#obtain bridesmaid
hexpea · 2 months
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Ch. 14 - Bridal
Back in the present, the bullet train had finished its travels and you found yourself back at your apartment in Hokkaido with an ever-changing Seiko. The days following your return from Tokyo, you saw increased signs of their possession. They would often murmur things in their sleep that you couldn't quite make out. Their body had paled as they refused to eat. It was as if they were resisting something with all of their might. But at least the two of you had found peace after your fight in Tokyo, for now.
With the divorce papers now officially turned in and processed, you were able to obtain a wedding license with Seiko. Your mother had also arrived as a visit, to help you plan your wedding. Your original plans had been to just sign the papers with Seiko and call it a day, but with your parents back in the picture, they wanted to have a happy celebration focused all around you, unlike last time. Your friends, family, and fellow sorcerers would all be in attendance. The plan was to have it in Tokyo against your better judgement, just so more could attend. You'd use the school's event hall as the location. Though it wouldn't be as extravagant as your first wedding, it was still more than you could ask for but you were happy to feel the love.
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One sunny morning, a few weeks after the debacle, you and your mother sipped on warm tea at the kitchen table -- wedding binder in pieces as you discussed color options for the bridesmaids. A few of your friends were happy to be a part of the wedding party, Ieiri included.
"You know Shoko's going to whine about having to wear that high of a heel, Mom," you chuckled as the two of you debated the details.
"Well, she needs to get over it," your mother snickered with you. "That girl, always casually troublesome." You rolled your eyes at her comments. 
"I'm not going to force her to wear something she doesn't want to. Quite honestly, she'll just take them off the minute the ceremony's over and walk barefoot during the reception." You assured her. Ieiri had a carefree attitude, always calm, collected, and practical -- unless she'd been drinking. You knew she would immediately get comfortable the minute she could.
As the two of you chirped about the potential palettes, Seiko's voice could be heard coming from the bedroom. The particular stressed tone of their voice had caught your attention and you excused yourself from the table and made your way down the short hallway. Ever since the incident in Tokyo, you felt as though you had to always be vigilant. You never knew when the next episode could happen despite Seiko's reassurances.
Upon entering the bedroom, you found Seiko sitting on the edge of the bed still in their sleepwear. They were staring blankly at the wall with their eyes rolled back just as you had found them that day in Tokyo. A chill ran up your spine as soon as you saw it, but you tried to remain calm just as Ieiri had advised you.
"Seiko...are you okay?" You asked hesitantly, your voice almost as quiet as a mouse. It was a disturbing sight you didn't want to get used to.
Suddenly, their eyes returned to their position as they turned to look at you. "I'm fine, don't worry," they reassured you with a weak smile. "Sorry."
But you weren't convinced, again. Their voice seemed different, even colder than before, and more sinister than usual. As you approached them, you overheard them mumbling to someone, or something, that wasn't visible.
"I told you to stay quiet," Seiko muttered before you made your way over, his gaze shifting as though he was addressing an entity within them. But it was loud enough for you to hear, causing your heart to race and a shiver to run down your spine.
What was happening to Seiko?! Who were they talking to?!
"Seiko, who are you talking to?" You dared to ask, voice trembling as you sat down on the edge of the bed next to them.
They turned back to your attention once more, their expression clouded. "No one, I...I was just lost in thought." Their answer was completely rushed. "I think the stress of the wedding is getting to me, especially since the whole divorce thing," they chuckled nervously.
You couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. The possession had taken a stronger grip on Seiko, and whatever was speaking to them, you had a sinking suspicion that it was someone from some sort of cursed object. You had to find a way to uncover the truth, for Seiko's sake and your own. At that point, you were desperate to know who and why.
"I'll leave it alone...for now," you said sternly, "but we need to have a talk later about what's going on. Don't pretend like there isn't." You had no time for arguments, not in front of your mother, at least.
Seiko simply nodded, a bit nervously as their hands gripped the comforter under them. "Right, we will. I promise."
You stared at them for a few seconds, holding your expression of concern. "Good. I really don't want to start off our marriage with secrets." Your voice shook a little toward the end of your statement, the secrets of your own coming back to haunt your memories. Questions of should you or shouldn't you filled your head. With it being so long after, you wondered if admitting it then would just cause more damage.
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With the makeshift wedding that you had planned with the help of your mother drawing nearer by the day, the day of your bridal shower 'slash' bachelorette party had arrived. You insisted that you didn't need one, but your mother had insisted you have a night of fun with your friends and invite them up to Hokkaido.
But she was right, you did need it. Seeing Ieiri again after what had happened last time you saw her was quite a relief. You and your friends all had a great time bar-hopping, getting completely shit-faced as if it were something well-deserved. And it was. The taxi ride home alone was, honestly, depressing. You didn't want the night to end and you were emotional. Tears stained your cheeks, tears of laughter and tears of sadness. The emotions told you that you had gotten exceptionally drunk, a precursor to the morning you were about to have.
The city lights passed you by as you sat in the back of the car, the driver completely silent as the drove on back to your apartment. Your thoughts traveled to the wedding, Seiko's odd behavior, and...him.
That night was such a mistake, you thought. And the fact that you hadn't told Seiko but, in fact, lied about it made everything worse. You felt like the biggest piece of garbage, not worthy of someone like Seiko. But with the way Seiko was acting, maybe they knew? They seemed much more irritated, and the medical episodes they swore were childhood epilepsy popping back up were incredibly concerning. You knew it was more than that. The fact that they weren't willing to tell their truth made you feel all the more guilty of your own.
But Satoru... You had once been so close to him, growing up side-by-side with irritating parents who shoved tradition down your throats. If Geto hadn't come into the picture, you swore something could have blossomed on its own between you. Though in adolescence he became an annoying prick, he had a certain charm about him and you'd be lying to yourself if you said you never felt anything for him at that time. Ieiri would tease you all the time about it in all actuality. The arranged marriage had soured everything. The distance hadn't helped, but being forced by an outside hand had thrown your relationship completely askew. But there you were, in the back of a taxi completely inebriated and in love with him.
You had your phone in front of you, glowing brightly from the night, with Satoru's contact information on the screen. You twisted up a drunken smile, your hidden thoughts acting for you rather than your rational ones. In a second, your thumb had pressed the dial button. You held the phone up to your ear and stared into the night as it rang and rang. It was almost three in the morning, so he probably wasn't awake but that wasn't going to stop you.
And surprisingly enough, he picked up. "Hello?" His voice was husky with sleep as he answered.
"Satoruuu...!" You drew out, your voice loud enough to cause the taxi driver to jump.
Gojo sleepily giggled, realizing that you were drunk out of your mind. It gave him a bit of relief. Your call woke him up and he assumed that something had gone wrong with Seiko again, but he was lucky this time. "Why hello, Y/N, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I just wanted to call you," you giggled back, your words heavily slurring.
He chuckled back, completely amused by your cute demeanor. "You know what time it is, right?" He asked you as if you were like a child.
"Hmm..." you thought about it briefly, "no idea, actually." You felt the words you had hidden in the back of your mind bubbling behind your lips. It was still coming out as tiny giggles. "But you know what, Satoru?"
