#oc: bea horne
mnikhowozu · 11 months
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night thoughts
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retroiso · 11 months
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[id: a fullbody digital drawing of a hollow knight vessel. the vessel has two large curved horns on the top of their head, and two smaller one beneath on either side. they have a crack in their mask atop their head. she is wearing a grey bandana around their neck and a long ripped purple cloak. she is holding up a shiny dagger. end id]
artfight revenge for @tubble-bea 's adorable vessel oc !! :33
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sizey-oc-smackdown · 1 year
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Participants: @data-expunged-0 's Minim, @a-tiny-frog-girl 's Mars, and @poprockpanda 's Bea and Amanda (Bea is the bottom picture and Amanda is the top picture) (omg me again) (i am gonna shill extra hard for my gals)
Descriptions: "Stubby horns, tan skin, green eyes, wears an orange sweater with red stripes and a pair of sweatpants."
"Mars is a 16 yr old borrower who's seen the worst of both borrowers and humanity. She is incredibly empathetic and curious and is often the one to bridge the gap after a fight. She is also constantly incredibly hard on herself because she feels like she's a terrible borrower. On any given day, you can probably find her either in mortal danger or curled up, taking a nap near her human friends."
"They are the wives ever. Bea is an adventurous buffoon who pretends to be way more smooth than she actually is. Amanda is an anxious bitch in normal, safe social situations but she will absolutely kick ass when she needs too."
Propaganda: "He can turn into coins and rings. If you look at your reflection in the coin/ring, Minim will stare back instead of your reflection. He also is creetchur status."
"her name is Mars cuz she's named after a Mars Bar, her love language is touch so she loves being petted and might even purr if she feels safe enough, she's autistic and one of her special interests is space and another is humans and human culture, she has a disability that causes her to need sleep more often than most borrowers, she's really good with animals but also terrified of animals, she's gay and asexual, and she is amazing at picking anything up quickly."
"They just my little gay idiots. They make up dumb nicknames for each other, they dance in their little kitchen while listening to songs on the old Ipod they borrowed, they adopt three tramuatized kids who fell onto their human roomate's countertop and a cat in their various aus. They carved their home out of nothing with the help of an older borrower living in the same apartment building who also basically adopted them. They are the best moms ever no matter what universe they are in."
Extra Bits of Propagana: Mars Fic
Bea and Amanda Fic
If they win I will finish the long awaited Hanging By A Thread Chapter 6 and 7. If they somehow make it past the second round, I will write the first chapter of the Crossover Fic (the one where they adopt the three kids). Idk yet what to do if they get to round 3 cus I don't want to get my hopes up lol
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flowerkidlove · 6 months
would you like to talk about this comic? I'm a bit interested
i'm! not much of a story teller and it's been fucking AGES since i've thought about it! but i'll give it a try! please keep in mind i was 15-17 when i first thought this up, i can show you some art when i get home! i also was using (with permission, at the time) a friends ocs/other characters
so it was about these three girls (the "leader of the group" (Antoinette/Toni (my one friends character), Melanie 'Mac' Anne Campbell (the SCOTTISH supernatural buff who was OBSESSED with aliens (my character)), and Beatrice/Bea (the 'vessel'/The Magician (like the card) also she basically has a spidey sense/prophetic visions/'gut feeling'/etc) whose souls are kind of cursed to forever return to Hell or a divine war would be wrought unto the world!!!!!!!! oh noooo!!!!!!
through a loophole (them playing with a ouija (they have died to go to hell in previous lives)) they end up in hell where they meet Lucifer, who they run away from at some point (how? idk....don't ask me........) (probably from the help of a demon (an old friends oc)) and end up in the arms of a rogue Grim Reaper (my oc Elliot, whom i have talked about once or twice) who is in love with Sekani (who was the egyptian god Anubis at the time when i first made this), the grim reaper he was training under (if that matters....these two are my babies, i have to mention the both of them together)
if i remember correctly, if the girls wanted to be free of the curse, they had to collect like. ancient artifacts, one of them was the ankh of Anubis and Bea was the vessel for Lucifer? so that he could leave hell i think there were like 4 to 6, but i only remember the one. one mightve been an angels horn too but idr
i know that i wanted it to end with Luci and God kind of sort of reconciling? that's about all i remember
some other random shit i remember:
i had 12 angels to stay around God (His name was Miguel?? also Jesus had a pet donkey named Maggy (like Mary Magdalene))
Gabriel/Gabrielle was a hijabi who was very grumpy and orderly, Soriel was a too cool for this shit guy, Raphael was a mix of both Aziraphale and Crowley, Dina/Jophiel was the angel of love (??) Uriel was my favorite and was mute? i think? or at least a very silent angel? there was one who was a stuck up bitch, started with a T.
