hopepunk-humanity · 2 years
I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers for a hopepunk rec!!!
Hopepunk recs
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writeblrsupport · 2 years
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I just wanna share a little support for @wherearetheplants ! He's an absolutely incredible writer with such cool ideas, and his writing always captivates me and leaves me heartbroken in absolutely the best way.
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inked-fables · 2 years
trick or treat!!!
🍬 treat!!
have a list of magical, mystical and mythical creatures creatures from fantasy wip ‘22 <3
- sucruor -> in-universe vampires
- fae -> including true fae, sprites, brownies & pixies. true fae are human sized, pretentious, and fierce, basically self-obsessed humans with wings. sprites are small, silly and playful, often more protective of the environment than other faefolk; often banished for a couple decades when the fae get annoyed, but are usually treated like the fae’s children. brownies live only in some villages, in large communities. they are makers and fixers, so these villages tend to have many visitors as well as carpentry shops and bakeries. pixies are the smallest and most mischievous fae creatures, often at least partially mal-intentioned. they have been banished by wizards and other fae creatures to the very deep parts of certain forests.
- nymphs -> of many different kinds
- dragons -> actually, “dragon” singular. their name is logan.
- centaurs & satyrs -> these will perhaps receive an in-universe name sometime soon but they’re pretty much the same as usual
- moonwolves & moonlions -> in-universe werewolves & were-cats
- mages -> including wizards, warlocks, sorcerers, and hags (in-universe witches; NOT the same as wizards)
- elves -> do they actually exist?? are they a myth??? hmmmm….
- hobgoblins -> they maybe exist but also they’re a bit of a wives’ tale used when things go missing/are destroyed mysteriously. ie, this vase fell off the table when all the adults were out of the house, but the teenagers claim nobody had guests and they were all in their room and they don’t have the faintest clue what happened? must have been the hobgoblins, i guess /s. often families have names for “their” hobgoblin—these names are often reminiscent of their children’s names…hmm…
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approximately20eggs · 2 years
once in a while I'm tempted to make a post about how unlike those other foolish tumblr users I am incapable of making a post that breaches containment because all of my original posts get like four notes tops. and then I realize. because ultimately everyone on this site is committed to the bit to claim I am immune to that is hubris at best, and at worst looks like I'm trying to exploit this trend of "investing" and "posts that have 10k. to me" for personal gain. however by acknowledging this I have flipped this post back on its head and have potentially made it, once again, unlikely to breach four notes. so we'll see what happens here
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transmasc-wizard · 1 year
youhre set looks like itd be in bojack horwsemaned /pos
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6 n 7!
6: do you identify with any disability movement?
the, like, generic no-fancy-name disability advocacy movement, of course. then the neuropunk movement for the neurological disability & mental illness side of things.
i also Want to identify with and interact with the cripplepunk movement more but i have impostor syndrome about Not Being Physically Disabled Enough despite the fact that all of my friends are some level of concerned for me, i daydream of mobility aids on the daily, and my average pain level each day is like 4.5 lol
7: what is one accessibility change you want the most in your day-to-day?
i know this said "one" but im just gonna list a few
a cane or crutches. the ability to use the school elevator. those grip things for pencils and paintbrushes. people just, like, giving me room to think when words are hard or i'm spacing out. being allowed to not do P.E., without it hurting my grade
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aureliarts · 2 years
hiiii quick reminder: aurelias is not a real person, my connections on wherearetheplants do not carry over to here <3
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chroniccoolness · 2 years
what good has happened recently related to your physical disability?
i don't know if this counts, but it getting worse recently has. uh. actually helped convince me that my friends care about me.
i'm complaining more, having more trouble focusing, having to be creative about when i can plan things and how long they last, sometimes just laying my head on my desk and trying to sleep mid-conversation, sitting in the back or the hall or another room during class because i'm in too much pain to participate, i can't really go out to tim's or anything for lunch anymore, etc, and yet. they're still here. they haven't gone away. if anything, we somehow hang out more. so. that's good. it's nice. i like that.
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OC in 15
tagged by: @space-writes ! Thank you!
tagging: Open Tag as well as soft tagging @enchanted-lightning-aes | @friendlyneighborhood-writer | @wherearetheplants | @oh-no-another-idea | @bloodlessheirbyjacques | @italiangothicwriteblr | @lyralit | @did-i-do-this-write | @circa-specturgia | @rose-bookblood | @memento-morri-writes |
rules: share 15 lines of dialogue that capture the vibes of your oc!
