#odysseus is the meme lord!
katerinaaqu · 3 months
So spake he, and to him did Odysseus, famed for his spear, draw nigh, and take his stand before him, and Diomedes sat down behind him, and drew forth the sharp arrow from his foot, and a sore pang shot through his flesh. Then leapt he upon his chariot and bade his charioteer [400] drive to the hollow ships, for he was sore pained at heart. Now Odysseus famed for his spear, was left alone, nor did anyone of the Argives abide by him, for that fear had laid hold of them all. Then mightily moved he spake unto his own great-hearted spirit: “Woe is me; what is to befall me? Great evil were it if I flee, [405] seized with fear of the throng;, yet this were a worse thing, if I be taken all alone, for the rest of the Danaans hath the son of Cronos scattered in flight. But why doth my heart thus hold converse with me? For I know that they are cowards that depart from battle, whereas whoso is pre-eminent in fight, him verily it behoveth [410] to hold his ground boldly, whether he be smitten, or smite another.”
Oh gosh that moment from Iliad gotta be one of my favorites as Odysseus rushes to the rescue of Diomedes and then he is left alone to fight the Trojans and basically goes
"Shit...now what?!"
Hahahaha the dude is basically the creator of the meme
"The risk I took was calculated but man am I bad at math!"
What a Muppet! I love him! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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antvnger · 2 months
So, I follow a musical based off of the Odyssey, and they just released the part where Odysseus goes through the Underworld. What got me sobbing is he meets the souls of those he lost during his journey down there. The 558 men that served under him until Poseidon unleashed his wrath, one of his best friends Polities, and his mother. And this is how he found out his mother passed away and I am not okay.
-Meme Lord
(The musical is called Epic the Musical btw 10/10 would recommend)
Oh ouch! What a way to find out your mom passed away…oh shit, that hurts me to think about. I’d cry too, Meme Lord.
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Epic the Musical, huh? What, is that on YouTube or something?
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Reminder of how I tag stuff for everyone (but mostly for me)
tma review - what it says on the can
reblog to save a life - sth I would like to check out later/keep in mind/help sm or myself/mostly tips
read at your own risk - I had the sudden urge to make an essay/write sth down and made it everyone's problem
random thought(s) - I had a random thought and decided to share it with/yelled it at the void we called 'internet'
avatar of the shitpost/tma shitpost - a shitpost about The Magnus Archives
daddy Odysseus AU - in which through the power of headcanon and by our lord/lady the fanfiction Odysseus adopts Astyanax and it's chaotic
search 'meme' within my blog and that's what you will find (this is both a threat and a promise)
Anything else will be tagged accordingly
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tell-me-again · 3 years
Anyone: (breathes)
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trashcanalienist · 4 years
Odysseus rolling up to Polyphemus's island like damn I thought the Minions were smaller
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goodluckdetective · 4 years
Rules: post the last lines you wrote from any WIP, then tag someone! I’m going to tag @wyntera @nitewrighter and @renaroo. If you guys aren’t working on something atm no pressure.
@secretlystephaniebrown tagged me in the WIP meme and here I am! I’m going to post a whole scene from a Hades fic I’ve been considering: an AU where Patroclus is Zagreus teacher instead of Achilles. I have yet to decide if I want to complete it in full. Here’s the clip:
“You are offering me a job?” He cannot hide the surprise from his voice. Hades is a God, ruler of the Underworld, and Patroclus is but a shade, doomed to Tartarus for a sin he will never wash away. What the Lord of the Dead could want is lost upon him.
Hades stands there, glaive in hand, stern.“My son Zagreus is in need of a mentor.”
At the mention of his son’s name, the Lord of the Dead scowls. The relationships between Gods and their children have always been strained, and it seems Hades is no exception. “He is undisciplined, rebellious and unfitting of his station. I believe you would be a suitable mentor to not only teach him the ways of combat but of respect.”
Patroclus thinks about the offer for a moment. Tartarus is not kind place to dwell, but he still wants to say no. He is done fighting; he has never liked the practice of spilling blood despite his competence in it. But one does not say no to a God without significant thought. Patroclus is not a genius to the likes of Odysseus, few men are, but he is not foolish either.
“I am flattered by your request but I ask why you do not hire someone of more standing for this task, my Lord,” he says, choosing each word with care. “Surely the likes of Hercules or other champions would prove a better tutor than myself.”
The lord of the dead scoffs. “If I wanted him to be only a combatant, than that would be my ideal choice. But Zagreus is impulsive and disrespectful to his betters. I require a mentor who can attend to those personal failings as well. And I believe you are familiar with such behaviors if the legends are true.”
