#oc: will 🎧
fangaminghell · 2 months
desire for your renegade trio :)
(also bonus question but can you tell me more about them esp myo I've heard some things from sleepy and I want to know more)
( points ) Sleepy mention. Hello Sleepy ( waves).
Anyway Jesus fucking Christ my renegade trio where do I even START. This might be long bc there's a lot to unpack here.
SPOILERS FOR 13.5!!!!! Also this bitch is gonna be long so buckle up. Also if there's any spelling errors: whoops!
Let's start with Will bc I think he's the easiest to explain. Wilbur "Will" ???( The only one without a last name). He's the interceptor for my renegade route. Will is.....to be blunt, weak willed. For the majority of rejuv he's heavily paranoid and anxious, and most of his actions come out of fear than anything else. Bc of this, he kinda leans on the likes of Isador for support ( this lead to a small crush on his end, but he never really thought he had a chance, so he isn't suuuuuuper upset when Isador finds someone else). But with his admiration for Isador, it should be stated and cannot be understated that Myo is Will's best friend. They had a rocky start and sometimes it seems questionable, but Myo and Will are best friends. Myo is the angel on Will's shoulder. This is important.
Going back to Will if should be noted that there is a point where Isador isn't part of the group, which coincidentally is when the gang was took that month of training. Myo and Will was the only ones there and this was where Will, for the first time in a long time, was able to build some confidence and friendship with his other teammates. For as much as Isador was someone Will deeply admired, he was also overtly relying on him. Giving a space where he can think and feel and be without Isador really helped him! But good things don't last. A little spoiler for Myo's section, but Myo was taken by Vitus during their mission with Erin and Kanon. Not knowing if they were dead or alive, it didn't matter, it absolutely crushed Will. Bc he saw. With his interceptors wish, he saw Myo get taken and beg not to. Any sense of confidence that was once there was shattered. This was perfect for Kieran and Clear to swoop in, naturally. But they still knew Will needed some convincing so......they got Isador to do it for them. Isador was what made Will agree to renegade - he didn't really want it, but if it meant giving his friends a peaceful end then.....surely it would be worth it, right? Now depending on what route I go with ( Sunburn or Frostbite - more on that later),some events will play out differently but here's the things I do know: Will goes on autopilot essentially. He's miserable, his faith in Isador is honestly very close to shattering ( he's fucking scared of the guy now) and M2 makes things Worse™. His defeatist nature pretty much made him lose hope, going along with a miserable renegade, all the while missing his best friend Myo. Again spoiler for Myo's section but they're alive. Just. Different. Very different. A completely different person. Myosotis Bluebell is the loyal servant of Vitus, and their objective is to carry out his will. And if they fail, well, they are simply discarded. Surprise surprise Myo fails- I like to think they were finally able to get back to their senses. But by that point it's too late. Will holds a dying Myo in his arms, watching them fade away, and listen to their only wish: to be human. To live. And with that wish, that goodbye, came a promise. A promise full of rage and sorrow and hatred for Isador Arkwright. Myo was the one that snapped Will out of his misery. Myo was the one that made Will fully realize that renegade isn't what he wants, and plans to stop it. Myo was the one that unlocked Will's rage. Myo is the angel on Will's shoulder.
The plan was simple. Just play along, no matter how much he hates it. No matter how much he wants to bash Isador's skull in. He will wait. He will be patient. And just when it seems renegade is about to be complete, he will snatch it from Isador's hands. To kill him and reset the world- it will be good. It will be karma. Isador will not win. And it does happen. Of course, things might change here and there once we see more of the renegade route, but overall? It happens. Will stabs Isador through his chest, cursing him to an immortality bound to help the next Interceptor when they do arrive. He will help them, as it is his curse. There is nothing he can do about it. And then the world resets. And Will makes sure life is better for him and Myo. It's selfish, he knows. But he needs this, okay?
In Paragon, Will is a florist that owns a small flower shop in GDC. He had a partner named Abby, who works at a tattoo parlor, and his best friend Myo is a spunky, graffiti artist that has a knack for getting fired from jobs ( "it's bc their assholes!" they always say). Will is actually older in Paragon! He was originally from Aryith ( the region deso is in) and that in my timeline is a few years away before the main events of the game. Myo is still the same age (18) but their friendship is still as strong as ever. Whether or not Will knows of his past life or what has happened to him I'm not sure yet. I do know that he's happy, as he deserves to be.
