#oc: harper seed
dissectress · 10 months
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ahee hee
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inafieldofdaisies · 7 months
WIP Wednesday | This one is different and no doubt would be long but there are important things to address
This midweek we're talking about as Joseph would say, the snakes in our garden(s), or one snake, depending on how willing you're to believe those two people have just met and are so similar, that everything they do is just a big coincidence and not actual blantant stealing of ideas.
I was first faced with the accounts on Novemeber 13th, two follows at once early in the morning, I didn't think much of it, happy I was getting FC5 mutuals in my notifications instead of bots. I followed them back and got on with my day until late that night I began to notice the first patterns of both accounts potentially being run by the same person when their posts began popping up on my dash. There were mistakes, ways of behaving when posting that stood out to me and would no doubt stand out to you as well as you examine all the things I've managed to gather (I won't exactly be pointing out some tells because as far as I can tell they're not aware of them and I refuse to teach them how to scam people better next time). Months back and ever since really I've been dealing with someone I will not be naming in this post, who was consistently targeting my ideas - from stealing paragraphs and inserting them in their fic to moving onto copying smaller things once I caught their sampling, which then escalated to them literally renaming their already established OC into Sabrina once they believed I wasn't paying attention to them anymore.
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The same methods I noticed within those accounts, starting with @ladyofedensgate-xo posting a new FC5 OC reveal that evening with Alycia Debnam-Carey, a character by the name of Harper Montgomery (remember that name). After the whole rename thing and suddenly days later being followed by two new similar to each other accounts, one that was out of nowhere picking the exact face claim I have for the leading heroine of my WIP gave me a pause, made me look deeper into the profiles. Both had no prior activity before November, followed the same list of people, a huge chunk of my mutuals and people I would mention in my tag list for games and writing posts. There were multiple things popping out as behaviour, posting and formatting that inevitably led to me blocking both, suspecting the person that had previously stolen from me was making a return under new identity.
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Then me and some mutuals got to talking, turns out, this isn't the first time those 'two' people had infiltrated a fandom and began introducing OCs that would resemble other people's or went as far as to copy things from others. Last time they went by @little-wolf-seed and @ladyofedens-blog, claiming they were two sisters and they were being stolen from, only for both to delete their accounts shortly before the new ones debuted. History does repeat, one of the accounts (same @ladyofedensgate-xo) was deactivated by the next day, November 14, only for a new one to emerge immediately, a carbon copy of its predecessor: @angelofdarkness-things. I got a follow from them again, immediately sending them to blocked, while still keeping an eye out for what was happening.
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My attention was grabbed by a Pinterest link AngelOfDarkness had in her pinned post, leading to boards upon boards of OCs (I'm taking large numbers) ready to be deployed, potential back-ups if they get caugh and have to start a new. All boards were created at the same time, with two Pinterest profiles only following each other: breannamarie1220 and alexisdawn10206 (Again they'd go as far as to make posts about just now becoming friends and AOD offering to write for Red Queen and how we should all take that offer, cementing the claim they're different people. Now, I ask: have you ever seen two different people, strangers have pretty much the exact same accounts when it comes to appearance?)
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I begin looking at each board, frowning at awful casting choices and race swaps of canon characters, only to be faced with multiple names of my own characters being split and shuffled around and multiple of my faceclaims (those they could figure out) appearing as their to-be-debuted OCs. A list, that would be followed by screenshots (and just in case, either of the them decides to suddenly start changing faceclaims after this post or deleting: everything has been documented, so don't expect a swift exit like last time, or people easily forgetting you).
Sabrina Donovan | by faceclaim: originally they had Alycia casted as a Maya McCoy (last name sounds familiar? Maybe because they literally separated another mutual's Deputy's name in two to give to their characters), only for it to be moved to a Valerie Montgomery (Montgomery again. HM) in the early morning hours today.
Mercedes Sibley | by faceclaim (or what they deemed close enough to her actual fc) given to a Jazmine Stone, a lookalike model by the handle emblu was picked to drive confusion, imo.
Oliver McKenzie | BY NAME and FACECLAIM: now here it gets hilariously bad - they actually mashed Oliver with John's last name prior to joining the project (Duncan) -> Oliver Duncan (Oliver McKenzie debuted as a character in my AU of John Seed as John Duncan). Dylan Riley has been given the face of Boyd Holbrook (Ollie's fc).
Leslie Parish | by faceclaim to an Adam Lancaster.
Oakley Moore | on October 26th I announced her full name Oakley Elizabeth Moore and how her nickname is Lizzie -> Lizzie Palmer in a board. At one point they shared an edit of an Oakley lookalike , for once not tagging an OC (which is unusual for them), so I won't be shocked if she gets casted next as the 'newest OC they can't wait to introduce'.
