#oc: katri
Dove Writes a Short Story (for the First Time in Months): Constellan Fairy Tales!
Written with a prompt from @inkdropsonroses  and shared for your reading pleasure! Prompt: “Aris reads Constellan fairy tales to a sick Katri to help her feel better.”
“Katri, darling, I truly think the best thing for this is some sleep." The girl's cheeks flushed red in a way her brown Constellan skin simply was not meant to do when she was healthy, and it was hard to tell if the moisture on her brow was from the cool cloth or simply sweat. It was only a virus, nothing dangerous so far as Aris could tell, but her little one was clearly miserable.
 "But it hurts," she whined as if to prove the point. "I know it does," Aris said, trying for sympathetic and probably not succeeding. "You know, Ash brought me a book when I was about your age and sick one of my first times away from home..."  Katri was still young enough to respond well to being read a story.... maybe Ash's gift would get a new lease on life on Katri's bookshelf rather than gathering dust on her own.  Katri nodded with a touch of her usual enthusiasm...and dislodged the cloth for the fourth time in fifteen minutes.
Aris stooped to pull the book out, a heavy gilded thing that she'd nearly had a heart attack imagining the price of until Ash assured her they found it "wasting away" in a secondhand bookshop (which they had promptly taken her to once she recovered enough to go out again.) It was made for children, but the illustrations were so pleasing, Ash had said they couldn't pass it up, especially not when they saw renditions of the Kutsal region folktales they had grown up hearing, but were new to Aris. With the benefit of so many years, Aris knew now that Ash had been trying to give her a bit of their home when hers clearly didn't suffice. Though Katri was from her own province, not Ash's, it seemed a good precedent. Besides, Ash had annotated their favorites for her, and Katri always liked hearing what "Arundi and Pibby" were like in their young days.  Bringing it over--still with no idea what she would read--she slid the book onto Katri's lap. "It's better if you choose. The ones with the red stars next to them are the ones Ash liked best when they were little."  Katri grinned for the first time all afternoon and promptly began hunting for Ash's messy doodles. "This one!" she said, pointing: it was a tale of a dragon that made its home in a hidden mountain pass. Ash had always loved dragons, or so they said. Aris turned to the appointed page and found an illustration of the glittering golden creature wound around its "hoard" of magical items, gifted to it by the travelers who had befriended it on their journeys. In her native Firet, dragons were fierce creatures, never to be crossed, but it seemed the "sharp edges" of their scales were "sanded down" in the tales of the mountain folk. A cynical part of her supposed the ancients had to believe the mountains were full of benevolent rather than cruel creatures, or nobody would have ever dared to settle them at all.  She did not tell Katri this, certain it would start an argument she was in no shape to have. After all, Ash would say that "dragons were large friends, you shouldn't bad-mouth them!"  "What's their name?" Katri asked as she looked at the illustration. "I want to do it in calligraphy when I'm better."  "Let's see here...oh, well, it doesn't have a name in the story, but it looks like Ash gave it a name on the side." Aris squinted a little to read Ash's messy Constellan letters-even worse than their English handwriting-but they had tried for her, and that was what counted. "It looks like...I think Ash Decreed that this dragon is called Zavmari, it's a name that means 'amber-eyed' in Kutsal dialect." As Aris began to read, it became clear that the dragon had no name because every traveler who passed it gave it a new name along with the gifts. Ash had simply been 'taking part' in the storied tradition, unable to keep their hands out of anything.  When prodded, Aris said she would have called it Liorko, "someone who brings light," and Katri chose Illionai, which meant "full of fire." Aris added her name choice like a crown on the dragon's head, and Katri added hers in a burst of flame coming from the creature's mouth when she turned the page.  Before long, Katri called Espen in to ask him to take part, and Rissa and Ione too. Ash heard what they were up to with a delighted grin and quickly began assembling a stream of well-wishers for the sick member of the family.  Once Tavi had word of it, she brought Kesha, Zira, and Peony in. Liz and Beth came with their former student, Thandie, and Tavi's triplets, boyfriend Danny, and Aris' mother  brought up the rear, Nyx insisting Aris begin the story again. Once everyone was assembled, the dragon began collecting more names in one afternoon than it probably had since the book was published. But, Katri seemed to be feeling much better, and it was agreed that when she could get out from under her blanket pile again, J, Rose, and Azura (the ‘foreigners’) would be invited to join the Constellan tradition.
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genesis-ghuleh · 2 years
finally started work on my Terzo slow burn! I debated between doing a reader or oc fic for a little while before settling on an oc.
Their name is Katri and they use any pronouns. I'll either stick to using they/them in the whole fic or switch it up between chapters
doodle of her from class under the cut because I never post art and it makes me nervous <3
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furious-blueberry0 · 5 months
Now, this what I remember from reading the wiki a month or two ago, no I ain’t checking again cause I like this idea.
Ok so, Mirialan Jedi tend to only have other Mirialans as Masters and Padawans. This is because their planet, Miarial, basically went “Yes, you can have our children and train them as Jedi, but only if they have other Mirialans to teach them, because we don’t want them to forget their culture and costumes, so you better do that” and the Jedi Order went “Sure”.
Soooooooo, following this idea, I made a lineage tree like this one here, but full of Mirialan OCs instead, enjoy my work lol
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Yes I also added some canon characters, such as Katri Urwi, Cyslin Myr, Luminara and Barriss.
Oh and already showed my dear OC Dhul here.
Since they are all of the same specie, I doubt that there would be that many force sensitives on the same planet, so the number of them tends to be small, and they only manage to have one or two Padawans in their lifetime.
Oh and I really like the idea of them living a long time, so some of them are really old here.
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eurovision-facts · 10 months
Eurovision Fact #484:
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All but one of the featured dancers from the "Herald of Darkness" interactive music video from the game Alan Wake II have danced in UMK, Finland's national final for Eurovision.
Dancer Katri Käpynen was also a dancer in a music video for the 2022 Finnish representatives, The Rasmus, though not for their Eurovision entry.
Old Gods of Asgard - Herald of Darkness (Alan Wake 2 | Official Music Video), YouTube.com.
Ida Laukkanen, IMDb.com.
Rikka Nummijoki, IMDb.com.
Katri Käpynen, IMDb.com.
Lotta Mäkinen, IMDb.com.
Joa Jokinen, IMDb.com.
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
You SHOULD bring back your OC
i am tempted. i need to redo her a little (probably a whole lot idk) as i havent touched her in at least two years now, probably longer but.. maybe? if i find something to use her for ough
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iceemoondemon · 2 years
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Steven (Strangled Red) in my version :3
(Featuring my OC, Katri OoO!)
