#oc - Ahra
OC superhero team profile
impossible girl : Real name: Saturn
Height: 5'8
Gender: F
How they act: positive , excited, and often times eager to share any facet of being alive with others
Core traits: Genuinely loves everyone.
Strengths: loving, creative, patient,
Weaknesses - Conflict avoidant, naive, overly forgiving, self-loathing
Likes: Musicals, community service, superhero stories, stuffed animals
Dislikes: Difficult conversations, the Celestial shards, having to Hurt others, HATES being in pain .
Backstory: She lived with her abusive transphobic mother before "The Great Shine" caused her to gain telekinesis . She accidentally injured her mother before running away . She ended up playing as a homeless superhero for a bit before being found by the AHRA and eventually adopted by one of its directors, a friendly alien named Kalari.
While being a child in the agency, she meets Danera, aka the world's smartest teenager (at the time) who promptly takes her under their wing.
3 years pass more or less peacefully until the 2nd celestial shard appears and the plot kicks off
Favorite TV show: Sailor moon
Favorite food: Burtali, an alien fruit from her Alien mom Home world.
Animal woman real name: Danera stripes
Height: 5'6
Gender: F
How they act: Goofy, smug, smarter than you, Playful .
Core traits: utterly brilliant, still finds ways to overestimate herself, intensly curius and deeply loves her friends - ESPECIALLY Jupiter.
Strengths; Determined, brilliant, adaptative
Weaknesses: Prideful, holds important information, manipulative, kind of a dick sometimes .
Likes: Math, junk food, fighting games, Nature documentaries .
Dislikes: Cheaters, not knowing tf is going on, being bored, magic, just all of it.
Backstory: She was a child genius who was discovered by the science society at an orphanage after she successfully auto mated the whole thing. She met and bonded with Row Wilkins, a fellow brilliant scientist, and worked with them for a handful of years.
However encountering the celestial shard during the great flash, she not only gained the ability to turn into animals but soon came around to realizing the whole "protecting the world from the shadows' thing was never going to work out so she decided go Join AHRA . There she later and became incredibly close to Jupiter, considering her like a little sister.
Favorite TV show: Cosmos
Favorite food: Gulab Jamun
Glueman: Real name: John lamar
Height: 6,0
Gender: M
How they act: responsible, straight man, anxious, complainer
Core traits: Would do anything for the people he loves, Comically out his league, indomitable spirit
Strengths: Quick-witted, stubborn, responsible, hard-working
Weaknesses: Close-minded, just a pinch of sexism , over estimates himself, doesn't do self care
Likes: Family sitcoms, Schedules and people following them, chemistry, superhero comics.
Dislikes: Eldrich abominations, Progressive rock, Sexy men (they make him question himself)
Backstory: He grew up in a somewhat normal, abliet dysfunctional household and was forced to take care of his sister from a young age. He overcame these obstacles and eventually got a degree in chemistry.
On a seemingly ordinary day, he was driving his sister to school when the celestial shard crashed right into them, to which his sister grabbed and briefly absorbed the shard before disappearing in a giant flash,
As a result, he put his chemistry career on hold and dedicated himself to joining AHRA to find his lost sibling. 3 years of hard work (and successfully inventing an entirely new substance) have put him here . Let's hope he doesn't die along the way!
Favorite TV show: Malcom In the middle
Favorite food: Mac and cheese
Goliath real name: Ava Hope's
Height: 6'10
How they act: Gruff, Sarcastic, Prone to brooding
Core traits: Terrified of the world but just brave enough to keep going with the help of her friends.
Strengths: Accepting, self-aware, empathetic, strong sense of justice.
Weaknesses - Depressed, Internally terrified, Body dysphoria.
Likes: Gay pop music , superheroes writing horror fiction,
Dislikes: Emo music, board games, junk food,
Backstory: She was an ordinary (very pretty) college girl when the shard exploded in NYC, granting her mile super strength and furred arms . She played at being a hero for a bit before being captured by the COUNTER CONSPIRACY AGENCY and was expiermened on to harness her unique power .
This failed - but not before turning her from a 5'5 Woman into a towering furry giant with incredible strength that barely looks human . Naturally this wasn't exactly a pleasant expiernce!
She decided to quit any chance at a normal life when , attempting to attend her little sisters graduation had AHRA called on her . All this shaped her into being an callous and cynical person far from the idealistic girl she once was.
Still, she refuses to give into what was done to her and chooses to use her powers for the good of mankind .
