#odin is scared of two people: Frigga and Eir
firedrakegirl · 5 months
Frigga snippet
Frigga knocked softly on Loki’s door. Her son opened the door and smiled softly at her. “Mother. You may enter.” He stood aside to allow her into his private sanctuary. “What can I do for you?” He sat on the bed, next to the lump that was a sleeping Fire.
“I came to see how you’re doing; my son.” She sat then melted into the armchair; posture screaming that she was here as a mother rather than queen. “And to learn about my new daughter, though I see that will have to wait.”
Loki chuckled. “Please. She has been so busy making sure I sleep and eat that she has not done the same.” He smiled fondly at the lump and rubbed her back. Fire let out a soft little sound and melted more into the bed. “As for me? Well, I am better than I was. Though I’ll never be the same as I was before Thor’s coronation.”
“What do you mean son?”
“Did Odin tell you what we fought about before he fell into the Odinsleep?” When Frigga shook her head, he continued. “About me discovering that I was the monster under the bed, that I was an adopted Jotun.”
“I’m sorry Loki. Did you say you didn’t know?”
“No, I didn’t.”
Frigga’s face looked like it was carved from ice. “I will be having words with my husband. He informed me that he told you when you were young.”
“He told us of the war when I was young. Of how Jotun are monsters to be exterminated.”
“Please excuse me Loki. I will return when your sister wakes to get to know her.”
“Thank you mother.”
The goddess approached the bed and pressed a kiss to Loki’s forehead, then one to the top of Fire’s head. “Rest son. And remember, I love you.”
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iguana-eyanna · 2 years
Cold Illusions & Scorching Lies Pt. 11
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Pairing: Loki x Pregnant reader
Summary: Many try to tear you and your prince apart from each other. When Loki lets go of the past that brought him to his doom, you begin to realize you’re not the only one who uncovers a forbidden truth.
Author’s Notes: these events will be in chronicle order of the Thor movies. (Italicized text will be flashbacks). They will be titled for every part.
Warning: birth, labor, blood, breech baby
You felt tired, worn.
You and Loki have been traveling for two days. He realized that he needed to save enough energy for the small transportation tool as a compass for the destination and walking on foot would take a toll on you.
Luckily, you saw a horse by a meadow, drinking peacefully. He made contact with both of you and wasn’t scared off. 
Loki walked up to the beautiful mane, admiring its long hair and built. Loki helped you on the mighty mane to get you off your feet. The horse loved your company so you decided to name it Sleipnir. 
Now, Loki guided you all to where the Valkryie lived. 
The trail was quiet, except for the sounds of nature and the soft winds that whistled in the air. You look at your husband, whose face looked hard as stone.
“How did you know that Eir would be the one to help us?” You ask him.
His face turns more serious as he thinks back.
“Ever since I was younger, Frigga and Odin would tell me and Thor stories about the valkyries. They were brave and brilliant. But one of their favored warriors they always talked about was Eir. She was one of the main reasons how most of the valkyries survived the war. She saved villagers during battles, even delivering their children.”
You rub your belly out of instinct.
“Do you think she’ll help us?”
His eyes became softer as he could visibly see your worry.
“I know she will,” he stated as it can happen.
You know it’s been hard for him this past time, learning so much again like you as you two were stolen from time. He told you about reading about Ragnorak, how so many people tragically died. He briefly told you about seeing his mother’s death, and you could see how he was blaming himself.
You try pushing away those memories and looked out in the distance.
“Can you tell me again how you’re alive?” you ask out loud.
Loki chuckles lightly, having a shift of mood.
“The Avengers were going to bring back those who turned into dust. So, they went back in time to retrieve the infinity stones. A few traveled to 2012 when I… tried to conquer New York.” he grimaced, not out of his defeat but the mistake he chose.
“Things didn’t go as planned. Then out of pure fate… the infinity stone landed at my feet. So I took it and transported it away. Being held by the TV-A, that’s another story to tell.” 
You laugh lightly, missing how dramatic your husband can be when telling his stories.
Your brow furrows as you place your hand on the lower area of your stomach, feeling a jolt. 
“That’s the third time you’ve had your hand on your belly. Are you sure you’re alright?”
You bite your lips inward.
“I’m not sure our child could wait longer.” You announced, wincing lightly. 
Loki looks down uneasy. 
“It won’t be long now, I promise.” He says, grabbing your hand and kissing it.
Suddenly, he turns his head slightly as if he’s hearing something.
“What is it?” you whisper.
He raises a hand for you to be silent, as the sound grew stronger in his ears.
In a flash, his hand glows green as he brings his knife in his hand, knocking out an arrow in midair.
Your horse neighs loudly, scared. You try to calm the creature before he knocks you down to the ground.
“Show yourself!” Loki yells.
Suddenly, you see a figure appear ahead of you. 
They have a headwrap that wrapped their face, only revealing their eyes. They’re still armed, aiming an arrow toward Loki’s heart. 
“I can assure, whoever you are, that we mean no harm.” Loki said, raising his hands up.
The archer looks up at you as if you were holding a protective hand on your stomach.
“Whom do you seek?” the archer asked.
“We’re seeking a healer: Valkyrie to the late king and queen of Asgard,” Loki answered.
The archer’s eyes almost changed, maybe shock to hear those words in the same sentence. They unwrapped the mask across their face, revealing a woman.
“I answer to no king or queen.” she proclaimed.
“You are Eir?” Loki asks.
The Valkryie was about to answer, but you loudly groaned in pain. All eyes are on you, as Loki ran closer to your side.
“Please, help her.” Loki begged.
Eir lowered her weapon.
“Follow me.” Eir said, already leading the path.
You and Loki share a quick glance, but Loki wasted no time to lead the horse to where the valkyrie ran.
Soon, you arrived at a small shed. It had a garden in the front, as well as vines that surrounded half of the house. Loki stops the horse and helped you off the mane. He lets you hold onto him as Eir urged them to follow her inside.
It looked bigger on the inside, where there were shelves filled with remedies and herbs and a cauldron towards the back. Eir led you both to the end of the house, where there was a small cot for you to lie on. Loki helped you lie down as you groaned in pain. The Valkryie puts a hand on your forehead.
“You’re burning up. Let me grab you a wet cloth.” She said, getting up and heading outside.
Loki holds your hand, letting you squeeze it tightly as you overcame a contraction. 
You opened your eyes and see how scared he looked.
“You’ve been looking at me like that…” you said, as you regained your breathing.
“Like what?” he asked.
“Like I’m going to die.” 
Your husband doesn’t reply quickly, and you could tell he’s trying not to answer.
“Loki, please. No more secrets. Why are we here?” You demanded.
He stares down at you as if he’s memorizing every detail of your features.
“You were supposed to stay in New Asgard to give birth. But you didn’t survive, you hemorrhaged after the baby was born.”