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Help Me to Feel Again - Yuta x Emery
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I've been in my Yoots feels lately, and then with what I saw happened at All In yesterday, this happened.
Can't promise that I'm 100% back with Dark Angel- as with work and college, I'm pretty busy all the time, BUT something once in a while might pop up :)
Didn't start out like I imagined either, but I guess my mind thought there needed to be more to the story? I don't question it anymore.
Part of the Dark Angel of the Bullet Club series
Word Count: 2484
TW: dizziness, passing out, suggestive themes (but nothing descriptive)
Tag List: @katries @rainries @summertimefun1982
(border by)
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How it was already eight months into the year, Emery couldn’t understand. Another month, she felt as if her world had been turned upside down. Everything she knew, everything she had, it was slipping through her fingers- and she didn’t know where to turn or even to pick up the pieces.
Kenny was still gone, with no return in sight.
Hangman had lost his mind, no longer her lovable cowboy.
Wheeler kept his cold distance from her, being aligned with the BCC.
The Bucks…. She didn’t even want to think about how that had all gone wrong.
OC and Chuckie had moderately distanced themselves from her since the Trent betrayal- though they were slowly coming around. Slowly.
Eddie was out with an injury, with no return in sight.
Wardlow had aligned himself with a new devil, Adam, and had since ignored her completely.
Kris had turned as well, no longer the friend Emery once had.
Jungleboy was long gone, replaced by this new version of himself that he aligned with the Bucks.
Darby… was there for her, but he kept a slight distance- not wanting her to get hurt because of his antics against the Bucks.
Kyle. That seemed to be the one person she had left right now that kept her sane. Her longtime best friend. Her brother. Her rock.
 She wanted to be able to wrestle, to take her mind off of everything, but unfortunately, the doctors wouldn’t clear Emery. A wave of dizziness had caused a misstep in training last week, leading her to awkwardly fall from the top rope. Although she had shaken it off and walked away, the dizziness seemed to stick around. No concussion came up in the scans, and there was no apparent reason for the swimming vision. The doctors and Tony Khan wanted to be sure, though- be sure that she wouldn’t accidentally hurt herself or her opponent, so no matches until the dizziness was gone for two straight weeks.
It wasn’t the first time this had happened, though, and a part of her wondered if it was the beginning of the signs telling her to end her career. Back in the early stages of AEW, Emery had constant dizzy spells that on-and-off lasted for almost two months. That, however, had been the effect of a botched move, where she had awkwardly landed on the back of her neck. Doctors were surprised that she didn’t have a fractured spine and wouldn’t need any surgery.
Now? All these years later, with all the shit she’d done in the ring since then? With everything else going on around her? Maybe it was fate telling her it was time to hang up the boots. She needed someone to talk to…. But who? Emery didn’t want to worry any of her friends…. The ones she had left anyway. The one she wanted to speak to…. It wasn’t much of an option because of the company he kept. Not that it mattered; Yuta had made it obvious last year that he didn’t want anything to do with her.
Sighing, Emery got out of her chair and began walking down the hall but immediately had to stop and lean against the wall as her vision swam. A small bout of nausea crept into her gut, and she had to close her eyes, willing it to all go away.
“Hey—you okay girl?” Willow asked, walking up to her, concern lacing her voice.
“I’m—I’m good, yeah,” Emery swallowed, focusing on breathing evenly until it all passed.
“You sure? I can go get OC or Kyle—”
“No—no, it’s…. I’m fine, really,” Emery argued, her voice soft, “Just…. Stood up too fast.”
Okay, that was a lie—but the last thing Emery wanted to do was worry either of them, especially right before their match.
“Alright, well—if you need anything, just let me know, okay?” Willow told her, a small, warm smile on her face. As the feeling ebbed away, Emery opened her eyes to look at the upbeat and friendly person who had recently become a good friend, bonding over the betrayal of Trent and Kris.
“I will…. Thanks.”
With a slight nod, Willow walked off in the opposite direction. Emery closed her eyes again, taking a moment to compose herself before continuing down the hall. Maybe some fresh air would help?
Before she knew it, August had passed and it was now September. Yet another month with no change to her life. Orange and Chuck slowly became themselves again, being around Emery more often, and Orange allowed himself to smile a bit more often.
Darby had gone radio silent since his loss to Jack at All In last month—just when she needed his calming touch. It was weird—how someone so chaotic like Darby could be the calming presence in another person's life, but that’s how it was for her. That was precisely what she needed, more and more lately, as the dizziness only worsened with each passing week. Emery tried not to think about it, tried not to let those close to her see how much she was struggling, but it was getting more difficult to hide.
The night of All Out – it all changed, as hiding it became impossible. She, Willow, and Mark Briscoe were walking down the hallway of the Chicago arena, waiting for Orange to arrive. Emery was trying to be happy and supportive of her friends, as they all had important matches that night – but the nausea in her stomach was intensifying with each step. The two competitors walked in front of her as Emery followed along, keeping her eyes downcast, focusing on breathing through the discomfort. Their conversation became muddled as a sudden intense wave of dizziness hit her, causing Emery to nearly crash into the wall beside her. Suddenly, Willow’s concerned face was right there, asking her something- but Emery couldn’t hear any of the words. Mark was over Willow’s shoulder, his fatherly instincts kicking in, knowing something was wrong with the younger talent. He asked Willow questions, trying to figure out what was going on, but before Willow could provide any answers, she lurched forward to catch Emery before she hit the floor completely, the strength completely leaving her body.
“Wha’ should I do?!”
“See if you can find Orange—or Chuck—someone!”
“On it—yous keep her safe!”
Mark ran down the hall, rushing past all in his way, yelling in his Briscoe way for people to move.
“He’s a strange one,” Claudio remarked, shaking his head as he readjusted his Trios championship on his shoulder.
“You’re telling me,” Bryan chuckled, “Come on, let’s get to the locker room- get ready for our matches.”
The two older BCC members, followed by Yuta, began walking down the hall, crossing at the intersection where Briscoe had run past them. They heard the frantic voice of Willow Nightengale down the hall to their left, and each briefly glanced towards her before turning their attention back to in front of them. However, as soon as Yuta did, his head snapped back to the left, squinting his eyes to see who was on the ground beside Willow.
“Wheeler?” Claudio questioned, looking back at the younger man. As Bryan turned to look, Yuta’s eyes went wide in concern as he took off in a full sprint down the hall—every animosity and confrontation from the past two years gone from his mind.
