#oc: Draven
alcowarlock · 10 months
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I remade my drow-boy and hnngh, he's too hot now
note to myself, besides stop making OCs I fall in love with - to STOP MAKING THEM BETTER
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peaceful-roadkill · 29 days
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More of a sketchy illustration style I wanted to try out.
Two presumably very grumpy boys need smoke breaks too!
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lucius-the-sinful · 9 months
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i love him so much,,, my purple boy,,,
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labratboygirl · 1 year
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since i dont post much about my own ocs heres my son draven who has every disease :]]
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
A Dragon’s Loot
Alpha Dragon Hybrid Male x Omega Male Reader (CW: Non-con, breeding, biting, claiming, dragon man, inhuman genitals, a/b/o, knotting, overstimulation, musk/pheromones, kidnapping, general yandere behavior, ass eaten like it’s groceries, male reader) Word Count: 2.5k (I am so so so so sooooooo incredibly sorry that this took so long, it may not be my best work but I really did try. This was not beta read so please excuse any errors. This is for a trade with @reiyn02.)
 The city you were living in had been almost entirely abandoned. It had walls, but was never made for a large siege, and those walls would be useless with enemies that were airborne anyway.. So the news that your town was next on the war path to be raided by the dragon hybrid forces sent everyone scrambling. But there was no help for those that had no family to help them and were otherwise too burdensome to relocate.  And included in that small category was yourself. You were a male omega going through an extremely rough heat, you were in a significant amount of pain without anyone to assist you and were simply too distracting to travel with others.  So instead of leaving among the guarded mass exodus you had boarded up your small abode the best that you could, using what little strength and willpower you had moving all your heaviest furniture to block the windows and door, before you tucked yourself away in a small hidden crawl space in the wall, behind the closet.  You had even lit candles, incense, and rubbed herbs all around the house earlier in the day to hide your scent as much as it could be hidden, and it was nearly undetectable to your sensitive omega nose. With a little luck you would go unnoticed by the monstrous drakes that wanted to loot and destroy everything in their path.    You had been waiting in your hiding space for several hours, you were burning up and your muscles ached from being so cramped for so long. You were beginning to let yourself believe that it had all been one giant false alarm, that the dragon men had decided to go back home or even raid another settlement instead.  But then you heard a series of thunderous crashes. Judging from the noise the dragons had decided to crash the walls despite them certainly not needing to. After the falling of the walls you could hear the cacophony of draconic roars and cheering, the splintering of wood and the crack of stone as they broke into homes, and the stomp of their mighty feet as they stampeded all through the city.  You had prayed that your meager building in a clearly poorer part of town would not draw attention, but you knew that was a long shot. And sure enough you soon heard stomps near your building before the sound of your door and makeshift barricade being brought down met your ears.  Then you could hear the sounds of someone going through all of your possessions, you doubted they would find anything of value, but they were meticulous. Slowly you heard them get closer until finally they were inspecting the room you were holed up in.  They searched every inch of the room and the closet but they did not find you. You burned with anxiety and your heat but it seemed like whoever the invader was was finally satisfied. You heard them head towards the door, finally you would be safe.  But the soldier caught a whiff of something just as he was heading out of the room. It was tantalizing and beckoned him to investigate further. He did not know what it was exactly, but it caused his cock to twitch a bit in his leather armor.  Dread filled your veins as you heard him sniffing the air and taking steps back towards the closet. You did your best to hold your breath and calm down, as panicked pheromones would serve only to make your scent more detectable.  But it was no use, once he caught the smell of a fearful omega in heat there was nothing to be done. He still was not consciously aware of what the smell was, but on some primal level he knew.  The draconic invader stuffed his head and upper body into the closet as his sniffing became louder and deeper. He tapped the wall with a claw and discovered it was hollow. It was over, he had found your crawl space. The false wall was easily moved aside as you frantically scooted as far back into the shadows as you could.  