#oc: hanae
ungrateful-cyborg · 1 year
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normal-water · 7 months
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Hanae art dump :3
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rozmariflowers · 1 year
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genshin oc?!!? on my blog?!?! more likely than you think
also too be clear, i lightly traced over multiple existing slash arts bc i struggle a lot of with genshins art style n stuff. it was only for my first sketch though, otherwise i referenced.
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
More Tokrev girlies
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From top left to bottom right: Miyoko Kazumiya, Hanae, Pearly Akadori, and the twins, Momiji and Akemi
Miyoko is Black/Cambodian, Hanae is Chinese/Ainu, Pearly is fully Japanese, and the twins are Japanese/Korean/Ecuadorian
@peachyblkdemonslayer @afrolatinozuko
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mirasmirages · 10 months
For the @julybreakbingo squares "Masks" and "That was then, this is now".
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It was a sunny Saturday afternoon when Hanae took the train out to see her friend, Diana, for the first time in months. Everything was going fine until they decided to look at some dresses in a cute little store, and Hanae put on her face mask. 
"Why do you still wear a mask?" Diana asked with a grimace. "No one wear masks anymore." 
Hanae fought the urge to sigh. Of course Diana had to comment, and if Hanae knew her friend, it wouldn't end with one comment.
"To limit the spread of disease," she said, with the same light cheerfulness she had worn every time someone had asked her about her mask for the past two years. 
"We don't need to do that any more," Diana said. "Everyone's vaccinated now, so the virus isn't dangerous anymore!" 
There were a lot of ways Hanae could respond to that. She could bring up the people who wouldn't or couldn't get vaccinated, or the de-funding of COVID research making it hard to say how safe or dangerous the current situation was. But she had had that conversation with so many people by now, and she was tired of it. 
"You know," she said instead. "I remember a time only a couple of years ago when you were arguing that people should be sent to jail for refusing to wear a mask." 
That had been a bad fight, where Diana had first accused her of being naive for defending people's freedom to choose, and then it escalated to them calling her an anti-vaxxer and a republican, despite the fact that Hanae had gotten vaccinated already and also that they weren't Americans, so that accusation didn't make sense. 
Diana rolled her eyes. "Grow up, Hanae. Times change. That was then, this is now, and right now, masks are pointless." 
Hanae pressed her lips together. She knew that if she didn't step down, they would be fighting about this all day. 
"Fine," she said. "I spent over a hundred euros on masks that match my outfits and now I wear them because they're cute. Happy?" 
Diana huffed, but went along with her deflection. "Whatever," she said. "You've always been weird like that." 
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stellarfalls · 5 months
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A dreamer, that’s what she was
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nuitthegoddess · 7 months
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The most chaotic dorm of all 😭
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faustmf · 3 months
i want him biblically.
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hitwiththetmnt · 4 months
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Happy Valentines Day lovelies! ♡・:*+.♡♡・:*+.
Saw @saltydoesstuff ‘s post on the turtles having skritches spots and drew something for it
Maybe I drew more and posted it somewhere else (*゚▽゚*)…
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mo-on62 · 10 months
POV: They're watching you…
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POV: They're watching you...
Song - Justice - Stress
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ungrateful-cyborg · 2 years
How Hanae came to live with her father
Free headcanon time
Hanae is the daughter of a Doman woman, Emi Ichijiku, and a Garlean diplomat called Lucius het Saevus. Doma was still free when they met. Lucius and come to talk to Lord Kaien during a diplomatic mission and met Hanae's mother who was a servant in the castle then. Their story—or the beginning of it—isn't really tragic, except perhaps tragically common. He lied to her, seduced her, let her think she had a chance to marry him and then he left without so much of a goodbye note once his mission was done.
Emi realized a few sennights later she was pregnant.
Ashamed and rejected by her family, she left for Kugane when Hanae was very young and hoped she would be able to make a new life there, away from judgement and reminders that she had fallen for a lie.
Then Doma fell, and Hanae's mother was torn. What could she say to her daughter? She didn't have any positive feelings for the Empire, considering all that had happened, but Hanae was half-Garlean and she didn't want her to hate herself either for something she had no saying in. So she pretended that there had been a war (rather than an invasion) that her father had tried in vain to prevent, and Doma lost.
For Hanae, back then, it was enough. She was the daughter of a good man and a good woman who couldn't be together due to circumstances. Not blind to her mother's pain when she talked of Doma, she had quickly decided that Doma wasn't such a great place anyway and had no strong attach to it. She felt more native of Kugane than any other place, really, and the Empire there wasn't a threat.