the comic was inspired by Good Omens, what little i knew about the bible, The Kane Cronicles (Percy Jackson but egyptian), Supernatural, and "Death Rides a Pale Horse" by Piers Anthony
Elliot ended up dying and coming back as Life?? i think??????????
also, Elliot and Sekani "break up" because Elliot didnt like that these three innocent souls (past lives of Toni, Mac, and Bea) were to be brought straight to hell and wanted to stop this injustice! also, Elliot broke Sekani's precious guitar given to him by a human love (SAD!)
Elliot was the oc to get the most trauma! he was my trauma oc who also changed as my identity changed COOL
Elliot was called Emily when i first created him
the comic's name was "What In Hell"
Mac, my character was made before i knew i was trans and i think it's funny that my name (Max) is so close to hers, just a funny thought
i'll post a couple pages in a reblog this shit is so fucking long
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eve-pie · 5 months
My 16th welcome home OC is none other than
Toasty sweetheart!
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Toasty is known for being the most thoughtful neighbor around being the local magician he is more often than not shown doing magic tricks to show to the other neighbors
He is the second mostly animated character in the show the first being Home, Toasty is based off rubberhose cartoons he is very much capable of speech but being the expressive person he has icons that appear above his head to convey what he's feeling the most
Being based off rubberhose animation to convey his emotions more they often had every action Toasty ever did accompanied with music which got faster if he was mad you know like in the cartoons (god I'm bad at this)
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His puppet has a mechanic that could make his tie spin another fun fact about Toasty is that his ears are to big and floppy for him so he quite literally can't lift his ears and just let's them flop around he likes being scratched behind them like a dog he'll repeatedly thump his foot on the ground this and the fact he'll do it if he was angry as well
I kinda imagine Toasty would probably sound like if Howdy's voice was more toned down and quiet probably one of those announcers you'll hear in those old video things definitely not cassettes I'm bad at explaining this I'll just show what I'm talking about in a different post
Here's so fun facts about this little goober
Toasty is an absolute sweetheart being the most thoughtful neighbor he would always put others before himself especially in life or death situations
Toasty isn't a big fan of carrot's he'll get highly offended if you offer him one
Toasty personally likes classical but listens to other music genres
Toasty cannot see color at all everything is black and white to him but however he can see Julie's colors she's a rainbow monster after all and he thinks her colors are the most prettiest hue he had the fortune of seeing
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He can see Julie's siblings as well he personally likes Bea's outfit, Jonesy horns, and Franny's hair
Toasty not being able to see color his clothes were a gift from the other neighbors so he could at least have some color on him he greatly appreciates this
Toasty is very likely self aware although he can't see you he believes that if he could you would be very pretty or handsome whatever you prefer actually no your very very beautiful doesn't matter what gender you are he's thoughtful and very supportive
Toasty cannot remember faces but he could remember names when finding this out the neighbors will say their names before asking Toasty anything he's trying his hardest but he cannot remember anyone's face at the end of the day which is actually how he stumbled into the neighborhood he doesn't know where he is or who these people are he unfortunately cannot remember his father's face and cries about it a lot
Toasty has a very specific way of showing affection that being he'll favorite you more than the other's but instead of showing this directly he'll leave behind flowers or tiny little trinkets or treats for you to enjoy you'll know it's him every time because before getting the item he'll ask you what your favorite thing is Toasty thinks he's very slick with it
He has a gap in his teeth which he is very self conscious about so he tries not to speak that much and when he does he cover's his mouth
Toasty being a Magician he actually has a tiny assistant (about the same size as inky!) His name is shimeji who's design as yet to be created
Toasty sweetheart's full body
He has no nose!?!?!? (LMAO)
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Design inspirations and otherwise random inspirations
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That's all I have for this goober
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sordidmorbid · 3 years
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slightly rushed but here is bea not enjoying voyeur being.......... well . 
