#obviously take me to church but that’s all Matt ships
stackthedeck · 2 years
Since we've been talking about MattFoggy this week I was thinking about them and remembered that for some reason Last Kiss by Taylor swift is the one song I associate with them the most 🤔 Like, it's sweet, it describes a warm, loving relationships that the singer never thought would end and it fits the broken-up but pining vibe MattFoggy gives off that I looove 🥰 Do you have a song that's theirs in your head?
You’ve given a gift well and truly because I love associating ships and characters with songs!! So first off I have a Matt Murdock playlist and it’s my pride and joy
Living room floor by Sammy Rae and the friends (mostly for the title but also the line about blood in the carpet)
The night shift by Lucy dacus and big house by squalloscope (sorry these are the sad ones)
From eden by Hozier (I feel like this one is obvious)
Take care of yourself by the childlike empress (this is the foggy crying overnight Matt but also kinda giving up on him)
Stubborn love by The Lumineers, all I wanted by paramore, and why did it have to be me by abba (some love songs finally lmao)
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ceterisparibus116 · 3 years
Hi hello I am in love with your writing! I was wondering if you’d be willing to talk about your take on all of Matt’s ships? Love ‘em? Hate ‘em? Think they’re okay? Think they’d work long term? Think they’d sink fast? (Examples: Karen/Matt, Claire/Matt, Elektra/Matt, and even fan favs like Foggy/Matt, Frank/Matt, Nat/Matt, Jess/Matt, Maya/Matt) You don’t have to do all or even any, you can ignore me, I’m just interested in your personal opinion!
Aaaa, this is such a good question.
*disclaimer* these are just my opinions. Please don’t read if you aren’t prepared to read something potentially negative about your favorite ship. And please don’t start a ship war here. Art is subjective and we all find different meaning in it, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
Okay, so first off: I ship Matt with therapy. That’s the OTP. Next up would be Matt with either a puppy or a kitten. Pairing Matt with another person is great for drama but not necessarily good for him (or the other person) unless therapy is involved. And it’s probably even better with a puppy or kitten involved. So that’s my threshold answer.
Now I’ll go ship by ship. I’ll be analyzing these primarily in terms of how I think they function as a ship, with less of a focus on chemistry. Chemistry, to me, is way too subjective. Besides, I’ve seen it said somewhere that Charlie Cox could romance a lamp or something, and that’s 100% true. I think he has chemistry with everyone. Different kinds of chemistry, sure, but chemistry nonetheless. So that’s not a terribly useful metric for analysis. My focus in the analysis is largely on what the characters have in common, with a secondary focus on how they complement one another. As my parents (two psychologists) say, “opposites attract, but commonality stays together.” Especially commonality on certain issues like core values, worldview, etc. So with that in mind, let’s dive in!
I’ll start with Matt x Karen (aka Karedevil) because I think that’s the ship I’ve written the most for. My favorite thing about Karedevil in terms of writing it is that she, like Foggy, is more central to legal plotlines (which are obviously my faves) than characters like Claire, Frank, Elektra, etc. My second favorite thing is probably that their core values are so very close. I think Karen ultimately prioritizes Truth for Truth’s sake slightly above Helping People, whereas Matt prioritizes Helping People over Truth (which explains their different approaches to the Castle trial; she was most focused on figuring out what was going on, and he was most focused on helping Frank – and then on helping protect the city from the Hand). But both of them care about people broadly and without discrimination, and both are willing to lie down on the wire to save everyone from friends to strangers. So in many ways, they’re mirrors of each other. I also really like how the show committed to growing both of them through their relationship. Matt had more growing to do, but both of them needed to get better at communication and compromise, and both of them do get better. They also seem to genuinely have fun together—and I know some people think they didn’t have chemistry in Season 2, but I can’t get past the scene where they’re working on cross-examination questions in Matt’s apartment together. There are still lies and secrets hanging between them, but they’ve gotten past the first-date awkwardness by this point, and you see how they have so much fun problem-solving together. (And can I just say…as a lawyer, I desperately want someone I can trial prep with. So yeah, that scene has my heart.) Similarly, the scene where she whispers to Matt to strategize during the fight at the church in Season 3 shows how compatible they are, even though she can’t exactly fight alongside him. They’re similar, yet complementary.
Next up is probably the fandom’s most popular ship: Matt x Foggy (aka Mattfoggy). I love reading Mattfoggy fics, although I’ve only written one myself. Shipping Matt with Foggy tends to lead to more domesticity and fluff for Matt, which I 100% support, and that’s probably why Mattfoggy fics are more likely to be my comfort fics. And ultimately, that’s one of Foggy’s great strengths: he cares about people and is willing to put himself in danger, sure, but he also values comfort and security, and I think it’s really healthy for Matt to be exposed to that (and, at times, forced to accept it). I also love that Matt and Foggy are both lawyers. I have some lawyer friends who insist they’d never date another lawyer because they think they’d argue too much, but I personally would love to be with another lawyer (heyo single lawyers, hit me up…jk, jk) because: a) I wouldn’t have to explain as many of the things that I’m either worried or excited about, because the lawyer would already understand the concepts; and b) lawyers tend to enjoy having debates without getting their emotions involved. I love that Matt and Foggy could speak the same language, so to speak, and could use their logical reasoning skills to debate stupid, silly things for fun as well as important things to try to find common ground. Plus, the fact that they lived together for so many years (either college + law school or just law school; it’s unclear) shows that they genuinely enjoy each other’s company and get along well with the day-to-day stuff. All that said, my main gripe with Mattfoggy is that I’m still not sure Foggy actually understands how important Daredevil is to Matt. In Season 2, he showed that he still hasn’t understood everything Matt’s been saying since Nelson v. Murdock when he tried to insist that Matt and Daredevil haven’t always been the same person – which also is acting like he knows Matt better than Matt knows himself, which, y’know, yikes. Foggy redeemed himself a bit by bringing Matt the suit in Defenders, but that’s only after treating Daredevil like an addiction earlier in the season, and I’m pretty sure Foggy brought him the suit not because he approved of Daredevil but because he wanted Matt to be safe. Then in Season 3, Foggy’s priority is basically in bringing Matt back and, again, making sure Matt doesn’t hurt himself (e.g. by killing Fisk), but Season 3 doesn’t actually show Foggy acknowledging that Matt needs Daredevil. We don’t even see Foggy thank Matt for saving his life. (C’mon, writers. Did you deprive us of that scene on purpose???) So I’d love to see Season 4 Foggy really come to genuinely appreciate Daredevil (even while encouraging Matt to be more sensible about it), but until that happens, I think Foggy can never really understand and support all of who Matt is at his core. Then if that happens, the next issue will be compromising on how much injury/risk Matt can endure while Foggy takes responsibility for his own emotions. Yes, Matt needs to be more aware of how his choices affect those around him, but Foggy also needs to be mature enough to accept that Matt-as-Daredevil means Matt will get hurt and take risks. Foggy needs to figure out how to be okay with that rather than guilt-tripping Matt over it (e.g. “I’ve covered for you enough as it is” and “every time I come up those stairs, I’m afraid this is the day I find you dead in your living room” – those lines always upset me). If Matt and Foggy can get all that sorted, though, I think they could fall into the mutual trust, respect, and enjoyment that they had in their school years even with the complication of Daredevil.
Next up: Matt x Frank (aka Fratt), another popular ship. This one just – I’m sorry. No, not to me. Not in a romantic sense, anyway. They’re both hot, I’ll readily concede that, but their beliefs are so diametrically opposed on such a crucial issue—because, y’know, I think the value of human life is a pretty important issue. I don’t think they can work romantically until they come to the same page on that. Genuinely, by the way, not one of them just appeasing the other. However, if we assume they can get on the same page, then I think Fratt has a ton of potential. They can complement each other really well, and Frank will certainly call Matt out on his bad decisions, and I’m always hyped about Matt being paired with someone that Matt doesn’t feel he needs to protect. Matt will be protective, because that’s just who he is, but he can reasonably trust Frank to not die even if Frank goes after someone dangerous. The same just can’t be said of Foggy or even Karen (since having one gun and being a decent shot is nothing compared to what Frank has been shown to be capable of).
And that, of course, brings me to Matt x Elektra (aka Mattelektra). Aw, these two. Chaos. I kinda love how she can bring out Matt’s playful side and get him to loosen up; she’s similar to Foggy in that way, except even more mischievous. I love imagining them crashing, like, fancy politician parties and wreaking havoc, or engaging in wild malicious compliance sorta stuff to oppose bad laws. But in most ways, she’s similar to Frank, and I think the same is true of her as of him: she and Matt won’t work long-term until they get on the same page with the value of human life (except that’s an even bigger problem for them, because Frank respected Matt’s convictions insofar as he didn’t want Matt to change, whereas Elektra actively tried to push Matt into violating his own convictions), but if they agree there (willingly—neither of them pushing the other to conform to their own view of morality, because yeah, Matt’s guilty of that too), they have a lot of potential. And it’s awesome that they have such a similar upbringing because they can automatically understand each other so much better given that both of them were trained by Stick. That said, I have one other major issue with Mattelektra: the way that she shows so little respect for the other parts of Matt’s life. Now, she redeemed herself a little in trying to help the Castle case (I don’t believe she knew it would backfire), but she still expresses so much disdain for his legal profession and his friends. Their relationship can’t be healthy if she refuses to see Matt for all that he is.
We’ve also got Matt x Natasha (aka Mattasha, I think?) which I love. Nat can handle herself in a fight like Frank and Elektra, but her view of morality is much more similar to Matt’s. She seems okay with killing people if she thinks it’s the only way to protect others, but she isn’t as calloused about killing as Frank, and not as gleeful about killing as Elektra. At the same time, they can both appreciate losing their childhoods and being trained as child soldiers. Also, listen – they can spar, and it’s gorgeous. Their fighting styles are almost identical (check out these analyses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COFN_AMwLP4 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpOYbAEWb5E). I love it so much. I think Nat would appreciate settling down in Hell’s Kitchen and having a quieter life while still being able to help people when she goes out at night, and if she decided to work adjacent to Matt’s legal work, her experience as a spy would be a huge help. If she wanted to go another route, though, I’m sure Matt would support whatever calling she wants to pursue. Yeah, I’d love to see them heal together.