But the scent of your heat cycle was overwhelming to him now with the false wall removed, and even if your pheromones were not a dead give away dragon hybrids had excellent low light vision and with his head now peering into your hideout he could see you clearly.  A large claw tipped hand, covered in hard scales, reached in and easily plucked you right out. As you were unwillingly pulled into the light you got a look at the intruder for the first time.  He was huge, at least 9 feet tall, all hulking muscle under light leather armor which struggled to contain his vast, intimidating, form. And his large white scaled wings and tail only served to make him look even larger. Scales also covered both his hands and legs and both ended in claws as well. He had long white hair and sharp silver horns.  The dragon stared at you with cold icy blue eyes as you tried to struggle out of his grasp, clawing, biting, and thrashing wildly in every direction. You scratched his face and managed to draw some blood but he only responded by chuckling deeply as he grabbed your hand and used his long tongue to taste his bleeding claw mark.  “Hahaha, a feisty little omega aren’t ya!? This is the first house I get to pillage and I already found the best loot in the whole damn city!” He chuckled again before pressing his nose to your neck and inhaling deeply.  “Mmm~, all nice and in heat for me too. I bet you wanted to be found, everyone knows all dragon hybrids are alphas.”  What he said was true, the magic anomaly that first fused drake and man produced hybrids that were all 100 percent alphas, and when they managed to raid human settlements they always took an opportunity to snatch up omegas to breed. But you were left with no other option but to stay and hide.  The smell of your heat cycle was very compatible with him so it, combined with the excitement of the invasion and finding such a cute prize, was driving him into a frenzy. He simply could not wait to have you. He put you down in the nest you had made for yourself on the floor in the corner of the room and easily ripped apart your clothing as you thrashed and cried.  “Calm down baby boy, this will feel great I promise. My name is Draven by the way, just so you know who’s name you will need to moan when you are on my knot~ It’s okay if you can’t find the words to tell me what your name is right now, I can just learn it later.”  Tears were streaming down your face as you looked up and pleaded desperately, “No, please, no, no, no, please, take anything you want just pleas let me go!”  But as he expertly removed his armor and you saw as well as smelled his arousal you knew there was no chance to escape your imminent rape. Even so you continued your pleading sobs and covered your nakedness with a blanket, as if a mere piece of fabric could protect you from the muscular man towering before you.  Draven entered your nesting space, a severe violation to any omega, and easily took the blanket from you. You closed your legs tight and tried to smack him away but he just let out another chuckle.  “Sorry babe, but I need to appraise all of my new property don’t you think?”  And when you gave him the best kick you could right to his nose and caused the barest drop of blood to fall from his nostril it only encouraged him. He donned an excited grin and a deeply unsettling look in his eyes.  “Damn I struck the jackpot!!! Such a lively mate! I can tell we are going to make a ton of strong children together~”  You tried to kick him again, but he caught your ankle and held down your leg, then he held down the other before sliding both to your soft thighs. Draven then gently prodded your nuts with his nose and inhaled deeply. Your scent was divine to him. And he was now fully convinced you were his soulmate. You were in heat and left just for him to find, you were nice and lively and not overly submissive, and your scent was the best thing he had ever smelled.  But while he was losing himself in your pheromones you were nearly gagging on his. The overwhelming smell of an aroused draconic alpha so close to you would have made your eyes water had you not already been crying. It was far stronger than any human alpha you had met and you were not at all accustomed to such a stench, even if it did make you produce more slick. But you were in heat, so the smell of any aroused alpha would have done that.  “Please stop, I don’t want this. I don’t want this. Please…”  “Calm down, just enjoy it, you’re in heat and this will make you feel better if you just let it.”  Draven continued just enjoying your smell for what seemed like an eternity, with you powerless to push him away, but even after a perceived eternity it was nowhere near a long enough wait for what happened next. He spread your slick coated cheeks and licked your entrance free of delicious slick before eagerly slipping his large tongue in your ass.  