#frigga is a badass
firedrakegirl · 5 months
Frigga snippet
Frigga knocked softly on Loki’s door. Her son opened the door and smiled softly at her. “Mother. You may enter.” He stood aside to allow her into his private sanctuary. “What can I do for you?” He sat on the bed, next to the lump that was a sleeping Fire.
“I came to see how you’re doing; my son.” She sat then melted into the armchair; posture screaming that she was here as a mother rather than queen. “And to learn about my new daughter, though I see that will have to wait.”
Loki chuckled. “Please. She has been so busy making sure I sleep and eat that she has not done the same.” He smiled fondly at the lump and rubbed her back. Fire let out a soft little sound and melted more into the bed. “As for me? Well, I am better than I was. Though I’ll never be the same as I was before Thor’s coronation.”
“What do you mean son?”
“Did Odin tell you what we fought about before he fell into the Odinsleep?” When Frigga shook her head, he continued. “About me discovering that I was the monster under the bed, that I was an adopted Jotun.”
“I’m sorry Loki. Did you say you didn’t know?”
“No, I didn’t.”
Frigga’s face looked like it was carved from ice. “I will be having words with my husband. He informed me that he told you when you were young.”
“He told us of the war when I was young. Of how Jotun are monsters to be exterminated.”
“Please excuse me Loki. I will return when your sister wakes to get to know her.”
“Thank you mother.”
The goddess approached the bed and pressed a kiss to Loki’s forehead, then one to the top of Fire’s head. “Rest son. And remember, I love you.”
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like-sands-of-time · 1 year
So does sigyn just not exist in the mcu? I know she's in the comics even though I don't read them. Because why are you telling me Loki is completely unloveable and the only person he can love/feel attracted to is himself as a woman that's insane. He's not this demonic guy he's a god of tricks and chaos. He's loved by Thor. By frigga/Freya. By sigyn his canon wife. By his children even if you don't want them to exist here (why I've no idea that's an amazing story)
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november-rayne · 1 year
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Chapter Seven: Meeting Sigyn
A/N: The King and Queen have returned to the capital with Loki's fiance and her parents in tow. The citezens gather in droves to get the first look at the future princess.
We find out Frigga has been busy setting some ground rules for the staff while she was away. And Loki garners some knowledge that he wishes he hadn't.
Word Count: 3400
Rating: Mature
*This story is for mature audiences only.* 18+
*Minors DNI*
Tags: Loki being a mama's boy, Frigga being a badass, the Brodinsons having a moment
Chapter Index
The inner palace gates opened, and the carriages rolled in, starting down the long thoroughfare toward the palace. The sound of cheering and screams erupted from the crowd. The royal coaches were first, large gold and gleaming in the sun. They were followed by the carriages of Lord Anderson and his entourage. Less extravagant than the princes were used to seeing. Plain black wood with silver, scrolling hardware. It reminded Loki of the hearses he had seen on Midgard.
‘Fitting,’ Loki thought. ‘A funeral procession. This is surely a sign from the Norns.’
Loki’s head was pounding. The sun was too bright. The crowd was too loud. His collar was too tight. He reached up to tug it down for the hundredth time when Thor’s meaty hand intercepted and smacked him back down again.
“Settle yourself!” Thor whispered to Loki through his tight smile. Thor masked the action by waving to the crowd just beyond the courtyard.
“Have some sympathy, Brother,” Loki whispered through the same forced smile Thor wore.
“You get no more sympathy from me, Brother. This suffering is by your own hand. You are our parents’ problem now. Once I settle your debts from your little excursions, I’m washing my hands of this whole ordeal and forgetting it ever happened.”
“Fair enough.” Loki went to pull at his collar again but thought better of it, lacing his fingers behind his back instead.
As Loki watched the carriages make their way down the long thoroughfare toward the palace, his chest started feeling heavier and heavier. Guilt tugged at his insides. “Thank you, by the way.”
“What?” Loki saw Thor’s composure break for half a second before he affixed the fake smile again.
“I must express my gratitude to you for returning me to the land of the living again. However, living is a loose term in this instance. My guts feel like they are trying to free themselves from my body and my head,” Loki shook his head, “Norns! My head pains something dreadful.”
Thor pulled a genuine smile. “You owe me one. And, it should be noted, for as bad as you feel in this moment, you look a hundred times worse.”
A burst of laughter escaped from Loki’s lips. Thor joined in and slapped a hand on his back. Loki barely kept himself upright under the bulk of Thor’s weighty hand. “Norns,” he whispered. The coaches were near the roundabout at the end of the thoroughfare.
‘Norns, please don’t let me retch again,’
“I’m here, Loki.” He looked his brother in the eye and left his hand on his back. His fake smile was gone; his blue eyes were soft. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, baby brother.”
Loki let out a shaky breath. He felt tears prick his eyes and quickly blinked them away. A lump formed in his throat, and he swallowed hard. Thor rubbed a small circle on his back, then returned to his regal posture. Loki took a few deep breaths and then mimicked his posture.
The most opulent coach pulled up to the base of the palace steps. The King emerged first. The roar of the crowd almost brought Loki to his knees. Searing white pain exploded in his skull. He forced his eyes to stay open and took quick, shallow breaths waiting for the pain to ebb.
“You’ve got this, Loki. We will be back inside the palace walls in no time now.” Thor whispered as he watched their father help the Queen from the carriage. Another roar as Frigga beamed up at her sons, her relief to finally be home written all over her face.
The royal couple smiled and waved at the crowd as they made their way up the stone steps to the large courtyard where the princes were waiting.
Frigga broke protocol and pulled both of her boys into a firm embrace. “My, how I have missed the two of you!” She pulled back slightly and asked, “Please tell me why you look like you’ve just crawled out of Hel, Loki?”
Loki exhaled slowly through his fake smile. “It is so good to have you back, Mother. I’m just a bit under the weather.”
“I can smell the ale in you, boy! It has saturated you to the bone and escapes from your pores! The oils you bathed in scarcely mask the smell. You dare embarrass yourself and your mother on the day of your betrothal?” Odin’s face was red, and the vein on the side of his head looked fit to burst.
“In my defense, I only learned of your return a few hours ago.”
“Silence! Not another word! If you value your life, you will charm this family to your side.”
“But of course! Why would I not charm this gold-digging shrew of a bride that I do not even want…to…” Loki’s voice trailed off. He had been prepared to unleash all his vitriol regarding the surprise betrothal until he glanced down.
Time came to a screeching halt. The crowd disappeared. The world shrank and collapsed to one point: the woman who stepped out of the coach at the bottom of the stairs. She was exquisite. She was tall, toned, and beautiful. Loki’s breath hitched in his throat.
“Norns…” Thor whispered under his breath.
“You were saying?” Frigga elbowed Loki in his side, and he immediately corrected his posture.
Loki could not respond. He could not think. He could only stare at Sigyn as she waited for her parents at the base of the stairs. She was dressed in forest green silk, a high-neck halter dress that fluttered in layers down her ankles. She wore a copper belt and matching jewelry. Her deep brown hair hung in thick curls down to her waist. Her skin was smooth and sun kissed.
Loki felt his heart thundering in his chest. He swallowed hard, trying to maintain his composure, until she lifted her face to him and gave him the slyest of little smiles, stealing a look at him from under her lashes. Heat pooled in his chest and rose to his cheeks.
Her face was perfect. Large, emerald-green eyes, thick black lashes, high cheekbones, and the most perfectly shaped, pillowy lips Loki had ever seen. Her face, there was beauty there, no question, but there was also something else Loki recognized immediately: mischief.
His breath came out in a whoosh, and he swayed where he stood. His knees became weak and threatened to give out at any moment. Mischief radiated from her. The little smirk on her lips and the glittering glint in her eyes took his breath away. He had never seen the virtue emanate from anyone other than himself.
“She is a gift to you, my son, but I hardly think you deserve her after how you have behaved.” Odin’s voice was faint behind the pounding of Loki’s pulse in his ears. He could not respond. His mouth was dry; his tongue was thick.
‘Mine.’ Loki replied in his mind. Heat pooled in his lower belly. She was a gift for him. He could not wait to touch her. To taste her. He wanted to fall to his knees and worship her right there on the stones in front of the palace.
She smiled a genuine wide smile at the people while she waved. The realm seemed just as enamored with her as Loki. The crowd cheered, shouted, and screamed louder for her than the King and Queen.
‘Mine,’ he thought again as she climbed the stony staircase to meet them.
Odin clasped his hands behind his back as Lord Anderson and his family bowed to the King. “Welcome to my home. Please let me introduce my sons.” As was customary, Thor stepped forward first. “My firstborn and heir to the throne, Thor.” He shook hands with Lord Anderson. “Thor, Lord and Lady Anderson, with their lovely daughter, Sigyn.”
“Your Lordship,” Thor nodded, “My Lady and Lady Sigyn.” Thor took each of the ladies’ hands in turn and kissed the back of each one. “Welcome to the palace. And welcome to the family,” he winked at Sigyn.
“It is an honor to see you again, My Prince. You’ve grown into quite the strapping lad, haven’t you?” Sigyn’s mother patted his bicep through his tunic.
“We’ve met before, Lady Anderson?” Thor raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, I do not expect you to remember me. We had a diplomatic visit hundreds of years ago. You were only yea high.” She held her hand out below her hip. “And your brother was still wearing his nappies.” She leaned around Thor to look at Loki, and her smile quickly slipped. “Oh, my. Are you ill, dear?” Sigyn sniggered behind her mother and her maid pinched her elbow to quiet her.
“Please excuse Loki, My Lady.” Frigga stepped up before he could retort. “He-”
“Ah, no need to explain, My Queen.”  Lord Anderson interrupted with a wave of his hand. “I know a hangover when I see one. It appears even princes get pre-wedding jitters.” His belly bounced in amusement. “You see, dearest, the royals are real people. Just like us.”  He gave Sigyn a little prod with his elbow. Lady Anderson clutched her pearls.
“Loki, my second son.” Odin presented him to the family, his face a hard mask.
Loki forced his eyes off Sigyn to meet her parents. He shook hands with Lord Anderson, “My Lord.” He kissed Lady Anderson’s hand, “My Lady.”  He eagerly turned to Sigyn, “My Lady.” He took her hand slowly in his. The gathered crowd cheered.
“It is an honor to meet you, My Prince.” Sigyn bowed into a deep curtsey. Her voice was sultry but feminine. Her warm skin felt like silk on Loki’s fingers as he kissed the back of her hand. Lingering a tad longer than was appropriate, he relished the scent of her skin. She smelled like sunshine and citrus, and he had to force himself to release her. A slight nod was all he could respond to her. He did not yet trust himself to say more.
Odin stepped in between the couple. “Good people of Asgard,” a hush fell over the crowd. “It is my honor to announce the betrothal of our dear Prince Loki,” he took Loki’s hand, “to the Lady Sigyn of Smaragdberg” He took Sigyn’s hand and placed it in Loki’s. “We make this match for the good of the realm and for the good of our family. Please join me in welcoming my future daughter and future Princess of Asgard!” 
The people cheered and applauded. The extreme noise would have done Loki in if he were not fixated on the woman beside him.
‘Mine.’ His mind reminded him.
He could not take his eyes off her as she smiled and waved to the crowd with her free hand. She turned to wave to the other side of the thoroughfare and caught Loki’s eyes on hers.
“Smile and wave, Your Highness,” she whispered through her teeth. She gave Loki’s hand a firm squeeze.
“Pardon?” he asked dumbly, still staring.
“Your people…” she motioned with her eyebrows, “are trying to get your attention.”
“My people?” Loki’s reverie was broken when he heard the chants of his name. “Oh, right.” 
He turned on his most dashing smile and started waving to the people with his free hand. Sigyn giggled, and Loki thought he might melt right into the stone.
“I promise I’m not a moron,” he said to her through his smile.       
“Is that so? You could have fooled me.” She gave his hand another playful squeeze. “Besides, moron or not, it seems that I am stuck with you. I can only pray to the Norns that our children inherit my intellect.”
Loki turned back to see the sly smile that played on her lips. ‘Oh, she is funny,’ Loki thought.
