#chaotic evil siblings team
alcowarlock · 1 year
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Didn't thought I'll ever meet you again, my sweet
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twstfanblog · 4 months
Twist OC Fankid Info!
Draconia Triplets
**Malgona Draconia-Crewel**
Age: 18 (June 13th)
School: Junior at NRC. Captain of the discontinued girls spelldrive team and Diasomnia Housewarden.
Height: 6'2" (not counting horns)
Hair: Knee length straight black, curly in humidity
Eyes: Father's green eyes, glows purple when using magic.
Likes: Napping, gems, candy crush style games, hand to hand combat, wearing heels (she enjoys the click they do), bullying other students
Dislikes: Slime, being woken up from her naps, the fae council, the consequences of her actions, most modern horror films
Pets?: A new gen Roaring Drago. She calls it fat.
Fav Food: Spaghetti with meatballs and cherry tomatoes (Rubies)
Who's their Best Friend?: Sadiki Kingscholar-Bucchi
Dating/Crush?: Gilbert Flamme (Dating against the wishes of both their fathers.)
Comes across as a very serious person, but it is just her mother at her core. Speaks in formalities in public, swears like a sailor in private/with people she's close to. Lowkey hovers over the Chaotic Evil alignment. While evil at her core, she's been raised with love and understanding. So, to show that love, she's made the choice not to become an evil dictator until Malleus has passed.
To make up for her weak magic skills has become very good at hand to hand combat (WHO TAUGHT THE TANK JUDO????)
Is very open about her goal to overblot one day.
Gets periods like her mother. (Literally sends out a period ping to make her mother and Charsya start theirs as well before sleeping through hers entirely)
Unique Magic: Dragon's Hoard (Working Title). Though her magic radius is painfully small compared to her brothers, she's able to absorb the magic of offensive spells and use it as her own. Hasn't needed to use her own magic for a few years now. Discovered during a failed assassination attempt when the triplets were 8.
**Malathew Draconia-Crewel**
Age: 18 (June 13th)
School: Junior at NRC. Member of the Debate Club and Diasomnia Vice Warden
Height: 6'2" (not counting horns)
Hair: Shoulder length straight black hair, curly in humidity
Eyes: Father's green eyes, glows teal when using magic.
Likes: Stim slime, maps, learning languages, studying, playing charades, reorganizing files to the disadvantage of everyone else.
Dislikes: Being cold, grainy textures, energy drinks, blind obedience
Pets?: New gen Roaring Drago. Lost it in the castle library and cried for days until a servant found it.
Fav Food: Chunky Beef Stew (Eats Paper)
Who's their Best Friend?: Jabari Kingscholar-Bucchi (I know what you ARE...)
Dating/Crush?: Jabari Kingscholar-Bucchi (Neither seem...to realize they are just straight up dating)
The easiest to approach of the triplets. Loves talking to people and finding new things to connect over. More of a 'trap card' style fighter than direct attacks.
Chaotic Neutral to the core. There for a good time and kind of hates that Malgona makes him be the brain cell at times. Potentially has a crush on Jabari that he's purely confusing for friendly admiration.
Terrible at jokes. They either fall completely flat or get so out of control that a small nation is being destroyed in a civil war. This has happened TWICE. (Malacent: I can't joke with anyone...)
Unique Magic: Undiscovered. Unbothered and in no rush to figure it out.
**Malicent Draconia-Crewel**
Age: 18 (June 13th)
School: Junior at NRC. Member of the Gargoyle Research Society (Diasomnia base status).
Height: 6'2" (NOt counting horns)
Hair: Chin length straight black, curly in humidity
Eyes: Father's green eyes, glows green when using magic
Likes: Exploring, the wilderness, sword fighting, weapons, military strategies, flying with his siblings and dad at night.
Dislikes: Sour candy,being on bed rest, oversleeping, horseback riding, gargoyles (Most of them unsettle him. He would NEVER tell his dad.)
Pets?: New gen Roaring Drago. Takes it with him on his exploring trips
Fav Food: Spicy pan-fried chicken (Chews paperclips)
Who's their Best Friend: Beau Zigvolt-Vanrouge
Dating/Crush?: No time for that romance mess, hes got magic and sword fighting to learn. (Claimed he was going to marry Sebek when he was young. DON'T BRING THAT UP)
The friendliest yet pettiest of the triplets. Has cursed his classmates multiple times over small things like someone taking the last pudding cup at lunch or not saying 'bless you' when someone sneezes. Strong magic but prefers sword fighting, enchants his weapons in his spare time. Claims to be Lawful Good but is Chaotic Good at best.
Has an odd blessing on him that in dire times, he will always be lucky. No one is sure where the blessing came from.
Managed to snap one of his horns completely in half as a child. Because of that, the other horn had to be shaved down to keep his head level, so Malicent's horns are noticeably shorter than his older siblings. (Malgona tried to bolt cut her and Malathew's horns off in an act of solidarity, but Lilia managed to stop her)
Unique Magic: Undiscovered. Bothered and pouting about it since Malgona got hers.
And that's the Draconia Triplets! Next up, the Ashengrotto Twins!
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cyphyree · 1 year
My controversial Promare take is that Lucia should've been the main female lead, I mean look at her
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Mad scientist type making mecha stuff for matoi-obsessed firefighter dude with dubious concern for safety. Plus her being Heris's sister could've been interesting, cuz then you got two science siblings in opposing teams with opposing philosophies. One who plays by the rules working for the lawful evil, the other who's more reckless and loose and chaotic-- but ultimately both are trying to look out for each other
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Dragon villain Reader (Imagine any tribe or hybrid you want) and tiny Laura team up. They're both angry, they're both scared, and both are with the wrong dragons... dragonet Laura is able to leave the abusive amd evil dragons who used her and tries to make her their weapon, and Reader is stuck trying to outrun the evil dragon/s they escaped from...
