#knights nagas and more
awkwardgtace · 1 year
The Boy, The Wolf, and The Fae
I've been working on this for like at least a solid week of actual writing and a while of just in my head. Here's a look at just how Kyrie, a giant among giants, wound up with a wolf who has magic and a curious fae.
This is also very long, like.... 13,000+ words long. I couldn't split it due to the way this is set up though. It's going to be on AO3 too if that's an easier place to read. (I am sorry this did get a little out of hand, admittedly)
AO3 Link
tw: abandonment, fear, mentions of starving. As always lemme know if I miss something.
The Boy, The Wolf, and The Fae
“For giants height was important. The taller someone was, the more important they were. That meant when the tallest giants of a community not only decided to be together, but had a child everyone was excited. The child was born and he was bigger than the other newborns of the time. Praise was offered about how the child would grow up to be as tall as his parents, maybe taller. He’d be important. This only lasted until the child began to age.
The child was growing faster than others. Within a year he was as tall as children two or three times his age. His parents claimed it was fine, their child was just ahead of the curve. People grew nervous, but there wasn’t fear… not yet. It wasn’t until he’d reached three years old an incident occurred. He often played with the children his age, but as he grew so did his strength. He hurt someone, nothing fatal, just a broken arm. It was enough to change the entire community’s view of the strange child.
After that he was kept inside. He often heard his parents arguing about how to deal with him. He learned quickly that he was different, wrong somehow. He was kept locked away for years, the only interaction was his parents. Even then he could feel the distance between himself and the two he wanted to love him. It didn’t help that he continued to grow faster. By six he was the height of a giant about to be taught to hunt.
That year was when his life changed. He ate dinner with his family, once more ignoring the pang of hunger that still sat in him. They sent him to bed, as he aged his parents offered less kindness. No stories or kind actions. He still loved them. That day had been different though. He’d heard talk of a meeting while in his room, all the adults were going. He waited, hoping one of his parents would stay behind. He heard their footsteps leaving the makeshift house and decided to follow.
He snuck out, something he’d done a few times. It didn’t feel like he was as young as they said he was sometimes. He did things he saw others his height doing, he almost hoped he just was aging faster. Then maybe his parents would let him use his voice again. The boy shook off the thought, quickly making his way through their current town. Finding the place of the meeting and feeling fear at the adults all gathered together.
‘Well have things changed with the child?’ the community’s leader asked. The boy had met him a few times, he was the one who decided the boy shouldn’t speak. His parents were the ones who decided it should continue even to them. Don’t bother anyone, even your family.
‘We gave him three times as much as either of us eats and he was still hungry,’ the boy’s mother answered. The boy grabbed his stomach, he knew they gave him more. He thought it was normal. ‘His appetite is growing.’
‘We can’t all continue to take less for one child,’ someone said. The boy didn’t know everyone in their community, but he didn’t like that voice. ‘The other children will suffer if we focus on just your monster.’
‘We know that,’ the boy’s father hissed. ‘We don’t like it either, but we don’t have options. What would you say we feed it instead?’
The boy winced. His father was always angry at him. He’d heard the talks of how he was a monster, that he killed their real child. He just wanted to prove he wasn’t one. He was just a tall giant, like his parents. He’d be good.
‘...we could feed him humans,’ the leader said. The boy covered his mouth to hold in a gag. He’d been told about humans when his parents still told him stories. They were like tiny giants, but they weren’t sure how similar. The little things were dangerous, with enough together they could kill a giant. It’s why when they found one they just dropped it off near humans and walked away.
‘No one’s even considered that option in centuries,’ a new voice said. The boy didn’t like all these people knowing about him when he didn’t know them. ‘It should be safer now, we could do that. No one else is hunting humans anymore.’
‘And what if there aren’t enough humans?’ his mother asked. The boy hoped she would stop this awful thought. Even if they were small they were people. He didn’t want them to try and make him eat people. ‘What happens when one town isn’t enough? When a whole country can’t satisfy him? If we let him eat humans he might turn on our own kind.’
The boy’s world shattered. His parents weren’t defending him. They weren’t confident it was wrong, just scared. He wouldn’t eat people no matter how big he was. All the voices overlapped as they argued. They mentioned elves, wolves, and other creatures, but all of them were people. The meal that had seemed small earlier was on the verge of reappearing. 
‘Enough!’ the leader shouted. The boy froze, scared his eavesdropping had been discovered. ‘Clearly we can’t keep the boy, he’s some kind of curse. A beast. We’ll leave him in the barren hunting grounds, tell him it’s where he can hunt to his content. He’ll starve within a year, if we’re lucky his death will help revive that land.’
The boy ran before anyone else spoke. He had to believe his parents would stop it. That they wouldn’t send him to die. He knew about death, it was why they told him he couldn’t play with the others anymore. He could hurt them too badly, could kill them. He wasn’t careful as he ran to the home his family was using. He didn’t have to be, every adult was at the meeting.
When the boy arrived he climbed into his bed and curled up. Surely his parents would save him. Tears fell from his eyes as the words they said played again and again. If they sent him away, maybe it would be because they were right. Maybe he was a monster or a curse…
The next day he was woken by his mother shaking him. She looked happier than he could ever remember seeing her. She pulled him out of bed silently and helped him dress. He was given his father’s clothes, ones still too big for him. The things he overheard sent his heart racing. What was the decision? Was his mother happy because he was staying or because he was leaving?
‘We have a surprise for you,’ she told him. He looked up at her, a bit of hope sneaking into his heart. ‘It’s not too far from here, come on.’
The boy nodded. His mother didn’t hold his hand, but walked away. He followed slowly, leaving the home that he’d visited so many times. No one was out today, but that only happened when they were leaving. The boy grew scared. His mother continued to lead him towards the building the adults met in the night before. When they arrived his father stood alongside the leader of their community. The boy tried to hide behind his mother, but she forcefully pulled herself free.
The boy followed silently after that. There was no discussion as his parents took him out along a path they traveled many times. Halfway through the leader stopped them and directed them in the direction the sun sets. The travel between homes was usually half a day, this time they kept walking long after the sun was right in front of them. They didn’t stop until night had taken over. As they walked the boy was starting to lose his path back. It made tears prick at his eyes, they weren’t going to let him go home ever again.
‘We’ve arrived,’ the leader said. The boy stared at him with wide eyes. The area didn’t look barren like they’d said the night before. There were trees everywhere, at least one lake. The only thing he didn’t see were the animals, but there were four giants here. It made sense animals would be hiding, in the stories that always happened.
‘This is where you stay now,’ the boy’s father started. He jumped to stare at the man. It was the first time the boy noticed the hate in his father’s eyes. ‘It’s your own hunting grounds. This is the best for everyone.’
‘We’ll come to check on you each time we pass through this area,’ his mother said. The boy nodded. The three adults shared a look before turning away. The boy watched, his focus on his parents. They left without a hug, no real goodbye. Just a claim they’d come back to see him. A claim he was sure was a lie.
Long after the three adults were gone from his sight the boy finally moved. Not all of the trees were taller than him, but they were all enough for him to sit and be out of sight. He sat down before curling up on his side. There weren’t many options for where to sleep. With his parents he had a soft place, but here all he had was the ground. 
As the boy tried to sleep he made a promise to himself. He wouldn’t be the monster that the others thought he was. He’d find a way to be a hero, like in the stories they used to tell him at night. He’d never eat a person or hurt anyone. He’d protect humans, elves, giants, wolves, and anything he didn’t know about. The boy curled up as small as he could. Someday he’d even go home again and his parents would be proud.
For the next few weeks the boy tried to make himself somewhat of a home. He gathered the tops of trees to make a bed. While he did he kept an eye out for animals, but there weren’t many. He was starting to get worried about finding anything to eat. He had to find something so he never grew desperate. His parents added parts of trees sometimes saying it was important. He could just eat trees alone.
When he felt an ache instead of his usual hunger the boy decided to go searching. He never liked the taste of trees and wanted to avoid it. The boy tried to keep his steps light as he explored further and further from the place he’d been left. After almost a day he found a bunch of animals. His discovery was made even better when he noticed there were tiny houses. He could finally see some of the smaller people he’d been taught about.
The sun had been gone for a while by the time the boy reached the tiny buildings, all that remained outside were some animals he’d never seen before. The boy was careful, taking just a few before leaving. He’d come to visit and watch the tiny beings another day. This continued for weeks. The boy didn’t know how much he should take so he visited weekly, taking a few more each time. He was getting closer to arriving while the sun stayed high, but he was tired most of the time. 
The next time the boy went close to the small town the sun had a while before it would set. For the first time the boy got to see humans. They truly were just small versions of giants. He crouched to stay hidden, hopeful he could learn more about them. The humans were all together in the open, some animals like what he’d been eating were gathered too. The boy inched just a little closer, curious about what was happening.
‘We need to find what’s been taking our livestock and stop it,’ someone declared. The boy tilted his head, he’d never heard the term livestock before. He’d help them if he could, start being the hero he wanted to be. The person who spoke moved closer to the creature he recognized.
‘We could just keep them in the barns, or out of sight. They’re only taken at night, right?’ Someone else said. The boy frowned, he was here during the nights and never saw a problem. He looked around, noticing for the first time the animals he’d grown used to seeing were gone. The only ones were in the group of humans.
‘We can’t survive if that doesn’t work!’ The boy had a growing dread that he was the thing they were worried about. ‘There’s no blood or any kind of trail left behind! It could be a giant and once we’re all out of livestock it may come for us.’
The boy’s heart pounded. He was causing trouble, he was making people scared, not saving them. He did his best to sneak away until he could stand again. He scared his family and now he scared humans. The boy paused on his return, noticing the sweet scent of the trees near his head. There were tiny things on them. He wasn’t sure it would help, but he gathered all the tiny sweet smelling things he could find. Then he snuck back to the town, leaving it all in a pile where the humans had been earlier that day. 
After that the boy ran back to the bed of leaves he made. He curled up as small as he could and swore he wouldn’t go back. He wouldn’t go near anyone ever again. That way he wouldn’t scare people or make them worry. He would be alone… Monsters belonged alone.
The next two years went by quickly for the boy. As he expected, his parents never once visited in that time. It was probably better that they hadn’t returned. He’d continued to grow taller, filling in the clothes he’d been given. It was slower than it had been with his parents, probably because his food had changed. Most of the time he would knock down a tree and force himself to eat it. He’d grown to hate the color of bark the longer he spent alone.
Sometimes the boy got lucky and he found some of the skittish animals in his territory. He would have to chase them, but usually he managed to get one to eat. If he knew how giants hunted he’d have a better time, but all he knew were stories. The stories had the heroes chasing down villains so he chased down the animals.
One day things were different. He’d found his way to a bit of higher land in his territory as he searched for a better meal. The whole time the boy just hoped he’d find a tree with some sweet smelling things this time. Instead he caught the scent of blood. It wasn’t one he recognized, but it was close to animal blood. He followed it, hoping for some animal that was hurt in its own hunt.
The boy froze when he found the source of the smell. A wolf bigger than any he’d ever seen was limping in his direction. The dark green fur of the giant wolf had blood coating it. The boy knew this was an animal he couldn’t lose. He took a single step towards it and the wolf took off running. The boy followed, determined not to fail.
The wolf was fast despite the limp, of course the boy had less coordination too. He was stuck with trees ranging from half his size to taller while trailing the scent of blood. The wolf could run with ease in the open spaces. The boy managed to never lose sight of it. Smiling when they reached the area that opened to the lower part of his territory. A cliff that would make the wolf stop.
Only the wolf didn’t stop, it kept running and the boy stumbled. That stumble shook the world for the wolf, or at least the boy thought it did. The wolf lost its footing and went sliding off the edge of the cliff. The boy watched with wide eyes as it disappeared over the edge. He felt bad, sending it to die like that. At least he’d won the hunt.
Carefully the boy walked to the edge. He looked over it with no sign of the wolf where he expected. He dropped down, seeing the trees shake from the impact. There was no howl in response, the wolf must have died in the fall. The boy started searching, the dark green coat nowhere to be seen. The only bit of dark green he found was on the head of a man lying on a bit of ground halfway between the ground the boy stood on and where he’d come from.
The boy walked towards the man. He knew this was no human. The man was almost as big as the wolf. Blood was clearly visible on the clothes the man wore and the boy felt bad. He wanted to help, this is where he could prove he was a hero. As the boy reached forward the man sneered and sent a glare into the boy’s eyes.
‘Just get it over with!’ the man yelled. The boy froze, guilt eating at him. He was probably facing someone like the humans who thought the boy would hurt him. ‘You won in your cursed chase so take your prize.’
The boy’s hands fell as the man kept his sneer. The hair almost the same color as the fur he’d been chasing felt like less of a coincidence. The boy took a deep breath, getting a chance to smell the blood of the man in front of him. Only feeling tears prick his eyes when the scent of the wolf’s blood hit him. He hadn’t been chasing a wolf, he was chasing a werewolf.
The boy fell to the ground and started to cry. He had no idea how to properly apologize. All he did was scare another person. Proving to himself again that he was a villain. The wolf’s words died out as the boy continued to cry. He wanted to help, but the wolf would never let him. He had to find a way to get the wolf help.
‘...Hey,’ the wolf said. The boy stared at him, desperate for a way to fix his mistakes. ‘You’re not actually a full grown giant are you?’ The boy shook his head. The wolf let out a heavy sigh. ‘How old are you?’
The boy held up his fingers. The best he could guess was eight, he wasn’t good at telling time. It wasn’t that important with his parents and even less important out here. He just knew the seasons and knew it had been long enough for two years to pass. The wolf let out a groan before climbing to his feet. The boy was tempted to run away, but he didn’t want the wolf to be trapped because of him. The wolf looked around, seeming to set his sights on one of the big bodies of water the boy used for drinking.
‘You out here alone?’ the wolf asked. The nod was slower from the boy this time. Another sigh came from the green haired wolf. ‘Alright, take me over to that lake there. Careful when you grab me, I opened the wound again when I fell.’
The boy brought his shaking hands up around the wolf. He noticed the way the stranger had emphasized fell, almost like he was trying to say it wasn’t the boy’s fault. The boy knew better. He wrapped one hand around the wolf’s legs and the other mostly around his shoulders. The wolf was stiff, but didn’t yell at him. The boy’s steps were slow and careful until he was kneeling in front of the lake and setting the wolf free.
‘We are going to need to find a better way to do that,’ the wolf said as he shook himself. The boy grimaced when the wolf winced. The wolf walked close to the water and stuck his hands into it. The boy found himself leaning forward to see what the wolf was doing. A few seconds later the water glowed a dull green to match the wolf’s hair. Then small things were jumping around in it. ‘Alright, I cast a spell to fill the lake up with fish. Go ahead and reach in to grab what you can. Before you empty it out I can cast the spell again.’
The boy just tilted his head. He didn’t know what a fish was. He was supposed to eat animals smaller than the wolf, but bigger than these things. The wolf shook his head before shoving his own hand into the water. He came out with two moving things in his hand. The boy thought they looked weird. He took a deep breath, shocked by the new smell in the air coming from them.
The wolf grabbed one with his teeth before offering the other to the boy. The boy was shaking as he brought his hand close, jumping when the wolf threw the new creature into the boy’s palm. He curled his fingers over it as the thing stopped moving. The wolf ate the creature looking at the boy and clearly expecting him to do the same.
The boy didn’t want the wolf mad so he did. He lifted his hand up and carefully tilted his palm back. The little thing slipped off his palm and into his mouth. It was salty and strange, but the boy liked it too. He swallowed it without a second of hesitation.
‘That’s a fish. There should be at least one handful for you in the lake right now,’ the wolf said. 
A bit shyly, the boy listened. He reached a hand into the usually cold water. Meeting a lot more solid things than normal. He usually tried to avoid those. This time the boy moved his hand around to get all he could before curling his fingers up. He turned his palm towards the sky and watched as water and the little fish fell free. He still had a good amount in his hand. Cupping both hands together the boy dumped his catch into his mouth. As he ate the wolf made the lake glow again and the fish began to jump in the air all over again.
The wolf did this a few more times before asking, ‘Is that good? You still hungry, kid?’
The boy, terrified a yes would make the wolf mad, shook his head no. His stomach disagreed, apparently aware this was his chance to be full for the first time in his life. A grumble echoed in the forest around the boy and the wolf. The wolf’s face changed and the boy pulled his knees close. A glare on the wolf’s face made the boy flinch. Before the boy could move the wolf stuck his hands in the water again and caused the glow a bunch of times in a row.
The boy’s jaw dropped, the fish in the water were packed tightly enough they were barely moving. The wolf stood up straight and folded his arms before facing the boy. The boy knew this was it. The kindness of the stranger would stop, this was a plot to keep him distracted. The wolf wanted to keep the monster from eating him instead.
‘I asked if you were still hungry,’ the wolf said. The voice didn’t hold a growl like the boy expected. It sounded different than any he could remember hearing for a long time. ‘I can do this for a lot longer, we’re getting you fed kid. Understood?’
The boy nodded and reached for the fish again. Once the lake was mostly clear the boy sheepishly nodded when questioned if he was still hungry. The wolf would ask each time and didn’t seem to change at all when the boy admitted yes. Once the boy was finally content the wolf didn’t seem to believe him. The wolf demanded the boy lie on the ground where he walked straight up to the boy’s stomach. The boy jumped when he felt the small hands of the wolf touch him.
‘Alright, I believe you,’ the wolf said. 
The boy kept a wide eyed stare on the wolf as he paced. The boy expected the wolf to run off after this, to avoid the monster. Instead the wolf walked around mumbling to himself for a while. Finally the wolf stared into the boy’s eyes with determination. The wolf walked up next to the boy and slowly shifted. The green coat of fur the boy chased had less blood on it now. The wolf curled up next to the boy’s face and closed his eyes. The boy silently cried, the wolf appeared to trust him more than even his own parents had.
