#of life and all the kids in that class HATED it but LOVED the korean fil
daincrediblegg · 8 months
Marvel movie quip humor is going to make the class I’m taking on comedy a living hell isn’t it
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depressedhouseplant · 7 months
🔞 Five Star (Chanlix) 🔞
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Synopsis: Chris is a depressed college student. Felix is the hot delivery guy who shows up at his door.
Tags: Unprotected sex (obvs), depression, massages that turn into sex, pet names
A/N: This is literally your classic pizza guy porno trope. Happy Sunday Night!
Chris clicked “place order” on the UberEats app and tossed his phone to the side. He had 10 notifications from his school email that he was ignoring. Half were from his professors. He hadn’t been to class in over 2 weeks. After the fight with his parents at the beginning of the year over changing his major, and surrendering to their desire that he stick with his business major instead of switching to music, he’d barely left his apartment. He’d taken a music theory class as an elective the previous semester and fallen in love. His parents insisted it wasn’t practical and they’d stop paying for his tuition and apartment if he changed his major. So Chris had given up. On all of it.
He’d been awake for at least 24 hours and he couldn’t quite remember the last time he showered. He was singlehandedly keeping the kids who worked for his zip code of UberEats in business. Chris shuffled into the kitchen and pulled a beer out of the fridge. His phone went off right as he sat back down.
Felix is on his way with your order.
“Huh,” Chris mused. That was an unusual name. Of course one of the previous drivers was named Neveah so maybe it wasn’t that unusual. He took a sip of his beer and leaned his head back on the couch. He hated feeling like this, but he wasn’t sure how to fix it. A loud knock made him jump.
“Yeah, hold on!” he grabbed his wallet and opened the door.
“Double cheeseburger extra bacon and large fries and onion rings for Chris?” the delivery guy, apparently named Felix, read off the tag. He was hot. He was really hot. He was lean with blonde hair and freckles dusting his nose and cheeks with what Chris could only describe as the face of a god. The second thing he noticed was he was Korean. Chris only knew one other Korean in the whole school. He couldn’t stop himself from staring.
“Is that right?” Felix asked, prodding Chris for a response.
“Yeah, yeah that’s me. I’m Chris,” he said, fumbling with his wallet for the tip.
“Well, Chris, your arteries might slam shut after this,” Felix smiled.
“Maybe,” he handed Felix a $10 bill. He reached in his pocket to get change.
“No, keep it,” Chris insisted.
“That’s like a 75% tip,” the other boy pointed out.
“I know,” Chris knew he was still staring.
“Are you...okay?” Felix asked. It was the first time anyone had bothered to ask him for the sake of asking. Chris couldn’t stop his eyes from welling up behind his glasses.
“No, no I’m not okay,” he shook his head. He clutched his food bag and tried not to start sobbing in the hallway.
“Hey, whatever it is, it’ll work out,” Felix said.
“It won’t. It really won’t,” tears fell on Chris’s glasses and the bag.
“Can I come in?” the delivery boy with the face of an angel asked.
“Sure,” Chris sniffed.
He carefully took Chris’s elbow and stepped inside, steering them to the couch. The apartment looked like a depressed person lived there. It was a mess with old food containers from previous meals scattered on various surfaces. Felix gently took the bag from him and placed it on the coffee table, shoving trash out of the way to do it.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” he asked.
“It’s my parents,” Chris confessed. “If I don’t stay in the major they want me to stay in then they’ll cut me off. I have to stay the perfect Korean son, you know? I got a B for the first time in my life last semester. I’m lucky I’m smart or I would’ve flunked completely. Of course, now I’m flunking because I haven’t gone to class in weeks. I hate my major so much, though. I’m miserable.”
“What do you want to do?” Felix asked, his voice deep and soothing.
“Music. I took a music theory class last semester and it just...spoke to me. I’m in business right now and it’s awful. It’s boring and my classmates all think they’re gonna be CEOs one day. We’re in Indiana for fuck’s sake,” he looked up after he cussed. “Sorry.”
“No worries,” the other boy smiled. “I’m a delivery guy because my parents didn’t want me giving up a full ride scholarship to Stanford for the dance program here.”