And surprise! Those two meet.
Reader is this tall, larger, almost mountain-like dragon... and right by them, attached by a harness, is their tiny murderbasket friend, dragonet Laura.
They do so many anti-hero things together! Like assassinating evil queens and princesses, hunting down animus objects and either destroying them or locking them up, conquering any villains who stand in their way or try to stop them, move into an abandoned home/cave/palace/city/island, fight the X-Men and Brotherhood and Acolyte dragons sometimes, etc. ...
They have fun, amd even if Reader is the exact same age as Laura, I imagine them being significantly bigger, or taller, or larger, in some way. Be it their legs being longer, their wings being larger, their neck and tail being long, or they're built pretty big in width or really tall in height, they seem bigger, somehow, compared to dragonet Laura, who fits perfectly under their wings and who is like their little sister/murdery friend, just in tiny bean form...
The moment they see the adults, it's on sight. Both of those two are pouncing, biting, scratching, rolling, stabbing, hissing, just going chaotic and ballistic- Until someone tries to get dragonet Laura, then Reader is either A. looming behind them about to rip their teeth out, or B. begging them to do what they want with Reader, but to leave their friend sister companion alone...
So now the adults have to adopt them (in Reader's case, reforge their family ties and be better parents/teachere/guardians), and the dragonet X-Teens and Brotherhood and Acolytes get to be better friends and future siblings to the two dragonets, one of whom they shunned at first or had a rocky relationship with...
(I had to share this idea. I thought it was cute-!)
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Pairings/Groups I would like to see in the Life Series.
Grian & Cleo: They can both be extremely chaotic and murder-happy but they can also just be someone exhausted parent. I think they could really cause some trouble together.
Team Piss (Pearl, Impulse, Skizz, and Scott): Listen, the acronym is funny also putting two dynamic duos together really works. Imp and Skizz is a classic and Pearl and Scott work either really well or are batshit insane together. Also Imp and Pearl are also another awesome duo, so this is a very skilled team, two former winners an angel and a devil. I love that for them.
Scar & Big B: Cookie boys!!! Listen I just think it would be neat and they could live in a cookie themed flying saucer, raining down tnt minecarts and arrows onto anyone within range.
Jimmy, Cleo, and Ren: This would be fun okay. Ren and Cleo get on pretty well and I think adding Jimmy to them would be awesome. You know Ren is gonna be dramatic as hell and that he would have a blast playing around with having Jimmy as like a squire or something where he eventually gets promoted. Then Cleo could look on at her two dumbasses just like she did in Limited Life.
GIGS: I just love the phasmo-boys. Listen is it is the dads and their idiots sons. I think this would be a great way to work in the desert duo but in a way where Scar has several people looking out for him and Grian is allowed to go buckwild and isn't feeling like he has to be responsible all the time. Skizz and Scar could go out at do some bonding by murdering enemies when they're both on red and Grian and Impulse can cause insane tnt explosions.
Pearl, Lizzie, Jimmy, & Grian: This is the ultimate sibling energy team okay? Seablings, sky siblings, Jimmy and G, they are just siblings your honor. I think this team would bully each other mercilessly but heaven help whomever decides to hurt one. I am sure that they would accidentally kill each other though.
Martyn, Skizz, Scar, & Impulse: Team SIMS would rock. Martyn is scary competent and would contribute. Scar is a great shot and could probably run a brilliant scam to get their team resources. Skizz would keep the team together and be a source of comedy as always. Impulse is for sure the team dad and is setting up traps and could probably win a season. This is a power team and I just think they'd be neat. There hasn't been a Martyn and Scar team up and I think it would rock.
Grian & Tango: I think these two would be unstoppable! Also The explosions would be fantastic. You know that they would be a chaotic force for evil and I love that for them <3
Joel & Ren: Wolf boys okay. I think that Joel would be feral for any teammate and something about Ren makes his allies absolutely insane. This team up would fucking rock and that is that.
Tango & Joel: Listen Tango could work well with someone who loves and is so utterly loyal to their teammates that they would die for them permanently. That someone is Joel through and through. I think that they could go far together and maybe Tango would get a more impactful death story-wise.
Lizzie & Jimmy: Seablings! She'll be Jim's scary big sister and he can be her sopping wet cat of a younger brother. They are just so sibling ya know.
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The City is Ours ; a WIP Intro
(New and Improved Re-Introduction!)
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Genre and Setting
low urban sci-fi, superheroes, dark sci-fi ; set in big city somewhere northern on a US coast, I'm cautiously giving the city the placeholder name Henderson, modern times
Masterlist / Shitty Comic Sans Intro 🤪
third person limited, multiple characters (about 5-6)
Status and Length
First Drafts, roughly 2k ; 5 book series, no idea what the wordcount will be yet, maybe 100k per book?
