#of even just george and lockwood !!
desos-records · 10 months
[Spoilers for Empty Grave]
"Save yourself for me"
I am once again losing my mind over a single line from Lockwood & Co. It means so much with so little.
Because he isn't saying 'save yourself because I'm the one who deserves to take on risk and danger more than anyone else' which is what Lockwood from previous books would say.
He's saying 'I cannot stand you getting hurt. I know I can't stop you from doing something stupid anymore than you can stop me, but save yourself because I love you. Save yourself because you love me.'
Repeatedly throughout the series Lucy and Lockwood are just: 'I care about you, please don't hurt something I care about.'
Which is why Lucy stays because she can't stand him getting hurt either. From the minute she learns about his self-destructive tendencies she's been quietly saying 'save yourself for me' because she's afraid he won't save himself for his own sake.
It absolutely guts me. Why is it always 'Come off it, you know I'd die for you' and never 'Save yourself for me,' which means infinitely more.
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manikas-whims · 2 years
Forgive my badly done gifs and their velocity
I just wanna talk about the little detail at the beginning of Episode 6, where Carver's body has been removed and the place has been sanitized.
And yet, Lockwood can still see the death glow,
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signifying how he must also be able to see any other such death glows and further signs of death throughout the house due to well..the deaths of his family.
He then proceeds to lookup at the room on the landing which most likely holds the most bright death glows and such.
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Imagine living so long in such a place full of memories when you are burdened by the ability (curse) to watch these death glows every fucking day! A daily reminder of what used to be and what he used to have..
I feel like George and Lucy helped alot with this simply by their arrival. I like to believe that they turned this haunted house once again into a HOME for Lockwood 🥺
thank you for coming to my ted talk..😭
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today we start reading part two of lockwood and co’s the screaming staircase!!!
to celebrate here are some noteworthy moments from part one! [beware of spoilers!!]
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there is a lot of incredible world building in this first part, but one of the bits i keep thinking of is how much these kids not only think about death, but are quite literally surrounded by it. they are constantly being informed by death around them. this is heavy emotionally intense labor that we’re expecting out of these kids
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lockwood is a Silly, and he loves teasing lucy this is incredibly important information to me thank you for sharing this jonathan stroud
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again with the world building, kind of crazy how pervasive the problem is that you see preventative measures in everything. we had a fun discussion about this in the discord too
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okay lucy tell me how you really feel - but also the way his warmth for her is described (even when she is incredibly clueless) is so sweet to see. like talk about a crazy quote
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this is an incredible closing scene like HELLOOOOO??? i’m obsessed with the dramatics like this would’ve had me HOOKED as a kid!!
these are just some of the moments that really stood out to me while reading (i had several more too but just to not make this post a million years long ya know) - i’d love to hear other ppls top moments from part one. but also YAY PART TWO HERE WE COMEEEE!!
i’m reading Lockwood and Co as part of a book club. this week we read part two of The Screaming Staircase! you can join the discord here, or post on tumblr w/ the hashtag lockwood library to join in!
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ven-ugh · 9 months
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I found a very very old comic about that moment in the 5th book
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all-too-unwell-13 · 7 months
So you know how Lockwood and Lucy got white/grey streaks in both their hair after visiting the Other Side together in TCS??
Something about that reminds me a lot of Percy and Annabeth getting matching grey streaks in both of their hair after holding up the world in Titan's Curse. And like, not just the streaks in their hair, but also the experiences and the aftermath of them.
Like, I'm decently sure both Lockwood and Lucy and Percy and Annabeth were around the same age (I think Lockwood and Lucy were like 15, while Percy and Annabeth were 13-ish), but that's not really important.
Anyway, the matching grey/white streaks represent a traumatic event in each of their lives; for Percy and Annabeth, this was holding up Atlas' world (in Annabeth's case, for over 24 hours). And for Lockwood and Lucy, this was visiting the Other Side, which was, like Percy and Annabeth's situation, something that neither of them wanted to do but had to. (And idk if it's important or not, but in pjo, it's Percy taking the world from Annabeth to protect her, and in l&co, it's Lucy's spirit cape breaking, and Lockwood helping her under his to protect her. Not super important to what I'm saying, but just kind of a similarity.
Also!!! Both of them (percabeth and locklyle) bonded over these experiences; Lucy says multiple times in TCS that, after they go to the Other Side, even though her and Lockwood had always been close, they were closer now. Like there was something unspoken, an unspoken bond type of thing. She mentions them 'sharing looks' and how she learns to read his emotions better. Which, though they'd been close before and she'd been able to do that well already, this kind of supported and added to that.