Smaller characters that are reoccuring in my wips: Both of John's closest Chosen: Mathias Bennett (last name for two characters for each Pinterest account, one is misspelled, which they often do to claim it's not the same name) and Brother Wyatt (first name) -> Wyatt Reed; Both of John's named clients, one is Owen Montgomery (both of his names picked like apples, Montgomery again. HM.) -> Harper/Valerie Montgomery and Owen Palmer. The character that drives the AU and John is in charge of defending: Nathaniel Mooney (even listed as character on my AO3) -> into Nathaniel Graham.
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I've noticed MULTIPLE MUTUAL'S OCs NAMES also being ripped off on some scale (so my advice would be to check out the boards yourself), @socially-awkward-skeleton had her Chosen OC Caleb Winters pretty much stolen: exact faceclaim -> Kaleb Rhodes (is he a Kardashian? Now, that would be an interesting headcanon.)
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Honestly, at this point, a better question would be which OCs they didn't get to... and the weird creepy behavior continued with saving headcanons into boards (Mer's white dog, Oliver's K9, Sabrina's entire aesthetic, her tattoo - exactly two butterflies, which are everywhere you look - in bios, names, board titles). Having Sabrina's nickname her father had for her and would literally call her in every single one of her memories (Monkey) -> Monkey in their bio only to edit out both the butterflies and Monkey just a couple of hours ago (did you realize you're a carbon copy of your alt Pinterest or? "A strawberry shall fix it! Fool 'em.", she told herself.)
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Then the situation only got worse and up the creep-o-meter.
I was notified of something concerning by @adelaidedrubman , who earlier had also been followed both on her main and side blog she uses for reblogs: After getting a strange ghost notification on an blog she doesn't even use and has no activity on, let alone that many followers, she can only see 4 of the 7 people following her. Unblocking the previously mentioned shady accounts, she gets this:
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Somehow, both had discovered an account out of use and followed it. An account belonging to the person they had previously followed and been blocked by.
I truly personally believe they still watch my blog and what I post (which btw, whatever your name is: if only you put that much effort into writing your own fics and coming up with characters, headcanons and names instead of stalking multiple mutuals in hunt for ideas...).
Once I finally decided to update my pinned post on my blog with new gifs (which take hours to edit sometimes) of Sabrina, they suddenly pinned a snapshot of one of the exact same gifs to their Valerie Montgomery board. Hours later they reblog the other gif they could find and CHANGE THEIR LAYOUT TO MATCH SABRINA'S SIDEBLOG-> Alycia in the icon and butterfly in the header (my header has been up since April 25, I made it specifically for her blog). Both icon and banner are now changed, one could only ask why even select the previous ones to begin with, if not to fuck with a person you've been targetting.
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Now we move onto how they describe their OCs as headcanons, who one of them loves to tag with "Do Not Steal" (Who's stealing here, honey boo? None of us that you've set your sights on have given you any type of permission since you make it a big deal to have it). Little examples in the screenshots below, they have snippets for other characters too, so chances are someone would recogize their blorbo being put in a wig and renamed.
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As I'm writing this post, Alycia is still a faceclaim to Valerie (tomorrow she might be moved to a third faceclaim with how they've been behaving), they constantly change things around (despite claiming they have this clear idea of their OCs) and act like they're being stolen from by tagging everything with "no stealing", deleting posts that could make them look suspicious (including the ones I've pointed out of the gifs featuring Alycia and matching my own edits of the scene), taking claim of simple headcanons like Jacob owning a cabin and horses being ridden in Montana, while also mass-following mutuals from multiple fandoms like FC5, COD, Mortal Combat, RDR2, the list goes on and on. They're looking for a place to take root, the next person to leech from. If you're tagged in this, they follow you (and they have been picking OCs names from people they've followed before) and your content, ideas, characters identity might be next on their list of OCs they gather as pokemons. Beware and if they do deactivate after this... well, it won't be as easy to disappear this time around.
To the two Swipers that can't stop swiping: Don't mistake the kindness of the fandom(s) and its people for encouragement to be shady and turn people's happy places into hell. True intentions shine through with time, you can sense when someone deeply loves their characters and when they only push them out like they're on a conveyor belt to gain exposure and false validation for someone else's creativity. This is something you both can't fake, no matter how many times you reemerge as a new person.
In Jacksfilms' wise words, "Stop Stealing."
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@corvosattano @florbelles @cassietrn @voidika @theelderhazelnut @onehornedbeast @direwombat @jillvalentinesday @henbased @madparadoxum @josephslittledeputy @trench-rot @g0dspeeed @redreart @purplehairsecretlair @laindtt @mrdekarios @nightbloodbix @simplegenius042 @aceghosts @stacispratt @clicheantagonist @wrathfulrook @strafethesesinners @strangefable @unholymilf @josephseedismyfather @shellibisshe @macs-babies
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elminsters · 4 months
Could you give me a rundown of Eurydice -- tell me about the basics, what her deal is, and feel free to include as much as you want (or don't want)?
thank you for the question!
