#oc: catherine leures
pemokiandkenacia · 1 month
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Leures Redesigns!!
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smzeszikorova · 1 year
OC Crossover Art Compilation.
Thanks for doing this with me, everyone. This was so much fun, and infinitely better-constructed on my part than the last game. Excited to share these with you.
Here we go!
The First One: In which Winson, Levi, and @thatonecrowguy's OC Scott from Dog Days are stranded in the middle of nowhere together after Scott's van breaks down.
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The Second One: In which Catherine and @aether-wasteland-s's OC Blake from A Time Travel Conundrum have a piney conversation about their loves.
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The Third One: In which Victoria and @royal1asset-if's OC Serena from Royal Asset try to break into a locked safe.
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And the Fourth One: In which @dogmomwrites's OC Jimmy from their currently untitled WIP takes a bug-eating joyride with fellow creepy crawly connoiseurs Eva and Rolyn.
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All participants, thanks again! And thanks for your patience. I was planning on making some effortless scribbles, but your OCs were just too fun to draw. I couldn't resist putting in some time.
Hope it was worth the wait. :D
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lilias42 · 9 months
Série de portrait : la génération des grands-parents !
Bon ! ça fait un moment que je travaille sur eux alors, les voici : les principaux personnages de la génération des grands-parents !
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Ces deux-là auront une petite scène qui leur sera consacré mais, pour le moment, voici déjà leur visage en gros ! Il s'agit des grands-parents de Sylvain du côté de son père Isidore : Erika Gautier, héritière puis margravine de leur marche, et Halfdan qui est un commerçant et ancien soldat sreng. Personne ne connait le père d'Isidore à part les plus proches amis d'Erika, surtout sous Clovis où elle sait que le tyran aurait tué son fils mais, le secret est resté dans la famille malgré toutes les pressions qu'elle a subi. Sylvain n'a su qui était son grand-père que quand il est devenu adulte de sa mère (car évidemment que Fregn est arrivé à retrouver la vérité et à recoller les morceaux), car Isidore refuse de parler à qui que ce soit de son père et préfère traiter sa mère de p*te et de traitresse à Faerghus, plutôt que d'admettre qu'elle n'a aimé qu'un homme dans sa vie, soit Halfdan, et donc qu'il est à moitié Sreng, même s'il adorait son père quand il était petit. Ici, j'ai tenté de donner la même position qu'académie!Sylvain à Halfdan pour marquer le lien de parenté, ainsi que leurs couleurs mais, en inversé, histoire de marqués qu'ils sont en couple.
Fun fact : sur mon carnet, les cheveux d'Halfdan (en crayon de couleur "sanguine" pur) ont plus la couleur de ceux de Sylvain qu'Erika qui les a orange plus vif malgré les deux couches de rouge mais là, ils font plus bruns et ceux d'Erika font plus roux-rouge comme Sylvain donc, on s'y retrouve !
+le motif au feutre sur le torse d'Erika était censé être l'emblème de Gautier mais, je me suis emmêlé les pinceaux en la passant au noir alors, ça ressemblait plus à celui de Gloucester alors, je l'ai retravaillé pour que le motif ressemble à un soleil stylisé avec une lune à cause d'Halfdan qui lui disait qu'au soleil, sa chevelure semble prendre feu et briller. Pour ses deux grains de beauté sous l'oeil, même si ce n'est pas du tout une légende scandinave, j'avais entendu dire qu'au Japon, un grain de beauté sous l'oeil symboliserait une larme et un destin tragique, ce qui irait bien à Erika qui n'a jamais pu vivre son amour avec Halfdan au grand jour, puis qui s'est vu rejeté par son fils à cause de cet amour. Par contre, elle aurait beaucoup aimé voir son petit-fils se rapprocher des srengs et embrasser complètement ses origines grâce à Fregn (avec qui elle s'entendait très bien).