“Ree!” Yuta exclaimed, skidding to a stop beside her unconscious form on the ground. Willow looked at him, uncertainty in her eyes, but he paid her no mind as he knelt beside them.
“What happened?” Yuta demanded, his hand reaching out to gently brush Emery’s cheek, pushing some hair behind her ear. A pained groan reverberated through her body, her already closed eyes squeezing themselves further together.
“I-I don’t know! She seemed fine, but—”
“She’s obviously not!” Yuta snapped, but when another pained groan reached his ears, he swallowed the lump in his throat, “I--- I’m sorry. There…. There has to be something---”
“I don’t know if it’s what’s going on… but she’s complained about being dizzy lately?” Willow offered.
“Dizzy?” Yuta repeated as Claudio and Bryan walked up to stand near them. As Willow nodded, Yuta traveled down memory lane to 2020, shortly after he joined AEW. When he had been with the Best Friends. When Emery and he were close…. When he had wanted to ask her out…. She had some dizzy spells back then, too—due to a head injury of sorts.
“Wheeler—we should go,” Claudio tried, attempting to pry the younger man away verbally. He and Bryan knew how Yuta felt about Emery and how he had tried everything to get her off his mind.
“I--- Where’s Cassidy? Chuck?!”
“Mark went off to find them—We were the first three to the arena…” Willow explained.
He looked up to his BCC companions, a grimace on his face when he nodded. Chuck and Orange would be there soon. It’d be okay. She’d be okay. Right?
As Yuta went to stand up, he felt a tug on his jacket and looked down, his eyes widening at the sight below him. Emery had reached out, her subconscious just barely aware of his presence. Her hand was gripping the bottom of his jacket. It took everything in him not to see it as a sign to stay.
He needed to leave. But how could he leave her there when she needed him? When she wanted him to stay?
“I--- One second….” Yuta asked of the older two as he reached up and unzipped his hoodie. It wasn’t a BCC one but a personal hoodie that he had carried for several years. Shrugging it off his body, Yuta gently placed it over Emery’s upper body, covering her head to shield her from the light around her.
“If…. If it’s the dizziness… the light will only make it worse…” Yuta explained, glancing at Willow briefly before standing up. As he did, one of the medic staff hurried over, having passed Mark Briscoe in the hall.
“Let’s give them some space…” Bryan whispered, knowing from personal experience how bad head injuries of any kind could affect a person. Yuta gave a slight nod, looking down at Emery’s form once more before following along behind Claudio and Bryan. Hopefully, the rest of the night went better for Emery and himself. As they turned the corner, Yuta heard Mark’s voice in the distance, but more importantly, when he looked up, he saw Briscoe flanked by Chuck Taylor.
“Good…. She won't be alone…”
It was nearing midnight when Emery found herself walking down a hotel hallway towards one of the rooms. Not a room she ever thought she’d be going to again- but it was something she needed to do.
Especially after the ending of All Out.
Something in her told Emery that maybe…. Just maybe…. He needed her just as much as she needed him. Stopping outside the right room, she hoped he was alone. It’d make it easier on her if she didn’t have to deal with anyone else in BCC.
Dealing with BCC was never easy for her.
They had taken her Yuta from her.
Changed him into something…. Different.
Taking a deep breath, her grip tightening on the fabric in her arms, Emery reached up and knocked on the wooden door. It seemed like forever until the tell-tale sound of a lock being turned sounded and the door slowly opened, revealing a shirtless Yuta. They stood there momentarily, neither saying a word, before Emery extended her arms towards him. The black hoodie dangled from her grip, swaying in the space between them.
“I… I wanted to return this. I know it means a lot to you.”
“Willow tell you it was mine? She didn’t have to—”
“I knew it was yours,” Emery shook her head, finally looking into his eyes for longer than a few seconds, “It’s uh—got the green stitching on the inside of the pockets…. From where your gramma patched up a hole….”
Yuta paused, his face warming up slightly at the fact that she remembered such a fact. Slowly, he reached out and gently accepted the jacket from her, “Oh… uh… Right. Thanks….”
Silence stretched between them once more before Emery spoke up, “I wanted to uh… check on you… after what happened tonight…. With Bryan. I know you looked up to him—and what happened couldn’t have been easy….”
Yuta felt his throat constrict as he recalled the moment. The BCC—Mox and Claudio, mostly—turning on Bryan like they did. Holding him back from aiding Bryan. It made him sick to his stomach. It made him want to punch someone. Yuta’s grip on the jacket tightened momentarily, not going unnoticed by Emery. His stare burned a hole in a spot on the floor behind her.
“Sorry… You probably don’t want to talk about it…. I get it…. I—I understand betrayals…. More than you know…. It seems like that’s all I’ve experienced lately, heh….” Emery gave a weak chuckle, it dying on her tongue, before she cleared her throat, “It’s… late. I’ll let you get back to bed…. Good night… Yuta….”
Slowly, she turned to walk away, but before she even stepped, a hand was clasped around her wrist. It was tight at first but loosened quickly. Emery glanced up at Yuta, who was staring at her now, his brown eyes swimming with several different emotions simultaneously.
Did he dare say what he has wanted to for years? Did he finally make the move that he should’ve years ago?
Emery herself was conflicted. Everything that had happened between her and the BCC—whether that was with the Best Friends or the Elite. Could she overlook everything—could she let herself possibly give in, for this night, allow herself to finally feel something for once- something she hadn’t done in so long?
“Stay….?” Yuta asked of her, finally making up his mind.
“I…. I don’t know…. If I should….”
Yuta tossed the jacket in his free hand, somewhere in the room, off behind him. Then, taking a considerable risk, he reached forward and pulled Emery closer to him. Chest to chest. He stared down into her wide eyes, feeling her breathing hitch in her throat at the sudden force.
“Stay?” He asked of her once more, sounding more certain of himself.
Slowly, Emery shook her head once, breathing out an ‘Okay…’, causing Yuta to give a small smile. Effortlessly, he dropped his arms to her thighs and picked her up, Emery’s arms wrapping around his head as she leaned in towards him more. Turning around, Yuta closed the door with his foot and walked them into the room's darkness.
Yesterday hadn’t gone great, but perhaps they could start the new day better?
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dahsa · 6 months
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#Gormitinatureunleashed my oc Noctis and Katry
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
Writing masterlist
Disclaimer: It is totally fine to draw fanart of my fics [tag me if you post it. I will love you forever] and that stuff, it is not okay to reupload them or to post them on another website without my permission.
