#odin sphere!au
kachikirby · 2 months
Welcome to My Garden!!
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This is the Tumblr account for Twitter user KachiKirby. I go by the same name on other social media platforms, too.
And yes, "English SD Gundam Queen" is an actual title I was given due to essentially being a walking encyclopedia of SD Gundam lore and one of the few English-speakers who have studied it extensively. I wear this title proudly.
I'm also the world's biggest Vassal Duke Strike Freedom x Valkyrie Gundam Hazel shipper. I love Saddrac Knight Saga.
Feel free to draw any of my OCs and tag me if you do!
Toyhouse | Ko-fi Page | Bluesky | Comfort Character list
Comms Status: OPEN (0/3)
Other blogs -
@theorganizationofficial - Ask Blog for my Kirby AU
@artofrikka - Blog for just my art
This is a multifandom blog, so rough list of some things I like:
Gundam (Especially SD Gundam, but mainly the older OVA and BB Senshi works like the Musha and Knight Gundam stuff.)
Mecha anime in general (Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet is my favorite of all time. Other favorites include Back Arrow, Star Driver, and Mashin Hero Wataru)
Black Jack and other Osamu Tezuka manga
Vanillaware games (Especially 13 Sentinels, Odin Sphere, Muramasa: The Demon Blade/Muramasa Rebirth, and Unicorn Overlord)
Live A Live
Fate/Grand Order (+ Fate series in general. I have specific servants I hyperfixate on in particular.)
Classic films (Favorite director is Alfred Hitchcock)
Gegege no Kitaro
Mononoke (The TV series)
and more...
Quick Links:
Link to Table of Contents for GranEssex Chronicles
Link to SD Gundam Masterpost
Important tags to know:
GranEssex Chronicles (tag for my Kirby OCs. Will also be the tag for my Kirby AU. This is followed by character names.)
wow cool art op (basically means "art by op")
rikka random rambles (Random talk tag)
art of rikka (tag for all my art)
it came from the magic box (asks from the ask box)
kirby light novels (for the Kirby light novels I've translated)
sd gundam manga (for the SD Gundam manga I translated)
Rikkaposting (shitpost stuff)
i'm dying of laughter help (stuff I think is funny)
rikka hot takes (for when I post my cringe takes)
art from other homies (drawings from other people, comms or otherwise. drop a visit to them!)
baileycore (posts related to stuff that my bf @gundam-bailey specifically likes or things that remind me of him)
-Terfs, p3dos, zoos, and pr0shippers, fuck off-
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thunder-jolt · 8 months
I have two ideas bouncing in my head...
To expand on the previous options,
For the "Legacy of Kain but it's by Vanillaware", I asked this question to my dad "What if Legacy of Kain was made by Vanillaware" and he gave a great hypothetical possibility of how it might work out, such as both Kain and Raziel being playable characters while also sharing storylines and having unique playstyles, even a change in how the puzzles work (because how could block puzzles be implemented in a Vanillaware game?)
For the AU, I was influenced by the recent spread of MLP Infection AUs and decided that I could make something that isn't MLP but still an Infection AU, thus the Oddoworld Infection AU, which I won't really call it that but consider it the "working title" of it. Not only will it have Bloodborne elements, but let's just say that the main villain looks like Jack of Blades from the Fable games.
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okilokiwithpurpose · 1 year
I think it's about time I talk about that Star Wars AU I might write one day if I have time & energy. Yes it involves Lokius.
Loki and Sylvie are (force sensitive) twins that were separated at birth in order to protect them from a powerful force user that turned to the dark side (their father Laufey? Thanos? Kang?).
Sylvie was sent on Tatooine (to be raised by some distant family?) while Loki was left in the care of Senators/Royalties Odin and Frigga of Alderaan (or maybe I should call it Asgard?) who raised him alongside their biologic son Thor.
As they grow older, a rivalry sets up between Thor and Loki, each of them resenting the other's lifechoices.
As the Empire becomes stronger, threatening the Republic, Thor decides to leave his homeworld and officially join the resistance, which Loki think is careless and stupid (as a prince, Thor makes a target of choice, let alone his actions draw too much attention on his family, discrediting their political engagement).
Following his parents' (well mostly Frigga's) steps, Loki enters the political sphere, fighting the Empire using diplomacy... and a good deal of espionnage.
That's how, during a "strictly diplomatic mission", Loki's ship is attacked by the Empire and is taken prisoner - but not before he managed to send a droid away with the plans of the Empire's new superweapon and the instruction to bring those to an ally of the resistance Loki knows lives on a nearby planet (aka Heimdall, ermit, former jedi and friend of Loki's parents).
The droid (part of me wants it to be Miss Minutes but I'm not sure...) lands on Tatooine and meets Sylvie who agrees to help it find Heimdall but insists on leaving the planet with them (she sees it as her chance to let her current life behind and find more about her origins).
To leave a planet, one needs a ship. Sylvie, Heimdall and the droid go looking for someone who accepts to take them to Alderaan (to deliver the weapons' plans to Odin and Frigga). Enters Mobius Mobius Mobius.
Mobius is a pilot/smuggler who used to work for the TVA (Transporters of Valuable Artefacts? lol Idk?? anyway, an organisation that specialises in (illegal) trading (and yes, Ravonna is the boss;)). Only, one day, he realised the TVA was dealing with the Empire (selling weapons maybe?) and he could not stand with that. He left, thus breaking his contract, ending with a lot of debts and a price on his head, which explains why is quite eager to leave Tatooine himself...