You blink at him, letting his words sink in.
“Wh-what of the baby?” You muster out, feeling another contraction.
Loki is bewildered but remembering how selfless you are and wondering if your child is alright. 
“They survive, I was not able to learn more about their future.”
You take a deep breath and closed your eyes. 
“I’ll die knowing that they live…” you said, already accepting your fate.
“You mustn't say that.” Loki gritted.
“And why? You’ve come all this way for nothing.”
“Because this child lost their father, I can’t bear for them to lose their mother!” Loki screamed in frustration.
You don’t say a word, not yet at least. The air was still, making both parties uncomfortable.
“If I had died, at least I would have been reunited with the real you.” you whispered under your breath. 
Loki turns away from your crude words. He then sees Eir standing at the entrance, holding a bucket full of water, an unused rag, and a small cup of what appeared to be tea.
She kneels at your side, wetting the rag and placing it on your brow. She looks unbothered as steam arose.
“Here, drink this. It will subside the pain and you will sleep with ease.” she urged you to drink.
You did as you were told, drinking every sip. You suddenly feel yourself drift off into a peaceful slumber, fluttering your eyes until they were shut.
He sat by your side, watching as the hours passed till it was twilight. Your chest raised softly during your slumber, only slightly twitching as you may have felt a slight contraction.
Loki exits the room, feeling like the air was escaping his lungs. His anger was consuming him. Once he leaves the shed and reached a nearby tree, he kneels on the ground and screams his frustrations.
All he wanted to do was save you, but it was like you didn’t want to be saved. 
“You two done quite the number on each other.” a voice says out loud.
He turns around to see Eir. 
“If you’re here for amusement, I hope I gave you the performance of a lifetime.” He bowed sarcastically, before leaning by a nearby tree.
She followed in tow and stood a few feet away.
“Her kind can’t see straight under pressure, they burst into flames. In her case, she lashed out without thinking of her words.” she stares off in the distance.
“How do you know she’s from Muspelheim?” 
She chuckles lightly, almost recalling.
“Her eyes, they glowed like embers when we encountered the first time. It reminded me of when I fought her kind.”
Loki looks at the valkyrie, wondering how many blind-sided wars Odin sent her on.
“I take by your quiet state that the alfather and almother have passed on.” Eir said.
“They’ve passed some time ago.” Loki said, realizing its now been years. 
“And what of your brother?” she asks.
He looks at the stars as if he’s waiting for someone to come.
“He renounced his title to the throne, gave it to a valkyrie to lead the Asgardians on Midgard.”
Eir is not affected by his words.
“So Ragnorak did happen.” She said.
“So many people died, our home was destroyed because of… us.” Loki whispered, as if to himself.
“You need not think like that.” Eir lightly scolded him.
Loki sits down by the trunk of the tree, now feeling the guilt of his actions. He places his hands on his face, burying himself in the knees that were close to his chest.
“I have lost, so many times. I can’t afford to lose her.”
“You didn’t.”
Loki shoots up and sees you standing there, in all of your glory.
Eir helps you walk to him as you sat by his side on the ground.
“I shall ready for later.” Eir said, leaving you two.
You snuggle closer to him as he copied your actions. You held onto his arms, hearing his heartbeat at his chest as had his head on top of yours, taking in your scent he desperately missed. 
A soft green flash surrounded you and you see that Loki enveloped both of you in a blanket.
“If you were cold, you could have said something.” You lightly joked, turning your head to see a small stack of chopped wood near you.
You raise your hand and project a flame to it, forming a fireplace.
“I’m the one who’s supposed to show off.” Loki remarked.
“Well, I beat you to it.” You replied, making both of you laugh contently. 
The laughter died down, and you shifted in your seat, feeling the effects of the tea going away.
“Loki, about earlier…” You said out loud.
“No, please. You have nothing to apologize for, this has been my doing.” Loki responded.
He pauses for a moment and stared into your eyes.
“Ever since I first met you when we were children, I was so scared of losing you. You were the first person who didn’t think of me as the younger brother of Thor or the forgotten son of Odin. You saw me as, well me. And when I thought of myself as a monster, you denied me of such feeling and you embraced me from where I come from.”
You could feel him trembling as he held you closer.
“The Loki you knew is gone, he fought terribly to have you at his side. Me? I am still corrupted by so much pain and fear, I do not wish to have that gut feeling if I don’t have you in my life again.”
He sobs at the end of his words, and you draw him closer so your temples meet. You were crying as well, as you looked up to the man who bore such a naked heart.
“But, you’re the one who has given me hope.” You said, as loud as you can to break such a wretched curse on your husband.
“We’ve lost so much these past years. The fact that you risked everything to save me, even if I am not the same woman you left on the bridge. I fought so hard trying to save our baby’s life that I forgot that there’s a future with them. I want to hear their first words, I want to see their first steps, and lastly…”
You cradle your hands around his face.
“I want to grow old with you.” 
Loki sniffles and leans in to kiss you. 
He holds onto one of your wrists, deepening the kiss.
You suddenly then pull away from his lips.
He was stunned at first, but it wasn’t until he saw your features consumed in pain.
“Something’s- wrong.” You panted, groaning as your body felt like it was on fire.
Loki was stuck, eyes wide as he could not move.
He thinks you called Eir, as she came running to your side to help you off the floor.
“Loki!” She screamed, awakening his senses. He shot up almost immediately, taking your other arm and wrapping it over his neck. They helped you walk to the bed as you were so close to collapsing. 
Eir went to the end, placing her hand over your stomach.
“Oh no” she muttered. 
Loki turns to her as if you were holding his hand for dear life.
“What’s wrong?” he asks out loud as you wailed louder from the pain.
“The baby is breached,” she said. 
“What?” you half screamed, trying to sit up but to no avail.
“Can you do something?” Loki pleads, can’t be handling how much you’re hurting emotionally and physcially.
“I can rotate the baby, but this will hurt beyond compare,” Eir stated.
“I trust you, please save them,” you said, sweat beading all over your body.
She shakes her head and looks at Loki.
“I need you to sit behind her. She needs to stay still, her powers may burst so do what you need to.”
Loki wasted no time and jumped behind you, his legs outside of yours as he held both of your hands.
You lean in his chest, heaving.
“Look at me love,” Loki whispered.
“I’m scared.” You cried.
“It’s going to be alright, you know why? Soon we’ll have our baby in our arms and you’ll forget all of the fear.”
“Are you ready?” Eir asks you.
You shake your head yes as Eir places both of her hands around your belly. Even if you prepared for this second, you could not brace yourself for the agony your body felt. You began to scream, shutting your eyes shut as your body betrayed you. Your hands almost burst into flames, if not for Loki to suppress them with his magic. He tried whispering in your ear for you to not focus on the pain, as he could not bear to see Eir perform her procedure.