"What's that?" He asked. You could hear his smile from over the phone. He wouldn't say it, but he thought the world of you.
"I love you," you playfully drew out the word. Though your tone was playful, you were completely serious and a bit of that was obvious through that tone.
Satoru was silent for a few seconds as your giggles quieted down. He was a bit lost in thought, thrown off by your choice of words while also trying to play them off. But he couldn't do it. "I miss you, Y/N," he said, breaking the silence.
His words had sobered you up quickly to a point where you sat up a bit straighter in the backseat. You swallowed hard, suddenly unable to continue the conversation. Immediately, you ended the call and Satoru was left with a dial tone. Not long after, you found yourself in front of your apartment building. As soon as the driver pulled away from the curb, you found yourself suddenly upchucking into some foliage just outside the door. As soon as you finished, you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and hurried onto the elevator with your face as red as a tomato.
Meanwhile, Gojo laid back down on his pillow and put his phone down to stare at the ceiling. He knew you were just drunk, but he also knew how much alcohol could speak. You wouldn't have had that night together just a few weeks prior if it weren't for that wine. A part of him felt a bit of guilt seeing as you might not have had those feelings if it weren't for his petty games. Though, to him, it wasn't a game. His feelings for you that had grown during your arranged marriage had remained. It was his biggest regret, not being truthful despite your partnered attempts to 'make things work' during that time. He knew how much you hated the arranged situation and didn't want to push himself onto you more than he already had, you had made that promise on your wedding night. But goddamn he wished he did.
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6lostgirl6 · 10 months
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OC: Constance Evermore
Lore: During the early 1900s, Constance finally had her dream of getting married with the love of her life. After finding her groom cheating on her with one of her bridesmaids, she murdered them both. Filled with sorrow and heartbreak, she fled to the edge of the cliff and jumped to her death into the rocks and stormy waters. Her body was never recovered and as a vengeful spirit, she lures and kills unfaithful men. She no longer remembers certain information about her previous life.
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Forever 23
Sign: October 21st, Scorpio
Birthplace: N/A
Location: She dwells on cliffs near the ocean and the shoreline. She has been regularly spotted in Vermont and California.
Species: Previously: Human Bride, Currently: Ghost Bride, Vengeful Spirit.
Height: 5'7
Build: Rectangle body shape.
Hair: Straight bleach blonde hair that resembles white that reaches her breast.
Eye Color: Her irises and scleras are completely black.
Other Defining Features:
Her features are concealed by her veil and her victims only get a glance at her face before their death. Her eyes and cheeks are stained with black tears and her mouth spills a watery black substance, her teeth are stained from the unidenified liquid. Her fingers are tinted a light red around her nails. Her voice is muffled as if being underwater and hard to make out.
Sexual Orientation:
Demiromantic and Asexual
Random Information:
As a vengeful spirit, she is cunning, manipulative, and obsessed with fixing the wrong that was done to her. She is a misguided spirit, prone to killing unfaithful men, torturing them before dragging them into the ocean to drown them. She's distrustful and dishonest, using ways of deceiving other to obtain her goals. She avoids being spotted by women and children, glimpses of her dress can be caught.
Hobbies: N/A
She loves flowers, especially carnations, peonies, and orchids. She misses music and can appear when it is played.
Victims: Unfaithful men.
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Constance Taglist: Comment to be added or removed!!
@prettywhenibleed @leiasolo77 @rottent33th @slaasherslut @bookworm-with-coffee
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yellowhollyhock · 2 months
Please tell us more about Donny and Angel I love these two as a couple they so cute! She’s so perfect for him and vise versa. I like to pretend when the series ended they became official they got married. Mikey is the flower girl because that’s hilarious to me and he’s genderqueer so he’s like yes I get to wear a dress. LH is best man because he’s Donny’s best friend. I am not sure what Raph and Leo are lol. I know there’s brides maid but not sure what you call the version for the groom so Raph and Leo are up there with LH.
Aaahdhhs thank you!! 💜💜🥹 I am always at any time so ready to talk about Donny and Angel.
I love your ideas about their wedding! I think since Splinter would be officiating, Raph can give Donny away (is giving grooms away a thing? if it isn't then, oh well it is now), and Leo can be the ring-bearer. Angel's friends Ashley and Jessica who I made up for the Meeting Gramma fic (it's in pinned post) are bridesmaids.
Okay so below the cut, here's some things I've been thinking about, and how I imagine his proposal!
I don't imagine them fighting often, but one thing that would definitely cause friction is his driving. In the show his bros always let him drive, but have you ever noticed how he's crazy? Usually I think it ends up that way because there's a big chase or it's just comedic, but I like the idea that he's actually quite reckless. Tbh, a lot of people I know irl who are really good at working on cars are really bad at driving safely. They know exactly how far they can push that machine and they like showing it, sometimes forgetting to factor in that there are other people on the road and such things as safety laws.
Anyway Angel lost her mom in a car crash where the other driver was at fault. She was six. Neither her nor Ryan have licenses, partially because driving is scary to them but also because they live in New York City.
I don't think Donny would take it well when Angel calls him out about his driving. This is something he taught himself how to do in order to take better care of his family. He didn't have access to the resources she did to learn (experienced drivers, opportunity to legally obtain a license), and she hasn't shown any interest in using them (he doesn't know about how her mom died at the time), so why should he take criticism from her? He gets defensive when she makes a comment, something she is not used to from him, and they both end up pushing and holding onto little things. Angel says she'd just rather not get in the car with him and if he wants to go places with her they can walk. This seems pretty inconsiderate to Don who cannot simply walk through the city, and he doubts she wants to learn how to slink around and jump across rooftops since she doesn't even want to learn to drive.
Once they've both had time to cool down, he apologizes--he hates that he made her feel unsafe, he'd be happy to walk places with her if that's more comfortable, and he'd like her to know he has asked Raph to backseat for him for a while (call him out if he takes corners too fast, breaks laws etc). With him being vulnerable and apologizing, it's much easier for her to realize and admit why it actually scared her so much, that it wasn't all to do with him, in fact she never feels safe in cars. As they've been getting closer she's been worrying a lot that she would lose him somehow. She apologizes for losing her temper and calling him out in front of everyone (everyone probably consists of April, Casey, and his bros). She tells him how much she appreciates that he's trying to do better and that of course she doesn't mind driving places with him, in fact she feels better knowing that if something does happen, she'd know about it right away.
Also kinda thinking maybe Donny teaches her how to drive, later when she asks. I think she'd still feel safer with him at the wheel, especially once he starts being more careful, but it could still be empowering for her to know.
Their proposal~~
He takes her to Central Park--they wouldn't go somewhere like that very often, but they risk it early one November morning for what he will only vaguely call a 'special occasion.'
