#oc: natasha
art-banhana · 8 months
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Happy New Year!! Sero with nyas girlfriend Natasha :3
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living-in-a-fantasia · 2 months
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vampfucker666 · 5 months
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teddytedbert · 1 year
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What took you so long?! I’ve been waiting here foreeeeever just for you!
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brokenhardies · 2 years
stepdaughter now has names;
the name she introduces herself as is natasha, because she doesn't remember her real name
her real name - which she is referred to by in flashbacks - is alyona
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darkwaveho · 1 month
Mini Burden
Summary: Natasha's act of gentle parenting goes out the window for the first time.
Warnings: mentions of spanking, verbal abuse?, gaslighting, guilt tripping, toxic relationship, angst, unresolved trauma.
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You never thought your daughter would return from an outing with Natasha with tears streaming down her face and so distraught. she runs into the house searching for you screaming your name. it's clear in her voice that she's upset. it isn't out of the ordinary that she comes home crying or upset because she didn't get what she wanted at the store or something so small as not stopping for ice cream before having dinner.
when she finds you in the kitchen, she practically runs into you clinching your legs as she cries into your jeans. "What happened Ana?" you soothe her as much as you can to get the words to come out clearly. Natasha still hasn't said anything on the situation or what happened. she doesn't even seem bothered by how upset she is. "M-mama." She stutters her words, your means to calming her down do nothing, you will get down to the problem, but your priority right now is to calm her heartbeat and break the potential fever that was coming on. you pick her up in your arms and head upstairs, you glance at Natasha on your way out and her facial expression gives you nothing. she's showing no emotions behind her eyes. she doesn't whisper to you on your way-out bout telling you the details later like she normally does and that scares you. it takes you about an hour to calm Anastasia down, she fought you on giving her a bath, she picked at her dino nuggets barely eating them, something serious has happened. You put Anastasia under neath her blanket. "Ana, can you tell me what happened at the store with mama?" her eyes fill with tears again and you're quick to reassure her. "Hey, it's okay." you gently rub her cheek with your thumb. "I wanted a new toy, mama said no it I really wanted it, mama told me to put it back."
"And what did you do?" you wait for the rest of the story, you know ana isn't entirely innocent she played a part in whatever this situation is. you concern is the outcome of whatever Natasha did because of it. "I knocked the other toys on the floor, and mama told me to pick it up. I didn't want to." you sigh softly knowing that this type of behavior is not acceptable or tolerated. "Ana, you know that's not okay." she nods her head slightly, understanding that her actions were wrong. "Keep going."
"She did the count down, but I still didn't pick them up." Natasha patience was wearing down you're sure of it, especially when the countdown isn't working. "She yelled at me to pick them up and when I yelled back at her she-"
"I thought we agreed to never do that?" you burst into the room finally, Natasha thought you wouldn't even be sleeping in the same bed as her tonight. she looks up from her phone after typing away at the keyboard for a moment. she's not even surprised that ana told you what happened, but the worst part is she doesn't look remorseful.
"Yeah, well its clearly not working. She thinks she can do whatever she wants whenever she wants but we have to remember that we are the parent here y/n."
"There are other ways to discipline, we've been doing that already so what was so out of the ordinary today that you couldn't stick to it?"
"It was a few taps on the butt she'll be fine." Natasha waves that sentence off as if that means nothing to her. this is what you were afraid of when you two had talks about starting a family. unresolved issue within Natsha's past have kept you from wanting a child with her amongst other things but she put in the work to prove that she can be better, that she is better than her parents, you don't know what happened to that mentality today.
"She's not fine Natasha!" you raise your voice pointing at the door, the image of Anastasia bawling her eyes out as she ran into the house is frozen in your mind. "You popped our daughter because she's not old enough to fully control or express her emotions?"
"You should've saw the way she acted in that store, people stared at me!"
"So, she had a tantrum, she's fucking six-years old!"