Meanwhile, Loki is interrogated on board the Empire's Death Star. He his given a choice: either he talks or his home planet Alderaan is destroyed. So, he does talk, but the Empire destroys Alderaan nonetheless, making him witness it.
When Mobius and his passengers reach Alderaan, the planet is gone...and they finally agree to attempt a rescue mission to deliver prince Loki.
As it happens, Thor just heard about what happened and decided to go free his brother as well (both rescue missions collide of course, and it takes them some misunderstanding to understand they're all on the same side!)
What comes next is (among other things) a lot a Loki angst, Lokius middle-burn and probably rocket & Groot as Forest Moon of Andor's inhabitants.
...and this is it for now, but feel free to add your thoughts and inputs 😊
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spiritgamer26 · 7 months
[CP] Nouveau trailer d'Unicorn Overlord
Unicorn Overlord
ATLUS et Vanillaware ont publié un nouveau trailer pour leur prochain RPG tactique, Unicorn Overlord. La dernière vidéo présente aux joueurs des conseils et des astuces de gameplay, des détails sur les mécanismes de combat et bien plus encore.Par les créateurs de 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, Odin Sphere et Dragon’s Crown, Unicorn Overlord combine exploration d’un vaste monde et système de combat innovant, le tout dans le style emblématique de Vanillaware ! Parcourez un monde dynamique, menez une armée de plus de 60 personnages uniques et faites-vous un nom dans les cinq nations. Unicorn Overlord sera disponible le 8 mars 2024 sur PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S et Nintendo Switch. Pour plus d’informations sur Unicorn Overlord, visitez https://unicornoverlord.atlus.com.
Champ de bataille : phase
Durant chaque phase de bataille, les deux camps s'affrontent pour prendre les postes de contrôle de l'adversaire dans des combats en temps réel. En tant que commandant, vous devez surveiller de près la situation et prendre d'importantes décisions telles que le choix des unités à envoyer, à quel endroit et à quel moment. La victoire est assurée une fois que vous avez rempli certaines conditions, comme vaincre le général ennemi.
Bataille individuelles
Les batailles individuelles commencent lorsque vos unités entrent en contact avec l'ennemi au cours d'une phase de bataille. Coordonnez la stratégie d'une unité en définissant des conditions qui déterminent quand et comment elles utilisent leurs compétences. Trouvez la bonne combinaison de classes et de compétences pour former les unités les plus puissantes pour toute situation !
Royaume de Cornia
Situé au centre du continent, Cornia dispose de terres fertiles, d'une puissante force militaire et de la plus grande superficie des cinq royaumes. Les seigneurs du royaume vouent une grande loyauté à la famille royale, et le nom de la reine Ilénia est sacré pour ses sujets.
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gameforestdach · 1 year
Zusammenfassung: Die Demo von Astra: Knights of Veda, die Teil des Steam Next Fests ist, hat unter den Spielern eine Welle von Reaktionen ausgelöst. Zuerst weckte sie Aufregung mit ihrer ansprechenden Ästhetik, nur um einige zu enttäuschen, als sich herausstellte, dass es sich um ein Gacha-Spiel handelt. Hier tauchen wir tief in diese emotionale Achterbahn ein und diskutieren alles von ihrem künstlerischen Reiz bis zu den Reaktionen der Community. Anfängliche Begeisterung für die Vanillaware-ähnliche Ästhetik des Spiels Der Schock, als sich herausstellte, dass es sich um ein Gacha-Spiel handelt Reaktionen aus der Community und wie es Genshin Impact ähnelt Entwicklerantworten und mögliche zukünftige Ausrichtungen des Spiels Die Verbindung zu Vanillaware: Eine ästhetische Meisterleistung Der erste Blick auf Astra: Knights of Veda versprach etwas Besonderes. Mit einem Kunststil, der jeden Vanillaware-Fan begeistern würde, waren die Erwartungen hoch. Es schien eine ästhetische Hommage an Klassiker wie Odin Sphere zu sein, mit einem künstlerischen Ansatz, der fast poetisch in seiner Schönheit ist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC2D06RXZUw Die Anziehungskraft von 2D-Brawlern Beim Anblick der bezaubernden visuellen Gestaltung hofften viele Spieler auf ein 2D-Brawler-Erlebnis, ähnlich den berühmten Titeln von Vanillaware. Die Aussicht auf ein neues Spiel, das dieses Genre bedienen könnte und gleichzeitig eine einzigartige Note mitbringt, war unglaublich verlockend. Erwartungen vs. Realität: Die Offenbarung eines Gacha-Spiels Die Demo beim Steam Next Fest öffnete eine Büchse der Pandora voller Emotionen. Die Spieler erkannten schnell, dass Astra: Knights of Veda anstelle des erwarteten 2D-Brawlers ein anderes Kernspielprinzip hatte: Gacha. Warum das Gacha-Modell wichtig ist Das Gacha-System, ein Monetarisierungsmodell, bei dem Spieler echtes Geld für Ingame-Belohnungen ausgeben können, ist nicht jedermanns Sache. Es kann polarisierend sein und die Gameplay-Dynamik erheblich verändern. Viele fühlten sich betrogen, als die Gacha-Elemente des Spiels enthüllt wurden, und zogen sofort Vergleiche zu Genshin Impact. Community Reaction: Ein Gemisch aus Meinungen Als die Gacha-Elemente öffentlich bekannt wurden, war die Reaktion der Community, gelinde gesagt, gemischt. Foren und soziale Medien waren sowohl von Unterstützung als auch von Kritik überflutet. Während einige sich