Myo Bluebell ( or if you look up above, Myosotis Bluebell) is a rowdy, foul mouthed, monster energy drink loving, " I don't give a fuck" half servant. Yes, half servant. Let's go back a little. Myo's father was a simple man that lived in kristilline Town. He had a beautiful wife, and was expecting to have a child. He was an avid goer of Isle of Angels too. Everything was perfect.....until his wife, and by extension his unborn child, dies. And just like that his perfect life is gone. But Myo's father doesn't want to let go. Not yet. Possibly not ever. So he made a deal with the devil: Vitus. The deal was simple: Vitus shall create a servant that was exactly in Myo's father's wife's image( this reminds me I need a name for that man). They would be able to produce a child and thus, his happy family that he had always envisioned would come to pass. In return, Vitus only asked for Myo's father and Myo's soul when the time comes. Myo's father was a foolish man. He agreed immediately. After some time, Myo was born, and Myo's father was a loyal follower of Vitus. Yes, Myo and Gaera knew each other, all the way back then. No they did not get along. Myo back then was a sweet kid actually, if not lonely due to how restrictive Myo's father and Vitus were. They tried becoming friends with Gaera but Gaera hated them sooooo. I haven't fully fleshed out their time in Kristilline but I can already see the religious trauma that came from it. When Vitus and Myo's family moved to Goldenleaf, things played out the same: Myo wasn't really friends with anyone,Gaera hated Myo, etc etc. But there was one day that Gaera took things too far. Gaera was the one that told Myo of their status as a half servant, and their mom as a servant under the control of Vitus all because their father couldn't get over his grief. This shattered Myo's world completely. To just be a toy that fulfilled an old man's fantasy....that was disgusting. To make matters worse, I imagine this was around the time the Wispy Tower fire happened. Myo's father died in that tower. And as for their mother well.....I like to believe she grew to care about Myo a bit. So when it was time to leave, she didn't take Myo with her. Leaving Myo alone. Needless to say, Myo's trust in others was completely ruined.
And now we get to the present. Myo is pretty much considered the town nuisance. They get into trouble, they are very very fouled mouths, and they steal a bunch. " why don't you just leave" " well fuck you too bitch". Myo is only out to look for themself and only themself, just like the rest of that god forsaken town. In canon, half servants don't seem to have powers, but I'm gonna have Myo have some for fun- teleporting short distances is kind of their go too. They also tend to get a bat or a monster energy drink out of nowhere, but it's unclear if that's their powers or not.
Like I said in Will's section, the two are best friends. But it didn't start that way: in fact Myo thought Will was a wimp and Will was terrified of Myo. For all intensive purposes, their friendship should not work. But it does. Myo has hard walls up bc of what happened with their parents,and just in general with Goldenleaf towns behavior. And Will wasn't even trying to break down their walls. But once Myo decides " I'm going to befriend Will to spite Izzy Boy" things just go by so naturally- and soon enough Will is calling Myo their best friend despite Myo feeling like they're the worst person to be best friends with.....but it's nice. Really nice. Myo tells Will things that they wouldn't dare tell anyone else. Myo is constantly telling Isador is fucking shit ( in the nicest way they can muster bc they don't want to hurt Will's feelings). Will is probably the few people that know Myo's love for plushies and cute stuff. What I'm getting at is that these two are besties. Full on besties, despite how different they are, despite how much Myo curse and drink and smack with the bat. They make each other better......which is why it was so painful when Vitus snatched Myo the way he did. The way he had to strip of everything Myo stood for- their freedom, their will to live, their disregard for authority - all of it stripped away to be the perfect servant. Bc again, Vitus had their soul. Myo was no longer Myo, Myo was Myosotis Bluebell. Someone so void of themself, only listening to the commands of their master, Vitus. They were almost robotic, in a way. It was scary. It wasn't Myo. But even despite all that, Myo was still there. Their will to live and be free got out. It cost them their life, and so dying in Will's arms, they cry. They cry that they want to live. They cry that they want to be human, to be free. They cry that they hope Will makes things better. Myo was not there to see Will's resolve. Myo was not there to see Will's rage. Not to hear Will's promise. But they would be proud. So proud, of their best friend. Myo is the angel on Will's shoulder. Never ever forget that.
Myo in Paragon is a human. A full human, all flesh and blood. Their father never had a deal with Vitus. Their mom never died. Myo was still a trouble maker, though that is to be expected. They aren't as rough around the edges as they used to be. They smile more, laugh more, and live their life the way they want to. Still can't land job but that's okay. They, like Will, are happy. Unlike Will, I am 100% certain they would not remember the renegade route. They just live, free and all.
And now. For Isador Arkwright. The bitch ass motherfucker.
Let's start from the beginning. Isador Arkwright was born and raised in Oblitus Town. He lived with his mom, his dad....and his twin brother Theodore. Or as everyone calls him, Teddy. Isador's childhood.... wasn't great. His parents were okay, all things considered. In fact, I would argue they were all happy once. It was moreso the fact that his hometown was actively dying because of the big stupid city up ahead. His town was dying, and the people of his home was losing hope. They often looked at the twins for some sort of guidance - he was no town leader by any means. But his levelheadedness and compassion ( even with a stoic face) was what the people needed at that time. Things were bad, but their dad held some semblance of hope......until he died. He died and desperate for hope, the town looked at Teddy - he was kind and compassionate, and had skills to boot. The people wanted him to make things better. They wanted him to be their hero. No one looked at Isador. Not like how they did with Teddy. Not even their own mother. That was the start to the end.
In Isador's head, he always felt like he had something to prove. His brother was always better than him, always got to loving attention, always was the one who was expected to fix things, and it's never him. And he tries. Isador tried so hard to just have people look at him. But it's always Teddy. He grew to hate Teddy. No matter how kind he was to him. No matter how they were always together. Teddy was the hero and that was enough to make Isador seeth.
Because Oblitus town was dying by the day, and because Teddy was seen as an excellent battler, it was decided that he would take the notoriously easy Kalos league. If news came that poor old Oblitus town was the birthplace of a champion, their old town could be revived, surely. But as things go with twins, they always do things together. So it was only natural that Isador went as well. Teddy hoped that the trip would bring them closer together. Isador hoped that this could be his big break. And in the end, Isador had to quit the league after struggling for so long with a gym leader ( possibly one near the very end). All while Teddy was just about to enter the elite 4. Teddy, seeing that this trip did nothing but tear the two apart more, decided to drop the league entirely, wanting nothing more than to just go home with his brother. Isador never felt more humiliated. And the worst part? Some of the townspeople thought that it was his fault. That he held Teddy back. That was the last straw. Isador needed to kill him. He needed to kill Theodore.
