#october 2022 contest
elsanna-shenanigans · 2 years
October-November 2022 Voting
First of all: we are very sorry for the delay. We experienced a lot of technical difficulties paired with personal problems. The next monthly prompt period will be adjusted accordingly, and we will try to slowly get back on proper schedule over the next months while maintaining a proper amount of time for the submission period.
Without further ado, here’s a lineup of the 11 10 Breathe-themed October submissions. This time around we had one mandatory restriction (no portrayal of Elsa or Anna below the age of 17) and three extra restrictions (include a folklore/mythological reference; include a token; describe a change in breathing) for up to 3 bonus points.
You will have until Sunday the 11th at midnight (Baker Island time, GMT-12) to vote for your favorite of the 10 stories. Keep reading for the voting link and story list!
Don’t forget to fill in the additional feedback for your favorite stories! (And please mind your titles - since there are two kudos votes, we separate the feedback into first [higher on the lineup list] and second [lower on the lineup list] story for that category.)
Vote here. See how to vote here.
Lineup for this month: 1. Breathe Deep 2. Nightmare 3. Wickedness Between Stars 4. Outrunning Karma 5. secret garden 6. I Survived(But It Got Harder To Breathe) 7. Burned Hopes 8. The Last Vigil 9. The Portrait, the Doll, and the Apple 10. Until Your Last Breath
bonus: submitted for the prompt but not included in the lineup/posted on the blog was 'The Dragon Within' by BenxGwen Lightning Warrior on fanficton.net (story not posted due to breaking one of the main rules of the contest - submitted stories must not be published before or during the contest)
Vote for your favorite story and give kudos to two other stories. Don’t give kudos to your favorite story - this will make the kudos vote not count!
Please reblog this post when you see it to make sure it reaches the fans that might want to read the stories but don’t follow our blog yet - due to tumblr’s linking policy, it’s almost sure not to show up in the tag!
Visit us on discord if you have any questions, or want to discuss the stories/participate in our detailed review/feedback club for the submissions!
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asexplainedbyttoi · 2 years
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officialhexrpg · 2 years
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October Discussion: Social Media
Many people struggle to find inspiration at some point in their lives. Social media is here to help with that, from certain websites offering randomizations of themes, to mood boards and daily prompts on others. Have you ever experienced writer's block or a lack of inspiration with your work? Have you turned to social media for ideas?
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voxyldy · 2 years
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Now for something completely different…
I joined a contest called Fab Over 40 and voting starts tomorrow at 10am PST If you could vote for me until the contest ends it would be much appreciated. It’s free. You can vote once a day.
Here is the link 👇🏼
Thank you for taking the time to read this and reblog it or tell others about it. I love and appreciate you!
Now back to our regularly scheduled program….
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postgameroutesix · 7 months
with bds calling for an official boycott of eurovision, one of the things they have asked is for “supporters to launch creative, strategic initiatives that can pressure broadcasters to withdraw” and so i encourage all those whose countries are participating in eurovision to find out how to contact your national broadcaster to make a complaint. for those living in countries who dont broadcast eurovision i know u can still send a complaint to the bbc if ur outside the uk for one
this is the message i have been sending, feel free to translate it/use it as a template/improve it/etc:
Dear sir/ma'am,
In 2022, following the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine, pressure was applied to the Eurovision Song Contest to bar Russia from competing that year and all years since. It was widely rightfully agreed that the invasion was worthy of strong condemnation and that Russia should be given no avenues to rehabilitate its public image.
In October 2023, the state of Israel began a military campaign against the people of the already occupied Gaza Strip in Palestine. In a disproportionate, atrocious response to the Hamas attack on the 7th of October 2023, Israeli forces have murdered over 30,000 Palestinians and displaced almost 2 million from their homes. Palestinian civilians (journalists and doctors included), entirely unaffiliated with the Hamas party Israel claims to target, have been targeted and killed indiscriminately. Stripped of basic necessities like food, water and electricity by Israel, with intent vocalised by multiple Israeli forces to eliminate Gaza and the Palestinian people, this is no less than a genocide.
