#brosca mac tir
milesmentis · 7 months
A Brosca for a Brosca! 2, 10 and 19 for Brosca Mac Tir please 😳💞
Heck yes, Brosca Time! I love her and hardly ever get to talk about her so let's go!!
2) Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? 
Yes and no. Originally, the long fic that I am (slowly) writing was intended to have three Warden protaganists: Daren and Heulwen were already established characters so I wanted to throw in one more character to round out the team. The problem was, as I got further into the outlining, I realized that it was just too full to juggle 3 protags + Alistair and Brosca was so overwhelmingly competent that I was stealing character development from other people. So she had to die, but then *that* freed her up in my mind to truly develop. Basically everything about her came about once I took her *out* of the team dynamic and set her loose on her own.
10) If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? 
Ooooh, so I'm going to talk about both of her LI's bc Brosca is my Alistair-mancer. In a single word, big yes! Her tough-as-nails but heart of gold personality was basically tailored to be Alistair catnip, and where Daren leaves Alistair softened (to his own detriment) I knew that I wanted to make a character who would both love him and harden him. She pushes him to put the kingdom first and wed Anora, a decision which erupts explosively at the Landsmeet. I like to refer to this worldstate somewhat cavalierly as "Ultimate Divorce Timeline", but the tragedy inherent in their failed relationship is so beautiful to me that I genuinely had no intention of shipping her with anyone else. Loghain kind of, just ... happened. So where she and Alistair are "opposites attract" her later relationship with Loghain is "like recognizes like" (it's the PTSD, but don't tell them that).
19) What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Brosca has hydrophobia. The first time she sees the ocean, she gets vertigo so bad that she almost vomits and blacks out. She wakes up to Alistair cradling her and coaxing her to hold on to the grass and just look at him
[Questions here]
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Companions breaking into Fort Drakon to rescue Alistair and the warden be like
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vigilskeep · 4 months
rica, who would have done anything for her baby sibling to believe in nobodies who become heroes, telling little brosca every single smuggled scrap that anyone in orzammar ever heard about loghain mac tir
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thenevarranaccord · 28 days
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skyjynxart · 1 year
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Miles wanted a sassy, tit-for-tat style feel for Brosca and Loghain for March’s Kofi sketch, and I decided to have fun with her literally bringing his tall ass down to her level XD Loving all the dwarf protags I've gotten to do lately!
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tuxedo-rabbit · 1 year
Does anyone have fic recs that involve a warden!Loghain?
I am finally doing a playthrough where I recruit him and I realize I've literally never read a fic that included him.
Preferably set during DAO, but any type of warden is fine!
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duranna-1-700 · 2 years
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hero(es) of ferelden
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illusivesoul · 2 years
Understand My Ship in 5 Minutes
Was tagged by @mxkelsifer to do this thingy. Thank you, friend :) I'll tag @elleweird @imakemywings @eiramew @leoisanaries @morganaseren @galfrey and @briarfox13 Only if you feel like doing this of course. I'll leave the blank under my pics. My Serena art was made by Annidoesart on twitter.
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bumblewarden · 1 year
Your Brosca's thoughts on Loghain for the npc ask game
Thanks for the ask! Radka is extremely willing to hate Loghain!
He's a teyrn, and she's well trained to expect a noble caste who cares for the lives of no one below themselves. The idea that he had no qualms leaving the Grey Wardens to all die faces no resistance from her, and she even starts to think it was premeditated when she remembers how Loghain had the Tower of Ishal blocked off before the battle. Killing the Grey Wardens is inexcusable and so she's not keen to tolerate his continued breathing
Then putting a hit on her after? Like, it was personal before, but now it's personal personal
[Ask Game]
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dragonologist-phd · 6 months
All Their Words For Glory: A collection of fics which take place in my 'canon' DA universe, where Brosca and Aeuducan are recruited as dual Wardens and the other Origins survive on their own.
