#oc cheshire
aberration-abbey · 2 years
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Lost and Found
Pairing: Bridget Hearts x fem!reader
Genre: mostly fluff, mention of bully
note: OC name Cherise aka daughter of Cheshire Cat
Summary: Bridget finds herself lost in the woods after the vks were chasing her.
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"Come out Bridget" Uliana called sweetly. "We were just having a little fun right" she said followed by a cackling laugh along with her followers; Harry and Morgie as they continue looking for the princess who's hiding somewhere.
They were at it again, bullying poor Bridget when all she wanted was to be friends. And like always, in exchange for her kindness, she gets tormented by the vks but that still doesn't stop her from befriending them and it seems like she won't stop until she does but for now she must hide.
Bridget then notice they were getting closer on her hiding place and the only escape is the window with no other hiding place unless she makes a run for it through the forest.
With no other choice, she opened the window and bolted towards the woods. Just as she hide behind the safety of the trees she saw the vks passed her previous hiding place before looking somewhere else to find her.
Knowing she wasn't safe yet, Bridget decided to walk further into the forest just to let the vks cool down and eventually forget about her. 
"They won't look for me in the forest right?" She said to herslef.
But as time passed, little did she notice how unfamiliar her surroundings has started to be. She doesn't know where she is, everything looks the same and it's no help that the sun was nearing to set.
"Oh where am I?" Bridget asked herself, looking left and right.
At first she didn't thought too much of it since she can still see the academy but she went a further into the forest and now she's lost. And now, the sun is almost setting and she's not one that enjoys the dark. There were all sorts of path leading to who knows where. In wonderland there may be signs that don't make sense but she's quite familiar with but the woods here don't have any.
Just when she thought all hope is lost, the princess heard something, just far from a distance where she stands. She heard someone . . . humming? This deep in the forest? Well she's not really in the place to judge since she herself is in the forest. But unlike her, she's already panicking as the sky began to darken and yet this person is humming like they haven't had a care in the world.
Bridget followed the soft sound until she finds herself to a large tree and within its branches was a girl, lying with its . . . tail? swinging back and fort.
It was a girl but with a fluffy tail and cat-like ears on top of its soft blue hair. The girl was just humming a soft tune as if lulling herself to sleep. But what really intrigued her was the colour of its fur. It's familiar with its soft colour pattern of soft blue with pink strips. An unlikely colour for normal cats here but quite normal in wonderland to one particular person she knows.
And then it hit her.
"Cherise?" Bridget called out to the cat on the tree.
"Hmmm" the cat-like-girl responded, not even bothered to open her eyes. But she's already of her presence.
Cherise Cat, unlike her father, Cheshire Cat —who likes to prank unsuspecting people in his woods—she likes to relax in her tree and away from people that would bother her. But she still entertains anyone who crosses her path. Especially this little prissy pink Princess of Hearts.
"Oh thank goodness you're here." Bridget let out a sigh of relief as she approaches the girl and her tree.
Cherise open one of her eyes now fully awake from her nap. She stretches her limbs before facing the princess.
"My, my, what curious steps have led you here? Were you searching for something, or did something find you? But then, does it matter which came first"
Cherise was always one that speaks in such riddle manner which to anyone else might find quite annoying but Bridget like it whenever the two would hold their rare conversation.
"I'm kinda lost and I was hoping yo—" Bridget admitted.
"One is never truly lost if they're heading somewhere, even if that somewhere is just beyond reach. But tell me, are you truly lost, or do you merely wish to see what's just out of sight?"
"Well . . . ” Bridget look down on we fiddling fingers as she recalls the events why she was lead to the forest.
"I was just out going for a little walk but then I got confuse where the path I came from since—" before she could continue Cherise suddenly appeared before her, just a few feet close, her grin still in full display. To others it would frighten them instantly but Bridget was quite use to it and honestly find it comforting.
"You don't have to lie to me princess but I wouldn't force you to tell me either" the cat-like girl said as she levitates off the ground and above Bridget's head. It wasn't that she wasn't interested but she could see how uncomfortable the princess was in sharing so she let it be. "You'd need only to follow me" Cherise said before she starts to floats along a path.
The princess smiled grateful for not pushing her to open up and followed quickly.
Along the walk you Cherise wasn't even flying that fast but Bridget was falling behind. She looks back to the girl below and notice the faint limping movements on the girl's left foot.
The cat tilted her head before vanishing into thin air.
"Cherise!" Bridget called out, panic arise again when she saw the cat disappear. She was about to run but stop when she felt soft hand on her leg, she looks down and find the grinning cat inspecting her leg closely.
"Well that won't do" Cherise said before conjuring a bandage and gently wrap the swollen foot.
The gesture and how gentle Cherise was being made the princess blush but let the cat-like girl do as she please.
When the cat was done she disappeared again and reappear right in front of her with her hands stretch out. "This is as far as you go" she said. As much as she likes Bridget's company, she wont let her limp all the way back to school.
The statement made Bridget confuse since it seems like they're still deep inside the forest. But nevertheless she took the cat's hand. Cherise's hand was soft and warm but before she could further speculate the touch.