Anyway. Circling back to the Netflix shows, there’s also Matt x Claire (aka Clairedevil). I love how they have the core value of Help People At All Costs (he risking himself, she continually risking/losing her job), and I appreciate that Claire has, like, a normal job and isn’t just off in Vigilante World (because tbh I think if Matt’s partner is primarily a vigilante, that makes it way easier for him to segregate his life, and we all know how well that works out). I was so sad when Clairedevil wasn’t canon, but I was also proud of Claire for drawing lines. I just wish she’d communicated more clearly so she and Matt could’ve negotiated and found more common ground. See, I think the thing that really freaked her out was the fact that in S1, Matt said he was willing to do “whatever it takes.” That’s what led to their breakup, so to speak. And what kills me is, Matt won’t do “whatever it takes” since he won’t kill! *sigh* Anyway, if we assume that they reach agreement on how far Matt should go as Daredevil, they still need to work on communication styles. It kinda bothers me how bitingly sarcastic Claire can get at Matt, basically calling him an idiot and a disaster all the time. It’s unkind, and besides, it’s totally ineffective (since Matt never goes “Huh, you’re right, I’m totally being an idiot here”). Claire needs to be gentler with her words and express more appreciation for the ways Matt’s helping people, like she did in the first episodes of S1, and then I think Matt would be more likely to follow her advice instead of shutting her out. If they get that sorted, I think they’d be unstoppable. (Also, I said I wasn’t gonna talk about chemistry, but if I have to choose a ship based on chemistry, it would 100% be Clairedevil.)
Another popular Netflix ship: Matt x Jessica (aka Mess, appropriately). Aaaa, I love these two. One thing I really appreciate about this ship is that it usually involves Matt focused on helping the other party (which actually is another thing Mattelektra has in its favor, in my book), rather than the other person doing everything to help Matt. Matt demonstrates that he respects Jessica’s life, her privacy, and her agency, and he’ll basically punch anyone who says otherwise. The fact that he already knows about Kilgrave gives him additional understanding of why she is the way that she is, and I’m sure gives him even more respect for her. In the meantime, she’s great at punching through his broodiness and making him laugh. I mean, he laughs more with her in Defenders (when he’s at one of his bleakest points) in, like, a few days than he does with pretty much any character. They also have similar core values deep down, and I’d love to see Matt coax Jess into outwardly caring about people more, while she gets him to be a little less reckless.
Maya x Matt: somehow I’ve never actually read the comics with them together, and the age gap in their actors throws me a little. Theoretically, though, I can see how they could work. They have the martial arts in common, which I love; they’ve also both been hurt by Fisk. Also, to the extent that Maya becomes a hero, I think she’d be more of a street-level hero, which I believe is very important to Matt since he values Hell’s Kitchen so deeply. But I don’t have enough of a sense of Maya’s personality to know whether she and Matt would really be aligned in their values or anything.
Another incredibly obscure pairing is Matt x Malcolm Bright from the Prodigal Son show. Last I checked, I think I’m the only person who’s written that ship, lol. Let’s just say they also have a lot in common and I think they really inspire each other to be better people.
But y’all can’t be sleeping on the best ship ever: Matt x Kirsten. If you don’t know Kirsten, that’s probably because she currently only exists in the comics. (Which is such a shame, because she’s that good.) Kirsten is another lawyer, so she and Matt already have that in common. She also figures out pretty quickly that he’s Daredevil, but he refuses to admit it, and it becomes something of an adorable inside joke for them. When they finally do get together, she does an amazing job calling him on some of his issues and teasing him while still being supportive. He adores her, but doesn’t seem to put her on a pedestal the way he does with many other characters, and she adores him back. They’re both determined to help people, and at the same time, they just have fun together. It’s adorable and healthy and I love it.
Okay, so those are all the main fics I can think of atm (and some small ones too). If anyone else wants my opinion on any other fics, feel free to shoot an ask about it! Also please feel free to share your thoughts in replies and reblogs, as long as we all stay respectful of each other's opinions. Again, art is subjective, so it's not about arguing. Just discussing characters we all love. <3
Oh, and check out my fics (I have fics for Karedevil, Mattasha, Clairedevil, Mess, and Matt x Malcolm) if you wanna see how these opinions of mine are fleshed out in stories.
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alwaysupatnight · 4 years
From Dusk Till Dawn
Top 5 favorite characters: Kate, Seth, Scott, Eddie, Vanessa
Other characters you like: Rafa, Ximena, Burt
Least favorite characters: Kisa, Sonja, Carlos, Sex Machine
Otps: sethkate only
Notps: kate/richie, seth/kisa
Favorite friendships: Richie & Scott lmfao
Favorite family: Kate & Scott
Favorite episodes: 1.04, 2.01, 2.02, 3.04, 3.07, 3.09, & 3.10
Favorite season/book/movie: overall I think s1 is probably the best but I like s3 the most
Favorite quotes: “You… be cool” and Kate threatening to bible-thump Richie’s ass back to Kansas XD
Best musical moment: maybe the old west theme that plays after Seth’s flying reload? lmfao
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: WHEN SETH RUNS TO CHURCH 🙌
When it really disappointed you: when they brought carlos back in s3… 😤
Saddest moment: when they killed kate. also when they killed Eddie
Most well done character death: SONJA. IT WAS WHAT SHE DESERVED
Favorite guest star: Tom Savini as Burt!!
Favorite cast member: MADIE
Character you wish was still alive: Uncle Eddie
One thing you hope really happens: an onscreen sethkate kiss lmfao
Most shocking twist: it’s been so long I can’t remember actually shocked me… lol Maybe Dakota shooting Richie?
When did you start watching/reading?: I first watched s1 in 2015 just a few months before s2 aired.
Best animal/creature: I guess the Xibalbans??
Favorite location: the RV lol & the Dew Drop Inn
Trope you wish they would stop using: killing off all the best characters for man pain
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: giving the “innocent” female character so much depth instead of her just being a one-note goody two shoes character. Kate does bad things too!! And she gets angry sometimes and lashes out!! I love that about her!!
Funniest moments: Seth and Richie’s bet in s3 XD any time Seth says “shut up, Richard”. Kate yelling at Richie. lmfao when Richie was so excited to get a one-way ticket to Xibalba 🤣
Couple you would like to see: sethkate obviously. But also I’d love to see Richie and Scott hanging out too. Also Richie/Dakota!!
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Salma Hayek!! That’d be amazing!!!
Favorite outfit: SETH’S JEANS AND HENLEY AND GLOVES!! also Kate’s Amaru outfit. THE RED BOOTS. I WANT THEM.
Favorite item: Kate’s cross, Seth’s jacket
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I wanna rob banks with Kate and the geckos!! XD
Most boring plotline: anything involving Kisa and Carlos or Richie tbh. I DON’T CAAAARE
Most laughably bad moment: Natalie as Amaru 🤣 I’M SORRY I CAN’T
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: KATE ROBBING BANKS AT THE END OF S3!!
Most layered character: KATE FUCKING FULLER. Seth too lol
Most one dimensional character: CARLOS
Scariest moment: ngl I was actually afraid for Seth’s life in that fight against Brasa in 3.09. Also when Kate gets kidnapped by the chanan in the temple
Grossest moment: any scene involving Tanner 🤮
Best looking male: SETH 🥵
Best looking female: KATE. IDC SHE’S FUCKING GORGEOUS. Also Monica and Vanessa were really pretty too
Who you’re crushing on (if any): SETH AND KATE. I LOVE THEM BOTH TO DEATH
Favorite cast moment: All of Madie’s on-set photos of DJ lmfao Also any time DJ fangirled over Madie at the panels and interviews XD
Favorite transportation: the camaro seth and Kate ride off into the sunset in at the end of s1. IT’S SETH’S DREAM CAR XD
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I think the motel scenes in s2 were really visually appealing to me with all the bright colors
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. TOO MANY TO LIST HERE.
Best promo: All of the cast posts on instagram and twitter and the live tweets during the shows. I also really enjoyed seeing the clips they’d release on twitter and youtube… I liked the one of Seth’s s3 line “reptile, regular jackass, I don’t really give a shit” with the fancy text XD Also Madie’s song “Monsters”!!
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I think it was the Mexican Honeymoon episodes. I don’t think I really shipped sethkate before that but they really made the whole show for me
The Mandalorian
Top 5 favorite characters: BABY, MANDO, Peli, Kuiil, & Greef Karga
Other characters you like: IG-11, Fennec Shand, Cobb Vanth
Least favorite characters: Qin & Xi’an
Otps: None
Notps: Mando/Cara. Just. No.
Favorite friendships: Din & Cobb Vanth
Favorite family: Din-Grogu-Kuiil!! Alternatively Din-Grogu-Peli lmfao
Favorite episodes: 1.02, 1.03, 2.01, 2.07 and maybe a couple others idk
Favorite season/book/movie: hmm maybe s1?
Favorite quotes: “I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold” & “I have spoken”
Best musical moment: the theme song!!
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: when mando rescued his son in ep3!!
Saddest moment: when Din’s ship got blown up right after the baby was kidnapped
Most well done character death: IG-11’s sacrifice
Favorite guest star: umm maybe Matt Lanter in s1? I didn’t actually watch Clone Wars tho :P
Favorite cast member: PEDRO
Character you wish was still alive: KUIIL
One thing you hope really happens: I guess it already happened? baby got to see Din’s face finally
Most shocking twist: how many times Din removed his helmet in s2 lmfao was not expecting that
When did you start watching/reading?: I started watching I think either the same day or the day after ep 1.03 came out lol
Best animal/creature: the blurrgs XD
Favorite location: Tatooine
Trope you wish they would stop using: the baby eating random shit. WATCH YOUR CHILD, MANDO FFS
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: I feel like this series is the most accessible to casual and non star wars fans? I’ve never really been into star wars anything that much ngl but this one I really enjoy. maybe because the creators actually really care about the content and it shows
Funniest moments: the stuff involving the Jawas in ep2 XD
Couple you would like to see: uhh I don’t ship anyone
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I heard Sophie Thatcher might be joining in s3? IF NOT THAT’S WHAT I WANT OKAY. A PEDRO AND SOPHIE REUNION.
Favorite outfit: Mando’s suit? I mean c’mon!!
Favorite item: the beskar spear in s2
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: a baby!! my tiny green son!! The bigger one with the plastic head lol not the ugly plush
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: haha idk I never thought about it. being a bounty hunter would be cool though
Most boring plotline: that bounty hunter noob betraying mando, as if no one saw that coming
Most laughably bad moment: Gina’s acting lmfao
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: so it’s not really a flashback, but Grogu’s memories before meeting Mando
Most layered character: Din!! Just his whole journey through fatherhood and his struggles in s2 with figuring out how he can reconcile practicing his religion with his obligations to the things he cares about
Most one dimensional character: those bounty hunters in 1.06
Scariest moment: so maybe it’s not scary exactly, but when the baby was getting beat up by that asshole storm trooper. I was afraid he’d get hurt
Grossest moment: the scene with the space spiders
Best looking male: Cobb Vanth!!
Best looking female: Fennec!!
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Din of course
Favorite cast moment: anything involving Pedro. Maybe that one clip of him doing voice overs while holding a pillow and pretending it’s the baby XD
Favorite transportation: rip razor crest 😥
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): haha idk I guess whichever planet it is that mando takes the baby to contact more jedi
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: nothing I can think of…
Best promo: all the baby merch!! Also any interview with Pedro XD
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: ep3!!
