#oc: river jones
antlerqueer · 1 year
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Heartbreak High (2022-).
@lgbtqcreators creator meme - 6 lgbtq+ platonic character dynamics (4/6) - Quinni Gallagher-Jones & Darren Rivers
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phoenix--flying · 4 months
Titans Win AU; Intro Profiles - Cabin Seven
*this au takes place around Sea of Monsters *the current summer is not counted in the amount of summers theyve spent at camp, as they never finished the summer session
Camp Half-Blood Cabins Big Three | Two | Four | Five | Six | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve
Lee Fletcher (He/They) Lee is an eighteen year old son of Apollo, he's the head counselor of his cabin and has seven beads. He's currently missing.
Michael Yew (He/Him) Michael is a fourteen year old son of Apollo, he also has seven beads for his summers at camp. He's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of his counselor.
William ‘Will’ Solace (He/Him) Will is an eleven year old son of Apollo, he's got three beads. He's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of his counselor.
Kayla Knowles (She/Her) Kayla is a ten year old daughter of Apollo, she only has one bead. She's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of his counselor.
Sylvie Lucas (She/They) Sylvie is a fourteen year old daughter of Apollo, she has four beads. She took the temporary position of head counselor following Lees disappearance. She's currently at Camp Half-Blood.
Laura Spring (She/Her) Laura is a thirteen year old daughter of Apollo, she only has two beads for her years at camp. She's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Alexander ‘Alex’ Harris (He/Him) Alex is a ten year old son of Apollo, he doesn't have an beads as he only came to camp recently. His twin sister is Robin and he's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of his counselor.
Robin Harris (She/Her) Robin is a ten year old daughter of Apollo, she also doesn't have any beads as she's only recently come to camp. Her twin brother is Alex and she's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Abigail ‘Abby’ Jones (She/Her) Abby is a twelve year old daughter of Apollo, she has one bead for her summer at camp. She's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Rowan White (She/Her) Rowan is a ten year old daughter of Apollo. She has three beads to represent her summers at camp. She's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Chase Keys (He/Him) Chase is a fourteen year old son of Apollo with five beads for his summers. He's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of his counselor.
Eileen Nelson (She/Her) Eileen is a thirteen year old daughter of Apollo, she has two beads for her years of summer at camp. She's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Natalia Rivers (She/Her) Natalia is an eleven year old daughter of Apollo. She's only arrived at camp recently and therefore doesn't have any beads. She's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of her counselor.
Blake Summers (He/Him) Blake is a thirteen year old son of Apollo, he's been at camp for five years and has the beads to represent it. He's currently at Camp Half-Blood under the supervision of his counselor.
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splendidsupernova · 17 days
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Ares is infamous for a crime he didn't commit.
Caleb wants to prove to everyone that he has changed.
Fallon is hell-bent on staying true to herself even as the world tries to make her hateful.
Kiernan had deemed the prison sentence was worth protecting his friend, and he doesn't regret a thing.
Valerie is learning the hard way that everything comes with a sacrifice.
template, inspo
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natalielove5545 · 2 months
New chapter for Underneath the lightening, also on A03 and fanfiction net.
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selinas-ships · 1 year
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the-doctor-3000 · 1 year
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 {Doctor Who Fanfic}
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Chapter 2: The Cave Of Skulls
Into the TARDIS's console room, Emma was pacing around the room as she was biting her fingernails anxiously and took slow deep breaths. This was crazy. This couldn't possibly be real.
"Okay okay okay. . ." Emma said, she turned to the Doctor and Susan but not quite addressing them. "This is either a really long dream or my brothers are pulling a prank on me."
"Why would they prank you?" Susan frowned.
She shrugged. "I- I don't know! Some of them are incredibly mischievous, always coming up with a prank. No matter how far it may get." She paused as she took yet another breath.
"Then tell me, miss Jones," the Doctor spoke, his voice wasn't as gentle as his granddaughter's. "If this is a trick, how did these brothers of yours afford for all of this?"
He gestured around at the TARDIS. Emma realised that he made a valid point. She stopped walking as she thought about it. Her family had money, yes, but they weren't rich either. There was no way her brothers could recreate the whole thing. Her mind also travelled when she went around the TARDIS and then inside it. This wasn't an illusion, she could tell that much, but it couldn't be real. Finally, she came to a decision.
"I see. . ." she muttered slowly. "This is just a dream, then!"
The Doctor scoffed as he rolled his eyes, Susan bit her lip. The former turned away from the black haired female and focused on the monitor. Barbara, still on the chair was finally coming to. She knelt down to rouse Ian, who also still laid on the floor. She shook him gently. "Ian? Ian?"
He rose to a sitting position, holding his head. "I'm alright. Oh...I must have hit my head." He looked around. "The movement's stopped."
Before them, the Doctor and Susan stared at the monitor from the control console. The cylindrical column had stopped moving. They checked the console's controls.