Patroclus holds his tongue because he is, of course he is, but Achilles was so much more than his temper. All Patroclus hears about him these days is of his rage, nothing specific, only that he was a force of nature who carved through men without a glance. There is no songs about his talent with a lyre, or his love for fresh flowers that reminded him of home. All of the soft parts of Achilles’ nature are erased by the pools of blood he spilt.
Achilles is remembered as he was promised by the Fates, but he is remembered as a symbol, not a person. The man he loved is gone, perhaps for good if he has drank from the waters of Elysium. Patroclus is the one left to remember.
“You will be freed of your punishment and be allowed to stay in the house,” Hades continues. “I expect you to mentor him in both combat, medicine, tactics and behavior. When you are not working with him, you may serve as a guard to the halls. It will be no luxury, but it will be better than what your current arrangements.”
Patroclus thinks of this godling he will be expect to mentor. Hot headed, impulsive, disrespectful with a stern Godly parent. He cannot say it makes him nostalgic. Perhaps he can provide some wisdom for him mistakes.
“I will do so,” he says. “On one condition.”
Hades frown deepens. “You have little to barter.”
That Patroclus does. If he had any leverage to speak of, he’d ask for a chance to visit Elysium, to confirm if Achilles had drunk from the river for a chance of a new adventure. It would break his heart, but it would at least allow the wound to heal. But he has nothing to barter, and so instead he asks for a mercy, not a boon.
“I do not ask for much. Solely that you will not require me to tell him of my Achilles or the war.” Memories flash through his mind in bursts: a burning temple, the smell of smoke, yanking on Achilles breastplate because one of them must have some sense. He pushes the memories away, back where they are only an ache of an old wound. “I shall decide which stories I tell.”
Hades looks at him, and Patroclus can swear he appears sympathetic. Mortals are made in the image of the Gods: perhaps he understands how memory can burn worse than any wound.
“Fair enough,” Hades says. “You begin at once.”
And that is how Patroclus comes to reside in the House of Hades.
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wizardysseus · 4 years
tagged by @theteaisaddictive​
my top 10 male characters (that i could think of at the moment)
odysseus (homer), show of hands who didn’t see that one coming
luke skywalker (star wars)
jean valjean (les miserables)
caleb widogast (critical role)
frodo baggins (lord of the rings)
harry potter (harry potter)
the beast (disney’s beauty and the beast, but also robin mckinley’s beauty)
quasimodo (disney’s hunchback of notre dame)
fiver (watership down)
death (discworld), who i don’t really consider male but i’m not all that likely to get tagged in a top 10 favorite beings of ambiguous gender meme
i tag ... whoever would like to!
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glimmerofgold · 3 years
I see an ask meme, I just have to be nosy hehehe :)c anyway so: Hera, Circe, Selene, Kronos, Eirene, Apollo and Odysseus!
Hera - What's your best childhood memory?
What I remember best and will always cherish are the summer nights where I was cuddled up in at least three blankets and watching the stars. Doing the same thing now makes me feel so nostalgic.
Circe - What are you thankful for the most in life?
My amazing family who are all weirdos but whom I love to pieces.
Selene - What time of day do you like the most?
Golden hour! There's just something about that warm, soft light that makes me feel so at peace.
Kronos - When's your birthday?
March 28!
Eirene - What do you do to relax?
In spring and summer I usually try to spend some time outside or go for a walk. In fall and Winter I will light a few candles and cozy up with a good book or listen to some music.
Apollo - What are your top favorite songs?
That's a tough one because it constantly changes. Some of my current favorites are: Achilles Come Down (Gang of Youths), The Night We Met (Lord Huron), Sunlight (Hozier), Let It Be (The Beatles), Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Queen), I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2).
Odysseus - Where are the most amazing places you've travelled to?
I have so many good memories of any place I went to because they're all so different. I'm still in awe of New York, I would love to go back to London, but I also adore the Greek Islands. Give me any place by the sea or ocean and chances are I will fall in love with it - no matter where it is. I'm also extremely fond of the places over here that I visited. I just miss traveling so much ...
Ask me anything: Greek World Edition
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misshoneywheeler · 4 years
Tagged by the effervescent @zip001​ for a fic title meme. List your last 20 fic titles & answer the questions below. I’m also including where the title came from for each one, if applicable.Tagging anyone who wants to play, this is a neat one!
