#oc nora
toast-tales · 5 months
Mermay Day 5: Revenge
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Even the biggest fish can be trapped.
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Mermay prompt courtesy of @mossypidder
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Some more character concepts for Mage Mage!
The first guy's name I don't know yet, but it will likely be something long and dumb like Bartholomew. He's a self-proclaimed scholar among the highest-achieving students in the school and is admired by many. And like his school, he also DESPISES shapeshifters. Probably not good that Paisley has a crush on him for most of the first season (that she, thankfully, grows out of by the last few episodes).
I don't know about the second guy but he definitely doesn't belong at the school.
The third character is Nora! Her design is slightly softer, but she isn't a shapeshifter herself. She's also a high-achieving student but is much kinder... so much so to the point of annoying. Don't know her stance on shapeshifters.
Let me know what you think!
Oh, and since this idea is getting traction and I don't want to abandon it just yet...
I'd also like to start a webcomic, though as an actual webcomic as opposed to the Piper James storyboard style.
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shiveagit · 3 months
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art dump shenanigans ensued
featuring : @turtsmcgurts
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ky-rar · 1 year
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rdr2 brainrot
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squibbles-gubwee · 2 months
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Soooo...My Rise ocs-
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starclast · 10 months
Night Sky Petunia...Doesn't it remind you of someone??? 🌺
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A Morning with the Nessian Family
Inspo: @sunshinebingo Go see her Gwynriel version. This is for @nestaarcheronweek
Nesta and Cassian were early risers. They been that way since they had their five daughters. Cassandra, Silvia, Nora, Angelia, and Matilda. Cassandra, Silvia, and Nora were triplets while their younger sisters were twins. Having to wake up this early meant either one of the two things. One, one of the twins (or both) were crying. Or two, it was time for the triplets to go to school.
Nesta heard her husband’s alarm clock go off from his side of the bed and felt him move his arm to turn it off. “Please tell me it’s daylight savings and we get to sleep for 2 more hours.” Nesta heard Cassian groan as he rolled over on his back and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Nesta gave him a sleepy-like giggle. “If only that were the case. What day is it today?” she asked as she grabbed her phone from the nightstand and turned it on, averting her eyes from the light. “It’s...Thursday. The girls have PE today.”
“I’ll get started on the wash.” Cassian said as Nesta agreed to wake up the girls. Nesta rose from her bed along with Cassian and made her way to their daughters’ bed room. Once inside, she noticed that their room looked exactly the same as last night. Dirty. While a ton of toys on the floor and two dirty blankets that definitely belonged to Nora. Nesta went over to her eldest daughter Cassandra and lightly shook her. “Mmm, Mommy?” she said, the word ‘mommy’ always sent a soundwave of love into Nesta’s heart. “Morning sweetheart. It’s time to get ready for school.”
“But I don’t wanna. It’s too early.” Cassandra whined as Nesta laughed. “But you have PE-”
“PE!? DODGEBALL!” Cassandra screamed, fully awake as she jumped out of her bed and proceeded to wake her sister. Nesta couldn’t help but laugh at the serious 180 her daughter pulled.
“Daddy! You promised.” Cassandra said while holding onto her black pegasus that she got for Christmas. Cassian rolled his eyes as he finished putting on his shirt. “I didn’t promise anything. You’re too young to date.”
“But I want a boyfriend.” Cassandra whined as her father sighed. Cassian walked out of his room to check on the twins, Cassandra following close behind. “Please!”
“But Daddy!” Cassandra whined again when Cassian entered the room and noticed that his wife was already dressing up Matilda. Matilda was the only one in the family besides Nesta who didn’t have wings. Not that any of her big sisters minded. They even hoped that their other sisters won’t have wings like Matilda. Like that would ever happen...
Nesta smirked at Cassian. “Cassie, is Daddy telling you you can’t have a boyfriend?” Cassandra nodded at her mother. “Daddy thinks I’m too younger. But I’m already five.”
“Cassie’s getting a boyfriend?” Everyone looked to see Nora and Silvia popping up in front of the door way. “I wanna boyfriend.”
“Me too.”
“Me three.” A noise coming from their now awake daughter Angelia filled in with agreement, though Nesta doubt she understood the argument. Cassian looked down at his daughters as they continued to pester their father, eager to get what they want. “Um, honey?” Nesta giggled. “Alright girls, settles down. Or else you won’t get to play dodgeball at school today.” That seemed to get the girls attention as they all raced to their room to finish getting dressed.