“When I decide to bless you with my heirs, I promise you they will be the cleverest, most handsome children. Just like their father.” Loki watched as her smile widened on her face, and he forgot how to breathe.
“Hmm. We will have to wait and see, I suppose. I hear drinking to excess is not good for virility.”
Loki huffed, “My Lady, I can assure you my-”
“Come! We have had a long journey. Let us get our guests settled in their chambers.”  Frigga said as she clapped her hands, signaling the guards that they were making their way into the palace.
Loki offered Sigyn his arm as they turned and made their way inside. There was a frenzy of people inside the palace. Porters moving trunks, courtiers scrabbling for the King’s attention, servants bustling back and forth.
“We will retire to our chambers and meet for a private dinner in the small dining room. Saving the feast for tomorrow night will give all a chance to recover from the stress of our journey.” Frigga gave Loki a pointed look as she said this, but he did not notice. He did not want to leave Sigyn’s side, yet he did need to get out of his tunic and lay down.
“Until dinner, then?” Loki asked Sigyn as her maids collected her.
She curtsied with a nod, then followed her mother up the marble stairs. Her maids trailed so close behind her that Loki was robbed of the chance to steal a peek at her body from the back.
“Loki will escort me to my chamber.” Frigga motioned for him to follow her. “Thor, you will escort me to dinner. Eight o’clock sharp.”
“Yes, Mother.”  Thor kissed Frigga’s cheek and then threw a wistful look at Loki. “Good luck.” He whispered to his brother as he headed toward his chamber.
Frigga whispered something to the maid at her side. The woman glanced at Loki before she bowed and quickly headed off down the hall. Frigga held her elegant hand out to Loki, and he placed it in the crook of his arm. They walked silently for a moment before Frigga asked, “Do you want to tell me the truth, or do I have to find out on my own?”
Loki drew in a deep breath. “I guess you could say I did not take the news of my betrothal very well. I panicked. I fled from the palace, and I... did not behave in a manner befitting my status.” Loki dared a glance at his mother, expecting disappointment but finding only a stern resolve.
He continued, “If Thor had not found me and dragged me back here…” He shook his head. “I cannot summon my seiðr… Mother, I am sorry. I behaved foolishly.” He stopped and turned to look Frigga in her eyes. “Mother, please, say something.”
“What is done is done. There is only one chance to make a first impression.” Frigga sighed. “I had hoped for a better reception, but part of me had expected some resistance. I can only assume, after seeing your reaction, that you approve of this match?”
“Sigyn is… perfect. She is lovely…” Loki could finally think clearly now that Sigyn was out of his sight.
“But?” Frigga raised her eyebrows.
“…but I do not wish to marry her.” Frigga resumed their walk, a knowing smile on her lips.
“And why is that?”
“Because I do not wish to marry anyone.”
“And why is that?”
“I... I cannot be a good and faithful husband.”
“And why is that?”
Loki sighed, “She did stir feelings in me, Mother, but not the kind you were hoping for. How do I know my interest in her will last beyond the physical?”
“Get to know her, Loki. Give this a fair chance. Make me a promise?”
“What’s that?”
“Promise me you will court her and get to know her. Promise me you will not bed her until you love her, really love her, not just her body. Promise me you will save it for your wedding night.”
“Mother…I…” Loki thought about that for a long moment. “What if I never love her? What if she never loves me?” Loki let out a shaky breath. ‘Could anyone like her love someone like me?’
“Oh, my sweet prince. You are deserving of love.” Frigga replied. Knowing her son so well, she could almost read his mind. “I can call off the wedding if needed.”  Loki looked at her, stunned. “Am I not still Queen of Asgard? Promise me that you will be a perfect gentleman, and truly try and get to know her for one month. At the end of the month, if you honestly feel that I was mistaken, that this is a bad match, I will cancel the wedding and manage fallout.”
“You would do that for me?”
“Of course, my darling boy. If you keep your promise to me.”
Loki contemplated the proposal for several moments. On the one hand, what could it hurt to humor her? He could try courting the girl. After all, she seemed witty and funny from the few minutes spent with her. A month is a short time. At the end of the month, he could bid her farewell and resume the life he was used to.
On the other hand, did he want to spend all that time with her and not be able to seduce her? To taste her? To see her glorious body lazing on his bed sheets? Loki’s heart sank.
“I cannot seduce her?”
“What if she seduces me?”
Frigga laughed, “I guess you will have to find some way to resist. Anticipation is part of the thrill.” She wagged her eyebrows at him.
“What? How do you think you and your brother came into this world? I did not grow you in my vegetable garden.”
“I understand the process, Mother.” Loki shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut.
“Your father is an amazing lover. I still find it exceedingly difficult to keep my hands off him.”
“Norns, Mother! Still?” Loki felt his stomach threatening to betray him again.
“Naturally! I am not dead yet. But there is a time and a place for such things. Treat the girl like the Lady that she is. Earn her love and respect. The benefits will far outweigh a few weeks of going without.”
“Wait. Do you want me to abstain, not just from Sigyn, but from anyone? Mother…I-”
Frigga rolled her eyes, “Yes, dear boy, I am asking you to abstain. I assure you that you will survive. I have taken it upon myself to select your new chambermaid, a very devout married woman who will clean your rooms, launder your clothes, and prepare your baths. And that is all she will do. I have warned the staff that anyone caught engaging with you will be escorted from the palace.”
“Loki, it is only one month. Please spare me your grumblings on the matter. How can you truly get to know the girl if your pursuits are elsewhere?”
Loki thought about this for a moment. “Okay, fine. I promise to keep my hands to myself. I promise to give her a chance. I promise to get to know her as a person.”
“And I promise to be as pious as a priest. Now, can we please change the subject?” Loki shuddered.
“Okay. I promise to call off the wedding if you truly feel she is not the one for you.”  She smiled at him like she did when she knew something he did not. “Now, what else did you want to talk about?”
“My seiðr. Why can’t I summon my seiðr?” They stopped directly in front of the double doors to the royal apartment. Two guards were waiting on either side. The maid from earlier was also there holding a small bottle.
“You must have been on the brink, my dear. Your body is using every drop of its energy to keep you alive. Lay off the drink and rest. And here,” she took the bottle from the woman, “drink this.” Loki took the bottle and eyed it suspiciously.
“What is this?”
“A little something to help you feel better. A hangover remedy I used to make for your father. I always keep a bottle on hand, just in case. Drink this and go lie down.”
Loki removed the stopper and downed the whole bottle in two swallows. “That is a good boy.” Frigga took the bottle and gave him a big hug. “Do not be late for dinner!”
“Eight o’clock sharp. I will be there.” He kissed her cheek and made his way back to his chambers. The heat of the potion was already spreading warmth through his body.
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XOXO- Rayne 💚
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karioke13 · 4 months
Who are your top ten favorite Thor characters? Why are they your faves?
Hello 👋🏼😄 and wow what an interesting question! I’m going to based the Thor characters based on the comics and the movies as well!
1. Jane Foster -When I first was in middle school, my school had a book about all the comic heroes and she was on there. And something about her story really stuck with me. I thought “wow this character is so cool! I think she’s my favorite superhero” Then of course I watched Thor and I figured out that Jane Foster was played by none other than the fantastic Natalie Portman who I knew because before being a Marvel fan I was a huge Star Wars fan and I thought Padmé was so cool. And over time as I started watching more movies with Jane and finally last year getting most of the Mighty Thor comics, she is by far my favorite superhero and character in Marvel. She represents what a hero should be in my opinion.
2. Thor - Now when I watched Thor I was really fond of him. I loved how he saved the people of Jane’s town despite knowing them for about a couple days. I really loved MCU Thor mostly. Chris Hensworth did a fantastic job as Thor. No one could have done it better. I love Thors kind and compassionate heart and his need to help others. His backstory as well is so interesting! To this day, Thor remains one me of my favorite Avenger!
3. Darcy - I know she’s not part of the comics but one of the best parts of the first and second Thor movies for me was Darcy’s humor and how sassy she was. And I love how she became a doctor like Jane in Wandavision. Overall she was such a fun and relatable character that kept me laughing!
4. Freya/Frigga - One of the things I loved about reading the Thor comics was whenever Thors mother Freya was on. She is such a fascinating character. She’s intelligent, a good queen and mother and overall a badass! I always loved her relationship with Thor and I feel like we never got enough of that in the Thor franchise. And side note I also loved her friendship with jane and how they are always there for each other! I really wished we had more of Freya in the movies because she’s just so amazing
5. Heimdall - I love Heimdall in the movies and in the comics. I loved the bond that he and Thor shared throughout the movies and comics. And I love how he was sort of like a second father to Thor and Loki. What makes me sad is that both versions end up dying (rip Heimdall) I hope we do see more of him though!
6. Roz Solomon - Roz Solomon is so underrated in the comics! She’s an amazing SHIELD agent who’s such a badass! I loved the relationship she and Jane had especially! It just felt so natural and they greatly respected each other! One of my favorite parts in the comics is when Jane tells her she’s Thor showing how she trusts her and Roz goes “can everyone stop turning into things now” Overall such a sassy, awesome character! I was sad when we didn’t see much of her in the Valkyrie series!
7. Fandral - I remember reading both the comics and watching the first Thor I never really payed attention to the warrior three. But recently I watched the dark world thanks to @beheworthy 😄 and Fandral kept making me laugh the whole time. And I love Zachary Levi too so that made it even better! And then I reread some of my thor comics he was briefly in and he was great in that too. He’s just an overall funny character!
8. Volstagg - Out of all the warriors three, in my opinion, Volstagg had the kindest heart. He would help Jane being senator in the Congress of Worlds as well as just being a good friend! The saddest moment he had is when he picked up the War Hammer and was becoming rage full. It made me so sad that kind Volstagg was the War Thor. And he was great in the movies too! Rest in peace Ray Stevenson 😢
9. Sif - I’ve recently been loving Sif! She’s such an amazing warrior as well as protective of Asgard in the movies and in the comics. I love how in the comics they made her the new gatekeeper to replace heimdall. I thought that greatly suited her. She’s truly a fierce fighter!
10. Valkyrie (Brunhilde) - Valkyrie’s death killed me in war of the realms. I was not expecting her to die so horribly in War of the Realms. I also really enjoyed Valkyrie in the Marvels! She was really funny and her dynamic with Carol was adorable!
Those are all my favorite characters in the Thor franchise. I also decided to make a list of characters I liked the least in the Thor franchise
1. Odin - I HATE HIM SO MUCH! I am not even kidding you I despise Odin I could write a whole essay on why I hate him (perhaps another time) but my blog is an Odin hate blog. He’s at the top of the list for a variety of reasons I won’t list right now.
2. Loki - I’m only putting Loki on here because I love to hate him. Loki was never really one of my favorites when I first became a marvel fan but I just love to hate him. That’s the only reason why im putting him on here.
But thank you so much @zndr315-blog for asking me this! I’ve never really gotten to list my favorite Thor characters so thank you! 😄🙌🏼
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alwida10 · 1 year
I need a word, but I don’t know which one. This trail of thoughts was inspired by a post where someone discovered the nice and cool guy he knew was secretly a serial killer, and how upsetting this revelation was.
So, I was thinking about the Loki series (yes, again), and how it characterized the major players and I noticed something I was tempted to call „one dimensional“, but sadly „one dimensional“ is defined as „ a character who lacks depth and who never seems to learn or grow“. And while I do accuse Larry and co of many things, they do have an arc over the season. So, that’s not the word.
I tried „lack of complexity“ next, but that’s basically the same, so here is the thing I observed. Perhaps you can tell me what it is called.
I am thinking about a character being a „mix“ of good and bad things, in contrast to a character whose facets are all running parallel. Picture a character with different aspects; let’s say their work ethics, their personal life, their hobbies. Imagine someone who is always throughout in their job, polite and well mannered, and has orderly hobbies. They might even change over time, but when they do, all traits show change in the same direction. They start stealing from the workplace, yell at their family and utilize illegal means in their hobbies. On the other side I see characters like Loki in Thor 1, who has many facets:
1. his intentions for the well-being of his people
2. his behavior towards Odin
3. his behavior towards Frigga
4. his relationship to Thor
5. his intentions for jotunheim and it’s people
Over the movie some of those facets change, but not all, making him a complex character, but even without considering that his behavior is different depending on the recipient. This is still the case at the end of the movie. Number 1 & 3 stay fine, 2 & 4 change to the worse, and 5. goes from „i don’t care for them“ to „kill then all“. Another example for this kind of characterization would be Tony stark (after his arc in IM1), who does his best to fight for the greater good, but can be a real burden to those who care about him.
