#oc: victoria aurelia
minimooberry · 2 months
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six generations of florez descendants !
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lunabellathejelllicle · 2 months
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Here they are! Pounce and Luna’s kittens, Percival and Viviana. They usually go by Percy and Vivi. Percy is the older twin by a minute.
Percy: Percy is a very curious, palyful and mischievous kitten much like his father. He loves folowing the older kittens and toms around, sometimes to learn and other times to mess with them. He know there’s a time to be serious but sometimes has trouble being serious in thos times but he’s learning. Though he can be a bit of a rascal, he’s caring and kind like him mama. He acknowledges he’s not the smartest but that’s why he asks lots of questions(sometimes too many) but overall brings a playful and happy vibe to the junkyard.
Vivi: Like her twin, Vivi is a playful and curious kitten but is more reserved and polite than her brother. She’s as sweet and kind as her mother but has a bit of silliness from her dad. She loves making friends and does her best to make sure Percy doesn’t get hurt or in trouble(sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t). She loves hanging out with the other kittens and hearing stories from the older cats, especially from the Queens or Old Deuteronomy. Vivi is one of the more quieter kittens in the tribe(though not as shy as others more soft spoken) and helps keep the balance between rambunctious kittens like her twin brother.
Percy: Percy is a tabby and cream kitten whith brown and gold patches. His stripes are black and he has a patch identical to his father’s over his left eyes that is black. He has green eyes, freckles, and a black nose.
Vivi: Vivi is a tabby and white/silver kitten with light brown and black patches. Her stripes are gold except for her ine thick back stripe on her left side. She has amber eyes, freckles, and a brown nose.
Being alone
Pouncival- Father
Lunabella- Mother
Skimbleshanks- Grandfather
Jasmine(Oc)- Grandmother
Bustopher Jones- Great Grandfather
Jennyanydots- Great Grandmother
Plato- Uncle
Admetus- Uncle
Jemima- Uncle
Electra- Aunt (through mates with Plato)
Etcetera- Aunt (through mates with Admetus)
Tumblebrutus- Uncle (through mates with Jemima)
Technical Cousins:
Caliope, Socrates, and Gus- Palto and Electra’s Kittens
George, Lianbelle, and Aurelia- Admetus and Etcetera’s kittens
Atticus, Bailister, and Grizabella- Tumble and Jemima’s kittens
*Again, I say “technical” because in my Cats au some “human” relationship status don’t necessarily exist in the tribe. And again, I’ll get into that when I post explaining everything about my Cats au*
Percy’s best friend is Tumble’s son, Bailister(or Bailey).
Vivi’a best friend is Alonzo and Cassandra’s daughter, Seraphina(or Sera).
Much like their mother, They were born/created i.e. being just their names on April 30, 2017.
I also finalized their pelts, colors, i fo, etc. in 2024.
I had no other names planned for them.
While Percy likes spending time with his dad to leadn flips and other acrobatics, he is much more of a mama’s tom and Vivi is much more of a daddy’s queen.
Percy is the older twin by a minute.
The are the middle kittens(not the oldest kittens in the tribe but also not the youngest).
Munk sometimes accidentally calls Percy “Pounce” (usually when he’s in trouble) because he acts like his father did when he was a kitten.
Vivi looks up to Victoria and Jemima the most to teach her about dancing and singing.
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hannahlikeso741 · 1 year
Some Hogwarts Legacy OCs
Sharing some Hogwarts Legacy OCs for each house while keeping Victorian values, events and society in mind. I suck at fanart, so you get fancasts instead.
