#oc: nympheas
mizaryroku · 5 months
Meet Nymphea!
An Eliatrope I made days ago and I love a lot her colour palette ~
The mix of her pink blond hair and her ice mint eye is just too good!
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vilandel · 5 months
What I Never Knew I Always Wanted
Summary A happy family, a loving and amazing wife, two adorable daughters, all three of them stealing his heart and it felt like a wish came true for him.
What I never knew I always wanted…
A/N First oneshot of my Black Clover Next Gen Series is here, hooray! @kalolasfantasyworld, in case you also need some fluff after the Paper Hearts chapter you posted today 💜 This Oneshot was inspired by Carrie Underwoods amazing song What I Never Knew I Always Wanted, a song I love and which is one of my favorites to listen while I'm writing my Next Gen Series. For the countryside castle of the Silvas, I ended up picturing one of my favorite castles, one of the Loire Castles in France, Azay-le-Rideau. I visited it with my family last year and immediately fell in love with it, so don't be surprised that in my mind, this is how the Silva castle in the countryside looks like:
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(@f-oighear, you are French, do you maybe know that one?)
Ao3 link
Nozel woke up immediately when he heard one of his daughters cry. Without even caring about what time it was – middle of the night was all he noticed and even only barely – he immediately pushed his blanket away.
Sitting at the edge of the bed, he glanced quickly at Vanessa who was still sleeping. Nozel hesitated to wake her up. What if Nymphea or Valentina were just hungry and she would need breastfeed them? She would need to wake up in this case. But at the same time, Vanessa was in her postpartum period. Pregnancies and giving birth were never easy task and she gave birth to twins. Nozel made sure that his wife could rest as much as she could and helped here as much as he could, to take care of the babies, to ease her burden and to also to take care of her.
Heck, unusual for him, Nozel took a few days off from work and took his family away from the capital, which also meant away from nobility and their disgusting curiosity. It was a miracle that they didn’t dare to step out of the authorized visit area in the Silva Palace. Although… said miracle was probably either Nebra and Zora talking them down or Rosette making sure to make them believe that leaving the Silvas and the newborn princesses alone would be beneficial for said nobles interest.
Nozel, Vanessa and their twin daughters went to the Silva Castle in the countryside, as they could be sure that no noble would come bother them there. Except maybe for occasional marriage proposals – already, Nymphea and Valentina weren’t even three weeks old! – from desperate nobles. But well, those would land in the fire anyway.
Nozel didn’t thought that he would have come back to the Silva Castle one day, not after what happened with his mother and the curse… But after years of lonely pain, he was able to still heal and move on from his trauma, he allowed himself happiness, he fell in love and became a father.
Somehow, it had been the time to give new, happier memories to this place. And it was perfect for Vanessa to rest.
And for having family moments, just the four of them.
Nozel had no idea how much he always wished for this until he got it finally…
His daughter was still crying and deciding to let Vanessa having well-deserved sleep, Nozel stood up, feeling a bit heavy because of sleep and walked over to the crib. It was Valentina who was crying, Nymphea was still sleeping, her eagle plushie right next to her.
Softly, Nozel bowed down a bit and cupped softly Valentinas chubby cheek. “What is it, hatchling?”
It was just a whisper, but his daughter seemed to have heard him, as she opened her eyes. Her cries didn’t stop, but she was reaching her tiny hands towards him. Nozel didn’t know if babies could have nightmares already but one thing was sure, Valentina needed comfort right now.
So, Nozel took Valentina in his arms, cradling his baby and sat down on the rocking chair. How many times has he done this when Noelle still was a baby, while mother was slowly dying and even after her death? How many times has he seen his mother do this when Nebra and Solid had been that small? How many times must she have done this when he was still a baby?
Too many times to count. But Nozel remembered what his mother did. So, first thing he did to calm down Valentina a bit, was to blow a soft kiss on her forehead.
