#oc: diaf
wolfsbaneandthistle · 4 months
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The crew of the exploratory ship, The Little Bird. The captain, Diaf, hired this crew to traverse the stars, learning more about both the worlds around them… and themselves.
Think sci-fi adventure but the characters all have the vibes of a bunch of scientists stuck in Antarctica.
Hán and Cereza are the only humans onboard, the majority of the crew being aliens. This is a trend that continues for the galaxy at large for entirely non-suspicious totally not plot-related reasons.
I’m still working on worldbuilding for a lot of these guys but a couple of the tags I made for them have a decent amount of stuff. I made this bc I finally got around to finalizing the design for most of the characters! There are… a few that I will probably rehash again, but there shouldn’t be any major changes. The old version of this post went outdated when I updated the designs, so this is pretty much just a redo of that with the rest of the crew.
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Spider-emanuelle! I'd dig little diaf if you it's been xi a whig partying and shrug it to you dots on std from (Spider-Man Ocs) oc's!🤗
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dupliciaa · 3 years
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Levy’s been watching too many musicals and decides to burst into song, confusing the fuck out of Thana lol
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graysonflynn · 6 years
fun story and a hot take about me and romance novels, but:
romance novels have taught me a lot about what a healthy romance should look like. and i’ve been trying to emulate the romances that i read, in terms of dynamics and, like, the relationships themselves. i look at what i like, what i want, and then i try and reflect that on the page when it comes to writing my own romantic takes - be they original or fic.
there’s a lot of really good, really well-written romance out there and i think that if you’re going to write romantic fic, you should maybe do some research first, cause what i’ve noticed (and this is just my own experience, so ymmv) is that a lot of tropes that circle around fic circles are quite toxic and, often, really offensive in a lot of ways. but no one really talks about or say anything about them, cause they’re just so entrenched in the genre that they get reused frequently without thought.
for instance, one of the popular tropes i keep coming across is incredibly biphobic. you’ll have the ship: a/b. a/b end up having a big fight or a “break-up” (i use quotation marks bc it’s often really ambiguous as to whether or not they really are broken up) and a, who is characterized as being bi, will, without fail, run off and sleep with the first random oc that crosses their path. a is also often characterized as having relationship/commitment issues. but then, ofc, a and b get back together and a feels an immense amount of guilt and has to apologize for “cheating” (again in quotes bc ambiguity) on b and beg for their forgiveness. it’s only at this point that they actually have a conversation about their relationship and issues and come to an understanding about it.
my issue is that it’s always the bi character who “cheats” or is portrayed as being unfaithful cause they have issues with commitment/relationships. it’s incredibly biphobic and i want this trope to diaf cause it just makes me throw-up in mouth and rage out of a fic because it’s never tagged and goes without question. i once saw someone, in an author’s note, describe a character as being a “disaster bi” and have them take part in the above behaviour. that was out and out biphobia and i’m resisting naming names bc i didn’t have the energy at the time to call them out for it.
fun story: i have never seen the above trope in the romance novels i have read. that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist out there, but i’m honestly confused as to where it came from and why it’s such a popular fixture in long, multi-chaptered romance fics. it’s biphobic and awful and needs to be taken out back and shot.
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hermitknut · 6 years
The only problem with this one is pulling my head far enough out of my own AU and looking at the actual canon, lol XD
the character i least understand
Tom? Mostly he’s one of those characters who is both incredibly present but also… inaccessible. I wish we knew more about him as a person. We never even really have a conversation with him.
interactions i enjoyed the most
I’m very fond of Cassie’s response to Marco asking if girl Hork-Bajir are frightened of spiders and snakes; the group response to Ax explaining the law of Seerow’s Kindness; any time Jake has to metaphorically throw down over “yes I’m a teenager and yes you will respect me as an equal”. Also, definitely the whole fucking “everyone will be available to die when we get there” joke.
the character who scares me the most
Controller!Marco gives me the fricking creeps. Taylor’s pretty close too.
the character who is mostly like me
As I said in the last one of these, I don’t know that I have the self awareness for this question XD Maybe… Eva? Eva’s great, I like her pragmatism.