"I am sick, sick of this gentle parenting bullshit! I have to walk around on eggshells about correcting my own daughter's actions." Natasha makes it point to throw her jacker across the room. it's fitting that she's having a tantrum of her own right now, but you bite your tongue.
"Did you have this same sentiment when you were in Ana's shoes?"
"Were you this passionate about child discipline when you were the one receiving a back hand to the face? or a bruise to your skin, or a harsh and unforgivable word spit out at you with disgust?"
"That is not the same!"
"Isn't it though? it was nothing gentle about Alexei's parenting and even Melina didn't do her job right as a mother, she failed to protect you."
"That's great, it always comes back to this huh? I'm the thing."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm the thing in this house, I'm the thing in the relationship. I am the thing that's broken and will always remain broken. That part of me will never be fixed as much as I try to be what you want me to be for you and for our family." you open your mouth to speak, to stop her from breaking down her own progress even though she's done that the moment her hand came down against Anastasia. Natasha doesn't give you the chance to speak. "I chose to go against your script one time and now I am the winner of the worst mother in the world award. "Throwing my past back into my face to make me feel like shit about disciplining our daughter." you've had enough. you won't allow her to do this. you storm towards her fuming figure matching her anger. insinuating your words with a shove or pressing a finger into her chest the more upset it makes you.
"You seem to have forgot that she not just your daughter, she's our daughter and we agreed, mutually! We agreed to never place a hand on her, ever! you will not guilt trip me or gaslight me into thinking that what you did today is okay. Not this time, not when it comes to her!" In the past you were accustomed to taking Natasha back even when gaslighted, even when she was dead wrong, even when she knew she was wrong she still found a way to flip the script and make it about her being the victim. you don't want to hear her anymore, you're heard enough, you don't know who you're talking to right now. this was not your girlfriend; this was not the mother of your child. Natasha waits for you to say something else, she's looking for you to fight her, she'd argue with you all night long if you let her. You turn around quickly leaving out of the bedroom and slamming the door behind you. Natasha doesn't chase you; she doesn't scream after you, she lets you go. she lets you go to whatever room in this house you want to go to.
When Natasha wakes woken up to an empty bed, and a quiet house she knows you're not there, she knows her daughter isn't there. reflections of the argument hit her like a tidal wave. images of her daughter with tears streaming down her face and flinch of her body the moment Natasha tried to put her in the car seat correctly. it was too late; the damage had been done. even though her anger has simmered down to not even being a factor that would not be the case for you and Anastasia. You don't answer her calls, you don't answer her texts, you turn off Anastasia's location on her iPad as well as blocking Natasha's number. it would actually stop her from finding you, but you don't want her having immediate access to Anastasia, not right now. Natasha flops down into her office chair pouring another glass of alcohol, she's lost track of how many she's had, she doesn't care she'll take anything to numb her pain. Natasha drowns her thoughts in the glass of whiskey, drinking her problems away seem to be a better option right now than to constantly blow up your phone or to randomly pop up at your hotel room furthering the fear her daughter now has of her. She unlocks a drawer in her desk with shaky hands she retrieves a heavy file, and as she opens it a few photos fall onto the floor.
She doesn't pick those up, she spreads the Polaroid photos out across her desk. Each picture is of her through the years with a new bruise or injury. each photo holds a different story, a different reason for each bruise, black eye or broken bone. Those are photos you took of her, photos that she asked you to take, no matter how many times you denied. You did what she requested. She kept them. She kept the reminder of what she went through and here she is exhibiting the same behavior towards her daughter. Nastasha doesn't notice it immediately but the drop of fallen tears hitting her cherry wood desk makes her aware. She is crying. She hurt her daughter, not only emotionally but physically. Natasha feels sick to her stomach, she doesn't know how to make this up she doesn't even know if she should have the privilege of being a mom. Would her daughter hate her for the rest of her life? Would you leave and take Anastasia from her for good? and the bigger question is Can she be forgiven?