@allelitesmut @homoeroticgrappling @dustinslovehandles @paradoxunknown @katries @mrsmatt @echoxshxrx @malewifemoxley @kass-the-kitten @itsnoosetome @racerchix21 @jacedoe @chuckstaylors @old-no7 @thekadster @mandiableclaw @tahiri-veyla
[send an ask or a DM if you would like to be added or removed]
Last updated: 24/09/2023
Tumblr requests/fics:
1.) Very nice, Very tired, Very evil || Prompt: “You should sleep." “I am not human. I don’t need sleep.” || Ship: Hookhausen || AU: The Bakery Au
2.) How much time ya got? || Prompt: Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley sitting in an all night diner talking about the new "adoptees" of the BCC. Bonus if you can work in Regal shipping them and a serious question on how many teeth to get Danhausen to curse Jericho. || Ship: Kingmox || Fluff
3.) Blood is as rare and as sweet as cherry wine || Prompt: have i not suffered enough? has my sacrifice been insufficient to entertain you? || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst with no happy ending
4.) BTE buddies || Prompt: “that hurt more than a brazilian wax.” || Ship: The buck brothers || OC: Jay Orton || Family fluff
5.) I love the way he looks at me || Prompt: "Waiting outside in the car after dropping the other off to ensure they at least get inside their homes safely before driving away." || Ship: bluejays and blowjobs || OC: Jay Orton || AU: the highschool AU
6.) Hand in [un]lovable hand || Prompt: “Do you trust me?” || Ship: The polycule & Southern lovin' had me a blast || OC: Jay Orton || Angst with a happy ending
7.) Getting you off is my favourite hobby || Prompt: I’m gonna stop if you don’t cum.” || Ship: Southern lovin' had me a blast || OC: Jay Orton || Fluff and smut
8.) We'll bury these old ghosts here || Prompt: “You literally don’t have to do anything to catch my attention because my eyes have never really been on anyone else other than you.” || Ship: bluejays and blowjobs || OC: Jay Orton || angst with a happy ending
9.) I need to purge my urges [I need somebody to blame] || Prompt: CM Punk trained Jay turning on him to join BCC or The Elite || Ship: Welcome home || OC: Jay Orton || AU: Elite!Jay
10.) If I said you could never touch me || Prompt: I wish you would write the conversation between Kenny and Hangman on Kenny's return. || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst with no happy ending
11.) Would you love me more? [If I killed someone for you?] || Prompt: "You're bleeding… You're bleeding bad…” || Ship: The Elite Polycule || Angst || Adam Cole gets killed
12.) We made our peace with weariness and let it be || Prompt: You were a good person once. I looked up to you" || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst with a happy ending
13.) I find myself alone at night [unless im having sex] || Prompt: "Person A gets cold during the night, and joins Person B in bed" || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst
14.) There's always some reason [To feel not good enough] || Prompt: things learned in a nearly empty diner || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst
15.) An open hand [for your other man] || Prompt: “How much did it hurt?” || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst
16.) It's fine, fine, fine [Who am I?] || Prompt: "just tell me what you need. let me give it to you?" || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst with a happy ending || Kenny is a DiD system
17.) Angel to me // Watashi ni totte tenshi || Prompt: 'how long have you known?' || Ship: Hangkenny || Kota comes to AEW [1/2]
18.) You know the distance never made a difference to me || “i can't hide from you like i hide from myself” || Golden Lovers || Kota comes to AEW [2/2]
19.) I'll tell you my sins and [you can sharpen your knife] || Prompt: "I'm starting to feel jealous when I see you with other people." || Ship: bluejays and blowjobs || OC: Jay Orton
20.) The dead man in the dream is you || Prompt: "I've got a lot of bad shit that I'm taking to my grave." || Ship: N/A || OC: Jay Orton || Trans Girl Adam Cole
21.) I picture it soft and I ache || Prompt: Singing them a lullaby || Ship: Hangkenny || Fluff || Kenny Omega's stories for young lovers [1/4]
22.) Show the method of your selfless tongue [Give me a sermon] || prompt: “are you..are you blushing?” “NO physical activity just makes me red okay” || Ship: Hangmatt || smut
23.) no lover leaves the rose garden without blood on their hands || Prompt: “if I asked, would you stay?” || Ship: Hangkenny || angst
24.) Everything stays [But it still changes] || Prompt: “Kisses that have them hiding their face in your shoulder” || Ship: Hangkenny/Golden Lovers || Angst
25.) Look at you [how could I not be in love with you] || Prompt: Leaning in without realizing and then stopping just before their lips are attached to look in the other’s eyes to see if they want this too || Ship: Hangkenny || Comfort no hurt, Fluff
26.) I could be a better [boy]friend than him || Prompt: "This is a bit weird, isn't it? Sharing a bed with a stranger." || Ship: Adam Squared || Fluff
27.) I hate what you’re doing, I hate that it feels so || Prompt: “How far is too far?” “I honestly don’t know at this point.” || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst
28.) Did you kiss me so my lips would bleed? || Prompt: "Those soft gazes you can feel burning into the side of your head, and when you look back at them, they’d either hold their gaze or they’d quickly look away so you don’t catch them staring at you." || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst
Poetry/Original works of fiction:
1.) Girl || A poem about my dysphoria || Angst
2.) Elizabeth || Original Fiction || Angst with no happy ending || Based on two alters in my system
Wrestleprompts fic prompts/warm up writings:
1.) With tears in your eyes, you begged me to stay || Prompt: It was you the whole time || Ship: Bluejays and Blowjobs || OC: Jay Orton || Angst with a happy ending || Week two
2.) We only write by the moon || Prompt: A proposal on the beach || Ship: HangKenny || Fluff || Week three
3.) Just Cole || Prompt: When the otp+ are not on a first name basis and it becomes more intimate than more technically familiar address ||Ship: Bluejays and Blowjobs || OC: Jay Orton || Fluff || Warm up writing
4.) Can we just lay here and just forget the world? || Prompt: "I just want to lay here, with you, for a little while longer." ||Ship: The polycule || OC: Jay Orton || Fluff || Warm up writing
5.) The things we used to share || Prompt: A reluctant trip to the zoo to make a partner happy || Ship: Hangkenny || Fluff || Week five
6.) Write it in ink or in blood [it's the same either way] || Prompt: "You got a tattoo of what?" || BROTP: Crimes? Crimes! [Jay Orton & Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson] || Found Family || Week six