Tropes and Themes
chaotic teenage superheros, domesticity in between the action, 2012-13 Avengers Tower fic vibes, found family but they're all dumbasses, villain arcs and redemption arcs galore, reluctant villians, superhero team but they're all lower middle class, POC disabled Jewish and Muslim and queer representation, "don't die or i'll kill you", heroes and villains and the chaos that ensues ; are you the hero or the villain, what's the difference between good and evil (is it who's telling the story?), forgiveness and redemption, saving the world vs saving yourself and your family, exploring morality
Warnings and Rating
guns, potential depictions of torture, superhero genre typical violence, blood, depictions of discrimination and bigotry (towards super-powered people mostly), trauma and mental health issues including possible depictions of panic attacks, and a whole fuck ton of angst ; Teen and Up
Main Characters
Nickelle Takahashi (she/her)
Team Leader, Superhero Name: The Icicle
Ice Powers
Japanese American, AroAce, lead singer in a local rock band
the leader who puts way too much pressure on herself, and who will do everything for the people she loves
Asher Romero-Cruz (he/him)
Team Dad, Superhero Name: The Flashlight
Light and Shadow Powers
Gay, Christian, Latino American, LEGO and Star Wars nerd
the Dad Friend of the team who is always looks out for everyone. Has a civilian boyfriend
Gabriella Wilson (she/her)
Team Cheerleader/Suit Designer
No Powers
CisHet, White with long blond hair, very talented sewer and fashion designer
the blonde bimbo who is super supportive of everyone and will be your wing woman ride or die
Kylee Trimble (she/they)
Youngest Teammate, Superhero Name: Now-Ya-See-Her-Girl
Speed and Invisibility Powers
Redhead with pale skin and freckles, Nearsided with Glasses, Nonspeaking Autistic, PanAce, Artist
the artist who is afraid of opening up and being her authentic self around others
Bryson Barns (he/him)
Team Medic, Superhero Name: The Healer
Healing Powers
Black, token straight that's on thin ice, Diabetic (Type 2)
the very tired healer who can heal all physical injuries, but he can't heal himself or mental injuries and struggles with accepting that
"V" Talić (they/them)
Team Cool Big Sibling, Superhero Name: Morph
Shapeshifting Powers
Muslim, Nonbinary Lesbian, Bosnian American, Soccer Jock
Impulsive and reckless, the one who always has crazy ideas for getting out of sticky situations. Struggles with fitting in with their culture/family while also being themselves
Jason Richens (he/him)
Team Asshole, Superhero Name: Hotshot
Fire Powers
CisHet (and an asshole about it)
Thinks he's special because his dad is rich, his character only exists to be bashed
Chase Silverstone (he/they)
Team Hacker and Tech Expert, Superhero Name: TechGuy
No Powers
PanAro, Jewish, Romani American, Bipolar Disorder and OCD, Anxiety and Depression
The team techie who struggles with asking for help and dealing with his mental health issues and taking care of himself
Black Hole - Main Antagonist of Book 1. Alien from Pluto, trying to take over earth as a last ditch extra credit project for his AP Government class. Can absorb any attack and reflect it back
Miss Recluse - Recruited by Black Hole. Has the human sized body of a Brown Recluse spider and the head of a human and poisonous fangs. Can do everything a spider does, and is a bit of a drama queen. Besties with The Magician
The Magician - A sorcerer from the dark ages who accidentally transported himself to the future with no way back. Uses a lot of dark magic that includes illusions- favorite spell to use is blue fire that is immune to water and can burn through metal and stone. Dr. Strange meets Dr. Faciler.
Mr. Cyanide - Recruited by Black Hole, eventually becomes a solo high level threat villain, main antagonist of book 2. Mad scientist with a deadly knack for chemistry. Only cares whether his experiments work, couldn't care less if they hurt or kill people.
Boss Lady - a Mafia boss who is colossally tall and wide, and incredibly strong. Big stronk woman who is working with/for the Snow Queen (her loyalties or questionable). Does have standards but also tortures people for the fun of it so....?
Blood Debt - Loner (mainly) vigilante who rides around on a motorcycle and kills anyone who he sees fit is deserving of dying, or whoever he gets paid to kill. Does jobs for the Snow Queen, and under the mask he is someone one of the heroes is very close with...
Nightmare - a small time, low threat villain that doesn't actually hurt anyone. Her powers put people to sleep and she takes their energy from them. A freshman/sophomore college student with an engineering major. More of an anti-hero vigilante if you squint.
The Snow Queen - The big bad for the last three books. Only an urban legend/rumor until the last two books. Has ice powers that can control tech and people. No one knows her identity and she is holed up in her lair most of the time, sending minions/Boss Lady or Blood Debt to do anything outside the lair. She is someone all of the heroes know very well :)
A bunch of rookie teenage superheroes and their journey to becoming the heroes and protectors of their city, and eventually the world, and most importantly- a family. With all of the chore rotations, late night grocery runs, fights for the shower, and everything else that happens along with the action. Full of full scale super powered fights, betrayals and confrontations, cool tech and superpowers, and everything we love about the superhero genre.
Book 1 - The Initiation
Book 2 - The Hunter or Hunted
Book 3 - The Shadows
Book 4 - The Snow Queen
Book 5 - The Forsaken
(all the titles are placeholder titles for now)
Extra Stuff
Chase is a caffeine addict and not only can, but has on multiple occasions mixed coffee and energy drinks
Kylee uses sign language or a text to speech app to communicate, or if she has neither goes old school and writes things down
the city is based on a combination of Chicago and Gotham City
Nickelle has two younger siblings, a brother and a sister who are inseparable, 8 and 5 years old
Nickelle also has a huge extended family that's more traditional and she has to tone down her punk look for family gatherings
Asher's boyfriend is Damian. Damian finds out about his partner's double superhero life when Asher saves him in the mask, and like a dumbass, Asher forgets to turn on his voice modifier and Damian recognizes his voice immediately
Damian is also a Chekhov's Civilian and becomes a vital part of the plot
Nightmare and V have a little enemies to lovers romance that's mostly in the background is is really just there for comedy
The Magician gets a redemption arc and becomes the Hero Team's weird morally gray uncle
Kylee has a brother who is in the US Navy. He is one of the few people that she is comfortable being fully unmaksed around at the beginning of the books, and he is deployed during the events of the books.
