#oc: alice anderson
roadtogracelandx45 · 5 months
Courage Under Fire| Pre War 7| Band of Brothers
@marycorleone @prettyinpayne @ohnoitsthebat
part 6
We are getting so close to where Liv and her band of girls to Toccoa and meet the boys. We will start meeting them in part 9 and 10. Part 8 is Olivia, Alice and a new girl Betsy going to Officer's training camp. And we meet Dick Winters.
Pre-War part 7
“You married my daughter?” Katherine questioned causing Olivia, who had been focused on the kids to turn to the two, her eyes going to Lewis who gave her a discreet nod to play along. He was doing this to save her from Davis and anything else that her mother had planned.
“Yes, it’s just something that happened.” The older Stewart daughter added, “I stopped him from marrying Kathy. I came to realize that I loved him and that I wanted him for myself.”
“You know it’s funny that you call her your daughter now.” Lewis started, “You wanted nothing to do with her until you heard that we got married.”
Helen, who was talking to her husband and his brothers which included Olivia’s father, James, smiled proudly, she had to hand it to both her cousin and her niece, they both thought very quickly on their feet and could twist things to make things better.
“James, they aren’t married, Liv wouldn’t do that to you or to the family.’ She started seeing the surprise in her brother-in-law’s eye turn to anger, “She told us before we boarded the flight about what Katherine was doing to her and Marla. Lewis is just trying to save her. He is pushing her to join the Army Nursing Corps as well.”
Furious, James turned to his brother and uncle who had joined them, “You want my 18-year-old daughter to join the Army Nursing Corp? Are you out of your goddamn minds?”
“No,” Finn started keeping his eyes on the trio, “You know your daughter just as well as we do, you know she isn’t going to want to stay home and do nothing not with her brothers and the men she cares about fighting. And she won’t take the money she has rightfully earned from Granddad, and she won’t take money from the Nixons.’
“They offered?” James was floored, he knew his twins were close to the Nixons, especially Olivia. But he never thought that they would offer to pay for her education. Helen nodded her head in agreement, she had a conversation with her aunt and uncle while Lewis and Olivia were getting ready for the rehearsal dinner a few nights prior. And Stanhope had expressed his hope that his son would end up with Olivia.
“They were going to offer it to her in person after the dinner, but Kathy struck her.” She had all the Stewart men's attention then. “That woman raised her hand at Liv?” Michael asked peering around her to look at his niece who was being scooped up into a hug by her twin.
“She has a nice cut on her cheek from the ring.’ She motioned to her cheek, “Though she handled herself just fine today. She almost broke her wrist when Kathy went to strike Lewis after she stopped the wedding.” James looked at his daughter and then at his sister-in-law, there were a lot of things that they were going to have to talk about. ** “Olivia Stewart!” A voice came from the top of the stairs causing Olivia to pull away from her oldest brother who was inspecting the cut on her cheek. “Faith Anderson!” Olivia returned, moving around her brothers and going up the stairs to hug her friend.
When she had first come back to Charleston after the fiasco with Evie and Bill, she had tried to hold Alice at arm’s length, so she didn’t get hurt again. But the girl pushed through the walls and was a constant when she was struggling with Fredrick’s care. Faith's dark eyes shot to where Lewis was at, hovering behind her friend, like another shadow.
“This is Lewis Nixon, he’s Aunt Helen’s cousin. I was at his wedding.’ Faith looked between the two confused, “Why is he here with you then and not with his wife?” “It’s a long story, Alice.” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, “That I can explain.”
The taller girl studied her friend for a long moment before looking at Lewis, "It's nice to meet you, sir.”
“Don’t inflate his ego.” Bobby teased from where he was standing hanging their laughing nephew upside down his ankles.
‘It’s already big enough.” she agreed with a nod of her head. “You are getting me right here Liv. I am hurt.” Lewis complained, covering his heart with his hands. “Love you.” She grinned before taking her friend’s hand to take her upstairs to talk to her. “Better be glad of the fact that I love you too.” He returned, if he had been with his family, he would have been as open with his affection towards Olivia. But her family was a whole different story.
** The next morning **
James knocked on the door that led to his daughter’s bedroom, he had given her time to get settled and get some sleep, he had known that she hadn’t been sleeping well and he wanted to talk to his brother and uncle about her joining the Nursing Corp.
“Come in.” She called and he pushed the door open, Lewis was coming out of the adjoining bathroom, fidgeting with the tie and Olivia was sitting at the vanity examining the healing cut on her cheek.
“Good morning, Bean. Lewis.” He greeted; he hadn’t been pleased when Helen told him that Lewis had been sleeping with his daughter, but she hadn’t woken up the whole house with her nightmares. She seemed at semi-peace, and he would take that. “Morning Daddy. Everything okay?’ she asked, turning to look at him.
“We need to talk about what happened in Phoenix and the Nursing Corp.’
“I will leave you two to talk about that.’ Lewis commented before dropping a kiss on Olivia’s forehead.
“Don’t start drinking yet, okay? Need you kind of sane to keep the wicked witch away.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” He winked before nodding his head at James and slipping out of the room. “You and him huh?” James asked, “Last you told me you didn’t want to date anymore.”
“I can’t explain it, Daddy,” she started, “other than you and my brothers, he makes me feel safe and brings out a different side to me.”
“What about Bill?”
“You didn’t like Bill either.” She pointed out, “And I am not going to marry Lewis any time soon. If at all. Kathy was a lot like Katherine. I didn’t want him to live through that like we did.”
“He is a big boy Bean.” James started, “But if it had to be between him and Bill, I would pick him. Yes, you and Bill make sense but you two would be so unhappy. This isn’t what I wanted to talk to you about. The Army Nursing Corp.” There was a sudden spark in her eye that made him think he made the right choice. “If you want to join, you can. Andrea and I had a talk about it last night with your uncle Finn, Michael, and Elizabeth Forbes.”
“The General is here?”
“Hmm, there is talk of her and Finn getting married.”
Olivia bit back the rude comment that she had built on her tongue, “That is going to go over real well with Marie and her family.”
“Got that right. They want you to stay here and finish up your schooling at a faster pace, you can get it done quicker without the distraction of Bill or the family.” Olivia nodded her head, she didn't want to admit that she had missed being in Charleston. As much as she loved South Philly, being with her younger siblings and around the neighborhood, she missed being there with her grandparents and great-grandparents. “Andie wants you to come home for Christmas though. She is dead set on it.” “I can do that. Just no snowball fights. I don't think I have ever properly warmed up from the time that Nicholas dumped all that snow down my back.” James laughed, out of his kids, Olivia was the only one who had an aversion to the cold.
The others adapted quickly to it.
“Bobby is already enlisting isn’t he?” She asked after a heartbeat, “After school?” James nodded his head, he hadn’t wanted to let him join after losing Nicholas but he had no choice in the matter.
“Finish getting ready, we have to leave soon for mass and I am sure Katherine is going to want to yell some more at you.”
“I would have to be the Queen of England to have her stop yellin’ at me. But I doubt even that would stop her.” She stood up from her chair and smirked, “Let me tell her I am joining the Nursing Corp.” “Bean, I know this is hard on you but please, please don’t cause a fight that ends up getting the cops called here.” Though James knew that it was nothing new for them to get called to the house when they had something like this going on and with Katherine being around. ** Lewis wasn’t surprised when Olivia appeared next to him at the dining room table nor was he surprised when she picked up his coffee cup that held coffee and Vat .69. “What’s this I hear about you joining?” Bobby started before his sister rushed across the room and clapped her hand over his mouth.