I don't really remember (because it's been almost a year since I read Titan's Curse 😭), but I am decently sure Percy and Annabeth also bonded over this!!! They, obviously, had been close previously (just like Lockwood and Lucy), but this made them closer. Like now they had something special to kind of cement their friendship (and later on, relationship!!) but it also makes me think of, when Percy says in Chalice of the Gods, that he'd never thought of being with anyone else because he and Annabeth had had such shared experiences.
And it's also clear that, no matter if Lucy chooses to leave Lockwood and Co in previous books, (even though that comes before they go to the Other Side) she'll always find her way back to Lockwood (and George) because of their shared experiences.
Obviously, Percy and Annabeth have very traumatic shared experiences (not just what happened in the Titan's Curse, but also just going to Tartarus), but the same could be said for Lockwood and Lucy; take the Annabel Ward case - George wasn't there when the house burned down (though of course that wasn't his choice or his fault), and a few more cases.
So yeah, both Percy and Annabeth and Lockwood and Lucy get closer because of these horrible shared experiences, and the matching grey/white streaks in their hair is really only the beginning of the similarities between Percy and Annabeth and Lockwood and Lucy.
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biscuitrule · 1 year
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Just Stroud talking about the potential for more Lockwood and Co. stories/books/content. I’m so calm. 🫠
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tyrramint · 1 year
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Yeah, I’d say you will
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lewkwoodnco · 8 months
havent listened to the full version of murder on the dance floor or even watched saltburn but it feels very lockwood & co coded
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mariathechosen1 · 1 year
Ok, I’m actually not done ranting about Lockwood and Co and how pissed I am about it being cancelled, because here’s the thing: I came into this show with absolutely no background information. I hadn’t read any of the books and I had barely watched the trailer. And so, I was very much expecting the story of a traumatized cis boy fighting ghosts (ft. Sidekicks), you know? Lockwood is on the cover and it’s his name in the title, but then I turn on the first episode and instead I’m introduced to Lucy.
Because here’s the thing: In YA fiction we’re so used to the classic trio dynamic (One male protagonist, one female love interest, and one male comic relief) that I genuinely just though Lucy was gonna be completely sidelined for Lockwood.
But she’s not.
Because Lucy is the main fucking character
And not just a blank slate for the audience to project their own personalities onto either, no, she’s a fully fleshed out protagonist with actual depth. With motivation. With a proper backstory. With her own goals.
She has flaws! She has strengths!
Lucy is snappy, she’s sarcastic, she’s judgmental and, quite frankly, she’s sorta shit with people.
But she’s competent as fuck!
And not only is she competent as fuck, but her Talent is Listening. Listening!! A power that’s all about empathy and connecting with others, and the fact that she has a talent that’s centered around emotions is never looked upon as something that makes her weaker. Her ability to empathize is literally her greatest strength.
And I think that’s also why I’m so obsessed with this scene from episode 4
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Because, ignoring the incredible amounts of tension, this is Lockwood, a man so obsessed with the spotlight and his public perception to the point where it’s self-sabotaging, openly admitting that Lucy is special, more so than himself.
“When you love the spotlight as much as I do, it’s quite an adjustment to realize that the real reason you might be here is to shine it on somebody else”
Lucy is the protagonist! If anything Lockwood is the love interest!
And I just absolutely love how the show turns the classic trio dynamic on its head by not only forcing Lockwood to admit Lucy’s worth, but by also forcing the audience to realize: ‘Oh. This is Lucy’s story’.
Anyways, TLDR: This is Lucy Carlyle’s world and we’re all just living in it.
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eggy-the-boy · 2 years
If we don’t get a season 2 of Lockwood and co. I will personally turn into the Joker
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notcryingtoday · 2 months
i rewatching lockwood and co (yes i won't shut up about them) with my vovó and damn lockwood, george and lucy are my bi panic. i'm in love with all of them.
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"dont force it, they'll be some kind of trigger" and lockwood continues trying to force it
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factoryrin · 2 years
Not enough people ship George and Lockwood or the three of them as a poly relationship and that needs to change
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mysterystew · 1 year
Lucy obliviously like liking Lockwood moment #I-don't-even-know-at-this-point
There's only two rooms (four beds) at the Old Sun Inn. Cue Lucy calculating possible roommates:
"There was a heavy silence. I scanned the others, taking in Holly's neat traveling bag, doubtless crammed with body lotions and skin cleansers; George's ominously light backpack, which lacked room for any conceivable change of clothes; Kipps's angular and palely ginger frame, the horrors of which were just hinted at beneath his turtleneck; and Lockwood. To share a room with any of them presented problems."
And Lockwood.
Lucy. Luce. I can't help but notice that you have no ill thoughts about Lockwood here compared to everyone else (¬‿¬)
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francesderwent · 2 years
it’s very important to me that it is always, always Lockwood who initiates the hand-holding
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krash-and-co · 2 years
i rediscovered those memes and
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also since i was too lazy to find one that had one for george have this
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