#oc: trinity shepard
dracoangel · 2 years
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Happy N7 Day to all the wonderful Shepards and Ryders out there!
And a special shout out to my Trinity Shepard and Ryder Twins, Kenzie and Mace. I can’t wait to see what the future of Mass Effect has for us!
art credit: @caffeinatedrogue who always does such an amazing job bringing my lovely game children to life ❤
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catcomixzstudios · 1 year
Put in the tags what your OCs’ idle animation(s) would be
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valerie-royeaux · 2 years
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The amazing @illusivesoul tagged me to do an OC on this piccrew! I went a bit extra and did all of them, lol! XD
In order, Constance Cousland, Junia Cadash, Trinity Shepard and Valentina Hawke!
Tagging @mapplestrudel, @amarmeme and @andrastini!
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succubused · 6 years
Ok I neeeeeeed to know about your Shepard! I love hearing about people's OCs. Tell me stuff about them? I'm sorry I have no specific questions for you but you can just tell me whatever you'd like about your Shepard, your favourite things about them maybe? Any headcanons?
Wow I love this so much thank you??
I’ll get down with Trinity Shepard since she’s kind of….a v2 of Lace? 
1. She essentially had everyone die around her i.e. colonist and sole survivor and she could’ve turned out awfully cruel and cold but instead she’s just highly empathetic and genuinely wants a better life for others than the one she had. 
2. She makes DUMB ASS jokes to diffuse tension. Like people only laugh because of how astoundingly bad they are
3. She’s a nemesis but instead of a sniper rifle she has this big ass shotgun like it’s bigger than she is and she just blows things the entire fuck away with it
4. Her biotics were experimentally installed by the slavers before she was rescued by the Alliance (slight deviation from official canon, but you know) and they’re very powerful but they malfunction like hell, especially when her physiological responses are heightened by emotion (i.e. things break around her when she’s scared, angry, etc.)
5. She has freckles. Like, a lot of them. All over her entire body.
6. Also she was kind of upset when her scar from Akuze got erased by the Cerberus reconstruction because it always kept her grounded, reminded her of what she lost there and why she could never allow that to happen again
7. She can drink like an absolute monster but on the occasion that she does get too drunk she has absolutely been known to puke and act like a menace. She gets terrible hangovers no matter how much or how little she drinks
8. She will not stop swearing ever especially during fights. She would deadass stare a Reaper in the big mechanical monster face and tell it to fuck off while it honed in on her w its death beam
9. She bruises super easily
10. She absolutely despises corporations and corrupt politicians that are careless towards civilian safety and it’s actually fairly shocking if you don’t know her when she goes from the witty-kind Trinity to “I’ll skin you alive and feed you your own heart if you don’t stop this” Trinity
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opaquefemmefatale · 7 years
REPOST. DON’T REBLOG. post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as and might bring back, then tag people to do the same.  ( If you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can. ) 
currently playing:
• julia ( cowboy bebop ) • sara ( witchblade )  • bayonetta • asami sato ( legend of korra ) • mercy/angela ziegler ( overwatch )
have played/might bring back:
• tharja & cherche ( fire emblem: awakening ) • sonja ( red sonja ) • yennefer ( the witcher ) • saika magoichi ( sengoku basara ) • baiken, dizzy, sol badguy ( guilty gear ) • alex ( gangsta ) • ahri & sona ( league of legends ) • saori kido & sasha ( saint seiya series ) • judith ( tales of vesperia )  • tear ( tales of the abyss ) • sheena & martel ( tales of symphonia ) • k’, kula, luise ( king of fighters ) • rogue ( x-men ) • zatanna, nightwing/dick grayson, catwoman ( DC ) • fem/helen shepard & garrus vakarian ( mass effect )  • angewoman ( digimon ) • warden/hawke/inquisitor, morrigan, & zevran ( dragon age series ) • alexiel & lucifer ( angel sanctuary ) • blue & hamona ( wolf’s rain ) • alucard & shanoa ( castlevania ) • alex ( kuroko no basket ) • rydia, tifa, yuna, rikku, & lightning ( final fantasy series )   • momohime & yuzuruha ( muramasa: the demon blade ) • gwendolyn & velvet ( odin sphere ) • lillet, amoretta, lujei ( grimgrimoire ) • mitsuru & fem protagonist ( persona 3 ) • kurama ( yu yu hakusho ) • sailor mars/rei & sailor neptune/michiru ( sailor moon ) • dante & eva ( devil may cry ) • xena ( warrior princess xena ) • nymeria sand ( asoiaf ) • yang, blake, winter ( rwby ) • yoruichi ( bleach ) • duo, zechs, noin ( gundam wing ) • chun li & poison ( street fighters ) • kisara ( yu-gi-oh ) • d ( vampire hunter d ) • touya ( ayashi no ceres ) • simca ( air gear ) • riza & olivier ( fullmetal alchemist ) • satella ( chrono crusade ) • noriko ( fushigi yugi ) • ban ( getbackers ) • howl ( howl’s moving castle ) • kikyo & sango ( inuyasha ) • pirotess ( record of lodoss ) • kyouya ( ouran high school host club ) • shampoo ( ranma ½ ) • tiara ( shamanic princess ) • maya ( tenjou tenge ) • asta & noelle ( trinity blood ) • amaterasu ( okami ) • magnus ( the shadowhunter series )  • mara jade ( star wars ) • ada ( resident evil ) • a lot of ocs
want to play:
• geralt & ciri ( the witcher series ) • ladybug & cat noir ( miraculous ladybug ) • kamui & camilla ( fire emblem: fates ) • ana, genji, & hanzo ( overwatch ) • litchi ( blazblue ) • sanosuke & shinpachi ( hakuouki ) • impy ( code: realize ) • goemon ( nightshade ) • fran ( final fantasy xii ) • ryder ( mass effect andromeda ) • mako ( pacific rim ) • fenris & isabella ( dragon age series ) • sun wukong ( rwby ) • red ( transistor )  • kori/starfire & diana/wonder woman ( dc ) • sniper wolf ( metal gear ) • viktor & otabek ( yuri on ice ) • betty/psylocke & remy/gambit ( marvel ) • more ocs
tagging: @bopnty, @blackdogbeat, @valentiiine, @bridesorder, @horclogium, @jigen-daisuke, @pyoniumyankee (BASICALLY every who has followed me these last few days and ANYONE who wants to do it)
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catcomixzstudios · 1 year
For Trinity: 1, 5, 9
For Luca: 2, 4, 7, 10
For Leon: 11, 13, 14
For Ms. Shepard: 21, 22, 24
OH, lots of material to play with. Thank you, Clockie!!!
1 - What’s your chosen OC’s favorite color? Least favorite? PINK! She also loves purple, but she's absolutely the type to find the girliest clothes and accessories. Least favorite would probably be greens or browns - they just don't got with her style - but she's also less fond of harsh black tones since they make her think of Ms Shepard
5 - What do they like to do in their free time? Do they have any hobbies? Do they even have free time? She has a vibrant social life! As much as she loves her job, she's always looking forward to hanging out with her various friends, colleagues, and dates (don't worry she's always clear about her open relationship status). I choose to imagine that she sometimes relies on Luca to help her organize all of this stuff as a favor, which does often also involve getting Luca out more, so it's a win-win
9 - Tell me your favorite moment with your OC. (Either that you wrote or drew.) It's hard to pick a specific moment, since I had a lot of fun with her and Leon's back-and-forth in the first chapter, but I really appreciated the moment where Leon broke through her facade and actually made her upset for a moment. She's got a lot going on in that head of hers!
2 - What do they think is their best feature? This can be both physical or personality wise. She's grounded. The sisters both have their heads in the clouds, but Luca is always there to try and pull them back to reality. It's not the most fun position to have, but it's a necessary one!
4 - What is something that they’re secretly good at? Do they have a hidden talent, such as being a brilliant kazoo player or a master chess wizard? It gets explored in the 2nd Chapter, but it's her gaming skills! Playing games is the main way she blows off steam, so it felt great for her to get to go to the Spring Fair!