“You dance?” Chris asked. Felix nodded.
“It’s my life. I’m good at other stuff, but dance has my soul. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. They basically disowned me, but I know they’ll get over it when I make it big someday. Then I’ll be the good Korean son,” he smiled.
“So you get it,” Chris took off his glasses and wiped his eyes.
“I definitely get it,” Felix put his hand on top of Chris’s.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be holding you up. You should go,” he said.
“You were my last delivery. It is almost 1am,” Felix told him. Chris looked at his watch. He’d even totally lost track of time.
“Then you should go home. You probably have class…” Chris began.
“Honestly? I hate my roommates and try to stay out of there as much as possible. I’m happy to stay as long as you need someone to sit with you,” Felix replied.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to guilt you into anything,” Chris said.
“I’m the only boy. Guilt has no effect on me anymore,” Felix laughed a little.
“I’m an only child,” Chris said.
“Oh shit, that’s rough,” Felix winced.
“Yeah. I guess guilt still does work on me,” he said.
“Not everyone is as resistant as I am,” the other boy grinned. “You should eat. I’m sure your burger is cold by now.”
“Like I haven’t eaten cold Chinese food for a week,” Chris laughed, but it sounded more like a sob.
“Changed it up, huh?” Felix teased.
“I was getting sick of Kung Pao chicken,” he replied. He opened the bag then looked at Felix. “I’m sorry. I can share.”
“I’ll just have an onion ring. However, I will take a beer if you’ve got any left,” Felix eyed the bottle on the table.
“They’re in the fridge. Help yourself,” Chris replied.
“Thanks,” Felix got his beer then sat back down. Chris had already finished half the fries and onion rings combo.
“Damn, you were hungry,” Felix observed.
“Actually not really. I think I make up for not sleeping by eating,” the other responded.
“How long have you been awake?” he asked. Chris thought for a second.
“Well, I thought it was 24 hours, but if it’s 1am then it’s really more like 27 or 28,” he replied.
“You haven’t slept in 27 or 28 hours?” Felix did a very poor job hiding his surprise. Chris shook his head.
“You need to sleep,” he insisted.
“I can’t. I’ve tried. I end up staring at the ceiling because my brain won’t stop spinning,” Chris sighed. Felix shifted a little in his seat.
“I know I’m a total stranger, but I know a lot of massage techniques so maybe I could give you a massage before I go?” he suggested.
“That would be nice,” Chris replied, dropping his gaze.
“You wouldn’t need to get naked. I can work just fine over clothes,” he was quick to add.
But what if I want to? Chris thought.
“I like that idea,” was what came out instead.
“After you shower then,” he suggested.
“I...don’t remember when’s the last time I took a shower,” Chris blushed.
“Then I guess I’ll just have to drag you in there and make sure you do it,” Felix seemed completely unphased by his statement. He seemed completely unphased by all of it. Chris was sitting there in a shirt that was falling apart and dirty sweatpants. He may or may not have smelled bad. Yet this stranger seemed okay with it. Though Chris supposed he wasn’t a total stranger. Felix understood what it felt like to be the perfect son and the crushing weight that came with it. He wasn’t only gorgeous, he was ballsy.
“You’re staring,” Felix said.
“Oh, sorry,” Chris immediately looked down at his lap again. Felix laughed softly, but it wasn’t hurtful. It was indulgent.
“I’m used to being stared at,” he told him. “Hazard of the profession.”
“Right,” Chris dared to look up.
“And I also know how hot I am,” he smirked. Chris felt his whole body blush. If that was even possible.
“I...you...I didn’t mean to…” Chris stuttered. Felix put his hand on top of Chris’s.
“Hey, I’m not gonna take advantage of you. I can tell you’re not doing well. I just want to help,” he insisted.
“Thank you. I mean, not that I thought you would. I haven’t had a guy like you ever even remotely try to flirt with me,” he replied.
“And what kind of guy am I?” Felix grinned.
“Nice, hot, brave enough to stick it to your parents,” Chris said, averting his eyes again. Felix gently turned his chin back to look at him.
“I have a feeling you’re pretty nice and hot when you aren’t stuck in this vicious cycle,” he said.