Anyway it's not hard to stay disguised because he's freezing and wearing so many layers you can't even tell he's round. (We don't really see the turtles in winter clothes much in the show, but after all the chaos had stopped I think they'd be more comfortable doing little things for themselves such as keeping warm). They buy hot chocolates. She makes a snow angel, which he cannot stop laughing about. She keeps close by to keep him warm, which makes him nervous because the ring is in his pocket and she's going to find it before he's ready--he panics and starts a snowball fight. She's in her element. He's getting more flustered by the minute. He's still a ninja though, and holding his own--until in a moment of distraction she nails him right in the face. She's wheezing, crying, cackling and fussing all at once--and when she comes over to help him up he panics again and takes the opportunity to pull out the ring.
It's a puzzle ring. They've talked about it before, and she's never liked the idea of a fancy gem. She wears lots of jewelry, and an engagement ring of all things should be practical to wear daily, not like her studded nose rings or chain necklaces with all kids of loud charms.
He pulls it out and lets them dangle from each other; four rings, all attached to each other. "It takes some work to fit them together," he explains as he assembles it for her, "But it's impossible to take them apart." Allowing herself to get close to people has been a big deal for her since her dad left. He's still haunted by the possibility of just disappearing one day, apparently without a trace.
He's getting teary and having a hard time getting through the speech he planned so carefully. "I want that for us."
She slips the ring on and pulls him into a hug. "I want that, too." Then, as if she's only just thought of it, "Let's get married." Because she's always loved making him laugh 💜
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evermore-fashion · 2 years
as someone who doesnt know fashion, most of what i see looks pretty cool to m. since you do know fashion, i'm curious what you think is specifically lacking from fashion today? i know you've said there's a lack of creativity, but i don't really know what that means
Just something different from what's being shown so far which seems to look like normal fashion e.g. maxi dresses & long coats to something with more flair and intricacy. Designers used to love doing themed collections and some (Ziad Nakad and Zuhair Murad) still do but others like Christian Dior and even Elie Saab have more or less scrapped that in favour of more repetitive styles. Haute Couture is all about everything being bespoke, custom made and one of a kind with collections filled with ball gowns that lean towards the fantasy realm a little more.
Nowadays most "gowns" resemble the greek goddess look or something you're more likely to wear if you're going to be a bridesmaid. Someone said to me a few months ago that today's fashion is all about fast fashion in that it looks more simple and can be obtained quicker... if you have the right connections or can afford it etc. It's just a shame to see the same looks being churned out every year by different designers and it still gets praised as being something new and innovative for fashion in general.
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orangepanic · 18 days
I thought you might appreciate a laugh.
So here is a funny story from a few summers back, when I was tasked as a bridesmaid to make penis party-hats.
Aside from the absurdity of the concept just in and of itself, I decided these needed to be inclusive penis party-hats. Turns out diverse skin tone construction paper is difficult to obtain in my city, with the exception of purchasing it at a specialty education store, where the clerk assumed I was a teacher working with young children.
Now, as we all know, penis diversity is not simply a matter of skin tone. So next began consideration of size, shape, foreskin status, and so on. Final touches also involved giving two of them piercings, because by that point I was seriously committed to the bit.
Alas, no one really wanted to wear the party-hats and they were a short-lived project.
But here’s my favourite of the peens, which I affectionately refer to as having Smug Sweet Potato expression.
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Everything about this is fucking delightful. Thank you.
I'd have worn the hat.
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asnowfern · 3 months
Hi hi hi! I was reading the fic till forever falls apart and the folk story of chang'e piqued my interest. Since we are all here to connect can you please please please share about the Chinese folk stories and traditions and the weddings- it's interesting to learn about different cultures?
Hihihi! It means so much to me that my fic piqued your interests in the original legend and more!
I’m gonna leave the rest of my response under the cut because it’s pretty long👀
Although I need to first preface that while I’m ethnically Chinese, I am Singaporean (which I think might be the only country with a Chinese majority despite not being geographically located near China). So while we maintain quite a few Chinese customs and traditions, I think the traditions might differ, the way they do even in different regions of China and Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.
There are so many amazing China folklores! There are legends of historical figures such as the first Chinese emperor (Qin Shi Huang), the first and only female emperor (Wu Zetian) - @xiranjayzhao has written an amazing novel, The Iron Widow , a futuristic sci-fi retelling Wu Zetian. There are also the 4 great China beauties (Xi Shi, Wang Zhaojun, Diaochan, and Yang Guifei) who brought China to its knees.
But my personal favourites are wuxia and xianxia legends. Wuxia are based on Chinese martial artistes (think Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger or even Shang Chi for similar vibes) while Xianxia, my absolute love, is Chinese fantasy legends which mix Chinese gods and demons/spirits with everyday people. It tells stories of epic journeys and epic (and equally tragic) love. Some of the most well-known and my all-time favourites include:
Chang e/The Moon Goddess, of course, as the tale of the Chang E, wife of Houyi (who is the famous archer who shot down 9 suns) and eventually ate the pill of immortality, giving her one way trip to the Moon.
The Monkey King (Sun Wu Kong)/Journey to the West which tells the pilgrimage of the monk’s journey to Tibet to obtain the Buddhist sutras, he’s accompanied by his three disciples.
Legend of the White Snake (I actually have a Nessian fic inspired by it here if you’re interested) which is a forbidden love story between the White Snake spirit and a human scholar
There are too many traditions to go into but I thought your ask on weddings is an interesting one! On the wedding day itself, the groom will pick his bride up at an auspicious hour, announcing his arrival in the noisiest and most obnoxious manner (for ambience✨). When he reaches, he needs to go through what is called a “gatecrashing” where him and his groomsmen are to be put through a series of challenges set by the bridesmaids to prove his sincerity in picking up his wife. Only after he completes them, is he allowed to see his bride. Then from there they travel back to the groom’s house for a tea ceremony to the groom’s elders to seek their blessing, before heading back one last time to the bride’s home for another tea ceremony with the bride’s elders.
This was ridiculously long and I have barely scrapped the surface but I hope it was interesting! Thank you so much for such a lovely ask, anon!💕💕💕
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bobbie-robron · 10 months
Well, it’s tradition, innit? Best man sleeps with the bridesmaid. (Part 2.1)
Diane’s thinking of her own upcoming wedding to Jack and the reason she ‘obtained’ Katie’s garter. A broken-hearted Robert uses a very easy Donna and takes her to bed… where later Katie and Andy find them in bed. Yeah, Katie, you couldn’t wait to get to the church to marry Andy while still blissed from being with Robert 😐.
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whentranslatorscry · 1 year
Hitagi Honeymoon
On our honeymoon trip, Kanbaru Suruga accompanied us as well.
Why, you may ask?
Before I could even raise the question, my wife— Araragi Hitagi— had already factored her in as a member of the trip, as if she were another character among the list of suspects in a mystery novel.
By the time I had carefully planned the three-day, two-night itinerary, including destinations within Tochigi Prefecture, and even woven in some glamping in Nasu Highlands— she had nonchalantly changed the lineup to make it so.
It was a decided matter.
Hitagi-san, who famously had her own father tag along on our first date, has transcended six years of time and changed her family name, but it seems her mental resolve remains unyielding.
“Well, although I did say earlier that I often go to the observatory, I haven't been able to hang out with Kanbaru much lately. Despite finally getting to work in Japan, I've been swamped with settling into the Japanese branch, and Kanbaru has her studies to focus on… Even I couldn't help her with the grueling exam preparations to become a doctor, so all I could do was watch over her from afar.”