It felt like almost an eternity until Eir’s hands were away from your abdomen, then looked at you.
“It is done, but you must push now.” She demanded with such power in her voice.
Loki helped you sit a bit up as you began to push. Your chin was tightly pressed to your chest as you were still holding Loki's hands. You stop pushing, feeling exhaustion take over you until Loki urged you to push again, continuing his sweet messages in your ear.
Loki’s gaze was everywhere, until he locked eyes at the end of the bed, feeling his face pale than never before.
“Why is there so much blood?” You asked eyes opening to see the same view as your husband. 
Eir looks up at you momentarily. 
“Don’t worry, focus on pushing. You’re almost there.” 
Loki takes one of his hands and turns his chin to look at him.
“We’re so close. You’re almost there” Loki urged.
You nod hastily and push again, crying with every strain you felt in your body.
Loki saw how Eir was mumbling something as she was delivering the child, then realized it wasn’t just nonsense.
It was a healing spell.
Loki looks down and sees how you didn’t look sickly from before, as a soft glow of yellow surrounded you. Loki looks away momentarily, too blinded by the light.
Suddenly, the light fades away and Loki looks forward, seeing you smile as you look forward, even if you were beyond tired.
Right in Eir’s arms, he got to see his baby flailing her arms in the air, screaming at the top of her lungs. Yes, it was a girl… a beautiful baby girl.
He looked down at you, as you finally got to hold her in your arms. Loki felt his tears fall down to his head. Both of you felt like a mess but you couldn’t care less.
Right now, all that you thought was that you were able to build a future:
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imagine-loki · 4 years
The Arrangement
TITLE: The Arrangement CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 17 AUTHOR: the-resal10 ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you are marrying Loki. It was an arranged marriage and you are not too happy about it. Loki is quite happy as he has always secretly liked you. But he sees how unhappy you are and plays along.
Imagine being in an arranged marriage with Loki. You aren’t too unhappy about it, but he is and is at times rude to you. You two argue and bicker a lot before you both begin to fall in love. RATING: M - WARNINGS NOTES/WARNINGS: There is a warning for the following chapter. As you can tell from how the previous chapter ended, there are mentions of physical abuse in this chapter. Please be aware! Also, the next chapter will be the last chapter. Thank you to those who are still reading/commenting this fic.
Chapter 17: Getting Justice
Loki was ready to leave his office room, he had to welcome some noblemen who were arriving soon. Just as he got up to leave, Rosalind slowly entered the room, crying with bruises on her face and arms and her hair a mess.
He quickly went to her side, holding her as she cried into his chest. “Rosalind. What’s wrong? What happened?” He pulled away, cupping her face, worried.
“Oh, Loki…” she cried.
“What, Rosalind? What is it?”
“What, Mika did this to you?” She nodded through tears. “He hurt you?” He clenched his jaw, angered.
He pulled away from her, heading for the door. Rosalind gripped his arm, stopping him. “No, Loki!”
He looked back at her. “Rosalind, he hit you, my wife! I’m going to kill him.”
“Please don’t leave me!” She begged. “Please! I’m so scared.”
Loki hugged her again, rubbing her back and kissing her hair as she cried.
Loki took her to their chambers through the hidden halls as she requested so no one could see her. He sat her on their bed, rubbing slow circles on her back as she tried to stop crying.
When she was ready, he questioned her in a gentle voice. “Now, can you tell me what happened, Rosalind?”
She sighed, wiping her tears away. “I, uh, went to see Mika. I know I said I wouldn’t see him anymore but I ran into him yesterday when I was on my way to see you. I told him I would see him today because we had to talk about us. I was planning to break things off with him but then I found out I was pregnant and I had to tell him.”
“I know! I’m so stupid for not telling you and going alone.” She sniffled, swallowing her sobs. “I told him about my pregnancy and he got angry because I told him he wasn’t the father. He grabbed my hair and had a good grip, I couldn’t escape. Then he…” tears blurred her vision again as she remembered.
Loki rubbed her back again. “It’s okay.” He said softly.
She let out a sob, “He… hit me. He slapped me, punched me and yelled at me for lying to him. Then he tried to… he tried to force himself on me. I managed to push him off of me and I ran back here.” She cried.
Loki wrapped his arms around her, holding her with tears in his eyes. “Norns. What have I done?”
She looked up at him, “What? You did nothing, Loki.”
“Exactly. I should’ve stopped him a long time ago. I should’ve talked to Odin or Thor, they would’ve helped us.”
“You would’ve lost the throne.”
“So? If I had known Mika would do this to you, I would’ve gotten rid of him a long time ago.”
“I’m sorry.” She cried.
“No. This is not your fault.” He kissed her hair. “I swear to you, Rose, I will do something about this. You don’t need to worry.”
She quietly cried in his arms, feeling stupid for ever loving Mika and not knowing he would do such a thing to someone he loves.
When she got all the tears out, she fixed herself, applying makeup to cover her bruises and fixing her hair. Loki walked her to the healers room where Eir took a look at Rosalind. She had a headache and some pain in her arms, but nothing below. Thankful, no harm came to or around the baby.
After they left the healers room, they made their way to Odin’s chambers. Loki told Rosalind he would explain everything to his parents and she didn’t have to do any talking if she didn’t want to.
They entered the chambers and stood before the king and queen. “There’s something Rosalind and I must tell you.” Loki said.
“Yes?” Odin questioned.
Loki sighed before beginning. “As you both know, I did not like the arrangement between myself and Rosalind, she didn’t like it either. We never told you because we knew what the consequences would be and we did not want that, so we pretended to be happy together.”
He paused for a moment then continued. “Unbeknownst to me, she did not like the arrangement because she was in love with someone else. Well, one night I found out about their relationship and I told her I wouldn’t tell you both as long as we married by the end of the week.
I then told her that she could meet her lover behind my back as long as they kept it a secret. It took the tour around Asgard for us to open up to each other, it was like when we were children, we patched the hole in our friendship and I slowly fell for her.”
He and Rosalind looked at each other, smiling small.
“What is the lover’s name?” Frigga asked.
“Michael.” Loki answered. “He had been close friends with Rosalind soon after her last stay in Asgard as a child. He moved here to be with her just after we were married. I’m finally telling you all about this because… he hurt my wife. Just today, she told him of her pregnancy and that he wasn’t the father, so he physically took his anger out on her.”
Frigga covered her mouth, gasping. “Oh, my poor dear.” She approached Rosalind, “Are you alright?”
Tears came to her eyes as she shook her head. “No.”
“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Odin asked Loki.
“We were planning to divorce right after you announce who would be the future king, but when you said it would be Loki, I had already fallen for your son and stopped seeing Michael.” Rosalind answered for her husband. 
“And who is the real father of your unborn child?” He asked.
“Loki, my husband.” She answered.
