-relief", it's "positivity-relief", in my eyes. I don't feel like we're supposed to take him unseriously at all. Characters take him unseriously, sure, because of his social class, his disability, his seemingly naïve and weak character (never his size, in any case).
But the story shows, and Mizu comes to know, that he's anything but weak and naïve. We know right from the start that he's endured a terrible childhood and life up until meeting Mizu. He doesn't have hands, his father is abusive both physically and psychologically. The way the flesh-trader mistreats him in the first episode isn't anything unusual to Ringo. Everyone despises him and feels free to exert force against him. Taigen in his arrogance, deigns offer him a menial job in his household with the condescension reserved for a nobody who is also a child, or mentally a child.
Ringo was forged at this cruel relentless fire and what came out is a formidable strength. It doesn't manifest itself as obviously as Mizu's but it's, in my opinion, superior, and also extremely great and loveable. Ringo is neither naïve nor stupid. He knows when he's being beaten and condescended to. He's like that because, in spite of everything, he wants to see beauty in everything, and enjoy the good things in life, and he chooses to be kind. He CHOOSES to be kind. With an unbreakable, fluid, infinitely bending strength.
I am not well-versed enough in Japanese culture to make a meaningful comment about this, probably, but my personal reading of Ringo is that he might be a Buddha figure. East of India, the Buddha is fat. The Buddha smiles serenely, even in adversity, because he's reached a state of zen. His ego isn't touched by insults and beatings. Of course Ringo prefers to be treated well, like anyone else! That's why he follows Mizu around! She's an outcast and "deformed" like him, but she's also able to hold her own against physical violence, against the tyrants of the world, and that obviously appeals to him.
He kills, he has sex, he likes good food, he's obviously not detached from the world at all. But still, like a Buddha, his sense of self cannot be shaken by outside mockery or hostility. He's incredibly persistent once he has a goal, but he doesn't bother affirming himself to others for the sake of ego. He's the polar opposite of Taigen in that respect. Taigen's background has made him desperate for outside sources of strength - admiration, prestige, money, social standing...
On the other hand Ringo is really similar to Mizu, a thing he sees immediately but she does not. Hers is an inner unbreakable strength, too. The same fluid, adaptable, water-like strength. Can't break water. It will shape itself around you and your obstacles without ever losing its nature.
But contrary to Ringo, Mizu feels all the pain, the slights, the shame, the self-hatred. Ringo is pure love, or water, not poisoned by betrayal. Perhaps, or even probably, he has been betrayed but he hasn't let it poison his love, his water nature.
Even when Mizu betrays his love (respect, admiration, regard), he's no pushover, he lets her know that he won't stand for it, but still he rescues her because... despite everything his love is still pure. His love is the agape kind. He loves life, he obviously loves himself. There is no shame or shrinking of the self in him. No shame of his body, among other things. He's the only one in the main cast who doesn't wear a mask. What you see is what you get, and it's only people's own preconceptions that blind them to his depth and merit.
On the subject of fatness, I'm not sure he's even really... considered fat, in-universe? Or not negatively so, in any case. When Akemi has to serve her first client, HE is called fat by the characters. Fat enough to crush someone, and to hinder his own libido - the fatness of being extremely rich and eating too much rich food while being extremely idle. This one has the prostitutes reluctant, and his fatness is viewed in a negative light. Ringo has a very pleasant and cordial interaction with the two prostitutes who service him, and sure we're not privy to their thoughts on the matter, but I bet they found him cute, polite, not troublesome at all to service, and I feel like his size wasn't even a question that was posed. We see him naked, running around, carrying things, and being extremely active. His is a common build, sturdy, not a hindrance to his libido, his health, his self-image, or anything. What I mean is, he's not presented to us in a negative way on account of his fatness, and isn't viewed negatively for it in-universe.
