#oc: director jayin
Whimpu: I have decided I’m going to learn Sspanish!
Juliano: Oh! ¡Excelente!
Whimpu: I- I haven’t started yet.
Bob: This morning, I found a glass of water with a note on it that said “for hangover me”.
Bob: So I drank it. Turns out it was vodka and drunk me is an asshole.
Mario: I don’t always make the best decisions.
Luigi: What is that?
Mario: An alpaca! I got the last one!
SMG3: I love you.
SMG4: You literally just told me I was the bane of your existence yesterday.
SMG3: That’s an unrelated fact.
Phobos: If the Abyss doesn't appear out of nowhere to stop me, then it can't be that bad.
Abyssal: If our creator is approving of this, then it can't be THAT GOOD.
Ash: Did I get so tired that I declared myself the King of all Pokémon?
Miku: If I said no, I'd be lying to the King of all Pokémon.
Cody: Aw man.. I really wanted to head into the zoo. Too bad it's closed.
Lil Coding: You know what they say.
Cody: Please don’t-
Lil Coding: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate*
Phobos: They say if you seek revenge, you should dig two graves.
The Abyss: That's a stupid quote.
The Abyss: I'm going to kill way more than two people.
Sora: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Tulip: Yeah-
Laharl: *kicks in the door*
Jayin: I love being right. It’s one of my favorite personality traits.
Juliano: You know, I think my life has value.
Phobos: Who are you and what have you done with Juliano?
Tama, holding out a cookie for Nimbus: Look! This one's a heart, that’s how I feel about you!
Nimbus: *quietly crying*
Ambrosia, affectionately: You’re an idiot.
Nimbus: That’s the charm!
Irene: I hate you with every inch of my body right now.
Nightmare King: That’s not a lot of inches.
Shantae: Can we talk about that text you sent?
Laharl: Why? It was important.
Shantae: It just says, "I'm back on my shit".
Laharl, shrugging: The people need to know.
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duckapus · 2 days
Had ideas for a few post-arc scenes that I don't currently have the energy to write;
-Ash setting Tama up with a provisional trainer license (basically lets her have Pokemon registered to her despite not being ten yet but she can't do Major Official Trainer Activities like gym challenges, contests, Battle Facilities, etc.) because the Pokemon who've been hanging out with her very much want her to be their trainer. Magcargo's kind of the odd one out since he's only been around her for like an hour cumulatively and he kind of got dragged into this without any idea what was happening but he's still interested because she seems nice. There's some concern about Hoopa staying since he has friends in Dahara City in Kalos... until he points out that Hyperspace Hole still exists and he can come and go literally whenever.
Pikachu officially passes on the role of the Pichu Brothers' chaos wrangler to Absol, in a slightly funny moment where he tries to be all serious about it and put his hand on her shoulder all dramatically, ruined by the fact that he's so much shorter than her that he has to balance awkwardly on his tail to even reach her shoulder (and further undercut by the fact that what he actually says is "they're your problem now. good luck". Also, there is of course much gushing over Gardevoir, Guardeon and Dragaurora's evolutions.
-One of the suggestions for Devos's situation is putting Tonio on the throne, which both he and Valiant are adamantly against because favored by the Muses or not a guy who's been a wandering outlaw and proud of it for nearly a decade is not a good choice for ruling a kingdom in turmoil. Plus having a Songbird as a king would just be weird.
-Kelsie gets Vitality set up in the infirmary and assures everyone that she's expected to make a full recovery eventually, though from what she can tell of how the whole healing flame thing is working it'll take anywhere from one month to three for her to wake up. Then when she's alone she calls Director K to let him know that her reports will be less frequent for the foreseeable future since with Vitality out of commission she's the only medic right now.
-Mr. L presents the completed Meme Suppression Bullets to Jayin, warning her that it will take a few weeks for the virus they're made out of to complete its work. She's not too fussed about that, they'd expected and planned for something like that after all, and sends for her firewalls and their assistants, leading directly into That One Post.