There and Back Again -  Rhaenys Targaryen/Aegon VI Targaryen/Jon Snow, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : from the subtitle of The Hobbit
Atropos  (part of Once Upon a Time) -  Roslin Frey, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : the name of the Greek Moirai (the Fates) responsible for cutting the thread of life
The Slow Heart - Female Morphling & Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games : from A Birthday by W.S. Merwin
Between Two Worlds (part of Come and Save My Life) - Layla Williams/Warren Peace, Sky High
Polytropos -  Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Daario Naharis/Daenerys Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen/Jorah Mormont, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : the first adjective used by Homer to describe Odysseus in the Odyssey, translated in many different ways over the years but literally meaning “many turns”
Sweeter at the Marrow - Septa Lemore/Young Griff, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
Kingmaker - Arianne Martell/Robb Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
The Great Other - Nissa Nissa, Meera Reed, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : the enemy of R’hllor, the Lord of Light, in ASoIaF
Not For Ourselves Alone Are We Born - Jon Snow/Satin, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : from Cicero’s On Duties, an English translation of the beginning of the sentence “Non nobis solum nati sumus ortusque nostri partem patria vindicat, partem amici / Not for ourselves alone are we born; our country, our friends, have a share in us”
Cut The World In Two - Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : from Tired by Langston Hughes
Impossible Not To Want - Daenerys Targaryen/Rhaenys Targaryen, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : from I Don’t Miss It by Tracy K. Smith
The Heart Asks Pleasure First - Brienne of Tarth/Jaime Lannister, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : the title of a composition by Michael Nyman
A Soft Place to Fall - Sansa Stark/Tyrion Lannister, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : from the song by Allison Moorer
Other Joys - Sansa Stark/Theon Greyjoy, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : from Love Poem by Denise Levertov
Holdfast - Lyanna Mormont, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
The Door to Your Room Was the Door to Mine - Arya Stark/Gendry Baratheon (née Waters), A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : from I Remember by Anne Sexton
Everything That Sings and Sounds (And Sighs In Its Turn) - Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : from an English translation of The Doll Song in the Tales of Hoffman by Offenbach
Some Other Beginning’s End - Darrow au Andromedus/Victra au Julii, Red Rising Series : from the quote “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end” by the Roman philosopher Seneca, and/or the band Semisonic
And I’d Send You a Letter From There - Brian Krakow/Angela Chase, My So-Called Life : the closing line of the letter Brian ghostwrote for Jordan Catalano to give to Angela in MSCL
Crown Your Hatred - Barbrey Dustin/Robb Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones : from the Pierre Corneille quote "To take revenge halfheartedly is to court disaster; either condemn or crown your hatred."
1. How many are you happy with?
I would say most of them? There are only a few where I’m like “Wait, why did I name it that again...?”
2. How many are… not great?
Eh. A few.
3. How many did you scramble for at the last minute?
Lol is there any other way to title fics?
4. How many did you know before you started writing/creating, or near the beginning?
Zero. Does anyone say otherwise? Who knows the title at the START? Where are all these disciplined, far-sighted fic writers, because I don’t think I know any.
5. How many are quotes from songs or poems?
6. How many are other quotes?
7. Which best reflects the plot of the story/content of the fanwork?
Probably Some Other Beginning’s End, which is a what-if future fic imagining a scenario where Darrow and Victra have both lost their partners, leading them to turn to each other.
8. Which best reflects the theme of the story/fanwork?
I think Not For Ourselves Alone Are We Born, since the fic deals with Jon post resurrection and the ways he’s lived a life of duty, and given of himself and sacrificed for others, and the way Satin, having been born into prostitution and literally provided his body in service to the desires of others, would feel a kinship with that.
9. Which best reflects the character voice of the story/POV of the fanwork?
Crown Your Hatred.
10. Which is your favorite?
I particularly like Atropos, and the alignment with all of the Fates, given that Roslin didn’t spin the thread/hatch the plot (Clothos) or measure the thread/set the trap (Lachesis), but she’s the mechanism by which the thread is cut/the Red Wedding happens (Atropos).
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savetopnow · 6 years
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wizardysseus · 4 years
Tagged by the @fatalism-and-villainy for the “10 favourite characters from 10 different pieces of media” meme!
in no particular order:
luke skywalker (star wars)
jean valjean (les miserables)
odysseus (homer / greek mythology)
korra (legend of korra)
clara oswald (doctor who)
harry potter (harry potter)
ahsoka tano (if 2 different star treks are different pieces of media then star wars: the clone wars also counts)
frodo baggins (lord of the rings)
kaladin (stormlight archive)
jonathan sims (the magnus archives)
tagging: @nativehueofresolution @thisbrilliantsky @roguestorm @a-corndog-named-schibbs @hummingbirdsaltimolockia @jadesabre301 and whoever else feels like it!
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