In contrast, Larry‘s traits run parallel. In episodes 1-2 I see this:
1. his behavior towards people that are weaker than him (the mongols, Casey): condescending, threatening
2. his behavior towards people who are more powerful: manipulating, aggressive
3. his attitude towards people: good to be ruled, but not more
4. his attitude towards the time keepers: should be overthrown and replaced by Loki.
He does change over the season, so I cannot call him one-dimensional in the classical sense, but even after the change all traits point in the same direction
1. his behavior toward a people who are weaker than he is (TVA agents in the „new“ TVA): should be protected
2. his behavior towards people who are more powerful (sylvie, the new mobius): we have to work together, treating them with respect or submissiveness, pleading for support
3. his attitude towards people (TVA agents in the „old“ tva, everyone who HWR‘s plans affect): should be protected, consequences for them need to be taken into consideration
4. his attitude towards the ruling person: need to be considered, loki doesn’t want to rule anymore.
I see the same tendency with Sylvie, who changes from a) a badass fighter who can do everything on her own and b) someone who is harsh in conversation to a) someone who needs and accepts help and b) someone who starts opening up in conversation.
A noteworthy exception from this style is Mobius who is show as understanding and welcoming in his personal interactions but is totally okay with killing innocents by pruning. However, at the end of the season his facets are in parallel, too, since he is still verbally welcoming but now against mass murder.
Anyway, I think that is something to consider when writing a character. Real people are seen differently. The dragon-like school teacher can be someone else‘s beloved friend. The lawful and stern father might have been a hippy once. People are multi-faceted.
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xalygatorx · 9 months
Worthy (2015) | Chapter 15, "Close Your Eyes"
Disappearing sporadically in public spaces quickly becomes Cora Dempsey's least concerning problem when suddenly she captures the attention of the forming Avengers Initiative, the World Security Council, and Asgard's fallen prince all in one week. And the universe is only just getting started with her.
Worthy is a slow-burn SFW Marvelverse (films) romance between Loki and a female OC. For additional details on what canon is used, see the Prologue post.
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Summary: Cora finds the source of her inner power under Frigga's guidance, and some answers about her ancestry. The princes return to Asgard.
Pairing: Loki x Fem!OC
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 3.3k
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Cora's noontime magic-test with Frigga turned into an all-out training session that left her wiped out, but exhilarated, and glad that her wounds were healing efficiently. Sif had accompanied her after they'd hit it off so nicely, which had honestly surprised them both. Sif wasn't generally one to make fast friends because of her low tolerance for the majority of folk she met and the fact that she was intimidating as hell. Cora was undaunted though and the more the two talked, the more they realized how alike they actually were.
"So, are all Asgardians also gods?" Cora had asked on their way to meet Frigga, the both of them gaining curious looks from passing servants and guards.
"Yes and no," Sif answered, eyes ahead with a relaxed posture. "Every Asgardian has their gift. Some of those gifts also bear titles."
"What's yours?" she asked, her inquisitiveness getting the better of her, and not for the first time since her arrival.
Sif smiled and glanced at her as she said, "Battle. I am the Goddess of War."
Cora nodded slowly, a smile of her own gradually curving her lips. "That's pretty badass."
Sif grinned as they entered the courtyard, where commenced multiple attempts by Frigga and Sif, both, at getting Cora's ability to manifest. Cora was prepared to give up when Frigga unexpectedly told her, "Come here."
Cora hesitated, but walked over, letting Frigga guide her to turn around, the queen's hands resting upon her shoulders. "Close your eyes."
"What are we—"
"Shhh, dear one, just let your thoughts go," she murmured behind her.
"I have no idea how to do that," Cora admitted, her lips pursing into a small frown.
"Just one at a time. Let them cease to matter so much as finding your true gifts," Frigga coaxed.
Cora closed her eyes and inhaled slowly, her brow creased as she tried to no avail to empty her mind of all the questions, all the background noise, anything hindering her from doing as Frigga requested of her. It wasn't working too well, but she heard Frigga speak again before she could express how much difficulty she was having. The queen took Cora's hands and brought them up toward her chest, Frigga's arms a circle around her. "You are in a hallway."
Cora opened one eye and glanced at Sif, who tried not to laugh at her expression and gave an encouraging nod for her to play along. Cora closed her eyes completely again, imagining a hallway. It was a hallway in her childhood home. Frigga next murmured, "Walk down it until you reach a room."
"What am I trying to find?" Cora asked quietly.
"Your source," Frigga said softly. "You told me your powers rise out of fear. The trick is not to strike fear within you to evoke your power; then it is only a reflexive reaction. You must find where it stems from."
Cora pursed her lips and walked down her mental hallway, coming to two rooms at the end of the hallway, hers and her parents'. "I see two rooms."
"Then you have a choice to make."
After a moment of deliberation, which frustrated her because she wasn't sure what she was supposed to be looking for, she stepped into her old bedroom. It looked just as it had while she was growing up: the periwinkle walls, the bookshelf her dad had made and her mom had painted which held a multitude of books she'd accumulated throughout her young years, the twin-size bed nestled against the far wall, and the colony of stuffed animals lined up on it, side-by-side. It felt like she'd never left.
She sat down on the edge of the bed, slowly easing herself down; her feet hung over the end of the bed frame and she sighed, realizing for likely the millionth time how much had changed. She closed her eyes and rested, even the familiar sounds of a passing train dancing through her memory.
"Cora, come back to us," she heard Frigga say and her voice almost sounded like it was coming from the other end of the hall. Cora hesitated, but got up and walked out of the room, back down the hallway, soon to open her eyes again.
She first saw Sif, who had taken a seat on a nearby rock, and then she turned her head to look back at Frigga. "So, now what do I do?"
"You already did it," Frigga smiled, Cora blinking at her bemusedly. "Go down the hall to the room you found again, but keep your eyes open this time." Frigga adjusted their hands so they were in Cora's line of sight. Cora wasn't sure what she was talking about, but she dropped her gaze to their hands and once again put herself in that hallway, going into the room and, this time, picking up one of her old books, a novel she'd obsessed over in middle school, to leaf through the pages.
Though she was half-consciously in this little world built by her memories, she was also very aware of reality and the more she indulged in what nostalgia had to offer, the faster she faded out of sight in the real world. Cora felt the current of energy pulsing through her and she held onto that as she left the room and went back down the hallway in her mind, amazed to find that she was still invisible by the time she'd let go of the dreamworld. "How am I…"
"You went to where you grew up, did you not?"
Cora frowned and murmured, "Well, yes…"
"Everything is symbolic. Connected. Meanings cross and tangle up in each other. That you went to your first home also meant tapping into your origins, into your bloodline. You drew comfort from it, which translated to what you needed to bring your magic forth."
"Will I always have to go there to access my power?" she asked as she let the magic fall from her form, reappearing.
Frigga let go of Cora's hands as she shook her head. "No, that will simply serve as an access point until it becomes instinct to reach for them. Until you're comfortable with those abilities, you could always carry a weapon if you're concerned."
Cora laughed as she shook her head. "I've never handled a weapon in my life."
Frigga's brows rose in surprise before her gaze slid past Cora to Sif, who wore a similarly startled expression, but was already getting up from her perch. "Well, it is about time then that you begin," Sif said with an excited smile as she walked over. Frigga sent one of the lingering servants to fetch some of the training implements so Cora wouldn't have to start off on a real sword.
That was where the little meeting had turned into what Cora had a feeling boot camp might feel like. That is, if the one training you was also a friend. Cora didn't argue that she couldn't foresee herself needing to know how to handle a sword because, for one thing, she thought swordsmanship might be a cool skill to have and, for another, when would she ever get the chance to learn combat technique from a war goddess again? The entire situation was surreal, but part of her was geeking out in a big way.
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Hours later, Cora was a bit roughed up and more than a little worn out. She was a natural, according to Frigga and Sif; she personally didn't feel like she'd made much progress, but she figured she'd take their word for it. Hopefully she'd graduate from the wooden training sword in due time.
They went inside to eat and Cora's stomach grumbled as hearty portions of roasted meat, bread baked with a perfectly golden crust, seasoned and seared vegetables, and a decanter of wine were placed upon the table. A servant filled their goblets halfway with wine, looking a little startled when Cora thanked him outright, which made her realize once again just how this world was proving to be so different from hers.
Cora sipped from her water glass and glanced up as she heard the doors open. She saw an old man walking into the dining hall, a large spear-like scepter in his hand and a metal patch over his right eye. When Frigga and Sif rose from their seats, Cora followed suit, only able to assume from his regal manner and their treatment that he was the king she'd heard so much about, even before coming to Asgard.
"My queen," he greeted Frigga fondly, though wearily, as he kissed her cheek. "I—" He paused when his gaze found Cora. "And who is this?" He had deduced quickly enough that she was someone of importance, at least to his wife; servants and palace residents did not dine together.
"Cora, my lord," Frigga said with a small smile. "She is a new friend. She hails from Midgard, but she is of Asgardian heritage far back in her ancestry."
"How did you come to be here, then?" he asked Cora directly, surprised at the information his wife gave him.
"Heimdall rescued me from Jotunheim," Cora said, trying not to feel intimidated by the king. He carried an air of power about him and she got the feeling that he was merciless as well, save maybe for his wife and oldest son. Loki had given her the impression that he'd fallen far out of favor with this man and there would be no going back. She'd have to tiptoe around this one. "I don't know how I ended up there though. Last I remember, I was on Earth."
"Quite the unpleasant awakening, I expect," he said, something in the undertones of his voice that may have indicated personal experience with the ugliness Jotunheim could offer.
"I was fine until the Frost Beast happened," she remarked and it brought a chuckle out of the elderly king.
"Ah, awful things," he reminisced with a tired smile. "I am Odin, King of Asgard. I hope you will enjoy yourself here."
"Thank you very much."
"Frigga," he said, his attention back to his wife. "I would speak with you privately a few moments."
Frigga nodded and left with Odin, the two linking arms as they walked from the dining hall. When Cora's gaze turned to Sif, she saw a mixture of surprise and apprehension on the warrior's face. "What?"
"Oh, it is nothing. The king just does not usually take to people."
"So quickly, you mean?"
"In general," Sif admitted hushedly, which caused both to laugh in muted tones.
"Everyone seems so nervous tonight," Cora noted, thinking of Odin's expression when he'd walked in, how Frigga had been at times throughout the day, the look of anxiety Sif had been wearing just moments ago as she watched the royal pair leave the hall.
"There have been developments with the pri—," but she stopped herself, glancing at Cora and seeming startled at her own words. Cora was getting ready to ask what was wrong when Sif excused herself from a half-empty plate and said she would see Cora later and, if not later, "on the morrow."
Cora nodded, bewildered, and finished her dinner, not finding anything out even after Frigga returned because she did not have the heart to bother the queen about whatever it was that was etching such sad worry lines into her face.
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A few days passed and everyone in the palace seemed to get antsier and antsier with each rise and set of the moons. Cora hadn't gotten a single answer from anyone because the only one she felt comfortable asking was Sif and the lady goddess didn't seem keen at all on divulging any information at the time.
Since no one was talking to her—at least about one of the things she was intent upon discovering—and she had massive amounts of free time, Cora ventured up to the tower library Frigga had told her about, wanting to actively get at least one mystery off the proverbial table. She held up the hem of her steely grey gown as she hurried up the spiral staircase and, the moment she thought she might never reach the top, she saw an ornate door with golden hinges and veins of gold riddling the wood.
Cora turned the handle and it made a grand click as she pushed it forward, thinking that if unlocking a secret had a sound, it would sound just like that. It was a wonderful sound, indeed.
She walked inside and closed the door behind her, awed at the interior of the library and the sheer vastness of it. It smelled like dust and old pages and even some fresh ink somewhere; it was heavenly. Books of all colors, sizes, and girths were ordered carefully along the shelves and piled upon desks, but the most glorious of them that she could see sat upon a podium toward the window opposite of where she stood.