über den Ansatz, der an Genshin Impact erinnert, freuten, fühlten sich andere um das ursprünglich erwartete 2D-Brawler-Erlebnis betrogen. Das Genshin Impact Paradoxon Warum lieben einige Spieler das Gacha-Modell in Genshin Impact, aber schauen kritisch auf Astra: Knights of Veda? Es kommt auf die Erwartungen an. In Genshin Impact war das Gacha-Modell von Anfang an bekannt. In Astra: Knights of Veda fühlte es sich wie eine Überraschung an, mit der niemand gerechnet hatte. Entwicklerantworten und zukünftige Ausrichtungen Bisher haben die Entwickler keine offizielle Stellungnahme zu den Gacha-Elementen im Spiel abgegeben. Angesichts des leidenschaftlichen Feedbacks aus der Community wird es jedochinteressant sein zu sehen, wie sie sich in diesem Meer aus gemischten Reaktionen zurechtfinden. Kann Astra sich erholen? Mit einer so kontroversen Angelegenheit scheint die Zukunft des Spiels unsicher zu sein. Dennoch gibt es immer Raum für Verbesserungen und Änderungen, insbesondere in der Spieleindustrie, in der das Feedback unmittelbar und wirkungsvoll sein kann. Fazit Es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass Astra: Knights of Veda unter JRPG-Fans eine Debatte ausgelöst hat. Mit einer Ästhetik, die auf ein bestimmtes Gameplay hindeutete, aber etwas anderes lieferte, ist dies eine Warnung, wie wichtig es ist, die richtigen Erwartungen zu setzen. Was denkst du darüber? Haben die Gacha-Elemente deine Vorfreude gedämpft, oder freust du dich immer noch auf die vollständige Veröffentlichung des Spiels? Teile deine Gedanken mit!
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kinships · 1 year
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My Vanillaware artbook came and its making me miss the Odin Sphere blogs I saw around way back when...and my OS Au for Azee...
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artisticflutter · 4 years
AU Yeah August - Day Eighteen: Bookstore
I want to try covering all my favorite series at least once. Also, the chance to write more on this AU for Odin Sphere? Can’t pass it up lol. BTW, the AU is based off/around this post.
Series: Odin Sphere Rating: G Genre: General, Humor, slight Angst Pairing(s): Gwendolyn x Oswald Summary: Gwendolyn stops by a local bookstore to pick up the newest book in her favorite series. However, she recognizes the new clerk. Warning: No beta! Also, modern!AU set in college.
After weeks of hardwork and headaches, the time had finally arrived; the newest installment of the “Bluebird” series was finally available and Gwendolyn could not wait any longer to read it. She needed something good after all the housing issues and this would hopefully be that pick-me-up she was waiting for especially after the cliffhanger in the previous book.
Stepping inside the bookstore, the doorbell gave its usual chime to alert whoever manned the counter at this hour a customer had arrived. She eagerly approached the front desk and waited patiently for the clerk to come out.
Thinking about it, it had been a while since she’d come at this hour. She hadn’t seen Matthew and wondered if he found someone to cover this shift.
However, her eyes bulged when the backroom door opened and out he came carrying a freshly opened box filled with copies of the new “Bluebird” book. Yes, there was no mistaking the pale hair and red eyes of her ‘husband’ in the whole financial ordeal at school, but when had he started working at the bookstore? Hadn’t Cornelius said he worked at the bar Endelphia? Oh wait, he said that it was on the weekends.
Either way, Gwendolyn stood motionless, watching as he obliviously moved towards the counter and set the box down on the desk. He didn’t look up yet; instead, he moved to the computer next, probably logging back in for sales purposes.
She was confident in that assertion because he started talking before he looked up.
“Welcome to Matthew’s. How can I help… you…?”
Oswald’s voice trailed and he was staring back, his expression one of being caught in the wrong place. Gwendolyn said nothing, staring back, but feeling her nerves begin to betray her. This was so awkward, she didn’t know whether to cry, laugh, or book it out… 
Unfortunately for her, the smallest ‘snrk’ slipped from her lips. Slapping her hands over her mouth, she was mortified. He was still motionless, but she could see the red growing on his face. Only when she was certain another laugh wouldn’t come out did she lower her hands.
“I-I’m sorry! I wasn’t laughing at you; I’m just… surprised to run into you here,” she tried to explain, but wasn’t sure if it was helping. She was never as elegant as Griselda, but wow could she be any worse right now? “You never mentioned working here…”
“... I don’t. I’m covering for Cornelius today. Last minute emergency, but Matthew understands.”
“Oh…” Trailing, her brows furrowed because this couldn’t be legal, but Matthew was the owner. And not that Oswald was a bad person, but… huh, Cornelius trusted his cousin that much. She wondered how often something like this might happen. “It is slow at this time so… I guess no harm anyway.”
Oswald nodded, the color finally receding from his cheeks as he cleared his throat. “Anyway, can I help you find anything?”
“Not… really. Since you have it right there,” she said, gesturing to the book. He looked to the box and she looked down as he turned back her way. “I pre-ordered a copy…”
“Huh… I didn’t know you would be into this series.”