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Gryffindor OC - Theodore Wallace
Hufflepuff OC - Penelope Brooke
Slytherin OC - Aurelia Gray
Ravenclaw OC- Benjamin Thatch
More about them here:
Theodore Wallace
Light Brown hair, tan skin with hazel eyes
Wand : Laurel, 14 1/2 inches, Dragonheart string, Flexible
Pure Blood
Face cast : Froy Gutierrez
Character Inspiration : Allan Quatermain (King Solomon's Mines) and Jim Hawkins (Treasure Island)
The only son of the Wallace family, Theodore charges ahead bravely without fear and without thinking, discovering the unknown is what thrills him. His mother and father travels a lot to many British colonies to discover any wild beasts for further documentation, which is now passed down to their son's taste of adventure. Even at his lowest, Theodore's aim is to survive no matter the odds. Upon landing in Hogwarts, he finds it hard to keep still in one location and still gets into trouble exploring the castle grounds or the nearby hamlets. He aims to use magic for good, though he is still questioning where he draws the line. He aims to do more exploring once he leaves Hogwarts, perhaps even beginning work on documenting Beasts and their natural habitats.
(The surname Wallace is taken from Alfred Russell Wallace, British explorer and author of The Malay Archipelago)
Penelope Brooke
Warm Blonde wavy hair, freckled skin with dark brown eyes
Wand : Willow, 9 3/4 inches, Unicorn Hair, Stiff
Half Blood
Face cast : (Unknown stock photo model)
Character Inspiration : Jane Bennet (Pride and Prejudice), Oliver twist
Penelope only sees the good in people, even when things are tough. Born to an alcoholic prostitute in the slums of Whitechapel, Penelope learns to fend for herself at a young age by begging, working or being coaxed into stealing as a means to survive. Upon discovering her magical abilities, she uses it for other people, which led to her wizard father discovering her and taking her under his wing and Penelope never heard from her mother again, as rumours has it she might have been a victim to Jack the Ripper. She continues to try and help other people without judgement as she attends Hogwarts, and hopes to be a healer when she graduates.
Aurelia Gray
Black straight hair, pale skin with light blue eyes
Wand : Yew, 13 1/4 inches, Pheonix Feather, Swishy
Muggle Born
Face cast : Katie McGrath
Character Inspiration : Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice), Catherine Earnshaw (Wuthering Heights), Jane Eyre
Aurelia only knows tragedy. The third daughter of a English Duke and an American heiress, she was sidelined when her younger brother was born, resulting in the death of her mother. Since then, she wanted to be more than just being groomed to be the perfect wife, running around the fields near her house until that one faithful day when she found out she was magical, resulting an accident that caused Queen Victoria to get involved and sort the matter. She views Professor Fig as her father, aiming to continue learning magical theory. She relished in her newfound freedom at Hogwarts while keeping her heritage a secret to prevent another scandal. What she didn't count on was to find a kindred spirit in Sebastian Sallow.
((Her story is written as Drag Me to Despair, link here))
Benjamin Thatch
Dark Brown straight hair, pale skin with dark blue eyes
Wand : Beech, 12 inches, Pheonix Feather, Pliable
Half Blood
Face cast : Tom Sturridge
Character Inspiration : Sherlock Holmes, Abraham Van Helsing (Dracula)
Growing up with a psychologist Muggle father and a magical history researcher mother as parents, Benjamin has been thought to pursue solid evidence and logic above everything else. A bright child that loves learning new things but struggled when it comes to handling social situations. His father slowly coaxed him out of his shell by bringing him to his office to talk to his patients as a form of therapy. It worked, resulting in Benjamin's sharp tongue mixed in with wit. Upon landing in Hogwarts, he aims to build his connections as he aims for a position in the Ministry.
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conspiracy-of-fear · 3 months
A blog for each avatar of the fears (Whether they know it or not). can't just weave one story at a time now can I? ::::) Here's their introductions (Not like they can refuse)
I'm Stephen Byrne, I use He/Him and work in Artefact Storage at the Magnus Institute (He's of the Eye. obviously -K.H)
Skylar James, local street fighter, they/he, & Avatar of the Slaughter
Hi, I'm Aurelia Moore but call me Rory, I also work at the Magnus Institute in the Library & I use they/she. (The Stranger, -K.H)
Harper Stone, any pronouns, and I'm a Tattoo Artist (The Flesh, -K.H)
Hey, I'm Sami Ward, Buried Avatar, He/him, I'm an excavator by commission
Idalia Ethyl-Muriel Whitlock, at your service. She/her & Avatar of the Dark.