“It’s alright, Valentina… Whatever is scaring you, it will never reach you. Your mother and me would never allow any harm on you. It is normal to be scared. Trust me, I was scared many times in my life already. It is not a bad thing, though. Without fear, you can’t be brave. You just need to remember that you can always count on others. I forgot that during my worst times and I couldn’t to anyone. This will never happen to you and your sister, I promise that. You are my daughters, I need to protect you.”
Cradling Valentina and rocking her, Nozel continued to whisper her comforting things. It didn’t matter that she didn’t understood those things yet. He still meant every word. Just like his mother did.
Nozel wanted to be a good father for his daughters. Even before Vanessa got pregnant, he feared already that he wouldn’t be one. He never got a proper father figure growing up and his own father was one of the worst example he could ever think of. Lac Silva never was a father, just the conceiver and his children were only chess pieces in his eyes. As his son, wouldn’t Nozel end up like him?
Vanessa, Fuegoleon and his Vermillion aunt made sure to help him overcome his fears. It certainly wasn’t an easy task, knowing who he was. They reminded him again and again that while he never got a prime example with his father, he still got a wonderful parental figure to look up to.
His mother…
Yes, this was the kind of parent Nozel wanted to become, deep down. He never truly realized it until it was told to him. And while the fear of becoming like his own father still remained a bit, it wasn’t as strong as before. Nozel still hoped that, as a parent, he was more like his mother and nothing like his father.
Valentinas cries calmed down slowly. She was the louder one of the twins, but just as easy to comfort. Nozel remembered how difficult it had been with Nebra, Solid and Noelle. His aunt and his mother even more always told him that out of his siblings, he had been the only calm baby. Given how loud his siblings were as babies, Nozel had difficult time to imagine that he hadn’t been as loud as them, but at the same time, he had no reason to not believe his mother and his aunt.
“Better now?” he whispered, still rocking his daughter. Valentina stopped crying, but there were still some little tears shining in her amethyst eyes. The same eyes as Vanessa… It was such a wonderful colour. The most beautiful he knew and Nozel was grateful his twins got their mother’s eyes.
Valentina let out a soft babble and reached her tiny hands towards him. Like always when she wanted to grab his braid, one of her favourite things to do. It made Nozel smiled with amusement.
“Sorry that I don’t have my braid, but I don’t sleep with it. It will be back in the morning, don’t worry.”
Nozel smiled, a wave of love and affection washing over his heart. Valentina was incredibly adorable, Nymphea as well. Wasn’t it a miracle that after all of his mistakes, he was still blessed with two wonderful daughters?
A happy family, a loving and amazing wife, two adorable daughters, all three of them stealing his heart and it felt like a wish came true for him.
What I never knew I always wanted…
Another small cry suddenly came out of the crib. Nozel sighed as he looked up, a tired smile on his lips. Now Nymphea was also awake and from the sound of it, it wasn’t because she had a bad dream like her twin, but more that she was hungry. Which means that he needed to wake Vanessa up. Would his beloved wife have a full night sleep again, one day soon? She deserved it so much.
But their daughters also needed to be taken care of.
Before he could stand up though, Vanessa already woken up, sitting on the edge of the bet. She was yawning in such an adorable, wearing one of his undershirts and combing her hair, slightly messed up from the sleep, in an absent way.
Even in that state, Vanessa was beautiful. The most beautiful woman Nozel knew…
“You’re ogling again, honey,” Vanessa grumbled, but he could hear in her voice that she was smiling. Did she realized what she was doing to his heart?
“I can’t help it. My wife is wonderful.”
“Aw, I love when you think so highly of me. You should do this a bit more with yourself as well. Okay, need to feed Nymphea now. Oh, Valentina is awake too? Honey, you could have wake me up.”
“But you need and deserve to rest.”
Vanessa just shook her head with a tired smile, before she got Nymphea out of the crib and went back to the bed, pushing the fabric of the shirt aside so that she could breastfeed her daughter. Nozel joined her, Valentina still in his arms.