All of this to say, I might indeed be blind to his potential as a love interest to Mizu, but I'm not sure it just has to do with the fact he's fat? It might be! I don't know. The first thing I think about on why I don't ship them is they show no romantic or sexual interest in each other that I see. Except, perhaps, that it might be significant that she's the one to arrange his first sexual experience and that it's the framework he has when seeing her naked. But as his attitude remains strictly the same and he shows no change in the kind of interest he has for her, it didn't feel significant to me. I might be wrong, I don't know. But again, Taigen is the opposite: he might be bi, but let's say he isn't, or at least isn't aware of it (I would be sad if he's not but it would better serve the parallel if he's straight) - the guy shows unmistakable chemistry with, and attraction to Mizu without even knowing she's got peaches underneath it all. (I love that he feels attraction to her at the precise moment where she's her playful self again: wrestling, battling and winning, while laughing and having fun... everything that Mikio couldn't handle is the very thing Taigen feels attracted to, aaah so good.)
When I think about it, the loyal, protective role Ringo has, where he saves her physically and emotionally, cares for her, protects her secret, admires her for who she is as a whole, his place as the person who sees the most of her without rejecting a single part of it, should indeed make me feral....
But if he's the opposite to Taigen in so many ways, he might be in this too, in that he has no attraction to Mizu, and they've no such chemistry between them. It's also so lovely as a platonic relationship! For once it is! He's her apprentice, after all, and she takes on the Swordfather role for him as Swordfather did for her (she even used the same persistent-as-hell-I-will-stay-look-I'm-useful method as Ringo did on her - when I say they're so similar...). She used to make noise to signal things to Swordfather and she makes Ringo make noise so that she can keep track of him, too. It's very cute! He uses her kitchen knives and she makes him start to fight with that just like she started to forge by forging them. To me, they're firmly in this master-apprentice dynamic. And friends.
I've said repeatedly that he's not naïve but actually in some ways he is, and that's what Mizu needs more of. She needs to reconnect with that younger, less hurt version of herself. And Ringo helps her with it, because she does ask for his help, does recognise she needs it (healing!) when she asks him to write on her back. He literally has her back. He's his own character, his own person, but they mirror each other a lot, and in some ways he's her master too. A master in gentleness.
Oh. I've said that Ringo's love/water is pure, but that it HAS been touched by the poison that affects Mizu: he's a better sword, has a better strength because he let the impurity be a part of him, didn't push it away or let it consume and change him. No wonder she must learn from him/needs his help to forge her new sword.
IF the story started signaling attraction between them, I don't think it would occur to me that Ringo is fat or anything (or it wouldn't have before, now I'll pay attention to that). It didn't occur to me when he was with the prostitutes, I was only thinking about the fact he has no hands, but the prostitutes shrugged it off with grace, and it made me happy.
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laluvliduvz · 19 days
hi! Can I ask for a headcannon about Minamoto teru x childhood friend reader? Where teru is really over protective and gentle towards the reader. Reader is a lazy person, and often sleepy, the things he likes are reading comics and playing game in their phone. They also refuses teru's invitation to join the student council. Thank you! :)
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why of course! it’d be an honor to grant such an ask. apologies for taking quite a while to do so—though i hope my work meets your expectations, wonderful nonie!<3
featuring ; minamoto teru & you as our star.
+ small akane & aoi mentions.
ah, minamoto teru; the very embodiment of perfection—as he was hailed and as he carried himself with utter conviction.
a master of powers, a paragon of academic prowess, and a maestro in all things extraordinary. could there be anything he did not conquer?
yet, his persona, a labyrinth of complexities, as if harboring a multitude of souls within his very being.
now, here you arrive in his peculiar life—meeting with the intricacies of his existence.
when your paths converged, it ignited a tempestuous collision, a clash of peculiar forces.
initially, your mere presence held no sway over him. in truth, he perceived you as an encumbrance, burdened by your languid nature. for he, a relentless pursuer of flawlessness, demanded nothing less.
but lo and behold. fate—that cunning trickster—wove its intricate threads, meticulously mending the frayed tapestry of your connection.
through the passage of time, a tapestry of happenstance encounters and the subsequent flourishing of interactions—a nascent camaraderie took root. he slowly, but surely grew attuned to your idiosyncrasies, harmonizing with your rhythm. while the power to surmount every obstacle at your side eludes him still, he persists, striving to offer his utmost.