The exact details I still have to work out, but here's the gist. Isador led Teddy into Darchlight Woods. He originally planned to strike and kill his brother, hide the body, and blame it on Darchlight Woods being Darchlight Woods. But something ( that I haven't fully fleshed out but could involve the ground caving in underneath Teddy) happened just as Isador was going for the blow. My vision is that Isador could have helped his brother. He could have. But he didn't. He simply ran, screaming bloody murder as if the Teddy was already gone. By the time he came back with others, Theodore's body was gone, only a blood stain in its place. And Isador waited. He waited for Theodore to come back. Waited for everything to fall apart and be locked out with nothing. But he didn't. Theodore never came back. Isador won. Ha.
Anyways~ After Teddy's death ( as in 3 years after his death), Isador thought that he was out of the clear for good, and thus decided to start over. He doesn't want to go back to Kalos, a harbor of his broken ego. Despite how infamous the Aevium league is, he thought if he really wanted to prove himself, prove his strength, then he would start anew with the league, getting a starter in Gearen City. That's where he met Will, actually! He didn't think much of the man, genuinely thinking he was just a pathetic person he wouldn't pay mind to....only to become his traveling partner. And as such he got to see Will constantly be in dangerous situations, being the one that's looked at, being the "hero" for others- just like Teddy. And for that, Isador hated him. How on earth can a pathetic being like Will get all the glory? Why not him? Why was it never him? It's not fair.
Because Isador has a lot going on, there's just. So many assets that I want to say but honestly can't because have you seen the fucking size of this ask. So I'll talk about two major important things. One of those being a man named Asfrith Lucian. Asfrith doesn't belong to me, he belongs to @eclysia and he is a very important character in relation to Isador. Long story short: they are doomed yaoi. So doomed. A more detailed story: They met in Terajuma. Asfrith was working with kakori to try and disperse the Xen battleships. Naturally, that led him into meeting the Renegade Trio, and more importantly, meeting Isador. He was actually the one that looked after Izzy when he got sick ( heatstroke bc the idiot did not want to take off his scarf in the fucking heat- idiot). Asfrith continued to be by Isador's side after Terajuma- Will and Myo went into the past with Melia and Venam, leaving Izzy behind with Asfrith ( probably bc he was still sick or got injured. Either way, they ditched him lmao). That's when him and Asfrith traveled to West Gearen ( Asfrith needs to get back to GDC, and Isador probably for the call that they'd meet up in East Gearen from the others). By the time the whole gang gets to route 7( which. Is not a place with great memories for Izzy. Between Darchlight Woods and his hometown) , specifically Honec Woods, where they officially become a couple. Surely nothing goes wrong after this, yes?
So yeah, Isador is working with the MFs( Kieran and Clear) under the idea that if he destroys the world, he'd be the one that can provide to those who suffer from it, becoming a hero to all. The hero he was meant to be. Because he's with the MFs, Will was able to join the cause for Renegade. This is where things get interesting.
Isador tells Asfrith. He tells him all of it. And asks him to join him. There are two routes.
Frostbite: Asfrith refuses,causing the two to close their hearts. In the end, Asfrith dies by Isador's hands, and Isador continues on with his goal. His facade is broken, he no longer tries to be this warm hero that his brother was. He is cold and angry.
Sunburn: Asfrith agrees, and Isador is beyond happy. So happy that he smiles are more genuine more.....deranged, than usual. He's more upbeat than usual, too upbeat, too warm- and he still wants to pursue Renegade. Him and the love of his life, because Asfrith is the love of his life, ruling over the world as "heros". It's all he could ever ask for.
If we're talking about which one is canon, it's Frostbite. But regardless of which route, it all ends the same. Will kills Isador. He stabs him through his chest and places a curse on him that will change him forever. And what's more? Will reset everything. Everything except him. And so Isador lives in, within a realm outside of his own. He changed, morphed into a winged beast with horns, waiting for eons and eons just for the interceptor to show up. By that point, he hardly looked like himself. He hardly looked like Isador. And so he gave himself a new name.
He had one job: Help the Interceptor. Prevent another renegade. It was what he was cursed to do. And he shall do it.
And that's it! God this was long! Hopefully it was all entertaining! And hopefully I made a lick of sense lmao. There's some details I really had to skim over bc of how long this was getting, so feel free to ask if you have anymore questions!!!!! Oh! And I never mentioned Teddy. You should ask about him :)
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technofinch · 1 year
ok new oc ask game
Send me 📻 + an oc and I'll give you a random song off their playlist + an explanation of why it's there
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heartfullofleeches · 3 months
i want to hear more of this witch boy of yours🤨
(new anon here, is 🕷 available? if no, 🎧 or 💿 could work)
(I think 🎧 is available)
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(An old doodle of my headless boy)
To call Pliny a witch is a bit of a stretch. Witch in training is a better term as a fair amount of the spells he casts either backfire or have terrible repercussions. This is partly due to him being unable to fully grasp the powers of his heart which isn't even his to begin with. Pliny is a homunculus created by a lonely woman who tried to get rid of him when he didn't return her feelings like all of her past "lovers". Long-story short, the witch ended up dead and her final wish was for Pliny to take and devour her heart.