Odin looked over at Loki who nodded, saying. “She’s not lying.”
“I see.”
“Father, I understand that if something like this got out to the people it could ruin our image as future rulers, that’s why if you wish to give the throne to Thor, I’ll accept your decision. As long as I’m with my wife and child, I could care less about my position in Asgard. Just promise me that you will punish Michael for hurting my pregnant wife.”
Odin looked at Frigga then sighed, “No. Yes, you’ve kept this from me and it does upset me, but I will get over it soon. I chose you for a reason. If you and Rosalind really do love each other then that is all that matters. As for Michael, he will be punished.”
“Thank you, father.” Loki said, bowing his head. He looked to his wife after then pulled her in for a hug.
Mika stood at the sink in his bathroom, staring at his reflection in the mirror. He pulled the collar of his shirt down, eyeing the scratch marks Rosalind left on his neck and chest in the mirror.
He heard a loud pounding on the front door. He covered the scratches then went downstairs and opened the door.
Two guards stepped in and grabbed his arms, holding on with a tight grip.
“What are you doing?” he asked them. He tried to pull them off. “Unhand me!” Thor stepped in front of him. “Prince Thor.” he said.
“You are under arrest, Michael, for assaulting the princess of Asgard, Princess Rosalind.”
“What? I would never…”
“Take him.” Thor told the guards.
Frigga and Loki helped Odin as he slowly ascended the stairs to the throne. They held tightly to his arm as he sat on the throne. Frigga smiled at him, kissing his cheek before leaving the throne room.
Loki descended the stairs just as the guards brought in Mika with Thor following behind. They stopped at the foot of the stairs, Mika kept his eyes on Loki who did the same.
“Leave us.” Odin said to the guards.
They bowed and left the room, closing the doors behind them. Odin looked over Mika, he remembered seeing him stand guard around the palace before and he remembered seeing him talking to Rosalind outside the throne room before.
Mika looked back at Thor who kept his eyes on him and a tight grip on Mjölnir. He looked at Odin then returned his gaze to Loki again.
He chuckled, “I can’t believe that lying bitch told you.”
“You hurt her, why would she not…?!” Loki said, angered.
“Then you had to bring your brother and father into this.” Mika said over him.
“Enough!” Odin shouted. The two stopped and gave their attention to the Allfather. “Michael, is it? You have been brought in for your assault against Princess Rosalind. How do you plead?”
Mika flashed a smile. “Allfather, I am not guilty.” Loki scoffed but he ignored him. “I’m afraid Princess Rosalind has misinformed the royal family.”
“Why would the princess lie about something as serious as this?”
“Possibly because she and I were once in a relationship during her engagement to your son and future king, Loki, and I ended things with her once she returned from her honeymoon.” He looked at Odin with empathy. “Poor dear was so upset and heartbroken. She found out I was with another woman not long after I left her, and this obviously angered her.”
“Are you saying the princess lied about the assault because you stopped seeing her?”
“Yes. I’m assuming she told you about our past relationship. I only moved here to be with her but I was too late. Anyway, when she found out about me and the other woman, she vowed she’d get revenge.” He stepped closer and Thor followed him. “Allfather, this is all a misunderstanding. If you release me I will happily leave Asgard and return to my realm, so that nothing like this ever happens again.”
Odin sighed and turned to Loki, raising a brow.
“He’s lying.” Loki said, glaring at Mika. “He did not end things with Rosalind. She tried to and he took out his anger on her when she did.”
Mika scoffed. “How could you know? You weren’t even there to see what happened!”
“You seem to forget that I am the god of lies. I could catch a lie in a heartbeat. And you’re right I wasn’t there, but she was. When she was telling me what happened, I knew she wasn’t lying.”
“And how do we know you’re both not lying?”
“Why would we want to lie about something like this?”
“Because you want to get rid of me.”
Loki stepped closer to him, clenching his fists. “There are other ways I could’ve gotten rid of you without bringing the Allfather and Thor into this.”
“That’s enough!” Odin stood from the throne. “I trust what Rosalind has told me. Michael, for your crime you will be sentenced to the axe. Guards!”
Thor grabbed Mika’s shoulder tightly as the guards entered the room.
Mika took a step back, surprised. “I can’t believe you’re going to accuse an innocent man of such a horrible act.”
“You are no innocent man.” Loki said, stepping in front of him. “You deserve what’s going to happen to you for hurting my wife.”
The guards placed chains around Mika’s wrists then grabbed his arms, taking him out of the throne room as he yelled at the guards to unhand him.
Loki and Thor helped Odin descend the stairs. He looked at both of them when they reached the bottom. “My sons, I have decided that this will be the last thing I do as Allfather.”
“You’re saying…” Thor said.
Odin nodded. “Yes. Loki, since I have decided that you be the next Allfather, the coronation will be within the next few weeks. We shall have a more detailed discussion later. For now, go to your wife. Comfort her.”
Loki nodded. “Thank you, father.”
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nivalvixen · 7 years
An interesting adventure - part 17
Also on AO3
Part 16
Sexy doesn't like her Doctor - or his companions (mostly) - being hurt. It means he flies her unsteadily and there's enough of that when he hasn't been drugged and knocked unconscious. They weren't aiming to make a quiet entrance to the Time Agency, so she's parked at the end of a hallway, bright blue and her light glowing. Oddly enough, despite being in a building full of time-travel-aware people, she's still not regarded as anything special. Sexy will forgive them for the slight this time around, since she's able to see exactly what happens to the Doctor and his companions from her position.
They wake up one by one, only to find that Jack's not in the room with them. Loki attempts to make the white-coats regret that decision (she suspects they already do, what with the irreparable damage he's already done to their rehabilitation room), but they've done something to suppress his power, so it's all futile. They are offered a choice: leave Jack and go, or be removed from history completely. The Doctor seems to want the second choice, but Sexy knows that the white-coats mean more than just erasing their names from history: they're going to go back to the point of conception (maybe even further to when their parents meet), and stop them from ever being born. The Doctor's not quite so keen on that choice now, and they all go quiet as they think of the implications. Entire universes would blink out of existence, and so many races would either be enslaved or eradicated completely, and that's just because of River's timeline. Sleipnir would not have been born, and the Jötun giants would have overtaken Asgard at Odin's bet that he had the fastest horse, the Nine Worlds falling because Loki was not born. The stars themselves will disappear from the sky, entire worlds will become nothing more than fragments of stardust, and the Earth will be overrun or destroyed completely because of the Doctor's timeline. She wants to believe that the white-coats of the Time Agency are bluffing, but Sexy's not even sure that they're really aware of who they have captured, and stupidity such as this is rarely a bluff.