“You think so?” Chris was genuinely surprised by the compliment.
“Let’s get you showered and I’ll give you the best massage of your life,” Felix smiled softly.
“Okay,” he nodded. Felix got up and put the leftovers in the fridge. He pulled Chris up off the couch. He was strong for his size. Very strong.
“I’ll take care of you, Chris,” he told Chris when he bumped up against his chest.
“You will?” Chris tightened his grip on Felix’s hands.
“I will,” Felix confirmed.
“Thank you,” Chris whispered.
“You’re welcome. Now let’s get you showered,” he said. Felix started the shower and pulled Chris’s top off over his head. They stared at each other for a moment.
“You can take your shoes off since you’re gonna be here a while,” he said.
“Right,” Felix looked down at his feet. “Don’t go anywhere.”
Chris took the opportunity to take off his sweatpants and underwear and get in the shower. He was closing the curtain when Felix came back.
“You could’ve just told me you wanted to preserve your modesty,” he said. Chris was glad Felix couldn’t see his face.
“You did need to take off your shoes,” he replied.
“Fair enough. Should I get you clean clothes?” Felix asked.
“I’ll be okay with the towel,” Chris thought for a moment.
“Now you’re getting risqué,” the other boy teased, sitting on the closed lid of the toilet. “Make sure you scrub everything.”
This guy really knew how to make him blush. Chris went as quickly as he could while remembering to wash his hair along with everything else. He shut off the water.
“Towel please,” Felix passed it to him without pulling back the curtain. Chris wrapped it around his waist and stepped out. Felix gave him a quick once over.
“Not bad,” he grinned.
“Thank you,” Chris replied quietly.
“Just the truth,” Felix followed him into the bedroom.
“How do you want it? You can put your clothes back on or any level of undress you’re comfortable with,” he said. Chris took a deep breath.
“If I cover myself with only the towel?” he asked.
“I promise I will remain professional. I won’t touch you anywhere you don’t want me to,” Felix told him. Chris knew he was serious.
“Okay,” he nodded.
“Got any lotion?” Felix asked.
“Top drawer,” the other replied as he settled on the bed. Chris hoped Felix would ignore the other 2 things in the drawer. At least for the moment. Felix didn’t say anything as he pulled out the bottle of lotion and settled next to one of Chris’s legs.
“Are your feet ticklish?” he asked.
“No,” Chris shook his head.
“Then I’ll start there,” Felix slowly started massaging Chris’s feet. He had no idea they were that tired and sore when he was barely walking around his apartment.
“Feel good?” Felix asked.
“Yeah, really good,” Chris replied. Felix moved up his calves. “So what year are you?”
“Sophomore. I’m 20,” Chris said, propping his chin up on his folded arms.
“I’m a freshman. Gonna have my 19th birthday next month,” Felix replied. “Damn you’ve got some knots in your calves.”
“You can go harder. If you need to,” Chris told him. Felix leaned more of his weight down on Chris’s legs.
“You’re definitely gonna make me work,” Felix laughed a little.
“You don’t have to,” Chris started.
“I told you I’d do it, so I’m gonna do it,” he slowly worked his way up Chris’s body until he reached the edge of the towel covering his ass.
“What do you want me to do?” he asked.
“Ummm, work on my back first?” Chris suggested.
“Sure,” Felix positioned himself on the back of Chris’s thighs and began working out his tense back muscles. He felt himself relax for the first time in weeks under Felix’s hands.
“Wow,” Felix said.
“What?” Chris asked.
“You’re making some pretty suggestive sounds there,” he grinned.
“I was?” Chris turned to look at him. Felix leaned down so his chest was almost flush with Chris’s back.
“The only time I make a guy sound like that is when I have my cock in his ass and I’m fucking him into the mattress,” he breathed against Chris’s ear.
“Would you...do that to me?” Chris swallowed hard.
“Only if you want me to,” Felix replied. “Though I would’ve thought you’d be a top.” Chris shook his head.
“I am very much a bottom,” he replied. He rolled over under Felix so he was fully exposed, half hard, with a fully clothed Felix straddling him.