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What're some hcs you have for your smg4 au characters? Like the ones you've made? (Forum, Abyssal, Lil Coding, etc etc!)
Forum and Domain are usually able to always know what the other is thinking. Typically, it's Domain stopping Forum from getting too into something.
Lil Coding freaked out when Lily stayed underwater for a while to scare him. He knew she had gills, but he didn't think that they were already working somewhat.
Cursor is somewhat always uneasy around Vitality, and this is because of the time I mentioned that Vitality nearly killed her. Long story short, Cursor was being her usual self, Vitality got very fed up, and when she visited the medic, Vitality very nearly just cut off her code.
Buffer usually plays poker with CPU.
Abyssal continues to fall asleep in the weirdest places. One time, she was under Umbra's desk.
Tartarus once got stuck in one of the labyrinths and spent way too long trying to figure out how to get out.
Olympus is banned from watching over Timmy's group whenever he's on patrol in the FOP universe. They always somehow manage to get him to cover for him whenever they do something wild.
Alyssa used to pine over Jayin.
"Are those hickeys on your neck?" ".. I got bit." ".. I can't even say anything." - CPU and Abyssal
Vitality has been on a few dates with Dale now. Tulip, after getting over the shock, is now more than elated that her uncle has found someone. Also, it means that hopefully, she'll get a good sleep schedule soon.
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It started with small things.
Irene would forget where she set down her pen or her cup. She'd find them easily after, so it wasn't too hard to chock it up to just misremembering.
Sometimes, she'd forget to do a chore or to clean something up, but she'd already remember right after. It was odd. She was never this forgetful, but considering the new stress of her new life, it made sense.
Nimbus was pretty sure this stress was getting to her. She was having momentary lapses in memory. Nothing too major, just occasionally forgetting where she was.
It was just stress. She was sure of it. After all, SMG8 or Queen Melody was always there to help fill in the gaps. Though she couldn't help but worry a little, as Tama had been on edge. She knew her daughter had heard something, but she was far too frightened to speak of what.
Though, maybe Tama had told Nimbus and she just couldn't remember?
Who knows. She doubts it was important.
Tulip was a somewhat forgetful person, but never this badly.
She hums to herself as she lays under the car, a wrench in one hand, and a nail bit between her teeth. As she unscrews he old one and quickly replaces it with the new one, something nags at her. Is she forgetting something..? No, she can't be.
She finishes tightening the screw and frowns. The nagging feeling was getting worse, she had to he forgetting something.
With a soft sigh, she moves her feet and drags herself out from under the car. She stands up and sets the wrench down before adjusting her tank top. What could she be-
Something buzzing catches her attention, and she turns her head.
Tulip's face falls.
Shit, SMG10!
She quickly rushes over to her phone and answers the call.
"Wh- Oh, finally! Tulip, are you okay? I've been calling you for hours now."
"H-Hour- Uh, sorry!" Tulip shakes her head. "What's up?"
"Take Me To Church came on, and 7 drove us into a ditch. Do you think you can come and pick us up? We're by Audan City's border. West side."
Audan City.. she didn't..
Oh! That was one of the meme cities, right, right. How could she forget that?
"I'll be there soon!"
"Thanks, Tulip."
She hangs up and chews her bottom lip. Weird.. why was she so forgetful lately?
Something was wrong.
Juliano sits on his bed, in his more casual attire. A sweater, his fingerless gloves, jeans. All that.
But that hardly matters at the moment. He knew he had memory problems, but that was pertaining to his Avatar past. He struggled to remember the faces of his loved ones who were long dead, what home looked like.
What he didn't struggle with was remembering names and faces of those his living loved ones.
It was slow at first. Just occasionally blanking before remembering. Then it got worse.
There was the time he couldn't remember SMG4's name, and he had to wait until someone said it.
There was the time he forgot what nearly everyone looked like, and nearly had a panic attack.
And now he was forgetting his appointments with Vitality. He was able to lie to her, tell her that it was just stress, but he didn't know how long he could lie.