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sunliights · 11 months
open to anyone. muse: ahra park. 23 years old. bisexual. she/her. actress. plot: we’re pretending to date for publicity but i actually like you but you’re not into me so i’m gonna make you fall in love with me.
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“i got you a gift! macarons. from paris. they’re supposed to be amazing. oh! you’re not allergic to anything, right? i probably should’ve found that out first…”
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stormybuckets · 2 years
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she is Very Polite
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pacificovertures · 8 months
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femslash february [1/?]: cael + ahra
starting the month off right with a new ship, an oc pair created by myself and @blackglasses66. if you saw the lore we came up with for these two in the last month alone… well! hehehe
anyway, it’s inspired by the song “at the beginning” from the anastasia movie. getting hyped for dawntrail already >w<
bonus under the cut
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ft. our azem lol
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ryehouses · 2 years
NOORA POV!! im aware that she is technically your OC but she is canon in my heart. shes more developed and interesting than half the side characters in canon anyways lol. i would love to see literally anything at all about noora but if you would like specifics, more noora and fennec? noora adjusting to the way boba and fennec run things in the very early days at the palace? how does noora feel about various tusken tribes? noora’s thoughts during one of their breakfast gossip sessions?
ahhh howdy!! i am always happy to talk about noora, lol. i do love her.
i really don't have a lot of noora povs from more recent ast chapters; most of the stuff i have for her is character-building stuff i wrote to flesh out the cast, but i hope you like it anyway!
this bit is set way back at the beginning of the fic, pre-din's arrival on tatooine, and is somewhat a continuation of this snippet. has been revised to include noora's sons, whom i mentioned like twice in ast and then forgot about entirely, and still feel somewhat guilty about.
also ft. noora and some of the other twi'leks in the ahra in mos eisley!
cw for the usual tatooine shit, including mentions of slavery and what it was like to live as a slave under bib fortuna.
in which noora olgkru organizes a small rebellion.
“You asked him for a job?” Ayya Blen asked, her eyes wide with shock. Her surprise – her fear – was mirrored on many of the faces gathered together in Shiri Teksa’s cool basement. A representative from each clan of Mos Eisley’s tatoo ryl had gathered here to hear what Noora had to say about Mos Eisley’s new lord, and she could tell from the looks on many of their faces that they didn’t believe what she was saying. 
Noora sighed. 
“I did,” she said. 
“Why?” This question came from Imiri Rha, a slim, pretty Twi’Lek with pale pink skin and intricate tattoos that vined down her lekku. She looked fragile and frail, graceful, exactly the kind of dancer that Bib Fortuna had preferred, but Imiri had always had a special sort of steel in her spine that Noora’d liked. Fortuna had sold Imiri off to a businessman in Mos Eisley a few years back to cover a debt. Noora’d missed having her around the palace. 
She’d missed being able to gather in Mos Eisley with her people, too. In the last years of his life, Bib Fortuna had preferred to keep Noora close by. 
Not out of particular preference – Noora was not fragile, frail or even particularly graceful, though she knew the seeliya, the Rylish dances, that most of the Twi’Lekki women on Tatooine learned to survive – but out of necessity. Fortuna had known that if Noora’d managed to get free, she would have put a knife in Fortuna’s belly herself. 
Fortuna had been an idiot, but he had had a sense of self-preservation, and he’d decided that the best way to keep Noora under control was to keep her close at hand. 
I can come and go as I want, now, Noora thought. It was almost insurmountable to think about. She was free. She was, for the first time in her life, getting paid in credits She could buy a house here in Mos Eisley. She could get her boys back – for years they’d lived with the Teksas, while Noora’d been trapped in the palace. Noora could actually help her people, help the ahra, instead of just doing her meager and miserable best to keep Fortuna away from the younger girls. 
And Fett made that possible. 
That was also almost insurmountable to think about. Noora had known Boba Fett. Well, known of him. He’d served as Lord Jabba’s fist for years. For him to come back from the dead and set all of Jabba’s old slaves free –
It’s the stuff out of a desert tale, Noora thought, wryly. She didn’t blame Ayya or Imiri for their skepticism. 
But Noora had already made her decision – hadn’t asked Shiri to host the clan heads in her basement to get advice or take council – so Noora looked Ayya in the face and shrugged, twitching a lekku carelessly. 
“Why not?” Noora asked. 
“Because he’s a slaver!” growled Elavo Anu. He was Ayya’s opposite in every way, bold and fierce and scarred where Ayya was shy and delicate, a lifetime of surviving Mos Eisley’s fighting pits carved across Elavo’s body like most other Twi’Leks wore tattoos. 