“Oh, right, Kanbaru is aiming to become a sports doctor, isn't she? That's why she enrolled in the medical department of a physical education university.”
Compared to me, who struggled with entrance exam studies just to attend the same university as her, the motivation behind her ambitions was worlds apart. Speaking of which, what happened with that? Being abroad, I've been oblivious to any news. It would've been nice to ask her during the wedding (Kanbaru served as Hitagi's bridesmaid, even though it was a traditional Japanese wedding).
“Now she's in her fifth year, and since it's medical school, she won't graduate until the year after next. But she does have various internships and such.”
“Seems like everyone's constantly doing internships when they're young.”
“While she continues to pursue her dream of becoming the sports doctor for the professional basketball team she had always hoped for, it seems the team itself is looking for someone with experience. The fact that she participated in the Inter-High in high school wasn't all in vain. To become a sports doctor, she'll need to work for more than four years after obtaining her medical license, so the road ahead may be long. That being said, if she pushes herself just a tad, she'll be able to join our honeymoon trip without a hitch.”
“It sounds great, but it's like our gears don't fit together. Who's spinning their wheels here – me, or you? You're pushing her a little too hard. Regardless of our plans, it feels like it was a given that Kanbaru would join us on our honeymoon.”
“What's wrong with that? It's like an American family sitcom. I'm even considering the possibility of sharing a house with Kanbaru.”
“Even though we aren't living together?”
“There's a lot to catch up on. Koyomi, don't let your old, outstanding junior becoming a renowned future doctor shake you up; celebrate her accomplishment properly.”
I feel like this wouldn't exactly qualify as a honeymoon anymore, but more like Kanbaru's consolation trip... No, it's not that I don't want to celebrate her new beginning. On the contrary, I'm filled with the desire to celebrate.
Isn't the honeymoon, which originated with Sakamoto Ryouma, fundamentally something that a married couple goes on alone?
"What's this? You're the type to brazenly challenge the notion of married couples having the same surname, and yet you're willing to bow down to such a trivial bit of common knowledge?"
"Well, when you put it that way, it does sound pretty weak…"
"Rather than going on two trips, wouldn't it be nice to wrap it up in one go?"
"So you're just trying to avoid the hassle, huh? Both the honeymoon and the consolation trip?"
"Oh no, actually, I'm quite satisfied with the interesting plan of taking Senjougahara to Senjougahara. Not a hassle at all. I just want to let my dear junior participate in this fun experience too."
When bundled together as a cute and amusing plan, the nuance of the two-night, three-day trip changes a bit—but if they're up for it, I would be happy too.
Such a production, which would culminate in taking away Hitagi's name, is the most painful and the one thing I must not do, as it would leave me with nothing but self-indulgence.
“I knew that Senjougahara was in Tochigi Prefecture, but it's my first time going there, and I didn't even know that the stars were so beautiful. Having lived as a Senjougahara for nearly a quarter of a century, I consider this a life-long mistake and a loss I wish to recover as soon as possible. So, I'm in quite the high spirits. Even as she is, Hanekawa-san will still help us, won't she?”
“She's like… a genuine revolutionary, you know?”
Her style is different, as are her principles.
“If only we could get in touch with her, I would have loved to invite Hanekawa-san to the Haney-moon, as well.”
“Are you trying to be witty?”
That Hanekawa was no longer the Hanekawa we once knew.
Again, all records of her were erased two years ago.
Now she existed only in our memories.
“That said, if we count the participants, we can’t overlook the fact that even you aren't alone. Wouldn't it be nice to travel with one companion each?”
Oh, she found the blind spot before the blind snake stone was found.
If you’re asking why, it’s because my shadow-dwelling companion, Oshino Shinobu, formerly known as Heartunderblade, would inevitably accompany me on my trip to Tochigi Prefecture. So closely intertwined were we that the realization eluded both Shinobu and me.
If Shinobu was to me what Kanbaru was to Hitagi, then there could be no objection.
Besides, it would be easier to fight at any time.
Because a fight to the death may await us at our honeymoon destination with a nine-tailed fox scheming to destroy Japan.
A doctor and a vampire.
Like a medical team and battle companions… more indispensable than even a thermos or a smartphone.
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viatrixtravels-a · 5 months
“Treasure Chest Opened! You Acquired a wedding dress"
Send “Treasure Chest Opened! You Acquired _____” Along with an Item My Muse would obtain by opening a secrete treasure chest, Make it ANY item you want and see My Muse’s reaction to obtaining said Item.
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"Is this...?"
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"It's a wedding dress...! You should try it on!"
"Eh...? I can't do that. This may belong to someone. Although...What was it doing in a treasure chest?"
"Come on! Trying it on won't hurt! I want to see the Traveller in it!"
"Fine...I'll try it on, but then we'll return it to the Adventurer's Guild. Katheryne might be able to track down its original owner."
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// Full image here
"W-What do you think?"
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"Wahah~! It looks great on you! ...Now Paimon wants to try wearing a pretty dress too, hehe~ I'll be one of the bridesmaids!"
"No, I'm not actually getting married...There's not even a groom."
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For years, Prince Harry and Kate Middleton were so close that they could easily have been mistaken for brother and sister.
He jokingly called her 'Cath' and declared she was 'the sister he never had,' while the pair were often seen giggling and sharing cheeky jokes at public events.
Pals praised the royal duo's 'strong bond,' adding that Kate helped bring out Harry's 'fun side.'
It was even the Duchess of Cambridge who helped engineer a conversation between warring Prince William and Harry at Prince Philip's funeral, seemingly not taking sides.
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But royal commentator Duncan Larcombe told OK! Magazine that the once unshakable bond has been broken.
"Kate was, as Harry said, the sister he never had and clearly that is not the case any more," he said. "Those days are long in the past."
So what went wrong?
The first signs of trouble surfaced in the run up to Harry and Meghan's 2018 wedding amid reports of a tearful row at a bridesmaid dress fitting.
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Sources initially claimed Meghan had made Kate cry. Three years later, Meghan refuted those allegations, insisting to Oprah Winfrey that it had been 'the other way round.'
"She (Kate) was upset about something, but she owned it, and she apologised. And she brought me flowers," said Meghan.
"There wasn't a confrontation and I don't think it's fair to her to get into the details of that because she apologised, and I have forgiven her."
"What was hard to get over was being blamed for something that not only I didn't do but that happened to me."
But the Duke's new memoir reportedly claims Meghan Markle was left in tears as The Princess of Wales wanted Princess Charlotte's bridesmaid's dress remade.
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And it appears that for the first time, Harry has opened up about what happened in his new memoir, Spare.
The book isn't out until next week, however, an extract seen by Page Six details Harry's account of the now infamous row.
According to the US site, Kate messaged Meghan to tell her Charlotte's dress was "too big, long and baggy" and that the youngster "burst into tears when she tried it on."
The book reportedly claims that Kate was told to bring Charlotte and the dress to a tailor but the then Duchess of Cambridge said that the dress needed to be remade, with her wedding dress designer agreeing with this.