7.) To you I'm just a man [to me you're all I am] || Prompt: N/A || Ship: hangkenny || first fic
Twelve days of Chirstmas 2023:
1.) glass on the rocks || Prompt: "I know it's winter, but you don't have to act so cold!" || Ship: Hangmatt
2.) But let me kiss your lips [so I know how it felt.] || Prompt: "Please open the door before I freeze to death." || Ship: Hangkenny
3.) Dancing on the blades, you set my heart on fire. || Prompt: "If you don't have gloves, you can just hold my hand." || Ship: Hangkenny || AU: The Highschool AU
Archive of our own exclusives:
1.) Til death do us part, please keep breaking my heart [Til it ceases to beat, please be mine] || OTP: Hungbucks || Work in progress
2.) The ghost story would be over || Ship: The BCC] || OC: Jay Orton || Work in progress
3.) Love always finds a way || OTP: we're so full of love || OC: Jay Orton || AU: The Indies AU || Discontinued
4.) You know I'm gready for love || ship: N/A || Fictober 2022 || Family fluff
5.) Jon Moxley's weird way of showing affection || Ship: N/A || Fictober 2022 || Family fluff
6.) I should have known you'd bring me heartache [Almost lovers always do] || Ship: Hangkenny || Fictober 2022 || Angst no happy ending
7.) Holding his wax wings together || OC: Jay Orton || Ship: we're so full of love || Fictober 2022 || Angst and fluff
8.) Hold on [One more time with feelings || OC: Madelyn Orton || Ship: oh my god and they were roommates || AU: The roommate AU || Half-abadoned/ Currently being re-written/re-worked
9.) je ne parle pas français Sami || OC: Madelyn Orton || Ship: oh my god and they were roommates || Prestablished relationship fluff
10.) Oh I'm so human || OC: Madelyn Orton || Ship: We could build a lego house || AU: the Mob AU || Complete
11.) Fairytales don't exist || OC: Madelyn Orton || OTP: we could build a lego house [Finn Balor/Madelyn Orton] || Angst and fluff || Complete/ Currently being reworked/re-written
12.) I am not a vessel for your good intent || Dead Girl Adam Cole || Angst/fluff || Currently being written
Requests: Open What I write for: AEW ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒
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apinchofm · 11 months
Fic Rec Friday!
Follow @gregxlucyweek as it is Grucy Week 2023!! 💜💜
Peregrinus Animus, Peregrinus Anima, Peregrinus Cor by TheModernTypewriter
The way I love this series so far! We start with Gallowglass when he is human and he meets the strangest girl who has been ripped from her own time he falls in love with. It’s the story of the Goncalves de Clermont scion and it is beautiful and angsty and I just love it! Gallowglass x OC, more Fernando, AU.
Again and Again, I’d Spend Them With You by katrie (@katrie-reads)
One of my favourites!! Really great for any cozy afternoon! Diana x Matthew.
The One I Was Dancing With by BumbleBee823 @dreamstone28737
Another part in this wonderful series in which Kate is Colin's partner at tango classes - cannot wait to see how this unfolds!
The Legacy Of Aubrey Hall by @waterlilyrose
Such a beautiful spooky fic from one of my favourite writers! Kate is a stubborn millennial who meets the ghost of the owner of the hall she takes care of. It's so wonderful!
Request - send me autumnal fics and prompts!
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lordkingsmith · 10 months
I’m doing a series where I list the canon and possible au kids of a power ranger based on their implied relationships, almost relationships and highly implied feelings towards a character. I did Kim, so onto Kat! The canon kids get placed first then the oc’s
Canon children and grandchildren:
Tommy Oliver;
JJ Oliver. He seems to be in his early to mid 20’s in comics, and is child aged in tv show. Personality wise we know he’s got a chip on his shoulder, he has a misplaced sense of danger and is perfectly happy sassing someone while they’re threatening to kill him. Seems to be messy and enjoys outdoor activities such as cross country biking and competitions and fighting and is in karate competitions. His relationship to his dad is Rocky. Unfortunately unknown how he gets on with his mom. Possibly good since she’s the one attending his competitions and Tommy is. Not. Personally I actually like JJ, but more because he’s got some interesting groundwork. Do I think he should be green? -cackles- nooooo. He’d be a more interesting Pink. We’ll see if I like his alternate reality half sister more lol. JJ is the SPD green as well as green dragon mighty Morphin ranger.
Granchildren by Tommy Oliver;
While I have made an au version of her grandsons, and will animate them, I will include the canon two. Nameless kids at the end of a Christmas special for zeo. One of them is a zeo red ranger. Technically the first canon legacy ranger, but he’s nameless and seems preoccupied. Seems on good enough terms with his grandparents and baby brother so that’s good. Their parents are unknown but their dad is probably JJ. I named the older one Ethan, too bad he was never given a canon consideration. Both these two and JJ are blank slates. This is a good and bad thing. But I like thinking this canon version is in a world where Zordon is still alive and he doesn’t know his grandparents are the first zeo rangers. Yet.
Unconfirmed second parent;
Agatha Hillard. I like the idea she’s JJ pre transition, but in the interest of being thorough. Here she is. Unknown if she’s a child or grandchild of Kat, but she is a confirmed descendant. Not really sure on her personality. Kat’s canon descendants are very light on personality sadly. She’s a pink ranger it would seem. She might be Tommy’s, she might not. We do not know.
AU children and grandchildren:
Rito Revulto;
Katri Katastrophe (help with the naming conventions of the Mystics). Aged 27. Half Mystic. His parents rule the universe. Kat, during her imprisonment and servitude to Rita got close to Rito Revulto. Very very close. She embraced her evil, and Rito taught her everything she needed. Evil power couple. Katri is prince and heir apparent of the known universe, a sprawling empire Rito and Kat created after killing everyone who’d oppose them. There are scattered handful of rangers and rebellions fighting back. Katri is very much his parents’ son, but….well. Maybe they’re wrong. Crushing hard on this reality’s version of Olivia Hart. Not associated with any color-yet. Will be black when he does finally fold. His true mystic form resembles a skeletal ghost fox. Normal form resembles Rito’s human form. Glamrock. Think 80’s sci fi space opera anime, now think power rangers. Very much a mama’s boy. Vile set him on fire when he was four to attempt to see if the kid had powers; he does but this is why Rito finally got motivated to kill Vile. Astronema is Katri’s bodyguard, and gets pulled along into redemption because he keeps trying to flirt with the resistance leader’s daughter. No; Kimberly does not like Katri lol.
