#sing movie 2016 meena
mismess · 9 months
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I had a dream I was Buster Moon and I was driving around in heavy heavy snow. It was going poorly. Anyway He Can't Drive
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globoxuuu · 7 months
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After a long time and some day really sick i finally finish this drawing i hope yall will like it @countryrebel1995 I loved your idea and i hope you like my drawing
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lemonisntreal · 10 months
Some sketches because it's been months since I drew these idiots oops☝️🥰
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HI THERE. It's been a minute, sorry about that lol. I took a tiny out-of-nowhere and sorta involuntary break from the fandom because I lost interest for a second, but I'm slowlyyyy making my way back. With art, and some news about Tone Deaf for the people who are still wondering about that.
Also I see there's some asks in my box, I'll get to that eventually, I see you ;-; dw
As stated, I momentarily lost a bit of interest with this movie- partially because I've recently been ensnared in a new fixation that will not be named right now, but yeah. I'm digging my heels in rn, because the last thing I wanna do is abandon this project. But, also, I've clearly bitten off more than I can chew with this being a comic lmao. In over my head and going through all 5 stages of grief and currently on acceptance.
The story got bigger. Like, a LOT bigger. Too big to capture every thought in a drawing and panel it and put it out as a perfectly polished comic without seriously burning myself out. It really doesn't help that my art style evolves by the second too apparently, so I've reached a middle-ground:
Tone Deaf is going to be a fic with some comic-like segments in it. An illustrated fanfic bc I still love showing and not telling a little too much.
This'll help me not only get stuff out faster, but also to help me fill in the gaps I didn't know how to draw with just text. So I can focus on just drawing the juicy shit. This also means it'll all be collected over on Ao3 in a neat little package, and I honestly prefer that over having a bunch of posts of pages that might be hard to find. So yeah, that's the plan.
Another bonus is that the frames can now be a lot more polished and nice looking [in glorious color] rather than hastily mashed together due to my bad habit of going overboard on singular frames without realizing it.
Tldr; Tone Deaf is technically still gonna be a comic, it's just now gonna be supplemented with word-based fic mixed in because I made the project way too fucking big [the first Act has like 20 chapters I'm going to literally die]. Also it's gonna be on Ao3 and I'll probably be posting all the art here alongside any updates I make so huzzah! Help me :>
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itneedsmoregays · 4 months
Sing cast LGBT headcanons
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Buster Moon is gay (he/him).
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Eddie Noodleman is gay and asexual (he/they).
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Johnny is gay (he/him).
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Rosita is a straight ally (she/her).
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Ash is bisexual (she/her).
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Steff is pansexual and demiromantic (she/her).
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Meena is pansexual (she/they).
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Gunter is omnisexual (he/they).
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Miss Crawly is a straight ally (she/her).
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Nana Noodleman is bisexual (she/her).
Sing 2 characters are next!
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stinkyhyena9000 · 2 years
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Was so excited, I made a little gifboard thingy. Enjoy!!!
(Also yes I know Jimmy is here twice. It's for anyone who wants a more zoomed in gif as opposed to zoomed out and vice versa ^-^)
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countryrebel1995 · 1 year
I didn't want to have to make this post, I've seen enough shipping drama on Tumblr over the years that I usually steer clear of it, but there’s been so much Nooshy bashing in the tags lately that I feel compelled to weigh in on it.
Why do people like Nooshy? Well, to put it simply, even though she’s never the center of attention in "Sing 2", Nooshy manages to be a girl with layers, and there's a lot to appreciate about her. When we're first introduced to her, she's a street performer so she can make the money that she needs to survive, but she’s also genuinely passionate about her craft - she loves to dance - and she enjoys getting a chance to share that passion with someone else whenever they come along.
While she can be snarky and prickly and slow to trust strangers, she’s also very nice once you get to know her. After a young turtle kid almost screws up her performance, she's still very playful and accommodating towards him. When she’s brought backstage to the Crystal theater, she compliments some dude's hat just to make him feel good about himself. While she initially agrees to help Johnny because he offers to pay her, she starts to stick up for him and genuinely support him, because the way Klaus treats him isn't right. She decides to help the Moon Theater troupe put on their big show, even though she's only known these people for about a week and their plan will surely be very dangerous, because the way Jimmy Crystal treats them isn't right either and she wants to help them stick it to the man. After Johnny tells her that he and his family used to be a gang of notorious criminals, Nooshy never judges them for their shady past, and is actually quite happy to see how close he and his father are now (especially since it's implied that she might not even have parents herself). And during "A Sky Full Of Stars", she encourages Johnny to never give up and follow his heart, because he's her friend and she wants to see him succeed.
Nooshy is snarky and mischievous, but underneath it all, she's actually a very kind girl, and very loyal towards the people who earn her respect. And by the end of "Sing 2", she gets her happy ending when she not only gets a new paying career doing what she loves, but also finds a place where she belongs among the Moon Theater troupe.
The reason why I just went off on that rather long tangent, dissecting her character, is to drive home the point that Nooshy has done nothing in the canon films to warrant the way people talk about her sometimes.
I've seen people insult everything about her and her fans for shipping reasons, because they see her as a threat to their preferred ships (even though she and Johnny are not even canonically a couple by the end of "Sing 2"). And there's a real double standard when it comes to this too, because no other character who's been shipped with Johnny over the years gets this kind of treatment. Meena doesn't, Ash doesn't, Ryan doesn't (even though the claim that Nooshy haters sometimes make - that people only like her as one half of a ship - could just as easily be said about him).