“I guess I never mentioned it.”
They’d been talking about everything they’d need to do about getting this paperwork done, they hadn’t even done the basics. Maybe tonight she would suggest they try getting to know each other better. Cornelius had only said so much and wanted her to try being friends with his cousin. If they’d done that sooner, this wouldn’t be so weird. Quietly, she watched him type into the computer again and soon scan the book’s barcode, telling her the price after. She paid and accepted both book and change with a ‘thank you’, but she didn’t immediately leave once the exchange was completed.
“... Oswald, what… what would you like for dinner tonight?”
Several books in his hand to register into the computer, she noticed he took a moment to process what she asked, and he almost seemed unsure on how to answer. Why was that? Setting the books down slowly, he seemed to hesitantly reach an answer.
“... I actually have a sweet tooth. I would be better at picking out dessert.”
“... Oh.”
That… of all the things to learn today, she didn’t anticipate that. He was red again and looking down, scanning in the books slowly to make sure they entered the system. For how glower he could appear, Gwendolyn thought this was almost cute. She sighed to hide a soft giggle, and smiled.
“Leave dinner to me then. Why don’t you pick something up for dessert after your shift ends?”
“Huh?” His eyes were up then down, and up again. When they fell next, they did with a nod. “I’ll do that.”
“Okay. Then I’ll see you at home.”
With a little more of her earlier enthusiasm in her step, Gwendolyn walked towards the door. It was an experience learning about her ‘husband’ today, but they were both in on this matter together. Tonight, it was time to make an effort on getting to know more about what brought him to this, and to find out more about him in general.
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eisenbrave · 5 years
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(hands you a pooka olberic) (hands you a pooka olberic) (hands you a pooka olberic) (hands you a pooka olberic) (hands y
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thunder-jolt · 8 months
Legacy of Kain but it's by Vanillaware...
(Since "Both are cool/See Results" won the poll, I'll do this first before getting to the AU, and note, if anyone happens to have a similar artstyle to George Kamitani's and is also a Legacy of Kain fan, I'd be up to see!)
To recap, I asked this question to my dad "What if Legacy of Kain was made by Vanillaware", he gave a great hypothetical possibility of how it might work out, such as both Kain and Raziel being playable characters while also sharing storylines and having unique playstyles, even a change in how the puzzles work (because how could block puzzles be implemented in a Vanillaware game?)
In my head, I was thinking of every cutscene from Soul Reaver if it was like that of Odin Sphere; the speech bubbles, the gorgeous artwork, the combat, EVERYTHING.
And much like Odin Sphere (and Muramasa, also), there would be separate stories that all tie together like a well-tied ribbon bow, one would focus on Kain and the other would focus on Raziel, in each story; they have their own unique abilities, Kain with the ability to consume blood and Raziel with the ability to consume souls.
As for enemies and bosses, I'd say they're relatively the same except it's in an Odin Sphere context (say, for example, you get the boss' name before getting into the fight itself.)
The story, it's relatively the same as the other Legacy of Kain games: Kain becomes a vampire, Kain is given a choice, Kain chooses chaos over peace, Nosgoth becomes a wasteland, the Sarafan guards are revived as vampires by Kain, Raziel ends up getting wings, Kain tears the bones out of Raziel's wings and orders two of his brethren to cast him into the Lake of the Dead, Raziel is brought back to life as a Wraith by the Elder God, and the rest is history.
It's basically all the same except the only changes are that of the artstyle (being that of the artstyle seen in Vanillaware games) and the change in puzzles for Raziel, ending up not having the block puzzles in place of a different puzzle, of which I forgot. And maybe a change in voice actors, too, (like a change of actors for the Elder God and Janos Audron, maybe-) if it were to be real, but alas, this is all but my mind, (I'd be a mad woman if this were to be fact or truth.)
And that's about it for how I imagined it going. If anybody happens to like this (and, coincidentally, can also do George Kamitani's style of art), I'd be up to see what's in store! If not, that's fine, that's alright, not everything could be a dream come true.
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woodland-knight · 6 years
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I did some body mapping with the Octopath crew along with designing some random self-indulgent designs. While there a few minor things that I need to fix with heights, I’m pretty satisfied with the variety! I mean, the boys are a little less varied, but I tried to make their amount of muscle different amongst all of them. The girls I had a little more fun with! Perhaps in the future, I’ll make some cleaner sketches.
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dspite · 2 years
Sanders Sides AU
Okay so, I’m thinking sort-of-Reverse-Isekai, in which Thomas is just like Canon c!Thomas minus having started Sanders Sides (all his other works up to and including Roleslaying exist, just not TSS), but the sides are characters from various games he’s played that just APPEAR in his apartment one day.
The only thing they all have in common (besides them all bearing a striking resemblance to C!Thomas once they’re turned into real people and no longer bound to their respective games’ graphical limitations,) is that each of them was his favorite character from each game they came from (meaning no two came from the same game, not even Roman and Remus.)
Details for each boi under the cut.
