awkwardgtace · 2 years
Protective Instincts
Heyy It's late but posting this cause I'm gonna be out of commission for at least a week. (Will of course love asks during this time) Idk what tw to put so please lemme know if there's blatant ones
Kyrie has been having a bit of a problem since he grew, so far he's ignored it while hiding it from Melody. Although that can't last forever.
Protective Instincts
Kyrie blinked as the world returned to normal. The strange dark shadows were gone.  The lights he’d been seeking out vanished. He was alone in the open water with a lot of fish around him. He hated times like this. Ever since he grew he had periods where the world went dark and he couldn’t stop himself from seeking out all the lights. He wasn’t sure what the lights even were. Some were mers, but not all of them.
He stretched, flicking his tail a few times. The fish around him swam off and he sighed. It  wasn’t like that would help much if he was about to start hunting. He grabbed some of the slower fish in a fist before figuring out his way home. At least he could claim that he’d left for a reason instead of losing himself to those strange instincts.
Kyrie took off towards the den he shared with Byssal and Pelago. They were probably worried about him. It made sense, these weird instinct driven times kept happening. So far he hadn’t gone towards Melody, but he didn’t know how long that would last. Eventually he might scare her and have to start all over with her… again. A whine escaped him at the thought.
“Kyrie!?” Pel’s worried voice shocked him. The small mermaid swam up to him, crashing right into his nose. He brought a hand up and cupped it around her. Carefully, he wrapped two of his fingers around her tail and pulled her away so he could see her. Her face was full of worry. “Where were you!? Byss and I woke up and you were gone. He went to check with Melody and Caprice to see if you’d gone there.”
“I woke up early and went hunting,” he chirped. Pel tried to squirm out of his hold, he didn’t stop her. She swam down to his other hand and let out a shocked chirp. He grimaced and let out a sad chirp of his own. “I got too much again, didn’t I?”
Pel swam up and settled herself on his head. She didn’t like to admit that his size had caused more changes than any of them expected. He wasn’t supposed to get this big. She just chirped a bit trying to reassure him, but there wasn’t much she could say to help. He swam forward, slower than before now that he had a passenger. She was cleaning out his hair, he missed the days her hands were massive compared to him.
As soon as he reached the cave a deep growl came from inside. Byssal swam out and barreled into his chest. He caught the smaller man with his free hand, ignoring the growls and struggles to get free. Kyrie let him go once he’d moved most of the way into the cave. He’d dug into the ground to make more space for them after he grew, the others used magic to fix the opening’s size. The parts he changed looked natural, it felt like his claws were built to make changes like them.
Byssal swam up to his face with a terrifying glare the second he was free. Kyrie had to force himself to stay still. His head was too high right now, Pel could get hurt. He carefully swam around the older mer and let himself float to the floor. It was always better like this. He tried to curl in on himself a little. As always he ended up with his tail fin hovering in the water across from his face.
“Where were you?” Byss growled. Kyrie brought his hand with the fish forward, opening it to reveal the catch he’d made.
“I went hunting,” he whispered. Pel always trusted him, Byssal didn’t. The green mer stared at him for a long time before letting out a heavy sigh. He grabbed one of the fish Kyrie brought. At least they weren’t Pel’s size this time.
“It happened again didn’t it?” Kyrie looked away. The quick movement knocked Pelago free of his hair. The mermaid floated down, settling on Kyrie’s open palm. She let out worried chirps, but he was tempted to lie. The looks of concern stopped him. All he did was nod.
“Oh guppy, you can tell us,” Pelago said. She swam up to his head again and started petting his nose. He was tempted to leave, but the two had settled in a way he’d have to use force to get around them. “We just want to help you.”
“Where did you wake up?” Byss sounded angry, of course he was angry. Kyrie had these… he didn’t know what to call them. The world turned almost completely dark, all he could see were shadows and lights. He swam around aimlessly sometimes with a goal of finding a specific light. He barely remembered what he did during those times.
“A few reefs out. It wasn’t as bad this time.” The mers that raised him gave him duplicate looks of doubt.
“Guppy, you were gone since the moon was high, it was just as bad as the others.” He shook his head, Pel swam back before it bothered her too much.
“No, I just took a while to get back. The sun hadn’t come up yet.” It was the first time he lied to them. He didn’t want them to keep worrying. Every morning they hounded him, worried he’d disappeared and done something he would hate himself for. They had to stop sleeping on his chest after the first few times. They’d just be woken up and left behind. At least he never hurt them. The relief on their faces told him the lie was the right idea.
“Maybe it is getting better. We should try and get Harmony to talk with us again. She might have an idea of what’s happening.” Byss chirped in approval at Pel’s idea.
Kyrie nodded along as the two settled near his hand. They’d eat what they wanted and he’d eat the rest. The issue of grabbing too much on a hunt was easy enough to solve at least. Although he hadn’t actually been hungry since he grew. Almost like he didn’t need to eat. Caprice had been curious about how Harmony eats trapped in the siren’s nest. Maybe she and Kyrie just don’t. Something else to make what they were different from others. The thought almost pulled another whine from his throat, but he held it back.
He shook off the thoughts and tried to focus on the conversation Byss and Pel were having. It was hard, he was tired. If he wanted them to believe it hadn’t lasted all night he couldn’t sleep. No matter how much his eyes burned as he stayed awake. It was the fourth time this week, he had to be able to sleep soon. All he got was that they thought things could start to go back to normal.
Kyrie’s eyes snapped open to a world of shadows. Two dim lights were on top of him, carefully he moved them to a spot out of the way. Then he left. There were dim lights all across his territory, but one was brighter than the others. The most important one needed him. He had to go to them. He swam low to the sea floor, running his hands along it. Just in case.
As he moved he noticed a group of lights. One was too dim. He swam up at full speed. The small group of lights were huddled together among shadows. He tried to grab the dimmest one, but it was hard. Shadows were in the way, they were solid. They were too important to break through. He had to squeeze his fingers into an opening. Finally he managed to get a part of the light between his claws pulling the light out.
“Let me go!” the light shouted. He brought them close, smelling them carefully. Definitely a light, but the smell made him sad. It also smelled of blood. He opened his mouth wide, he’d need to heal them. They had to stay safe. “Don’t eat me!”
He huffed, it pushed the light away a little. He didn’t eat the lights. He protected the lights. That’s what he was here for. He set the light on his tongue, careful of his teeth. He closed his mouth, seeking out the taste of blood on it. He tasted tears, he hated that taste. Soon enough he found the injury on the small light. They were squirming, making it hard to take care of it. He carefully put them between his teeth, finally making them still.
Kyrie licked the wound a few times before releasing the light. He pinched them between his claws again. He set them back with the group of lights he pulled them from before turning away. The brightest light still needed him. With a flick of his tail he was moving again, the lights he left were all the same level of dim. A safe dim.
Sand was kicked up by his claws as he swam. The brightest light was higher, but he wouldn’t go up until he had to. Other lights stayed low, he’d help on his way. He bumped his head on something ahead of him. Another shadow he couldn’t make out. The light he cared about was close, just above him. He dug his claws into the sand and started to drag himself up. He had to reach the light.
Once his head cleared the water his vision turned worse. The shadows were harder to tell apart. His light was glimmering. Another light was with her, a little dimmer. More like the ones he’d left when the brightest one needed him. He continued climbing up. Pausing to feel ahead of him. Making sure none of the shadows would be hurt by him. He couldn’t mindlessly break them, the lights needed them and sometimes they hid in them.
“Mel, are you sure you’re alright?” Kyrie rushed when he heard the dimmer light speak. He had to help.
“I… I’ll be fine. It was just another nightmare. Go back to bed,” the bright light spoke this time. He had to reach her. He kept his movements slow. Feeling the shadow he knew kept these lights hidden. He had to be extra careful of this shadow. The brightest light needed it.
“Mel, what happened? Talking about it used to help right?”
“I… I was back in that place. All the horrible voices and faces. I couldn’t move or think… I could swear it was real. I… Cap, what if I do go back there?”
“You won’t we took care of that, remember? The songs you wrote don’t have that weird magic tied to them. And I’ll shatter them again if I have to.”
“You don’t know that would work!” Kyrie pulled himself around the shadow closer to his lights. He heard noises that left him more concerned. He had to make sure they weren’t hurt. Heal anything that happened. “K-Kyrie?!”
“What do you want?” The dimmer light was mad. It didn’t matter. He just had to reach them. He ran his fingers over the shadow near them, it was empty. He could reach in. He squeezed two fingers inside hoping to reach the lights.
“Stop!” He froze. He couldn’t ignore this light’s demands. This light was special, different.
“Hurt?” he asked. The light used different words, it was hard to match them. He had to in order to protect them.
“She’s fine, go away.” Kyrie growled a little, he couldn’t help it. They were in danger and wanted him to leave. The glow of the lights weren’t injured, but the brightest one needed him. He was here for her.
“Protect you.”
Kyrie curled his tail around the shadow the lights were in. He rested his head on the ground, he could still see the lights. They were talking, soft noises he couldn’t hear well. The dimmer light left, it bothered him. The shadows would hide the light. Another growl escaped him.
“C-Cap is just going to his room. We’re safe,” his brightest light said. He didn’t believe her, but he wouldn’t break these shadows. These lights were special and these shadows too. He wouldn’t be forceful around them. He curled up around the shadow as tightly as he could. They’d be safe while he was here.
“Sleep. Safe,” he said. He could see the light moving around. She was doing something, it didn’t make sense. She should curl up. The light stopped and Kyrie chirped lightly. A small reminder of his promise to keep her safe. The dimmer light too, even if the dim light treated him like a monster.
Kyrie felt rested. It was the first time in a while he felt like he’d actually gotten to sleep. His skin was dry, there was air around him. It made him groan. He tried to pull his tail closer.
“Kyrie stop!” Melody shouted. Kyrie froze. She shouldn’t be around him, that wasn’t where he was supposed to be. Slowly he opened his eyes and met the small siren staring at him with wide eyes. “Please stop.”
“...Melody,” he croaked. His throat was dry. How long had he been on land? It took him far too long to realize he was surrounding her den. He pushed himself away, his back landing in the shallows near Melody’s beach. His tail hung off the small cliff.
“Kyrie!” Her shout spurred him to move. He rolled to the side. The splash of his tail hitting the water was big enough to hit his back. He pulled himself into the deeper water with all his strength. He couldn’t stay here. “Wait!”
For the first time since he’d heard her song he ignored her call. Even before she sang he was always interested in her voice. Each word made him curious. He wanted to know what they meant. He shook off the thoughts and swam, he had to get away. He remembered seeking out the lights. She must have been the one he was after this time. 
It was hard to stay where he wanted as he swam. It was around the time other mers were out. He saw them and tried to avoid bothering them, but when he moved his tail it caused currents. The best way to avoid problems was to keep moving. As long as he kept his tail moving they wouldn’t be dragged out to the deep waters with him.
Kyrie knew he couldn’t leave things as they were. He needed help. The only person who could help him was the same one he never wanted to see again. Harmony. The massive mermaid made him angry. He didn’t trust her, even if the others said she was fine. She was the only mer with colors like him. The only one who could tell him why sometimes he could only see lights and shadows. Why some part of him needed to patrol the lights. And she was the one who wanted to kill his Melody.
“Guppy!” Pel called to him. He sped up. They weren’t coming to Harmony with him. He’d go alone… If he couldn’t control whatever was going on he wasn’t coming back. He’d find a way to trap himself somewhere that he wouldn’t trouble them anymore.
“Kyrie!” Byssal sounded angry. He’d probably thrown Pel as he swam past. It didn’t matter they’d find out what happened soon enough. They’d figure out where he was going. He flicked his tail hoping the new current would make sure both the older mers were gone.
The trip was faster on his own too. As soon as he cleared his own den he could stop holding back. The speed he could reach without anyone to worry about was a bit shocking. He’d never admit he liked the freedom in the open waters. Although it left him no time to think before he reached the entrance to the siren nest.
The entrance felt smaller than the last time. It hadn’t changed and neither had he. The place felt like it wanted to keep him. That he’d never be allowed to leave if he made the wrong choice. Melody’s face flashed in his mind. He had to do this. He needed answers so he would face the only other creature in the seas like him.
It was a tight fit at first in the entrance. He might have changed, Melody said his arms felt softer the other day. It was fine, he just had to use his claws to pull forward. Soon enough the cave opened and he barely fit himself into the spot with the false roof. He rushed to open it. Using his tail he pushed with all his strength into the hidden tunnel.
The tunnel itself made him feel sick. It was made of scales like his own. The last time he was here he’d only noticed the bones guarding the nest from above as they left. The place was surrounded by dead and each had his scales. He wasn’t sure there was a way out that didn’t use Harmony with his size. She had to lift him over the wall in the air. She’d grabbed him in a tight fist last time.
“I wasn’t expecting you to come back yet,” her voice echoed in the tunnel. As soon as he was in the open water her shadow hid all the light. Staring up he got scared. What if he got that big? Melody was so small next to Harmony. He didn’t want to be big like that. He would rather get smaller, his old size. That size could protect them all and he could hold Melody safely.
“I need answers,” he said. She let out some chirps that made him shake. He didn’t like her chirps, they felt foreign. Byss said she’d been abandoned for her colors too. There was time for her to learn chirps before those showed up.
“Why should I give you them?” The shadow above him disappeared. A strong current started to tug against him. He gave into it. Letting himself be pulled as the mermaid moved her hand to drag him close. He never wanted to act like this. He wouldn’t control people with currents he made. Not on purpose at least.
“Why wouldn’t you?” The current stopped. It left him floating above her. 
“There’s not much you should need to know until you come here.” He didn’t like how she spoke either. He couldn’t explain it, nothing was wrong. Just some things sounded odd.
“I am here.”
“When you’re here to replace me, little one.” He frowned, she definitely knew his name. It was like she didn’t want to use it.
“I’m not going to replace you.” He growled at the idea. He wouldn’t leave himself trapped in the siren’s nest so this mermaid could go free.
“You will. You’re next in line. Like I was. I’ve already decided where my scales will join in protecting the nest.” He floated down, a bit closer to her face.
“What… what does that mean?”
“That’s for later. If you want to ask questions, ask me. If I feel like answering I shall.” Kyrie whined. If he could get the answer to the shadows and lights then he’d worry about the scales protecting this place later.
“I… I keep waking up with the world dark. All I see are lights that I have to go protect. It was once a week at first, but it’s getting worse.” Kyrie swam to the side of her face letting himself float to the stones near her. He didn’t want to admit what sent him here. “I don’t remember exactly what happens. I wake up somewhere else. I know I was going towards one of the lights. Sometimes I know I did something to some while swimming around. I hear voices in the back of my mind when I wake up, ones begging to be let go…”
”It seems you’re drawn as I was. Those protective instincts of ours are strong. You should have control after a decade or two…” Kyrie flattened his fins against his head. Melody told him that word once. It meant ten seasons? No… it meant more than that. A lot more than that. Byss and Pel said something about years… each was four seasons. He shook his head. That didn’t matter; it was too long either way.
“That’s too long! I need control now!” He brought himself closer to her eyes. It was the first time he noticed the clouded portions looked almost bleached. Like the shells Pell would leave out in the sun too long. He floated away, nearer to her gills as he tried to understand her eyes.
“Then control it.” She blew out a sigh. The water from her gills pushed him away from her. Harmony flattened her ear fins blocking him from returning to the spot he’d been in… Unless he chose to sit on her fins at least. “Controlling it isn’t always the same, I can’t tell you the steps to take.”
Kyrie let out a whine mixed with a growl. He needed to control this. He had to do better before he scared Melody more. He couldn’t risk her hating him. Harmony twitched her fins. Another sigh sent more water towards him, but he kept his place. He’d get answers. He’d keep Melody, Caprice, Pelago, and Byssal safe.
“I had to accept that I couldn’t always hold what I would protect. My predecessor kept me still until I’d learned to control myself.”
“Predecessor…” Kyrie hadn’t heard that word before. The way Harmony spoke sounded mixed with human languages as she said it. Kyrie yelped as her shadow engulfed him. Impossible fingers wrapped around him and pulled him to her face.
“The one before me would hold me like this as I struggled to reach my charge. Or place me under the weight of his tail. At times he held my tail with his teeth right at the fin.” Kyrie shivered, imagining her teeth on his tail fin made him nervous. She kept her hold on him as she moved. 
“I don’t want that!” His complaints were ignored. She let out a whine that made him freeze.
“Neither did I. He took the measures to stop me once my eyes were injured. He told me the lights had burned my eyes from being too close. I was much smaller than you and my charges were much larger. The light was too bright. Those spots show complete darkness, more complete than I thought there could be.”
Kyrie couldn’t think of anything to say. She didn’t sound disinterested or bored this time. There wasn’t confidence in her words, just some kind of pain. She let him go, the water blew past him again. He swam up to her face, but she didn’t look upset. More… resigned.
“You may need to accept you’ll fail before you’ll learn control. That you won’t be able to protect all that have fallen into your charge under the siren,” Harmony said. Kyrie shuddered. She reached up and touched the remains that rested the closest to the surface. “One of the ones before had that same issue. They never learned true control.”
“I won’t fail. I’ll keep my pod safe,” he growled. He wouldn’t let the others be hurt, or stay hurt. He’d learn control, he was strong enough to stop this.
“You will.” Harmony sat up, covering him in darkness again. “Just as you fail to register what draws you to the siren. You say she’s your destined, one of those who raised you have said it. Siren’s don’t sing for their own mates. Their voices will never draw you in for themselves. That's why they always traveled in pairs.”
Kyrie growled. Harmony was lying. Melody was meant to be with him. Her voice made him positive. He’d already been curious and drawn to her before she sang. It wouldn’t change now and he knew what sirens did.
“Doubt me all you want, but I’m speaking the truth. You were drawn to her before you heard her song, correct?” Kyrie let out an affirmative chirp. It just proved that his love for her was strong. “That was because you’d found your charge. Had you never met her you would have been drawn here instead.”
“You’re lying! I love her!” He growled and flexed his fingers. He expected the massive mer to grab him and punish him. Instead she just blew water towards him. It made him spiral down into the nest. From there he was faced with how small he was next to the only mer he had ever met with his scales.
“You may love her, but there’s no promise you belong together. Question me, doubt me, even attack me if you like. It doesn’t change the truth. You exist to guard merfolk with one as your main charge. That one happens to be this siren, otherwise you’d be here. You two aren’t destined.”
Harmony didn’t move her hand towards him. Kyrie saw tears of his own traveling up towards the massive mer. She spoke weirdly again, but that wasn’t what mattered. She had to be lying. If she wasn’t… Melody might leave him. She might hate him and never give him another chance. He might scare her for good. He didn’t want this mer’s help anymore he just… he had to see Melody. First he just had to leave.
Harmony felt as Kyrie swam back into the tunnel he’d entered from. She waved her hand towards the tunnel hoping it would show him the path out. She returned to where she always rested and closed her eyes. I’m sorry little one, she thought, it’s best to move on now. Before you’re trapped alone in your grief as I was. Tears slipped from the massive mermaid’s eyes as she allowed memories she buried to surface once more. Memories from when she’d just become big enough to hear the ocean’s voice.
Kyrie swam blindly once he’d managed to escape the siren’s nest. He couldn’t return to his den, the others would ask questions. He couldn’t go to Melody, he’d scared her again. He had to get somewhere far from everyone until he’d learned to control himself. Then… then he could go home. If Harmony was right it was better he stopped seeing Melody. He was just keeping her from finding her real destined.
A prick on his tail fin made him shudder. He stopped and pulled his tail forward, shocked to find small pale hands with white claws holding on. He held back a whimper as he stopped moving his tail. The mer tightened their hold as they were thrown up. Kyrie’s eyes widened when pale skin and a long white tail floated above his fin.