Hello, I'm Elodie Taylor, She/Xe, Avatar of the Desolation, just not with fire.
Beau Chambers, he/they. that's all you need to know (The Lonely, -K.H)
Jessie Murray, they/them, Avatar of the Vast, and great tour guide!
I am Victoria Sharp, Bounty Hunter for pay, she/her (The Hunt, -K.H)
I'm Rene :) (A spiral, xe use any pronouns -K.H)
Hi, I'm Kian Reid, I use He/they pronouns, & I'm a Mortuary Assistant (The End, -K.H)
Constance Wells. she/her. corruption (She can't type well, considering she's got necrosis, -K.H)
Hello, I'm Mariya Ceren, I work with Miss Harlow as an assistant on her radio show, she/her. (A weaver in training, -K.H)
OOC: this blog is run by @thatchaoticace and i didn't want to make individual blogs for each of these ocs
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dunwcll · 4 years
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one day i’ll stop makin my ocs in picrew. but it is not this day
aerea surana // victoria aurelia // morgana hawke // saoirse trevelyan
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the-pherenike · 3 years
I want to apologize with everyone if my KND Fanfic wasn’t updated yet: these chapters I’m writing are very intense and I’m actually really busy with working at the same time…!
By the way, hope you’ll be patient with me. Thanks to everyone to following me and for everything. Xo and see ya 😘
NOTE: if you want to read this my fanfiction, you can read it here but you must translate it from Italian.
[Characters like Rosalind Celia Garrison, Diane Garrison, Lucy Victoria Leigh, Aurelia Odette Beaumont, Edward Garrison and all the other OCs characters will appear in this Fanfiction belong to me.
All KND Characters belongs to @warburtonlabs. All rights reserved.]
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mistresstrevelyan · 4 years
Something I just realized about Drusilla
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I am playing DAI at the moment to cheer myself up and as always my darling girl has made me smile and that led to a friggin’ light bulb moment. Much as I LOVE Rhia and Katja, my two most in depth, long living and personal OCs of my heart...Drusilla Trevelyan has become my comfort character.
It’s not just that she’s beautiful and makes my little pan heart sing, she actually sustains me, gives me succour and hope. I mean, I know many people cringe at the “The Dawn Will Come” scene but to me it’s a frigging life anthem. The hope, the grace, the gentle nudges towards the light, it’s just so beautiful. This woman who has been disowned by her father (Only her sisters were there for her and of the two only Aurelia supported her openly. Calliope, as Head of House Trevelyan, could not openly do so. And yes, Calliope is already Head of House Trevelyan even both both her parents still live. Antiva/The Free Marches handle things differently, IE Josephine’s whole arc) and defrocked by her Aunt and mentor did not let hate or anguish fester in her heart. 
Drusilla is the most loving soul you’ll ever meet while still being a decent player of The Game as Inquisitor. (She can’t hold a candle to Leliana or Josie though, nvm Vivienne) She will offer solace to anyone in need while never trying to convert anyone or demanding a quid pro quo. Her lovers, spouses, children (She romances Blackwall, Solas and Cullen - Even though in the ‘verse proper she only begins romancing Cullen between the main campaign and Trespasser - in game and also becomes Divine Victoria’s - Vivienne - consort) and friends are her life’s delight and joy, she lives for them every day.
When Divine Victoria reinstated her as a priestess she knew that her Beloved Lady (Andraste) had never forsaken her.
But why is she, among my many OCs, my comfort character? Because playing DAI uplifts me in a way no other game has before or since. Because she gets to be so kind and doesn’t end up heartbroken in the end. Because Skyhold and its people are her home. Because sometimes she can just cuddle with her cat Duchess and Blackwall and know just how LOVED she is.