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vicekings · 2 years
(watch on youtube, unlisted) +photosensitivity warning for first 4 sec - flashing lights cw
my contribution to day 1 of mtl oc week 2022: the best shitpost i can manage
ocs under the cut , in order of first video appearance:
- JD Walker (mine)
- Kris ( @cruisingheightswithdragons )
- Cherry Reilly ( @chordsykat )
- Slade Thunderbolt ( @vampxyr )
- Teja Wartooth ( @curiouslyhigh )
- Chad Offdensen ( @birbwell )
- Possum ( @mtllica )
- Wolfgang Vulpes Fox ( @cicadafromru )
- St Cecilia Jameson ( @gointothevvater )
- Miranda Mayhem ( @kawaiibaphomet )
- Nita Nirvana ( chordsykat )
- Bailee Slyfoot ( @dynamesvirtue )
- Bea Horne ( @fatasidus )
- Nikki & Rikki ( @frienderbender )
- Seonag Tallach ( @fishklok )
- Tamika ( @little-murmaider )
- #1022 ( @pikaflute )
- Lasagna ( @goblin-a-gogo )
- Skadi the White Wolf (mine)
- Olive Axworthy ( @thatwritingho )
- Emma ( @lampmeeting )
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
Ok officially concluded things for my HC continuity : game!King Dice and game!Devil (in the show they are too busy redivorcing and remarrying to even have the time talking about those things) have 7 children. 3 canon characters appearing in media and 4 I would have to make myself entirely. For each birth, the Devil was the pregnant one and since he doesn't care about gender has them call him mother or mama, Dice is the father. They all have "Devil" as last name so that anyone could know in Hell and the archipel who they are. Even though King Dice and Devil had been married for 110 years (inspired by the animator who joked about Dice's age, which I turned into "he's been immortal for 110 years") they felt like having kids after like 80 years because they never were too sure before, Dice not having known the best childhood and fearing to repeat it and the Devil since it would be all new after millions of years of existence, but they ended up giving it a go once and then they loved it so much (their own hellish way of course) they made others after that. But now they know that they DON'T want more (or rather Dice, Devil still begs for a whole army ; millions of years without being a parent now he wants it ALL)
Eldest : Belzeebub "Bendy" Shaitan Devil aka Bendy the Dancing Demon, he/him, who lives outside of the islands (and whose copy would be created to the real world with the ink machine in his eponymous game lol) to his mother's annoyance since he intended him to inherit the casino (EVENMOREWHENHEWILLFINDOUTHEWOULDDATECUPHEADYEARSLATER), you all know his personality in his cartoons so no need to say more. In his mid/late 20's by the time of the game's events (will be 36 but eternally young looking when he and Cuphead will meet)
Second : Belial Belphegor "Bella" Devil, looks like a white fluffy demon but with a slightly squarish head and dots on it as well as that same nose as her father. The new heiress of her mother's casino business now Bendy went about his life and even if she is damn proud of it she often has beef with her older brother for dropping his responsibilities. A daddy's girl, she likes to perform and sing at the casino. Her father's there is the biggest bodyguard if a customer wants to be touchy. Used to be a very excited kid. In her early 20's by the time of the game's events, just happened to be away for the week to go bother Bendy
Third : fraternal twins, the 2 little purple imps who attack Cuphead by running into him uring their mother's first battle phase, inspired from @luntian-berdengguhit 's semi ocs. The slightly pinker one is a boy, Iblis Leviathan "Levy" Devil, the slightly bluer one is a girl, Behemoth "Bea" Asmodeus Devil. Both have a very similar personality as if they were actually one person divided in 2 and are very conniving as well as well as mischievous troublemakers and are both determined to stay in Hell helping their parents out. Around Cuphead and Mugman's ages by the time of the game's events who were, in my headcanon, respetively 11 and 12, so they either were 10 or 11 too or 12 or 13
Fourth : conjoined twins, Azazel "Zaza" Mephistopheles Devil and Astaroth Mamon "Moe" Devil 2 little imps with horned fuzzy dice heads (inspired from @disc0rde-y's twins) since fuzzy dice in cars always are 2. Were made after a long break, since they are like 12 years younger than the other twins, the parents needed to breathe a little with 4 kids. Dice and Devil were worried but they got adjusted to it pretty quickly. Nothing much to say yet since they are only some months old in the game's events, just Moe is calmer than Zaza but the former would always start crying at a random time and would be followed by the latter quickly. For now like all their siblings until they chose their own pronouns (demons being genderless) they are both referred to as they/them. Didn't think more about how they would be when Bendy would be 36
Youngest : a floating furry (not fuzzy, furry) horned dice head over a furry imp body, Lilith Baal Devil (the only kid without a short name because everyone agreed "Lilith" did sound like the most normal one so far). A quiet, calm, curious toddler who likes to bite a bit too much on everything and everyone. Not much to say either because not only they didn't exist yet in the game's events, they would be only 2 when Bendy would be 36
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daily-broken-vessel · 4 years
:O mod please talk about your OCs!!!