Thus Israel, much like Russia, should not be permitted to compete in a contest that has been used repeatedly to maintain its pristine public image while it brutally oppresses Palestine. Especially when it has been charged with genocide explicitly by South Africa, a case that took place in the ICJ, thoroughly elucidating the crimes committed by the Israeli state, a charge agreed upon by several countries and genocide scholars alike.
The BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement has called for a complete boycott of Eurovision by broadcasters, artists and viewers and I ask that the BBC comply with this - abstain from broadcasting the Eurovision Song Contest and withdraw this years entry to the contest.
Thank you.
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The only spark that has been me and another person is fire. Like one time I held fire in my hand with a classmate.
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pancyp · 2 years
Entering another art contest. Leave a like or share if you find her hair cool.
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firep0wder · 2 years
this post aged like one of those bacteria cultures from math word problems. there are exponentially more joel posts now. i think thats how mathematics works
Solid comparison. I like the mathematical evidence to support the argument. A great submission in response to the question "how well did this post age?"
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contestshubs · 2 years
Bidiboo Baby Photo Contest October 2022
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Bidiboo Baby Photo Contest October 2022 is giving to chance to win cash Prizes to enter the Contests.
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shadowboxerinc · 2 years
More MidWk Updates: Upcoming Writing contests from The Writer
More MidWk Updates: Upcoming Writing contests from The Writer
10.5.22 Hello again everyone…new upcoming contests from The Writer. Credit source: The Writer Share A Story In A Poem Deadline: 10/10/2022 This Sentence Starts The Story Writing Contest Deadline: 10/14/2022 Beartooth Anthony’s 5th Annual Halloween Campfire Story Contest Deadline: 10/15/2022 Northern Lights Book Awards Deadline: 10/15/2022 Newbie Flash Fiction Deadline: 10/18/2022 Free…
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elsanna-shenanigans · 2 years
October-November 2022 voting results + author links
After waiting for authors to claim on the discord server (and this month we can proudly present a fully-claimed list), we’ve compiled the results and are ready to share them with you.
A quick reminder list (with authors already included): 1. Breathe Deep - Space Alien (AO3) 2. Nightmare - Vergasi (FFN, AO3) 3. Wickedness Between Stars - Dont-Tell-Them-Its-Me (AO3, FFN, tumblr) 4. Outrunning Karma - FishyCoffee (AO3, FFN, tumblr) 5. secret garden - valenns (AO3, tumblr) 6. I Survived(But It Got Harder To Breathe) - Mandajoy92 (AO3, FFN, tumblr) 7. Burned Hopes - Antor2001 (AO3) 8. The Last Vigil - gschelt (AO3) 9. The Portrait, the Doll, and the Apple - adoraslastbraincell (AO3, FFN, Tumblr) 10. Until Your Last Breath - LittleMoon (AO3)
And the winning story is…
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Nightmare! Big congrats to the winner and a huge thank you to everyone who submitted this month.
Please reblog this post when you see it to make sure it reaches fans that don’t follow our blog yet - due to tumblr’s linking policy, it’s almost sure not to show up in the tag! Let’s all make sure the Authors receive proper credit for their hard work :)
Visit us on discord if you have any questions, or want to discuss the stories/participate in our detailed review/feedback club for the submissions!
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asexplainedbyttoi · 2 years
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Boris Johnson will NOT run again for Prime Minister!
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momxijinping · 1 day
Ultimately, this story about Pakistan is more properly understood as one about the contest between China and the U.S. that pits the rest of the world in the middle. Chinese officials, we learned, regularly told their Pakistani counterparts that Beijing doesn’t see the contest as zero sum, that it’s okay to be friendly with both major powers. The U.S. does not quite see it that way, and Pakistan knows it. The result is the story below. If you’re at all interested in foreign affairs, we think you’ll find this one enlightening.
