#or one gith baby?
gith-zeri · 6 months
Kisses 3 or 54 for Baldur’s Gate/D&D OCs
Types of Touches Ask Game
3.) Smiling While giving a Kiss
Characters: Khal'ian, Issal, Myr'iira
Genre: Fluff
I tweaked this a bit
" The smallest smile brightens the darkest of days. How about a tiny one, Issal?"
Khal spoke that phrase often, a little tidbit that he used to pry Issal from her thoughts.
It did the trick most of the time. It ruffled Issal's feathers, sure, but Khal'ian always claimed few choice words from his friend were well worth the price to keep Issal from receding to a grim place.
It was annoying, but it could be ignored if Issal pleased and Khal'ian was never one to press an issue.
But this? Horrible, cruel, inhumane, she could never forgive him for this. He would have to atone for the next century, then another three more before she would even entertain the IDEA of forgiveness.
The crime in question?
Khal'ian decided to teach Myr'iira the bloody phrase.
Now Issal is cornered by a toddler, whom the drow swore she had put down for a nap 10 minutes ago, crawling into her lap and babbling away about how she wants her auntie to be happy.
It honestly, kinda... melted her heart..
Despite everything, Issal felt her mouth slowly curl into a genuine grin, much to her niece's delight. The Artificer leaned down and pressed a little kiss to the hatchling's forehead, still smiling. The little one giggling and saying that it tickles.
Maybe Issal could forgive Khal'ian in this century.
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thelikesoffinn · 4 months
My current party is, like, 75% comprised of tanks and tanks only. I'm talking Karlach. I'm talking Lae'zel. I'm talking my Gith paladin Lii'ira. All the girls who can beat you up without breaking a sweat.
Powerful, strong ladies.
Powerful, strong ladies and Astarion.
I call it "Astarion and the gals".
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an-excellent-choice · 7 months
Headcanon where Gale is the famous professor in the academy for being one of the few professors who actually had a great perilous adventure but none of the students (and some staff too) believe it really happened.
Like they file it away as one of those things where he probably just saw it at the sidelines not really like thick in battle since he has the orb to worry about.
Until finally one day Gale holds a special series of seminars/demonstrations for in the field spellcasting for fights or crisis. He invited all the party members he could in these seminars
Suddenly a former shar worhipper, gith, vampire, devil, is that the blade of frontiers(?), the legendary jaheira and the hero of baldurs gate just are there to help the demo/seminar.
A nighttime demo for Astarion, A lesson on how to cast light spells and be alert for rogues. Not to mention how to maintain concentration when you get shot by an arrow, Gale will say as Astarion shoots an arrow at him. ( at some point an arrow does sink in Gale's shoulder and the whole class freezes but Gale just tuts disapprovingly while Astarion just acts innocently like he doesnt have a longbow in his hand)
Karlach makes a demo on how to distinguish devils and how to kill them. She and Gale also show how to deal with a raging barbarian in a fight as a wizard, Hint human shields i mean tanks companions are important.
Wyll is charming the socks of the audience and shows self-defense tactics when an enemy too close. Oh yes he used to be a warlock but his patron was a devil so he had to cut ties with her
Shadowheart talks about healing spells and being aware of the your companions healths. She especially emphasizes the importance of being able to self heal in emergencies especially for wizards while giving pointed looks at Gale while Gale awkwardly(or guiltily?) shuffles and clears his throat
Laezel talks about the battlefield positions and best placement of wizards in the field to help the strongest soldiers and she also shows which of the body parts they should aim their spells. (I like imagining Laezel having her baby strapped on her while doing her demo or using her baby to show which body parts)
And after a while the students realize with how Gale seamlessly shows or helps in the demos that omg maybe professor Dekarios did help save the baldurs gate
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acepalindrome · 1 year
I just want tons of fluff about the githyanki egg hatching and the party having to deal with sudden unexpected baby acquisition.
Karlach is immediately in love with this precious little nugget but she’s also terrified of somehow hurting them. The baby is so tiny! What if she cuddles them too hard? What if she drops them?! She also shares her teddy bear with the baby and makes it pretend to talk to them in a silly voice.
Lae’zel was never supposed to be a parent, just because of how gith society and reproduction works, but now she’s got a baby under her care, and she’s both very unsure of what to do and fiercely protective of them. She deals with the anxiety by staying busy. Go get firewood to keep baby warm. Go hunting to get food for baby. Pulverize food so it’s nice and soft for baby. Do tasks for baby!
Gale 100% talks to the baby like they’re an adult. He’s literally this guy. He’s also very invested in the baby’s education and loves to read to them. It’s good for their little minds to be read to! Also Gale’s reading is one of the most effective ways to get the baby to sleep.
