#oc: solona amell
inquisimer · 2 months
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO For dadwc, Can I get Amell/Alistair "He is half of my soul, as the poets say"?????????
thank you ed!! this ended up more Amell & Anora, with Amell/Alistair mentioned, though not insignificantly. It just felt like Solona would do better expressing that feeling to literally anyone other than Alistair, lmfao.
wc: 625
for @dadrunkwriting
“So your prince will stay a Warden.” Anora’s face was unreadable, hands clasped at the small of her back as she looked out over the smoldering rubble of Denerim. Every muscle in Solona’s body ached, her skin and bones battle weary, but she forced herself to stand tall at the queen’s side.
“He was never a prince to me,” she said with a soft smile. “Not in the sense that you mean it, at least.”
Anora snorted. “He was never really a prince in the sense that I mean it, either.”
“No, I suppose not. But I would have thought the decision would please you.”
“Oh, it does.” Anora’s canny gaze fixed on Solona from the corner of her eye. “I was simply surprised. It would have afforded you far more leverage had you placed Alistair on the throne in any capacity. Not to mention you risk the ire of Arl Eamon—a powerful man.”
“Bit of a prat though,” Solona muttered, not quite low enough as the corners of Anora’s eyes crinkled with mirth. She cleared her throat and swallowed a sigh.
“Perhaps if I were as power-hungry as they say, that would have been the course to chart. But I never wanted any slice of your throne. I didn’t even want the power afforded by the circumstances at Ostagar; I simply had no choice.”
“And yet you would not cede it now.”
Solona scowled. “That’s complicated. If I could implicitly trust the person on the receiving end? In a heartbeat. But I’ve given blood and sweat and soul to see peace restored. There are precious few I trust implicitly anymore.”
“Of which Alistair is one.”
“Yes.” The fringe of Solona’s bangs fluttered as she huffed. “But, and this may be hard for you to conceptualize, surrounded by power-hungry men as you are: Alistair does not want the power you wield. More than that, he actively abhors the thought of it.”
She wrapped her fingers around the grimy marble banister and sighed. “After everything we’ve given, after all we’ve survived…I could not do that to him, even if I wanted to. Not only would it crush him, it would be the end of us. How could he stay with someone who looked his wishes dead in the eye and said ‘that matters less than what I want’?”
“I thought Wardens were meant to put the world ahead of themselves.”
“Wardens are also meant to stay out of politics,” Solona retorted. “And it’s defeating the Blight, not the entire world.”
“So it is.” A smile cracked through Anora’s impassive mask and she relaxed, turning to face Solona properly. “Have you reconsidered my offer? Whether you enjoy the Game or not, you know the steps. Implicitly, perhaps, but you would go far at my side in court.”
Risking offense, Solona let her displeasure wrinkle across her nose. “I do not have to be unskilled at a thing to know that I would not enjoy it.”
“The Game is not about enjoyment. It is a means to an end.”
“I am not interested in the ends,” Solona shrugged. “And unless you have reconsidered my counter, we remain at an impasse.”
“You would not be parted from your lover? However brief a time, however fruitful an advantage?”
“There is no advantage that compares to his presence,” Solona answered simply. “And the time we have left is brief enough without spending it parted.”
“Then I shall see you when business dictates, Grey Warden.” Anora held out a hand and Solona clasped her by the wrist, the firm grip of equals and a mutual understanding between the two most powerful women in the country. They stood together, even as they parted ways.
“That you will, Your Majesty. That you will.”
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minthara · 3 months
made my warden and my inquisitor :)
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panamoo · 7 months
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Solona 💫
I recently played Dragon Age: Origins for the first time and I am absolutely in love with the game. I’ve now since finished DA2 and have now started DA:I ☺️
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amarmeme · 1 year
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Solona Amell as a John William Waterhouse portrait. (The Soul of The Rose below the cut)
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mil0mocha · 11 months
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Neither a girl nor a boss but something else entirely
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saturnisaturnip · 8 months
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Old doodles of inquisition Solona and Leliana featuring my Trevelyan inquisitor (I miss dragon age)
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mithra-sun · 1 month
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knuttydraws · 1 year
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Last one of this portrait series, my brain was on fire over the weekend.
@kittynomsdeplume 's OC Solona Amell, who I steal in regular intervals, so now she has like 4 different arts done by me, and looks different every time 😆 listen, it's all the learning process 🥲
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milesmentis · 8 months
Whichever oc is eating your brain the mostest:
Name one thing their parents taught them.
