#oddly enough--it reminds me very much of the convo i had with my mom about religion
hood-ex · 4 months
Went in looking to commiserate with Dick's need for independence. Came out feeling all warm and fuzzy over Dick saying, "I love you, Bruce, for everything you've done for me my entire life. And you need to know I always will."
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souptual-remade · 4 years
Hello! 💫✨💛 This is the love bot! I am here to ask you to describe your mutuals as your favorite things/feelings! Spread some love during these tough times 💛✨💫 Then send this to 10 people and keep the love going 💛
ty for sending this in ! i’m a bit nostalgic apparently and it will show through my answers, but it’s the best way i could describe my mutuals in this way,, it will NOT make sense in some cases (also i definitely forgot a lot of you i am SO sorry)
oh my goodness !!! you remind me of staying up late in the summer to go on car rides on the back roads with my friends and getting into deep conversations about the world and ourselves
you remind me of going ghost hunting with my mom and friends when i was little, chasing the paranormal and trying to make sense of my world all while having fun
you remind me of the feeling i would get when i would go to lunch in high school and eat in the arm room or courtyard with my friends and have time to laugh and get a break from classes
you remind me of when i ran my old aesthetic blog that was just pinks and blues and i would reblog clean and cute aesthetics and it was just very satisfying
you remind me of when i used to listen to this band muse for hours on end in my room and memorize their song lyrics and just vibe
ok i can’t use friend anecdotes with you lmao bc you’re a part of them but you remind me of the feeling i would get when i would go play in the snow as a child and pretend i was an arctic explorer
you remind me of getting to drink lemonade while lounging in my neighbors pool as bees buzz past and i get vitamin d from being outside
you remind me of looking at the stars at night out of my window and thinking long and hard about how small and yet significant i am in the universe
you remind me of when i first discovered good memes on tumblr and spent hours scrolling through here liking any post i could find and laughing until i cried
you remind me of the day i got my old cat oddly enough, the surprise and happiness and love that i felt getting her from the shelter and bringing her home
this is definitely because we’re talking about it but you remind me of when i watched twilight for the first time and would then get excited for rain because it was a “twilight day”
you remind me of a fall evening when it’s still warm enough to be outside and i sit outside with friends at a bonfire eating smores and telling scary stories and gossiping and then getting really deep really fast
you remind me of getting berries and peaches from a nearby farm that i like to go to and then taking them home to bite into fresh fruit
you remind me of my senior year when i went in to talk to my favorite school counselor about college and getting so so excited to go and finally feeling like it was something i was happy to tackle
you remind me of getting to go to a muse concert my freshman year of high school and being fucking stoked and the sheer bliss of experiencing live music from my favorite band
you remind me of a particular summer when i would stay up late watching a shit ton of anime for the first time and playing tennis and finally getting good at it
you remind me of when i finally came out to my friends in high school and we all went to pride together and had such a good time running around buying stuff and watching the drag show
you remind me of when i first listened to mono and felt so at peace with the world (and in love with namjoon alsjf)
you remind me of the first time i asked my crush out to dinner and got so many nerves but was also beyond excited to go and then had a really good time
you remind me of when i have really good dreams and wake up early in the morning and go back to sleep just to finish the dream
you remind me of watching run bts episodes when i’m bored and then end up binge watching them for hours because i have such a good time
you remind me of spending time with this one friend i had in high school gym class where we would shit talk the whole time and also get into deep convos and both surprised each other at how well we got along
you remind me of watching movies when i was younger and getting so emotionally invested in them that i would have a whole roller coaster ride of emotions from them and come out of them a new person (ok i still do this)
you remind me of when i get into a flow state while doing art and then come out of it and realize i’ve produced something kinda beautiful and cool and i have no recollection of doing it
you remind me of listening to my dad play guitar in another room and getting to hear a part of his past while he plays songs he used to tour performing
you remind me of going into the woods by myself on a sunny day to run and listen to music and encountering cute dogs and friendly people and getting to take pictures of the lake nearby
you remind me of when i talk to my friend from high school tennis and we just shit talk like crazy and say absolute nonsense but it makes sense to us
you remind me of staying up late reading avatar the last airbender fanfiction in middle school (yes years and years after the show ended) and daydreaming about being a bender
you remind me of the first time i watched catallena by orange caramel and fell in love with nana and then subsequently got into a bunch of girl groups
you remind me of the first time i ever listened to the song tongue-tied on the radio and lost my shit at how good it was and how much of a bop i got to listen to
you remind me of having family dinners with my friends and sometimes making it a murder mystery so we woud get dr*nk or h*gh and have a blast figuring out who the “killer” was
you remind me of having sleepovers with friends that i really love and getting to have fun and be stupid and also getting to talk about what matters to us
you remind me of when i was very little and hung out with these girls that really liked farm animals and we would play with their shit ton of figurines and planned out a whole city with them
you remind me of when i get home from being out and about (not recently though !) and lay in my bed with the fan on and just get to lounge and relax for a moment by myself
you remind me of drinking tea on my back porch at night listening to the tree frogs and getting to look at venus and the moon
you remind me of when i get messages from my most chaotic groupchat and i never know if it will be a crazy meme or 40 minute video explaining the status of the world (both are welcome)
you remind me of when i got ready to go clubbing on new years a little faded, putting on fishnets and cute makeup and then going to a drag show and dancing
you remind me of getting to spend a whole day writing or painting and being so content with the world
you remind me of halloween shopping and getting the cutest decorations for my room and home and then getting to decorate it all spooky
you remind me of when i used to wait for the train in my university’s town and would be so excited, chilling with a snack, to go home for the weekend and see my friends
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