The volume was glowing. Not from the light of day outside, nor from any of the torches lit within the room, but it was literally glowing with magic between the pages. Cora approached it having a very sure feeling this was exactly the book she was looking for. It was about a mile thick with gold-leafed pages in a binding the color of mahogany, every inch of it in perfect condition though it had to have been centuries upon centuries old. Likely even millennia. That fact made it intimidating when she decided that in order to read it, she had to open it.
Cora's hand shook as she reached for the cover and gingerly eased it open, carefully turning the pages in sections to get to where she needed to be, considering the organization was by date of birth. It would be a while until she got to hers, judging by the years marked down by symbols that looked positively ancient, even by Earth's archaeological standards.
She was starting to give up by the time she was two thirds of the way through the book. Because Asgard had been recording its history so much longer than Earth, the timeline was entirely different and any hope she had of correlation was botched, though she was learning some numeric runes along the way.
Cora sighed and shook her head murmuring, "How hard is it to find 1987…"
She'd barely murmured the final digit when the pages all but slapped her hand away and began turning of their own accord. Cora stepped back with wide eyes, watching the pages fly past until they abruptly ceased, the book having nearly reached its end with twelve pages to spare. Her brow furrowed faintly as she stepped forward, glancing over the runes on the page until she saw a sequence she recognized; the same sequence in black ink upon her wrist. She looked briefly over the runes above it before suggesting faintly, "And… Maybe in English?"
Before her very eyes, the runes on the shimmering pages rearranged themselves into stocky, but legible, capital English letters.
Enthusiasm returned and Cora rested her hands against the edges of the podium as she grinned and exclaimed, "My god, you're amazing!" and found her name again, now spelled out completely. Her eyes followed the connecting line to read who was on the same panel, which she took to indicate a bloodline. She skimmed the list until she found names she didn't recognize; apparently the Asgardian heritage had been in her family for generations. She'd just been the only one—that she knew of—to glean something from it. It was around the time of her great-great-great-great grandmother that she came across names that were undeniably Asgardian.
"Sindri and Brokkr," she read aloud, her brow furrowing. Sindri was linked to the line as her great-great-great-great grandfather and Brokkr seemed to be his brother. She repeated the names a few times to commit them to memory before she smiled and shut the book with a whispered, "Thank you!" and then turned to head out in hopes of finding who and where these men were. She was definitely interested in meeting them.
Hurrying from the tower, Cora was prepared to find Frigga if she wasn't busy, but that wish was put temporarily on hold, as there seemed to be some sort of commotion in the hall.
Glancing around, she caught recognized Sif by her raven-black hair ahead, talking to a burly man with a rather impressive red beard. Cora wove between a few guards to get to them. "Sif!" she called when the woman started to get lost in the crowd again. Sif turned and stepped against the wall to wait for Cora, who made it there a few seconds later. "What's going on? Did something happen?"
She hesitated before sighing and explaining, "The princes have returned."
Cora waited for the rest, but she did not elaborate. "Wouldn't that be a good thing?"
Sif smiled bitterly and there was an undertone of anger present when she spoke next. "Maybe once. No longer."
Cora scrambled a little before she asked, "Where is Frigga, is she okay?"
Sif frowned softly and shook her head. "I don't know, but I can't imagine she is. She is likely near the throne room by now."
Cora nodded quickly and thanked her before hurrying down the hall, seeing Frigga pacing outside the tall entrance to what she assumed would be the throne room. "Frigga, are you all right?" she called as she slowed her pace, the Queen glancing up at the sound of her name.
"Ah, Cora, I… I am not sure, honestly," she said with a faint smile that looked weakened by uncertainty and nerves.
"I don't understand what's going on," Cora told her, hoping for some kind of explanation. She knew she was missing something big, but no one would tell her what it was.
Frigga searched her eyes, her sadness almost becoming sympathy as she looked down at the Midgardian girl, which confused Cora more than anything. "You were frozen for months, were you not? And when you woke you were not in your own realm?"
Cora's brow furrowed. "Yes, exactly. Why, what's happened?"
She sighed. "I am sorry, but I could not give you the full story if I tried. Thor may be able to give you an ample explanation, but…" Frigga shook her head and looked Cora in the eyes. "My son has done something unspeakable to your home and upon his behalf, I apologize to you."
Cora frowned. "I don't understand. What could he have—"
Frigga glanced toward the doors before Cora could finish, hearing Odin order "the prisoner" in. She looked back to Cora. "I must go and see what I may do to help him," she seemed to fret to herself. "You may listen, but be hidden, for your own safety. And know…" Frigga seemed on the verge of tears until she swallowed her sorrow and regained her queenly composure. "And know this is not reflective of Asgard… Nor is it reflective of Loki, himself." Her smile was genuine, but it was sad. "I simply refuse to believe it."
Cora nodded dazedly, wondering what could have possibly happened back home that would strike such sadness into the Asgardian queen's heart. And, there it was, confirmation that Loki had made some kind of move, had followed through with a plan of his. But why Earth? His target when she'd last spoken to him had been Asgard, what interest could he possibly have in a world he looked down upon? None of it made sense. Especially considering she just couldn't convince herself that the troubled man she'd met would do something so terrible that everyone in his own realm would be shaken by it.
She watched Frigga slip through the door, purposely leaving it ajar for her. Cora hesitated and then moved toward the gap, looking into the throne room as the rattle of chains slowly seeped into the hall.
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Next chapter: Chapter 16, "A Universe Away"
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Star's 300 Follower Celebration Masterlist
The Moodboards:
A Love Letter to AGAD
Barton and Bonfires
Bucky Barnes: Peace at Last
Spy With Me a Lil' Stevie?
Cozy with Kirk
Chemistry Mice are Nice
A Different Kind of Peace for James Barnes
Modern Obi-Wan
Sometimes a Phoenix's Gotta Spy
The Mandalorian's Day Off
Half-Melted Ice
The Evil Multiverse Doctor
The Darkest Part of the Doctor's Life
Dark!Stephen Strange
Exercising with Bucky
Undercover with Spy Phoenix
Spy Jake
Loki's Asgardian Magic
Loki's Jotun Magic
Sometimes All You Need is a Loki in a Good Suit and a Great Attitude
Libraries and Lokis
Frigga's Garden - Where None but Loki Go
Surgeon Strange
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Want to request a Moodboard for me to make? Guidelines are here.
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dhampiravidi · 1 month
How do you create an OC? What are your steps for developing an OC?
Almost all of my OCs start out as a combination of self-insert & "what hasn't this fandom done yet"? For example, Skadi was created because I wanted to RP as an Asgardian-Jotnar hybrid & because I hadn't made an Asgardian OC/was too scared to RP as Sif. So I:
Took the OC's species into account
Marvel's Asgardians are all somewhat based off of Norse myth. So, I read about a bunch of myths & the Norse pantheon until I came across Skaði. I love her because she reminds me of Artemis (1 of my favorite Hellenic goddesses), she likes wolves, she deals with ice & she's a vengeful badass. But unlike the myths' Skaði, my Skadi (spelling slightly changed for an English reader's sake) is biracial. I went on the MCU wiki & compared the powers of Asgardians & Jotnar, giving her some of both.
Made corrections to prevent Mary Sue-ness
I also paid attention to the weaknesses of both races & also gave Skadi a power decrease. In her case, she's not as strong as Thor (1 of the strongest Asgardians), but she is a little faster & cleverer. Also, though all Jotnar can create & manipulate ice, Skadi hardly ever uses this power, so if she ever did, it would be on an elementary level. Instead, I chose to focus on making Skadi a huntress like her Norse counterpart, who relies primarily on her own body & weapons.
Created the OC's bio
Again, I didn't want a Mary Sue, but I wanted someone who had gone through some reasonable shit. Also, I had to explain how Skadi had grown up as a kid with parents from races who canonically hate each other. I decided to make her about the same age as Thor & Loki, so she was born right after the Asgardian-Jotnar treaty. Still, I doubt an intermarriage of that kind would be smiled upon (or else we'd have more canon hybrids), so Skadi was abandoned by her Asgardian mother. Taking Jotunheim's climate into account, Skadi became a huntress as part of her people's culture. She went to Asgard because she was forced to after her dad died & she hoped to find her mom. But Odin's canonically & dick (& her mom had her own family), so Skadi still ended up mostly on her own. However, she got the Goddess title (an honorific in the MCU) because she's the best hunter & Frigga's canonically kind.
Wrote the OC's personality & hobbies
I often use Western Zodiac signs (in addition to the OC's bio) to model my OC's personalities. It helps me easily group character traits, positive & negative. Skadi was going to be a bit colder (no pun intended) than my other OCs, both because of what she went through & because of who she's based off of. Still, she's not a mean person. Initially, her only hobbies were befriending wild animals & reading, but eventually I added making her own clothes, baking & singing in the style of the Jotnar (which I decided sounds like German hymns).
Then of course, I adjusted a lot of things as I RP'd her with other people. That's partially why not getting to use all of my OCs can be sad over time; I want to develop them & the best way to do so is by writing them in different situations.
*Skaði is called a "goddess", but the Jotnar from Jotunheim aren't the same species as the Vanir or the Aesir, who are typically the gods we talk about when we discuss Norse mythology.
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ao3feed-drstrange · 4 months
No Worlds With No Hearts
by EvanlynLifemercy Six of young adult wizards... and then some. Six of Loki's children. Six worlds collectively entering the era of chaos. Awesome Asgardians, confused Avengers and meddling elderly people. You know the drill. Portals. Prophecies. Not the romantic kind of forced proximity. Deadly trials. Magical sources of near infinite power. Family secrets. Identity reveals. Some angst and existential crisis sprinkled in here and there. The wizardlings having a great deal of new responsibilities dropped on them out of the blue and struggling to find the essence of their so called great purpose, with Loki's children wrecking mayhem to their hearts delight. And the slowly approaching doomsday, an unpleasant notion never far from everyone's thoughts. Just another day in paradise! Words: 2224, Chapters: 1/26, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, W.I.T.C.H., Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005), The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon), Shadow and Bone (TV), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Thor (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Loki (Marvel), Sigyn (Marvel), Loki's Children (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Council of Kandrakar, Stephen Strange, Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Penelope Clearwater, Weasley Family (Harry Potter), Avengers Team Members (Marvel), Other(s) Relationships: Loki/Sigyn (Marvel), Loki & Loki's Children (Marvel), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Thor (Marvel), Minerva McGonagall & Stephen Strange, Hermione Granger & Neville Longbottom & Luna Lovegood & Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley, Penelope Clearwater/Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley & Weasley Family Additional Tags: Angst and Drama, Multiverse, Good Loki (Marvel), King Thor (Marvel), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Frigga Lives (Marvel), Evil Odin (Marvel), Protective Loki (Marvel), Powerful Loki (Marvel), Hela is Loki's Child (Marvel), Dark Fantasy, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Fate & Destiny, Avenger Loki (Marvel), Hogwarts Eighth Year, Mentor Minerva McGonagall, Night Terrors, Magical Artifacts, Forced Bonding, Enemies to Friends, Family Secrets, Recovered Memories, BAMF Bill Weasley, Protective Molly Weasley, Identity Reveal, Badass Penelope Clearwater, Near Death Experiences, Character Development, Personal Growth, Amora Being an Asshole (Marvel), Dark Theodore Nott, It Gets Worse via https://ift.tt/H8yGLVX
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thot-son-of-odin · 1 year
frigga/freya is a badass who goes against odin's shit orders to defend her children, holds both loki and thor accontable when they make mistakes and instigates them to go agaisnt their father when they think he's wrong. She supports thor and encourages him to fight for what he believes and wants, including love
Love that fr
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ao3feed-janefoster · 1 year
Chemical Burns - I Would Burn The World For You - Ender Stark
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/szE1cWH
by lovettslostsoul
Ender Stark, the brilliant and spirited daughter of the legendary Tony Stark, finds herself entangled in a web of intrigue and enchantment as she becomes infatuated with the enigmatic trickster god, Loki Laufeyson. Set before the cataclysmic Battle of New York in 2012, Ender's life takes a sudden turn when Loki, along with Agent Barton, abducts her from a heavily guarded S.H.I.E.L.D. facility entitled project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. Unknowingly involving her in a dangerous cosmic game.