I have an OC page for her with a more detailed account of her backstory, but the tldr version is:
Eurydice is a bard/wild magic sorcerer from the Dalelands. Her parents were Harpers on assignment in a druidic circle, aiding in the protection of a pool of radiance (essentially a liquid form of raw weave, they pop up from time to time). At this time, the Cult of the Dragon were actively pursuing pools of radiance to use them to create dracolich overlords (lich dragons). In her 20s, Eurydice left the circle to attend a bardic college in Cormyr and was building a reputation as an adventurer when she received a summons home. The Cult had found the pool and attacked, and to interrupt their ritual Eurydice jumped into the pool. Both she and the pool disappeared for nearly 100 years, until one day she just woke up at the bottom of what was once the pool, now a regular pond. She isn't sure where she went, but when she returned she was different, infused with the power of the raw weave (this is where her wild magic comes from).
Her magical energy is indistinguishable from that of a pool of radiance, and so she has to go on the run to avoid the cult finding her and using her magic for evil. She's a wanderer now, never staying in the same place for long and making up different identities for everyone she meets. She's a cocky little performer by trade, and she often uses her skills to fake her way into and out of situations. Her deception and persuasion skills are unmatched: Eurydice isn't even her real name, just something she made up on the spot when the nautiloid crashed that ended up sticking.
Eurydice is theatrical, audacious, and quick-witted: she's very much a "here for a good time, not a long time" kind of person, and is happy to sow seeds of chaos for her own entertainment. Despite her confidence in herself she's really just lonely and scared deep down: her magic is mysterious and there's so much about what happened to her that she doesn't understand. All of this fear and insecurity is masked with a thick layer of humour and a devil-may-care attitude, of course, and the mask only slips for those she truly trusts.
I could go on and on but I'll spare you from a novel-length post! Thank you again for your interest! ♥️
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definedbydaylight · 1 year
“Show Me Your Love”
A Matty Healy x OC Instagram AU
OC: Harper Flux Introduction⋆。°✩
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Harper Eve Flux||Writer and Artist
Harper Flux is an up and coming poetry writer who started posting small blurbs and poetry on Tumblr in high school and gained a small cult following.
She was born on April 20th 1996 in Rutland, Vermont.
She grew up loving music, books and art more than anything, alongside being an author, she’s an avid painter and a skilled pianist.
In school she participated in theatre, choir, and was an all honors student. She received multiple scholarship awards and decided to attend the University of Birmingham, in 2017 she graduated with a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing.
After living in England for 3 years she fell in love with the country and decided to plant her seed there and make it a place to call home, after spending a year back at home to save up money while she waited for her Visa approval, during this time she did multiple online interviews with publishing houses in the UK to secure a job for a future work visa, she was hired by Galley Beggar Press as a low level editor
In 2018 just a few weeks after her 22nd birthday she and her mother Heather packed up her whole life and flew to London, after spending a week with her daughter to help her settle in Harper’s mother returned to their family home in Vermont.
After 2 years of living in London she feels like she’s really made a place for herself, she lives in a small two bedroom flat with her cat; Boots.
We pick up with her here in this story! :)
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FC: Luca Hollestelle!
Posts will probably be slow and not on a schedule also most of the photos I’ll be using for the AU probably won’t line up in chronological order of the real world but I’m going to ignore that cause I’m just lazy enough to not care :P
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impulsivitytm · 1 year
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⋆ what’s your phone’s wallpaper?: currently the wallpaper is a cotton candy color sky with lacrosse sticks in the middle and the words 'beacon hills lacrosse' written around it. the lock screen is the same cotton candy colored sky with the quote, 'be your own anchor' and an anchor with rope right beside it. i usually switch between that and the one i have saved with billy & stu and a ghostface mask with the quote, 'movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative.' depends on my mood.
⋆   the last song you listened to?: all the things i hate about you by huddy.
⋆   currently reading?: does fanfiction count? currently reading one called black & blue. i'm ondas the last two chapters. i haven't touched a real book in years. lmao.
⋆   last movie you saw?:   movie was probably the new scream. although i've wanted to watch evil dead rising and no hard feelings, i've yet to do that. also mainly been focusing on tv shows again.
⋆   last show you watched?: i've been rewatching teen wolf since i added lydia as a muse because idk what i'm doing when it comes to her.
⋆  what are you wearing right now?: . . . uhh khakis? it's laundry day so clothes but barely.
⋆  how tall are you?:   5'9 / 5'10?
⋆  piercings / tattoos?: i had a nose piercing once. not anymore though.
⋆   glasses / contacts?:   ur local nerd is supposed to wear glasses. :D
⋆   last thing you ate?: sunflower seeds.