Noora resisted the urge to run a self-soothing hand over her own lekku, tracing the tattooed patterns there. It had been Shiri who’d tattooed Noora’s lekku for her, years and years ago; Noora’d been taken too young to get them done by the eldest mother in the haweli, as tradition demanded, but Shiri’d done them for Noora in this very basement the year Noora had become a woman. She’d created the pattern just for Noora, for the clan she’d made herself here on Tatooine, and when Noora’s boys were ready to become men, they would get the same patterns tattooed down their arms. 
“He’s not any more,” Noora said. 
Elavo snorted. “He told you that, I’m sure.” 
Noora conceded the point. “He did,” she said. 
Fett had set everyone – the dancers and the guards, the pit fighters Fortuna kept around to entertain himself, the maids and the kitchen staff, everyone – free before Fortuna’s body had even finished cooling on the floor.
“You can’t trust a slaver,” Elavo growled, like Noora was a child freshly-sold down the sorrowlanes instead of a woman grown, a survivor of both Jabba and Bib Fortuna and many other masters aside. 
“No,” Noora agreed. “But I can trust the man who cut my chip out, can’t I?” She lifted the hem of her shirt – a proper shirt, one that Fett’s assassin had loaned to Noora when Noora’d said that all she had to wear were a dancer’s scraps – to show Elavo her scar. 
It wasn’t really a scar yet, not like some of the others that Noora had. The skin was still raw and dark, flushed with blood. Fett had given Noora a bacta patch, but Noora’d taken it off after a few hours. 
She wanted the wound to scar. It was proof that she was free. 
“He took out all of our chips,” said Noora, looking around the room. The tatoo ryl had been gathering in Shiri’s basement for as long as Noora could remember. They had no grand haweli here on Tatooine, but Shiri’s basement served them well enough. 
“Every single one,” Noora continued. She let everyone look at her scar. “All of the dancers’. The guards’. The fighters’.” 
“Why would he do that?” Elavo asked. He sounded dumbstruck. 
Noora lifted her chin. “Because he meant what he said,” she replied. 
“And what did he say?” Old Shiri asked, speaking for the first time since Noora had come back to Mos Eisley and asked her to talk for a gathering. 
Noora took a deep breath. “That he doesn’t want to keep slaves,” she said. “That he means to do things differently here.” 
The murmuring surged into a roar of conversation all at once. Shouts of disbelief, of fear; a rumble of anger from those like Elavo Anu, who’d lost sons to the sorrowlanes. No one believed Noora. 
Kark, she thought. I barely believe it myself. A master, letting all of his slaves go? Fortuna’d sold away many of Noora’s friends, but he’d still sold them. Passed them from one master to the next. 
But Boba Fett had set Noora free. He’d promised to pay her. His assassin, Fennec Shand, had given Noora a shirt out of her own kit. They were going to let Nooora see her sons. 
It had been months, now, since Noora’d last convinced Fortuna to let her leave the palace and go see the boys. Passik was five, now; Noora’d missed his name-day. Ziveri was nearly eight. 
And I’ll get to see them, she thought. I’ll get to live with them. She hadn’t lived with her sons since Passik was very small. She probably could have brought him to the palace, but that would’ve meant exposing them to Fortuna, and Fortuna had sold children from their mothers without a second thought. It had all been a matter of easy credits to him. 
Only old Shiri Teksa was looking at Noora, her expression thoughtful. Wise. Shiri was the oldest of the tatoo ryl. She had been a dancer for Jabba a hundred years ago, the younger Twi’Leks said, and had won her freedom by dancing the seeli guze, the holy dances of Ryloth. 
But when Shiri had won her freedom, she hadn’t left. She hadn’t returned to Ryloth. She had stayed here, on Tatooine, and helped her people. Opened her home to them. Shuttled escaping slaves off down the network. Had raised children for parents like Noora, who couldn’t raise their own. 
“Noora Olgkru is no liar,” Shiri said, and as usual her flimsi-thin voice cut through the noise and jostle of a dozen clan heads. Everyone quieted.
Shiri'd been the one to give Noora a clan name. Olgkru, Noora Strong-Willed; Noora had lost her clan on Ryloth, but on Tatooine she had made her own. “And she is no fool, either,” said Shiri. “Tell me true, girl; Boba Fett set all of his slaves free?” 
Noora met Shiri’s eyes. “Yes,” she said. 
This time, no one gasped or shouted. The room was so quiet that Noora could hear her heartbeat in her chest. Her blood moving through her ears. 