Bryson has a weird relationship with his dad, who raised him all by himself and is a full time EMT. Bryson really wants to tell his dad about his double superhero life because it's driving a wedge between him and his dad, but it's not safe and Bryson's not sure how his dad will react
And finally, some memes for your viewing pleasure:
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The City is Ours Taglist: @friendlyneighborhood-writer @jessica-writes22 @rose-bookblood @yejidoesthings @space-writes
General Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes @thatprolificauthor @wip-nook @writeblrsupport
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devilsrecreation · 15 days
New episode idea
An episode like that of TAWOG’s “The Choices” where Kiburi reflects on the events of Season 2 after a particularly chaotic day. While talking with Hukumu, he wonders what things might have been like if he hadn’t tried to take Simba down
-What if he kept his mouth shut?: He’d definitely still be in the Pridelands, that’s for sure. The only time Kiburi would actually talk is the first few minutes he and the rest woke up, but if he didn’t say or do anything else after? I guess some of the other crocodiles would be complaining anyway, albeit amongst themselves and even then they’d be content with the watering hole everyone gets. It’d be good for everyone else with Scar not getting to have crocs on his team, BUT what about Kiburi? It’s just him bottling up all his emotions and that would cause his mental health to go down the drain…so much so, he starts pushing everyone away and maybe make him insane? He doesn’t want to know
“Yeah, I’d like to keep my sanity”
-What if he succeeded in killing Simba?: Things honestly go GREAT for him at first: Makuu’s banished from the float and probably the Pridelands as well, he’s Scar’s best warrior, crocs are ruling the land, things are finally going his way. As the days pass, he soon realizes that his sister’s actually pretty miserable cuz all she sees is her home in disarray and the love of her life pretty much gone (Makuu isn’t dead, but because he lost all his moxie he might as well be). Not to mention Scar would most likely throw him under the bus and there would be nobody to help due to lack of the Lion Guard, so it’s a scenario of “I won, but at what cost?”
“Maybe it’s better if I didn’t win that one…”
-What if Piga were still alive?: “There’s no way dad would let me do something like that no matter how old I am…”
-What if his friends never agreed to help him?: Tamka, Nduli, and Neema would do anything for him, but if that wasn’t the case…then he’d go rogue. Maybe he’d try to take Simba down himself, only to be stopped by the guard and banished. Then he’d truly be all alone working with animals who don’t care about him…not like his loved ones did-
“Well now everyone’s miserable..”
-What if Ucheshi joined him?: Everything’s the same, but Ucheshi participates. They’d be a killer evil sibling duo, he’ll give it that much. Hell, with Ucheshi’s brain and Kiburi’s brawn, they’d be the most OP in Scar’s army. They’d win every battle, slowly take over the Pridelands…then Ucheshi would decide this isn’t enough. She wants MORE chaos, MORE fighting, MORE animals running away from her, she just wants to go APESHIT and….wait, why does she have a murderous look in her eye? Okay maybe this has gone too far-
“*shivers* Thank the kings Ucheshi isn’t evil”
-What if he left willingly?/What if Ushari (and Scar) never proposed the idea in the first place?: Ig this is the best outcome. He’d still join Scar’s army, he’d just skip the whole “trying to assassinate Simba” thing, instead meeting Ushari while in the Outlands and meets Scar then. Even if it was a legit mashindano, he’d still be allowed to stay when he loses cuz you only get exiled from the float so TECHNICALLY he’s still allowed in the Pridelands either way (and ofc his friends go wițh him too so it works out)
But after all that thinking, Kiburi remembers all the good times he has in his new home: befriending his fellow Outlanders, the lessons he’s learned by making mistakes, how he’s a parent now, how he got to meet the love of his life, etc. He reflects on all of it and ends up being like “you know what? I wouldn’t change a thing” :)
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the-daily-dreamer · 2 years
Aemond is a little snot loser who killed and started a war that will lead to death of all his siblings and heart break of his mother, in books and here he is the one to blame, everyone was OK to go and request lords for their support atleast in books he had the balls to chase to kill, here it's by accident. How is that winning? Because he's more shippable? Do you know how many toxic characters I shipped daily? There are Netflix teen movies purely on them! No one cares
“No one cares” says the anon having a hissy fit in my inbox lmao.
Cry all you want. Sorry your misogynistic, wife abusing, murderer fave is such a shitbag, but that’s really not my problem lol
Y’all black stans absolutely love to get angry about something and then when you’re proven wrong, you get angry about the new reality.
First y’all were yelling about how he started a war and is evil for not letting go of his anger. Now you’re angry because he’s not liable for the war starting.
Green fans are winning because Aemond was chaotic and fun and seeking revenge, but not evil and attempting murder. He’s just the right amount of unhinged to be fun without being evil. Sorry your fave is just an abuser and no fun. Just evil.
It’s not about shipping. It’s about supporting the character that doesn’t abuse women. But it’s refreshing to see Team Black fans admitting they actively ship and love domestic abusers who hurt women. Trash <3
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heathmorgan · 10 months
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[ skeet ulrich — 53 — he/him ] Introducing  HEATH JAMES MORGAN . Word on the street is they are a RETIRED F1 DRIVER / CAPTAIN and member of THE BROTHERHOOD for the past TEN YEARS . Though they are DEMANDING and BRUTAL , they can also be INCISIVE and AUTHORITARIAN . In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in. 
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Name: Heathcliff James Morgan
Nickname: Heath
Age / D.O.B.: 53 / March 22, 1970
Gender, Pronouns: Cisman. He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Occupation: Retired F1 driver / Captain
Affiliation: The Brotherhood
Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, French
Relationship Status: Single
Children: One
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Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 6 ft
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Personality Type: ENTP
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Positive Traits: Indomitable, Eloquent, Assertive, Cunning, Dominant, Ambitious, Bold, Decisive, Resourceful, Self Disciplined, Confident, Perceptive
Negative Traits: Brutal, Volatile, Manipulative, Cynical, Rough, Competitive, Vengeful, Malicious
Mental Health: (Undiagnosed) NPD
Narcotics of use: Cocaine
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Parents: Clark Morgan, Midge Davis
Siblings: TBD Morgan
Cousins: TBD
Children: Willa Morgan ( NPC )
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Heath was born in Dallas. His mother was a burlesque dancer and his dad a mechanic. His mother was an alcoholic and abusive, she also struggled with drug addiction and would constantly disappear from home for weeks at a time. His father got tired of this and moved with his children to a trailer park, where he raised them as a single dad.