The witch's dream of being loved lives on in Pliny. Most if not all of his possessive/obsessive treats come from that cursed heart. He doesn't really want to hurt anyone, but he'll do what he must to make darling his. He doesn't like to talk about the exact reason his head became detached, but he hopes it doesn't bother you
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dreamiehan · 9 months
Two Kids Room SERIES I.
stray kids addition au: yiji x seungmin
→ casual conversations in ODDINARY ERAS “2 KIDS ROOM”
[ yi-an jihae masterlist ]🎧
missed an episode of 🎬 2 kids room? CLICK HERE
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Yjii shielded her face from the incoming attacks of Seugnmin’s targeted wrath with using plushies as a weapon.
“Stop smacking me with PuppyM, this is animal abuse!”
Seugnmin laughed at her failed attempt to reel back her figure each time the chibi sized stuffed animal connected with her face, continuing his vicious barrage against the girl.
“Well at least you finally admitted it,” Seungmin commented, a shit eating grin forming across his features.
A brief silence settled amongst the two until the literal lightbulb went off over Yiji’s head.
“Wait.. am I the animal?”
Seugnmin said nothing as he continued to laugh obnoxiously at her sudden realization.
“Kim Seungmin am I the animal?!”
“Seungmin! Yiji! Seung-yi room!”
Yiji’s eyes lit up as she made her way onto the familiar set once more, scents of vanilla emanated from the two perfectly crafted cupcakes with an off-white frosting that sat smack-dab in the center of the coffee table. Each of their SKZOO’s were tucked cutely beside a letter board that spelled out “Seung-yi”, decorated with smalls appliqués of stars and hearts.
“Seugnminnnn,” Yiji whined, extending her arms out in-front of her, signifying that she was in desperate need of a hug from her favorite person on the planet.
Seungmin was completely unfazed by Yiji’s antics, allowing her to plop down beside him and wrap her arms tightly around his torso as she proceeded to squeeze the life out of him.
“Are you the hulk now or what?” Seungmin teased, poorly attempting to look anywhere else besides the twinkling babydoll eyes Yiji had come to master over the years.
Talk about YIJI x SEUNGMIN
Hyunjin: Seungmin is Yiji’s boyfriend
Han: I thought I was her boyfriend?
Jeongin: What kind of conversation is this?
Hyunjin: Yiji likes Seungmin a lot, she is most affectionate with him
Jeongin: She acts so cute with him.. it is odd, he secretly enjoys her silliness
“STAYs really enjoy seeing us together”, Seungmin confessed as he dove his plastic fork into the cupcake before him.
“Ah, really? We’re popular then”.
Yiji always found Seungmin to be endearing, even if the time in each other’s presence was spent doing something as simple as talking, it was always meaningful.
“We used to be semi-roommates when we first debuted” Yiji spoke, thinking back to a memory that seemed so far away now. “You and Jisung fought every once in a while so, I would sleep in his bed and he would lock himself in my bedroom across the dorm”.
Seungmin closed his eyes gently, almost as if he was trying to transport himself back to five years ago.
Things were a lot different then.
“Jisung is a sensitive person I think, and back then there were a lot of misunderstandings because our humor did not mesh well all time”, he confessed. “You helped a lot in that way, by simply being there rather than trying to get in-between things.
Yiji nodded along as he spoke, exhaling a slight hum to confirm each point in the conversation.
“It was really lonely for me at first when I moved into the hyune-racha dorm, I missed hanging out in your space”, she confessed as she let her head fall atop of Seungmin’s shoulder.
“I missed hanging out with you too”.
Chan: When Yiji and Seungmin first met they didn’t interact much at all outside of schedules
Changbin: Yi-An has a cold exterior that takes time to understand, they’re opposites in that way
Chan: Yiji relies a lot on Seungmin when recording too, her singer is Kim Seungmin
Minho: Ah, don’t tell Hyunjin that he will be heart broken
Changbin: Seungmin has changed Yiji as a person in different ways, that is why they’re a lot closer lately
“Do you remember our first flight to K-CON after we debuted?” Seungmin asked in a sly tone, indicating he had some sort of sarcastic ulterior motive.
Abruptly, Yiji rolled her eyes and removed her head from the comfortable spot on his shoulder. Releasing a loud groan, she sighed knowing exactly where he was going with bringing up this memory.
“Do not retell this story”, she whined, smacking him playfully on the arm. “It’s embarrassing”.
Yiji has gone through so much, each of her insecurities and fears are things Seungmin wishes he could keep locked away, buried beneath the earth in an impenetrable box that no one would ever dare to find.
He cared deeply for her, sometimes in a way he didn’t even know he could.
Yiji deserved someone who was determined to understand her and without saying anything at all, Seungmin grabbed hold of that responsibility and had no intention of ever letting it go.
Before he could become too absorbed in his thoughts, Seungmin continued. “You were absolutely terrified of flying to the point your legs were wobbling like a little baby deer”.
Followed by a dramatic noise of protest, Yiji shamefully hid behind both of her hands.
Admiration and contentment, Yiji let her walls down around Seungmin and he did the same. He made it safe for her to feel. An unspoken bond that the both of them treasured immensely.
