gith-zeri · 4 months
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@bottomseareef I'm in the process of Movin'/Packing, but here's a quick shitpost .
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gith-zeri · 5 months
If Issal was canon, not really a hot take, but I feel like there would be a good couple of people putting Issal and Zilvuit in a self-cest ship like she was the Onceler in 2012
Oh God, I can SEE the Gmvs with Lady Gagas's bad romance edited behind them with bad OT3s thrown in between
Issal: I'm not saying images of me fucking the manifestation of my worst impulses ISN'T something that bothers me, but I have seen worse.
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gith-zeri · 5 months
DnD/Baldur's Gate 3 OC Headers
Some headers I've been throwing together, mostly satisfied with the outcomes.
Khal'ian- Githzerai Monk
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Issal/Zilvuit- Drow Artificer
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gith-zeri · 6 months
Kisses 3 or 54 for Baldur’s Gate/D&D OCs
Types of Touches Ask Game
3.) Smiling While giving a Kiss
Characters: Khal'ian, Issal, Myr'iira
Genre: Fluff
I tweaked this a bit
" The smallest smile brightens the darkest of days. How about a tiny one, Issal?"
Khal spoke that phrase often, a little tidbit that he used to pry Issal from her thoughts.
It did the trick most of the time. It ruffled Issal's feathers, sure, but Khal'ian always claimed few choice words from his friend were well worth the price to keep Issal from receding to a grim place.
It was annoying, but it could be ignored if Issal pleased and Khal'ian was never one to press an issue.
But this? Horrible, cruel, inhumane, she could never forgive him for this. He would have to atone for the next century, then another three more before she would even entertain the IDEA of forgiveness.
The crime in question?
Khal'ian decided to teach Myr'iira the bloody phrase.
Now Issal is cornered by a toddler, whom the drow swore she had put down for a nap 10 minutes ago, crawling into her lap and babbling away about how she wants her auntie to be happy.
It honestly, kinda... melted her heart..
Despite everything, Issal felt her mouth slowly curl into a genuine grin, much to her niece's delight. The Artificer leaned down and pressed a little kiss to the hatchling's forehead, still smiling. The little one giggling and saying that it tickles.
Maybe Issal could forgive Khal'ian in this century.
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gith-zeri · 6 months
Five and Two for the OC ask game, Baldur's Gate/D&D OCs
2.) What role would your OC fill in a friend group?
Khal'ian would be that therapeutic friend who can get you to sit down and reflect on yourself with unnerving ease. Nothing too imposing but small chats with tea that urge you to take a breather and look at things with a healthy perspective. It works sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't. His ears are always there...Plus, the tea is great, so that's a bonus.
The friend you go to for good gossip/info. Knows everything from the smallest secrets whispered by local children to unknown major political scandals that are about to happen. If it's been whispered, Kira WILL know about it somehow.
Just buy her a beer and she'll let you know friend, hells she'll even hide your secrets for you! She's even better at that!
The mom friend but a like drow matron, a very exasperated drow matron.
Issal will protect and take care of you, but it won't be gentle and only what she sees as good for you. Her words will be stiff and grumpy, but she'll make sure you're able to stand strong.. and leave her alone.
Bonus Zilvuit
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gith-zeri · 5 months
awful oc hot takes
Fandom would only find Issal/Zilvuit and Khalian's relationship compelling if it was only romantic and disregard the found family parts of their relationship
Yeah, I could definitely see that happening if they were canon characters. I could at times put them together romantically. but I usually only do that to create a horror-ish feel with Zilvuit.
It highlights what makes Issal so scared of her mind and how much of herself can be warped if Lolth wishes it.
ZILVUIT: "Sweet Issal believes I despise the toad. But Oh, she couldn't be more wrong."
ZILVUIT: "I long to pull him apart, savor each taut tendon, and become one with the mess. Rutting against his cracked skull, driving against his bloody red femur."
ZILVUIT: "What love can you claim is greater than this?"
Issal: " Is this just another test from Lolth? Is this ME?! How can I call Khal my family when this is bubbling under the surface?!
Fandom: Yeah, I can ship this without unnerving tones being addressed.
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gith-zeri · 6 months
Baldur's Gate 3 / DnD
Character related posts
How Issal & Khal'ian handle a romanced!Minthara
Issal and finding out about Zilvuit by using the Tadpole
How Issal & Khal'ian react to one another romancing Minthara
Khal'ian & Issal's types of charisma
Issal/Zilvuit in-game mechanic
Get To Know Your Tav- Khal'ian
Get To Know Your Tav- Issal/Zilvuit
DND OC Heights
How Khal'ian & Issal flirt
What Tarot would your PC be?: Khal'ian
Issal romance chart
Khal'ian romance chart
Ask meme: What type of friends?