Roman Game genre: 2D Roguelite with platforming elements (Think Dead Cells but with Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir’s drop-dead gorgeous artstyle)
* Roman is one of the only two named by Thomas rather than by his own game, since his game has the player “name the spellbound prince” to act as their save file name. * Thomas used to play his game a LOT but stopped largely due to an endgame difficulty spike after unlocking about 3/4ths of all the equipment/skills in the game. He does still do Daily Challenge runs since there’s no real pressure to beat them, though. * Roman doesn’t know Thomas stopped trying in earnest to complete the main story, interpreting him only playing once per day as Thomas choosing to pace himself in their never-ending quest to bring an end to the Dragonwitch’s terrible reign once and for all. * When Roman Reverse-Isekais into Thomas’s apartment, he has (and is stuck with) the starting loadout from that day’s Challenge and his base stats (low for him, but is still stronger, faster, and more agile than normal humans). * Has a Katana as his melee weapon that materializes in his hand out of thin air and disappears if he lets go of it. Coincidentally, this katana was the last melee weapon Thomas was able to unlock in the main game before the insurmountable difficulty spike that made him stop. * Has a red Magic Tome as his ranged weapon... which he throws at his targets and explodes on contact like an extra-touchy grenade. * Yes, this was how it was used in the game, too, with flavor text advising the player to “Throw the book at ‘em!” appearing on screen when the Magic Tome is picked up. (This pun is Patton-Approved.) * Has a “Summon Warhound” skill that summons wolfdog familiars for two minutes per pupper (it disappears with a puff of glittery smoke and a happy “arf!” when its time is up). * Since “Summon Warhound” is only level one (because, again, it’s a starting loadout), Roman can only summon warhound puppies. Literally no one has any complaints about this. * The vast majority of his confidence stemmed from the fact that, as a Roguelite Player Character, he basically had infinite lives. He tries not to let the fear of realizing that he might not have infinite lives anymore now that he’s “real” (and that he has no idea what to do with himself now) show. Logan Game Genre: Exercise and Health Tracker Phone app disguised as a Mobile Rhythm Game that can be synched to most consoles/TVs
* Thomas first downloaded Logan’s app game when he learned someone had made a map of one of his songs in it, with the intention of recording a video (trying to) dance to it. * He ended up continuing to use play it on a semi-regular basis since it was a decent workout, as well as boasting a user-friendly and visually pleasing daily planner interface and synch with one’s Spotify account without needing to open or even install the other app. * Logan as he appears in-app in-game is a “Cyborganic” entity (read: alien cyborg) who wants the user’s player’s help to “learn more about human kinesiology through the seemingly universal medium of music and dance”, and is there to announce the score/rank at the end of each song and act as the Settings/Help/Contact-The-Devs button in the main menu. * He doesn’t have any one favorite genre of music, but he likes when the percussion and bassline is especially audible so hip-hop, rap, and a lot of EDM subgenres are up there. * Despite having a flawless sense of rhythm, his own sense of time is somewhat dubious and he compulsively checks the watch built into his wrist every five or so minutes. * Despite the phone part of his app game including a drop-down menu for tracking one’s carbs, calories, etc., he’s the only one whose game never included an image/animation of Logan himself consuming any kind of food or drink, causing him to pass out from hunger a few days after getting Reverse-Isekai’d because he didn’t realize he needs to eat now, too. * Has had a similar learning curve with pretty much anything involving his personal hygiene and sleep patterns, due to only really paying attention to Thomas’s needs up until now. * Crofter’s was just shy of a religious experience for him. Adding Crofter’s to any meal is a guaranteed way to ensure he’ll remember to eat at regular intervals, even if it’s a flavor that clashes with whatever it’s spread on. Everyone up to and including Remus finds his eating habits concerning, but they’re all just relieved he’s remembering to eat at all. * Logan is realistic enough to know he wouldn’t be able to get a typical job (not least of all because of the obvious glowing, non-organic parts of his body that can’t be easily hidden), so instead he contributes by keeping the apartment tidy and trying to keep helping Thomas stay on schedule.
Patton Game Genre: Animal-rearing mobile game For All Ages
* Patton’s game was actually released for every conceivable platform including mobile when it came out, but never saw a physical release. * Thomas downloaded Patton’s game after accidentally tapping an ad for it that popped up in Logan’s app game while he was picking a song one day. * The gimmick of the game that sets it apart is that all the animals are all plush versions of their real-life counterparts, allowing for more exotic creatures to be raised together and no worries about them dying (and them all being roughly the same size). * It’s basically the OG Viva Piñata game but without whacking the colorful not-real animals with a shovel. * The cushy critters can get sick or hurt from playing too rough with the others, though, which is why Doctor Patton is in the game “to help you kiddos patch ‘em up, good as new!” * Can pull out a seemingly infinite amount of custom-patterned fabric, stuffing, and other sewing supplies from his “Patch-Up Pack” (or “PUP”), a brown cross-body bag with a flap shaped like a dog’s face with a pastel blue heart-shaped nose. * Patton actually has a surprising amount of genuine first-aid knowledge for both animals and humans for reasons unknown, along with the expected sewing talent. The prevailing theory is it’s because the background of his in-game office does have a doctorate in... something... hanging on the wall, they just don’t know what exactly it’s for, not even Patton. * That said, since it was an edutainment game for kids he’d never seen blood before getting Reverse-Isekai’d, so he nearly fainted the first time he did (it was a very minor wound on Roman from the prince being reckless). * Affectionately calls Logan his “roomie” since Thomas has both their games on his phone (unlike all the others’ which are exclusive to console/PC). * He’s trying to build his emotional resistance to seeing icky things in the hopes of becoming a real-life vet so he can help earn his keep, and had Thomas help him get himself set up to sell crafts and custom rolls of fabric online in the meantime. Virgil Game Genre: Classic kid-friendly 3D Platforming Collect-A-Thon Game