⋆  favorite color(s)?:  brown, blue, red.
⋆   current obsession?:  don't think i really have one currently.
⋆   do you have a crush right now?:  yes and i hate it. it's destroying me. .
⋆   favorite fictional character?: can i choose one of my ocs? if so... dakota fucking harper. 1000%
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tagged by: @minimavampiress aka the new bestie i didn't know i needed but i'm glad i got.
tagging: anyone that wants to do it.
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oc-playground · 3 years
My OC Masterlist:
Harper Oxford-Seed - Far Cry 5 - Deputy - Married to Jacob Seed - Temperament: Dependable, Caring, Calm
Lottie Rockford - Far Cry 5 - Deputy - Dating Sharky Boshaw - Temperament: Hedonistic, Reckless, Daredevil
Dinah Todd - Far Cry New Dawn - Security Captain - Dating Thomas Rush - Temperament: Straightforward, Worrywart, Hard Working
Carlene ‘Fish’ Fischer - Far Cry New Dawn - Ex-Highwayman - Dating Roger Cadoret - Temperament: Wild, Direct, Brash
Rosie Matthews - Red Dead Redemption 2 - Outlaw - Marries Arthur Morgan - Temperament: Booksmart, Thoughtful, Silly
Marama - Destiny/2 - Guardian - Temperament: Goofy, Wild, Impulsive
Riley Adler - Slasher - Temperament: Quiet, Responsible, Corrupt
Pippa Brewster - Call of Duty - Marries John Price - Temperament: Spunky, Hard-working, Quick-thinking
Sage Harrington - Assassin's Creed - Marries Otso Berg - Temperament: Friendly, Passionate, Sincere
Hina Abbott - Mortal Kombat 11 - Married to Kuai Liang - Temperament: Caring, Tenacious, Hard Working
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jackiesarch · 4 years
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Tagged by the lovely @statichvm to make my idiots and the stupid boys that love them using this picrew!
Deputy Lucy H. Evans and Jacob Seed
Deputy Harper E. Ryan and John Seed
Not tagging anyone because it took me forever to do this on account of The Illness™️, but if you haven’t done this and want to, now’s your chance!
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garden-of-seeden · 5 years
Well I haven’t made her official yet... I dont know how to do that... but I have the basics!
Her name is Aura Harper
She is from Illinois
She has green eyes and light brown hair
Height is 5’3
Mom side is Irish and American
Dad’s side is Western and Cherokee<-(Grandpa)
Deathly afraid of heights (cause she knows that she is clumsy)
Her favorite color is THE RAINBOW~🌈
Favorite animal is the Snow Leopard
She is 23
She just wanted to be a normal cop
She has the buggest crush on John, Staci, and Faith
She really likes how Joseph talks
She just wanted to be a normal cop
Just wants to be friends with Jacob. SO. BAD. (Mainly because she wants to pet the Judges without her arm being ripped off)
She just wanted to be a normal cop
She did not sign up for any of this
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nadjadoll · 5 years
what do your ocs do on snow days? :3 :3 :3
!!❤️❤️ this made me smile thinking about it
I’ll break this into categories or it’ll go on forever:
Goes out to make snowmen/angels: Ayla, Sage
Goes out in the dead of night only to observe: Faye
Stays inside to make a fire or become a blanket burrito: Casy, Micah
Initiates a snowball fight: August, Molly
Is dragged outside by a friend/so: Dex, Ghost
Drags their friends/so outside: Thalia, Doll, Michelle
Has never been in the snow in their life and is not starting it now: Odette, Scarlett, Arthur
*Intense baking*: Maeve, Kate
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dissectress · 10 months
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the path to eden is clear to those who have faith.
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lucaniisdellamorte · 5 years
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Tagged by @chuckhansen​ for the oc info meme, thank you Airika!!
I tag: whoever hasn't done it yet or has ocs they haven't done yet!