His father was part of a motorcycle gang, mostly former by getaway drivers with criminal ties, the kids spent much of their time under their protection, they considered them family and that was where Heath developed his passion for cars.
He started driving karts, the first step in the craft of racing, learning from control to adapting to the race track for speed. He entered karting competitions, was skilled and started to attract attention from sponsors. Different local and national competitions, getting a few good wins under his belt.
His father was killed in a confrontation between the group and the police, which made Heath responsible for his younger sibling. Due to family connections, they find their way to NYC. Necessity made him join the criminal world for a quick way out, doing the unimaginable to guarantee their survival since they no longer had protection.
He built for himself a small group of criminals that he had met along the way, they lived in the shadows. Started with small thefts and riots, until they evolved into kidnapping, blackmailing, extortion - and murder. yes, they knew it would reach extreme measures as soon as attacks on government buildings and high ranking individuals started to happen. It was a common fact among the powerful, they always had the fire lit faster when someone was about to die. And he wanted that kind of attention.
As the years went by he could see the improvement, they were far from being rich but now they had their own small house and were comfortable for the first time. Decided to return to amateur kart competitions and attended different educational programs pursuing technical and mechanical backgrounds knowledge. Sponsorship and funding allowed him to get his full competition license, building a career.
After getting a FIA international grade A license, he began competing in the lower-tier series, getting the right kind of networking and catching the attention of team owners, opening doors to opportunities in high levels of F1.
Heath was superior to the majority. Amidst the clamor, the chaos, the endless hours of practice, he remained unbroken, untouched. His power hunger surpassed that of his peers, a relentless drive to go beyond, delve deeper, and endure farther. While many found themselves in a competition for attention - he simply prevailed, unequivocally. And he deserved it. He deserved to be seen and be heard, eat the rich as they devour everything around them.
Everyone who crossed his path tried brutally to tame him, breaking him into a thousand pieces, tirelessly seeking to reshape into different individuals. His essence could never be affected, you cannot corrupt something that has been rotten for a long time. He could feel all that poison in his blood, every step he took was like the tick tock of a time bomb about to burst - all those vile urges were devouring him from the inside out.
After winning F1 world championship for the eighth time ( six times consecutively) at forty, he decided to retire. He got bored. Not just of his career, but everything else. Contacts with shady sponsors allowed him to achieve even more exclusive cycles, and consequently even more skeletons in his closet.
Do you remember the small group of criminals from his teenage years? Now with more available resources, he joined a bigger version of it, even more lethal. The Brotherhod. Meticulously chosen individuals, whose every weakness could be exploited and shaped into a weapon.
The common enemy remained the same: government, with no prospect that that target would ever change. New adversaries appeared on the way, more organizations than they could count, but nothing that couldn't be turned into a vile public message of what would happen to anyone who got in their way.
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1988 : got his FIA international grade A license. he was 18
1991 : started competing for ferrari. he was 21 years old
1992 - 1999 : won six world titles consecutively
2000 : signed with mclaren.
2007 : won his seventh world title
2009 : won his eighth and last world title
2010 : retired. 40 years old
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aeanarchy · 1 year
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1/4MILE: byun jihoon, 23, d.o.a.'s decoy racer (kim sunwoo).
NAME: byun jihoon GENDER: cismale (he/him) SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual ETHNICITY: south korean HIGHEST EDUCATION: high school OCCUPATION: decoy racer, part-timer at a pc bang SKELETON: d.o.a.'s decoy racer 1
ASTROLOGY: leo sun, aries moon MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic evil (+) ambitious, dauntless, tenacious (-) aggressive, reckless, self-centred
cocky motherfucker that knows no limits
would rather die than come second in a race
would throw a fit for three days straight if he lost (yes, it is that serious for him)
with that said, he would do anything to win, even if it means endangering his or his opponents' lives
a fuckboy through and through; knows the right words to say and right things to do to get you (probably doesn't mean them, though)
if he isn't picking a fight with someone, he's probably having sex in the back of his car
the kind of guy you'd lecture your friend for dating but when he takes an interest in you, you'll find it hard to stay away (almost as if there's a magnetic force pulling you to him)
no one really knows his back story; some say he comes from a rich family and doesn't have to worry about money, while others say he sells drugs to get by
truth is, he is from a rich family that went bankrupt; dad is a wanted man on the run for tax evasion and mom is working odd jobs to raise him
despite how trashy he is with women (and his love interests in general), he's ironically a pretty good son
his mom is the most important person in his life and he can be really sweet to her
of course, his mom doesn't know about his racing (he knows it'll break her heart) so he tells her his injuries are from sports
so, yes, like all cliché bad boys written in every chick flick out there, there is a vulnerable side to him that he only reveals after getting comfortable with you
started racing purely for the money but now enjoys the thrill and adrenaline from coming close to death and escaping it by a whisker
was meant to save up his winnings for college but has procrastinated applying as "college isn't for him" but his mom really wants him to go
has greed for the star racer spot but knows he'll never land it because there hasn't been a decoy racer that gets the job done as fast as him (no doubt, aggressively)
he's convinced he steals the show with his stunts anyway
not the best team player but people tolerate him because he gets the job done well
not easy to befriend but once he decides he likes you, he's a friend for life
enemies to lovers/forbidden love/enemies by day, fwbs by night with 4m girlies
or true blue enemies with pure hatred for the stunt he pulled (read: tire iron story)
d.o.a. members who can't stand him but tolerate him because he's a good decoy racer
that one (or two) good friends that actually like him and has earned his loyalty (he probably would kill for them)
older sibling figure that tries to guide him onto the right path
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fishybehavior · 2 years
Ok this used to be my au list, but since its super out of date I’m going to add some stuff and make this my opening card!
