#oc: immerlias
ok ANOTHER thing to be autistic about!! I drew Immerlias <3
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[ID in alt text]
art taglist (ask to be +/-): @lychniscitrus, @multi-lefaiye, @rosesandartss, @abysslll, @yourlocal-lichen
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approximately20blorbos · 11 months
Why is Immerlias doing that thing with his voice?
hi anon! thank you for the ask!!
I assume you mean him talking in a higher pitch than what's natural for him, in which case, it's sort of a gender presentation thing? When his voice started getting deeper as a kid it really bothered him and so he did a lot of vocal training, both so he could talk at a pitch that felt representative of himself and so he wouldn't end up losing his upper range for singing.
So sometimes when he's shocked or angry, instead of his voice going up in pitch like you'd expect, it actually drops towards where it would be naturally instead!
Also he's a little shit and he thinks its funny when people don't expect him to be able to hit super low notes because they've never heard him speak in a low pitch. he really does pull it out for shock value sometimes and no other reason lmao
also also because of all the vocal training he's scary good at impressions but that's just a short fun fact :)
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
hello!!! regarding your drawing thing you wanted to do, here is Immerlias! (credit to @toastsamurai for the art btw)
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he's just a happy-go-lucky, optimistic guy!! he has autism and adhd and is aro-ace. he has no common sense but he's very very booksmart and he loves both math/science and the arts. since picking up magic, he spends vast portions of time trying to get the mathematical and artistic sides of the magic system in my wip to work together smoothly, so he can bring together his three favorite things to study.
no pressure of course to draw or answer this ask! I do think it's a very fun and cool ask game (?) to do though :)
WELL HI HELLO!!! :D First of all, I love and adore this character's design!!! I definitely want to try and draw him at some point even if the doodles end up not working out here. (then again 99% of the time when I look at people's OCs I go "ogughghgh wanna draw that", but yes Immerlias has an incredible design)
Okay first of all he seems like an absolute sweetheart and I adore him
Second of all, an OC of mine that I think he'd get along really well with is my baby Apollo, one of the void-walkers!!! Apollo is a bit anxious and quiet, but he's super sweet and optimistic and always tries to see the bright side and keep a smile on his face, even when things are stressful. I think he'd find Immerlias's magic really interesting and love his more mathematical and artistic approach to it! I also think that Immerlias could kinda help Apollo to see his own abilities in a different way, if that makes sense--Apollo is a very young void-walker, compared to the others, and so he hasn't had much time to master his abilities and kinda struggles to understand them. But seeing them that way might help, I think!!!
Also Apollo has no common sense as well and is also an aroace icon, so they have that in common!!!! Love that for these two <3
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oc-culture · 2 years
fun oc/dnd story for you:
today I was playing dnd and we had an oasis beach episode and my character Immerlias went and found shiny stuff along the shore line and then laid them out on top of a pirate flag with a dragon embroidered on it along with all the other little trinkets he's picked up over the course of his adventures :)
meanwhile his sister Aryaea (my other character) caused chaos in the water as a wolf (she has lycanthropy)
This sounds like a lot of fun, for both you and the muses! :D
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I am throwing Immerlias at the wall like the wet spaghetti noodle he is
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hellooooo may i hear abt a small detail abt ur wip
hello!!! yes you may!!! thank you for asking!!! :D
hmmmm small detail let me think.....
I can't decide between plot or worldbuilding so here's one of each:
(context: Immerlias and Immor had a big fight right before Immerlias left for his backpacking trip with Aryaea.) after a while on the road of ignoring every letter his parents send and letting Aryaea read and respond to them alone, Immerlias finally decides he wants to make up with his dad, reads all the letters his parents sent at once, and starts drafting his own—but he's so guilty about the fight that he spends months trying to make it perfect. he just barely finishes the one he thinks is good enough and is planning to send it when he gets kidnapped (not really a spoiler, if/when I write a blurb this will be part of it) and so the letter never gets sent.