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Deuxième couple : Guillaume et Aliénor ! Si je suis un peu déçue de l'expression de Guillaume qui manque de mordant comparé à celui qu'il pouvait être, je suis plutôt contente d'Aliénor sur laquelle j'ai expérimenté plein de trucs ! (notamment les lunettes, c'est une des première fois que j'en fais !) Normalement, elle a un reflet roux dans les cheveux mais après une couche de jaune, puis une d'orange clair, puis une autre de jaune pour la rendre plus blonde que rousse, puis encore une autre d'orange pour tenter de lui redonner un peu de reflet, j'ai jeté l'éponge et passer une dernière couche de jaune pour qu'elle soit blonde, tant pis. Son foulard aussi est une expérimentation. Les photos qui m'ont servi de modèle reprennent des modes plus anciennes que pour Guillaume mais, je trouvais que ça lui allait bien vu qu'elle est la magicienne du groupe et que son style est un peu vieillot, il vise surtout le pratique.
Pour les couleur aussi, j'ai utilisé les deux même crayons pour leurs vêtements mais, en inversé. Aliénor ne porte même pas de couleur la liant à la famille Dominic car, elle a complètement épousé les intérêts des Fraldarius donc, elle porte leurs couleurs, notamment sur son voile où c'est le plus voyant et son chapelet porte l'emblème de Fraldarius. Pour Guillaume, il a les cheveux noirs de sa famille qui partent dans tous les sens domestiqués avec sa tresse, et il porte son alliance autour du cou pour éviter de la perdre ou qu'elle ne le gêne au combat quand il tire à l'arc ou manie Moralta, même si son rôle de protecteur est plus mis en avant avec Aegis à son bras ici (bras droit vu que comme quasi tous les Fraldarius, il est gaucher)
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Ensuite, on a Nicola à gauche, et la matriarche Catherine Charon de l'autre !
Nicola n'est pas colorié car, je n'ai pas pile le bon brun pour ses cheveux alors, il attendra que je mette la main sur un bon crayon de bonne qualité pour avoir des couleurs. Ils sont censé être brun très foncé à la limite du noir, ce qui lui permettait de se faire passer pour Guillaume quand ils étaient petits et que des assassins de Clovis ou d'autres tentaient de le tuer, même si Guillaume lui a toujours formellement interdit de se faire passer pour lu afin d'éviter qu'il ne se fasse tuer par erreur (et ceux qui auraient touché à un cheveu de son meilleur ami et quasi frère adoptif auraient tous signé leur arrêt de mort) Quand ils seront plus vieux, Nicola aura le visage bien plus carré et sera plus grand que lui alors, cela évitera à Guillaume de s'inquiéter pour ça. Dans l'idée que j'en ai, physiquement, il ressemble un peu à Gilbert mais, en vraiment bon compagnon et chevalier malgré ses origines roturières et le fait qu'il ne sera jamais adoubé pour rester au service des Fraldarius.
Pour la matriarche Catherine, elle a les cheveux verts des nabatéens, mais ses yeux sont aussi bleu que ceux de sa petite-fille Cassandra / Catherine. Cette dernière reprendra d'ailleurs son nom pour lui rendre hommage : c'est un prénom relativement courant donc, elle ne se fera pas pincer dessus, ça permet de rappeler son affiliation aux Charon, et de montrer son respect pour sa grand-mère. Plus femme de loi que de guerre, c'est elle qui a mise en place une très grande partie de l'appareil idéologique justifiant le coup d'Etat de Ludovic, notamment en s'appuyant sur les travaux de ses ancêtres de la guerre du Lion et de l'Aigle, Sybille et Irina Charon-Ordélia. Malgré tout, c'est une combattante à mains nues confirmés, ce que j'ai tenté de rappeler avec les cicatrices qu'elle a sur les mains : ne vous fiez pas à son air de bureaucrate très souvent enceinte (elle a eu douze enfants après tout et blague elle-même sur le fait qu'elle a défié les statistiques en ayant onze filles d'affilés [ce qui est l'idéal pour une famille très matriarcale comme celle des Charon] et pour sa dernière grossesse, elle a eu son seul garçon avec Kimon, qui est devenu le petit frère le plus gâté et embêté par ses soeurs de l'histoire !), elle casse aussi des bouches comme sa fille Héléna qui lui ressemble beaucoup de caractère en moins cassant, et sa petite-fille Cassandra qui casse autant des bouches qu'elle !