Cherise then pulled the princess close then twirl her around, evaporating both her and the princess. Bridget was shock from the motion but then when she compose herself, she realized that they were back at the school and in front of her dorm room.
The cheshire cat had teleport them back to the school in just a second.
"What the . . . " she turns to face the girl who was now floating just above her, with her famous cheshire grin still on her face.
Bridget notice that Cherise was slowly disappearing again but before she could, the princess suddenly blurted. "Thank you" as she gave her a smile of her own.
Cherise grins widen, she reach to the princess' hand and left a light kiss before her body disappear, leaving Bridget alone to rest. "Until the next time princess" the cat's voice fades along with her presence leaving only her smile before it completely disappear. 
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peaceandlove26 · 2 years
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a bunch of robots who work at a fairytale-themed restaurant or theme park or something. whats fnaf
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nobodys-soldier · 11 days
Amelie's door opens at Elias' flat and fae steps in, looking much more like a dazed fractal nightmare than person.
Elias just starts up the kettle.
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cursed-iris · 4 months
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"and i can't stand a mess. you know me, neat and orderly. that's how i like things. everything in its proper place."
charlie o'hare/hatter my beloved. ❤ y'all gotta get into habromania fr fr. all the lore and character design can be found on insta @/symphony_sonata.
bonus doodle of charlie trying to kiss the queen w̶h̶i̶l̶e̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶e̶m̶p̶l̶a̶t̶e̶s̶ ̶c̶h̶o̶p̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶ below the cut
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klaus-littlestwolf · 2 months
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Klaus takes a tumble down a Rabbit hole and finds himself in a strange world he could never have imagined.
How will he deal with surviving in this new world? And what will he do when he finds that his Mate not only lives here, but is not a normal human girl at all?
Can Klaus adjust to this place, And can he embrace his mates differences? Maybe it won’t be so hard…considering he quickly finds himself enjoying the soft tail that she now has wrapped around his neck.
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Where are we Alice?
Meeting his Mate
Tea Party
Frabjous Day
Through the Looking Glass
Back to Underland
Time’s Up
Happily Ever After is so Cliché
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
Klaus’ Trip to Wonderland Moodboard
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at4zxx · 29 days
Cheshire Cats daughter!
Cherie Cheshire
age: 16 years
red and cherie friendship!
(pre-descendants rise of red)
was this requested? (no)
do I need requests? (VERY MUCH
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Cherie was basically the kingdoms jester, well one of them at least. And since her father was hated by the Queen of Hearts herself. She tend to develop a close friendship with her own daughter Red.
Showing up uninvited was your favourite thing after all. But after a while, Red knew your every move when you appeared.
Just as you were about to scare her from behind, she turned.
“Look what the cat dragged in? The runt of the litter.” Red spoke formally, but her tone of voice still in a playful state.
Cherie laughs her tail wrapping around her leg as a sign of comfort.
“Ouch- almost made me care.” she responds, picking up a biscuit from her outside table; until Red snatches it out of your hand.
“nuh -uh. Not for you kitty, only for royal blood I’m afraid.”
Her smile even got bigger as she nods.
“aw, turning into your mother I see.” You teased, knowing that probably hit a nerve.
“of course you bring that up.” She scoffs.
“Speaking of my mom, get out before she sees you and orders the guards to hunt you and your father down.”
You didn’t even flinch, your smile was the only thing that made her annoyed, and you used it to an advantage.
“She’s still angry about what happened at her courthouse last month?”
“Angry? She’s mad! Furious, enraged even!”
Last month both Cherie and her father decided to prank the Queen by not just showing up uninvited to her courtroom but also using the guillotine as a toy. Which enraged her to the point you and your father were hunted down and wanted for harassment. Still being hunted down too this day by the palace guards.
“Oh honey, we’re all mad in a place like this, it’s wonderland after all.”
creator note: HEYYYYYY THIS TOOK LONGER THAN I THOUGHT- feel free to DM me requests on fics or bots! Or even a character I should do.
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nonsensemanna · 26 days
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Notes on Cheshire. Her tail is another entity called Circinus! He eats junk in the cosmos and gets cranky when hungry. Most of the time they get along.
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theyoshimister · 17 days
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everafterwhat · 2 years
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More redesigns!! Honestly loved working on these so much, I hope y’all like them💗
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aberration-abbey · 11 months
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been a hot minute since I posted art of these queerplatonic reptiles. i swear i keep trying to draw them but i just...haven't managed to finish any of it :')
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asfodeltide · 1 year
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ibblescribbles · 6 months
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an oc i designed (outdated). you'll never guess what he's based off of
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nobodys-soldier · 8 days
It's barely 6am when Elias hears noises coming from his kitchen,as if someone was opening and slamming the cupboards.
Elias drags himself out of bed, grumbling. He likes to sleep in til nine. Not the best for work hours, but eight is also an acceptable hour. Not six, though.
He grabs a machete off his bedside table and makes his way to the kitchen, automatically heading for the kettle first. Nobody visits but Amelie, and fae would just bother him at six in the morning.
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starrysharks · 1 year
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cheshire cat
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sapphanimates · 11 months
huh, I wonder who this strange entity is.
probably nothing to worry about.
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