oh please have mercy on this young man—forever enmeshed in the whirlwind of his exorcist duties. and yet, even amidst the chaos, his devotion knows no bounds when it comes to those he holds dear.
one might assume that quality time would be sacrificed for the trivial, but fear not, for you found yourself on the fortunate side—the one he’d willingly carved out moments to be with.
initially, your encounters were fleeting, brief snippets of time. however, as the sands of time trickled down, these fragments transformed into meticulously planned sleepovers. he meticulously orchestrated these occasions, ensuring they did not encroach upon his demanding schedule.
your bond thrived during these cozy gatherings, or tranquil rendezvous, where he wholeheartedly immersed himself in your passions—comics and video games.
though not extensively versed in these realms, one might imagine that you—with your infectious enthusiasm to the field—was the catalyst for his exploration and understanding of the realm of entertainment. this was evidenced by the gradual increase in invitations to game nights and his newfound willingness to engage in discussions about captivating narratives. perhaps, you both even exchanged recommendations for comics, as kindred spirits often do.
as the both of you and the world grew older—it became evident that he honed his social skills; presenting himself as a complete package. every aspect of his being held an irresistible allure, captivating the hearts of women, and even some fellow men. many yearned and openly expressed their desire to be the chosen one by his side.
however, even amidst the clamoring crowd, his gaze remained steadfastly fixed upon you.
of course, as the old adage goes; with great power comes great responsibility—the price of his popularity gradually revealed itself.
certain students, teetering on the edge of obsession, noticed the distinct tenderness he displayed towards you, surpassing his general kindness towards all. seizing upon this perceived vulnerability, they occasionally resorted to devious methods, seeking to eliminate you from the equation, taking advantage of moments when slumber claimed you.
naturally, he swiftly uncovered their plot, intervening before they could execute their nefarious intentions.
needless to say, the number of such audacious attempts dwindled significantly. what exactly he did to deter them remains a mystery known only to him and his would-be victims.
still, worried that the possibility of a recurrence and his absence to intervene, he took it upon himself to practically implore—some might even say beg—you to join the student council. this would ensure that he, or even akane if needed, could keep a watchful eye over you with greater ease.
however, true to your nature, you steadfastly rebuffed each futile attempt to persuade you. despite his persistent efforts, you remained resolute in your refusal.
eventually, your golden boy relented, recognizing that his endeavors were in vain…but that was just because he found an alternative solution.
he encouraged—forced—akane to be the one to look after you discreetly whenever he couldn’t. only choosing to partially reveal his intentions to avoid alarming you at the time, as you were unfamiliar with akane’s existence.
or so it had been until he observed that you and the school’s vice president shared a rather unique bond.
although akane would occasionally scold you for being so excessively somnolent, mistaking it for you being irresponsible, hence, occasionally comparing you to the greatness of his lady aoi—teru—ever vigilant and mindful of akane’s every interaction with you, ensured that his usual brutal tendencies were significantly tempered. still—it remained a part of the deputy’s essence, defining his very being, just albeit subdued in your presence.
it could be surmised that akane once attempted to tease—or rather, foolishly inquire, about teru’s subtle yet perceptible shifts in behavior whenever you were involved.
“it’s almost as if you like them.”
in an almost immediate reaction—the president paused, slowly turning his head to gaze at akane, a shadow casting a smile that concealed the upper portion of his closed eyes.
the ginger-haired vice executive, feeling an ominous presence despite the absence of visible eyes, found himself sweating profusely as he cautiously added,
“—to the point where anyone could mistake you for family!"
sensing the gravity of his words, akane mentally vowed to never broach the subject again. he restrained himself from ever mentioning it whenever he witnessed the two of you together.
curiosity gnawed at you as you noticed his all-knowing gaze transform into one of horror whenever you turned your head, as if peering behind you; at none other than the pretty blonde himself, who seemed to be doing nothing wrong, merely proven to have been innocently smiling the whole time, or so he put up whenever you looked back at him.
oblivious to the truth, you always dismissed it as ‘akane’s peculiar moments of ptsd flashbacks’ whenever he saw teru.
however, let me share a little secret with you.
did you know the true reason behind teru’s death stare? no? well, do you wanna know?
then do allow me to spill it for you.
it was simply because akane, using the keyword; "like," insinuated that teru had a ‘liking-only level’ romantic feeling for you. the misconception provoked such a reaction from teru, for he wanted to correct that statement because he loved you, not just liked you.
seriously, can’t people let him finish what he’s saying?