* Virgil’s game wasn’t actually his game. It was actually for yet another cartoonish animal mascot like the vast majority of other 3D Platforming Collect-A-Thons. * Virgil was presented as a villain in the game he debuted in, constantly stymieing the player character’s progress by way of boss/miniboss fights, but the reveal at the end that the Big Bad had magically enslaved him to use his power for her own nefarious means (and the player character being Actually Kind Of Obnoxious) caused Thomas to like Virgil more than any other character in the game. * In the sequel Virgil is on the heroes’ side and even occasionally playable, but since Thomas never played it due it being released on a console he never had, the Virgil that got Reverse-Isekai’d was the version from the Very Final Secret Ending cutscene of the first game. * That said, “Virgil’s” game is the only one out of all of them That Thomas actually 104% completed (hence earning the Very Final Secret Ending). The others’ games all either don’t have an actual end (Logan’s, Patton’s, Janus’s), or Thomas just hasn’t reached the end yet (Roman’s and Remus’s). * Roman Definitely Isn’t Salty About This at all. * Neither Is Remus. * Logan fully admits to being Salty About This, if only because the idea of a game being 104% completable in the first place gives him agita. * Patton is only Salty that the game would refuse to give His New Son a home until 104% completion. * The one thing Virgil and Roman invariably agree on is that reptilian witches kinda-sorta-really suck, and they’ve had more than one actual serious discussion about somehow “sneaking” Virgil into Roman’s game so they can fight the Dragonwitch together. * They do not know how they’re going to make this happen, but they will, just you wait and see! (Thomas is Tired but glad they’re getting along now at least.) * Virgil has wings growing out from his hips with jet black feathers on top and purple (and sparkly when he’s excited) pinfeathers on the bottom. Feathers aren’t all grown in enough for flight, but he can glide with them. * Virgil has bug summoning magic with the species he gets being based on his moods, but without the Big Bad powering him up he can’t make them any bigger than palm-sized (he doesn’t mind this, since who needs a bus-sized roly-poly in the real world, anyway?) * Since the music in his game would always either fade out to silence whenever his character was on screen talking to the player or change to just a persistent ominous droning noise during cutscenes with the Big Bad, Virgil had no concept of music before meeting Logan, who is all too happy to help Virgil expand and curate his very own playlist. Janus/“Dealer” Game Genre: Gambling Minigame from a (less-than-stellar and now-defunct) Turn-Based Strategy MMO (think Mafia City but urban fantasy)
* The only one to name himself after being Reverse-Isekai’d (and after doing a bit of research to find something he found fitting for himself). * Janus’s game of origin was your standard free-to-play city management game, and his minigame was a deceptively complex-looking but really simple-and-fun-to-actually-play card game (called “Liars and Crooks” in-game) that used tarot cards instead of a regular set and could be played up to five times a day. * Janus Totally Doesn’t Resent his creators for not having the decency to give him a name like they did for all the inconsequential NPCs that did nothing but aimlessly wander back and forth along the streets Thomas’s little in-game town, Nor Is He A Little Bitter towards his fellow former-game-characters for having had fully-rigged models as opposed to his mere couple-dozen static sprites and handful of gold-framed text boxes and yellow word bubbles. * Janus is also Not At All deeply touched that a large part of why Thomas kept coming back to the browser game even after the other elements of the game lost their luster was specifically him, his minigame, and his witty banter peppered throughout each game. Nope. No tummy-butterflies of pure, flattered elation. None At All. * Suddenly having the ability to move around smoothly and also having access to a full range of motion instead of the aforementioned couple-dozen poses was Definitely Not something he had to get used to. He has never once tripped over his own feet due to not having walked before appearing in Thomas’s apartment and Does Not Fear The Stairs, the others are all just Lying To You. Yup. All Lies. * Has four arms, and in spite of himself he often finds himself settling into his default sprite’s pose of fiddling with the brim of his bowler hat with his upper left one, petting the “head” of his black-and-gold snake cane with his lower right, and shuffling his deck of cards with the remaining two, all while insisting his finding comfort in returning to the pose he spent years stuck in Doesn’t Bother Him. * In this AU Janus’s mouth and eyes are Like That on both sides of his face, and while his scales are also similarly evenly distributed, they’re mostly very dark green on his left and a pale-enough shade of yellow on his right that you’d be forgiven for not noticing those ones right away. * Still not quite trusted by Roman or Virgil Because Reptile Features. * Adored by Patton and fascinating to Logan Because Reptile Features. * Regularly receives (and Politely Declines) offers of a sexual nature from Remus Because Reptile Features. * He can also still generate the yellow speech bubbles (though sadly not the gold-framed text boxes) when he wants someone to actually pay attention to what he’s saying, and being hit with one kind of feels like an inflatable beach ball bouncing off of you (not painful, but certainly enough to get your attention.) * Trying to do his part in helping their harried host make ends meet with so many new roommates, but is stymied by the whole “independent gambling is illegal in Florida and also no one in the Real World knows how to play Liars And Crooks” thing. * In spite of this, he has started hosting No-Stakes Game Nights with the whole famILY after Logan expressed curiosity in the minigame Thomas found engaging enough to ignore the entire rest of the base game just to play, and the two ended up concocting a “multiplayer” version of Liars And Crooks.