[i figured i can answer this while drawing todays daily and an interaction, so- sure, okay! im probably gonna ramble a bit cos i LOVE talkin about my ocs so im puttin it under a cut, but if youd like to see one of them, please feel free to send an ask and i can post a ref image for them!!! while im always anxious to show off my ocs, when im sure people wont, like, judge me, im always excited to show them off :>]
okok so i have aboutt,,,, 4 hollow knight ocs? five if you include one thats in development-
in order of creation we have,, ram, ilea, bea, and thalia. the fifth is obviously most recent but doesnt have a name yet hjdbhjdb
ram was my first oc!! theyre a vessel with, well,kinda ram-like horns? but more like. square ish? idk its kinda hard to explain without outright showing you. theyre older than ghost, around the same age as broken vessel. quickly abandoned as a failure because they had very clearly loved the pale king and white lady as parents, so they were tossed back down, however managed to survive as they had grabbed onto a ledge halfway down the fall into the abyss. of course, they hit something before they saved themselves, so theyre cracked a bit on their horns and head, but it doesnt bother them.
basically they escape into kingdoms edge, and at that point is desperately trying to survive because they want to grow up and prove to the pale king that they are worthy to live. it. doesnt happen? lol they died :’> but because of where they died, infection got to them, and is basically forcing them to stay alive. they highkey wanna die at this point but hey at least its not noticable, if only for the orange eyes which can be fixed via bandana.
they wear a custom charm that i made up tbh. originally it was gonna be thorns of agony but then i was like “hey wait they wouldnt know where that is” so i just made one up. it formed inside of them kinda? like in their head and they noticed because jkdbcjdbhj rattlerattle. it formed from their feelings of love and betrayal and when worn grants them something similar to adrenaline, which makes them “immune” to pain for a short time when in battle, and kinda like fury of the fallen, grants them a shit ton of strength when low on health. however, its usually only a 20% chance of the first bit happening.
i love ram so much but i made their cracks so over-the-top that i cant fuckin draw them properly dhcbdhjvbdfjh i never make things easy on myself.
ilea is next! youve already seen them. theyre basically my sona!! i had a lot of fun figuring out what to do with them (a friend said im like a grasshopper so i went with that dhjbdhjbdh) and so much fun desiging them (cant remember WHAT grasshopper i based them off of) they dont really have much backstory aside from the fact they pulled a quirrel and remember jack shit lmao. they fight with a bent and sharpened paperclip.
next is bea. bea is a. um. a hummingbird. they are a hummingbird that lives in a hidden area in greenpath and grows a protien-rich fruit that is a substitue for bugs. because they dont want to eat bugs. HOWEVER, if an infected bug comes around them, because the infection cant effect them, they just monch on the infected bugs. theyre teeny but to the bugs is HUGE. like. radi size or bigger. they have a pink ribbon around their neck, as they used to be a pet but escaped and never bothered taking it off.