“What do you want from me?” Felix asked, not so subtlety eyeing Chris’s dick.
“I want you inside me, but...be gentle…” he stumbled over the words.
“Do you want me to make love to you?” Felix raised an amused eyebrow.
“I hate that term, but yes,” Chris consented.
“I can do that,” Felix pulled off his shirt and tossed it somewhere to the side. He leaned down and carefully kissed Chris. It was like an electric shock when their skin touched. For as much as Felix was trying to be gentle and take it slow, a fire ignited in the cores of their beings. Chris pulled Felix closer, licking into his mouth, holding onto his cheeks.
“I need you, Felix. I need you so much,” he breathed, eyes glossing over with tears again.
“It’s okay. I’m right here,” Felix reassured him, kissing his nose, cheeks, then his lips. “I’m right here.”
Felix managed to sit up long enough to wrestle out of the rest of his clothes and get the condoms and lube. Chris pulled him back down almost immediately.
“I’m gonna take good care of you. Don’t worry, baby,” he cooed as he lubed up his fingers. He teased at Chris’s rim causing his breath to hitch. “Relax, baby. I have to prep you.”
“Okay,” Chris replied. Felix carefully slid one long, thin finger in then another one quickly behind it. He slowly massaged Chris’s sensitive inner walls, feeling him relax under his touch. Once he had 3 fingers in, he began to scissor Chris’s hole open. Chris dropped his head against the pillow and sighed.
“Feel good, baby?” Felix asked.
“Uh huh,” Chris breathed. “It’s been a while.”
“I’ll be gentle until you tell me otherwise,” Felix kissed him slowly, withdrawing his fingers.
“Felix…” Chris whined when he felt empty.
“Don’t worry,” Felix sat up and rolled on the condom ensuring it was generously lubed. Chris didn’t even have to be prompted to spread his legs. Felix pushed into him gently, watching for signs of pain or distress. Chris pulled him down against his chest and wiggled his hips, fully seating Felix inside him. He placed panting kisses on the corners of the other boy’s mouth.
“We’ve got time, baby,” Felix smiled. Chris looked up at him.
“Go deep. I want to feel you in my lungs,” he breathed.
“I don’t think I’m quite that big, but I’ll do my best,” Felix laughed, showing his dimples. He brushed Chris’s bangs back and began grinding his hips hard against Chris’s pelvis. Chris was dying for a connection. Maybe this was the wrong way to go about it, but it felt good. It felt right - having the delivery boy buried balls deep in him. Then Felix brushed his prostate for the first time.
“Fuck!” he grunted.
“Found somewhere good?” Felix teased. Chris nodded. Felix lied down so his entire body was on top of Chris’s and rolled his hips.
“You want me to finish you fast or keep going?” he asked, his face in Chris’s neck.
“Surprise me,” Chris replied, barely above a whisper. Felix kissed him hard, brushing his most sensitive spot with every roll of his hips. Chris whined into his mouth as he felt his orgasm building.
“Stay with me,” he breathed against Chris’s mouth. Felix snapped his hips into Chris two, three times and then Chris came hard between them. Chris was writhing around, smearing come all over both of them. Felix emptied into the condom with a feral growl. Chris dimly registered Felix pulling out and disposing of the condom. He felt him get off the bed then a warm, wet cloth on his chest.
“Gotta clean you up,” Felix smiled at him. “We made a mess.”
“Oh, thanks,” Chris gave him a sleepy smile. Felix carefully cleaned him until he was satisfied then put the washcloth back in the bathroom. He crawled back in bed and Chris wrapped his arms around him. Then Felix started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Chris asked.
“This is like a bad porno. You banged the pizza guy only I was delivering a burger instead of pizza,” Felix replied, rolling his head over to look at the other boy. Chris started to laugh too.
“I guess I did,” he grinned.
“The delivery guy is happy to bang you whenever you want,” Felix cuddled up next to him.
“I think I might actually be able to sleep,” Chris yawned.
“Then you’re gonna have to keep me around so I can fuck you to sleep regularly,” Felix kissed him.
“I like that plan,” Chris hugged him.
“Go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up,” Felix told him.
“Thank you,” Chris felt the weight of those words deep in his chest.