However, it is reportedly later claimed that Kate did take Charlotte to the tailor, with Harry writing he later found wife-to-be Meghan in tears following this.
However, he is said to add that Kate later apologised and gave Meghan flowers and a card.
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Then there was an alleged disagreement between the pair over Meghan's alleged treatment of Kate's staff at Kensington Palace. Meghan has denied all accusations of bullying staff.
And in a leaked extract from his new memoir Spare, Harry shifted some of the blame for his Nazi outfit scandal to his brother and sister-in-law.
He writes about asking for William and Kate 's advice on choosing between two outfits - a pilot's costume or the Nazi uniform.
In a segment of the book, obtained by Page Six, Harry writes: "I phoned Willy and Kate, asked what they thought. Nazi uniform, they said."
He goes on to say that when he went home and tried it on for them, they "both howled."
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"Worse than Willy's leotard outfit!", he adds. "Way more ridiculous! Which, again, was the point."
Meanwhile, in Meghan and Harry's Netflix documentary, they again took aim at Kate, accusing her of being overly-formal on their first meeting.
Meghan said: "Even when Will and Kate came over, and I met her for the first time, they came over for dinner, I remember I was in ripped jeans and I was barefoot.
"Like I was a hugger, I've always been a hugger. I didn't realise that that is really jarring for a lot of Brits. I guess I started to understand really quickly that the formality on the outside carried through on the inside."
For Kate, sources say those comments were a painful reminder of the space that's grown between her and Harry.
"Kate feels hurt and betrayed that Harry would do this to her, too, especially as the pair used to be so close," a source told Us Weekly.
The bombshell memoir is set to be released on Tuesday - just hours after the airing of two interviews Harry has given to ITV in the UK and US TV show 60 Minutes.
"However, he is said to add that Kate later apologised and gave Meghan flowers and a card."
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"What was hard to get over was being blamed for something that not only I didn't do but that happened to me."
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Only Princess Charlotte's dress was "too big, long and baggy."
Catherine was upset and Princess Charlotte burst into tears.
Catherine brought the dress to the tailor.
As if they have not been used to dressing up for official events? Keep trying, Meg. Haha!
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bayisdying · 1 year
Lucky Penny - Chapter Eighteen.
A/N: Wedding planning is in full swing, next chapter will be the day before the wedding, and then to celebrate getting to chapter TWENTY we will celebrate the Steele- Garcia wedding! 🥰
After their small fight, wedding planning was going smoother for Fanboy and Lucky. They just had one snag, Lucky didn't have anyone to go dress shopping with. When she a little kid her mom and her always talked about going together. That would be a little difficult seeing as they were thousands of miles apart.
Lucky also hadn't decided on if she was even having bridesmaids. Rueben was of course going to be Mickey's best man, but her built in Maid of Honor was dead. Nobody else mattered as much as Katie had.
She loved her friends Spicy and Cin, but she felt awkward asking them, mainly because she knew in her heart that she couldn't choose one over the other to be Maid of Honor. And also, that the title belonged to someone else.
Nobody was supposed to find out she was going alone, but Fanboy couldn't keep his damn mouth shut.
He was sitting at a table with Rooster, who was invested in the Steele-Garcia wedding since he had become such a big brother to Lucky.
"Does she have a dress yet?"
Fanboy sighed "no, she has an appointment next week."
"Why do you sound like that's a problem?"
"She's going alone. Her mom obviously can't just fly to California to be here with her, she doesn't want me there obviously, and Ice has meetings that day."
The girls, who were just a table away, shared a look. Cin and Spicy were damn sure not making their friend go dress shopping alone.
"Figure out when the appointment is Cin, and we will go from there."
And that's how they ended up outside the cute boutique with a whole crew, waiting to see Lucky's Jeep pull up for her appointment.
In one car there was Ice, Dragon, Spicy, Rooster, and Bob. In the other was Jake, Javy, Rueben, and Cinco. Spicy and Cin were on the phone with one another as they waited.
"There she is!" Cin squealed.
They watched as Lucky climbed down from her yellow jeep and head inside.
"She looks so sad." Spicy noted.
"Well let's fix that!" Cin said.
They all climbed out of the cars, and Rue called Delilah on FaceTime (she's in his phone as One Lucky Momma - he's a dork)
"Hey Rue!"
"Hey Momma! We are heading inside now."
They flagged down an employee, explained who they were here for and were escorted to a sitting area right outside a dressing room with Luckys names on it. It was very hard for this group to stay quiet but they didn't want to ruin the surprise.
The dressing room door opens and Lucky walks out in a gorgeous ball gown. She doesn't even notice the audience she's obtained, and looks at herself in the mirror.
"This looks awful." She said under her breath.
"I was actually thinking you looked damn gorgeous in that dress girlie." Rueben spoke up first, causing Lucky to whip around.
"What are you guys doing here?"
She took in all the people sitting in front of her, and saw her mom's face on the screen of Ruebens phone. It didn't take but a few seconds for her to start crying.
"Oh babe." Spicy stood up to hug Lucky with Cin right behind her.
"How did you guys even know I was here?"
Iceman stood up and wrapped his surrogate daughter in a bear hug. "I think a better question is why didn't you tell anyone you were going dress shopping alone?"
Lucky mumbled something intelligible.
Delilah's voice came from the phone. "Because she's stubborn as hell."
The group all nod knowing that was very true.
"I just....you know...it's supposed to be the brides mom and the bridesmaids...and my mom can't be here and I haven't even decided if we are having a wedding party yet....so..."
"Well now you have all of us here, and as pretty as that dress is, it's not you. Let's try some others."
The group split up and they all started picking out dresses for her to try on. Even the boys were having fun.
"Hey Lucky how about this one?" Jake held up a dress that would leave very little to the imagination.
"In your dreams Bagman."
Rooster looks at his friend in disgust. "Here Lucky, this one is nice." He held up a dress with a high neck and long sleeves that showed no skin.
"Is she a fucking nun Bradshaw?"
"Is she a fucking slut like your dress would have her look like?"
Lucky just laughed and shook her head at the two idiots in front of her.
Finally once they had found some dresses for Lucky to try on she made them all laugh with a small fashion show. Dress after dress was tried on, but none were the dress.
Then came one that Lucky had picked out herself. It was a beautiful strapless dress with a slit up her thigh in the ballgown skirt. It was the perfect mix of princess and sexy.
When she walked out she saw as her friends faces lit up. Clearly they liked the dress too. Well all but one Rooster.
"Isn't that a little too much leg?"
Spicy's elbow met his ribs, hard.
"Ow what was that for?"
"The dress is perfect." Spicy says.
"Are we looking at the same dress?" Rooster replies.
"It's okay, I can try on another." Lucky stated, an evil glint in her eye. If Rooster thought this was inappropriate then she would just show him just how much worse it could get.
Before anyone could protest to not listen to Rooster, Lucky disappeared back into the dressing room.
"Seriously Bradshaw?" Dragon asked. "She looked so happy in that dress."
"I just don't want anyone calling my sister a slut on her wedding day."