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so-very-small · 3 months
we should acknowledge the parasocial relationship we have with g/t oc���s seen in the tags on the regular. like it’s not just ‘omg cool art!’ anymore but also ‘omg its my beloved giant friend Holly’. i see Kip and Henry and wave like they’re neighbors i see when out checking the mail. Jason and Natasha are like family friends who’s posts i like on instagram. Chrome and Poppy? they are more famous than Beyonce to me. i love everyones OCs and i love seeing them so much
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keetydraws · 2 years
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Gay Laundry ❤️
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katyaromanoffpetrova · 3 months
Is this the end? (part I)
Katya is new at SHIELD. When she messes up during her probation, she thinks Fury will send her away. To ease the pain, she distances herself from Nat.
• Natasha Romanoff x Fem!OC • Wordcount: 2.6k • Warnings: angst, mentions of self-harm (not detailed) •A/N: I couldn't fit everything into one post, so there will be a part two in a few day's time :) Masterlist
Do not repost my work as your own or translate my work!!
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The Triskelion slowly emerged in the distance. Tall, massive, impressive. A building fit for a strong organization like SHIELD. A statement to scare off their enemies.
It used to intimidate Katya too, back when she worked for that enemy. All Hydra agents were warned to stay far away from SHIELD HQ, unless they wanted to die. 
But in the past few months, it had amazingly become her safe space. A place where she could breathe for the first time in her life. A place she eagerly returned to.
Not right now, though. 
On this sunny, late afternoon in cold November, Katya dreaded landing the Quinjet on the flight deck and getting out. Her hands shook as she pressed the buttons and flipped the switches, forcing her breathing to stay normal so the SHIELD agent in the co-pilot seat wasn't alerted of her anxiety. 
She failed her mission. She messed up. Badly. She let Fury down. 
And she was still on probation. 
Her boss was very clear; make one mistake and she's out. And Fury always meant what he said. Always.
Katya didn't think she could keep going if she was kicked out of the one place that showed her kindness. If she was forced to say goodbye to the love of her life once more. 
That was the worst of it all; her failure would come back on Natasha. Natasha who was responsible for her. Natasha who promised Fury that Katya was fit for duty. Natasha who had faith in her to become a better person.
Not only had Katya let herself, the safety of the world, and her boss down, she had disappointed the woman she loved. And that stung more than anything.
The Quinjet barely wobbled as it touched the ground—at least she could do one thing right—and Katya helped her co-pilot with the shutdown procedure before lifting her heavy body out of the pilot seat. 
She didn't want to go out there. As long as she was in the jet, she was safe from being fired. Or she could pretend that she was safe, at least. So Katya took her sweet time collecting her things, triple checking that the Quinjet was ready for its next use before reluctantly making her way outside. 
Her anxiety was miles high as she crossed the flight deck. She felt like a pig being led to the slaughter. Every step of her booted feet took more effort than the last. Katya kept her gaze ahead and avoided the scared agents that jumped out of her way, refusing to let them see the fear in her eyes. 
She thought about running. It was her first instinct after she managed to escape her mission earlier today. It shouldn't have taken her fifteen minutes to decide to call in a SHIELD pickup, but it did, and she felt so ashamed about it. 
That part of her life was supposed to be over. Done. But it tempted her like a line of coke tempted a drug addict. 
Being on the run, being alone, it was so much easier. The only responsibilities she had were to herself. The only person she could disappoint was herself. If she messed up on a shady deal, they would be hunting her for a while, but only her. 
Having people who counted on her was harder than she thought it would be. Emotions were harder than she thought they would be. Her default setting was to isolate and be alone. To run when things were bad.
But she wouldn't take the easy way out this time. She refused to. With a deep inhale, Katya stepped inside the building.
To her surprise, nothing happened. She expected some agent to materialize and take her to Fury, or for people to stare and gossip about her failure. She had even imagined Natasha standing there, a disappointed frown on her face. But life inside SHIELD HQ went on as usual. They barely spared her a glance.