hottest looks character
A little weird with all the teenagers but it’s basically canon that it’s Rachel. At least as far as the others are concerned. The secondary characters, I’m certain that Eva is stunning in a very understated way.
one thing i dislike about my fave character
Marco is a tiny little asshole and I love him to pieces, do I even need to specify? I don’t love some of the jokes he makes to Rachel, as they verge on creepy.
one thing i like about my hated character
Erek’s sass is great. Erek can diaf. 
a quote or scene that haunts me
the… you know that one book where Rachel takes charge, and afterwards she talks to Jake like “how do you even do this” and he basically lets her see how screwed up he is before pulling the metaphorical mask back on? yeah. that one. That and the scene in Jake’s weird dystopian future book where he meets Controller!Marco and the yeerk can’t quite manage to pull off Marco’s actual sense of humour, something about that freaks me The Fuck Out. 
a death that left me indifferent
Daaaaavid. Whether he died right then or some time later. Though I do care about the impact on Rachel, either way.
a character i wish died but didn’t
well it isn’t hard to think of the opposite of this but. idk. Probably controversial, but if they were going to kill off a character at the end, I’d rather it’d have been Jake.
WAIT NO I TAKE IT BACK - ELLIMIST. ELLIMIST CAN GET TO FUCK. And Erek. Erek too. EREK. I’m sorry Jake, stay alive, we can kill Erek instead. 
my ship that never sailed
 I have a Marco/OC ship that I’m writing atm, but you can’t really call that “never sailed”… idk that I have one, I’m pretty canon-ship with this fandom. I wish we’d had more Rachel/Tobias content though.
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wolfsbaneandthistle · 4 months
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Incredibly large and not very useful amount of dialogue from my funnies. I wanted to do this dialogue meme from cereovo in order to figure out the characters voices but uhhhhhh idk. I’m not really happy with the writing.
Rest of them under the cut.
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Image ID: two speculative aliens. They have a long appendage at the front of their body, and the bodies themselves are made up of two segments- wings and a tail. They are a little slug-like, with their wings and tail having and exaggerated version of a slug’s skirt. The one on the left, labeled as “Diaf” is more upright, mimicking a biped. She is a diluted purple. The one on the right is labeled “Ankiusk” and is shorter and more stretched out. She is a combination of bright blues and pinks, with a few purples where the colors mix. There is also a diagram of the mouths, which when open reveal two cuttlefish-like limbs with tentacles and whiskers. End ID.
If you saw the post about Diaf before no you didn’t. Here’s the real design the last one never happened.
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17 or 18 and diaf? for the pose prompt asks :) peace and love on the little bird
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:D Peace and love on the Little Bird! Diaf is definitely one of the more touchy of the bunch, which is saying a lot when there are both humans and a Corldaxian onboard.
She usually sticks to Umblan forms of affection, like wrapping around or lying down on top of someone, but she’s also picked up a few more alien forms like blushing!
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Image ID: Zoronxie Species Bio- translated into English by Amelia Smith, reviewed by T-132.
Biology- Zoronxie are bipedal and outstretched, using their long tails to act as counterbalance for their distinct heads and necks. They also have two legs, two wing-like arms, and two mouth limbs, which are usually held hidden outside of eating. There is a soft layer of fur or feathers, which range in color from a greenish-blue to a deep purple. Pressing a feeler through the layer of feathers and you will be met by a hard carapace, or exoskeleton. Blood is hemocyanin, diet is omnivorous, the tolerable gravity range is 0.9-2.3 Gs, and the required rest cycle is 4 hours out of every 10 hours.
Language- Zoronxie communicate by speaking through the vocal apparatus in their throats. Tone and emotions are communicated through body language, such as their head and arm positioning. Many Zoronxie homeworld languages base their pronouns, or how they refer to a person, off of the relationship between the speaker and the subject. Many cultures on Zornxia emphasize interaction between people.