Full name: Harper Leigh Dixon Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: She/her
Family: Willow Dixon (twin sister), Amber Dixon (mother, deceased) Birthplace: Fall’s End, MT Job(s): Junior Deputy, watching over Willow Phobias: Losing her sister Guilty pleasures: Bad horror and sci-fi movies, coffee Hobbies: Camping, reading, occasionally fishing
Alignment: Neutral Good Sins: Pride, Envy Virtues: Diligence, Patience
introvert / extrovert organized / disorganized close-minded / open-minded calm / anxious / restless disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient outspoken / reserved leader / follower / flexible empathetic / unempathetic optimistic / pessimistic / realistic traditional / modern / in between hard-working / lazy
OTP: Harper x Joey Acceptable ships: Harper x Grace, Harper x Faith OT3: Harper x Joey x Grace BroTP: Harper & Staci, Harper & Jess NOTP: Harper x any of the Seed boys
Full name: Willow Anne Dixon Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: She/her
Family: Harper Dixon (twin sister), Amber Dixon (mother, deceased) Birthplace: Fall’s End, MT Job(s): Bartender, trouble maker Phobias: Losing her sister, a cage Guilty pleasures: Cherry slushies, orange soda, rom-coms Hobbies: Wandering, singing, driving her sister up a wall
Alignment: Chaotic Good Sins: Wrath, Sloth Virtues: Kindness, Charity
introvert / extrovert organized / disorganized close-minded / open-minded calm / anxious / restless disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient outspoken / reserved leader / follower / flexible empathetic / unempathetic optimistic / pessimistic / realistic traditional / modern / in between hard-working / lazy
OTP: Willow x Sharky Acceptable ships: Willow x Jess, Willow x John OT3: n/a BroTP: Willow & Mary May, Willow & Kim NOTP: Willow x Jacob
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legally-a-bastard · 2 years
i had it drafted with all my ramblings about my ocs but I yeeted it by accident and I wanna cry bc I no longer have the brain power to create full paragraphs again
Here’s a list, it’s probably incomplete cause I’m having trouble remembering all their names lol
Charlotta ‘Charlie’ Alessandra Diaz
Emeterio ‘Emi’ Diaz
Aine Caoimhe Roy
Cpt. Leonida Constance Montagne-Seed
Contessa Lola Rattenmeister Sierro
Angelica Iliana Sierro
Lilliana Meadhbh Ó Conaire
Della-Josie ‘DJ’ Riley Carter
Valentina Maria Rosales Lobo
Captain Amelia Li
Adam Kędzierski
Doctor Edward Ichabod Corvus-Crane
Axel Garcia
Black Mamba(Persephone)
Deputy Harper Rook
Captain Arabella
Alexei Tyrsdottir
Little Red(this one also has no actual name)
a bunch of OCs I made for a fallout Raider gang that I also made(they’re called the Crows and everyone goes by bird names.)
my destiny OCs
Svetlana; Ghost is named Pinto
Antoine-37; Ghost is named Lovecraft
Blackbird ‘BB’; Ghost is named Shrike
Henrik; Ghost is named Ouroboros ‘Ouro)
Gloria ‘Ri-Ri’; Ghost is named Pelmeni
Lena-5; Ghost is named Hummingbird ‘Hummer’
Unrel-59; Ghost is named Huldr
Thira Ky’nalu; Ghost is named Caliber
Vyriik; Eliksni, twin brother to Zhakyya
Zhakyya; Eliksni, twin sister to Vyriik
Magnus; Guardianless Ghost
and various dnd characters that I just have sitting on standby
Cassius Arye Nova. Aka Cass A. Nova. Yes I made his name a pun on purpose
Catina Balei Martinez Accalopa
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highlifeboat · 3 years
Natasha is, probably, the only neuronormative kid😂
The OC kids and their problems:
Ash - ADHD, Sensitive to Certain Fabric/Food Textures
Harper - Depression/Anxiety, Auditory Sensitivity, Socially Awkward, Deep Seeded Abandonment Issues, Hereditary Blood Disease (from Alcina)
Natalia - Hereditary Blood Disease (From Alcina)
Evette - Depression/Anxiety, Auditory Sensitivity, ADD
Fane - ADHD/ADD, Autism
Alina - ADHD
Leonard - Seasonal Affective Disorder
Dela - Anger Issues
Nikola - Anxiety, Dyslexic
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isobel-thorm · 3 years
OC Basics
Tagged by @risenlucifer. Thank youuuu :3. Gonna follow suit and do all the FC5/ND kids
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Name: Junior Deputy Nicolette Harper Raylan Alias/Nicknames: Nic, Rook, Wrath Gender: Female Age: 29 (c. 2018) Zodiac: Pisces Abilities/Talents: Sniping, Persuasion Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: English Family: Isabella Raylan (Mother), Thomas Marlow (Father, estranged/denounced), Earl Whitehorse (Stand-in Father) Lincoln James “LJ” Raylan (Older Brother), John Seed (Husband), Sharky Boshaw (Husband) Jace Seed (Husband in one ‘verse), Cal Raylan, Lennox Boshaw, (Sons), Willa Raylan, Ariadne Raylan, Charlie Boshaw (Daughters) Friends:  Grant Lyons, Alice Riley, Rick Cain, Matt Rook, Eli Palmer, Adelaide Drubman, Mary May Fairgrave, Jerome Jeffries, Grace Armstrong, Sydney Crane, Thomas Rush, Roger Cadoret, Faith Seed (No Cult AUs only) Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other: Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other Height: 5′3″ Scars: Wrath on her chest, a mark on her forehead from the scufffle with her father when she was 15 dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future Five songs that remind you of them: “Little Toy Guns” - Carrie Underwood, “America’s Sweetheart” - Elle King, “Problem” - Natalia Kills, Human - Rag’n’Bone Man, “White Flagg” - Bishop Briggs
Grant Lyons