Astarion complained about them taking the egg in the first place, and is very unsure about having a baby in their party, but, well….their tiny toes are rather cute. He’ll talk about how they should dump it at the first village they come across, but he softens up embarrassingly fast. He also goes through the party’s supply of old clothes and repurposes them to make baby clothes. Can’t let the little thing stay naked, can we?
Wyll loves kids, and he loves the baby. He’s a bit of a baby hog and loves to scoop them up and bounce them on his shoulder while telling stories about his adventures. He’s also really good at figuring out their different cries. He knows a hungry cry from a tired cry from a needing a diaper change cry.
Shadowheart was also not a huge fan initially of the gang caring for a baby, but if no one’s looking she’ll make faces at the baby to get them to smile. She’s so proud of herself when she manages to make them laugh.
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nocturne-reverie · 1 year
it really sucks the lack of content you could get from that githyanki egg, just imagine the pastabilities
-The dark urge getting some super fucked up drama trying to break the fucking thing
- Karlach getting super maternal and becomes a milf like she should be
- Wyll getting super paternal and holding up pictures of Good things and Evil things to the egg like that scene in megamind
- Astarion literally just being Jareth the Goblin King
- Gale and Shadowheart being actually decent at caring for the egg but are screaming on the inside afraid they’re gonna drop it or something
- Halesin and Jahira being the funkle and the badass aunt
- Lae’zel after you romance her and get the kool-aid out of her system is like “Y’know the odds are we wont find another creche to take it to” and Tav’s like “I think we could find one” and she’s like “...I dunno i mean i could make that little bastard into the greatest gith warrior to ever live.” and tav’s like “What” “You and the wizard could share your arcane knowledge with the youth, granting them mastery over both the arcane as well as our astral manipulation” “Lae’zel” “Astarion can share his techniques in subterfuge and light-footedness, making them the most skilled assassin in the realm” “I would not put a baby in front of-” “Karlach can spot them in various weight and muscle building training” “I- She could, she could do that very well”
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sinizade · 6 months
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B'ella, the Pale Child (Dark Urges Redeemed)
Class: Warlock (Barbarian subclass)
Romance: Bae'Zel
Besties: Scratch / Owlbear / Wyll / Gale / Karlach
One extra egg among all those eggs wouldn't make a difference, nor would they complain about having two extra hands to fight for the "glory" of their queen. This way, the hatching of this egg surprised the elders of that Creche a little, a child as pale as the moon and with eyes as red as blood that possessed a fury worthy of a demon, certainly that child had something inside it, but the Githyanki wouldn't get rid of a healthy child just because of surpestitions based on one of the babies' appearance... But should they?
B'ella was obedient, precise, deadly, her teachers could see and feel the almost insane pleasure she felt every time she beat her opponents in training, every time she made them bleed and beg... Something so... Sadistic... Even for a Githyanki child, it was unusual to have such an appreciation for death and the ways of killing, but then again, they weren't going to get rid of such a dedicated and useful fighter like her just out of superstition.
Her adulthood was only accompanied by an insatiable hunger, B'ella could have had her uses in combat, an animal, a monster, but when her abilities began to affect other Githyanki they finally realized that having her there was no longer safe or suitable for Creche, so in a clear desperate act they tried to contain B'ella, they tried to tame the monster inside her... The Slayer, but that obviously didn't go as they expected and her sadistic, cruel and psychotic fury spread to everyone in that Creche. Every teacher, every warrior, doctor, student, child, egg, all murdered, torn apart in a bloody dance that spread throughout each hall and that was when she heard a voice, a small creature that praised her... A praise that she never found she was going to receive, told her that there was a place where she could be who she really was, where she could know what it was like to have a family that truly admired her for what she did...
That male human, that Enver Gortash, intelligent man. Tasting Gortash, subduing him to her whims was satisfying, but her devotion was only to her creator, to her god, to her father, Bhaal... But everything had been thrown into the trash with the betrayal of that insolent child, that damned and jealous changeling who took her rightful place.
Waking up on a ghaik ship with no memories left her disconcerted, but her focus now was to get out of there and return to her people and achieve purification. Having someone as adept in battle as Lae'Zel made it easier since the rest of her companions with the exception of Karlach left the pale gith with disgust in her mouth regarding combat.
It wasn't so bad being around that bunch of big noses, they entertained her, they seemed to care about her dark desires, not just for them, but also for her? This was new, not even she remembered the last time she received any kind of help (literally)
Lae'Zel... Zhak vo'n'fynh duj... B'ella could barely understand what she felt, she could barely know what she felt, she didn't know or remember that feeling, but with Lae'Zel everything was clear. .. She was her world, her sword, her flame, the source of her joy...