Culture- Social meals are a staple in most Zoronxie cultures. Many choose to hold meetings while eating, even outside of work! They use it as a way to strengthen their relationships outside of social functions. Zoronxie put a lot of value into their social lives. Lirck has sent me essays on this, and I’m enthralled. Similarly to Corldaxian culture, many Zoronxie find it rude to expose the chest in formal company. They often choose to cover up using clothes. Clothes are also used for aesthetics and protection from the elements. End image ID
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dupliciaa · 3 years
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wanted to draw thana as a kid, featuring her never wanting to fight even as a kid. transcript below
If you’d like to make a request, buy me a coffee!
young thana: but older thana: i already told you both: i don’t want to fight
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dupliciaa · 3 years
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i haven’t drawn thana since i designed her so i thought i’d revisit her! she’s pretty fun to draw.
if you’d like to make a request, buy me a coffee !
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dupliciaa · 3 years
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here’s kamila’s death scene don’t @ me okay it has to happen image text: thora: foolish child. you really thought you had a chance against me?
rose: kamila!
caecilia: huh?
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dupliciaa · 3 years
levy and thana have that friends to enemies to lovers dynamic and i’m so head over heels for them like. levy leaving to better herself but asking thana to go with her, thana being too afraid to disobey her mother so she feels she’s being abandoned, them meeting up in the future and thana being pissed as fuck that levy left her all alone and they have to pick up the pieces of their broken relationship together and only once thana realizes she’s on the wrong side does she also realize how madly in love with levy she is and then they kiss uwu
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dupliciaa · 3 years
Can you tell me some fun facts about your OCs? Or pick one and go HARD with the facts?
my brain is all jumbled rn so i apologize of this is incoherent.
i’ll start with kamila since shes easiest. i’ve developed her the most.
fun fact: i think i’ve told this story before but she originated from a nightmare i had a long time ago where a witch ate my bones. the witch was a huge giantess and she wore plaid robes and a plaid hat. to cope, i drew out the witch in a chibi form. that became kamila’s original design. because of this, kamila was supposed to be the main antagonist and she was going to be a ruthless cannibal who didn’t care about anyone or anything. now she’s a vegetarian who cares too much about everything and cries all the time.
fun fact about caecilia: she was the first character i created out of everyone and she was originally the main character. the story was originally going to be about her, magnus and a third younger witch who caecilia took on as an apprentice. caecilia would go on like she didn’t care about either of them, but it would be shown throughout the story that she truly did care about magnus and this younger witch. the younger witch has since been scrapped but i’m hoping to use her design again someday because it was cute.
fun fact about rose: she was never originally going to be part of the story and she’s actually a fairly new addiction. hunter was supposed to end up marrying kamila and she was never supposed to betray kamila. i figured there needed to be more story points, more rivalry, more hurt/comfort and i came up with rose. rose was originally a character i made that was going to be paired with kamila and hunter’s daughter, demi. i scrapped that idea entirely and made rose part of the main story.
another fun fact about caecilia: she was going to be the main antagonist once kamila was established to be the main character. she was also originally going to have a rivalry with hunter before i decided caecilia was kamila’s birth mother. caecilia being kamila’s birth mother is another fairly new addition to the story, so the rivalry was going to create tension between kamila and hunter. clearly that idea is scrapped and now caecilia just creates tension for everyone.
random fun fact: caecilia is probably my favorite character to write for after kamila. she’s very complicated and her moral struggles are fun to play with. she’s a morally grey character and those are some of my favorites. she’s a character i want people to love to hate and hate to love. she has such sweet moments that can be ruined in minutes by her impulsive behaviors. she’s very unpredictable and very very fun to write.
random fun fact: there are no heterosexual characters in my story except for 2, which are kamila’s father and thora.
random fun fact: thora and thana are fairly new characters but i feel they fit into the antagonistic role very well. thora is the main villain and thana is her daughter who’s sorta forced into the situation she’s in. she’s basically catra, winter, a little bit of cinder, you know the morally grey characters we all love (except winter isn’t morally grey i know that)
fact about thora: her full name is thora diaf. diafthorá (διαφθορά) is the greek word for corruption. thora is the head of the military, which is very corrupt.
i can’t think of anything else off the top of my head. if you have any questions feel free to ask. thank you for this. it really helped calm me down a little.
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