"You know Mickey will probably be calling her a slut that night?" Jake added, because of course he did.
Ice groans. "Nope, you're done talking Seresin."
Jake opened his mouth, but a glare from Ice told him to stop before he dug his grave even further.
At that moment, Lucky walked back out in a dress that barely covered anything. Spicy can practically feel the heart attack that Rooster is having right next to her.
"I am in love with this dress guys! I think it's the one!" Lucky exclaimed.
Rooster was turning red, as the others hyped her and the tiny dress up.
"Absolutely not! You are not getting that dress Lucky. Literally any other dress. Please."
Lucky stopped prancing around, and looked at Rooster.
"Even the dress with the slit?"
He sighs, she's giving him those puppy dog eyes. He can't say no.
"I suppose so."
Lucky ran off the little stage and hugged him tight, Rooster returned the hug with a smile. His little shithesd sister was getting married. Even if he thought the dress was a little too much. It made her happy, and he loved seeing Lucky smile.
Now with a dress secured, there was really just one last big thing to discuss. Lucky had to ask someone very special if he would walk her down the aisle.
She knocked on the door to his office, and waited. She could hear him curse whoever was bothering him, which almost made her laugh.
"What do you...want?"
"Admiral Kazansky, will you do me the great honor of walking me down the aisle?"
She saw as the tears formed in his eyes before he answered her without words, just his bear hug.
Now all they had to do, was survive until the wedding date.
Then they would be Mr. and Mrs. Gracia.
A/N: and there's chapter 18! It's not my favorite but I still love it. I hope you guys enjoyed it! As always feedback is appreciated 😊 get excited because the wedding is almost here!
Tagging my babes: @mrsjaderogers @mtnofgrace @callsign-dragonbaron @callmemana @cycbaby @kloofspeaks @roosterscockpit @notyoursbutlewis @breadsquash
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lufexa · 2 years
Best Movies That Perfectly Explain Your Current Relationship
Movies to watch with your girlfriend: Whether you're solitary, in a new partnership, separated, or something in between, there are many motion pictures regarding partnerships that show every phase of your lovemaking. While we cannot guarantee that seeing these love stories will assist you address any kind of relationship problems you might have, we can tell you that you'll be able to associate with at the very least among these movies regarding relationships. To see our choices for the best charming films, below, as well as appreciate.
Elizabeth Banks stars in Walk of Shame, a 2014 charming funny about a female that needs to navigate her way throughout the city to an interview for her desired job adhering to a casual sex. She does it all without her phone, and ID, or cash. It's not all negative for Banks's character, though: James Marsden plays her last-night fan, so you know that hookup does not finish at simply one. While we wouldn't call this a groundbreaking piece of movie theater, it will make you really feel happy-- because there's no chance anybody might have a worse walk-of-shame experience than this.
If You're Solitary but All Your Buddies Are Engaged: Bridesmaids
Eventually in life, lots of people go through a period when they feel out of sync with the world-- and also occasionally that happens around that time when someone you appreciate gets wed. Kristen Wiig remarkably catches this sensation for us all in Bridesmaids as Annie, a single woman who is struggling to be the most effective house cleaning of honor feasible for her friend Lillian (played by the dazzling Maya Rudolph) while navigating an unsatisfactory job problem. Points get back at more made complex when a fellow bridesmaid, Rose Byrne's Helen, begins obtaining affordable over Lillian.
If You're Taking a Break From Internet Dating: Becoming Jane
Becoming Jane isn't completely faithful to Jane Austen's real-life background, though it is motivated by a reported flirtation the author had with a legal representative named Tom Lefroy. Nevertheless, Anne Hathaway" s version of the iconic Pride as well as Prejudice author reveals us an useful lesson: Occasionally putting aside love to concentrate on yourself is the most effective point you can do. So much interest is paid to the fact that Austen never ever wed, as if that's a sad thing; from all accounts, she lived a really complete life until her fatality in 1817. And also obviously, her tradition survives in her work.
If You're Taking place a Lot of First Dates: 50 First Dates
If you're puzzled regarding just how 50 First Dates, a very impractical romantic funny about a guy that settles to woo a lady with amnesia once more every day, can apply to your life, simply stick with us right here. You see, not all initial days are winners-- the silly high jinks that occur in this romantic comedy are evidence of that-- however occasionally you can strike gold, which makes all the effort worth it. The partnership in between Adam Sandler's as well as Drew Barrymore's personalities is a stunning suggestion that love can come in lots of, lots of unexpected methods.
If You Have an FWB: Pals With Benefits
In some cases what you actually desire is to be physically intimate without all the emotional initiative that can include a severe partnership. If that sounds like your current scenario, this enchanting comedy is specifically what you need to enjoy. It stars Justin Timberlake and also Mila Kunis as two close friends who, you presumed it, begin talking to no strings affixed. Although they-- looter warning-- fall in love by the end of the film, that's not always just how pals with advantages work out in reality. As a matter of fact, we recommend just viewing this film to the halfway point.
If You're Dating Someone Unexpected: Exactly How Stella Got Her Groove Back
Need to obtain your confidence back after a breakup? Feel like your life as well as partnerships remain in a rut? Just How Stella Got Her Groove Back offers up an amazing alternative: dating somebody beyond your usual kind. It can be interesting, strange, unpleasant, and incredible-- all at the same time. Even if the relationship doesn't last, you'll leave having found out more about yourself. Bonus offer points if you fulfill this somebody new on a wonderful, first-rate getaway, as Angela Bassett does in this 1998 romantic comedy-drama. Extra bonus points if that somebody makeovers like Taye Diggs.
If You Intend to Get Back Along With Your Ex Lover: Crazy, Stupid, Love
If you understand that your ex is still the one for you, look into Crazy, Stupid, Love. It shows the lengths that Steve Carell's character, Cal Weaver, agrees to go to in order to win back his one true love: his soon-to-be ex-wife, Emily (played by Julianne Moore). Emily is cynical regarding his efforts at first-- and honestly, forever factor-- however at some point she concerns keep in mind why she fell in love with Cal to begin with. It's a sweet film concerning every backwards and forwards of a relationship, and also one to look for motivation for your very own lovemaking.
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Expert Tips for Locating Affordable Bridesmaid Dress Alterations in London
London is a major destination for wedding fashion, home to numerous bridal boutiques and tailors that provide alteration services. Affordably altering the bridesmaids' dresses not only keeps expenses down but also guarantees that every member of the bridal party feels good about herself and her outfit. Brides can save extra money on other components of the marriage without sacrificing fit or elegance by selecting affordable adjustments.
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The whole allowed marriage is often greatly impacted by locating affordable bridesmaid's dress adjustments, especially in a city like London where costs can quickly hop on. Brides can find talented tailors and sewists who provide high-quality services at affordable rates with careful preparation and research, enabling them to make the perfect appearance for their bridal party without going over budget. 
Research Local Alteration Shops
You should use directories and search engines to seek out trustworthy businesses when trying to find alteration shops in London. You'll find an inventory of options in your area, contact details, and consumer reviews on websites like Yelp and Google. Perusing these evaluations and testimonies will provide you with insightful information about the calibre of services offered by each store.