“Caprice?” he whispered. The human eyed mer stared at him before releasing his hold and pointing to the surface. Kyrie grimaced, but listened. He grabbed Caprice in one hand gently before bringing them both above the deep waters. The glare from the smaller man had his heart racing. Melody probably never wanted to see him again.
“Finally found you!” Caprice shouted. Kyrie wilted under his gaze. “I’ve spent all day looking for you.”
Kyrie just whimpered which received a burning glare.
“I went all over to find you. I even went to Harmony and she said you’d just left.” Caprice let out a sigh, Kyrie was tempted to run. The smaller mer’s face softened before he continued. “Melody started crying the second you left this morning! She’s convinced you hate her. You have to go talk to her. She's been sitting on the beach waiting.”
“...I…,” he tried. He didn’t know what to say. That he’d put her through so much only for her not to belong with him. That he wasn’t destined to be with her after all. He let his head sink into the water. Caprice swam closer and planted his hands on Kyrie’s nose.
“Did she scare you?” Kyrie jumped, the look was different than he expected. It was hard to make out so close, but… concern was all he could see. He offered a negative chirp. “Then go talk to her.”
Kyrie nodded, slipping under the surface again. He hesitated when he caught the scent of blood. He took a closer look at the human turned mer. The white tail was covered in small scratches with hints of red. The pale skin of his human half was peppered with marks of blood. One set of marks he could see was clearly the bite of a large fish or mer.
“You’re hurt,” he whispered. He felt a tug in the back of his mind. He pushed it away, focusing on the man in front of him. Caprice shrugged. A clear attempt to brush off his injuries. Kyrie cupped his hands around the smaller mer.
“There are bigger fish than I learned about out here. I’m fine,” Caprice said. His voice was garbled in the water. Kyrie let out a small chirp of worry. Caprice started to fidget in his cupped hands.
“...Can I fix it?” Caprice stiffened, but gave a slow nod. 
“Might as well…”
Kyrie swallowed before opening his mouth wide. He grabbed Caprice in one hand, guiding his tail into his mouth. Caprice curled up until Kyrie was able to trap him behind his teeth. A warm feeling spread in Kyrie’s chest as he started to swim towards Melody. The rumbling sound he made around her sometimes started up from his core.
Caprice said something, but the noise from his chest blocked the other out. Kyrie just focused on a stable swim as he coated the other’s wounds. He half expected another taste along with the blood, one he hated. He tried to shake off the feeling by focusing on the human half once the tail was done. By the time he was near his den the wounds the partial human suffered were well taken care of. 
Once he opened his mouth Caprice swam out and faced him. That pull in his mind died out once he saw all the marks of red gone from the pale skin and white tail. Kyrie chirped happily as he reached towards the smaller man. Caprice dodged his hand and swam towards. Kyrie started to follow, but the partial human pointed in the direction of Melody. With a single nod Kyrie left.
He swam high, near the surface, as he traveled. It was past noon, the smaller mers were hidden near the sands. A part of him wanted to swim low and run his hand through the sand. It felt familiar too. He closed his eyes, the night before flashing in his mind. Lights all around while he swam near the sands until finally he reached the beach he knew well. He opened his eyes just before he hit his head on the land he had to climb up.
Kyrie stared up towards the surface. Caprice said she was hurt, but maybe she was just scared. He pushed the thoughts away. At the very least he had to tell her that… that he might have been wrong. That he loved her, but someone better for her was probably out there. That she might have a human she belongs with…
With a heavy heart he pushed himself to the surface. As soon as he met the air he found his siren. She was hugging one of her knees to her chest with her head buried in her arms. His shadow covered her quickly. He didn’t know what to say. How to apologize for scaring her. How to explain what Harmony said about his instincts and her voice. How to tell her… to tell her he might have been wrong.
“Go away,” she said. He jumped, barely holding in a whimper. She did hate him. Caprice was wrong; she was crying because of her fear. “I don’t need one of you to tell me he hates me. Just go away, either he tells me himself or I’m not moving.”
He moved closer, trying to see something to tell what she meant.
“Of course he hates me now. I did something to make him show up here in the middle of the night. He should hate me and never want to-” He chirped in worry, bringing his hands around her before she could finish. Her head snapped up so fast he thought it could hurt her. The brown eyes he loved were glassy, slowly filling with life as they stared at each other.
“You didn’t call me,” he whispered. She climbed to her feet and buried her small fingers in his skin. Sometimes he wondered if she’d hurt him doing that if she had claws. He wouldn’t care if she did. “I have instincts… make me want to protect. This time it was you… I just had to protect you.”
“I… I didn’t call you? I didn’t do some weird siren thing again?” She sounded excited. He let out a small whimper before nodding. Now she could be scared. Instead she tried to wrap her arms around his finger. He chirped curiously. “I thought I made your eyes look like that again. Protective instincts I can work with.”
“You’re not mad?” He didn’t remember much of how he acted. Most times he didn’t, but this time it involved Melody. He must have done something cruel again. She pressed her face into his finger and shook her head no. He chirped a few times trying to understand. “Wasn’t it like the beach?”
“Sort of…” He whined, but she tightened her hold on his finger. Kyrie leaned down and pressed his nose into her side. He didn’t expect how quickly she moved to hug his nose instead. He loved her, he didn’t want to lose her. “Your eyes were empty again. You tried to grab me, maybe Cap too. This time you listened. I told you to stop and you talked to me. If you’re like that I can handle you showing up when I have nightmares.”
“Nightmares?” He nuzzled his nose into her. That was a word she told him once, but he couldn’t remember what it meant.
“It was a bad dream… I wasn’t me again, someone else was controlling me. I was singing, Cap said I woke up screaming. Then you showed up and your eyes looked so empty I thought… I thought I…”
Kyrie pushed Melody with his nose knocking her off her feet. She grunted, but he moved to flatten her against the ground. His cheek covered her, but he made sure to keep her face clear. He chirped a few calming sounds to make the tears he knew were starting disappear. He would keep her from the nightmares too.
“Melody is Melody and safe. I’ll keep you safe,” he mumbled. She laughed, making his cheeks grow warm. “I’ll keep nightmares away.”
“I think you will,” she whispered. “I felt safer after you showed up, although I felt guilty too.”
She pulled her hands free, using her small fingers to draw on his skin. It made him shudder. He loved his tiny mate… He had to tell her they weren’t destined, that she might belong with someone her size. Someone who doesn’t scare her. He let a bit of time pass before picking himself up. He folded his arms in front of himself then hid his mouth behind them. He stared down at Melody, dreading her reaction.
“What… what if I was wrong?” he asked. She tilted her head. It was hard to admit it. “About being destined. What if… we aren’t?”
“Destined?” she said. He chirped to confirm, but she kept a confused look for a little bit of time. Her eyes widened and her small lips formed an ‘O’ before she spoke. “Oh right, the merfolk form of soul mates… I mean does it matter if we aren’t? Honestly I’ve always believed in love at first sight, but I think you choose your soul mate, or I guess destined. Maybe no cosmic being says we’re good for each other, but what do you think?”
“...I love you and want to be with you and near you.” The smile on her face made the rumbling sound in his chest start up. He kept forgetting to ask Byss about that. It didn’t matter. Melody smiled wider every time it started.
“I love you too… and I want that too. Isn’t that enough?” He nodded. Melody walked over and slid down to sit next to his arm. “By the way, the cops finally finished with that guy you saved us from. Apparently he kept a copy of the song I recorded before everything… Do you want to hear it?”
Kyrie gave an affirmative chirp. The way Melody dropped things always made him feel better. He knew she would still think about it and they’d talk about it, but for now he could just smile with her near him. He’d accept if she found her real destined someday. If it made him lose himself he’d get Harmony to stop him. However she had to.
Melody played for a bit on her tiny box that she called a phone. After a bit the speakers Caprice set up for times like this started to make music. It was more like what Melody played when she was working and all he could do was watch. He jumped when he heard her voice. It sounded different. It caused a foreign, but warm feeling to bloom in his heart.
“Apparently any version of my singing had to be wiped. The closer to when I turned twenty the stronger the songs were…” she said, her voice was shockingly quiet. “I used to hate what happened, but I don’t anymore… I like that I can sing just for someone so important to me.” She ran a hand over his skin. “That I met you, Byssal, and Pel. Besides… I think we are soul mates, destined, whatever you want to call it.”
Melody stood up and walked away to face him. That warm feeling in his heart turned into a fire. He couldn’t stop himself from chirping, the calls he knew should call his mate. She stared at him and he could feel how much she loved him. This wasn’t like the other times she would sing around him. It was softer, warmer, kinder, and amazing. The other times it was all consuming and demanding, this time it just made his love stronger and made her shine.
“I think you’re right,” he whispered. He lifted his head up intending to kiss her. He loved feeling her body against his lips. His own smile was wide as he brought his lips near her.
“Wait, Kyrie, show me your teeth,” she said. He whined, but did as she asked. He could feel her tiny hands on his lips as she walked towards his left side. A shiver ran through him when she touched the gums near his teeth. “Hold still.”
Kyrie whined, but did as she instructed. Rather he tried to. The second she climbed onto his lips he shivered again. Melody grumbled, the song from the speakers petered into silence. It took her a few tries, but eventually her touch disappeared. Kyrie pulled back before she said to, hoping to know what happened.
Melody was holding a scale bigger than her head. The color was a vibrant shade of violet. His head filled with pain as part of his actions came back. A smaller mer that he grabbed and stuffed in his mouth. Healed, but terrified. He leaned forward to get the scent. An explanation or apology had to happen. The scent struck his heart with fear.
Without a thought he tried to hide himself in the sand. He didn’t want to see that color, smell that mer. He couldn’t see them again. Never again. Melody’s hands on his arms kept him from running and hiding completely.
“Kyrie, what's wrong?  Did I hurt you?” she cried. He shook his head. He couldn’t speak, all that would come out were whimpers. He felt her small body pressed against his arm. He cupped a hand around her, hiding her from anyone who could arrive. He didn’t want those mers near her. They might hurt her… they might think she was dangerous too. “Whatever it is, I’m here for you. I don’t know if I can help, but I’ll try.”
After a few more whimpers he whined out, “That scale is from a mer in my first pod.” Melody tensed against him before burying her face in his skin. Kyrie pressed his fingers against her back, adding as much pressure as he could. She was safe and they couldn’t leave him to die again. He’d make sure it stayed that way.
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that-kookie · 1 year
More sketches, this time my Ordinator OC, Caprice 💫
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that-kookie · 2 years
OC Assosiation Game
Thank you for tagging me @gingernutbiscuit! I love what you did for Nils ❤️
I'm going to go wit Caprice since she's been here for a bit + I a little cartoony sketch to go with it :D
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Seasoning - safran & spicy pepper
Weather - very windy coastal weather during sunset
Colour - orange/yellow or gold
Sky - starry night sky during the new moon
Magic Power - telekinesis - moving objects with one's will
House Plant - a monstera
Weapon - a steel short sword and a shield
Subject - science. She'd be the one student who asks lots of questions to the point the professor gets a bit annoyed and tells her to wait after class
Social Media - Instagram and Twitter - following new scientific findings and fashion/designer accounts. Plus a blog where she'd write a journal of any research she's conducting and argue with people in the comments
Make-up Product - scented oils and eyeliner
Candy - strawberry lollipop,  salted caramel
Fear - fearless
Ice Cube Shape - full cube
Method of long-distance travel - some kind of a mechanical vehicle
Art Style - technical drawings, blueprints
Celestial Body - Mars
Mythological Creature -  a mermaid with dark scales with a golden shine
Piece of Stationary - a sharp mechanical pencil
Tagging anyone willing to try! :) More Caprice stuff in the #OC:Caprice tag ✨
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
82). "You know I trust you, right?" With Melody and Kyrie (Knight AU) ? l love them :D
Anon thank you so much! I continued from the cave in for them it seemed like a fun choice! Thank you so much for sending it in!!
Truth of Trust
Kyrie held back a groan as he woke up. Another nightmare of how that cave in could have gone wrong. He hoped they’d stop if he could check on Melody, but that was still a while away. Byss and Pel had to get a lot of materials to repair the crack in his armor. That mixed with Melody’s injuries being a lot worse than they seemed meant no news. He pulled himself to a sitting position.
He knew he was lucky giants didn’t have to eat or drink often. It would be a lot harder to deal with times like this. He bent forward, stretching his arms towards his feet. He froze up when he found a small form standing in the clearing of his home. If he’d just grown he might have thought it was Melody, but it was clear Caprice was the small person standing there staring at him. The small man had his jaw set with his arms crossed. Kyrie felt like he’d been caught doing something wrong.
“Caprice?” he mumbled. The brunette nodded his head and stepped closer. Kyrie would prefer not to move, but he couldn’t hold this position very long. He sat back up, staying as hunched over as he could.
“You don’t seem injured, that's good,” the small mage said. Kyrie nodded. “I… Melody’s doing better. She can walk around, just shouldn’t do too much. The medicine we have is making her a bit out of it though.”
“I’m glad she’s doing alright…” Kyrie tried to keep his smile small. Caprice had always intimidated him. It took him longer than Melody to bother calling Kyrie anything other than sir knight. As far as he was concerned any progress in being trusted by the mage was ruined by his secret.
“I… I need someone to watch her. I have to take care of something and we can’t rely on Nutmeg’s size staying stable enough to keep her home.”
“Pel and Byss aren’t anywhere nearby. I could try and find th-”
“I came to you, not them.” Kyrie winced at the harsh tone. “She wants to see you and she said she’ll get here on her own once I leave. I… I need you to keep her safe while I’m gone.”
“I can’t leave here. Pel’s not around to spread the enchantments or the illusion either.”
“I’ll bring her to you. So will you keep an eye on her?”
Kyrie hesitated, but eventually nodded. Caprice seemed to soften just before digging his hands into his bag. The mage pulled out two bottles, but it wasn’t possible for Kyrie to tell the contents. He dumped some of one on the ground then dumped the other on himself. Kyrie widened his eyes when the small man disappeared. It was the first time he’d seen a transport potion actually used. The bottle Caprice emptied on the ground must have been to bring the twins back to him. He kept his eyes on the empty spot as he climbed to his feet, wary of being too close when they returned. A flash of light occurred in the spot just as he started to take a step back.
Kyrie hesitated when he saw Caprice supporting Melody. It felt easier to just stay still and wait, but he couldn’t. The longer he stood the more likely the illusion keeping him hidden would break. He moved quickly, first to his knees then lying on his stomach. He folded one arm under his head using the other to circle around the two humans.
Melody pulled herself from Caprice and walked towards Kyrie. She sent him a big smile that made his heart pound. He smiled down at her, relieved to see her up and moving again. Despite both the twins saying it was a boulder from the cave in, he couldn’t believe it. He would have smelled blood if it was from that. Plus he saw her hit the ground from his shove.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can. Mel don’t forget what I’m doing,” Caprice said. The mage dumped another potion on himself before either could respond. He was alone with Melody now, something amazing and terrifying.
Kyrie couldn’t think of a thing to say. Melody didn’t try to talk, she usually did. Instead she started to walk around. It seemed almost like she was dancing. He’d always thought there was a grace to her movements, but she’d never believe him. Grace may not be the best word, it might be care. Either way it reminded him why he loved to be near her.
“Caprice panicked when he came to get me,” she said suddenly. Kyrie jumped, frowning when his movements made her stumble in her near waltz. “He thought I was overreacting about your size because I hadn’t met a giant before. He forgot about the one he and I met. Although it might have just been someone who looked like my brother with me.”
“He didn’t seem scared,” Kyrie whispered. He chose to ignore the lookalike comment. She’d know if it wasn’t him, illusions didn’t work against her. She hummed a bit before facing him with a big grin.
“He was staring at your leg for ten minutes before you sat up. Although he did move past the size quickly. He had different complaints.” She spun around before staring straight up at him. “The stupid giant acted like I wasn’t there to get his help. Talking about the others. Then he said my name all weird. Like he was going to call me Cap and changed his mind. He should know it’s fine by now.”
Kyrie couldn’t stop himself from laughing as she mocked Caprice. She didn’t even try to get his voice right, just speaking with a lower tone. He heard her laugh with him. He stopped and just listened to the laugh he enjoyed. It was so free. He knew there was a lot she hid about herself even now. The laugh was like a beacon of hope to him, a promise of survival.
“The medicine Caprice has me taking almost makes me feel like I’m walking on air,” she said. “It makes me want to use my wings.”
“You have wings?” he asked. She turned away from him. “Did you grow them after Pel left?”
“I don’t have wings.” He wanted to ask more, but the way she emphasized I kept him silent. There was something she couldn’t or wouldn’t say. Regardless he’d never push her. He brought his hand a bit closer to her, leaving plenty of room for her to return to her walking.
“Well, I can always hold you in the air.” She didn’t turn to look at him. When she finally turned her smile seemed strained. “Melody, I don’t mind if there are things you can’t tell me.”
“Thank you.” Her voice was quiet enough he almost missed it. They watched each other in silence again, Melody staying still. Eventually she offered him a real smile before beginning to walk next to his hand.
She returned to the pseudo waltz as she walked. Eventually starting to hum with it. Despite his attempts to focus on now, to just be happy she was here, alive, and healthy, tears slid down his face. She kept up her wandering without looking his way. He preferred it, she’d been almost killed because of him.
“You know I trust you, right?” she asked. It caught him off guard, the serious tone didn’t match how she’d been acting. Melody leaned her back against his hand. She wasn’t out of it at all, he could see the change. “I’d hoped acting silly might make you calm down. It wasn’t working. Honestly I feel more like when I steal some of your drink at the tavern.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. The tears were falling constantly now. All he wanted was to go back and stop himself from pushing her. To use another way to protect her. He could have grabbed her and held her. He could have done something different.
“Did you know my armor has some spells to see how I get injured. Cap and I change out the enchantments and prepared spells if we see something leaving me vulnerable.”
“So Caprice knew… that’s why he was scared. You both sh-”
“Nope. You did hurt me, I can’t lie about that.” He grimaced. The tears cascading down his cheeks made him feel guilty. He shouldn’t get to cry over hurting her from his own choices. It was just like his nightmares, one day he would go too far. “You pushed my stomach not my chest and caused a pretty awful bruise. Cap thinks something inside had been hurt a little, but the healing in the armor took care of it before I could feel most of it. Then I hit my head when I landed after your shove.”
“Melody you couldn’t speak. When you got home you couldn’t walk there’s no way that-”
“A. Boulder. Fell. On. Me.” He bit his tongue to keep himself from speaking again. When she spoke like that he knew better than to even risk interrupting. If he did he’d be lucky if she even spoke to him again before a week passed. “It landed squarely on my chest and crushed my ribs. If the healing hadn’t already been working because of your shove I would have been hurt a lot more.
“Plus, anything else probably would have killed me. If your armor cracked before the cave-in separated us then you would have pulled me closer. If you kept me close we would have been lucky to both survive, even if you blocked it or were careful when your armor cracked things wouldn’t be smooth. Kyrie I trust you. This isn’t the first time you saved my life and I know it won’t be the last.”
Melody stood back up and started to climb on his hand. He tilted it to make it easier, reluctant to fight her while she healed. She curled up on one of his fingers so he couldn’t curl it over her. He couldn’t believe her, but he’d seen her lie. She wasn’t this good at it. He risked pulling his hand closer to himself.
“I still hurt you,” he said. 
She raised an arm up to the sky. After a second she made a grabbing motion. She did that a lot, just holding her hand out. Usually he’d grab her hand and hold it for a few seconds. Right now all he could manage was bringing his thumb close to her. That small small hand grabbed his thumb like a lifeline. It almost felt like she was relying on him to keep her there.
“And I’m alive because you did,” she said. “Kyrie, I can’t make you believe me, but I know you wouldn’t hurt me on purpose. I’m going to keep trusting you. Plus Cap and I can work with Pel for better protection in my armor from your strength. That way if it ever happens again you won’t even bruise me.”