"The base is steady." said Susan.
"Well, sand, rock formation. . .mm, good." said the Doctor.
"We've left 1963."
"Oh yes, undoubtedly. I'll be able to tell you where presently." He blinked at a console readout. "Zero? That's not right. I'm afraid this year-o-meter is not calculating properly. . . .hmm. Well, anyway, the journey's finished." He looked down at Ian, still sitting on the floor. "What are you doing down there?"
"What have you done?" Barbara demanded. 
Ian spoke, "Barbara, you don't believe all this nonsense?"
"Well, look at the scanner screen." said Susan to the three.
The Doctor pointed at the screen. "Yes, look up there." Ian and Barbara got to their feet while Emma took a look out of curiosity. "They don't understand, and I suspect they don't want to." He waved at the screen. "Well, there you are. A new world for you."
The scanner showed the desert outside. An icy mountain range was visible in the distance. Ian then said contemptuously, "Sand and rock?"
"Yes, that's the immediate view outside the ship."
Barbara, baffled, asked. "But where are we?"
"You mean that's what we'll see when we go outside?" asked Ian.
"Yes! You'll see it for yourself." said Susan.
"I don't believe it!" said Ian.
"You really are a stubborn young man, aren't you?" the Doctor said.
"All right, show me some proof! Give me some concrete evidence!" said Ian, he turned to Susan. "I'm sorry Susan, I don't want to hurt you, but. . .it's time you were brought back to reality."
Emma's head span from this conversation which seemed to her that it only led to more argument. "For goodness' sake! Can everyone stop talking?!" Ian and Barbara stared at her in bewilderment, they thought that the girl was shy and quiet. Emma brushed her hair away. "Now. . . Instead of continuing with this rather lovely debate whether this is a hoax or not, would it really hurt to have some faith in your student? She might be right!"
Neither Ian or Barbara had time to respond when the Doctor decided to comment. "That's quite rich coming from you, miss Jones." She glared at him but he ignored it as he continued. "Considering that you yourself do not believe it to be real either."
"It's a dream. Everything is possible."
Ian blinked and looked at her. "Wait- You think you are dreaming?"
She nodded vigorously. "But of course! There is no other logical explanation as to why you all are here. Everything here is not real, in fact neither are you."
"Why do you believe that?" Barbara asked the girl.
"Because this is just a show. At least the classic which I only saw the first episode yesterday." replied Emma casually as if this was completely normal. "It's called Doctor Who, a science-fiction programme which first broadcasted in 1963. It follows the adventures of the Doctor, a Time Lord, as he travels across space and time inside a blue British police box called the TARDIS. As far as I know, there are 871 episodes and 300 stories over 39 seasons."
Both the Doctor and Susan were now stunned at her response. The former's interest had been piqued. How could she know of the Time Lords? Could she be from another universe?
Ian and Barbara, on the other hand, started believing that the girl was mentally ill. Emma could see it in their faces but, still thinking that she was sleeping, she simply shrugged and clapped her hands together.
"Can we go outside now?" she asked with an eager look in her eyes. "I wanna see what's outside!"
"No." the Doctor responded flatly, snapping out of his train of thoughts.
"Why not?"
"Not until I'm quite sure it's safe to do so." He consulted the console. "Well, the air's good, yes it is, it’s good, excellent, excellent. . ." He turned to Susan who was still staring at the girl with an amazed look. "You've got the radiation counter over there. What’s it read?"
She shook her head and checked the counter on the console. "It's reading normal, Grandfather."
"Splendid, splendid. Well, I think I'll take my Geiger counter with me in any case." He smugly clutched his Edwardian lapels and turned to Ian. "So you, er, still challenge me, young man?"
"Well, just open the doors and prove your point."
"You're so narrow-minded, aren't you? Don't be so insular."
"Grandfather, do you know where we are?" asked Susan.
"Yes. We've gone back in time, all right. One or two samples and I shall be able to make an estimate. Rock pieces and a few plants. . ." He regarded the console. "But I do wish this wouldn't keep letting me down. However, we can go out now."
"Just a minute. You say we've gone back in time. . . ." Ian said.
"Yes, quite so."
"So that when we go out of that door, we won't be in a junkyard, in London, in England, in the year 1963. . . ."
"That is quite correct. But your tone suggests ridicule."
"But it is ridiculous! Time doesn't go 'round and 'round in circles! You can't get on and off whenever you like in the past or the future!"
"Really? Where does time go, then?"
"It doesn’t go anywhere. It just happens, and then it's finished."
"Oh. . ." said the Doctor with an amused smile, he laughed and looks at Barbara. "You're not as doubtful as your friend, I hope."
She shook her head. "No."
"Barbara, you can't. . ." said Ian in disbelief.
"I can't help it! I just believe them, that's all!"