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schweizercomics · 2 years
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Companions of Christmas 7: Mari Lwyd!
Mari Lwyd was a gray mare belonging to Taliesin, a poet hailed as “chief of the bards” in sixth century Wales. Taliesin frequently called on Awen, the Welsh muse, for inspiration, and Awen became so captivated by his verses that she determined that he would never again leave her cottage and stay with her forever in the forest glades on the edge of the Glamorgan pastureland.
Mari Lwyd, left tethered outside, was no fan of this plan. She was hungry, and thirsty, and if her rider wasn’t to be released to feed and water her, then the least Awen could do was let her into the cottage so that Taliesin could care for her there.
Mari Lwyd, so long the companion of a great poet, had learned to think as a poet thinks, and so, when she called on Awen to let her in, she did so in rhyme. Awen, not wanting her time with Taliesin interrupted, used rhyme in return to refuse her request, and Mari offered a different argument in favor of an invitation, which was likewise refused. Back and forth they went, neither failing to find the proper words, and their exchange went for so long that eventually Mari Lwyd was nothing but bones.
So engaged by the mare’s clever rhymes was she that Awen hadn’t spared a thought to her captive, but, a longing for him suddenly him popping into her head, she turned to him, and saw that he, too, had long become nothing but bones. Awen found herself at a loss for words, and, unable to offer further excuses to bar Mari Lwyd���s entrance, allowed her into the cottage, where the skeletal mare helped herself to the holiday food and drinks that Awen had prepared for her late paramour.
Now, each Christmas Eve, Mari Lwyd roams the roads and byways of Glamorgan, led by the silent ghost of Taliesin, asking, in rhyme, entry into homes which she suspects contain holiday fare for her to eat. As it was with Awen, she can only be kept out by rebuttal to her invitation in rhyme, but should those who would bar her entrance fail to provide a suitable excuse in verse, she and her entourage face no obstacle in entering and turning the home into their own boisterous feasting hall.
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jucyfruit · 2 months
Julien Baker Track by Track - An Interview with Apple Music
“Everybody is scared of death or ultimate oblivion, whether you want to admit it or not,” Julien Baker tells Apple Music. “That’s motivated by a fear of uncertainty, of what’s beyond our realm of understanding—whatever it feels like to be dead or before we're born, that liminal space. It's the root of so much escapism.”
On her third full-length, Baker embraces fuller arrangements and a full-band approach, without sacrificing any of the intimacy that galvanised her earlier work. The result is at once a cathartic and unabashedly bleak look at how we distract ourselves from the darkness of voids both large and small, universal and personal.
“It was easier to just write for the means of sifting through personal difficulties,” she says. “There were a lot of paradigm shifts in my understanding of the world in 2019 that were really painful. I think one of the easiest ways to overcome your pain is to assign significance to it. But sometimes, things are awful with no explanation, and to intellectualise them kind of invalidates the realness of the suffering. I just let things be sad.”
Here, the Tennessee singer-songwriter walks us through the album track by track.
“It’s more of a confession booth song, which a lot of these are. I feel like whenever I imagine myself in a pulpit, I don't have a lot to say that's honest or useful. And when I imagine myself in a position of disclosing, in order to bring me closer to a person, that's when I have a lot to say.”
“I wrote it about being stuck in traffic and having a full-on panic attack. But what was causing the delay was just this car that had a factory defect and bomb-style exploded. I was like, ‘Man, someone got incinerated. A family maybe.’ The song feels like a fall, but it's born from the second verse where I feel like I'm just walking around with my knees in gravel or whatever the verse in Isaiah happens to be: the willing submission to suffering and then looking around at all these people's suffering, thinking that is a huge obstacle to my faith and my understanding, this insanity and unexplainable hurt that we're trying to heal with ideology instead of action.”