“Honey, I’m really grateful that you do so much to help me after the birth and with taking care of our griffins. Having some days off in this countryside manor was an excellent idea. It’s not only me who needed that, but also you. Nozel, you’re doing so much that I often have the feeling that you’re almost most exhausted than I am. And I was the one who went through pregnancy and who gave birth.”
“This is why I’m doing it.”
“I know. I also know that you still have doubts about being a good father. But you don’t need to have doubts about yourself. We both know that you had this way too much in your life. You are a wonderful father, Nozel. A parent like your mother was. And you are also a wonderful husband.”
Vanessa smiled at him before lying her head on his shoulder. “All the things you’re doing for me and our daughters is a proof of that. I feel so blessed to have you right now. I know that I have many people to help me, but your help is the most precious to me.”
Nozel felt like he was about to cry, he was so touched by her words. Did she realized how much this meant to him? He was still unsure about so many things about himself, but hearing his beloved wife telling him this, trusting him, feeling blessed to have him, being grateful… After all those years in the cold of his guilt, he never realized how soothing it was that someone felt like this towards him.
“Vanessa, I…”
“I know, it means the world to you. I know that you’re not completely used it yet and that you’re surprised how soothing it is to you. Honestly, I feel the same way. I never knew I would always wanted what we have today… But here we are. And look how sweet our daughters are. Yes, Valentina, you and Nymphea are so adorable.”
Vanessa giggled as their baby responded and Nozel couldn’t help but join her. Despite their exhaustion and every difficulty coming at the start of parenthood, they were still happy. Even with all the difficulties, he wouldn’t want it any other way.
He really came a long way if he was thinking like this today.
Nozel watched how Vanessa made Nymphea burb after she finished to drink, before cradling the baby in her arms, rocking her softly.
“We can be grateful that they’re not the loudest babies, especially our little water lily here. They deserve their sleep.”
“You too…”
“Hm… right back at you. How about some cuddles after we put our griffins to bed?”
Nozel smiled, nodding. Vanessa loved to cuddle and he got fond of them after all the time spent with her. It took some time before Nymphea and Valentina fell asleep. But after putting their sleeping twins back into the crib, Vanessa snuggled against him as close as he could and Nozel hold her as if there was no tomorrow.
“I love you, Nozel.”
“I love you too, Vanessa. I’m so grateful… to have you and our daughters. Maybe I always wished for that deep down…”
They fell asleep soon after, after a kiss, exhausted but happy.
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phantom-lotus · 9 months
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Safiya turns normal arc what problems will arise
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muse-oleum · 1 year
Death by 9k chapters, a classic.
New chapter of Blooming Nymphéas is out!
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Original Characters
Trust me, there are more than this, but here are the ones from my original world! All of the others are from worlds made by friends ( @isas-oc-asylum @illyriashade56 @nebula-starlight @bunchofdoodlesinspace @deaths-presence @alexorsobean) which will still be mentioned periodically :)
All characters below the cut
Nebula (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Nova (Inarakuma/Astril)
Silarce (Opposite)
Ava (Human)
Aurora (Inarakuma/Astril)
Alex (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Amelie (Human)
Marcus (Human)
Tempest (Android)
Idalia (Half-Fae)
Evelyn (Fae)
Lucien (Human)