I wish I had that. But seeing her so blessed doesn’t discourage me, it uplifts me. Drusilla was born to say Goodbye to an OC I made to honour my ex (Who didn’t give a damn about said OC or any OC of mine. Or me, LOL) who was a brown paper doll on top of that. But now Drusilla has become SO MUCH more. She also shares an AU ‘verse with my beloved friend @thehikmatcut​‘s lovely Hadiza Trevelyan where they all get a Happily Ever After.
Drusilla Trevelyan has become my fictional guiding star.
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foxesandmagic · 5 years
OCs This Month (February)
Just a list of all the OCs that I’ve seen and have captured my interest this month through other’s aesthetics, questions and the likes.
@raging-violets: Narnia OC Issi; The Flash OC Cadence; The Flash OC Jordan; Narnia OC Brielle; Charlie’s Angels OC Stacey; Being Human OC.
@sgtbuckyybarnes: Peaky Blinders OC Stella; Marvel OC Harper; Riverdale OC Violet.
@twofacedharveydent: Gotham OC Bird.
@farrradays: Original OCs Edison and Theodore; Original OC Kate; Original OC Murphy; Original OC Edgar; Original OCs Arthur and Liesel.
@cassercole: Marvel OCs Kitty, Molly and Q; Marvel OC Tristan.
@papergirlverse: Arrow OC Cassandra; Legacies OC Evelyn; Teen Wolf OC Will; 12 Monkeys OC Elizabeth; Spiderman OC Quintessa; Harry Potter OC Theo; Arrow OCs Stella and Victoria; Marvel OC Becca; Legends of Tomorrow OC Ryker; Arrow OC Willa; Legends of Tomorrow OC Nova; Star Wars OC Bryn; Original OCs Dani and Ella; Legends of Tomorrow OC Alex.
@perfectlystiles: Legacies OC Callie; Original OCs Ryan and Aurelia; Star Wars OC Darik.
nearween_: Original OCs Thomas and Kasey.
@randomestfandoms-ocs: Marvel OC Nikki.; Game of Thrones OC Aisling; The Witcher OC Aeryn; Teen Wolf OCs Amara and Percy; Teen Wolf OC Fiona; Teen Wolf OC Arianne; IT OC Caitlin; Bright OC Chelsea; Riverdale OC Jac; Marvel OC Stella; OC Hope; Riverdale OC Jupiter; Legacies OC Blair; Marvel OC Bianc; Marvel OC Calypso.
@catharticallysarcastic: Original OCs Raiden, Caiden and Leda.
@weareinhumanauthors: Doctor Strange OC Florence.
@ocfairygodmother: Marvel OC Astrid.
@lahnistersden: The 100 OC Phoenix.
@jennifer-reneeoc: IT OC Thomas.
@hopemikaelsvns: Arrow OC Remi.
@seize-the-droid and @afluffykiwi: Original OC Helen.
@musiciatee: Teen Wolf OC Annie.
@ceruleanmusings: Teen Wolf OC Mel; Teen Wolf OC Munro.
Marvel OC Athanasia.
@jennifer-reneeoc: IT OC Renee.
@curious-kittens-ocs: Harry Potter OC Skylar.
@freakingbradleys: Star Wars OC Solara.
@emiliachrstine: The Mandalorian OC Amreen.
@kendelias: Teen Wolf OC Murphy; Teen Wolf OC Adam; Declan.
@abbysarcane: Birds of Prey OC Zahra.
@ardawyn: Original OCs.
@starcrossedjedis: Original OC Lilliana; Original OC Calista.
@moustache-bonnet: Star Wars OC Kaz.
@thegalanerd​: The Witcher OC Cruz.
@timeonourside​: OCs Aadam, Daniel, Monica and Valeria.