Alternative Canon where it was Tony's Daughter that went with Loki instead of Dr. Selvig
Oh and Steve and Bucky had one more friend :)
Words: 3269, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ender Stark, Loki (Marvel), Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker, Jane Foster (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Edward Conners
Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Abduction, Alternate Canon, Angst, Badass, Canon Related, Confessions, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Crimes & Criminals, War Crimes, Disability, Physical Disability, Deviates From Canon, Domestic Avengers, Drama, Falling In Love, Original Character(s), Feelings, Male-Female Friendship, Platonic Female/Female Relationships, Hurt/Comfort, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I Was Drunk When I Wrote This, Idiots in Love, Humor, Attempt at Humor, Protectiveness, Protective Tony Stark, Canon-Typical Violence, Violence, War, Weapons
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/szE1cWH
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ao3feed-thor · 2 years
If I said I didn't love you, it would be a lie.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WMTeuj8
by ilylokigf
Sometimes life can be very tricky.
Loki knew this.
Thor even more.
"So you don't want to know the truth about your parents, Loki?"
Loki stopped.
(Translated from Brazilian Portuguese to English with Translator most of the time. Forgiveness for mistakes.)
Words: 2207, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Loki (TV 2021)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M, F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Scott Lang, Jane Foster (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Volstagg (Marvel), Hogun (Marvel), The Other (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Gamora (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Heimdall/Loki (Marvel), Fandral/Loki (Marvel), Laufey/Thor (Marvel)
Additional Tags: A lot of pain, Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Loki Needs Therapy (Marvel), Thor Needs a Hug (Marvel), Rape/Non-con Elements, Past Abuse, Post-Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Badass Thor, Badass Loki, thor isn't exactly loki's brother, but you can still think of him as, Loki Lives (Marvel), Bad Parent Odin (Marvel), Parent Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Natasha suffered and we need to talk about it, Red Room (Marvel), Loki & Natasha Romanov Friendship (Marvel), Avengers wouldn't exist without nat and loki, I started shipping Heimdall and Loki like crazy and they're going to be painfully CUTE HERE, Protective Heimdall (Marvel), Heimdall loves Loki, Loki loves Heimdall, Thor Loves Loki (Marvel), Loki Loves Thor (Marvel), Thor and Loki love each other very much but they don't know how to live with this love, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Past Mind Control, Thor and Loki talk about what Loki went through with Thanos, Loki & Thor Friendship (Marvel), Past Fandral/Loki, Frandal died at the hands of Hela and Loki suffered a lot from it here., Pregnant Loki (Marvel), Slow Burn, Loki Feels (Marvel), Bottom Loki (Marvel), Hurt Loki (Marvel), Hurt Thor (Marvel), Grandmother Thor, but it can also be, Uncle Thor (Marvel), Past Jane Foster/Thor, There will be Infinity War here and yes everyone dies so if you want to take a break from the pain, Odin was a piece of shit and I hate him to the core, First Kiss, Female Loki (Marvel), I will make Nat happy here, for a while
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WMTeuj8
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falllpoutboy · 3 years
i really want thorkyrie to be canon. why introduce this character who can keep up with thor physically and mentally, a character who thor initially idolized and learned to accept and build trust with in ragnarok and just had an overall respectful dynamic with a healthy dose of tension… and then not do anything about it? (this is why the 5 years later timeskip from endgame will forever piss me off- valkyrie suddenly being sober and thor being the depressed alcoholic, did they both lose feelings??)
both of the actors wanted it to happen and were even cast in a separate project bc they had THAT much chemistry together!! why not utilize that and continue the story thread left unfinished from ragnarok?? yes, they actually can show valkyrie’s bisexuality and have her in a relationship with thor, those aren’t mutually exclusive factors!!
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c-dollar · 3 years
listen as a “white” christian man jesus was severely overpowered but like compared to other deities/demigods he was a total weakling. like you guys could have literally invented anything! anything you wanted! and you went with a carpenter who likes wine and was born because his mom had an affair with god. get it together christianity. 
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7thcirclebaker · 3 years
I'm thinking we need to review Thor Dark Worlds ranking in the MCU, because while it's not the greatest movie on its own, it does a lot of lifting and exposition when you have that bit more context we have now. Examples include Frigga being bad ass, showing Loki's minor abilities like telekinesis and showing just how much of a conqueror Odin still is in his head. I wouldn't be surprised if Malekith had managed a second attack of magnitude he'd have brought out Hela.
Oh look, love is a dagger, and it turns into trick handcuffs, this is much more solid as a part of the MCU we have now than when it initially came out
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blackypanther9 · 3 years
Part 2 - Challenges to win Loki
The next day came fastly and Odin demanded all the women to come into the meeting room, after breakfast. They were all already there, even Mila. And she was outraged inside. Sigyn dared to sit next to Loki ! They talked like they were friends and Sigyn still acted like a little scared pathetic girl !! It was maddening ! She will never make it ! Mila will make Sigyn lose herself ! She will break that useless whore ! She will beat her to the ground and if she has to kill her !!
'You wanna play that game, Bitch ? I will show you, who is gonna win here you Slut ! I am gonna fucking fight back !!'
"Listen up please.", Odin said.
Mila saw that Odin had enough of Sigyn and her ugly face.
"You all have 3 hours to get ready and then the first challenge will occur. We will meet outside and on the training fields. If you come too late, you are disqualified. You are dismissed."
With that they all went out of the meeting room. Mila took deep breaths and the poor people are the very first ones, she picked as her victims. They will never come in time. Her cheating is very bad, even worse than Loki's sometimes.
Let’s see...slime, mud, water with snakes, disgusting smelling cologne, dirty water, missing soap...check. Everything was set. She read every woman and picked 10 of them as her first victims.
The 3 hours flew by quickly and Mila was the very first one to arrive at the training grounds, in time.  Odin, Frigga, Thor and Loki came in next.
"Princess Mila ! What a surprise ! You are 10 minutes too early !", Odin said.
"Well, I better am too early, than too late.", Mila replied.
"True, true.", Odin agreed.
Then all the other women appeared after 6 more minutes. (Other woman are 35 without the other 10 chosen ones of being Mila's victims.)
"Well, it seems like we can start already !"
"No. 10 more are missing.", Frigga disagreed.
They waited the last 4 minutes and no one came.
"Well, they are late...", Frigga said.
"We start now !", Odin said.
Everyone looked at King Odin and he stood there.
"The first challenge is arrow shooting. All you have to do is shoot the arrows at the middle of the target. And now get in a line !"
They all did and Princess Mila was at the very end of the line.
After the first 10 women shot arrows at the targets, the 10 other missing women came running inside. They panted.
"You are late.", Odin said.
"We are sorry ! Someone was in our rooms and we had troubles to get ready."
"You are disqualified. Now get on the targets and shoot arrows."
Mila gave them her spot and she was again waiting. She didn't mind it at all.
Not even one of these women did hit the targets' middles ! Now Mila chuckled and then laughed at their weak efforts.
"What are you laughing at ?!", one woman asked Mila arrogantly.
"You are so pathetic ! Are you forbidden to shoot arrows ? Hahaha !! I was forced to learn it !"
"We all did learn it ! I just had something in my eyes !"
"I was about to sneeze !"
"My back itched !"
Mila broke out in laughter.
"Pathetic ! I can do it with closed eyes !"
"Oh, I'd like to see you try !!", they all dared.
Mila smiled.
"Gladly. King Odin ? Do you happen to have a blindfold ?"
"No I do not."
"I have.", Loki said.
"Can I please have it around my eyes tied ?"
Loki nodded and walked up to Mila. He tied the blindfold around her eyes and then fastened it around the back of her head. Then he stepped back.
"Thank you, Prince Loki."
Then Mila grabbed arrow and bow, drew the bow with the arrow, aimed blindly and shot. All the women gasped. Mila took side steps, counting to 3. Then she stopped and again drew the bow with an arrow, aimed blindly and shot. Again gasps. Mila grinned. It went on and on like this, until she made it. Then she took off the blindfold and gave it back to Loki. Mila hit every middle of every target. She did it !
"Princess Mila, you have impressed me ! Congratulations !!", Thor cheered.
All the other women scrunched up their faces and gave her death glares.
"Thank you, Prince Thor."
"I dare you to a challenge, Princess Mila.", Loki said determined.
Mila turned to Loki and looked at him in shock.
"What is the challenge, Prince Loki ?"
"I challenge you to shoot the targets with me, upside down and hitting every middle."
Everyone, besides the Royals and Mila, gasped in shock. Mila and Loki looked at one another in a daring way.
"Challenge accepted, Prince Loki."
Now everyone gasped in shock, even Loki. Mila was very bold. Mila was already climbing up a old wooden plank and then hung upside down, grabbed arrow and bow, which she had in her mouth (arrows) and around her body (bow), drew the bow with the arrow, aimed and shot, hitting the middle of the target perfectly. She did that with the rest and everyone was deeply impressed, some women even fainted. As Mila was finished, she jumped down and gave Loki the bow.
"Your turn, Prince Loki.", she said kindly.
Loki took the bow and some arrows and teleported up the plank. He hung upside down, grabbed an arrow, drew the bow with the arrow, aimed and shot, hitting the middle of the first target perfectly. He didn't hit every single one in the middle, but most of them. As Loki was done he teleported down too and put arrow and bow away.
"You have won...I am impressed. Not everyone can do that.", Loki admitted.
"There is for everything a first time, Prince Loki."
And with that Mila walked out of the room. She left him, standing there like an idiot. Loki hated it, but at the same time he felt like he deserved it...Maybe he should go and ask Destiny about this Princess Mila...Maybe she knows her ?
5 hours went by and Loki decided to go out alone and ask Destiny about Mila. He teleported to her house and knocked on her door. There was no answer. Loki searched for her safe key, but it was also gone...Maybe she moved back to her parents ? Loki teleported to Destiny's parents' house. He knocked there and soon someone opened the door. Destiny's father, Andrew Dust.
"Yes, Loki ?"
"Is Destiny with you ? She isn't at home..."
"The last thing I heard from her, was that you two had a heated argument, broke the friendship and contract with that and then nothing. Since that information, I don't know her whereabouts anymore. We are searching her the whole time already, but we can't track her down. Like she left Asgard totally."
Loki's eyes went wide and he groaned.
"She is still mad at that ? I can't believe it ! She just made me sad. She said that Sigyn and I will never work, because she is a whore and all that and made her brother and the man, she was courting, disappear. I didn't believe her and I still don't. She is just lying."
"Loki...Dani was really her older brother. He really disappeared with a woman, called Sigyn. And Toronto also."
"Toronto ?"
"Toronto Heligan was the man she was courting."
"Do you really not know, where Destiny is ?"
"I really do not know. Maybe she is in the village and buys some important utensiles..."
"Do you know something about a certain Princess Mila Coronella Tang of Vannaheim ?"
"Yes. She was with Destiny once friends, until they lost contact with one another. It had been hundreds of years that I heard that name again."
"She is there, to win me over."
"Hmm...She probably had to. Her father is a very strict man."
"Okay...Thank you for your help and time, Sir Dust."
"You are very welcome."
With that Loki teleported back to his own home, maybe Destiny is tomorrow back home with time...
The next day was a duel. All women had a duel against another. And Mila was against Sigyn. Most of them didn't even know how to hold a sword properly. It looked so ridiculous ! Their fights were always pretty fast over and worth a laugh. They all looked ashamed and then angered at Mila.
"Princess Mila and Lady Sigyn ! You are up !", Thor cheered.
Mila and Sigyn went into the ring of the training grounds. They both held their sword properly. They stood in the right fighting stance and just waited for the go.
'I am going to beat the shit out of you, you little disgusting slut !!', Mila thought to herself.
Mila gave Sigyn a nasty glare. And Sigyn gave Mila a daring glare.
"Go !", Odin announced.
Mila waited and Sigyn circled her. Mila was waiting for any kind of change in pace, atmosphere, sound and warmth. She trusted all her senses, like she got taught.
Then Mila heard the sound of footsteps getting louder and faster, from behind her ! Mila didn't move. She waited. And waited. And waited. Sigyn was very close with her sword. She was sure as hell, that she can impale Mila.