“Robert, shut up! Katherine doesn’t know yet. I am going to tell her when the time is right.” He bit back the laughter that bubbled up quickly, he only hoped that he was there to see Katherine’s reaction to it. If the blow-up was anything like the one from the night it would be a sight to see.
“Do you know what you are doing? Joining?’ he dropped his voice so only she could hear him.
“Do you?’ She returned, “They aren’t sending nurses into active war zones yet, or if they ever will. I’ll probably stay here or be sent to Pearl to help with the hospital there. I’m more worried about you, our brothers, Lewis, Bill, and the other boys in the neighborhood than I am about me going to a military hospital to help wounded soldiers.”   "God help anyone that came between you and one of your soldiers." Lee, their middle brother, commented from the doorway.  He along with Edward had an unsettling  pit in his stomach at the thought of their younger sister joining the Nursing Corp, things were constantly changing, and she could be shipped out to the Pacific where their brothers  Daniel and James were  currently in the Pacific.
And that scared him and scared Bobby, but their father had been right, Olivia was going to do this whether they liked it or not and it was better for them to know where she was than her up and disappear into the night.
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joat-art · 1 month
Fuck it here’s most the art for my DBH AU and a link to the whole series of stories
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numbuh-72 · 3 months
The Devil's Doll / Alice Anderson
"Hehehehe~ Get ready to meet your worst nightmares, children~"
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Normal Form
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Demonic Form
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smallfairywings · 2 years
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me as a CyberLife Android :)
RK240 - Registered as “Rosie”
(obviously didn’t draw this lol, just messing about on my phone with selfies lmao)
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quiet-art-kid · 3 months
i did there hairstyles meme with a few oc’s, here is Alison
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empressofthesunwriter · 2 months
DBH Case File: Deviancy Index
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As a single mother and dedicated police officer, Serena's priorities are clear. Her work with her partner Hank to solve cases of android deviancy becomes even more interesting when Cyberlife sends a handsome young android to assist them. This leads to some interesting questions about love and relationships, especially as Serena's daughter Cassia seems to have taken a liking to the new android and demands he be her father!
Case 001
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ghostcaterwaul · 1 year
OC ask game: 1, 6, 18, 26 answer for whichever oc you'd like to ^-^
I’m gonna do a different OC for each question, if that’s okay!
1. are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
Most of my OCs have like, a color or color scheme assigned to them. If you’re looking for a more specific answer though, I associate Olly with like, a bright reddish violet color? She mostly wears black though, sometimes with pops of color here and there.
6. how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks?
Jet’s hair is always styled in a way that’s inspired by 80s goth. He cares a lot about his hair. He’s constantly fixing it and making sure every strand is in it’s proper place. Playing with his hair is also a nervous habit for him though, and he’s a bit of a nervous wreck, so he’s constantly messing his hair up and immediately fixing it all the time.
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
For Leo, it’s all a case-by-case basis thing. In his mind, everyone lies, and he believes most people have good reasons for doing so. He’s had to lie a lot in his life, so he wouldn’t judge someone for that unless they lied about something really messed up.
He pretty much thinks stealing is acceptable as long as it’s from big corporations and that sort of thing.
He’s generally against killing, but he understands certain circumstances like self-defense, etc. He also just thinks the world is genuinely better off without certain types of people in it (like sexual predators, for example) and he has no problem taking that into his own hands if he has to.
26. how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids?
Alice moves in a very graceful, almost ethereal manner. Her movements are very fluid. Like a spirit roaming through the woods at night or a gothic heroine wandering the corridors of an abandoned castle. This is often accentuated by her flowy clothing. People tend to find the way she moves either enchanting or unsettling and there’s rarely any in between. She moves fairly quietly too, or at least she would if it weren’t for all her jewelry chains and charms and whatnot.
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dingoskidneys · 8 months
9 people to get to know better (tag game)
Omg hii tagged by @cloudlesbian :]
3 ships you like: oh goodness uhh I haven't been super into ships recently but I like forthur (h2g2) and bence (the ship name I made up for my own OCs lmao) and I can't think of any others that I'm into currently
Honorable mention: spirk because I feel like I haven't watched enough TOS to be a true spirk fan
First ship ever: flashbacks to when I was scrolling ineffable husbands fanart on fuckign google images when I was 15. Before then MAYBE forthur bc I definitely thought they had something nonheteronormative happening before I started using the internet but idk if that counts. WAIT maybe Joan and Sherlock from Elementary (but I didn't actually want them to get together romantically I just liked their queerplatonic vibes)
Last song you heard: Shadows by Nick Lutsko (as recommended to me by my roommate) (I liked it)
Favorite childhood book: the May Bird and the Ever After series by Jodi Lynn Anderson, also Through The Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll
Currently reading: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde but I STILL haven't picked it up in over two months I'm so sorry
Currently watching: Columbo!!!!!!!!! and also rewatching 1670 in the original Polish for um reasons
Currently consuming: air
Currently craving: water (dehydration strikes again)
Tagging 9 people from recent activity! No pressure if you don't want to answer
@theygotlost @fordprefectsleftshoe @andietries @volcanicflowers @romeoisalesbian @v0gonpoet @somebodytolove31 @ragdolls-and-such @thepointlessmasterpiece
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galaxietm · 4 months
June Starter Call
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Heyo! It's been over a year since my last starter call, but i figure why not now! I'm borrowing this idea from @peachiiihearts​ again, but this is a starter call that will be on-going for the entire month with focus on the muses that have birthdays this month that were either assigned / picked out by me or are their canon birthdays.
Send the name of the muses you want starters from! You’re free to request more than one, but PLEASE specify who you want me to write the starter with at the very least. It would be awesome if multimuses could specify my muse and your muse, but if you don't specify both, then specifying which of my muses you’d like the starter with goes a long way. If you don’t specify the muse you want the starter from, then you’re not getting a starter, simple enough. Also, depending on the muse, I may or may not hop in your inbox or send you an IM to talk about or suggest ideas. (Muses marked 'low activity' are muses who tend to be a little more finicky than others / may require me to message you first!)
Please keep it to five starters per blog for now please! (also; since the oc bios are being revamped, if you'd like to know more about them, feel free to ask!)
- Rise Kujikawa ( pers.ona 4) - Snow Kelley ( kingdo.m hearts original character) - Iris Bellerose ( my candy love) - Sylvain Jose Gautier ( fire embl.em three houses) - Asmodeus Alice ( welcome to demon-school iruma-kun) - Armin Keenan ( my candy love) - Kaoru Hitachin ( ouran high school host club) - Lisa Minci ( gens.hin impact) - Della Duck ( dis.ney / ducktal.es 2017) - Sparrow Lee ( fandomless original character) - Teppei Kiyoshi ( k.uroko's basketball) - Luna Cader ( fandomless original character) - Carrie Wallace ( total drama the ridonculous race) - Kise Ryouta ( k.uroko's basketball) - Olympia / Byakuya Himura ( olympia soir.ee) - Teagan Jensen ( fandomless original character) - Hinata Shoyo ( haikyuu) - Yosuke Hanamura ( perso.na 4) - Katarina Claes ( my next life as a villainess: all roads lead to doom) - Shirayuki ( snow white with the red hair) - Sora Hoshi ( kingdo.m hearts) - Sam Anderson / Aomaris ( seduce m.e the otome)
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roadtogracelandx45 · 4 months
Courage Under Fire| Pre-War Part 10| Band of Brothers
part 9
word count-3,909
The next chapter we are finally getting into the good stuff. And I am o excited for it.