Shiri tapped her walking stick against the basement’s cool dirt floor. “And you asked him for a job?” she asked. “You are working for him now?” 
Noora raised her chin again, defiant. “Yes,” she said. 
Shiri’s eyes gleamed. 
Noora had come to Tatooine with no parents. No clan. Her brothers and sisters here had been children like herself, who’d been ripped from their families, all of them brought to Shiri to raise, to care for, to teach. 
And Shiri taught us all, Noora thought, that the community – the ahra, the people – look out for each other. We don’t leave each other behind. 
“Why?” Shiri asked. The other clan heads listened with bated breath. 
“Because,” said Noora, “Lord Fett is going to change things. And I want to help.”
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greencruz · 1 year
🎀 📎 🎵 🌹 ❄️ (Kang)
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RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
kang seria um ótimo bardo em qualquer universo de d&d, tal como ele também daria um ótimo vilão dentro de qualquer cenário envolvendo fantasias, daqueles que ainda tem redenção, usando como exemplo clássico e meu favorito de todos: a regina, de once upon a time. esse tipo de vilão, sabe? inclusive ele daria um ótimo filho para a branca de neve, se fôssemos entrar nesse mérito, ironicamente. além de, claro, também se encaixar muito como o flautista de hamelin. e, por fim, ele seria um ótimo nobre/príncipe ou então bastardo, mas dentro da mesma vibe fantástica. por outro lado, ele definitivamente não se encaixaria em apocalipse zumbi ou qualquer au que fosse ativamente violento, ele vai pra uma vertente mais fantástica mesmo.
PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
quando ele era criança, ele acreditava de verdade, assim, de verdade MESMO que ele conseguia falar com os animais. ele passou muito tempo em lares adotivos temporários, então ele costumava ficar igual a cinderela falando com os ratos no porão, ou então batendo um papo com os cachorros e ele inventava INÚMERAS narrativas na cabeça dele que ele jurava que eram dos animais conversando.
MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them.
música clássica, e com música clássica não só a música clássica em si, mas ele também gosta muito de músicas pop/rock que utilizem sample de músicas clássicas, tipo a lady gaga em alejandro utilizando a melodia de czardas. ele gosta também de folk, deixa ele alegrinho. uma clássica que eu gosto muito e associo com ele é no time to die - billie eillish. "was i stupid to love you? was i reckless to help? was it obvious to everybody else?" enfim, tudo nela grita han kang pra mim.
ROSE - do they like valentines day? have they been confessed to before? have they confessed to anyone before?
uma data bem tanto faz há anos. quando ele era novinho, ele adorava por razões de iludido com a ahra, mas depois que tudo entre eles terminou, da primeira vez, ele criou uma casca meio apática a respeito de dia dos namorados apesar de no fundo ainda ser um romântico disfarçado. e, para o restante das perguntas, a resposta é sim. ele já se confessou três vezes, na última, foi a própria ahra, e ele sempre acabou chamando uma certa atenção também, primeiro por ser muito bonito, segundo por ser muito gentil, e terceiro por ser músico, apesar disso, recusou gentilmente a todos.
SNOWFLAKE - do people consider them cold? if so, what made them this way?
nos dias atuais, sim. mas uma parte dele acha que ele tenta se convencer de que é muito mais frio do que é de verdade. eu, pessoalmente, não usaria essa palavra. ele só acabou ficando muito... resignado? conformado, sem perspectiva. o que deixou ele assim foram várias pequenas coisas: toda a questão de ter se separado da irmã mais nova, a maneira como a família nova dele praticamente o engoliu, a maneira como ele se deixou ser engolido por ela, ficou tão fascinado por tudo e acabou se esquecendo da própria irmã, a maneira como ele amou muito a ahra e ela partiu o coração dele... ele se tornou uma pessoa muito amarga, tanto por ter se frustrado com o próprio otimismo cego que ele sustentava quanto era novo, quanto por ter entendido o quanto isso fez mal pras pessoas ao redor dele e pra ele mesmo, por nunca ter enfrentado as coisas enquanto elas estavam acontecendo, apenas pra acabar juntando uma pilha de arrependimentos com coisas irreversíveis. ufa! coitado.
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lunaverrse · 1 year
ahra: 😨🍁💚💓
Choi Ahra : feat. @greencruz 💛
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😨 — A reação depende muito do que aconteceu, mas a princípio, ela trava. Geralmente a Ahra precisa de alguns minutos até cair em si, entender o que ocorreu e decidir o que vai fazer. É claro que o momento da trava também depende do tipo de situação. Se for algo físico, tipo ela ser atacada por alguém, são alguns segundos até ela realizar que precisa sair correndo ou se defender. Dito isso, a Ahra também não costuma fugir muito porque a pose de durona não é só faz de conta, ela realmente enfrenta as coisas sem medo do que vai acontecer.
