#oc: mahendra
stbrutus · 4 months
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padawan wallet photos !!!
inspired by 404ama's post :)
im not sure if this is in legends as i haven't seen this specifically in the jedi apprentice series, but i think padawans would just grow their braid continuously (if applicable) or add beads after certain periods of time and/or notable achievements. like, in addition to the yellow band/red band/specialty ribbon system. i just think it's neat :)
but more importantly i want to see weirdo space monks with 2 foot long rat tails. is that so much to ask.
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yimmy-poo · 2 months
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This is a small community server where I will post updates on my game as I work on It! The best way to create a game for us to enjoy is to create it together!
I'd love to create a community of people so I can hear your active feedback on the game I'm creating so that I can build the greatest and cutest game possible!
This project is being created in a way that means I can work on it for as long as I would like to, constantly adding more to either Duncan and Everett's story or creating new stories for other characters, if you're interested in helping, that become a reality the best thing you can do it join my Discord to help inspire and create this passion project!
It isn't all about my game. The aim is to build a friendly and fun community where the main focus is to appreciate EVERYTHING about Hogwarts Legacy. All characters are loved equally here! If your favourite character is that one kid who shows up for two seconds in the herbology cutscene or that one random NPC who talks about hanging up fairy lights at Christmas time, I want you to come and tell me how much you love them!
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mousart · 2 months
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Finally getting back to this height chart project that’s been in the works for years and I’ve stalled because I’m reconsidering hair color. Again.
Back in 2006 when this character was whiter, he had orange hair. Over the years when I solidified his heritage in recent colorings I gave him black hair.
But now I’m trying to make this “definitive”-ish image and I’m reconsidering asking him ginger again. It’s very annoying that the thought entered my head to change it.
I’ll take suggestions. Actually, let’s do a quick poll
Previous images of the boy below the cut
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And here’s one of the original versions
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kirbsmakemesmile · 23 days
i know that miguel and his family are based on the gsa orbs but that makes me wonder what their names are in this story? :0 at first i assumed it would be easy to just use arthurian names (like percy and lance) but then i realized that they're probably hispanic and the only one thats easy to adapt is "arturo". so now i'm curious! are their names completely disconnected or are they fun wordplay like "miguel kevin"?
Yeah, so originally Miguel and his siblings are based off of the GSA orbs yeah, so because his dad is Scottish, he named the other boys Percy and Lance because he really liked those names, and his mom named him (Miguel) and his sister (Davina) more Hispanic names, so yeah! So their parents names are Anthony and Lydia. And their kids names are Miguel, Davina, Percy, and Lance. So they’re somewhat still connected like referencing Kirby, but they’ve become ocs now and that’s like the only thing that like is a reference to Kirby anymore.
As for the wordplay on the names, Miguel is the only one whose name reflects the character he was based on. Their family surname is Knight (which is like okay duh) and his middle name is Kevin (full name Miguel Kevin Knight) so yeah he’s got some name wordplay whatever, but his siblings are just like their first name and then knight. And yeah his name is super dumb and weird and I laugh at him for it.
As for Savitri and her family, since Theyre obviously based on the haltmanns, and I didn’t wanna copy the game and use those names, so I had to change their names completely. Her parents names are Sylvia and Mahendra Harishandra, and her name has obviously been changed to Savitri!
I think that’s all, so yeah! Thank you so much for the question!! I’m open to anymore questions you or anyone else has too!
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skboba-stars · 2 years
I just think that the idea of there being a 000 in the Camp that's kept as a safety precaution is so interesting because the Cam has this child who can just demolish them and they? don't realize it???
Cue them full on destroying the camp from the inside and somehow making their way to Korea and meeting up with Ijin. I'm just imagining these top two mercenary teens who are evenly matched and the SW bodyguards watching them fight and just being like
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It would also be interesting seeing how dayeon and yuna might react considering this oc of mine is afab and other than 005 and the one lady who tried to kidnap jiyeh, none of the other female/afab characters fight.
I'm considering a name for them, but I'm stuck between Khethiwe and Mahendra. Which should it be?
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helenadurazzo · 2 years
Give me a Hogwarts Legacy Character and one of my main OCs in an ask and I’ll tell you what they think of each other!