Jayin smiles as she looks at the game, eyes scanning over what was already made. So many employees had expressed their excitement over the game, that they couldn't wait to add four of their most acclaimed games soon.
She grins, tilting her head. Yes, she couldn't wait either.
This would be fun. So, so very fun.
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Random Alyssa & Jayin stuff
They met in elementary school and Jayin basically forced Alyssa to become her friend, and Alyssa just went along with it.
They both took design courses and coding classes together, and therefore they're both very good at it.
They were both very popular throughout school, but for different reasons. Alyssa because she was such a nice person and Jayin because she was manipulative and controlling even back then.
CCC started when they were still teenagers, and RCS was just a demo until they finally got into college. After that, they steadily began making more games.
Jayin cared for Alyssa in a very fucked up way. It was a 'I've made a commitment to you and you are a genuinely good person, so I will keep you, but you must follow every rule I have' way.
While Jayin would create like Alyssa, nothing would come to life, because she didn't have the passion behind it.
Alyssa's eye would have turned out fine if she had gone to the doctor after Jayin attacked her, but was in too much shock too.
While she doesn't have access to her CCC account, Alyssa was able to take her computer with her when she left.
Jayin has posted/made vague comments about Alyssa leaving on not-so-good terms. Coupled with Jayin pulling strings in their city, Alyssa isn't really well liked.
Following the above, Alyssa, therefore, keeps her name out of anything and everything related to the Grid. She's got some fear that if people know she's involved with them, it'll negatively affect the grid.
Alyssa has NO clue why everything she creates comes to life in the digital world. Jayin was VERY frustrated that she couldn't create anything that could come to life.
Jayin is very hypocritical. She says Programs aren't people, but she regards Mr L as one. She's also just a horrible person, so..
Alyssa, despite not realizing it, developed a severe fear of abandonment after Jayin ruined her life, and she struggles to let people in still. Yes, even the Celestial Twins she still sometimes keep at a distance.
Jayin has hinted in posts of hers and the such about her being aware of what SMG4 is. Foreshadowing✨️
Alyssa always clips her nails whenever she feels like they're too long. She doesn't explain why. (It's because she always remembers what Jayin did.)
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I was thinking about this and.. Jayin is petty. That's established. She's terrible and extremely petty. She went out of her way to ruin Alyssa's life and is probably still dragging her name through the mud! God knows Jayin probably made vague mentions that Alyssa did something wrong when it came out that her old 'friend' was fired. (The director had to twist it in her favor, couldn't have the fanbase thinking anything was happening.)
So, inevitably, she's going to find out about the MRU project. It's going to happen. She found out about SMG4, and she's going to find out about the MRUs. Jayin would probably be able to clock that Tartarus and Olympus are Alyssa's creations specifically since they're firewalls. And while she can't do anything legally, since there's literally no connection of CCC with The Grid, and she doesn't want to ruin CCC's cultivated reputation...
Well, remember how Cosmos had her entire species wiped out in her backstory?
I fully believe that Jayin would intentionally make characters parodying Tartarus, Olympus, and Alyssa. Probably as the reason that Cosmos' species was wiped out. Purely to subtly drag Alyssa's through the mud even more and to get that final laugh. They'd obviously be distinct enough that only those who know would be aware of what the characters represent.
I'll probably write smth about this. All I know is that this would probably send Alyssa into some sort of spiral because damnit, why can't Jayin leave her alone?
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*wakes up in a cold sweat*
Could Jayin potentially control the CCC Avatars via some sort of code or something. Could she do some weird puppet bullshit and have everyone else see their friends act so out of character. And know that there's nothing they can do to free them without potentially bringing harm to them.
*passes out*
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Mr L: Hello, Director Jayin. I'm Mr L, and I have a proposition.
"Is this a prank?" Is the first thing Jayin asks herself, leaning back in her chair as she looks at the message.
A message from a Mr L (who she was assumed was from SPM). Something about a project and wanting to work together. But the more she thought about it, the more it seemed to make sense. Characters did seem to come to life, but she did have to be careful.