7 - Who is your OC’s best friend? How did they meet? So Luca used to hang out with a group of other Tecktrins during her youth - the very same that got her into gaming - but hasn't kept in touch much. She mostly hangs around with one of the sisters outside of work, but now? Leon is absolutely her best friend. They're both laser-focused on what's important, and just enjoy hanging out together!
10 - Where is your OC’s favorite place? Like if they were having a bad day, where would they run off too? Besides an arcade? I imagine there's a wonderful spa sort of thing around the cities that Luca found out about, one that specializes in Tecktrin care. It's part of how she's managed to keep spry!
11 - Tell me a random useless fact about your OC He's one of those people for whom cilantro tastes like soap. People kept insisting he'd like if he kept trying it until he actually looked that up. Also, he lives in constant fear of becoming lactose intolerant - since much of his diet consists of cheese and milk - so he makes a dedicated effort to consume some of either every day.
13 - Is your OC left handed, right handed, or ambidextrous? Also, can they flip a pancake without dropping it? He's right-handed, but Leon's totally the type to try and become ambidextrous just for the sake of how "cool" it is, and believing it'll allow him to try and write out twice as much if he needs to (it will not)
14 - Does your OC have any superstitions? Good luck rituals? Do they believe in and/or practice the arcane arts? Leon tries to stay practical, so there isn't much of this stuff he'd buy into. The more you assign to powers outside your control, the more likely to are to act like you can't control it, he reasons.
21 - What sets your OC off? What will make them go from a docile little lamb to a rampaging, fire-breathing dragon? People not taking her seriously. She tries to maintain a very professional visage, and anyone who would try to poke holes in that, or otherwise undermine what she's trying to accomplish, get right under her skin You can imagine how much fun she's going to have around Leon
22 - If your OC were a real person, would you be friends with them? Why or why not? Hmm... despite the hard shell she presents in the comic, once she's "off," she seems like someone who you could have a lot of deep conversations with. She tends to worry a lot, but she's also the type to DO something about it, which I would find uplifting
24 - What is your OC’s favorite food? Can they cook it? Where do they get their food? (And most importantly, do you feed your OCs enough? Don’t forget to throw them a meal once in a while.) Ms Shepard's a great cook! Whatever she may lack in other areas, she is confident her friends and colleagues will make up for. Still, she found it important for morale to be able to help provide for her people at Foundation B, so she took up cooking not long after landing the job
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dracoangel · 3 years
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Shepard’s back.
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dracoangel · 2 years
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Men like you should be left to the mercy of women like me.
In order of character creation (by @caffeinatedrogue)
Raesa Moosinger || Affliction Warlock Rayne Amell || Blood Mage Mackenzie Ryder || Operative/Infiltrator Trinity Shepard || Infiltrator
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dracoangel · 3 years
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If that’s not a ‘Let’s cause some trouble’ look, I don’t know what is
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dracoangel · 3 years
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You know, Garrus, if you’re not comfortable with this it’s okay. I’m not trying to pressure you.
Shepard, you’re about the only friend I’ve got left in this screwed up galaxy. I’m not going to pretend that I’ve got a fetish for humans. But this isn’t about that, this is about us. You never have to worry about making me uncomfortable. Nervous, yes. But never uncomfortable.
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dracoangel · 3 years
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I thought you were dead...
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dracoangel · 3 years
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He’s not going to make it.
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dracoangel · 3 years
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We’re in this til the end.
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dracoangel · 3 years
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Want some company?
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dracoangel · 3 years
The Patriarch Mission
Garrus: *chuckles*
Trinity: What?
Garrus: You always did have a soft spot. Especially for krogan.
Trinity: Is that a bad thing?
Garrus: Not at all. Just glad to see it hasn't changed.
Trinity: Ah. Another one of those quirks that lets you know I'm still me and not some drone for Cerberus?
Garrus: Something like that. But also... Never mind.
Trinity: What is it?
Garrus: It's just one of those things that I liked... like about you.
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dracoangel · 3 years
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I’ve seen so many things go wrong, Shepard. My work at C-Sec, what happened with Sidonis. I want something to go right. Just once. Just...
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