🍁 — Inverno! Como já vimos, a Ahra parece ser o tipo de pessoa que simplesmente odeia a felicidade, exatamente o que o verão e a primavera representam. Ela sempre se sentiu mais acolhida no inverno e no outono. Além disso, também odeia a sensação de muito calor, o que pode ser uma boa justificativa da escolha dela pela patinação no gelo.
💚 — Depois de ter passado por tantas mudanças e aprendido a expor um pouco dos próprios sentimentos, com certeza um abraço é o que mais a conforta em todas as situações. Também se sente bem em passar um tempo com alguém que ela goste, em silêncio mesmo, só com a presença.
💓 — O Kang, espero ter ajudado. Brincadeiras à parte, ela ficaria tranquilamente sem saúde se eles começassem a ter um tempo juntos sem briga. É muito básico, sim, mas seria uma sensação de que as coisas estão realmente mudando e que eles podem viver uma relação mais tranquila, sem discussões o tempo todo.
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I never get tired of seeing my characters together... Meet Leneah, Niamh, Moya and Emrhys! <3
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princepszora · 4 years
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During the kh series playthrough, my roommate and I found ourselves taking our Disney town frustration out on Minnie in the form of talking like an older keyblade master who’s done with the disney side of things and just wants to do their job.
Then in a fugue state, I said the following in a very vitriolic tone towards Minnie, which sent my roommate to the next plain of existence.
I decided to recreate this scene with my kh oc who is essentially an older master who is tired of the disney side of things.
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haeneearts · 4 years
I love my spooky girl so much! ♡♡
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 6 months
Finally finished the outline of Daughter of the Rain and Snow and I know exactly how the ending is going down almost pretty much (details are blurry, but plot and character arcs are completely outlined and ready to write instead of just bullet points or vague ideas) so out of interest (won’t necessarily stick to it 100% but would still like to know) what would anyone like to see next if you would like to continue reading my stuff?
Explanations below cut
I have every intention to write this one, I have characters but thus far not a main plot more of just the premise. Would follow Ahra, Evan, Yara, maybe Vix, and maybe Lilia as our young Dregs and start around when Kaz and Inej left for Ravka since the Dregs was kinda on the verge of collapse whoops. Can’t go into too much detail or they’ll be spoilers for the current fic but there’d be the opportunity for some Aimee and Kiada, and Kanej would still be present but they might not be in focus (again, can’t explain too much or they’ll be spoilers). There might even be some Fiona or some Maya stuff who knows
I really want to write this bc I really want to write Ahra’s story so it’ll probably end up coming around at some point but I realise it might not be the most interesting to y’all when it’s mostly ocs so yeah
Feliks had been more than lenient with Ahra. He’d been the only person who ever gave her a real job - playing her violin in the reception of the White Rose - and when things had predictably gone haywire he’d been good enough to only turn her away, not Evan too. Ahra hadn’t much cared for the job, she loved her violin but she did not enjoy watching the Rose’s clients come and go and she certainly hadn’t cared for having her skin paled and her hair Tailored white for such purposes, but it was easy money and enough to keep them ticking over as all of Evan’s funds petered away on overpriced little medicine bottles. She studied the thin stack of kruge in her hand, thinking of Kaz standing opposite her in the alley by the Slat.
“I don’t need your charity, Brekker,”
“And far be it from me to offer you any,”
Not charity, but she didn’t doubt Dirtyhands had his own purposes in paying her for a job she failed to finish. Still, cash was cash. And medicine was medicine. She tucked it back into her breast pocket and tapped it lightly, slipping round the corner and pulling a bone light from her jacket.
What Evan didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.
This was an idea I had a looooong time ago and I shared a little snippet scene on here, but then I started writing Daughter of the Rain and Snow and never looked back. I really want to write this one I think it could be pretty cool, it would be relatively short set in between Crooked Kingdom and King of Scars and take place in Ravka; based on a headcanon I have about Nina learning how to use her new power and as a result of it experiencing hallucinations of Matthias being with her that she is fully convinced are real. Following Nina, Zoya, and Genya as they try to navigate this and worry that they shouldn’t let Nina got to Fjerda in this state.
“What time is it?” she mumbled into the cushions.