“Kim Seungmin”, Yiji spoke softly, separating her fingers to peak out
Just as Yiji was about to finish her thought, she pursed her lips slowly, her mind to continuing to wander amongst the many reasons she was eternally grateful for Seungmin.
“I think you and I were meant to meet in this life”, she smiled, now allowing herself to look at him wholly. “You have made me into a worth-while person”.
To the little devil on my shoulder ٩(^‿^)۶
You have brought so much fun in the form of chaos to my life. My devious singer, Kim Seungmin. I can’t wait to grow old with you and be idols until we retire >:’)
#SeungYi forever <3
To my favorite roommate
Yi-An Jihae, I am glad I got to meet you in this life too. I like your smile even more these days.
p.s. you are the animal..
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nymphie-mama · 2 years
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why are you here?
pairing rafe cameron x reader
summary based on why are you here by machine gun kelly
warnings angst, fwb, drug use, brief sex scene (not descriptive),
request can you do a rafe x reader based on the song ‘Why are you here’ by Machine Gun Kelly? i feel like it fits him so well!! - anon
a/n i don’t listen to mgk but this song is definitely mr rafe cameron. got
No one fucks like Rafe Cameron. No one comes close. Fuck, no one fucks like a high Rafe Cameron.
Once he was your best friend. Now you were someone he touched in secret.
Hed have you anytime, anywhere, and anyway he wants. All you wanted was him. He intoxicated you.
Last night, he had you spent out against a bathroom wall. There was a party in your midst, but he didn't care about who could've heard or walked in. He hoped Topper would hear how cockdrunk you were for him.
“No one fucks you this good, angel. And if I see the pogue staring at you like that again, I'll make him watch.”
Even though you loved the sensations, the way he would laugh and help you put your clothes back on when he's done with you; you couldn't take it.
You wanted all of him or none of him. To be his girl or to be nothing.
“Rafe,” you said, opening his bedroom door. His eyes were low, hair was messy, and his face was red. He was high again.
“Angel,” he said lowly, “what is it you want? Dick or drugs, baby.”
“Yes, pretty?”
“R-rafe I can't. I can't do this.”
He stopped. He set down his lighter and made eye contact with you for the first time since you'd walked in. The eye contact made you flush, but you set that aside.
“What?” he said, halfway laughing.
“I need you, Rafe,” you said, tears forming at your lashes, “but I can't want you.”
Rafe stood up, smiling that prideful smile, and started unbuckling his pants, “of course you can. I want to be inside you all the time, Y/N.”
“Stop. I'm serious.”
He stopped again. Dumbfounded.
“If all this has been for sex, say so and I'll walk away right now. We can go back to being only friends again. But I know you know better.”
His eyes were lower. His high was settling in.
“You know its not just sex.”
“So then have me. Wrap your arm around me and show me off.”
“I can't. I hate that I saw you last night. No one can know about this.”
“Then we shouldn't do it.”
“You know we can never be friends like we were.”
Tears started to stream down your face. You could barely breathe. It felt like you might choke on your spit. Rafe could see that he hurt you, you knew this.
“Please, Rafe.”
“I just need to smoke. Smoke with me, we’ll make it all better again, baby. I have some of the good stuff too.”
Fuck, Rafe.
All you wanted to do was scream at him. But you couldn't find the words. Why couldn't he love you? Why couldn't you just forget it all and go back to normal?
“Rafe, fucking stop!”
He rolled his eyes at you and lined up his coke. You'd seen him do it so many times, but this time it hurt so much worse.
“Why can't you just love me?” you mumbled before you turned away.
“You're too good,” he whispered back, wiping his nose to make sure there was no residue. “I'm just not myself with you.”
“There is no real you, anymore, Rafe. I learned that on my own.”
“Fuck you, Y/N!”
“Youre helpless. And you're fucking insane.”
“Leave my fucking house.”
And just like that. The boy you loved, the boy who showed you everything you loved. Was gone. Maybe he left when you started checking his nose for extra coke, or when he needed to smoke to feel something, but he was gone now. And maybe you were too.
taglist: @maybankslover @outerbankspov @ailee-celeste @sweetestdesire @giselep00
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kingspacebar · 6 months
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Ref for Hearts <3
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iheart-nana · 3 months
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(+📜)    dear reader ,
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when you aim at the devil 𓈒 𓇼ㅤׂ make sure you don't miss.
like the moodboard? it's a teaser for an upcoming fanfic! make sure u follow me and stay tuned! thank you, bye!! <33
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hyerinrose · 1 year
Ok ok I know, Yan playboy and Yan neko universe ain't the same..
but I wanna know what happened if they met!! :3
Just imagine.. like.. Reader petting Leo until they heard Playboy(I forgot his name。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。) knock the door, and reader Gets up to get the door..
ugsjwhwh my brain is not working
(Anw how are U?? hope ur doing good!)
Now 🎧 anon you mentioned a good point there. Some of my Ocs are actually in the same universe, referring to my old works (ie; Anti Hero and Villainous Charm) so it's not completely impossible for Yan playboy and Yan neko to be in the same one.
Im doing good ^^ excited for tmrw. Hby?
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
First of all, Xavier and Leo meeting would = chaos as the two will fight over you constantly. They're both like tinkerbell in a sense that if they don't have your attention on them, they will die.