Without further hesitation, Katya mixed with the group heading for the elevators. Maybe if she blended in, she could hide and avoid having her soul broken for a little longer. Maybe, if she was fast enough, she could make it to her room and hide from Natasha as long as possible. 
The agents around her should know how hard her heart pounded as they shuffled away from her. How scared she was. It could be the last time they saw her face. It could be her last day in this building. Her last time riding this elevator. 
Katya's throat closed up. The tiny room suddenly felt extremely crowded. Panic pressed on her lungs. When she arrived at her floor, she bumped some shoulders in her rush to get out. As soon as she crashed through her apartment door, she sank to the floor, shaking.
The silence inside her apartment was terrible. The thoughts in her head sounded ten times as loud in the silence. They were overwhelming. The angry voices screamed at her, calling her a failure, a loser, that she would be better off dead.
She wrapped her arms around her knees in search of comfort. Comfort that she didn't deserve from anyone else.
How did she manage to mess up this badly? The mission Fury gave her was so simple, nothing she hadn't done before. Infiltrate a Hydra building—one Katya had marked as one—and steal some information. In and out. 
But somehow, they spotted her. Katya still didn't know how. She knew nobody could have heard her, or seen her. But the alarms went off and all the exits were blocked. She was trapped with no way out.
It took her locking herself into a room and hotwiring one of the alarm boxes on the walls, to lift the blockades and escape. She ran for five miles through the hills and hid before calling a SHIELD jet to pick her up. 
Now they had seen her face, knew she worked for SHIELD, knew their facility was compromised, and knew what information they were after.
It was the worst thing she could have ever done. She might as well have sent them an email. Fury would not be taking this lightly. 
Katya only noticed she was hyperventilating when someone slammed a door shut down the hall that made her jump. 
She felt ridiculous, rocking back and forth like a baby on the floor of her apartment, but it was her apartment, her safe space. She felt in her bones that she started to belong here, that this was where she should be. So it hurt a million times more, knowing she herself was the reason she would lose it all.
Katya sat on the floor for hours, digging her nails into her arms until welts started to form. Only when dusk set in did she pick herself off the floor, exhausted and covered in cold sweat. Nobody had come to check on her. 
She did her coming-home routine on autopilot. Shower, unpack, turn on her phone that she couldn't take with her on the mission, eat something—even though her stomach was in knots and she felt nauseous.
She had four missed texts from Natasha, each more worried than the last.
Nat (3:44 PM): Welcome back. Hope the mission went according to plan :)
Nat (3:46 PM): Are you okay?
Nat (4:18 PM): Can't get out of this meeting, so I can't check in. Can you let me know if you're alright?
Nat (5:52 PM): I hope you fell asleep. Dinner later? My last meeting ends at 7. If I don't hear anything from you, I'm taking it as a yes.
Guilt started to pile up on Katya's shoulders. She couldn't tell Natasha what happened. She couldn't handle letting her down. She couldn't handle breaking her heart. She couldn't handle having her own heart broken again.
Katya left the messages unanswered. Maybe Natasha would take that as a sign to not come and find her later. 
She didn't. When she showed up at 7 PM and knocked on the door, Katya pretended to be asleep. She stayed "asleep" for the rest of the night and never answered the texts in the morning.
This streak of avoidance continued throughout the week. Katya woke up earlier on purpose, so she finished breakfast right when Natasha walked into the cafeteria. She changed her workout schedule from early mornings to the late evenings to avoid Natasha, who trained in the morning. She walked the other way when she saw Natasha in the hallway. She didn't answer texts, or answered very late. 
When Natasha did manage to talk to her long enough to make plans, Katya canceled them last minute with some lame excuse. 
It stung. It hurt every fiber of Katya's being to ignore Natasha like that. The woman didn't deserve it. She should be getting angry with her, but instead Katya triggered her insecurities too.
When she asked if Katya didn't want her around anymore, the blonde swore she heard her heart shatter.
But this was necessary. Even though Fury still hadn't called her in, Katya knew her exit from SHIELD was close. She needed to create a distance between herself and Natasha beforehand, so it would hurt less when that time came.