Finding affordable Bridesmaids dress alteration London is important for weddings. For several brides, ensuring the bridal party looks put together and professional is of utmost importance. However, since changes can be expensive, it is important to look for affordable solutions in a place where costs are high.
Compare Pricing and Services
Getting estimates from several modification businesses is important for evaluating the prices and services provided. Confirm that you include all the knowledge necessary to get precise prices when obtaining quotes. When comparing prices, take into consideration the materials utilized, turnaround, and intricacy of the adjustments.
You will choose an alteration shop in London confidently if you are doing your homework, comparing prices, and considering all available options. Getting quotations can assist you in understanding the pricing and services that are offered, and reading reviews and testimonials will assist you in assessing each shop's reputation.
Schedule Consultations
It's important to seek out alteration shops' availability and turnaround when making appointments. Making an informed choice could be aided by inquiring upfront about their pricing schedule and any additional costs. To receive a particular cost and schedule for the adjustments, confirm and clarify your precise needs during the consultation.
It is recommended that you inquire about your experience and knowledge of the pros and cons of the alteration  throughout the consultation. Ask them about the tools and methods they employ to ensure the calibre of their work. Setting clear expectations for the changes and communicating any worries or unique requests you'll have can also be beneficial.
Negotiate for Discounts
Discounted prices will occasionally result from expressing your desire to plan several changes or recommending friends and family to their services. Maintaining a positive relationship with the alteration shop during the negotiation process pays off at the end of the day for both of you, so keep that in mind and be kind and considerate.
Finalize the Alteration Process
It's important to rearrange a final fitting before completing the bridesmaids' dress alterations. This stage enables any last-minute modifications to ensure the perfect fit. To avoid any surprises afterwards, it is also an honest idea to get confirmation from the seamstress or tailor regarding the alteration fees and schedule.
Consider grouping the bridesmaids' dress adjustments to provide a seamless and fairly priced process. This frequently leads to the seamstress or tailor offering you a lower cost. Furthermore, you'll avoid misunderstandings and expensive errors by giving the expert clear and comprehensive instructions on how to make the changes.
Keep in mind that you should shop around and compare costs from several sewists or tailors when checking out affordable Bridesmaids dress alteration. attempt to keep costs low by making basic adjustments rather than complicated ones. You'll handle the modification process with ease and on a budget by listening to those important pointers.
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surroundedmedia · 2 months
How to Plan Your Wedding - A Comprehensive Guide
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Prevent your wedding day from being a disorganized embarrassment. Establishing a timeline with specified goals will make the journey to your wedding day less chaotic and more rewarding for all in attendance.
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Professional Videography
surroundedmedia.com assembled a comprehensive guide to help you establish a detailed timeline from your engagement to your wedding day with the resources to find the services and vendors to make your “Big Day” as unique, memorable, and special as you want it to be.
Wedding Planning
The question was asked, and you said yes. Now, it is time to get things together! Planning your wedding is a journey that couples embark on together, filled with dreams, aspirations, and meticulous attention to detail (amidst the romance and excitement).
Organizing a wedding requires careful planning to ensure your special day unfolds seamlessly. From setting the date to choosing the perfect dress, each decision contributes to the magic of your celebration.
Tip: Planning a wedding is a “herculean” task. Delegate tasks (with deadlines) to your bridesmaids and groomsmen.
Consider the following resources, essential tasks, and deadlines to plan your dream wedding:
Setting the Wedding Date
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Setting an appropriate date for your wedding
Selecting the wedding date is the most pivotal decision you will make. Consider factors like:
Availability of venues
Religious significance
Personal significance
To secure your preferred venue and vendors, set the date at least 12 to 18 months in advance.
Budgeting Your Wedding
Establishing a realistic budget is crucial to your wedding planning process and ensuring financial stability.
Determine your overall budget, including allocations for:
Attire and fittings
Stationery (Invites, Menus, Thank You Cards, etc.)
Create a comprehensive spreadsheet outlining estimated costs and actual expenditures to monitor your spending. Some wedding budget software options include:
The Knot
Wedding Wire
Wedding Forward
Tip: According to Forbes, the average wedding cost is $33,000 in 2024. Read more at forbes.com/advisor/personal-loans/average-cost-of-a-wedding
Creating a Wedding Guest List
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Making your wedding guest list
Compile a list including family members, friends, and acquaintances you wish to invite to your wedding.
Discuss with your partner and families to finalize the guest list, considering venue capacity and budget constraints.
Send out save-the-date cards at least 6 to 8 months before the wedding to allow guests to plan accordingly.
Tip: Take note of any guests with dietary restrictions or require special equipment to access/exit the ceremony/event venue(s).
Choosing the Wedding Venue
Selecting the ideal venue sets the tone for your wedding day and influences the overall ambiance.
Research potential local and destination venues, considering factors like:
Aesthetic appeal
Special needs access and departure (ramps, elevators, etc.)
Schedule venue tours to assess suitability and availability, aiming to book your desired venue 10 to 12 months in advance.
Hiring Wedding Vendors
Securing reputable vendors is essential to executing your wedding vision with professionalism and expertise.
Research and interview potential vendors, including:
Wedding Planner
Dress Designer
Cake Baker
Hair & Makeup
Watch this video to see the work a professional videographer can capture on your wedding day.
Note: Make sure the caterers and venue offer foods tailored for dietary restrictions and provide facilities/access for those with special needs.
Tip: Request quotes, review portfolios, and obtain references from multiple vendors before making informed decisions.
Wedding Dress Shopping
Finding the ideal wedding attire is a cherished moment for every bride and groom.
Begin browsing wedding dresses and suits early to explore styles, designers, and fittings.
Allow time for alterations and customization, and finalize attire selections 6 to 8 months before the wedding.
Designing Wedding Invitations
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Designing unique wedding invitations
Designing elegant invitations sets the tone for your wedding and provides guests with essential details.
Choose invitation designs that reflect your wedding theme and personal style.
Send wedding invitations 8 to 12 weeks before the event, including RSVP instructions and accommodation details. Set up an RSVP portal using one of the following platforms:
The Knot
Tip: These platforms offer multiple services and clever ways of organizing your wedding. Select the platform that best suits your needs.
Planning The Wedding Ceremony and Reception
Crafting memorable ceremony and reception experiences requires thoughtful consideration of logistics and arrangements.
Collaborate with officiants to personalize ceremony scripts and vows.
Coordinate with vendors to plan catering, décor, entertainment, and seating arrangements for the reception.
Organizing Wedding Transportation
Arranging reliable transportation ensures seamless transitions between wedding venues and enhances guest convenience.
Reserve transportation services for the bridal party and guests, considering factors such as distance and logistics.
Confirm transportation arrangements 1 to 2 months before the wedding to avoid last-minute complications.
Finalize Event Details
As your wedding day approaches, focus on finalizing details and confirming arrangements with vendors.
Conduct walkthroughs of the ceremony and reception venues to address any concerns or adjustments.
Confirm timelines, schedules, and contact information with vendors to facilitate smooth coordination on the wedding day.