Finding out that she wasn't a child of Gith broke her, even if she managed to hide it well, it destroyed her completely inside, knowing that the years she spent in her Creche, that her "egg", that her life, was a fake life designed by her "father". That wasn't for her, even if it once had been, now it wasn't... B'ella would no longer be a Bhaalspawn, now she would be a child of Gith and follow Orpheus and her beloved Lae'zel into battle against Vlaakith's tyranny
Some extra information about B'ella
Her memory was "reset" to her times at Creche as soon as she lost her memories, before her dark impulses took over.
She has a strange habit of keeping a lock of her enemies' hair for no reason, she just likes to have a memory of good battles, but when the enemy wasn't good enough she just crushes its head (She has a lock of hair with her from the hair of Minthara/ Ketheric/ Raphael)
Even though she appears to be reserved and cold, B'ella is considered TOO romantic when she is with Lae'Zel and only Lae'Zel, only her source of joy can see B'ella that way
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barbozari · 1 month
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[Day 1] Stars ⭐️
Young Lae’zel reading the tale from gith disc, sits joyfully alongside a sleeping baby red dragon. The stars are just within reach of the little one✨
Ps. I’ve join LAEZELMANCERWEEK event on twitter. Thank you Twitter: @llarissel for organizing this great event. I’ll keep drawing until Day 7 as much as I can. 💕🫶🏻
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mactiir · 1 year
ranking baldur's gate characters by how i think they smell
#9) Minthara. Because she’s a corpse, next question.
#8) Lae'zel. You know this woman has never bathed. Washing is for the weak, is'tik. She says this is because needs her musk to attract mates but mostly it's cuz Gith education doesn't exactly make time for personal hygiene. Once it got so bad that Tav dragged the whole party through a chest-deep stream and stood there for 20 minutes to take a "breather" while Laezel stared daggers at them the whole time.
#7) Karlach. I want Karlach to smell nice so badly, and Karlach probably wants Karlach to smell nice too, but you know this woman smells like brimstone and engine exhaust and sweat. On good days she smells like the fine char you get on burgers on a summer day. On bad days she smells like a truck stop at peak hours, and the truck stop is also on fire. She's not happy about this either.
#6) Gale. Gale tries to keep himself groomed, he really does. But he looks like he is perpetually just a tiny bit smelly. Like he hyperfocused on a book slightly too hard for slightly too long and as a result he forgot to shower for a week. He acts like he bedded Mystra because of his towering intellect but really it's cuz gods don't have human senses of smell. His nightshirt looks velvet, too, and you KNOW it can't be easy to get smells out of that shit without a washer. He is one of those poor guys who is cursed to always stink a little bit no matter how much he showers. When Tav confronts him about this he decides, on the spot, that deodorant is for anti-intellectuals, actually, which he wouldn't have expected Tav to know but it's okay, we can't all be enlightened.
#5) Minsc. He doesn't reek exactly, but you know he's 100% man musk, hamster bedding, and butt-kicking
Tied for #5) Jaheira. You know 100 years of living in forests and adventuring with Minsc has endowed her with exactly the same level of manly perfume as Minsc (except with notes of cedarwood).
#4) Wyll. He used to be the best-smelling until Mizora pulled him through every level of hell in rapid succession, and now he smells a little bit like brimstone all the time. He sometimes rubs fragrant herbs on his horns to counteract it, which doesn't get rid of the smell, really, but it gives his smell an interesting dimension. Otherwise, he has enough experience with adventuring, and is well-bred enough, that him and his things are usually well-groomed (and also because his dad was a freak about it).
#3) Shadowheart. This woman puts on tragic makeup every morning and changes her hair to reflect her religion. Appearances are EVERYTHING (especially when it comes to keeping secrets). Shadowheart smells exactly like she thinks she needs to smell to be religiously pleasing to her goddess and/or coMplEtE thE mIsSioN. She does get anxious sweats though, which are very distinctive if it's been a long day of adventuring. She never admits this, though. Ever.
#2) Astarion. Okay, so, sometimes, he smells just the teensiest, tiniest bit like dried blood. But mostly, he smells like baby powder and potpourri. It is a waste of good fashion sense and his pretty face to go about stinking like a beggar. (He does go through a brief 'Cazador can't tell ME what to do' phase where he stops bathing for a day, but he grosses himself out so much that he resumes his normal routime before anyone notices.)