though full-blooded Ash Elves are exceedingly rare to come by nowadays, there remain small communities that ensure the preservation of their culture—they are the last bastions of a people whose culture and blood were almost entirely absorbed into another nation that accepted them as refugees thousands of years in the past. still, it is difficult to practice some elements of their religion and way of life away from the volcanic regions in the north from which they came
ty for the ask!!!! I really enjoyed answering it :)
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twimns <3
(I am drawing them and it's shut off all my abilities to think of anything else)
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God it's fucking tragic actually that Impy is an exclusive feature of a specific dnd campaign. SATT will not have Immerlias and Impy being besties thanks to the fact that Impy is an npc and I am sobbing on the floor about it
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Question, which of your story wips is Immerlias in?
technically both, but he's only a main character in Sunshine All the Time!
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thank you!! gonna do this for Immerlias
besties with an imp that often encourages him to murder people
has accidentally set fire to his house multiple times trying to cook
maybe a little too protective of his journal and keeping people from reading any of it
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approximately20eggs · 2 years
walks in
hi hi hello i am here to choose for you and ask about an oc of yours <3
i would love to hear about immerlias if you have any facts you'd like to share!!!
hello hi hi!!! the boy!!!!! good choice!!!! thank you for asking me about him :) this turned out to be SUCH a long post so I'm gonna put it under a readmore so I don't clog up people's dashboards with my fucking essay lmao
so I've actually been wanting an excuse to break down S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W by mcr and why its actually conveniently written about Immerlias so I think I will do that ehehe BUT also I just wanna ramble about him in general so I shall do that first
so. I do not remember how much information about Immerlias I have shared on him before. but he is my beloved. my son. my bestie. you surely understand /lh
some general info: Immerlias is a shining elf andhis name means sunlight and joy! he is aro ace and agender but also simultaneously a cis boy and his pronouns are he/him but he honestly doesn't really care what people refer to him with! I feel like he'd get a kick out of the occasional they/them or neopronoun, as a treat, but not enough to "officially" use them or anything. I do not think he would want people to consistently use other pronouns for him. this was meant to be a short detail and now its not lol
he is also babey. something about this man sets off everyone's protective instincts I swear and I KNOW this because in every rp and dnd game I have put him in, people IMMEDIATELY snap to "precious boy must be protected" mode within minutes. he is just so good at winning people over with his sweet, adorable smile and autistic adhd swag. I don't blame anyone for this because if I had only just met him I would probably default to that too. unfortunately I am subjecting him to The Horrors instead /lh
he's just super super sweet and adorable and my favorite way to show it is literally just to describe what his bedroom looks like because it is just. in every way an example of the kind of person he is. it is messy and stuffed with every last little thing that makes him happy. he painted the walls yellow and keeps repainting his ceiling in different murals and he puts poems and art up on the walls and draws directly on them sometimes and every surface is stuffed with trinkets, most of which are broken things he's picked up off the ground and shined up or made into art or just thought were pretty, and he collects shards of broken glass to sand and polish away all the sharp edges and wrap them in wire and hang them in his window so they through rainbows all over his room, and his bookshelves are stocked with everything from picture books to highly advanced math textbooks because it all brings him joy, and sometimes he spills ink on his desk but he'll just draw around it and make art out of it, and god I could go on all day describing his room but hjhghghjshghbvbhsgvsvjhgjhs
(also he has a little hidden spot under the floorboards that he's made without telling anyone that's just big enough for him to crawl into and hide and I think that's also very apt because as much as Immerlias appears to wear his heart on his sleeve there's also a lot he doesn't tell anyone. this whole room is a symbol I swear)
god this is getting long. I apologize in advance because I still haven't talked about S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W lmao
I am going to get into that actually SO I'm just gonna. put up each verse and then talk about it jbjksbjks
[Chorus] Move your body when the sunlight dies Everybody, hide your body from the scarecrow Everybody, hide