Tip: Meet weekly with your wedding planner and bridesmaids to keep everything seamlessly moving forward as the wedding date approaches.
Enjoying the Journey to Your Wedding
Throughout the wedding planning process, remember to cherish the journey and celebrate the love you share with your partner.
Frequently reflect on your engagement and the milestones you have reached together.
Tip: Take photos and capture video footage of you and your team in action throughout the planning process to use as behind-the-scenes footage and even blooper reels.
Embrace the excitement and anticipation of your wedding day, surrounded by loved ones and cherished memories.
Watch this video to see how weddings can be captured and cherished through expert videography.
Your Wedding Planning Guide
In this article, you discovered how to efficiently plan your wedding using a comprehensive guide with a timeline and references to find online services and tools.
Understanding how to navigate the wedding planning process helps your journey to the wedding date progress efficiently without chaos and confusion.
Failure to follow a structured timeline far enough in advance will leave you scrambling to tie up loose ends and risk having an embarrassing wedding day.
Sources: buzz.uni.edu/everlastingvows/when-it-comes-to-wedding-planning cehd.gmu.edu/features/2022/12/14/how-to-plan-a-wedding-seven-strategies-for-a-spectacular-day
Surrounded Media LLC
8 Spring St Newnan, GA30263 (770) 727-1577
To see the original version of this article, visit https://www.surroundedmedia.com/blog/how-to-plan-your-wedding-a-comprehensive-guide
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abigailjohn2023 · 6 months
Remarkable and Affordable Wedding Venues
Planning for a wedding is definitely an acutely stressful time in a couple's life. You can find therefore several details that need to be carefully planned and organized. From catering to the honeymoon, panic can be an ever-present emotion during the preparing process. Brides often around believe many elements, which can, in turn, cause trouble in their relationships. It is important to permit friends and family, household, the wedding planner, and the others to assist you through to help you concentrate on your day. That joyous time does not need to be therefore irritating particularly when you're seeking wedding venues. wedding venue rental house
Every bride wants her wedding and party to be beautiful but it can be hard relaying likes and dislikes to your wedding planner. Truly great wedding sites can and may integrate each and every depth to make your wedding definitely stunning. As a bride, you may wish to choose shades and a design, first. Relying in your specific tastes, your party corridor could be transformed completely. Several couples are choosing rustic looks for their specific day. While it might appear difficult to turn a ballroom right into a more rustic region, you will soon be surprised just what a several important accessories and decorations can do. If you're longing for a far more formal and elegant wedding topic, putting crystal and a great deal of sparkle to your reception region will surely include to the look. Wedding venues may be quickly changed!
When you have plumped for the theme and shades for the wedding, the food choices ought to be next in your list. Wedding locations offer catering services. The caterers can sit back with you and examine what you should like to function, in terms of food and drink. Nowadays, many brides and grooms are choosing to forego conventional meals with real delay team for a far more helpful food knowledge by helping hand meals in a buffet style. Buffets can also be put up with full course dishes, as well. Depending in your tastes, it is important to select whether you would like an start club or not, too. Many brides are actually choosing never to serve any alcoholic beverages at their wedding as a result of household issues. Still another alternative is always to just offer wine for the wedding toast. You will find no principles that have to be used, so it's completely up to you while the bride.
Having a separate place in in the marriage area for dressing is yet another good aspect. Brides do not desire to stage out of these limousine from the church and mind correct in with their reception. Having a place to clean up prior to the celebration is great, not only for the bride, but additionally for the groom, too. Envision having several calm instances together after becoming partner and wife! If you're picking to have the true ceremony at the venue, the bride and her bridesmaids can all utilize the dressing room prior to the ceremony to obtain ready.
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unitywedding · 7 months
How to Plan a Wedding Ceremony
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Planning a wedding ceremony can be a daunting task, but with some careful preparation and organization, you can make it a memorable and enjoyable experience for yourself and your guests. Here are some steps to help you plan a wedding ceremony: - Decide on the type, style, and theme of your ceremony. Do you want a religious or secular ceremony? A formal or casual one? A traditional or modern one? A simple or elaborate one? Think about what reflects your personality, values, and preferences as a couple. You can also choose a theme that matches your venue, season, or color scheme. - Choose a date, time, and location for your ceremony. Consider factors such as availability, budget, weather, accessibility, and convenience. You may want to visit the venue in advance to see how it looks and feels, and to check if it has the amenities and facilities you need. You may also need to book the venue well in advance and obtain any permits or licenses required. - Hire an officiant to perform your ceremony. Depending on the type of ceremony you want, you may need to find a priest, minister, rabbi, imam, judge, justice of the peace, or other authorized person to officiate your wedding. You may want to meet with them beforehand to discuss the details of the ceremony, such as the vows, readings, music, rituals, and order of events. You may also need to provide them with any documents or certificates they need to legally marry you. - Write your vows and choose your readings. Your vows are the most personal and meaningful part of your ceremony, so you may want to write them yourself or customize them from existing templates. You can also choose readings that express your feelings, beliefs, or hopes for your marriage. These can be from religious texts, literature, poetry, songs, or other sources. You may want to ask someone close to you, such as a family member or friend, to read them during the ceremony. - Select your music and sound system. Music can set the mood and tone of your ceremony, so you may want to choose songs that are meaningful to you and fit the style and theme of your ceremony. You can also hire musicians or singers to perform live during the ceremony, or use recorded music from a playlist or CD. You may also need to arrange for a sound system that can amplify the music and the voices of the officiant and yourselves. - Choose your wedding party and guests. Your wedding party consists of the people who will stand by your side during the ceremony, such as your maid of honor, best man, bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girl, ring bearer, etc. You may want to ask them well in advance and provide them with their roles and responsibilities. Your guests are the people who will witness and celebrate your marriage with you. You may want to create a guest list based on your budget, venue capacity, and personal preferences. You may also need to send out invitations and RSVP cards to inform them of the details of your wedding. - Plan the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. A rehearsal is a practice run of your ceremony that usually takes place a day or two before the wedding. It helps you and your wedding party familiarize yourselves with the venue layout, the order of events, the cues and signals, and any potential issues or problems that may arise during the actual ceremony. A rehearsal dinner is a casual meal that follows the rehearsal where you can thank your wedding party and guests for their support and involvement in your wedding. - Prepare yourself for the big day. On the day of your wedding, you may want to relax and pamper yourself before getting ready for the ceremony. You may want to have a professional hair stylist and makeup artist help you look your best, or do it yourself if you prefer. You may also want to wear something comfortable and appropriate for the weather and the venue. Don't forget to bring any accessories or items you need for the ceremony, such as your rings, bouquet, veil, etc. - Enjoy your wedding ceremony! After all the planning and preparation, it's time to enjoy one of the most special and memorable moments of your life. Follow the guidance of your officiant and trust that everything will go smoothly. Smile, look into each other's eyes, exchange your vows and rings, kiss each other passionately, and celebrate with your loved ones! #WeddingPlanning #WeddingDirectory #WeddingTips #Weddings #unitytheweddingdirectory #unity #weddingdirectory #weddingplanner #weddinginspiration #weddingideas #weddingceremony Read the full article
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