lastly is thalia! thalia is a butterfly (based off of the zeltus) that had been raised in a society of moths, after having been invited from a young age to join them. seer had raised her. thalia, since learing of the radicance/light, has become extremely attached, creating small sculptures of figures that are radiance-like, paintings that show the light or radi, or just  scenery. sometimes has carvings. she has a room hidden in the city of tears, and also has four arms lol. if ghost finds her and beats her in battle, she deems them worthy of the light, and after sitting on a bench (not the one inside of her room, which ill describe later) and coming back, a small painting of ghost can be seen on the windowsil.
her room is large, with a very big window in the background. ghosts painting can be seen on the windowsil in the corner, leaning against the window. there are sculptures in the foreground reminiscent of the radiance, there are beautiful paintings on the walls and on easils that are scenery of places shes visited (greenpath, dirtmouth, resting grounds, and a few other places) along with things that are basically light symbolism. a few easils have cloth draped over them, and she stays at the far right of the room, painting what looks like the radiance. again. she usually gives up her best paintings and sculptues as offerings, in an attempt to reach the radiance. there is a bench right in front of and in the middle of the windowsil. it has paintbottles and a fabric draped over it. if ghost rests on it, their cloak gets stained a random color at the bottom until they chill in a bath or die. 
game-speaking, if the dream no more ending is reached, and ghost/the player comes back to her room, thalia is sitting against the wall near the bench and has her legs pulled up to her chest. two of her arms are wrapped around her legs while a third is over her knees, hiding her face, and the other is weakly resting a hand on her head. if spoken to, she looks up and talks about how she feels an absance of presence now, as if something has happened and someone was gone. if spoken to again, she notes how her offerings no longer disappear like they used to, and after a pause, she asks ghost if something happened to the radiance before breaking down and being unable to be spoken to. leaving, resting on a bench, and coming back shows thalia standing and looking around her room, and cant be spoken to, however if dreamnailed she doesnt notice ghost, instead thinking of how much she took the light for granted, and how she wishes she could speak to it and apologize. what shed apologize for, she doesnt know, but she just wants to.
my final oc is in development, but theyre based around a giant centipede (cant remember the name but theyre venomous i think? orange with some blue.) but not much of them has been thought of yet.
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mnikhowozu · 1 year
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maybe i'll color it eventually. this makes me think about a comic about bea :')
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nesikiguigui · 5 years
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What if your muse, but as a dragon!
Tagged by: @tattahsketches (thank you!! ❤)
Tagging: @konchuu-san @dserpentes @bichobolitach @a-lonely-alchemist
1- Raul (he’s in @ketthejester's lair)
And yes, I have more than one oc... I just don’t have content for them yet.
I’m gonna introduce my girls!
2- Bea (a florist. She’s also in arcana and knows Raul)
3- Agatha (she’s kinda a demon. I'll probably change her horns... and I'm still designing her outfit)
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Which of your Lunaverse OCs would like the beach? Which of them are afraid to even swim?
Nergella: Oh I loves going to the beach, it where all the family get together... Well almost since Aunt Buttercup is not with us. And no, I am not scare of going into the water. I always wear my floaties.
Hekatrina: Well I do go to the beach to have fun pranking others. From false shark alerts to putting a crab in someone's swim short. Hee Hee~ Oh I likes to eat a barbecue hot dog from a barbecue hot dog stand at the beach and the warm sun warmth my skin. But I ain't going swimming because my hair is made of fire, I do not want to put down my flame by diving into the water. I possibly die. That is why my parents take me to the Lava Beach in the Underworld from the Mewni Dimension when I want to go swimming.
Ophelia: Only on my vacation time, and I do not fear the water, I am an excellent swimmer. Swimming is one of the survival skills you need to live and survive in the world that hate EVOs like me.
Trixie:.........I took swimming class when I was 7, so that my physical skills improved. As for the other question I do like going to the beach, but no.... I do not want to go to the beach anymore.... It bring back memories. 😢
*Trixie remeber annual family's beach ball tournament and a competition in building the perfect sand castle when her mom was alive.*
*Niko stared at the waves of the water from the beach. She shivered as she felt a chill from her back. Niko remeber one of her nightmares where the man with the purple horns and red eyes dragged her down into the water with him. The more she struggle in trying to be free from his grasp, the deeper she goes until everything went black. she shoom her head and cleared her throat. She is now back to reality*
Niko:.......I do swim it's just that I am not really a fan of beaches or swimming.