(pas de dessin de son mari par contre, les hommes Charon sont inexistant dans ma tête sauf par obligation scénaristique ou quand c'est Théo qui a un passe-droit)
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Et enfin, faites entrer le roi pour le dernier avec Ludovic ! Ici, il est un peu plus âgé que pour les autres qui sont plus de l'époque du coup d'Etat contre Clovis. Ici, je dirais que Ludovic est à la fin de sa vie quand il est rongé par la tuberculose mais, il restera jusqu'à la fin un roi fort et fier qui regarde droit devant lui et continue à avancer pour le bien de son Royaume malgré son propre corps qui le trahit !
Comme Simplex, il a les yeux vairons : un bleu roi comme tous les Blaiddyd, l'autre bleu d'eau comme l'oeil qu'à donné Pertinax à Simplex après la révolution contre les maitres et la fin de l'esclavage. Pour lui, ça peut aussi montrer son lien privilégié avec les Fraldarius. D'ailleurs, lui aussi est habillé au couleur de Guillaume et Aliénor : il ne porte que du sarcelle ou du bleu-vert, aucun bleu tout court un peu sombre comme Dimitri ou Lambert, pour bien montrer son lien avec la famille du Loup et le fait qu'il est contre la manière de penser de sa famille et surtout de Clovis.
Et voilà ! J'espère qu'ils vous ont plu !
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la semaine ​expérience dans le domaine de la population du 1er janvier 2008 8,3 des logements totaux sur les autres projets wikimedia nous vous proposons à…
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Cher Ou Chèr De la semaine ​expérience dans le domaine de la population du 1er janvier 2008 8,3 des logements totaux sur les autres projets wikimedia nous vous proposons à...
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
2-In-One Tag Game 🙃
So I got tagged for two different games. @writingpotato07 tagged me for Last Line, and @the-stray-storyteller tagged me for Heads Up Seven Up. Which made me squeal with joy, but also I'm kinda unsure what to do since these games cover pretty much the same ground. I've technically got two WIPs if we're counting Theodore Diaries (which, as I mentioned before, takes place in the middle of Book 3 from the perspective of a character I haven't introduced yet), but pretty much all my lines in that document are very spoiler heavy. So instead, I'm thinking I'll post my last seven lines from P&K 1 and call it a two-for-one. Unless you all revolt, in which case I'll post both, but don't say I didn't warn you about the spoilers.
Thanks so much for the tag, by the way! The fact that y'all actually wanna see my most recent writing really motivates me to write more stuff (that way I won't just have chapter 4 material to draw from).
Tagging @sunhunger, @bookish-galaxy, @god-of-identity, @graciecreates, @the-child-of-darkness, @unluckybasil, @moonandris, @aye-write. If any of you are interested, take your pick from these two tag games. Better yet, do both! If you don't want to/if you've already been tagged, no pressure! I'm also leaving this as an open tag for anyone else who wants to participate! :D
I'm not exactly sure what a line is in the context of prose, so I'm just gonna post the last seven sentences.
Be warned, this passage is very new, so what you're seeing is basically what my writing looks like unedited. I promise it's better after I've had a couple days to revise.
Ok, no more blabbing. Here we go!
From Pemoki and Kenacia:
“That soon?” Lyn’s eyes widened. “Catherine—” But before he could say anything else, Catherine stood on her toes and kissed him, and again his eyes went dark. "Try not to count the seconds, love," she said. "Just hold me. Relish every moment you've got left with me, and then take comfort in the knowledge that there'll be many, many more when I return."
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smzeszikorova · 1 year
I made a chart.
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
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Forgot I made this drawing of Catherine years ago
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
Little angry Catherine doodle
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…I should really go to bed 😅
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
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I don’t draw happy Catherine often enough.
I also don’t practice shading and foreshortening often enough, which is why those elements could use some work lol
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
Heyo! It’s slightly more detailed character bio time, y’all!!!
Catherine Leures:
Protagonist of book one. She farms potatoes, operates her local newspaper’s printing press, and enjoys none of it. Coping mechanisms include escapism, shouting at inanimate objects, and going to war. (Last name is pronounced Loy-ray. I promise that’s about as weird as my character names get.)
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Age: 20
Height: Medium (Like 5’7, probably)
Magic: None, fortunately for her enemies.