“You’re welcome,” Felix smiled. “Now sleep.”
Chris rolled over with Felix cuddled behind him and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. This was good. This was very good.
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spamgyu · 7 months
you know what fuck you !!!!(wats the point of anonymity if its gone already *sigh*) i present you Adrian Lee
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no body knows what he does he can be seen taking the music class early in the morning and also the advanced mathematics class too every one is equally in the dark as to what he does (architecture major!!) talks to alexender sometimes and will never use his nick names exception being only when he is drunk. everyone thinks he is very smart and bro is smart like why does he know bernauli's principal even tho he has nothing to do with advanced phy ?? is secretly an otaku has a mikasa body pillow back in his house that he adores but never brought it in the dorms cuz he is v embarrassed tundere bitch will never accept he is in love with you but will do anything and everything for you like watch notebook and twilight with you (personal opinion both r shit)
prides himself for the movies he watches and will give you a thorough analysis of the movies only guy who understands vernons movie taste and needs to have a movie night every friday and during this time he slowly with extreme calculation tries to manipulate you into giving up on those shitty movies you watch and make your movie palate better bro knows 5 languages korean chinese english french and italian and his goal in life is to learn greman and russian cuz you told him you wanna learn them and he wants to be so good that he can teach you them bro is so smart that he finds faults and fixes your assignments even though you both have very different majors once took an iq test and it came out as 150!!! oh did i tell you he also has a secret soundcloud acc and he produces songs too goes by the stage name ryan bro has a pretty good side hustle which gives him damn good money prolly is the richest in the group
has a pretty few good popular songs under his belt also helps the theatre kids with their songs for their musicals will talk about politics and importance of performance arts in politics (dk doesnt understand shit but he listens) did i mention that he hates anyone who is not his friends group is universally knows as the groups misandrist like bro is filled with so much hatred that he fulfills the group's quota!! so imagine everyones shock when he gets a girl to dote upon and plus he has to be the first guy who introduces a girl to the group claims that he doesnt give a fuck about their opinion (he does) would slowly stop talking to you if they didnt like you plus absolutely hates introducing you to the group cuz like what if one of them take you away from him but realizes that if you are with him you will hate anyother guy cuz he is just one of a kind and his group of frnds is too stupid to snatch you away from him but now 1 prob what will he address you as cuz like he is head over heels for you but cant say that to you plus his frnds pester him about your relationship and now he is scared is secretly the most most romantic person in the whole world has written atleast 10 songs about you all stored in his hard disk but will never let you know is always stuck by your side cuz you are comfy ??? will feed you and buy you cloths ... like bro where is the money flowing from (you dont know about his side business although you know he makes music but dont know he sells them) will never pay during the friends dinners cuz like they dont deserve his money for stuffing their faces like cows (mannerless brutes dont get his hard earned money wasted on them) but if one of them get hospitalized or for any emergency related to money will not even think twice before giving his money sponsored dk first acting gig 🫡 they want to return his money but he is like its chill and pretends to not know what they r talking about to they give up defo goes out of his ways to help his frnds at any situation will also lent an ear if they want him to but sucks at giving advice will just buy them icecream the next day absolutely loves his friends to death too!!
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will take your pics at any given point of the day (has 15 diff folders with only your pics)
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yes he payed for it
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will defo help you for finals and still score full in his subs
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did i mention u have been soft launched in his insta too
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was pulled out of his cave to be taken to the hangout bro whined the whole way and claimed to hate it but loved it in reality -and my rant ends here
fuck me???
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actually..... just read the whole thing.....
yeah fuck me that shit was so good 🤞🏼😔
im laughing at the first guy to introduce a girl into the group bc actually probably yeah LENWMFME
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curewhimsy · 19 days
A long time ago I read an all-ages, manga-inspired comic called Peach Fuzz. It was published by Tokyopop. I just read it again and it was WILD.