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Name: Deputy Grant Emmerson Lyons Alias/Nicknames: Cowboy, Pride Gender: Male Age: 36 (c. 2018) Zodiac: Pisces Abilities/Talents: Explosives/bomb diffusing, Survival Skills Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: English Family: Rose Lyons (Mother), Rhett Lyons (Father), Matthew Rook (Husband), 5 Kids Whose Names Escape Me at the Moment Friends:  Nic Raylan, Rick Cain, Jerome Jeffries, Grace Armstrong, Earl Whitehorse, Staci Pratt, John Seed (in no cult AUs only) Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual (leaning towards preferring men) / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other: Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other Height: 6′0″ Scars: Various scattered ones on his body from having a building come down around him during an ambush in his time in combat Overseas.  dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future Five songs that remind you of them: “Blood on My Name” -  The Brothers Bright, “Behind Blue Eyes” - The Who, “Problem” - Natalia Kills, Human - Rag’n’Bone Man, "Survivor Guilt” - Rise Against, “I Am Strong” - The Empty Pockets
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Name: U.S Marshal Rick Cain Alias/Nicknames: Cowboy, Marsh, Sloth, “Your Man With the Fitting Last Name” Gender: Male Age: 42 (c. 2018) Zodiac: Leo Abilities/Talents: Stumbling into trouble, denial, hating Cameron Burke Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: English Family: Eric Cain (Father), Marsha Cain (Mother), Joel (Little Brother) Friends:  Nic Raylan, Grant Lyons, Earl Whitehorse, Joseph Seed (formerly) Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other: starting to switch to salt and pepper Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other: hazel Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other Height: 6′0″ Scars: One on a knee when he fell in the garden as a kid dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future Five songs that remind you of them: “Fuck This Shit I’m Out” - The Theme Song, Totally Fucked - Jonathan Groff, “Someone That I Used to Know” - Darren Criss, Matt Bomer, “Battle Cry” - Imagine Dragons, “Smalltown Boy” - Orville Peck
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Name: Jason Seed Alias/Nicknames: Jace, “The Champion” in the Herald AU Gender: Male Age: 36 (c. 2018) Zodiac: Leo Abilities/Talents: Persuasion/Manipulation, Technology Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: English Family: Old Man Seed (Biological Father), Mrs. Seed (Biological Mother), Joseph, John, Jacob (Brothers), Ian and Hannah Jabonski (Adoptive Parents), Nic Raylan / Valerie Holm (Wife, depending on verse) Friends:  Nic Raylan, Sharky Boshaw,  Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other Height: 6′0″ Scars: Emotional only dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future Five songs that remind you of them: “Hey Brother” Aviici
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Name: (Former) Deputy Cole Crawford Alias/Nicknames: N/A Gender: Male Age: 35 (c. 2018) Zodiac: Libra Abilities/Talents: Hand to Hand Combat, Handguns Alignment: lawful / neutral true / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: English Family: Elizabeth Crawford (Mother), Unknown Father Friends:  John Seed, Jacob Seed Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other: Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other Height: 5′11″ Scars: One on his arm from when a home improvement project went wrong dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future Five songs that remind you of them: “The Self Preservation Society” - The Pearly Kings
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Name: Callan Earl Raylan Alias/Nicknames: Apocalypse Baby (as a child), Cal, Simba, The Shepherd Gender: Male Age: 18 (c. 2035) Zodiac: Pisces Abilities/Talents: Archery, Persuasion Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: English Family: Nic Raylan (Mother),  John Seed (Father), Willa and Ariadne Raylan (Little Sisters), Lennox Boshaw (Half Brother), Charlie Boshaw (Half Sister), Carmina Rye (Girlfriend, Future Wife), Nick and Kim, Joseph Seed (Uncle), Ethan Seed (Cousin) Friends:  Tommy Stone, Sydney Crane, Bean Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other: Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other Height: 5′ 7″ Scars: Has one on his shoulder from the Bear Fight his uncle told him to participate in that he’s still not sure was totally a hallucination, lines up with one on his chest from his fight with Ethan dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future Five songs that remind you of them: “We Are One” - Cam Clarke, Charity Sanoy, “Into the Unknown” - Panic at the Disco, “Bad Liar” - Imagine Dragons, “Come Back to Me” - David Cook
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Name: Security Captain Sydney Crane Alias/Nicknames: Syd, Cap Gender: Female Age: 34 (c. 2035) Zodiac: Aries Abilities/Talents: Negotiation, Hand to Hand Combat Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: English Family: Tina Crane (Mother), Leo Crane (Father), Mila (Daughter), Thomas Rush (Ex-Husband, got back together), Roger Cadoret (in one verse) Friends:  Kim Rye, Nick Rye, Roger Cadoret, Nic Raylan, John Seed Jerome Jeffries, Grace Armstrong,  Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual (leaning towards preferring men) / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other: Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other Height: 5′2″ Scars: Small, scattered, from her time on the Train dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future Five songs that remind you of them:  “We’re Not Gonna Fall” , “Used To” - Daughtry, 
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nightwingshero · 3 years
Hello! How about 44. “How do we fix this?” + dealer's choice, please?