‘I’ll be back in a few days. Stay here, you got it?’ the wolf said as dawn broke. The boy blinked away sleep trying to understand the words said. He slowly gathered that the wolf was leaving, but claimed he would return.
A part of the boy wanted to lie and say yes only to run. Another part wanted to say yes then follow behind the wolf. The winning part said yes and meant it. The wolf looked relieved once the boy agreed. All the boy could do was watch as the man became the wolf he hid and ran off. He watched the wolf run off.
Over the next few days the boy did his best not to move. He didn’t break down any trees, he wasn’t hungry. All he did was stare at the water to try and see the fish. They were so small, he didn’t like that. He fell asleep watching them. In his dreams he was bigger, big enough the wolf was as small as the fish. It scared him. He didn’t want to be that big.
Small hands on his face woke him up. His eyes were wide as they adjusted to see the wolf had actually come back. The hands on his face were wiping at the tears he shed in his sleep. The boy started to sit up. The wolf didn’t back away or stop in his attempts to wipe the boy’s tears. Once the boy was out of reach the wolf grumbled. He wasn’t sure if he’d made the wolf mad.
‘You alright kid?’ the wolf asked. The boy nodded as he pushed himself up all the way. In light of his nightmare he was relieved to see the wolf still looking so big next to him. The wolf backed away to stare up at the boy. The wolf shook his head before stepping back to the trees. ‘If you say so… Regardless, I've got something I need you to wrap around your wrist.’
The wolf walked into the trees. When he returned he had a long amount of cloth trailing behind him. The wolf walked right up to the boy’s hand and draped the cloth over his wrist. The boy lifted his hand without thinking, the cloth hung limply in the air. The wolf seemed to glare before waving his hands towards himself. The boy set his hand flat on the ground, his wrist left where the wolf could easily walk around.
‘Ok, you can’t stay out here on your own,’ the wolf said. The boy frowned, he didn’t have a place to go. The wolf wrapped the cloth snugly around the boy’s wrist. ‘I’m going to cast a spell, it’ll make you smaller. Not as small as someone trained could do, but it’ll be enough.’
The boy’s eyes widened, but he nodded quickly. The wolf actually smiled up at the boy. The smaller hands were placed on the cloth and the boy leaned down. The wolf said words he didn’t understand. The cloth glowed a dull green as it started to heat up. The boy wanted to rip it off, but the wolf said it would make him smaller. He wanted that more. He squeezed his eyes shut as the cloth changed to something more solid against his skin. He growled from the pain that started to course through his body.
‘Sorry kid, I know it’s pretty painful the first time. I can’t really bring a giant back to live near humans without them getting nervous and I don’t want to leave you on your own,’ the wolf said. The boy bit his tongue to try and keep his voice quiet as the pain continued. Suddenly his stomach lurched and the small hands started to grow. He managed to open his eyes to see the wolf looking bigger and bigger.
The boy’s world continued to change. He looked around in awe. The trees began to tower over his head. The fish he had tried to see were significantly clearer now. He stared at them until the world stopped growing around him. The wolf’s hand landed on his shoulder and made him jump. 
‘Are you alright?’ the wolf asked. The boy looked around again before climbing to his feet. He was almost as big as the wolf, but still shorter. He nodded, wrapping the wolf in a hug. ‘Be careful, if you feel a tingling on your wrist you need to pull back on your strength.’
The boy nodded as he pulled away. Looking up at the wolf the boy found a warm smile. It was strange, he didn’t remember ever seeing a face like that. The wolf put a hand on his head and moved it back and forth. The boy froze, unsure how to respond.
‘I didn’t say you had to let go, just be careful,’ the wolf whispered. The boy nodded, but didn’t hug the wolf again. It didn’t take long for the wolf to take his hand away and start walking away. ‘Well, let’s go. It’s a bit far, but we should get home sometime tomorrow.’
Home. The wolf was taking him home. Giving him a home. The boy was afraid to follow. Afraid the wolf would send him away too. That someone else would call him a monster. The wolf grabbed his hand and pulled the boy from his thoughts. Concern painted the wolf’s face, the grip on the boy’s hand only grew stronger.
‘If you don’t want to come with me,’ the wolf said, ‘you don’t have to. Kid, I don’t like leaving you out here all on your own. I may not know a lot about giants, but I can’t imagine sending an eight year old kid out alone with no shelter is normal. You can come back with me, or I’ll just try to come check up on you as often as I can.’
The boy let the words sink in. The wolf didn’t think he should be alone. That would mean his family, the leader, and the others were wrong. The boy knew he was crying as soon as a large hand touched his face and wiped at his tears. The boy stared into the wolf’s eyes, choosing to trust that he would be safe. The boy squeezed the wolf’s hand, the best way he could think to say yes.
The wolf accepted that. He started to lead the boy away from the place they met. Away from where the boy knew he was left to die. They walked for hours, the wolf had them take breaks often. It was more often than the boy expected, but he accepted it. The sun set while they were walking towards the home the wolf mentioned. The wolf stopped again as the moon was hovering directly above them.
‘We’ll stop for now,’ the wolf said. 
The boy nodded, quickly finding a place out of the way to sit down. The wolf growled softly, but the boy just wanted to avoid making him angry. He curled up holding his knees to his chest as the wolf wandered in the dark. The boy didn’t know what was coming. He was scared, scared that the wolf would change his mind. Leave him alone just like his parents. That he was just a problem for others.
The wolf didn’t disappear though. He wandered back out of the dark and made a small pile of wood. The boy grimaced, he didn’t want the wolf to make him eat it. He hated the taste of trees and their color after all this time. If that was the plan the wolf said nothing, only circling the wood with stones. The boy was in awe, he’d never gotten to see stones so small before.
The wolf crouched in front of the pile and said something the boy didn’t understand. The wood burst into a bright light that the boy had never seen before. He moved closer without thinking. Almost like he was possessed, the boy reached towards the orange light. It felt warm. As he brought his hand close, he wondered if it would feel as soft as it looked. Before he touched it the wolf’s hand was wrapped around his wrist tight enough that the boy whimpered.
‘What are you doing?!’ the wolf yelled. 
The boy couldn’t make another noise. He just tried to pull his arm back, he’d go away. The anger on the wolf’s face looked terrifying in the strange light. The wolf kept his grip tight. The boy felt that tingle, but didn’t want to hurt the wolf. He wouldn’t be a monster. The wolf let out a long sigh before letting the boy’s wrist go.
‘What were you doing, kid?’ the wolf asked. 
The boy didn’t answer. 
‘Did you want to get burned?’ 
The boy tilted his head. He didn’t know what burned was.
‘...Do you even know what this is?’
The boy shook his head. The wolf groaned before mumbling words he heard his parents say when talking about him in the past. It made him shiver. He didn’t want to make the wolf hate him. The wolf grabbed his hand again and held it close to the orange light.
‘This is called fire, it’s bright and warm,’ the wolf explained. The boy stared in awe at the new thing. Fire. ‘It’s dangerous too. If you touch it, it’ll hurt you. Let it touch you too long and it might end your life. Don’t touch fire, ok?’
The boy stared at the orange light. Warm and bright, but deadly. Somehow it felt similar to himself. Slowly he nodded and the wolf let him go. The boy spent time staring at the strange light, feeling a warmth he never felt before. The wolf did things while the boy watched the fire and the boy wanted to watch the wolf, but the fire felt more important. Like if he took his eyes away it would disappear or act out.
The wolf sat down heavily next to him. The boy pulled his legs closer and tried to stay focused on the fire. He wasn’t used to someone being close to him like this. He wasn’t used to a lot of things. The trees towering above him made him feel safe and scared next to the wolf. The wolf let out a small groan before putting his own hands near the fire.
‘So… want to tell me how you wound up out here?’ the wolf asked. The boy shook his head, even if he knew how to say the words he didn’t want to explain. If he said his parents thought he was bad then the wolf might too. ‘Alright, you can tell me when you want to.’
The boy was shocked at the wolf’s calm reaction. His shock grew when the wolf’s arm wrapped around his shoulders. He was warm, the boy felt cared for. They sat like that for a long time before the boy finally yawned. The wolf took that as a sign to get up and start doing things again. He even made the fire go away.
‘We should get some rest,’ the wolf said. The boy nodded, choosing to curl up where he was. The wolf walked around a bit, standing behind the boy. ‘By the way, my name’s Byssal.’
‘...Bizzzalll,’ the boy tried. It was the first time he tried to talk in a long time. The wolf behind him growled and the boy felt scared.
‘Guess we’ll work on speaking first, sound good kid?’ The boy rolled over to stare at the wolf with wide eyes. He nodded, shocked his voice was even wanted. ‘Try saying Byss.’
‘Bizs.’ It sounded closer to what the wolf said, but the boy frowned at his own failing. The wolf didn’t growl though.
‘That works, just call me Byss. You’re the first one to get to give me a nickname so far, hope it makes you happy kid.’
The boy did smile. The wolf’s face changed a bit before the boy moved to face away again. He could only assume the wolf didn’t want the boy to see him. He didn’t hear anything for a bit of time, he worried the wolf was angry. Before the boy could check warm fur pressed against his back. The wolf was even bigger as he curled up around the boy. It kept the boy warm and the wolf was close. He felt safe.
‘Biss.’ The boy tried again. The wolf rubbed the boy with his head and he took it as something good. For the first time since the boy was sent out on his own he felt warm and safe. He didn’t want that to change.
The next day the wolf and the boy walked for a long time again. Finally coming to a large house like the boy saw the humans live in. The wolf walked in, motioning for the boy to follow. The boy didn’t even have to duck to walk in, his parents had to where the giants stayed. He always thought he’d have to no matter where he went. The wolf had the boy keep following him to a place in the back, a separate room. The boy shivered, he didn’t want to be locked inside again.
The wolf pushed open the door and the boy saw a different room. Something that looked soft in the corner and some rectangular thing made of wood. The wolf walked up to the corner thing and sat down. He waved for the boy to copy him. The boy did, shocked by the soft feeling beneath him. He fell back taking in the soft surface.
‘This is your room now. I kept it ready in case other wolves came by. There’s clothes in the dresser,’ the wolf explained.
‘Durezzer?’ the boy tried. The wolf sighed, standing from the soft thing. The boy sat up and watched the wolf pull part of the wooden thing free. Inside was cloth, not just cloth but clothing. The boy climbed to his feet, quickly joining the wolf. The wolf pulled out a new shirt that would hang loosely on the boy.
‘For now we’ll keep your old clothes for when we go back for you to eat. Otherwise you can wear what’s in here. We’ll try seeing if these will grow with you, they should but we’ll play it safe.’ The boy nodded as the wolf talked. He didn’t fully understand, but the wolf wanted him to change clothes and keep the ones his parents gave him that changed size with him. ‘If these don’t grow, I'll get some cloth we can use to patch up your current clothes. We’re not leaving them torn up like now.’
The boy looked down and held the end of his shirt forward to get a look. He never noticed the tears and holes in what he wore. It was enough to keep him warm and alive. The wolf set a hand on the boy’s head again. Another careful back and forth motion before clothes were put in the boy’s hands.
‘Go ahead and change. Don’t touch the thing on your wrist or you’ll grow and I’ll have to fix the house, ok?’ The boy nodded fervently. He would do whatever the wolf told him. The wolf left the room and the boy quickly switched to the new clothes. Then he curled up on the soft thing, taking in the comfort he never had.
That started the boy’s life with the wolf. The wolf spent a lot of time teaching the boy words and helping him to say them right. After a month he could say the wolf’s name correctly, but still called him Byss. The wolf asked pretty often if the boy was hungry and the boy didn’t lie. The first time he said yes was a few months after the wolf brought him home. They made the trek out and the wolf helped the boy catch animals other than fish this time. After the boy was full, they went home again. That was when the boy realized he had a home.
Things with the wolf stayed the same for almost two years. The boy talked and had even met others who weren’t terrified of him. If he had nightmares the wolf would curl up around him to keep him calm. He liked living with the wolf. The only part that made him nervous were the times the wolf came back smelling of blood and death. Sometimes the wolf was even hurt when that happened. The boy was afraid to ask about it, afraid the wolf would send him away if he did. He just stayed up and waited for the wolf those nights.
It was one of those nights things changed again. The wolf was back earlier, his hands close to his chest. He walked right up to the boy, who had been sitting near a table while he waited. The wolf opened his hands to reveal the smallest creature the boy had ever seen. The being terrified him, he could hurt them.
‘This is a fae,’ the wolf said. The boy nodded, but still stared at the wolf in fear. ‘She was hurt when someone tried to capture her. She’s going to stay with us while she gets better. Hold out your hands, I need you to hold her while I get something to treat her burns.’
‘O-ok,’ the boy said. 
He held out his hands, they were still smaller than the wolf’s. The fae was dropped on his palms and he found himself leaning forward to stare at her. She had pink wings with some pattern, but the burns made it hard to make out. Her skin was dark brown with a number of pale scars all over. The thing that stood out to him the most was the small up and down of her chest. He almost missed the wolf leaving.
He could hear the wolf in the house making noise, but his eyes never left the fae. She was so small. He kept thinking about how small she’d be to the real him. When her eyes opened he almost screamed, barely keeping himself from throwing his hands into the air. She stared at him with pure white eyes, he couldn’t tell how she felt. The fae started to look around, searching for someone. Maybe the wolf.
She rubbed her eyes before climbing to her feet. The small feet made his palms burn. He noticed how her wings were missing parts when she flexed them. He couldn’t tell what shape the curves that were meant to be there made out. She walked around his palm before meeting his eyes again. The boy wanted to leave. He wasn’t someone safe for the fae.
Thankfully the wolf returned. He had a jar of something he used after touching silver. The wolf sat down across from the boy before putting his own bracelet on. The boy was left towering over the others. The fae didn’t seem to care, hopping off the boy’s hand and walking towards the wolf. The boy took the chance to leave, he didn’t like being around someone so small.
‘Byss?’ she asked. The name leaving the fae made the boy frown. The wolf said that was a special name, but he gave it to a stranger. The boy had gotten too comfortable, he needed to remember the wolf had no reason to care about him. ‘Who was that?’
‘That’s my pup,’ the wolf said, the boy never knew what that meant when the wolf said it.
The boy shut the door to his room before he could hear more. He curled up on his bed and closed his eyes praying for sleep to take him. It wasn’t long until he was jolted awake to the wolf touching his shoulder. The boy stared in fear at the wolf. Positive he’d done something wrong. 
‘Kid, what do you know about fae?’ the wolf asked. 
‘...They’re small,’ the boy said. The wolf nodded, but didn’t move to leave.
‘Right, they’re also strong with magic. I know you haven’t told me your name, but if she asks for one don’t give her your real one, ok?’
‘Fae can use our names to do a lot. You gave me a good option calling me Byss all the time. Make sure not to let her know my real name either.’
The boy agreed and the wolf actually smiled. He rubbed his head again before standing up. The boy watched the wolf leave, a little of his fears pushed aside. He had forgotten about trying to remember his name. The wolf never needed it. His parents never used it. The fae was the first one who might want it and he couldn’t give it to her even if he wanted to. As far as the boy was concerned, he didn’t have a name anymore.
The thought of his name didn’t have a chance to stick in his head. The fae was healing fast, but she kept trying to land on his hands or shoulder. He didn’t want to be close to her, he didn’t want to hurt her. While she was there she did tell him what to call her, Pel. He just nodded when she did, he still didn’t feel safe talking to anyone besides the wolf.
It wasn’t long before the fae appeared tired of waiting for the boy to adjust. She turned herself human size and stood in front of him. He just waited for her to make her attempts to get him to talk for the day.  She stood with her hands on her hips as she tried to make him meet her eyes. He just tried to avoid meeting her eyes.
‘You know I’m not going to break,’ the fae said. The boy nodded, but didn’t really pay attention. ‘Byss is bigger than you and he lets me play with his hair or sit on his shoulder. It’s not like you’re a giant and can barely see me.’
The words stung. Without thinking the boy stood and went to find the wolf. He didn’t want to be around the fae. He didn’t want her to learn how wrong she was. He was someone who could barely see her if it wasn’t for the wolf. It wasn’t hard to find him, the boy offered the motion that he’d be going out and made to leave. The fae stood looking a bit stunned by the boy’s actions.
They boy didn���t care, he wanted to remind himself of who he was. He walked out of the house and didn’t stop. He walked for hours until he felt he was far enough away. The boy sat on the ground and spun the strange bracelet on his wrist. He waited another hour before he took in a deep breath. He squeezed the bracelet, the tight feeling sliding off him in waves. The calm feeling it usually gave him fell away as a scream came not far from him.
The boy sought out the noise to see the fae staring at him. He stared at her with wide eyes, unsure what to do. She saw him, she knew what he was. The wolf would be mad. The wolf would send him away. The boy would be all alone again. Tears started to fall from his eyes before he could do anything else. The human form fae quickly disappeared and he knew he was going to be called a monster. He didn’t expect the almost imperceptible weight on his nose. He brought his hands up just as the fae took her human form again. 
The weight of a human in his hands felt different. He had only held the wolf like this when they first met. He was too scared to try again. The fae sat on her knees and stared up at him. The boy had no words, he tried not to speak when he was this big. The fae’s hands were on his face wiping at the tears on his cheek. He was frozen, afraid to risk her falling.
‘Guess I walked right into iron again,’ the fae said. The boy scrunched up his face in confusion. ‘I don’t think a giant would hurt me, let alone Byss’s pup. Just thought it would make you feel better if I went near you and you thought of something bigger!’
The boy couldn’t bring himself to speak. The fae moved without his input. She was back on the ground inspecting his bracelet. He wanted to put it back on, be smaller and safer for her. She walked all around it. At times the fae returned to her smaller form and made him nervous. Eventually she stopped and let out a huff before folding her arms.