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@dollsome-does-tumblr​ does this and opened it up to anyone and I am feeling chatty today SO!
Because I co-write a lot with my lovely wife, I might answer some questions including those co-written stories, or I might not, depends on how I feel when I get there.
Megan but I go by Lentils most places on the internet, Shadowcrawler over on AO3
at the moment: MCU, especially Agents of SHIELD and Daredevil; Terminator: Dark Fate; Halt and Catch Fire. Oh and I wrote Dollhouse fanfics a thousand years ago. Sometimes I will watch a movie/show and think “those two girls should be gay” and bang out 2k of fic about it and then never write for that fandom again. (I THOUGHT this was going to be HACF but as it turns out, no, it’s not done with me yet.)
where you post:
AO3, at Shadowcrawler. I also have a tumblr @lentils-writes​ where theoretically I post links to fics/advertise them in the tags, because I used to be real precious about not putting porn on this blog, but fuck it.
most popular multi-chapter fic:
Co-written, it’s definitely mallverse, which is I think the reason most writers definitely hate us because it’s very long and there are a lot of tags lmao. The problem is that every tagged character HAS shown up in a significant fashion at some point so we can’t just...untag them! It doesn’t update weekly anymore because we’re exhausted by life lmao so at least there’s that???
As for a multi-chapter fic that was just me, I don’t tend to do that so much, so actually it’s say you will, my 3-chapter Endgame fix-it where Clint dies instead of Natasha and Natasha and Laura have a past. It actually has over 1000 hits which is very exciting! I feel like it’s...niche in a way that is frustrating but understandable lol. I put a lot of my heart into it and some people really liked it, so that’s gratifying.
favorite story you’ve written so far:
Co-written, I think our SHIELD Dollhouse AU is very underrated for the amount of work we put into it. Author bias evident here because I love Dollhouse warts and all, and it’s a lot of fun translating episode plots as well as the general trajectory of the show into stuff that will work with SHIELD characters. We don’t just rewrite episodes, we really try and rework them as needed. Also it features both Skimmons and my beloved rarepair Bobbi/Kara, though of course they won’t get together until later.
Of my own stuff, I’m still really really proud of the AU where Kara Palamas didn’t die. I think that was a pretty severe misstep of the show and I think I did a good job of fixing it. (I haven’t forgotten Kara, promise!)
fic you were nervous to post:
lolololol I wrote some uh. Terminator pornography last year and. They are very porny! I had co-written a bunch of smut obviously, but that was the first time I’d posted like, PWP all by myself on purpose??? and that was TERRIFYING. Also I was very nervous to post the Engame fix-it because that was my own personal goodbye/tribute to Natasha.
how you choose your titles:
They are always either song lyrics or jokes (such as Three Lawyers and a Baby, my Daredevil Accidental Baby Acquisition fic). My WIP docs are always titled either obvious shit like “RoseJannah horse girls” or memes like “what if we belonged to a fire cult and we fucked haha just kidding unless...?” or “Morgan has two mommies.”
do you outline?:
B and I typically outline for the co-written fics, although it’s more often chapter-by-chapter outlines since that’s how we write them. On occasion we’ve fully planned multi-chapter stuff out in advance but that’s less common. Oh and the one-shots are nearly always outlined as well, just to keep ourselves organized.
When I have written planned multi-chapter fics in the past I have used outlines - particularly for the Kara one and I had to do that for the SHIELD Kill Bill AU because I was trying to follow the format of the movie. For things that are allegedly supposed to be one-shots I almost never outline, which turns out to be a terrible idea when they inevitably balloon beyond my control and become 45k like say you will. That one, I wrote out a list of scenes I thought needed to be in it and then I wrote about 75% of those scenes and then I wrote a bunch more scenes I hadn’t planned for. Don’t be like me, kids!
complete fics:
According to AO3, 89 as of right now. Uh, you do not want me to list all of them, here’s a link, I guess!
in progress:
I don’t understand what the difference is between this question and the WIP questions lmao help????
posted WIPs that I have active plans to continue at this time:
Cowritten: mallverse as I said, and its femslash smut oneshots spinoff and character flashbacks spinoff and older characters/teachers spinoff (these get updated, uh, irregularly), the first half of a Piper/Snowflake SHIELD s7 fic that we are planning on finishing the second half of soonish, SHIELD Dollhouse AU, SHIELD Teen Beach AU, SHIELD Buffy AU. You may notice a pattern!
By myself, I have: Have Your Elf a Merry Little Christmas, a Terminator Hallmark Christmas fic that I ambitiously posted the first chapter of in 2019 and then lost steam immediately (I am going to go back to it sooner or later bc I had some cute ideas for it); the SHIELD Fate of the Furious AU that has one chapter to go and which I do intend on finishing eventually; Three Lawyers and a Little Lady, the Daredevil Accidentally Baby Acquisition AU that is literally just cute kidfic and poly avocados and which I have a bunch of ideas for and just need to buckle down and finish some.
posted WIPs that I have given up on:
Lol so there’s a Dollhouse Caroline/Bennett Doctor Who AU that I wrote purely as idfic and which nobody ever cared about except me, and I think that ship has sailed! RIP darlings. I also had an ongoing Skimmons series waaaay back when where I posted oneshots that were like missing scenes or gay readings for each s1 episode, and I just feel like it would be inauthentic to even try and finish it at this point. (It does include the first ever Skimmons fic to be posted on AO3! Really truly, there’s one fic that shows up as older but it’s an ongoing fic and was updated with the tag way after I posted mine.)
exchange fics due soon/unrevealed:
I haven’t done an exchange since like 2015 lololol I am so bad at them. I am currently working on finishing up my MCU Femslash bingo card, very late, and I do have plans for almost all of the remaining squares!
WIPs that live in my fanfic folder and are incomplete and who knows when they’ll be finished:
“RoseJannah horse girls,” which has been put on hold temporarily but is literally just Rose and Jannah being gay while riding orbaks
half of a Daisy/Gwen fic from Marvel Rising because I know they’re not making any more of those but I stg those two were really gay
multiple fics about Elise Nelson-Page including: avocados Halloween with smol Elise, Aunt Elektra very reluctantly taking smol Elise shopping until she realizes smol Elise also likes weapons (she buys her a fake katana), Uncle Frank is a pushover and spoils the shit out of Elise, and baby Elise has a high fever and everyone freaks out but then she gets better and smile at them for the first time (inspired by baby me lol).
coming soon/not yet started:
“Morgan has two mommies,” yet another Endgame fix-it where Maya Hansen did not die in Iron Man 3 and she resurfaces and she and Pepper kiss and eventually she adopts Morgan
Claire and Colleen go on a nice date to get coffee/tea where Danny doesn’t interrupt them goddammit
Bobbi/Kara Warehouse 13 AU which is sort of like “For the Team” but gayer ft. grappling hook
X-Men: Evolution Tabby/Amara fluff
Cameron/Donna character study disguised as smut
Grace proposes to Dani with a ring made out of the metal from her power source and Carl officiates the wedding 
Dani gets horny watching Grace eat a peach and jerks off and Grace ends up hearing her and then they fuck (I have been calling this “the peach fic” in my head but I gotta stop being delicate about it lmfao it is just porn)
B and I have plans to do a Nico/Karolina Jasper in Deadland AU but we keep forgetting
do you accept prompts:
uhhhhhh I have on occasion written a prompt for someone before but it’s pretty rare and I have enough trouble writing the shit I come up with in my own head lol. but never say never?
upcoming story you are most excited to write:
I’ve got a bit of the Bobbi/Kara Warehouse fic written and it’s nice to go back to that world. Also I’m weirdly excited about the Cam/Donna smutty character study I mentioned above, I have a lot of what I think are good ideas for it and it’ll be fun.
tagging @unwind-myself @swiftzeldas @swashbucklery @loved-the-stars-too-fondly and, if you want to, you!
9 notes · View notes
sp4c3-0ddity · 7 years
Some sort of kindom AU where Pidge and Lance are forced into an arranged marriage and at first they hate it but after while they start falling for each other??
thank you so much for your patience, Anon!! this is the third version i attempted for this prompt, and it may not be exactly what you asked for (they’re not being ‘forced’ to get married; they’re just not 100% into it...yet) but it’s something and i really hope you like it!!
~6000 words. weakly implied sexual content (because, you know, they’re newlyweds). nonlinear narrative though hopefully obvious what happens when. not exactly my usual style. angst and fluff and Drama
Pidge never dreamed her first kisswould be in front of an audience, a show put on for a hundred guests, amongwhom were people she’d never met, or ever would again. She never dreamed itwould be at her wedding, a simple chaste performance between bride and groom.She never dreamed it would be with a dear childhood friend, once so much to herand now…
Well, Pidge didn’t know what Lance wasto her now, except her husband, till death do they part.
“You can call it off,” Matt told herjust a few days before the wedding. They stood together outside the church inwhich the ceremony would be held after a brief conversation with the priest.
Lance and a few of his family memberswere still inside, having a more private meeting without the Holts there.
“Can I?” Pidge glanced sideways at Mattas she tied the ribbon on her hat under her chin, grimacing when the windtugged at it, threatening to blow it away before she could secure it. “We needthis marriage.”
“Not that badly,” Matt said, frowningat her. “I know you don’t want to marry him.”
Pidge shrugged and glanced over hershoulder, trying to see through the heavy wood of the church doors. “I could doworse.”
“But you could do better,” he said.
Pidge snorted and led the way down thesteps towards the waiting carriage. “Could I?” she asked. “Before Fatherdisappeared, maybe, but…we need themoney to find him.”
“Stop,” she cut him off before he couldpress his argument. She crossed her arms and scowled at the ground as they cameto a halt. “Stop telling me that I could put it off, because even if I did, Ican’t do what I want in themeantime.”
Pidge marched away from her brother andhoped he wouldn’t comment on the slight trembling in her shoulders.
They danced together after thereception, and though Pidge would scarcely call Lance a friend, she still feltcomfortable enough in his presence to submit to this particular tradition.
Lance danced well, guiding her throughthe steps with the effortlessness of long practice. Pidge remembered learningto dance with him, even pairing off with him at his eldest sister’s weddingyears ago, when they were both still children, and was comfortable if not entirely enthusedabout this.
“You feel any better?” Lance asked.
Pidge frowned at him. “About…?”
“About this, or about us?” He raised aneyebrow at her, the only indication that he was nervous about her answer hisgrip on her hand tightening.
“I always liked dancing with you,Lance,” Pidge admitted with an unwitting smile. When Lance blinked at her insurprise, she added, “But, to answer your question, yes, I do actually feelbetter now that we don’t have to kiss anymore in front of strangers.”