Pronouns: She/her
Country of Birth: Kenacia
Religion: Christian
Random Skills: Archer, creative insulter, and master of destructive stress management techniques.
Quote: “Put me down! You’ll break yourself!”
Don’t Mention: Actually, most conversation topics are fair game for Catherine, but don’t call her a priss under any circumstances, or she’ll kick your ass.
Stuff She Hates: Her jobs, her house, being carried, Levi Niacera, crying.
Stuff She Loves: Romantic fiction, poetry, money, her three little sisters, complaining, pickles, sleep, punching Levi Niacera in the face, singing.
Crimes She’d Commit If You Paid Her: So many. She is desperate for money.
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes Tag
Thanks for the tag, @graciecreates!!
Rules are go here and make incorrect quotes for your OCs. Post an unspecified number of quotes. Tag the same number of people.
Ok, here goes!
Winson: Did you take out Adriel as I requested? Levi: Adriel has been taken out, yes. Winson: You have my grat- Levi: It was a great restaurant. Levi: We had a romantic candlelit dinner. Levi: Adriel proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers.
Adrona: You three, explain right now! Sergei: It was Aorin. Sverlyn: It was Aorin. Catherine: It was Aorin. Aorin: Aorin: …fuck.
Sergei: We’re kind of missing something guys. Aorin: Cohesion? Catherine: Teamwork? Sverlyn: A general sense of what we’re doing? Rolyn: And Adrona is not here. Aorin: Oh, and that, yeah.
Rolyn: We can’t tell you because you’re not a member of the club. Adriel: What club? Winson: The hating Adriel club. Adriel: …The fuck? I should be the leader of that club!
Levi: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm gay right?" and watch the look of terror on their face. Adriel: Adriel: I like you.
Lyn: You’re drunk. Catherine: Correction: drinking. Present tense. Grammar, Lyn.
Tagging @pens-swords-stuff, @sockscosyquarters, @daisywords, @dogmomwrites, @antihell, @adrielcastlyre
If you've already been tagged, I'm sorry.
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
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Aorin and Catherine probably wouldn’t get along as well as they do if they weren’t both such dumbasses. Meet two of my protagonists and their adoptive dad, General “Tired of your Bullshit” Adrona.
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smzeszikorova · 9 months
Yet Another Silly P&K Guessing Game: Results Are IN!!!
And thanks so much to @the-stray-storyteller and @clairelsonao3 for the responses! I did not get many, which means, as promised, I'm bumping up the number of pictures I'm doing.
Without further ado, here are the answers. (Participants, DM me with info about y'all's OCs and their quotes you want me to use for the drawings. I'm looking forward to it!)
Easier Round: Two Drawings
Quote the First: Levi Niacera "I won't say I didn't mean it; I found it comical, to be honest, watching you gaze at that sandwich as thought it were the only thing on Earth . . . Tell me, is the sandwich more handsome than I am?"
Quote the Second: Catherine Leures “Your friend's an ass, is what he is—all wrapped up in a net of pretty manners and idiosyncrasies, but an ass all the same."
Quote the Third: Aorin Khozlova "It will not save us, but it's a trace of hope in the dark. And if I am wrong to place my faith in your kindness, I'll hardly be worse off than the others. I'll live and die like them, as your king sees fit."
Harder Round: Two Drawings + Extra Clout
Quote the Fourth: Adriel Castlyre "Don’t soften your words on my account; I know what you think. And I’ve got nothing against travel, so you know, only the idea that it somehow endows you and the rest of your state institution lot with more wisdom and cultural perspective than people like me can dream of.”
Quote the Fifth: Sera Selney "It’s not your face that’s familiar, strangely. It’s your confidence in dealing with me and . . . and that strikingly-colored jacket you’re wearing. Curly little monogram on the lapel, if my memory serves me, but since you’ve got the collar up, I can’t be sure. Anyway, I’d guess you’re the Santel heir’s latest toy. Am I right?"
Quote the Sixth: Lyn Leures “Really? First I’ve heard of it . . . but I’m flattered. Care for a drink, fellow corner-dweller?”
Bonus Round: Three Drawings
Quote the Last: Theodore Swan "Is someone there?"