@isaaclahys​: Riverdale OC.
@aliverse​: Multiple OCs.
@randomfandomingwrites​: The Vampire Diaries OC Nova.
@kenobi-jinn: Peaky Blinders OC Jessica.
@ocfairygodmother: Criminal Minds OC Danni.
@noble-crescent: Doctor Who OC Avalon.
@starcrossedjedis: Marevl OC Mila.
@fleetwoodmcs: The Hobbit OC Eponine.
@thecaillic: Harry Potter OCs Lydia, Tilly and Wynonna.
@captcarolmarvl: Star Wars OC Aria.
@myocmultiverse​: The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina OC Zolita.
@wavyfloral​: The Umbrella Academy OC Elliott.
@annibunnysworld​: Teen Wolf OC Marlow.
@kcnobls​: The Mandalorian OC Jinjara.
@notxjustxstories​: Miraculous Ladybug: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir OC Aabagael.
@rennys-new-life: iZombie OC Lia.
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ghostlyxserenade · 5 years
List of my original characters (2019) & pinterest boards.
warning! triggering & dark content!
@ tuppencetrinkets ;)
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1. Constance Highmore ; 29 ; antique shop owner ; cyhyraeth. SHIP (fanficion) | Chris Argent. *asexual
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2. Melody Abigale Wraith ; 27 ; eichen house mental patient  ; banshee. SHIP (fanficion) | none. *straight
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3. Lorelei Owens ; middle 20s ; singing teacher at beacon hills high school ; siren. SHIP (fanficion) |  Lydia Martin. *lesbian
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4. Niedomira Wasikowska ; 16/17 ; costume designer for becons hills’s drama club ; kikimora. SHIP (fanficion) | Jordan Parrish. *bisexual
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5. Charles Highmore ; 105 ; funeral director ; vampire. SHIP (fanficion) | *straight
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6. nameless OC ; early 30s ; harpy  (banshee x siren) SHIP (fanficion) | none. *
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7. nameless OC ;  late 40s ; detective ; wendigo. SHIP (fanficion) | none. *
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8. Georgina Highmore ; deceased ;  spiritualists ;  banshee.
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1. Amelia Holmes ; 23 ; creative writing student ; human? SHIP (fanficion) | Doctor. ; friend SHIP (fanficion) | Marc.
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2. Marc Davis ; 23 ; astronomy student ; human. friend SHIP (fanficion) | Amerlia.
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3. Cedric "Einstein" Hughes ; 500s ;  astrophysicist ;  time lord. SHIP (fanficion) | none. *
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1. Victoria Petterson ; 20s ; transformers reaction force field agent ; cybertronian-human hybrid. SHIP (fanficion) | William Lennox * straight
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1. Aurelia Bennett ; 24 ; tattoo artist , daughter of abusive meth ; human. SHIP (fanficion)  | Poe. *demisexual
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1. Nancy Addington ; adult stuck in teen body ; stuck in endless time loop, reliving the day of her death without end in post-apocalyptic wastelands ; meta-human. SHIP (fanficion) |  Five. *asexual
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1. Anne Williams ; middle 20s ; student , part-time rockstar  ; human. SHIP (fanficion) |  Tony Stark. *bisexual
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2. Adam Williams ; 50s ; tony stark rival ; human. SHIP (fanficion) | Laura Willims (ex-wife) * straight
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1. Amelia Stone ; middle 20s ;  schizophrenic history student ; human / medium. SHIP (fanficion) | Nicholas.
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2. Nicholas Brown ; early 40s ;  history professor ; human. SHIP (fanficion) | Amelia.
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3. Annabell Codrington ; 20s ; herbalist ; human. SHIP (fanficion) |  James Norrington.
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4. Vincent Codrington ; 40s ; sugar plantation owner , slave trader ; human.
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1. Anna Gale ; 25 ; violinist, lounge singer ; human / clairvoyant.