[Verse 1] Make a wish when your childhood dies Hear the knock, knock, knock when she cries We're all alone tonight Hold your breath when a blackbird flies Count to seventeen and close your eyes I'll keep you safe inside
so I'm putting these two together because I intend to break down the chorus fully later but it feels illegal to skip the intro of the song. so starting with verse 1:
GOD ok so. this is perfect. if you didn't know my wip starts off with Immerlias and Aryaea coming of age so this is very apt lol. BUT this is especially good for Immerlias because his whole character arc is about growing up and losing his naivete. he's been sheltered his whole life and then at the start of the book for the first time he and Aryaea are leaving town and their parents altogether (getting a bit into the third line there lol) but YEAH from line one it's very good!! line two is also good though because Aryaea goes to him for support a lot and you can also jump to the last line in the verse which makes me think about that again because they keep each other safe a lot. they're very codependent you see, as fictional twins have a tendency to be /lh
(you know, for once I think it would be very funny to have a pair of twins that just fucking hate each other but also aren't mortal enemies. just twins that they're each like "ugh, Steve again" at each other or something. I think it would be funny. anyway)
BUT besides the first line the OTHER line that made me immediately think of Immerlias when I first heard this song is in this verse too!! I don't know if I've ever mentioned this but Immerlias is fucking terrified of crows. which has plot reasons. it is Auresmus's fault. basically bc of zem Immerlias has nightmares about crows (elves are not supposed to be able to have nightmares at all) so that freaks him out a lot!!! it's kind of led him to firmly hold the belief that crows are harbringers of doom in real life too so he will have a full-blown panic attack if he sees one or even hears them cawing. anyway, moving on:
[Pre-Chorus] He burns my skin Never mind about the shape I'm in I'll keep you safe tonight Yeah, yeah, shut up and run with me!
I'm just gonna. that last line there I'm just gonna focus on it really hard for a moment because Immerlias IS arguably running away from home at the start of the novel. besides the fact that he's kind of tired of being coddled, he and Immor have a history of butting heads and frankly due to a lot of communication issues in this family Immerlias doesn't exactly believe his parents are proud of him. he also has this perception of his parents' expectations of him that are both a lot higher and completely different from what they actually are; while Immor and Regaya genuinely just want a happy life for him he's convinced that he's going to disappoint them if he goes into the arts instead of something more academic in nature, and frankly he's kind of convinced he's already disappointed Immor by not being remotely interested in joining the military (very false. if anything Immor is thrilled his son is relatively safe from the horrors of war). not only all of that but completely unrelated to family communication issues I do think he's trying to procrastinate growing up a little. typically at age 50 shining elves would start building a house of their own and/or start pursuing a career, but Immerlias isn't ready for that, in no small part because he's conflicted about what he wants to do with his life, because even with his parents out of the equation he loves math and STEM easily just as much as the arts and he doesn't want to pick one over the other. so yeah he's running away from all that with Aryaea for a little bit! ok moving on again
Move your body when the sunlight dies Everybody, hide your body from the scarecrow Everybody, hide Move your body when the sunlight dies Everybody, hide your body from the scarecrow Everybody, hide
ok so to start ANY song that says something about the sunlight dying or the world losing its color/light/saturation or whatever immediately reminds me of Immerlias. this is both because of tdi campaign Immerlias (in which he literally died. L) and because of his actual canon arc in my wip which does not in fact involve his literal death so much as him going through a depressive episode and struggling with his sense of identity (his name does mean joy, after all) and then having to redefine that happiness for himself when he doesn't have that childhood naivete that made it so easy anymore. I'm really, really looking forward to writing that arc out but alas it is a long ways away </3
all the references to the scarecrow also make me think btw, bc it's not a reference to the blackbird in verse 1, but something different. you can think of a scarecrow as something that exerts control over crows, in a way, which makes me think of Auresmus—and for a significant chunk of the book he does seem like a pretty big threat in need of being avoided! but if we think of the crows as being representative of Auresmus themself rather than zem just being in control of them, then you also get something that 'scares crows,' or that scares Auresmus, and that's the actual threat—the dragon that he owes a debt to, who is the actual antagonist of the novel, not zem. I think it's an interesting thing to consider :)