#1) Halsin. You'd expect him to stink, with his whole smelly-hippy free-love vibe, but nah. The man smells heavenly. He spends all his time frolicking through fragrant herbs and lounging in scented hot springs with whomever strikes his fancy. He probably has a whole ass medicine cabinet full of stuff he uses to freshen up. His breath probably smells like mint and his hair like cedar. He probably puts coconut oil or smth in his hair. He knows how to smell good as literally any animal in the realms. Wanna know why? Dogs have a sense of smell several thousand times better than people. I bet bears do, too. You do Not Fuck As A Bear without understanding not only how to WASH your ass, but also perfume it. Halsin also knows: thou shalt not give yeast infections. And if you got bear dick, that means HYGIENE. It's a point of pride for him, actually.
BONUS: WITHERS. Withers smells like nothing. Like, freakishly, unsettlingly like nothing. Like, you expect him to smell like dust or pitch or smth. Nope. He's a black hole of smell. You come near him and if you ask, he resets your entire hygiene routine for 100 gold and leaves you smelling like roses.
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moonselune · 3 months
if this is too far out there i totally understand you turning down the request but o_o could you maybe do the ladies post-game with a bhaal rejecting durge who found a way to spare and now took in orin to help her rehabilitate (so now they and durge live together as a couple and orin is kind of a roommate). Would there be tensions? Do some just outright make an ultimatum?
Okay okay so gonna do this as more headcanony and see where it goes
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
She would be so wary
Probably thinks you are just got hit a bit too hard in the head during battle
"How many Mama K's do you see babe?"
You manage to convince her that if you are going to Avernus to kill Zariel, we might as well bring the incest murder baby with us
Orin's just stood there like "please I'm so good at it."
Karlach groans and relents, kicking the dirt and murmuring something about cannon fodder
Orin is elated and swears on her favourite dagger that she will not kill anyone she is not allowed to
I can see your relationship with her getting better through this because she can prove herself doing the one thing she does best
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
just no
this would be an ultimatum
at the end of the day you are choosing Minthara and offering up Orin to her as an apology for even thinking it
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Also cannot imagine Lae'zel allowing Orin near you
maybe if you join her to lead the coup against Vlaakith, for similar reasons as Karlach
But if she is staying in Baldurs Gate with lil Gith egg baby Xan
absolutely no way
would also ask if you got hit too hard in the head during battle
Lae'zel would not be able to trust Orin and would just have to kill her whether you liked it or not
she could not live knowing Orin is lurking somewhere, good intentions or not.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Surprisingly I feel like shadowheart would be the most accommodating
like orin can stay on your farm
maybe in an old barn or something
but she can stay
any animals get hurt though and Orin is out
Unless they are predators to Shadowheart's animals
then Orin is like a guard dog
"Yeah you can get those ones"
Orin would probably rehabilitate the best out here and would have the best chance of fixing herself and your relationship with her
we've made her touch some grass <3
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
She's way too old for this shit
She would be so torn up because she has had so much experience with Bhaalspawns
A part of her thinks she should help, because if she hadn't helped you then you two would never have fallen in love
but I think Orin's eccentricity would put her off and she can't risk losing the people she has fought so dear to protect
and a part of her doesn't want to have to fight anymore
she wants to join being with her family, being with you
not having to look over her shoulder just in case her sister-in law got in a mood and now there's one less place at the dinner table
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
These are a bit short, but I like these requests because it really makes me think how they would react and what they would want not only for yourself but for you
Anyways hope y'all enjoyed it even if this was a bit more rambley - Seluney xox
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jeeaark · 8 months
ohoho i am HERE for the greygold / emperor / lae’zel drama triangle, delicious conflict there
i am very curious what greygold’s thoughts on the *current* orpheus situation is, what with him being locked in gith baby jail for his powers / trying to oppose cringe queen vlaakith back in the olden days.
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Ngl, Me and Greygold thought that yellow bubble was a sleepy-time bubble, not a chill-out-while-I-syphon-yo-powers bubble for a while.
Thought that anti-turn-into-a-mindflayer power was like. automatic. like an aura.
Thought it wasn't so bad for Orpheus to have a lil nap while we deal with Act 3....Figured it out at some point, but-!
Look, when Greyg's gotta see horror after horror after horror, Orpheus current situation could have been a lot worse! And Greygold got very good at 'Not paying attention' and 'Not thinking about it'.
That is why they have a quest journal. Obviously the tadpole is writing everything down. The only one paying attention. And thinking about it. Obviously.