"If you could touch the alien sand and hear the cries of strange birds -- and watch them wheel in another sky. . .would that satisfy you?" asked the Doctor.
"Yes." said Ian.
The Doctor twisted the controls and the doors opened with a hum. Outside was the desert.
"Now, see for yourself."
"It's not true! It can't be. . ." said Ian in a shocked whisper. 
"That's not on the screen!" said Susan in triumph.
"Well, I've no more time to argue with you. I must get some samples, Susan." the Doctor said, he moved to a small table near the doors, gathering up a small electronic instrument and shoulder bag.
"Be careful, Grandfather."
The Doctor confidently strode out the door, muttering to himself. Emma excitedly dushed outside. After a last look at Ian, Barbara followed them. Ian heard an enthusiastic squeal which, he presumed, it belonged to Emma.
"Ian, come out and look!" Barbara called out.
Ian followed, dazed. He staggered, putting a hand to his forehead again. Susan offered help. "Oh, lean on me."
"Thank you. I'm all right. Thanks."
She led him out of the TARDIS, and the double doors closed behind them, slamming shut outside the police box. Ian, Emma and Barbara stared at the unfamiliar landscape around them. Ian stumbled and steadied himself against Susan who looked up to him for a response. The cry of a bird interrupted the noise of the wind.
"But, th-th-there must be some explanation. . ."
Barbara picked up a half-buried skull of a creature from the ground. She showed it to the younger girls. "What do you think it could be? Ian, look at this!"
Ian came and had a look at it. "I don't know. Hasn't got any horns or antlers. . . it could be a horse." He got up and walked away slightly from the three women. "It could be anything." He looked around again. "Incredible - a police box in the midst of. . .it just doesn't make sense. . . ."
Susan looked at the TARDIS, and was surprised herself to see that it was still a police box. "It should have changed. Wonder why it hasn't happened this time. . . ."
"The ship, you mean?" asked Barbara.
"Yes. It's been an Ionic Column and a Sedan Chair. . . ."
Wide-eyed, Emma spoke. "I didn't know that the TARDIS could do that!" She looked at Susan. "You mean to tell us that it can disguise itself?"
"Yes, that's right. . . . but it hasn't happened this time. I wonder why not?" She shrugged it off and picked up the skull. "Wonder if this old head'll help Grandfather? Where is he?"
She walked off to find him. Emma found it quite adorable that she cared for him. She was well aware that it was due to the fact that he was her grandfather but Barbara smiled at the stupefied Ian.
"You're very quiet." Barbara pointed out.
"I was wrong, wasn't I?"
"Oh, look, I don't understand it any more than you do. The inside of the ship, suddenly finding ourselves here. . .even some of the things Doctor Foreman says. . ."
"That's not his name. Who is he? Doctor who? Perhaps if we knew his name, we might have a clue as to all of this."
"Look, Ian. . .the point is, it's happened!"
"Yes, it has. But it's impossible to accept. I know I'm. . ." He trailed off, he turned to Emma with a hopeful look. "Erm, miss Jones, do you happen to know who that man is?"
"I told you, he is the Doctor!"
"Yeah, but what about his name? His real name?"
"I'm afraid I cannot answer that." she shook her head, her smile fading. "It may be my dream but it's still not my secret to share. It has been revealed in a way in an official Doctor Who comic book which was released in 1980."
"Miss Jones, this isn't---"
Susan ran back up to them, she seemed worried. "I can’t see him anywhere."
"Oh, he can't be far away." said Barbara reassuringly.
Emma nodded. "We'll find him!"
"I had a feeling just now as if we were being watched." said Susan and began calling for him. "Grandfather. . . ." As they searched around the dessert, a yell was overheard by the group. It was the Doctor. "Grandfather!"
Susan dropped the skull and started toward the noise, the others right behind her.
"Come on!" Ian and Emma said in a sync.
They arrived only to find the bag, the samples, and the smashed instrument.
"Look!" Ian said.
Susan asked, "What is it?"
"There’s some of his things!" said Barbara
"Grandfather, where are you?" shouted Susan, hysterically.
"Susan, don’t panic. . ." Ian said.
"I must find him. . .I must see. . ."
Ian tried to grab her and calm her down, but she twisted out of his grip and ran out of sight with Emma right at her heels. 
"Well, be careful, then!" shouted Ian. "The both of you!"
Emma caught up to the Gallifreyan girl and hugged her tightly. Susan tried to get out of her grip but Emma had dealt with something similar before. She gently rubbed the back of Susan's head.
"Sh. . . sh. . . It's alright, Susan. "said Emma calmly. "I understand this is upsetting but we're here with you in this. I promise we'll find your grandfather." Susan seemed to have calmed down but started sobbing as she returned the hug and hid her face in the crook of Emma's neck. The black haired female patted the girl's back. "There. There. Let's return to the others, okay? The more help the merrier."
She nodded, still sobbing, and the two returned to Ian and Barbara.