Cassian sighed in relief. “What will I do without you?” he said as he gave Nesta a kiss on her lips. “Probably give into the cuteness of our daughters and give them a boyfriend.” Nesta answered as Cassian shuddered at the memory.
“Kids! Breakfast!” Cassian called from the kitchen as Nesta came down with her two twins and placed them in their high chairs. Followed behind her, Cassandra and her triplet sisters raced downstairs each fully clothes and ready for school. “Chocolate pancakes, chocolate pancakes!” They all chanted as Cassian smiled and rolled his eyes, giving each of his daughters a chocolate chip pancake. “Can Angelia and Matilda have one too?” Silvia asked as her father looked at their mother.
Angelia and Matilda started teething a couple of days ago. Making it harder for Nesta to breastfeed them. Maybe it was time for them to try solid food. Nesta nodded as Cassian smiled. “Of course they can.” he said making a small chocolate chip pancake for the twins. The twins eyes the pancake in confusion, but once Angelia had hers in her mouth, she chirped happily. Matilda did the same after eating hers.
The triplets cheered for their sisters as they continued to eat their breakfast.
Cassian and Nesta had just finished packing their twins bags for daycare when they heard crying coming from the girls bedroom. Cassian groaned. “I swear if those three are fighting on which shirt is which,”
“I’ll take care of it.” Nesta replied before Cassian could finish. After heading upstairs, Nesta walked into the girls’ bedroom to find Nora crying, Silvia rubbing her back, and Cassandra searching around the bedroom. “What’s wrong Nora?” Nesta asked as Nora sniffed. “I lost Mrs. Sparklemane.” Mrs. Sparklemane was the purple pegasus that she got for Christmas last year. It was her favorite plushie to play with alongside her sisters’ pegasi Silver and Death. “Well, when was the last time you’ve seen her baby?”
“I put her over there.” Nora replied pointing at their closet. It wasn’t there now. Just a pile of dirty clothes that her husband forgot to wash. Nesta sighed. “Didn’t I tell you girls to clean up last night?” she asked as Silvia nodded. “Yes Mommy.”
“This is what happens when you don’t clean girls. You loose things.”
“Can’t we just clean up now?” Cassandra asked after searching the room for her sister’s favorite toy. Nesta shook her head. “No baby, it’s time for school.” Nesta told them as Nora sniffed a bit.
“Alright girls, time to get in the car.” Cassian called out as only Nora sadly walked downstairs with her bookbag. Cassian was caught up to speed about what happened today so he wasn’t surprised to find his daughter walking sadly downstairs. “Hey, come on sweetie. We’ll find Mrs. Sparklemane when we get home this afternoon, okay?” Nora’s father said as Nora nodded sadly and got in the car. Nesta got in on the passanger side after strapping in her twins. “Honey, where’s Cassandra and Silvia?”
“NORA!” Both parents turned to find their daughters running towards the car and hoping inside holding their pegasus plushie. “We’re sorry we couldn’t find Mrs. Sparklemane.”
“So we wanted you to take Death and Silver.” Cassandra finished for Silvia as they placed them in Nora’s arms. Nora gasped when she felt them in her grasp. “Thanks Cassie. Thanks Silvia.” she said as her big sisters hugged their little sister. “Just give them back to us by the end of the day okay?” Cassandra said as Nora nodded in agreement
Cassian and Nesta smiled at their daughters. They did well raising those three. “Alright girls, time to get to school.”
“Wait!” The yell coming from Silvia almost startled her parents. “I have to pee.” Silvia said as she hopped out of the car and rushed straight to the bathroom. Nesta laughed as Cassian rolled his eyes as they waited for their daughter to come back.
Bonus= 1:37pm
Nesta and Cassian walked into the principals office noticing their two eldest daughters holding a very nervous Nora as she cling onto their two pegasus plushies. Their principal looked up to see their parents. “Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Archeron.” he said as the triplet’s parents looked at the principal. “We got a call saying that our daughters were in your office. Exactly what happened today?” Nesta asked as the principal walked them through what happened.
Apparently, Cassandra, Silvia, and Nora got into a fight with another little boy about their age. The boy was with the school nurse but the triplets didn’t suffer any injuries at all. “That’s not what happened.” Silvia said as the adults turned to her. “Matthew was picking on Nora.” she said with ease as Nora flinched at his name. “Nora told him to stop but then Matthew said...” their eldest daughter trailed off as she gestured to Nora that she should say it. Nora gulped down her fear. “Matthew told me that it’d be better if my wings were clipped. I asked him what he meant so he said, ‘Girls shouldn’t have wings at all.’”