"Stop avoiding me."
It was lunchtime, Tuesday, and Natasha had finally managed to corner Katya. Literally. She'd grabbed her wrist in passing and forced her into a random supply closet in the hallway. Her body pressed Katya's against the wall, a fire in her green eyes.
"I'm not. I'm busy," Katya answered with a hint of annoyance, impatiently eyeing the door. She had places to be, people to avoid. 
"Don't lie to me," Natasha bit back, vulnerability in the back of her voice. "We're beyond that."
"Nat." Katya tried, avoiding her gaze at any cost. She didn't want to do this.
"What is going on? You better tell me right now," Natasha demanded.
Katya scowled. "Nothing. Let me go."
"I said, let me go."
Slowly, Natasha stepped back, giving Katya enough space to escape. The brunette eagerly took advantage of that and slipped back into the hallway. They may not be in a good place, but they always respected each other's boundaries.
Natasha was at a complete loss. The only thing she knew was that everything changed after that mission. If she wanted to know why Katya was avoiding her, the key lay at that mission.
The problem was; her clearance wasn't high enough to get any information. She'd tried to get into the system, but it blocked her. The only thing left to try was going to the person who knew it all.
"I need to know what happened. And no confidentiality bullshit." 
Natasha stood in front of Fury's desk, her arms crossed over her chest. She was angry. At Katya, at herself, at the secrets. She was tired of the emotional rollercoaster, of being left in the dark. She wanted answers, now.
Fury lazily gazed up at her, unimpressed and calm. "It's simple. Petrova failed her mission."
A wave of nausea hit Natasha. Deep down, she wasn't surprised to hear this. She suspected something like this. But actually having it confirmed was something else. She, too, knew what it meant if Katya failed.
"Lots of us fail our missions."
"Correct. But we've also never had a Hydra deserter join us before," Fury said casually, reorganizing some folders on his desk.
Something clicked for Natasha. She didn't know the magnitude of the mission, or Katya's failure. But if Fury was this calm about it, and if Katya was still here, a week later, something else must be going on. As always, the Director of SHIELD had ulterior motives.
"You set her up," she realized with disgust. "You set her up to fail."
Fury didn't blink an eye at her accusation, only proving that she was right. "Only when they face death do people show their true faces."
Natasha boiled with anger, clenching her fists to keep herself contained. He really sent the woman she loved into a building full of hostiles just to prove her loyalty. "She could have died!"
"I knew she could get herself out of that situation."
Natasha had never felt as protective over someone as she did right now. "Katya doesn't deserve your mistrust. She's been loyal since she set foot inside this building. She hasn't lied about anything."
"Loyalty runs deep. We shouldn't underestimate her ties to her former employer."
Natasha swallowed back some nasty words. To call the Director of SHIELD an asshole was risky, even for her. Maybe especially for her.
"If your goal was to make her terrified of losing everything good she found, then you succeeded."
Fury sharply glanced up at her with his one good eye. "We are not a charity, Agent Romanoff. Petrova needs to understand that her stay here isn't guaranteed."
Natasha clenched her teeth together. What an outrageous way to prove a point. "If she has to go, I'm going with her. Just so you understand that too."
"Message received," Fury said dryly, returning his gaze to the desk. "Loud and clear."
A mess of emotions raged in her body as Natasha left his office and legged towards Katya's apartment. It was false hope that sent her there. Hope that her small, meaningless conversation with Fury would calm Katya down enough to talk to her. 
She was still furious at him. Furious for sending Katya into a trap, for mistrusting her, and for being the perfect director. She was angry because she couldn't be angry at him. In his position, it was a logical move to test Katya's loyalty.
But Natasha's love for the woman clouded her judgment. Funnily enough. 
"Open up." Her knocks were fast and impatient on Katya's door. "It's me, and I'm not leaving until you hear me out." She was determined this time, willing to kick the door in, now that she knew why Katya acted so strangely.