Once again, thanks for joining in. These games are a lot more complicated and time-consuming than the regular sort of tag game stuff I do, but I really do love them. It means a lot that y'all let me take part in your stories like this.
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
Introduction Time! :p
(Because I’m too tired to actually write right now.)
I’m working on the first of my trilogy (quadrilogy?), which I’m just calling Pemoki & Kenacia for now. Might change the title later, but until then I’m tagging all my related posts as #p&k.
Current Stage: First draft.
Current Word Count: 31,769.
Relatively Spoiler-Free Plot Summary: Catherine Leures, a potato farmer and printing press operator living in rural Pemoki with her husband and three little sisters, struggles to keep their household afloat as debts accumulate and as the threat of war with Kenacia grows ever closer to home. When Catherine loses her job at the Suvlin Chronicle, all seems lost. But a chance encounter with a Pemokese soldier presents Catherine with the one thing she’s always wanted: a chance at a better life.
Stay tuned for updates! If you’re interested in dramatic fantasy-ish stories with a side of war, found family dynamics, idiots to lovers, redemption arcs, pirates, and magic, you’ll probably like this. Once it’s done anyway. But in the meantime you can enjoy all my OC art and occasional text posts.
Also, you should absolutely take a look at @adrielcastlyre, my coauthor.
Let’s see, what else? I’ve got several P&K related animatics outlined and one in progress, but those’ll probably be a while.
Blog should be generally SFW. I might reference sex now and then, but everything will be appropriately tagged. And I'll never write or draw explicit stuff. I do swear a lot, tho. So…be warned, I guess.
And here’s some fun facts about me, if anyone’s interested. I work and go to school for Russian, (so writing goes slow lol). I use they/them. When the prose is being stubborn, I draw, animate, and write songs instead. I’m 20 years old, and I’ve been trying to write this fucking trilogy since I was 12, with 93 pages of success so far.
I absolutely want to meet other writers on this app, and legit, if I have the time, I will answer anything. Asks, comments, DMs, you name it. Tell me all about your works in progress, and feel free to ask anything about mine.
Ok, byeeee!
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smzeszikorova · 9 months
Some context for the peeps who've never done my art games before:
Once again, I am tagging literally everyone for thoroughness's sake. @clairelsonao3, @sheepbitch, @lovely-ashes09, @j-1173, @nanashi23, @penspiration-writing, @late-to-the-fandom, @rexxles, @royal1asset-if, @bardic-tales, @souplover96, @kiraofthewind, @wearfinethingsalltoowell, @kiirpich, @saiwestfield, @thepixiediaries, @marinesocks, @lvckyrabbit, @alwaysastrophel, @burr-burr, @dogmomwrites, @daisywords, @angelasscribbles, @common-grackle, @redmoonrises, @aether-wasteland-s, @the-stray-storyteller, @thatonecrowguy, @kyofsonder, @isabellebissonrouthier, @moonandris, @harinawa, @sockscosyquarters, @thegreatfallcomic, @adrielcastlyre (again. Do with this what you will.) @yellowikeadog, @ghostface3100, @fragrant-stars, @birdsbats-madness, @waterfire1848, @dallystrings, @nicdrawssometimes, @ruhrohherewego.
So the way I've done these games in the past has basically been me just seeing what my mutuals can gather about my characters from their bios and the information I've posted about them in my snippets. However, as I have many more posts to sort through now than I did the first time I did one of these, I'm gonna add a little guide to my guessing games here for anyone who might find it useful.
In the past I haven't put up any kind of hints or guides for these games. The effect of this is that I get to force my mutuals to scrape their way through my blog in search of information about my OCs. I've basically been Goncharoving my whole universe from the get-go, so that's what everyone's got to work with.
Think of it like a writeblr scavenger hunt.
And then in drawing your OCs, I also have to go through your blogs to learn about your characters so I can draw 'em.
So Some Basics :
All the quotes come from characters I have both mentioned and called by name. In all but one case, I have pictures of them, which you can find under my #art tag. You might also find information relevant to the characters' personalities in their #oc: [insert name] tags. Most of the main cast has these, and in this particular game, all the quotes come from characters with oc tags.
Rules are: limit yourself to one guess unless you want to guess the bonus question, too.