Pre-War part 10
June- August 1942 
Columbia, Georgia 
Dick Winters rarely left Fort Benning on weekend passes, like Lewis and the others who went out on most passes to Columbia. A  lot of the time Olivia Stewart, the now head nurse, went with them, mostly to keep them in line. 
And them being Lewis Nixon, the man who occupied his mind more and more of his mind, he didn’t quite understand why he was feeling this pull to this man but he was and he figured he might as well go with them this time around so Olivia could enjoy her promotion without having to babysit Lewis or the others. 
“Holy crow.’ Olivia’s voice shook him out of his thoughts, she had walked up behind him and offered him a smile, “Is Dick Winters actually joining us for a night out?”
 “I figured that you needed a night off of wrangling Nix to enjoy yourself and your promotion.” He returned, his eyes crinkling at the corners when her face lit up. She had tried to play it off the night before he and Lewis caught up to her after dinner like it was nothing but it was something big for her.  Especially after she lost her brothers, and had to meet South Carolina’s district attorney about her mother’s case. A meeting he and Lewis had the pleasure of sitting in on. 
 “You have no idea.” she admitted softly, “Amber is driving me up the wall too, she hates that I got the promotion and she didn’t. And if anything else happens. We get the ax and are out of the program.”  He nodded his head, he and Lewis had been there and heard it, and at first, it didn’t stop the others who missed Olivia breaking Amber’s nose from trying to provoke another fight between them.  
Dick and Lewis had been able to break up a lot of the time; it had gotten easier when Hill had dropped out after failing the map reading tests, allowing Olivia to be in the three-man barracks. At first, it had made Dick wildly uncomfortable but he understood.  
“Olivia, how did you get Dick out of his hiding place?” One of the other men asked as he and his buddy passed, they were all heading towards the same place, a rickety bus stop but like always Olivia waited for Lewis to come out of the barracks. 
“Darlin’, I have my ways.” She returned, offering a teasing smile. 
‘Oh, we have heard of your ways sweetheart.” 
“What ways would that be?” Lewis asked joining the two. Over the short 10 weeks they had been there, Lewis had gotten a reputation of being Olivia’s fiercest protector and the other men learned not to mess with her. Dick was steps behind him. 
“She puts out on top of her family name. And that's how she gets ahead.’ 
“Pardon me?” “Repeat that?” Both Dick and Lewis questioned, while the woman in question grabbed a hold of Lewis’s arm to keep him by her. Dick always seemed to keep this cool the best so she didn’t have to worry about him like she did with Lewis.  
“Where did you hear that?”  When the man didn’t answer, Lewis took steps toward him threateningly only to be stopped by both Olivia and Dick. “Let me guess, Amber Scott said something,” Olivia commented.  
Adam, the man, nodded his head causing her to scoff and raise her eyes to the sky as if she was trying to gather strength not to go back and get into it with Amber.  
“That is such bullshit,” Lewis complained as Dick shook his head and muttered something about language under his breath. “If anything, she is the one that is sleeping around.” 
“What?!” Olivia was floored, this was the first she was hearing of this and normally, Lewis told her everything.  
“We will talk about it later, love.” He said, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye causing her to frown and cross her arms, “We better.” 
“You can’t blame the rumors can you?” Adam’s friend, Kenneth asked, “Especially after she was moved into your barracks. Amber said that.’ He fell quiet when his eyes fell on Olivia. “What did she say?” He shook his head embarrassed, sex talk was normal between him and the boys but bringing it up in front of the ladies. 
Especially one as classy as Olivia Stewart.
 “Kenneth, what did she say?” Olivia’s question came out a little more firm than she meant but she needed to know.  
On Dick’s urging as well as Harding’s, she had started keeping track of what Amber was doing just in case she had ever proved her innocence. 
“That you were having sex with both of them.”  He finally answered, unable to bring himself to look at any of them. ‘At the same time.” Adam added when he saw the look of confusion on the girl’s face.  
“What? How does that work?” She questioned as Lewis took a step back to her and whispered into her ear what he meant by that.  Her face turned a brilliant shade of red that matched the color of Dick’s hair and it caused him to smirk, the last few nights he had been imagining the three of them together. But he wasn’t going to throw that out there and embarrass the other two. 
Both Dick and Olivia were innocent and pure to the point that corrupting them seemed like a sin. A sin he was willing to go to hell for. 
‘Never mind. I don’t want to know,’ She stammered, raising her hands to cover her burning cheeks.  “I will explain about that later too.”  He whispered before pressing a kiss to her cheek and leading her toward the bus stop where the rickety bus was waiting to take them into town. 
Dick followed behind them shaking his head in disbelief.
“Come on Dick,” Olivia said, holding her hand out to him a while later, they were at a local bar that played music and had a space for dancing. “Oh no, Liv.” He started. 
‘Aw, Dick, don’t ruin her fun.” Lewis returned as he sat down heavily in the chair next to him, his hand pulling the bottle of Vat .69 to him, forehead beaded with sweat and his tie loosened, “You are the one that wanted to enjoy herself. And I haven’t seen her smile like that in a long time.” 
 It was true, the smile that she had was the truest, brightest, and happiest smile he had seen since she opened the front door and saw him standing there before her debutante ball. “One dance is all I ask for.” She held up a finger and Dick felt his shoulder slump in defeat, he could understand why Lewis and most other men in her life had a hard time saying no to her. 
 “Fine. One dance.” He agreed, taking her outstretched hand. Thankful that it was a slower song and not one of the fast-paced ones that they had been playing before. 
“Are you sure you are okay with that?” Amber’s snotty voice asked from behind him, her dark eyes were on the two. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He returned swallowing some of the Vat .69, “Olivia and I are just friends. I have no claim on her.”
 He was thankful that Olivia had gone with a brown dress that covered her lower neck and most of her collarbone; he had left marks and bites there the night before when he snuck into her shower. 
 It had been over a month since they had been together and he was going a little stir crazy. Thankfully Dick hadn’t said anything when he came back into the room, his hair still damp from the shower or Olivia wearing her hair down around her shoulders.  
“You know we don’t believe that.” She retorted, “She has you wrapped around her little finger and we all know it.” 
“Miss. Scott mind your own business. You are already on thin ice. One more transgression and you are out of the Army Nursing Corp for good. And your daddy’s gambling debts go unpaid.” 
Amber was stunned, “how did you know about that?’ 
“I have my ways, sweetheart. Spread any more rumors about me and Olivia or her in general and you are going to be very sorry.”   
“Why, why would you do that to me?” 
 “Because you are hurting someone I love. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for that girl.” He tore his eyes away from the two on the dance floor to look at her, a twisted smirk forming on his mouth, “Just be thankful, she doesn’t know about you trying to sleep with me. You think she was upset by you bringing her family into this. I am a whole other story.” 
