#oc: aela
loubatas-art · 2 months
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I finally made the girls version of that meme
yeah I know it's been trending only for like, a couple days and have died weeks ago. no I don't give a fuck, it was fun to do, and my ladies are awesome anyway
(references used for Aela (first one) and Safiyah (last one) from @adorkastock btw)
dude version
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merkerlerspeaks · 1 year
What if I gave Aela a dragon?
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merkerler · 2 years
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This was done pretty quickly so disregard any errors. I just wanted to draw them. 
Also introducing Klaus I’ll have a character sheet for him at some point. 
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One song that did help to inspire the creation of Aela was this
She doesn't have a clockwork heart, nor is there a clockwork dragon. But there's something about the pacifistic nature of the song and character in the story being told that helped to create the vibes I wanted Aela to have.
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nauteno · 3 months
↓Young Sotha Sil and Divayth Fyr just in my head🤭
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This Week🤪🤪🤪
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pearlwhitecats · 7 months
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<3 🍎🍯 Kieran and Aela!!!
They should kiss fr honestly
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
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a commission for @alduinsbanes of her character Severa and wife Aela the Huntress!
[i have commissions open now!]
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esdithequeen · 1 year
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TES Summer Fest Day 1 - arcane or beast
Guess who definitely didn’t almost forget about summer fest!
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moicaire · 19 days
hey do you guys wanna read a snippet of sad pathetic wet Aeilif fic
* * *
“Halbjorn. He was your husband, right?” Aela asked, approaching the topic with a bit of caution.
“Yes.” Aeilif fidgeted with the edge of the blanket. “It’s… hard to believe that he has been gone for two years.”
“Tell me about him?” Aela offered, a quality of softness in her voice that she did not often have.
Aeilif hesitated for a moment. She had barely mentioned Halbjorn to any of them, no more than a passing comment to explain her situation. She hadn’t talked about him with anyone at all, really. It had been easier to push it all to the side. Perhaps now was the time. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out.
“He was always so cheerful, such a kind soul. Seemed like he was always bending over backward to help someone. I grew up with him, we were fast friends as children. I tended to keep to myself but he never failed to reach out to me.” A fond smile curved the edge of her lips up slightly. “Divines, we had fun. Playing near the river, looking over the trinkets my father had in the back of his shop. When we were older, we would practice fight with wooden swords or go hunting in the woods.
He left for Whiterun to join the guard after his twentieth winter. A few months later, my parents packed up and moved to Cyrodiil to start a store in the city. Tired of the cold, I guess, it wasn’t the best on my mother’s health. I didn’t want to leave Riverwood, though, so I took over their shop and lived upstairs. It wasn’t such a bad arrangement, although it got to be a bit much after a while.”
“That the shop around the corner from the smith? I remember seeing that,” Aela cut in.
“Yes, that’s the one. I made copies of mother’s l patterns and made most of the clothes myself, and some of the leatherwork. It was getting to be a lot to manage myself, though. But a couple years in, Halbjorn came back. He—he spent his free time in the evenings helping me finish the leatherwork, cleaning up the store. That meant the world to me.” Aeilif’s eyes watered and she rubbed them with the back of her hand. “And then… a few weeks later, he proposed. He had bought a ring in Whiterun before he came back to Riverwood. I found out later than he had been saving for that ring the whole time.” She reached around her neck and drew out a chain. “I’ve carried both our rings with me since he died.”
“What happened to him? Bandits?”
Aeilif scoffed bitterly. “Essentially. Worse than bandits. He got stopped by the Thalmor on the way home from Whiterun. He was wearing an amulet of Talos. He… didn’t come home that evening. In the morning some imperials passing through brought his body back. Cruel beasts!” Her voice wavered. “It was brutal. Absolutely brutal. H-he had clearly been in pain.” Tears ran down her cheeks and she sobbed and stared down at the covers.
Aela grabbed her hand and held it tightly. “I am so sorry. It should never have happened.”
Aeilif broke down and wept openly, releasing the emotion she had held back for so many months. She missed Halbjorn so dearly. She missed the life they were building together, the children they should have had. How dare the Thalmor take it all away so easily? Why did it have to be him?
And Aela stayed next to her, holding her hand. And just listened.
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Aela the Huntress: You kissed Farkas!?!
Artanis: I didn't know what else to do! He had those big sad eyes!
Aela: Well, sure, you had no choice.
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nooklingposting · 11 months
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Vilkas? Physical affection? What on Nirn is going on here
I haven’t drawn Alfe in a hot minute - last time you saw her, she looked like this, and I couldn’t draw very well 😅
That picture seems to have gained some attention recently, so I figured I’d draw her with Vilkas this time. They are friends, I swear. Even if she is the bane of his existence
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volkopesn · 3 months
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her body eats its own organs my ocs aela and yartal. drawn in a combination of photoshop and ms paint
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merkerlerspeaks · 1 year
"Tell me, how does it feel to kill unarmed innocent people like that?" "And I have a question for you, do you feel anything when you burn your garbage?" "Nifty answer, sorry I asked." Big Aela vibes
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fishfood22 · 4 months
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Beach day with my ocs! ヽ(≧∀≦)ノ
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Nox: Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve. Klaus, just meeting her: I think you mean cards? Aela: She did not. Nox, pulling out knives: I did not.
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nauteno · 10 months
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/This is my old art & just a Japanese jork🤪
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