What recurring dreams do they have?
Thank you for asking and waiting so patiently for me to open my inbox again. Although I don't talk about her much at all, I've been thinking again about Solona Amell and since I never include her on OC lists for these it only seems fair. From this list here:
13) Name one thing their parents taught them.
Poise is everything. The way you are perceived by others dictates your own treatment so you must always present yourself to your best advantage. Never give anything away - not your respect, not your disdain, certainly never your opinion - and you will never find yourself in another's debt.
29) What recurring dreams do they have?
No surprise, but Solona is frequently beset by demons. She is like catnip to them: proud, ravenous, bitter, jealous ... and so very afraid. She frequently has lucid dreams which often (though not always) have a demon at the center of them. Most of them revolve around her aspirations: becoming Grand Enchanter and then breaking from the Chantry is a big one. And then of course, there are the Archdemon nightmares. But of her normal dreams, the most common one is "waking up" in a field of wild flowers. Sometimes she's alone, sometimes she's lying next to Heulwen or her mother. That one becomes less common during/after the Blight, but when it does come back the person she's lying next to is always Alistair (or one time that woke her in a cold sweat - Jowan).
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inquisimer · 4 months
until it is a shackle
Some Alistair/Amell for @febuwhump day 19! As Solona battles through the remnants of the Circle, she realizes Alistair's past might matter more than she thought.
read it on ao3 here
Alistair/Female Amell | Rated T | 1022 words | CW: injury, fear, existential crisis, crisis of faith, power imbalance
It was frightening, how quickly the Circle sank its teeth back into her. Between Wynne at her side and the familiar walls all around, Solona could feel the months of change and growth melting away. Only the Taint in her blood and Alistair at her back kept her grounded in reality.
But even that shifted, blurred in new context.
Alistair trained as a Templar. She knew that, spent a great deal of time pointedly not thinking about it. After that first, awkward conversation, it rarely came up. He wore Warden armor and fought with a Warden’s gear and the enemies before them were darkspawn, not mages. But here, in the hallowed halls of her childhood, she saw it plainly.
He angled his shield down and away, deflecting spells without a second thought. When the demons spun their tempting tales, his mouth formed verses of the Chant to keep his mind his own. Every slash of his sword, every maneuver of his shield, he’d been taught to hunt and kill mages. Mages like her.
At his core, he was a Templar. And she wasn’t sure how she felt about that anymore.
Each room they cleared stripped away another layer, pouring salt in the wounds left raw by Neria’s escape. She knew so many, too many of the faces. They were ghosts now and they haunted her as the party went, replacing the love and laughter in every corner with the echo of their screams. An entire lifetime she’d thought to preserve in her memories…gone, just like that.
Her fingers tightened around her staff. Uldred. She would kill him herself for what he’d done to her home.
“Demons,” Alistair whispered as they approached the next room. His gaze lingered on her but she refused to meet it, just nodded at Leliana to open the door.
Desire waited on the other side, a few Templars in its snare. As they launched into battle, Rage crawled up and joined the fray, for passion and anger were never more than a hairsbreadth apart. Ducking around Alistair, Solona engaged the demon head-on. She knew Desire, had spent many nights with its temptations curled around her ears. It offered her nothing she had not rejected before.
Ice sprayed from her staff, a deadly cone that froze the demon mid-air. Her staff spun and twisted, mana woven into a rune that sprang up just as her ice melted away. A wall of electricity caged the demon and Solona darted for an angle at its vulnerable back.
Summon, bend, cast. She threw ice before fire, summoned bolts and nets of pure arcane energy, and held the demon at bay with shield about her mind. Around them, its thralls fell to her companion’s blades, until only Desire remained. Its attention never wavered from Solona.
But it was flagging. Solona tasted victory, just a spell or two away. She thrust her staff toward the ceiling and drew down a bolt of lightning—
—that fizzled into nothing. An invisible wall of force slammed on her from above. She fell to her knees, nearly knocked prone if not for how she clutched her staff.
She knew Desire and this was not one of its abilities. With willpower as strong as hers, very few things laid her out so fully, body and mind both. As the fog cleared from her eyes, she realized that Desire was on its knees beside her, horns pressed to the floor, and she recognized the taste of bitter iron on her tongue.