Send as many asks as you want
My Main OCs
Phineas Hearst
Marie McKay
Zsuzsi Schröder
Characters (Students)
Adelaide Oakes
Arthur Plummly
Charlotte Morrison
Evangeline Bardsley
Poppy Sweeting
Sacharissa Tugwood
Lenora Everleigh
Cressida Blume
Eric Northcott
Garreth Weasley
Lawrence Davies
Leander Prewett
Natsai Onai
Astoria Crickett
Amit Thakkar
Duncan Hobhouse
Everett Clopton
Mahendra Pehlwaan
Samantha Dale
Anne Sallow
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Imelda Reyes
Grace Pinch-Smedley
Violet McDowell
Characters (Teachers)
Phineas Nigellus Black
Matilda Weasley
Eleazar Fig
Aesop Sharp
Dinah Hecat
Mirabel Garlick
Abraham Ronen
Cuthbert Binns
Bai Howin
Chiyo Kogawa
Mudiwa Onai
Satyavati Shah
Noreen Blainey
Agnes Scribner
Gladwin Moon
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innocence-impulse · 1 year
🛏️ - Mahendra
@diverse-hearts-ocs ❄ My muse is sick and refusing to rest.
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Maybe trying to resist happened to be useless from the very beginning --- she truly needed a rest after being in the abyss, trying to discover the notebook's whereabouts. Still, she doesn't want to, because she wishes to try out the knowledge she got recently, and doesn't have the patience to wait.
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«I-I'm okay! I'm fine! I'm not a human, I don't need rest! And I don't have time for this as well!»
Unsure if it convinced him, Alice was hard to reassure as well. Of course, lack of rest might not harm her as it would a human, but it could influence at stabilizing of her powers should she need to use them at any point. Also working in this state won't be as resulting as if she'll rests for a while, but she doesn't want to spend time on nonsense from her point of view.
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diverse-hearts-ocs · 2 years
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Okay time to show my OC’s some love - My Canon’s are at a position that I feel comfortable enough to jump between blogs and hopefully I’ll be able to get to Harbingers soon too cause lord knows they are loud.  BUT my children need my attention.  Sumeru has given me LOTS to rant about - mainly with regards to Iilana but also some things with Mahendra and maybe even Oei given the power that I gave her and all...
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jeongyunhoed · 1 day
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As seen on my FF.net Also seen on my Ao3
Following the events of fifth year, a new adventure awaits for Norah Lee. Boys, exams, school events, common room parties, and old foes outside of Hogwarts. Even battling pensieve guardians was easier than this.
Main Pair: OC / Ominis Gaunt Genre: Adventure/Angst/Fluff (it's a little of everything, tbh)
KEEP IN MIND: Characters are aged up (even if the story's got them in sixth year) to make it more appropriate. Time period is leaning towards the modern day so in case you might find anachronisms in the dialogue or references, this is why. This may also be quite a lengthy fic too.
BE WARNED: Social anxiety, mentions of blood and injury, grief, drinking, kissing but nothing more than that, death (this is Hogwarts Legacy, after all)
P.P.S: Panic attacks, friendship troubles for Amit, Leander not beating the K-drama lead allegations part 4, some hints to a spicy thing happening. Norah looking so surprised with Garreth knowing the RoR as if he hasn't been inside before...👀
Chapter 23
The next few days didn't sit well for Amit, who chose to keep himself shut up in the Astronomy Tower. He had been trying to avoid Samantha, Nellie, even Norah. Unsurprisingly, the news of what happened spread like wildfire and Amit could only imagine the things being said about him, about the four of them. While he largely tried to avoid Samantha, he overheard some fellow Ravenclaws whom she told the argument to, or at least had some idea of what happened.
Samantha was dealing with this differently compared to Nellie, who had acknowledged some kind of defeat and never bothered to speak about them again. That much Amit knew.
At least there were the telescopes that currently surrounded him. He needed to focus on completing his star charts, and there were still so many tables he hadn't been able to use yet.
"I mean, I know she's the Hogwarts heroine and all, but isn't she satisfied stringing along Weasley, Sallow, Prewett, and Gaunt? Did she have to steal Thakkar too?"
"Didn't know you fancied Thakkar," One of them giggled.
Amit stopped when he overheard a few students talking a little loudly downstairs. He closed his eyes and took a breath, trying to shut out what they were saying. Yet this time he couldn't.