 “Lew! Come on!’ Olivia’s voice called, pulling his attention back to her and Dick. Dick had succeeded in getting her to agree to go back on the first bus back so she and Lewis could both sleep off whatever hangover they had before their final tests. 
“Comin’ Liv.” He downed the rest of the whiskey in his glass before picking the bottle up and going over to the two. 
“What was that about?” Olivia’s green eyes cut to where Amber was moving her lips silently. 
“Don’t worry about it, baby. I handled it.’  
“I don’t like the sound of that at all.” He pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek before stumbling into the street. 
Dick didn’t know how Olivia did this every time they had a pass. He was exhausted by the time he had wrangled both of them on and off of the bus and towards their barracks. Lewis was holding his own being able to walk and do things on his own while Olivia who he hadn’t realized had drank a lot more of Lewis’ Vat .69, after much coaxing from Lewis, was singing Dixieland and twirling herself around in the rain that had started between the time they got onto the bus and the time the bus driver who took pity on Dick and pulled closer to Fort Benning. 
“Good luck.’ The driver had said with a dry laugh. Dick didn’t realize how much he was going to need it until that moment. The laughter coming from Olivia was infectious, Lewis was snickering and mumbling something about wishing he had a video camera, and even Dick wanted to laugh. But until he got them safely to their barracks, he couldn't. 
Lewis pulled her to him once they were in the barracks, Dick saying something about going down to the water spout and getting them water for the rest of the night. “Lew? What are you doing? Dick is going to be back soon.” 
“So?” He returned, his fingers working on undoing the buttons of her dress.
 “So I thought we decided it was best that no one knows about us.” Her fingers caught his belt and pulled him closer to her. His cock was already starting to harden and press against the trousers 
“Dick isn't just anyone.”  He muttered as his free hand fisted into the material of the dress before lowering his mouth onto hers. 
Kissing her breathless. He knew that she would question him and try and understand but at that moment, all he wanted and needed was her. 
“Make it quick then.” her voice was faint and there was a pink blush covering her cheeks. He smirked against her mouth and backed them towards the chair that Olivia used, he wanted to be quick about it but at the same time, the thought of Dick catching them thrilled him almost as much as doing the actual deed did. 
This was the first time they had done anything that wasn't from the side or him being on top of her and she was unsure what to do. Sensing her uneasiness Lewis wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled onto his lap. She whimpered, feeling his cock pressing against her panty-clad center. His free hand started undoing the buttons of her dress so he could slip his hand inside and touch and squeeze her breast. 
“Lew.” she whimpered as he used the hand holding onto her waist to rock against him.
Dick moved Olivia’s canteen into his arm so he could pull open the door to the barracks and froze when he saw the position they were in through the window.  Yes, he hadn't been completely blind to what they did under his nose, one night when he came back from guard duty, she was in Lewis’ bed cuddled into him.
He just chalked it up to her having repeated nightmares from losing James and Nicholas and he knew the night before when Lewis had wandered off and ended up in the shower with her.  A part of him, deep down, was jealous. Not of Olivia. 
She was a very beautiful young woman. 
It was because she was with Lewis.  
Startled at the realization, he took a step back and took a breath before pulling the door open and letting it bang against the wall. 
‘Son of a bitch.” Olivia exclaimed, going to pull the top of her dress back together and stand up at the same time but Lewis who pulled her tight against him again rolling his hips into hers. 
“Lew, stop.” She whimpered, dropping her forehead onto his shoulder. She could feel the burn of Dick's eyes on them as the man himself neared their beds and dropped the canteens on the end of her bed. Sue glanced at Lewis and saw that his eyes were on Dick.
  “Lew, let me up. I'm sure he isn't going to faint dead away at the site of your,”
 “Cock.” Lewis filled in smirking at first the blush that covered Olivia's cheeks then at the scowl on Dick's face. 
He winced when she pinched his nipple, “Behave Lewis. I meant your lap. ”  He pressed a kiss to her mouth and let her off of his lap. 
“I am, um gonna clean up.” She swayed a bit and steadied herself just as Dick was reaching out for her. 
“I am good, I am good.” She assured him, “Take care of him.” 
 “Always.” As soon as the word left his mouth, he regretted it. “I know.” She returned as she gathered her items to go to clean up and get ready for bed, she paused next to him and pressed a kiss against his cheek. 
 “You are so lucky that it was me that came in and not Harding or Sanders.”  Still smirking, Lewis stood up and straightened his pants out, “Harding was more drunk than we are, and Sanders is probably face down in some dame’s chest right about now. Don’t worry so much Dick.” 
 Camp Meade, Maryland
“Welcome to Camp Meade, Ladies,” Olivia said almost 3 weeks later, Alice, Betsy, and Amber had graduated OCS and left Benning on the second of July and were sent right from there to Maryland. Spending the Fourth of July with Olivia’s uncle Micheal and Aunt Helen in DC for a short break before going back to the camp. “I am First Lieutenant Olivia Stewart.” Her green eyes flicked over the girls who were standing in front of her as she walked down the length of the mess hall, “And sadly, for the next few weeks, I am going to be your worst nightmare. ” She paused when she saw Evie standing at the end of the row, she turned on her heel and went back down the row, the anger and hurt she had felt toward Evie resurfaced, her eyes caught Alice’s and she raised her eyebrow in question. 
“I, along with Sargents Anderson, Michaels, and Scott, were informed before we came here from Benning that they are going to be training us to go into active war areas.”  “What?” “She can’t be serious.” Floated around the room. “Sadly, I am very serious. Our training was going to take a lot longer but this is going to be accelerated and it is going to be stressful.” She licked her lips and put her hands on her hips, “Most of us will be shipped to Pearl Harbor and from there to other military hospitals near or in the active war zone.’  
She hated that she had to be the one to say that but to them, she had been tapped at Micheal’s house and told that she had to be the leader. 
“Some of us will go to other camps that are doing basic training and will be attached to the battalion if not companies and we will follow them to wherever they go either it be Europe, Africa, Australia, or New Zealand. I don’t want to be that person, but this is what we signed up for. If you are too afraid and this isn’t what you think we should be doing, then there's the door. No one will hold it against you if you do.” 
Amber, who had been silent since they had left Meade and Lewis’ threat, swallowed back the laughter that was bubbling up. There would be so much judgment. The three girls had become a little clique and left her out of things. She had wanted it that way, but she wouldn’t be remiss to say that she hated that she was missing out.  After meeting Michael Stewart and his younger sister Careen, she understood where Liv got her charm from and she shouldn't really fault her for it but at the same time, she still hated her. 
When no one made to move towards the door, Olivia wetted her hips, “We are going to break you into groups, half will be with me, and the other half will be with Lieutenant Jameson.” The other Lieutenant was an older woman from Boston and scared the bejesus out of the 4 girls that had been there since the 5th. 
Evie was surprised when her name was called to join Olivia’s group and how her friend pointedly ignored her and called several girls that included Lily, Louise, Daisy, Adele, and Ruthie, among others. Maybe this was her chance to get her friend back, she hated how lonely the neighborhood had been since Olivia left again and how out of control and moody both Bobby and Bill got. Shortly after they had graduated, the two boys got into a fight with a couple of the others and were arrested shortly afterwards.  
“Olivia, can I talk to you?” She asked once they were dismissed to go to their barracks. 