Of Diamonds And Dust: Novelization of Origins, following Marja Aeducan & Darvis Brosca. Aeducan/Leliana, Brosca/Morrigan. WIP To The Bride: Pre-Game One-Shot, Sirena Cousland/Anora Mac Tir. Complete Impressions, First and Otherwise: Concurrent with ODAD, collection of one-shots focusing on Alistair/Zevran. Complete (For Now) And So They Burned: Follows the Non-Warden Mage Origins. Rosalind Amell/Shay Surana/Jowan. WIP Shapes in the Silence: Post-Game, collection of one-shots taking place during Awakening. Aeducan/Sigrun. Complete (For Now)
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milesmentis · 7 months
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Like ... are you kidding me??? How could I not be obsessed with her 😙
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sulky-valkyrie · 4 months
Happy happy Fridaaay! For DADWC, how about “Trusting you was a mistake" for Nanders, maybe? 🥺
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Happy Friday, Gin! 💜 have some angst for @dadrunkwriting
Anders had not been pleased when Nate insisted they bring Loghain to Kirkwall, but he couldn’t deny he’d been useful.  The city guards damn near fell over themselves for the fabled Hero of the River Dane far more than they would have for a simple pair of no-name ragged Wardens.  Nevermind that he’d almost torn Ferelden in half.  Nevermind that the refugee crisis in the Marches was partially his own fault.  Nevermind that Wardens weren’t supposed to have any ties or allegiances outside the order.  He was still Loghain mac fucking Tir, father of the bloody queen of Ferelden.  
He wanted to head straight for the Gallows, but Loghain insisted they do it the next morning.  “They won't look on us kindly if we're still covered in sea spray and road dust.”
“Besides,” Nate added, “the boats only travel to and from the city twice a day.  We’d be stuck there all night.”
Anders shuddered at the thought as he stared over the water.  Karl, please, just one more day.  “Fine.”
They found a small inn near the alienage, paid for two rooms, and took their evening meals upstairs.  To Anders’ surprise and Loghain's confusion, Nate chose to bunk with him, leaving him alone to wonder and worry instead of sleeping.  
When they reached the harbor just after dawn, the ferry to the Gallows was still docking.  They got into the blessedly short line to embark and were back on the water in less than half an hour.
The boat ride was simultaneously the one of the most boring and – hah – harrowing experiences of his life.  Anders fidgeted with his jacket, as much from nerves as the need to do something to keep himself from jumping off and swimming the rest of the way.  It would be apropos, after all.  The swim across Lake Calenhad was one of his favorite and more successful escapes; doing it again to get Karl out would have a poetic irony.  
“Stop that,” Nate hissed as he slapped his hand.  “The more nervous you look, the more they’ll worry something is wrong.”
He bit his tongue to keep himself from snarling a retort.  Something was wrong, wrong with the institution, the whole bloody world.  And he was going to fix it as soon as Karl was out of harm’s way.
Karl, I’m coming.  For him, he’d keep his damn hands still.
The strange jangling in his nerves that he’d always associated with lyrium use was thick in the air as they walked down the gangplank, and only increased as they wound their way past the Tranquil shops to the main entrance.  He'd known it would be crawling with Templars, of course, but knowing it and feeling it were two different things entirely.  He felt like he was trudging through molasses and hot coals all at once.  I'm a Warden, they can't touch me.
It was a cold comfort.  No, it was just cold, with icy fingers that squeezed his heart and made it difficult to breathe.  He followed Loghain and Nate almost blindly and prayed they'd be able to get this over with soon enough to take the afternoon ferry back to the city.
A familiar face was at the gate.  Familiar and unwelcome.  Maker, it's Cullen; I thought he died, now he's here and promoted?  Anders knelt down to adjust his boot, wishing Loghain or Nate were taller.  Hopefully he doesn't recognize me.
Loghain pressed a paper into Cullen's hands.  “We're here for the Right of Conscription; these are orders from the Warden Commander of Ferelden.”  
When had Brosca done that?  Was it forged?
“We're not in Ferelden,” Cullen sneered, then crumpled it up.
“The Wardens have authority to Conscript anywhere Thedas.” Nate waved his hand in disgust.  “Even Kirkwall.”