River's the first to agree to let Jack stay - despite Loki's look of outrage and betrayal - and it is with a great reluctance that the Doctor agrees as well. Loki holds out for another ... three, four, five minutes until he agrees with a broken voice, his eyes closed as if that will stop his pain from showing. They are released from their binds (Loki attempts to use his magic once more, but it is still blocked somehow) and led directly down to where Sexy's waiting. It seems that she was not overlooked after all. She's quiet as they all file inside, her door closing firmly behind them. (In another area of the Time Academy, Jack's put in his set two-week loop with the future John Hart, and their tale begins.) Loki goes off to change Vali, and River goes after him to explain: she's met Jack in the future, as has the Doctor, and what's most important is that Jack lives.
In the future, he knows that the Time Agency erased his memory, even though he doesn't know why or what happens in those two years, but he will always be searching for the answers, he will always be searching for Loki and Vali, and isn't that enough? The possibility that they will find each other again? Loki agrees, but Sexy can see that he doesn't mean it, not really. He wants Jack with him as much as the Doctor and River want to be together, but they can't.
The Doctor's unnervingly quiet as he puts in a new set of coordinates, her lever's pulled and button's pushed, and Sexy does the only thing she can do to try and make him feel better: follows his coordinates to the letter.
The Doctor returns River to Luna University. Before she leaves, River tells him that she's been commissioned to go to the Library by Strackman Lux, she leaves in three weeks, and she hopes that she'll see him again before then. The Doctor nods and promises that the next time he sees her, he'll take her to the Singing Towers of Darillium. River’s responding smile is brilliant, but his hearts break all over again, and the Doctor can't bring himself to do anything but press a firm kiss to her lips.
The TARDIS fills with silence after her exit, and Loki looks as depressed as the Doctor feels. He can't blame him, but the Doctor decides that he might be able to make Loki feel a bit happier, and offers to take him and Vali anywhere in the 'verse. He's more than surprised when Loki asks to go back to Asgard - they just rescued him from there! - and Loki sighs, nods, and cradles Vali to his chest gently. He can't do this without Jack; he needs someone to keep him sane, to keep him ... (he laughs a little here, as if he cannot believe what he's about to say) ... human. Vali deserves better than to be raised by him, and Loki knows that Frigga will ensure that her grandson gets that. The Doctor nods a little sadly, and as he doubts that Loki will stay on with him, no matter how many times he's been a father, father-figure, and grandfather (let's not get into the great-grandfathers), he reluctantly agrees to Loki's wish. They are both quiet as they set off for Asgard for the second time in as many days.
Loki's glad that the Doctor's brought him back to Asgard a few days after his escape - while he's not scared of Odin, he has no desire to return while the All-Father's raging (part of his rage is humiliation at being beaten by a woman, and a Midgardian woman at that, but Odin would never admit it, especially in the presence of Frigga). Instead, the TARDIS is set down a few metres away from where Heimdallr's guarding the Bifrost bridge. Loki tries to mentally prepare himself for the welcome he's sure to get (another round with a chain in his cell, most likely), but gets distracted by the sound of the Doctor and Vali laughing, playing with a foil horse with eight legs (he'll have to introduce Vali to Sleipnir when he's released from his cell). All too soon, Loki steps out of the TARDIS with Vali strapped to his chest, his helmet adorning his head, his sceptre slung across his back, and his boots firmly tied (he remembers the way Jack tied them for him, and finds that it's a much more comfortable fit). The TARDIS disappears behind him, neither Loki nor the Doctor being one for goodbyes, and he makes his way to where Heimdallr is guarding the newly-repaird Bifrost.
Its colours reflect brilliantly, Vali laughing at the sight and trying to catch the colours. Loki smiles at the sound and strokes Vali's head gently before taking a deep breath to calm himself. He gives a brief nod to Heimdallr as he approaches, who simply stares at him in a mix of shock, surprise, and ... respect? Loki's rarely seen that emotion directed towards him before. Heimdallr does as he requests and calls for Frigga. Loki doesn't have to wait long before his mother arrives with Eir, his mother's companion and, fortunately, a healer. Eir sets about making sure that all of Loki's wounds have healed while Frigga tells Heimdallr that calling Thor and Odin really isn't necessary; Loki interrupts her to say that he's come back to face his trial, so long as Vali will not be harmed. Eir stops removing one of his larger bruises in surprise, but Frigga simply nods and smiles at him warmly. When he's bruise-free once more, Frigga hugs Loki as if he's been gone for years rather than just a few days. She coos over Vali, even as she leads Loki back towards Valhalla, Eir following a few steps behind.
A few days later, Loki's still confined to his cell awaiting Odin's judgement (Frigga insists on calling it his room, but while he's locked inside and unable to leave, it's a cell, no matter how luxurious or gilded it may be). He watches Vali out of the window of his cell as his son plays with Frigga, and he hopes that somewhere in the Nine Worlds, Jack is just as safe and happy as their son is at that moment. Loki knows that Jack will be out there discovering more of the Nine Worlds than he's ever dreamed of, and he tells himself that he doesn't mind that he's not discovering it right there along with him. It's a lie, of course, but one that he can believe (it's far easier to believe his own lies than someone else's, but isn't it always?). If not believe, then Loki can certainly swallow the lie until the time when he can leave this place to find his beloved Midgardian once more. Vali's giggling laughter distracts Loki from his thoughts, and there's an ache in his chest as he hopes that his son will not be condemned because of who his father is, just as Loki has been for all of his life. Vali - his little wolf - has Jack's dimple-cheeked smile, and Loki's eyes, but he is an innocent in all of this, and Loki truly hopes that he stays that way.
Jack wakes up from a dream, and John stirs beside him, but keeps sleeping and doesn't wake as well. They're both naked (it's not the first nor last time - this is their fourth year stuck in the same two-week loop of time - there's still a few positions Jack has yet to try out with his lover), but Jack's the only one sweating, the only one with a pounding heart, his blood rushing through his veins as he tries to remember exactly what his dream was about. He's dreamed this before, over and over nearly every night for the past four years, but somehow, this time the dream felt clearer than the previous ones. Jack always remembers the four hypervodkas and two executioners (it caused him to write a letter to them on a whim two years ago; he received a very detailed reply, and that memory's returned in full force since then), but the next part of his dream is what's hazy. Jack dreams that he's pregnant, and the cravings, the pain, the swelling and aching, the absolute love filling his chest is all so clear that he knows it must be a memory. He dreams of being pregnant, but even in his dream, Jack can't remember what happened to the child, or who the father was. He finds the faint scar along his stomach, and his fingers trail along it slowly. He knows that the Time Agency has erased his memory, and as soon as he gets out of this time loop, he's escaping. The very second he has the leather-strapped time vortex manipulator on his arm, Jack is going to find out what happened, and he won't stop searching until he has all of his questions answered.