“I don’t think you should trust me,” he whispered. It was the first time he tried to voice his thoughts. “I’ve had so many nightmares where I hurt you. I just… if it ever happens, really happens, I don’t know what I’d do.”
“You’d do everything to find a way to help me after, and I’d tell you how to do it. When Cap gets back I’ll have him show you the history spell we put in the armor. It can prove you weren’t the reason I got hurt so badly.”
“How can you act like this so easily?”
“Because it’s you.” 
He let the words hang in the air, slowly moving his thumb to be able to see her better. He didn’t have an argument, he didn’t have ways to make her hate him. He couldn’t use them if he did, he could never hurt her on purpose. It didn’t feel like she was seeing him anymore. More like she was staring past him. He worried when she grabbed her right arm, bringing her closer to his face.
“Did you know, a lot of people hate me for being part fae. They think I’m a changeling or something else entirely. They don’t know the truth, just stories. You’re one of the first not to hate what I am,” she said. Her voice sounded weak. He decided to move her. Gently, he tipped his finger so she slid down into his palm.
“I can’t see a reason to hate you. Nothing about you changes by being fae,” he said. She rolled onto her side facing away from him.
“Someday, I’ll tell you about my wings. About the giant I met with someone who looked like Caprice, why I left my home, where Cap went today. I don’t know when, but I will.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to. I can’t right now, but someday I will. Just like someday you’ll believe me when I say I trust you. When I say I feel safe when you’re holding me.”
“I don’t trust myself.”
“Do you trust me?”
“I love you as much as I trust you.”
“Then trust that I trust you. I don’t have a death wish. I wouldn’t stick around if I thought you’d kill me.”
“I’ll try.”
“Kyrie… I love you.”
His face went bright red. Melody hadn’t said it quite so plainly before. Any hopes of responding died as the small weight in his palm grew heavy. Her breathing evened out. He watched, squinting his eyes a little, to see her chest moving. He couldn’t understand how she would trust him, but he did trust her. He’d try to push his doubts away and have faith in her instincts like usual. Trust that she saw something he missed in the monster she faced.
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
I dont know if you've done this already but have you drawn or made picrews/other programs with some of ur ocs? I've seen you describe them abit but I'm a bit curious to see how you actually imagine them to be
I haven't done a big post so I will use this ask to do one! I actually have descriptions for each character in a spreadsheet I've made to track all the info I have, I've made picrews, and I have two commissions done so far. This one for the mafia AU god squad and this one for when Corus and Mira met
Comm I got for streya <3
Comm of Delphia, Ash, and Alessia in Vampire AU
fanart of mira and corus
Below the read more is a description I have an at least one picrew I've made of each of my ocs! I made a lot of these a long time ago so I sadly don't have the links but I can def try to find ones if people want them!
Mira: pale skin with lavender hair and pink eyes. She has a natural red tint to her cheeks with a pink color for her lips. Her body is lean and muscular, reflecting the years of training she's had. In her streamer universe she has a lean form with slight muscle from casual workouts. When you first see her you wouldn't assume she's as tactful and agile as she is.
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Kaya: black hair, brown eyes and brown skin. They have some freckles by their nose and mole under their left eye. While they usually share in some of Mira's training they retain a thin frame and appear petite at first glance. They look innocent at first, as if they have no understanding of darker sides to the world. In reality they have stared it in the face and continued with a smile
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This heart one is an adorable comm from @graff-aganda gotten by @alarcomet
Ian: fair skin with blond hair and brown eyes. His face is covered in a dusting of freckles. He's a little shorter than average at first in his original universe. He has a lanky frame that some may even call scrawny at times. He looks younger than he is, giving an impression of early teens rather than close to an adult.
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Delphia: pale white skin with emerald eyes that stand out against it. Her hair is a dark black, almost ebony. She's above average height in most universes with a thin frame. Generally she's pale to a concerning degree. Almost like you'd think she's dead if she held her breath. She appears innocent and naive by choice, if she changes to seem world weary it's best to listen Where it exists people might think she's a bit like snow white
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Vincent: striking silver hair, usually tied back. He has one eye green like emeralds, the other purple like violets. Overall his features are striking, but the scars over his eyes stand out against his sepia brown skin. He's intimidating, usually holding a look of disdain or pointed disinterest. If he cares for you he will kill for you
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Melody: around average height with pale skin and heavyset. She has long brown hair frequently put up in ponytails or braids. Glasses that hide the bags under her eyes and a bright red tint on her cheeks. She also has a single dimple mirrored by Caprice. She looks young and innocent as if the things she suffered never happened. Most often she wears jeans and dark colored t-shirts with a black hoodie
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Caprice: fair pale skin with freckles, short brown hair, and brown eyes. He usually has an athletic build and a bit short for men. He doesn't need glasses and has a healthy look. He has a single dimple mirrored by Melody. He appears goofy and ignorant, a mask he wears that can fall away to someone who sees more than anyone would like.
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Lilith: dark brown skin, red eyes, and naturally black hair. She likes to dye it purple. Overall she is adorable. There is always a possessiveness in her face if she likes you.
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Corus: black hair long enough he can tie it in a small ponytail. He has blue eyes and tanned white skin. At first glance he looks tall with an average build at best, but he has a lot of muscle that you can't see. His way of dress hides the fact he's well built. It's a byproduct of ways he's tried to handle his anger issues through out the years. He looks like someone easy to take advantage of at first, but then his anger comes through and he's terrifying regardless of size.
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Zeke: golden brown skin, green eyes, and red/orange hair. He looks welcoming and intelligent. Overall his build is a bit average but his arms reflect the manual labor his life usually requires. He's observant and quick to act. When it's viable he has glasses that help him see far away. Luckily he has no issues up close.
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Mikhail: He has rich black skin, green eyes and long black hair. He has a lean frame that some would assume is from being consumed in his studies. Most of the time he needs glasses more specifically for reading. His size changing in his original universe does change his frame slightly. The bigger he grows the more imposing his build becomes and the opposite for smaller. He'd be bird like at Ian's size
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Alessia: rosy white skin and a warm look to her face. She's chubby which hides the strength she's capable of. Her hair, which flows to the middle of her back, is the same color as the night sky and she has brown eyes that radiate kindness. Generally around average human height. Soft is a good way to describe her. As a goddess she is usually dressed in a golden suit of armor that still leaves her legs, arms, hands, and head free.
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Rhys: sharp edges to his face, the tawny brown skin accented with salmon hair. His eyes change colors depending on mood, but he is most commonly seen with them at bright pink. He isn't too tall and has a stout form. When he's calm his features have him looking reliable. As a god he dresses for the times, frequently in the most common clothing styles of the era until more modern times.
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Ash: appears intimidating. A sharp face with one green and one blue eye. Their brown hair is short almost shave. They have umber brown skin and, as a god, tend to wear something that looks like leather armor. It's more like a misviewed tunic. They are frequently considered to look like a warrior or soldier and mistaken for the god of war.
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Vitus: ashen white skin and even whiter hair. His hair is a bit below his shoulders and usually tied back with enough left free to frame his face. He has striking emerald eyes and a stern gaze. He has an average build and appears normally to be around mid thirties to early forties in age. He's taller than most others. As a god he tends to wear a button up shirt and simple plain pants regardless of the era. As a human he has reading glasses.
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Dabria: fair white skin that looks like she's spent a lot of time under the sun. She has ebony hair which seems to flow endlessly behind her and piercingly red eyes. Her round face almost always carries a small smile and radiates warmth. She has a chubby form and is happy to offer comfort to any who need it. As a goddess she tends to wear a simple black dress, as a human she wears darker colors and jeans unless it's more formal
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Felix: a stocky build. He has golden eyes and short black hair that slightly frames his face. His skin is a warm beige. He looks judgemental and cold at first glance. His features give a calculating feeling. As a god he dresses ostentatiously, styles that mimic nobility or expensive styles of the era.
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Sola: a soft tan to her white skin, something that makes her look to have spent long days out in the sun. Her hair is just a bit past her shoulders, a light blonde color with specks of blue and white. Her eyes like like the morning sky, bright yellow at the center for the sun. She dresses in bright colors and most often has her arms and legs uncovered. She appears childish like Luna. A round face, large eyes, and over all child like features. She is twins with Luna. She appears bright, outgoing, and loud, but tries to match those around her more than act freely.
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Luna: pale skin that could remind you of moonlight. He has shoulder length hair that's black with specks of white like stars. As a god his eyes are almost mirrors of the night sky, but human leaves him with a deep blue. He dresses in dark colors that relate to the era. He looks childish, a round face, large eyes, and general child like features. He is twins with Sola. He appears shy and reserved, but just is soft spoken.
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Ryder: the build of a soldier. He reflects his status as god of war in his stature. His eyes are silver and, as a god, his pupils are shaped like swords. He has a surprisingly kind look most of the time. His face is scared despite never being in battle, he also has some scars along his arms and torso. He has long black hair that reaches down his back and he tends to leave as is. He tries to appear ready to fight in any universe he's in despite his lack of actual experience and general reasons to fight.
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Kyrie: warm beige skin and a chubby build. His hair and fins are black at first. Both will change later to mimic colors of the deep sea to aid in hiding from humans. His eyes are the same color as the deep sea giving him the best sight of the merfolk under water. His hair is long and reachs almost to his tail. He opts not to do anything to it much like Pelago. He can look intimidating when he smiles, large fangs poking out. He is technically not full grown until some time after he meets Melody and grows significantly from the size he'd been until then.
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Pelago: slender with dark brown skin. She has scars over her face from years of abuse due to the colors of her scales. She has blond hair the is half the length of her body. Her scales are a bright white and define her as an oceanid. Her eyes match the colors of her scales and fins as white as well. She still holds a kind smile despite the way she's been treated in the past. Pelago looks the most human when she smiles, her smaller size leaving her no need for large fangs.
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Byssal: fair white skin and a stout build. He has used his size to keep Pelago safe and appears intimidating. His hair is green and usually braided. When loose his hair is almost longer than Pelago He has green scales, fins, and eyes. He has some scales along his skin unlike Pelago. Byssal frequently wears a scowl and bares his fangs at anyone who isn't Kyrie or Pelago (later that grows to Melody and Caprice)
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Streya: skin the same color of space, she'd disappear into the darkness without the stars. She wears a gown that looks like endless stars. Her eyes are a solid dull purple when she's not matching a planet, they change to match the planet she's mimicking. Her hair is long reaching down into the endless space like her gown. It's a base shade of black with glowing blue on the top and the tips. On the right side of her head her hair is a lighter blue. There's a hint of purple all throughout it. She has a plump form. She has a round face that almost always has a look of awe or curiosity
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Meg: skin is pale and she wears simple earrings. Her hair is a light brown that falls just below her shoulders. She has brown eyes. She has a dusting of freckles on her face, she wears simple glasses. She has a thin frame with a round face. She dresses casually, a warm jacket with simple things. A necklace with a star on it and tends to have jackets with patches or pins for lgbt
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
Knights, Nagas, and More
Time for its own page. Have written a lot more for this so I don't wanna keep all the links in the main list. Thanks so much for folks who enjoy this and @alarcomet for letting me use Nutmeg and Aisling in the stories!!
Luckier Than It Seemed
A Knight's Duty
Out Of Control
Knights' Discoveries
Full Size
Nervous Follow Up
Levels of Comfort
Cave in
Truth of Trust
Moving Forward
Kyrie's Trip Plus A Song
The Boy, The Wolf, and The Fae
Wings and Shadows
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
Nervous Follow Up
Next part of the Knight AU! Melody still has to let Kyrie know her secret, but she's been nervous to open up. Not to mention the Naga and Drider she hasn't even considered telling him about. Again featuring Nutmeg and Aisling who belong to @alarcomet
Nervous Follow Up
One day turned into two turned into a week turned into a few weeks. Kyrie knew it was getting to be too long. He trusted Melody, he knew she’d come back to talk like she promised. He also knew he had to tell them she knew, he just hoped dinner was the best time.
“I told her about me,” he said. The subtle noise of the room halted instantly.
“You did what?” the green haired man growled. He slammed his hands on the table making Kyrie flinch. The growling continued barely reminding him that the man wasn’t human.
“I told her, or well I showed her.” Pel just stared at him, the subtle pink in her eyes fading as she grew worried.
“Are you sure it was wise to do that?” she asked. She started to fidget with her hair, the blonde ends seemed to fray as she did.
“You didn’t think about anything telling a human about you! At the very least we should have been there to make sure she couldn’t repeat what she saw.” Kyrie tried not to show the nerves bubbling from what Byssal said. He couldn’t let them do that, she had to tell Caprice. He knew hiding it from him would crush her.
“Byss,” Pel motioned for the growling man to stop. He stormed from the room.
“I won’t let anything happen to either of you! She only knows about me.”
“We’ll just have to wait and see.” Pel stood up placing a hand on Kyrie’s shoulder before starting to follow Byssal. She turned back with a sad smile. “He’s more worried about you. If she tells the order you won’t be able to avoid them if you stay near humans. He doesn’t want you isolated again.”
Pel left before Kyrie could answer. He slumped down, staring over the table. Half finished meals, some marks where Byssal’s claws had slipped out, and silence. He knew she wouldn’t send anyone after him, that she was coming back. He just also knew they had to know… just in case he was wrong.
“Kyrie, I need you to know I’m half fae, so is Caprice,” Melody said, her eyes squeezed shut. “There’s a lot of what we both can and can’t do, but I never used my abilities on you.”
“I think that was good!” Nutmeg cheered.
Melody groaned and slid down further into the snake’s coils. She knew Nutmeg didn’t mind, it became clear how much the naga liked being around others while she was stuck small. Nutmeg slipped a hand around her, lifting her up slightly as she moved her tail so Melody was sitting up. She smiled up at the naga, a silent thank you.
“This is stupid, I should tell him just like that and be done with it,” she moaned. She felt Nutmeg’s tail move and knew the giant naga was hiding her more. Soon she felt a weight on her lap and laughed. She started to play with Nutmeg’s hair while they stayed curled up together.
“Is it that bad to tell him? It wasn’t bad to tell us, right?” she asked. Melody smiled, it wasn’t bad to tell them. Aisling was a bit suspicious at first, but that seems to be more their normal.
“She just wants to complain!” Caprice yelled. She jumped but Nutmeg just hissed in content as she nestled her head against Melody’s lap. “We’re back by the way.”
“Could have said something sooner…”
Melody’s gripe fell on deaf ears as Aisling appeared over Nutmeg’s tail. She held a hand up to them and smiled as they climbed onto her palm. She used to hate spiders, Aisling was changing that every day. She used a finger to pet their spider half, smirking as they seemed to melt into her hand. Nutmeg lifted her head up from Melody’s lap until she was hovering over them. 
Melody watched as Nutmeg’s hand disappeared over the coils of her tail. It returned holding Caprice who had a smile on his face she didn’t trust. Nutmeg set him down next to Melody and waited patiently for him to get comfortable. Once settled both of their laps were used as a pillow for the giant naga. The first time she did this Caprice complained, but Melody could see the smile he tried to hide for hours.
Caprice started to play with Nutmeg’s hair just like Melody had been. It was probably something he missed from when his own hair was long. He hated how it had felt though. She leaned against him and resumed petting Aisling a bit as they sat there. The silence was nice, but the smirk on Caprice’s face made her nervous.
“So what the hell do you think will happen if you tell the knight asshole about you?” Aisling asked. Caprice laughed while Melody sighed, he loved how Aisling treated Kyrie. He was still mad that the man ran off after destroying part of their house. Probably hurt that he wasn’t told in person about the whole secretly bigger than the gods thing too.
“He could change his mind about me…” she whispered. Nutmeg’s hand found its way to her. Holding her tightly in a hug, the naga wasn’t quite asleep, but she had to be close.
“Right because hearing you have a secret is going to change how he feels obviously, I forgot that part about love,” Caprice said. She glared at him, the sarcasm was not welcome right now.
“You don’t get to be rude because you don’t feel like this!” He bumped her with his shoulder before offering a hand to Aisling. Once the drider climbed off her hands she started to fidget with Nutmeg’s hair again. Braiding the parts she could reach.
“No, I get to be rude because I’m your brother who knows you’re being stupid. He wouldn’t put up with all your stupid risks this long if he’d stop caring about you because you’re part fae.”
“He might think I charmed him… or that I was tricking him. He could think that-”
“You’re just panicking,” Nutmeg mumbled. She gripped Melody a bit tighter, it was more comforting than she would have expected a few weeks ago.
“Not like it matters. Caprice told him that you’re going over tomorrow.” Aisling’s tone was a bit softer than normal.
“What?!” She tried to squirm out of Nutmeg’s hold, but the way all of them were settled made it impossible. “No I’m not doing that! I-it’s too soon. Where did you even see him!?”
“In the fucking market where else?” Melody watched as Caprice pulled Aisling closer to his chest, letting them climb on his shoulder. She was ready to kill her brother. If Aisling and Nutmeg weren’t there things would be extremely different.
“You’ve avoided going out for weeks in case you saw him. It happened that I ran into him today. This needs to stop. I told you telling him was fine so just tell him. You’re going to him tomorrow, Melody.” She glared at her brother, that was low.
“That’s mean, using my name like that.” She folded her arms, abandoning the started braid.
“I’m nicer than you think. I could have said you have to tell him.” Melody groaned again, hating the smirk on her brother’s face.
The next day she dressed in the nicest casual clothes she owned. A simple dark colored dress with darker leggings. Aisling sat with her as she fixed her hair, trying to decide if she should bother with anything. He knew she was coming and she had a feeling he’d be giant again. Probably trying to make it sink in it was real. She gave up, leaving it down like it always was.
“I can go with you,” they offered. She smiled at them and shook her head.
“No, it’s better to just face him on my own again. Once it’s over I’ll make sure he knows you two are here to stay and safe,” she said. Aisling looked away quickly. She took a deep breath and swiped at her dress a few times. “Ok I’m going.”
With a determined gaze she turned on her heel to leave. Caprice was at the door with Nutmeg on his shoulders. She was still mad at him, using her name wasn’t necessary… It might have been, but it still wasn’t alright for him to do that. He just offered an encouraging smile and held something out to her. She grabbed it, a bit surprised to see the bread she baked. All of the bread she baked.
“I made this for us,” she murmured. He reached up to ruffle her hair, pausing when Aisling hissed from the table behind her. 
“Yeah well, he’s huge right? Probably eats a lot so just give him all of it,” Caprice smiled. Nutmeg nodded along as he spoke. She laughed and used a finger to ruffle Nutmeg’s hair.
“Thanks… I’m heading out.”
“Good luck!” Nutmeg cheered. She smiled and nodded at the little naga before finally leaving the house.
The walk itself was quiet. She tended to go out earlier in the morning, Kyrie knew that. The times they met she always showed up around dawn. She just preferred the quiet hours when humans weren’t quite awake yet. She grew up watching as fae would use the time to weave their magic. It felt like the time of truth after all those years. She kept her head down as she made her way down the path to the clearing.
Melody froze when she found the house she recognized instead of a leg. She swallowed the budding feeling of dread and stepped forward.
“You can do this… just tell him and leave if he gets upset,” she whispered to herself. She didn’t bring anything to help her run away if she needed it. She’d rather take time to calm down if he rejected her. She finally walked up to the door and knocked with a shaking hand. It opened as soon as she touched it, Kyrie stared down at her. “H-Hi.”
“Hey,” he smiled. His chest was heaving a bit, like he’d rushed to be at the door. The smile seemed to bleed joy and love as he looked at her. Her heart twisted, desperate to keep the smile facing her. “I knew you’d be here early. I was getting things ready, I thought we could talk inside. I-If you want to, that is…”
She opened her mouth to speak, but couldn’t form words. She just stared at him, his hair was a bit of a mess. The first time she was able to notice that it had a subtle blue to it. It looked more like when he was huge. She jumped as she noticed her hand reaching up towards his hair, she was growing curious about him. Curious in ways she couldn’t expect to know after today. His eyes softened, like he would let her if she kept going. Instead she placed her hand on top of the covered basket.