In October of 2022, a pivotal year for Pakistan, military chief Qamar Javed Bajwa finally won what he had long been striving for: an official state trip to the United States. His mission was explicit; a document prepared for Bajwa ahead of the visit is titled, “U.S. Re-Engagement with Pakistan: Ideas for Reviving an Important Relationship.”
From New York, Munir Akram, Pakistan’s representative to the United Nations, began reporting back cables highlighting “sarcastic” comments from his Chinese counterpart, who openly tweaked Akram about Pakistan’s sudden swing toward Washington. In private conversations with their Pakistani counterparts over the past year, as reported by Pakistani diplomats, Chinese officials have expressed displeasure with Islamabad for “switching camps”—rather than merely seeking open relations with both countries.
Now, with their U.S. gamble failing to pay off, Pakistani officials have become increasingly frantic in their efforts to repair relations with China, including, asthe documents reveal, by granting China approval for a military base at the port of Gwadar—a major and longstanding strategic demand of Beijing—and authorizing joint military operations inside Pakistan.
Internal reports emphasize Pakistan’s wish that its relations with the U.S. and China not be “zero-sum.” “What the Pakistani military prefers is to be able to maintain a balance between their Chinese and U.S. military relationships,” said Adam Weinstein, deputy director of the Middle East program at the Quincy Institute and an analyst on Pakistan. “They believe that if things are balanced, both sides will have an incentive to keep relations strong.”
Despite this preference, a classified internal Pakistani intelligence assessment judges China to be a more “natural strategic ally” than the U.S., with whom Pakistan is deemed to share “limited” strategic interests.
Facing such loss of trust from a key ally, the documents also show that Pakistan’s military-backed government privately promised Beijing a long-coveted concession: a Chinese military base in the key port city of Gwadar. Gwadar is a key node in China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative—the last stop in a land corridor through Pakistan that would connect China’s economy westward, and make it less reliant on shipping transit in the South China Sea. 
In return, Pakistan asked for a major upgrade in economic and military assistance from Beijing in order to insulate Islamabad from the fierce reaction from the U.S. such a deal is expected to provoke.
This August, Pakistani government sources vented frustration to the media over their failed reconciliation with the U.S., lamenting the meager benefits that mending ties had brought. Government sources told the Express Tribune that “Pakistan’s reliance on the United States to secure the IMF package was not yielding the results.” This week, the IMF announced a decision to consider Pakistan’s loan request at an upcoming meeting slated for September 25, raising hopes that a deal may still be secured.
Pakistan’s private concessions to China come as the U.S. State Department has continued to publicly defend the military regime from criticism over its role in rigging elections this February, gross human rights abuses inside the country targeting the press and civil society, and an ongoing crackdown on supporters of now-imprisoned former Prime Minister Khan. That crackdown now includes credible threats to Khan’s life, as he continues to be held in government custody despite repeated rejection by the courts of the charges against him.
“We believe good governance, long-term capacity building, and sustainable market-based approaches that let the private sector flourish are the best paths to sustained growth and development,” the State Department told Drop Site News in its post-publication statement. “Our partnership with Pakistan spans the full range of regional and bilateral issues, including increasing trade and investment, strengthening security cooperation, promoting regional security and stability, building climate resilience, supporting democracy and human rights, and expanding people-to-people ties.”
The rigging of elections this February was met with general indifference in Washington, as has the ongoing suppression of press and political activism in the country.  On the economic front, Pakistan’s imploding economy has consumed Western aid with nothing to show for it but soaring inflation, blackouts, an internet slowed to a crawl, and joblessness. 
18 Sept 2024
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officialhexrpg · 2 years
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Latest Activities: Gobstone Sign Ups
Drop into this quick game of Gobstones. Sign up with a buddy or wager your bets against a stranger. Join the fun before October 10! - Magical Games & Sports
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arofili · 2 years
Tolkien Fandom Event Calendar
Recently I’ve received some asks about events/weeks in the Tolkien fandom, so I thought I’d compile a list of those that I know about. This is not exhaustive, and dates are subject to change by the organizers of these events!