Director J: Before you go any further, do you have any proof of who you are? I won't tolerate pranks of this kind.
It's a few moments after, and the proof comes in. It's clearly real from the angle and the lightning, it's nothing no human can replicate.
Director J: Continue.
Mr L: I'm sure you're lightly aware of my situation. I want to create a world away from the reach of the Admins, a Perfect World, if you will.
She rests her cheek on the palm of her hand. Ah, so he was the SMG4 Mr L.
Mr L: My proposition is a MMORPG that takes place in an interconnected multiverse that's facing an eldritch cosmic threat. The starting cluster of universes would be their own original creations to give the game time to create its own following and identity, but future updates could include crossovers with existing CCC properties.
Jayin leans forward in her chair.
Director J: So what you're saying is..
Mr L: It would be your very own real Connected Cosmos, the worlds and their characters fully under her control.
Mr L: All I want is to be allowed to live there and operate unimpeded.
She exhales through her nose as she thinks. An MMORPG of that size.. TCS was open world, something a bit smaller than that, but even then it took ages. She frowns a bit.
Director J: Your proposition is quite the catch, but a game of that size would take years to create. Even if I put everyone on the company onto that, it would take ages.
An image comes through. Its strange tech.
Mr L: These are Admin-Level Dev Tools. These babies are what's used to turn basic Servers into the various cityscapes, facilities, and other such Program-Level areas that make up the bulk of the Digital Multiverse.
Mr L: At this point, they're so advanced that they'll easily cut the average time and effort needed for human game development in half, maybe even more.
Jayin leans back as she thinks. Another message.
Mr L: All with the possible patents and copyright claims completely up for you to grab, of course.
She's sold.
Director J: Just a moment.
It takes a few minutes, and an email is sent out. Intentionally vague. A starting point for the project is grabbed, an old abandoned project by an intern that was let go.
Director J: What do you want to name this?
Mr L: The game name could be Connected Cosmos, but I ask that the project be called.. Project Thunder.
Authority is shared to him, to a project called Project Thunder.
Director Jayin: I look forward to working with you, Mr L.
Mr L: Likewise, Director Jayin.
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I've been having the Thoughts, and I'm almost entirely convinced that if Juliano were to meet Jayin without his memories suppressed, he wouldn't hesitate to be brutal with her. He and three others have been kidnapped (all people he cares about, and one of them being the newest Avatar), they're being treated pretty badly, and just in general Jayin is a horrible person.
He won't hesitate to rub in how her magnum opus is 'damaged goods' now. He's more than willing to rub off the makeup to reveal those wireframe scars. It's the only time he's proud of them.
Meanwhile, on the flip side, Jayin would probably fall for the bait, but at the same time, be more than happy that she's finally gor a living version of what she considers to be her greatest game. She treats him like a possession more than any of the other Avatars and is less willing to let him go.
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Had some thoughts about this post, and came up with a few ideas for what the parody trio might be like. Feel free to disregard if you've already got stuff for them figured out on your end.
Alyssa's parody is Lydia the Storyweaver. Storyweavers are spider-like cosmic entities that spin the literal strings of fate into webs, then feast on the energy of those who get ensnared in the narrative. They're also able to create characters to fit into their stories in whatever role may be needed, and Lydia's favorites by far are the twin villains she created for the story that resulted in the extinction of the Star Neons. Not because of the fact that they did that, just because she let herself get attached. So, she elevated them up to her level to act as her assistants, which violated the Laws of the Storyweavers and got her banished from wherever it is Storyweavers are from. The three of them see each other as a family...albeit a highly dysfunctional one, because even though Lydia genuinely loves her kids and really is trying to be a good mom She Really Should Not Be A Parent.
Also she's super thin with long, spindly limbs, partly Because Spider Person but mostly as a dig at Alyssa's current appearance because Jayin would absolutely Go There.