“B-bread!” she squeaked. His eyes widened, she felt her cheeks heat up. “I made bread… This morning I baked some and brought it with me. I thought you might like it, Cap was fine with…” A hand on her head made her trail off.
“Thanks, I can’t wait to try some,” he murmured. Her cheeks only seemed to grow warmer. He pulled his hand away and stepped to the side. She looked up at him, a smile she had seen so many times on his face. “We can talk inside, uh the others wanted to meet you first though. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Th-that’s fine!” She tightened her hold on the basket of bread. All of this was making everything worse. She could leave now, she’d done what Caprice ordered her to do. Taking a step forward she locked herself into it. She was telling him today, that was the plan.
The door shut behind her. Melody bit her lip trying not to show her anxiety. She just had to hope he didn’t bring up what she wanted to talk about in front of the others. If he didn’t accept her then they didn’t need to know. A crash to their right made her jump. She turned to see a woman with long blonde hair and black skin standing near them. She felt her eyes widen as the woman’s pink eyes slowly faded to a pure white. 
The woman slowly brought her hands up to her face. Melody noticed familiar faded scars, she had asked so many questions about them before. A squeal left the woman as time seemed to speed up. The woman’s form quickly started to shrink, as she did bright pink wings grew from her back. The woman continued to shrink until she could fit in someone’s hand. Then she flew forward, hugging Melody’s cheek.
“[My wingless song!]” the woman shouted. Melody brought her hands up around the small woman. A smile growing to match the excitement.
“[Pelago?!]” she said. She pressed her hands firmly to the small woman, hugging her back. “[Why are you here?  How are you here?]”
“[I should ask you that!]” Pelago flew out of her hands and hovered just above her face. She received a piercing glare she hadn’t seen in over a decade. “[I return to visit only to hear you and my wingless spell left!? Not even a word of where you’d gone!]”
“[We didn’t think you were coming back…]”
“You can speak fae?” Kyrie asked. The excitement she felt from seeing Pelago again drained. Slowly she turned to look up at him, a look of awe on his face. “You know Pel too? That’s amazing…”
“Get away from it Pel,” a man growled. She quickly turned to see him glaring at her. Green hair braided tightly behind him. She saw the subtle changes, the fangs growing… he wasn’t human.
“[Byss calm down. This is my wingless song! I’ve told you about her!]” Melody stepped back, but Pelago sat on her head. It would be a welcome feeling if the man in front of her wasn’t a threat.
“That thing isn’t her. You said she’s half fae half human, it smells like neither. Get away from it. I’ll use your name if I have to.” 
The man seemed to grow larger, she noticed him slipping a bracelet from his wrist. The same magic Kyrie used must be on him… That might make him a wolf and she wasn’t prepared to face that. Kyrie stepped in front of her, blocking any path the man might take. She looked up at him, there wasn’t any change in how he looked down at her. A reassuring smile that he wouldn’t let her be hurt.
“[Of course she doesn’t smell like either. Lying is against our very nature. She can’t smell human when she isn’t and she can’t smell fae when she isn’t. She’s both at once and also neither. Don’t you dare hurt my song Byssal,]” Pelago insisted. 
The fae flew off her head and hovered just above the still growing wolf. He let out a rough growl, but he set the bracelet back on his wrist. Kyrie didn’t seem to relax despite that. As quickly as Pelago shifted before, she returned to a human form in front of them. The human sized fae turned around, the smile on her face cast away the budding fear in Melody’s chest. She ran past Kyrie, grabbing Pelago in a hug.
“I missed you,” she whispered. Pelago hugged her back, the warm grip a familiar feeling.
“Oh my wingless song, is my spell still with you?” Pelago asked. She nodded, the arms around her slipped away quickly. Melody followed Pelago’s gaze to the green haired wolf. “Let’s go! It’s been so long I need to see him!”
She knew there was no fighting the woman and just sighed. Kyrie’s armor clinked behind her as he set a hand down on her head. She looked up at him, his smile was nearly blinding. Pelago pulled the basket from her hands and started pushing her towards the door. Kyrie had already started walking and opened the door for her. They were outside and she was lost in Pelago’s whims again.
“You two go ahead! We’ll be along in a few minutes,” Pelago smiled. The door shut behind them and all she could do was try to figure out how to explain the naga and drider. She was used to following the whims of fae, but this time was a bit harder. 
“You can just head home, I can talk her out of it,” Kyrie said. She jumped, looking up to see a sad face staring at her. 
“No it’s fine, I just wasn’t expecting it,” she said. Kyrie smiled at her, she didn’t really want to let it go. “We should go…”
He nodded, she felt her cheeks growing warm as she started her march off. He fell into step beside her, it was like a normal trip. They made their way out of the forest and she started humming. A small tune that would make everyone ignore her as she passed by, Kyrie too. She kept humming as the town itself started to wake up around them.
“So, what did you want to tell me today?” he asked. She jumped, he heard it already. She hummed a bit longer before sneaking a peek up to look at his eyes. A sigh escaped her as she let her humming end.
“You heard already,” she whispered. He grabbed her arm to stop her and made her face him. It felt awful to stare up, knowing that she didn’t even say it.
“I didn’t hear anything if you didn’t tell me.” Kyrie leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers. It felt like all she could see was him. Another time she’d be embarrassed, worried that someone might see them. Right now she knew the village wouldn’t register it was them, and couldn't remember seeing them. 
“...what if I don’t tell you then?” Melody felt almost cruel asking that. She went to tell him, had been determined to tell him. Hearing that he’d act like someone hadn’t said it for her made it tempting to keep quiet.
“Either way you’re you, nothing changes.” He grabbed her face in his hands. His eyes sparkled, it made her tempted to stay like this. Instead Melody reached her hands up to rest on top of his. He looked happy, even knowing she might not tell him her secret. That she’d act like he shouldn't know.
“I’m… Caprice and I, we’re half fae.” He kept his warm smile aimed at her. The heartbeat in her ears made it hard to know if he spoke. “I… I can enchant with my voice, I did it now so no one around us will notice us. I’ve never used it on you though.”
“I believe you.” Just like that all her walls crashed down to dust. Terror of his reaction, his possible accusations, left her body as soon as those words reached her. He slipped his arms around her and held her tightly against him. It wasn’t so long ago that she’d been worried about the burns this could cause. “Nothing’s going to change how I feel Melody.”
“Even when I have your name?” Kyrie squeezed her just a bit tighter, it felt nice to be held like this.
“Even if you use my name.” He moved so he was speaking directly into her ear. “Are you afraid? Do I scare you?”
“Not enough for me to leave.” He started to laugh, the arms around her tightened more.  He lifted her off the ground, spinning them both around in a circle. “What are you doing!?”
“I don’t know, but I’m relieved.” He kept laughing and eventually she joined in. It didn’t feel like a real bit of time.
He stopped when someone bumped into them. A person who seemed to enter a daze as soon as they saw their faces. She paled, expecting some form of concern now that he saw the reality of what she was. Instead he just grew more excited, refusing to set her down while he walked. Their faces were close from the way he’d been holding her. He slowly moved closer until their lips met. He pulled back slowly, and she knew she was bright red. She buried her face against him and started to hum again. She wanted to make sure her song was still working.
“Well, I knew sending you two ahead was the right choice,” Pelago cheered. Melody looked behind them, finding Pelago and the green haired man nearby. “See Byss, she’s just like I told you!”
Caprice had spent the morning wandering from room to room. Nutmeg had grown a little while after Melody left, Aisling stayed on his shoulder. He had no idea how long Mel would be gone. If he’d have to worry about getting her back. He wanted to assume the best, but a lot of people turned on them when they learned the truth. He wandered back to Nutmeg, finally sitting down near her coils.
“I should have given her a way to escape if he gets mad,” Caprice sighed. Nutmeg’s hands appeared around him, he set his hands on them to stop her from lifting him. She moved a bit to rest her head over his lap while he stayed on the ground.
“Do you think that fucking knight would hurt her?” Aisling asked. He shook his head, Nutmeg hissed as she got comfortable.
“No, but it doesn’t mean anything. He wouldn’t be the first one to hate what we are.” 
“I like you both,” Nutmeg said. He laughed a bit, he was glad Mel took a risk on these two.
“Cap, I’m back! I brought Kyrie and-” Mel called out. He waited a bit for her to continue, but nothing more came. He pushed Nutmeg’s head off him and started to leave. They couldn’t hide her well like this. Aisling started to climb down his arm.
“I’ll go with you, in case that fucking knight is planning something.” He smiled and offered them his hand. They climbed on and he set them in his pocket.
“Probably better if you’re out of sight. In case this is bad.”
Caprice made his way to their front entrance, looking back to make sure Nutmeg was out of sight. It had to be that Kyrie just wanted to come back here. It wasn’t something bad. His mind was racing with possibilities, ready to find them all a way out. He lost any thoughts in his head as he took in the people who stood in his home. He ran forward grabbing a woman just a bit taller than him in a tight hug. She wrapped her arms around him, he never thought he’d see her again.
“Pel… I missed you,” he whispered. She started to pet his head.
“Oh my wingless spell I missed you too,” she murmured. “I went back to visit and you two had left. No one even knew what made you leave so suddenly. Why did you leave?”
“[Please don’t ask us that, Pelago,]” Melody said. 
He bit his lip, they didn’t want to talk about the time they decided to leave. It wasn’t easy to avoid when asked directly like that. It helped that they made sure to use their names to lock it behind them both. He heard a growl that knocked him back to his senses. He stepped back from the woman who taught him everything, finding a green haired man glaring at Mel.
“[Who are you?]” he asked. The green haired man started glaring at him.
“[I don’t plan to give my name to someone claiming to be fae,]” the green haired man growled. Caprice sneered as Melody flinched. Something they always had to deal with. A person who knew what they were and didn’t bother thinking about the human half. 
“[You entered our home, the least you can offer is your name. Leave if you won’t.]” He and Mel didn’t follow most rules like that. Their human half made up for it, but he would abuse the lack of knowledge. He’d done this plenty of times before.
“Byss knock it off,” Kyrie said. It was the first time Caprice even looked at the taller man. He was glaring at the green haired one, stepping forward and towering over him.
“Quiet.” He noticed something about the green haired man change, like his teeth were sharper.
“Both of you stop! If Byss wants to cause trouble he can just go home. I’m spending time with my wingless spell and wingless song,” Pel said. Caprice kept a glare on the green haired man. 
“Pel, these things can’t be them. They don’t smell anything like they should. I don’t know why they know your name, but we’re leaving.” The green haired man grabbed Pel’s hand, but she shrunk down to her fae form. She landed on his head.
“Cap, Kyrie just stop. He doesn’t trust us, he doesn’t have to. It’s fine…”
“Why would I trust either of you with all of our names?” Caprice was starting to bristle at this man. It was stupid, people just kept acting like this. Mel put a hand on his shoulder, he curled his hands into fists. 
“[You’re always like this! Acting like we are worse than actual monsters. We can’t even-]”
“Caprice! Quiet!” He lost the sound behind his words and glared at his sister. Her face filled with guilt in a moment. “Sorry, sorry you can talk, Caprice.”
“...how did you do that? I’ve never seen a name work that strongly?” The green haired man actually seemed shocked. 
“It’s just as strong as when you were children, then?” 
Pel started to pet his head where she was still sitting. The small touch reminded him of the drider in his pocket. The man mentioned scent, he had to get Aisling away. He gave Mel a look to catch her eye before slipping his hand into his pocket. A nod was all he needed to know she understood.
“Pelago, Cap was working on some new potions today. We should leave him for now,” she said. She offered her hands to the small woman, but that didn’t work. In fact, Pelago just flit off his head and landed on his shoulder.
“Then I can help you like when you were young!” she smiled. It was hard to say no to her, but something in her expression changed. She hopped off his shoulder and landed in front of him. It was like when she caught him trying out spells alone as a child. “Why do I sense a curse near you? My spell… you haven’t started using those have you?”
“Of course not!” He and Melody shouted together. It caused a strange look from the others, and a bout of struggling in his pocket. Kyrie stepped closer, cupping Mel’s cheek. Caprice curled his hand around Aisling in his pocket, they weren’t going to be hurt while with him. He noticed Kyrie give him a strange look before turning his focus back to Mel.
“...I forgot,” the human-sized giant whispered. Caprice stared up at him, nervous of just what Kyrie realized he forgot. He smiled, it made Caprice almost hopeful the knight planned to help get the other two out. “You wanted to make some changes to my armor today didn’t you Pel?”
Pelago opened her mouth to argue, but she stopped when Kyrie stared at her. Caprice recognized the smile that grew on her face, she knew they were hiding something.
“I can do them here. They know the truth don’t they?” she asked. Caprice stiffened, it was one thing to hear about it from Mel. Kyrie didn’t like it either if his stumbling steps backwards said anything. Mel’s face had gone completely white at the idea. Pelago started laughing, but that didn’t stop the other man from growing angry again.
“What are you thinking?” he asked. He stormed up to Pel and made her face him. Caprice felt a shiver down his spine as the green eyes became more wolf-like. “...drider…”
Mel grabbed his arm and took off before anyone else could act. He was dragged behind her as she brought them to the training room. Mel shoved him towards Nutmeg the second they reached the still broken wall. Grabbing a sword she kept near the entrance and taking a ready stance. He swore he could hear the burning of the hilt on her skin without her gloves. The weapons were a special mix of metals, ones that burned fae badly.
“Mel put the sword down,” he said. Melody just shook her head and kept herself poised to fight. He never liked seeing her like this, but he understood why. Nutmeg’s hands were surrounding him before anything else could happen. He didn’t stop her from lifting him up from the ground. 
“What’s going on? Isn’t he good?” she asked. He grimaced, Kyrie wasn’t the threat. Aisling climbed up from his pocket until they sat on his shoulder. 
“One of them fucking knew I was there. Not the knight from the other day, a different fucking human,” they spat. Nutmeg’s hands tightened around him. She set him on her coils and started to reach for Mel.
“Don’t touch me,” Mel ordered. Nutmeg froze. She fixed her stance, Caprice could smell the burning of her palms. “Cap, get a spell ready to bust out of here.” He didn’t like the way she sounded, the burns were bad already. “I helped you two get here to protect you, that doesn’t stop any time soon. I think he’s a wolf Cap, just cover your scent as you leave.”
“Melody?” Nutmeg’s voice was sad. He knew what that meant, what she wanted him to do. They had one way to do that. He grabbed the top of Nutmeg’s hand.
“It’s ok, we’ve had to run before. It’ll be fine Nutmeg.” He held a hand out to Aisling, they climbed down from him and over Nutmeg. He watched them until they reached the hand Nutmeg left near Mel. They jumped off and landed on her shoulder. She jumped, but didn’t move from her stance.
“Give me one of your hands, I’ll cover it with my silk. It should help.” Mel shook her head, but they didn’t leave her. He smiled as she pulled one of her hands from the sword and offered it to them. He just had to hope they were fast with their weaving.
“Quiet.” Mel pulled her hand back, Caprice grimaced as she set it back on the sword. “If you’re coming for a fight I’m ready.”
Caprice held his breath as they waited. He couldn’t hear the footsteps, but he trusted Mel. It seemed like time wasn’t moving. Then the footsteps echoed. He waited for the person to come into view. He called up a spell, carefully preparing to send the energy out. Kyrie walked in first, the green haired man was close behind him. Mel didn’t move, Aisling hid under her hair.
“Melody, it’s ok we’re not-” Kyrie tried. She pointed the sword at him, he held his hands up and stepped back. The green haired man growled again. They still didn’t have his name, if they had his name this would be easier.
“What do you plan to do now that you’ve seen them?” Caprice started to let the spell dissipate. He couldn’t risk it going off at the wrong time. “You don’t trust us and that’s fine. You’re not hurting them.”
“Why trust you when you hid a drider in your pocket? How do we know you didn’t buy them?” the green haired man growled. Caprice glared down at the man, they weren’t the ones buying and selling at those places.
“They didn’t buy me fucker!” Aisling yelled. Melody shifted so her shoulder with them was closer to Nutmeg’s hand. Caprice slid off Nutmeg’s coils to stand next to her. 
“[Byss I told you to stop overreacting!]” Pelago shouted. He jumped as she flew in and landed on Melody’s head. “[Look at how bad my wingless song has already hurt herself. Enough of this. If they weren’t fae how would this be hurting her!]”
The man just stared at her for a while. Caprice didn’t know what to expect. Finally the man walked forward, he completely ignored the sword aimed at him. He grabbed both of Mel’s hands and forced them off the sword. He heard Nutmeg gasp as the damage became clear to them all. The man kicked the sword away and sighed before ripping the bracelet he wore on one of his wrists off with his teeth.
Caprice felt his eyes go wide as the man grew in front of them. It was nothing like Kyrie, it seemed more contained. Slowly one hand could hold both of Melody’s. That’s exactly what he did, switching to hold them both. He watched Mel start struggling, starting up a spell. He only stopped when Kyrie placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked up, seeing a reassuring smile that he desperately wanted to ignore. 
The man towered over everyone except Nutmeg. He still had a glare, but it was aimed specifically at Melody’s hands. He reached into a pocket with his free hand, pulling out a vial. Caprice recognized the contents, the ointment that helped heal their metal burns. He used two fingers to pull the bit of web Aisling put on her hand off. He then opened the container and dumped it over Melody’s hands. She stopped struggling as he gently rubbed the ointment on her burns.
“What…?” she whispered. The man didn’t react, just stayed focused on her hands. 
Unlike when Caprice healed her, the man mumbled a spell for it. The way magic worked with every creature besides fae. The ointment glowed a bright white before fading into his sister’s skin. The burns were healed and the man let her go. Melody stumbled back, Caprice just grabbed her hands to check them himself. There were signs of damage, but it would heal in a few days. 
Caprice watched as the man carefully took the bracelet from his mouth and placed it around his wrist. Pel flew off Melody’s head and landed on the shoulder of the shrinking man. Mel had to be right, he was a wolf. That matched with everything else. He glared at them while he returned to a human height, Pel just smiled. 
“Byssal,” he grumbled. Caprice’s eyes went wide, he looked at Mel who seemed just as shocked. Pel flew off her shoulder and quickly made herself human sized again.
“Well, now I think we just need the names of your unexpected friends,” Pel said while clapping her hands. “Can’t I have your names?”
“Oh!” Nutmeg said. Caprice wanted to stop her, but the man… Byssal stopped him. He knew that it was fine, Pel wouldn’t do anything bad, but Nutmeg should know. “I’m-”
“No, no, no!” Pel switched to a fae again and flew right up to Nutmeg’s face. Caprice always had a sense of jealousy when he saw that. The others could use that kind of magic so readily, he never could do that on his own. “If a fae asks to have your name you never give it, slithering cloud. You tell us what we may call you. It’s safest when it isn’t your true name, but as long as it isn’t given to us you’ll be mostly fine.”
“Oh… then call me Nutmeg?” Caprice smiled. It was how Pel taught them as kids. The others never bothered since their names didn’t work like normal names, but Pel wanted them safe. Pel smiled and he watched her fly down to Melody pulling her hair back to stare at Aisling. They were pressed up against her neck, he couldn’t blame them. 
“And what do we call you, venomous weaver?”
“What the fuck?” they sneered. Melody offered her hand to them, they moved on to it quickly.
“She gives everyone nicknames, it’s common for fae to do that. Usually it’s two words or more, it’s descriptive so that we know who you mean. Just tell her what you want to be called,” Mel explained.