Cullen made a face.  “I'll have to take this to the Knight Commander.  Gallows are off limits to everyone, yes, even Wardens, without her permission.  We can't simply – wait.” He peered over Loghain's shoulder.  “Anders?”
Damn.  He tried to hide his wince as he stood up.  “Knight Captain, what a surprise to see you here.”
Cullen ignored him as he swung his gaze back to Loghain.  “Warden Constable, is there a reason you're bringing an apostate into the Gallows?”
“Call it a gesture of goodwill.”  He pointed at Anders.  “This mage has proved to be more trouble than he’s worth.  We need a different one.  I'm sure you understand.”
What?  Anders looked at Nate, who cleared his throat and fiddled with his belt pouch.  “Nate, you – was this the plan the whole time?”  He lunged for him, reckless with despair as the smite hit, stealing his voice, burning his mana away, and Maker, it hurt, but not as much as this.  Templars were suddenly at his sides, grabbing his hands, then pushing him to the ground and twisting his arms behind his back before hauling him back to his feet.
Loghain watched the whole thing impassively, but Nate, fucking Nate, Nate whom he’d slept with, who’d offered to help him, couldn’t even do him the courtesy of looking him in the eyes as he sent him to his death.
It happened so quickly he was too stunned to even fight back as they marched him past Cullen and toward the gate.  The crushing silence faded as the gate lifted, and he twisted around in their grip, ignoring the agonizing pop as his shoulder came out of his socket.  
“Trusting you was a mistake,” he spat before they dragged him away.
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vigilskeep · 2 years
hi i love your work, i just had another Though about wacky worldstates. if you romance (or just dark ritual) with a male brosca kieran, by marriage and depending on your choices, is related to the aeducans thru rica your sister. alt the same with a male aeducan, that would just make him have royal dwarven blood. i know bioware is just gonna ignore all these variations but god i wish they'd do something with it ):
leliana, cassandra, the wardens as an institution, the world as a whole: where can the the hero of ferelden and morrigan possibly have gone! disappeared! vanished!
orzammar, perfectly happy to have the king’s brother/brother-in-law’s powerful apostate on hand for the fair price of paying child support and letting her snark at people in the palace: truly a mystery to us all. no dangerous mages loose down here in orzammar for sure
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etdraconis · 7 months
Updated Muse List
Bold denotes primary/main muses, underlined denotes secondary muses, Italics denotes tertiary/low muse, * denotes request only
Dragon Age Canons:
Cremisius Aclassi
Zevran Arainai
Eleanor Cousland
Fergus Cousland
Bethany Hawke
Carver Hawke
Nathaniel Howe
Thomas Howe
The Iron Bull
Anora Mac Tir
Loghain Mac Tir
Josephine Montilyet
Dorian Pavus
Cassandra Pentaghast
Cullen Rutherford
Varric Tethras
Alistair Theirin
Cailan Theirin
Maric Theirin
Dragon Age OCs:
Arden Aclassi
August Amell
Elizabeth Amell
Julian Amell
Oliver Amell
Rosalie Amell
Pyke Brosca
Elysia Caius
Amara Cousland
Brennon Cousland
Lauryl Cousland
Victoire Ducet
Callum Hawke
Kenton Hawke
Leanore Hawke
Hava Lavellan
Theron Mahariel
Kalva Sabrae
Alim Surana
Aurelia Tabris
Claire Trevelyan
Declan Trevelyan
Evelyn Trevelyan
Everett Trevelyan
Maxwell Trevelyan
Persephone Trevelyan
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Elain Archeron
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Eris Vanserra
Lucien Vanserra
Sophie Beckett
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Francesca Bridgerton
Gregory Bridgerton