Three years later, Jack comes across a Chula warship just sitting in a junkyard, right beside a Chula ambulance. He steals it away immediately, knowing exactly what he wants to do for his next con. The warship's not the largest ship in the world, but he's not a very bulky being, so it's more than enough for Jack. He makes sure the inside of the ship is fit for human use - the Chula are an alien race with multiple arms, and while that's a bonus when he's in bed with one, it makes it harder to fly their ships while he's only equipped with two. Still, he manages to adjust the wiring in some places and set up a remote control until it's eventually perfect for his con. The inside is all the usual Chula colours: red, blue, and a sort of scary colour between puce and neon-puce; Jack knows he won't survive driving this thing without getting the mother of all migraines, so he delays his con for a day while he paints it (it's a space-time vessel, so he could delay it even longer if he needs, really). Black, green and gold are his chosen colours, and something tugs at his mind, golden curves and bright blue skin, and he almost snaps the paint hose in half in utter frustration at yet another half-forgotten memory. He gets into the Chula warship, closing the door with more force than necessary, and sets off with the ambulance attached to the back, heading down for London, Earth, circa 1941. Jack has a few Time Agents to ensnare with these bad boys, and maybe he'll get closer to knowing the truth about the time that was wiped from his mind.
The TARDIS makes a quick detour into Asgard while everyone's distracted by Loki's return. The Doctor doesn't seem to understand why until he sees the small Chula warship sitting in the garden, looking awfully out of place. Sexy sees his grin and wants to grin in return as he hooks the Chula warship to her. Once her beloved Doctor's inside again, she takes off for a faraway planet where a Chula ambulance is just waiting for its accompanying warship to join it. It doesn't take long at all, and the Doctor seems much more cheerful when the two Chula vessels are sitting side by side on the old junkyard. He closes her door with a dramatic fling of his arm (now, there's the Doctor she ran away with!), and presses a few buttons here and there so she can show him all of the available information on Clara Oswin Oswald: the Impossible Girl, and the next adventure on the list. Sexy can't deny him this, even though she knows that the heartbreak Clara will cause him will rival even that of River's. (Clara won't be a romantic attachment, she will never compare to River for the Doctor, but he will see her as a younger sister or daughter even; the daughter the Doctor and River could have had together, and that will make his pain so much more hearts-wrenching.)
Sexy fades away from the junkyard planet, knowing that it holds the keys to Jack's future. She knows that one day, he will meet Loki again, and more importantly, Jack will remember their past together. It's a long time coming, but for Jack and Loki, the adventure's just begun, and it will be nothing short of interesting.
The end.
Thanks for reading; I hope you enjoyed it!
Author’s note: I wrote this between seasons and before Clara became a full-time companion.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
The last one blooming, Chapter 49
TITLE: The last one blooming
AUTHOR: fanficshiddles
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine that there is an omegaverse where Alphas and omegas can only bond with their true mate. Loki is an Alpha and he one day meets his omega. But she is a young Midgardian child, who is terrified of Alphas. So he has to work hard to gain her trust, to allow the bond to grow between the two.
Loki was angry, no he was furious, that Thor brought him back without his permission.
Odin and Frigga rushed down to the Bifrost to try and help calm him down. The gatekeeper refused to send Loki back until he had permission from Odin.
Loki jumped on his horse and threatened that he would simply go to one of the secret passageways instead. But as he went to ride out along the rainbow bridge, Rose came riding towards him on Eir.
Loki stopped and his face dropped, the anger leaving him instantly upon seeing his omega. ‘Rose. What are you doing out here?’ He jumped down and went over to help her down from her horse.
‘Please don’t do this, Loki. Please. You might cause a war. I beg you.’ She said in a panic as she hugged him and didn’t let go.
Loki’s brow creased as he realised what a fool he had been. He put his arms around his omega and buried his face into her hair as he cried softly. ‘I’m sorry.’ He whispered. ‘I’m just scared that I lose you.’
‘Me too… But we will come up with something. I’m sure your brother will come round in time, just give him a chance to process everything. Getting angry and attacking the realm won’t help. Is your illusion still there?’ Rose looked up at her Alpha.
‘Yes, it is.’ Loki sighed and pulled her into him again.
Rose managed to persuade her Alpha to go with her back to their chambers. They cuddled together on the sofa with Faith in their arms too. Loki was already starting to feel the toll from keeping up the illusion on Jotunheim.
Whilst he enjoyed being there cuddling his wife, he still couldn’t stop thinking about what to do next. He had to get his brother to take over, it was the only way.
A kiss to his chin made him snap out from his thoughts, he focused on Rose and smiled.
‘Sorry, love.’ He said sheepishly.
‘It’s ok. I know this is difficult. But it will be ok.’ Rose buried her face into the crook of his neck, taking in his scent.
Loki slid his hand through her hair, it was soothing for him. But then baby Faith started to cry, it was her feeding time.
‘I think it’s my turn.’ Loki chuckled.
‘Are you sure? I don’t mind.’ Rose offered.
‘I’m sure, love.’ Loki kissed Rose on the forehead.
Loki took Faith from Rose and went into the quarters to get Faith’s milk. He cradled her closely against him while he fed her.
‘Daddy is in a bit of a mess right now, isn’t he?’ He cooed to her. ‘I don’t know how I would cope if it wasn’t for your mummy.’
Once Faith was finished, he burped her then took her back into the chambers.
‘No sickies this ti…’ He trailed off when he saw that Rose had fallen asleep on the sofa.
He put Faith into her cot, then went to scoop up Rose. She mumbled slightly, nuzzling more into him and making him smile.
‘Shhh, love. Sleep.’ He cooed.
He got into bed with Rose and made sure she was comfy. He kept his arms around her and surprisingly he managed to drift off to sleep quicker than he thought he would, with his girl safely in his arms.
When Loki and Rose woke up the following morning, they could hear a commotion outside in the corridor. Guards and others running past their door.
The two looked at one another, confused. They got up quickly, Loki used his Seidr to dress them both and Rose grabbed Faith as they rushed out to see what was happening.
‘What is going on?’ Loki demanded from a guard that was running by them.
‘There is a frost giant on Asgard!’ He said quickly, then continued running.
Loki frowned and turned to Rose. ‘Stay in the chambers. I will call for you when it has been sorted.’ He said firmly. She nodded and went back inside, Loki heard her locking the door from the other side.
Now he knew they were safe, he rushed to see what was going on. Though his energy levels were lacking due to the illusion he was having to keep up on Jotunheim, so it took him a little longer than it normally would before he reached outside in the courtyard, where the frost giant supposedly was.
There were guards in a circle around the giant, aiming their spears right at him. Odin had just arrived and went over, demanding for a reason why the giant was there. Loki couldn’t see him, but as soon as he heard his voice he recognised it was Aasmund.
‘Father! Stop! It’s my… Brother.’ Loki called out and rushed the best he could towards them.