“Then Aisling, I guess…”
“Wonderful! Aisling, my venomous weaver and Nutmeg, my slithering cloud!” Pel flew up to Nutmeg’s face again. He couldn’t see well, but knowing her she would be switching to a human size while sitting up there. In seconds he was proven right, Nutmeg looked scared. “Now then, why don’t we talk about the curse you have and how to fix it?”
Melody zoned out a bit as Nutmeg started telling Pelago what she’d told them. It was more of a relief than she wanted to admit that they had help. Caprice knew a lot, but they made a point to avoid curses, too easy to backfire on them. She slipped out of the room, getting away from the overwhelming feeling of everyone. She needed to wrap her hands, even with the healing magic it could get worse. She was lucky. She let out a heavy sigh as she made her way to their supplies. 
She could tell this would be fine, just like Pel could see that Nutmeg was cursed. This would just make sure they were safe. She froze when the floor creaked, someone followed her. Byssal gave them his name and didn’t trust them, Kyrie would call out to her, Caprice was helping explain the curse, Aisling didn’t have the weight to make the floor creak. No one made sense to come after her. She kept walking, hiding to the side of the entrance to their supply room.
Carefully she grabbed the dagger they kept on the wall. This one had a hilt properly covered so she wouldn’t make her hands worse. Taking a deep breath she waited. As soon as the person stepped in she had the knife held to their throat. 
“Are you always this ready to kill someone?” Byssal grumbled. She dropped the dagger, He caught it before it reached the floor.
“I’m so sorry! I couldn’t see a reason for anyone else to slip out of the room so I thought someone might have…” she trailed off. It was stupid to think that when she considered who was in her home. Byssal sighed, he was more intimidating up close. He offered her the dagger, she almost wanted to refuse it. She relented, taking it from his hand. Once it was placed back where it belonged she just looked at him. “Did you need something?”
“You’re wrapping your hands right?” She felt her eyes go wide, but nodded. He looked away from her, but held out one of his hands. “I’ll take care of it.”
“No, it's fine. I’ve done this before. I’m-” He grabbed her hand and walked further into the room. He forced her to sit in a chair and started going through their supplies. She wanted to stop him, but the way he acted didn’t feel like guilt. He pulled out wraps they used and then stood in front of her. Slowly he started to wrap her palms, he added a bit of some herbs he’d pulled from his pocket too.
“I always carry this stuff around. It speeds the process up. Pel has a tendency to get too close to iron. I enchanted them to heal the damage faster.” Melody smiled, she knew he wasn’t bad. This wasn’t going to be easy to adjust to, and someone would ask them why they left when they couldn’t just blow it off. For now she’d just try to accept the moment. 
“Thank you.” His eyes went wide before he set a hand on her head. Kyrie did this all the time, he must have learned it from Byssal. She couldn’t ignore the oddity gnawing at her though. “I thought wolves didn’t have magic…”
“We don't.” She jumped as he started to rub her head. A wolf having magic was unheard of, she could only imagine what he’d been through. The animosity made a lot more sense now. “Make sure not to do that again. Protecting someone isn’t worth it if you lose feeling in your hands.” 
She nodded a bit, standing when he turned around. Together they walked back to the others. Kyrie was in the corner on his own, but Nutmeg had set Pelago on the ground and set her head in her lap. Byssal joined Kyrie, it was then she noticed he was staring at Aisling. She’d get them to talk later, for now she just wanted to accept things hadn’t turned out any worse.
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
Knights' Discoveries
More for the knight au with @alarcomet ocs Nutmeg and Aisling. We learn a bit about everyone and the world this time!
tw: mentions of death, blood, uhhh lemme know anything i'm missing!
Knights' Discoveries
Caprice sighed as another crash sounded from Melody’s training room. Nutmeg had grown to her larger size again, unfortunately she’d stretched out while small. That meant the room was a tight squeeze for her. Another crash meant her tail twitched and knocked something else over.
“Cap, how much longer?” Melody called. He let out another sigh before dropping a dragon scale into his bubbling potion. A bright red cloud burst out of the liquid making him cough. 
“Just finished!” he shouted as he scooped some of the liquid into a vial.
He rushed to the training room as he heard another crash. It was worse than he expected. Mel’s weapons were thrown all over the room. Her extra armor was crushed beneath Nutmeg’s tail. Worst was Melody held near the naga’s face as she tried to calm down the panicking snake. He stepped into the room holding back a groan.
He flinched as Aisling landed on his shoulder. He didn’t trust a venomous drider, especially near his neck. He waved at Mel who whispered something to Nutmeg. The naga set his sister down slowly. Once Mel stood on her own she offered a hand to Aisling. He liked it even less when they were near Mel outside of her armor.
“So how exactly will the shit you were working on help?” they asked. He pinched the bridge of his nose. A drider was not someone he expected to explain himself to.
“It should give her control, just stand back. There’s no telling how it’ll interact with us,” he said. Mel made a face, but stepped back as he wanted. Of course he knew what it would do to him and his sister, but that didn’t need to be shared. He turned back to the naga. She’d curled up as best she could while looking at Caprice with a strange face. “Nutmeg, try to shrink down again.”
“O-ok,” she whispered. 
Caprice waited for the usual signs she was trying to change her size. Nutmeg closed her eyes and a subtle amber glow began. He threw the vial at her tail once she was covered in the glow. It shattered and surrounded her in a red cloud reminiscent of the scale he’d dropped into the potion. He heard Aisling mumble something, but chose to keep his eyes on the naga. After a tense few minutes the red smoke started to dissipate. The first thing he noticed was the ruined armor near the wall.
Melody stepped forward, but he stopped her. The cloud needed to completely disappear before they could approach. Melody grumbled, but stayed where she was. It only took a few more minutes for the cloud to be gone and the only thing left a pocket sized Nutmeg. He walked up to her, kneeling once she was close enough he could grab her. He ignored her flinch.
“Ok, can you try to grow now? Make sure to curl up first,” he instructed.
Nutmeg’s dual colored eyes stared up at him with fear. He hated that, it made him more worried about what she’d do while huge. She nodded despite the fear and closed her eyes. He knew the fear was most likely better than the alternative. He held his breath as she focused on trying to grow, it had to work. Melody kneeled beside him as he waited.
“The fuck did you do?” Aisling asked. He tore his eyes from the naga to look at them. “The glow is gone. She always had that amber glow when she tried to change. Why is it gone?”
The bristling tone from the drider caught him by surprise. He looked back at the little naga with wide eyes. They were right. She always glowed, but right now there wasn’t even the faintest hint of it. Melody reached forward just as Nutmeg opened her eyes. He could have sworn the little snake was shaking. He had to be imagining it, or it was in anger. Mel slowly pushed the snake into her hands before pulling her close to her chest. The look of betrayal on the naga’s face stung more than he wanted.
It took a few days for Melody to convince Nutmeg and Aisling it was an accident. The two spent all their time hiding in Mel’s room while he searched for an answer. Nutmeg didn’t seem to want to be near him, he didn’t mind. Melody fell into a chair next to him as she grabbed one of his books. She would probably be able to help find something. He sighed as he flipped the page finding nothing to explain the mishap.
“Any luck?” she murmured. He shook his head. “I hope we can fix this soon.”
“...Mel,” he started, “Are you sure we should even try to fix this? I mean a pocket sized naga seems like the better option.”
“We’re fixing her.” Melody slammed the book on the table and glared at him. He shrunk under her gaze. “She’s terrified like this, besides we’re supposed to be helping her.”
“When are you going to stop taking these risks?” He sighed and closed his own book. This conversation came up too often.
“My ‘risks’ haven’t been wrong yet. Besides if I didn’t do this you wouldn’t have a lifetime supply of dragon scales.” She smirked and returned to the book she grabbed. He reached over and pulled the book away.
“I know, I know, but what if you are wrong? How are you going to protect yourself when you always leave yourself vulnerable? These two might have been coming to find you. You know that we’ve already-”
“First, we don’t need to go over what we already dealt with. Second, you and Kyrie will be there to help me if I mess up. Third no one will know who I am with all the enchantments you put on my armor. Remember?”
“This isn’t going to be solved easily either way.”
She nodded and he let go of her book. He went back to his own and started reading over the potions he modified. He couldn’t understand how anything had even gone wrong. He and Melody had used a slightly altered version years ago. It should have just changed her control over her innate abilities. A knock on the door distracted him, but Mel went to answer before he could.
He could hear the sound of someone banging against the door. It sounded frantic. He could hear when she started to try and calm the villager down. The sounds of it meant someone needed a knight. Kyrie wasn’t due back for a few more days at least. The door slammed, she definitely was going somewhere. She walked in with a pensive look before making a face he knew meant he wouldn’t like what she said.
“There’s some problems with the crops. A lot have been stolen, if anymore get taken the village won’t have enough from the harvest,” she said. He nodded along, skimming the page in front of him. “I need to take Aisling with me, there were some signs of a drider. They can help me figure out if it’s venomous.”
“And?” he asked. She was building up to something. She never gave him this much information.
“And… you need to stay with Nutmeg. She’s afraid to be alone right now.”
“Why can’t I just go help you and we leave the two here?” He already knew the answer. It was hard enough to get armor Mel could use let alone enough for him. They had to rely on the armor supplied by the order and that meant Nutmeg had crushed the only one he could use. It wasn’t hard to fix, but wouldn’t be safe to use for a few days.
“Because to fix this you need to be able to research what’s going on. Without the other armor it’s too dangerous for you and I can’t go without my armor.”
“Fine…” He sighed and slumped his shoulders. “Just… bring her out here. I’ll keep looking into what went wrong.”
Melody finished securing her armor. Aisling had taken some convincing, but they were willing to help her avoid unnecessary danger. She left her training room and made her way to the two. They both stiffened as she walked in, her armor made them nervous. She raised her visor and tried to smile reassuringly. She crouched by her bed and set both her hands down. Aisling climbed on right away, but Nutmeg hesitated.
“Shouldn’t I just stay here?” she asked. Melody slipped her hand under Nutmeg’s tail. The naga wrapped her fingers tightly with her tail and moved onto her palm. She pulled the pocket sized snake close to her chest.
“Caprice is just going to be reading. This is just in case anyone stops by, that way you’ll be safe with him hiding you. I promise we’ll be back in a few hours,” she whispered. The tail around her fingers tightened.
She made her way to her brother slowly. He had actually set up a spot for Nutmeg near him. She smiled, but Caprice was absorbed in his book. She set her hands down on the pillow he’d set out on the table. Once Nutmeg slithered off Aisling climbed up to her shoulder. They hid just below her helmet. Once she closed her visor no one would notice them. Especially if she left her hair out today.
She walked out silently and started on her way. A number of people waved as she wandered. Most of them were whispering about her. She and Caprice never had a warm welcome in places like this. Whispers of how out of place they were. She knew that being a knight was the only reason they could live here. 
“That’s her right?” someone said. She grimaced, thankfully the visor hid her distaste. “The knight with the cursed blood? I don’t know why the order ever took her on. Pairing her with Kyrie too.”
She rushed to get away from the ones talking. Hearing this didn’t make the fact she’d secretly pulled the ‘deadly’ naga from the cave sit better. Usually she was open with her choices, but without Kyrie to back her up it wouldn’t have been easy. Especially when they were ready to trap her in the cave too.
“Why the fuck are they saying all that?” Aisling mumbled. The anger in their quiet voice made her feel a bit more confident in saving them.
“Caprice and I aren’t exactly welcomed here. We’re bad omens and this village never lets us forget it. I’m allowed to travel for the order, but Cap wants to stay around… so does Kyrie,” she explained. She felt Aisling shifting, her hair was pulled a bit as they moved.
“Who’s Kyrie?”
“He’s my partner. We usually work together, but he’d gone on a trip about a week before I’d met you and Nutmeg.”
“I didn’t think knights had designated partners.” Melody was glad they couldn’t see her face. It’s always harder to hide the truth when someone was staring in her eyes. Lies were something she’d had to work towards.
“We don’t normally, Kyrie and I are a special case…” She didn’t want to admit that he had originally been assigned to watch her. She knew that ended a long time ago, he never even knew that had happened. They just complimented each other well enough that the order felt they should stay together. At least that’s what she told herself.
“Oh did you mean-”
“No!” A few villagers turned to look at her. She made a show of patting herself down before pulling out a dagger and nodding. Then she continued towards the farm. “No, we’re just partners and friends… I don’t think he’d think of me like that.” 
“That’s fucking stupid.” She laughed, they would think that. “You’re probably overthinking it.”
“There’s a lot more to it, but it would be nice if you’re right.” She looked around, the farm was close. “We’re nearly there, no more talking.”
Melody marched up to the villagers who called on her. They were frantic. Ponting out web and bits of destroyed crops. It didn’t look like a drider, it didn’t seem like how they usually eat either. Aisling agreed it wasn’t something a drider would be doing. She sent the villagers away and started to make her way through the tracks. She drew her sword.
“Aisling, this might not be as easy as when we met,” she whispered. Stepping into the nearby trees she was surrounded by the stench of death.
“Fuck…” they said. Caprice was going to kill her if this wound up being something she couldn’t just fight.
Caprice was trying hard not to focus on the shaking naga in front of him. He’d gotten a pillow for her to lay on and set one of the easier books he had in front of her. She curled up with those eyes locked on him. He couldn’t get over the fear in them, or the betrayal. She had been shaking since Melody left. He sighed, when she flinched he finally lost it.
“Why are you shaking like that?” he asked. She tensed, for a minute he was sure she would start crying. “I’m trying to fix it.”
“S-sorry,” she whispered. He closed the book and stood. He’d just get something for them to eat, he couldn’t remember when he last ate. He took a few steps before hearing a small whimper and turning back to her. She’d curled up smaller on the pillow. He didn’t like the naga or the drider, but he wasn’t even a knight. The fear was painful. He walked back, she had hidden her human half completely in her tail.
“What happened?” She just shook her head. He knew Mel wasn’t going to be wrong about them, but he wasn’t going to trust a size changing naga. He didn’t like people being scared of him though. “I don’t get it, I don’t even try to talk to you and you’re terrified of me. Look I’m sorry ok? I didn’t mean to get you stuck like this.”
“I-it’s ok. I-I’m fine.” She kept shaking, but she at least didn’t look at him the same. He narrowed his eyes as he studied her, if she wasn’t calm he couldn’t work. He leaned on the table, jumping from the chill of the wood.
“Are you cold?” 
His eyes went wide when the pale skin of the naga’s face turned a faint red. She nodded at him, he hadn’t considered it. He and Mel are always pretty covered up. They notice the heat more, it’s why he enchanted most of their clothes. He sighed, she flinched away again. He reached a hand forward, she moved her tail to cover her more. He carefully tapped her tail, it was freezing.
Caprice turned and walked off. He had a few blankets he’d left normal around. He found them buried in a closet below a number of his books. He stopped to grab some leftover stew Mel had made the night before. A quick spell had it warm, he paused looking around for a minute. He threw the blanket over his shoulder and grabbed one of the dishes they had about the right size. He scooped some stew into it before walking back to the desk.
Caprice started by setting his dish down by his book. Then he set down the one he’d brought for Nutmeg. She slid away from his hand, but he tried to ignore it. He pulled the blanket off his shoulder and set it down on her. Finally sitting back in his seat he went back to reading through the potion effects. He’d find something and fix this, then worry about her fear.
“Thank you,” she whispered. He pulled the book he was reading up to hide his face. He didn’t want her to see the smile he had.
The silence between the two lasted for at least an hour after that. He was growing increasingly angry at the lack of progress he’d made. He should have had something to clue him into it. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes, jumping at the yelp that came from beside his hand. He snapped his head down, Nutmeg had slithered next to him. Her hands were just about to touch his own.
“S-sorry nevermind,” she squeaked. He moved to stop her from moving away, cupping his hand behind her. She stared up at him with fear again, it made him want to walk away.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. She flinched, but didn’t try to leave. She just curled up into her tail again.
“I-I’m still cold, I…” He nodded and moved his hand a bit closer. Her tail hadn’t gotten much warmer. The extra blanket hadn’t been enough, everything else had enchantments. The enchantments set for him and Mel wouldn’t help Nutmeg.
“What would help?” She uncurled a bit and stared at him with wide eyes. In some ways it reminded him of how he looked when he first found someone to teach him magic. He should check in with her again, but that wasn’t much of an option. She’d left their home long before he did.
“Usually Aisling lets me curl up around them…” She turned her head away. Caprice forced himself not to curl his hands into fists. She coiled up faster than he’d seen her. He took a deep breath before nodding to himself. Mel was right, if the naga and drider were going to hurt them it would have happened by now.
“Ok, I guess you could curl around my neck? Are you long enough to do that safely right now?” 
Nutmeg nodded excitedly. He kind of liked that she was happy to be near him. He brought his other hand close and cupped them both around her. She wrapped her tail around his wrist as he lifted her. He hadn’t held either of them in his hand before, it was a strange feeling. Comforting in a way. Melody’s insistence to trust them started to make more and more sense. He held his hand up to his shoulder, shivering as Nutmeg slithered over. She was colder than he thought.
It was odd she wasn’t able to regulate her temperature well at this size. It was a natural ability so her body should handle it. He felt her settle against his neck, a strange feeling. He started looking into nagas and magic. As far as he could remember it wasn’t common they had any of their own. Nutmeg had probably been an outcast for her abilities. It was something he could relate to.
He went through book after book, but nothing that showed power like this. He couldn’t even find a history of a size changing power being innate. It seemed more like there should be some spell cast on her. That didn’t track, anyone who cast the spell would keep her close. He groaned again, the twitch of the tail on his shoulder keeping him from leaning back.
“How could this backfire on an innate ability…” he mumbled. Nutmeg twisted on his shoulders. Her small hands tapped his face, distracting him from his thoughts completely.
“Doesn’t innate mean natural?” she asked. He grunted an affirmative sound as he switched to a new book. He felt as Nutmeg started to fidget around his neck. It made him nervous. “...I wasn’t born with this…”
“...what?” His eyes went wide as he pushed books away. If this wasn’t natural then the potion would have locked it. 
“I was cursed a long time ago. Someone wanted me to use me, but they died…”
He nearly dropped the book he held. A curse interacting with the potion he modified would have side effects like this. He needed to just remove the effects of his potion. He was searching for a few minutes before landing on the one he needed. It would remove the effects of his potion, then they could work on the curse. He reached up and rubbed Nutmeg’s head with a finger.
“Looks like you’ll be back to semi-controlled size changing soon,” he laughed. Nutmeg curled tighter around his neck, it didn’t make him nervous like usual. He felt her arms spread around his neck.
“Thank you!” she said. He should probably start trusting Mel’s risks more readily.
Melody ripped off her helmet and threw it to the side. She grabbed Aisling, holding them tightly against her chest. The beast stealing the crops was a drider, one that wasn’t quite willing to talk. It wasn’t happy to have Melody show up, and was even angrier once Aisling crawled out of her helmet. It didn’t look normal, legs that looked to be injured somehow and wounds coated with something black. She panted as she fell to her knees. There had been something horribly wrong, like something had corrupted the drider. 
“Fuck,” Aisling whispered. Melody realized how tight she was holding the drider, quickly loosening her grip. “Fuck are you ok?”
“I’m fine, did you get hurt?” she asked. They shook their head. “Good, we’ll head back in a minute.”
She spent a minute on her knees before trying to climb back to her feet. Aisling climbed out of her hand and up to her shoulder. She was going to say something, but the sound of footsteps put her on edge. She forced herself up and dove to her helmet. She grabbed Aisling and put them in it. She held it close as she stood walking over to retrieve her sword from the now dead drider.
“Lady Melody?” the villager called. She grimaced, they only liked to say that when they thought she was dead. She turned towards them with her sword in hand. Their eyes went wide as she flicked the blood off the blade. Carefully she sheithed it, cautious of the blade’s metal.