Hi I’m Evan/Fishy, and this is my silly lil ninjago blog. It’s also my main blog so while its mostly Ninjago there are an abundance of other posts here! I like doodling and writing and having fun and making silly stories and creating angst >:]
blorbos are Kai and Jay (the skrunkly guys)
some tags you may want to know.
for my fics: #my fics , #my writing
my art tags: #doodle ,  #doodles , #my art
I talk about stuff that happens in life and share photos i use the tag: #evan has a life
under the read more i will have a list of some of my au’s, the list is not complete sorry about that.
AU list
AU’s with a ! next to them have nothing written for them, but I’m always down to talk about any of these.
Evil Siblings AU: Kai and Nya are raised by Krux and are trying to take over Ninjago
White Coats: Jay and Kai get kidnapped by doctors and get experimented on
Killer Kai: Kai is a serial killer and is a jerk about it
Elementals AU: The ninja’s powers are sentient beings that try to help them, but no one can see them.
! Here We Are in The Future: The main 4 (or 5) somehow go to the future and see how their lives are like 
Acronix’s Redemption: Acronix is good boi, and he knew all the ninja’s parents. Angst ensues
Kiddos: Ninjas are children, and Nya doesn’t like being the big sister. AKA reliving childhood drama
Carità del Destino: Cole works in his family restaurant, but he cant cook. He’s forced takes a cooking class and makes some friends/enemies?
! Law&Order: Kai is being framed for a crime, and the only one who believes him is his defense lawyer (or police profiler idk) Zane.
How he Got his Soul: (completed au) Basically Zane reveals exactly how he got his powers.
! Marching band au (working title): The boys plays in da band, and its chaotic.
Fishy AU: A dark presence has fallen over the ocean. There is something hunting a great power that can only be controlled by the power that's held in the descendants of the ancient sea witches.
The Prince and the Gecko: Evil Twink Jay, and Zane kisses a gecko. After being offered a deal, Zane falls into a new world of magic and curses, as he tries to break the curse of a talking gecko.
Whoops all avatars: There's been a mess up, now the avatar is one of three firebenders (Kai, Lloyd, or Jay). Who is it, and can they handle it? 
! Green means love: The power of the green ninja is the love the core four have for each other. FLUFF
! Lightning potato/g force Jay: Jay is a guinea pig. (with @anxiousworm)
Thceif [Thief au]: Jay is a criminal thief called BLACKOUT
Pack sticks together: The ninja’s are onis and refugees in Ninjago, trying to survive, and also messing around with human technology
Little bro Kai: Kai is Nya’s little brother, :P
Guitar Jay: Jay is a magically guitar that turns into a person. made with @lennon-cuddlywump (Techno au) 
SOG Kai: After getting lost in the time vortex Kai ends up with the SOG several years younger and with no memory.
Robot ninja’s: Instead of people, the ninjas are robots built to host the awesome powers of the elemental masters
Celestial au: The ninja’s are celestial incarnation of their powers
Non Bender au: LoK au, where all the ninja’s are in the world of avatar, but none of them are benders. 
Assassins au: the ninjas are assassins with Lloyd being their boss
Oni Soul au: Basically Lloyd finds the part of his soul that was split from him at birth.
Horizion Zero Dawn au: Kai accidentally gets a focus implanted into his brain and now must help a scrappy team save the world
Cats au: Warrior cats au. They do have powers, its pretty fun/wild
littol ninja’s au: The ninjas are each about 4-5 inches tall and act about 4-6 years old. They are being watched over by a kind person who finds them until they can figure out what is happeneing.
Racer Kai: Kai is a professional racer who is dating his mechanic Jay. Race fast and win
Storm Twins: Movie au, where Jay and Morro are twins. Morro is on the secret ninja force but Jay is not and he doesn’t know either.
elemental masters: Basically a reimagining of ninjago. Changed the magic system too (no tag yet for this au)
hybrid au: Hybrid people are being eperimented on, and Kai, a caretaker, has had enough and breaks out four hybrids, Cole, Jay, Zane, and Lloyd
bizzarro adoption: The bizzarro get adopted by Sensei Garmadon, and work on healing their unhealthy relationships to each other.
destiny au
underground au
Racer Kai
Runaways au
To be continued. . .
Ask blogs:
@pack-sticks-together : the ninja oni au
@whos-the-avatar : avatar au
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 7 months
I think CV Lunar should be adopted by a SAMS Eclipse, they can be evil together
I think there’s an AU with my friend of something similar but that Eclipse is trying to be better.
I think them becoming an evil sibling duo would be chaotic but probably fall apart eventually once they no longer benefit from teaming up with each other, not like either actually cares about having family
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sentient-rift · 10 months
About Paradox Prince Sonic
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Name: Sonic the Hedgehog
Paradox Cross: Sega and Nintendo x Kingdom Hearts
Occupation: Prince of Sega Castle, Keyblade Master.
Keyblade: Divewing
Family: Queen Aleena (Mother) Manic (Brother) Sonia (Sister)
Species: Hedgehog
World: Sega Castle
Abilities: Super Speed, Homing Attack, Spin Dash, Super Transformation, Chaos Control, Sonic Wind, Keyblade, Dream Jump, Power of Waking.
Background: Coming from a paradox dimension where the worlds of Sega and Nintendo come together in a Kingdom Hearts like universe, this is a Sonic who is both the Prince of Sega Castle and a Keyblade Master, acting as a parallel to King Mickey. Despite having a bit of a cocky attitude like most Sonics, he's still a selfless prince who puts others before himself.
He is one of three children of the queen of Sega Castle, Aleena. While Sonia is the more responsible sibling, and Manic is the most immature, Sonic seems to be a mixture of both, loving to have fun and goof around, but also knowing when to be serious. He also seems to have a better grasp at the Keyblade than Sonia and Manic.