Remus Game Genre: Action RPG with Real-Time Strategy elements
* Like Janus and Virgil, Remus was not the player character in his game of origin, but unlike them, he (or at least a version of him) was on the game’s title screen and an ally of the player’s from the start (and spoiler alert, the player’s only ally by the end). * The game was basically a shameless, cheaper knockoff of the Overlord game series. * Thomas played it to see if he could try to be villainous (if only in the game’s context), and ended up sympathising with the player character’s most loyal minion (whom he named “Remus”) and trying to “do right by him” by getting him interesting, unique cosmetics and trying to keep Remus from (inevitably) getting himself hurt. * Due to his intended role in the game of being a living target for the player character to practice weapons and spells on, Remus is actually unkillable even in the real world, just casually reattaching his body parts whenever they’re severed (or rather, when them being Not Attached becomes An Inconvenience). * Remus is why the Sanders Household now has a rule that I Don’t Care Who Caused It, If It Spills From Your Body, You Clean It Up. * He changes into a maid outfit to Clean Up His Messes. Thomas does not own a maid outfit. There was no maid outfit asset in Remus’s or any of the other’s games. No One knows where the maid outfit came from and Everyone is afraid to ask. * He’ll never say it aloud, but Roman actually finds Remus retaining his indestructibility somewhat reassuring, though not enough so to risk his own (possibly sole remaining) life to find out if his resilience followed him into the real world as well. * Despite superficial appearances of a Just A Dude with a sweet moustache and a sickass green-and-black getup, Remus is not a human, even in the context of his game of origin. * Remus has no bones except the one in his pants. His “skeleton” is really just a series of extra-sturdy muscles that he keeps clenched to stay more-or-less upright. If he relaxes he’s basically Uncle Boneless from Cow & Chicken. * “Boneless Remus” is viscerally Upsetting to everyone... except for Patton, to the others’ surprise, who has literally spent his whole life up ‘til now helping care for invertebrates anyway and thinks nothing of just picking Remus up and setting him down somewhere he won’t trip anyone. * Despite everything, Remus is 100% loyal to Thomas by programmed-in “nature” and will Reign It In if the situation is serious enough to warrant it. * That said, Remus is 100% loyal to Thomas by “nature” and will introduce anyone who dares to seriously threaten him in any way to a world of pain beyond mortal breadth and ken.
Anywho, that’s all I got for now! 
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autopotion · 2 years
Don't think about an FFT AU where Gwendolyn is the Ovelia. Do not. Odin Sphere and FFT are different and diametrically opposed stories. Odin Sphere is a fairytale played straight where all the major players are royalty because "prince/princess" is shorthand for "protagonist," FFT is a complete deconstruction of fairytales and monarchy-as-protagonists. It's a ridiculous premise. But maybe I'll daydream a little
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artisticflutter · 5 years
AU Yeah August Day Eighteen - Bartender
Rating: T Genre: General Pairing(s): N/A Summary: Endelphia is the bar to go to when one particular bartender is on the clock… Warning: No beta! Also, Modern!AU!
Weekends always entice the most business to bars, pubs, or any places that have a bar. Long work weeks, troubles in life, or just stepping out with friends of appropriate drinking ages, they all came to get lost in the alcohol in an attempt to have some good times. Some people took it too far; others preyed upon it, but at this bar, most people knew it was best to behave.
Endelphia was a bar with what could best be described as a ‘haunting’ atmosphere. The dim light, the more gothic architecture and decorum, and the intimidating bouncers helped keep the number entering low, but those who braved entry often left favorable reviews. The owner and much of her staff were gorgeous, and worth the risk of entry. Meanwhile, the drinks – though terrifying in cocktail names – were delicious and worth the stay.
With most evenings being their regulars over time, business was generally smooth and without fuss, but the weekends? People took more chances; and on weekends, that was almost when he was regularly staffed.
Oswald was a young bartender – a recent graduate from a local college. Just like the rest of the staff, many would consider him gorgeous – or more appropriately, handsome. His pale blonde, almost white hair, his dusted tan skin, the heterochromia that gave him one red eye and one violet eye, he was unique by all accounts. Regularly, his expression sat at a neutral firm stare and he spoke just enough to take orders and serve. Finally, his lithe appearance made people rather unassuming of him.
One key note of his person though: he was very good at following orders.
Endelphia had bouncers already, but with the weekend and more people entering, they needed another. Oswald made the ‘other’; the insider with the other bartenders and wait staff, and immediately able to respond should anyone be up to hi-jinks while he was on-shift. It didn’t matter who the offender was either. If there was trouble, there was no reason to discriminate; it was over in a few seconds the moment he was involved.
Harassing another patron? Gone.
Harassing the work staff? Out.
Too drunk and unwilling to leave peacefully? Dealt with.
Spiking someone’s drink or even attempting to pay for that? Physically restrained until the police arrived or knocked out to be manageable.
Safe to say, when weekends enticed people to indulge themselves in a few drinks, Endelphia was one of the best locations to go. Oswald was willing to make it the safest place to be.
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eisenbrave · 6 years
Tumblr media
i can’t stop thinkign about............... Him.
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aspenforest732 · 3 years
A few of you liked my other fanfic post so figured I'd share one I'm cooking up now. The Marle one is dead in the water, probably won't go back to it at least until I read Dawnshard.