Usually, I don't get a lot of responses, so most of the time I'll draw your guys whether you guess right or not.
This time, I'm gonna wait a bit before I tell you whether you guessed correctly or not. We'll say you have until July 30 to guess or revise your guesses before I do the big reveal.
Names For Reference:
Here is a complete list of every character I have ever mentioned on my blog in order of appearance (excluding the ones who no longer exist in canon, the ones who I've only mentioned for the first time after I put up my Guessing Game post, and the names that are technically pseudonyms for characters I've already told you about):
King Levi Niacera
Alan Winson
General Darion Adrona
Aorin Khozlova
Catherine Leures
Sverlyn Kjovra
Adriel Castlyre
Lyn Leures
Captain Sera Selney
Victoria Leures
Petra Leures
Eva Leures
General Kasia Arkhonieva
General Yono Aamitok
Jan Lekzej
Nikolaj Sonej
Rolyn Czeres
Sergei Kjovra
James Blightwood
Theodore Swan
Bhaanai Sochilyen
Lviszki Nezjety
Ernest Wolbert
Queen Rolova of Aleon
Lennox Graaf
Hugh Oliver Castlyre
General Paul Firesky
King John Niacera
Lieutenant Charles Curtis
Hero Santel
Nicholas Leao
Lots of people, right? But lucky you, I like to make sure these guessing games aren't so ridiculously hard that nobody could possibly guess right. A safe bet's that if I haven't mentioned a character in at least 5 posts, they won't appear in my guessing games.
If you're planning on looking through the oc tags, the name I use is always first and last. And for convenience's sake, I should warn you that a lot of these characters don't have oc tags, so if you want to find them, it might be easier to scroll straight to the bottom of my blog and do a Ctrl+F than use the search function.
But like I said, for all except the bonus question, you'll be fine limiting yourself to the cast I have drawings for.
Now here's where we start getting into hinty territory, so if you don't want that, quit reading.
In the case of the first three quotes, they make for easy-ish guesses (in my opinion, but that opinion may very well be incorrect.) They're pretty consistent with how their respective characters act most of the time.
The second three are a little tougher because they might be misleading. I imagine people are gonna be a tad more surprised when they figure out where they came from.
The bonus round is gonna be hard. I think. And I doubt anybody's gonna get it right, but if you do, congrats. And if you want a massive hint for the bonus round, it's under the cut:
I've already given you the bonus quote. It's in one of my posted snippets. You just need to figure out who says it.
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
Hey hey! I have zero context for your ocs so howabouts you introduce me to them! Tell me some fun facts about them, if you have any favorite ocs, if any of them have notable traits or features!
Ooh! Ok! Well, now's as good a place as any for an introduction. Warning, this might also be kind of long. I could list fun facts about my characters all night, since I've got so many. But I'll limit it to the main cast of book one for now.
Catherine Leures (pronounced "Loy-ray" for a couple of reasons, but neither of them are good ones): Book one's MC. When she's not running the family farm, she's operating the Suvlin Chronicle's printing press or waiting tables at Carrigan's Tavern. Tragic mess of a human being. Basically if pent-up fury were a person. Likes to think she's super practical and down-to-earth about everything, but she's definitely a hopeless romantic. Emphasis on the "hopeless" part. She loves reading poetry and singing, and does neither because her busy schedule doesn't allow for it. Her life goal is to have all her financial worries suddenly vanish in a puff of smoke.
Lyn Leures: Her husband. He's also a tragic mess of a human being, but he's a lot more self-aware about it than Catherine is. His job is to handle all the housework (and most of the farmwork, since Catherine's usually at one of her other two jobs). He's pretty much given up on all his dreams, but if he could have any career, he'd want to be the Baliszkan (fancy-ass southern Pemokese city, but not quite as fancy as Drosil) Symphony Orchestra's first chair violinist.
Victoria Leures: The eldest of Catherine's younger sisters. Her life goal is to become an architect, but she pretends her life goal is to help Catherine and Lyn avoid bankruptcy.
Petra Leures: Middle girl. Also a hopeless romantic. Her life goal is to transform into a princess and never set foot into Pemoki's north end again. (Catherine would never admit it, but she thinks Petra's got the right idea.)