“A little after seven bells,”
“Saints, how disgusting,”
Nina sighed, in a mixture of content and tiredness. The luxury of the Little Palace was a mostly welcome change from crawling in next to Matthias in the tomb at Black Veil - or even of the hotel room at the Geldrenner. They’d shared a sofa, so close to each other; limbs entangled, chest against her back so she could feel his heart beating. A steady rhythm, no matter what he was feeling. The big bed here was more comfortable, but the closeness felt like an aching absence, as though the few feet between them spanned for miles. She reached out behind her and found something soft that she decided was his arm.
“Come closer,” she whispered, and she imagined the way he’d smile.
He would press her fingers to his lips and she would roll over to face him. She’d reach out and touch his cheek, and he would catch her hands in his.
“Little Red Bird,” he would say, just before his lips met hers
The sunlight would be warm and soft on their skin as they moved closer, as she felt his heart beating beneath her fingers.
But he hadn’t moved. He hadn’t come closer, or kissed her fingers, or brushed his lips against hers. He had not gently pushed her hand down towards his wrist so their fingers could intertwine.
Nina made the mistake of rolling over, and began to scream.
There’s a line in Crooked Kingdom where Jesper says if Van Eck really couldn’t cope with Wylan not being able to read he could have told people he was blind, the point being that still would’ve been wrong but that everything he’d resorted to was unnecessary and Wylan shouldn’t feel like it was his fault. So this would be an au where Van Eck did exactly that and Wesper attend Ketterdam university together; Wylan grapples with his father being the worst and falling for Jesper as he fears telling him the truth, Jesper grapples with addiction and wanting to stay at university partly for the sake of falling for Wylan.
Jesper leaned in, pushing one of Wylan’s curls back off his face.
“It’s pity you can’t see how beautiful your eyes are,”
Wylan blushed, letting Jesper run his hand over his cheek and tilt his face up towards his own. Jesper leaned forward but then Wylan squirmed, just slightly, and Jesper tensed as he pulled his hand away.
“And me, of course,” he added, letting his voice take on a teasing lilt to brush past the moment, “It’s a shame you don’t know how gorgeous I am,”
Wylan almost smiled, but he had stepped away.
“I- erm,” he brushed his fingers through the lock of hair Jesper had moved and cleared his throat, “Excuse me,”
And then he was gone.
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sunliights · 1 year
open to anyone. test muse: park ahra. 23 years old. bisexual. she/her. actress. plot: here
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stopping by their dressing room was a bad idea yet ahra lingered at the door, half in the room and half out of it. "is this a bad time? i wanted to... talk?"
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OC Info Meme: Tehanu
Tagged by: @mocha-writes, I'm so late but thank you <3
Tagging: @darkspawntaxcollectors, @echigo825, @whattimewriter,@impossible-rat-babies, @radicalhoodie​ & whoever else wants to do it, because I'm really bad at tagging - also, as usual, no obligations!
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B A S I C S :
Full Name: Tehanu
Gender: cis male
Sexuality: gay
Pronouns: he/him
O T H E R :
Family: unnamed (father) | Ahra (mother, deceased) | unnamed (half brother) | Tiki (half sister)
Birthplace: Deadfire Archipelago
Job(s): mercenary
Phobias: water, drowning in particular
Guilty Pleasures: spiced wine/beer
Hobbies: training, doing weapons manteinance, running, if he's really bored he can be persuaded to play cards. from time to time he may skim through a book, even if it's just to flip the pages and look at the illustrations - he doesn't read too well
M O R A L S:
Moral alignment: neutral good
Sins: lust / greed / envy / gluttony / pride / wrath / sloth
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T :
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless (though he keeps a calm and stoic facade)
disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible (but works better as a follower, he doesn't like the pressure of being a leader)
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in-between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S :
OTP: Tehanu/Kana
Acceptable ships: Tehanu/Pallegina, if it's kept platonic (because they're both gay <3)
OT3: none
BROTP: Tehanu & Pallegina, Tehanu & Edér, Tehanu & Maneha
NOTP: anything het
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      Hello, I’ve done a few drafts over the course of the few days. My goal is to do sixty more before I take a break and work on some bio pages but for now I have a few queued and here are some that I have answered. Please note that you are not obligated to respond to any of them. You can just drop it if you would like. Goodnight. I love you. Stay wonderful. ~local smol bean, MC
Recent Answered Asks: 0
Recent Made Starters: 6
The Silent Noise Interaction I | Jacinto & Sam - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 10, 2020 ) 