Faith Healer
“I have an addictive personality and I understand it's easy for me to be an escapist with substances because I literally missed being high. That was a real feeling that I felt and a feeling that felt taboo to say outside of conversations with other people in recovery. The more that I looked at the space that was left by substance or compulsion that I've then just filled with something else, the more I realised that this is a recurring problem in my personality. And so many of the things that I thought about myself that were noble or ultimately just my pursuit of knowing God and the nature of God—that craving and obsession is trying to assuage the same pain that alcohol or any prescription medication is.”
Relative Fiction
“The identity that I have worked so hard to cultivate as a good person or a kind person is all basically just my own homespun mythology about myself that I'm trying to use to inspire other people to be kinder to each other. Maybe what's true about me is true about other people, but this song specifically is a ruthless evaluation of myself and what I thought made me principled. It's kind of a fool's errand.”
Crying Wolf
“It's documenting what it feels like to be in a cyclical relationship, particularly with substances. There was a time in my life, for almost a whole year, where it felt like that. I think that is a very real place that a lot of people who struggle with substance use find themselves in, where the resolution of every day is the same and you just can’t seem to make it stick.”
“The very first line of the song is talking about two intoxicated people—myself being one of them—looking at each other and me having this out-of-body experience, knowing that we are both bringing to our perception of the other what we need the other person to be. That's a really lonely and sad place to be in, the realisation that we're each just kind of sculpting our own mythologies about the world, crafting our narratives.”
“I have a few tics that manifest themselves with my anxiety and OCD, and for a long time, I would just straight-up punch myself in the head—and I would do it onstage. It's this extension of physicality from something that's fundamentally compulsive that you can't control. I can't stop myself from doing that, and I feel really embarrassed about it. And for some reason I also can't stop myself from doing other kinds of more complicated self-punishment, like getting into co-dependent relationships and treating each one of those like a lottery ticket. Like, 'Maybe this one will work out.'”
“I have a friend whose parents live in Jackson, where my parents live. They’re one of my closest friends and they were around for the super dark part of 2019. I'll try to talk to the person who I hurt or I'll try to admit the wrongdoing that I've done. I'll feel so much guilt about it that I'll cry. And then I'll hate that I've cried because now it seems manipulative. I'm self-conscious about looking like I hate myself too much for the wrong things I've done because then I kind of steal the person's right to be angry. I don't want to cry my way out of shit.”
Song in E
“I would rather you shout at me like an equal and allow me to inhabit this imagined persona I have where I'm evil. Because then, if I can confirm that you hate me and that I'm evil and I've failed, then I don't any longer have to deal with the responsibility of trying to be good. I don't any longer have to be saddled with accountability for hurting you as a friend. It’s something not balancing in the arithmetic of my brain, for sin and retribution, for crime and punishment. And it indebts you to a person and ties you to them to be forgiven.”
“I tried so hard for so long not to write a tour song, because that's an experience that musicians always write about that's kind of inaccessible to people who don't tour. We were in Germany and I was thinking: Why did I choose this? Why did I choose to rehash the most emotionally loaded parts of my life on a stage in front of people? But that's what rumination is. These are the pains I will continue to experience, on some level, because they're familiar.”
Highlight Reel
“I was in the back of a cab in New York City and I started having a panic attack and I had to get out and walk. The highlight reel that I'm talking about is all of my biggest mistakes, and that part—‘when I die, you can tell me how much is a lie’—is when I retrace things that I have screwed up in my life. I can watch it on an endless loop and I can torture myself that way. Or I can try to extract the lessons, however painful, and just assimilate those into my trying to be better. That sounds kind of corny, but it's really just, what other options do you have except to sit there and stare down all your mistakes every night and every day?”
“I was watching people be restrained with zip ties on the news. It's just such a visceral image of violence to see people put restraints on another human being—on a demonstrator, on a person who is mentally ill, on a person who is just minding their own business, on a person who is being racially profiled. I had a dark, funny thought that's like, what if God could go back and be like, ‘Y'all aren't going to listen.’ Jesus sacrificed himself and everybody in the United States seems to take that as a true fact, and then shoot people in cold blood in the street. I was just like, ‘Why?’ When will you call off the quest to change people that are so horrid to each other?”
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