"I can't see him, I can’t find him anywhere. . .There’s not a sign of him. . . ." said Susan.
"Susan, don't worry." said Barbara. Susan stooped down and picked up a small book from the pile of belongings. "What's the matter?"
"It's his notes! He'd never leave his notebook, it's too important to him. . . it's got the key codes of all the machines on the ship, it's got notes of everywhere we've been to. . . .oh, something terrible has happened to him, I know it has! We must find him!"
Emma grabbed her wrist, not too tight but not too loose either, and looked into her eyes. "And we will. But we cannot just run around, shouting and all, risking to be spotted too by whatever or whoever took your grandfather."
"Miss Jones is right." said Ian, he picked up the Doctor's things. "What's on the other side of those rocks?"
"There's a line of trees, and there's a gap in them. . .there might be a path on the other side. . ." said Susan.
Ian picked up the bag. "All right, we'll try there first. Come on." As he started to get up, he paused, putting his hands against the sand. "Strange. . ."
"What?" asked Barbara.
"This sand. . . it's cold. It's nearly freezing!"
As they searched for the Doctor, it seemed hopeless. They couldn't find him. Just when they thought that they should find another way, they heard noises coming from a cave. Susan was the first one to run into the cave through the crowd and onto a caveman's back who had raised a knife.
"Grandfather!" exclaimed Susan.
Screaming furiously, Susan beat on the caveman from behind. Ian, Emma and Barbara joined the brawl although Barbara was quickly grabbed from behind. Emma was also grabbed by two cavemen, she screamed and kicked her feet but they were stronger than her. One of the cavemen got the better of Ian, and another caveman raised his axe to cleave his skull.
"If he dies, there will be no fire!" said the Doctor.
The fight halted suddenly. Za snarled and hoisted Ian up, handing his axe to another caveman. During the silence that followed, Kal looked over each of the newcomers. He stared open-jawed at Barbara. He staggered up to her, his hand about to touch her made-up, 20th century face.
"Kill her! Kill her!" an elderly woman ordered.
Kal's hands moved to his furs, Za grabbed him and Barbara screamed. "Wait!" Za shouted. Kal made a guttural reply. "When Orb gives fire back to the sky, let him look down on them. Then that is when they die! And Orb will bring us fire!" Kal at Za angrily. After a moment, and a look at the crowd, he replaced his stone knife in his furs. "Take them to the Cave of Skulls."
The tribe carried the five out, Susan screaming all the way. "No! Ah, ah, Grandfather! No, No. . ."
Inside the Cave of Skulls, as Za called it, a group of tribes-men completed the task of tying up the five inside a cave filled with bones of all types. Ian stumbled to the ground with the others as their captors left. He looked down at a prone Barbara.
The woman coughed. "Ian. . ."
"Are you all right? Did they hurt you?"
"No. . . .Ian, I'm frightened. . . ."
"Try to hang on."
"But how are we going to get out of this?"
The Doctor was sitting, and muttering furiously as he worked at his bonds. Emma, on the meantime, tried to remain calm as she looked around for anything that could release her and the others from their bonds.
"We must use our cunning. I hope you can get yourself free, Chesterton. I can't. Eeuuch! The stench in here. The stench. . . I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I. . .I'm desperately sorry."
"Don't blame yourself, Grandfather." Susan told him.
Emma noticed a pair of skulls lie next to them. One cracked and missing some of its front teeth. The other with a hole at the top. "Look!" She shouted. "Look at that! Look!"
And they did.
Ian was the next one to speak. "They're all the same. They've been split open. . ."
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jorgiebeingasimp · 2 years
If I wrote a book would you read it? I'll try and include people's ideas in it!!
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abyss-of-mine · 1 year
Unhinged with ocs #4
Zack gripping Monica's breast and fingering her entrance while thrusting into her other hole. Him kissing and nibbling on her neck while she digs her nails into the covers, panting and moaning out from his needy hips and fingers. Once she's dripping from both areas, he flips her on the bed and pushes her thighs down on her chest to start pounding into her entrance, clearly desperate and rough.
River's back pressing against Drake's chest as he grips her thighs and bounces her on his member. Him pushing her fully on his hard shaft and getting faster on satisfying themselves. She moans his name loudly, loving how needy he is as he slams her down and climaxes inside her, only to continue pounding her.
Mary and Annalise holding onto each other's bodies and kissing one another fiercely while bouncing themselves on the toys they stuck on the floor of the shower. Mary licking Annalise's neck, drinking up the water splashing on them and pumping herself faster on the toy. Annalise squeezing Mary's breasts and having her neck attacked, moaning her partner's name as their bodies bursts in pleasure.
Wendy holding Summer's hips as she thrusts into her with the strap-on. She moans from Summer turning the setting higher on the vibrating underwear while Wendy kisses her and swirls her tongue in the other's mouth. Summer holds her head to deep the kiss and slams her body against the headboard from Wendy's thrusts. Pleasure stains the covers and underwear before switching their positions.