“It’s Lieutenant and no you can’t.’ Olvia returned icily as she motioned for Daisy, Adele, and Ruthie to follow her. 
“You are Evie right?” Betsy asked from behind her, curious. One night out, Olivia told her the whole story about how she ended up in Charleston again to take care of her great great grandfather, how she and Bill broke up because he cheated on her with Evie, how it broke her heart, and how it led to her ending up with Lewis. At first, when she heard the pieced-together version of the story from Lewis, she had put a lot of fault on Olivia, but then hearing it she understood, she would have reacted the same way if it happened to her. 
Once Evie nodded her head, Betsy carried on, “I would give her time, she is extremely hurt with everything that has gone on with you and Bill and is struggling with Nicholas and James’s deaths and her mother’s arrest. She may come around, she may not, but that is something you deserve. No friend should ever sleep with their friend’s boyfriend. No matter the reasoning.” 
Evie looked down at the ground, upset, she knew that Betsy was right and she should have known better that Olivia would magically forgive her now that they were together at the same camp.  But the good thing was that she had time to get on her good side. 
“Lieutenant wasn’t joking when she said that this was going to be hard.” Adele Stevens complained as she sat down at one of the benches in the mess hall, they had been in Meade for almost 2 weeks and they had proceeded to push all this information into their heads and showed them how to do dressings and treat wounds on top of the basic physical training in the field. That was on top of the administrative, organization, sanitation, and ward and clinical nursing. 
It was exhausting. But it was so rewarding.  “No, she wasn't.” Daisy Goodwin agreed as she covered her yawn with her hand before looking down the table at Olivia who had her chin propped up on her hand, her eyes closed, for the last few nights, she had nightmares every few hours. 
The night before Daisy had woken up and seen that she was sitting up in her bed, knee pulled to her chest staring out of the window in an almost unsettling manner. A runner stopped by the end of the table where Olivia was at and whispered something to her. There was almost a look of panic that crossed her face before the mask went back into place. 
“I wonder what that is about.”
General Forbes's office 
“General?  You wanted to see me? “ Olivia asked, sticking her head into the office. “Yes, Olivia, come in.’ “No one else died right?’  Elizabeth looked up and offered her a soft smile, "Oh no, no, I needed to talk to you about where you are going next, with the group you have been working with.” Olivia pulled a face at the thought of having to keep working with Amber Scott. There were several moments where they had been toe to toe yelling at each other. 
The General swallowed the laughter that bubbled up, Finn had said repeatedly that Robert was the twin most like him but the more she got to know Olivia the more she saw Finn. The eye roll and inaudible scoff and the curse that normally followed was a big case and point. “We are going to send you and your girls to Camp Toccoa to the paratroopers.’ 
“The what?” 
“The paratroopers. They jump  out of planes with their full gear to fight.”  
If her fear of planes and flying was starting to kick in, Forbes couldn't tell, and she was glad it wasn't because these girls were going to need her, and the boys including her twin brother who was going to be there were going to need it and Olivia needed it. The added surprise of her seeing Bobby was a bonus. 
“You are going to leave in two days' time.” “Yes ma'am.” she said, “I will go tell the girls. Thank you.”  Forbes nodded her head returning the salute.
The girls were still sitting at the table when Olivia came back into the mess hall. “Alright ladies.” she started after taking the pre-offered coffee cup, “General Forbes told me we are to Camp Toccoa and join the paratroopers in training in two days' time.” “Does that mean we are going with them when they ship out?” Lily, one of the nurses, who was deathly shy and had been taken under Olivia and the other's wings. “Yes, but Lil, we will be together and I will make sure we stay together for as long as possible.” 
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frogyjones-writes · 1 year
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General info:
I'll only do requests that interest me this is something I do for fun in my free time so you might get an answer awhile after a submission :]
Most likely to get through headcanons/short prompts done first!
Characters I write for:
Don't be afraid to ask for a character from the same Fandom however! I'm just better with these guy's characterization :]
The Last of Us: Ellie Williams, Dina, Abby Anderson
Dead By Daylight: The Trapper (Evan MacMillan), The Nurse (Sally Smithson), Ghost Face (Danny Johnson), The Huntress (Anna), The Pig (Amanda Young), The Plauge (Adiris), The Onryō (Sadako Yamamura)
Silent Hill: Lisa Garland, Maria, Mary Shepard-Sunderland, James Sunderland, Angela Orosco, Harry Mason
Misc: Sadako Yamamura (ringu), Selene (underworld), Carol Aird (Carol),
Resident Evil: Alcina Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Jill Valentine, Claire redfield (games/movies), Alice Abernathy (movies), Rebecca Chambers, Helena Harper
The Quarry: Emma Mountebank, Abigail Blyg, Kaitlyn Ka, Laura Kearney, Max Brinley, Nick Furcillio, Jacob Custos, Dylan Leviny, Ryan Erzahler
Until Dawn: Sam Giddings, Ashley Brown, Emily Davis, Jessica Riley
Life is Strange: Maxine "Max" Caufield, Chloe Price, Rachel Amber, Kate Marsh, Victoria Chase, Dana Ward
Tomb Raider: Lara Croft (better with the survivor series), Sam
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner Stanheight, Lynn Denlon
(More to be added later!)
Character x Reader, Character x Character, Some OC X Characters, Polyships, LGBTQ+
Heavy angst/sensitive topics
AUs and alternative settings
Accept headcanon requests for multiple characters
NSFW (suggestive stuff is fine but I'm not writing smut)
Incestual/pedophilic ships (yes this includes adoptive family or parental/sibling figures don't test me)
Any dead dove sort of shit
General NoNo's
Writing examples
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solitaireinfoacc · 8 months
☆.. ノ tv shows
☆.. ノ a series of unfortunate events
★ klaus baudelaire
☆.. ノ amphibia
★ bee boonchuy
★ ivy sundew
★ jenni
★ maddie flour “fern”
★ marcy wu "mars"
★ polly plantar
★ terry "castor"
☆.. ノ big city greens
★ tilly green
☆.. ノ bluey
★ bingo heeler
☆.. ノ castle
★ alexis castle
★ kevin ryan
☆.. ノ friends
★ monica geller
☆.. ノ gravity falls
★ bill cipher
★ lauren corduroy (OC)
★ mabel pines 
☆.. ノ hazbin hotel
★ angel dust
★ charlie morningstar
★ niffty
☆.. ノ helluva boss
★ bee-lzebub
★ fizzarolli
★ moxxie
★ octavia goetia
☆.. ノ high school musical: the musical: the series
★ carlos rodriguez
★ gina porter
★ seb matthew-smith
☆.. ノ i am not okay with this
★ stanley barber
★ sydney novak “rae”
☆.. ノ jessie / bunk’d
★ emma ross
★ griff jones
★ ravi ross
☆.. ノ miraculous ladybug
★ adrien agreste
★ alya cesaire
★ april monelle (OC)
★ duusu
★ feuille (human tikki)
★ juleka couffaine
★ kagami tsurugi
★ lila rossi
★ nathaniel kurtzberg
★ sabrina raincomprix
★ sass
★ zoe lee
☆.. ノ shameless
★ fiona gallagher
★ ian gallagher
★ karen jackson
★ lip gallagher
★ mandy milkovich
☆.. ノ star vs. the forces of evil
★ hekapoo
★ star butterfly
☆.. ノ stranger things
★ alice creel
★ argyle
★ dustin henderson
★ eddie munson
★ eight prasad
★ eleven hopper
★ fred benson
★ max mayfield
★ nancy wheeler
★ robin buckley
★ ten / 010
★ will byers
☆.. ノ teen titans
★ beast boy
☆.. ノ the amazing race
★ aparna dhinakaran
★ james wallington
★ michelle newland
★ natalia kumar
★ raquel moore
☆.. ノ the amazing world of gumball
★ darwin watterson
☆.. ノ the amazing digital circus
★ jax
★ pomni
☆.. ノ the loud house
★ lucy loud
☆.. ノ the owl house
★ emira blight
★ hunter
★ king clawthorne
★ lilith clawthorne
★ luz noceda
★ matt tholomule
★ raine whispers
★ the collector “star”
★ vee noceda
★ willow park
☆.. ノ the umbrella academy
★ allison hargreeves
★ diego hargreeves
★ five hargreeves
★ harlan cooper (young)
★ klaus hargreeves
☆.. ノ total drama
★ blaineley o’halloran
★ brick mcarthur
★ carrie
★ cody emmett jameson anderson
★ courtney
★ crimson
★ dawn
★ ella
★ harold mcgrady
★ heather
★ izzy
★ jacques
★ katie
★ kitty
★ miles “spring”
★ sammy
★ scarlett
★ spud
★ zoey
☆.. ノ victorious
★ jade harley
☆.. ノ wednesday
★ divina
★ enid sinclair
★ eugene ottinger
★ rowan laslow
★ tyler galpin
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Welcome to my blog
Call me Sapphire. I mostly write for Call of Duty on this blog, but also for multiple other fandoms when the obsession gets me. As this is a remake of my old account, I will be attempting to repost old fanfics as well as new ones to add on.