You shuddered and moaned involuntarily, hands grasping at the bedding beneath you, as the thick muscle moved surprisingly deep inside you. Draven’s tongue was covered with a torrent of more and more of your juices as he continued.  When he finally withdrew himself from you you were a whimpering, drooling mess. You still wanted him to stop, but your body was definitely betraying you under all the stimulation, you were even starting to become less averse to his musk.  Draven kissed your hole tenderly a few times before repositioning the two of you so that he was on his knees and your ass was pointing up towards his long slimy draconic cock.  “Pl-please no…”, you barely managed to mumble coherently as you stared at the wall. Unable to look up and meet his intimidating gaze.  But once again what you wanted did not really matter. All that mattered was what both your bodies craved and the fact that he wanted to follow his urges and was strong enough to get what he wanted.  The dripping slick that was already once more seeping from your hole, combined with the deep massages provided by Draven’s talented tongue, allowed his prick to slide into you to the base effortlessly.  “Uh… uhhh~”, you couldn’t help but moan as he filled you up so completely, his cock felt even hotter than your insides and the texture of it was like it was custom designed for the sole purpose of pleasing little needy human omegas.  “Heh, not quite my name yet, but we’ll get you there soon enough~”  You really wanted to doubt what he was saying was true, but at the rate things were going you had to admit to yourself that he was probably right. You did not want to give him the satisfaction of hearing your pleasured cries of his name fall from your lips, but everything he was doing felt so amazing and you were losing yourself in your heat and the over stimulation of mating with such a strong and virile alpha.  Draven began greatly increasing the pace at which he was breeding his new cumpdump, his cock creating a faint outline in your belly each time he bottomed out within your slippery depths. Your pleasure induced writhing and squirming around his cock absolutely pushed him over the edge and his fat knot swelled inside of you as he pumped you full of cum.  He was not done yet though, he had not made you cum or heard the delicious sound of you moaning out for him.  While still stuck on his knot Draven picked you up and held you close, where you were much closer to his overpowering pheromones, and began fucking you all over again.  You felt his knot rub up against your insides as he sped up even more than before. He was desperate to hear you submit to him by moaning his name, then he would leave his permanent claim mark on you. The powerful alpha used one hand to hold you close as he began jerking off your dick.  The combination of being so enveloped in alpha scent, thoroughly fucked, and also receiving a handjob had you yearning for release. You began sobbing from the overwhelming mixture of sensations.  Instinctively seeking your climax you grinded into his hand as he bounced you on his knot.  “Dr-Draven!”, you finally called out as you came into his hand.  “See? That wasn’t so hard was it baby boy?” He lifted his hand up to his lips and licked your seed from his fingers before pressing his lips to yours, sliding his tongue in so that you tasted your own flavor on him.  You whimpered into the kiss before he broke it and licked and sucked your neck before biting down hard on the scent gland in your neck. In a mixture of pleasure and pain you let out a choked cry.  After he marked you he carefully pressed his lips to the wound and licked it clean before kissing your forehead softly.  “Such a perfect little mate for me~”  You wanted to claw at him again but you were so exhausted, and it would do you no good since you were still stuck on his knot. And by this point his smell was strangely comforting to you. Maybe it was a side effect of being marked or maybe it was a biological defense that omegas had when being mated so they did not succumb to depression, you didn’t know.  At any rate you figured you could scratch him up later, because as the pain in your freshly bitten neck subsided you became increasingly aware of just how tired you were. You allowed yourself to relax against his muscular chest and fall asleep in his arms as you let his pheromones and his gentle touches subdue you.  Draven held you close, he figured he would give you some sleep for a few hours before the raid was over and his kind returned to their homeland. He was sure you would love living with him, he would give you his knot every chance he got, keep you covered in lovely bite marks, and make sure you felt nice and safe in your new nest.  You were his prized possession, the crown jewel of his hoard, and just like any other item in the hoard of a territorial dragon, you would never leave.
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rosy-fox-art · 2 months
“We die in the dark so you can live in the light.”