Second of all they're also possessive type of yan and seeing you with another person is akin to death sentence for them. Especially Leo since he hates everyone but you <3
Mini drabble under the cut!
It was like any ordinary day, you just had finish hanging the laundry and are currently watching the television while Leo naps on your lap.
Your hand mindlessly scratched and pet the napping hybrid while your mind was somewhere else completely. His sounds of purr filled the otherwise quiet living room.
Knock. knock.
"Who's there?" Leo grunted as you stopped petting him and carefully placed the hybrid's head on a pillow before getting up to the front door.
"Xavi your beloved, of course" The person replied from the other side, you immediately recognize the voice to belong to your non-official boyfriend, Xavier.
"You're just getting more audacious as days went by, Xavi" You opened the door and stepped aside for Xavier to walk in.
"Heh, sooner or later you'll be agreeing with m- AH!" The dark-skinned man jump onto you and hold onto you like a lifeline at the sight of you Neko Hybrid.
"Who's this, Master? And hands off of them, you" Leo glared at Xavier as he readies his claws to attack. They emphasise the you as to make a point that he's not welcomed here.
The two males had a staring contest with Leo glaring murderously at Xavier while the other stares out of fear. Eventually Xavier lets go of you and looked at Leo at eye level*.
"I'm assuming you're [Name]'s pet , Leo. I'm Xavier and I'm their boyfriend, nice to meet ya" At his word Leo turned to you with a heartbroken expression.
"Boyfriend? But I thought I had already courted you, Master.." Their sad face reminded you of a kicked puppy and your heart can't take seeing it.
"He's just delusional, Leo. We're not dating!" You said while immediately going to his side and enveloping him in a hug.
Xavier was ticked off at Leo's smug expression, so this cat thinks he can one up him? Yeah, no way. That day, your house were filled with chaos as the two males fought like cats and dogs over you.
Good thing you only have a Neko Hybrid.
*Xavier is shorter than Leo. He's around 6'1 and Leo is 6'5
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stvrkendrc · 4 months
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Kendra is currently one of the most followed korean artist with more than 100 million followers since April 2023. She doesn’t post very often and is not very active on the platform, she tends to posts photos of herself, her cats, friends and about her job; she doesn’t follow anybody since she had some “silly problems” in the past (her exact words) and goes on live sometimes. Though Kendra has an high audience, IG is still ranked low between her most used SNS.
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-> copyright goes to @/moneails! Don’t copy or steal anything!
feedbacks are well appreciated!
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fangaminghell · 11 days
Will is the Interceptor of Grief btw
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fluffyfairyzz · 7 months
haha what if my ocs had tumblr that would be funny and silly and wacky!!
2 notes ❤️ 🔂
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💗 jekyll-the-mad-scientist follow
hey guys gonna steal some of hydes potion stuff for science experiments
💗 jekyll-the-mad-scientist follow
“but isn’t mixing science and magic dangero-“ that’s the fucking point. yolo.
💗 jekyll-the-mad-scientist follow
update : hospital
❤️🔂 1000 notes
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🎀 plaguepawz follow
hiiii scpblr ily fellow scps <33 ,, we can escape any foundation if we try hard enough :3! remember ur loved :D!
❤️🔂 600 notes
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🐈‍⬛drwhiskers-official follow
fuck im bored bouta go kill some scps‼️
❤️🔂 5 notes
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soda-bubbled · 2 months
☁️. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ[relationship with zb1]࿐ྂ———͙ – - ˚ · * ˚ ✦
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╭₊˚๑ what's it like with this group?﹕☁️₊˚੭
There's a certain level of bonding that groups formed from survival programs have. It's different from any other type of group and it has bonded these ten together forever. Despite no longer being the youngest member, Haru adjusts quickly. He slips into the role of oldest in the maknae line like he's been doing it his whole life. Despite his quieter nature, he is always joining the maknaes in their little games and teasing the older members, but he is just as likely to help Hanbin rangling them together. Haru was convinced that he would never be able to find a family like the one he made in Japan, but Zerobaseone has proved him wrong time and time again.
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₊✩ˎˊ˗ Hanbin + Haru ➔ HaruBin
Haru thinks Hanbin is easily one of the coolest people he's ever met. Haru has always admired dancers more than anything else and so when he'd looked up Hanbin after the older man's introduction on Boys Planet, he was immediately awestruck. Haru becomes awkward with people easily and this was made very obvious with Hanbin when Haru couldn't be in the same vicinity as him without blushing and stuttering through his sentences. Fans were quick to notice Haru's celebrity crush on Hanbin and fell in love with the two of them.
After the introductions on Boys Planet, Hanbin had felt a tug of empathy towards Haru. How a boy could debut so young was insane to him and then learning that his group had been disbanded on such short notice was awful. They had ended up being placed in the same room for dorming setups and it was an easy way for Hanbin to attempt to start a friendship. It was difficult at first due to Haru's nervousness around him, but through the long journey that was Boys Planet 999, the two ended up becoming a lot closer.
Now, in Zerobaseone, the two are like genuine brothers. Haru almost always goes to Hanbin when he has a problem, even if it's just something as small as needing help opening something. Haru mentioned on a live once that Hanbin really reminded him of one of his old group members and that's why he was so easily drawn to the older.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Jiwoong + Haru ➔ HaWoong
In order to further his understanding of Korean, Haru would oftentimes watch K-Dramas which lead him down a rabbit-hole until he'd stumbled across Roommates of Poongduck 304. He'd nearly passed out when Jiwoong had been announced on Boys Planet and then came the mortifying realization that he'd have to live with him for the foreseeable future. Similarly to Hanbin, Haru was extremely shy around Jiwoong and it was obvious. He'd hardly be able to look him in the eyes, which Jiwoong found incredibly cute and endearing.