Lost Star-child
Lolth's Favorite little Artificer
Khal'ian in the Grymforge
Issal and the brain
Kira Pirate Captain
Khal'ian Voice Claim #1
Issal Voice Claim #1
Issal Voice Claim #2
Meme: Teaching Mom Jokes
Meme: popcorn
Meme: Game night
Meme: Roasting Gale
Meme: Text messages
Meme: my brother likes her
Meme: bathroom writing
Ask meme- Kira: Better to be Feared
Khal'ian and Issal
Ask Game Touching- Issal & Myr'iira: Smiling While Giving a Kiss
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gith-zeri · 8 months
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Issal Voice Claim #2
A.k.a. Here's the better-edited version of how I envisioned Issal/Zilvuit voices and how they sound when switching between each other.
VA: Jessica Strauss
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gith-zeri · 8 months
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《Pre-Game, drabble, oc Lore,Tw Blood, Tw Vomiting》
Just my ramblings on Khal'ian and Issal's first meeting. Set 5 years prior to the events of baldur's gate 3, Khal'ian is 18, and Issal is 23.
Any purple text indicates Zilvuit's voice and presence. Most of it is written in drow
Just cobbled my thoughts together, not that grand.
Finding refuge in Sshamath didn't absolve Issal from the ghosts of her past. One didn't scorn the first House of Menzoberranzan and hope for a serene life in the same breath.
Assassination attempts were plenty.
 Perhaps by the spider queens meddling hands, cackling as she plucks Issal from one web to another or Fate itself simply deciding that it just hates her in particular.
That causes one of these attempts to lead her into finding solace in a family member once more. Albeit a family of her own choosing, rather than one of blood.
The plot was a simple one, yet very effective in nature.
It was a clever ruse, Issal would admit to it. Disguising a scroll of a plane shift has one of her missing schematics.
Taking into account her newly damaged eye and nerves, she wouldn't have been able to spot the innate differences in handwriting nor feel the magic crackle under her fingertips.
But sending her to a Slaadi riddled rock in Limbo? Tasteless overkill, reeks of Baenre posturing. She wondered what half-baked wizard the Matron ordered to scribe this mess. The enchantment was sloppy and barely holding the seal.
Her pondering was cut short when the scroll disintegrated and she had arrived.
Going into Limbo unprepared, whether on purpose or not, will often end up with the person dead. An individual must know how to enforce their will upon the plane, or else the constant shifting elements will quickly eliminate the body.
The lack of technique on her behalf quickly allowed Limbo to make itself known. Collapsing under her own weight and frantically gasping for air, the plane began to warp her body.
The raw chaos painfully transforms her muscles into volcanic glass, freezing her body in place, bit by bit, the air around her switching between freezing and scorching. The function of breathing turns into an enduring torment.
Heat inhalation began. She felt her lungs fill with liquid, forming severe burns in deep within issues. Her body began to drown itself in its own fluids. She can feel the slurry rapidly creep up her throat, and it's bubbling, boiling.
  She starts to cough up, boiling blood  spewing it from her mouth.
There's so much of it. It's neverending. It just gushes  out of her. And she tries and tries and tries, to stop it. She just as to force it, and force it and force it.
Battling her body to its breaking point, screaming and vomiting even more fluids.
Time starts to not make sense anymore. it feels like days and days and days - stretching on into an infinity.
One convulsion after another; again and again and again and again.
Memories and identities get so intertwined and blurred, her own name becomes foreign to her tongue, and she can no longer hold herself up.
She collapses into a puddle of her own making.
She lays there for what feels like an eternity writhing in pain. She could feel her mind trying to escape her body. but only finding itself falling into a deep recess, ..a familiar web of isolation.
The last time she was this deep into her own subconscious… she was somewhere else, was someone else...
Abruptly, she was yanked down by what could be described as her mirror image. Yet she was distorted somehow, like if she was some rabid cur rather than the pride of house Oussafin.
It was just..wrong..
Her own reflected eyes were boring into her soul, shining, like a piece of lone torchstalk;
Like a singular stalk growing right off the side of a lone road. Looking tempting, as if its only purpose was to hypnotize weary travelers and make them stumble off the well-worn path. Into the jaws of lurking predators hiding within shadows; Jaws salivating, just out of reach.
These eyes are filled with such pride and anger that it reminded her of home.
Oh, how she longed to return home and bask in its horrible splendor. how long has it been since she last laid eyes on her city?
Too long
Naut verve z'lonzic
So much within her has changed since then she's can see it clearly with these eyes, her own eyes.
 Now, she can bear witness to the prodigal daughter that never was, And realize the traitor she'll always be.
Her gazing was interrupted by its voice, her voice, that awful grating voice-
And with that , she's plunged deeper into the recess. Held there tightly, lovingly and spitefully. Wrapped inside an ever expanding web, always dancing to Lolth's melody.