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2. Lucy Hanley ; 16-20s ;  barista, student ;  nephilim. SHIP (fanficion) |  Castiel. * greysexual 
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1. Cliodhna  O'connor ; 30s ; baxter high librarian ; half-banshee / half-human
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1. Amelia Blowden ; 35+ ;  herbology teacher at hogwart's ; half-blood.
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chrysalispen · 5 years
Since it’s a slow day at work and I just don’t feel like working on another spreadsheet, have some OC info dump.
Aurelia’s family!
Gens Laskaris: A Garlean bloodline that traces its roots back to the founding of the original Republic, this family enjoys both wealth and respectability as one of the Empire’s oldest and most conservative noble houses. Among the first of the old gentes to throw its lot in with Solus zos Galvus, they are of course hardline Optimates and make their home in the capitol along with the vast majority of the Garlean imperial aristocracy. The current head of the family is Janus van Laskaris, retired Legatus of the IXth, who runs his household and the lives of its members as strictly as he ever did his Castri.
Julian rem Laskaris: Formerly Julian sas Laskaris, a tribunus militum and career soldier in the IVth Imperial Legion, he took a rank demotion for the opportunity to transfer to Gaius van Baelsar’s command after the death of his young wife. He brought his only child, a girl named Aurelia, to Ala Mhigo with him despite numerous protests from his family. Embittered by his loss, Julian’s relationship with his daughter had ever been distant, and upon his death in 1566 young Aurelia was remanded to the guardianship of the Gens patriarch, his eldest half-brother Janus (and his senior by nearly a score of years).
Victoria cen Laskaris (née Remianus): A talented musician from a minor provincial house in central Ilsabard, she met her future husband at one of Solus zos Galvus’ many playhouses where she was the choral director and occasional player in Nhamasque’s largest state-sponsored theater troupe, immediately recognizable upon the stage by her brilliant auburn curls. Though she gave up the playhouse for marriage (which his family refused to recognize), Victoria was an accomplished pianist and composer, and continued to accept commissions from all corners of the Empire under her maiden name. Unfortunately, a childhood illness left Victoria physically frail, and though the birth of her daughter brought them both a great deal of joy it compromised her health: she passed away from heart failure when Aurelia was but seven summers.
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jynsongxvii-blog · 7 years
oc & ooc  + spreading love
i feel like this selections has been pretty stressful for a lot of us, so maybe this will help! I tried to at least find something to say about all of you even if i don’t know you or your ocs that much... i’ve been busy and haven’t been able to keep up with all, but i tried! 
~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。  ↬   is for the girls [possibly] leaving soon for their own health. we will miss you even if we didn’t know you well! sending all the hugs.
ღ Theia Nina Huntley  ↠  i wanna read your fics, they look promising! i’m sorry i haven’t had time, but i still think you’re nice. wish we could see more of you on the gc ღ Melody Aurelia Nolan ↠ great separation of oc rudeness and ooc friendlyness. from what i’ve seen, also open to talk out ideas for plot-lines with others! has given thought to her backstory.   ღ Annette Victoria Rose Martel ↠ have you seen her fc? gorgeous. also crazy but beautiful pasta queen we all love. supportive, funny and GR92894839282. amazing fics cause she’s poetic af (i will fight you on this Net).  ღ Emmalyn Atwood ↠ cutest bean. super sweet in & out of character. oc family is also cute. conclusion is emmalyn = cute.  ღ Isabella Faulkner ↠ pretty reblogs of dresses, space and nature. i’ve been told you’re super nice and sweet ooc!  ღ Charlotte Elara Bane ↠ i’m also in love with her fc. adorable fics. cute oc that just wants to know the world. whoop whoop bts is rocking. adorable bean. (char-low ajshdfjgkhl i get it right sometimes)  ღ Calista Persephone Ledger ↠ sweetest bean. spreads all the love too. so positive. has a disabled oc which no one has done before! newsletters are cute and pretty.   ღ Aiko Rosette Ellis ↠ fc is so cute. pretty edits. aesthetic blog. nice ooc too.  ღ Seraphine Regina Chamberlaine ↠ fc is so pretty. we didn’t get to see much of you but still. watch out with that poison of yours ;)  ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。  ღ Nina Ivanenko ↠ crazy bean. always nice ooc. pretty edits. aesthetic blog MOUSE SPARKLES WHEN I MOVE ASDFGHJKL. (i will always be your hot taquito)  ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。  ღ  Ruby Stones ↠ do i even have to mention how asdfghjk your fc looks? so much effort into your fics! i love your descriptions that make everything sound so pretty. just wow. also pretty edits. 