‘Well, I think I’ll need to go back to my home sooner than I thought. I’ll get some information so we can make this stronger and you can be human sized!’ she announced. The boy quickly grabbed the bracelet, putting it back on before she could say anything. Once he returned to the smaller size her human sized hands grabbed his and pulled him off behind her.
The fae didn’t stop even once as they walked. She was bubbly and talking about things. She said a lot the boy barely understood, but it did make him smile. At one point the fae turned around to face him. He stumbled to avoid walking into her. She smiled at him before continuing her walk. When the two reached the house the wolf was pacing in the open. He was more wolf than human looking.
The fae continued her bubbly talking as though the wolf didn’t seem angry. The boy winced and wanted to pull himself away. He wanted to run. The wolf’s eyes locked onto the boy immediately. The wolf lunged forward pulling the boy’s hand from the fae’s and glaring down at her. The wolf kept the boy safely hidden behind him, it didn’t make sense. 
‘Did you give her your name?’ the wolf asked. The fae crossed her arms.
‘I don’t just steal names! What do you take me for? He’s just an overgrown heart,’ she pouted. The wolf looked back at him and the boy shook his head.
‘Why did you follow him?’ The wolf had a growl in his voice and the boy felt… protected. As if the wolf was just trying to keep him safe.
‘He left after I tried to talk to him of course I followed!’ The fae changed to her smaller form floating in front of the wolf. She had a finger pressed into the wolf’s nose. ‘Plus I don’t know who you bought that awful spell from, but I’ll go home get the right one then give him a better disguise.’
‘...I cast the spell.’ The fae brought her hands up to her face and offered a small gasp.
‘Well then you’ll pay me by letting me teach you! I hate seeing poorly done magic.’
‘What do you-’
‘I should go now, just gather more cloth. It should be good for the spell.’
The boy and the wolf could only watch as the fae flew off. The wolf huffed, then turned to face the boy. The wolf started to check that the boy was uninjured and it was shocking. The boy stared at him confused. The wolf even grabbed his wrist and checked the bracelet. The wolf hugged the boy, it felt nice. 
‘Guess I was right to trust that fae after all. I can’t say I’d hate it if she comes back with some way to make the spell stronger. You wouldn’t be stuck here,’ the wolf mumbled. The boy couldn’t believe it. He wanted the boy to be outside. To be with others? ‘I guess we’ll wait. You really didn’t give her your name right?’
‘...I don’t have one,’ the boy admitted. The wolf’s hug grew tighter. ‘I… can’t remember what my parents used to call me.’
‘Then I can give you one or you can pick your own.’ The wolf pulled back to look at the boy’s face. He folded his arms and hummed. ‘I met a knight once, he saved me after a run in with some hunters… How about his name, Kyrie?’
The boy rushed to hug the wolf, nodding into his chest. Kyrie. He liked that. He liked having a name. The wolf returned the hug. The boy felt safe, wanted, protected.
The fae even came back. She complained that the wolf hadn’t gathered cloth, but she took care of that. It didn’t take long for her to demand they go somewhere she could properly cast it. The time lined up with the next time he needed to eat. Despite both the boy and wolf protesting, the fae went with them. 
She didn’t seem bothered as they walked, flitting between both of them. She asked a lot of questions, most about the boy. He didn’t answer any, but she didn’t care. They continued on their path until the wolf decided it was far enough. The fae flew around, turning to a human form again to angrily glare at the wolf.
‘Where do you sleep during these trips?’ she asked. The boy and wolf shared a look and stared around them. She gasped and stormed up to the wolf. ‘You have him sleeping out in the open?! He’s young, how could you? We’re making a place right now!’ The fae looked around for a few moments. She pointed up. ‘Up there. You two get wood and I’ll make a cabin up there!’
They couldn’t argue before she flew up. The boy took off his bracelet, growing to his full height. The wolf walked away, casting the spell for the fish in the water as the boy grew. Once tall enough the boy started to break apart trees and put them up on the cliff. The fae stood as a human watching as the boy added wood. The wolf howled for him and he knelt down. 
“Can you give me a lift up to the cliff?” the wolf asked. The boy was shocked, but did as he asked. The wolf didn’t even flinch as the boy awkwardly held him. He set the wolf down with the fae, the wolf was moving around the wood as the boy watched. He almost felt like this was normal.
‘That should be enough,’ the fae announced. 
The wolf growled and the boy nodded. He chose to eat some of the fish. As soon as his hand entered the water he was filled with regret. The boy had a good idea of how small the fae would be. He was distracted by a flash of faint pink near him. When he turned to look back there was a small house like the wolf and the boy lived in. He quickly ate the fish and moved to look at the small house.
The fae was smiling as she looked up at him. The wolf walked out of the house with a look of approval. The boy wanted to see it, but the wolf was squeezing into the house. The boy wouldn’t fit for long. He couldn’t risk it, the wolf even mentioned he’d gotten taller.
‘Ok give me your wrist, Byss wrap the cloth around for me,’ she demanded. The boy and the wolf did as instructed. Once the wolf wrapped the cloth the fae nodded at the work. ‘Put both your hands on the ground around us and add your weight to it as you change ok?’
The boy nodded. He stood up straight and set his hands down. The fae flew up to the cloth on his wrist. He didn’t hear any words before a faint pink glow came from the cloth. It didn’t burn this time. He felt a tightness in his body that started to constrict. The world started to grow. The boy did as he was told, putting his full weight into his hands. The world continued to grow, but he was moving towards the house.
Once his world stopped changing he felt different. The world was even bigger than when the wolf made him small. The fae was her human size and taller than him. The boy jumped to his feet staring up at her. The wolf came closer and towered over the boy by a lot. He hugged the fae first then hugged the wolf. It was nice, the large hands holding him gently. He liked this size.
That was the start of a truly new life. The boy and the wolf made sure the boy was full before they sat in the cabin. They spent years living both in the house near a human village and the cabin in the boy’s territory. During that time the fae decided to teach the boy to read and write. The first thing she’d taught him was his name, a thing she learned on the first night in the cabin she made. The boy almost refused to try again once he carved a poorly shaped K into the table. The fae encouraged him.
‘It’s a symbol of you learning,’ the fae said and gave him a hug. The boy listened and continued to try and learn. The fae even gave the wolf a better bracelet, all three could look human. All his lessons happened in the cabin in his territory though.
The fae improved his territory over the years too. She went around casting spells she gathered on trips to visit her home. They would make the animals and plants grow bigger. They were able to add a protective barrier to keep anything other than giants out. The wolf helped in making the animals more aggressive, something he’d used in the past. It made the trips easier, although the animals growing bigger made the boy nervous.
The parts of the year they were near a human village, the fae dragged the boy out. She thought he should talk to others. The wolf even encouraged it. It wasn’t long before the boy was accepted among the humans too. The only downside was his height. Despite the strength of the fae’s magic, the boy grew as both a human and a giant. He was taller than the fae’s human form long before he would have liked.
The boy started to hide as that happened. He didn’t want to hurt others. On a day the fae and the wolf managed to drag him to see the humans, things changed again. A monster attacked, the boy had no idea what it was. If he hadn’t stepped in someone would have died. The boy protected the village, his wrist burned as he pushed past a human’s strength that day. He protected people. Others saw him as a hero even though a knight arrived and killed the monster.
The man saw promise in the boy and suggested he join the order. All the boy’s dreams could come true. The fae and the wolf worried, but agreed and the boy began to train. The wolf helped him learn to use a sword and the fae to spot magic. The wolf helped the boy stop himself from being too obvious in his differences. Keep his speed down and his strength only enough to be believed as a blessing. Now and then the man who suggested he joined would check in, always happy with the boy’s progress. The boy would be made a knight by his twenty third year. At least… that was the plan.
A few days before the boy was to join the order he fell sick. His body was in enough pain he could barely move. The wolf carried him outside when the boy complained of being too hot. The fae tried magic to heal the boy. Each time she would fail.
‘I can’t heal growing pains. They need to pass on their own,’ she said once. The boy cried when those words broke through his haze. He’d already been double the height of most giants. He didn’t want to get taller. ‘It’ll be alright Kyrie, you’ll be ok soon.’
The boy cried more. The fae said his name when things were serious. The wolf stayed in the open with him. The fae stayed inside looking for ways to help. One morning he woke up and the pain was gone. He thought it was over, that he was safe. Except… the world looked wrong. It was too small for him. He brought his hand up and saw the strange bracelet still on him. There was a noticeable crack in it too.
The boy sat up carefully, his head spinning as he saw the world. His body was tight in a way that hurt. He needed to take off the bracelet, but it wasn’t safe. The boy wouldn’t risk it until  He looked around once he was up straight and sought out the wolf and the fae. He found the wolf curled up near him, but too small. Smaller than he should be. Then a scream.
‘Giant!’ a voice shouted. More screams followed. The boy winced, before looking around. He was worried someone would get hurt, it took him too long to realize the screams were at him. 
‘In all the realms!’ the wolf shouted. The boy looked down to see the wolf only slightly human with his fur standing on edge. ‘Kyrie, we have to go now! Pel is with me, grab me and run to your hunting grounds!’
The boy didn’t wait, carefully grabbing the partially shifted wolf before climbing to his feet. The boy felt dizzy again, he was too tall. This was too high. More screams, he had to run. He knew almost instinctively where to go. He took a step, more screams. He had to ignore them and run. While he ran a new pain gripped at him. His stomach felt empty, but that didn’t make sense. He’d eaten only a month before. 
The boy slowed as the cabin came into view. He looked down to check on the wolf and the fae. Both sat in his hand, the wolf with the fae held close. The boy wanted to say anything, but he couldn’t bring himself to speak. He was too big. He tried to keep his steps steady despite a growing fatigue in his limbs. He reached the cabin, setting the two down near it before falling to sit next to the cliff it was on.
The fae and the wolf stared at the boy. He had to pull off the bracelet, it burned him. The boy lifted his tired limbs and ripped it free of his wrist. The bracelet shattered as soon as it left his skin. The burning feeling faded as the world began to shrink. The boy was filled with fear as he grew bigger and bigger until he thankfully stopped. The fae and the wolf were staring at him. Their faces were hard to see, but the boy knew he must be terrifying. That fact was overshadowed by the loud noise his empty stomach made.
‘Guess we should start hunting then,’ the wolf said. 
He stepped up the edge of the cliff and looked up at the boy. The boy didn’t want to do this, he didn’t want help. He didn’t want to scare them. Another noise from his stomach proved he’d need the help, it hurt worse than any time he could remember. The boy held his shaking hand up to the edge of the cliff, the wolf climbed on without hesitation.
The boy curled his fingers up, panic hitting him again. The wolf standing on his palm was just taller than his fingers. Humans and fae would be so small. He slowly lowered his hand down, it felt too fast as the wolf grabbed the boy��s fingers to steady himself. Once on the ground the wolf hopped off quickly. The boy didn’t know if it was different, but everything felt different. The wolf shifted fully before running off into the trees.
The boy didn’t wait long to start his own hunting. He shifted carefully, worried he’d hurt the wolf. The boy looked at the lake animals often gathered around, it was empty for now. The boy chose to tap the trees catching the larger fruit. He dumped it into his mouth just before a howl sounded. He moved quickly, knocking down trees to find the wolf.
He found the familiar green fur with blood already coating it. The wolf was fighting a bear that was even bigger than him. The boy acted once the wolf managed to roll the two so the bear was on the bottom. He grabbed the wolf in one hand, quickly grabbing the bear in the other. He pulled them apart with only a little hesitation. 
The boy set the wolf down near the cabin once he was free of the bear. The boy tightened his grip on the bear until a crack sounded in the air. He dropped the bear in his mouth as the wolf entered the cabin. The boy waited, nervous about the wolf. Had he hurt the wolf? Did he use too much strength? Before long the wolf came out again with the fae in her human form sitting on his back.
‘Byss is hurt, I can’t heal it,’ the fae said. The boy’s heart nearly stopped; he'd hurt the wolf. The fae slid off as the wolf shifted to be somewhat human again.
‘The bear must have gotten seen by hunters. The blood had silver in it. We have to go get it treated now,’ the wolf said. ‘We’ll go get it treated, you finish eating what you need while we’re gone.’
‘...I should take you,’ the boy whispered.
The wolf’s voice was almost all growl. The boy nodded accepting the decision. He didn’t know if the wolf was hurt, but they were scared. They must be scared. His parents were scared of him, the wolf and the fae had no reason to trust him. Once the wolf and the fae were gone the boy did his best to hunt.
The boy emptied the lakes and tried to catch any animals he could. He ate all the fruit he could find, but there wasn’t enough. He didn’t want to eat more than he already had in front of them. He settled for eating trees again. The time he hunted took days, but eventually he was content enough. He could live with the bit of hunger he still felt.
It took over a week before the wolf and the fae returned. The wolf seemed reluctant to go near the boy, but the fae acted too eager. The boy was reluctant to touch either of them. He didn’t want to hurt the wolf again or remind them of their fear. The fae mentioned the lakes were empty, the wolf said they’d fill them. The boy was gathering the courage to tell them to leave.
‘You’re done eating?’ the wolf asked. The boy nodded. ‘Ok, then we have somewhere to go. It’s best if you carry us where we’re going.’
‘I-’ the boy tried. He couldn’t think of arguments that wouldn’t leave him alone. As much as he hated their fear, he didn’t want to lose them.
‘Oh and don’t worry, I have some special spells so no one will notice you!’ the fae said.
The boy was reluctant, but offered his hand to the wolf and the fae. This time the fae turned small and, shockingly, the boy saw her fly up to rest on the wolf’s head. That made sense. The boy knew the fae would be in danger just in his hands. The boy stood up slowly.
The boy was hit with another wave of dizziness as he took in the small world. Trees a third of his size at best, even smaller at worst. He took a step and the world reacted. It made the boy sick. The wolf let out a noise that took the boy’s attention and pointed in a direction. The boy followed where he was told. The boy tried not to think about the miniscule world around him as he walked.
The wolf and the fae tried to talk to the boy, but he didn’t want to talk. His voice would be too loud. The wolf didn’t stop trying and the fae eventually landed on his fingers. He froze up each time. The fae stopped landing on him after the fifth time he froze up… The boy knew it was best. The wolf offered a few more directions and the boy followed them faithfully. After a long time, long enough the boy wasn’t sure how he walked without stopping, they found trees.
The trees were towering over even the boy. They were endless, the tops so high it looked like they could reach other realms. The fae flew off his hand quickly. The boy crouched until he could set his hand on the ground. He noticed the wolf was still fully human, it wasn’t normal. When the boy was a giant the wolf didn’t usually look human.
‘This is perfect. I can feel how special this is,’ the fae said. The boy was shocked he heard her. The fae landed on the ground next to the wolf before taking her human form. She stared up at the boy, he felt like a monster looking down at them. She cupped her hands around her mouth. ‘You should be able to pull off some of the bark. Kyrie, can you try to pull off enough to be as tall and wide as you are?’
The boy nodded. He stepped closer and dug his fingers into the bark. It seemed like it was responding to him, coming off with the boy barely trying. The amount the fae asked for came off easily. From there the boy stepped back, putting the bark down on the ground. The fae instructed him to pull the bark apart.
First the fae asked for enough to wrap around his leg. He did as she asked, wrapping it from his thigh to his ankle. She approached him, the boy froze as she left his sight. Too many things could go wrong. The bark glowed a faint pink before morphing into something that looked like armor, covering even his foot now. The boy jolted as the world grew around him. It hadn’t changed as much as normal, but a tight feeling took over his body. He was smaller.
The fae directed him again. This time his other leg. The process happened again, bringing him down again. Next the fae told the boy to cover his chest, and the spell morphed it to look like the pieces of armor that would hang off a human’s torso. He was smaller than a normal giant again. The boy just stared down at the wolf and the fae, his sight felt strange. The wolf and fae felt a little less clear.
Finally the fae directed the boy to cover his arms. He did both at once. The fae went to her smaller size before causing the bark to glow pink. It slid down from the boy’s shoulders, the fae already made the other arm glow too. The boy pushed them back up, this time as though he was wearing gauntlets that covered his upper arms. As soon as the boy had locked the arm pieces in place his world started to grow.
The boy’s body jolted. This time he felt like something was pressing down on him. The feeling ebbed away as the boy’s world stopped changing. The fae was in her human form next to him. The boy stood up straight, still towering over her. The wolf towered over the boy at least. The wolf dug his hands into the bark and pulled off a large chunk. He approached the boy slowly holding the strip of bark towards him.
‘Hold still,’ the wolf said. ‘You’ll need a helm for this to be your armor, it won’t take long alright?’
The boy stiffly nodded. The bark was wrapped around his head, the world gone dark. The boy was terrified. This was the perfect chance to defeat the monster he was. The bark glowed pink, almost blinding the boy. He had to close his eyes. In seconds there were soft fingers on his face. The boy opened his eyes. He still towered over her. The boy carefully pulled off the helm, shocked that it looked like the ones he’d been practicing in for years. The wolf set a hand on the boy’s head before moving it back and forth.
‘There, now you can still be a knight. Just don’t take your armor off,’ the wolf said. The boy nodded.
The three made their way home after that. It took weeks, but the boy didn’t want to take off the armor. Not around the wolf and the fae. When they returned the humans of the village were relieved to see the boy. The wolf told a story of the boy helping the three escape a giant. Finding armor as they did. It was easily believed. 
The boy got to start a new life again. He was nervous, but being a knight helped him try to be a hero. The wolf and the fae tried to go with him on his trips to hunt again, but the boy knew they were scared. The wolf didn’t shift outside of a full moon for two years. The fae was always with him those nights, like he needed protection. The boy wouldn’t take off his leg pieces if the wolf or fae came along. He ate less than he did before he grew too.