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ennissg · 6 months
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(translated text) "Why are you holding the baby by the leg?" "So that everyone can see what I can do" Another one of my tavs, featuring the gith egg baby he's raising with Lae'zel. He's a ranger(9)\rogue(3), a green tiefling that believes he's a goblin because he was found by one in the woods as an infant and raised in their tribe (even tho he has horns and a tail, they just thought he was a child of inbreeding\ugly). His adoptive mother lovingly named him Goblin Junior but at age 10 he outgrew every single other goblin which led them to assume he's some sort of mutant. He fell madly in love with Lae'zel becuase he too, assumed she was an unusually tall goblin <3. Which made the grove cnflict all the more complicated for him. I love his raggy ass pants and the shirt (now barely a croptop) he outgrew like 5 times but he won't get rid of it until it disintegrates into dust. Also he can't read. It doesn't really add to the story but I like to think abt Gale having an aneurysm trying to teach him how.
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smallcanofworms · 9 months
not to be throwing out hot takes, but hear me out. I love the idea of one of the tadpole’d party members taking and raising/keeping a watch out for the gith egg. however… Lae’zel as a mother kinda of rubs me the wrong way ONLY because it’s another “here’s a female character, they must be a mom” trope. I get it, motherhood (parenthood) is a big deal and is life changing - but Lae’zel specifically has been fighting her entire! life! And either 1) continues to do so, now with a hatchling under her wings or 2) finally gets a chance of reprieve from a lifetime of not knowing what freedom really is, only to be placed in a position of responsibility of a living creature that will need to be cared for 24/7. like I’m sure she’d give Xan her absolute all like she does every single thing, but let the woman have a break. same goes for Shadowheart (this is more of the Shadowzel adopts Xan thing) like, women can co-exist and live their lives together as a couple without a child. it’s very normal and very okay to do. give that baby to Halsin or Duke Wyll, even Prof. Gale ffs. they’d be great parents because they’re set up for that kind of storyline. let the ladies, Karlach included with her dismissal of wanting a child and suggesting a goat/sheep (?), be themselves instead.
Female character ≠ mother figure. And that’s okay.
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wrightingdungeon · 4 months
BG3 companion's reactions to Tav singing a lullaby.
I did it! "Take that depression!" - Lucifer Morningstar, Hazbin Hotel
Fluff ahead, grab the cocco and blankeys
After accepting Yenna and Grub into the camp, a little peace settled over the group. Watching the crackling fire late at night, Yenna slowly approached Tav, tugging on their shirt. “I can't sleep… Mummy always sang to me… Can you sing, Tav?” Her dual-colored eyes glistened with tears, and she held Grub close to her body. Tav agreed, carefully scooping up the child into their arms, and began to sing a lullaby their mother used to sing when they were young.
“Close your eyes, my little star, The moon is watching from afar. Dreamland calls, it's time to go, Where gentle breezes softly blow. Hush-a-bye, my sweet delight, Sleepy whispers fill the night. Angels guard you, safe and sound, Love and peace all around. Twinkling stars and lullabies, Dancing in your dreamy skies. Rest your head on pillows soft, In the clouds, you'll float aloft. Hush-a-bye, my sweet delight, Sleepy whispers fill the night. Angels guard you, safe and sound, Love and peace all around. Close your eyes and drift away, To a land where fairies play. Magic dreams will hold you tight, Through the calm and quiet night. Hush-a-bye, my sweet delight, Sleepy whispers fill the night. Angels guard you, safe and sound, Love and peace all around. Nighttime’s here, the day is done, Sleep, my dear, 'til morning sun. In my arms, you're safe to stay, Dreaming dreams till break of day.”
Astarion: Waiting for the camp to sleep before he headed out for a snack, he looked over upon hearing Yenna and Tav talking. Curious about what could have kept the child up so late, he listened closely. When he heard Tav begin to sing, he slinked over, peeking at the pair. Watching the person who had accepted him with open arms, continuing to be caring. It was a foreign feeling for him to be surrounded by kind people, but a change he welcomed with open arms.
Gale: Hearing a sweet lullaby, he placed his book down and headed toward the song, wondering who would be singing this late into the night. He smiled softly when he saw Tav holding Yenna close, protecting her from the fear of the night and lulling her to sleep. He waved his hand and whispered a few words; dancing lights in the form of little purple fireflies began to swirl around the pair, adding to the calm.
Halsin: Lying out and gazing at the stars, connecting the constellations and relaxing for the night, his ears perked up upon hearing a lullaby floating through the camp. Getting up, he followed it, humming along to the tune. Seeing their fearless leader holding Yenna as if she were a delicate baby made his heart swell with admiration. He admired how Tav could face so much, yet still find the time to drop their walls and show vulnerability.
Karlach: She was curled up on her bedroll, ready to fall asleep, but soon she heard Tav singing. Getting up, she grabbed Clive and her bedroll and moved closer to the main fire. Laying down and listening to Tav sing with a smile on her face, she felt happy. This was nothing like Avernus; this felt like she was back at home with her mom singing to her. Holding Clive close to her, she let out a large yawn as her eyes slowly grew heavy, lulled to sleep by Tav.