ღ Jyn Song ↠ me. the basic hoe. fc is amazing because arden cho. i’m okayish. but i’m nice ooc i think. tries to love everyone. what is anon hate, leave me. i like being aesthetic too much because i have issues. too stubborn to drop out.   ღ Madalena Cruz ↠ fun while it lasted. pretty fc. best 2nd practice challenge tbh. 42/10 for sure. go back to being a power ranger now. sending love, Alex. ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。 ღ Stacey Marie Barret ↠ always nice ooc in the gc the few times i’ve seen you there! ღ Cameron Muirgen Nicholls ↠ nice bean. i wanna hug your oc. your oc’s family is also so nice. except her mom. we don’t talk about her. really liked your first fic i read. real good. don’t drop out just yet!! ღ Margarita Camilla Acosta-Cruz ↠ friendly! active with edits that have nice quotes. fc’s eyebrows on point. ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。 ღ Evadne Regine Leventhorpe ↠ you seem so nice ooc i swear i wanna be friends. i will give your oc all the HONOR. can’t wait to catch up with your fics once i’m done with tests. so much effort into your fics too! all the edits! just your commitment. ღ Madelyn Jean Knight ↠ friendly & nice as oc and ooc. also commitment and so active! your fc looks so cute. ღ Finley Reagan Gansey ↠ i’ve noticed a lot of girls think you’re friendly so hurray for friendly-ness! nice fc too. ღ Aricia East ↠ you’re laughing all the time in your posts/reblogs! so enthusiastic. also, always nice & friendly, be it as oc or ooc.  ღ Maria Fernanda Rivera ↠ haven’t seen much of you, but you seem really nice and approachable both in & out of character. your oc’s background is interesting! ღ Fiona Aliya Rossi ↠ probably one of the sweetest oc. lots of commitment. i know you’ve planned out your character a lot too! blog theme is so pink and fluffy i love it THE MOUSE ALSO THROWS BUBBLES WHEN I MOVE AJSDJG  ღ Katherine Geraldine Dempsey ↠ the cat to my gin. pretty edits. very active! super nice and friendly ooc. funny in & out of character. love her writing style too. good at trying to keep oc rudeness away from ooc! ღ Deborah Varker ↠ sweet and enthusiastic in & out of character. cute blog. very active and approachable! super nice in general.  ღ Annelise Catherina Newstone ↠ don’t see much of you, but i’m sure you’re nice ooc ;)  ღ Berklee Boyer ↠ so, so, so nice. it’s actually surprising how nice. sweet as honey. like bees. very active. super friendly. funny and adorable in & out of character. amazing all around. shares love with everyone. ღ Devon Lea Muerner ↠ fc is so pretty and cute. nice ooc. haven’t seen much of her lately but hopefully we will again!