For the Twins' parodies, I snatched up their scrapped names, Spirit and Radiant, with the justification that both sets of twins are recycled concepts from an old scrapped game idea from before Jayin went control freak and Alyssa got booted, and the Celestial Twins got new names while the Parody Twins got the old placeholders.
Spirit has power over Darkness and Death, while Radiant has power over Light and Life. They both used to be Star Neons but between the events of their story and their elevation into cosmic beings they've become almost completely unrecognizable from what they once were. Not that they mind much, since they don't really remember their old lives all that well. Visually, they're both basically genderbent (to make it less obvious who they're based on), vaguely feline versions of the Twins.
For Spirit, Jayin took Tartarus's Trinity-related antics and ran with it, turning her into a wannabe Casanova who flirts with anything that moves, and also a bit flighty. Interestingly, thanks to her powers she actually runs cold unlike most Programs.
Meanwhile Radiant's an absolute Blood Knight. She will fight anyone, anytime, at the slightest provocation, and have the biggest, brightest, most...well, radiant... smile on her face the whole time. In contrast, she also really enjoys reading, so depending on when you encounter her she'll either be tearing through a battlefield while covered in other people's blood and giggling like a schoolgirl or curled up all warm and cozy and lost in a book, with no in-between.
Jayin's probably going to regret giving the three of them such extreme personalities and over-the-top powers once they inevitably start coming to life, because they seem like they'd be significantly less likely to take her bullshit lying down than her other victims.
I was actually really struggling with coming up with parodies, so these guys are great!! I love how they're all twisted versions of the originals, yet there's just enough of the original there to make those in the know go, "wait, are those based off of..?"
But I really love the dig at Alyssa's appearance with Lydia because that would no doubt absolutely kill her. She's definitely self-conscious of her current look, and seeing Jayin drag her through the mud like that would probably hurt bad.
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Control freak. Micromanager. Hypocrite. All of those things were used to describe her, and Jayin knew they were all right.
You don't get to her level of fame by being a purely good person. You don't get to have a grand and famous game company purely by being such a Saint.
No. You have to get your hands dirty.
It's easy, really. Just pull some strings, flash some money, and there you go. People bending over backwards to give you what you want.
It's all too easy.
Controlling others is a little harder, but it works. She can make it happen.
Maybe this is why she gets along with Mr L so well. She knows she's a hypocrite, considering him a person and not the other code beings, but she could care less. Their interests lined up, and they worked scarily well together. Developing Connected Cosmos had gone swimmingly, and soon, she was finally going to have those four in her grasp.
She laughs softly, leaning back in her office chair. She'd never been in such a good mood like this. Everything was coming together so perfectly..
And there was nothing anyone can do.
Her eyes scan over the clause in the terms of service in all of her games.
By clicking 'I agree', I understand and give consent to Connected Cosmos Company having access to the key of my game. If Connected Cosmos Company suspects tampering with my game copy, I understand that they have permission to revoke access to my game copy and or anything I may add.
Completely unethical? Absolutely.
Technically legal? Yes.
She laughs softly to herself, a wide and predatory grin. So if Glitch or anyone else wanted to try anything, to dispute the claim of her taking back what's hers, she'd love to see them try. No damn parody laws will stop her.
Jayin hums and clicks back into the project. Oh, she just couldn't wait.
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I was having thoughts and.. Jayin probably has shock collars or something of the equivalent on Chroma, Blitz, Tragedy, and Comedy. Because now that she has them out and searching for the keys to the games SMG4 has, who's to say they won't just run away?
So, she has some shock collars coded for them. Any time they think about running away or attempt to, it shocks them. Bad.
.. so what I'm saying is, if Jayin got her hands on Tartarus and Olympus, she'd probably make those collars worse.
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Director Jayin Headcnaons
A black haired, green eyed woman. Dresses nicely, wearing a white blouse, grey work pants, white socks, and black dress shoes.
Rising Star Circus was made when she was just 16, with Alyssa's help. Alyssa made Juliano, Jayin did everything else. She never credited Alyssa for her work.