A couple variations;
A more somber version of Katri is one where Kat kills Rito to rule alone. Katri has been mind controlled since he was thirteen. This one won’t become a power ranger. Struggles with his sense of identity, a lot more shy and quiet around Olivia. Wants to help Kat, but is afraid of her.
One where Kat dies and Rito rules alone; absolute wild child, very difficult to control. Leader of a team of villain rangers, is a red here. Complete idiot, but competent. He later becomes black ranger to Olivia’s white ranger. Deeply in love with his leader but she hasn’t noticed yet. He’s trying like hell to help Rito; but is afraid of him, deep down.
David Trueheart;
Gabriella Trueheart, aged 24. Tommy and Kat broke up shortly after the machine empire. Tommy got back with Kim, Kat got with his older brother. This was…maybe not the best move, and it’s only recently the two families are talking again. Gabriella is trying to connect with her cousins, but it’s not her biggest concern. She’s working her way through college, and parrying any and all attempts to make her a power ranger. She’s close to her parents, and her grandfather. She doesn’t get uncle Tommy at all. Thinks Aunt Kim’s cool. Not a fan of her cousin much. Would be black Dino ranger if she’d just accept it. She does not. Yet. Also not afraid of ratting out her uncle to her parents.
A variation is Kat and David divorced and she’s having to deal with her dad also getting together with Stan Skullovitch on top of everything else.
Eugene Skullovitch;
I thought his mild attempts at flirting were cute. They got together after Turbo’s movie. Kat realized she was never going to replace Kim for Tommy, and broke up with him. She got with Skull after a few months and some very creative ways to ask her out. They have two sons. The oldest is Squire Hillard. Aged 17. He’s average height and kind of a brilliant himbo. He lets his reputation cover him like a mask, but he’s pretty devious when he’s properly motivated. A little bit of a tail chaser. He keeps striking out, but that never stopped him. While he is a power ranger (pink), he’s having fun running a podcast questioning who the power rangers are. This cover is so good not even Kat’s figured out he’s pink turbo ranger. Looks like a surfer bro. Prefers it that way. Half brother of Spike Skullovitch. Has had to save his half brother three times so far. Barely gets along with his dad, county Sheriff Eugene Skullovitch, but they’re trying. He’s closer to Kat and like her is a professional diver. He wants to get into the Olympics. His general outfit could best be described as “someone from the peppermint forest in candyland decided to become a pirate”. He actually has a rap sheet. He’s got middle child syndrome and you can usually find him with his friends, the other Turbo rangers, or with Bulk, or egging grandmas house with Devon. He’s giving Eugene a bald spot is what he’s doing. Spike does his best, but they really don’t see eye to eye. Squire likes his big brother, there’s just a bit of frustration with him.
Devon Skullovitch, aged eleven. Unlike Squire he’s not blond and looks more like Eugene and Spike. Bulk calls him the baby buddy, and it annoys him so so much. Loves video games and fixing cars. Can eat his weight in lasagna. Not associated with any color. Knows his brother is up to something, unsure what. Often getting babysit by half brother. Is known to egg his grandmothers house. A lot. It’s a problem.
Farkas Bulkmeier;
Lois “Heavy” Bulkmeier. Aged 21. Kat got with him after being saved by Tommy and Kim, bur the relationship with Kim or Tommy never went anywhere. Tommy and Kim got back together, Kat was happy being single for the most part. Lois though was an accident baby; however Kat and Bulk make it work and do like the relationship and their kid. Heavy for his part is a lot like Bulk. Rabblerousing loudmouth with a heart of gold. Heavy got his GED and currently is working on going through community college so he can buy Ernie’s old place and take it over. It was a refuge for him as a kid and he wants to keep it going for all the kids who need a refuge, from whatever’s going on. Not associated with a color. He does, however, know who the rangers are, and helps where he can. Kat’s an Olympic diver, and Bulk is the owner of a very popular chain restaurant. Bulk’s Eats.
Kimberly Hart;
Echo Hart-Hillard. Aged 20. They were not raised by Their moms, at first. Dark Spectre used magic to make a child from the dna of the two most fearsome pink rangers he could think of, and then had said child trained. Echo first met Tommy, fresh out of divorce with his second wife Kim, and almost they killed him. He managed to talk them down and it was Zack and Billy showing up in back up who realized who Echo even was. Kim and Kat were good friends, but it was the then twelve year old assassin who inadvertently got them together. Echo’s non-binary and very very good at murder. Not associated with any color. This is probably a good thing. Specter was intending them for psycho silver, but Echo’s glad they’re not a ranger, at least for now. They got to be ring bearer at their moms wedding. Specter is still pissed he’s lost control of the murder child, and moms and teenager are currently hiding out under assumed names. They move around a lot just because Echo still finds it difficult to not solve all their problems via murder. And can’t shake the habit of calling the psycho rangers their aunts and uncles. It’s been rough but they’re happy with their moms.
Jason Lee Scott;
When Jason came back, Tommy and the rest were Zeo at that point. When he began really interacting with them again he noted to his surprise Kim had left for a scholarship after graduating a year early, and Kat Hillard was the current pink. Jason was enamored, but respected she was with Tommy.
While they defeated the Machine Empire, Tommy broke up with Kat on account of the trauma. Jason accepts he was her rebound, but they’ve been together since and he’s content, and so is Kat. They have one daughter.
Dena Louisa Scott, aged 27. Dena Louisa is a cartoonist for the local newspaper, and hopes to one day have her comic strips published across America. She also posts her little strips on her own website. The “bugaboo scouts” is a tongue in cheek recounting of the stories her parents told her about their time as rangers, though focusing on the more hilarious aspects of rangerdom. A group of tiny anthropormorphic bugs with attitude are tasked with saving picnic grove! With lots of shenanigans. Smart, quiet, though more in the line of Jason’s brand of quiet. She does have explosive anger, and has been going to therapy for it. Constantly bucks against authority figures, though she’s taught herself how to work through the urge to argue, especially if it’s a fair point. Loves her parents, who are supportive, and often does her best work while at the park. Not associated with a color. She is however part of the mentor flavored comedy duo. They offer advice, though it’s flavored by the past experience of her parents, which isn’t always helpful to the situation at hand. And Dena’s general advice is either “well hit it really hard” or “have you tried the power of friendship?” And are vague enough to not be overly helpful. Is quite nice to the monsters though, and the minions love her while their bosses. Do not. She’s successfully caused two galactic unionizations.