ღ Même Tanneur Antoineen ↠ pfft, must i mention the fc? amazing. i love your ostriches and their language! thanks for all the jokes and nicknames. you always hoped to bring some levity to this selection and i think we all appreciate you for that. ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。 ღ Ingrid Liljedahl ↠ sweet / friendly in & out of character, even if i didn’t get to know you well. (thanks for giving jyn that present. she loved it) ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。 ღ Olivia Christina Palacio ↠ pretty edits from what i could see once! friendly with everyone both as oc and ooc. ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。 
ღ also some girls that left before they got to be really active:
~Felicity Jessica Broussard  ~Giselle Clara Langford  ~Crystal Tomlinson  ~Thea Philippa Silver 
ღ And also Alex ↠ for being so organized and active with all of the princes and royals! and rping with a lot of people now and in the future. ღ that goes for you too Livi ↠ aka Alina. you were the first prince we got after all! glad to see you still involved :)
@domschreave @alinaschreave @theiahuntley @melodynolan @annette-martel @emmalynatwood @isabellafaulkner @charlotte-bane @calistapledger @aikoellis @sera-chamberlaine @ninaivanenko @ruby-stones @cameronnicholls @margarita-acosta-cruz @evadne-leventhorpe @madelynknightoftheselection @finleygansey @ariciaeast @marifer-rivera @lady-fiona-rossi @ladykatdempsey @debbieker @annelise-newstone @berklee-boyer @devonmuerner @meme-antoineen @ingrid-liljedahl @oliviapalacio @stacey-bar
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boopbeepblep · 7 years
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My newest oc Aurelia~Victoria Park :)
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dunwcll · 4 years
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@dankou tagged me to make my da ocs and their love interests in this picrew ♥
top row: warden cordelia amell & alistair theirin
second row: leliana & riona cousland 
third row: blackwall & ophelia trevelyan
bottom row: oscar trevelyan & dorian pavus
(pls pretend blackwall & dorian have the proper facial hair orz)
taggin uhhhhhhhhhh @denerims @lockescoles @ambassadorpavus n idk whoever else wants to do it lol
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foxesandmagic · 5 years
OCs that have captured my interest this month (June)
Ariana in a Teen Wolf fanfiction by @fraysquake.
Viola in a Percy Jackson fanfiction; Kat Potter in a Harry Potter: Marauders Era fanfiction; Audrey in a Umbrella Academy fanfiction; Matilda and Venus in a Misfits fanfiction; Delaney in a Riverdale fanfiction; Raegan in a Teen Wolf fanfiction; Selina in a Teen Wolf fanfiction by @randomestfandoms-ocs.
Kate in a Spiderman fanfiction by @felixberners.
Zeppelin in a Riverdale fanfiction by @riverfxle.
Remy in a Stranger Things fanfiction; Jacinta in a The 100 fanfiction; Riley in an X-Men fanfiction; Rory in a The Order fanfiction by @chuck-hansens.
Wesley and Victoria in a Stranger Things fanfiction; Penny in a Chilling Adventures of Sabrina fanfiction by @anotherunreadblog.
Callum in a Titans fanficton by @iceandwaterfairytail.
Molly in a Spiderman fanfiction; Ruth in an Antman fanfiction by @captdnvrs.
Unnamed in a Narnia fanfiction by @purple-and-red-ribbons.
Davina in a Legends of Tomorrow fanfiction by @perfectlystiles.
Faustine and Caius in an original work by @onedayillwriteabook.
Skylar in a Harry Potter fanfiction by @curious-kittens-ocs.
Charlotte in a Sherlock Holmes fanfiction by @thetenthdoctorscompanion.
Lauren in a Riverdale fanfiction by @missecharlotte.
Aurelia in a Harry Potter fanfiction by @nevillesiongbottom​.
Rebecca in a The Bodyguard fanfiction by @emiliachrstine​.
Joesph in a Teen Wolf fanfiction by @katiesocs​.
Wendy in a The Society fanfiction by @tonyztvrks​.
Gwendolyn Lodge in a Riverdale fanfiction by @catgrant​
Raveesh, Eleanor and Alexander in an original work by @starcrossedjedis​.
Cleo in an Until Dawn fanfiction; Dawn in a Spiderman fanfiction by @purple-and-red-ribbons​.
Laurie in a The Society fanfiction by @freakingbradleys​.
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