Aasmund looked relieved when he saw Loki. The guards all stood down at Odin’s request. The Jotun stood up and bowed his head at Loki.
‘My King… I apologise for the un-invited appearance. But I wish to speak with you, if that is possible?’
Loki frowned, wondering what the giant was doing there and why he wanted to speak to him after yesterday. ‘Sure. Come inside.’
Loki led the way and they went to one of the common rooms to talk.
‘I am sorry, about yesterday. I was just rather shocked with what you told me.’ Aasmund sighed as the two sat down.
‘Yes, I know it will have been a bit of a shock.’ Loki said bitterly, still annoyed that he wouldn’t take the throne.
‘I have thought about it and spoke to my wife. She made me realise that I was being selfish by not helping you. That I’m lucky she and our child is the same heritage, and can live on Jotunheim. That you are not so lucky and would be apart from your family… I want to help and if that means taking over as King, I will give it a try. However, I still don’t think I can do it. I was a runt, bullied and attacked. That’s why I live out in the middle of nowhere, away from the rest of them. I won’t be taken seriously as King.’ Aasmund said, worriedly.
Loki was so relieved to hear that. Yet slightly concerned too, as he knew how ruthless the Jotuns could be to one another. Even if they were of royal blood.
‘Thank you. I am glad that your wife helped you see sense… They are rather good at that, aren’t they?’ He chuckled. ‘I understand your concerns. But it is in your blood. I am sure when they realise you are of royal blood they will respect you. They have no option to, or you can chop off their heads.’
‘I still don’t think it will be that simple… But I am willing to try.’
‘Thank you. Truly. And it means that Jotunheim and Asgard can have a truce again, build bridges. Since Thor will be King soon. Both my brothers King of realms.’ Loki smiled.
‘You truly don’t want to be King, do you?’
‘No… I did, once. I would have jumped at the chance to even be King of Jotunheim. But since meeting my mate, my wife… That has changed. All I see is her and our baby now. Rose… She can’t have children of her own, due to abuse when she was a child. So having little Faith come into our lives has been such a blessing, I am not willing to change that for any throne.’
Aasmund eyes widened upon hearing about Rose. But he nodded in understanding.
‘I guess there’s a blood test I need to take?’
‘Of course. Come, I shall take you to the healers.’
Once Aasmund’s blood was taken and it was confirmed that they were brothers, they took a note and samples of the blood. For when they returned to Jotunheim to put forward to the people about their new King, they would need evidence just in-case.
Loki went to get Thor, to alert him about what was happening. That he was going to be gone for a while and to look out for Rose and Faith while they were gone.
‘Have you introduced Aasmund to them?’ Thor asked.
‘No. Not yet. I still do not know him, even if he is my brother. Once I’ve met his family and know him better, then I will introduce him to them. In time.’ Loki said protectively.
‘Fair enough. Well, I wish you luck, brother. If you need help, you know just to call on Heimdall. I shall be waiting and ready to come to your aid if it is needed.’ Thor gave Loki a hug, surprising him but he was grateful.
‘Thank you, brother.’ Loki patted him on the back.
Loki went back to Aasmund and then with Odin’s blessing, they went to the Bifrost. Heimdall wished them luck and told them he would keep an eye in-case it went wrong. Loki thanked him, then they were whisked off to Jotunheim to see if they could settle Loki’s dilemma, once and for all.
Rose was worried about Loki when he didn’t return that day. But Thor assured her that it would just take a while for Loki and Aasmund to get the realm in order. 
But that night, Rose woke up in the middle of the night in fear. Her entire body was sweating, she was shaking and had a sinking feeling in her stomach. She knew something wasn’t right, something had happened to Loki.
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imagine-loki · 7 years
Across the Divide
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TITLE: Across The Divide CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter Twenty Three AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki sneaking out of the palace as a youth to see the city and countryside, while out one day, he accidentally gets in trouble for something, but a young girl deals with the situation, allowing him to be left alone and his true identity be kept secret. She is a poor girl who is only in the city to sell goods with her father, so she does not realise it is Loki, even though she sees his face. They form a friendship as she shows him around the city, and tells him the date she comes to the city every month for a particular market. RATING: Teen and Up
Sitting in the bed, Ariella felt lost and alone. Eir had been called to deal with an issue at the soldiers quarters and as another day ended, there was no sign of Loki coming to visit her, again. She cursed herself for being so aggressive to him when all he was trying to do was save her from what was happening, but it broke her that he could not see that it was the only way to guarantee her future, one child would not be so bad, if it was a son, it would be far better off than she would ever have dreamt possible for herself, though fear filled her, a daughter would require further children with her husband. She had liked the idea of children, someday, but she always dreamt they would be with someone she loved, a man who she would be happy to carry the child of, who would be excited to feel a child growing within her, when the time was right, when she felt as though she had everything she needed in life, not now, not a week after she became an adult.
She was so consumed with her thoughts that she failed to realise there was another in the room; when she looked up, she was shocked to see Thor standing in front of her. She said nothing as he stared at her for a moment. ‘Were you in the throne room earlier?’ he asked, his voice was neither accusatory nor aggressive.
Ariella stared at him confused, having not had the strength to get out of bed thus far in her time in the palace. ‘Should I have been, Your Highness?’ She asked.
‘What game is afoot with Loki?’
‘I am not sure that I understand.’
‘Thor!’ The pair jumped as Loki stormed in. ‘Get out!’
‘What is going on Loki?’ This time his time was demanding.
‘Thor!’ Odin stood in the doorway, Frigga beside him, both looking highly angered. ‘Get out, NOW!’
Thor knew and expected aggression from Loki, but his parent's reaction shocked him. With his tail between his legs, he scarpered from the room.
Ariella and Loki watched as the Allfather and Allmother followed their older son, leaving the pair alone. Loki looked at Ariella sheepishly. Though confused and scared by not one, but three shock arrivals of people, she seemed to realise something was not as it should be. ‘I am sorry.’ Loki began, ‘I should not have left you yesterday and I should not have assumed to know what you were thinking. I have never had to worry for myself wanting for anything, such a concept is alien to me, but not to you.’
‘Why are you so afraid to allow yourself to be free?’ Loki asked. ‘I know the world is terrifying, especially when you do not know where to start to deal with things, but you have me, Ari. I will help you.’
‘You have your own life to lead.’
‘We are friends Ari, best friends. When you were dying, you asked for me, you held onto me for dear life.’
‘You are a Prince, and I, a pauper, we are not conducive to being friends.’ she dismissed. ‘I…’
‘Stop!’ he ordered, he could see the resolve in her eyes. ‘No, no you are not going to push me away, you are not going to end this friendship.’ Loki growled, he noticed she seemed adamant to do so.
‘It is for the best.’
‘You do not believe that,’
‘Yes, I do.’
‘You think you can lie to me, no one can lie to me, I am the one person that will fall for them. Stop lying Ari, you are miserable.’