Aisha Campbell;
Tommy wasn't the one who managed to break Kat out of the mind control; it was Aisha. Aisha and Kat both left the rangers, and Aisha chose Tina as her replacement. They got a job together at the animal shelter, and they adopted several years later as chaos reigned around them. They have one daughter, Natalie, aged fourteen. They adopted Natalie at birth. The girl is wise beyond her years, and often too serious, but she's also got wells of dry humor and likes teasing her moms. not associated with a color, probably better off for it.
Grandchildren of Kat Hillard:
Ethan Oliver, grandson of Kat and Tommy, son of JJ. While he’s based on a canon unnamed character, this is not him. He started as a red ranger and when Rito kidnapped him to make him an evil ranger he became a blue ranger. His element is still fire, however. Due to what happened, Ethan lost the ability to speak. He is in a relationship with their sixth ranger, a purple named Milo Tekkititam. Milo is a troll and a double amputee. His suit acts as his legs, and while Ethan was the last person to warm up to Milo, he really warmed up to him. Ethan’s best friend is Chloe Bulkmeier, daughter of Kim and Bulk. Ethan’s 19. His mom’s from JJ’s undercover work. Half brother to his younger sibling, loves the kid fiercely though. Was able to break his mind control when his younger brother was placed in harm’s way.
(Undecided) Oliver, grandson of Kat and Tommy, son of JJ and Anara. Young, impetuous, kind of a firecracker, is going to give the immortals their first and only grey hairs. Loves his brother, loves power rangers. Hates Rito for taking his brother away. At ten years old he tried to kill Rito for his brother. Rito’s not really offended? He thinks it’s cute and complimented Kat on her grandson’s bloodthirst. Went about as well as you’d expect.
If I think of more I’ll add more :) Kat’s a poor lamb and needs more fleshed out children to her name. As I think of them, I’ll add the other kids to their parents I’ve already done as well. Which yes means Echo’s on Kim’s now, too 😁
@skyland2703 thoughts?
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korgbelmont · 1 year
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Male OC (Riley Keegan) x Shreya Mistry
Part 3
The day of the presentation has arrived, all the work Riley and Shreya have put in is now going to have to pay off.
Part 2
Written in the Present Tense
Tagging: @jerzwriter, @choicesficwriterscreations
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1002
Notes: I don’t own these characters, they are the property of Pixelberry Studios.
Fire & Water created on cooltext.com
In this, The Elementalists MC (Sam) is with Aster
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Arriving at Shreya's dorm room with a plate of food in one hand and a steaming drink in the other, Riley uses his foot to knock on the door. After a moment of waiting, the door is opened by Sam.
Sam - Hey, Riley. Come on in.
Riley - Thanks.
Sam steps to the side so Riley can step in and they notice the food and drink in his hands.
Sam - Breakfast on the go?
Riley - Actually, this is for Shreya, handmade by yours truly.
Shreya - Is that so?
Shreya steps out from her room and Riley gives her a smile.
Shreya - Have you had something?
Riley - I did. Promise. And slept.
Shreya - Good. So I was thinking, maybe we should head to class a bit earlier, because the only way our project is going to work is if we're outside where we practiced. So get there a bit earlier, and just explain the situation.
Riley - Okay.
Shreya - But before that. I am having that food.
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Arriving to the classroom a little bit earlier, Riley and Shreya find Katrina sat at her desk.
Katrina - You two are early.
Riley - We were hoping to ask a favour about our presentation. We can't do it in here. We need to be outside by the lake.
Katrina - Okay. I can put you both in last to do your presentation if that would help.
Shreya - Thank you, Katri-- Professor.
Riley raises an eyebrow at Shreya and Katrina laughs.
Katrina - It's okay, Shreya. We're not in session, so don't worry about using my name.
The pair take their seats as other students begin filing in.
Riley - You're on a first name basis with the Prof?
Shreya - Her brother is a friend.
Riley - Fair enough.
Once all the students are in, Katrina stands and addresses the class.
Katrina - Good morning everyone, hope you're ready for your presentations. Now, I have been asked by one pair that they go last as their presentation requires that they be elsewhere. So I ask now, is there anyone else who needs to be somewhere out of class to do their presentation?
A couple of pairs raise their hands and she writes them down under Shreya and Riley's names.
Katrina - Okay then. Who would like to go first?
Over the next few hours, pair by pair give their presentations. Riley puts his feet up on the desk to get more comfortable in order to keep his backside from going numb, and soon Shreya rests against him, laying her head on his shoulder.
The time soon comes for the class to move elsewhere as one of the pairs gives their presentation. Once they have, they all move to another location for the second pair to give their presentation, and as soon as they finish, Riley and Shreya share a look as it is now their turn.
Katrina - To the lake then?
Shreya - Yes.
They all make their way to the lake and Riley takes a deep breath. Taking their places in front of the class, they begin their presentation.
Shreya - While it took us a bit of time to figure out what to do for our presentation and combine our Magicks, we figured out that a possible life saver would be a good way to go. Riley?
Riley - So, say you're mountain climbing or doing an Arctic or Antarctic exploration and you're freezing. You can actually take the snow or any water around to do this...
Taking some of the water from the lake, he swirls it around the class and begins compressing it into snow layer by layer until they are all surrounded by a giant igloo.
Shreya - And then...
She creates flames around everyone with the heat remaining inside. Looking around, Katrina soon gives her attention to the pair with a smile and begins applauding. The others soon join her and Shreya gives a bow while Riley smiles.
Katrina - I can understand why you wanted to be outside for this one. Well done. Well done to all of you in fact. You can be expecting your feedback next week. For now though, Riley, Shreya, we would like a way out that doesn't involve drenching us.
Riley creates a door and everyone filters out with him and Shreya following last. Once back in the open quad, Riley uses his magick to put the igloo in the water. Walking to the edge of the lake, Riley sits down and soon falls back, drained of energy. Shreya stands above him, holding her hand out to him.
Shreya - Come on.
Riley - Where are we going?
Shreya - Late lunch.
Riley - I never say no to food.
He takes her hand, getting to his feet, and they begin their way inside.
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After a satisfying lunch, Riley leans back in his chair, running a hand down his face.
Shreya - Can I ask you something?
Riley - Shoot.
Shreya - Next week, there is a gala, and as a Mistry, I have to be seen. You want to come? It would be more fun with you around.
Riley leans forward, meeting her gaze with a smile.
Riley - Sure. I should warn you though, I have never been to anything so formal.
Shreya - You own a suit?
Riley - Yeah.
Shreya - Then you'll be fine. The rest of my friends will be there as well.
Riley - I've met Sam and Aster. Briefly.
Shreya - You've yet to meet Atlas, Zeph, Beckett, and Griffin.