Hyacinth Bridgerton
Felicity Featherington
Penelope Featherington
Gareth St. Claire
Gwendolyn Sinclaire
Kendall Sinclaire
Alexander Thorne
Charlotte Thorne
Lillian Thorne
Sebastian Thorne
William Thorne
Crescent City
Juniper Andromeda
Fury Axtar
Baxian Argos
Hunt Athalar
Lidia Cervos
Ruhn Danaan
Declan Emmet
Hypaxia Enador
Danika Fendyr
Tristan Flynn
Connor Holstrom
Ithan Holstrom
Tharion Ketos
Bryce Quinlan
The Empyrean Saga
Jack Barlowe
Imogen Cardulo
Ridoc Gamlyn
Aaric Greycastle
Liam Mairi
Sloane Mairi
Rhiannon Matthias
Brennan Sorrengail
Lilith Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Violet Sorrengail
Kaz Brekker
The Darkling
Jesper Fahey
Inej Ghafa
Matthias Helvar
Fedyor Kaminsky
Tamar Kir-Bataar
David Kostyk
Nikolai Lantzov
Zoya Nazyalensky
Genya Safin
Alina Starkov
Wylan Van Eck
Tolya Yul-Bataar
Nina Zenik
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di Angelo
Jason Grace
Percy Jackson
Piper McLean
Will Solace
Leo Valdez
Throne of Glass
Aedion Ashryver*
Sam Cortland
Lysandra Ennar
Aelin Galathynius
Evalin Galathynius
Dorian Havilliard
Fenrys Moonbeam
Chaol Westfall
Rowan Whitethorn*
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Yennifer of Vengerberg
Other Book Muses
Daniel Arlington V (Ninth House)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Alexander Clairemont-Diaz (Red, White, and Royal Blue)
Arthur Delacey (Gwen and Art Are Not in Love)
Galaxy Stern (Ninth House)
Greek Mythology
DnD/Fantasy OCs
Jalana Astorio (human warlock)
Tarquin Auglathia (sea-elf rogue)
Nedri Autumnblaze (half-orc ranger)
Azure (water genasi monk)
Anders Brightwood (human bard)
Caerlin (tiefling arcane trickster rogue)
Drake (Wild Hunt shifter ranger)
Elianis Galonodel (half-elf druid)
Naivara Galonodel (half-elf mastermind rogue)
Taron Galonodel (wood elf bard)
Rhys Le'Quella (eladrin wizard)
Makaria (tiefling paladin)
Reya (tiefling storm sorcerer)
Alwyn Sulian (sun elf paladin)
Auryn Sulian (sun elf fighter)
Cerys Sulian (sun elf celestial warlock)
Emrys Sulian (sun elf shadow magic sorcerer)
Cloak Timbers (gnome cleric)
Hollis Tremaine (human fighter)
Other/modern OCs
Destin Michaels (merman)
Novah Michaels (mermaid)
Cassian Sage (werewolf)
Sophie Sage (werewolf)
Reina Solace (werewolf)
Hazel Thatcher (werewolf)
Nicolai Voss (vampire)
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inquisimer · 4 months
What's the fic that you had the most fun in writing? No stress, no block, just fun?
ooooo thank you for the question! I tend to be an overthinker, but looking back over my works there are definitely a few that I've just sat down and had the words pour out of me without any writer's block at all :3
For all three of these, I can remember a couple scenes, or some specific lines of dialogue, or a certain theme that came to me and hung out in my brain as an itch until I wrote them, so that's probably why I didn't struggle getting these done!
if our demons cannot dance
Anders/Female Hawke | Rated T | 7/7 chapters | 12,469 words Missing scenes & expansions on the rivalmance between Mari Hawke & Anders
hold my hope by the throat
Carver Hawke & Female Hawke, Female Hawke/Loghain Mac Tir | Rated T | Oneshot | 3160 words When the Blight takes Carver, his sister entrusts his life to the man who once left him to die.
Shards of Glass
Female Brosca & Rica Brosca | Rated G | Oneshot | 3304 words "The babe who was not yet Nika Brosca rested in a crevice beyond the bounds of Orzammar." The Stone gave her life, and life gave her all rough edges.
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dapolyshipping · 2 years
Pinch Hits
We have two pinch hits up for grabs!
Due: Both pinch hits have a tentative due date of the day before Work Reveals Saturday, November 12, 2022 or sooner.
