#oc jude therna
twilightprince101 · 6 years
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I drew a meme that I probably shouldn’t have stayed up past midnight to work on You can blame @elceetheporcupine for this
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cartoonloverstuff · 7 years
Sing Week: Day 5
It’s OC day!
(Quick apologies for not posting anything swap day but I literally had nothing…)
Anyways, I don’t have an OC for Sing that I’m all that attached to. So I’m just gonna borrow @twilightprince101 ’s OC here for a bit. (I got permission first! 😁) All credit for coming up with Jude Therna goes to twilightprinces101 and this OC is in the ongoing series “Some Moral Support,” which can be found on their blog.
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Here’s my attempts at drawing them! I also threw Meena in a few since they are often together in the story and Jude is a close friend to Meena.
P.s. The last doodle was me trying to figure out if I could draw Meena kissing anyone. I figured it’d be hard with her trunk and all. Turns out, it even harder than I could have imaged!
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twilightprince101 · 7 years
Sing Week 2017 Day 3: AUs
For those who have been following my blog for a while, you already KNOW what I’m doing for this day! An AU of my very own: the “Moral Support” AU!
For this alternate universe, Meena has a childhood friend that supports her throughout the competition. Her friend is a yellow and black spotted jaguar, Jude Therna!
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(Picture drawn by @purplesce. Not showing my drawing because my art is terrible)
Jude is a timid yet headstrong and supportive to her friends, and cares more about the animals around them than themself. Meena and Jude have been friends since they were babies because their parents were friends with each other and talked often. They were set up for play dates often and became fast friends! Throughout elementary school, they were inseparable. If you saw one of them, the other was close behind.
But one day in 4th grade, something changed. Nobody knows exactly what caused it or why it happened, but Jude suddenly became overly protective of Meena. This became apparent when three sixth graders stole Meena’s lunch, and Jude sent them to the emergency room. I worked together with @stevetwisp for the @singminibang project, so if you want to witness the event for yourself click here! Here’s the picture that Steve drew too!
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After that day, the two became more and more distant. Jude was suspended for a while and Meena’s parents refused to let the two close to each other, but came back in Middle School to try and patch things up. They tried, but still grew farther apart from each other to the point where they barely talked with each other once throughout High School outside of the occasional job run in.
But one day, Jude comes knocking at the door of Meena’s house with the flyer for the singing competition, eager to help her out for winning the competition, acting like nothing ever happened since elementary school. With both the pressure from her family and the lingering mystery of her old friend egging her on, she accepts, letting Jude support her throughout the competition. And so the events of the movie begin, with Jude trying their best to help out Meena in the competition and Meena’s journey to overcome her fear and learn the truth of her friend’s past.
I’m currently writing a story based around this AU, but it’s on hiatus right now since I’m trying to finish up one of my other stories that I’m writing. But once it’s finished I’ll put my full attention back onto it and deliver an amazing story for you all! (Here is the link to the story if you want to read the story so far).
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twilightprince101 · 7 years
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((I got a sketchbook for Christmas, and this is my first addition!)) Ever since high school, Jude would always climb to the roof and stare at the stars whenever they couldn’t fall asleep. They always saw the stars as comforting, and would often times try to make out the patterns in the sky. Jude now knows the placement and makeup of each constellation.
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twilightprince101 · 7 years
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Some peeps in the Sing Discord helped me figure out a ship name for Jude and Meena! I will now tag all Jude X Meena content as “Elespots”
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twilightprince101 · 7 years
Sing Week 2017 Day 5: OC
Since I already explained my AU and Jude for day 3, I decided to do a drawing for today!
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This is the most iconic moment in the story (so far), when Jude loses control and threatens Mike during auditions for shooing Meena off of the stage.
(To be honest Mike got what he deserved right then)
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twilightprince101 · 3 years
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man this
this really wasn't the first time huh
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twilightprince101 · 6 years
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⬆️⬆️⬆️THIS CAT⬆️⬆️⬆️
And there is
You can do about it
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twilightprince101 · 7 years
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Losing innocence is the worst possible outcome for a child
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