[Verse 2] Blow a kiss at the methane skies See the rust through your playground eyes We're all in love tonight (All in love tonight) Leave a dream where the fallout lies Watch it grow where the tear stain dries To keep you safe tonight
this verse makes me think a bunch about Immerlias's optimism and more about his arc with having to redefine joy and all that. the whole childlike, happy-go lucky attitude doesn't really cut it for some things (such as the impending doom of the apocalypse) but it still takes him a while to like. process the situation that is the plot and see it all in a realistic, grounded light that's not just blindly believing it will all work out okay in the end. and that's what kicks off his depression spiral but at the same time he has to work though his whole identity crisis and an increasing rift between him and his ability to keep in touch with reality on a more existential level if that makes any sense at all and he's still trying to work out his personal future and dreams with all this and yeah. yeah. its a whole thing
[Guitar Solo]
[Bridge] Love, love, love won't stop this Bomb, bomb, love won't stop this Bomb, bomb, love won't stop this bomb Run, run, bunny, run Run, run, bunny, run
again this whole thing with like "love won't stop this bomb" makes me think very much about how he loses his naivete (and this verse particularly calls to mind his staunch pacifism, which isn't a problem in and of itself so much of the lack of nuance he has about it at the start) and has to work towards solving the problem that is the impending apocalypse without just trusting in Peace And Love On Planet Earth Quapara <3
and that is the end of the song! god that was fun. I haven't had a good long-winded infodump in a while
thank you again for asking about him, friend. I hope you enjoyed my essay kjbsjkbskjsjks
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hi hello hi completely normal question with no ulterior motives but do you have any faceclaims/picrews of ur ocs
hello and thank you for this completely normal question with no ulterior motives, I do not have faceclaims for them but! I do have some kind of old art of some, a couple picrews, and some hero forge minis I've made!
here's what I have for Immor:
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the first one I drew a long while back but credit for the second image goes to @toastsamurai!! she made it for me and I love it lots
then I have these for Immerlias:
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the drawing I made just before I drew Immor actually but bc time is a weird soup I have no idea when this actually but I just realized I dated the signature so ig it was about a year ago
and then the stuff I have for Aryaea:
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that drawing is very old. that was before I even had csp. it's not dated so I have no idea just how long ago it was but I've had csp for a hot minute so it must have been a while. anyway her hair is way more tightly curled than I drew it but whatever I'm not really upset with years ago me for not knowing how to draw curls yet yk?
and I have not drawn Regaya in even longer, I only have a picrew and a hero forge screenshot but here they are
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some little details that aren't really visible:
all of their hair is metallic except for Regaya's, which is opalescent
Immor's eye color is gold
Immerlias, Aryaea, and Regaya all have multiple colors in their eyes, which is normal for shining elves, Immor having just one color is basically about as rare for them as heterochroma is in humans. but:
Immerlias's eyes are silver and splotched with gold, with a bit of blue in the outer corner of his left eye
Aryaea's eyes are black and thoroughly flecked with gold and silver
Regaya's eyes are silver and blue in about equal measure, and both colors are in both of her eyes
Immor is 6'9", Immerlias is 6'6", Aryaea is 4'10" (she has a lot of heritage from short fantasy races like halflings and dwarves), and Regaya is 5'8"
ty for asking!! I probably should have put up physical descriptions a long time ago anyway lol :)
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I'm thinking about gender and specifically I am thinking about Immerlias and gender just the fact that he gives such a little shit about it in general lmao. he's just like yes I'm a boy but no I don't have a gender at all and that's very iconic of him in my opinion. I say like he's a real person and not a character I made up myself
he's like the living embodiment of that meme that's like I use he/him like the way a little bug on the ground is just a little dude. he's just a little guy. just a little guy vibin with no concept of gender of his own
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hi hello hi ik how it feels to be writer bored seeing as its my default state so i will attempt to cure ur writer bored!!!!