Lae’zel: Meditating for the night, clearing her head preparing for sleep. Her ears perked up hearing a child's song she opened her eyes, wondering what the kainyank *Brat* had done. Getting up she followed the noise finding Tav holding a sleeping Yenna. She listened to the Lullaby intently having never heard one, the Varsh *Gith babysitter essentially* had never sung.
Minthara: Staying up to help watch, her ears perked upon hearing Yenna talking to Tav. Silently watching as Tav pulled her into their body and began rocking her, singing to her. She had heard lullabies, but Menzoberranzan lullabies held songs of spiders, the dark, and the occasional murder. Hearing a lullaby from the surface, it was far from her childhood songs.
Shadowheart: Preparing for bed, she said her prayers and laid down, getting comfortable. She heard the sound of a lullaby gracing her ears. Looking up, she could see Tav and Yenna from her tent. Rolling onto her side and using her arm as a pillow, she quietly watched, somewhat remembering her own mother singing to her once the sun had set.
Wyll: Bringing his chalice to his lips, he sipped on his wine, winding down from the day's work. Smiling at the sound of a child's lullaby dancing through the camp, he hummed along, slightly swaying to the song. It was a nice break from the usual quiet nights they had so often. It reminded him of his nursemaids and how they would sing him to sleep.
Bonus round
Out of canon just cus I said so. *Orin breaking when being told the truth of her birth kinda inspired this, poor baby.*
Orin: Infiltrating the camp was like taking candy from a baby; the cat had caught on, but the rest of the camp was none the wiser. Walking up to Tav, her eyes big, wet, and doe-like, she tugged on Tav’s shirt. “I can't sleep… Mummy always sang to me… Can you sing, Tav?” Orin wanted to see how close Tav would let her. Surprised when Tav picked her up and held her close, she looked up at them before curling into their chest, keeping up the act. Tav was warm, smelled nice, and sang quite well. A yawn escaped Orin's mouth as her eyes fought to stay open. Her dreams were filled with the beautiful screams of the camp; the child's lullaby, soft and sweet, floated through the screams.
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Halsin with a Tav who had a toddler? Like they get back to Baldurs gate or theyve been nursing an egg(for the Gith and Dragonborn Tavs) that’s now hatching.
Pls let him be the dad he’s always wanted to be 🥹
Okay, first off thanks for sending in your request! I hope it’s alright to do this in a mix of headcanons and narrative blurbs because I have too many ideas for this wholesome content. Also, if I interpreted your Ask wrong please let me know and I’ll amend! 
But alright, here we go—let’s give our Big Bear some love and let him be Daddy Halsin because he deserves all the best things. 
*TW: Pregnancy talk, mentions of past trauma, wholesomeness so wholesome it hurts
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Halsin will be in shock for a brief moment before going into Daddy Halsin mode. This man has just gone through the most traumatic hundreds of years; in pure survival mode after losing his family, being held prisoner in the Underdark, dealing with the Shadow Curse and all that it has brought upon him—he never once during that time was afforded the opportunity to simply…live. He always focused on doing what was necessary to survive. So now that he finally can let some of his walls down? Now that his lover just told him they have a child? 
He looks at you frozen in disbelief…he never thought he would be able to have his own family. And now you’ve given him one of life’s greatest joys in the mere blink of an eye. His whole world has turned on its axis in the best of ways and he needs a moment to find his feet on the ground again. 
Whether it’s biologically yours or you’ve adopted, it doesn’t matter—he views it all the same. He is in awe, deep gratitude bursting forth for this bounty of nature you’ve provided him with; that you’ve invited him to share.
“My heart…you,” Halsin’s voice breaks, “Why did you not tell me before?” the question falls past his lips with a tremble, but there is no trace of anger or hurt in his tone. Only awe, tinged with a soft skepticism as though this moment will slip through his fingers and he will wake to find it was all a dream. 
You tell him why. Maybe it’s because you were scared he wouldn’t want anything to do with you or your child…maybe you didn’t want to distract him from all that still needed to be accomplished…maybe you didn’t want to add another burden to his already heavily-weighed-down shoulders—whatever it is…
He understands your fears but tells you to put them to rest because nothing—absolutely nothing—could ever deter him from loving and caring for you and your child. He is more than willing to step into the role of a father…if that is what you should wish of course, to share this part of your life with him…
As soon as you give him the affirmative, he is all over you. Wrapping you up in his strong embrace, placing kisses wherever his lips can reach before settling his face against your neck and inhaling deeply. Your scent calms him, and he needs it to ground himself after the revelation that he finally—finally—has the one thing he thought he’d never have again…a family. He is a dad. 