I'm doing my autistic son Raven because he's my favorite child (and I have the most actually written for him 😅)
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"I'd protect you even if it wasn't my job."
“How many times have I told you that you need to be more careful with sharp things, princess?”
 “I agree that they [Sapphire's parents] are a little much, but if I don’t do my job and get you back before they realize you’re gone, they will quite literally kill me. And I would prefer to keep my head attached to my body.”
Raven’s head whipped between the bandits now barreling towards them, and the princess. “Did you do that on purpose?” / She grinned smugly and shrugged. “Maybe.”
“I need to get out of here,” He gasped, “Can-... Can we go somewhere else, please? Somewhere that’s not so-” He squeezed his eyes shut. “...Loud?”
“I can braid hair,” He said, “I’ve mentioned before I have sisters, you think I never braided their hair?”
She shifted, turning so her back was to him. “Alright. Do your worst.” / He gently pulled her long auburn locks out of its braid, softly detangling them. “I intend to do my best, actually.”
“What about this: if you promise to be a little more careful and not put yourself in danger, I’ll-“ his face twisted in confusion and concentration for a second. “I’ll… breathe down your neck less…” He blinked, running a hand through his soft, dark brown waves. “Is that what you meant? That’s what you meant, right?” [my sweet autistic son, i love you]
"I think kidnapping someone to be their slave over a stream is more rude than what I said."
"Do you think I got all of them?" / Raven nodded to the glittery carnage in her wake. "Uh, yes, I think you did." He rubbed his sore wrists, then gestured cautiously to his sword. "Can I... have my sword back please?"
“Do you ever wish you hadn’t become my bodyguard?”  / “Sometimes-” Sapphire’s face fell and he quickly added. “-but other times I wouldn’t change it for the world. You’re the most frustrating person I’ve ever met, but… also the most happy and excited to live. I haven’t known a lot of people that were excited to just live.”
[Raven] “You’re kind of ruining my rescue plan.” / [Sapphire] “Oh, I’m ruining your plan? You’re the one ruining my escape plan-”
“I will always come for you, you understand?” He told her. His voice cracked as he choked on tears, but he couldn’t have cared less. “I will always come for you, no matter how long it takes. And if you ever end up in that awful place again, I’ll bust down those dark gates myself. You’re never going back there if I have anything to say about it.”
“What if it weren’t murder though? What if it were… an unfortunate accident? We need the life essence for the spell don’t we? And the animals we’re killing for food clearly aren’t going to make enough for the spell.” He leaned on his wagon where his princess was fast asleep under her curse. “I’m just saying-”
“No. Well-” Raven bit his lip as he watched her sleep on his shoulder. “She never got them before. After rescuing her from the sleeping curse… she gets them every night now." ... "She’s not scared of anything, ma. Or… she wasn’t… until…”
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my contribution for Mutuals Powerpoint Night!!!!!! @wherearetheplants @astralrunic @multi-lefaiye @cnnamonrolls @abouttogetshellshocked @approximately20eggs (this is @/nicola-writes' TMA sideblog btw for those confused).
anyway. one more thing under the cut :))) you should click i promise
hello jon apologies for the deception but i wanted to make sure you started reading, so i thought it best not to announce myself. now:
if i wanted to get into heaven and god said jurgein leitners waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down
if i have to deal with jurgen leitner speaking one word in person on voice in podcast not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the experience of being able to skip all the times when he is mentioned or alive
i dont even know why i hate him so much. he collects books but i am just mad because i am angy
he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some rich shithead whose just a fan of creepypasta and wanted the irl version ill go ham
BETTER have had a book make him kill a man cuz if he didnt im going to make him
episodes not even about him. vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be his library and i lost it
where the fuck is jurgen leitner if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasnt
crusty old man
ill punch leitner and his sad frail old man twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will desintegrate until all thats left of him is one final book he kept on him at all times simply titled Now You Fucked Up in ancient yiddish
im not breathing im hyperventalating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when jurgen died or will die so i can make it a reminder on my phone
everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the man who had so many fucked up if true books
(congrats on experiencing both HELLO JON and the leitner rant now <3 youre in the fandom already)
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
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wow i haven't posted art here in a little bit huh- anyway! happy valentines day, y'all! this is what i've been working on for the past few days--tale from the gas station inspired valentines! i was originally planning to do spencer, tony, and amy as well, but i ended up just doing the main trio of jack, jerry, and rosa. which, y'know, fair enough! posting this a bit early b/c i want attention <3
now i'm gonna scurry off to finish some other art i need to get done~
art taglist (ask to be added or removed!!): @wherearetheplants @skitzo-kero @nicola-writes @albatris @presidentquinn @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @approximately20eggs @jezifster @rosesandartss @astral-runic @abysslll @anexor @moonflowerrss
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piracyandpumpturns · 2 years
welcome to my heart of flowers ask game :3
at dance practice, eden encounters a girl who probably needs to get checked out by the nurse because rotting skin and bleeding wrists are usually a symptom of Not Vibing. said girl proceeds to break eden's neck and send her into spooky no people world where eden cries and reflects on how touch starved she is.