The manga is about ferrets, and a 4th grade girl named Amanda who gets a ferret named Peach, but Amanda’s single mother is very emotionally distant, and the ferret kinda hates everyone. And on top of that, Amanda doesn’t take the best care of the ferret. Volume 1 pretty much just felt like the family’s dysfunctional life being as dysfunctional as possible. I didn’t know who to be rooting for when I re-read it tbh. In Peach (the ferret)‘s point of view, she is a princess, and she sees the world through the lens of a character who doesn’t know how the world works. Through Peach’s eyes, human hands are 5-headed monsters who want to hurt her, and the world is her kingdom. I mostly skimmed through the wacky parts shown through Peach’s eyes, as I was more invested in the human drama of Amanda and those around her.
Volume 2 came, and was incredibly emotional and was a huge improvement from volume 1. Amanda seems to have severe low self-esteem, and possible rejection sensitive dysphoria.  Two boys in her class regularly bully her, making her cry all the time. One of the boys even brings a knife to school, which was very intense for an all-ages comic. I loved volume 2 as a kid. I related to Amanda so much, as a victim of bullying myself, with low self esteem and emotionally distant parents. This manga touched on some heavy themes and emotions in volume 2.
Then volume 3 comes. This is when it gets wild. One of Amanda’s friends (Mimi) is literally involved in a mushroom cult. Her religion and beliefs revolve around mushrooms. When one of her ferrets died, she believed that “the mushrooms took her away” or something (?) There was also a subplot where Amanda didn’t know what “fixing” (spaying/neutering) an animal meant so she brought her friend Mimi’s dead ferret Puffball to the vet, so the vet could “fix her.” In volume 3, Amanda buys another ferret out of nowhere. This ferret also has a very traumatic memory of being neutered while not being fully unconscious. There was a picture of a knife and blood which probably scarred some kids. The ending of the manga was so weird and sudden too, I skimmed through it and didn’t quite catch everything, but the ferret named Peach got very sick, and at first I thought she died. The ending was shown through Peach’s eyes too, and she is known to be an… unreliable narrator, to put it lightly. But the scene where I thought Peach died was just her nursed back to health and being in love with Amanda’s second ferret. I do have a slight feeling that maybe the end was up to interpretation too, and Peach may have POSSIBLY died?
So yeah. It was supposed to be a light-hearted work but I actually found it weirdly heavy, and half the characters hinted at having some deep issues that were never addressed, and if they did, the age rating might have needed to be raised.
There were also two instances of racism, one instance of possible racism 
-The bus driver being black, and speaking in a stereotypical vernacular
-Amanda’s friend Kim has a Chinese mother who acts really strict and emotionally manipulative which is negatively attributed to Asian mothers. She also spoke broken English. Also Kim is a Korean name (exclusively I think) but the comic states their family is Chinese.
-The only black girls in Amanda’s class were stereotypical “snobby black girls” and Amanda was shown as being much closer to other white girls, and Kim who is Asian. When I was young, I thought Mimi was supposed to be black. Volume 3 canonically states it’s just a tan.
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moiixxx · 11 months
A Gunwook Fanfic
a/n: hey guys this is my first post on here and i wrote my first zerobaseone fanfic on wattpad called “restlessly in love with you” with my username on there being ‘cvpiddgirl_’. Here’s a short part of the first chapter.
Korean International School, an institute where you'll be sure to make friends, or at least that's what they say in the ads they plaster on the billboards. Dana trudged up the stairs, dragging her hefty suitcase that over shadowed her flimsy body. There was no mistake that she's was going to hate this school filled with pretentious rich kids.
As she took in her surroundings, suitcase still in hand, she bumped into a blonde haired boy with an inviting smile. "oh sorry, didn't see you there." He said as her suitcase fell to the floor with a bang.
"lemme get that for you, I'm Matthew by the way" he introduced while he reached down to pick up my suitcase with ease.
"Nice to meet you Matthew, Im Dana, sorry I should've watched where I was going" I said I little embarrassed. It was no surprise that Matthew was fine as hell so the fact that I was even able to hold this conversation without fail was a miracle in itself. "It's fine, honestly moving day is the only day you can tell apart first years to the rest of school" He said with his smile on display once again. I swear I almost died. Maybe I'm not going to hate this school after all.
As I was lost in thought, daydreaming about the life with Matthew in the near future, two kids, a house with a Mr and Mrs sink, big back garden so that the kids can frolic- my thoughts were disrupted.