Lemme know if you want more Phoenix lore. I didn't realize how much I had until I was scrolling back up through this post, and this is just on two of the 6 subraces
New one is going back to my Phoenix race, but this time it's a young Orator named Xava who climbed the ranks quickly in the Marvel universe, especially considering they lost their Listener companion I guess is the right word? Orators can only speak through the force/magic, and their speech is imbued with mind-type magics that allow them to convey meanings to groups or individuals beyond their actual words (like advanced subtext). They can also be understood by anyone and pick up languages quickly. Listeners can only hear through the force and can hear all the subtext in someone's words (yes, this is overwhelming at young ages). They can understand everyone and pick up languages quickly. Listner/Orator pairs comprise most of the operatives in a functional universe unit, usually taking an advisory role in some capacity or placing themselves in a seat of power that is deemed suitable by the Council. The pairs are bonded for life, and if one dies, the other usually retires to help the next generation due to skill gap and loss of their other half. They share a more intimate pseudo empathy/telepathy than Phoenix at large due to their bond and ability to pick up on each others' nonverbal cues.
Onto the actual story, Xava fought in a war with the TVA in one timeline, and their partner, Lexal died saving another group (only one could go and Lexal hid the underlying message that the one would die from Xava). Since they were so young, Xava decided to push forward with their career and use the skills Lexal taught them as well as supplemental training to do the work of a pair.
I originally started with a story in the aftermath of the Season finale of Loki, but then decided it would be more interesting to do one somewhat based on a fanfic I'm reading. We'll go chronologically.
Minor AU where Loki is able to harness the time stone to go back in time (haven't settled on the exact circumstances, but it's either on the statesman and Thanos has the mind stone instead of another or Loki is the one to kill him instead of Thor almost doing it in infinity war). Xava is sent due to the possibility of a new tertiary branch developing, and they go back to right after the failed coronation as Thor would be raging about going to Jotunheim.
BUT as they arrive, he's embracing Loki and Xava sees a pair who were supposed to be taking Thor to a branch 2 over. Enough moments have passed with such deviation that they've now skyrocketed away from the other branches, so sending him to the original would destabilize this one too much.
Now with a keystone pair, the three Phoenix have to work together, despite the other Orator's distaste for Xava's age and knowledge base due to their different fields of expertise (Avengers: Thor and House of Odin: Loki, respectively). The Listener is more or less a peacekeeper between the two as Xava tries to make things work smoothly but loses a lot of respect for the Orator when it's revealed he intentionally stayed in the dark about who saved his unit (Lexal).
There are a number of shenanigans I've thought up in that storyline, but it's still pretty new.
Fast forward about 5000 years, and the universe is stable enough to have endured 300 merges and is strong enough as a tertiary branch to not need representatives specifically for the keystone pair.
Xava is promoted to Ishvar (manager of timeline) and is transfered to the new trunk split (MCU, MCOU(comics), MFU(fanfiction), and now MMU(multi)) of Loki season finale. They will be working as both an Ishvar and a keystone representative due to their experience with Lokis and unusual circumstances.
Things are going pretty much according to plan with teams pouring into the universe to stabilize the trunk split while new branches rapidly form and collapse back into the trunk. This started before I watched What If?, so that would probably be considered a primary branch.
Loki returns to earth post endgame with a few must haves (AU before his appearance), forming a primary branch. Xava starts coordinating with the couple Phoenix already on earth, and things are still going pretty well, minus the mistrust sowed by their frequent consultation of a command sphere to direct movements (part of Ishvar, essentially giant collective mind database, call center, map, etc.). Then they get a Listener intern under 100 (age of puberty for phoenix). Which is the last thing they wanted right now, and they know they will royally screw up this kid if it's not sorted out.
Xava tries to figure out what's going on and reaches out to home world, only to be shortly cut off by a complete universe isolation message and every Listener screaming before falling unconscious. Homeworld is offline for the first time in Phoenix history (this is a result of my star wars fanfic tl;dr a Seer Phoenix lead a sith invasion of Homeworld, and the Council yeeted it into a different pocket dimension only taking the adults).
Now Xava can't send the kid back, who not only wasn't sent here by the Council since they would've sent a pair, but who is also linked to the SWU (Star wars). So they can hear but not understand any nonPhoenix is saying and struggle to use the magic here (enough to not be dying but not much more). They were born with the ability to hear everyone in the universe at all times (normally activated once they hit puberty), and while they have better control of it now, it's still a lot, especially before they got a translator chip.
That's pretty much where I left it since I wasn't sure where to go other than lots of meetings, a hidden message from Homeworld revealing their predictions for MMU, and discovering what the council had done. Of course, the delay in information caused the predictions to be largely useless as bringing Loki to the meeting prevented him from doing something that didn't seem vital at the time on earth.
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durotoswrites · 3 years
I’m feeling in better spirits today.  I have a couple of prompts open.  Feel free to send an ask, and be sure to specify the characters you want!  They might take me a few days to finish, but I am up for writing something for funsies.
Send me a self-indulgent smooch prompt!
Send me an AU Short Fic prompt!
I know most of the stuff I post on here in Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons related, but if you have another source material you want me to write on, just send an ask or DM! :)
Here are some popular games I’m also into:
Legend of Zelda (I’ve played most of the console games minus TP and SS)
Final Fantasy VI-VI (I’m still working on 7 and 9) 
Tales of: Phantasia, Abyss, Legendia
Odin Sphere
Night in the Woods
And a bunch of others! ;)
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