Harriet (Human)
Azalea (Human)
Carlie (Lycan)
Melody (Human)
Harmony (Alter)
Dillan (Warlock)
Sadie (Warlock)
Dr. Hugo (Cyborg)
Sam (Human)
Athena (Unimprinted Az'Linzi)
Phileas (Mountain Az'Linzi)
Oteilas (Unimprinted Az'Linzi)
Dexterity (Volcanic Az'Linzi)
Calypso (Plant Az'Linzi)
Juno (Ocean Az'Linzi)
Vukita (Plant Az'Linzi)
Elroy (Animal Az'Linzi)
Jericho (Galactic Az'Linzi)
Orion (Lunar Az'Linzi)
Astrid (Lunar Az'Linzi)
Clocktower (Creation Az'Linzi)
Sapphire (Creation Az'Linzi)
Nadyra (Seer Az'Linzi)
Clyde (Ocean Az'Linzi)
Lucifer II (Satan)
Camille (Lilith)
Samael (Harbinger)
Jophys (Harbinger)
Michaelis (Harbinger)
Lilit (Harbinger)
Lucille (Harbinger)
Thomas (Fallen Angel)
Ashley (Fallen Angel)
Jackson (Angel)
Valentine (Sin of Lust)
Dixie (Sin of Pride)
Ivy (Sin of Envy)
Zohyn (Sin of Sloth)
Scarlet (Sin of Wrath)
Dagon (Sin of Greed)
Gala (Sin of Gluttony)
Miguel (Demon)
Cecropia (Duus'ire)
Vide (Duus'ire)
Blaire (Duus'ire)
Arcade (Duus'ire)
Prism (Duus'ire)
Blink (Duus'ire)
Kvasir (Duus'ire)
Fable (Duus'ire)
Ariadne (Duus'ire)
Lyric (Duus'ire)
Span (Duus'ire)
Spark (Duus'ire)
Design (Duus'ire)
Mikhail (Human)
Max (Human)
Ca Prend (Demon)
Jazz (Demon)
Maia (Demon)
Kava (Demon)
Leo (Demon)
Nathaniel (Warlock)
Noah (Warlock/Az'LinziDescendant)
Jaydeka (Naga)
Kayra (Naga)
Griffin (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Dr. Carson (Chimera)
Dr. Alysela (Human)
Dr. Varian (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Matthew (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Dr. Catalyst (Warlock)
Zachariah (Demon)
Emily (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Traci (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Sarah  (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Zira (Ink Demon)
Phoebe (Fire Sorcerer)
Carolyn (Ability User)
Aiden (Fire Sorcerer)
Valery (Reaper)
Dritzen (Lycan)
Archer (Half-Demon)
Callisyxis (Demon)
Cascadia (Nyrix)
Nymphea (Nyrix)
Airyn (Nyrix)
Lucia (Nyrix)
Robin (Nyrix)
Eirwen (Nyrix)
Draven (Nyrix)
Chaya (Nyrix)
Trinity (Dimension Jumper)
Manisavi (Eldritch Lite)
Vashya (Eldritch Lite)
Andromeda (Inarakuma/Astril)
Sidney (Sun Elf/Archivist)
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hyperbali · 3 years
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I said, I said I’d do it—
Anyway, meet Nymphea Took; shepherd-for-fun, middle child of the current Took brood, nibling-cousin of Bilbo Baggins by way of their paternal side. Happened to have supper scheduled with Bilbo on a certain evening, and when he was an hour and a half late, decided to go to Bag End to see what was taking him so long, and, well…
(The contract says “one sixteenth” due to another surprise member coming in later down the line, hoho)
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arandomefrenchgirl · 2 years
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I havent posted in a while so ima catch up a bit since I’ve been drawing more so i have more to upload. But these are ft.s of @kakulolita’s kids nym and blake dealing with local mean boi
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0l1v3juice · 5 years
"Where did this blood come from?" - to Ranun!
“Where did this blood come from!?”
Nymphea stood over her friend as she laid on the ground with a horrified expression - despite how little the amount of blood really was. 
Ranun rolled her eyes. “Nym, it’s fine! You’re overreacting! I just got a bit carried away, that’s all.”
Ranun held her hand out for Nymphea to help her up, and Nymphea huffed at her before grabbing it and pulling her off the ground. Dusting herself off, Ranun tried to pretend that her knee wasn’t bothering her to stand on, or that it was bleeding. She nonchalantly tried to walk it off, stumbling in the process and freaking out Nymphea. Each step she took, Nymphea seemed closer to fainting. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore.