He’s a dad! 
His deep laughter echoes through the air. He’s overjoyed, a little scared maybe too, but his unbridled joy is contagious and you find yourself tearfully laughing along with him. 
With your invitation, he quickly stepped into full dad mode, and wants to unleash all the doting upon you and your child that he possibly can. 
If the baby has not been born/hatched yet; he’s all about using his skilled hands to melt the tension from your feet and calves and anywhere else you might be tense from carrying the weight of another; letting his healing magic wash over you when your head is pounding and stomach is churning from the extra hormones; making sure you have proper nutritional meals to keep your stamina up…his healer capabilities really kick into high gear here.
If your little one is already in the world, they immediately take to Halsin like a moth to light. And he takes to fatherhood just as easily. It is a precious and priceless thing to watch the two of them bond so quickly. You knew he would take to it naturally, having all the qualities of a loving and supportive father. He was always a wonderful listener, he was just as good of a teacher, and he still held so much wonder and love for the world even after all his years. His zest for life was contagious and played right into the natural curiosities of a child. 
Beneath all of the stoic wisdom is a man who loves to play. Loves to experience everything life has to offer. And it shows when they decide to have storytime before bed…or any other time your little one asks for stories. Which is a lot of the time because Halsin is rather good at it. He could be a bard if he wanted. But all he wants is to see the expressions of wonder on your child’s face, the shrieks of laughter and gasps of surprise filling his ears as he twists and turns the stories, acting them out with grand gestures and motions. 
Sometimes storytelling evolves into playing “Adventurers”—or so that’s what the two of them call this game anyway…you call it pure chaos, but you don’t mind one bit. Not as your little one rides on the back of a giant wildshaped bear through the forest, roars and laughter tickling your ears. You join in at times, and it usually ends in one big giant cuddle pile as morning turns into afternoon and sleepy little eyes close for a short nap. It’s at times like these his heart threatens to burst, and you can see it in his eyes—feel it in the way his fingers trace your jawline and move softly, reverently into your hair…soon you’re drifting off in the peacefulness of it all too. Halsin just lays there holding the two of you in his arms, listening to your soft inhales and exhales. In the slow moments is when he really feels it hit him. How contented he is. 
They’ll go on walks around the forest together, sometimes stop to examine a plant or a flower, your child asking Halsin 123812378 questions about everything they come across, and he answers every one of those questions with the utmost of patience. He genuinely loves to share his knowledge with young and curious minds. You can tell by the way his eyes light up, and how his voice excitedly carries across the meadow as he explains things like how flowers grow from the ground with the help of the sun and water and air. 
He even asks some questions of his own to get your child thinking and talking, and also just to be silly and play: “what kind of animal would you be?” ~ “what is your favorite thing to eat?” ~ “do you think cats can have fins?” ~ “what is your favorite thing to do with mommy and daddy?” 
When your child is sad or upset, he is there guiding them through their big feelings. Oak Father knows, Halsin has had his fair share of coping with tough emotions through his years. Even with all the practice he’s had though he still gets overwhelmed at times. Children need help getting through these sorts of big feelings, not to be admonished or chastised for feeling something natural. Of course while he usually spends time wildshaped when he needs to think, he knows that might not work for a child, and there are certainly other solutions. Like physical connection—hugs, and holding a safe space for your little one to feel. Maybe they need help labeling what they’re feeling, and Halsin is right there ever-observant and gentle with his words, “I see that you fell, does it hurt anywhere? Were you scared when you fell from the tree?” Your child responds tearfully, “it was scary,” so then after a quick scan Halsin knows he doesn’t need to mend any broken bones. He just needs to hold them and tell them it’s okay to be scared and to cry, and that they are very brave for doing so. 
It’s moments like this that you find your heart swell with fondness so vast it nearly hurts. Because you know how capable of ferocity he is, how much strength and fortitude he has shown in battles past…that seeing him like this, so patient and supportive, so loving and gentle…you know he has finally been able to take the armor off both literally and figuratively.
He walks lighter, laughs louder, plays harder. His love knows no bounds, and he makes sure the two of you know it with every breath he takes. With every scratch he mends. With every toy he whittles. With every blanket he tucks in and every kiss he lays atop a sleepy little head. With every word and kiss and hug…he embraces this simpler but no less meaningful side of life with arms opened wide.  
One day, after a very important and engaging conversation about “daddy, where do babies come from?” your little one asks him another question. “Daddy, can you and mommy make a baby?” His eyes lift to find yours, a heat there so smoldering you swear you could feel it sweep over your skin in a dizzying rush. “Little One,” he starts, tearing his gaze from you to look down softly at your child, “would you like that—a brother or sister to play with?” Their little eyes light up and they shout “yesyesyes!” 