Quinn pants harshly at the pounding into their backside, their hands gripping the side of the table to keep themself in stay while Bruno thrusts into their hole. He grips their hips and watches the strap-on enters and exists his partner, not holding back on hammering into them. Their member drips with lust and excitement, waiting for him to finish to flip him on the table and nail him until he can't respond.
Faith rides Clove's member while he's bound and gagged as punishment. She grips the headboard and allows herself go crazy on him, pounding herself with such roughness and desire. He moans behind the gag and tenses up more and more before climaxing inside her just for her to keep going.
Jack holds Lucas against the wall, hammering into his backside and fingering his hole. He bites Lucas's neck and suddenly shoves his fingers in to cause him to shout, making a mess on his hand. Jack flips him and picks him up to nail him on the wall, pumping his member in the other man's hole and swirling his tongue in his mouth.
Emma digs her nails into Felix's thighs and bobbing her head on his member. Felix holds Emma's hips and licks her folds before digging his tongue into her. Their lust pours into each other's mouths, licking it up and searching for more. Her tongue swirl around his member and sucks his size fully in her mouth. He slithers and secretly fingers her hole to have more her arousal to spill out and eagerly drink it. They excitedly drank, then readjust their position to hug one another as Felix thrust inside her.
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lunabunry · 1 year
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Knightingale MISC Incoming spam, i haven't posted since 02/23/2021 so I have a lot of art I need to post here. if you follow me on other socials you have definitely seen these before so here's part one: a bunch of character studies for old and new characters I've made and forgotten about for Knightingale
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
I'm just now remembering. That Elliot has a stoutland. That is canonically a transportation pokemon. And is said to very good with humans. And said stoutland doesn't exactly battle as frequently as the rest of her pokemon so he could go through the training required to become a service pokemon.
I mean I'm not gonna change it, Arcanine works really well and pretty much does the same job stoutland would have but like. Stoutland was right there and I forgot about him.
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writerscafehub · 3 months
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( • ༝•)
c /づ づ 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 all the works made by the very talented members of the writer's café server in the month of JUNE. we ask, and highly encourage, that you reblog them in support. ♡
𖥔 indicates smut
✶ indicates dark elements
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By ☁︎☽ Cocoa ☁︎☽ @cocoamoonmalfoy @darksideofthecocoamoon
𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 | Novacane!Michelle Jones x black!Reader
You say space will make it better and time will make it heal.  I won't be lost forever and soon I wouldn't feel.  Like I'm haunted, woah, falling
𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 | Life’s Perfect Ache!Paul Atreides x Pharao Hekau (OFC)
Please call me your baby, baby, baby.  Look how long that you have kept me waiting.  I'm all in, look at all that I have given.  Ooh, I knew your love before I kissed you.  And now you’ve only made me miss you.  Come get me, come love me, baby, come love me.
𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄 | Paul Atreides x black!Reader
Are you with me?  Are you in or are you out?
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑 | Eivor Varinsdóttir x black!reader
you’re out on a date with Eivor and a guy sends you a drink thinking yall are just gal pals
𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 | Michelle Jones x Black Cat!Reader
MJ only knows you as Black Cat. When she doesn't hear from you for weeks and hears from Peter that he’s been with Black Cat a lot lately, she can only assume….
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𖥔 𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐍 | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
A chance encounter one night at a house party sparks the hottest hookup Bucky and Steve ever have.
By ☆ Stella ☆ @a-lumos-in-the-nox
✶𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐏𝐘 & 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 | Fred Weasley x black!fem reader
Villainous duo doing bad shit.
𖥔𝐌𝐀𝐌𝐀 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄’𝐒 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 | Neville Longbottom x black!female OC
The Morgan's take their kids to a family reunion in Louisiana to celebrate Mama Gene's Birthday, and Ruby and Neville have some fun themselves.
By 𓆺 Witch Aunt 𓆺 @moonlight-prose
By ✬ Astro ✬ @eulalielatibule
Original Character Bio
By ⎈ Navy ⎈ @navybrat817
✶𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐓𝐖𝐎 | Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Chapter Summary: You're anxious before your date.
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄 | Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Bucky doesn't think he's good enough for you, but still wishes he could be your guy.
✶𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 | Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Chapter Summary: The date is just beginning, but you're not sure if you can keep it together.
By ❥ Courtney ❥ @chasingmidnights
𖥔𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 | camp owner!Max Burnett x secretary!reader
Max comes to the camp to see how things are going, when he meets you, one of the newest secretaries to join the staff. Max is immediately smitten with you and wants to make you his. 