No amount of anger burned hotter than Cassian and Nesta’s. Not only did the boy insult their daughter, he also insulted her entire heritage. Cassian and Nesta turned sharply at the principal who looked just as shocked as they were. “Did you know about this?” Nesta asked as the principal shook his head. “Where is that little boy?”
“I just wanna talk to his parents. And possibly break a few legs.”
“Can I break one leg?”
“You’re not breaking any legs.” Nesta replied as Cassian pouted a bit. “But we are going to have a chat with that boy’s parents.” Nesta declared as the principal gave them the student’s full name. Luckily their was only one Matthew so it wasn’t hard to find him. Or his parents.
Long story short, those parents got a massive amount of suing from the Archeron Family. And I mean the ENTIRE Archeron Family.
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mermaidpiratevampire · 11 months
This is my new OC! She's a final girl turned slasher and she's in love with a terrifying murderer more beast than man (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
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toast-tales · 1 year
Nora, 43
43: What do they think is their worst quality? What's their actual worst quality?
Nora swings between bursts of self-confidence and extreme self-loathing. Her self-assurance that other people gravitate towards is really a mask for her own self-doubt and need for affirmation.
She probably considers her worst quality to be her fear. She thinks that it makes her helpless, and is terrified of it paralyzing her past the point where she can control it.
In reality, her worst quality is probably her lack of empathy. She doesn't have the capability to understand other people, nor does she make an effort to. Because of this, not only does she have a tendency to manipulate others to further her own goals, she feels no remorse in doing so.
Not only that, but her lack of empathy only serves to further her own fears, especially of giants - she actively refuses to understand giants, even ones like Sybil, and in doing so, her bias and hatred against giants grows. She does not get close to people, or let people into her life. And this social isolation ends up being self-destructive in the end.
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shiveagit · 9 months
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EndoftheYear Grati doodle dump. No context provided. Friends involved in some way: @turtsmcgurts @blye-flower @cyborg-hands @/cheeky @elitesheepi
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cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
Day 3: Warm Food
Here is the start of my Comfortember fics! Very excited about all these <3 while i didn't end up writing as many fics as i wanted to, i'm still happy with the ones that i did end up finishing. I was also just so excited to write about Nora, she's definitely one of my favorite OCs that I have, so i hope y'all enjoy her as well <3
Read it on Ao3! Word count: 1.3k
Nora liked days like these. The days where the weather wasn’t too terrible, and Aran’s mood wasn’t terrible either. The days when they strolled down the city streets, maybe into some sort of park or possibly down to the ports, until they found themselves in some sort of trouble. The sort of days when Aran bought her some random food, and they wouldn’t eat some shitty frozen food in their freezer. The days where he even listened to her when she rambled on and on about the books she read, and gave his own thoughts. Because, believe it or not, she liked having his attention and spending time with her brother.
(“C’mon, don’t you have friends for that sort of thing?” he had asked one day. Her blank stare was more than enough of an answer.)
Those days were few, though. A mix of Aran being in the States for boxing season, Nora in school, and her working as a waitress, they never really had the time. And even when they did, it was a hit or miss if it was actually a good day for either of them. The two didn’t exactly go together like peanut butter and jelly–and as oblivious Nora is to those sorts of things, even she knew that.
But on rare good days, it was fun. Nora liked them because they often outshone the bad days she had. And her brother wasn’t the worst, she supposed, so there was that.
“Hey.” Aran nudged her with his elbow, and nodded towards one of the buildings that was across the street. “Wanna get something to eat?”
The idea of getting out of the bustling street appealed to Nora, as did the idea of getting some food. But even from afar she could see how jam-packed it was, like a tin can full of sardines. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that.
But of course, Aran didn’t give her a chance to answer. Instead, he grabbed her by her arm, and started to drag her over to cross the street. Right into traffic too, with loud car horns and screeching of tires filling the air. Drivers yelled, Aran yelled back, and Nora quickened her step to cross faster.
Lunch rushes were always the worst, and of course it was no different in the restaurant that her brother pushed her into. She ran into a man with a large coat, stumbled back into her brother, and she hated how cramped it was. She felt stuffed inside, as the small waiting area was already packed with people who were in line for a table. The building was filled with noises of people talking, shouting or laughing, cutlery scraping against plates, and the sizzlings of food in the kitchen.
The place became a sudden overload for her senses, and Nora hated it. She wished that she had brought her headphones.
