#oc: marguerite webber
astoldbychae · 2 months
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Ms. Webber, if ya nasty. 😛
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walkingshcdow-a · 7 years
8, 12, 23?
Pretend Munday | Accepting!
8. what is each of your muses otps? notps?
I feel called out af. OK. I’ll be honest because you catch more flies with the truth than with- ANYWAY.
We’ll get Erik out of the way FIRST because he is probably my most controversial and high-interest muse for people where shipping is concerned. I don’t ship Erik much, or rather, I don’t ship him with other RPers much because his OTPs are:
Pharoga (Erik/Nadir)
That’s it. My Erik is Kay-based and I saw these two relationships in the Kay novel as having the possibility to bloom into love. I write Nadir, so very often, I will write Erik and Nadir in a relationship with one another. I loved the idea of Pharoga when I read Leroux in 2005; when I read Kay shortly after, it was cemented in my brain that Nadir and Erik were in love. I can cite plenty of canonical evidence from the book, but  even if I’m not citing evidence, this is THAT SHIP for me. The one that I will ship no matter what. Susan Kay could show up at my door RIGHT NOW and tell me “No, Erik and Nadir were two straight men who did not have romantic feelings for each other” and I would just link her to my AO3 page and tell her this was the new canon. Gaston Leroux could show up from the grave and tell me that Pharoga was never a thing and should never be a thing and I’d cross his ass back over to the spirit realm and go about my day, shipping Pharoga. Erik/Luciana is my dark horse, guilty-pleasure ship. I’ve written it (with great success!) with @thefavoritedaughter. It requires a lot of character growth, but it is worth it. I think people tend to forget that Erik and Luciana were children when they knew each other and hold Luciana to the standards they would hold an adult woman. They were kids. Teenagers. I work with teenagers. Let me tell you something: they are irrational critters. Emotional, developing... I just wish these two had gotten a fairer shot and that the Phandom didn’t out-and-out hate Luciana for responding in the realistic and immature fashion she did when seeing Erik’s face for the first time.
I don’t have any other romantic ships for Erik that I’m particularly interested in. I’ve done Erik/Meg in the past, but I don’t think I will again because the more I’ve thought on it, the version of Meg that Erik would be compatible with could not be Christine’s best friend and that undermines a female friendship to make a problematic ship work and that’s.... gross. I don’t want to get into it again. Likewise, I don’t have any OCs I ship Erik with. I’m not looking to ship him with OCs or other canon characters (within PotO or outside of it) because I’ve had people literally make muses to try to ship with my Erik and I’m just so done. I’ve been playing him since 2005-ish. I am Tired.
Of course, those aren’t even my NOTPs. My NOTPs  are:
I’ll start with Erik/Christine. For starts, you read that right. I did say “NOTP”. As in I don’t ship them, have never shipped them, and will never ship them. I think they have a fascinating dynamic, but it is not a relationship between equals. It is not a respectful, healthy, loving relationship. It does not have the potential to be, due to Erik’s abusive, manipulative, and violent actions against Christine. People who believe she was the only one who “saw” or “understood” Erik are ignoring the very meaningful relationships he had - in Kay, anyways - with Giovanni, Nadir Khan, and Charles Garnier. (Look at that! Erik has healthy parent/child, best friendship/possible romance, and definite best buddy work partnerships in Kay canon!) He was seen - at least in Kay - and loved for what and who he was. But even in looking at non-Kay versions, even if Christine is the first soul to show him compassion, much less understanding, it doesn’t erase his behavior; it doesn’t justify his behavior. And compassion and romantic love are not the same things. So, while Erik and Christine have an intense and fascinating dynamic, I do not find it romantic, I do not wish to write it. I don’t even want to read it. I generally pretend the counterpoint in Kay didn’t happen. “Hey, remember when Susan Kay stayed in her lane and left off right before Leroux’s novel began?”  (Ok, actually, I acknowledge the counterpoint when I’m talking OOC; my IC representation of Erik does not stick to his canon emotions or all of his canon actions. I tend to defer to Leroux or Webber, depending on what’s at hand.)
I also don’t ship Erik/Raoul and I didn’t think I had to tell people it was a NOTP until like... a week ago when one of my friends reminded me people genuinely ship it. 