"Poor Nellie, poor Samantha," He heard another one say.
"The next thing we know, she might come after Abbott next? I wonder if Natty would be okay with that, I saw them snogging near the Restricted Section again."
"I love how we immediately think of Henry Abbott, not his equally gorgeous brother Ethan."
"She should be sent to Azkaban if she did try Ethan. It would be so odd knowing she's friends with Henry."
"I just hope Samantha and Nellie get even with Amit and Norah. The two of them need to be humiliated."
Amit sighed as he focused on completing his star chart. He didn't need to listen to that. He didn't want to listen to that. Did they want him to pick either of them? What the hell did they know about him? Even when he explained everything. How could he change this situation?
There wasn't anything else he could do at this point. The only way out was through. Amit took another deep breath before looking into the telescope again. It was making him think. Why did he end up being friends with Norah? Why did he agree to come with her to the mine? Why was he the only one who could speak Gobbledegook? If he could turn back time, he probably would've considered turning her request down.
Knowing what was now going on, Amit's brows furrowed in concentration as he tried to focus on his assignment. The gusts of wind that entered the Astronomy tower didn't seem to help calm him. It was a good thing, he hoped, that he wasn't hanging out with Norah for the meantime.
"There you are, Mahendra's been looking for you," Andrew suddenly appeared, and to Amit's surprise, Poppy wasn't there. "Something about the upcoming party in the common room."
There, the party. Maybe he could focus on that too. "Oh, right, what does he want me for?" Amit asked.
"I don't know, but he just said to Henry and I, if we ever came across you, to maybe go into Honeydukes or speak with Sirona about some barrels of butterbeer," Andrew shrugged. "Henry tried to look for you in the Room of Requirement, but you weren't there."
"Oh, okay then. I heard we're doing a game like the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff parties," Amit recalled, turning to face him as he sat himself down, Andrew joining him.
Andrew observed his expression. "I know you know that I know about what happened between you and Samantha."
Amit sighed. "Come to admonish me too? I really, truly wasn't ready for a relationship, nor am I currently looking for one. You knew that, Everett knows that, bloody hell a lot of you knew that."
"That, I know too," Andrew agreed. "Love is hard. But she'll get over it eventually, and this will all die down soon. And in time, you might look back and have a laugh over it, how silly we've all been."
The brunette nodded. "I've had to overhear those people down there and what they thought of me, of Samantha, of Nellie, and even Norah. They're blaming Norah for something I did, thinking that she tricked me into telling her that."
"I know," Andrew nodded. "I don't quite like how they're blaming her. Henry's had to tell off a few of our housemates for that, he doesn't believe it either."
"Of course he wouldn't, but maybe... it wasn't something I should've said at the time," Amit looked crestfallen. "...I've put my foot in my mouth this time."
Andrew chuckled. "You do tend to do that, but not on purpose."
The brunette groaned. "I shouldn't be talking, at all."
"For now, maybe," Andrew teased. "It's best to let everything take its course. Samantha will be over it eventually, and she'll move on and so will you, and before you know it, it's as if nothing happened."
"It's a good thing I'll be going home for the Christmas holidays," Amit grumbled.
Andrew hummed. "So am I. Poppy's actually coming with me this year. Her gran's allowed her to come spend Christmas with my family. It'll be a chance for them to get to know her and hopefully like her."
The two of them sat up when they heard the group of girls downstairs talk about wanting to get even on behalf of Samantha and Nellie. Amit could only hope that the Christmas holidays could allow this to die down, more so the Yule Ball.
Norah was in Hogsmeade, determined to get back to her plan of observing the peculiar tomb in the Hogsmeade graveyard. She stopped by Professor Fig's mausoleum again so as not to be suspicious. Whenever Sebastian, Ominis, or even Natty, Amit, and Henry passed by, they all told her that they've seen more people go in and never go out. That seemed to confirm her suspicions of possibly an underground network of tunnels and secret passages. She wondered how long had they been digging through the ruins, and if they had been down there long, she wondered if it was connected to the Ashwinder lair in the cellar of the Hog's Head.
After dropping off a fresh bouquet of flowers, Norah casually glanced at the tomb again, seeing someone close the iron-wrought door behind them. She looked around for anyone nearby, while reaching into her bag for an invisibility potion. As soon as she was sure no one was nearby, she cast the disillusionment charm on herself while drinking the potion.