"Where am I taking this?" Matthew asked. "oh right, room 165" I said. Shortly after, they had reached my room. I had thanked Matthew before taking my suitcase into my room and taking it all in, not before exchanging numbers with him. The room was bigger than my whole house. I started unpacking before I had to leave for the introduction assembly.
During the assembly, I managed to locate Matthew, who happened to sit with eight other very handsome specimens. I don't know why I was so astounded, obviously a hot guy would have hot friends. For the rest of the assembly I closed my eyes and imagined my next steps. I had received a scholarship from this school that would most definitely aid me in getting a good paying job after. I would move my family out to a nice neighbourhood next, and buy them a huge house with a pool as my little sister always wanted, and before I knew it, the assembly was over.
I walked down the auditorium stairs to collect my schedule for the term, not forgetting to steal a glance from Matthews fine ass entourage. Just when I was about to join the queue to receive my timetable, a tall ass wall blocked my view. I looked between the so called wall and Matthews group until It clicked that this pretentious guy was part of Matthews group. "excuse me, you clearly saw me but decided to push in front of me" I said while simultaneously tapping his shoulder. He turned around, in what felt like slow motion, and as much as I hate to admit it, he was the most attractive man I had laid my eyes on. "well it wasn't until I looked down that I saw you, so instead of blaming me maybe focus on your own vertical hinderance". The sentence alone was enough to knock the wind out of me, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of getting the last word. "maybe if you stopped acting like you're doing the school a favour by gracing it with your sorry presence, you would realise that the world doesn't revolve around you and wait at the back like everyone else" I said while walking in front of him and reclaiming my spot in the line. The nerve of that guy, I just hope that I don't have any classes with him.
A/N: if you liked the snippet of my fanfic, please be sure to check out “restlessly in love with you” by ‘cvpiddgirl_’ on wattpad and please Vote and comment.
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jvnifm · 1 year
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{ CLOVER, 21, CST, SHE/THEY } —— welcome to infinite entertainment! it's JUNIPER 'JUNI' KIM, who is the MAIN VOCAL of ESTELLA. i’ve heard whispers that the TWENTY-TWO year old is pretty IDEALISTIC but lowkey SUPERFICIAL. also, doesn’t she remind you of JEON SOMI?
hello !! my name is clover ( she/they, cst ) & i am the mun of juniper 'juni' kim !! under the cut i have a brief history and a personality description as well as a few plot ideas for miss juni !! please give this a like if you'd like to plot with juniper, i promise she's not as superficial as she might seem ( kinda lol )
pinterest board !!
juniper yewon kim was born in san francisco, california, usa on june 16th of 2001 (making her a gemini sun with an aries moon and a virgo rising) to two loving parents as well as an older brother and an older sister.
her parents were very much modern day (at the time) hippies, teaching their kids about love and acceptance from the day they were born.
juniper was a generally happy and bubbly child known to her family and friends for her adoration of music. from a young age, her parents joked that she'd one day be famous.
school was especially challenging for her, throughout her childhood she'd get in trouble for not turning in homework or talking during class. she was eventually diagnosed with attention deficit disorder.
this diagnosis lead to her being put in classes that provided extra help to kids with learning disabilities, this caused her to feel insecure about her level of intelligence even at the age of nine years old.
with her doubt in her intelligence, she began to embrace her love for music and asked to be put in singing lessons. her parents being the people they were signed her up before she could even finish her question.
it soon became clear she had a natural talent for not only singing, but performing. when she was focused on music and performing she didn't have to worry about people questioning how smart she was.
her junior year of high school she went on a trip to south korea to visit her extended family. one day, she went out shopping and got scouted by infinite.
her parents, despite their support up to this point, were very hesitant about juniper taking this opportunity. they didn't feel comfortable with juniper leaving everything behind to go do something that could possibly never pan out.
however, they caved after seeing how badly juniper wanted to give it a try. while training, she lived with her grandma who helped her become more fluent in korean.
after four years of training, juniper made her debut as the main vocalist ( and baby ) of estella !!
juniper is very easygoing, always choosing to see the best in people and is never one to rock the boat.