Reminders: You do not have to be signed-up to the exchange to claim a pinch hit, but you must be willing to produce one fic of at least 1000 words or one fanart with at least clean lineart for ONE of the ships listed below. You should have an AO3 account, or be willing to sign-up for one.
To Claim: Contact the mods via one of the methods listed on our pinned post.
You can find details below the cut. Please be sure to read the requests carefully before you claim.
Pinch Hit #1: Settiai
ALL REQUESTS:  Fanart or Fanfic; Any Ratings
AutoAO3 Request | Letter
▸ Request 1: Female Amell/Cullen Rutherford/Female Surana, Female Aeducan/Female Brosca/Gorim Saelac/Gorim Saelac's Wife, Female Mahariel/Female Surana/Female Tabris (Dragon Age) ▸ Request 2: Cremisius "Krem" Aclassi/Cole/Maryden Halewell, Cremisius "Krem" Aclassi/The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus, The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus/Cullen Rutherford ▸ Request 3: Alistair/Female Amell/Cullen Rutherford, Alistair/Cullen Rutherford/Female Surana, Jowan/Lily/Female Surana (Dragon Age) ▸ Request 4: Ameridan/Female Lavellan/Solas, Anders/Male Hawke/Karl Thekla, Donnic Hendyr/Aveline Vallen/Wesley Vallen ▸ Request 5: Anders/Fenris/Female Hawke (Dragon Age), Anders/Fenris/Male Hawke (Dragon Age), Anders/Female Hawke/Sebastian Vael ▸ Request 6: Bhelen Aeducan/Female Aeducan/Rica Brosca, Alistair/Anora Mac Tir/Cailan Theirin, Anders/Bethany Hawke/Carver Hawke ▸ Request 7: Anders/Nathaniel Howe/Sigrun/Velanna, Nathaniel Howe/Sigrun/Velanna, Anders/Nathaniel Howe/Sebastian Vael ▸ Request 8: Anders/Female Hawke/Karl Thekla, Dorian Pavus/Cullen Rutherford/Female Trevelyan, Female Cadash/The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus ▸ Request 9: Alistair/Female Cousland/Anora Mac Tir, Alistair/Female Cousland/Leliana (Dragon Age), Alistair/Female Cousland/Nathaniel Howe ▸ Request 10: Female Adaar/Blackwall/Josephine Montilyet, Blackwall/Cullen Rutherford/Female Trevelyan, Female Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford/Solas
Pinch Hit #2: enigmalea
ALL REQUESTS: Fanart or Fanfic; Any Ratings
AutoAO3 Request | Letter
▸ Request 1: Anders/Cullen Rutherford/Solas, Anders/Dorian Pavus/Cullen Rutherford, Anders/Dorian Pavus/Solas ▸ Request 2: Anders/The Iron Bull/Cullen Rutherford, Anders/The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus, Anders/The Iron Bull/Solas ▸ Request 3: Dorian Pavus/Cullen Rutherford/Solas, The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus/Cullen Rutherford, The Iron Bull/Cullen Rutherford/Solas ▸ Request 4: Cillian/Female Lavellan/Solas, Renn/Solas/Valta (Dragon Age), Female Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford/Solas ▸ Request 5: Anders/Male Hawke/Cullen Rutherford, Anders/Arishok/Male Hawke, Anders/Male Hawke/Karl Thekla ▸ Request 6: Male Aeducan/Anders/Zevran Arainai, Male Aeducan/Anders/Zevran Arainai/Nathaniel Howe ▸ Request 7: Female Hawke/Varric Tethras/Sebastian Vael, Brother Ferdinand Genitivi/Laudine/Philliam Trevelyan, Dorian Pavus/Cullen Rutherford/Rylen ▸ Request 8: Male Lavellan/Nonbinary Lavellan/Solas, Dorian Pavus/Cassandra Pentaghast/Male Trevelyan, Alistair/Female Cousland/Morrigan (Dragon Age) ▸ Request 9: Anders/Male Hawke/The Iron Bull, Anders/Male Hawke/The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus, Anders/Male Hawke/The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus/Cullen Rutherford
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