Norah crept up to the gate and used alohomora to open it. She could hear a ruckus coming from further into the tomb as she tried to slip inside without making a sound. Norah continued toward the source of the noise and when she spotted an Ashwinder scout approaching, she quickly petrified them. She did the same to a few poachers that were emerging, invoking her ancient magic on a Poacher executioner, who turned into a chicken.
Her heart was pounding, both in nervousness and anticipation for what she might find out. This could prove to be dangerous once again if she wasn't careful, even when it hasn't really stopped her before.
"What makes you think you can be trusted? You're a child," She heard Harlow saw to someone.
"I can be trusted because I am in the same house as her. You know, the one responsible for ruining your lives."
The voice was familiar, and Norah crept closer, petrifying several poachers that passed by her and dragged their stiffened bodies to one corner where an empty treasure chest once was.
"This is quite unprecedented, even for me. Victor Rookwood would've loved to have you as an informant," Harlow was grinning as he said it. "Alright then. What was your name again? I didn't quite catch that."
"Carrow. Nicholas Carrow."
Norah's eyes widened as she spotted the figure of the Slytherin boy himself. Nicholas Carrow was going to inform them of her every move. She needed to tell people about this.
"Carrow, one of them pureblood wizards," an Ashwinder duellist commented, and everyone was evidently impressed. "Why'd you want to turn against someone from your own house anyway?"
Nicholas smirked. "For the simple reason that she does not belong in Slytherin house, much less in Hogwarts. She's the daughter of squibs, you know. They live in Mayfair, her parents."
"Mayfair, one of them posh types, eh? I heard they're swimming in money, that lot," another Ashwinder said. "Perhaps we should pay them a visit."
Norah looked horrified at the suggestion. "See? If you let me help you, we can take her down, and your business enterprise will return while we're at it," Nicholas grinned. He held out his hand. "Do we have a deal?"
Harlow hummed in his place. "You want something more to this, don't you?"
"No, not really. Just the satisfaction of having...dethroned the Hogwarts heroine. That's what they call her anyway," Nicholas smirked. "I'll be damned if some squib-born is going to succeed in the wizarding world when they've got no place here. Besides, she's already on her way down after an argument between two of our schoolmates happened. They already think she's tricking guys into leaving their partners for her."
Some Ashwinder scouts present laughed out loud. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall..."
"We could visit her parents. Got any idea where in Mayfair?" Another Ashwinder asked.
"As a matter of fact, I do, and I also know when her parents would be home," Nicholas nodded. "But first, do we have a deal?"
Harlow shook his hand. "Deal."
Norah rushed out of the tomb. Taking the disillusionment charm off, she raced toward the Hogsmeade post office. She needed to tell her parents what might happen to them. More importantly, Nicholas Carrow hated her that much to involve her family in what Harlow planned on doing. As she walked inside, she grabbed the nearest quill and a roll of parchment to write what she needed to tell them. It wouldn't be too surprising if someone also tried to intercept her letters at this point. What was important was that they were aware that they may be in danger.
She felt a tightening in her chest, a lump rising in her throat. Norah stepped outside once she paid for the letter to be sent. It felt like she couldn't breathe, and that everything around her was spinning. Norah stumbled to the back entrance of Steepley & Sons, sitting down on the porch as she tried to collect herself.
Breathe. She needed to breathe.
Who could she turn to at this moment?
Norah closed her eyes. It was beginning to get overwhelming, all the sounds she was hearing, and the feeling of spiraling out of control. Flashes of past incidents came to her, worsening the overwhelming feeling she was experiencing. What was happening to her? She kept thinking, trying to ground herself in reality.
She was rocking back and forth, trying to ground herself with the hopes that the overwhelming feeling would go away.
"Norah? Are you alright?"
Norah looked up, seeing Leander standing in front of her. The tall Gryffindor boy knelt down, gently placing his hands on her shoulders. She wanted to say something, but the words wouldn't come out of her mouth. Norah could feel her legs give in as she tried to compose herself and stand up only to fall over but Leander catching her wrists in time.
"Norah, let's take you back to the castle, hmm? Get some rest or water in you," He said. Leander pulled away and turned his back on her. "Climb onto me, I'll carry you back."