Riley - I'll try not to make an embarrassment of myself.
Shreya - Just make sure you sleep, and I can guarantee you'll be fine.
Riley shakes his head with a laugh.
Riley - You're not dropping that anytime soon, are you?
Shreya - No.
Riley - Okay.
They spend the rest of the afternoon hanging out, taking it easy and enjoying each other's company.
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entangledmuses · 8 months
Adrian Houston - Reacher, Stranger Things, 911, One Chicago, Fandomless.
Aiyla Kartal - Royalty, Harry Potter, Fandomless
Beatrix 'Bea' Browne - Merlin, Musketeers, Reign, Historical, Robin Hood
Becka Landsworth-Bond - Bond, Fandomless
Eva Timothee - Stranger things, Fandomless
Freya Rixon - Vikings, The Last Kingdom, Reign, Narnia, The Witcher
Kaleena Viceroy - Fantasy, Fandomless, Merlin, Witcher,
Kate Steiner - Cobra Kai, Fandomless
Katri Makinen - Vikings, The Last Kingdom, Reign, Merlin
Leah Teverson - Teen Wolf, Stranger Things, Shameless, Fandomless
Morgan Kendall - Stranger things, Outerbanks, Fandomless, Water Nymph
Rosalia Menendez - Vikings, Last Kingdom, Reign
Rosalind - Last Kingdom, Robin Hood, Fantasy, Historical, Musketeers
Rylie Theakston - Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Lockwood and Co.
Seraphina Varley - Vikings. Last Kingdom. Witcher. GoT. Fandomless. Narnia. Robin Hood.
Taylor Brockhart - Powers, Werewolf, Fandomless
Walker Benson - Powers, Fae, Stranger Things, Fandomless
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
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If anyone needs me, I'll be home with my boys
WWE OCs + Takers
Violet + John
The first member of the team and most dangerous, Violet lives well and spends more than she can have. She also has two boyfriends, Finn and Seth, and has a polygamous relationship with. She does not care about casualties unless someone threatens her team .
@atiny-angel @axelwolf8109 @katries @the-iridescent-phoenix
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iceemoondemon · 2 years
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Guys guys, hear me out-
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yeonchi · 1 year
Sea Princesses: Into the Liamverse Part 10: Axolotl Princess Katrina
This is another Liamverse character created by fan pulpina amiga/Pulpina Eg mlp, a newcomer to the Liamverse. You’ll forgive me if things seem a bit all over the place because the creator repeatedly deleted and reuploaded their posts featuring Katrina, editing the design and description each time, so the character description is a combination of what I gathered up to a certain point. Like seriously, make up your mind lol.
Further instalments of this series will be produced when Liam or his fans publish descriptions for more OCs.
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Name: Katrina
Occupation: Axolotl Princess
Race: Salacian
Gender: Female
Age: 8
Likes: Being with her friend Polvina, spending time with Isa, treating Delfi like a sister, hanging out with her friends, making cookies, playing video games, pop music, studying, painting, supporting her friends, seeing the stars, Marcello
Dislikes: Fighting, jokes, people treating others badly, Ester and Tubarina taking advantage of her and Polvina, being pranked, her friends being hurt, the thought of others taking Marcello away
Polvina (best friend)
Ester (sometimes)
Tubarina (sometimes)
Daniel Camielez/Giovanny
Marcello (formerly rival, currently boyfriend)
Swordfish King Marcos
Socita (jealousy)
Katrina is a kind and friendly princess, however she is Marcello’s rival due to him making fun of her, calling her nicknames like “Katri” or “little princess”. Deep down, Katrina loves her friends and gradually, she becomes affectionate towards Marcello. Katrina is extroverted, kind and cute, however she can also be naive. Although she is best friends with Polvina, the same can’t be said for Ester and Tubarina particularly after the events of The Argument.
Katrina is an only child who never knew her parents. When she was a baby, Katrina’s mother, the Axolotl Queen, became obsessed with Drylander culture and abandoned her baby daughter to live on Dryland. As a result, Katrina’s father, the Axolotl King, was executed by the Shark King Trebon and Katrina was placed in the care of a family whose father was later revealed to be one of Bonnie’s sons. She would later be informed of her identity as a princess and enrolled as a student at the Sea School.
Polvina: Polvina is Katrina’s best friend and would never take advantage of her, always supporting Polvina and defending her if anyone tried to hurt her. They met each other from the first day of school and became friends since then. In The Diary, she joined in the search for Polvina’s red notebook. In The Argument, Katrina defended Polvina during the events of said episode, which made her feel bad even though she wasn’t at fault for anything. In Stage Fright, she worked with Ester and Tubarina to help calm Polvina down when she got stage fright.
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Ester/Tubarina: While Katrina has interacted with Ester and Tubarina, she doesn’t like how they take advantage of her and Polvina at times.
Marcello: Katrina first met Marcello during the events of The Royal Ball, where she falls in love with him at first sight and introduces herself to him. Their rivalry started sometime following the events of The Gift, where she heard Marcello badmouthing girls and berates him so fiercely that Polvina and her friends had to calm her down. It calmed down gradually over the events of the second season; during Marcello’s coral-induced coma dream as shown in Grow Up, Katrina was shown to be in love with the heavily-muscled Marcello. In reality, Katrina helped take care of Marcello while recovering from his injury in said episode. Katrina loves Marcello for being a bad boy and is the only one who likes Marcello’s victory dance as shown in Ester’s Fear. In The Scare, Katrina sat behind Marcello, clinging onto him as she and her friends listened to his scary stories.
Elektra: Katrina met Elektra during the events of The Return. She was initially suspicious of Elektra due to her interactions with Marcello, but Katrina would overcome those suspicions and become friends with Elektra. This was because Marcello never had any other interactions with Elektra aside from in The Return.
Isa: Isa lives far away from Salacia and so does Katrina. The two of them connected over this and because Katrina is an only child, she considers Isa her little sister and loves her as such.
- Katrina becomes jealous towards Socita after she learned that Marcello took a liking to her in The Piano Lesson.
- She is rather intelligent, similar to Polvina but more so the character of Blu from Rio
- She hates Carlos because he is a bully
- Aside from Isa, Katrina sees Delfi as an older sister
- She compares herself to Courtney (who tf is Courtney?) but the difference is that Katrina is calm and not bossy
- She doesn’t know how to dance (as some would say, she dances like she has two left feet)
- She is able to defend himself with fighting skills
Old designs
These were the initial images for this post reflecting old designs posted previously. As such, the last three images were retrieved from low-quality artefacts from Google Images.
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