that sounds. that seems fitting i. i wish i could say this were made up (made up) but i think it must be made up (real)
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starrrberry · 2 years
the duplicity of the mind
You constantly find yourself in a maze of reality, stuck in a distorted puzzle of truth and fear. You know it's wrong, don't you? You know that the swirling pit of deception will eventually rip the final shreds of sanity from your mind, yet you can't seem to find yourself a way out of it; everytime you try, you stumble over another certainty, and you are mercilessly thrown into another endless abyss of lies.
And there are shadows that do not belong to you echoing each step you make, a blurry face inches away from yours softly places a finger under your chin, turns your head until you are forced to stare into its dark, lifeless eye. It is an unknown force, you conclude, you are but a puppet to the ones above, they are carefully manufacturing your every move to construct your truth.
Yet part of you, the part which is too afraid to speak in fear of confusing your mind even further, betrays itself and protests. Who is truly playing this game? Are you the player, the one who has the illusion of free will, but is ultimately manipulated to build your reality? or the game master; you create the narrative, yet you are still your own cruel tormentor, keeping yourself captive in a cage of your own consciousness.
In every waking moment, you ask yourself these questions, you relentlessly try to distinguish between the physical and illusory existence. But your attempts are fruitless. Slowly, you begin to believe that you were always destined to tire of the eternal questions, and so you allow yourself your final comfort, and succumb to the turmoil in your head.
Perhaps you could have found a sanctuary in the confusion, but now it is too late. ////
taglist: @wherearetheplants @funky-writer-man @nicola-writes @abysslll @crazyydamagedbyou
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
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POV: you're one of Salem's OCs and you decide to look at their blog @wherearetheplants dot tumblr dot com to check what's in store for your future
[ID: a drawing of 3 of @.wherearetheplants' OCs huddled around a computer. Keiran from Dog Teeth is sitting in a chair, with a look of shock on its face. He has fluffy blond hair, heterochromia, brown skin, and is wearing a red turtleneck and plaid shirt. Eden from Heart of Flowers is standing behind him and looks horrified. She has light brown skin, several piercings, short brown hair with bangs, a scar on her neck, and is wearing a purple tank top with a pink skirt. Jinx from At the Cemetery Gates is leaning closer from behind, with a blank expression and tiny pupils that suggest he does not like what he's reading. He has light brown skin, medium brown hair, a spiked choker, and colourful clothing. The background is a light yellow wall with darker yellow patterns. end ID.]
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approximately20eggs · 2 years
Mutual Powerpoint Night!!
I did mine on engineering hehe
tags: @multi-lefaiye @wherearetheplants @nicola-writes @astralrunic @abouttogetshellshocked @yourlocal-lichen @cnnamonrolls
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bastard-broadcast · 2 years
Are you bored of normal news? Do you ever wish news was funner to receive and had good opinions? Do you ever wish they played good music? Are you an anarchist or transsexual or bastard? Well look no farther because you've stumbled across the Bastard Broadcast! We're a local radio station from Desolatown ready to make your life way more chaotic starting now!
Blog's mainly managed by me, Misery, but you can ask for any of us! Weekly coverage of news in Deso, occasional shenanigans and horrors, and lots of fun always. Enjoy your stay and get fucken rebellious <3
Meet the Bastards:
Misery! He/they. Don't let the name fool you, I've got enough optimism to flood the fucking world.
Luka– He/him. Existential dread and lots of opinions.
Marin– They/vamp. Take no bullshit, give no bullshit.
Hunter– She/her. Full of love and lots of recepies.
Thomasin– She/her. Anarchist, psychic, amazing. Newest addition to the broadcast!
The Bastard Broadcast is a fictional radio station created by @wherearetheplants for two of his stories, At The Cemetery Gates and Transsexuals Have Got To Get Scarier! Check them out :D
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