“It’s dead, make sure to burn the corpse,” she ordered. 
They nodded at her and she started to step forward. Unfortunately her strength didn’t hold, sending her down on one knee. The villager made a face instead of helping her. Biting back her groan she set down the helm Aisling was in. A glare kept the villager far enough they wouldn’t see the small face. She ripped off her breast plate and pulled the potion out Cap made her restock. She downed it quickly, the healing effects making it easier to breathe already. She rushed to place her chest piece back before standing.
“I’ll burn it quickly, wouldn’t want to attract a giant with the blood after all,” they said. Carefully she moved to place the helmet back on. She waited until she felt Aisling climbing on her head to actually put it in place. 
“What makes you bring up giants? They haven’t been seen in the area for years,” she sighed. They always panicked over nothing.
“I’m shocked you didn’t hear it, lady knight. Apparently Sir Kyrie had nearly met with one in his travels. It was seen near the village he’d gone to. I’d heard it was bigger than the gods.” She froze, giants were something she never wanted to face. If one had been seen anywhere she knew the order would send her. The image of someone like Aisling near someone that made her look like a doll was terrifying.
“Wait… bigger than the gods? Which gods? That can’t just be a giant.” She stormed towards them grabbing their collar. Her height sometimes made it hard to be intimidating. The strength enchantments helped a lot.
“I-I only heard rumors! I-It was far off, apparently bigger than Lord Life and Lady Death. Sir Kyrie can tell you, he returned recently.”
“Kyrie’s back?” She let the villager go and stormed off. She heard the insults he made, but she had bigger problems.
“What the fuck was that about?” Aisling asked. Melody waited until she’d left the forest to consider answering.
“Giants aren’t supposed to be near here. Their territory isn’t anywhere around us. Besides they don’t reach remotely close to the gods. If something is that big we might be in trouble.” She left it unsaid that she’d be sent to deal with it. She’d seen enough of the damage humans could do, she didn’t want to see what a giant was capable of. The idea of it being like a god made her shudder. It would be worse if this was a new god, she was raised on the stories most mortals were finally forgetting.
“What about that Kyrie guy? You said he’s your partner, are you going to meet him?” She almost shook her head.
“No, we're going home. If he just got back he’s going to stop by soon. We’ll need to make sure you and Nutmeg are safely hidden. Cap might have messed up the potion at just the right time.”
“Shit, we should hurry.” Melody nodded this time, Aisling grabbed her hair. She moved in silence, murmurs from villagers picked up again. She knew there was blood on her, blood that made them remember she was a knight and would kill if she had to. “What happens if there is a giant near a village?”
“...I’m not sure…” She grimaced, the lie felt hard to say. She knew exactly what would happen, the exact thing that she’d been told would happen once they trusted her. She’d go to try and see if she could talk it down. Kyrie was her partner because he’d be able to kill it if she failed. If she failed the order wouldn’t be as willing to keep her anymore.
“Fuck, it would suck if they send you.” She wanted to laugh at that. The order would only take someone like her if she’d take risks like that. She just had to focus on getting home.
Caprice jumped when the door slammed. He rushed to pull his hood up to hide Nutmeg. The clank of armor made him relax, it was just Melody. He pulled Nutmeg off his shoulders and set her down on the pillow again. Mel needed to go get the ingredients, she could make sure no one asked any questions. He went to check on her, but froze as he rounded the corner.
The person in armor in front of him was a lot taller than his sister. The armor had blue accents instead of Mel’s black. He paled as the blue gauntlets reached up to the helm the knight wore. The face below was one he’d usually be happy to see. The only knight that didn’t give him and Mel dirty looks. Blue eyes met his own brown as the black hair fell to frame the face. Kyrie was back.
“Hey Caprice, I wanted to come check in,” the knight smiled. Caprice tried to smile and nonchalantly block Kyrie’s view inside. The spell books and potions weren’t a problem, but the naga sitting on the table certainly was. “Is Melody around? I heard she took care of a naga while I was gone.”
“Oh yeah, we had to take care of a few wounds after that one,” he laughed. He hoped Nutmeg would realize to hide. Keeping Kyrie out would cause suspicion. “Luckily nothing major. She ran off while I was out too.”
“Of course she did.” Kyrie shook his head with a smile. Mel would be happy to know he was worried, but this wasn’t good. The other man took a step forward, Caprice had to tilt his head up to meet his eyes. Kyrie was too tall, and he was fully human. “Did I come at a bad time?”
“No! I was just working on some more potions so it’s a mess in there.” Kyrie smiled and set a hand on Caprice’s head.
“Do you need help cleaning up?” Caprice tried not to let his panic show, Nutmeg wouldn’t be easy to hide. He never turned Kyrie’s help down usually.
“Yeah, just let me get the potion out of there. It… it could make you sick. I uh I was working on some poisons for you and Mel to put on your weapons. She went to take care of  a drider, at least she thought it might be one.”
“How long ago?” 
He knew Mel would hate it if he sent Kyrie to her. She’d hate it more if Kyrie found Nutmeg. He put up with her taking these risks, but he didn’t have a reason to trust her. Unfortunately the door opened again before he could answer. Mel stepped in, her armor coated in bits of blood. He saw Aisling on her shoulder as Kyrie started to turn towards her.
“Mel, you’re back! Kyrie stopped by to check in!” he shouted. Kyrie gave him a look, he wasn’t being subtle. He did see Mel reach up and grab Aisling. She held out her hand to a nearby table. They all had to hope Kyrie wouldn’t notice.
Kyrie felt out of place with the twins for the first time. When he got back from his trips he always stopped by. Caprice seemed like he’d invaded, they had told him to just walk in when he got back. He looked over Melody, her armor would need to be fixed. She never let him help even though he was skilled with enchanted armor. Then again she didn’t know he was skilled with enchanted armor.
“Melody,” he said and went to hug her. She was over a foot shorter than him, it felt too small most of the time. He wished he could be closer to her height, see in her eyes when she wasn’t staring up at him. She tensed in his hold, he always forgot she hated when he did this. He just liked to be close to her. He tried not to let how he felt break through. “How did things go with the drider?’
“D-drider?!” she squeaked. He pulled back to look at her. He wouldn’t be shocked if she let it go again. It was why he cared about her so much. It was why he couldn’t let her know what was in his heart.
“The drider that was going after the crops, remember?” Caprice said. Kyrie stepped to the side to keep both twins in his view. They stared at each other for a minute before Melody started to nod.
“Right, right. They weren’t willing to work anything out. The second they saw me and-” He furrowed his brow at the way she cut herself off. She cleared her throat before talking again. “And my armor they were hostile. We had to fight this time. They even seemed corrupted, like the last thing we fought together.”
Kyrie put a hand on her head. He wondered what it would feel like if he took off his gauntlets. It wasn’t like he could do that though. Melody looked up at him with a strange look. He knew that she hated when she had to kill something. It was part of what made him determined to stay near her. If she ever left the order he probably would too. He wanted someone like her to stay safe and alive.
“I’m sorry you had to do that,” he murmured. The look on her face morphed to one he understood. The same relief she had every time he apologized for killing something. He rubbed her head before pulling his hand back. “I left you to kill something twice while I was gone. I’m sure it was a lot harder with the naga.”
“Yeah… I need to change, Cap can you help me real quick. Kyrie, can you stay here for a bit? Just while Cap takes care of my injuries.” He nodded, a part of him thought he should leave. The selfish part of him that was desperate to be near Melody after his nightmare was stronger. The two walked off, it was the first time she seemed worried about any injuries she got. He leaned against the wall near him, it was small things like this he appreciated so much.
He could hear the two whispering to each other. Probably Caprice was angry at some way she had been hurt. He wouldn’t doubt she’d removed her helmet and got hurt from that. He smiled as he thought about her when she went to deal with problems. She had so much fire in her as she tried to reason with their targets. He stared down at his hand, flexing it. Someday he had to tell her.
“Kyrie,” she said. He jumped as he turned to look down at her. She’d changed quickly. He stood straight and smiled at her. She’d switched to a simple black shirt and pants. He noticed a bag at her side. “Caprice finally cleared out the potion leftovers, you can wait inside. I just need to run to the store quickly.”
“Why don’t I-” he tried.
“No, just relax, I want to hear about your trip when I get back. I heard you had a close run in with a giant.” He tried not to let the comment phase him. He’d heard the rumors and had to feed them. He hated that it happened. He’d been careless.
“If you’re sure.” She nodded and walked out the door. He stared after her for a few minutes. Slowly his gaze drifted to a small bit of web hanging off the nearby table. He kneeled next to it. He reached out, the webbing wasn’t right for spiders. He leaned closer to it, the way it landed wasn’t from Melody carrying it in after the fight.
“Kyrie?” Caprice asked. He jumped and turned to face the mage. He looked nervous. A bad feeling filled his chest. He was getting nervous, somehow they might know what he was. He let the web fall, it was too small for it to be a drider at least. Standing straight he tried to look calm as Caprice continued to fidget. “Mel’s seen the mess so we can just leave it. How was your trip?”
“Good, didn’t run into many problems.”
Caprice nodded and brought him inside. He looked around, shocked at the mess of books. He made his way to the table and looked over them. All of them were about controlling natural abilities. He flipped to some of the saved pages, finding bookmarks on size shifting. He jumped when Caprice grabbed the book from him. The mage seemed more defensive than normal.
“Is everything-” a crash cut Kyrie short. It sounded like it came from Melody’s room. He grabbed the hilt of his sword and started forward. “Wait here.”
He stalked forward. If something were in here he wouldn't kill it, but he would keep them safe. He kept a careful eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Another crash sounded from nearby, he froze waiting for a sign. He heard a step behind him and spun quickly. His sword was half out before he realized it was Caprice. He spun back around and made his way closer to the first sound.
“Kyrie, you know how Mel is,” Caprice laughed. He shushed the shorter man. “She probably left something in a bad spot and it fell. Let’s just go wait-”
Another crash cut him off. Kyrie turned to give him a look before inspecting the area around them. He turned towards the noise and stepped forward again. Caprice was making too much sound behind him. He spun around and set a hand on the mage’s shoulder. He was determined to keep him safe. Kyrie brought a finger to his lips and Caprice nodded.
He turned back towards Melody’s room. Another crash came as he did. Caprice stayed quiet now as he moved. He paused between the two closed doors. One to the training room Melody set up, the other to her own room. He waited for a sound to come from either room, a crash to his right decided where he’d check. He reached forward and started to push open the door. He was tempted to send Caprice away while he dealt with this. 
The mage backed away from the door, he took that as good enough. Pushing the door all the way open he stepped inside the room. Melody’s armor had fallen into a pile, he looked for a sign of what caused it. The sound of his own armor as he moved seemed too loud. He knelt next to the pile, inspecting the mess. He could see bits of web stuck to the pieces. He smiled as he turned back to Caprice.
“Looks like you were right,” he said. The mage seemed to relax only to tense again immediately. Kyrie stepped forward to try and calm him. “Melody seemed to get web stuck to her armor when fighting the drider.”
“R-right,” Caprice murmured. 
There was a crash from the room behind Caprice that made him act. He marched forward slamming open the door. He didn’t see anything right away, but the place was a wreck. A set of Melody’s armor in here looked nearly crushed. Weapons were pushed haphazardly to the side of the room. The bench that the two sat on after sparring had been cracked in half. He stepped in, Caprice’s footsteps shadowed him. The source of the crash wasn’t easy to identify this time. A guess would be the weapons hadn’t been placed back properly.
Caprice was mumbling behind him. He looked around for anything that could have been the source of the sound. Carefully he set weapons back where they belonged and fixed the armor to stand again. He did move it up against the wall, it was moved closer to the center of the room. He approached the bench, it almost looked like something had tried to break it. Lifting one he saw the break wasn’t as smooth as he thought, like something had fallen on it that was too heavy.
“Looks like it was nothing!” Caprice shouted. It made him jump, drop the part of the bench he was holding. He sighed, it was the first time it felt like he wasn’t trusted by the twins. He approached Caprice and set a hand on his shoulder. A hopefully kind smile on his face.
“Caprice, you know that the two of you can trust me, right?” he asked. The mage quickly looked away instead of answering. Kyrie just sighed again before stepping closer to the door. “Right, got it. I guess we should just wait for Melody? Or should I just-”
Kyrie’s words died in his throat as he took a step. He felt the familiar burning as one of his greaves started to fall off. The pounding of his heart felt louder than anything else. Caprice said something he couldn’t hear. He tried to fix it, but pain coursed through his body before he could. It was too much, he could barely move. Falling to his knees a growl escaped him.
“Kyrie!?” Caprice said. 
He looked up at the human mage, his face was too close. It had already started. Panting, Kyrie used all his strength to push Caprice away from him. It was already more than he meant. The control was falling apart. Caprice fell off his feet, a small naga and drider fell off his shoulders. He tried to ask something, but more pain made him groan instead. A surge of pain and his body grew much more visibly. 
Another surge and he felt his back hit the ceiling. He tried not to move, he didn’t want to destroy Melody’s things. He managed to move his hand and reach for Caprice. The mage scrambled back and into the hall. He preferred that, he didn’t want the smaller man to get hurt. He groaned as another bout of pain racked his body. Pel had warned him about going out of order when removing his armor. He was tempted to try and break through the front wall to get  a bit more room.
His decision didn’t matter as his body surged again. He forced himself off his knees. The movement made his arms hit the wall in front of him. It pushed the wall out so he could see into the hall again. Caprice was standing again, the fear on his face was horrible. He moved down the hall holding the smaller beings he’d seen. A part of him wanted to stop him, to cover him with his hands as his size increased.
The nightmare he had flashed through his mind. The armor shattering as he lost himself. All the people important to him were hurt by his own hands. He let out a growl of pain as his body tried to grow again. He wanted to move so it hurt less, but it would destroy their house. He had no hope of fixing his armor anymore either. Not unless he wanted to destroy a large chunk of their home.
“Kyrie?” Melody called. He sucked in a breath, he didn’t have any smells hit him. That part was at least purely a dream. He couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes, he didn’t fully remember closing them. “You’re crying, don’t worry we’ll fix this. Caprice had no idea his potion could do this.”
“M-Melody,” he mumbled. Slowly he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see her right in front of his face. He growled as his body surged again, he would have to tell her the truth. “M-my armor came loose. Wasn’t Caprice.”
“This is normal?!” He hated the way she changed, that she backed away once she asked. He grimaced, but managed to nod. He watched the bit of wood fall from his hair as he did. 
“I loosened the strap on one of his fucking leg pieces. I didn’t know this shit could fucking happen!” another voice said. The drider he’d seen crawled onto Melody’s shoulder. His eyes widened as she offered them a palm. “Stupid fucking knights with all your weird fucking magic.”
“Aisling, go tell Cap I’ll deal with this…” He could hear the fear in her voice. He needed to get out of here, to leave. He could make a life somewhere else… even if he never saw her again. He wanted to speak, but the dream came back, making him keep his mouth closed. He wouldn’t have fangs, he never did, but if this time there was a chance he didn’t want her to see it. She set the drider on the ground before looking up at him again. “Ok, which leg was it?”
She stepped closer. He saw her clothes and hair move as he sucked in a breath. She shuddered, he couldn’t make himself talk. Melody sighed and stepped close enough to touch his nose. As she placed a hand on his nose he fought back a chill down his spine. She was so small already, his real height would make her seem miniscule. His eyes stung as he cried again, her smile felt forced as she looked at him.
“I’d kind of like my house not to get destroyed, if fixing your armor will fix this let me help, we’re partners aren’t we?” she asked. He opened his mouth to answer and she stepped back. He waited for her to scream about fangs, for his dream to become real. “I’ll be honest, I thought you’d have fangs. Giants usually do, right?”
“Left,” he mumbled. She smiled at him again. The smile felt a bit more honest, he couldn’t help wondering if she’d hate him with fangs. Melody nodded and started to move around his face, he gasped, making her pause. “Don’t… Y-you might get hurt.”
“I always might get hurt, but-” He growled as another bout of pain hit him. She had a lot more fear on her face after that slipped out. It would kill him if she hated him, he knew it. “W-we don’t have a choice.”
He didn’t get to argue before she disappeared from his view. He kept his body frozen despite the pain he felt. The spells Pelago had put in his armor were still active, he could feel her climb over him. She kept a hand on his side as she moved.
“Your armor isn’t made of iron, or any of the other normal metals the order uses,” she whispered. He didn’t risk making a single movement or noise. It didn’t matter, he shuddered as he grew again. The room creaked, that horrible dream playing in his head. “J-just hold still, it’ll only take a minute.”
She climbed on his leg, the feeling unbelievable to consider. He was curious how it would feel if she were near him at his real size. If it wasn’t enchantments that let him feel her small hands on him. He had more pain course through him and he tried to hold back another surge of growth. He couldn’t hold back the twitch as his body shifted a few more feet. She yelped and his blood ran cold.
“Melody!” he growled out. It ripped through him and made her fall off his leg. She started to panic as the metal around her grew, the body beneath it growing too. She knew it was Kyrie, that he was kind. It wasn’t making it any easier to face him growing like this. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself before climbing to her feet again.
“I’m almost there, just stay still!” she called. She heard him grunt, the noise sounded way too loud.
She pulled herself onto his leg again. It was her right so his left. She just had to find the strap, she didn’t even know his armor had straps. Her greaves didn’t. She sat on her knees as she finally reached the gap in the huge armor. At first it seemed like her arms wouldn’t reach each end of the straps. She laid across his leg, the skin beneath her felt warmer than any human’s. It made her anxious.
She grabbed the strap and pulled with all her strength. Kyrie grunted, the strap grew bigger in her hold. She pulled it all the way to the other side, some kind of magic seemed to lock it in place. She yelped as the leg beneath her quickly disappeared. She landed on the ground with a groan. Kyrie groaned not too far from her.
“Kyr-” she tried. He was on his feet before she could say his name. He ran off without a word. She climbed to her feet and tried to run after him, but he was faster than usual. She was standing at the opened door as he ran off. “Wait…”
“Mel!” Caprice said. He pulled her back inside away from the door. “We need to treat the burns before they get bad.”
Caprice led her inside. He sat her down at the table, Nutmeg and Aisling were sitting there too. She set her hands on the table, palm up. Caprice applied some ointment they were taught about a long time ago. Her hands were fine though, his armor didn’t burn.
“Cap…” she murmured. He stopped the spell part way through and stared at her. His eyes were wide and filled with worry. “His armor, it didn’t burn…”
“Why would it burn?” Nutmeg asked. Her voice was innocent, asking something normal. Melody paled, freezing as she shared a look with Caprice. He shook his head a bit, but they didn’t have anything good to answer with. They both struggled with full lies, they couldn’t hide the truth. Aisling stepped forward blocking Nutmeg from them.
“What the fuck is going on?” they seethed. Caprice gave her a look, then stared at the two. She saw his gaze focus on Nutmeg for a bit.
“Go ahead,” he whispered. He finished the spell, she knew it was in case she was wrong.
“It would burn if it wasn’t a special type of metal… One that a fae could touch.”
“The fuck do you mean fae? Are you fucking faeries?!” Melody felt her own heart shattering. She liked Aisling and Nutmeg. If it were her choice they’d never learn the truth, the reason she and Caprice were considered cursed. Half fae and the kind that looks more human. The kind that had a human mother.
“Not exactly. Our mother was human…” Caprice took over for her. She always struggled to admit the truth, he did too. “Our father wasn’t. Our blood is cursed. It’s too human to be fae and too fae to be human.” 
“What?” Nutmeg curled up around Aisling. She was shaking, Melody reached forward to try and comfort her. Aisling didn’t seem to like the idea. They bared their fangs at her.
