#oc: radiant
I don't exactly.. remember when it happened. It was so long ago.
Walking down the long hall was Cosmos, her face a mix between somber and resigned. The grand walls were reflective, a dark marble with purple linings throughout. The rings on her body were providing a glow alongside lanterns.
Despite the narration clearly being her voice, her mouth wasn't moving.
I was still young back then. I was just barely a teen when it all went down.
She stops in front of a mirror and looks at herself. Her face scrunches up before she closes her eyes and rests a paw on the mirror.
It fades, and everything changes to a younger Cosmos walking through another hall. She didn't have nearly as many rings as she did before, with the only one being on her tail. The hall was much more futuristic, and she looked much happier.
It was just a normal day, if not an exciting one for me. I was finally going to get myself a mentor. Learn how our world worked. Until.. they came.
Cosmos's ear flicked, and a panicked look crossed her face as she quickly dived down and away from the windows. Just a fraction of a second later, a loud explosion rang out, and the windows shattered.
I had no clue what was happening. All I knew was that.. something was attacking us.
Cosmos stumbled with getting up before rushing over to one of the shattered windows. Her tail gently brushed away the glass shards, and she peered out.
Only to see another explosion, followed two more.
It all happened so quickly. One moment, the explosions were hundreds of feet away. The next, the building was crumbling beneath my feet.
Smoke flooded the area. It was impossible to see until it cleared. Everything was blurry, but two silhouettes were visible.
"Is she dead?" One asked, the sharp metal of a weapon poking her cheek.
"Barely." Another answered, tone almost disappointed. "Her life force will give in an hour or so."
They were talking so casually about my life, like it was a toy to them. Something to be messed with before turning their backs on it.
"These guys really didn't put up a fight!" The second voiced huffed. "You said they would!"
"Now, now, girls," a silky smooth voice spoke, though it sent shivers down Cosmos's spine. "There's still plenty of more fun to be had."
"Why'd you even want these guys gone?" The first asked. "Some of 'em were really cute, would've loved to have kept one of them."
"Star Neons are able to control electromagnetic waves." The third voice hummed, as if casually talking about the weather. "That, and they can put subliminal messages in their songs. I couldn't have them getting in the way of fate."
The other two let put hums.
"Now, let's get a move on before some other Storyweavers show up."
Three pairs of footsteps faded away, and soon after,
I don't know how long it was until I hauled myself out of that debris, but when I did..
Cosmos hauled herself put from the small crack she was stuck under, and her ears fell and her tail went limp as she stared at the utter destruction.
I wished that I had just stayed under there.
It wasn't long until the young Star Neon collapsed to her knees and let out a heart-wrenching scream. It sooner devolved into sobs as she hugged herself.
I couldn't stay there. I needed a way out.
Soon, she was walking through the crumbled cities, narrowly avoiding debris and the bodies all around.
Some were cut cleanly, others without a care.
Cosmos swallowed back another sob.
As she passed a wall of broken glass, soon she was in front of a large building. Dark in appearance, with stone bricks.
I don't remember how I got to my home. A ship or a portal, maybe. But it was my home, it is my home.
As she began to walk through, a slow transition began, showing Cosmos growing and slowly becoming more jaded looking.
And over time, I decided - I was going to make sure that never again could I lose something on such a grand scale.
A flash of her performing a concert on planet.
Never again will I have to remember the cold eyes and bodies.
A flash of her greeting fans on another.
Never again will I be alone or forgotten.
The shattering of a mirror came, and everything came back to current Cosmos, who was glaring at herself in a shattered mirror.
Never again will I not be surrounded by people. Never again will I not always have all eyes on me.
Shaking her paw and walking off, a glass shard falls. As it spins, the scene changes.
In a cave, two women were bickering over something, shoving each other. Higher up, on a ledge, a spider-esque woman was carefully weaving golden strings.
A specific string caught her eyes, and she peered into it.
"Well now.." She cooes, her face illuminated by the golden glow. "What do we have here?" She turns her head. "Radiant! Spirit! Come here!"
The two quickly stop arguing and make their way over to the older woman, their heads tilted.