So much not a threat, in fact, that her father joined the Embassy in Kugane some time later. Something Hanae would only learn later, as she never saw him or heard about him in Kugane, but Emi figured it out quickly. And, to add salt to injury, the man came with his wife. A wife, she learned, he was already engaged to when they met.
She tried to get in contact with Lucius. Threatened to tell his wife about them and about their daughter if he kept on refusing to acknowledge her messages. All she really wanted was some money to help raise Hanae, as a lowly servant salary was barely enough for them both. What she got in response was... nothing. At first. Then threats to have her deported back to Doma with her daughter, where they “might learn [their] true place in the world”, if she kept on insisting. So she gave up, realizing that the honeyed words she had fallen for years ago didn’t just hid a liar and a cheater, but a dangerous man ready to go to great lengths to preserve his social status.
It could have been the end of it. Should have, in fact. But Lucius’ wife couldn’t give him children and the man, who came from nobility, needed an heir.
Eventually he sent his confident to Emi’s home and offered to take Hanae in on the condition that she wouldn’t be in contact with her mother anymore. She would become his heiress and learn how to be a true Garlean woman despite her heritage.
Emi refused.
He insisted.
Eventually they broke a deal. If Emi could bring him an Echo bearer, he’d agree to let her raise Hanae and would even give her money so their daughter could attend a good school and not become a servant like her mother. If she failed to do so, he’d raise Hanae and Emi would be forbidden to ever talk to her again. A strange deal viewed from the outside, but it made perfect sense since he knew Emi was in a relationship with a woman suspected of having the Echo.
Emi agreed.
And lost the fight against Inge (my main rp character).
Left for dead, she could do nothing to stop Lucius from taking their daughter in. It’s only because of Hanae’s insistence that he agreed to pay healers to save her mother’s life, and from then on, they barely saw each other again.
Hanae was a sweet girl at the time.
But a sweet girl she didn’t stay.
Though this is a story for another time.
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normal-water · 8 months
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Smnt smnt Dr stone oc wowoowo
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mullmull-chan · 13 days
Commission 🦊
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
[Tokrev] Hanae Torikawa
Full Name: Hanae Torikawa
Age: 17 (2005), 18 (2006), 20 (2008), 30 (2018)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Nationality: Japan
Ethnicity: Ainu/Chinese
Occupation: Student, journalist
Description: Hanae is a slender, slightly tall teen girl with beige skin, light brown hair, and brown eyes. Her two most noticeable traits are the scar across her nose and the one that runs from her stomach to her thigh. The latter one is a point of insecurity and trauma for her, often resorting to wearing skirts and dresses to hide it. Around her neck is a necklace with a gold cross, meaning she is a Christian.
Personality: Quiet and soft spoken, only speaking when necessary, it is accurate to describe her as a wallflower. She tends to lurk in the background and never really goes out of her comfort zone. However, being a wallflower has its perks as it's made her much more observant and knowledgeable than ever.
Don't mistake her soft spoken nature for weakness. Hanae has shown herself to be independent and self sufficient, especially when it comes to certain tasks. She's responsible and has a good head on her shoulders, having obtained a scholarship to a good college thanks to her good grades.
In the past she was outspoken and bold. Hanae never backed down from a challenge and was always in the front of everything. She wasn't afraid of anything or anyone, not even her then boyfriend Taiju Shiba. Unfortunately, that went away after an incident that resulted in her scars because of Taiju's actions.
She knows Japanese, Ainu language, and Mandarin.
Hanae is the president of the journalism club at her school and received a college scholarship because of it.
Her favorite foods are dumplings and ohaw.
She does not fully identify as a Christian, having some of her father's traditional Ainu beliefs, but does agree with some of the messages of Christianity.
Her and Taiju went to the same church, which is how they met.
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mirasmirages · 2 years
R3 Hanae, R20 Henry
Thank you Stormy <3
R3: Does your character have any long-distance relationships? How do they maintain those relationships?
(Burglary AU)
Hanae knows Tonya and Rory! They met online and mostly send each other messages, but they have met a few times, when they have had an excuse to travel!
R20: What does your character wish people knew about them?
If you were to dig really deep, Henry wishes people knew that he's not Like That because he wants to be. He doesn't feel like he has a choice, and he has learned to just not think about it. However, it could be a problem, too, if people knew that, so if he has to spread news about himself, he would prefer to just remind everyone that he is very hot and very gay.
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pinhaboboot · 6 days
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shitty collars
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