“Wait! Stop! Just let me help you!” she cried.
Before Ranun could protest, Nymphea swept her into her arms. If there weren’t so many people around, she would have used her magic to carry her so she couldn’t fight at all. 
“Honestly, why are you such a handful?” Nymphea sighed. 
Ranun scoffed. “Me? You’re the handful! I don’t need you to carry me, relax.”
Nymphea shook her head. “Am I supposed to just watch you hobble your way home? No, I’m carrying you. Now stop fighting me!”
Ranun groaned loudly like a child as Nymphea began their walk back home. She lazily slung her arms around Nymphea’s neck and gave in, remembering that it would have taken her too long to walk on her own with a hurt knee and without being able to see. After a moment, Ranun realized she should probably be a little nicer and more grateful to her, considering she didn’t know healing magic. 
“...Nym? You’re still gonna heal me right?” she quietly begged, giving Nymphea puppy dog eyes.
Nymphea didn’t even look at her, knowing her tactics. “Sure, but I want to hear you say ‘thank you Nymphea, you’re the best witch ever’ in front of Tuli.”
Ranun sighed defeatedly. “Only for you, Nym.”
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mizaryroku · 3 months
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Just some design I did for Nymphea. I doubt I'll change it so see it as an official X)
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vilandel · 5 months
Next Gen Inccorect Quotes VI ♣️💘
*middle of the night at the Silva Palace* Vanessa: Oh, I think that Valentina or Nymphea need their mummy and daddy again. Nozel: I'll go, take some rest. Vanessa: Honey, please, you need some rest as much as I do. Even more than me at this point. Nozel: But you went through much more, with the pregnancy, the birth, the hormones... with everything. I have to do something to ease your burden. Vanessa: Aw, I know you just mean well. But Nozel, if you continue like this, you're going to take the whole burden upon you and leaving me with all the good sides of parenthood. That would be unfair, don't you think? Nozel: ... Vanessa: I'm not asking you to stop completely, I'm just asking you to think a bit more about yourself. You don't need to make amends anymore. And you don't need to prove that you can be a good father or a good husband. You were one from the start. Nozel: I wasn't always good... Vanessa: Now you are and I love you. *kisses Nozel* *another baby starts to cry* Vanessa: Now both of our daughters need us, so let's go together. Nozel: I love you... Vanessa: My handsome eagle husband, if there is a side of you I will always adore, is how much you care for our daughters and me.
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phantom-lotus · 1 year
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The me be like doesn't have a stylus and can't do digital art currently so I'm posting old art
Idk what this was, some sort of superhero au or whatever. Never got to color it, oop
Also might be fucking around with the blog a little bit to make it nicer. Maybe
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muse-oleum · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @terapsina a while ago but i'm never on time on this hellsite oops
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What’s your total Ao3 word count?
Hold on, lemme do the math..... that's.... 720,512
Bro, WHAT??
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently in my The Originals/TVD feels but I've written for: Pride & Prejudice, Bridgerton, Kingsman and Vikings: Valhalla
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Curiosity - Pride & Prejudice/Elizabeth Bennet & Fitzwilliam Darcy
Blooming Nympheas - The Originals/Elijah Mikaelson x OC
To Sing an Aria - Pride & Prejudice/Elizabeth Bennett & Fitzwilliam Darcy
Lady Alvonley - Pride & Prejudice/Elizabeth Bennett & Fitzwilliam Darcy
Always & Forever - The Originals/Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
Do you respond to comments?
Yes, almost always!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hehe, the ending has yet to come but here you go! It's my newest (and by newest, I mean like... today newest)
Beloved - The Originals/Elijah Mikaelson x OC
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmm, I mean, it's not an "ending" per se, but I'd say Curiosity, so far. It has zero angst, just smutty smutty good times.
Do you get hate on fics?