Eventually the boy convinced the wolf and the fae not to go with him anymore. He would take off all his armor and spend the time alone. It took those times for him to adjust to his new height. Now and then the wolf and the fae would work on his armor and the boy would be near them. He started to grow comfortable with them. The boy could manage that when they could stay away from where they had to remember what it took for him to live.
Then the order told the boy that someone would come to meet him. That he’d train her to join the order. The knight arrived with her helm on. The boy was curious for weeks about what she looked like, but he wouldn’t pry. The knight wouldn’t be around for too long. At least that’s what the boy thought, but after a few months he finally saw the knight’s face.”
Kyrie brought his hand up to Melody, she’d been so silent. He ran a finger down her back, smiling when she shuddered. She was so small, but she didn’t run as he told her the story. He didn’t hate his size next to her. He didn’t hate the idea of being a monster for her.
“Then the boy after all this time saw brown eyes and hair, a shade he knew well, with tears streaming down her face. The boy wanted to protect the knight as soon as she faced him. It was the first time in his life he fell in love with the color of tree bark. The knight told the boy she hated killing and the boy promised he wouldn’t kill unless there was no other option. The boy hid the fact that he was already scaring off most things he found before he met her.”
“Kyrie…?” Melody whispered.
“Then the knight let the boy meet her brother. The sorcerer was stern and didn’t seem happy to meet the boy. Things changed over a few years. Then the knight saved an innocent girl, a naga, and her friend, a tiny drider, when they were in danger. The knight tried to hide the naga and the drider from the boy. While she hid them the boy’s armor was loosened by the drider.
“The boy thought his life was over, the knight would hate him. The knight might even reveal him. Instead she came to see him and she gave him a chance. The boy and the knight both had secrets and had fallen in love. Eventually the boy knew he had to show the knight more so he asked her to go with him when he left. The knight agreed, taking a trip with the boy. Again the boy thought things would change-”
“But the knight loved the boy and wasn’t going to let him scare her away,” Melody said. She walked up, placing her hands on Kyrie’s face. The last night before they go back. He couldn’t explain why he had to tell her now, but he knew if he didn’t he never would. 
“The knight shocked the boy enough that he wanted to take a chance. That he’d keep taking a chance on the knight, as long as she’d have him.” Melody pressed against him, her arms spread wide.He sucked in a deep, shuddering breath. His tears weren’t going to drench her this time.
“Kyrie… I wish I could have met you sooner.” The words made him jump back. He wasn’t expecting that. “I wish you weren’t always so scared the people around you would leave.”
“I’m not anymore.” His voice was almost too quiet. It felt weird to admit it. “Plenty of chances for Byss and Pel to leave for good and they haven’t. I just try not to scare them anymore. I don’t want to push them.”
“I don’t think you ever did.” Melody stepped back from where she’d been hugging him to stare in his eyes. “Something you said, Pelago just said she couldn’t heal Byssal when she left right?”
“She always said that when it was too much. It wasn’t new.” Kyrie moved to cup his hand around her. He was worried something would take a chance to attack even with the bigger predator sitting so close to her. He couldn’t let Melody get hurt.
“No, she always says she can’t and why.” He furrowed his brows. There wasn’t a difference. “It’s something long before either of us were alive, but she has to do that. She can’t just say she can't, she doesn’t have a choice. The only way she could say that she can’t heal it is if someone told her explicitly to say that.”
“So… Byss told her to say that?” Kyrie felt like his world fell apart, he couldn’t understand why Byss would stop Pel from telling him what was wrong. Unless… unless it was somehow his fault. He’d hurt Byssal back then.
Byssal groaned as Pel cast a few spells on his side. The scars would be gone soon and it would be another bad memory. The pink glow from the smaller woman disappeared. He moved to relax only for Pel to switch to her fae form and curl up next to his neck. He held back laughter as her wings tickled his skin.
“You know he’ll probably tell her his past, the same way you talk about things too,” she said. Byss just huffed. “Frame it like a story to push it away from himself. She’ll notice what you did Byss. She’ll point it out.”
“I didn’t do anything, the girl should keep her mouth shut,” Byssal growled. He knew Pel was right and he hated that fact. The tickling of her wings disappeared as the woman flew up to set her hands on his nose. He had to admit she was cute acting like this at his real height.
“You made me hide your injury Byssal!” He just let out another huff. “‘The girl’ is from my own home. They’ve used me as a warning for generations about the trickery others can use with our names. She’ll know I always have to say what I can’t heal and how to work around it.”
“All we did is hide that pulling the bear off me tore off a chunk of my skin, Pel. If the kid knew I stopped shifting because of a problem we made for him he’d be worse than he is now. He might have run off if we weren’t careful. It’s been years since the shifts were dangerous, the kid doesn’t need to know.”
“And what if he just thinks you’re scared of him. You know how he is, how he was when we came back.” 
Byssal turned his head ignoring the grunt from Pel as she caught herself. It didn’t matter, Kyrie was better off thinking that he was scared. Scared could be overcome. He never forgot the way the kid cried when he saw Byssal wasn’t just a normal wolf. He never wanted to see that again. Pel flew up to meet his eyes again. She hovered in front of him, her wings buzzing in a way he always hated.
“He might ask Byss, what are you going to do? If he asks me I’ll have to tell him why I can’t answer. That you ordered me not to. It won’t make things better,” she whispered. Byssal brought his hands up, cupping them around the woman smaller than the joints of his fingers. She fell limply against his palms. 
“We’ll deal with it then. The kid has enough on his shoulders, he doesn’t need to worry about times he might have hurt me by accident.” Byssal growled a bit before moving his hand up to his neck. He preferred when Pelago stayed there. She climbed off and curled up against him. This time she kept her wings away from his neck, he hated when she did that. “We’ll tell him we’ve still been going when he gets back. You said the girl would probably mention it, we’ll let him know she wasn’t wrong.”
82 notes · View notes
seiya-starsniper · 4 months
Seiya's Dreamling Week Fanfiction Masterpost
Hello my darlings in Dreamling Fandom! Dreamling Week 2024 is upon us, and as part of the event, I'm making a masterpost of all my Dreamling fics! Some of you who have been here a while probably have seen me make different masterposts for various events so this shouldn't be anything new, just a more convenient list for all my Dreamling works.
Also, in tandem with @arialerendeair, I'll be collecting and reblogging other writers and artists masterposts! Here's how to send me your masterposts:
Send me an ask on Tumblr with the link to your masterpost
Send me a direct message with the link to your masterpost
Tag me in the replies to your masterpost
Once I've received your link, I'll send you a confirmation, add it to my queue and then reblog it during Dreamling Week. If you send me your masterpost during Dreamling Week, I will do my best to reblog it asap!
I am also going to be madly reblogging various posts, so if you don't have time to make a masterpost, no worries! I'm going through my own blog for content, and also the dreamling tag, so chances are high I'll catch your post.
Now that that's out of the way, let's get to the fic list:
Non-Explicit Fics
Six Degrees of Separation (Dead Boy Detectives crossover, Incomplete, 2/5 chapters, 3.5k words)
A Symphony of Hearts (Age Gap, Human AU, Incomplete, 1/2 chapters, 1k words)
do you remember all the city lights on the water? (Human AU, Complete, 1.9k words)
For The Birds (Human AU, Complete, 1.3k words)
Well Met, My Good Sir (Renaissance Faire Human AU, Complete, 1.6k)
first time, forever (Omegaverse, Complete, 1k words)
Begin Again (Retired Dream, Complete, 1.2k words)
dreaming of you tonight (Knight AU, Complete, 1.2k words)
a little of that human touch (Post Calliope Episode fic, Complete, 1.3k words)
Untitled Portrait of a Man (I Want to Obliterate Me) (Human AU, University AU, Complete, 5.5k words)
surely heaven waits for you (Simon Snow crossover, Human AU, University AU, Complete, 2.6k words)
Fly Me to the Moon (Human AU, Complete, 783 words)
Flowers for a Sick Man (Sickfic, Dream cares for Hob in the dreaming, Complete, 821 words)
Remember Me, For Centuries (Canon Divergence, Memory Loss, Complete, 971 words)
Hold me tonight (say it's all right) (Human AU, Complete, 1.4k words)
right where you left me (Canon Divergence, Hob doesn't meet Dream at The New Inn, Complete, 664 words)
Pictures of You (Episode 6 continuation, Complete, 807 words)
Everytime we touch (Fluff, Complete, 899 words)
Waking up together (Fluff, Complete, 584 words)
Duck Socks (Fluff, Complete, 503 words)
Unclip My Wings (Human Hob & Monster Dream, Complete, 1.4k words)
Don't Let the Light Go Out (Sci-Fi/Space Opera AU, Complete, 611 words)
Endless Love (Marriage fic, Complete, 1.3k words)
Set the Night on Fire (Human Hob & Dragon Dream, Incomplete, 2/4 Chapters, 10.4k words)
Coffee & Flowers (Miscommunication, Courting Rituals, Complete, 2.1k words)
The Lament of Morpheus (Rescue from Hell Fic, Angst, Complete, 2k words)
Dreams for a Dozen Cats (Meowpheus, Complete, 2k words)
A sweet dream (Main Character Death, Angst, Complete, 1.4k words)
they say our love's just like Magic (Magic the Gather Competitive AU, Human AU, Complete, 3.9k words)
Wake Up & Smell The Flowers (Human AU, Florist Hob, Complete, 5.3k words)
Mature/Explicit Fics
Soixante-Neuf - (Human AU, Complete, 1.1k words)
Turn the Page (A New Beginning, Another End) (Canon-adjacent AU, Fantasy AU, Complete, 42.9k words)
Summer Loving - (Human AU, Complete, 1.2k words)
All Wound Up (Human Hob & Centaur Dream, Complete, 3.1k words)
Midnight Pleasures (Vampire AU, Multiship, Complete, 16.7k words)
Waiting for Tonight (Supernatural AU, Complete 1.4 words)
sweet like poison ivy (Dreaming Sex, Complete, 884 words)
wrap me up nice and tight (love me all through the night) (Human Hob and Naga Dream, Complete, 3.5k words)
By the End of the Night (Centaur AU, Complete, 5.2k words)
In the Middle of the Night (In My Dreams) (Hobrintheus, Canon Divergence, Sequel Fic, Complete, 3.3k words)
Cherry Slick (Omegaverse, Age Gap, Selling Virginity, Complete, 3.5k words)
Spoils of War (Warprize Dream AU, Complete, 3k words)
secret moments (shut in the heat of the afternoon) (Omegaverse, Sequel Fic, Regency AU, Complete, 2k words)
Break Me, Shake Me (Omegaverse, Complete, 4.4k words)
Let's conspire to ignite (Fuck or Die, Complete, 11.5k words)
A Dream for a Viscount (Omegaverse, Regency AU, Complete 11.5k words)
A Maiden's Dream (Human Hob and God Dream, Blessed Maiden AU, Complete, 3k words)
A View to a Dream (James Bond crossover, 00 Agent Hob, Human Dream, Complete, 12.1k words
and if I get burned, at least we were electrified (Hobrintheus, Canon Divergence, Complete, 41k words)
142 notes · View notes
corruptedlynx · 10 months
Naga x Reader
"First Meets"
Asante Thorne [Naga Male - Blue Beauty Rat Snake]
Word Count: 6,118 SFW
Summary: You had been looking forward to this night all week, even with your nerves sitting wild in your stomach since the decision had been made – that you would finally get to meet “Vesper,” a guy you had befriended over the last year from a site that you been frequenting. Despite your excitement initially, your tune is changed at first when a coworker of yours finds you and becomes far too pushy, only for your knight in shining scales slithers in to save you. Thankfully Asante’s presence is a quick turn-around for your mood and you enjoy your night with him. 
Vesper, the screen name you had known him by for almost a year and a half now, had quickly become a staple in your life upon getting to know one another, having met over a digital tournament where he had consistently beat you by only a hair. Between both you and your opponent's competitive streak and cynical humor the chat had become a crackling trash fire in all the best ways. Fast enough it had led to a friend request, then to more 1-on-1 gaming sessions including voice calls instead of the prior text chats; leading itself to even more intense banter. 
Eventually the friendship jumped from the game to other messaging apps and blogging sites, continuing on a regular basis. Messages and phone calls going until one or both phone batteries finally died, and you were forced to stop, or your eyes betrayed you and fell shut. 
Either way, it became increasingly clear to all of your friends that you had certainly become enamored with “Vesper,” whose real name you still did not know – he had taken to joking that he would finally tell you the day that you two met in person. Something neither of you had spoken about, assuming the other lived too far away. After all, the chances you lived close enough to just visit one another were likely infinitesimal, or it felt as much, and neither of you seemed eager to get your hopes up. 
However, this did not stop the pair of you from talking most nights, with him even learning your name after a particular phone call had led to your slipping up in a half-awake state. You had forgotten about telling him until the next night when he called you by your name in another game and your heart seemed to stop for a moment. He had won that round, and you really could not bring yourself to be annoyed about it. 
You knew that you had feelings for Vesper, but you pushed them aside. Despite the teasing and borderline flirting that often transpired between the pair of you, you had never given any indications about your actual feelings. Too needy for physical affection and too scared that being honest could change your dynamic. There was just no need, at least as far as you disputed with your friends, who didn’t seem to believe your half-hearted defense. You had never even seen a picture of him, you had continued to argue, or had a video call – despite his offers, since you had always changed the subject, too nervous about actually seeing him. One of your best friends had only rolled their eyes and called you a coward before shoving you jokingly and acting as though they were counting down the days until something finally happened. 
You never say anything about this ongoing war with your friends to Vesper, but you tell him plenty else, just as he entrusts you with information about his life. Still, neither of you had given anything away that could lead to naming where one another lived, and were not pushing the other to divulge, content still to just be speaking together. 
And speak you were that night, listening to the coos of apology and snarky responses when you listed off something particularly egregious that had gone on that day or the way in which your managers had handled the situation. 
You worked in retail, and while usually your snappish comments or humorous recounting was the byproduct of a noteworthy customer and their absolute meltdown in the store, not this time. This was the effect that one of your coworkers tended to have on you when you were unable to avoid him. He had a nasty habit of overstepping boundaries and getting far too touchy in general. And despite the different ways that you had tried to get him to back off, you had been the one to be reprimanded while they had written his behaviors off as being harmless fun or accidents time and again. It was a side effect of being the owner's cousin, you had reasoned over the phone as you flung a pillow back against your headboard in agitation. 
“What did the manager say again when you told him?” 
“He just said that it was an accident and I needed to let it go!” you shouted, voice pitching, before face planting into your pillow next to you while your phone remained atop the nightstand on speaker. You didn’t need to lift your head to hear the snarl of anger from Vesper. 
“Flat out groping you for the third time this week alone, and everything else he does, doesn’t add up to an accident!” 
Vesper had a protective streak over all his friends, and that certainly included you, something you could appreciate. You could hear the drumming of his fingers against his desk – a regular habit of his when he got worked up - and the sound of almost a growl on the other end of the phone before you finally lifted your head back up. “If it’s anything, I at least had a pick me up on my way home.” 
Vesper had to take a moment to compose himself and you could hear the shift before he finally spoke again, tone changed to try and pry a laugh out of you. “My wonderful self?” he drawled out. 
You could only chuckle, easily imagining him stretched out with a self-satisfied smirk on his face and his feet kicked up. Not that you could really know, but you felt you had a well enough idea of him to imagine how he acted. “Not this time.” Your next words were cut off by the over-dramatized gasp from Vesper, leaving you to laugh, at least a little. “On my way home there’s this little pet shop, and they have these little cats along the bottom of the window like a parade – but somebody went in and drew little wizard outfits on every. Single. One.” you chimed, starting to crack another smile at the thought. “I mean, I feel a little bad because they’re all in marker and that has got to suck to clean up, but for some reason when I saw them, I just started breaking down laughing. They were so cute.” 
Vesper was quiet for a moment before he asked if you had taken a picture of any of the little kitties. 
More than elated at getting to share them you chimed yes, pulling your phone back over to you and sending a slew of photos of the wizard kitty parade – double checking that none of them had your face reflected in the shop window them before sending. You were still talking about your favorite ones as Vesper hummed in response, until you realized he was being suspiciously quiet. “Ves?” 
He seemed to stumble over his words before you heard a sharp intake of breath. “This is gonna sound a little weird, but is this,” he heaved a sigh once more, seeming to rethink his words, “okay, is this Katey’s Kitty Pet Shop? On 4th Ave.” 
You froze for a moment at hearing the name of the shop. Glancing at your phone for a moment you had to think; to answer truthfully or lie out your teeth. Even if Vesper knew you were lying, you trusted him not to pressure you any further about it. But he knew, he really did already know, and it didn’t feel worth it to try and deny as much. Besides, a small part of your brain was sending up fireworks that maybe he had been closer this last year and a half than you had ever let yourself think. 
Before you could finalize your thoughts, you were brought back by the voice on your phone, with Vesper now trying to change the subject, figuring you were uncomfortable with him mentioning it. 
“I’m sure it’s not, sorry” he chuckled, though you heard through the awkwardness of it immediately. 
After one more beat of silence you finally responded, getting your mouth to move the way that you wanted. “Yeah, that's the shop name. There’s that, uh, ya know, coffeeshop two doors down called New Beanland.” 
Vesper lost it laughing at the mention. “Yeah! Oh, so, I’ve never been inside myself, but it seems like they have enough business, so I guess it’s good?” 
“Hey,” you snark at him, “that happens to be my favorite coffeeshop, thank you very much.” 
“You always get a London fog; I feel like that’s a low bar to judge by” 
“It isn’t! Besides, it’s just funnier to get it there because of the name. Also they’re cheaper,” you reason, rolling over onto your back and moving the phone onto the pillow, right next to your head with a small smile on your face. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll give that one to you.” He relented, and once again it was easy to imagine him holding his arms up in defeat. 