Other blogs you can check out are @tolkieneventsblog and @tolkienfandomevents, though I’m not sure how active those are. The @silmarillionwritersguild Discord also has a channel dedicated to signal boosts for all sorts of Tolkien-related & general fandom happenings, which is another excellent way to keep up with fandom goings-on.
Want to run your own event? Here’s some of my tips!
If your event is not on here and you’d like it to be, let me know and I can add it :) Note: I will only add events that have announced dates!
JANUARY Screw Yule My Slashy Valentine @myslashyvalentine — work time Lord of the Rings Secret Santa @lotr-sesa — reveals Thorin’s Spring Forge @thorinsspringforge — signups Second Age Week @secondageweek
FEBRUARY Hidden Paths My Slashy Valentine — reveals Thorin’s Spring Forge — claims Maedhros and Maglor Week @maedhrosmaglorweek
MARCH Back to Middle-earth Month @spring-into-arda Thorin’s Spring Forge — work time Fëanorian Week Fun with Fanon Fest Round 1 @funwithfanon
APRIL Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang @tolkienrsb — signups Silm Remix @tolkienremix — signups & assignments Thorin’s Spring Forge — reveals  Aralas Week @aralas-week Barduil Month @bi-widower-dads All of Arda is Autistic @all-of-arda-is-autistic F3: Focus on Friendship & Family, Phase I @spring-into-arda
MAY Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — claims Silm Remix — reveals Aspec Arda Week @aspecardaweek Angbang Week @angbangweek Gondolin Week @gondolinweek F3: Focus on Friendship & Family, Phase II
JUNE Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — work time Scribbles and Drabbles @fall-for-tolkien — signups Tolkien Ekphrasis Week @tolkienekphrasisweek F3: Focus on Friendship & Family, Phase III
JULY Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — work time Scribbles and Drabbles — claims Tolkien Gen Week @tolkiengenweek LotR Ladies Week @lotrladiessource Tolkien Appreciation Week @tolkienweek Tolkien Latin American & Caribbean Week @tolkienlatamandcaribbeanweek
AUGUST Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — deadlines Scribbles and Drabbles — art reveals Innumerable Stars Exchange @innumerable-stars — nominations & signups Tolkien of Colour Week @tolkienofcolourweek Silvergifting Week @silvergiftingweek Tolkien OC Week @tolkienocweek
SEPTEMBER Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — reveals Scribbles and Drabbles — work time Innumerable Stars Exchange — signups & assignments Sindar Week @sindarweek Dor Cúarthol Week @dorcuartholweek Finwëan Ladies Week @finweanladiesweek
OCTOBER Innumerable Stars Exchange — reveals Scribbles and Drabbles — work time Half-elven Week @halfelvenweek
NOVEMBER Tolkien Secret Santa @officialtolkiensecretsanta — signups & assignments Scribbles and Drabbles — fic reveals Nolofinwean Week @nolofinweanweek
DECEMBER Tolkien Secret Santa — advent calendar & reveals My Slashy Valentine @myslashyvalentine — signups & assignments Lord of the Rings Secret Santa — claims Khazad Week @khazadweek
MONTHLY EVENTS: These events have prompts/challenges occurring every month. Teitho Contest Tolkien Short Fanworks Silmarillion Writers’ Guild @silmarillionwritersguild
(this list was last updated 5/4/23)
LEGACY EVENTS: These events used to occur, but have not happened within the last year. Arda Needs More Pride @ardaneedsmorepride (bimonthly; last run 2020) Kiliel Week @kilielweek (timing variable; last run 2021) @oneringnet monthly events (last run 2021) Atani Week @ataniweek (January; last run 2021) Legendarium Ladies April @legendariumladiesapril (April; last run 2020) Gates of Summer Exchange @gatesofsummerexchange (May-June, last run 2022) Tolkien South Asian Week, run by @arwenindomiel (June; last run 2022) Arafinwëan Week @arafinweanweek (July; last run 2019) Fëanturi Week (August; last run 2019; no official blog and the creator has deactivated) Imladrim Week @imladrimweek (November; last run 2019) Doriath Week @doriathweek (November; last run 2020) Tolkien Family Week @tolkienfamilyweek (November; last run 2021)
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blo0d1er · 2 months
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First conceptualized by The Lucky One’s Jung Jisoo in 2020, gathering trainees to form a group with a “global’ look, the group soon to be titled SLASH performed in their first showcase in late 2021. The first rendition of the lineup consisted of Chinese Neverland contestant Zheng Hui, company nepo-baby Na Sebastian, the ever ambitious Sasha Flores, and dazzling Thai trainee Lalita Suwannathat. Marketed as Lucky’s little siblings, their unique concept and captivating performance generated excitement for the group.