Nora gave a distressed hum, in hopes that Aran would hear. Whether he heard her or not didn’t matter though, because she was left ignored. She stuck close to him, even though her cheeks burned in embarrassment as she realized how weird it was for a seventeen-year-old like her to be so pathetic and overwhelmed. 
The only upside she found was that she was at least somewhat warm now.
She ended up being too focused on keeping herself grounded that she hadn’t realized that a waiter had asked them to follow him to their table. She stumbled a bit when her brother pushed her, but she followed. Whether Aran cut his way in front of the other people who were waiting, or the line just moved that quickly, Nora wasn’t sure. Wasn’t like she paid much attention to her surroundings.
They were led to a booth, one that was surrounded by other bustling and loud patrons. Once again did she just wish that they ate somewhere quieter and less packed. They looked through the menu, and they ordered. Aran talked, as much as he always did. He ranted on and on, not letting Nora get a single word in. Not like she would anyway, as she never really had much to say.
Aran was always like that though. Always unnecessarily filling up the space with his voice, somehow leading the one-sided conversation that was about boxing to American restaurants to animals to New York, until he completely forgot what he originally wanted to say. It frustrated Nora to no end.
She listened as he drummed his fingers on the table. Watched as he bounced not one, but both legs, causing the table to shake and rattle. She stayed silent as she gripped the sleeves of her jacket tightly.
Nora was pulled out of her mind, once again by her brother. A flick to her nose caused her to flinch, and give a harsh glare at him.
“Oh good, ya didn’t check out on me.” Her brother leaned back into his seat, and she fought the urge to roll her eyes. Instead she just stared at him. “Mind telling me what caused it this time?”
“Too loud,” she answered. Her brother gave an inquisitive look, and she just shrugged. “Don’t like the noise.”
“Well, it’s good that I’m taking you out then, yeah? Getting used to it will help.” Nora shrugged again. That’s what everyone said–if she just actually went outside instead of staying in her room all day long, then eventually she would get used to the loudness of the world. But it didn’t solve the problem of losing herself when it got too overwhelming, nor did it help on the bad days when even the quietest of noises made her upset. Nothing adults ever told her helped, and she doubted Aran would be the exception.
“I should’ve brought my headphones,” Nora muttered. She withheld a flinch when her brother scoffed.
“Surprised you didn’t. Never seen you leave the flat without those dingy things. What’s with that, anyway?”
“It helps,” she answered, and added, “with the noises. It makes ‘em quieter, easier to deal with.”
“Does it really?”
“Huh.” Aran never stopped drumming his fingers. She could see on his face that he was thinking–a rare sight for the man.
She gripped her sleeves tighter, listening to the deafening silence between them, taking in all the other noises around her. Rubbing the fur on the cuff of her jacket with her thumb calmed her a bit, but not by much.
The waiter came by with their food. She mouthed a silent “thank you”, while her brother muttered his own.
“Well,” her brother started, grabbing a chip off of his plate, “if ya want, I can buy ya a new pair once we’re done here.”
She snapped her gaze up to him. “Really?”
“Eh, why not? The one you got is shitty and old anyway, might as well replace it.” He tossed the chip into his mouth, and she couldn’t help but smile, even while her brother started to bang his fist on the table because of the hot food burning his mouth.
Nora fought the urge to stomp her feet in delight. She couldn’t stop smiling. Eager to finish her meal and get out of the boisterous restaurant, she quickly scooped up spoonfuls of her stew to finish quickly. She then started to bang her fist as her tongue burned. She glared at her brother, who gave an ugly snort at her pain.
Whatever, it was fine. She continued to eat–slowly, blowing on the food this time–and felt herself warm right up. More than just from the heater of the building, or from the burning hot food, but from what her brother said. He’d buy a new pair of headphones. He would buy it. It was something so small, something that didn’t even really matter, but it made her smile nonetheless. Warmth spread through her chest, and Nora stomped her feet in glee, as a small indulgence. Her boots clacked loudly against the wood, annoying and harsh but it felt good. And then her brother didn’t say anything about it, and Nora couldn’t stop smiling.
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ziorre · 7 months
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Commission for @actuallyhansolo ❤
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fablestar · 7 months
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Silly little concept cover art for MUTTBANE, a story idea around slasher & final girl OCs that my partner and I are always playing around with. It's about obsession, murder, and of course, being fuckin' transgender.
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starclast · 11 months
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...he couldn't help but feel like she was calling him out 😅
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clickbaitcowboy · 4 months
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The happy couples first dance!
I’ve never really drawn Nora and Avery together 🥹
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