For a moment everything fell silent before you hazarded asked another question. “So, I guess you go by the pet shop regularly?” 
“My sister loves that place, and she drags me out there as many times as she can.” he groans. 
You know it’s half-hearted, having heard him doting over his young sister plenty of times in the background of other calls or just talking about her accomplishments in general. 
A few more back and fourths were discussed about the pet shop and the very sad looking cat in the window – which Vesper had been forced to deny his sister adopting more than once due to their own cats. But from there the conversation moved on just as naturally as anything else until finally you were bent over on your side in the fetal position, tears pricking the corner of your eyes as you struggled to breathe through the intense waves laughter that wracked your body. It took another minute or two before you finally managed to calm down, eyes still closed as a few ripples of laughter occasionally broke the slowly calming atmosphere. 
As you had gone quieter you could hear the humming tone of Vesper on the other end, like he was trying to decide on his next words or was just a tad too unsure of himself to voice them. “What’s on your mind, Ves Man?” 
He snorted at the name. “I’m gonna ignore that.” He had to have sat forward because you could hear the creaking of the chair or his bed under his weight as he shifted. “I was wondering something, but I don’t want to push all this too far.” 
Your interest piqued you sat back up, head propped up on your hand. “You know you can’t tease me like that,” you chirped, prodding him into spilling. 
“I was wondering if I’ve ever seen you before while I was at the pet shop or something. Like if we were just right next to each other and I didn’t even know it.” He stopped for a moment more, fingers back to tapping out a made-up tune against the desk. “I was also thinking about us maybe getting to meet up finally. But I get figure that you’d be hesitant about doing that.” 
“Aren’t you nervous about the idea of meeting up?” 
“I mean sure, but it’s been more than a year and a half, and I’d like to put a face with the name – more than just your profile pic,” he mused. 
You bit your bottom lip, chewing at it while you mulled the thought over. You wanted to say that you needed more time to think about it, but you had been considering the same thing, and had for some time. “I’d like to finally meet up.” Your voice was quiet as you spoke, but thankfully Vesper had picked up on it, you knew because you could hear the excited smile in his tone as he next excitedly spoke. And then you realized it, you could no longer make out his words, a lulling slur to everything he said, prompting you to finally check the time. Your surprised laugh was what stopped his rambling on about what you could only assume were meeting ideas. “Vessie, Ves, my main man, my soulmate,” you teased, enjoying the quiet sound of laughing from your phone, “look at the time.” 
“Oh, woah – it is way later than I thought.” 
“And you’re more tired than I think you realize,” you asserted, prompting him towards the idea that it was time for him to sleep. 
He sighed, but did not argue it any further, “yeah, you’re right, you’re right. But you need sleep too. Don’t you have an opening shift tomorrow?” 
You winced at the thought before groaning, knowing that he was right. “Talk about it more tomorrow?” 
There was that same excited smile in his voice as he answered, having obviously leaned even further to the phone. “Absolutely. G’night.” 
“And good morning,” you chimed, finishing a sentence you both often threw at each other due to your different sleep schedules – tending to miss the other when either one of you would wake up. 
That conversation had been a month ago by this point, and you were more than excited that this evening was when you were supposed to meet with Vesper, who you had jokingly reminded was finally going to have to tell you his real name. He had offered to tell you beforehand, but you had instead decided the pair of you could take a selfie when you got there, and you would send that and his real name along to one of your best friends (who was more than excited for you as well, be demanding to know you were, well, not getting murdered). You were a bit more comfortable with the idea of meeting up alone given you knew all the cameras in front of the theaters and how well lit the area was, along with the regular foot traffic. And the two of you had planned to meet right in front of one of the best placed cameras that you knew of. As excited as you were, and as much as you wanted to draw out the mystery, you also wanted to be a bit smart about it, something Vesper still inclined you to be on a regular basis, even with this. 
And while he knew your first name, he still did not know what you looked like; you had at least shown him the majority of the outfit that you had planned to wear for your first meeting, so that he would be able to recognize you in the crowd. 
Now you were practically flying past the other people who dotted the streets, wind rushing past and bright colors flashing in your peripheral from all the lights and decorations that lined the late autumn streets and stores. Some at least had the decency to string out a few pieces of Thanksgiving décor given the holiday had yet to pass, but most stores were already sporting Christmas looks, not that any of that mattered as you hurried on your way. 
Your nerves were going haywire in your stomach, and you almost worried that if you stopped moving you might be sick – though that sounded much worse than it was. So focused on your nerves and on making it to your designated meeting spot, which you could finally see, you failed to hear someone calling your name. It wasn’t until that person had wrapped a tight hand around your arm and ripped you from your course that you were broken from your tunnel vision mission. Dizzy at the rough behavior you finally managed to look up at whomever had stopped you, your stomach dropping the moment that you realized it was your coworker. 
Of all the days that you wanted to see him, which was never, this was the worst of all times. 
The grin on his face was unnerving, and just added to the discomfort you felt as he spoke. “I was trying to get your attention.” 
You froze for a moment before managing to straighten yourself up, but found you were unable to pry your arm away. Instead, you flashed a quick smile, trying to be as nice as you could thanks to the creeping anxiety stopping you from being as rude as you would really prefer to be. “Yeah, I’m meeting someone actually, so I’m kind of distracted.” You tried pulling away once more but your words seemed to have just annoyed your coworker instead, who used his vice grip to pull you even closer to him. 
The stench of his breath was too close, and you could not help the way that your face skewed up in disgust before you noticed he was watching you and it prompted you to shift your expression to something passing as neutral. “Look, I really need to look out for who I’m meeting with, he should be here soon, so I’ve gotta get a move on.” 
“Just trying to get away from me?” he sneered, glancing around to see nobody paying any attention to the pair of you. “Because I don’t see anyone headed over here for you.” 
“He -” 
“I got reamed out because of you,” he cut you off, glowering from the side of his eye, his head still turned away while he looked around. 
A lie, you knew, as he had gotten less than a slap on the wrist. 
Finally, his attention shifted back to you fully. 
“Well then maybe you should have kept your hands off of her,” a deeper voice growled from behind you. You recognized it immediately, but before you could turn around and see him, or even speak, you coworker had gotten a single look at the man before shoving you away like you had burned him, sending you crashing roughly into the chest of who you knew must be Vesper. 
Unable to catch your balance on your own, you worried you might slip past and fall, until you were steadied by a solid arm wrapped securely around your shoulders. This kept you firmly planted with your back against his chest. And as much as you wanted to finally look up at Vesper, the way that your coworker was watching the both of you left you on edge enough that you did not feel safe taking your eyes away from him. 
Finally, your coworker looked up at Vesper and seemed to try and calm himself down, to make himself seem far more respectable than the rat he was. “It was just an accident.” 
Vesper didn’t even dignify your coworker’s blatant lie with a response, only giving a guttural warning noise. 
Your coworker, never the wisest man, opened his mouth to speak; but you could feel the way that Vesper straightened up, only able to imagine the look on his face as you watched your coworker shrink back and shut up. Apparently feeling as though it was no longer worth his time – and knowing this was a fight he was unlikely to win if it came to it – your coworker only waved you both off with a muffled cuss and turned tail, scurrying off the way that he had originally been headed. 
Still, you both waited, not allowing yourself to break your gaze until you finally watched him turn the corner, seeing him shoot you one more dirty look before vanishing. 
“He really is a greasy little bastard, isn’t he?” Vesper finally spoke. 
At the sound of his voice you finally allowed yourself to relax, shoulders dropping and head falling back against his chest where you could finally see his face. Despite the prior confrontation, when you finally made eye contact with Vesper, looking at you with the softest smile you could imagine, it was hard not to return the look immediately.  
You stayed silent for a moment, just taking in the man in front of you, from the crinkle of his eyes to the little patch of blue skin on the outer corner of each, which caught your attention before you were finally pulling away to get a proper look at him. 
It was then that you cracked up laughing until you were doubled over once again in a fit, as he often left you on calls. 
Utterly confused, he could only cock his head at you like a puppy, leaving one arm out for you to keep your balance. 
And finally, finally, you looked up at him with a cheshire grin. “He’s terrified of snakes,” you mused. The man in front of you, who you had automatically assumed to be human without meaning to, followed suit and began laughing as well. The naga man in front of you. 
The two of you shuffled against the wall between fits of laughter, realizing the odd looks that other passersby were shooting you and trying to stop anyone from stepping on or tripping over any part of Vesper’s long tail. Instead, he curled it around the both of you as you brushed aside the looks of others and tried to calm yourselves, only for the laughing to continue when one of you would risk looking at the other and crack all over again. 
After what felt like an eternity, but had only been about 15 minutes, the two of you finally caught your breath and calmed. 
Vesper was the first to speak. “Still need to send that picture to your friend, right?” 
You made a surprised noise, remembering the promise you had made to your friend before this night had begun. With little effort you pulled your phone out before handing it over to Vesper instead, who seemed to smugly understand that you wanted the taller of you two to take the photo. This led to him using his tail to push himself further upward until he could rest his arm on your head. Quickly enough though, he returned to his prior position, letting himself drape over you, before you moved one of his arms back around your shoulders and kept your hands there, smiling up at the camera along with him. 
Happy with the photo you made a ‘gimmie’ motion with your hands and he happily complied, relinquishing the device back to you. Appeasing himself instead by propping his head onto your shoulder and watching as you typed up your message. He said nothing until you started typing Vesper, causing you to jump when his voice rumbled out right next to your ear. 
You hummed in confusion, tilting your head to look over at him in question. 
“You’re using my screenname again, but my name is Asante.” 
You made a small noise to acknowledge what he said, looking back to your phone as you flustered from the way he had made himself comfortable, cheek to your shoulder as he looked up at you and spoke, his eyes never seeming to leave your face after he stopped. Quickly you sent off the text and slipped your phone away once more, knowing that you would be getting a barrage of messages as soon as it was seen. And for the moment you preferred to be focused on Asante. 
Initially you had thought it might take you much longer to warm up and be touchy with the man you were meeting, but it felt just as comfortable to be right on top of one another, as though you had both been doing it for far longer. 
Instead, you just closed your eyes and hummed, letting your head knock against his and stifling a laugh at his short whine in retaliation, not that he even bothered trying to move away from you. “You know how I was supposed to come up with something to do after we met up?” 
Asante groaned with a silent laugh as his arms dropped away and he pulled back just far enough to raise a brow at you with an exasperated expression. “You didn’t come up with anything?” 
“I was so nervous I thought I was gonna be sick, or like, chicken out,” you whined, bringing your hands up to cover your eyes. 
Asante only rolled his eyes affectionately before prying one of your hands away and nudging you to look at him. “But” he drawled out teasingly, “you’re here.” 
You smiled back, unable to stop yourself from preening under his fond expression. “Yeah, I’m here.” 
“Any ideas then?” 
“How about you pick this time?” 
Asante broke into a wide grin, and you noticed once again the way that the corner of his eyes crinkled and seemed to light up the moment he did. “So, there’s gonna be a next time?” 
“I mean, I hope so, after talking for as long as we have.” 
Asante nodded his head, motioning further down the street. “There’s a sandwich shop on the corner, they just have a window to pick it up from – we can order there or online. And there’s a park just a bit further down. We could go and eat at the park and just talk for a bit.” 
You swayed in place for a moment before agreeing, nudging him forward as you stepped over the coils of his tail around you. Asante said nothing as he watched you to ensure your balance, moving his tail out of the way before taking his place beside you, allowing the two of you to make your way in the direction of the sandwich shop. 
Conversation flowed easily between the two of you and things turned quickly to banter and playful jabbing. You even managed to find a soft spot on his side that had him coiling away and laughing, mentally noting the fact that he was apparently ticklish for a later. It was something he must have realized judging on the warning look he seems to give you, not that it does anything to deter you and you both know as much. 
He’ll find something of note about you eventually, if he had not already, but you find that you don’t mind as much. 
It takes a bit longer to get to the burger joint due to your fooling around, but you do manage it and get your food before making off to the park, still joking the entire way (and stealing more than a few fries from his tray – though you know he’s freely allowing you to do so). 
The spot that the two of you pick is a bit more secluded, but you can still see a few couples and families wandering about the park in the fading autumn light. The nip in the air is only growing more noticeable in the later hour, but it isn’t too bad for you yet. Carefully you glance up at Asante, who you notice is shivering despite his hoodie. So, you slip off your jacket and hold it out to him silently as he munches away at his fries. 
Asante raises a brow as he looks at you, and you only shove the jacket further to him. 
“You’re shivering,” you comment, shaking the jacket in your hands. 
“I’m wearing a hoodie,” he defends. 
“Does it count when it has a titty window, slut?!” you exclaim, laughing as Asante almost immediately bends over, nearly choking while he tries to stop himself from laughing. 
“It counts,” he growls, though his smile is a dead giveaway as he sneaks an arm around you instead to pull you near him, tail curling around the pair of you securely where you both sit on the cold ground. 
You try wiggling out half-heartedly, but Asante keeps his hold on you, humming as he props his head on your shoulder once more, food abandoned by the both of you for the moment. 
“I think this works pretty good for keeping me warm,” he murmurs, going slack and making himself comfortable. Admittedly enjoying the warmth that is radiating off of you. 
“Asante are you just going to fall asleep on me?” 
“You can have my fries if I do,” he assures, voice steadily lulling out, though he tries to fight the overtake of sleep – just unwilling to pull away from you at the moment. 
You could only shake your head, placing your hand on his shoulder and nudging him back awake, though you could do little to convince him to move. “You can’t fall asleep on me in the middle of a park, especially if it starts getting colder.” Knowing he was a Naga certainly meant you had more concerns about being out so late in the autumn, but he seemed far less worried about any risks. 
Asante groaned, reluctantly pulling away before he really did fall asleep. Though that did not stop him from pouting, which he could see from the corner of his eyes was at the least causing you to smile and roll your own. 
“You big baby,” you chide, handing over your own fries to try and get him to drop the act. 
It works well enough, and he reaches over to accept the offering from you. “Is it my fault if you’re just the perfect heated pillow,” he asked, gesturing towards you in your entirety. 
The comment is enough to fluster you, causing you to look away before shaking your head and dismissing it for a moment; but Asante had caught your reaction and was left grinning, fully ready to abuse this information. 
He would hold off for now, not wanting to push boundaries too far in your first real meeting, but it was fun all the same to know. Still, having heard your expressed concerns he knew he likely had that same soft look on his face that he probably had prior in the evening (and as his sister had said earlier in the day upon seeing, made him look like a love-struck puppy and a bit dumb, which he had happily agreed to before hanging up). “You’re still worried about me being cold?” 
“Well yeah,” you chime, shoving another fry in your mouth, sandwich having been well and finished off by this point. 
Asante motioned you closer, and when you complied, he pulled you flush against his side. 
You let him, making sure that he wasn’t about to fall asleep eating, before relaxing against him and dumping the last few of your fries into his own container; Asante took your to-go box and set it under his own before the wind could blow it away. You closed your eyes and moved his arm, blocking out the cold from attacking your nose by burying it in the crook of his elbow. This thankfully didn’t impede Asante’s ability to hear you. 
The conversations that the two of you found yourselves having jumped around from topic to topic, falling into familiarity. And after Asante finishes his food, he realizes how quiet you had gone, instead opting to absently trailing a finger over his tail and looking over his pattern. He almost wants to tease and ask you what you’re doing but decides against it. 
You, for your own part, don’t realize how long you have been quiet, admiring the pattern of his tail. While you can’t see how the scales fade or taper off on his torso because of the black hoodie and fishnet, along with the wrapped fabric just under that – not that you mind – there is plenty else to keep your attention. A beautiful blue-gray color broken up by black spots decorates the upper portion of his tail, but as your eyesight trails down you see the splattering pattern of white stripes that take over, stark against the lowest portion of his tail as it sits over almost black scales. You have an idea of what to expect snakeskin to feel like, so it doesn’t catch you off guard. But because Asante is still wiggling in place, not that the fact really registers with you for the moment, you catch sight of the muscle rippling right under the surface. You’re still brushing a hand against his tail gently, completely enraptured with it before he finally places one hand over your own, silently amused at the way you jump and look up to him with wide eyes. 
“Having fun?” 
You shrink for a moment in embarrassment, but Asante does not seem keen to let you do that, intertwining his fingers with yours while his hand continues to rest atop your own. “I don’t mind it,” he assures, tail tightening around the two of you. “Well, I don’t mind you touching my tail at least.” 
The significance of his comment it not lost on you, but you say nothing, just curling further into him and getting comfortable, unwilling to remove your hand from his and still thumbing circles against the side of his tail as the two of you continue talking, despite the darkness finally starting to settle in overhead like an inky blanket. 
Unfortunately, this means the chill of the air only grows colder, and it can no longer be ignored by either of you when another passes. So reluctantly you both begin packing up, with you stealthily snatching away the trash and running it over to throw it away before he can try and stop you, insisting that you he can be a gentleman at least. He has that small pout once more on his face, but it drops just as fast when you knock your shoulder against his own, fingers brushing just slightly against the skin of his tail. 
Admittedly you both seem to be dragging your feet, even though you can just as easily call one another when you have to split ways for the night. But it isn’t the same, and after a year and a half of thinking this would not be possible, you were milking this time for everything you could. 
You can wholeheartedly admit that time is now your enemy, and if it could be bothered to stand still for a little while you might be willing to forgive it. Just to buy a little more time here in this moment with Asante. 
Seemingly having noticed you lost in thought he tilts your face toward him for a moment. “Are you okay?” 
“Is it too much to say I wish we could stick around a bit longer?” 
Asante shrugs. “Is it too much to say I wish I didn’t have to go home alone tonight,” he quips, mimicking your words. His comment works and you flush once more, shaking your head before he allows you to pull him into a hug. 