Okay. That’s Erik done. Next up, we’ll talk Nadir Khan. OTPs include:
I explained Pharoga. Rookheeya is Nadir’s deceased wife in canon. I love her. I also would be so willing to OT3 Erik/Nadir/Rookheeya, except where Nadir is with both of them and Erik and Rookheeya have a respectful friendship that does not include romance or sex. Idk. That’s just an idea. 
NOTPs include
This is my only (current) hard “no”. And that’s because my NPC Darius is Nadir’s illegitimate half-brother. I also refuse to ship Nadir with @exitiumparit‘s Christine BECAUSE THAT IS HIS DAUGHTER. IDK how I feel about other Christines on this matter - I’ve never really thought about it. I just wanted to tag Haley in a post where I complain about E/C (see previous). Now I’m trying to imagine what I’d do if a Christine approached me and I feel lost. Why did I do this? 
Meg Giry
None, but I think Meg/Christine is super cute and I NEED IT. 
None, but I’m not about to do Erik/Meg any time soon
Sorelli/Philippe (even though I know they can’t be endgame)
I also want to shout-out at @fantomexnoir for that one time we planned Erik/Sorelli and it was bad ass. 
More general NOTP thoughts on all my muses - I don’t ship with minors (I don’t write with minors, but I also don’t ship adult muses with underage muses), I don’t ship incest. 
Mor general OTP thoughts on all of my muses - all of my muses are queer, most of them could be persuaded to be in a polyship. I love shipping, but I don’t live for it. 
12. what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
I’m Kay-based is a good starting point. 
Read each of my muses’ notes pages - at the bottom of their bios, there’ll be a link that says “notes” - for more specific things. 
This blog is smut-free, but there are still a lot of really adult themes, so let me know if you need something tagged or avoided in RP. 
23. which muses’ fandom do you like the best?
All my muses over here are PotO... sooooo probably my Frankenstein fandom. XD
Seriously though, I just love the classic lit fandom (or, rather, the loose archipelago of classic lit and classic lit inspired bloggers) that I’ve befriended. Whether it’s my Salt Squad, Frankenfriends, the Percy to my Marguerite, or the numerous amazing OC friends I’ve made.... Thank you for welcoming me and my small army into your hearts.
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astoldbychae · 2 months
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something light before heading out to run errands.
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astoldbychae · 2 months
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midnight swims.
Maybe in an alternate universe they end up happily ever after. . .🙃
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astoldbychae · 3 months
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a quick story post before heading out for seafood at Fin & Shell.
Although Marguerite is relatively private, every now and again a quick little glimpse into her private life makes it's way to her story, just to keep the girlies on their toes (I guess).
She may...or may not...regret posting her man, her man, her man in the morning. 🙃
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astoldbychae · 1 month
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astoldbychae · 2 months
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"My way, huh? Say less. . ." 😏 [NSFW]
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astoldbychae · 27 days
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The way he just quietly stares at her…Welp, there goes my ankles 🫠
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astoldbychae · 3 months
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Spent damn near all afternoon on Pinterest planning/getting inspo for her hair salon, just to hop in game and put her ass in cas. 😩 Welp, I tried. LMAO.
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astoldbychae · 2 months
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🫠 *bites knuckle*
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astoldbychae · 2 months
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Like clockwork. . .🙄
I've been away for a minute because life but I had a little bit of time last night to write some story ideas down in my notebook & open my game for a bit. Girl, I went in game to check in on Scar (and feed/play with his dogs before they try and run away again) AND to decorate Marguerite's SAN SEQUOIA house (finally)...to find her ass at Scar's lil spot in WINDENBURG. She was standing outside the front door looking at me like I was the one who did something to her. 😩
Her ass flew across the damn country to cuss his ass out for not answering her calls. I AM WEAK! When I last left her ass, she was about to make a Target run in SAN SEQUOIA for snacks. WHYYYYYY are you in WINDENBURG babes!? I thought you said...and I quote..."Fuck him"
I thought you was done, sis!
Then...He kept getting phone calls from "Big Booty Bria" (He's a damn fool for saving her in his phone as that & I wanna kick him in his throat for it BUT NO LIES WERE TOLD THERE SIR...Ma'am is working with a whole lotta something) Anywho, apparently, she used to buy weed from him and they ran into each other in the club. In my game, Windenburg isn't far from San Myshuno (Lykke Center is where the city folks go to party cause San My isn't big enough). Bria used to be in San Myshuno/Windenburg doing Influencer things all last year, so I'm assuming that's where it all started...But it looks like there is a teensy bit more to their story...