Thank you, darling!!! I’m sorry this took so long! Have some New Dawn canon! This takes place right after Ethan kills John. 
I had always wanted to be a mother. The memories I had of my own before she passed…I wanted to be what my mother was to me, to be a good mother and to break a cycle that I didn’t realize I was apart of. The days I would sit with her as she played the piano, singing me to sleep at night, and the light reassuring touch she would give to show affection. She smelled of lilies and vanilla some days, others were filled with apple and cinnamon. If I concentrated hard enough, I could still smell her even after the world had fallen to pieces. She was still a part of me.
What I hadn’t expected was how hard it would be. It wasn’t as if I ever suspected it to be a cakewalk, to come easy without hurdles. No, I wasn’t naïve. I just wasn’t prepared for the sins of my father—the sins of my own past—to come back the way they had. To see my own wrath in the blue eyes of my daughter, burning bright as she lashed out. Part of it was how she clung so tightly to Jane’s death, how she vibrated with the need to right it. To justify or bring retribution, anything to balance it out. Harper called for the blood of those who had hurt her, who had taken from her, and I could only stand and think that it was far too familiar.
What have I done?
Learning of the past, of what had truly occurred during the Holy War had only made it worse. The truth of our actions and what John and I had done for Joseph…I was no longer allowed to speak against her feelings, her actions, because there was no place for me to. Not when I had done exactly what she planned on doing now. The hypocrisy of it made my own stomach churn because how dare I hold my own daughter to different expectations when she was practically born to it.
The look she had given me, the horror and hurt…Quinn and Grayson stood silent, statues to watch on the sidelines as everything I tried to hide came to light. How she cried, screamed, and demanded to know every detail, for me to tell her why. It was a mess of things. A mess of emotions and uncertainty of what would come of it, and for the first time in years, I felt like him. I felt that I had finally brought this to full circle, becoming just like my father as my own daughter broke in front of me. Grayson offered nothing but an empathetic glance, his icy blues still cold. Quinn gave a comforting squeeze to my shoulder, as comforting as one could be when it felt that you had lost your child.
That had been a few days ago, but it had felt like months with all that had occurred. Whitney was silent as we tried to regroup, tried to process what we had just witnessed. My children scattered, my husband and her sister fallen…nothing but ash and blood remained. Seventeen years…we had lasted seventeen years without heartache, without war and tragedy. It was a held breath; I knew that now as I sat and leaned against the jagged edges of the rock behind me, almost as if I was back to those dark days once more.
I had no more tears to shed, my throat raw from my screams of rage and loss, Grayson had to pull me from his body. What we had wasn’t the love I had once believed, but he was still my husband…the father of my children. And he had chosen us…chosen me. John had renounced Joseph in his final acts, saving Braxton and Ana from being slaughtered by Ethan. In the end, we were enough for him, we were more important than Joseph. We were his family.
Sniffling brings me out of my thoughts, and I watch as Harper stumbles out of the makeshift sanctuary—a lodge that was somewhat salvageable. Her petite body is almost collapsing into itself as she held herself tightly, her narrow shoulders shaking from the sobs she was fighting. It broke my heart, seeing her try to be strong even when she had every right to fall apart. Harper was strong, and I was more than proud of her, but it was a bittersweet thing…she shouldn’t have to be this strong. These were difficulties my child should have never faced.
They deserved better than the world we had created for them.
Right when I think of standing to join her, she turns to me. Her tears shine silver from the moonlight, light streaks against her skin. There’s a beat of silence, and there’s nothing I want more than for her to sit with me, but I fear she’ll turn and leave. I’m surprised when she does decide to come closer and joins me, her arms crossed, and her knees pulled up to her chest.
It’s silent between us as the sounds of the night continued as if we were nothing, and perhaps we were. I felt insignificant in the grand scheme of things, I have since the bombs dropped. Harper had been spending most of her time in Prosperity and with Carmina with everything going on, running around with Grayson and Quinn from time to time to help against the Highwaymen and against my wishes. To the point where I myself had to get involved to keep her from the violence and danger of it all. It was like leading the resistance again, but with support. It was the same but so different, and I couldn’t help but think of how different it would’ve turned out if maybe that had happened seventeen years before.