Lance chuckled, and Pidge felt thevibration through each point of contact between them. “I can’t say I cared muchfor that part either.”
Pidge laughed. “You not wanting to puton a show?” she scoffed. “Inconceivable!”
“Hey!” Lance said, sounding indignantthough he was smiling. “I would just rather kiss someone – you – a little moreprivately.”
Pidge nodded and said, “That would’vebeen nice.”
“Well,” he said as his cheeks reddened,“at least we won’t have an audience for our wedding night.”
Pidge swallowed, her palms sweatingwhile her stomach flipped unpleasantly, and couldn’t bring herself to look himin the eye for the rest of their dance.
Lance stared at the chessboard betweenthem, fingers grasping his chin while he contemplated his next move – or, atleast, looked like he contemplatedhis next move.
Pidge, growing more impatient withevery second that passed, pulled her feet up onto the chair, sitting in aposition that her mother would chide her for being unladylike. She toyed with the pieces she’d already captured fromLance, trying to balance a pawn on top of a rook before knocking it off with aflick of her finger.
“What if…” Lance mused before trailingoff.
Pidge narrowed her eyes at him andsaid, “Just pick a piece and move it, Lance.”
“That’s how I lose,” he retortedwithout looking at her.
She sighed and crossed her arms.
At long last, Lance nudged his queenalmost halfway across the board. “Check,” he said, flashing her a glance andsmirking.
Pidge rolled her eyes and examined theboard, offering him a smirk of her own when she saw that he’d left his kingwide open. “Oh, Lance?” she sang as she moved a knight.
“Yes, Pidge?” Lance’s smug gaze driftedfrom her back to the board, and when he saw what she wanted him to, his smilefaltered. “Oh.”
“Checkmate,” Pidge declared, watchingLance bury his face in his hands. “It’ll take you a bit more practice beforeyou’re a match for me.”
Lance snorted and shot her a glance.“Good thing we have the rest of our lives together then.”
Pidge bit her lip and quickly busiedherself putting the pieces back into their sack, echoing, “Yes, good thing.”
The night was made for candidconversations, for poorly phrased confessions and outbursts, for unbridledcompassion and emotion, and for…
Well, for what Lance blessedly agreedthey ought not do just yet.
Pidge laughed when he did, herheartbeat slowing and her nerves soothed; she hadn’t realized how anxious she’dbeen about consummating their marriage.
(They’d have to do it eventually.)
She was so relieved that she wrappedher arms around his waist and pressed her forehead to his chest. “Thank you,”she mumbled into his shirt.
Lance swiftly returned her embrace,something about it warming her to her very core, his chin resting on her head.“Would you respect me any less if I said that I was nervous too?” he wondered.
Pidge tightened her grip on his shirt,surprised that he would admit to it, without either brushing it off orposturing. But then she snorted – they were marriednow; of course he could admit it toher! – and was unable to repress a grin as she shook her head. “That just makesme feel better about it.”
“Good,” he said.
There was something Pidge liked aboutbeing held like this, strong arms around her and a steady heartbeat beneath hercheek. She liked the way Lance’s voice made his body vibrate against hers, andshe recalled the comfort she felt simply dancing with him earlier.
She could do this; she could be marriedto him. Love would come later, her mother had promised, and until then theycould become friends.
Pidge could trust Lance, if one daywith her heart and body, then just as easily with her mind.
Pidge insisted on going down to thedocks to hire a ship herself, but she’d agreed with Matt that she wouldn’t goalone. So she took Lance with her, if only because his family was giving herthe funds her family needed as a stipulation of the marriage contract.
“And we can’t take any of your family’sships?” Lance asked as he peered up and down the waterfront, bouncing on theballs of his feet. His enthusiasm about being so close to the water was nearlyinfectious, and Pidge found herself smiling without meaning to.
“They’ve all be repossessed,” Pidgereminded him. “If we could’ve, then—” Then she processed every word she said,snapping her head around to stare at him. “Wait, we?”
“Yes?” Lance stuffed his hands into histrouser pockets and raised an eyebrow at her. “You and I? Me and you? The twoof us? We.”
Pidge blinked at him. “A-are you—youwant to come with me?”
“Well, obviously.” Lance frowned ather. “Did you think I’d stay here while you leave? We’re getting married, Pidge; I’m not going to let yougo on your own.”
Pidge crossed her arms and glared athim, temper flaring. “Let me?”
Lance sighed and amended, “All right, Iwouldn’t like you going on your own.Is that better?”
She bit her lip and grudgingly nodded,then said, “I’m not entirely satisfied with your answer.”
“Pidge, what about we’re getting married don’t you understand?” Lancedemanded. “Do you not know how important that is?”
“Of course I do,” she retorted, hereyes slipping past his face and towards the ships making port. “Of course Ido,” she repeated, quieter. “I have to beg another family for money, and Ican’t go to university, like I wanted…like my father promised.”
Lance rested a hand on her shoulder,drawing her attention back to him. “I know,” he said. At her confused glance,he smiled wryly and said, “You used to talk about that a lot when we werechildren. I’m going to get educated!”He snorted, but there was still something almost fond in the way he looked at her, reminiscing. “And…I’m sorry youcan’t do that yet.”
“Yes, yet,” Lance said, rolling his eyes. “As in, not at this moment, andmaybe not next year, but someday, after you find your father, you can go get educated.” He smiled at her andoffered her his hand.
Pidge took it.
She woke unusually refreshed, apleasant dream already escaping her memory when she opened her eyes to a viewof the ceiling. She extended her arms over her head and rolled onto her side,but blinked in confusion when she saw the blankets tossed aside, Lance gone.
Pidge sat up, glancing around thebedroom, half-expecting him to be lurking in some corner, perhaps to surpriseher awake, something she wouldn’t put past him. Instead, the door to thewashroom opened, and Lance emerged, face bright and hair neatly combed.
“What time is it?” Pidge asked by wayof greeting.
Lance grinned at her. “Good morning,darling!”
Pidge narrowed her eyes at the petname. “How long have you been awake?”
Lance sat on his side of the bed andsaid, “No more than an hour.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “You snore a bit;has anyone ever told you that?”
Absurdly, Pidge’s cheeks enflamed.“Yes,” she said. “My brother never forgets to remind me.”
Lance snorted and said, “Well, Isuppose you want to leave after breakfast with your family?”
Pidge nodded, the change of subjectdispelling her embarrassment, and she swung her legs out of bed. “The sooner,the better,” she said.
“Don’t worry,” Lance said while shemarched to the washroom, “the ship won’t leave without you.”
“I still don’t want to risk it,” shetossed over her shoulder.
During breakfast, Pidge almost wishedshe could sink into her seat – or, better, that they already stood aboard theirhired ship – when her mother bluntly asked, “Now that you’re married, when doyou plan on having children?”
Pidge’s hand froze over her plate asher eyes widened. Her appetite shrunk, and she bit her lip, questing for ananswer her mother might accept.
But better her freezing than Lance’sreaction. He held a cup of tea to his face, but as soon as they heard thequestion, he’d sprayed the mouthful across the table at Matt.
“I-I’m so sorry, Matt!” Lance said,recovering quickly as Matt, with the slightest smile, wiped drops of tea offhis face with a napkin.
Pidge’s mother sighed and said, “Isuppose I should be careful of the timing of my questions.”
“That would be a good idea,” Lanceagreed while Pidge covered her face to hide her budding laughter.
Pidge exchanged an amused glance withMatt, at least until Lance shot her a glare. She smiled helplessly at him,nudging his feet with hers, and to her relief he smiled in return.
Ah, there it was again, that pleasantwarmth blooming in her chest.
“Do you still want an answer?” Lancewondered, glancing towards his new mother-in-law.
Pidge stiffened then, holding herbreath as she waited for her mother to reply. What would they say, anyway? No, we’re not going to start having childrenanytime soon because we just gotmarried and I need to find Father first?
“It would be nice,” Colleen said, spearinga blackberry with her fork.
Pidge shot a glance at Lance, quirkingan eyebrow at him and silently asking him what he was playing at. He grinnedreassuringly at her, then, before she could do much more than kick himwarningly under the table, he returned his attention to Colleen and explained:
“Pidge and I got married only yesterdayand are still getting to know each other, Madame Holt. And it just doesn’t seemfair to bring a child into the world if their parents don’t know each other aswell as they should.”
Pidge blinked, taken off guard by thethoughtful answer, and she looked at her mother, waiting for her reaction.
Colleen said, “I suppose that makessense, and you’ll be busy looking for your father as well.” She sipped at herown tea and averted her eyes from them, and Pidge frowned, staring at her plateand remembering how her mother reacted when she’d told her she intended to findher father.
She exhaled and rested her hand overLance’s, then, after taking in the time displayed on the clock behind Matt’shead, she inhaled the rest of her food, impatiently tapping her foot while shewaited for Lance to do the same.
Later, when the crew of the Castle of Lions prepared for launchafter not one of its crew shot them a dirty look, Pidge crossed her arms andglared at Lance, who smiled sheepishly and said, “But we’re on board!”
Pidge rolled her eyes and leanedagainst the deck railing, gaze drifting out over the harbor and the wider oceanbarely visible beyond its mouth. Her heart pounded in anticipation as thecaptain called for the anchor to be raised, the small ship’s engine burstinginto life.
She glanced at Lance when she felt hiseyes on her and smiled. “I’m glad you’re here, Lance,” she said.
He blinked at her in surprise, thenoffered a smile of his own, one that made warmth spread through her chest allover again. “I am too,” he said.
A beat later, his smile turned impishas he added, “Assuming I’m not killed by pirates, of course.”
Pidge scowled at him and said, “Onepush, and I’ll be a widow…” She smirked. “And my mother will never havegrandchildren.”
Lance laughed so hard he doubled over,attracting the attention of a crew member.
“Is he all right?” the crew memberasked.
“M-my wife is killing me, Hunk!” Lancesaid, barely comprehensible until he caught his breath.
Hunk frowned at him, then glanced atPidge and wondered, “Should I be worried?”
Pidge shook her head, then smirked.“No,” she said, “but I can get used to him laughing at my jokes.”
Hunk, apparently appeased, walked awayto resume his duties as the ship chugged away from the docks, past largervessels bobbing with the waves while anchored in the harbor. Lance straightenedand said, “Well, at least I know someone will avenge me if you do decide you’d rather be a widow.”
“Please,” Pidge said, slipping her armthrough his and leaning her head against his shoulder, “after all the trouble Iwent through marrying you? I’m not wasting it anytime soon.”
Her face warmed when Lance’s onlyresponse was to press his lips to her forehead.
Pidge made sure Matt stayed close toher throughout the engagement party. Speaking to distant family members andsnobby neighbors was easier in his presence, especially where he could smoothover any misunderstandings she might cause without meaning to, but somethingthat caught her eye eventually lured her away from her brother.