A lack of Fade. Her connection severed as wholly as if she’d lost a limb.
A Templar’s holy Smite.
Sure enough, when her eyes found Alistair, his expression twisted horribly with grief and guilt. The time for that was later, though. At his side, Wynne siphoned mana from herself and threw it at Solona, who surged upright as the Fade returned to her fingertips.
She whipped her staff around and drove the blade into the base of Desire’s neck. It howled—then choked, as she cast waves of electricity straight into its core. Its back arched and it fell dead at her feet, singed and smoking.
The moment’s adrenaline instantly left Solona and she crumpled.
Alistair’s concern stung like a whip and when his hand landed on her shoulder, she flinched. Oblivious, he knelt beside her and tipped her head back. She cringed away and this time he couldn’t miss it.
In her peripheral, he loomed taller and broader than she knew he really was, and the edges of him blurred from the lingering aura of Smite. When he reached for her hand, she clenched it into a fist.
“Please, don’t.” She squeezed her eyes shut. It wasn’t fair—it wasn’t his fault. “Just…Wynne?”
“I—of course.” She owed him an explanation, something to soothe the painful confusion so tangible in his soft words. But she was too raw for that now, her emotions all twisted up in what had been and what was and what she wanted to be.
Templars protected them, protected the tower. They were the Chantry’s arm, carrying the Maker’s message and the Divine’s will in their holy endeavors. So the Circle taught her, so she’d always believed. She never had a reason to doubt.
Until now.
Wynne took Alistair’s place and as soon as her comforting arm settled across Solona’s shoulders, the young mage collapsed. She fell forward against Wynne’s bosom like a child and sobbed as she had not since the Templars took her from Kirkwall. Her mother’s anguish was just a wisp of childish memory, but it echoed in her soul as Wynne stroked gentle comfort down her spine.
“Shh, child, shh,” she murmured. “It will pass. You will be alright.”
Would she? When the world stripped her bare in this way? Confidence had carried her so far, but she wondered now if it had been false, a delusion she painted for herself to cope with the reality she hadn’t wanted to see.
“How?” she sobbed. Wynne buried her face in Solona’s mussed hair and a few silent tears slipped down her face.
“You have no other choice.”
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minthara · 9 months
caved and made my amell and trevelyan (dont pay attention to the spells didnt pick any lmao but everything else is how theyd be in bg3)
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rahatmaart · 1 year
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just... my Amell girly... 
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mil0mocha · 11 months
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Solona Amell + a diary excerpt of hers. I imagine most of her memories of the outside are faded by the time she’s written this but regardless she remembers the feeling.
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fandomn00blr · 1 year
@funkypoacher​ look! I did the thing! (we’re all sick and cold and snuggled up on the couch for the evening so why not play with some virtual faces?)
Solona Amell (she doesn’t need no freakin’ staff when she spends most of her time as a spider)
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Neria Surana
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Delilah Howe (as requested)
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Ser Agatha
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and Nesinril Lavellan!
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Picrew link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1347038
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amarmeme · 11 months
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Someone asked about modern outfits on discord and I had to doodle some.
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milesmentis · 1 year
OC Tag Game
Thanks to @mxanigel for the tag! I’m tagging @mango-mage and @gayassdbz ... I wanna hear about your babies @_@
favorite oc - It’s Daren, no question and no surprise!
newest oc - Solona Amell is the most recent “canonized” character (with a save file and everything), but she’s been around as a side character for years, so I’ll say Donnie Shepard.
oldest oc - depending how you count it, either Eyas Mahariel or Magnus "not Trevelyan”. Mags was my original Inquisitor and a proto-Daren in a lot of ways, and Eyas was my very first attempt at playing any DA game (way back in 2015 ish) but I never ever finished the origin.
meanest oc - Mmmm, gotta be Brosca. She’s good, not nice (as opposed to Solona, who is nice but terrible).
softest oc - easy, Gil Hawke!
most aloof/standoffish oc - Eyas, definitely.
dumbest (affectionate) oc - Magnus! He is *notably* dumber than both Daren and Donnie ... which is not easy.
smartest oc - Solona, and by a *wide* margin.
horniest oc - oOOOOOh ... my first instinct was Daren, but I think I have to give it to Hallapan Lavellan.
oc you'd bang - Gil ... with her kind, hazel eyes and big strong mage arms 🥺👉👈
oc you'd be best friends with irl - Daren and Hallapan!
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