By ✾ Annie ✾ @nekoannie-chan
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 | Steve Rogers x reader
Steve broke your heart
By ✧Bella✧ @madwomansapologist
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌 - 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 | Thranduil x female!reader
Thranduil thought the recent attack of spiders on a periphery village was the only thing deserving of his attention. If he could've imagined what he would found there, who he would found there, the Elvenking would wait a millenia in front of that river so he could see her sooner. Or: how Gandalf managed to keep a secret for 14 months.
By ఌ Bam Bam ఌ @buzzkillers
✶𝐅𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐁 | Namor x fem!reader
namor comes to the call
By 𓆸 Rika 𓆸 @fushic0re
𖥔𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑!𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐎 | Choso Kamo x fem!reader
what it is like to date the choso kamo.
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© all works belong to the respective writers of the writers café server.
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basilone · 6 months
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Sometimes, war is the province of women. An alternate take on the battle for air dominance over the skies of Europe during World War Two, as told through the stories of an American all-female bomber crew and the people around them.
This is a collection of standalone works that all interlock to form one big patchwork quilt of stories. It will see new additions every so often, especially because a lot of it is written to prompts. The collection on AO3 is my best attempt at organizing it in chronological order.
[click here for the WIP story collection!]
Want to know a little more about the OCs featured in this collection? Please click the readmore below!
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Charlotte “Lottie” Rivers-Mayhew Fighter pilot turned bomber pilot Can fly anything, will try anything. Big mouth, little heart. Lives in the land of innuendo and crude jokes. Loud about her whole existence. Very smart, but downplays that like whoa. Julie “Jules” Langdon Bomber pilot Runs this gig and everyone else just needs to get with her program. Great at reading people the riot act. Comically unimpressed by everything that lands in her path. Nosewrinkles at any and all delays. Known for slipping people an extra bite to eat. Christina “Tiny” Heartfield Bomber co-pilot Needs five hours to get ready for any kind of social event. Silver spoon baby. Knows all the gossip and all the good songs. Gets a little bit stressed about flying in warzones. Loves a good ghost story. Eleanor “Nora” Graham Navigator The Mom Friend. Prone to giving hugs and peptalks. Bossy and quite rude when things don’t go her way. Cannot flirt her way out of anything. If you see her running, that’s just standard procedure. Valerie “Val” Hodges Radio operator Absolute poker-faced ballsy liar. Most innocent face in the whole crew. Smokes more than her job should allow. Will try to wiggle out of any lectures by offering the most inane excuses. There’s not a puzzle she can’t solve. Genevieve “Two” Hodgson Tail gunner Shows up late to everything except the war. Always chewing gum. Queen of half-hearted salutes and vague politeness. Keeps saying she’s too poor for this level of bullshit. Has a mean right hook. Madeleine “Push” Perrault Flight engineer Making lists calms her down. Can and will call you stupid in four different languages. Thinks planes are better than people. Voice like a foghorn with the attitude to match. Believes she can fix anything. Evelyn “One-Eye” Carter Ball turret gunner Happy-go-lucky baby of the group, rolling with life’s punches. Will talk your ear off. Could probably get away with murder. Best gunner in the crew. Can be painfully naïve. Dorothy “Dee” Llewellyn Waist gunner Born a pessimist. Genuinely thinks no man should ever sport a mustache. Has a limitless supply of stories about her family. Very protective. Would inspire a riot if anyone ever let her talk long enough without interruptions. Maxine “Max” Morrison Waist gunner Bold and brash and crackling with energy. Cracks more bad jokes than anyone alive. Has developed some rather complicated handshakes. Will interrupt any event or conversation. If you see her running, something’s probably chasing her. Stella “Frosty” Lombardi Bombardier Icy calm in any crisis. Can calculate any bomb drop. Complains about the food. Is a true girl’s girl and refuses to so much as speak to most men. Never wants to miss out on the fun.
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Lucille Dorrance-Jones, goes by Lucy Jones Nurse The singlemost stubborn person on the planet. Thinks some injuries are fascinating. Harbors a healthy distrust of bureaucracy and paperwork. Can probably drink you under the table. Encourages anyone to sing. Cressida Dorrance-Jones Interrogator Sharp as a tack. Does not forgive, does not forget. Secretly more big-hearted than people would give her credit for. Really wants to fly a plane. Has an ongoing one-sided vendetta with Meatball. Darlene Mayfair Mechanic Cheerful and spirited. Very gifted storyteller. Turns shy when complimented. Ride or die for people and sticks with them longer than they might deserve. Marches to the beat of her own drum. Georgina “George” Campbell Mechanic Has a soft spot for strays. Suffers no fools. Is here to win a war, not ogle cute men. Perpetually fighting a losing battle against the grease stains on her uniform. The best co-conspirator you could ask for. Imogene “Genie” Chapman Clubmobile girl Very outgoing people-person. Better at giving advice than at taking it. Designated hair-cutter. Loves movies and dancing. Knows just about anybody by name. Jack Ellis OSS Doesn’t miss a beat. No-nonsense natural leader. Very determined to do what he believes is the right thing. Talks about the war in terms of “the game”. Warm and caring once he lets his guard down.