Lance stood chatting with the daughterof one of her father’s old colleagues, smiling in a way that twisted Pidge’sstomach into knots. Her grip on her glass tightened, and before she couldreconsider, she drifted towards them.
“Plaxum,” she greeted the girl,interrupting Lance mid-word, “I think your mother’s looking for you.”
“Oh,” said Plaxum. She smiledapologetically at Lance and said, “Congratulations on your engagement.” Thenshe left without so much as a backwards glance.
Pidge relaxed as she watched her leave,her fingers loosening around the glass in her hand. She bit her lip, fighting afrown as she wondered why she’d reacted so strongly to Lance talking in such a…friendly manner to another woman closeto their age.
It was just because they were engaged,wasn’t it? That was all; it made no sense for him to practically flirt with someone else at their engagement party.
Pidge rounded on Lance. “The least youcould do is pretend that we’regetting married,” she said, glaring at him.
“Oh, like you’re doing?” Lance retorted, snorting and crossing his arms.
Pidge blinked at him, surprised at hiswords. “What?” she said. “I’m not—”
“Excuse me, Miss Holt,” Lance saidstiffly, “but if this is our engagementparty, then why are you spending it with your brother? Why do you not ask meabout myself? Why do you insist onkeeping our relationship ‘purely business’ when we were friends once?”
Pidge’s jaw dropped, but before shecould throw back a retort of her own, Lance swept past her, though rather thanseeking out Plaxum again, he spoke with his sister.
Pidge wished she could feel moretriumphant about that.
Something about living aboard a shipagain brought both joy and sadness to Pidge, so much so that the minglingemotions kept her awake at night and set her to wandering the deck late in theevening. Sometimes she left Lance asleep in their tiny bed, but others herstanding, the shifting of the thin mattress beneath them, woke him.
“Again?” he asked her, voice quiet ashe cracked an eye to see her pulling on a coat.
“Again,” she said. She offered him asmile and said, “Go back to sleep. I won’t be more than an hour.”
“No, wait,” he said. He sat up, rubbinghis eyes, and got out of bed.
Pidge watched him dress, tugging a coaton to cover his bare chest. She averted her eyes, face warm even though theywere married, and tapped her footimpatiently.
Once he was sufficiently covered, hefollowed her out of their small cabin and onto the deck. He shambled alongbeside her silently, as if still half-asleep, and Pidge was happy enough withthat. But after too long, with only the steady hum of the ship’s engines andthe lapping of the waves against its hull to fill that silence, Pidge said, “Keithis teaching me how to navigate by the stars.”
“Oh really?” Lance raised an eyebrow ather. “Do you think he’d teach me too?”
“Maybe if you ask nicely,” Pidge saidwith a smirk. She didn’t understand Lance’s dislike of Keith, but she couldn’thelp teasing him about it.
They walked all the way to the bow,staring over the railing and at the glittering ocean. “Soon,” she said.
“Soon,” Lance agreed, slipping an armaround her shoulders.
Pidge leaned into him and asked, “Whenwas your first time on a ship?”
Lance hummed and said, “I think I wasfive or six. I went on my aunt’s fishing boat.”
“Ship,”Pidge amended with a sideways glance. “When was your first time on a ship?”
He snorted and smiled at her. “So thehumble art of fishing doesn’t count?”
Pidge scoffed. “Not when your family isnow as filthy rich as they are.”
He laughed, withdrawing a bit from herto lean his back against the railing so that he faced her. “All right, my firsttime on a ship.” He tilted his headback and stared up at the sky, and for a moment Pidge allowed herself to admirehis profile. “I was ten; it was the ship my father owned with my mother whenthey first went into business together.”
“A true partnership,” Pidge commented,half-amused.
Lance glanced at her and smirked.“You’d appreciate that, wouldn’t you, Pidge?”
She rolled her eyes and said,“Continue.”
“As you wish, darling,” he retorted, sweeping a mocking bow at her. “Anyway, wedidn’t go far that trip, just a bit up the coast and back again.” He smiled at thememory and added, “We saw a whale breaching, and some dolphins too. I thought Isaw some sharks, but the captain told me that they were just rocks that we weredoing our best to avoid.”
“Sounds like you had fun,” Pidge said.
Lance shrugged and rested his elbow onthe railing behind him. “Not as much as you would think,” he admitted. “I gotbored a little too quickly, so I tried to help the crew and…got into a bit oftrouble.” He smiled, and Pidge wasn’t sure but she thought he was blushing.
Pidge stepped a little closer andsmirked. “Did you fall overboard?” she asked.
Lance snorted and said, “God, I wish. I tried to help lift the anchorand ended up dropping my part on my foot.” He tapped one of his feet, likelythe one injured. “I broke several bones in it; my brother still hasn’t let melive it down.”
Pidge laughed, drifting close enough tohim to stand between his feet. Her heart pounded, and despite the seriousnessof her mission, despite her worry and dreadfor what they might find at the end of the journey, she couldn’t help beinghappy, at least in that moment.
When Lance met her eyes, the memory oftheir first and only kiss entered their mind.
“No one else is here,” Pidge observedquietly.
“The ship’s crew?” Lance said, raisingan eyebrow.
“No one is here with us,” Pidgeamended. “We don’t have an audience.”
Lance looked past her, then back toher. “And…?”
Pidge inhaled and wondered, “Lance, doyou want to kiss me?”
His eyes widened, and she watched asthey drifted down. “Yes,” he said, voice low. He leaned a little towards her,so close she could see stars reflected in his eyes. “Do you want me to kissyou, Pidge?”
Pidge nodded, but before she could sayanything, Lance pressed his lips to hers.
After that, the walk back to the cabinseemed much longer than it had before.
“Why did we stop being friends?”
The sudden question jerked Pidge’sattention away from her journal. She set her pen down on the desk and looked upat Lance, who sat in a chair in the corner of her father’s old study, thumbingthrough a book he’d taken off the shelf at random.
“I…don’t know,” Pidge admitted after abrief hesitation. She strained to remember something, but all she could recallwere good memories, of days spent at her home or his, of running through thehalls and breaking vases, of swapping stories as if each of them carried aninexhaustible supply.
But somewhere, that changed, butwhether they quarreled or simply drifted apart, Pidge couldn’t say.
“I can’t remember,” she said. Her heartsat heavily in her stomach, something like shame filling it.
“Me neither,” Lance said, shrugging.Then he smiled, though something about it seemed off, and said, “That’s all right though. I suppose we can befriends again now, whether we want to be or not.”
Pidge picked up her pen and staredunseeingly at her careful notes, at her plans for finding her father andbringing him safely home. And because she couldn’t think of what else to say,she simply agreed, “Yes, I suppose.”
Later, after Lance returned to his ownhome, Pidge picked up the book he left on the chair, frowning when she saw thatit was one of her father’s old travelogues.
Pidge stood between Captain Coran andAllura at the bow of their ship, watching with held breath while they passed alooking glass between them.
“You agree that it’s Galra?” thecaptain asked the ship’s owner.
“Yes,” Allura said without hesitationas she peered through the glass, her lips twisting into a scowl. “That ship is,without a doubt, Galra.” She handed the looking glass to Pidge, who was finallypermitted a look at the sort of ship that captured her father’s.
It didn’t look impressive from adistance, but Pidge knew it would be a great, hulking behemoth once they drewcloser. From there she could see it belching black smoke into the pristine bluesky as its hull sliced through the waves.
Pidge swallowed, her palms sweating, asshe took her leave from the captain and Allura.
Lance met her a few paces away. “Isit—”
Pidge nodded and allowed herself ahopeful, if small, smile. “We’re so close, Lance,” she said, “but we’re stillso far. This is a small ship; how dowe take on something like a Galra battleship?”
Lance frowned thoughtfully at her. “Dowe have to take it on?”
Pidge narrowed her eyes at him. “Whatare you thinking?” she wondered.
“Well, if the captain and Alluraagree…”
It was just a sheaf of papers, ofundetailed plans and lists, but they still weighed heavily in Pidge’s handswhen she showed them to Matt.
“They agreed?” he asked, his eyes wide and stunned when Pidge told himthe news. “They’re loaning us the money?”
Pidge smiled and nodded. “They are, but…”She tried to freeze her smile onto her face, but she knew Matt saw through herthe second he furrowed his brow. “I have to marry one of them.”
Matt blinked at her once, twice, threetimes… “What?”
“I’m getting married to Lance McClain.”Pidge shrugged, despite the pounding in her heart when she thought about howshe sealed her fate. “I’m getting married, and in exchange they fund my trip.It won’t even be a loan; it’ll be a gift.”She rubbed her face tiredly, slumping into a chair while her brother roundedthe desk – her father’s desk – and approached her.
“Are you sure this is a good idea,Pidge?” he asked.
“It’s the best we have,” Pidge said,resigned. “Everyone else refused us, said it was a fool’s errand, that—”
“They were right.”
Pidge and Matt spun around at the soundof their mother’s voice. She stood in the doorway to their father’s study, frowningat them. Her face was drawn and pale – she hadn’t been outside much in the lastyear – but her eyes were still sharp as she leveled her gaze at them.
“Katie, I would be happy to hear youwant to marry in any other circumstance,” her mother said, “but for this?”
Pidge got to her feet and walkedtowards her. “Mother, I know Father’salive,” she said, and, after a gesture at her brother, she added, “And so doesMatt! Why do you still doubt it?”
“I don’t know,” her mother admitted.She rubbed her face and smiled without any mirth. “I miss him too – you have noidea how much – but we have no proof that he lives, and I’m tired.”
“Then let me find proof,” Pidge insisted, glancing at Matt in a plea to help herconvince their mother. “I’ll go and come back”—she swallowed, clenching herhands into fists—“with or without Father.”
Her mother stared at her for a long,hard minute, and as Pidge watched, something she hadn’t seen in her eyes in waytoo long entered them again. “I hope you find him, Katie,” she said.
“I will,” Pidge promised as she tookher mother’s hand in both of hers. “I will”
Pidge bit her lip as the Galra captainboarded their miniscule ship, his booted footsteps falling heavily on what nowseemed a flimsy deck, his figure imposing despite coming alone. To keep fromfidgeting – and to keep from appearing anxious while thinking of Lance’s andKeith’s risky task – she focused her mind on the hope of an impending reunionwith her father, on kissing her safely returned husband again and introducingthem.
She clutched the fabric of her trouserstightly when the Galra captain approached Coran and Allura, his deep voiceinquiring, “Who is the captain of this vessel?”
Captain Coran stepped forward, raisingan arm when Allura tried to follow. “That would be me,” he said. He stared upat the Galra captain, who stood almost half a head taller than him.
“Are you aware that you are an unmarkedship sailing in Galra waters?”