-This is an 18+ account. If you a minor, you will be blocked on sight.
-I will usually lore dump and talk about my OCs on here. My inbox is open for you to spam about your own OCs and fics, so I happily welcome the asks!
-I will start taking writing requests on this blog to try my hand at it. Whether its OCxCanon, CanonxCanon, or X reader content. Just send me your OC's bio in a request and i will do the best I can with it
-I will write for almost anything, within reason. While I won't shy away from most dark and upsetting topics, I will bring up a subject I'm uncomfortable with to not write it. Trigger warnings will also be added in these posts.
-Anon hate will just be deleted/ignored, so don't bother sending it, please.
Call of Duty OCs:
COD - Ghosts:
Elizabeth "Beth" Ashford
Arabella Walker *IN PROGRESS*
Henry Ashford
Helena Rorke *IN PROGRESS*
Evangeline "Eva" Ashford *IN PROGRESS*
COD - Black Ops:
Lars Pääkkönen
Lydia Graves *IN PROGRESS*
Elena Anderson *IN PROGRESS*
Aleksi and Sveta Pääkkönen *IN PROGRESS*
COD - Modern Warfare (OG and Reboot):
Serena "Alias" Peterson / Metal Zero-5 *IN PROGRESS*
Anya Orlova
Alice "Bones" McGrath *IN PROGRESS*
Ryan Smith *IN PROGRESS*
Catriona Valdés *IN PROGRESS*
Kristoff "Avalanche" Jorgensen *IN PROGRESS*
Laena Thompson *IN PROGRESS*
COD - Advanced Warfare:
Yelena Gavrikova *IN PROGRESS*
COD - WW2 / World At War:
Gunnar Pääkkönen
Archer Sinclair *IN PROGRESS*
Anatoly Flyorov *IN PROGRESS*
Command Me To Be Well
The Devil's Gambit
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quiet-art-kid · 4 months
an oc artwork for school based on a renaissance painting of mary magdalene
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empressofthesunwriter · 2 months
DBH Case File: Deviancy 001
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As a single mother and dedicated police officer, Serena's priorities are clear. Her work with her partner Hank to solve cases of android deviancy becomes even more interesting when Cyberlife sends a handsome young android to assist them. This leads to some interesting questions about love and relationships, especially as Serena's daughter Cassia seems to have taken a liking to the new android and demands he be her father!
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Hello and welcome to my story 10000000 or so XD
I’m like this, I write a while for one fandom, till another grapes me.
I recently replayed Detroit Become Human, to get the Trophies I missed and well I fall into the DBH Hell.
I wanted to first make this Reader-Insert for all of us ninety babies who will be in their 40s when Android are around, but it didn’t quite work, so I made Serena and her family.
She may be a self-insert XD
Okay, she is a self-insert :(
Please don’t kill me.
I hope a lot of you will like what I will do with the story and the changes I have planned.
I can already tell that Alice will be human, no stupid Android Plottwist and Markus and Simon will be a pair. :)
Also, maybe one day when I finish this fic I will try to make a Reader-Insert based on it.
But first I write this version. ^^
Also before I forget I will change the timeline since it doesn’t make sense that all happens in like three days?!
So please enjoy and leave some comments.
Case: 001
NOV 5TH, 2038
AM 8:00
Winter has arrived in the Metropolis of Androids, also known as Detroit.
Forty-four-year-old LT. Serena Di Martino enters her workplace, one of Detroit's police stations, humming a soft tune.
In one hand she had a box of doughnuts in the other a cupholder with two coffees.
"Morning, Serena!", greeted the young police officer Chris Miller sitting on his desk.
"Hey, Chris! How is the little one?"
"Oh he grows and grows and it's just amazing!"
"You are dead tired right?"
"I think I hear colours..."
This made Serena snort and she held out the doughnut box to Chris.
"Take one. I understand you, Cassia didn't like to sleep at all."
Thankful Chris takes a doughnut before asking her how her daughter is doing. 
Proud Serena told how Cassia won the Science Fair at her school.
Chris gave his congratulations and told her to greet Cassia from him. 
She promised and sat down at her own table.
Of course, her partner (and dad-like figure) Hank Anderson was not there.
Probably drank himself silly and is either still at Jimmy's Bar or on the floor of his house.
Serena signs, rubbing her temples.
Once she hunted Hank always down when she was young and new, but now...she loved Hank, he was like family, but she couldn't help someone who didn't want help.
When Cassia first was born, it seemed Hank got a spark back.
For a while, he had stopped drinking, but always the anniversary of Cole's death brought him back to the liquid death.
So she decided to just work on their case files.
That Hank would chance, was just a possibility as she found a spouse and good parent for Cassia.
She took a sip from her coffee and started to work.
At Lunchtime she was nearly done with the cases they were behind, so she called home.
Cassia picked up the phone.
"Hey, my angel, how are you?"
"I'm good, I did already my homework."
"That's amazing. Are you a good girl for Mrs. Francis?"
Mrs. Francis was the old lady who lived beside them, an ex-teacher and now boosted her pension with babysitting.
"Mother I'm nine years old, don't treat me like a child.", pounded Cassia.
Serena laughed.
"Even when you are as old as I am I will see you as my little girl."
From Cassia came a groan.
"You will understand if one day you want children."
"If you say so...Mama, Mrs. Francis is calling me, she wants me to help her finish the cake."
"Oh, you made cake?!"
"Chocolate cake, Mama."
"You two are treasures."
This made Cassia laugh.
They talked till Lunchtime was over and Serena had to go back to work.