Jiwoong was intrigued by Haru almost immediately because of his past. Jiwoong himself had been in the idol industry for a long time, but here was a kid 5 years younger than him that had years more experience than him. Despite his curiosity, it was clear he wouldn't be able to talk with Haru often as the younger would only be able to get a sentence or two out before he nearly broke down. It was fun to tease the younger, which Jiwoong did often until he felt bad about the way Haru looked like he would explode if his cheeks got any more flushed.
After they debuted, Jiwoong felt it would be best to sit down with Haru so the two could get over Haru's nerves. It was honestly a really good and long conversation with the two of them bonding over their shared bad experiences. It was embarassing for Haru to have to explain that he'd watched all of Jiwoong's dramas and had a slight crush on the older man. Jiwoong was nothing but supportive and understanding, explaining that it didn't make him uncomfortable if that's what Haru was worried about. After this talk, Haru was finally able to be around Jiwoong without feeling like he was going to spontaneously combust.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Hao + Haru ➔ Ha2
Haru looks at Hao like he hung the stars. He respects Hao so much as an artist and as a person. The two didn't really have an awkward stage and clicked almost instantly. It was easy for them to get along and so Haru ended up going to Hao for a lot of his problems which he felt bad about for a while before Hao told him he was glad to be a person that Haru could trust like that.
Hao thought Haru was adorable. The younger was like a baby duckling who would just follow him around. Especially considering Haru's size, it was just the cutest thing to Hao so he was immediately smitten with him. Haru is genuinely like his son despite only being three years younger than him. If anything, it's even worse in Zerobaseone and Hao babies him constantly. When asked about it, Hao said that there wasn't really a specific reason that he was so drawn to Haru, it was just that the younger seemed like he needed an older brother to be there for him.
Now in Zerobaseone, the two are very close. Haru typically reverts to calling Hao Gege rather than Hyung just out of habit. The call of "Hao-ge?" was a familiar one in the background of variety content and lives. The two are often together as Haru's quieter personality is a good way for Hao to recharge his social battery as an introvert.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Matthew + Yasuharu ➔ YasuMatt
Matthew was the easiest to approach in Haru's opinion. The man is just walking sunshine and it was hard to be nervous when Matthew always tried to hard to make friends. Matthew was also really curious about Haru's past as a J-Pop idol and constantly asked questions about it, but never pressing too hard when he accidentally asks something a little to personal. Matthew always seems to gravitate towards Haru which the younger doesn't mind. Haru has never really been big on physical affection, but he's quick to accept the hugs Matthew so willingly gives and doesn't question it when the older hangs off of him.
Matthew was slightly intimidated by Haru at first, especially after learning that he'd previously been an idol for 6 years, but that was quickly shattered when he'd actually spoken to Haru. The younger was quiet, but always kept a level-head and thought about things as logically as he could without hurting other people's feelings. Matthew was quick to pick up on the fact that Haru was constantly worried about being too pushy or mean with how he handled different stages, so Matthew always tried to make sure that the younger was alright when he could.
The two are often labeled the cutest members of Zerobaseone together which makes Haru's ears go red everytime it's brought up. Because of Matthew, Haru is now more accepting of physical contact and doesn't shy away from it. If anything, he's started subtly searching Matthew out for physical affection which makes Matthew happy.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Taerae + Yasuharu ➔ YasuRae
When Haru had moved into the trainee dorms at WakeOne Entertainment, he was terrified. His Korean was just barely at conversational and it had been barely 8 months since the disbandment of his former group, so he was understandbly on edge in the beginning. It wasn't until his fourth month at the company when he was paired up with Taerae that he finally managed to make a friend. They both joke that they clicked so fast because they have the same MBTI type so there was a level of understanding they had for each other. Haru is forever grateful that he was paired up with Taerae that day because he's sure that there wasn't going to be another chance for him to make such a good friend.
Taerae remembers seeing Haru at WakeOne for the first time and being shocked at how someone that tall could be so cute at the same time. The two of them were basically attached at the hip after their shared monthly examination, inseperable besties that were constantly found together. He's honestly shocked that someone could be almost the exact same person as him, just shyer than him. Taerae is glad that there's at least one other T in the group besides him because they're so different than the Fs in the group.
When Haru's name was called during the final episode, Taerae had felt his knees go weak. There was such a rush of relief in both of them that Haru had basically blacked out during his speech until he found himself collapsing into Taerae's arms on the podium. The two had just held each other as the rest of the newly formed group surrounded them. The multiple angles of the entire thing went just as viral as Hanbin and Hao's moment and fans are glad that these two debuted together.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Quanrui + Haru ➔ HaRui
Ricky was probably the third most intimidating member in Haru's opinion. Ricky seemed really cool to Haru when Boys Planet had started and so he wasn't really sure how to approach the younger for a while, but he quickly learned that Ricky was actually really cute under his cool, suave facade. After that, Haru was quick to approach Ricky to make friends with him. Haru still thinks Ricky is much cooler than him, but he also understands that Ricky has a much softer side as well and the two get along really well.