Coran smiled so slightly it looked morelike a grimace. “Ah, I hadn’t noticed,” he said, tone dripping sarcasm. Heglanced at Allura. “Did you notice, ma’am?”
“Absolutely not,” said Allura with ashake of the head.
“Where do you sail from?” the Galrademanded.
“Well, we just left Arusian waters,”said Coran.
The Galra sneered. “Were you onlypassing through or did you make port while in Arusian waters?”
“I can’t quite recall,” Coran said. “Ma’am,do you remember if we made port in Arus?”
Hunk, standing to Pidge’s left,snickered softly, and even Shiro exhaled an amused huff.
Allura smirked. “I’m afraid I do notrecall either,” she said.
The Galra captain glared at the two ofthem before he rounded on Hunk, who stiffened as his eyes fell on him. “Perhapsa member of your crew has a better memory.” He crossed his arms and staredpointedly at him. “Well?”
“I believe we last made port inBalmera,” Hunk said. “We took on coal to fuel the engines.” He smiled. “They dohave the best coal in Balmera.”
The Galra’s eyelid twitched. “That is…true,”he conceded grudgingly, apparently deaf to Shiro’s snort.
Pidge rolled her eyes at Allura, whonodded very slightly towards the enemy ship. Pidge frowned, then followed hergaze to see a line being lowered from a wide porthole in the ship’s hull,descending towards the waves.
While she watched, a figure emergedfrom the porthole, clinging to the line, and even from this distance sherecognized Keith, his shoulder-length black hair windswept as he raised a handback towards the window.
Pidge gasped when a second person leftthrough the porthole, arms grabbing hold of Keith while a third assisted them.Her breath caught, heart pounding wildly, because although his hair was thinnerand lighter than she remembered, his clothes more utilitarian than the fineuniform he once wore, she knew him instantly.
“And you?” The Galra captain rounded onher, grabbing Pidge’s attention before she could catch sight of Lance. “Youlook too small to be a member of the crew.”
Pidge blinked at him, lips parting asshe sought something to say…at least until Hunk flung an arm around hershoulders and claimed, “This is Pidge, the cabin boy. And small he may be, buthe’s worth an adult sailor.”
Pidge swallowed and smiled, emboldenedboth by the lie and by the sight of her father making his way to safety, andagreed, “I bet I’m worth twice a Galra sailor too.”
Hunk’s grip on her tightened whileShiro winced, and even Coran’s sharp intake of breath was audible. But beforethe Galra captain could retort much more than the beginning of a snarl, a shoutof alarm sounded from his ship.
“Captain!” someone yelled from hisdeck. “The prisoner has escaped!”
The captain spun towards his own shipand stalked over the deck towards the dinghy and crewmate waiting to row himback. “I will return once I see this taken care of,” he promised without abackwards glance.
“Will you?” Allura said with a sigh.But then she narrowed her eyes and raised a single hand.
Hunk and Shiro sprang into action, Hunkunarmed and Shiro with a rope fashioned into a makeshift garotte. Together theytackled the captain, their combined strength wrestling him under controldespite his greater size.
“W-what?” the captain screeched insurprise, voice strained by the garotte around his neck. “Unhand me!”
“Not until our men are safely aboardagain,” Shiro told him, an arm stretched across the Galra captain’s chest whileHunk confiscated the weapons he carried at his belt, including a pocketknife.
“This is very well-made!” Hunkcomplimented the knife as he flipped it open. “I think I’ll keep this when welet you go.”
The captain had no response to that.
“Oh, can I see?” Pidge asked, steppingforward and holding out her hand.
“Sure!” Hunk passed her the knife.
While Pidge played with theswitchblade, she ventured towards the deck railing and peered up at the enemyship. The activity aboard had frozen as soon as they realized their captain hadbeen taken hostage – which served him right for having the arrogance to boardthem alone – but Pidge didn’t care much for that. Instead she scanned the wavesbelow, gaze questing for the familiar sight of Lance seeking the maintenanceladder on the hull of the Castle of Lions.
Her heartbeat picked up when an armburst from the water’s surface, a hand reaching for purchase on a metal rung,three heads bobbing up as the waves threatened to pull them under again.
“Hurry!” Pidge shouted down to themwhile her father started up the ladder. “The longer it takes, the more likelythe Galra crew will come up with a plan to rescue their captain!”
“Have a little patience, darling!” Lanceyelled back at her. “This isn’t as easy as I make it look.”
Pidge rolled her eyes but still smiledwhen Keith retorted, “Shut up, Lance.” She grabbed the arms that breached theship’s railing and pulled her father over until he toppled onto the deck,soaked and shivering.
“Father,” she said. When all he did wassmile shakily in response, she shouted over her shoulder, “Allura, can I getsome blankets?”
Allura was quick to respond, but by thetime she arrived with a bundle of fabric, Lance and Keith were back on deck aswell. “All right,” she said, nodding in satisfaction while she handed outblankets. “Now that you’re here… Coran, we’re ready! Full speed ahead!”
“As you command, ma’am!” the captainsaid, the ship lurching into motion as he and Hunk reenergized the engines,steering the Castle of Lions in the directionof home.
Pidge returned her attention to herfather, who’d finally recovered enough from his shivering to smile at her. “Father,”she said again, “I knew we could find you.”
“I knew you would, Katie,” he said.
Pidge hugged him tightly, noting withsome worry that his grip on her was weak. Then she turned to Lance and Keith. “Thankyou,” she told them, reaching for both of their arms.
“Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you,Commander Holt,” Keith said solemnly. “Shiro’s told me a lot about you.”
Yes, Pidge had questions about that,and she would get her answers, after…
She took Lance’s hand, interlacing herfingers with his and pleased to find that his skin was warm to the touch again.And for some reason, her stomach twisted with anxiety as she tugged him alittle closer to her father. Then she smiled and said, “You remember LanceMcClain, right?”
“I do,” said her father. “Thank you,son.”
“Uh…” Lance glanced from him to Pidge,a cautious smile on his face. “My pleasure.”
She continued, “Well, we’re marriednow, but only because I needed money to hire a ship to come rescue you, exceptnow we’re in love too! Isn’t that great?”
Keith cleared his throat and seized thepause in conversation to take his leave. Lance snorted, but his smile widened.
“That’s…good to hear,” said her father,looking between the two of them with wide, uncertain eyes. “I can tell I misseda lot while I was…gone.”
“Don’t worry,” Pidge reassured him, “we’llcatch you up, and you’ll see Mother and Matt again before you know it.”
“Good,” her father said. He hugged hertightly again, and this time he pulled Lance in alongside her. “I’m so happy tohear that.”
Pidge sunk into his grip, smirking atthe distant screech and splash as Shiro finally pushed the Galra captainoverboard.
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gentlemanmendes · 6 years
sun and moon sign are both virgo!
a/n: send me in your star sign and I will ship you with Shawn (for best results feel free to send in sun, moon, Venus, and Mars sign)
this ship meme isn’t mine I found it on here so credit to the owner.
awful | ew no | kinda alright | I like it! | Got pics? | lets do it | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTP’s
how long will it last?: four years 9both like stability!)
How long did it take to fall in love?: two months
How was their first kiss?: virgo wasn’t impressed tbh
who proposed?: Shawn
Who is the best man/men?: matt
Who is the bridesmaid(s)?: Pisces
Who did most of the planning?: virgo did all of it because they have had their wedding planned since they were seven years old
Who stressed the most?: virgo obviously
How fancy was the ceremony?: back of a pick up truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | normal church wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who is top?: shawn
Who is the one to instigate things?: shawn
How healthy is their sex life?: straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple of weeks | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last?: virgo like to take foreplay very seriously so they probably go for ages
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms?: yes! virgo will not allow anything else
How rough are they in bed?: softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | the beds shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do?: no touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | a little spooning at night, or on the couhc, but nothing in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | they snuggle and kiss more often than a tween couple on their third date to a care-bear’s factory.
Romantic?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Going out or staying in?: out to fancy dinners every Friday night but other than that they stay in
Who cooks most?: virgo
Who surprises the other with little gifts and dates?: shawn
Who does most of the cleaning?: virgo
Who takes longer in the shower/bath?:shawn
Is the partier?: shawn
Is the listener?:virgo
More protective?: shawn
The cuddler?:shawn
Is more dominant?:shawn
Pros?:both signs seem to have seriously high standards and if anyone could match the virgo’s need for perfection it’s a leo. They are also both very logical .
Cons?: however leos crave adventure and shawn had an Aquarius moon which in my personal opinion I don’t ship with virgo.