And this is really nothing new. Characters getting trash-talked over shipping wars is a tale as old as time when it comes to fandoms, and people are entitled to their opinions. The reason why I made this post is because lately, the Nooshy bashing is starting to cross a line.
Over the last few months, I've been seeing a growing number of comments complaining about people including Nooshy in their fanart. I've also been seeing a growing number of posts outright insulting people who like Nooshy or like to ship her with Johnny, saying that they're stupid and shallow and should just go away because they’re a blight on the fandom.
How about no.
In a fandom, people are allowed to like whatever character they like, or ship whatever couple they like, so long as they're not hurting anyone. If you hate Nooshy so much that you can't stand seeing any fanart of her or fanfics of her, because you don't want to be reminded that she exists, then I'm sorry but you're either just going to have to deal with that or stop engaging with the parts of the fandom where people want to appreciate her. Because quite frankly, your hatred for this character is no one else’s problem except your own and people are not going to stop liking her just for your benefit.
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hungeehungeehoggo · 1 year
A fun idea i had for a Sing tv series
So i came up with an idea a bit ago for a potential Sing tv series. What if Sing had like a mockumentary style tv series, kinda like The Office or Parks and Recreation? What do you think it would be like? What weird/funny/chaotic scenarios can you see the characters getting into?
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hoperays-song · 1 year
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ilonacho · 2 years
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Big Daddy!
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mismess · 10 months
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Deep breaths, and remember what I told you
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globoxuuu · 7 months
I was busy so i only drew this today
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But i wanted to share this little thing i did days ago
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I don’t know who will read this but i just want to know what kind of drawing ya’ll like.
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norosesnolife · 2 months
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| Sing posting? In 2024?! What?!
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itneedsmoregays · 11 months
Eddie: Alright, lighting's ready to go, Buster!
Buster: Nice one, Eddie! Love you!
Johnny: Hang on a minute... are you two dating?
Buster: Hmm? Oh, yeah, we are.
Rosita: What?!
Gunter: Wow, zat's cool!
Meena: Oh my gosh, that's great, you guys!
Steff: I'm happy for you two, but when the heck did this happen?
Eddie: Three months ago, just after the theatre reopened.
Ash: And you didn't tell us before now?
Buster: (shrugs) You didn't ask.
Ash: Oh, of course, that's how it works. We have to ask you about every single thing that might have happened just in case it did.
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thetheaterfam · 3 months
hello everybody 😊
so I'm really bored so I'm going to let you guys diced on what I write about
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i love them all here.
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WHY ILLUMINATION SHOULD Turn The Sing movies into a series (episodes) or a graphic novel series
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(Sorry if it's to long I just need to write what I think)
I love the sing movies as much as the next person, its probably one of illuminations best franchises. As much as I lobe the movies and the main characters, I wish they would explain their backstories before meeting buster, And with the third one in development, I'm hoping they do just that. But what if they don't. Well that's what I keep asking myself, how they could show the audience the characters stories or their lives, after and before. Well I've come up with an idea on that. I have 2 possibilities a series (episodes) or a graphic novel series.
Here let me explain what they could do and why.
A series (episodes):
If the writers don't have time to make movies for sing, they can(could) make a series to show what the characters are doing and their development or introduce new characters in the story. And also talk about their life and things that have happened during the movies. It could also have side stories or parts 1 or 2 episodes to see what each character and storyline is doing, and also help character traits be developed in a character, see what their relationship with each other is like, and even help bring in new songs to the show and have each character show their skills. And most importantly answer questions each movie leaves about, and explain things that happened before.
Graphic novels:
We can learn about the characters and their backstories and new characters that might not be mentioned in the movies (or series) And they can address serious topics like death of a loved one more seriously and it can mainly focus on one character and their past and how it happened. And most importantly it would save illumination a lot of time and keep people from asking or waiting for something to happen. And if the characters have a dark backstory, and the people at home don't have to complain that anything risky is put it on theaters or TV and get complaints about it on what their viewers are watching. And ok it's not like animation studios haven't done anything like that. I mean look at Disney & pixar, they've done things parents might not agree with, or things that might scare kids, or done things that people should discuss or things that shouldn't be hard to tell kids and DreamWorks has been doing those things for years it wouldn't surprise me if Illumination did that to. Not that I have a problem with it, I'm glad that animation movie studios are having characters be or talk about things that make them feel real, like family drama, discrimination, Sexuality, mental health, depression, trauma, etc. And like most animation Companies who have not recently but not too long ago have Done these things to give "life" and personality to the characters, but because of the backlash and criticism that that many entertainment studios have gotten, (like Disney and pixar) studios have taken less risks and been struggling with either doing what critic's want and certain audiences want, or doing risks and doing what another certain audience wants or the other way, and if Illumination is worried about taking a risk of any of those things I mentioned, and are afraid that a franchise will be be ruined or canceled because of it, they should make a graphic novel series to explain things or to continue it. There are so many things I would like to say about entertainment studios and criticism and backlash they could get, or the unfair criticism their movies can get, but I'll save that for another post.
Anyway That's my opinion, but what's yours? Answer in the poll and if you have your reasons or opinions comment on what you think, If you don't let my opinion that's okay.
And when the votes have been done, I'll explain more about it.
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