Ivy: The beach is so much fun that I get to go shopping for a new swim suit and trying it out so that people can notice me. But if there are dirty minded people who notice me and wanted to talks to me. I will summon a Kraken if they ever lay a hand on me. Oh I be swimming alright. Swimming hard to build up my endurance so that my magic doesn't burn out. After that I be chilling on a float, sipping a glass of pink lemonade from a metal straw. I am rewarding myself after all. Oh I also love a good game of volleyball, but I always get defeated by Bea and Stella. A lot. 😅
Jolene nods and wrote on her notepad: Blaine say that swimming help with agility and other benefits for my body and mind. Plus I can use my powers to electrocute anybody in the water.
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thisplaceforthelost · 4 years
Hello! Call me Kes.
I'm reviving this side blog. It's mostly writing, with some drawing. I'm just awkward because @kestrelsparverius is my main, after my favorite falcon, and Kestrel is the name of one of my ocs, because she has Kestrel wings.
I'm tagging @rauko-is-a-free-elf because you said my ocs sounded interesting and @whumping-every-day, because I know you best of the whumpers and writblrs. Sorry if I annoy you. I'm excited to get more involved in the writeblr and whump communities and get to know others though.
I plan on focusing on A Place for the Lost, my original story. But my fandom OCs will probably make guest appearances.
These are some of the main characters. I haven't had time to draw them all, so I just used a couple character creators. I'm so sorry it's long, I'm on mobile and can't get the 'read more' cut to work:
Kestrel: Female Guardian Angel in her early 20s. She's short (about 4'6-4'8). Her familiar is Bea, a Blink Wolf. She's a soldier and dating Leo. She does have more freckles, and American Kestrel wings.
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Leo: Male demon in his early 20s. He's a medic with social anxiety. His familiar is a Pocket Dragon named Reggie. He has dark blue dragon-like wings and blue-grey horns.
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Selena: Female siren, also in her early 20s. She's Leo's childhood friend. She's outgoing and loves telling stories. Sirens look different to every person, according to what they find most attractive. Her familiar is a brown tabby cat named Jasper.
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Emaray: Female wood elf and shapeshifter. She is about 18 at the start of the story. She meets the others when she comes to the school and is Kestrel's roommate. Her familiar is a fox named Ilok. She has fox eyes (amber with slit pupil).
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empresstress13 · 6 years
OC asks for Ronny, Innanis and Beatrix - 1, 4, 22, 37 and 56?
1 -What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
Ronny - . . .I just realized that I am currently technically using a nickname for her. Her actual name is Veronica, but she almost always goes my Ronny! Depending on the city she’s used variations on the spelling too, but she uses Ronny in Denerim. There’s also a few places that she goes by Veronica, but that’s the most rare. Ronny and Ronnie are the most common names she uses. She’ll also go by: Nikki, Nik, Nica, Vikki, Verna, Vee, Via, Vera, Verona, Veronice . . . however, most of these are more alias than actually nicknames.
Innanis - Her mom used to call her “little star” and “star eyes” when she was younger, and so did some of the older members of Valo-Kas (her mother was a member before Innanis, but has since retired). Nana and Nanis are also commonly used nicknames among Valo-Kas members and their circles. Sera is insistent on continuously creating more and more creative nicknames.
Beatrix - Her family and close friends when she was little usually called her “Bea”, and it’s still a common nickname from them now. It’s just the shortened version of her name.
4- What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC?
Ronny - Ronny actually does take meticulous care of her appearance. She’s very pretty, and certainly wants to use that to advantage, however she also prefers that people don’t remember any extremely distinguishing features later. . . she does have lavender eyes that are rather noticeable. 
Innanis - . . .this is difficult. She is extremely tall, has curled horns, dark red hair, and extremely pale grey eyes. Take your pick. 
Beatrix - Oooh. . . I’d say her smile! 
22 -Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)?
Ronny - She’s got a nice little network of friends, but close friends. . . that’s more difficult for her. She is pretty close with Beatrix Tabris, Isabela (yup!), 
Innanis - Innanis is a super outgoing person and has a large group she’d consider to be in the “friend” sphere. Her closest circles though - Sera and Dagna are her loves, but they’re great friends as well. She’s also super close with her fellow Valo-Kas members, Dorian, Vivienne, and Krem.  