She leaned against him, her arms around his neck as Leander stood back up. "Are you sure?" She mumbled, resting her weight fully on his back.
"Yes, I'm sure," Leander assured her, holding her by the backs of her knees as he carried her to the nearest floo flame. "Slytherin dungeons," he said, and the two of them disappeared.
A calming draught and a dreamless sleep potion later and Norah was lying down in her bed. At least, she thought it was her bed as when she slowly sat up, she realized where she was. She was in the Room of Requirement, lying on a bed similar to hers in the Slytherin girls' dormitory. Nearby was a table that surprisingly had some sweets from Honeydukes as well as some pasties and cakes from the kitchens.
"Ah, Deek is pleased to see you finally awake," the house-elf beamed upon stepping inside. "Natty Onai told your tall friend to bring you here and since you looked so shaken, Deek allowed them inside, if that's alright."
"Leander," Norah smiled to herself. "I'll thank him later."
"Your friends also left some snacks for you here in case you wake up. You had quite the panic attack, as what your tall friend told me," Deek explained, a look of worry etched on his face. "Something must have troubled you so badly that you needed to be put to sleep."
The mention of it made Norah look down in embarrassment. "How...shameful. I didn't mean to worry anyone."
"Deek doesn't think it's embarrassing," The house-elf shook his head as he approached her. "If Deek may say something, it's that you need to remember what Professor Weasley told you before. Deek thinks you've been carrying a heavy burden for much too long."
Norah sighed. "I know."
Deek summoned the plate of cauldron cakes over to her. "Deek thinks you need to put some strength in you. Deek heard from the other house elves that sixth years will need to tell their heads of houses about their possible career plans after Hogwarts."
She stared at him. "Deek, you've already known this, it's not news to you since you've been here a long time."
The house elf smiled. "Eat some. Let Deek know if you'd like some more, and your friends will be coming back soon."
As soon as Deek left the adjoining room, Norah sat up straight and took one of the cauldron cakes on the plate. Feeling a kind of fullness start to come up, Norah took a few more bites until she finished it, reaching for another one to devour while she composed herself. She looked up when she heard a bit of a commotion coming from the other side which meant that some of those friends of hers had arrived.
But to her surprise, it wasn't just Natty. Garreth and Leander appeared too. Leander looked relieved while Natty and Garreth looked concerned. "What brings the two of you here?" Norah raised a brow at the two boys. She turned to Natty. "And you told them about this room?"
"Leander had you on his back, remember? Garreth made you the calming draught and the dreamless sleep potion since we were making it earlier," Natty explained.
"It felt like a blur all of a sudden," Norah looked down. "I didn't mean to make you all worry."
"Worry? When Sebastian and Ominis hear about this-" Garreth was about to say something, but paused when Natty nudged him. "I mean, are you feeling better now?"
"I suppose so, calmer might be the best way to put it," Norah nodded. "I hope I wasn't too heavy for you, Leander."
Leander raised a brow. "I said I didn't and I didn't. I'm strong enough," there was a hint of pride in his voice as he said it. "I hope it's okay we're here, Garreth and I, I mean."
"You know what? I'm fine with it," Norah nodded. "Just don't go telling everyone else about this? I've already got some kind of target on my back for what happened between Amit and Samantha. On top of that, Carrow's been suspiciously quiet and now I know why."
The mention of the Slytherin boy made them curious. "What's Carrow done this time?" Garreth questioned.
With the two redheads around, Norah suddenly wasn't sure if she should say it. Or say it all, at least. News did travel fast around the school, and now Norah had doubts as to whether nothing could really leave this room. She gave Natty a knowing look, but then turned to Garreth and Leander. "If I tell you, you two have to promise this never, ever, leaves this room," She said.
Garreth looked intrigued. "...Is Carrow going to be in trouble?"
"Maybe, but maybe not, knowing how Black is," The Slytherin girl shrugged. "Still, both of you, have to swear on your last names that this will not leave this room."
Garreth and Leander raised both their hands. "We promise," They said.
Norah turned to Garreth. "Swear on Professor Weasley," She eyed him.
"Alright! I swear on my aunt," Garreth kept nodding.
"Swear on your last name, Prewett!" Norah rounded on the taller male.
"Alright, alright, I swear on my last name!" Leander nodded, still as concerned. "What did you find out about Carrow?"