Puts on a front of being a kind and humble CEO, but the fame following The Cloud's Songbird got to her head. It foes worse following Tulip's Road Trip and Winding Rest.
Considers Rising Star Circus her magnum opus. Will always love it.
Only hires people she knows won't spill her company secrets. Everyone is complicit in some way, except for Alyssa (who was kept in the dark) and interns.
Connected Cosmos Company engages in a lot of things. They've bought a lot of buildings illegally, fired people in very illegal ways, and just a lot more shitty things. Have kept all of this quiet by ruining the reputations of all those who tried to be whistle-blowers.
Treats everyone in the company badly, but treats Blaze, Chroma, Comedy, and Tragedy the worse. Overworks them and is just generally a horrible person. Doesn't consider them actual people who need to be cared for. Has not given them any rest since she fired Alyssa.
Only misses Alyssa a tiny bit.
Incredibly charismatic but threatening when can be. Has only ever been afraid of Alyssa in her life.
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Keys were attached to each copy of the game sent out. The games were online only, meaning it was easy enough. Just saying it was for copies of games and that was all.
How farther could that be from the truth.
Alyssa was fired after her firewalls, and their little 'mascots' were seen coming to life. She had tried hiding them from the company and tried hiding what a deal they had on their hands.
She had tried to be nice, really. Alyssa was such an old friend. Her old friend could keep her job, but she surrendered the firewalls and their mascots to the company.
Alyssa said no, and so she was fired. Placed under an indefinite NDA. Left destiute.
And she never spoke to Alyssa again. It wasn't too sad to see her go, even if she left her old friend with nothing.
The director was willing to do whatever it took to have her company succeed. She did not spend her teen years making a game so incredibly popular just to have no rogue employee try and wash it all away.
When she then acquired the firewalls, she gave them names. Chroma, Blaze, Comedy, and Tragedy. Such wonderful things they were, and far too easy to manipulate.
Some words, some threats, and they were following her orders.
It was one day when three keys caught her eye when she was reading a report. They were.. altered. All of them start with the letter A, with there being a J, N, and T to each respectively. Though the A-J one seemed.. corrupted, almost.
She looked into it, and surprise, surprise, it was a YouTuber that was on her radar for a while. SMG4 was his name, and she could tell almost immediately.
Those creations were alive. They weren't just models.
Some more poking, and she noticed him in line for pre-order to part two of their latest game, Winding Rest.
But something clicked for the director. Why shouldn't she have these little versions of her games? They were her protagonists, her world, her everything. She deserved to have them.
So she'd sent those four on a hunt. She didn't care how long it would take.
But she'd let SMG4 have some more fun with her creations. After all, it was far too amusing.
"Director Jayin?"
There's a soft knock on her door. A black haired, green eyed woman turns her head from the window she was looking out. She was dressed nicely, wearing a white blouse, grey work pants, white socks and black dress shoes.
"Come on." She says.
An intern pops her head in. "Uhm.. it was found out why the A-J key was corrupted. Apparently, something happened to the game, and now it's pretty hard to access the world. But it's hard to tell if that's actually what happened.. since we only have that code.."
The director hums. "Keep looking then."
The intern nods and backs out, closing the door behind her.
Director Jayin leans back in her chair before she smiles. She glances at her computer, where on the screen, a box showing four folders were present.
"It's no wonder you four are also alive.. Alyssa did work on you all.." Jayin clicks her tongue. "Shame I had to let her go."
With that, she closes the window and resumes work, responding to critical emails. Another intern had poked her head somewhere she shouldn't have, and now Jayin had to 'warn' her in.. special ways.
It was mostly just to make sure the government didn't come down on her ass. Jayin did not need that. Thank you very much.
Director Jayin allows herself to smile a bit, however. She knew she couldn't have each copy of the games have protagonists as real as the ones SMG4 had. But who was to say that she couldn't take back what was her's Alyssa's, and simply.. improve?
That's all it was. She'd do whatever it took to have her company on top.
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