Rating?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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orchiddshop · 4 years
Vintage Truck Yeah Mother Trucker T Shirt
I got a Vintage Truck Yeah Mother Trucker T Shirt lot of PayPal will ship they would know they would know things about your child’s medical history in order to know about your child’s medical history in order to determine the value of your child on the market not to mention my baby was exotic as I’m I’m black and Indian Guyanese makes an mom is half black and half Puerto Rican so my daughter is a beautiful brown color is beautiful curly brown hair it’s a short she’s she’s an amazing get and knowing that I have a daughter that looks this way I understood the necessity for me to have to protect her with my life you mean because I light skinned I spent my whole life treat my finger like shit now God gave me a light skinned daughter I have to protect the child with my and I did that and I paid a steep price for but she still here and motherfuckers are still trying to take my daughter from I’m still being targeted and now using my own fucking family to try to do but that’s a whole other story and Danny golf line either. The cost met with over 200 oncologist in cancer research centers and I’m asking what is what made clear the way for where we and impediment is determined not going to walk away and tell there is real change this is a truly bipartisan issue so the leaders in this effort in the House and Senate Republicans as well as Democrats is been pushed to the edge of what anyone be expected to bear hauling correction of my cancer your man is you have experienced tragedies in our life and we are inspired by the way that you have responded to announce every single family American has been affected by cancer and we’re so close one wrong believe Anita shot this country to cure cancer is person but I know we can do there are so many breakthroughs just arise we can make them real absolute national committee are Democrats and Republicans on the Hill who share our silence this deadly disease by community one because it’s possible I before we continue with tonight’s program I want to thank everyone who has made this unprecedented. Oh shit is a disease like is will work for me all night thing about this now is like hold onto a say good things are bad things about her I don’t remember because if you if if they if they either don’t say anything at all about him or say positive things he likes them but they’ve said anything negative about them publicly will attack on and nine letter and good is Elton John playing in the back on his piece is just at a rally rally okay also was always be a good president right now this is a good president church because he decided to be positive about it do I mean obviously I want a an amazing woman you with an amazing woman and I made the music on makes me sad to be configured as amazing as you consider raising is so you will trying to think of something else that he doesn’t know many other descriptive words he has positive and ones UL very bad valuable to terminals are so sad yeah it’s another one is really good at making up this is for people’s names though honestly I like being up being a bully he’s in that’s like it’s about elementary school level though is that you so very much
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Glide the twin cam I would rates for leonine or attend in the heart soul category even if we have more that classic Harley Davidson feel that hey there’s no question on high Davidson motorcycle whereas the Northgate took away a Vintage Truck Yeah Mother Trucker T Shirt little bit of that elementand take it all away you still select Harley when you have a Milwaukee eight just took away some of that raw tackle feeling in the high Davidson writing experience so you still have a lot of the classical look in linesand feeland simplicity in engineering that people want in a Harley high quality fitand finish the bags to fairing areas really high quality that paints is very very good so that still ranks very high on in my chartingand my ratings in the fitness category that’s again the Milwaukee eight has kinda refined some of what I know people like in the classic feel of a Harley Davidson last category is the manufacturerand this is kind of just my overall score for the bike is like an average of the other scores is how I feel about this bikeand the total packageand a sum of all the parts combined the street that is just a great overall Harley Davidson it’s one of the top selling bikes right now take the number one seller in our dealershipand sent it nine 2006 that has been is one of Harley Davidson’s top sellers it sold so good that a lot of other manufacturers have basically just made their street guide copy to you to capitalize on how popular this type of cruiser is right nowand I put my money where our mouth is I’ve bought two of these things at this point I just I love the streetlight it’s a great bike as far as your tall guys a touring chassis bike is great for taller guys could spread yellow the little bit moreand so Jan given the spike in nine is like my final score for the streak I love it I saidand I just got off the that you bikes the 2016 streetlight special with the state for onceand in the brand new 2019 with the stock 14 cubic in Milwaukee a so it’s it’s always interesting although I in both of these two engines 1 million times it’s always interesting going from one to the other jests how modernand I know this word gets over use the lobby how refined the new Milwaukee eight is everything from the class to the power delivery to the way that the mannerisms of the engine are in everything between cam really is more that make old school mechanical machinery feel to itand in the Milwaukee eight is an the whole debate in of itself as to which one is better get some of Andrew’s thoughts on this Bible bike back to backand Iand youand am thankful that youand asking about the canal in a letter like Matt said that the characteristics each motorand many have more of the refined obviously that the clutch is a lot smootherand more crass your sibling is a lot more crisp you have less mechanical noise on the Milwaukee eight the power delivery on each of him I feel like the 114 a little better because it’s more top end powerand that’s what I like having common powers on a touring bike going into long distance I like having more that I think that’s where no I mainly live is six yearand having device to my post I having as stage 41070 114 Billand writing about 110 three 114 my I like that the way the 114 belt players like the way mine puts power the ground can be in here is where I feel I power you know from 4000 RPM all the way up to 6500 pages is really hardand feeling notice that classic machinery feeling to know it has a more sporadic sound like that I have the one 17 inches just easement 17 my streetlightand I would be like my perfectly best of both worlds I got streetlight on catalog so bike with about between the two I feel like you get more of low end from from the 110 ties out so to speak as opposed to the 114 it’s torque not as it is a come on as low as the RPM has the once does but a what it does comeand you feel it more towards the RPMand holds the sensation that he keeps going you feel that power really on it but yeah just just knowing the characteristics doing both motors you feel more that poll high rpm Milwaukee eight yeah toes yeah I would plan to these new shift gearsand you feel that you the polar mimetic falls off a little bit as opposed to the blockade at doesn’t really decliningand doesn’t hire RPM rangeand then you shift gearsand that builds up againand it you just feel that linear poll on the diet obviously to be a twin cam touring bike go stage 4107 built more like a bill 114 I don’t three 114and probably do stage II on it if you want to go crazy to stage LIII or four stage 4117 read written about 117 walkie 85 I love to see how this three 114 handles with a tort laminate apples from the factory I mean it’s it’s pretty good but I’m so used to my bill 114 that is a lot harderand more got a response I love how they integrated information how all this lets the layout altitude that in air temperature is more informative shows your timerand then date from the last service distance inside the last service which is really calling in the way it boots up so much quickerand the systems more fluent in it’s just a lot better system obviously without a doubt this lotand I think things like butter on the freeway you really really good at high speeds cellular like that today today as it that 2019 special review if you enjoy video 36 regulation of user reviews directly with me in the cell seems fairly lost how to drop byand the eye. Working on the hallway always welcome night you have to think County of length like be cool but most are and I went out to my hotel program out dictionary will get in the chair be seen in that you can use class I can say is I’m up no. Harris as our next vice president you know it comes from people all over the country’s already occurring all over the country all ideological views all backgrounds events of course we are predictable some of them become small over except of course Donald Trump’s White House and his allies y’all knew was coming because set your watches to down jump is already started his attacks calling quote nasty whiny about how she is quote mean to his appointees is no surprise because whining is what Donald Trump does best in any president in American history is anyone surprised down Trump is a problem for the strong women are strong women across the board we know the more succumb for less be clear if you’re working person See Other related products: Bird Raven Skull Attempted Murder Vintage Retro T-Shirt
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zarafoodrecipe · 5 years
Cracks opening in relationship between Latrell Mitchell and Roosters
And Tedesco said during the week in an interview with Channel Nine news that he wants to play out the rest of his career at the Bondi club. That may explain why Mitchell is showing interest in a permanent move to five-eighth when Luke Keary moves in to play half after Cooper Cronk calls it quits. Loading Beyond positional considerations, there are family pressures weighing on Mitchell: a constant theme is that family members have a genuine fondness for South Sydney. There is also a feeling from the Mitchell family that not enough was done by the Roosters for Latrells brother Shaq, a young forward with loads of potential. His issues were weight and injury. The Roosters will say and provide evidence that they did everything possible to help Shaq make it in the big time. The last we heard, he injured himself in a local NFL tryout when he was thinking of giving American football a crack. The Roosters have monitored his life and they provided help with a job he was trying to get. Latrell is also in the middle of a split from his long-time agent, Steve Deacon, the former Easts centre. This issue was discussed by Roosters officials during the week. The Roosters fear Mitchell will link up with agent Matt Rose a close friend of Mitchell, who also does fight promotion. Mitchell was at the weigh-in when Paul Gallen fought John Hopoate. He just hung out in a corner of the room and politely declined interview requests. The theory is that if Rose takes charge of his career, Mitchell will end up at Souths. The Rabbitohs are privately hoping that is what happens.
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Coup signing: Souths are still hoping to lure Mitchell to Redfern.Credit:AAP But thats not to say Rose has a great relationship with Souths officials, although his biggest star, Cody Walker, is at the club. Wayde Rushton, who manages Kalyn Ponga, is another being mentioned as a potential agent. The Mitchell case certainly is a fascinating one. Its a tribute to his ability that he is still managing to star on the field. A different approach to religious freedom Before Israel Folau decided to put religion above all else, Will Hopoate made a great sacrifice, quitting rugby league to undertake a Mormon mission. He then sacrificed hundreds of thousands of dollars by refusing to play on Sundays. A portion of his career was played under the leadership of Raelene Castle who was the Bulldogs boss at the time but is now the head of Rugby Australia. Castle was the Bulldogs boss from July 2013 to August 2017. Hopoate clearly felt comfortable expressing his religious views under her leadership. Castle had numerous discussions with Folau about his use of social media and his religious views, but it obviously didnt get through to him. Otherwise he would not be fighting for his $4 million deal. Hopoate is not a controversial character and does not want to get involved in the Folau issue, but he was prepared to discuss his experiences with Castle and the Bulldogs. One thing that Ive been proud of here at Canterbury is that they have allowed me to live my faith, he said. There is no pressure ... Ive been allowed to live my life without any instruction.
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Respectful: Will Hopoate doesn't force his Christian views on others.Credit:AAP The Izzy thing is a hot topic and a difficult one to say too much about. Id rather not put myself out there and say something dumb. I know Izzy, but we are not close. Hopoates Instagram is full of his faith. On February 3 he wrote: Im Christian ... this doesnt make me better than anyone, but it helps me be better. On March 3 he wrote: If church was for perfect people, the chapel would be empty. Its a regular theme on his page. He is strong in faith, but he doesnt force his views on others. After having the clubs blessing for some time not to play on Sundays, there was a rethink. In a perfect world, I would like to have Sundays off, he said. But Canterbury is my employer and I have a commitment to them and I have to do what they ask of me. To play footy, I think I will continue that mode. If I was granted a wish then I wouldnt [play Sundays], but Im not kicking stones. "What has happened has happened and I am moving on from there. I want to keep playing football for as long as I can. When I finish I want to be involved in youth work. I have been going around to high schools sharing my journey to the NRL. I know how much my youth leaders shaped my life and what an influence they had on me and Id like to have that effect on people. I like to talk about resilience and positivity and how to apply that to your life. White or wrong? Loading In the long run, Anthony Seibold will probably taste success with his roster and resources he has to but its looking tougher and tougher for the clubs chief executive, Paul White, to survive. Wayne Bennetts continued success at the Rabbitohs should mean White is under huge pressure. White was the one who speared a legend of the game when he pushed Bennett out the door last year. It gets even more interesting because not only does Seibold have a five-year deal, but he has an option for a sixth season in his favour. Its hard to believe. Seibold has not been big on seeing out his contracts. He left Manly early and then swung into the top job at South Sydney after Michael Maguire was shown the door. Madge Maguire has not talked to him since the day he was replaced. Seibold has the best set-up in the NRL and he needs to deliver ina hurry. Teddy for Wehbe The fallout continues from the split between Isaac Moses and the football whisperer Joe Wehbe. We told you last week that James Tedesco is now firmly in Wehbes camp and wants nothing to do with Moses. He is now going public with his support for Wehbe. Asked if he was in Wehbes corner he said: Yeah, definitely. He has been a big part in my career and I owe a lot to him. Other players who now have strained relationships with Moses include Israel Folau, Parramattas Tim Mannah and Nathan Brown, and rising star Joseph Suaalii a young rugby player who has signed with South Sydney until 2021. Loading Folau has largely gone alone in his preparation for his battle with Rugby Australia. Moses has been busy trying to shore up other clients as he knows his empire is under threat. It is understood Moses has been ringing family members of the clients who are looking to jump ship. The whole situation is messy and its threatening to get messier. Moses has friends in the highest of places: one of his best mates is NRL boss Todd Greenberg. Their families are firm friends. Ponga's plan If the Knights want to start talking to Kalyn Ponga about an extension to his contract, they may have to cool their heels for a couple of months at least. The view is that he wants to talk after Origin. Ponga is in the second year of a four-year contract. There have been no approaches from rugby union, nor in an early discussion did the Knights indicate they want to do a long-term deal. Api on the move Manly may be prepared to let Api Koroisau go. He has given the club great service but it would appear the Eagles have found a No.9 in Manase Fainu. Its one to keep an eye on. Danny Weidler is a sport columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald. Most Viewed in Sport Loading https://www.smh.com.au/sport/nrl/cracks-opening-in-relationship-between-latrell-mitchell-and-roosters-20190504-p51k4s.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_feed
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Supernatural survey
I wasn’t tagged but this looks amazing, so I’m doing it anyway. However, I found it at  @holy-fucking-damn-shit blog.