‘That is a tad dramatic.’
‘I heard you, after the old fart left, saying that he would return soon, that his daughter, who by the way, I have since found out is older than I, would be able to help make you look presentable, I heard you cry, I heard the noises you made when you thought you were alone, when you thought no one would hear your anguish.’ She swallowed the lump in her throat. ‘That is why I had to…’
Ariella frowned, ‘You had to what?’
Loki inhaled and lifted his head high. ‘The message was received.’
‘What message?’
‘Breandain has accepted that the betrothal has been annulled, by order of my father.’ Ariella’s eyes widened in terror. ‘Before you freak out and are frantic about what you are going to do, you are staying here, at the palace.’ Though terrified at what was being said, she frowned. ‘You are being educated, formally. Father is less than impressed that all you can do is write your name. He is not letting you leave here until you are fully literate, and do not get started on my mother, apparently, your inability to read is something of a personal affront to her.’
‘Loki...please, take it back.’ her voice shook. ‘Please, I…’
‘Ari, cease. You are not going to be without. You accepted your fate because you thought you had no other option, Ari, this opens everything to you. Education, training, everything. You can choose the life you want here, anything you want.’ he explained. ‘You do not need to worry about food and lodgings, you are going to have your own room, clothes, even a maid to help you.’
Her nostrils flared as tears flowed from her eyes. ‘Why?’
‘Why? Ari, why not? You deserve this, you have done so much to help our realm with all you have told us of the woes of those less fortunate, you brought about the changes in Asgard, you need to be rewarded for all you have done. You deserve this.’
She shook her head, unable to comprehend what he was saying fully. ‘I…’ when the door opened again, she looked to see Odin and Frigga standing there. ‘No, please, you have to stop this.’ she begged, her eyes filled with tears.
‘It cannot go ahead child, you know it is not the correct life for you. Yes, I understand that this is overwhelming, but with time, you will see that this is the life you deserve, an education befitting your intelligence and a career befitting your talent.’
‘What career, I am nothing.’ she shook in terror, forgetting that the man she was shrieking at was the Allfather and King of the realm.
‘Ariella, what have I told you before?’ Odin stated kindly. Loki watched curiously as Ariella inhaled deeply and tried to calm herself. ‘The career I reference is the one I hope to now start you on.’ her brow and Loki’s furrowed as Odin continued to speak. ‘Loki’s friendship token, the stag you carved, show me your talent, I need you to sculpt something for me. You will, of course, be compensated according to your ability, which is to say, handsomely.’
‘I...I am not trained, I could never be able…’
‘For the past two years, I have had eight different sculptures commissioned for this piece, by eight of the best men in Asgard, one as terribly incapable as the next of getting it right. I wondered if it was because they were not as talented as they are accredited, but I soon realised, it is because they do not understand the situation enough to give in that certain something that makes it standout, poignant even.’
Ariella looked at Odin with confusion and uncertainty, she looked to Loki for some assistance. ‘He feels those he asked to make it don’t have that certain something that gives it the ability to make others feel its message.’
‘What would I possibly be able to make that professionals would not?’
‘I am glad you asked.’ The old king grinned.
When Odin returned to his rooms after discussing what he wished for Ariella to do, he was shocked to see him older son standing in the middle of them, arms folded and the facial expression of a petulant child. ‘Are you not a little old to be acting like this?’
‘What is going on of late?’ Thor demanded.
‘First and foremost, do not speak to me like this, I am your father, a higher ranking officer and finally, your king.’ Odin growled. ‘And secondly, that is not your concern.’
‘Fandral is talking in secret with Loki, Loki is up to something with that girl, I am the only one in this family that does not know.’ he thought for a moment before smiling smugly. ‘How can I ensure whatever it is remains as planned if I do not know what it is that is happening?’
Odin sighed. ‘Loki has turned reasonable and mature and you have turned malicious and conniving, I should be worried.’ Thor scowled at his father’s comments. ‘You have a lot to learn before you will be king of Asgard.’
‘Do you hate me?’ Loki looked fearfully at his friend, who had not said anything to him since his parents left. She said nothing in response. ‘A simple yes would suffice.’
‘I am not talking to you.’ she stated coldly, though her eyes were not filled with anger. ‘You meddled in my life, without even talking to me.’
‘I did it for you…you were so unhappy.’
‘You still had no right.’ she pointed out, not arguing with him on her misery.
‘No, I did not, but what I did, I did in service of a friend. I would rather lose you as a friend than see you so miserable. As much as it would hurt me.’ She gave him a small glare, which he used to give her a very sorrowful and remorseful look. ‘Please Ari, I did it because I care about you, I want you to be happy, to have the life you deserve.’ she unfolded her arms and looked at him while chewing her lip. ‘You are my best friend Ari, I want you to be happy, so much so.’
‘I know.’ she admitted. ‘I...I just...I am so scared...I was always told...if I wanted to survive, I had to be realistic and accept my lot.’
‘No Ari, never ‘accept’ anything, strive. You can acknowledge what is most likely going to be your life, but do not accept it just because of that, see what you can do, you will fail, everyone fails, and yes, failure is terrifying but it is not near as terrifying as living a life so beneath you to make others happy. Live the life you want Ari. Now you can learn to read, write, and with everything else, you will be…’ he looked sadly at her, ‘You will travel the realm, further even.’
‘Is that bad?’ she asked fearfully, noting the sadness on his face.
He gave her a sad smile in return, one that did not reach his eyes. ‘No, nothing of the sort. You will meet so many brings, they will adore you, you are so smart and good, they will see it so easily, who knows, you may perhaps even meet someone more suited to you, your own age, or even if they are older, they will be of your choice.’
Ariella swallowed slightly at that. ‘When does the tutoring start?’ she asked quickly, wanting to change the subject.
‘Whenever you feel like it.’ Loki felt a tightness in his throat and her seeming excitement at such a prospect.
‘WIll you be here?’
‘No, I have to continue my work.’ Loki stated.
‘Oh.’ Ariella toyed with her hands. ‘I see.’ she looked at Loki’s hands, she felt as though they were too far away to reach out and touch, something she wanted to do more than anything. She was terrified, the idea of Loki not being there to help her through it scared her more than she knew how to voice. She needed him, but it was clear from how he referenced his own work, he would see her from time to time, but not with the frequency she had come to adore.
Loki looked at her hands as she stared at them. When she had been weakest, he held onto them, as her strength returned, he continued to do so, now she had them on her lap, and not waiting for his touch as she had done before. He took it as her manner of telling him she was not interested in such any longer. Her apparent acceptance of his idea to have her educated was not argued again after making mention of her having the chance to meet more suitable partners, leaving him to feel as though his heart had been pulled from his chest. He looked at her sadly, not remembering when it was he fell in love with her.
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