At some point, he was recruited by ARiA to help protect the Multiverse, which he accepts. Whenever he has to leave his dimension, he leaves his siblings and friends in charge of protecting it while he's gone.
He formed a strong rivalry against Scourge (from @fallen-symphony ), and fights against him the most out of all the members of Slur's army. He sometimes mistakes him as his Heartless since he's the most evil and chaotic version of himself he ever met.
He still has a love for chili dogs like any other version of Sonic, and usually visits the Item Creation Shop to grab one.
Sonic is surpised to meet a good version of Dr. Eggman on the team, but is very welcoming of it. Sonic's not one to hold grudges, and treats Mr. Tinker with respect. He also finds it a little funny that an android who looks like Shadow is a childish little cinnamon bun like Terios.
Emerl is happy to have a version of Sonic joining the team, even if it's not the Sonic from his own dimension. Even though his link has moved to Bass Cross Megaman, he still shares special bond with Prince Sonic.
Sonic seems to find hidden potential in Klonoa. Having to Dream Jump in order to learn the Power of Waking and become a Keyblade Master, Sonic can't help but wonder if Dream Travelers have similar abilities...
Having a strong sense of justice and the heart of a benevolent prince, Sonic will do everything he can to help RiFT and ARiA keep the Multiverse safe from Slur's forces and from the darkness.
(Click here to see his introduction.)
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autumnslance · 10 months
This is a very silly ask (and feel free to ignore it completely), but do you think any of your OCs would be friends with characters from other franchises? (Fun fact, this was inspired by a piece of fanart that made me believe that Thancred and Leon Kennedy of Resident Evil fame would absolutely be friends. Or at least drinking buddies.)
Hrm, I don't often think in terms of crossovers and mashups anymore--which is funny, as one of my earliest online RP experiences was a multiverse setting where OCs from any and all settings--franchise, gaming, original, etc--could co-exist. Normal mortals teaming up with demigods from novel series and mega-damage users from RIFTS and an array of fantasy and sci-fi and horror characters in between.
I sometimes think about how my OCs in various settings would interact together; how my WoW OCs would get along, or not, with the FF14 crew, or the FF14 OCs with my D&D characters. I tend to lean into certain archetypes (bards and paladins/clerics/priests are favorites), so there'd be some overlap and things in common, and also some frustrations at similarities that grate and clash.
So I don't think too much about how they'd interact with canon figures from other settings, but any OCs I'd have in that realm instead.
Well, the adventuring parties of Actual Play shows like Critical Role (and its animated series spinoffs) is pretty easy; Vox Machina, the Mighty Nein, and Bells Hells are all as chaotic and as helpful as adventurers tend to be, for good or bad. So there'd be eye rolling and irritation, but also understanding and diving in alongside, forming friendships with the weirdos cuz well, adventurers are Like That. They're RP characters too though so might be cheating, or at least easier to figure out for me.
Vax has that sort of noble rogue energy that'd make Aeryn fond of him, while Vex would initially drive her up a wall until they reached an understanding. Scanlan's annoy the heck out of her until they got to sit down and talk for real and she saw under the vulgar exterior. Percy'd be tolerated as Insufferable Noble Trying Too Hard. She'd be patient with Grog and enjoy his overlarge childish glee at everything. And who doesn't love Pike? Literal angel with a chaotic bent herself, she adds a bit of calm when not engaging in sibling shenanigans with Grog. I think Aeryn'd relate most to Keyleth, funnily, and they'd get along decently. Tary, too, would get a lot of sympathy concerning expectations, and also nerding around with his crafts, and may make dealing with Percy a tad easier.
Of the Nein, Caduceus is a spot of calm, aroace energy. Not as right as he thinks he is about many things, but he means well and tries, and that counts for a lot. Aeryn'd have tea with him any day. She'd also be drawn to Beau's bravado and brashness and they'd get into trouble together. Same with Fjord and Caleb, really; there's a level of familiarity in how they approach things with 'let's poke it and see what happens' but also the care they have for others in general. Same with Yasha. Jester's a bright light ball of energy and oh gods her and C'oretta in the same space would be exhausting. Nott/Veth is a bit more complicated; probably depends on when in the campaign, is it before or after Veth's reunited with her family, as she undergoes a shift emotionally once she has her original self back as well as her husband and son. Molly would aggravate and charm Aeryn by turns; Kingsley she'd be sympathetic to and understand too well that living in another's shadow aspect. Essek is fine; he's a wizard to talk shop with, learn from, mess around with spellwork. Luc is a brat also in the shadow of his accomplished mom and adventuring family, and needs mentoring and guidance and a lot of patience oh gosh.
A lot of the Hells would honestly be irritating, especially Imogen's propensity to just use telepathy intrusively; girl needs a lesson in why you don't want to poke around uninvited or casually to get your answers, and a WoL's head is wilder than most. FCG needs mentoring and guidance like whoa. Fearne's also an agent of energetic chaos; fun in doses. Laudna's not so scary, very sweet and fun and sad and likely needs help she doesn't know how to ask for. Ashton's grating in his arrogance and rebelliousness for rebellion's sake (though that may shift given recent things...). Chetney's surface attitude would be annoying, but soon enough he'd be a safe and calming point, given his perceptions. Orym's also just calming and reasonable; maybe a little too much sometimes, and needs to be reminded to cut loose now and then, it's good for you (and your friends).
Dark rolls with it all; she's very easy to get along with. Iyna wouldn't be able to stand most of them. C'oretta would get along well with most everyone but lord her and Jester and/or Fearne in the same place...Terrifying!
That's one off the top of my head, after a long holiday weekend thinking about it off and on, anyway!