It was nearly time for Serena to return home when she heard someone calling for her.
"LT. Di Martino?", said a gentle and pleasing voice.
Serena turned around and her brain short-circuited.
A handsome young man stood before her.
He had brown hair, like her, with a cheeky lock falling in his by the god's sculpted face with soft brown eyes.
He was tall and lith and...way too young for her.
Serena gave herself mentally a slap.
The man could be at most twenty-five and she was forty-four.
She didn't prey on younger ones.
Pretty Boy continued to talk, but she heard only swoosh.
"Excuse me, can you repeat yourself?", she asked him. "I'm a bit tired and I didn't catch all."
"Of course, ma'am. My name is Connor. I’m the Android sent by CyberLife."
It was like a record scratch.
Now Serena looked really at his clothes.
Yep, Android with blinking LED even.
Oh god, she had lusted over a machine?! 
It would be like if she lusted for her Dildo!
Was she a pervert?!
This question had to wait for a more important one.
"Well, Connor from CyberLife, why are you here?"
"You and your partner LT. Hank Anderson, were assigned a case early this evening. A homicide, involving a CyberLife android. In accordance with the procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators.", explained Conner calmly.
Serena fixed her black glasses, nervous.
"I didn't get a new case fill...", she trailed off and moved to Hank's computer. She knew his password, so she could check. "Ah, yes here it is. Since Hank has seniority over me, he has got it."
The brunette woman turned to the (sexy) Android.
"And CyberLife send you as help?"
"Yes, ma'am. I'm their most advanced prototype, equipped with all the necessary programs and functions to help the police with their work."
Till the day she did Serena would lie about how she thought about if he had a dick, like sex androids.
"Well, I wanted to go home, but this case has priority. Please wait here, I need to call home to tell my daughter it will be late again."
"Of course, ma'am."
Obedient, like to good little mascine he was, he waited at her table, while she called Cassia.
Her daughter was not happy about it, yet she was used to her workload.
Mrs. Francis, as always, would stay the night with Cassia.
Knowing her daughter was in good hands she returned to Connor.
The young Android looked curious (could a machine be curious?) at her pictures.
"Come on, we need to find Hank. I have a feeling I know where he is."
"Your daughter looks like you just her eyes are blue. From her father?"
Serena shrugged her shoulders.
"Blue eyes are in my family, so she could have gotten it from her grandfather. When I picked the donation I didn't really care for eye colours."
Well, an Android could be stupified is what Serena learned.
"Oh, you had artificial insemination."
"I never had a relationship, but I wanted children, this was the only way. Our nation doesn't let singles adopt children."
She shrugged her shoulders again.
Awkward silence was between them.
Android could be awkward too.
"Come now, Conner.", she waved, so he followed her. "My car is just outside."
NOV 5TH, 2038
PM 11:21
The drive to Jimmy's Bar was quiet.
Maybe talking to a woman about artificial insemination was not written in Connors's program.
Well, Serena enjoyed the silence.
So she could think about how to explain to Hank how they had now an Android at their side.
Hank hated Androids.
He gave an Android the fault for Cole's death.
Her partner would not celebrate this new gadget they got.
The car stopped before Jimmy's Bar and Serena pointed at Connor.
"You stay here. Androids are not allowed in."
He gave her such puppy dog eyes that she wanted to cuddle him.
No, no cuddling!
Forget this thought, Serena!
She climbed out of the car and entered the Bar.
Greetings were sent her way, as she walked to Hank.
Of course, he was drinking himself silly.
"Didn't come today to work. Chris and I had a bet, I bet you were at home drinking your weight in Whiskey, seems like I lost the bet.", she greeted her partner sarcastically.
With little red eyes, Hank looked at her.
"I thought you stopped convincing me from stopping to drink, 'Rena."
"Don't butter me up with my nickname, Hank. We got a problem."
"What problem?"
It was like the universe wanted to show him the problem since Connor entered the Bar.
Serena groaned.
"I told him to stay in the car..."
"Do you know this plastic asshole?!"
"I had the pleasure of meeting him already."
Connor reached them and introduced himself to Hank.
"Lieutenant Anderson, my name is Connor. I’m the Android sent by CyberLife. I looked for you and Lieutenant Di Martino at the station but only found her. Thankful she knew where you were."
Hank ignored him and turned to Serena.
"What did I do to you, that you bring an Android with you?!"
"Like I had a choice. If he is here, then the higher-ups are okay with him. Other than you, I don't want something in my records.", she sassed back, crossing her arms.
"You two were assigned a case early this evening.", talked Connor in between them. "A homicide, involving a CyberLife android. In accordance with the procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators."
"Well, Serena and I are a good team, we don’t need any assistance. Especially not from a plastic asshole like you. So just be a good lil' robot and get the fuck outta here.", fired Hank back and took a sip of his drink.
Letting out a huff Serena fixed her glasses.
"Hank, I don't think we have a choice."
He just grumbled at her.
"I understand that some people are not comfortable in the presence of androids but I am-", began Connor only to be interrupted by Hank: " I am perfectly comfortable… Now back off, before I crush you like an empty beer can!"
Connor seemed lost for words for a second before he seemed to have an idea.
"You know what? I'll buy you one for the road. What do you say? Bartender, the same again, please!"
"Smart.", praised Serena Connor.
The Android gave her a charming smile, that maybe made her blush a bit.
But only a bit!
"See that, Jim? Wonders of technology… Make it a double.", laughed Hank. 
After he drunk he said: "Did you say homicide?"
Since Hank was drunk and Serena didn't want him dead, she swiped his car keys and made him ride shotgun in his own car.
Conner sits in the back seat like a child.
It was kind of cute.
Her own car, drown home alone, and she would later take a Taxi after they finished work.
Hank grumbled all the time stupid plastic asshole under his breath, for which Serena tutted him like a child.
Connor found this exchange fascinating.
LT. Anderson was clearly the older, but LT. Di Martino treated him like her rebellious son.
Maybe because she was a mother?
He read during the car ride all the articles he could find on Motherhood and it seemed a female phenom to take care of the people around you.
Especially after one was a mother herself.
Fascinating, really.
Soon they reached the crime scene.
Hank turned to Connor and told him: "You wait here. We won't be long."
"My instructions are to accompany you two to the crime scene, Lieutenant.", reminds Connor.
"Listen, I don’t give a fuck about your instructions. I told you to wait here, so you shut the fuck up and you wait here."
"You can say it nicer, Hank.", grumbled Serena and followed Hank out of the car.
Not a second later Connor joined them.
A journalist stops them, but they don't give a comment.
They enter the crime scene as a police officer stops Conner.
"Androids are not permitted beyond this point."
"He is with us.", told him, Serena, while Hank asked Conner rhetoric if he could listen.
Connor answer was that Hank order's contradicted his instructions.
"You don't talk, you don't touch anything and you stay outta my way, got it?", told Hank.
"Got it."
Serena just looked at Connor and raised an eyebrow.
And this didn't go against his instructions?
Well, they would see.
They meet up with Ben Collins who gives them the briefing. 
The victim name's was Carlos Ortiz he has a record of theft and aggravated assault. According to the neighbours, he was kind of a loner. Stayed inside most of the time, they hardly ever saw him. His landlord had called the police around eight since his tenant hadn't paid his rent for a few months, so he thought he'd drop by, and see what was going on.