Reference to The Silent Noise Interaction I - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 10, 2020 ) 
The Musical Wanderess Interaction I | Charmaine & Jason - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 9, 2020 ) 
Reference to The Musical Wanderess Interaction I - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 9, 2020 )
The Model Queen Interaction I | Jiwoo & Zane - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 9, 2020 )
Reference to The Model Queen Interaction I - Post Source [ X ] ( Posted: October 9, 2020 )
The Broken Glass Interaction I | Eunwoo & Momo - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 10, 2020 )
Reference to The Broken Glass Interaction I - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 10, 2020 ) 
The Bad Money Interaction I | Nicholas & Cashmere - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 9, 2020 )
Reference to The Bad Money Interaction I - Post Source [ X ] ( Posted: October 9, 2020 )
The Lonely Heart Interaction I | Junsun & Namjoon - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered October 7, 2020 )
Reference to Lonely Heart Interaction I - Post Source [ X ] ( Posted October 7, 2020 )
Recent Answered Drafts: 10
Ahra & Aria I - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 9, 2020 ) 
Geryon & Drew I - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 7, 2020 )
Come Back to Bed | Geryon & Drew - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 8, 2020 )
Fun in the Bath | Geryon & Drew - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 8, 2020 ) 
Turn Me On | Geryon & Drew - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 9, 2020 )
Drunk Texts | Geryon & Drew - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 9, 2020 ) 
Eunwoo & Momo I - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 7, 2020 )
Eunwoo & Momo II - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 7, 2020 ) 
Eunwoo & Momo III - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 10, 2020 ) 
Lukiana & Hyuk I - Post Source [ X ] ( Answered: October 8, 2020 ) 
Asks/Starters Remaining: 11 || Drafts Remaining: 127 || Queue: 0
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loverjohnny · 5 years
TAKE ME HOME (Johnny Suh x OC x Qian Kun Fic)
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TITLE: Take Me Home (Uni!AU)
GENRE: Fluff x Angst x Smut
PAIRING: Johnny x Chihye (OC) x Kun
WARNINGS: Mentions of illness, adult themes, swearing/cussing [chapters with smut shall be marked with an (M)] 
SUMMARY: Johnny and Chihye were high school sweethearts who fell apart after Chihye mysteriously moved away without telling anyone, not even the love of her life. Two years later, they cross paths once again. Are they still meant for each other? Or is Chihye better off with a fresh romance and a hopeful future with Kun?
A/N: Just like I said on my first post, I’m new to this whole gig of writing fics. If there are any errors you’d like to point out and clarify, please let me know. :) I hope you enjoy! Leave me some feedback. <3 
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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With his hair still dripping wet and a towel around his waist, Johnny emerged from his bathroom as he hurriedly searched for his phone, which rang with 10-minute intervals, in his chaotic mess of a room.
“Fucking hell! Where is that goddamn phone?” he said as he scrambled through his dark bed sheets, fresh from the sins of the night before.
Behind him, a young woman clothed only in his university shirt held the sleek device in her hand, “Looking for this?”  
“Thanks,” Johnny said as he was putting his dark jeans on. He then took the phone from her, and placed it right in his back pocket. “Listen, Belle. I was thinki⁠—“
“It’s Mel,” she corrected him.
“Sorry, Mel. So listen, I gotta go get to class. It’s my first day back and I’m obviously about to be late,” he picked up his notebooks on the bedside table and stuffed them into his backpack.
Hugging him from the back, Mel replied with a seductive grin, “No worries, babe, it’s all good. Maybe I can get to see you after then?”
For Johnny, it has” been a routine to sleep with girls that he had no plans of committing to. After all, that’s all he really needed—a quick fuck. His soft, dark hair and light brown eyes were only a bonus to his charming and alluring personality. On top of all that, he was intellectual and had a say on everything ranging from politics to philosophy to music. It’s no wonder the girls would swoon over him. Even if they knew him for his reputation, they were all romanced by the idea that they could change him for the better.
But deep down, Johnny knew he would never change.
He knew that he would never settle down, not until she came back.
He knew that he wouldn’t come home to anyone, not unless she came home.
Not even to him, just home. Johnny just wanted her home. Johnny just wanted to know that she was okay and that she was still her. But ever since she left him without warning two years ago, things were never the same for Johnny.
Johnny turned around to face Mel, “Uh, I can’t really do later.”
“Maybe tomorrow?”