"What is it, ma?" Spirit asks, furrowing her brows.
"I'm sure you remember that little genocide from all those years ago," the woman hums.
"Isn't that the one you did after you got from the Realm of the Weavers?" Radiant frowns. "The Star Neons' genocide?"
"Perciesly. It was all 'Lydia, you can't take on assitants!' and 'Lydia, this violates the rules!' Damn IMBECILES!" Lydia snarls before calming down. "But, yes, my dears."
She smiles dangerously. "And it seems like a sole survivor has gotten herself tangled in my little web. I think, soon enough.."
Her and her daughters' eyes all glowed dangerously. "We'll pay her a little visit."
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thatcerealkiller · 4 months
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“Oh, didn’t you hear? It burned. Every sin stained furnishing, every last trace of Cazador… It all burned.” - Astarion Ancunin
Thrilled by @pankadoll on twitter for bringing this fiery scene to life, can’t recommend her enough for all your storytelling needs 🔥
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splatforce · 4 months
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Tough women you say- Do you think he would be nervous with Radiant's sister?
Serenity belongs to me Ox belongs to @itsxroxannex
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heykayhayes · 2 months
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A few seasons of lovers...
My winter eladrin Gibbon du Hemlock shifts seasons to pursue different fake romances with wealthy people to con them out of their riches. He's horrible! :) Basically, if you're rich, he'll give romancing you + swindling you a shot. Revathi is a princess with a powerful connection to an Archfey. Marrying into the family would secure Gibbon a connection of his own and he'd have the power to create gold and all sorts of other things.
Hernando is a runaway prince who is close to death due to a magical sickness that is slowly corrupting his heart. Not long to wait for that one! Neither of those end up working out, sadly...BUT!
The very last one, a rich vampire named Domokos, turns out to be his well-earned karma by proving himself to be a life-long clinger whose murderousness and obsessiveness makes Gibbon's own insanity seem sane by comparison. They get married after Domokos turns Gibbon into a vampire to force their vows to truly be eternal. Good for them!
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briarwickart · 4 months
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"Do you really think you can threaten me into compliance with mere horses and some sharpened sticks? Cease this absurd provocation or I will turn your woeful excuse of a city into glass." - Abbess Prisca
Prisca is the figurehead of the NORN-1 facility, a subterranean mountain fortress tasked with stewarding spent nuclear fuel until it is rendered inert. She has held onto this position for over 160 years, resolutely preserving the organization's values and consolidating more of its internal power for herself. Even though she's more tubes than flesh at this point, Prisca refuses to retire. No one can be trusted to continue the work that must be done.
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humblegoatart · 2 years
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daily sketch 2023 || mar 12th
“i’ll work on this for a little while tonight” she said four hours ago
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arcadechan · 1 month
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Empress Supreme, the Witched Twilight; Horde of Evening Majesty, Titan Fuego. Titan has a magical affinity for sunsets, is considered by many to be stronger than the saints, and can turn into a huge goddamn dragon. He serves the coven of Sterncrowne.
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whumpusgumpus · 4 months
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Ike’s allergies have been acting up all day and he can hardly focus on a thing Soren never ever misses a “bless you”
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kkbardd · 9 months
OCs relationship history part 1
( part 2 )
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sillybugblog · 4 months
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Had some thoughts about this post, and came up with a few ideas for what the parody trio might be like. Feel free to disregard if you've already got stuff for them figured out on your end.
Alyssa's parody is Lydia the Storyweaver. Storyweavers are spider-like cosmic entities that spin the literal strings of fate into webs, then feast on the energy of those who get ensnared in the narrative. They're also able to create characters to fit into their stories in whatever role may be needed, and Lydia's favorites by far are the twin villains she created for the story that resulted in the extinction of the Star Neons. Not because of the fact that they did that, just because she let herself get attached. So, she elevated them up to her level to act as her assistants, which violated the Laws of the Storyweavers and got her banished from wherever it is Storyweavers are from. The three of them see each other as a family...albeit a highly dysfunctional one, because even though Lydia genuinely loves her kids and really is trying to be a good mom She Really Should Not Be A Parent.