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virgilisspidey · 8 days
Catherine "Cathy" Jones from Two Souls' Extended Universe!!
Click for better quality
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This took me 12 hours and 4 minutes 😭. My friend joked that this could be a season 2 design lol
First design + art process under the cut + rambling
Sketch/Lineart/Flat colors
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Here's her first design lol
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For those unaware, this is Cathy, the little sister Casey mentions in tmnt 2012, or at least the Two Souls Universe's version. She is a part of a new generation 'ninja' team that consists of Chloe (the little girl Leo played tea time with), River (an Foot Ninja oc, adopted by Karai and Shinigami), and Ryan (an oc adopted by the Mutanimals). They are irrelevant to Two Souls as of now, but will be relevant in the future.
My friend also joked that in the new art I made her look like she's wearing Casey's hand me downs, which is funny considering I draw her in baggy clothes.
Nothing changed much about her design overall, it's just that her hair got longer than what I originally intended it to be. A cool person in the Cobweb server drew her with long hair instead of the long side bangs + shoulder length hair (that I should've like made clear) on her reference and I loved it so much so Cathy is keeping it.
The new outfit isn't really canon or anything, I just challenged myself to draw every OC that I have (that I can remember) in some sprt of aesthetic that fit their character. Basically Cathy won the spin the wheel and I drew her with the grunge aesthetic (or at least according to pinterest). While I searched for references it mostly had grayish desaturated greens but I made it purple for my girl. It's very simple and lacked any prints on it because I didn't want to suffer more than i already have.
I'm super proud of this. I feel like I improved a lot.
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luvwich · 3 months
wip whenevers
i was tagged by @ghostoffuturespast to share some work in progress! there's a lot of work and not much progress to speak of but here's a run-down of everything in active development
shanghai 57
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some cp77 characters for the this story i've been piecing together. that's regina jones and an OC of mine, mariano torralba / tiyo nano, in their wild youth! (their middle age is wild but their youth was, too)
the fic is mostly-outlined and i'm in that stage of trying to catch a vibe on character voice, setting, all that good and extremely difficult stuff
hypercritical season 3
elsewhere in that universe i've been plotting this nameless post-canon fic that continues mike and vania's story from where crescent&redwood left off.
i will put my cards on the table, a lot of this one is motivated by me wanting to continue their "dynamic" with johnny, lol. (throuple airhorn) (i reveal my cards with a flourish and nobody is surprised, because i have posted excerpts of this before and because it's me)
but i'm also really grooving on the quasi-solarpunk setting where we last found them, and wallowing in the angst V feels after her decision to do the surgery and fuck people over.
Amidst a five-by-two grid of other structures, V's was the last greenhouse on the left. It was a ramshackle assembly: panes of reclaimed plexi-glass bound together with scrap metal and thick cords of hope. A dinky little thing that seemed always on the verge of failing. Though one or two bad storms had jeopardized its integrity, it was still here. She smiled over a shoulder at it as she plodded over the darkening ground toward dinner.
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sometimes i do weird shit like use graphviz to plot out what i think the emergent themes of a thing are. i don't know if this helps me in any way but it's fun. the nonsense i'll go through just because i want a blorbo threesome i stg. pointing and laughing at myself.
royal blue
i'm writing a follow-up chapter to that fucking bummer one-shot i wrote about valerie and river a little while back. i can't leave them miserable like that!
breached (smutty collab)
i worked with @streetkid-named-desire on a one-shot with their OCs VG and batsheva and it turned out really cute :3 lookin for beta readers rn!
V's interface dribbled into the emptiness, everything but the maze and mouse thinning out into wavering lines. He could feel what she was doing through his avatar. The sensation wasn't quite the same as when he was in realspace, but it sizzled through his nerves like the aftershock of a dream. Somewhere in the netrunning chair's hardware, bits and bytes were scrambling to make sense of the feeling of Bea's wet, beautiful mouth dancing over his cock. The result was an exhilarating, electric connection that felt like neither life nor the Net.
bg3 bros helping bros
last but not least this is most likely the next thing i'll actually publish, and it's A Bit Different for me! i was possessed by the idea of Rugan and Gale having a hush-hush no-homo encounter a while ago and reeled off some lil bits for the fabulous Zhentil Keep discord. for whatever reason (probably because i have 80 other things to work on!!) i picked this up again over the weekend.
Now, Gale wasn't the slightest bit wrong. It was a nice cock, and anyone who espied it had the right, nay, the duty to say as much. But how'd he manage a glimpse from so many paces away, at the edge of moondark at that? Perhaps he'd deployed some perverted hocus-pocus in order to steal a look at the Zhentarim serpent. 
i have some kind folks beta-ing this, and i really need a title. it's the first thing i've written for bg3! i was trying to ship rugan with my tav but this scene has gripped me and i kind of love him with gale more now?? it happens
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stusbunker · 2 months
Hey Do you have any dean angst fic recs?