Halsin’s smile lines deepen as he laughs loudly. “You will just have to wait and see my little heart, all will be as nature intends.” He knows that is a conversation to have with you in a more private setting. Though he’s pretty sure he can tell by the speed of your breathing, the flush of your face, and the warmth in your gaze that you are no doubt feeling the same sentiment he is in that moment.
Adding to your little family might happen sooner rather than later…and he definitely would not say no to having more little ones running around.
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karaokebearwithal · 3 months
Okay okay okay, this took a while but I finally finished the ref of my new Githyanki Oc: Pal'mier! Thanks to @des-no9 for answering my anon ask :3 it helped a bunch with firming up her backstory :)
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Some Fun Facts: > Her fighting style is a mix between Muay Thai and Capoeira > The symbol on its clothes is a reference to her name sake, a palmier (type of pastry) > Lost her index finger to frost bite
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I don't have a definitive subclass for her yet but I do have backstory and lore™️! under the cut.
Okay so the story is that she was the first batch of gith kids hatched from a freshly formed creche on the material plane. It was in a very treacherous and wintery mountainous area, hard to reach harder to leave. Not many people in the immediate area.
Pal'mier hatched as a fat young baby, way larger than her peers and was instantly singled out by the varsh to grow up to be some sort of unstoppable gish soldier. However it got older, Pal never really grew into a desirable githyanki soldier. She struggled to wield weaponry, never grew as tall as her kin, her ears never developed to stand on their own so it had to tie them up so that she'd fit in more. Pal'mier grew to be a massive disappointment for her creche and was singled out by her creche mates to be picked on and bullied and used as a sparring partner (punching bag) often. Until one day her Sa'varsh instructed her to go out into the harsh wintery wilderness and survive for 2 days and if it came back and survived, Pal would get Vlaakith's favour. As sort of those githling trips they make the kids do to either die or become strong.
So Pal lept at the oppertunity to prove herself to her kin and left straight away only for like a freak accident to occur and an avalanche wiped out the whole creche hours into the challenge. In the shock of it all, Pal'mier decided that it was a sign from Vlaakith herself that Pal is actually the chosen one destined to be her right hand and her fave most special little githyanki in the world. So Pal'meir spent the next tenday wondering the mountain range before passing out from exhaustion and frost bite. Pal is then found by a monestary of monks (i haven't firmed up which its random for now) trying to save a child left lying in the snow all pale and frozen. Pal reacts as any feral gith child would when surrounded by istiks and fights them the whole time on it. But over time as she grows up to become a full adult she learns to live with them, their fighting styles and what a loving family is like <3 Then some time after that its abducted by the Zathisk and the BG3 plot happens :3
I'll be doing some oc question lists later but feel free to ask and send any questions about Pal'mier!! And also tell me about your githyanki oc so then ours can be friends : 3€
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shewolfofvilnius · 2 months
Hi :3. Since I ship Lia x Gale now, I need your suggestions for Cal's partner.
In my fic(s), I've gone for Cal/Lae'zel. 1) It's funny. Miss 'teethling' gradually developing a particularly acute fondness for one? Yes please. 2) I suspect Lae'zel would find it highly admirable that THREE relatively untrained tieflings (Cal, Lia, Lakrissa) would be able to hold off the forces of The Absolute. As Gale and Alfira would no doubt attest, how mighty must you be in battle to hold off an entire horde AND Shar's curse long enough to allow the younglings and their protectors to escape. Especially after the most-trained warrior quit the field. (Zevlor). Little armour, basic weapons, and the three of them accomplished something few others can say: They survived the Absolute. 3) Cal has a very friendly outer shell, but I suspect he's tougher than he looks on the inside. Contrast with Lae'zel, who has the hard exterior, but soft gooey centre. At the same time, BOTH are natural peacemakers - Lae'zel manages to get the Orphic faction of Githyanki and the Githzerai to sit down for peace talks (!!!!!!), while Cal has to mediate Rolan and Lia, and I'm not sure which of the two is a bigger ask. 4) I can just imagine (and/or may be writing) a situation where Cal is in trouble, Lae'zel finds out, and suddenly the baddies have an entire SWARM of githyanki busting down their door, little baby Xan attached to Lae'zel's back. Let go of my teethling. They never get in a shot.
5. (Speaking of, Cal would totally be an amazing step-parent for little baby Xan, and would probably be a great example of why the non-Gith races are worth defending)
6. In this particular world state, I have Shadowheart paired up with Nocturne, so I can't do Shadow'zel here.
7. It passes the eyeball test.
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