She sniffles again and rubs her face with her sleeve, and I’m reminded of her when she was five years old. Her eyes bright and excited, a true terror as she drew on the walls of the bunker. Harper always had a free spirit. I loved that in her. “Mom…I don’t…how do we…how do we move on from this?” she croaked. “What…what do we do? How do we fix this?”
“Harper…sometimes…sometimes there’s nothing you can do.” I whispered as my heart shattered at the hopeless look in her eyes. “Some things you can’t fix.”
“He…he killed them. Are we going to continue to do nothing?” she demanded. I could sense her desperation, how she was clawing for some sort of control, some way to make this intangible for her to work with. “We let them get away with what they’ve done? Just like that? Jane’s death, and now dad and Aunt Mel too? We just let them do these things without standing up to them? Without making them pay?”
I shifted, turning to her as I placed a hand on her shoulder. “I understand what you’re feeling, darling. I know that pain, I know the sting of injustice, Harper. I know it well.” My face twisted a bit as I squeezed harder. “I need you to understand that allowing that to power your actions, you going out there to get revenge…you will be making the same mistakes that I did. And…I don’t want that for you.”
“It’s not fair.” She sobbed, her tears coming faster with her eyes squeezed tightly shut. “What he did wasn’t right and it’s not fair that he took dad away, that’s not fair.” Harper leaned forward slightly, and I immediately wrapped my arms around her, her hands gripping my jacket tightly as she buried her face in my shoulder.
“I know…I know, sweetheart. It’s not fair. Your father loved you, Harper. He loved you, and your brother and sister deeply.”
“I…I told him he was incapable of it. I told him he couldn’t love us. That was the last thing I said to him, mom.”
Tears welled as I felt the sting in my chest, and I held her tighter. “He knew you didn’t mean it, baby. Your father chose us in the end. He chose our family because he loved us and wanted us safe. Because of him, Brax and Ana are safe.” Pulling back, her tear-filled eyes met mine, that fierceness burning bright in her ocean eyes.
“Don’t…don’t him get away with this. Please. Ethan…he needs to be taken down, mom. He’s just as bad as they are, you know this. That wrath…our family’s wrath can be used for good.” She choked on a sob, her hands clutching onto me desperately. “Quinn and Gray can help us. Aunt Whit…we can make this right somehow. Please…don’t let them be like Jane…don’t let their deaths be for nothing.”
“Harper…” I breathed out as my mind raced. It was hard telling her no, telling her that it wasn’t how we did things anymore. Peace was more important. Or maybe that was just my excuse, my fear getting the better of me. Jane’s death was hard as is, but John and Mel had only made that cut so much worse. Not only was the Highwaymen an issue, but we had become refuges of our own home, New Eden being ran by a tyrant. I couldn’t say I was so shocked considering he was Joseph’s own son. And how much has he done to me already over the years? My jaw clenched at the reminder, that old burning in my veins returning like an old friend. “I…I don’t want you anywhere near this, Harper.” I replied sharply as I took her hands in mine and leaned close. “I want you to be safe. But I promise you,” Squeezing her hands, I held her gaze firmly. “Their deaths will not be in vain. I will make this right, darling.”
Her hug was the first hug I’ve gotten from her in so long, I almost forgot what it felt like. So I held her tight, letting her cry on my shoulder until she had no more tears to shed. Standing, I pulled her up with me. It was getting late, and we had to get rest, from the long day and from what I knew was ahead of us. Two enemies with barely any allies…this was going to be hard, but it wasn’t like I hadn’t done something like this before.
As we stepped on the porch, I caught his dark blue eyes, and let Harper walk in without me. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his bomber jacket as he looked out at the trees surrounding us, a lake glimmering under the night sky, and everything looked purple instead of pink. And there was so much pink.
“I’m sorry.” He spoke finally and I threw him a side glance, his blonde hair still parted almost perfectly. “For…I guess everything. Your husband and I didn’t get along,” Quinn shrugged as a slight Russian accent slipped and rolled off his tongue. “But…he did not deserve that.”
“Thank you…” I murmured as I crossed my arms. The Security Captain glanced down at me for a moment, only to turn away when I looked back. We didn’t even get along at first, let alone him and John. It only got worse when he started helping my daughter fight the Highwaymen: him and Grayson both. But I knew, deep down, that this was going to happen. There was no other option, not with the blood that’s been spilt, not with who we’ve lost.
“So…what next?”
I scoffed and shook my head. “I thought that would be obvious, Quinn.” Turning to him, I looked up to meet his gaze. “We kill them. All of them.”
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oc-playground · 5 years
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A little collage of Jacob and Harper’s children.
The first pic is Gracie’s six month photo. The next is during the summer when the humidity made her hair extra curly. The third is just a glamour shot.
Deacon’s first baby pic was one of the first times he rolled over on his own. The second is a church outfit Uncle John bought for him. The third was taken by big sis and set to Daddy while out hunting.
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