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These MF waste NO time. They really be on the finest ones in the save like white on rice. Like sir, PLEASE! I mean I understand but still PLEASE...GET OFF OF HER! She kept calling him while Marguerite was trying to argue with him, asking him to come over but of course he chose to fuck the attitude out of Marguerite (or at least tried to before my game crashed). He has the Insatiably Lustful Wicked Attribute and sex is ALWAYS on his mind and Marguerite was already right there.
I'm trying to wait it out to see how long it'll take before he has the whim to break up with her. 🙃
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astoldbychae · 8 months
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Marguerite Webber (Carmelo's Ex-Wife) has entered the chat . . . 🥴
She was his high school sweetheart and they have 2 daughters together; Genesis (child) and Eden (toddler). They divorced due to her stepping out on him and having a child with someone else during their marriage. GIRL, A WHOLE ASS MESS. Although Melo initiated the divorce, She didn't expect him to move on. She thought somehow they would manage to come back together but Monet became that listening ear...and BOOM! here we are today.
She's been on a few "dates" with other men (him and him) but of course her heart is still heavy for Melo (but you ain't heard that from me). 🙃
Fun fact: She's an Evil Vampire in game. Monet is actually a Vamp too (so is her older brother which is Melo's good friend from high school). Both ladies were random townie make overs and I didn't notice they were occults until I was damn near done making them over BOTH times (the stand still in cas mod got my ass lmao). So I just rolled with. Apparently Mel's gotta thing for the Vamps honey *shrugs*
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astoldbychae · 5 months
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Exhibit B of why we can never have nice things. . .
Ain't a damn thing wrong. This heffa just wakes up every morning choosing violence. 😩 She called Scar during her smoke break and he didn't answer fast enough, now she's pissed and fussin' + cussin him out via voicemail. GIRL. Take your ass back in the shop and do some hair!
And now her overly dramatic ass wants to break up with him.🙄 Let's see if she's singing this same tune when he comes back from Windenburg and she's pinned up on the wall with her ankles over his shoulders. THEY GET ON MY DAMN NERVESSSSSSS
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astoldbychae · 4 months
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When she's not enraged and 'Lily Feng stompin' around San Sequoia, she's smirking & ordering bottomless Gently Lily's at her fave restaurant/bar. 🙄
It's Friday (in game), so She took a day off from work just to have a solo lunch date while the girls were in school/daycare.
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astoldbychae · 5 months
You deserve Roses. . .🌹
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While the girls are at their dad's for the weekend (and her sister is babysitting Egypt), Marguerite booked a last minute flight to Windenburg to be with her boo thang, Scar. They've been arguing a lot lately since He's been busy for the past month meeting with new Distro's (girl, I binged Power and have been lusting over Ghost...and Cane Tejada a few months ago and now I'm here 🥴) and restructuring his gang. He's looking to expand 15th Street, so that sorta, kinda got in the way of spending time with her.
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Although they're not official, He cares a bout her quite a bit. More than he's ever really cared about any woman (but balancing business and pleasure to the capacity she desires has been a struggle for him)
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They're situation is already long distance with her being in San Sequoia and him in Chestnut Ridge. Add in him traveling to WIndenburg, it's been more of challenge than usual to see one another. However, He always makes sure to send her Roses (her favorite flower) to let her know he's thinking about her, during the times that they can't speak. Since she booked her flight last minute, he was able to give her flowers and a cute little note in person
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...and She's been looking at him like she wants to get him pregnant all. night. long.
GIRL! 😩 He spoils her with things all the time but time isn't really something he can give her much of these days. However, her toxic ass is standing right beside him. I be tryna tell her to stand up but she doesn't wanna hear it. He makes her weak in the knees, so Imma just let ol' girl be great for now.
His traits: Jealous, Art Lover, Hates Children with the Public Enemy aspiration. Her traits: Loner, Evil, Lactose Intolerant with Lady of the Knits aspiration (She owns a hair salon & a hair company, so she makes/sells wigs, so in my mind her knitting skill is like she's sewing wigs...🙃)
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astoldbychae · 5 months
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Marguerite and her siblings; Jerrica (Left), Trace (Middle), & Dayana (Right)
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[L to R] Jerrica, Dayana, Marguerite, & Trace
Marguerite is the eldest sibling, then its Jerrica, Trace, and Dayana.
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