whats a small detail of your wip that you like a lot? what about a big one? does your wip play with symbolism? name meanings?
aaaaa thank you!! and name meanings I am hhsgshsgsvshsvs yes the names have meanings I am going to answer this out of order because oh bOY
so first of all instead of a last name, shining elves use a prefix on the first (and only!) name to indicate lineage (which can be traced through either biological parent, but if it applies smoothly, it goes by sex assigned at birth. trans people can choose whether to change their name to the other parent if they want, and you don't necessarily have to be trans to do that either, but that is generally how it goes. same sex couples able to conceive naturally generally settle naming their kids on a case by case basis.) but anyway. that prefix tends to be a noun and related to nature of some sort. for the first 20 years of a shining elf's life, they have no name, but instead a placeholder of sorts that just means child. then, when they turn 20, the Eldest and the people closest to them get together and figure out what their name will be based on their personality. It can be changed later too, if it turns out not to fit, because elves consider having a meaningful name to be incredibly important. so with that being said—
Regaya: I'm not sure what her lineage translates to, but it's probably something culturally important given that she's descended from royalty. so probably something to do with stars. her actual name, though, means agency. it wasn't always her name, and I'm not sure what her name was before she had it changed, but it was probably something docile or sweet. so she met with the Eldest and had it changed to what it is now
Immor: the first part of Immor's name means sunlight! the second part is most commonly translated to indomitable, but Immor would be more happy to describe it as meaning resilient, perseverant, steadfast, or a similar word because he feels that the common translation paints a more infallible picture of himself than he necessarily agrees with. and I do think he has conflict with his name at times—I think it gets exhausting, to identify with his ability to overcome when all be really wants is to exist peacefully with his family
Immerlias: the prefix is the same, and the suffix means joy! he's extremely happy with this, which you can probably guess is in-character, given that he was named after.... happiness. yeah. this will definitely cause some internal strife later in the narrative when he starts having to deconstruct some of his naive attitudes towards the world and overcome a dark time in his life, but eventually he will come to identify even more strongly with his name because of it
Aryaea: the prefix means bushfire, and honestly, I haven't really picked a steady meaning for the suffix. this one's harder bc she shares a name with one of Immor's old friends (now deceased) so I have to decide what they have in common that is so significant to both of their personalities, and honestly I think it's the escapist tendencies but I don't know how to spin that into a positive light with a concise meaning. adventurous, maybe?
and now to the other questions!! a really small detail I like in the very small amount that I've properly written is that in an early chapter, Immerlias is writing in his journal and spills ink on the word "happy," so he has to rewrite it. Forshadowing™️
as for a big detail, I've been working on worldbuilding out this group of nomadic people whose warriors are exclusively made up of werewolf monks who have sworn not to have any more children once they've contracted lycanthropy and joined the military/monastery, based on the belief that lycanthropy should only be a choice taken with informed consent and so to have children born naturally with the condition would go against that. the detailing here is shallow thus far but in my dnd games Aryaea typically ends up a werewolf eventually which has some really great symbolism for her has a character so I'm really excited and happy to have a reason to put it in the actual wip as well
and finally, yee, I do think my wip plays with symbolism, on levels both internal and mildly allegorical. the allegory is that capitalism bad (/hj) and then there's smaller scale stuff like using the sun as a symbol for Immerlias at times, and then there's mid tier stuff like Aryaea's lycanthropy that I think just goes really well with her specific brand of mentally-ill. I will happily ramble more about that last bit if you want me to but I have already typed So Much lmao and I already must thank you for helping cure my writey boredom :)
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How tall is Imms?
Immerlias is 6'6" or about 199 cm!
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I did a lot of my early thinking about Immerlias as a character with SAVE THE WORLD by Toby Fox on repeat and it shows
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