To her surprise, Katya opened the door. Her body shielded Natasha's wandering eyes from seeing her apartment. She had dark circles under her eyes, pale skin, and a slow way of moving about her. "What is it?"
Natasha pushed past her before Katya could stop her. It had been a while since she had been in the apartment, and what she saw broke her heart. "Why do you have everything packed?" Katya didn't answer. All her personal belongings were in bags. "You don't have to leave. It was a test. And I think you passed it."
Katya snapped her head up, her eyes suddenly wide awake. "How do you— Ты говорил с ним (You went and talked to him)?"
Natasha was taken aback by her sharp tone. "I—"
"мне не нужна няня (I don't need a babysitter)!" The brunette raised her voice. "I made a mistake during probation. He has every right to send me off, test or not!"
"But it's not a fair test if he set you up to fail!"
"That doesn't matter! Failing still isn't an option! Test or not!"
Natasha thought she would be easing Katya's mind. But the woman only saw failure, clouded by fear. Katya was too terrified to lose everything to think rationally. "You're being too hard on yourself," Natasha continued gently. "You're an amazing agent. All your other missions went perfectly."
Katya huffed, raising her arm to scratch her head. "You can save 20 people, but we both know you only remember the one you killed."
Natasha barely heard her words. When Katya lifted her arm, her short sleeve lifted enough to show red welts on her arms in the form of nails. Clearly self-inflicted. Pointedly, Natasha looked at that arm, the spots now carefully covered. "Nothing is worth doing that to yourself."
Katya watched her go with a broken look in her eyes.
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antlerqueer · 1 year
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But I'm A Cheerleader (1999).
@lgbtqcreators battleship bingo - rom com
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art-banhana · 7 months
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While working on this I was reminded of all the reasons I used to hate working with watercolors... I think I did salvage it pretty well in the end!
Natasha and Sero having a date night~
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wheredafandomat · 7 months
Club Paradise 🫦
2 | My best girl
Avenger! Natasha x female reader
18+ | contains smut and mentions of injury
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“You’re too pretty to be getting hurt” you spoke, voice light as you tended to the graze on Natasha’s cheek. She sat at the edge of the bed as you stood, leaning over her.
“You should see the other guy” she smiled, not even flinching as you cleaned the wound.
“I don’t like seeing you hurt Nat” you answered mirthlessly.
“No, you like seeing me between those thighs” she giggled, tapping your leg as you bit down your smile. “Do you think about me before you go to bed?” She questioned, her hand moving up your knee and over your thigh “touch yourself wishing it was me?” She continued, her hand reaching achingly close to your centre “picture my face between those pretty thighs? Hmm?” She asked teasingly, her hand finally cupping your pussy as you looked down at her grinning.
“Did you get hurt just to come here because you’re horny?” You giggled, trying to remain stoic as she slowly moved her hand to and fro.
“I’m always horny when I see you baby” she answered, tilting her chin upwards to look at you.
“There are other ways for you to get in contact. Ever heard of a phone?”
“Where’s the fun in a phone, unless you’re going to send me dirty pictures” she smirked.
“Nat, what do you want?” You asked, placing a plaster against her cheek before putting the rest of the things down.
“Dirty pictures” she simpered “and I wanna taste you” she added coyly, her hands wrapping around you as she pulled you onto her lap.
“Who am I to disagree?” You relented, smiling against her lips as she kissed you.
Her lips were soft, always so soft. Her tongue moved across your bottom lip, almost begging for entrance before you obliged, deepening the kiss. Your tongue moved against hers, your hips beginning to roll against her almost pleading for friction. Her hands moved across your body, pulling you flush against her before the pads of her fingers smoothed over your back. You arched into her at the touch, her lips wrapping around your tongue as she sucked it gently, causing a wetness to pool between your legs. You almost gasped into the kiss as you felt her hand snake between the two of you as she cupped your pussy again. You ground your hips against her hand, the kiss growing more ardent as you sought her touch.
“You are mine” she spoke just above a whisper, breaking the kiss as she looked up into your eyes.