"Princess Mila !! What are you doing ?!", Frigga yelled worried.
Mila looked up and at Frigga. Frigga was very worried and in pure terror. Mila's lips curved up into a smirk and she winked at Frigga. Loki, Thor and Odin looked at Mila in question, while Frigga got Mila's hint. What was she up to, you asked ?
As the tip almost touched Mila, and Odin wanted to scream stop, Mila stepped aside and Sigyn ran, apparently, ungracefully into a pillar.
"Oooff !"
"Hahahaha !! Did you really think, that this little trick would work on me ?! Pathetic piece of trash !", Mila laughed out.
Sigyn stood back up and looked at Mila angered and dropped her scared facade. She ran at Mila and yelled a battle cry. Mila again dodged her attack.
"Hahahahaha !! You are so weak and dumb !", Mila laughed out loud.
Sigyn again got up. She attacked Mila again and this time planned on Mila and moving out of the way, but she didn't and with that Sigyn crashed into another pillar.
"This time you thought wrong about my move. Try again ?", Mila mocked.
Again Sigyn stood and stared at Mila, trying to figure out her moves, but she couldn't, while Mila knew all of her dirty tricks. She smiled evilly at her.
"Are you too scared to attack me now ? How sad. Then I won."
That provoked Sigyn even more and she blindly attacked. Mila again stepped aside, but got Sigyn's sword on her cheek and had a deep cut now. Everyone gasped, besides Mila and Sigyn.
Mila stared into space. She turned around and touched her cut cheek, then she pulled her hand away and looked at her crimson red blood. Okay now Mila was offically pissed and not the nice woman anymore !
As Sigyn saw that she cut Mila, she smiled in victory. But she didn't see the next thing coming... Mila stood there and started to laugh darkly. The dark laugh turned into cackles and the cackles into a crazed out laugh. Everyone felt a very cold shiver run down their spine.
Mila's head jerked up and Sigyn gasped in horror. Mila had blood red, glowing eyes.
"You wanna play that game with me ? Fine. You get it... I am gonna show you a cut.... You little slut in disguise !", Mila screeched.
She then ran at Sigyn very fast, before Sigyn even knew it, she screamed in horror. Mila cut her belt of her dress open and her dress fell to the floor. Very soft and brown skin was to see. And then Mila made one cut, two cuts, three and four ! Sigyn screamed in pain, but at the same time she grew angered. Her back was now damaged in four ugly, long, deep cuts.
"Fight back, Bitch !", Mila hissed.
Sigyn elbowed Mila as hard as she could and Mila stepped back. Now the swords clung together and they started fencing.
In the end Sigyn lost, because of a trick of Mila. She held her sword at Sigyn's throat.
"I wish I could kill you, right here, right now.", she whispered for only Sigyn and her to hear.
"What is your mission here ?", she whispered back, scared.
"You took my brother from me, you slut. I will make your stay here hell. I am not gonna back down.", Mila growled lowly.
"Destiny ?", she asked unsure.
Mila gave her an evil smile.
"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows ?", she whispered at her darkly.
Sigyn was silent.
"Now let us pretend again, shall we ?", Mila whispered at her.
Mila took her sword away.
"You lost. Just like I thought you would. Pathetic Mewling Quim.", Mila growled out.
Then Mila threw her sword away and left the training grounds. Frigga went after her, like Odin. Thor stayed with Loki. Loki rushed to Sigyn and helped her up. He looked at her back and traced the cuts.
"Are you alright ?"
"Y-yeah...I think I know who Mila really is...", Sigyn mumbled weakly.
"You mean she is a fake person ?"
Sigyn nodded.
"Who is it ?", Loki asked, growling angered.
Sigyn smiled evilly, now Thor also saw it. He was shocked. Then Sigyn again put her angel face on.
"I...I think it is Destiny..."
"Destiny ? No no no. It is not possible. She is at home."
"Are you sure ?"
"....No....Yesterday I missed the meeting with her... But her parents said that Mila was friends with Destiny. But that was also hundreds of years ago."
"Maybe they had a meeting yesterday ?"
Loki growled lowly.
"I will try and find out, today. Do not worry, Dove. I will figure everything out.", Loki assured Sigyn.
"Okay...I trust you Loki..."
"Now come, let's take care of your wounds."
"Brother ! Father and Mother are demanding for you ! I will take care of your maiden ! They said it is very urgent !", Thor said.
Loki sighed and looked at Sigyn.
"I will be back. I promise.", Loki said.
"Okay...I love you."
Loki gave her a soft kiss on the head.
"I love you too."
Then Loki left and Thor brought Sigyn to the healing wing. Before they stepped through tho, Thor grabbed her shoulders and turned her around with force. He stared at her angered.
"I know your little facades. You play with Loki's heart. You are venom for Loki. What are your goals with Loki ?"
"N-nothing !"
"I saw your evil smile. I know that you are planning something evil. A good hint from me....Stay away from my Babybrother or else I will kill you.", Thor threatened her.
With that Thor left and Sigyn went into the healing room. Smiling evilly.
"Mother, Father. You wanted to talk with me about something important ?"
"Yes we do. Word got to us that you and Destiny are no longer friends. Why's that ?", Odin asked.
"We had an argument about Sigyn and being together with her. She said that she was bad vibes. She lied though and didn't like that when I told her that she lied. Then she said that our friendship is officially over. I even tried yesterday to reach her, but she wasn't home and her parents also didn't know of her whereabouts."
"Did you ever come to the thought, that maybe she was right anyways ? That she maybe hid something from you ? Something terrible and she didn't want to stuff you full with details ?"
"You mean that she just told me half of the story ?", Loki asked Odin confused.
"Yes. Exactly that I mean. Maybe she hides a darker truth from you. Maybe she wants to protect you from something, you couldn't escape from. Not alone at least. Like the cells I put you in once. You can guess, who got you out there."
"Yes. It was, like always, Mother.", Loki answered bored.
"No. Did she never tell you ?", Frigga now mixed herself in the conversation.
"What do you mean ?"
"I wasn't the only one. I alone only could save your life from being executed. Destiny convinced Odin with me, that this thing on Midgard, wasn't your doing. She demanded from Odin to set you free. She demanded from Odin to hear your part of the story. She argued with Odin for a long while. She put her own life at stake for your sake.", Frigga explained.
Loki's jaw dropped open. He looked at Odin and Frigga shocked and hurt.
"Why didn't she tell me ?"
"Maybe she didn't want to destroy your image of Frigga and me. Maybe she wanted you to figure it out yourself. I guess you could have asked her, if you two still were friends, but you aren't anymore.", Odin answered.
"Why did you never talk to me then ?!"
"Because I wanted you to talk at first to me. I didn't want to cause the same mistakes again and maybe even make you angrier at me, than you already are. Destiny told me to give you time."
Loki now held his head and started to hyperventilate.
"All this time...she knew what to do....she knew me...knew how to help me...and I was so foolish and let her go to waste...NO  !! Where is she ?! Where is Destiny ?!", Loki yelled at his adoptive parents.
"We do not know.", Frigga answered with tears in her eyes.
"You are lying ! Where is she ?!"
"We do not know, Loki. We truly don't.", Odin said.
"What about Heimdall ?!"
"He can't see her...She is...gone.", Frigga said.
"This can't be real....", Loki mumbled.
Then turned around and ran out of the throne room.
"LOKI !!", Frigga yelled.
Loki didn't stop. He ran and ran. He dashed to Destiny's house and broke open the door. Everything was in place. Like always.
"DESTINY ?!", Loki yelled worried sick.
No echo. No response. Loki became worried.
Still nothing. Loki walked through every room of the house, until he was at her bedroom door. He opened it and what he found there, left him shocked. Her bed and wall was bloody. The blood was already dried. As he came out of his shock, he saw that the blood made written letters.
Loki was about to freak out. She is not here ! Where is she ?! He searched her drawers and all he found were bloody blades.
'She must have used those to cut herself...', Loki thought.
After hours, he didn't find anything useful. He returned to the palace and dashed to Frigga. He opened the door and saw Frigga alone in her bed. She looked at Loki.
"Did you find her ?", she asked him worried.
Loki shook his head.
"No...Just a message."
"What did it say ?"
Now Loki let tears slip.
" 'Don't expect me to be there for you ever again, Loki.' ", he sobbed out.
Frigga covered her mouth in shock.
"I messed up ! What have I done ?!", Loki sobbed out.
The rest of the day, Frigga was busy with calming Loki down from his break down.
The next day arrived. Every woman was very surprised to have no meeting today. Well they at least thought so. As it was evening the meeting started. 15 women were already out of the games, because they stole, slacked off or even threatened someone. Of course Odin and Frigga knew that it was Mila's doing.
"Today some families will come here and you will tell the children a good night story. If you fail. You are send back home.", Odin said.
Every woman nodded. Then families entered and Mila chose a boy.
"Hello little one. What is your name ?"
"My name is Kiney. What is yours Lady ?"
"My name is Mila. You wish to hear a cool good night story ?"
"Oh yes, please !"
Mila chuckled.
Mila sat down on the ground and pointed at her lap.
"Come and sit down.", she said.
Every woman of the contest gasped at Mila's attitude. Mila rolled her eyes at them. She then turned around and looked at the other women.
"What is there to gasp about ? Never seen a little boy with a grown woman talk ? Never seen someone being nice to a kid ? Well too bad for you. Now shut up and care about yourselves or else...", Destiny threatened.
Everyone got back to work. Then Odin demanded woman after woman to tell their chosen child a story for bed. Mila had a good one, for the boy and a message for Loki. Maybe he will get it.
"Mila ! You are the last. Impress us.", Odin said bored.
Mila nodded.
"You ready for a story ?"
The boy nodded fastly. Excitement was to see in his eyes. Mila chuckled softly at his cute attitude.
"Okay. Once upon a time, there were two children. One was a little boy and the other was a little girl. One was called Alan and the other was called Elli. They were known for their chaotic personality. Alan and Elli caused much trouble. They pranked people and caused much mischief over the years. Always got into trouble. Elli kept many things from her best friend tho. She hid a side of herself, Alan wasn't supposed to ever see. She was scared that he will leave her, if she showed him anything of her other side. Over the years, she grew attached to Alan. She wanted to protect him from harm. She wanted to cover his innocent eyes, from everything evil, but of course she couldn't. The years went by and they met less and less. Elli had to fight her other side, while Alan changed. He changed from a great boy, to a cold man. Elli still fought everyone off of Alan. She still helped him, saved him from total despair. While she hid herself and was hurting. She hid away from Alan, too scared to talk with him about her problems. Soon he appeared at her door with another woman, claiming that he fell in love with her. Elli knew that woman tho and tried to safe him, but he didn't listen, shoved her away and locked her out. He started to act cold towards her and hate her. She started to do things to herself, no one should do and she changed for the worst. As Alan decided to apologize to her, she was already gone and has a grudge against him. She turned her heart into steel and never started to care about Alan again. Alan was worried tho. He searched for her and asked people, if they saw her. No one did. Alan grew restless and soon a war broke out. Alan fought and fought until he saw her. Elli. She looked different and was defiantly not the same as before. She looked him in the eyes and scrunched up her face in disgust, hatred and anger. She attacked him and Alan just blocked and dodged Elli's attacks. He tried to get through to her, but she never listened. Until he said something, she never thought she would hear. He apologized and asked her for forgiveness. He begged her to stop this silly war and return to him. At that she let her weapons and walls fall, letting Alan back in. After some years, they started to trust one another again and they lived as friends happily ever after."
"What happened to the girl, Alan was courting ?"
"He executed her, for betrayal and trickery."
"That was a great story ! I feel sleepy...", Kiney yawned.
He laid in Mila's lap and fell fastly asleep. Mila chuckled softly.
"He is so cute.", Mila said.
"Thank you, your Highness...Kiney is not easy to get to sleep with stories...", the mother of Kiney told Mila.
"Well you are always welcome to come to me with Kiney and hear other good night stories. I do not mind."
"Thank you for your offer. We will think about it.", the father of Kiney said kindly.