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Yes. Yes I do.
The first fic that came to mind was a Crossover featuring Dean/Jessica Jones of the Marvel Netflix Universe by an amazing writer named MJ. @thoughtslikeaminefield
Run Me Like a River
I also want to turn you towards an AU of hers where Dean gets sober. Not really ship focused, but there is romantic and sexual elements.
28 Days
Need a longer fic?
Check out my girl Tricia @lastactiontricia and her AMAZING and dark
World Without End
This is an oldy but a goody, but dark, heed the warnings.If you haven't heard of Beka, I hope you check out her other stuff. @impala-dreamer
Good Vibrations
A super smart and talented human named Lou @there-must-be-a-lock wrote this outstanding series about heartbreak and redemption and growth.
And a final little self-promo
If there are certain ships or more things you're looking for I can dig deeper, just let me know anon!
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swayhere · 3 months
canon starter call - open to anyone !
i have a strong urge to write some canon muses, so if you would be interested in writing against any of the canon muses listed under the READ MORE below, please comment/IM me and i can send a starter your way or reply to one of your starters.
i do not require you to know anything about my muse's canon, but i'm more than happy to tell you about it if you ask. i'd be happy to write canon muses against your ocs! also, mixing fandoms is 100% ok with me unless your canon muse is problematic and makes me uncomfy. my canon muses do not have all their memories or relationships from their life unless we plot it, but they will have the same general personality/ambitions.
if you are willing to write against my canon muses but don't care which, just like this post, and i'll take a look at your open starters and/or send you a closed starter at random with a muse i think fits the vibe.
*please don't agree to write against my canon muses if you're one of those picky weirdos that will be up in arms if i don't write a cannon muse exactly how you would.
( if you'd prefer to write against an oc muse only, check this post. )
canon muses i'd like to write: bold = extra big muse rn. strikethrough = exclusive, so not rn.
muses from tv shows: 
911 — eddie diaz , evan buckley , athena grant , bobby nash , karen wilson
911: lonestar — carlos reyes , grace ryder , judson ryder , t.k. strand , owen strand
as the world turns — dr. reid oliver , luke snyder
boy meets world — shawn hunter , jack hunter , angela moore , topanga lawrence
chuck — sarah walker , chuck bartowski , bryce larkin 
degrassi — jimmy brooks , sean cameron , ellie nash , marco del rossi , sav bhandari , drew torres , zoe rivas , miles hollingsworth iii , tiny bell , esme song , 
gilmore girls — jess , luke
good trouble — gael martinez , jamie hunter , callie adams foster , mariana adams foster , evan speck , joaquin perez , dennis cooper 
how i met your father — sid , ian , sophie , jesse
how i met your mother — marshall eriksen , lily aldrin , victoria
how to get away with murder — laurel castillo , connor walsh , oliver hampton , michaela pratt , frank delfino 
jessica jones — jessica jones
lost — kate austen , juliet burke , daniel faraday , desmond hume , sayid jarrah , sun-hwa kwon , claire littleton , walter ‘walt’ lloyd , charlie pace , hugo ‘hurley’ reyes , shannon rutherford , miles straume 
new amsterdam — lauren bloom , elizabeth wilder , casey acosta
new girl — nick miller , winston bishop , cece parekh
one tree hill — nathan scott , lucas scott , keith scott , chase adams , brooke davis 
outer banks (obx) — jj maybank , kiara carrera
please like me — arnold 
rosewell, new mexico — michael guerin , maria deluca , isobel evans
scandal — olivia pope , prezzy fitz
scooby doo — daphne blake
stranger things — robin buckley , steve harrington , jim hopper , chrissy cunningham , eddie munson , max mayfield , eleven , mike wheeler 
superstore — jonah simms
the 100 — finn collins
the bear — richie jerimovich, carmy berzatto , marcus , sydney adamu  
the mindy project — danny castellano 
the office — ryan howard , jim halpert , pam halpert , kelly kapoor , holly flax
the politician — river barkley , astrid sloan 
the young & the restless — sally spectra , adam newman , chelsea lawson , phyllis summers , lily winters , sharon newman , chance chancellor , victoria newman , tessa porter , amanda sinclair , cole howard
younger — josh , kelsey peters
muses from books: 
along for the ride ( book version only ) — eli stock , auden west , maggie  
one of us is lying ( book version only ) — cooper clay , nate
red white & royal blue — alex claremont-diaz , prince henry , zahra bankston
we were liars — gatwick ‘gat’ matthew patil
muses from movies: 
dead poets society — neil perry , charlie dalton , todd anderson
harry potter — lee jordan
les mis — enjolras , grantaire 
super 8 — joe lamb , martin , preston
twilight — irina denali , jasper cullen
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