"I snuck into that Tomb in Hogsmeade," Norah explained. "I saw him talking to Harlow. He was trying to make a deal to tell them of my every move."
Natty, Garreth, and Leander gaped at her, and from the minor commotion that came from the other room where her, Norah could tell it was likely Sebastian and Ominis. Or at the very least, Ominis. As she expected, the blonde had appeared and immediately sensed the sort of tension that came over the room.
"Deek told me you were finally awake, what's happened?" Ominis sounded frazzled.
"Carrow has offered to be an informant for Harlow," Natty replied. "Norah went into the Tomb we've been observing and she saw them talking."
Ominis' expression stiffened, and the blonde immediately approached the bed. Garreth and Leander still looked shocked. "That's not all. In fact, had Carrow tried to duel with me outside Hogwarts, he would've killed me. At least that's the likely event. He offered to tell Harlow not only my every move, but where I live, where my parents live, and perhaps shake them up a bit like what he's done with Archie Bickle, Agabus Philbert, the Rabes, and Otto Dibble."
"What the fuck is that twat on?" Garreth was trying to hold back on his disgust at Norah's explanation.
"He could get expelled for doing something like that," Leander added, looking just as disgusted. "Turning you over to Harlow and the Ashwinders like an animal for slaughter..."
He stopped when he saw the way Norah, Natty, Ominis, and Garreth were looking at him. "I wouldn't be surprised if he really planned it that way. Frankly, he's only making this much fuss now," Norah said. "Then again, I was almost always away in fifth year so he couldn't have had much of a chance to spite me."
"What do you plan to do?" Ominis asked her. "Do you still want to go through with your plan to catch Harlow?"
Norah nodded. "I have to see this through. I can't stop until Harlow and his ilk are in Azkaban for what they've been doing. Again."
"I don't suppose you can have the graphorn run him over or something?" Garreth suggested.
"I will not let his Lordship become an accomplice to murder..." Norah stared at him. "...He's already run over quite a few poachers in fifth year...Besides, Carrow's family would have no trouble in killing his Lordship if they found out."
Ominis couldn't help but smile at the thought. As amused as he was with the thought of running Nicholas Carrow over with a graphorn, he was also amused at how Norah wouldn't allow it to happen again. "I'm afraid Norah's right. Nothing would thrill that family more than to kill something. If they could easily dispatch muggles and muggle-borns and get away with it, they would."
"This is why our family hates being associated with that blood status nonsense," Garreth fumed. "Because we end up getting associated with people like Carrow. No offense, Ominis."
"None taken."
Leander frowned. "Seems like you're in a tight spot there," He said.
"This just means we'll need to change our plans a little bit. The rest of us will have to move a lot quicker while you try and distract them," Natty seemed undeterred. "I will tell Henry, while you tell Sebastian what's going to happen. Perhaps you can find Amit and tell him too?"
Norah shook her head. "Amit told me he can't hang out with us for a while since his argument with Samantha spread to the rest of the school. It's best not to involve him in this anymore."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I don't want to drag him into this if he doesn't want to. Probably best we don't speak for a while."
The rest of them understood. "The Ravenclaw party is this weekend," Garreth suddenly remembered. "I doubt Carrow would be coming to that."
"Maybe I'll head to the other mine by then, where the other triptych piece was," Norah yawned. "...I wonder if there are still loyalists in that...Or if the Ashwinders found it..."
"You're not going to the Ravenclaw party?" Natty asked. "You promised you'd go to every house party."
"You're with Henry, you'll be fine," Norah teased. "And I doubt anyone would go looking for me? What's going to happen at that party anyway?"
The four of them exchanged looks. "A lot. I just brewed a new batch of my fizz-beer! Everyone's going to get absolutely sloshed again!" Garreth said proudly. "And as for party games, I heard they were going to do this little game called, 7 Minutes in Heaven."
The mention of the game made Norah snort. "I know that. Some people in the muggle school I went to before played that at parties. I think after that party, Ravenclaws are going to see people from other houses come out of their own dormitories."
Her explanation seemed to make the rest of their cheeks turn pink. Even Ominis' cheeks were a little flushed. Norah grinned. "...You don't know what happens in that game?" and she burst into laughter.