No, and if I see it, I delete it. I do get odd comments sometimes, and I have been known to delete some just because they were weird but that's it.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
All I write is smut lmao, I'm a dedicated smut writer. It varies between suggestive spice and flat-out smut town. Smuttiest I've ever written is this one, an Elijah Mikaelson x Gia piece (because I love them your honor), but Curiosity comes very close second.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not... really? I have ideas for some though, but they're mostly plot bunnies at this point.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No and the thought terrifies me.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy, if that wasn't obvious. Specifically in their BBC 1995 incarnations.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably this one (Pride & Prejudice) or this one (Harry Hart - Kingsman).
What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea, honestly. I don't ask myself this too much, but I don't do enough editing anyway. If it's out of my brain, it's out of my brain and if you see typos and tenses out of whack, oops, too bad.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Tenses and sentence structures, for sure. From french to English, sometimes it's hard and not everything in my brain makes sense. I'm also lazy, tbh.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Ew, no. The only one I could do is in French, my first language, and the thought fills me with dread.
First fandom you wrote for?
On AO3? Bridgerton. On this much cursed, much loved website? Kngsman.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's a tie between Blooming Nympheas because I struggle with actual plot stuff and, as of now, it's my longest ongoing project and I'm proud of that; or it's my latest piece Beloved, just because of how long I've been thinking about it and how long I spent on it.
Tagging: @ardentmuse, @mercurygray, @missnmikaelson, @use-your-telescope, @deathloveshischicagopizza, @jennifersminds and any other fic writers on here!
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Nymphea as a chibi. My job is done
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hyperbali · 3 years
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I'm happy to! It's honestly delightful how encouraging the Tolkien fandom is, haha
So, Nymphea is the middle of three from Old Took's youngest, Isengar (who in canon was childless, but shh), who'd "gone to sea" when he was young - I'm taking that as he'd gone off and been a sailor for a while
Despite how incredibly rich the Took family is - gentry, as it were - Nymphea took up shepherding for the sake of getting out of the house, and is also quite skilled at embroidery, drawing, and handy with both the shepherd's crook and slingshots
The night they'd signed the contract, they'd quickly snuck back to the Great Smials to pack in secret, but Isengar happened to catch them...
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So... Nymphea's rather more prepared than Bilbo is for the journey, haha
I also wanted to try and touch a little on the relationship with Thorin - I think he's bemused by them, more than anything? They're so soft, and this whole journey is dangerous, and why aren't they back home tending to the sweet, nice things they're used to?
But 'soft' doesn't mean 'weak', and given what a hard life he's led, Thorin could use a little softness...
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I also made their hair that particular gold blond for a reason - there's that fun little twist of his gold sickness, and oh, what better to covet...
It turns out good end, I swear |D;
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eldritchnebula · 4 years
17 for the Nyrixes, Vide, and the Rosewaters? (I was going to say all the ocs but I like my kneecaps where they are)
Cascadia: I really liked spending time with Rain before.. ... Anyways, I guess I like spending time with Mallory now!
Nymphea: Pppprobably my mom? She helps me get through alot.
Rain: Either my sweet apprentice or Zurie
Azura: My people. Or.. Stormy.
Airyn: Nymphea.. I.. I miss her so much.
Aarok: The chief of the leran bandits is the only one I care about.. I must listen to him..
Lucia: Robin!
Robin: Lucia!
Eirwen: ......
Emily: Either my sister or Tracer
Traci: Booooooks! Or if you're talking about ACTUALLY people? Probably Emmie.
Sarah: My family. My beautiful children and husband.
Michael: Same with Sarah. I did like my parabatai though.. Before he was.. taken from me by some.. Lizard demon? I dunno. @bunchofdoodlesinspace
Jackson: M..My sister m..mostly..-
Daniele: My friends in Idris! Jackie gets tiring to hang around sometimes-
ᐁ Relationships are a construct made up to fool others. But, Casey, if you simply want the truth.. I suppose.. My inner circle? ᐁ
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