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My entry for the Characters & MTFs category of the Visual Archives contest on the SCP WIKI ^^~
This took forever, and with a total character count of 33 I’m pretty happy! [Character list/placement + flats below the cut ]
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Character list
Top to bottom left to right
- Dr. Talloran/SCP-3999 (top middle)
On top of/behind 408/682 /back row
- Dr. Moose
- Paul Kim (There is no antimemetics division)
- Marian Weaver (also TINAD)
- Dr. Zyn Kiryu
- Dr. Kondraki
- Draven Kondraki
- Dr. King
-Dr. Lillihanner
- Dr. Blank
- Dr. Riven Mercer
- Dr. Asheworth
- Dr. Mann
Front row
- Dr. Xi Taki
- Dr. Wynn
- Dr. Rune
- Dr. Everwood
- Dr. Glass
- Dr. Kain Pathos Crow
- Dr. Gears
- Dr. Iceberg
- (Dr Rights is behind them)
- Dr. Cimmerian
- Agent Adams
- Dr. Wettle/SCP-7000
- Placeholder McDoctorate
- Dr. Solkovsky
In the very VERY front on the floor
- Dr. Clef
- Dr. Roth
- Dr. Nerys
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vasirah · 10 months
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i've been utterly consumed by baldur's gate the past week and since release i've updated my character's design, her name is draven and she's a tiny bit evil for reasons :)
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locksalot · 7 months
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dr kondraki and dr chlothar if he was free from house arrest
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aver-eesis · 23 days
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messing w comic panels
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maxicaiman · 3 months
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Zeta Draven art,,,,,
(You should ask me questions about him he's,,,, interesting)
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alcowarlock · 10 months
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Didn't thought I'll ever meet you again, my sweet
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peaceful-roadkill · 1 month
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Back to Dravenposting
He's taking a day off!
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lucius-the-sinful · 5 months
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I was tagged by @omgkalyppso ! thank you!
if you see this, you have been tagged <3
i really had to trust the process on half orc draven but i actually,,, kinda like him,,,
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horatio-fig · 3 months
Star Wars OC - Nikolaj Kallus, Imperial Ace Pilot turned Defector and Alexsandr Kallus’s douchbag brother.
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“I'm sorry for your loss.” Draven muttered as he watched Kallus drink.  
“I’m sorry for your gain.” Kallus sighed, gesturing to the two-way mirror that looked into the interrogation room. Nick was nonchalantly rocking back on his chair, and he started calling out for a beer or for something interesting to do in that smug entailed way of his. Draven swiftly muted the microphone.  
“So, is he really your brother?” Draven asked and he couldn‘t hide the disappointment in his voice. Kallus nodded sadly and Draven muttered a curse under his breath. “Sorry, I know he’s family, he’s just-” 
“He’s an asshole.” Kallus agreed, sneering at his brother through the mirror and wondering how he ended up in this situation.  
“I don't know, war makes assholes of us all and-” 
“But he’s a real asshole.” Kallus interrupted and Draven sighed in resignation.  
“Yeah, he’s the worst. He’s xenophobic. He’s homophobic, and misogynistic. I mean...” Draven looked around, as if someone could possibly be listening to them here in the safety of the interrogation room console space and whispered. “We can just dump him on a trash planet if you like?” 
“Tempting, but we need him.” Kallus sighed, and he was honestly surprised by how easy it would be to just abandon his brother. And how tempted by the idea he was. “He had a tattoo on his hand, a sign of elite pilots in the Empire. He knows too many inside secrets to just throw away.” 
“So, we’re stuck with him.” Draven groaned resting his head on the two-way mirror in despair.  
“At least you just have to work with him, he's my brother.” Kallus said, holding his head in his hands and sinking down in the broken old office chair in the room, not caring about the way it groaned and wheezed under his weight. “He’s my homophobic, xenophobic brother.” 
“About that...” Draven said tentatively, looking at Kallus with a nervous trepidation that Kallus had never seen on the man before. “You know I don't like to pry in the private lives of my team, if anything I take great pride in the fact I haven't even learned half your names but, I am curious about how you’ll explain that furry purple boyfriend of yours to him?” 
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laiostoudenn · 2 months
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 ✦ my original characters CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER
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fiveeeee · 6 months
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In a Kondraki sort of mood I guess. Besides Kondraki we got, Kondraki and baby Draven, Kondraki and Jasper as drinking buddies, and baby pocketwatch, AKA Dr. Gears and Clover at like. 7 maybe. Clover by @the-land-of-dreams Jasper my own 963 rewrite I haven’t introduced yet, feel free to ask me about him :3.
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