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The buzz only continued to grow as cryptic posters began appearing around Seoul, featuring QR codes directing curious viewers to an almost empty website only showing largely blacked out and blurred profiles of each member and a link to an Instagram account, @ bloodyvalentine, which infrequently posted behind the scenes film photos of the trainees with no captions but their names in a hashtag.
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The building anticipation only made Jung Jisoo more ambitious, adding trainees Spencer Shu-Bellamy, Shin Doa, and Freddie Ahn (now known as BAM!’s Kiho) to the lineup to make it a 7-piece group. Teasers and posters only increased in frequency leading up to October 2022, when they were originally set to debut according to Prismatic’s leaked plans for the quarter. 
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However, 1 week before their set debut date, Lalita suffered a debilitating ACL injury in practice. Rather than allow the group to debut without her, the debut was delayed altogether. Many argue that Lalita received special treatment from Jisoo and the group’s management, and was intended to be the star of the group.
The group lay in limbo from that point on, waiting for Lalita to fully recover from her injury and a new debut date to be set. Within this time Sasha appeared on HYBE’s Dream Academy, barely being edged out of the final debut group while Hui appeared on Boys Planet 999 placing 8th and becoming an official member of ZEROBASEONE, exiting the trainee group to make his debut.
Suddenly a 6-piece unit, a new debut date was finally set for January of 2024, nearly 2 years after their original debut date, before the sudden acquisition of BAM! and other Sixth Sense Media trainees. In the quick and unexpected turnaround for the group’s debut, SLASH once again suffered the loss of a member and the postponement of their debut date. However, beginning to face pressure from both the members of the trainee group and their families, the company sent the group to America to continue training in a new environment and act as a distraction as they attempt to gather their resources. Two trainees were added to fill out the lineup; longtime trainee, Neverland contestant, and budding producer Chase Park, and Hwang Taebin newly acquired from Sixth Sense.
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The 7 trainees lived in a beach-side condo in Los Angeles as they continued their training in renowned dance academies and vocal studios. The Instagram was still posting the trainees lives behind the scenes, although just as cryptic as ever. A new teaser video was posted to once again generate buzz surrounding the group and satiate the members and those backing them. However, one member would not return from America. The bloodyvalentine account inexplicably stopped posting photos of Lalita after her face took up a majority of the account’s feed previously. 
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Many believed that she simply left the unpredictable group setting to pursue her own ambitions, but an unknown source within Prismatic Entertainment leaked information regarding the alleged true nature of her disappearance to a forum of SLASH fans who have been around since the very beginning. According to this source, Lalita left a note in the group’s condo one night stating that she was tired of the purgatory of trainee life and ran away to experience freedom traveling across America. She has not been heard from since. The source also noted that her family planned to take legal action against Prismatic citing negligence. 
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Despite this, SLASH seems to finally be getting the debut that has been dangled in front of them for years, set to debut once again in late August 2024. After such turmoil and so many unanswered questions, SLASH’s future still remains shrouded in mystery. Will they be able to make it passed all of the struggles that may weigh them down?
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