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thirstywaffles · 5 years
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So my country is in fucking shambles but we're coping by making ships and memes of highschooler/college guy ,, so here's my take on it
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thatrandomartblog · 6 years
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Another prompt plucked from @mh-presents awesome selection of “Draw Your Squad” prompts!
Vermill knows what Mahendra is bullshitting about and seizes the opportunity to call them out, much to G’Henna’s amusement!
Surce can be found here!: (X)
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avani008 · 6 years
10 Sentence Fic-Sivvu
There is a realm meant for those who have come to the end of their lives, and it is not so different from that meant for those who never lived at all.
End of Childhood
“You should be Queen,” says Mahendra suddenly, “since you’d be better at it than I”; Sivvu turns to him, expecting a joke, but his eyes are grave and serious.
Epistolary/Social Media AU
Sivvu Baahubali has added 64 new photos to the album “Stupid Things My Brother Does.”
Fusion (or Fusion AU)
Sivvu’s daemon is a ball of reddish fluff—with bright eyes and teeth no less sharp than any other fox.
When he opens his eyes in the next world, Baahubali does not see Mother or even those strangers who gave life to him; instead, he finds a child with his unruly locks and his wife’s smile.
Future Fic
“In Sivagami’s name,” she allows herself a grin, “I, Sivagami, swear to serve my subjects above all else.”
“I hardly think,” Devasena says weakly, “that we are at all prepared to have three men with the same face roaming the palace.”
Historical Era Swap
At seven, Sivvu starts planning her campaign to become prime minister; at thirty-seven, she sees her dreams fulfilled.
Role Reversal
“You should have known, Uncle,” Sivvu says sadly, “that just as one Sivagami gave you life, another would take it away.”
Sibling/s (or lack thereof)
Mahendra is annoying and idiotic but always there; she cries herself to sleep every night the first time Father sends him on campaign.
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mousart · 1 month
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The people have spoken!
All 18 of them!
The boy will be ginger
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iireniic-a · 3 years
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@diverse-hearts-ocs​ asked:  “  it was always going to end like this.  just accept your fate.  ” - Mahendra and Kaeya
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“I’ve never been one to just accept fate, you know...”
Kaeya gritted his teeth, his sword still in hand as he faced his father. Of course, he wasn’t making any moves just yet, or anything of the sort. However, it was clear that he wasn’t just going to bow his head and accept whatever it was that his father had in mind.
Somehow, being told to just accept his fate rubbed him the wrong way, and made him feel even more defiant. Perhaps out of spite? He couldn’t really be sure at this point.
“Actually, I guess you wouldn’t know that, given that you weren’t exactly around, huh?”
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teambaahubali · 5 years
Challenge Five: Daan
This week, we’ve made it to the theme of What, or “What can we do for each other?” As you might have guessed, the fic and art prompts are individualized to each team -- but multiple entries per prompt are allowed and encouraged!
Fic: Here are the separate prompts by team. First off, Team Mahishmati, your prompts are as follow:
1. Bhallaladeva finds an unlikely ally, and the name is Voldemort.
2. A crossover with any K-Pop Music Video of your choice
3. Amnesia AU: Kattappa wakes up one fine morning and forgets his loyalty towards Mahishmati.
4. If Devasena were Dassin (based on Ankur’s amazing art)
5. Vikramadeva, believed by all to be dead, secretly follows the knife-wielder (from the Nadaswaram scene) and Kumara Varma
6.  Amarendra is the one who’s the hero of the statue scene. Mahendra arrives too. They don’t know each other. Next?
7.  Baahu and Bhalla switch places, and both aren’t purely good, or bad, but grey instead.
8.  Sivagami decides to stay Regent even when Baahu chooses Devasena over the throne. She doesn’t crown Bhalla King.
9.  Anything Sivagami/Kattappa, as long as there is no explicit content, non-con, etc
10. (We know this is nasty but) the whole Baahubali saga from Bijju’s POV
Team Kuntala, your challenge is below:
1. Write a universe where things turn out better between Baahu and Bijjala, relationship-wise
 2. Write a universe where Sivagami and Bhalla actually communicate after Baahu goes off to the trip 
3. Five times Bijjala was kind to Baahu and once (non-canon) he wasn't 
4. Baahu and Devasena switch places for one?? (Baahu In Kuntala, Devasena Sivagami’s adopted daughter in Mahishmati ) 
5. Baahu survives his injuries somehow and returns to his house which is burned down. He thinks they’re dead so he freaks out and leaves. Devasena assumes he is dead. Shivu raised by Sanga as usual, Baahu becomes Robin Hoodish on the outskirts under a fake name not knowing about anyone’s survival. 