That’s when he found the body.
Serena and Hank enter the house, and the woman nearly throws up.
This smell!
"Jesus, that smell!", gronend Hank, hiding his nose in his jacket sleeve.
"Was even worse before we opened the windows.", told them, Ben.
"I hardly believe it.", mumbled Serena and started to look around.
They looked at the corpse.
"Uh, state he’s in... Wasn’t worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night… Could've waited 'til morning.", wondered Hank.
"I'd say he's been there for a good three weeks." guessed Ben. "We'll know more when the coroner gets here. There's a kitchen knife over here… Probably the murder weapon…"
"Any sign of a break-in?", asked Serena.
"Nope… The landlord said the front door was locked from the inside, and all the windows were boarded up. The killer must've gone out the back way."
Hank hummed.
"What do we know about his android?"
"Not much. The neighbours confirmed he had one, but it wasn't there when we arrived… I gotta get some air. Make yourself at home. I'll be outside if you need me."
And with that Ben left them.
Together Hank and Serena looked at the writing over the corpse.
"I AM ALIVE!", read Serena loud.
"Each letter is perfect… It’s way too neat, no human writes like this.", noted Hank before he turned to Chris. "Chris, was this written in the victim's blood?"
"I would say so… We’re taking samples for analysis."
Serena nodded and looked around.
That's when she saw Connor kneeling before the spilt blood of the victim, putting his fingers in it and licking it!
"Connor?!", she shouted and fought a blush. No, it was not kind of hot seeing his tongue lick his finger! "What are you doing?!"
" I'm analyzing the blood. I can check samples in real-time.", explained the Android. "I'm sorry, I should have warned you."
Hank who had seen also all this and seemed ready to puke told him: " Ok, just… don't… put any more evidence in your mouth, you got it?"
"Got it."
"Fucking hell, I can't believe this shit…can you?", grumbled Hank to Serena.
She adjusted her glasses.
"CyberLife has...erm... interesting ideas."
"Bunch of robot fuckers, I tell you!"
"Hank, now, come on."
They turned back to the victim, and Connor joined them.
"He was stabbed 28 times.", informed Connor.
"So many stab wounds indicate something personal, we can exclude a robbery.", shared Serena.
"Yeah, seems like the killer really had it in for him.", added Hank.
They looked around and found Red Ice, one of the newer and popular drugs.
Hank told Chris he wanted a full analysis of the narcotics.
The unlikely trio walked towards the backdoor, Connor opening it.
"The Door was locked from the inside. The Killer must have gone out this way.", hypnotized Serena.
Connor disagreed. "There are no footprints, apart from Officer Collins' size 10 shoes."
"Well, this happened weeks ago.", reminded Hank. "Tracks could've faded."
"No, this type of soil would've retained a trace. Nobody's been out here for a long time."
Hank moved back into the Living Room, Connor looked around the kitchen and Serena chose to investigate the bathroom.
What she saw after she pulled the curtain from the shower, made her shudder.
Ra9 writing everywhere, a little clay statue with flowers around it.
"It looks like an altar.", she murmurs.
"LT. Di Martino?", called Connor for her and stepped beside her. His eyes scanned the altar in the shower. "Ra9?"
"Do you have something in your Database about this?"
Connor shook his head.
"No, but I think I know what happened."
"Let's go to Hank then and you tell us."
After they joined Hank back in the Living Room Connor explained what had happened.
It all started in the kitchen.
Hank and Serena agreed with him. There were signs of struggle.
The victim attacked the android with the bat.
Yes, this fits with the evidence they found.
"The android stabbed the victim.", continues Connor.
"Self-Defense?", said Serena with crossed arms.
She never heard an Android could act on it.
"Okay, then what happened?", wanted Hank to know.
"The victim fled to the living room."
Hank continued: "And he tried to get away from the android… All right, that makes sense…"
"The android murdered the victim with the knife."
 "Ok, your theory's not totally ridiculous.", admitted Hank. "But it doesn’t tell us where the android went."
"It was damaged by the bat… and lost some Thirium…"
"Lost somewhat?"
"Thirium also known as Blue Blood, it's what makes the Androids work. Even I know that Hank."
"Sorry, that I'm not an expert on tin cans, 'Rena!"
"Anyway!", called Connor in between. "It evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye."
Serena and Hank looked at Connor grinning.
"Oh… But I bet you can still see it, can't you?", guessed Hank.
"Lead, the way then Connor.", said Serena.
The two human detectives follow after the android, who looks at the Thirium trail, till he reaches the opening to the attic.
Connor, under Hank and Serena wondering looks, takes a chair and proclaims he will check the attic out.
The Android enter it and leaves the two LTs. waiting.
"Think he will find something?", asked Serena.
"Well, he wasn't wrong, but why should the Android still be here?", answered Hank with a question.
"It's not like this Deviants act normal, Hank."
"Touchè, Di Martino."
Suddenly Connor called loudly for them.
He found the Deviant!
Surprised Hank calls for the others.
Well, seemed like CyberLife android detectiv really held what he promised.
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marycorleone · 1 year
What am I for you? - Bull Randleman x F!OC
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Face Claim: Morena Baccarin as Alice “Faith” Anderson.
Olivia Stewart is a property of @roadtogracelandx45
Alice finally was going to attend to Easy reunion. Last year she avoided going there because of him: Bull Randleman.
“Bull Randleman was one of the best soldiers I ever had.” Major Winters once said. In fact, he was, but what only the Easy Company knew was that he also was the one who broke Alice’s heart.
Alice “Faith” Anderson was a girl who had served with the Easy as a paratrooper. She fell in love with Bull, as soon as he met him. But Bull had not the same intentions. Her parents guided Alice to just dedicate to the war, but how no one can manage the heart…
But now it had stayed in the past. And she was strongly decided no more avoiding meetings.
She put on her gold earrings, took a last look in the mirror and left her parents’ house.
“Oh, you put the earrings that your dad gave you as a gift!”
Her mother gave a hug on her and Alice said that couldn’t cry, to avoid spoiling her makeup. Her father gave her those earrings to her after she returned from the war, but now he was dead. It hurts. As soon as she arrived there, Alice saw Olivia, her old friend.
“Alice! Our Faith!”
They hugged each other and some guys came to talk to the brunette, because she had not attended last year. Further down the hall, Alice spotted Bull, and kept avoiding him.
“Fuck him!” She thought.
“Hey, Faith! How are you doin’?” Lieb approached her.
“Lieb! I missed you! I am great!”
After talking with the guys, Alice and Liv kept talking.
“Come on!” A hoarse voice said, close to her ear. It was Bull. “We need to talk.”
“No! It is not happening!” She replied. “Take your hands off me!”
Olivia was a little drunk, and she was laughing at Bull.
“We are going outside now, Alice!”
“Fuck you! I am here and I am not going anywhere with you!”
“Alice Anderson, I need to talk to you!”
Fuck him. Fuck the damn Bull. His authority was to inherit…
Alice took a last look at Liv and came out with him. Outside he looked into her eyes.
“Alice, I acted like an idiot…”
“I know. But now it doesn’t matter.”
“Alice, please. I’m serious.”
“I am serious too. Can I return to the party?”
Bull was desperate.
@livvy-lov3 @msmercury84
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