Beatrix - Bea is super close with Soris, Shianni, and Nehnara Surana. She ends up courting Leliana and they are super sweet (and stabby to their enemies!). She’s friends with Ronny too! Ronny and Bea actually spent a lot of time together after Bea’s mom was killed, and Ronny helped her. . . get into trouble, but not too much trouble? Bea also is pretty good friends with Zevran and Alistair (but they had a ROCKY start). I’m also coming up with ideas about how Elraen ends up meeting Bea & Nehnara. Cuz that’s gonna happen. 
37 -What is your OC’s biggest dream?
Ronny - That she’ll admit to? She probably wouldn’t let anyone else know all of her dreams. She is definitely of the opinion that the more people who know her desires, the more dangerous that is. She’s very big on trying to get back on people who use power to bully others (she may have some red jenny connections as well. . .).   
Innanis - I think at one point she mainly was focused on providing for herself and her parents, learning everything cool ( which means EVERYTHING to her), and finding a sweetie to court. She’s got some of that. . . and has managed to also open up so many other cans of worms. XD She’d like to open up some sort of facility to help kossith who have left the Qun - getting them settled and prepared for society outside of Qun control, helping educate young vashoth, and most ambitiously help other mage vashoth! She’d like to see more supportive mage education all around to be honest. . . things are better than they were but. . . 
Beatrix -She wants to return everyone who was taken from the alienage during the Blight. She wants to get representation for elves in the Landsmeet. She wants for no other children to be ripped from their homes like Nehnara was. She wants no one to experience cruelty the way she did. Like her mother did. Like Shianni did. She wants to grow old with Leliana in a house filled with nugs, mabari, and children. 
56 -What are some of your OC’s strengths?
Ronny - She’s charming, personable, and quick-witted. 
Innanis - She is so, so smart. Super smart. Also creative and friendly. 
Beatrix - She is clever and determined. Also very loyal. 
Thanks for the ask! ♥
OC questions! 
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theycallmekaibara · 7 years
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Drawings of some little known OCs. Miss Bea; one of Axel & Kaibara’s mom friends who likes tea and baking and is really, Really smart. And One Spicy Boi we met at a bar. His horns are black opal. 
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Tell me about your OCs! I know very little about them and I want to fix that!
AW HELL YEAH!!! Thanks, Season! (SAME TO YOU IF YOU HAVE ANY JUST SAYIN HINT HINT WINK WINK)Let’s start with Sukino cause he’s my favorite in the whole wide world right now. Suki started off as a throw away character; just someone to get Anti and Dark to their missions. Then Brittany was like, “hey is he an Oni?” and I was like, “UMMMM HE IS NOW”. I just described him as a guy with horns. THEN BRITTANY FUCKING BROUGHT HIM TO LIFE WITH HER ART SKILLS AHHH. So then he was born. He’s still a work in progress, but I’m thinking of things. He’s got (I’m thinking) white hair with red tips and red eyes. He loves metal, basket ball, wants to own a bath house one day. His bestie is fleecal’s OC, Bea! Um...I drew a reaper once. Then Brittany redrew her (and it looked faaaaaaaab). So that was pretty neat. Keepin’ on with the CDO, we’ve got Lucas Silver, the NE LG of the USA. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, this little shit thinks he deserved his position just because, when his uncle passed away, he became the NE LG though he didn’t really have the qualifications. He’s been in Africa for AGES now supposedly helping central Africa deal with their Kaiju outbreak but he’s actually been in southern Africa sippin’ on fruity drinks. The SE LG of the USA has no name rn but he is one of the very few masters of the blue flame. He’s a hardworkin’ man born and raised in New Orleans. He works a little too hard. I love him. ...don’t know that much about him right now. All my OCs are works in progress. The SW LG of the USA is a mermaid who was born in Mexico who gained her citizenship through the CDO. ...again, WIP. The NW LG of the US is a gender fluid herba hominem who was born in portland oregon. I have more OCs but I wrote waaaaaay too much. Thank you so much for asking!!! 
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