“We’ll have to figure something out to spend some more time together next time.” 
Asante, more than comfortable sapping your heat away and curling into you, hums in response before pulling back to look you in the eye. “Maybe next time could be a date?” 
The way your face lights up is mirrored in his own and you more than happily agree. “I think we could make that work.” 
A weight seemed to drop from his chest as he lets out a relieved sigh. “Good, because I've wanted to take you on a date for a while now, and tonight really cemented that” he admits. 
“How long?” you asked, genuinely curious. 
“Tell you next time,” he promises, placing a chaste kiss on your lip before pulling away and nudging you forward to the exit of the park. He notices the way you freeze for a moment but go soft at the action “But at least let me walk you back to where we met earlier, I want to make sure you’re okay.” 
“I can call you after we split, if you want. I wouldn’t mind talking still.” 
He seems to think about it for a moment but inevitably agrees. “Deal, but you have to sleep as soon as you’re safe in the door, you still have work tomorrow. "Which, if that coworker gives you any more trouble, I have no issues showing up and making him uncomfortable,” he assures. 
“You know, it still surprises me how protective you can get. You seem so shy sometimes.” 
“I was when I was younger, like hide behind my mom or run-away levels of shy. And then I made friends with people even shier than me and I just kind of stepped into the role. Also, my sister. Also her. She just gets into so much trouble,” he says, completely exasperated. 
It has you laughing once more but you say little else, “I’ll let you know if he’s an ass anymore.” You appreciate his promises of security all the same and you’re more than happy to enjoy the comfort of the silence that settles into place around the two of you as you make your way back to where you had originally met those few hours earlier.
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crimsonteaaddict · 11 months
Yandere!Naga!CrownPrincess who transmigrated into your world… by choice.
CW: murder, yandere, snakes?, human’s are slaves to the naga
Yandere!Naga!CrownPrincess who had one of her knights take over the body of a man who was recently deceased in your world after discovering you through a glass ball and watching you
Yandere!Naga!CrownPrincess who felt no remorse for having her knight kill your friend so she could take the body
Yandere!CrownPrincess who wanted to take you home so bad that she had found a fitting slave to prepare as a vessel for your body (a human slave of course, she couldn’t risk you escaping)
Best friend that is suddenly clingy like she’s clinging to your warmth even if it’s not necessarily cold
Best friend that has begun to bring around a short skinny man who is very intimidating but you can’t quite put your finger on why
Best friend that has recently been really obsessed with reptiles
Best friend that seems to squeeze you a little too tight from time to time.
Your head hurt. The last thing you could remember was accusing a zoologist of possessing your best friends body and now you were suddenly opening your eyes to a red glass ceiling that was ornate with detail.
Your neck felt stiff and as you moved your head to looked around you felt more nervous and scared than confused. Their were “people” without legs, instead that had the body of large snakes, all but one, who had the body of an absolutely massive snake and was adorned with golden chains piercing all down her tail.
Despite the all the other naga—if you were to refer to them as the fictional snake people from your world—wearing robes, the one with the dark green pearlescent tail and golden chains only had the most beautiful green and gold bodice you had ever seen on.
The bodice perfectly pronounced her figure having a fluffed top and off the shoulders draping. She was probably the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. As your eyes caught hers you briefly felt as though her eyes might have been how you ended up unconscious and here.
“Good morning darling, wasss your ressst alright?” Her calming deep voice adressed you as the rest of the naga slithered out of the room. This was the start of something beautifully terrifying.
A/N: check out my masterlist if you’d like to read my random ideas!
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roseytoesy · 1 year
Vore trope list
Screw it I’ve been looking for a list of vore tropes and stuff and can’t seem to find any! so you know what I’m going to make my own.
(Almost all of these I imagine as safe or has the option to be safe.)
Feel free to use this as an ask game too!
Story tropes:
Knight in shining armor (protection vore)
A heroic meal (protection vore but eating the bad guy)
Dragons sacrifice (poor soul(s) offered to a monster)
A bet (stupid idea + pride leads to shenanigans)
Feral/ lost to instincts (pred looses control of themselves)
Oh no you don’t! (Pred keeping prey from doing something stupid)
Tummy time out (prey annoyed/upset pred too much and ended in tummy as punishment)
Extreme cuddling (just as it says. both wanna be cozy together and what better way than inside a tum?)
dentist (thorough cleaning but with its own risks of being eaten due to being within a mouth)
vore spa day (covered in delicious smelling oils and products and given a deep massage deep into a pred)
magic! (Potions or spells making this small and safe)
sci-fi (aliens and other biological/scientific shenanigans leading to vore)
willingly “sacrificed” to a god
food play (from noodles to cakes and icecream get creative and have fun!)
Saved from drowning (merfolk or lifeguard making sure someone gets the air they need inside where they will be safe)
fearful (I don’t like the sound of fearplay)
cat and mouse games (pred having fun while the prey may or may not, depending)
hide and eat (hide and seek but the seeker is very hungry~)
Any taur vore (from nagas to centaurs, to driders, to anything you can think of!)
multiple stomaches (a safe one/storage and one not so safe one maybe)
slimes (pred or prey they can be both!)
edible clones (best way to remove extras is to eat them!)
high vore (they either got high from the prey or the pred was high and got munchy)
dinner dates (ending with an amazing prey dessert to finish off a successful date)
inexperienced/first time (weather it’s pred or prey is so good)
shy (either pred or prey struggle to ask.)
casual (just walk up to friend and say I want in. Or can I have a snack for a bit. Shrug and relax for an hour or two)
kidnapping (best way to ensure transportation and that they won’t get away)
object vore (from a small key to a fricken box tv. The bulges are always a fun plus)
Come and get it~ (pred ate item/person prey needs so they have to go down to get it)
sick (pred needs something to settle their stomach, or prey wants to hide away from the world and their troubles.)
comfort (help ground a pred during a panic attack. Help hide prey from anxieties)
A different form of love (other species licking and gently swallowing their loved ones as signs of affection.)
healing vore (stomach juices heal things alive and break apart anything dead.)
tough soft guy. (Scary/intimidating with a soft spot for one special prey.)
multiple prey (weather the pred was gluttonous or overwhelmed both are good.)
super willing and unwilling (pred excited to nom someone and they are not ok with it. And a super willing prey where the pred is somewhat worried/freaked out)
VIP (very important prey, gets a nice backstage show ending in a belly.)
sleep eating (pred had a nice dream about eating a marshmallow. Where’s their pillow/prey??)
another world (maybe somewhere where this is normal)
betrayal (prey gets gobbled up by friend and feels betrayed that they were nothing more than a meal/snack to who they thought they could trust.)
always close (pred hugging belly close or always having a hand over their precious cargo)
experiments! (Scientists doing things inside just because they are curious!)
overprotective (either pred or prey but they are possessive of their friend they aren’t allowed to be eaten by/eat anyone else!)
teasing (being charismatic or using double meaning words to get a snack or message across~)
domestic (a happy couple/ roommates sharing some nomes after cleaning together or getting things settled from the days adventures.)
robot (safely store items and prey at optimal temperatures and in a safe environment until threat has passed, or scans are completed, etc)
mine! (Hoarding things where NOONE can get to without their permission)
strings/equipment included (keeping prey on something to help them get out, though it may or may not fail depending on the pred)
demons deal (you got what you want and what they want in return is a nice meal~)
drink addition (prey floating in a drink and going down to their own special pool)
hot and cold (hot belly’s for cold days and cool belly’s for hot days)
It was an accident! (Took a tumble right down someone’s throat?! Or they didn’t notice someone in their drink)
Same size
half size
cat size
goopy/ painless digestion
belly mouth
Vore to endosoma
Half/full tour clean
dream vore
energy sapping
bulging stomach
hammer space stomach/ pocket dimension belly
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whumpwillow · 1 year
Types of whumpees, a comprehensive list
this is really more for my own personal reference since I need to write everything down because my brain is made of smashed banana and cannot remember anything ever. 🍌
species / role:
mortal whumpee, the average human being
immortal whumpee
vampire whumpee
demon whumpee
angel whumpee
phoenix whumpee
elf whumpee
faery whumpee
tiny whumpee
giant whumpee
android whumpee
cyborg whumpee
robot whumpee
draconic whumpee
mer whumpee
dryad / plant-person whumpee
mage whumpee
royal whumpee
bodyguard whumpee
knight whumpee
naga whumpee
werewolf whumpee
dhampir whumpee
genie / djinn whumpee
ghost whumpee
zombie whumpee
undead whumpee
selkie whumpee
pet / box boy whumpee
guard dog whumpee
living weapon whumpee
assassin whumpee
spy whumpee
rebel whumpee
deity whumpee
slave whumpee
mafia boss whumpee
CEO whumpee
villain whumpee
superhero whumpee
sidekick whumpee
civilian whumpee
famous whumpee
known whumpee
returner / regressor whumpee
monster hunter whumpee
defiant whumpee
stoic whumpee
weak whumpee
cowardly whumpee
pathetic whumpee
obedient whumpee
prideful whumpee
detached whumpee
enduring whumpee
feral whumpee
vicious whumpee
powerful whumpee
bargaining whumpee
disbelieving whumpee
hopeful whumpee
hopeless whumpee
self-loathing whumpee
regretful whumpee
conditioned whumpee
Feel free to add on to this post if you think of any more!
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teejaystumbles · 3 months
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Links to filled prompts below 🤍
teejaystumble's Dreamling Bingo Masterpost
A1 - Monsters
A2 - Last of their kind The Mummy (September monthly)
A3 - Buried Alive + Vore (adoptable)
A4 - 1700s
A5 - Endless Family Get Along Bodyguard (Film) (adoptable)
B1 - Minority Report Necromancy (August monthly)
B2 - Cheap Motel
B3 - Feel Soulmate's Pain
B4 - Mutual Pining
B5 - Fake Dating
C1 - Office Knight!Hob (July monthly)
C2 - Beauty and the beast
C3 - Free Space: Discworld AU
C4 - Mutual Masturbation
C5 - Nipple Stimulation
D1 - Delirium
D2 - Fragile
D3 - Bandit
D4 - Speed Dating
D5 - Outnumbered
E1 - Creature: Naga
E2 - Steampunk
E3 - Tattoos
E4 - Pen Pals
E5 - Trust Issues
Made for the @dreamlingbingo!
This is my first time participating and I'm excited! This post will be pinned and updated as I complete more squares. ❤️
Edit 23.06.24: I swapped and adopted some prompts! :3 I might swap a few more if I can't find any inspiration, a few others are not really calling to me yet.
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just-some-trans-nobody · 10 months
Put on pause due to sickness.
Ok so I have the December Christmas Monster stories schedule made and the first five days written already. You can ask for your request to be on certain days, if not they will fall into the first available request slot. If I some how get more requests than the available request slots don't worry I'll still write them but they will have no scheduled time.
Remember check my pinned post to see what things I will not write before sending in a request, ones that break my rules will be ignored completely or be blocked if it breaks three or more things on the list.
*Small edit to update the schedule the list*
December 1.) Yautja Christmas head cannons
December 2.) Female Naga
December 3.) Shadow Creature
December 4.) Orc Breeding
December 5.) Crazy Mothman
December 6.) Centaur + Drider raising human child Platonic
December 7.) Yautja
December 8.) Horny Krampus
December 9.) Saturday Snake
December 10.) Werewolf Neighbor
December 11.) Satyr
December 12.) Bigfoot
December 13.) Half Giant
December 14.) Siren
December 15.) Harpy
December 16.) Saturday Snake
December 17.) Dragon with knight reader
December 18.) Orc bestie
December 19.) Minotaur
December 20.) Octomerman
December 21.) Robot's first Christmas Platonic
December 22.) Requested Eldrige Horror
December 23.) Saturday Snake
December 24.) Requested Centaur dads with teen kid
December 25.) Bat Creature
December 26.) Grumpy centaur dad with toddler
December 27.) Fire demon
December 28.) Requested Walter part 2
December 29.) Orc Tavern
December 30.) Saturday Snake
December 31.) New Years Kiss
Happy holidays everyone and happy reading.
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help-an-alter · 1 month
Idk how to do this but I'm a new alter who doesn't know much of anything about myself, so I'll just say what I do know.
I don't have much connection to gender but I think I'm more masc leaning. I'd say probably emo aesthetic (I'll link an outfit). I'm usually the most heavily dissociated. I like tokyo ghoul. It/xe pronouns sound good in theory but I'd love more ideas, and help with names or anything else.
(https://www.hottopic.com/product/death-note-ryuk-stripe-twofer-hoodie/31327723.htmlhttps://www.hottopic.com/product/death-note-ryuk-stripe-twofer-hoodie/31327723.html , https://www.hottopic.com/product/ht-denim-red-stitch-grommet-black-stinger-jeans/31137672.html)
hey anon, hope this helps!
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NAMES: bastian, carlisle, clark(e), darcy, eddie, knight, poe, sebastian, seth, sterling, cody, crimson, damien, salem, spencer, vincent, victor, percy, dorian, melvin, tempest, wolf/wolfgang, valerian, neo, eerie, midnight, jett, onyx, vaughn, ken, shu(u), naga, rize/rise, rhys, nico, zim, morgan, azazel, lucifer, astaroth, alastair, alastor
PRONOUNS: bone/bones/boneself, si/silent/silentself, ghoul/ghouls/ghoulself, vam/vamps/vampself, bat/bats/batself, gho/ghos/ghostself, haunt/haunts/hauntself, sal/sals/salself, no/non/nonself, creep/creeps/creepyself, nyct/nycto/nyctoself, tox/toxic/toxicself, sin/sins/sinself, reap/reaper/reaperself, rot/rots/rotself, sae/saer/saerself, ae/aer/aerself
COMFORT: alternative music, writing songs or learning to play an instrument, art, journaling, crime-based TV (ie. lucifer), cosplaying as characters you like
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
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More Knight AU. Melody goes to check on Kyrie after the events in her house...she gets a lot more than she bargained for.
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Melody sighed as she walked through the woods. Kyrie lived out in the middle of nowhere, it made sense now. He avoided being in crowds or near the city in case that happened. She had no idea how big he was and somehow that was more terrifying. There were so many giant races; some only a few bodies taller and others felt like a stack of buildings. Facing him alone, telling no one might not be her best idea. After all their time together this was the least she could do. Go see him and let him explain what’s going on. At least assuming he was even in the area still.
“God, maybe this is a bad idea,” she mumbled. He could just grow and make sure she kept quiet. She forced the thought away. Kyrie wasn’t like that. He wouldn’t hurt her. She just knew he’d never look at her like she wanted once this was settled. If she was human there was at least a little bit of a chance, that wasn’t unheard of humans and giants.
Melody paused to look around. It hadn’t been long since she’d last visited his home, but the path had changed drastically. Huge landmarks she didn’t recognize surrounded her. They had an odd curve and strange coloring. If she didn’t know better she’d think it was some kind of metal, but at that size it was impossible.
“I hope I didn’t get lost,” she sighed. “Of course talking to myself isn’t going to help when no one else would ever come out this far…”
It looked like the end of the strange landmarks was coming up. It also looked like a clearing was there. She ran her hands through her hair and checked the satchel she carried was completely closed. She didn’t want to go to the market a second time, there wouldn’t be a good explanation for it. A nod to herself and she began to move towards the clearing. Kyrie had lived in one so that had to be where she was. If she was wrong she’d just head home. The light from the sun blinded her for a moment as she stepped up to the opening. 
The clearing ahead of her wasn’t empty, but it wasn’t the home she expected either. Some massive object that seemed to stretch from end to end sat in front of her. She studied it, the material looked like fabric. Stepping out of the trees, she accepted it was meant to keep others away. A small sigh escaped her, of course he assumed she’d send the knights right away.
“I’m really going to do this…” she mumbled. Cupping her hands around her mouth she took a deep breath. She wouldn’t let this end with him assuming the worst about her. “Kyrie! I’m here to talk!”
All the confidence she had fell away when the wall of maybe fabric in front of her moved. Fear gripped her heart as something underneath seemed to tense. It moved. Shock made her fall, tripping over her own feet as a shadow appeared over her. She’d barely made it back under the trees before whatever it was slammed down nearby.
“Melody?” Kyrie’s voice sounded gruff with sleep. She’d heard it on trips for jobs before, but never this loud. She couldn’t see a sign of him, but that made her more scared. Her voice was trapped in her throat. That huge something made the trees fall nearby. The only coherent thought in her head came down to how did he know she wasn’t under it. The panic added that it could have been the goal.
The part in the clearing started to move again. Melody nearly cried as she realized she’d been staring at a part of his leg. The speed that it slid through the clearing made her start shaking. She slowly climbed to her feet, struggling to think as the massive being moved. The only thing in her mind were the stories she was told. The gods that had supposedly changed centuries ago. The gods the fae still didn’t trust.
A scream escaped her as a shadow covered her. It wasn’t the thing that slammed down, but that didn’t make it any better. She stumbled away as the shadow grew darker. She tripped on a root forcing her to stare at the sky. The sun and clouds were replaced with a face she knew, a face she was usually happy to see. She scrambled away from where she’d screamed. The leaves would hide her as long as she stayed silent.
“Melody…” he whispered. It was hard to imagine how loud he’d be speaking normally. “It’s just me… No one else is home right now. They’d try to help you calm down if they were.”
Her mind was filled with images of others like Kyrie. She’d never considered the idea of more like him. She needed to get away from here. Kyrie wasn’t just a giant. He was something more, something bigger. She felt tears start streaming down her face as she considered him finding her.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked. That made her pause. Huge things, they had to be his hands, cast shadows over the forest. “I need to look for you if you won’t answer… I just need to make sure I didn’t hurt you. It sounded like you were closer to the clearing when you called my name. I just need to know I wasn’t wrong.”