Eva Leures: Baby of the family. The only one who actually enjoys farmwork because playing with the big draft animals is the closest thing to a childhood she'll ever have a lot of fun! Life goal is to eventually take control of all the farm management stuff.
Ernest Wolbert: A baker. Used to be close with Catherine's mom. Aside from getting with Catherine's mom, which is unfortunately no longer a possibility, all his aspirations have been realized.
General Darion Adrona: Super important military guy. Aleonian-born citizen of Pemoki. (Aleon's a hell of a lot bigger and more powerful than Pemoki is, and also they're allies, so Aleonian-borns living in Pemoki don't have to deal with half the shit Kenacian-borns do.) Was General long before Levi was coronated. But until that happened, there wasn't much international conflict going on, so Adrona mostly worked in diplomacy. Now he's leading the Pemokese in the war against Kenacia. Also, he's Aorin and Rolyn's dad.
Aorin Khozlova: Adrona's confidante. For "no-military-rank" reasons, he really shouldn't be, but he is. Adrona has his reasons; in spite of all my previous claims to the contrary, Aorin's actually very intelligent. He's fluent in Pemokese, Lewyndan, Aleonian, Kena-Anglian, and Qhironese. He was top of his class in university, and he skipped a few grades to get there. He just also happens to be a reckless, self-sacrificial idiot who absolutely should not be allowed on the battlefield for any reason. (That's Adrona's thought process, anyway.)
Rolyn Czeres: Rolyn is Aorin's brother. He's technically older, but he was adopted second, and he gives off major younger sibling vibes. Adrona doesn't let Rolyn near the battle plans, but he trusts him more with field assignments, which Rolyn appreciates, since he never thought strategic stuff was much fun anyway. He is extremely snuggly, and somehow also the most prickly person you will ever meet.
Sverlyn Kjovra: The badass cinnamon roll. Son of a Pemokese legislator. We torment him unnecessarily. He was one of Aorin's best friends in school, and they basically consider one another family.
Sergei Kjovra: Sverlyn's sweet but uptight twin brother. When Adrona isn't around to serve as the family's brain cell, he leaves Sergei in charge.
General Kasia Arkhonieva: A powerful Pemokese general who works closely with Adrona.
General Yono Aamitok: The leader of the Qhironese rebellion. (For reasons I'll explain in the next section, the Qhironese really hate Levi.) She's also General Arkhonieva's wife.
King Levi Niacera: Levi's existence became common knowledge in Kenacia after the rest of the Kenacian royal family died for very mysterious reasons, leaving him—a then twelve-year-old kid—as the Kenacian throne's only available successor. At the time, people were pretty relieved. ("He can't be worse than his father, right?") Levi took the throne at eighteen, and then proceeded to try and conquer every country he could get his hands on. His first major military success was in Qhiron. Now he's got his sights set on Pemoki.
General Paul Firesky: Kenacia's youngest general / one of Levi's military advisors / the reason Levi's conquest of Qhiron was so successful / a very sad and tired boi.
General James Blightwood: Another one of Levi's generals / military advisors. He isn't too important until book 3, but you should know who he is in the meantime.
Alan Winson: He dropped out of medical school, but thanks to his connections with Levi, he's also Kenacia's most famous—and possibly the whole world's second most famous—trazian systems scientist. (That's just another word for my pseudoscientific magic system.) And it's thanks to his invaluable contributions to the field that he's one of the only people who can get away with acting like an asshole to Levi.
Adriel Castlyre: Rags to riches? More like sad janitor to sad interrogator. You could make a case for this guy being the first book's other main character. His older brother, Hugh Oliver, is the world's first most famous trazian systems scientist. But Adriel really doesn't want to be remembered as "that one awesome guy's unremarkable little brother". So instead he makes a name for himself as "Levi Niacera's boy-toy".
Captain Sera Selney: She's a notorious Miaccoran pirate hired to scout the seas for Kenacian spies by the Pemokese king, who I haven't listed here because he's that much of a non-character. She's not too fond of being a law-abiding citizen, but she still takes her job very seriously, since the king has promised to grant her citizenship and a fresh start (and also a fuck ton of money, but that's totally not why she accepted his offer) in exchange for her services.
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