“Cap, I left everything by the door. Let’s get Nutmeg fixed and you two can head out.” She felt something catching in her throat. She couldn’t let the pain show, this was normal. Fae played tricks, there was a history, it was more likely they lied and were changelings. If it wasn’t that they were Fae in disguise.
Caprice went to get what he needed. Somehow she thought she could keep up the lie in front of them. That they’d never ask a question that she couldn’t dance around. Nutmeg moved around Aisling and came up to her hand. She smiled, the little naga was kind. She knew the shaking was fear, she could see it. Nutmeg still set her small hands on her fingers. Looking up at her with a sense of curiosity.
“Is that why you helped me?” she asked. Melody smiled and shook her head. She could hear Caprice brewing the new potion already. It wouldn’t take him long.
“No, I helped you because two innocent beings were going to be killed out of fear. Being part fae is just why I knew you were the honest ones.” 
Nutmeg nodded, but her shaking continued. Slowly the little naga slithered up onto her palm. She gasped as Nutmeg settled calmly into her palm and wrapped her tail around her wrist. Melody nearly cried as the little snake sighed and settled more. Aisling climbed up and settled on her shoulder. She flinched a bit, but was happy to feel the fuzzy spider half pressing into her neck. Caprice came back in with a vial in his hands. 
He paused as he looked over the three of them. She set the vial down and went to sit on the side opposite Aisling. He leaned his head on Melody’s shoulder, she smiled at him. 
“Cursed blood is stupid… You’re just weird humans,” Aisling mumbed. Nutmeg was shivering more, Melody was sure it wasn’t fear this time. Caprice slipped her off Melody’s hand and brought her up to his neck. She slithered off his hands and wrapped around him.
“I guess we found the first ones not afraid of the fae in us,” Caprice laughed. Nutmeg let out a content hiss. “Maybe we leave things as they are for now. You’ll be back to sort of under control shifting tomorrow Nutmeg, if that’s ok?”
“Mmm,” she sighed. Melody and Caprice both laughed at the sleepy sounding naga.
“You still promised to fix her, give her full control. We can’t leave until you do that.” Melody raised a hand and ran a finger down Aisling’s spider half.
“I think we can manage that…”
Melody sighed. The feeling of Kyrie’s armor on her hands flit through her mind. It made sense now, why he always wore the armor. She had to go see him. Find out more about the life he hid from her. Depending on what he said she may even trust him with her truth. She wouldn’t be able to tell Aisling or Nutmeg, at the very least one would try to tag along. Caprice was easy enough to stop. She just had to use his name. They were all still recovering from what happened. She’d deal with the aftermath later.
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
3, 18, 19 and 31 for Melody, Caprice, Kyrie, Byssal and Pelago?
ask game
3. Do they collect anything?
Melody: Books are the closest thing to a collection she has. She just likes keeping hard copies of books she was interested in or loved reading. Plushies are also an option for her
Caprice: He doesn't actively collect anything, but in modern day he has a lot of statues/figures mostly given to him by Melody.
Kyrie: A collection of things he's been given? I don't think that counts lol
Byssal: Not really, he doesn't like to have a lot of things to worry about.
Pelago: seashells in all aus. Her travels in knight au started when she found a shell from a passing human.
18. What was their worst injury?
Melody: An injury that cut open her forehead and left a scar, in knight au it's some bad iron burns from childhood.
Caprice: A broken nose from a bad throw during a baseball game in modern day, knight au a broken nose from a run in with some black market dealers
Kyrie: Mer he's had a chunk of his tail bitten off before, modern/knight he hasn't gotten anything too bad yet. He's probably been accidentally stabbed by someone (melody) when he's a giant to her so that.
Byssal: He's been stabbed in the side by rocks in mer au, in knight au it's when the bear ripped out a chunk of his skin
Pelago: mer au she got caught in metal netting that was left behind and scarred her face. Knight au she got caught in a fae trap and knocked around causing scars.
19. What movie is most likely to make them cry?
Melody: Grave of the Fireflies.
Caprice: Dead Poets Society
Kyrie: Lilo and Stitch.
Byssal: Iron Giant.
Pelago: The Little Mermaid.
31. Are they combative? What is their fighting style?
Melody: She isn't combative, but will fight if she has to. She'd fight in a kind of avoidant conservative way. She'll go in when she's confident she can back out and try to use the environment to get the upper hand.
Caprice: 100% combative. He's head on and fast. If he gets into a fight his movements are quick and he'll take hits to get in one better.
Kyrie: He's only combative if he's defending someone. In general he'll use his size to his advantage and try to intimidate more than fight.
Byssal: Definitely combative. Similar to Caprice he'd be direct, but he has more strength than speed and will use that. He'll try to avoid hits, but he'll strike a weak point with all his strength each time.
Pelago: Noncombative. If she has to fight she'll use the environment to her advantage and play more of a war of attrition with someone.
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that-kookie · 2 years
For Ergo:
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
For Bvyyth:
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?
For Cap:
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
Thank you for the opportunity to ask about your characters!! They’re all so amazing :D ❤️
Thanks for these questions, you picked some fun ones! :D I'm always so ready to ramble on about my characters ahah
Ergo: > Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
His dreams tend to be abstract - he'd often dream about a certain feeling or emotion. Sometimes he dreams about some far away lands he'd never been to. The feeling that he often dreams about is the sensation of soft fur under his fingers. He likes these dreams the most :)) > Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
He likes to nap a lot! A warm bath, some hot brew and soft pillows to sleep on with no one to disturb - that's when he's the most happy :D
Bvyyth: > On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
He's a pretty practical mer. He'd probably have a few coins, some beef jerky if he gets hungry and a health potion just in case. > Does your character remember names or faces easier?
He's someone who really likes to people watch :D Just a perfect guy for being an Ordinator ahah He's actually very good at remembering the faces of people passing by!
Caprice: > Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
She is very much a person who admires wisdom rather than ambition. She'd seen too many people betray and kill others in the name of ambition. That's Vivec City for you I guess :,D
>How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
OH she is usually the one to confront others :,D She does avoid conflict when necessary, but if she needs to - she's comfortable with confronting others.
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
If you were to do a Jack & the Beanstalk AU (it doesn't have to have a conflict with the Giant at the top though!), which of your OCs would you cast as the "Jack" Human climbing up the beanstalk? And which of your OCs might you have as the Giant up in the clouds of the flying castle? Would you keep the story largely the same, or prefer deviations in its retelling?
So I've actually started on an idea for one of these before the ask lol i have two scenarios though.
The first is with meg and streya (currently a wip). Meg is jack in this scenario with streya as the giant. It wouldn't match most of the story, my plan for meg to get the beanstalk is different and streya would still be insanely kind.
Then i had a second idea.
This one was with melody, kyrie, caprice, byssal, and pelago. Melody taking the role of a cursed living harp found by a giant. Caprice stuck as "jack" waiting for the beanstalk to grow which will help him find his sister. Kyrie would be the giant in this scenario, byssal and pelago other giants that also live in the sky.
I had been thinking a few weeks ago I'm a gt writer with no jack and the beanstalk au. Then i came up with these two ideas!! I don't think I'd ever mimic the original too closely overall. More likely a giant that learns a lesson that humans aren't pests or something. Although I could probably do one closer to the original might not use any of my consistent ocs if i did though lol
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that-kookie · 2 years
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Another of my Morrowind Ordinator OCs. Her name is Caprice (no last name), but people call her Cap. She/Her, born under the sign of The Tower. She is an Ordinator of the Order of War in Vivec city. Her story takes place during TES3: Morrowind She is 38 years old, and 1.78m (5'10ft) tall. Cap is someone who sets her own goals, and has her own ideals. She is confident and passionate. She is a skilled warrior who fights with a short sword and a shield. She uses her position to delve into Dwemer ruins to get all the curious items and scraps she can find. In her free time she studies the Dwemer and their machinery, as well as dabbles in tailoring. Adding little bits of Dwemer armor to her outfits gives her lots of joy. She for sure sees herself as a fashion icon, and she's not wrong.
A bit of backstory: She was raised in an Orphanage, just like Bvyyth. They grew up together, and were good friends since they shared a lot of similarities. They both went to train to become an Ordinator, and Caprice quickly found a place for herself. She deeply dispises Bvyyth calling her Caprisun as she finds it ridiculous. It clearly doesn’t mean anything, right?
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that-kookie · 2 years
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The one and only: Caprice
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that-kookie · 2 years
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WIP of my Ordinator Lady, Caprice ✨
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that-kookie · 2 years
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Some WIPs of what I’m currently working on. My Ordinator Lady OC, Caprice... she... I thought I need a nice clear reference for her, just like I did for Bvyyth and Ergo! She is a flashy sort, so expect the armor to be a bit... uhm... modified :))
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
Siren's Song Pt 2
Part two let's goooo
Part 1
Siren's Song Pt 2
Kyrie couldn’t believe he was here with her. She was so much better than he’d expected from that one song. Hearing her speak and understanding her was amazing. Byssal trying to drag him back hadn’t been part of the plan, but it might have helped. She’d been worried about him getting hurt and actually came to rescue him. Although she seemed scared of him at first.
Even when he was human he towered over her and it felt weirdly right. She was so small, but so beautiful. She was so soft to hold too, he almost never wanted to put her down. She didn’t seem to like when he held her though. It didn’t matter, as far as he was concerned he could live like this forever. It didn’t seem like Melody could though.
Kyrie noticed her looking at one of the things she didn’t want him touching a lot. She’d fidget with it and make it light up. He tried to see what was happening, but he couldn’t actually read it. If he goes back he should have Pelago teach him to read the language Melody used. That wasn’t important, he needed to pay attention. She was reading to him again, her voice was pretty when talking too.
“Ok, that’s enough for now,” she said. She stretched and he watched those small hands in wonder. She did so much with them, but they still felt soft and delicate. She let out a small groan and he smiled, everything she did was cute. “I can’t believe this is all you’ve had me doing for weeks. Doesn’t it get boring just hearing me talk for hours like this?”
He shook his head violently. He had taken to sitting on the floor in front of her while she read, it was easier than any of the things she used. One time he tried to sit on one and she paled as it made a weird noise. He wasn’t going to try again. She laughed, it was so beautiful to hear that laugh.
“Weirdo.” Melody jumped out of the chair, he loved it when she stood near him while he sat on the ground. He could see those brown eyes so clearly, it was like they were the same size for a few blissful seconds. “I’m going to start dinner, you can stay out here. You’re so big and I’m not in the mood to climb over you tonight.”
He smiled as she walked away. It felt like this had been a lifetime. If he could, he'd freeze time for these days to continue forever. A new sound roared through the house followed by a crash from where Melody went. He heard her scrambling and started to rise as worry consumed him. He froze when the sound stopped and he heard a muffled word he didn’t quite understand come from Melody.
“I’m ok, really I am. The storm knocked out the service here, but the generator kicked in so I’ve had power,” she was speaking quickly. He decided to creep closer while she spoke, hoping to understand more of why she was saying this. It was quieter than how she spoke to him. 
“I’m so glad to hear your voice, mom. How’s everyone else?”
He heard the sound of Melody cooking, but something kept him anxious. He didn’t want this to end, not yet.
“What do you mean you haven’t heard from him? He didn’t come here on our birthday. He was supposed to call you guys…” A pause that filled the air with fear. “No, no he didn’t come here. I… I need to call him!”
He heard a crash, but there was no scrambling this time. Things were quiet for a time, he almost entered the room. She usually made him stay out because of his size, but this was something he didn’t want her to know he could hear. It was as if their little world would shatter for good if he stepped into the room. As much as he wanted to help her, he couldn’t handle the idea of her fearing him again.
“Cap!” she shouted. He heard a gasp followed by silence before she sighed. “Cap, what’s going on? You told me about your leg weeks ago. No one’s heard from you they all thou-”
Her voice had gotten quieter, but he could hear the desperation still. His skin crawled when he heard a cruel laugh before the sound of something light hit the floor. He straightened as much as he could waiting for something more. It wasn’t Melody who laughed, but there was no one else here.
“No…” Her voice was so quiet, he almost missed it. “No! Why the fuck is it you?! Where is he, what did you do to Caprice!?”
There was silence and he couldn't handle it. He started to take a step, but there was a new voice.
“Good girl Melody, I know you wouldn’t want to risk anyone else hearing this recording I still have of that night.”
Kyrie wished he could growl. Everything in that voice was awful.
“I’m alone, I’ve been alone since you went fucking crazy. You’re on speaker now tell me where Caprice is!”
“Oh Melody, I thought you would have checked in sooner. You dear brother, the only person who supported you and you just left him alone for over a month. What a cruel sister. Well, I’ll ease that guilt for you.”
“I’ll kill myself if you hurt him.” Kyrie knew if he could chirp like this they’d be echoing through the small building.
“I wouldn’t kill my only leverage. I just made sure to give him a reminder of that night all his own, but I might have gotten the leg wrong.”
“Now, now. Tell your fool of a brother to bring me to you or I’ll make him my prize instead. I’m sure I could get him to look like you again.”
“Don’t fucking touch him.”
“Mel stop it’s-”
There was the sound of something Kyrie didn’t recognize but a scream that sounded close to Melody’s came out. If she hadn’t screamed stop at the same time he would have rushed in. He could hear the sounds of panting, but he didn’t understand anything.
“I’ll make it worse if you try to interfere again. Now Melody, you make the shit I have here tell me how to reach you and you’ll  both survive this.”
“Caprice, tell him how to get here and the code to get in…. I’ll be waiting on the beach.”
“Mel… Just for once I’ll listen.”
That laughter he first heard sounded again, but was cut off. He took quick steps back to where she’d left him. He sat down, staring out of the glass that had kept him from her before. There was a lot of noise and he was itching to check on her. Something felt like it would be better if she thought he didn’t know. He could just barely hear muffled words from the other room.
“Hey,” she called out to him. He turned to face her, the look she wore filled him with dread. It was the same one she held when she spoke to the normal him. When she was prepared to die. “Looks like cell service is back, I have to take care of something. Don’t leave the house until tomorrow. You can get help to get home tomorrow morning. Just please stay in here.”
He didn’t want to listen, but her desperation forced him to. He nodded getting a feeling of guilt knowing it was a lie. She smiled at him, the smile he wished could be sent to his usual form. He wanted to protect her from whatever made her so upset, but that didn’t seem to be possible. She left the house and he waited. He could stay like she asked, but he was never good at listening.
A few more minutes passed before he stood and made his way outside. Usually he stretched out to his full height, the hunch inside was a bit taxing. He didn’t this time, instead making his way to the edge of the cliff that sat above the beach. She stood there at the edge of the water. It looked like she wanted to just walk into it. He heard something beep from the house behind him, but he needed to watch her.
“Hey!” she shouted. “You better be out there. You wanted to hear me sing so bad, well I will soon. Just please, when you come to do whatever you plan, leave the one who looks like me alone. He’s normal, he doesn't have this damned curse.”
He wanted to go to her. Promise it was fine and she was safe with him. Even when he grew again she’d always be safe with him. She would be so small to him eventually. That didn’t matter, he started to stand. She needed him right now. The roar of something he only heard faintly when watching humans late at night came from nearby. Melody stepped away from the water, leaving him more confused than before.
The strange machine that carried humans went close to her. He worried it wouldn’t stop, but there was a good distance left, enough he could fit his full sized hand down. From it climbed a human he could only describe as awful. They looked crazed, a look of greed on their face and  blood on their clothes. He reached into the machine and pulled out a human who looked like a masculine and thinner Melody. That had to be the one who looks like her that she mentioned.
“Ahh Melody, how long has it been now?”  the greedy human said. Kyrie would have been growling if it was possible as a human.
“Cut the crap, what do you want?” Melody asked. She sounded cruel.
“Now now, is that how you talk to the man who was going to help you live your dreams?”
“Mel, go-” the look alike human said. The greedy one slapped them with something and hurt them badly. Even as a human he could smell the fresh blood.
“Quiet trash. Now why don’t we hear a song for old time’s sake. Just a short one though, try anything and,” the rude human held the objet to the lookalike’s head, “your poor little brother gets a bullet in the head.”
“I’m the older one dumbass.” 
Another smack before Melody started singing. Her voice was more beautiful while she sang than when she read. Just a note filled him with a longing he barely understood. It went away as he watched her. An all consuming need to be close to her started to overcome him. It was stronger than the first time, maybe because he was human right now. It took all his strength to stay crouched where he was. It was over almost too quickly, the somber tune leaving an empty pain in his chest.
“I’ve missed that. I’ll keep you locked up and singing until I make back all the money I spent on you.”
“You didn’t spend anything on me! I was paying you to be my agent. Then you went fucking crazy after that night. My family actually thought they could trust you.”
That laughter from the phone rang out echoing around them.
“Oh, you think those people were willing to listen to someone like you. Unwilling to do anything to fucking be more appealing. If you only listened to me about your weight, maybe we wouldn’t be here.”
“But you… I…” Kyrie started to stand. He couldn’t let her get hurt.
“Can you just fuck off, what are you hoping to get from this?” The greedy one kicked the leg of the lookalike after they spoke.
“I told you I’m talking to your big sister.”
“And I told you I was born first asshole.” The greedy one stomped on the lookalike’s leg. Melody screamed with them.
“Quiet before I break your other leg again. I’m talking with your big sister. So big you had to change everything about you just to be seen. If she wasn’t such a whale maybe you could have stay-”
“Shut up.” Melody sounded so quiet. “I get what you mean, haha I’m the big sister because of my weight. Just tell me what you want so we can fucking move on. Better yet, let him go and I’ll go with you. I won't fight you'll have me forever.”
“Do you think I’m stupid Melody?” The greedy one took a step forward, Kyrie took a step. “I worked with you for ten fucking years. I poured thousands of dollars into your fucking career. You can sing enough to make people go wild and you wanted to give it all up. I knew your little plan, it was why I broke your bitch of a brother’s leg. I had to make sure you knew that I’d hurt him if you tried to leave before I got my money back from your voice.”
Kyrie stood up straight, but that proved to be a mistake. The lookalike saw him and the greedy human followed the look. The greedy one pointed the thing they’d been holding at him. A loud sound happened and he covered his ears. His shoulder started to burn. He looked down at Melody and saw a look of horror as he stumbled back. He lost his footing and fell off the high cliff slamming into the water.
The burning in his shoulder grew worse as salt water mixed into the wound. He hadn’t gotten a breath and water started to fill his lungs. Instead of drowning it felt like the water forced his body to expand. The too small shirt fell away as nothing but bits of cloth as he grew to his full size. As soon as his tail formed he was swimming moving close to the land where the humans had been facing his Melody.
He was still growing by the time he reached the beach and he didn’t care. Slowly he rose out of the water to tower higher and higher above the three. He glared down, ignoring the fear in Melody’s eyes. She would know he was only there to protect her soon. He couldn’t move anymore as he grew, the water moving to splash onto the beach as he took up more space. It felt too long before he was to his normal height again.
“Wh-wh-what the?” the greedy one shouted. He glared at them. They were insulting Melody and hurting someone important. She even sang because of this human and she was so scared of it. Even if he could have spoken he wouldn’t have asked her after what she’d said in fear to him. 
He let out a deep growl, the one he desperately wanted while the human spoke. Words were said again, but he couldn’t understand anymore and he didn’t care. He lifted one arm, careful to keep the water from hitting Melody. Slowly he reached forward to grab the greedy human. They waved that thing around again and started to make that noise from before. It didn’t do anything anymore, however it worked. His skin was too tough now. The greedy human looked scared and backed away from the lookalike.
The greedy human ran back to the thing they arrived in. He could hear the voices of Melody and the lookalike, but nothing made sense. The greedy one dove into the contraption and the sound started. He wasn’t letting them get away, he grabbed the thing digging his claws into the side. The greedy one screamed and he smiled. 