Her voice was caught in her throat. She couldn’t make words even start to form if she wanted to. She heard and felt his sigh blow warm air around her. Slowly the trees all around her started to move as those massive fingers slipped below the leaves. The ones where she screamed moved first. All she could do was watch as the hands moved more and more. When the fingers stopped just above her she held her breath. There was a faint hope he’d stop, be glad she was gone and move on. Instead she watched those impossible fingers move the treetops protecting her.
Staring at the blue orb above her made her feel close to fainting. It was him, the same person she’d been embarrassed over when Aisling asked if they were together. She watched the massive face change, a look of relief. It wasn’t possible to tell what made him relieved, finding her safe or finding her at all. The hand above her moved closer, like he was about to grab her. The warmth of the fingers started to waft from his skin.
“Don’t touch me!” she shouted. The fingers froze a twitch away before the hand pulled back. They settled on holding the trees to the side so he was staring down at her.
“I won’t…” he whispered. Something in his face changed, he looked more sad. It was almost funny when she gave it a bit of thought. The only creatures she dreaded facing and Kyrie was bigger than them. “Can you stand? I… I can put on my armor and take you home.”
“A-armor?” That huge face nodded. She watched him reach forward, towards the path she took. She managed to follow his hand to see him lifting one of the things she thought was a strange landmark. “Th-that’s your armor?!”
Kyrie lost his grip when she shouted. His armor landed on the ground with a loud thud. He frowned as she yelped. He never wanted this, he always hoped she wouldn’t be afraid. He brought his hand back from his armor slowly. All he could do was keep his movements slow, let her try to predict what he was doing. It all felt surreal. He’d imagined this for so long, expecting to tell her on his terms. Where she’d see him growing, have confirmation it’s actually him. He’d promised he’d tell her before he mentioned his feelings. He wouldn’t start something on a lie about who he was.
She continued to shake on the ground. It would be best if she was gone before Pel and Byssal got back. He didn’t want them to try and make her forget. He didn’t want to scare her, but talking here wouldn’t help anything. He brought his hands down around her, the trees cracked from his attempt. He winced as they started to break, Pel was going to be upset with him again.
“Stop!” she screamed. He didn’t bring his hands any closer, just watched her. It wasn’t as bad as his dream at least. She was just a little smaller than Byssal. All the hope he had that she’d accept him was dying out. She was terrified, terrified he’d hurt her. He just needed to get her home.
“Sorry,” he breathed. He couldn’t see the details he admired like this. He knew doing anything to try to see her better would be selfish. She was scared of him, just like his birth family. He’d never stop being-
“No, no I just need a minute,” she said. He widened his eyes, the shaking had started to calm down. She wasn’t looking at him, but his hands. Slowly she climbed to her feet before looking up at him again. He imagined it hurt to crane her neck like that. He brought one of his fingers closer, she didn’t scream this time. Gently he touched her head. Her hair was soft like he thought it would be.
“Your hair is soft.” She started laughing, he didn’t think she’d laugh. It didn’t sound like the times they spent nights up talking, but it was better than screaming. He wanted to hold her closer, to see just how different she felt to him now. He wanted to tell her so many things he couldn’t say before. One being how beautiful he found her, even now when he was sure she’d been covered in dirt and leaves.
“So… what are you? A god playing with humans?” He heard the bit of hatred in her voice. He didn’t think before bringing his hands together and forcing her onto his palm. He pulled her up close to his eyes, where he could truly see her. He just started shaking his head.
“No! I’m not that. I… I don’t know what I am.”
Melody was shaking in his hands, worse than on the ground. He realized just what he did, how he treated her. His own eyes started to burn as he took in her fear. “Shit, I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking. You’re the second human I’ve met when I’m this big…”
“Human…” She said it so quietly he could barely hear her. 
It made sense she’d be stuck on that, he just made it clear that there’s a difference between them. He knew he shouldn’t, but for the moment he decided to be selfish. He brought his hand to his chest, cupping her against him. Slowly he climbed to his own feet, he could feel the way she tensed in his hold. He wouldn’t risk Byssal and Pel finding them talking. For now he would tell her all he could. Just his secrets, not theirs.
Carefully he walked away. He knew she would be terrified, but he wanted, needed to talk to her. He wanted to see her and not be in total control. She wouldn’t risk going to see a giant without a way home if they took her. He trusted she came at least that prepared to see him. He found a cliff not too far from where they were, but far enough no one would see him. Sitting in front of it made her yelp. 
Taking a deep breath he curled his fingers around her. She was so small, he wanted to hold her forever. A light tug and she was held only in his hand. He wasn’t excited to see her face, but this was better than holding her or staring down at the ground. He slowly moved forward so his chin sat on the cliff before moving to set her down. Once he let her go she stumbled back and stared up at him.
“What are you going to do?” she asked. He hated it, the suspicion and fear she resonated. He just offered her a sad smile.
“Talk?” he said. She crossed her arms, at least that came across clear. “I… The others might try to make you forget, they have spells for that after all this time. I don’t want you to… I’d rather us both know you’re scared of me.”
“Why?” She stepped back from him and he knew it was more fear. Of course he had to be planning something if he wanted her to remember. He let out a sigh, her long brown hair getting blown back.
“Because I’d been planning to tell you for a long time. I’d been trying to find the best way for a while… Honestly I…” He cut himself off. Dropping this on her now wasn’t fair to her. Not when he’d walked off with her, he was exactly how she saw him right now. A monster.
“Why tell me? I’m part of the order, I could turn you in. Help them kill you…” 
He smiled a bit, the idea that they could kill him was a bit funny. He knew humans weren’t a danger to him. He brought a hand up next to her. He didn’t like doing this, but they both knew how likely it was she could hurt him. She wasn’t even close to reaching the top of it.
She stared at his hand. He knew this was only proving to her he was something to fear. She didn’t back away like he expected, instead stepping closer to his palm. A single hand was placed on his. That one hand was nothing next to him, but he felt like the world had come to meet him.
“I guess that’s proving it then, that you could make sure I don’t talk. So is that why we’re here? So you can ‘convince’ me to stay quiet?” she asked. The voice she had didn’t sound like when he’d heard her angry before. He shook his head as he curled his fingers near her.
“I’d never hurt you or threaten you,” he sighed. The shudder she had from just that made him feel worse. “I’d considered this for months now. I wanted to do this right. I couldn’t think of how to tell you without scaring you, making you hate me… I don’t really know what I am, something giant adjacent maybe, but I know I love you.”
“L-love?!” He’d never seen her face turn red before. He couldn’t help moving to lean closer. Everything about her made him wish he’d been born human. “That… you don’t mean that. We… I’m…”
“I mean it.” He brought his forehead to rest on his hand. Leaning over her, taking in the small woman he’d loved since they met. He never understood it, but the fire in her had amazed him. He always wanted to be there to see it burn. “Since we met. I thought you’d leave after training, but you stayed. I fell more in love with you everyday. I didn’t want to tell you like this… I wanted you to know before I told you. Have a chance to decide if you could even accept me as a friend first. I had so many ideas of how to tell you after I’d let you see me like this.”
Melody turned away completely. He watched everything she did, trying to see any detail he could. She felt so small, she was next to him. He wrapped his fingers around her more, pressing them into her back. She stiffened, but she didn’t squirm to get out of his hand. He smiled a bit, hope started to fill him. She might just understand.
“What if I am scared?” she mumbled. Her voice was quiet enough he barely heard her. He stared at her, one finger was almost as wide as she was tall. She should be scared. “What if I still want to tell the order? What if I still think you’re a god playing games?”
He closed his eyes, just taking in the feeling of her in his fingers. Then he let go, uncurling his fingers. He leaned back, sitting straight up to stare down at her. Like this it felt like he was making a move to intimidate her. It wasn’t that, he just wanted to show he’d back off. He closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths. He didn’t want the pain he felt at losing her to make this worse. Once ready, he opened his eyes to her small face staring up at him.
“Then I won’t bother you. If you call the order I’m not going to hurt anyone, if you don’t believe I’m not a god I can’t change your mind. I just… wanted you to know me before I asked you to consider me as something more than a partner and friend,” he whispered.
Melody heard the words, still stunned. He was big enough to wipe out anyone sent after him. He didn’t know, the order barely knew, the things she could do. He still saw her as someone he could love and that made this harder. He was planning to tell her, planning to reveal all of this to her. He wanted her to know even at the risk to his safety. She stepped forward and held out an arm to him.
The face above her changed quickly. It was like the idea she wasn’t running off changed his world. She wasn’t sure what she wanted from this. He brought a hand up to her arm, meeting her palm with the pad of his finger. She closed her eyes, this was Kyrie. He let her take the risks to talk any and everything down. He felt bad when she failed and they had to fight.
The groove of his fingerprint felt weirdly comforting. She’d wondered why he always wore the armor. Digging her fingers into his skin elicited a gasp. The fact he could feel that made her shiver. She looked back up at him, at his eyes. She saw the good in him, the things that she saw each time she took a risk.
“What if I have my own secrets?” she mumbled. He leaned forward until she couldn’t see anything else. His other hand came up and trapped her. She didn’t feel as scared as she should, something bigger than the biggest gods holding her captive. “What if you don’t know me the way you think you do?”
“Then I want to learn,” he whispered. His voice was loud even then. The way he spoke seemed like in a moment she’d disappear. She heard this voice for months, he had given her time to run before all of this. He hasn’t hurt her. “I want to know everything about you.”
“What if it’s bad?” She knew what it meant to be her. The thing that made everyone terrified. Her name… no one could use her name against her. No one except.. “What about Caprice?”
“What about him?”
“He knows… I have to tell him this. Is he-”
“I always knew once I told you he’d know. I don’t want you to lie for me.” She closed her eyes and stepped closer to the hands around her. He didn’t know what that meant, how important the freedom to avoid a lie was. Her fingers dug into his skin again, he didn’t seem to care. She knew he felt it.
“Why…” The fingers around her closed in. “Why tell me now… why not just move on? I’m…”
“You’re you, that’s enough.” She felt tears start to sting her eyes. She finally faced him, his face was close enough she could touch it. He moved his hand though, wiped away the tears with a fingertip. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said it now… I can take you closer to home if you want or just back to my own home.”
“I want to see you standing.” She didn’t know why that was what came out. That wasn’t what she meant. She wanted to tell him that she had her own secrets to tell. That he might not feel the same once she’s told him. He nodded, the motion reminded her just how big he was. He wasn’t going to question her. It made her heart flutter, the trust he gave her.
The huge hands slowly moved away from her. The heat disappearing made her shiver. He sat up straight, replacing her world with his shadow. A scream wanted to worm its way out of her throat as he started to stand. It was normal, the way he’d picked himself up more than once. At this scale it became horrifying to watch. 
He started off kneeling, a hand on his knee to hold his weight. When he raised his other leg, the wind blew past her. As he set his weight down it knocked her off her feet. She bit her tongue to keep her silence as he continued to stand. She forgot to breathe once he was actually standing. She didn’t realize just how much he’d been hunched over before. Hundreds of feet. She was looking at someone hundreds of feet tall.
“Melody?” he whispered. It sounded as clear as when he was right next to her. She tried to see his face, one covered in shadow. Her heart was pounding, fear and anxiety bundled into one. It was almost worse watching him move, taking an actual step away, while this close to his feet. 
“You’re really tall,” she breathed. Her cheeks flushed as she realized he wouldn’t be able to hear her. Taking a deep breath she prepared herself to shout. “You’re really tall.”
Half expecting an annoyed response, she stiffened. Instead she heard the sound she’d loved hearing time and again. He started to laugh, quietly at first, just a chuckle. Soon it was the booming laugh that she adored for so long. The way he laughed when they spent late nights traveling. The way he would try not to be too loud only for her to laugh just as loud with him. A smile grew on her face as he hunched over to be near her.
“Is that really what you have to say?” he asked. She could hear the mirth in his voice. “I don’t know if you remember… nevermind.”
“If I remember that’s the first thing I said to you?” she asked. Despite the shadow covering his face she saw his smile. Human teeth, a part of her wondered what fangs would look like on him. Huge hands came down next to her, the fear of them bled through her. She knew he was safe. She saw how much she could trust him. She just had to make her heart believe it too.
“I didn’t think you’d remember, it seemed like you hated me back then.” He crouched, the wind that blew past made her shake again. His hands were next to her. She climbed to her feet walking over to one. Positive he’d listen she set one hand in front of her and the other above her on his palm. She pushed the higher one, smiling as his hand tilted.
“I didn’t hate you.” Once it seemed tilted enough she took a deep breath. Gathering her courage she climbed on the palm in front of her. He gasped, the hand twitched, but she kept going. He tilted his hand more until it was flat beneath her. She sat in the center of his palm before looking up at his face again. A tear fell near her, she managed not to flinch from it. “I never hated you. It took a bit, but I wound up having feelings I wanted to tell you. Ones I can’t say yet…”
“Melody… I can wait, I will, I mean. Unless you’d rather I le-”
“No!” She was stunned she could even cut him off. 
Kyrie’s hand moved, she barely kept the scream in her throat. He brought her up higher and higher. It didn’t stop until he was standing up straight with her in front of his eyes. She could read the hope in them like a book. If only he’d not hate the truth she had to say. One she couldn’t say until she spoke with her brother.
“I need some time… I’ll come back then and we can talk again,” she said. The confidence in her words didn’t match how she felt. The eyes in front of her brightened enough to make her heart ache.
“I’ll wait forever for you.”
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kiasnocturnality · 2 years
I have no idea if this was asked before but if it has feel free to ignore
What would your OCS do if their s/o was attacked by another creature?
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✩⋆゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: Alois Leblanc, Nasana, Takeshi, Desdemona Nausikáa, Aphaeleon, Va'ariniel, Taruqu'inel, Khione, Lucien Black 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: I love writing protectiveness hehe 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: depictions of violence, Lucien has a gun
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. * ⋆ . ·  . ALOIS LEBLANC
✭ Alois doesn't hesitate to step in right away. He's lost his entire family and he's not going to lose you too. He'd much rather sit atop his manor and watch the sun rise than live in a world without you, his sunlight.
✭ whether he's charging in with his sword or the creature is weaker than him to the point he can go in with his bare hands, he will. Will also likely tell you to hide somewhere in the manor while he fights just to assure your safety.
. * ⋆ . ·  . NASANA
✭ nagas are very territorial and their mates fall under this behaviour too. If you were to ever be attacked, he'll spring into action to defend you.
✭ Nasana's a big guy so he'll be charging in with nothing but raw strength, his teeth and his tail. He's fought off enough creatures before to confidently protect you.
. * ⋆ . ·  . TAKESHI
✭ each time Takeshi unsheathes his katana, he feels like a piece of his past self possesses him and, as much as he hates that feeling and all the mental pain that comes with it, he'd do it a thousand times over without hesitation to protect you.
✭ right away, he's diving in with his blade, shoving you behind his body to get between you and this creature and then shouting for you to get even further away so he can assure you won't be hurt.
✭ Desdemona's hypnosis is very powerful and it can be terrifying to see it in action. But if this is a creature that's immune to her song, she'll be shifting into her true form to take it on with all her might.
✭ on the one hand that the hypnosis works, you'll watch this creature quite literally tear itself apart at her command as she stands there watching, unflinching as she holds you to her chest and covers your eyes to spare you the sight. On the other hand, she'll be a blur of scales and feathers as she swiftly moves around this enemy and sinks both her claws and teeth in until she's sure it's no longer a threat to you.
. * ⋆ . ·  . APHAELEON
✭ Aphae's a fighter by literal nature and so he's reaching into his chest to draw his sword the moment he realises you're in trouble.
✭ he's quick to cut down the creature and then he's rushing to your side to check for injuries and healing them with his touch, even if they're just little scratches.
. * ⋆ . ·  . VA’ARINIEL
✭ typically, situations like these are handled by Va'ari's knight or guards - she has a duty to her kingdom to stay alive and so she cannot go charging into dangerous situations. However, she leaps into action when she sees you in danger: she's faced the loss of her mother and has been threatened with the loss of her throne since her brother's birth. She's not going to lose you too.
✭ there's a bright flash of light which stuns everyone and suddenly one of her guards' swords is in her hands and she's using everything in her surroundings to protect you. Plants are growing and moving to immobilise the enemy, illusions are being cast and ultimately she's driving the sword through the creature's chest. While all her guards flock around her to make sure she's ok, she only cares about your health.
. * ⋆ . ·  . TARUQU’INEL
✭ Taru never liked the military image that his advisors projected of him, it was even more difficult to uphold it without the ability to lie, but he couldn't have been more thankful for all his training the moment he sees you in danger. You're the most precious thing in the world to him, the only person he can be wholeheartedly honest with (ironic for a creature barred from anything but honesty) and the thought of losing you shatters his heart to a million pieces.
✭ he knows exactly how to handle the fight and uses minimal magic to slay the creature before he's cupping your face in shaky hands and asking how you are, barking at his advisors to shut up as they're already talking about using this situation to further boost his image.
. * ⋆ . ·  . KHIONE
✭ depending on the strength of the threat and the situation where this happens, Khione will use his dragon form, even if it's overkill, just to assure your safety. Whether he's having to fight with his cold fire or his sword, he doesn't care as long as you make it out alive and as minimally injured as possible.
✭ if this happens in an open space, you may well find the enemy is just crushed by his foot or is suddenly frozen through and being shattered to pieces. Regardless, you'll end up being carried straight back to the Silver Summit where Khione knows you will be safe, the most precious treasure he has.
. * ⋆ . ·  . LUCIEN BLACK
✭ Lucien is much weaker than almost all of the others but what he lacks in strength, he makes up for in the element of surprise and his intelligence.
✭ yes, he would jump the creature with a gun if the chance is there, 100% he would just get them down quickly to guarantee your safety. Otherwise, try not to freak out too much if the undead start defending you while Lucien takes you away to a safer distance, ok?