1. What season did you start watching Supernatural? Season 1. I started from the beginning if that’s what you’re asking :). But if the question is meant in the sense what year I started watching, then the show was at its ninth season. It was about two or three weeks before the finale. I remember everyone was talking about how the season might end, because Jensen teased something about it being an eye-opener :D.
2. Who was the first character you fell in love with? Dean, always. My initial love for him, was really all about how snarky and fun he was. But as the character developed I really fell in love with how layered he was. How he has this mask that is made so obvious and talked about clearly on the show, but whatever’s underneath it you get between the lines, through showing. How on the surface you get “Sam is the smart one” but you are shown hints that Dean is a genius. You will get “Sam is more open to his emotions”, but you are shown that it’s Dean who makes emotionally based decisions, while Sam goes for (often) cold logic. And sadly, you will also get “Dean’s decisions are dumb and should be disregarded because they are emotionally based” but a lot of the timeit turns out that Dean was right all along (example: when Cas was possesed by Lucifer, Dean’s focus was on that, while Sam insisted, Amara was a bigger problem. Turned out Lucifer was the bigger problem in the end).
3. Who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love?: Crowley. Even though it was really up and down with him. It kind of depended on whether or not he was on the Winchester’s side - or worked with them, because, really, Crowley was always only on his own side. I don’t think I ever truly loved him, but I enjoyed his character, definitely.
4. Which character would you most want to be in a long-term relationship with? Um. This one is tough, because realisticaly, I don’t really see myself dating any of the characters. I would love to say Dean, but I would probably just keep on shipping him with Cas even in real time, so I wouldn’t date him. If I look at people I date in real life, Charlie would be the closest one. Dean is very close as well, but like I said, I would just play matchmaker for him :D.
5. If you could go on a date with just one character, which one would you choose?: Despite what I just said, I would choose Dean for that date, because I would love to talk to him and chances are that date would end with an awesome night :D. I’m not really one for one-night stands normally, but in this case I wouldn’t be able to resist.
6. What would you do on that date? I would love to chill out at the bunker. Dean would make dinner and we’d watch some TV and talk. And then end up in his room. Obviously this points towards us being friends for a while before deciding to just make a one time thing out of that, to relieve some stress :). Since I’m demi, I would definitely have to be close friends with him first for that scenario to work.
7. Which character would you most want to be like?: If we’re only talking about their character and not their experience (because I wouldn’t want to go through that), I would probably go for Dean. His character resonates with me and he makes me want to be a better person. And to have his confidence and empathy whe it comes to dealing with other people, that would be a gift.
8. Which character would you most want to see brought back from the dead?: Most of all Charlie, I think. Just because that was seriously messed up. Gabriel is another big name that comes to mind. Bobby is kind of a given. But I would also love to see Victor Henriksen again! And maybe Henry, even though I felt like his story was wrapped up nicely, it was just so short.
9. Which character would you most like to punch?: Lucifer. Always. He’s pure chaotic evil.
10. Who is your absolute favorite character?: Dean always had the top spot. Cas is a close second, but no one can take Dean’s spot in my heart.
11. Which “Big Bad” do you think was the worst?: The worst in the sense of writing, worst in the sense of how much I hated them or worst in how scary they were? In the sense of writing and storytelling, The Leviathan were absolute bullshit, excuse my French. Just no. In the sense of my hate for them, Lucifer wins. He’s a great villain in that sense. But damn, I hate him so much. And Cas was kind of seriously scary as the Big Bad (if you can count that, because technically, it was supposed to be Raphael and then the Leviathan, but it was really Cas), because that one was paved with good intentions. Lucifer is the villain that is just too evil for me to connect with and to really get him. He’s like Voldemort. Cas was probably scarier for that short period of time, because I understood his motivations even if I didn’t agree with his choices. He was like Zobrist in Brown’s Inferno (which was honestly the only good thing about that book).
12. Which character are you most like?: Wow, that one’s tough. The characters on the show have such different experiences from me that I have hard time separating that from who they are. I suppose I am a lot like Dean in some cases. I like to put up a front and hide my feelings from people around me, because I am very private with them and I don’t want to bother anyone with them. I’m a nerd who finds joy in being a fan of something, though I don’t hide that like Dean, so in that sense I’m more like Charlie. Like Dean, I rely on my feelings and my gut when it comes to decisions and when I screw something up I can drive myself crazy with guilt. Like Cas, I’m curious about things and I sometimes struggle to show how much I care. There’s so many different things, but I would say, even though we are very different in some aspect, I might be the closest to Dean.
13. What death hit you the hardest? Maybe when Sam died for the first time, just because it was really the first big one and I didn’t really know how the show worked. And also because his death was followed with so many awful things. Dean’s first death (like complete death in No Rest for the Wicked) was a tough one too. Charlie too, but I’m still kind of in denial about that one. And I suppose season 12 finale, even though I knew even in that second that this is not the end. I’m still worried about how that character will come back though. Will they be the same? 14. What season finale hit you the hardest?: Alpha and Omega. It was such a different finale from all the other ones that it stands above all the other ones. Even if it wasn’t devastating like other finales, or maybe because of that, it’s message got under my skin.
15. What are your ten all-time favorite episodes?: Lazarus Rising (Castiel and new Ruby), Reichenbach (Deanmon. Just. This. Fucking. Episode.), Don’t Call me Shurley (I can’t believe they went there), Alpha and Omega (best finale of ever), Angel Heart (Dean and Claire coming to terms, Cas and Claire coming to terms, Amelia and Jimmy getting a closure), The Monster at the End of This Book (Chuck!!!), Changing Channels (Gabriel and all the shade thrown here), Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox (Dean and Sam being legends, the twins), Fanfiction (I can’t even), Tall Tales (Gabriel! Also, some of the most absurd quotes ever), Everybody Hates Hitler (the Bunker!!!). That’s eleven. Because it’s impossible to choose just ten. It’s impossible to choose eleven too, but I managed to stop myself there :D.
16. What’s been your favorite season?: I can’t. Dammit. No. Right now it would probably be season 11 if they cut some of the fucking useless stuff in 11x21 and 11x22. There were some very importants scenes there, but a lot of this was just there to fill the space between 11x20 and 11x23. Though, considering 11x20 and 11x23 were some of the best episodes of the show in my eyes, it might be one of the reasons why the two episodes between just seemed so weak in comparison.
17. Who is your favorite angel? Is that even a question. I love Cas!
18. Who is your favorite demon? The two demons that were supposed to follow Crowley at the beginning of season 12 were pretty hillarious :D. But seriously, I would probably say Crowley. Even if not always. Meg had her moments as well.
19. Who’s your favorite evil character? Again, I might say Crowley and Meg, I guess. I would say Amara, but she was more neutral than evil. Rowena had a lot of great moments too. Oh, and Don and Maggie Stark were awesome and I want them to come back!
20. Do you have any Supernatural ships?: I’m Destiel trash if there ever was one. I have a lot of smaller ships that don’t really have that much impact on me, but I like the idea of them: Sam and Eileen, Don and Maggie, Henry and Josie (though I know it wasn’t like that). I read some Sabriel occasionally and I have some kind of weird thing for Dean/Cas/Meg which I honestly don’t understand.
21. Who’s your favorite supporting actor?: I would have to write a really long list for this one. Just on top of my head: Rob, Richard, Matt, Kim, Kathryn Newton, Emily Swallow, Gil McKinney, Osric Chau. Kid, honestly, I could go on and on... :D
22. What’s your favorite quote from the show?: Dean’s speech to Chuck comes to mind: “People...people pray to you, people build churches for you and fight wars in your name... And you did nothing.”
And Cas’ heartbreaking speech: “Knowing you has been the best part of my life. The things we’ve shared togehter..they have changed me. You’re my family. I love you. I love all of you.”
And Dean and Claire in Angel Heart. I just loved the scenes in the motel room and when they were playing mini golf. It’s not really a quote, just the conversations between them are gold.
23. If you could cast one famous actor in an episode of SPN, who would you choose? Maybe Emilia Clarke? I don’t really know. But I feel like she could be a badass hunter or just someone who had their life disrupter by supernatural activity, but she has like this no nonesense attitude about it. Or she could be another British woman of letters.
24. If you could write your own episode, what kind of creatures would you like to see included?: I don’t know about creatures, but I would love to see Virgin Mary as a character and bring Gabriel back just to see those two interacting :D. Oh, also, this is not my idea, but @northern-sparrow has these awesome creatures called elementals in her fics Forgotten and Flight and that’s such an amazing idea I want to see that on Spn.
25. Who’s your favorite girl that Dean’s hooked up with?: I guess it would be Lisa. Even if I couldn’t really see them together long-term, she really cared about him and tried to be what he needed.
26. Who’s your favorite girl that Sam’s hooked up with?: Ha! I will say Genevieve Padalecki. Because they did hook up in French mistake, didn’t they! :D Part of me wanted to say Ruby, because even if she was evil and seduced him into screwing everything up, she was honestly a really good character.
27. What are some of your favorite convention moments?: Pretty much any Cockles panel ever :D. Jensen reading Misha’s resume, the thing with the white bunny and so on. And as far as my own experiences go, meeting Jensen was pretty great and also having an actual conversation with Misha about books.
28. If you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on SPN, how would you want your character to be described?: Maybe a university professor who specializes in mythilogy and becomes kind of a new Bobby? Or an angel who starts helping the Winchesters.
29. What do you hope to see in the next season?: Cas coming back as HIMSELF and not some alternate reality Cas. Sam listening to Dean for once. Rowena coming back. No more deaths for shock value. Some interesting monsters of the week.
30. - 40. If you had to choose…
Bobby or John?: Bobby.
Bela or Ruby? Ruby.
Jess or Madison?: Probably Jess, but I don’t really know with this one.
Jo or Lisa?: That’s tough. Maybe Jo, but it’s close.
Charlie or Kevin? Almost impossible, but at gun point I’d choose Charlie.
Balthazar or Ash?: Balthazar. But mostly because Ash has been gone for so long I can’t really imagine him coming back.
Cas or Crowley? Cas. Crowley was great and I’ll miss him, but Mark was quite clear about not coming back and I respect it. And Crowley would just never win over Cas for me.
Ben or Claire? Claire. Ben was great, but I feel like we know Claire so much better. And I want to know more.
Jody or Donna? Probably Jody, but could I get them both as a couple?
Sam or Dean?: Dean all the way. I still love Sam (even though it might not be very clear from this post), but Dean just has my heart. I will tag!: Anyone who wants to do this!
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