By all the other women, besides Sigyn and 3 women, the kids didn't fall asleep. Their stories were too...dramatic and the kids just went away out of boredom. But with Mila's story, all the kids fell asleep, or begged their parents to sometimes visit her for stories.
Someone tucked on Mila's dress. She looked down and saw a little girl.
"I am sorry, Lady. But...can I also sometimes come to you for stories to sleep ?"
Mila smiled at her kindly. She then looked at everyone and announced.
"All of you are allowed to come visit me with your children. I gladly tell them stories to sleep. It is fun."
Everyone looked at Mila as if she had three heads.
"I mean it. I love telling stories to kids."
Now everyone smiled and came to her asking for a night for stories from her to their kids.
"Let us talk tomorrow in the village about all of this, then I have something to note down the dates. Okay ?", Mila said to everyone.
Everyone agreed in happiness.
"Great ! Now...I wish you all a Good Night and I will see you all tomorrow in the village ! I will be there personally."
All the parents and awake kids said their Goodbye's and then went home.
"That was impressive...", Loki mumbled to Mila.
"Thank you, Prince Loki."
"May I talk to you later in the library ?"
"Of course, Prince Loki. I do not mind."
"Good. Come alone."
"I will."
With that Loki stormed off, without Sigyn. She just gave Mila a nasty glare. Mila showed Sigyn her middle finger and a evil smile. With that Mila stormed off too.
3 hours went by and then Mila went to the library. She opened the doors and went inside, finding Loki on a book.
"Prince Loki ? I came. What is it you wish of me to talk about ?"
"Stop pretending, Destiny.", Loki growled.
"I do not know of what or who you speak of."
"You are Destiny Andrea Dust !", Loki yelled angered.
There was silence.
"No I am not my once best friend."
"Once ?"
"Well she was best friends with you soon after we couldn't meet as much as before then. So she was just a friend."
"Is she still your friend ?"
Now Mila smiled mysteriously.
"Who knows...Maybe, maybe not. That is for you to find out."
"But tell me at least something..."
"And that is ?"
"When did you see her lastly again ?"
Mila tapped her chin and looked up.
"Hmmm....Hard question....Maybe 500 years ago...I do not know. It has been a while."
"The story...it sounded like Destiny's."
"Nah. It was mine. My parents had this problem. King Alan Tang of Vannaheim and Queen Elli Coronella Tang of Vannaheim."
Loki's eyes widened in shock.
"They went through this in real life. My Mother lead an Army of Light Elves against my Father and the Vanir."
"What was the name of the executed girl ?"
"Sandra Cohlens."
Now Loki's jaw dropped open.
"Sigyn's missing Mother...", Loki whispered.
"Pardon me ?"
"Nothing. Thank you for telling me. You are dismissed.", Loki waved her off.
"Alright...Good Night, Prince Loki. Sleep well."
With that Mila was gone.
The last challenge was already there. Singing songs. It will be a glorious battle at least for Mila and Sigyn. They were the last two fighters. There was no other woman around anymore.
"It is like a battle. Now let's begin.", Odin said.
With that Sigyn started.
(Dayafter day Nightcore)
Mila just looked at her like she was crazy. As Sigyn was done, Mila laughed.
(Nightcore Please don't stop the music)
Sigyn grew angry and then had another perfect idea. She smiled.
"Just for you Loki...", she said 'shyly'.
(Love me like you do Nightcore)
Now Mila grew angry. Her faceplay broke. She won't be fair now.
"Okay. Hey Loki ! Look at her and then listen to what I have to tell you, what she really does !"
(Love Game Nightcore)
After that song Sigyn went into angered mode.
"LIAR !!", she yelled.
(I love you Nightcore)
Mila laughed at her after that song.
"Really ? Loki wake up and stop buying that bullshit of her !!"
"Stop telling him lies !", she yelled at Mila.
"That is what really is going on in her sick head !"
(Boy like you Nightcore)
Sigyn stared at Mila in disgust.
(Heart attack Nightcore)
Mila rolled her eyes.
"Blah blah blegh !", Mila said.
Then she looked at Loki.
"Seriously ? You are buying her shit ?"
(How to be a Heartbreaker Nightcore)
Sigyn now went over to Loki and kissed him. Mila cooked now and now she created another reality just Odin, Thor, Frigga and Loki could see.
"You didn't want it any other way..."
(Bleeding out Nightcore)
(I'm bleeding out,) The reality changed to a bleeding Destiny. Loki gasped and ran over, but he hit a invisible wall. "DESTINY !!", Loki yelled. (So the last thing that I'd do, is bring you down, I'll bleed out for you) Then the pictures changed and they saw how Destiny ran away from Loki in a panic. She hid in a corner and they saw that she bled. (So I bare my skin and I count my sins and I close my eyes and I take it in) Then Destiny looked into a mirror, naked and Loki saw everywhere cuts with blood coming out of them. He saw her counting them, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. (I'm bleeding out for you, for you) Then Destiny was to see with Loki, taking a cut from some unknown person, for Loki. She protected him.
Images flashed. Loki and her laughing, she hiding away from him, he crying in her arms, she making him laugh and they together running around and causing chaos, laughing.
(When the day has come, that I've lost my way around,) Destiny was all alone, running around, searching for a path. (And the seasons stop,) There was just winter, snow falling too. (And hide beneath the ground,) They saw Destiny underground, making a stripe on the wall. (When the sky turns gray,) The sky turned gray and thunder, lightning and rain was to hear and see. (And everything is screaming,) Loki saw himself, holding his head and cry, covering his ears from something. (I would reach your side,) Destiny appeared next to Loki and pulled him to herself. (Just to find my heart is beating) They saw a heart that was totally silent and then it started to beat. (Oh you tell me to hold on,) They all saw Destiny holding herself on a piece of root. (Oh you tell me to hold on,) Then Destiny was suddenly in a room, holding her head. (But innocence is gone,) They saw Destiny spying on Loki and Odin as they discussed Loki's true heritage. (And what was right is wrong !) They saw Loki throwing a fit at Odin and then at her, then how he protected people and he suddenly killed.
('Cause I'm bleeding out,) Destiny bled out everywhere, laying in a pool of blood. (So if the last thing that I do, Is bring you down,) Destiny hid away and they saw Loki running around, trying to find her. (I'll bleed out for you,) She coughed out blood and looked at her hand, afraid that someone was around. (So I bare my skin, And I count my sins, And I close my eyes, And I take it in) Again Destiny looked into a mirror, naked and Loki saw everywhere the same cuts with blood coming out of them, like before. He saw her counting them, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. (And I'm bleeding out,) Destiny bled again this time just on her right hand, there was a deep cut. Loki remembered it. (I'm bleeding out for you, for you.) This time Destiny covered Loki's back. She took a deadly stab wound for him. He remembered. She saved him and almost died herself. He threw a tantrum at her after that.
(When the hour is nigh, And hopelessness is sinking in) They saw a clock with one hour struck and then Loki who looked totally hopeless. (And the wolves all cry, To fill the night with hollering) They saw wolves and heard their cry under the moonlight. (When your eyes are red) They saw Loki with bloodshot red eyes, from crying. (And emptiness is all you know) They saw in Loki's room nothing, then Loki went outside of his room into the village, no one was there... (With the darkness fed) The darkness came closer and closer to Loki. (I will be your scarecrow) Destiny appeared and made the darkness and fear disappear, being  there for Loki again. (Oh you tell me to hold on,) They all saw Destiny holding herself on a piece of stone, under her an endless abyss. (Oh you tell me to hold on,) Then Destiny was suddenly in a room, holding her head, screaming in pain. (But innocence is gone,) They saw Destiny with different colored eyes and expression. (And what was right is wrong !) They saw Loki and Destiny laughing and then suddenly arguing about something.
('Cause I'm bleeding out,) Destiny bled out everywhere, laying in a pool of blood, staring at nothing. (So if the last thing that I do, Is bring you down,) Destiny hid away, looking paler than before and they saw Loki running around, trying to find her, he looked worried. (I'll bleed out for you,) She looked with widened eyes at her hand and then at Loki next to her, he doesn't seem to see it. (So I bare my skin, And I count my sins, And I close my eyes, And I take it in) Again Destiny looked into a mirror, naked and Loki saw everywhere the same cuts with blood coming out of them, like before. He saw her counting them, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. (And I'm bleeding out,) Destiny bled again this time just on her waist, she once fell from a tree, because she helped Loki to not fall down the tree, and got that one from Thor's hammer, that was underneath them. (I'm bleeding out for you, for you.) Destiny ran to Loki's bathroom and vomited into his toilet, pure crimson blood was to see.
(I'm bleeding out for you, for you) Destiny took a stab from a Vanir, for Loki. (I'm bleeding out for you, for you) They saw her talking to people, she got angry and then they heard the words. 'You will never be his best friend ! He will just use you and then throw you away like a used toy !' 'That is not true ! He vowed !' 'He will break it as soon as he finds another woman, he won't care about you anymore ! Hahahaha !!' Destiny looked down and ran away. (I'm bleeding out for you, for you) She came back into the village. 'Hey look ! It is the dumb girl, who thinks she is really best friends with Prince Loki !' Everyone laughed and Destiny looked down in shame and sadness. (I'm bleeding out for you) They saw Destiny cut herself. Cursing at herself too.
('Cause I'm bleeding out,) Destiny bled out everywhere, laying in a pool of blood, staring at Loki with empty eyes. (So if the last thing that I do, Is bring you down,) Loki found Destiny, but she was already dead. (I'll bleed out for you,) She looked at Loki and smiled, while he looked at her terrified, she had a spear in her stomach stuck, bleeding out badly. (So I bare my skin, And I count my sins, And I close my eyes, And I take it in) Again Destiny looked into a mirror, naked and Loki saw even more wounds with blood coming out of them, like before. He saw her counting them, she closed her eyes and took a deep shaky breath. (And I'm bleeding out,) Destiny bled again this time just on her breast, where her heart is. (I'm bleeding out for you, for you.) Destiny argued with Loki again and Loki left without another word, not even realizing, that he gave her another cut. Destiny broke down, crying.
Then the next song already started...
(Monster imagine dragons Nightcore)
Destiny went all alone through the village, head hanging lowly and she looked sad and insecure.
(Ever since I could remember) Destiny played with Loki in the gardens. (Everything inside of me, Just wanted to fit in (Oh, oh, oh)) They saw how many times Destiny tried to change herself. (I was never one for pretenders) They saw how much Destiny looked at one of the actors Asgard’s, it was with disgust. (Everything I tried to be) She was a cook, she was a Clown and she was with Loki best friends. (Just wouldn't settle in (Oh, oh, oh)) She burned the food, she was no fun and Loki left her with an angered look forever.
(If I told you what I was) Destiny and Loki spoke to one another and Loki's eyes widened. (Would you turn your back on me ?) Loki ran to Odin and Frigga and told them what Destiny maybe told him. (And if I seem dangerous) Destiny stabbed guards of Asgard, Loki saw her. (Would you be scared ?) Loki looked at Destiny mortified and ran away from her. (I get the feeling just because, Everything I touch isn't dark enough) Destiny touched the shadows and she frowned and took her hand away quickly. (That this problem lies in me) Destiny was crying and begging for help.
(I'm only a man with a candle to guide me) Destiny held a lightened candle in her hand, looking around in the dark. (I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me) She got grabbed from the darkness, she pulled away and ran off. (A monster, a monster) There were red glowing eyes in the darkness, looking at her. (I've turned into a monster) They saw Destiny stabbing people, crying softly. (A monster, a monster) They again saw those red glowing eyes. (And it keeps getting stronger) Destiny held her head and screamed in agony.
(Can I clear my conscience ?) Destiny went from frowning to a smiling woman. (If I'm different from the rest...) Everyone looked the same and acted the same. (Do I have to run and hide ? (Oh, oh, oh)) Destiny ran away and hid in her house, locking the doors and windows. (I never said that I want this) Destiny looked at her hand and turned it, waiting for something. (This burden came to me, And it's made its home inside (Oh, oh, oh)) Something very blurry was seen and then a dark figure was seen, building itself a house.