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imjustsocute · 3 months
Call Of Duty Black ops: Cold War [Bell OC]
(Final design)
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Name: Lisette “Bell” Frans [?]
Alias: Bell (by safehouse crews), Doll face (by Woods and Lazar), Little rat (Perseus??), Little princess (???)
Date of Birth: [???]
Age: 25-27 (1981)
Blood Type: A-
Nationality: Russian
Birthplace: [???]
Languages spoken: English, Russian, German
Gender: Female
Eyes color: Hazel
Hair color: Ash blonde
Build: Lean
Height: 5’4/ 162 cm.
Weight: 121 Ibs/ 55 kg.
Marks: A few scars on the left stomach, A gunshot wound on the right stomach, A large scar under breasts
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Russell Adler
Jason Hudson
Alex Mason
Frank Woods
Lawrence Sims
Eleazar “Lazar” Azoulay
Helen Park
Dimitri Belikov
Perseus collective (In past)
Arash Kadivar
Qasim Javadi
Anton Volkov
Vikhor “Stitch” Kuzmin
Kapano “Naga” Vang
Kaori “Kitsune” Tanaka
Freya “Wraith” Helvig
Roman “Knight” Gray
Owethu “Jackal” Mabuza
Fighting Style: Sambo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai
Weapon(s): Assault rifles, anything that can be weapons(fork, a pice of glass, wire etc.)
Distinct Weapon: M1911, Zero Tolerance 0006
Shortcomings: -
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Myers Briggs Type: ISFJ [Even Bell always keeps her straight face every time but doesn’t mean she didn’t care anyone or anything, she likes to observe everyone who close to her and support them in every way. She would do everything to protect those she loves. Even though she must sacrifice herself, she will do it without hesitate. What a saint she is, isn’t she?]
Good listener: Bell never argued with anyone in conversations or start speaking if no one asked her. She always listen them in silence, no opportunity, no questions like a good girl that sit still.
Dedicated: She will sacrifice everything that she have. No matter how many bloodshed on her hands, betrayed, killed everyone who get in her way or even worse, these actions are so selfish and disgusting more than anything but for the love ones, if that make them happy she would do it. Even in the end she would die alone she never upset at them. Never.
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Nervous: Bell not very good to meet a new member or friends. She didn’t know where to put herself when someone greeting or praised her and she will says “Thank you” in a monotone but in her mind is already exploding.
Food: Staek pie, Borscht
Drink: Coca Cola, Rose tea
Color: Blue
Song: -
Bell is a big eater. You will be surprised that she can eat up all food on table, no matter how many dishes had served she wiped out all of them.
Bell always keep her straight face all the time, happy, sad, angry, surprised or even smile. She never show them on her face, only doll face to show up on her.
She often had nightmares when she sleep about the fields of Vietnam, the girl who whispered on Bell to find the locket. And the man covered with blood on his whole body call her name but she didn’t hear it.
Bell is an expert arcade one. No one can beat her, she is the true Gamer in 80s.
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resuri-art · 1 year
Hi! I'm new to the yugioh fandom and have been asking around, do you have any fic recs you could share with us? I always love hearing what other people recommend ❤️
Hello anon, and welcome to the ygo fandom! 💖 I hope you're having a great time here. (We are a little weird but we are nice I promise.)
I have a lot of recs, it depends of what you're searching for, but I'll make a little selection:
Canon verse fics:
The last puzzle by @tenderwulf
11 years after the Ceremonial Duel, Atem and Bakura inexplicably find themselves back in Domino. When they meet their previous hosts, they realize how much things have changed: Yuugi, the now world-renowned King of Games, is going through a marriage crisis, Ryou is struggling to balance studies, work, and his brittle mental health, and Malik... well, Malik is living his best life—and his own yami is nowhere to be seen. They soon realize they all have to work together in order to solve the mystery of the yamis' return: some to make sure that they stay, and some to make sure that they don't.
- Philosophy of a knife by @crush3dmary
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Ryou learns this the hard way when he becomes the vessel for Zorc's power. A canon rewrite where Bakura wins.
The HoURGLASS serie by @worldendercharles
Two character studies of Marik Ishtar and his darker half, meant to parallel each other and explore the cross-contamination between them.
Chained to you by @saijspellhart
Taking place after the events of Season Zero, all the shadow games happened but Yugi never found out he was possessed by the spirit of the puzzle. Now he's an adult, living on his own, and he starts to notice strange and spooky things happening around his apartment. When he sees his own shadow moving Yugi begins to suspect his new place is haunted. But is this shadow spirit malicious or... kinda sweet? Yami does a bunch of stupidly sweet domestic shit for Yugi to help take care of him. Expect romance, fluff, self-care, and Puzzleshipping shenanigans.
Our Scars remind Us that the Past was Real by @sesshy380
Imagine waking up, and everyone is trying to convince you that the things you 'remember’ never happened, and that those 'memories’ exist only in YOUR head. The Thief King doesn’t have to imagine…because that’s exactly what happened. -or- The Thief King get’s a second chance at life.
Yami Bakura’s Got A Crush by @justapalspal
Yami Bakura’s got a crush, and it ends up being Bakura Ryou’s problem. Diva’s even more so.
AU fics:
To Balance the Scales by @sadistikitteh
Fleeing from being killed by his uncle's knights, Atem is saved by Bakura; the mate of the naga he'd helped years before. After healing from wounds and bonding with the couple, Atem's love and desire to help the creatures grows stronger.
Swan Lake by @kitsunefaux
A twist of fate leaves Bakura under the care of the fae Ryou, who thinks he would be so much cuter as a swan. What can you do against a creature who holds your choices in their hands? Who can you be in the belly of the beast?
The Kill Shot serie by @apathetic-theme-song
A modern/magic assassin AU. Two unstoppable forces collide as Bakura, one of the best assassins in the world, finds himself a target of an up-and-coming rival named Qadir in a plot to destroy them both. In teaming up to get revenge, they find that they make much better partners than enemies in more ways than one.
If you're into smut (and of age to read it of course), I would heavily recommend the whole work of Fat-Butch-Dyke (@fat-butch-dyke) and Sitabethel (@sitabethel). Fair warning with Sita: they do the best character developments. You think you will go for a fun pwp but be prepared to be a crying mess at some point.
Also Rochelle Echidna (@rochelle-echidna), Ninjam117 (@ninjam117), RelaySoul (@pandabaozi) and DisposableVillain works are to check too. <3 (I couldn't decide for a fic to recommend more than another.)
There are a lot more I'm probably forgetting but I think that will give you some reading material. Also I recommend to look at the other works of all the authors I mentionned, they are great. ♥
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ariellewm · 10 months
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🐍Prince Czar Agskaga's Holiday Story🎄
What to learn more about Czar? Link Here!
Summary: It's the night before the big day and you've returned to your guest room chamber. The place is decorated top to bottom, the fire is going. Only thing missing now was Prince Czar, the Naga Prince of the Central Isles.
Where is he and what does he have planned for you on this fine evening?
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You’ve arrived back in your guestroom chamber after the Amber Palace’s festivities. Oh, how you’ve wished you never returned to your room. As a visiting royal from the mainland Glarium, you’ve never expected the hospitality the Naga royal provided. Why, even your parents were impressed! It was your first time visiting the Central Isles and to the palace.
As tradition amongst the royals of Zarth, a royal head would be picked to host the joyous of holidays. There were many counts of the Agskaga’s hosting at their lovely grandiose palace, which was decorated top to bottom. Garland and wreaths filled with amber lilies and poinsettias. Crystalized lights wrapped around the evergreen trees would turn the trees aglow. There had to be several of them lined up along the hallways and a larger one in the marble ballroom.
You remembered the children huddled around the gigantic tree, waiting for the prince himself. As soon as everyone was present, the Naga Prince would give his speech before passing out the gifts. The wrapped presents would be passed out by not only his servants but also the royal himself. Children were first, then their parents afterwards. They were ecstatic about what Prince Czar had gifted them. One little sapien girl had gotten herself a set of hand-carved wooden dragons. A Naga boy was gifted onyx armor by Czar himself, and the boy immediately placed the stylized serpent helmet on and played knight throughout the entire evening.
Then it was the parents, including yours! Your lovely mother got a box filled with rare amber lily tea for when she gets stressed either with her royal duties or with your father. Father was gifted a new falcon to send messages to and from other royals after one had died of old age. Why, it even looked like the same one but younger. Others were given finely fabricated clothing designed by several of the female Nagi’s residing in the Amber Palace, amber lilies for use as medicine or in the form of tea, and many other presents. You couldn’t remember what most of them got, but you remembered the smiles on their faces afterwards.
The only other person who didn’t receive a gift, however, was you! You questioned yourself, wondering if perhaps Czar had forgotten about you.
On your way back to your room after a night of fun, a Naga maiden delivered you a letter. She slithered away before you could ask whom the letter was from.
Opening the old parchment envelope, you were greeted by the prince’s fine ink handwriting:
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When you opened the door to make your way back into your room, it had been decorated. The same evergreen garlands you saw throughout the entire palace were snaked around the columns. In the living space, there was even a tree, almost as large as the one in the ballroom. It was bedecked with several crystalized orbs and ruby ribbons. Perched upon the tree was a southern golden dragon topper with feathered wings spread wide. The only light within the chamber was the very faint glow from the fireplace.
Smiling, you looked at how lovely your room had transformed. Back home in Glarium, no one had ever thought to decorate someone’s living space. You then head into the separate room to change into your more comfortable clothing. The room was slightly cold, so you decided to wear the warmest, softest clothing you could wear. You wanted to be cozy after all.
You made your way back to the living room. Suddenly, you sense that you aren’t alone in the room now. From behind, you could hear something slithering around, along with a soft hissing noise.
“Good evening, princessss.”
Turning around you exclaimed, “Czar!”
He greeted you with that charming smile of his, along with his crimson eyes. Czar was quite the sneaky, silent Naga. He always managed to catch you off guard or startle you.
“You can’t scare me like that!” You lightly punch him on his tan, faded black arm, also laughing along with him. “You know I get scared easily.”
“I’m sssorry darling, it wasss too tempting for me to do.” He chuckled.
“This room is lovely! How did you do all this?” You asked as your eyes wondered at all the festive décor.
Slithering around you, his black and red faded golden saddled pattern scales shone. “I had my servantsss decorate the room earlier. Sssince this is your first time here, I wanted to make sure you were comfortable and treated asss such.” Czar took notice of the dimly lit fireplace.
He lifted his left arm, and a flame erupted from within his palm. It struck the wood, the fire roaring once more. Czar sighed afterward, looking within his left palm.
“Oh, Czar you shouldn’t use up your fire majic too much.” You knew such power from his embedded oval jewel within in his hand would weaken if overused.
The Naga examined his palm before turning his attention back to you, “I’ll be fine. Besidesss, I haven’t usssed my majic in a while. Onccce I get plenty of ressst though, the cryssstal will be restored.” Lazily, he settled near the fireplace, his coils shifting for you to join him. He patted his hand upon the cushion that lied beside him, “Pleassse, join me dear. Let ussss enjoy the ressst of the evening by the fire.”
Both of you would exchange gifts while sipping on amber lily tea and sweets by the fire. First was Czar, as he handed you a long thin golden box. Opening it up, from within was a stunning teal silver necklace paired with pearl earrings.
“Allow me, princessss.” He hissed gently in your ear. You turned to allow him to place the necklace on you. He fastened the silver string from behind, his hands delicately brushing your shoulders before pulling away. Turning back around, Czar complimented you on how lovely the heart-shaped teal pendant looked on you. It sparkled just like starlight. A slight blush formed, and shyly, you turned your head away. You then felt something cool touch underneath your chin, the tip of his tail turning your head back at the handsome naga,
“You mentioned you had sssomething for me, dear?”
Oh, how could you forget? Of course! You reached over toward the tree on your knees, where the larger wrapped present was. Czar’s eyes grew curious; just what exactly did you get for him?
“Go on, open it!” You smiled, knowing very that he’d enjoy the gift.
Czar wasted no time digging in. He ripped up the green wrapping paper, using his tail to push away the torn paper. There was a neatly folded onyx, maroon printed blanket. It was soft, made from the finest cotton and had leaf designs on either side. He raised the blanket up, taking in the designs dragging one of his hands across the material.
He mumbled to himself, “It’sss beautiful.”
Suddenly, the naga felt a source of heat coming from it. Czar’s eyes brightened with surprise toward you and back at the blanket.
“It’s enchanted to keep you warm during cold nights. I thought that perhaps you’d like it since you get cold easily.”
“Do I like it?” Czar draped the blanket upon his coiled form. He deeply inhaled before exhaling with a hiss, “I love it! It’sss so niccce and warm. Thisss is what I needed.”
Of all the blankets he has in his possession, your blanket would be cherished most of all. Now that it was colder, he’d be using it every night before bed. He also wanted you to join him underneath the blanket and share in the warmth. You leaned up against him, resting your head on his chest. Czar’s long, serpentine body curled around you while he wrapped you in the blanket. It was indeed cozy, warmer than any hot chocolate could provide.
Your body began to relax, and your eyes were having a hard time keeping themselves open.
Noticing you drifting off, a mischievous idea came to Czar’s mind.
“Princesss, are you ssstill awake?” You awaken to see that at the tip of his tail, a spring of mistletoe hung above. Blushing, you knew the gesture. He laughed, “Don’t be ssshy…come clossser.” His coils around you pushed you up against him even more. You allowed him to kiss you, but he only kissed your reddening cheeks.
You and Czar would spend the rest of the late evening keeping each other company.
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Artwork of Czar by @wyyvernn
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captainschmoe · 1 year
imagine if more male units aside from chrom had child units??
Oh how I wish I was better at making OC’s, but have some thoughts I thought up:
- Frederick has a son who ended up becoming a hugely rebellious teenager due to his father’s strict discipline. He does become a royal knight, albeit nowhere near as, er, “dedicated” as Frederick.
- Ricken NEEDS to have a son who ends up being way bigger and buffer than he is lmao.
- Stahl has a daughter who’s pretty much just a “mini-me”: kind, honest, very hungry, and interested in brewing potions. However, she’s more insecure about her averageness, and spends a lot of time trying new things to find something she excels in.
- Kellam has a daughter who ends up getting spoiled rotten from all the love and attention her dad gives her. Tends to deliberately draw attention to herself, but knows how to be just as sneaky as her dad.
- Henry has a son who is perfectly, astoundingly normal in the head. He’s deeply embarrassed by his father’s whole deal, and is reluctant to associate with him. Henry’s bloodlust turned him vegetarian.
- Libra needs to have a daughter who gets mistaken for a man all the time lol. While she does worship Naga like her father, she secretly has a strong curiosity about Grima and the Grimleal.
- Lon’qu has a daughter and is pleased to discover he has no issues being close to her. However, she ends up being innately talented with the sword, which makes him self-conscious.
- Gaius has a son who is easily sickened by sweet things and poor hygiene. Actually, a lot of things make him sick. Squeamish boy. EDIT: I changed my mind. His son is gonna be similar to Saizo for giggles.
- Virion has a son with a passion for poetry. Most of his poems consist of flowery ramblings about how excruciatingly gay he is.
- Donnel has a daughter who wants to get a formal education and become a farm vet, but struggles to learn directly from the books and needs extra help from her pa.
- Vaike has a son who is just a total shrimp. A wimpy wet mop of a man. Easily bullied. Can’t handle his dad’s roughhousing.
- Gregor has a daughter who is a mercenary like him. Cocky, confident, and commanding. A “one of the boys” kind of girl like Sully and Flavia. Picked up many of her father’s speech quirks.
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fandom-blackhole · 11 months
🕷🕸Happy Halloween 🎃 🕯
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-Asks can be submitted from Oct 26 - Nov 5 (Edit: Halloween week just went from 0 to I'm skrewed so I am leaving these open longer and will answer them if I have time this week but will probably get to them next week...sorry :/)
-The asks have to revolve around Halloween in some way, whether its in cannon celebration/activity or it's like a monster AU
-If you use a prompt/idea from below, you are allowed to use multiple prompts for one request
-There is no limit to how many requests you can send, but if you send alot all at once I may skip to someone else's and come back to yours so everyone gets theirs answered and its not just a block of one person
-All genres welcome fluff, smut, angst, ect. (just know I am in a mosterfucking mood so those are very welcome atm)
-No minors please and thank you
-Lastly, I am a busy person so my answers may be a little slow and I do hold the right to turn down a request (not that I think this will happen but I just wanna put it out there just in case <3)
Below the cut are a few prompt lists incase you wanna send an ask but don't know what to send <3
Halloween/Fall Activities-
Pumpkin carving
Scary movie marathon
Going to a haunted house
Halloween party
Drinking hot coco/apple cider by a fire
Going apple picking
Going to a pumpkin patch
Doing Corn Maze
Making couple's costumes
Making caramel apples
Baking together
Decorating for Halloween
Want an activity that's not listed? send it in! I probably just forgot to add it lol
Monster/Hybrid ideas-
Monster under the bed/in the closet
Hell hound
Shape Shifter
Doll/Mannequin/ Statue
Headless horseman
again, I definitely missed some, if you don't see it listed here you are more than welcome to still request it!
Little Red Riding Hood
Trick-or-Treating with your kids/siblings
One of you got cursed
One of you is a ghost trapped in a house and falls for the living person
Sacrifice to a higher being/monster
Human x Hybrid/Monster
Stumbling upon monster's secret hidden home
Corrupting a priest/nun
Priestess/Priest x God/Goddess
One person dies and turns into a ghost that haunts the other person
Finding a cat/dog and taking it home but oops its not a dog/cat
Researcher x Monster being researched
Prince/Princess saved from tower by monster/hybrid!knight
Angel x Demon
Or any other scenario/AU you've got!!
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