He wasn’t in the habit of eating humans or merfolk, but he’d make an exception this time. This human was cruel to his destined and would pay for that. They did something painful to her. He grinned to show off his sharp teeth as he brought the strange contraption close. He’d need to be careful, he chewed on something like this once a long time ago and it hurt. Slowly he opened his mouth making sure the human could see the punishment they’d receive.
“No!” Melody screamed. This was awful, all of this was her fault. The car made an awful groan as the merfolk crushed it. She couldn’t think straight, his eyes and hair hadn’t gone back to normal until he was done growing. The weird shorts were just his scales. The stranger she took in was the same monster who tortured her. “Stop!”
She knew it was pointless. He was mad that someone came to ruin his fun. The car groaned again and she turned away, bracing herself for the sickening crunch. She heard one of those chirps from when he’d been watching her. A claw gently nudged her and she gasped, stumbling away and looking up at him. His head was tilted and the car had been left whole in one of his hands. He pointed at the car, then to his mouth, and then shook his head.
He left with chirps echoing behind him, her fear only growing. The second that massive form was gone she ran to  Caprice. His head was bleeding. She slipped off the sweater she’d been wearing and pressed it to his head.
“C’mon Cap, we gotta get out of here,” she said. She tried to pull him to his feet, but he pushed her away.
“Mel, I’m not gonna walk out of this. Just go, get some help. I’ll be fine ok?” he said. She shook her head and started to try to drag him up the steep hill to her home. At least they could pretend to be safe there.
“Oh, he wasn’t kidding you two do seem like two halves of a clam shell,” a feminine voice sounded. Melody whipped around ready to scream as a merfolk as big as the other’s human form appeared. Her blonde hair hung in front of her covering her torso. She was riddled with pale scars that stood out on her dark skin. Melody stepped in front of Caprice to block him from the new merfolk. They reached a hand towards them.
“St-stop don’t touch us. I-I’ll sing. It’ll bring the bigger one back and he’ll attack you.”
“It’s ok little siren. I’m Pelago, he asked me to come check on you. He said your lookalike was hurt. Do all human pups look so similar?” They tilted their head but actually pulled their arm back.
“We’re twins. Look you and your weirdo fish people friends can have me just pretend Melody got away.” Caprice pulled her back and she slipped on the sand landing next to him.
“No one wants to hurt either of you, why don’t you tell me your names? Like I said I’m Pelago, and a skilled magic user too. If you’d come closer I should be able to-”
A loud chirp cut Pelago off. From behind her came the huge merfolk from the night the one came in human form. Melody screamed, grabbing Caprice. Another chirp sounded as they stared at her, the gaze was menacing. Pelago chirped in response, it was almost funny how dainty it sounded in comparison. The green haired merfolk reached towards them making Melody’s eyes go wide. She did the only thing she could think of, sing.
She pulled Caprice into a tight hug as she started. He hugged her back managing to almost block her from the sight of the larger merfolk. They grimaced as she sang and her fear grew as clawed hands came close. The claws and teeth on this one somehow seemed dull compared to the one she’d let in her home. The green haired merfolk pulled their hand back, moving to grab Pelago instead.
She stopped singing fear for the one who seemed kind. She knew the stories said her voice could drive merfolk mad, she didn’t want Pelago killed. Instead the green haired merfolk pulled Pelago close and held them tight. It was like watching a child hug an oversized doll. The green haired one started to chirp and Pelago seemed to match. They both sounded happy. She shared a confused look with Caprice, at least they weren’t alone dealing with this. She froze when the chirps stopped and the inhuman green eyes locked onto her and Caprice again.
“Melody, just go. I’ll be fine, I promise,” Caprice whispered to her. She squeezed him tighter before standing. They had a rule, full name and no arguments. She took off before the merfolk had a chance to act.
 She didn’t get far. A pale hand bigger than her landed in her path. She barely avoided slamming into it. She tried to stumble back, but the hand moved forward with fingers blocking her path. She didn’t have any choice other than going back to Caprice. She took unsteady steps back until she tripped. Melody landed on her back, forced to stare up at the intense glare of the green haired merfolk.
“Byss, you’re scaring her,” Pelago said. She just wanted Caprice to get home, she could die if he got away. The other one made what sounded like annoyed chirps. “Byssal, words or I’ll be mad.”
“Fine. Did you want her getting away?” the voice was deep and cold. She didn’t want to hear this merfolk talk ever again. The pale hand came into her view again and a strangled scream left her.
“Byssal!” Chirps sounded instead of words, the hand left her view. She couldn’t bring herself to move.
“Will you two just fucking leave!?” Caprice shouted. “Mel didn’t ask for this fucking siren thing leave her alone.”
“No.” The cold voice answered. She shivered, staying near the ocean was such a stupid idea. This shouldn’t have been the safest place. A sob escaped her and she rushed to cover her mouth. A chirp that reminded her of a person cooing at wounded animals sounded.
“Oh, little siren don’t cry. We aren’t going to hurt either of you. I want to help the one you look like, I can use magic to heal them.”
“Why should we believe you?” Caprice was still talking, she couldn’t find her voice. Her eyes went wide as the pale arm moved across the sky again. “Don’t touch me you creep!”
“No!” she screamed. “Please, I'll do whatever you want. Leave him alone please!”
Melody climbed to her feet, watching helplessly as Caprice was held in a loose fist. There were more chirps, but those meant nothing to her. They were taking her brother, he was going to suffer because of her again. She felt an icy grip on her heart, she could make them stop. She tried to get a breath, if she sings they’d go for her instead. Their focus would change and hopefully he wouldn’t just be dropped. She jumped when large hands grabbed her.
“Hey, it’s ok. Kyrie asked us to come help, he’s putting the human who hurt your look alike somewhere far away. They won’t get back here easily,” Pelago tried to comfort her. Melody glared at the merfolk.
“Is that far away his fucking stomach? Did he just decide not to show us he could bite into a car?!” Melody squirmed in the large hands, but they didn’t loosen. “Besides, will you quit calling him my lookalike? He's my brother and not just someone who looks like me!”
“Wait… that means…. Family, right?” She nodded, it didn't matter if they only just understood. “Oh.. oh! Byss don’t put him in the water!”
It was too late, the larger merfolk had put Caprice partly in the water and started to mouth something. Caprice started to glow and for a minute she swore that he was healing. Then it changed and he started to scream like she’d never heard before. She tried to fight out of the hands, but Pelago held her in a hug and pressed her head into their shoulder. She struggled, but was no match for the stronger being.
“Please don’t kill him, I’m sorry I ever sang. I’ll make sure I don’t again please.”
“Little siren, it's ok, he’s not dying. It’ll be over soon just wait for a bit. I know it must be hard to trust us, but we aren’t going to harm either of you. Kyrie is taking the human who was cruel to you both to a place near other humans. I used some magic, he’ll be going to the peace keepers I’ve seen humans rely on and tell them what happened without mentioning us.” 
The screaming from Caprice died down as she managed to tilt her head up to look at Pelago. This close, she looked human. Pelago smiled at her, there were normal human teeth. She didn’t have the sharp ones like the other two. If she wasn’t so close she’d think this was just a human with some weird fashion. Pelago moved Melody to look at the water, she didn’t want to see what they’d done to Caprice. She almost shut her eyes, but a bright white caught her attention.
“..Cap…” she breathed. Melody chanced a look at the green haired merfolk, their face looked concerned. Shouldn’t they be glad they did this to him?
“What the hell did you do to me!?” Caprice shouted. Melody managed to get out of Pelago’s grip and stumbled down to her brother. He had a stark white tail where his legs used to be and what looked like white fins where his ears should be. His hair had gotten longer and he just seemed bigger. She froze, unable to move once his eyes locked on her.
“Turn him back.” She glared up at the huge merfolk who had done this. “Turn him back. Whatever you were doing, do it to me! Let him go!”
“Byssal, why don’t you-” Pelago was cut off by a loud noise coming from the one she called Byssal. 
Melody couldn’t see a person past the sharp teeth or the size of the one staring at her. A hand came close quickly and she let out a strangled scream. Fingers pinched her sides before she was lifted off the ground. She started to squirm only stopping when she looked down and saw how high up she was. She dug her nails into the thick skin in front of her. She wasn’t sure they even felt her small hands. She was brought up to the eyes that were just too green to feel normal.
The mouth in front of her opened, but a louder louder noise came from a bit behind the one holding her. Even the one in front of her looked shocked as a shadow covered everyone else. Another low sound that had to be a growl came before the green haired one turned and was face to chest with the one who crushed a car. The blue eyes looked terrifying as he glared down at her. The one holding her made another sound, but the blue eyed one made a louder sound.
A hand she’d seen knocking on her home and crushing a car came close. Another growl before she was moving through the air. Melody yelped as a growl sounded and the fingers on her sides let her go. She squeezed her eyes shut, at best she expected the cold water slamming into her. Instead she landed on something soft and warm, but wet. She looked up terrified to see the biggest one’s face above her.
She was pressed back into the skin as he brought her closer. The force alone would have her panicking if the huge face wasn’t coming closer. She squeezed her eyes shut once the teeth were in her sight. She waited for the worst to happen, but something pressed into her. It was followed by soft chirps like he’d made when she was hidden in her house. Slowly she peeked her eyes open to see a nose pressed into her. The soft chirps continued and she managed to look around the nose to see the blue eyes, full of concern.
“Wh-what are you doing?” she asked. He made confused chirps back at her. He seemed to understand her before, did he just want to toy with her? He could just find her a fun toy. She opened her mouth to speak again, but a louder chirp came from him making her flinch instead.
“Kyrie, she has no idea what you’re doing,” the green haired one spoke up. That meant this one was really named Kyrie. It felt like a weird name for merfolk.
“Will you monsters put my sister down!” Caprice’s voice sounded off a bit.
“You need to learn control young one. That anger could hurt the same person you’re so worried about.” The way the green haired one talked felt like their dad lecturing them when they were kids. She sort of hated it. These monsters were the ones who interfered, who did that to him, they don’t get to treat them like children. She tensed, preparing to yell at him, but a loud angry sounding chirp from Kyrie stopped her.
“Byssal, he’s right. Neither of these poor pups know what’s going on. Kyrie put her down and Byssal help the boy out of the water. Hopefully drying out will let him go back to human form,” Pelago demanded. Despite her size she held sway over the larger two, much to Melody’s relief.
Kyrie made another sad chirp before nuzzling her again. She felt tears starting. This wasn’t what she wanted, she doesn’t want to be some toy for a giant merman. He did pull his hands away, moving too quickly and making her yelp. He just chirped a bit before letting her off on the beach. She was going to scramble back, but the other one, Byssal, rudely dropped an angry Caprice next to her.
Melody couldn’t believe this was her brother. He was at least as big as Pelago. He even had claws, but his hair and eyes were the same. The things she knew stayed the same, so she latched on to him once he was on his back. Neither knew what to expect after all of this. Byssal seemed angry to be near them, she could swear Kyrie was just barely holding himself back from picking her back up, and Pelago was silent behind them.
“Ok, why don’t we actually talk now that everyone’s here,” Pelago said. Her voice was almost too chipper. Melody turned to glare at her.
“Talk about what? How the biggest one of you was ready to eat someone and crushed a fucking car? How you wouldn’t let me leave? How you turned my brother into one of you!? How-”
“Quiet!” Byssal growled. She glared at the huge creature. Kyrie let out a growl and Byssal sighed. He chirped something before Kyrie let out a sad chirp. Melody tightened her grip on Caprice when his eyes found her, but Kyrie turned to Byssal and growled again. “Fine!”
Byssal moved quickly, sending the water up the beach close to them. It splashed against Melody’s legs as he pulled himself up further on the beach. She almost screamed as the hand that had picked her up landed close enough she could touch it. Caprice pulled her closer as they got a good look of the scales on Byssal. A bright green that would look like sea plants in the water. Byssal stopped only once he was almost completely out of the water. He took up most of the small beach, leaving no room for them to escape if Caprice went back to normal.
There wasn’t any time to relax before Kyrie started to move. The water was more violent as he moved, splashing up against Melody and soaking her clothes. She forced herself to watch him as he folded his arms over the beach. He was leaning on Byssal’s tail a bit too. He placed his head on his arms and offered a small smile. It forced how real this was into her mind. Over the time he’d been closer to human size around her he’d made that same motion and same smile so many times. She just wanted this nightmare over.
“Ok, so first why not get names this time? I’m Pelago, the green gilled sour puss is Byssal, and you should know Kyrie fairly well by now right?” she asked. Melody offered a stiff nod which got a weird noise from Caprice. She gasped before letting out a small laugh.
“You just chirped,” she whispered. He made an offended huff.
“I did not, but how the hell do you know the biggest one of these here?”
“...I thought he was human… or well at least not one of them…” Pelago made a small chirp to take back their attention. Melody stared for a moment, understanding almost painfully.
“I’m Melody, this is my brother Caprice.”
“It’s so nice to meet you. I thought sirens had died so long ago, I can’t believe you still exist. Not only that but even helped two find their destined so quickly. You’re quite a powerful siren.”
“What do you mean destined? My voice just drives people mad…”
“Oh no… little guppy, you were never taught the truth…” Pelago looked so sad, it almost felt genuine. “I have a story for you both then. It will tell you more that must have been lost over time.”
Pelago didn’t give them a choice. She started her story immediately after. Talking about magic, Oceanids, and sirens. Melody kept looking at Caprice’s tail, it had the scales of Oceanids. It didn’t sound real. She knew the truth, sirens were sent to land as punishment. They’d been too reckless and caused many to lose their lives. It’s why humans had hunted merfolk and sirens were hunted by merfolk in turn. Pelago’s story had more details, sounded more real. It also sounded too good to be true.
“Why should I believe you?” Melody asked once Pelago was done. Byssal let out a growl, but Kyrie growled back again. This time she was mad. She turned to face the largest mer. “I can fight my own battles! Stop getting involved each time. If he wants to fucking growl at me let him!”
Kyrie just made sad chirps at her. He acted like he understood while they were in the house together. This was just annoying. She sighed as she turned back to Pelago, but had to look back once Byssal’s expression registered. He was smiling, if she didn’t know better she’d think he looked proud. Byssal looked away from her and focused on Kyrie before chirping a bit. Kyrie made more sad chirps but didn’t growl. That had to be good.
“I told him what you said. About letting you fight your own battles,” Byssal said. She jumped, he didn’t sound as annoyed as the other times he spoke.
“Melody, I have no reason to lie to you about the past. This all started because Kyrie heard you singing and felt you were his destined. He wanted to speak with you, but we never taught him any human languages. If we did he could have at least spoken while human.”
“Why not teach him when you two know it?”
“You think it’s safe for someone his size to be interested in humans?” Byssal asked. “It was safer if he couldn’t talk to any of you, he wouldn’t get close. He’s not even done growing yet.”
“He can get bigger?!” Her head was filled with the movies of the giant monsters coming from the deep. Krakens that destroyed boats and ended lives. She looked at Kyrie, a part of her couldn’t see him being that kind of monster, but he was going to eat someone. He could be something like that if he wanted.
“Mel, I believe them,” Caprice pulled her from her thoughts. She just stared at him waiting for any reason that was smart. “They don’t need to lie to us, it’s not like we can get away. Besides, mom and dad did say I was ‘allergic’ to salt water. They might have known this could happen.”
“It was a pretty common thing in the past if a siren or oceanid had two pups at the same time, usually they were one of each. Sirens and Oceanids had a lot of intermingled families in the past; it was fairly common for each to carry the blood of the other.” Melody gripped Caprice’s clawed hand, he still hadn’t gone back to normal.
“So what do you want from us? It can’t be you just wanted to tell us all this.” She didn’t say it, but looked back at Kyrie. They kept talking about destined, it was just a weird term for soul mates. She had a lot of trouble believing she was a perfect match for a creature so much larger than her. At the same time, she’d enjoyed the time they spent living in her house, even though it was short.
“Personally I’d hope you would give Kyrie a chance, just get to know him?” Melody grimaced, she couldn’t exactly do that.
“How do I get to know him when he can’t even speak English?”
“I have an idea for that.” Byssal had a grin that made her shiver. Caprice grabbed her hand, in reality Kyrie saved their lives. This was the least she could do. Admittedly, she felt braver as Caprice’s hand in her own returned to the human one she’d known her whole life.
“Whatever it is, I’ll do it.”
After a few weeks their deal finally started. Caprice had moved in with her to be closer to the only ones who knew about his tail. It helped that he claimed he was worried something would happen again, it was easier for the others to stay out of sight for some reason. Thinking it over now, it could be the oceanid and siren thing. She sighed, shoving another book in her bag.
“You good Mel? We could push it off another week,” Caprice offered. She smiled at him.
“No, it’s better to start sooner than later. If I put it off too long I’ll lose my nerve,” she said.
He gave her a hug and waited for her to finish gathering her things. She grabbed the way too expensive waterproof battery powered projector and started out of her room. Caprice took the projector from her, he wanted to help how he could. They walked in silence, mixtures of dread and nerves eating away at them. This could go horribly wrong so quickly. They both just had to be confident and trust the creatures they were told were dangerous.
“Have you thought about how much bigger he might get?” Caprice asked. She made a face pulling open a door and refusing to answer. “I’m just saying, you have no idea. He could have gotten bigger already, maybe you’ll be like a speck to him after.”
“Why are you bringing this up now?” she whined.
“Maybe to make you change your mind?”
“After all the money I spent, I’m doing this for at least a week.” She walked out to the table and patted the spot she wanted to place the projector. Caprice placed it down and she hooked up her laptop getting it to display some weird shows she thought would be helpful.
“I don’t mean about that. You didn’t seem reluctant to spend more time with him.”
“I think you’re crazy, I was glad you could learn about your weird abilities no one knew existed.” 
Caprice laughed and Melody kept her face buried in her laptop. She was curious, more curious than she wants to admit. It helped when her mom called a few hours later talking about how her old manager was finally caught and he admitted to so many awful things. It was worse than he’d started to let on, he made a lot of promises using her that she would have been forced to follow through on. The thought made her shiver, which was luckily covered by the shadow coming over the two.
“Guess it’s time, if you can’t handle it we can bail on this.”
“I’ll be fine Cap, go.”
Caprice walked off down the beach and she turned to face the sharp toothed smile of Kyrie. He didn’t seem bigger which was certainly a relief. He rested his head on folded arms and made soft chirps at her. She walked up to him and sat down a bit closer, her laptop set to the side. Thankfully it was a wireless connection on the projector. 
“Ok, let’s start with our names.” 
She started a mediocre at best lesson on saying each other’s names. The deal seemed a lot more in their favor of teaching Caprice magic. At least teaching someone a language shouldn’t be too hard. People use apps for it all the time so she should be fine. 
As the day wore on the task felt impossible. Nothing was getting through, so she tried the basics. He seemed to grasp the idea of how to form the sounds, but not to say them. She was starting to feel defeated as the time was coming he’d be leaving. It wouldn’t really help if she couldn’t teach him even a single sound. She gave up and just let some songs to help him learn words play.
She leaned back against his arm as they watched the video. She sang along at times, less scared knowing it just made him want to be near her. She might need to take a class on teaching English. Although it’s not exactly like teaching it as a second language, he doesn’t even know how to form sounds properly.
“Me,” she jumped as a deep voice rumbled through her. She turned in shock as Kyrie was making strange faces trying to make the sounds. She finally noticed the song that was playing, it changed from simple things to talking about music. She’d let it autoplay and it must have grabbed her normal choices.
“Sorry, I’ll switch it back,” she said. She move to change the video, but Kyrie used a finger to stop her.
“N..o..” The voice was loud, but not enough to hurt. He must have an idea from the chirps. He stared at the wall the video played on, determination on his face.
“Mel..O..Dy…?” She gasped and nodded at the confused eyes. She nodded again and he smiled with all his teeth on display. “Melody!”
“Kyrie.” She pressed a hand on his arm. He put a finger to her chest.
This might work out after all.
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