(If I told you what I was) Destiny and Loki spoke to one another and Loki looked at her confused. (Would you turn your back on me ?) Loki ran to Odin and Frigga and asked them what Destiny maybe told him. (And if I seem dangerous) Destiny stabbed Thor, Loki saw her. (Would you be scared ?) Loki looked at Destiny mortified. She went up to him and he backed away, screaming at her and then ran away from her. (I get the feeling just because, Everything I touch isn't dark enough) Destiny wanted to touch the night sky, reached her hand up smiling, then she suddenly frowned and put her hand down quickly. (That this problem lies in me) Destiny was on her knees, crying and begging for help.
(I'm only a man with a candle to guide me) Destiny walked next to Loki, smiling, forgetting about the darkness. (I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me) She got grabbed from a hand out of pure darkness, she tried to pull away made it luckily and ran off as fast as possible. (A monster, a monster) There were red glowing eyes, with white glowing sharp teeth in the darkness, looking at her. (I've turned into a monster) They saw Destiny stabbing people, smiling softly. (A monster, a monster) They again saw those red glowing eyes and these white sharp glowing teeth. (And it keeps getting stronger) Destiny held her hand, which held a knife over Loki, and begged it to just stop.
Then they all saw their argument about Sigyn. They also heard everything, just a little faster. 'What the Hel were you thinking ?!', she yelled. 'What do you mean ?' 'Sigyn ?! Really ?! Stay away from that hag !! She is bad news ! Everywhere she goes, is trouble ahead !' 'Nonsense ! I love her !' Destiny stared at Loki in pure horror. Loki looked at her worried. 'What ? Is it that bad ?' 'You could fall with everyone in love, but NOT with Sigyn !! She is a hag !! She fucks everything she can find !' 'Stop talking like that about her !! You don't know her, like I do !!', Loki yelled angered now. 'I don't know her ?! Wow !! How low of you ! I know her better than you, obviously !!' 'What do you mean ?' 'We tried to get Dani away from her, but it was too late already and one day they both disappeared and we never saw my brother or that slut again. Until the day I was courting and now that bitch is again on my door and seducing you ! The man I was courting also went missing with her. I don't want to lose you next, Loki ! Please stay away from her ! She is evil !' 'That is madness ! You are lying !' 'I am not, Loki ! Ask my parents ! We all lived through it !' 'LIAR !!' With that Loki vanished outside. 'LOKI !! WAIT !! NO !!!' 'Loki...I thought we were friends...' Now Loki laughed meanly. 'I never wanted you as a friend ! You and your clingy, needy self just annoyed me long enough, until I agreed ! You are filth in my eyes !' SLAP ! Destiny slapped him across the face, hard. As Loki looked at Destiny again, he saw that she was crying softly. "FINE !!! IF I WAS SO ANNOYING, THEN GO INTO THE BASEMENT AND GET YOUR FUCKING STUFF !!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN IN MY LIFE !!! THE FRIENDSHIP IS OFFICALLY OVER !!! I HATE YOU LOKI LAUFEYSON !!!! AND IF SIGYN IS EVER SHOWING HER TRUE COLOURS TOWARDS YOU, DON'T EXPECT ME TO BE THERE FOR YOU !! DON'T EVER EXPECT MY HELP ANYMORE EVER !! I HOPE YOU DIE ALONE IN A HOLE ONE DAY !! YOU MONSTER !!!!"
(I'm only a man with a candle to guide me) Destiny walked alone. Loki was gone and her candlelight suddenly went out. (I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me) She got grabbed from a hand out of pure darkness, she tried to pull away, but lost to the darkness. (A monster, a monster) There were red glowing eyes, with white glowing sharp teeth in the darkness, looking at them. (I've turned into a monster) They saw Destiny stabbing people, laughing a crazed out laugh. (A monster, a monster) They again saw those red glowing eyes and these white sharp glowing teeth, but then that the thing stepped out of the dark and they saw Destiny in a totally different look. She looked terrifying. (And it keeps getting stronger) Destiny held her hand, which held a knife over Loki, and begged it to just stop, but it didn't and she stabbed Loki right in the heart, killing him. And she started to smile and transform into that Monster they saw a second ago. Then they saw the real Destiny banging on the invisible walls, trying to get out, but she never made it.
(Unbreakable ft. Miracle I'm to lazy to sort everything to the lyrics so...make yourself an image.)
Destiny was visible for a moment and then suddenly gone. Destiny screamed and screamed, but nobody listened, not even Loki himself. She hung over a cliff and let go of her grip on the mountain, falling to her death. Destiny then opened one of her windows and climbed out, being in another existance, where she was free.
Loki stood in front of Destiny. Loki cried himself out on her, then laughed at her when she came crying to him. He then mocked her. Then a boy was there, he looked like Destiny, just more manly. It was Dani. Destiny's older brother. She talked with him, but he didn't listen. Then Destiny fell on the ground and her brother kicked her. Laughing at her. But Destiny didn't cry.
Then both Loki and Dani followed Sigyn and Destiny just turned her back on them, not caring. Loki and Dani threw mean words at her, she didn't care. Destiny rose up to the sky, while Loki and Dani fell down, trying to grab her and safe themselves. They couldn't reach her. She dealt with all the insults and beatings.
(Imagine the rest for yourself in that song)
(Somebody that I used to know Three days Grace)
Destiny and Loki ran around in the palace, and Thor was after them. Laughing all together. (Now and then I think of when we were together) Loki and Destiny were hanging out together, laughing. (Like when you said you felt so happy you could die) Loki said that once as he was very happy he had Destiny as a friend. He needed her. (Told myself that you were right for me) Destiny always said that Loki was the right best friend. (But felt so lonely in your company) A picture appeared of a man, maybe the one Destiny was courting. (But that was love and it's an ache I still remember) The Love life didn't go so well then, with that man.
(You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness) Destiny cut herself in the bathroom. No one ever saw and knew. (Like resignation to the end, always the end) Destiny was walking through the village. (So when we found that we could not make sense) She catched the man in her bed with another woman, Sigyn. (Well you said that we would still be friends) The man and Destiny talked it out. (But I'll admit that I was glad it was over) She was more herself again as it was over.
(But you didn't have to cut me off) Her brother and the man appeared, showing Destiny their back. (Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing) Destiny looked at both of them mad as hell. (And I don't even need your love) Destiny turned her own back on them. And then she left. (But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough) Her brother shoved her around, telling everyone that he doesn't know her. (No, you didn't have to stoop so low) Her brother was making out with Sigyn. (Have your friends collect your records and then change your number) Sigyn packed Dani's stuff. They said they will be back in a weeks time. (I guess that I don't need that though) Dani disappeared and then the man, she didn't need them. (Now you're just somebody that I used to know) Their body's darkened and they were black. Somebody, but not important.
(Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over) Loki was some times also messing with her around. (But had me believing it was always something that I'd done) Sometimes Destiny also messed with Loki and he always said that she does that all the time. (But I don't wanna live that way) She was sick of him provoking her and he soon stopped. (Reading into every word you say) Destiny always had to try and figure Loki and his words out. (You said that you could let it go) They argued many times and sometimes they said some things, they never meant and agreed to just forget it. (And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know) They saw Loki with Sigyn again and then the man and then her brother, also with Sigyn. A bad memory.
(But you didn't have to cut me off) Loki appeared, showing Destiny his back. (Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing) Destiny looked at Loki hurt and angry. (And I don't even need your love) Destiny turned her own back on him. And then she left, storming off. (But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough) Loki went right through her as she greeted him. Destiny looked down and went away. (No, you didn't have to stoop so low) Loki making out with Sigyn. (Have your friends collect your records and then change your number) Loki was there with Sigyn on her door. She knew that he didn't come alone for his stuff. (I guess that I don't need that though) Loki vanished from sight. (Now you're just somebody that I used to know) Loki's image darkened and he faded away.
((Somebody) that I used to know) A picture appeared of a smiling Dani, then into a Dani with hatret in his eyes. ((Somebody) that I used to know) The man, she was courting, appeared and smiled with Destiny, then it changed and he argued with her. ((Somebody) that I used to know) Loki appeared and he and Destiny laughed together, then Loki looked at her with disgust. (Now you're just somebody that I used to know) Then Destiny stood there all alone, with daggers, arrows and swords inside her body. She fell down and didn't stand up anymore.
They returned to the real reality and Loki cried. He felt bad. He hurt his best friend and now she is god knows where ! Loki broke down.
"Loki !", Sigyn yelled.
She ran over to Loki.
"What is wrong ?! What happened ?", she asked worried.
The reality around Loki again changed and he looked up.
(Tell me why Three days Grace)
(How'd I wind up here again ?) He saw Destiny standing in the palace gardens, with Sigyn and Loki. (It's like I'm always getting blood on my hands) Destiny looked down at her hands and there was blood. (All it takes is one and I'm gone) Loki insulted her, that hurt her and she ran. (And a thousand till the end) Then Dani, Loki and Toronto, then they all fanished. (How'd I wind up here again ? ) Then she stood in front of Sigyn all alone again. (You take me to the edge) Loki took Destiny to a mountain and it was very high. (You push me too far) Loki pushed her closer to the end. (You watch me slip away) She fell and Loki just laughed at her evilly, Sigyn stood behind him and looked down evilly. (Holding on too hard) Destiny held Loki on his waist and hugged him tightly, infront of Sigyn. (Tell me why) Loki pushed her away, forcefully. (Does everything that I love get taken away from me ?) Dani and Toronto went with Sigyn and left Destiny behind. (Why does everything that I love get taken away ?) Dani and Destiny smiled at one another, then Dani fanished and Destiny frowned. (You take me to the edge, push me too far) Destiny looked at Dani angered, then she and him argued. (Watch me slip away, holding on too hard) Destiny didn't interfere with Dani and Sigyn anymore, but still tried to make Dani see reason. (Tell me why) Dani slapped her across the face. She fell to the floor. (Does everything that I love get taken away from me ?) Then he vanished. (How come nothing ever lasts ?) Dani and Toronto were smiling with Destiny, then they were gone and Destiny cried. (It goes from good to bad to worse so fast) Dani and Destiny smiled, then argued and then Dani beated Destiny up. (All it takes is one and I'm gone) Sigyn stood behind him smiling evilly at Destiny. (And you can't erase the past. How come nothing ever lasts ?) Destiny had everywhere bruises. Loki and her were smiling, then he looked at her with hatret.
(You take me to the edge) Loki screamed at Destiny, making her angry. (You push me too far) Loki didn't stop as she told him to stop. (You watch me slip away) She snapped and slapped him across the face with force. (Holding on too hard) Destiny let tears fall and hugged Loki tightly. (Tell me why) Loki pushed her away with force, again. (Does everything that I love get taken away from me ?) Loki went with Sigyn and left Destiny behind. (Why does everything that I love get taken away ?) Loki and Destiny laughed together, then Loki vanished and Destiny cried, hugging herself. (You take me to the edge, push me too far) Destiny looked at Loki angered, then she and him argued. (Watch me slip away, holding on too hard) Destiny went into careless mode and didn't care about Loki, but still tried to make him see reason. (Tell me why) Loki yelled at Destiny. (Does everything that I love get taken away from me ?) Then he vanished. ((From me)) Sigyn looked at Destiny and smiled evilly.
(Here I am alone again) Destiny hugged herself and the darkness came closer to her. (Alone again) Destiny looked around, nobody was there. (Here I am alone again) She laid on the ground, dying slowly. (How come nothing ever lasts ?) Loki was there, then he vanished. (It goes from good to bad to worse so fast) Loki smiled at Destiny, then frowned and then looked at her angered.
(Tell me why) Destiny yelled at Loki, with a desperate face. (Does everything that I love get taken away from me ?) Loki left Destiny in her own house. (Why does everything that I love get taken away ?) The images of Dani, Loki and Toronto appeared and they vanished into nothing. (You take me to the edge, push me too far) Destiny looked at Sigyn in disgust. (Watch me slip away, holding on too hard) Destiny attacked her and then grabbed Loki's hand. (Tell me why) Loki pulled his hand away and yelled at her again. (Does everything that I love get taken away) Then he ran over to Sigyn and left Destiny again. (Tell me why) Destiny had tears in her eyes and ran away from the scene. (Does everything that I love get taken away from me?) Loki was not to find, with Sigyn, anymore, the next day, like her brother and Toronto... They disappeared.
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