 6. Baahu and Sivagami, Ghosts from the past 
7. Devasena and Jayasena/Sumitra, she learns archery (bonus points if Mahabharata is mentioned 
8. Devasena and Avanthika switch roles- (i.e. Avantika is Amarendra’s wife and Mahendra’s mother, Devasena is Mahendra’s queen) 
9. Baby Mahendra is adopted by a neighboring royal family, not by Sanga. 
10. Baahu and Sivagami are taken prisoner by the Kalakeya army. Bhalla does nothing to get them out.
Art: Again, splitting this up by teams--Mahishmati, you’re up first:
1. Bijjaladeva aesthetic
2. Bhallaladeva– Slytherin aesthetic
3. Devasena as a warrior goddess
4. Bijjaladeva as a Shakespearean villain
5. Vaidehi aesthetic
6. Vallabhi aesthetic
7. Kattappa– Hufflepuff aesthetic
8. Kattappa/Aslam Khan aesthetic (as a romantic pairing)
9. Bhallaladeva/Kumara Varma aesthetic (as a romantic pairing)
10. Amarendra as a Greek god
And as for Team Kuntala:
1. Bhalla-Sivagami moments 
2. Devasena-Kattappa moments. 
3. Bhalla and Katappa, Solidarity 
4. Amarendra Baahubali, First Among Equals 
5. Avanthika, wedding gifts from her husband 
6. Kumaravarma, the funeral he never had but the memorial ceremony he deserved 
 7. Amarendra Baahubali’s last possessions for his son 
8. Katappa, the taste of freedom 
 9. Sanga, Yashoda or the Krittikas? 
10. Devasena, remorse and regrets
Meta: Recommendations from our friends are always welcome! Make a list of fic/art recommendations with a certain theme (ie, “ Best Sivagami Graphics″ “Favorite Bhalla/OC Fics” “The Top 5 Weirdest Baahubali Fics I’ve Read”). All entries must be by someone other than the creator of the rec list, and must have a minimum of 3-5 entries!
Fandom: Sometimes the best gifts are those that are anonymous. For this part of the challenge, brighten someone else’s day by either (a) leaving a gift fic for anyone in the fandom in the Baahubali Birthday Collection, *** which will open on Amarendra’s birthday, Aadi Amavasi/July 31 or (b) submit a work of art/graphic/gifset to the @teambaahubali  Tumblr to be revealed on July 31! 
***As an entirely optional part of the challenge, you can also leave a wish list of prompts/characters you love on your personal Tumblr blog, whether or not you are part of the Team Baahubali challenge. Also, anonymous comments and all the other gifts in this category can be sent to any member of the fandom, as long as it’s Baahubali themed--they don’t have to be signed up for the challenge. 
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innocence-impulse · 3 months
"Some would call me a monster...so why do you see me so differently?" - Mahendra
@diverse-hearts-ocs ❄︎ Unprompted!
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It gives her a sore throat just by mentioning this awful word. After all, it's as stressful for her, and her past, though she tried hard enough to forget, can't be easily put away, unfortunately. It still haunts her and affects her life to this day, and though she became good at hiding it, as well as her true nature, from most people, she couldn't fully accept what she was. Even though it made her unique, it made her just as lonely at the same time.
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«Because…I was in that same position. Children made fun of me, their parents were scared I would freeze them. But I could never do that to a living person. However, I must admit I had a bad grasp on my abilities in my childhood…...»
A moment of silence for a good five minutes followed, since It's a painful part of her memories, not the one you share with strangers, or someone you barely know. It's not like she fully trusts him, but alas, they had the same experience, it seems.
Maybe it even made them…closer than the rest of the people. Could that be why she feels something familiar in him? Well, she won't deny it, but she'll always be nervous and vary around anyone she doesn't know well quite yet.
«...so, I was called a monster during my childhood. Many times. Parents had to hide away in a cabin, so no one would know where we were. People are quick to judge what makes them scared…I think, you know that as good as I am, don't you?»
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