#oc nattering
fierceawakening · 2 years
littjara-compleated-sage @fierceawakening I AM SO GLAD U LOVE MY BOY LIKE I DO
your boy is lovely, from that bio. he thinks for himself but in a way that still feels Phyrexian and doesn't require despising himself
my approval of this, let me show you it
(also he is very pretty)
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popfizzles · 6 months
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I decided to reopen my commissions, but wanted to start slowly with just offering chibis!! Here are the guys I drew for examples ♡ ♥
[If you're interested, you can check out my info here!]
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smaller-comfort · 3 days
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Seat of the pants, almost exclusively. I don't usually know how something is going to end until I get there. I was so indecisive about how I wanted that scene in Save Scumming to play out that I turned the whole story into a timeloop narrative. (The whole thing was originally going to be a lot less weird!) A lot of what I write just starts out as a bit of dialogue or a fragment of a scene in the footnotes of some other story, and then it grows kind of aimlessly from there.
Character I'd like to write- some day I'm going to write something with the Acolytes and Elysan'darelle. And T'kor, although I still haven't decided if I want to go with the AI Core theory for him. If I do, it's going to make the sequel to Hotel California even sillier than it already is.
Not quite a wip- there's the Orikan oviposition story that hasn't made it out of my brain and onto the page yet. Going back to the seat of the pants thing- I actually do know exactly how that story is supposed to play out, beat for beat, and that may be why I haven't written it yet.
I also still need to write the Monk/Ninja pegging fic because, well. Somebody has to. (Really I just like the idea of pegging being something to check off the list for every fandom I'm in.) (Philias/Trazyn, you're on notice.) And I have some vague ideas about Garl and Teaks and their kids, and Zale and Valere having to figure out how to cope with immortality. And I need to actually find a decent kinktober prompt list so I can finally get the sequel to Work/Life Balance up and running. And and and and-
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oh-okay-kay · 29 days
i feel like im starting to experience emotions more, might be due to a couple months ago stopping taking my anxiety/depression/ocd meds because i couldnt get more refills? but whatever reason why, its wild
ive always been 'low empathy', and never ever could feel actual excitement or sadness when i was supposed to. i remember opening the letter to find out i was accepted to an art school when i was 10, my mom was filming, all i could say was 'yay' and try to act like i felt anything about it. i knew i was happy, but nothing in me could show it or even really *feel* it. i never cried when sad things happen, only out of frustration or if something was particularly triggered. its honestly awful sometimes to live like this and just.. be incapable of attachment or emotions, or attempting to comfort someone having it be forced and practised because it feels so foreign
but now im starting to cry more, which is a start i suppose. particularly at words, its like i can finally feel the *meaning* and emotions of a speech or song, rather than there being the feeling of a squeeze in my chest or usually nothing at all. i cant tell if i like it or not lol! its so weird, youre telling me folks are supposed to be feeling this way? nuts
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wizardimpersonator · 1 year
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[Image ID: An Angel drawn in golden line art/colors shakes hands with an anthropomorphic leopard seal woman drawn with purple line art/tones. The angel has darker skin, light hair, and wears a long sleeved shirt over dark leggings and a belt. The seal, wearing a floral printed shirt with her cleavage exposed, has bracelets on one hand and an inverted cross necklace. The angel has a friendly smile while the seal has a sharp-toothed grin. Both characters depicted are fat. End ID.]
carius may have lost but im ok with her losing to such a badass character like okona!
everyone vote for the big seal lady now. this is non negotiable /hj (also im bad at drawing anthros so i did my best hhhh)
@fat-oc-battle @roakkaliha
(i posted this on the wrong blog shhhh)
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pangirlpanic · 1 month
Lowkey I’m gonna make my HSR OC her own little ask/RP blog lol
It’ll be so silly trust 🙏
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ochrebones · 1 year
Big artpost
You should definitely commission me lol /nf
15 usd doodle pages
5 usd emojis
Regular comms start at 10 usd
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drakeheart · 1 year
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@commanderhorncleaver hope you don't mind me giving this a response, my brain really wants to chatter about charr right now and you gave me an opportunity here. :p
first of all, i love your idea of gladium outreach/charr therapy services. these battle cats really do need that kind of reform if they ever hope to escape the cycle of self destruction their society currently drives them to. it's just a really good idea, and from what i know of gaius, he's probably doing a fantastic job.
that said, decima just might get a redemption. her story could really go either way. she would absolutely hate to have to talk about everything that's happened, but she really would be a good candidate for rehabilitation if she did manage to survive the events of IBS and the fall of jormag. despite all that's happened to her, she still wants to live, and especially wants to make sure that everything she's suffered doesn't happen again to anyone else.
regardless, thank you for the nice tags ♥
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smilesobrien · 10 months
Mr Smilesobrien... Can you tell me more about your One Piece OC? He seems really cool
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Of course my friend. He's for me and my housemates' fan crew- he's the poisoner of the bunch, both literally and in personality LOL... he ate the mush mush fruit, so he can grow mushrooms from his body at will, usually hallucinogenic (hence the name), poisonous, or both! His gag is that anytime the gang meet a royal figure, he's immediately trying to kill their ass... usually he's foiled, but ngl i am tempted to let him get Cobra bcuz i think it would be funny. hehe.
my dear lady wife is helping me set up a toyhouse page styled after the one piece wiki for him- it's as yet unfinished, but feel free to take a look anyway :3
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clone named stal (short for stalactite). their batchmate is named stal (short for stalagmite)
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eparch · 1 year
I've come to the conclusion that Luci, Logan, Crecia, and Rytlock should just all be one big messy polycule together
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eddsworldrus · 2 years
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smaller-comfort · 6 months
Would you rather be a Lunar or a Solar Solstice Warrior, if you were able to choose?
(and what might your title be?)
Lunar! Having a summer birthday would be weird, honestly, and my perpetually-vitamin-d-deficient ass would not be able to handle solar anything.
As for title...hm. Let's go with Lunar Lore Weaver, and lean into the textile-themed magical powers. My weapon of choice would be a skein of yarn.
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bettiqua · 2 years
hey, anyone got some blog recommendations that's got the good lesbian content i crave
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stardustsandbox · 2 months
Augustus: I feel bad about hiding my past from Hastur.
Nora: It's okay, Auggie. You've changed. What he doesn't know can't hurt him.
Hastur: What don't I know? :)
Nora: [cheeseit.mp4]
Augustus: Ummmmm... ☺️ Nothing...
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ochrebones · 1 year
This is now an ask blog for Neon. Fight me.
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Mostly self-insert character!
Info will be discovered upon questions being asked or funfacts shared!
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