Suffocating her
There's another explosion of agony as Limbo causes her body to twist and shred. The sudden pain gives her ample opportunity to tear at her restraints and crawl upward. But she carries another beside her as well. A piece that has always been with her, but now she can feel them; squirming behind her eyes, always watching.
 Both psyches crash together and explode from the recess, as Limbo itself shrieks for a victor. And both are desperate to unweave themselves from the chaos of it all, flailing to the surface.
 She emerges victorious, managing to break through by the skin of her teeth. 
It's so hard to catch her breath. It feels like her eyes are on fire. Everything blurring, fading in and out.
It's so hazy that it takes her almost a full five minutes to adjust and recognise the shuffling shape of something approaching her.
Was it a man?
A boy.
Withstanding this plane couldn't be possible for a healthy adult, let alone a boy, to be floundering about this hellscape. Convinced her mind was finally liquifying into a slurry, Issal weakly gestured the boy closer, fully suspecting that he'd evaporate into the aether. He didn't.
How Concerning
Lu'oh Jivvin
He speaks, asking her something in a language she can not comprehend. she musters up the strength to utter a response in common and looks the boy in the eyes
"Please," she pauses to wheeze again. "Please help me," She croaks, and the weakness in her tone feels revolting, but she never breaks the boy’s gaze. 
Trapping him there, weakly but steadfast.
His eyes were a sweet peach color and oddly calming. She almost wants to pluck them out and cradle them close to her chest.
He asks again timidly, tense and nervous, yet he starts to inch closer. Craning his head to the side, attempting to get a better view of her, how unnerving she must look to him. Laying in her own blood and filth, only moments before screaming at herself like a madwoman.
Dosst naut maglust, dalninil.
She wets her lips again. They taste metallic and are coated thick with bile. She tries to answer the boy again, but
Another round of convulsions stops her.
 The agony that was temporarily forgotten returns with a vengeance inside her lungs.
There's a loud shout. She hears the scrambling of feet in front of her and feels a set of gentle hands trying to coax her onto her feet. 
The boy.
He's propping her upright onto his shoulder, rubbing and tracing symbols on her back, frantically chanting a phrase over and over.
"Ghustil, Ghustil, ra'stil!" Is all she can make out before she's thrown over his shoulder.
She can only whimper weakly.
But he's with her, steadfast through it all.
 Carrying her along firmly and letting her vomit, scream, and bleed all over his back. 
She blacks out.
And awakens in a monastery, bandaged and healed. She learns of the gith and the Tir'su being spoken to her. But most importantly, she learns the name of the boy who saved her.
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gith-zeri · 6 months
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Same Vibes
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gith-zeri · 6 months
Hey what’s the height for Issal, Khal’ian, and Kira?
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No problem! Here's a height comparison. Khal'ian is the tallest, but his shy demeanor and slouching makes him appear smaller.
Kira is the second at 5'11 "but tends to add her horns to try and round up her height.
Issal is the smallest but is above average height for a drow. Switching into Zilvuit adds a couple of inches.
Myr'iira inherited Khal'ian height, much to her aunts dismay.
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gith-zeri · 6 months
in lieu of eating due to a lunch thief, @bottomseareef I made a shit post before returning to 4 more hours of working
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gith-zeri · 6 months
Wanna see something neat?
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This is Khal'ian's daughter, the technical runt of the first clutch Khal'ian lays after Vlaakith defeat.
She's named Myr'iira, Issal's actual first name. Khal'ian wanted to honor his dearest friend.
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gith-zeri · 6 months
@bottomseareef @sorcerous-caress This is edited so poorly, but I got another shitpost in the door.
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gith-zeri · 7 months
29 and 30 for the ask game
30.) How does your PC flirt?
He'd flirt awkwardly, but he'd be full of earnest as he does it. Khal'ian would complement a person's personality and battle prowess before any mention of physical attraction.
Even then, if he does complement someone's body, it is usually in association with a skill.
For example, if they are dexterous, he'd mention that he'd never realize that their wrists were so skilled, how nimble and precise.
Whether it's the gods thinking he's being too smooth at the moment or bad luck. He'd start stuttering again and then proceed to shove his foot into his mouth.
She flirts in a faint, non-amorous manner, like don't blink, or you'll miss it type of flirting.
This is a result of her Drow upbringing, her own distaste for flowery language, and preferring blunt straight to the point complements.
I.E- " You're clearly very attractive, I don’t see why you struggle painfully to communicate."
"Care to repeat that?"
" The part that you struggle painfully? Yes, it is an interesting phenomenon, I even have a hypothesis formed. "
You'd feel more like a test subject than a potential partner.
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gith-zeri · 7 months
This is so stupid, but I couldn't help it. Imagine this is the party's 3rd night together. @bottomseareef
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