Also she's super thin with long, spindly limbs, partly Because Spider Person but mostly as a dig at Alyssa's current appearance because Jayin would absolutely Go There.
For the Twins' parodies, I snatched up their scrapped names, Spirit and Radiant, with the justification that both sets of twins are recycled concepts from an old scrapped game idea from before Jayin went control freak and Alyssa got booted, and the Celestial Twins got new names while the Parody Twins got the old placeholders.
Spirit has power over Darkness and Death, while Radiant has power over Light and Life. They both used to be Star Neons but between the events of their story and their elevation into cosmic beings they've become almost completely unrecognizable from what they once were. Not that they mind much, since they don't really remember their old lives all that well. Visually, they're both basically genderbent (to make it less obvious who they're based on), vaguely feline versions of the Twins.
For Spirit, Jayin took Tartarus's Trinity-related antics and ran with it, turning her into a wannabe Casanova who flirts with anything that moves, and also a bit flighty. Interestingly, thanks to her powers she actually runs cold unlike most Programs.
Meanwhile Radiant's an absolute Blood Knight. She will fight anyone, anytime, at the slightest provocation, and have the biggest, brightest, most...well, radiant... smile on her face the whole time. In contrast, she also really enjoys reading, so depending on when you encounter her she'll either be tearing through a battlefield while covered in other people's blood and giggling like a schoolgirl or curled up all warm and cozy and lost in a book, with no in-between.
Jayin's probably going to regret giving the three of them such extreme personalities and over-the-top powers once they inevitably start coming to life, because they seem like they'd be significantly less likely to take her bullshit lying down than her other victims.
I was actually really struggling with coming up with parodies, so these guys are great!! I love how they're all twisted versions of the originals, yet there's just enough of the original there to make those in the know go, "wait, are those based off of..?"
But I really love the dig at Alyssa's appearance with Lydia because that would no doubt absolutely kill her. She's definitely self-conscious of her current look, and seeing Jayin drag her through the mud like that would probably hurt bad.
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thatcerealkiller · 7 months
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“My home is with Astarion.”
✨another beautiful work of art by @ssalballoon that I commissioned✨
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deadlake · 3 months
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Finally designed a zygarde for me and Kao's Kalos legends
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circuit-overdrive · 4 months
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fuckkk. remake because the original was literally concept art and i got lazy and cleaned that up and called it a day like the dumbass i am. so embarrassing
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alorhna · 10 months
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So alorhna met the bishop, and looks like Sydney is Jordan’s successor if you keep him pure (aka a virgin) sadly Alorhna took away his purity so he no longer quailfies, and because Jordan’s purity is so powerful it basically acts a shield against the sin in the town atleast for the future. Which means Jordan holds the same role as Ivroy and Sydney do for the church the bishop even mentions how if Jordan were to loose his purity or gain awareness of the sin the town another schism would happen similar to the schism of ivory.
Also it’s confirmed Sydney’s mother was also part of the church but not only was she part of it, she was JORDANS PREDECESSOR. Which is confusing because well.. she has a child? She lost her purity but no schism happened unless there’s a way to loose your purity without breaking the church. So the rite of promise? Or some other ritual….
AH I HAVE SO MUCH TO ASK- also it’s the fact Vrel has confirmed there’s more to the temple and that PC can continue to climb ranks so there must be much more than we know…
ALSO- the BISHOP is the SAME PERSON who TELLS US about KYLARS MANOR! The children of Aurgia are the ones who harmed Kylars parents to begin with as well.
Y’all- this temple update brought so much.. like the temple of Virgo, the children of Aurgia. And the fact PC is some prophecied entity meant to help the church.. or possibly destroy it as the game is ambiguous and certainly can choose to go either path.
I’m gonna recreate Orianas save and keep Sydney pure in the future to keep him as the successors to the church. And once I max out Alorhnas feats I’m gonna return to to give Oriana to give her the advantage she’s gonna need in her future.
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briarwickart · 1 year
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> sister lanius has entered the field.
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