He removed her hands, which were now around his neck and answered, “Well… maybe not ever. I’m sorry. I’m just… it’s school again and—“
Before he could even finish talking, Mel removed his shirt that she was wearing and threw it right into Johnny’s chest. She quickly changed into the dress she had worn from yesterday and headed straight to the door
“Mel, I’m sorry. You know, I just don’t think I can handle a relationship while—”
Right as she was about to leave, she turned back to Johnny, “You know what, forget it. They were all right when they said I couldn’t trust you. I thought I could change you but you’re just as sick as they say!” She slammed the door.
Johnny stood in his apartment unbothered. It wasn’t unusual for him to hear that very same dialogue as he had done so a lot of times before. Letting out a big sigh of relief that she had finally left, he picked up the t-shirt on the floor, got his bag and walked towards the door.
Riiing riiing riiing!
“I thought I turned this damn thing off,” Johnny whispered to himself. Annoyed by the nth alarm that went off that morning, he reached for his phone from his pocket to turn it off. But as soon as he saw the notification that lit up his screen, his irritation from the moment before had instantly turned into a mood of melancholy.
4th year Anniversary with Jung Chihye today
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To anyone who has been a victim of timing, whether it was good or bad, one would definitely understand how significant the precision of fleeting seconds are and how they can change everything.  On the morning of Johnny’s first day back in college, the hands of the clock worked in his favor. Two minutes before the bell rang, Johnny was able to find his way into his seat beside his good friend, Doyoung.
“God, Johnny. I don’t know how you’re able to fuck around and still do well in school,” Doyoung said to Johnny as he rolled his eyes.
“Is there anything I can’t do?” Johnny jokingly replied.
“Keep a girl and actually want her?”
“Ha ha. You are very funny Mr. President. So is there anyone we know in class today?”
Johnny scanned the room and looked around before he suddenly froze. At the far end, across the rows of tables, he saw one particular face—one that was all too familiar for him—his ex girl friend Chihye.
He must’ve lost all the blood in his face when he saw her. She was there, she was actually standing just feet away from him. He wanted to run to her, he wanted to call her name, but he couldn’t. Mouth opened and completely disoriented, Johnny sat in his chair staring at her until she hurriedly ran out the room.
Johnny snapped back to reality when Doyoung waved his hand right in front of his face, “Uhh hello? Johnny? I was talking to you? I won’t be here to conduct interviews for our org applicants next month so you’re going to have to take over.”
“Ah, uh, right. Yeah. Wait, hold on. I think I just—“
“Did you see the ‘Ghost of Christmas Past’ or something? You just blanked out, Johnny,”
“No, it was not a ghost nor was it Christmas. But definitely my past,” he replied. “Oh, so it’s some girl you bailed on before. You’re lucky she didn’t come to punch your guts,” Doyoung said mocking Johnny, “Why don’t you go follow her? She probably didn’t see you. If she does, then she’ll want to punch you for sure.”
“You know what, I will. Tell the professor I had a bad stomach ache or something, will you?”
Faster than lightning, Johnny came back to his senses and followed Chihye out. However, he didn’t expect to see the volume of the crowd that filled the wide corridors. He frantically searched from left to right, but to no avail. Desperate to find his ex girl friend for answers, he ran as fast as he could across the multitude of students only to bump into another familiar face.
“Jung Jaehyun,” he said answered as he pulled him into a hug.
Jaehyun was just as stunned to see him, “Johnny, I can’t believe it. You’re studying here, too? Out of all the people, I didn’t expect to run into you.”
“Jaehyun, you’re here. Where have you guys been? I mean, how’s your family? Your mom, your dad, your grandparents, your—“
“My twin sister?”
“Your sister… is she with you?”
“She is, Johnny. Look, why don’t you guys stop by the house tonight. Bring Mark and Ahra, too, if you still keep in touch with them. We’ll explain everything about, you know, why we left…”
“Alright, Jaehyun. I’d like that. I’ll see you then,”
“She’ll be there. I promise,” replied Jaehyun.
That morning, Johnny felt like time was working well for him—like he had full control of it. But if only he truly could, he would press the fast forward button to that night, to the minute he was going to be with her again.  
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undyingembers · 4 years
Rules: Post 4 songs that describe your OC!
I’ve been tagged by @aban-ataashi! Thanks for the tag! I’ll tag @emjs-good-out-here, @queen-scribbles, @risualto, and @astrocassette
Eva Waters
Daughters of Darkness - Halestorm
Tom Sawyer - Rush
Sitra Ahra - Therion
Devil’s Calling - Parkway Drive
Welcome Home - Adrian von Ziegler
Broadsword - Jethro Tull
Where I Belong - Adrian von Ziegler
Celestial - Adrian von Ziegler
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