Ricky didn't really have an opinion on Haru at first. Other than the fact that the older was in an idol group before, Ricky didn't know much about Haru. Obviously, that changed when Haru sought him out with a shy request to be friends. As the two got to know each other, they realized that they had a shared love for strawberry flavored things. They get along a lot better than they originally thought they would.
In Zerobaseone, they don't have as many interactions as Haru does with other members, but fans cherish the few they do. Ricky often softens his voice when talking with Haru, not out of malice, but just habit and fans think it's the cutest thing ever. The two have started doing more and more things on camera though which makes zeroses happy to see them interacting more often.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Gyuvin + Haru ➔ HaruVin
Haru was almost immediately smitten with Gyuvin. He can't really even explain it, there was just something so charming about the younger that had him captivated. He had searched Gyuvin out the quickest, deadset on making friends with him. It was easier than expected as Gyuvin seemed just as eager to be friends with him. Despite the fact that Gyuvin is rather sporty and Haru has never done a sport outside of dance, the two get along extremely well.
Gyuvin was fully convinced that Haru was younger than him before his age was announced, completely shocking him. It was something that he still mentions all the time, teasing Haru constantly about it. During Boys Planet, Gyuvin was blown away by Haru's stage presence. He was glad that the older seemed to want to be friends just as bad because it was hard for Gyuvin to approach Haru himself at first.
Now, the two are almost always together and they've made a little trio with Ricky. This is actually how Ricky and Haru started becoming closer on screen. Gyuvin and Haru are also incredibly tactile, Haru more so than Gyuvin. Despit their similar heights, fans have noticed that Haru seems to make himself smaller when he's around Gyuvin. When asked about it, he just said that Gyuvin makes him feel safe.
   ₊✩ˎˊ˗ Gunwook + Haru ➔ HaruWook
Haru, like most other contestants on Boys Planet, was convinced that Gunwook had the bad boy aesthetic down and was pleasantly surprised to find out that the younger was just a big softie. They're basically the same height and so fans find it fun to see the two next to each other just because of their drastic differences in appearance. Haru finds Gunwook unbelievably cute and constantly makes it known. He doens't smother Gunwook, but he comes pretty close to it.
Gunwook was almost equally as intimidated by Haru. The whole thing was rather silly as they both skirted around each other for a while until they realized there was literally no reason for it. They got over it pretty quickly and Gunwook adores Haru now. He likes how the older seems so small despite being a centimeter taller than him, he just overall finds Haru just as cute as Haru finds him.
Gunwook likes to flirt with Haru a lot, liking how easy it is to make the older flustered but being careful to walk the line and not push too hard. On very rare occassions, Haru will flirt back and each time it catches Gunwook off guard, causing the younger to go bright red. Haru saves it for when Gunwook is least expecting it because the less he does it, the more flustered Gunwook gets. Haru really enjoys teasing Gunwook though and finds other silly was to joke around with him.
 ₊✩ˎˊ˗ Yujin + Haru ➔ HaruJin
Haru thinks of Yujin like an actual younger brother and the way he treats him is the same. Since Haru was the youngest member of his last group, there is a level of understanding between the two of them, but sometimes Haru likes to use his position as an older member to tease Yujin when he can. However, Haru also understands that Yujin wants to be treated like an adult sometimes and is quick to pick up on it when their teasing goes too far.
Yujin is honestly surprised at how Haru is so mature yet so childish at the same time. Not a bad sort of childish, just in the sense that you can tell Haru has been in the public eye for a long time and never really had a proper childhood. There are times when Yujin catches him playing with little toys on their sets or things like that and just joins in with him as to make him feel less alone. While Yujin could never understand what it was like to debut so young, he's still a kid himself so he tries his best to be there for his hyung when he can.
Yujin has become a safe space for Haru and they probably have the most interactions on camera. Yujin really helps Haru allow himself to let go of the fact that he's on camera all the time and just enjoy the things around him. They're constantly stealing candies together and things like that. The two of them really are like brothers and Haru has mentioned the fact that if he ever had a brother, he'd want him to be exactly like Yujin.
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dreamiehan · 9 months
εϊз voice claim: AUDREY NUNA
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이지 (YIJI) YIJI “DAMN RIGHT” | [Stray Kids(스트레이 키즈) : SKZ-RECORD(슼즈 레코드)]
Lyrics by : 이지
Composed by : 이지, 3RACHA
Arranged by : 이지, 3RACHA
Original Publisher : JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Copyright Control
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cabinetlass · 2 months
now, if i say my bg3 oc is a drow oathbreaker who’s goal in life is to ascend to become a deity of sorts while claiming she can keep her soul the same all along…
only to lead her companions down a “good” and “moral” path (non-ascended astarion, anti-god gale) because she’d rather sabotage anyone else if she can’t have what she desires!
then im the bad guy right? right ???
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mothfinite · 5 months
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okay trolls s/i finally done yayy!!!!!!!
meet bee, an electropop troll! they grew up with the pop trolls, but theyre also part techno troll :3
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iheart-nana · 1 year
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   ♡﹒ and you almost ran red, cause you were looking at me . . .
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  ˳ 𓇼       、wind in my hair, i was there, i remember it all too well.
like the moodboard? it's a teaser for an upcoming fanfic! make sure u follow me and stay tuned! thank you, bye!! <33
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