Before you could react, you felt your back come into contact with the mattress beneath you as Natasha flipped you onto the bed. You lifted your head, looking down at her as she pushed your legs apart. Your head fell back against the bed as you felt those same soft lips caressing your inner thighs. Her name fell quietly from your lips as her kisses met the material of your panties as she kissed over your clit. Lifting your hips, you wordlessly beseeched her for more as the mixture of her saliva and your arousal dampened your panties. You almost flinched, your body sensitive as she hooked her thumbs underneath the waistband of your panties before tugging them off of you leaving you exposed to her. She looked down between your legs, almost in a daze before licking a light circle around your throbbing clit. A moan escaped you, your hands almost instantly finding purchase in her familiar red hair as she began sucking your wet pussy. The slurping noises were sinful, filling the room as she coaxed your arousal out before drinking in your essence only to spit it back out and spread it across your pussy again, repeating the action. You held her tight against yourself, biting your lip as you tried to stave off your orgasm.
“Fuckk Natasha, that feels too good” you moaned, your breaths heavy.
“A girl just knows, pretty” she smiled, pushing two of her fingers inside of you and curling them upwards before her mouth was latched to your swollen clit again.
“Ughhh” you whimpered, eyes tightly shut as your walls gripped her fingers. You were close.
“Don’t cum yet” she ordered “you’ll ruin all the fun” she smirked, her fingers still hitting your g-spot.
“Natttt” you near cried, needing to cum.
“I wanna try something baby” she smiled up at you, using her free hand to reach for her holster.
“Where were you hiding that?” You asked curiously as you glanced up at her, a small pink vibrator in her hand.
“There’s all sorts of things I’m hiding, pretty” she grinned “I don’t just keep guns and knives in my holsters” she added, smile falling as she got back on task, placing the vibrator on your clit.
“Fuck!” You moaned, hips bucking up at the sensation.
“I knew you’d like it baby” she smirked, biting her lip.
“Nattt—fuckk— I can’ttt” you warned, your orgasm building fast.
“Yeahh you can” she encouraged “just hold on for me baby, okay” she implored, moving the vibrator in slow circles. You were shaking.
“Stoppp” you begged, your pussy dripping, drenching the sheets.
“But I want you to squirt hunny, all over my face” she nodded, her fingers inside of you curling up again as she replaced the vibrator with her warm mouth, encasing your pussy.
“Fuck, fuck, fuckkk!” You cried, your body jolting as your orgasm hit you, your arousal gushing out and coating Natasha’s face as she happily licked it up.
“That’s my girl” she praised as you laid back against the bed, almost incoherent in a post orgasmic, blissful haze.
You were aware of the feeling of Natasha kissing your body as she slowly made her way up. You caught her lips in a kiss as she positioned herself above you, stroking your hair.
“You’re my best girl, you know that right” she spoke, causing you to smile “there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you” she continued “I’d kill for you.”
“Nat” you stopped her.
“I would” she affirmed before kissing you slowly “I would” she repeated, deepening the kiss “would he?”
Your heart dropped as you thought about him. You knew who she meant but the thought was replaced by the feeling of Natasha above you. In that moment, she was everything.
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Omg guys my tumblr has been abandoned because I’ve been cosplaying as an academic weapon at uni 😭 hope you’re all well ❤️❤️
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vampfucker666 · 2 months
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have not drawn in five million years. star trek teeth and natasha i guess. do NOT ask me how teeth managed to get on a fucking starship i dont think she knows either 😭
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anyarlly · 15 days
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say hello to tasha! she's a secretary and she thinks that ed gein is patrick's bestie bc he keeps mentioning him so much..
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brokenhardies · 2 years
and because im an egomaniac, here's my ocs hp;
natasha/alyona - 9
hildegarde - 9
goldie locks - 11
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microtyalm13 · 20 days
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yeahh girl give that traumatized werewolf the most earth-shattering prostate orgasm of his life. one that he'll be thinking about the next day while doing the dishes
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