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fili-the-jester · 10 months
*Utter silence, except for the spoon brushing against the porcelain of the tea cup as I dissolve the sugar cubes*
So... Pyrrhic AU has some plot relevant original characters I hear *sips tea*
There are * checks google doc with oc info * quite a few plot relevant original characters in the pyrrhic au.
It really went from one to many very fast. It used to just be one original character, but then I started expanding upon that character and creating more and more to populate the setting and to make it feel more alive. And that’s how I got to the ever-growing list of original characters :3
Some of them aren’t really plot relevant and are more background ones, but there are quite a few that are plot relevant in this au.
I will list out a few of them below if you’re interested in reading about them.
Doctor AND a Demon Lord (he's out here mastering the skill of multitasking)
The one saved Macaque from dying and helped him recover (and also got him to go to therapy)
Is on both Team Dad and Team Mom
Usually he's pretty chill and nice, but push him too far (seriously don’t, he will put you in the ground)
The Resident Menace to Society
Has bark AND bite (no, seriously he bites people)
“Manslaughter is not an option” “Sure it is! :3”
Is he evil? Is he neutral? Don’t know, but he’s chaotic and just having such a great time causing problems for everybody else
A bundle of hyperactive energy
Youngest Sibling Energy
Mu: *sees an axe or a shiny weapon* *stars in eyes* I want it.
Might be just a little bit unhinged
The one who is running the show in the Nether Markets (location I made up that exists in the Demon Realm)
Me: *side eyeing him*
Putting it simply, he is BAD NEWS
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gemprincess10 · 1 year
Story Summaries (click the names for links to tags for each story)
This is a summary of the 6 stories that I am currently work on. I made this in case in case whenever I reference these works in future posts, people could find this for some context if needed.
Sweet Dreams: This is the story that I often work on the most of the 6 stories.  It's about a 13 year old ball of sunshine named Annie who enjoys make everyone she comes across happy. the story usually is about the various antics she gets into with her 2 best friends Artsy a girl who appreciates all forms of art. and Prankster, a ghost girl who enjoys pulling pranks on jerks and scary various assholes. the story often focus on the hi-jinx and other scenarios that the main trio get into like Annie hanging out with regular butterflies for a whole day, Annie and Artsy helping a fairy who lost her home rebuild a new one or the trio trying retrieve a lost toy that Prankster used to have when she was alive. but sometimes Annie’s family, Artsy’s aunt and Prankster’s other friends get to share in the spotlight. Villainy: The story is about a aspiring villain name Alicia. inspired by her mom and her grandma’s careers in super villainy, she decides to try her hand at super villainy at the age of 15 by using her skills in robotics and other tech based science. with her good friend Spectra, a magician who decided it would be more fun being evil and U.Knit a A.I. built by Alicia’s mom and thus considers Alicia to be her older sister, Alicia begins her journey as a super villain. this story is mostly about the wacky hi-jinks Alicia’s schemes often entail(like literally wanting to paint the town red) and the various friends and enemies she makes along the way. on top of that, the story is also about a Blue, a Magical boy who does heroics with his friends. early on Alicia and Blue fall in love and it’s a bunch of hijinks from the 2 keeping their romance a secret.  Alicia often doesn’t win in her evil schemes but she often wins in character development and strengthening her love for everyone she cares about. Toy Time: This one is about the secret lives of Artsy’s toy collection whenever she is not around the moment as they all move when people are not around. usually focusing on Artsy’s favorite toy Lauren a 14 year old pullstring doll and her brother Lynnette as they try to keep everything steady as various stuff happens like Lauren and other toys getting lost and having to get back home, to Lauren getting a girlfriend and her trying to process being in a romance for the first time, to trying find a way to pass time on a very boring day while waiting for Artsy to return home. Slumber Land:
A young boy named Kutar, dreams of visiting another world. He eventually gets his wish when during a sleepover with his friends. They all end up in the dream realm. The show is mostly about Kutar and his friends frequently visiting the dream realm and having various adventures. Small Things: In a world of with humans that are the size of a toy, we Have Lil. A tiny human girl who likes exploring the world around him. one day as he is visiting a favorite part the forest he encounters Emily, a regular sized human boy who appreciates taking things slow. the 2 have a chance encounter with each other and decide to become friends. with Emily letting Lil explore her library, while Emily learns more about Minis(that’s my name for super tiny humans) through her interactions with Lil. 
Odd Jobs:
A group of friends take various jobs to help, with the caveat being that they are horribly dysfunctional as a team.
Fairy Fun:
Olivia loves her older siblings Olive and Oliver, unfortunately for the 2, Olivia sometimes sometimes takes after her older siblings reckless behavior that they try to dissuade Olivia from and unfortunately things only get more chaotic when Olivia happens to meets her fairy godparents who grant her every wish.
A human boy who was accidentally separated from his community as a infant and a fairy community took him in to save his life. But due to how the entrance to the fairy home works, it's a one way trip for the boy and thus he is unable to leave and reconnect with humans.
The story is about how the boy feels a disconnect from the fairy community at times and feeling trapped. So his best friend would frequently leave to find food, objects and people's stories to share those with the boy. Before later finally finding a way to help him leave and reconnect with humans. Mineral Mayhem:
This is a story about Lumin and Aqua. A wandering duo of living gemstones. They go on various funny adventures helping people while being good buddies. The story begins with them most recently coming across a pair of human twins Named Bow and Pin. Bow is a shy introverted book nerd, always curious to learn more about the world around her. Pin is the opposite, being a social butterfly and loves meeting new people. Bow is a chosen one with duties to help keep the world in check and that both excites and terrifies Bow. Cause on one hand it means she gets to see the world and learn more about it, but on the other hand the responsibilities kinda overwhelm her, cause she can be rather indecisive when not knowing all of the outcomes in a decision. So Lumin and Aqua decide take Bow and Pin, so Bow can get immersed in the world and learn how to fulfill her duties.
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