she's been pretty popular with her peers her whole life, always having a solid group of friends around her.
definitely more intelligent than she thinks she is, sometimes she'll subconsciously act dumb as a self fulfilling prophecy of others thinking she's not the brightest star in the sky.
juniper is an independent thinker and is very opinionated despite her rarely voicing these opinions.
she is confident in who she is and her interests, she's very into the occult and all things relating to the paranormal or horror. ask her about her opinion on any horror movie and she'll give you a 352 slide powerpoint about what the film does well and what it lacks.
she's generally competitive and finds good fun in competition until she starts losing. then all hell breaks loose.
circling back to her never rocking the boat, this includes problems she has with people. she'll often go to others to vent or rant which is often interpreted as her being two faced and superficial. she knows this and doesn't really care. if you don't like it, that's your problem. not hers.
she HATES routine, this is one of her least favorite things about being an idol. she prefers to have freedom and do what she wishes as she pleases. she usually just wants to stay home and watch all of the saw movies in a row in a dark room.
she's a very jealous person when it comes to relationships ( platonic and romantic ) and will often do things to hurt her own feelings.
she's extremely animated in how she talks, people usually either love this or hate this about her. it's a 50/50 thing.
juniper is a drama queen in every sense of the word ( i know it's two but that's not the point ) and will exaggerate most stories just to make them more interesting.
juniper is the type of person to tell someone white lies to spare their feelings, she sees this as the kind thing to do which in most cases isn't the right thing to do.
BABY SQUAD!! a group of people who are around her age who she hangs out with.
a gossip buddy, ideally someone as dramatic as she is to match the energy.
perhaps opposite personality friends?? "someone will die." "of fun!" kind of thing
maybe an ex best friend who still shares a bunch of mutual friends w her so they have to be civil with each other.
ride or die!!! please
someone who loves horror movies and will watch them with her for hours!!
on the other hand, someone who hates horror movies but somehow always gets talked into watching them with her.
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byanyan · 1 year
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byan & language.
ㅤbyan grew up learning both english and korean, as the family they lived with for their first four or so years of life were fluent in both.
ㅤthere were ups and downs in continuing to develop both languages after they were removed from this family, as most people who were in and out of their lives from then on would, for the most part, only speak english. as they got older though, byan was able to collect some resources and continue learning on their own.
ㅤit might seem odd for a kid who's always hated school to want to learn something on their own outside of school, but a big part of why they wanted to continue with korean is... it was always easier for them than english. dyslexia made everything in school hard, but it never really impacted their ability to read & write in korean the same way it did english. so byan embraced it a little more because it helped balance out the inadequacy they felt in class. (knowing a second language was also a pretty big brag over a lot of kids who didn't have bilingual families)
ㅤdespite all the extra effort they put in to remaining bilingual, byan still speaks english 90% of the time. it's their default because it's the default of most of the world around them.
ㅤhowever, with the exception of things for school, when byan writes, they default to korean.
ㅤthey often find themself forgetting the korean words for things because it is ultimately their lesser used language, so usually they'll substitute the english word if it doesn't come back to them within a few seconds. this goes both in conversation and in their own writing.
ㅤwhen they do speak korean, it's usually just to talk shit about someone so they can't understand. they do engage in actual conversation with the odd person they have some familiarity with though, like the owners of their favourite asian bakery.
ㅤthey also almost exclusively use informal & casual speech with anyone & everyone, regardless of who they are. byan has always loved to add an extra level of disrespect wherever they can. ...they also think it makes them sound cooler.
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taeminscoconuthead · 2 years
Yooooo i made a decoy blog!
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Her name is Annie and her url is jjongthecreator. She has gotten into K-pop at the age of 6 by her older sister Janet. She is blasian with her mum being Nigerian and Ugandan and her dad being South Korean and Chinese.
She was born on the 18th of December 2003 at Central Middlesex Hospital. She is the youngest out of 2 siblings. Her brother Andrew who is 10 years older and Janet who is 8 years older.
When she was 2 years old, her parents started fighting and she saw her mother threatening to kill her father with a knife that she was holding.
When she was 5, her parents divorced in which her mother took full custody of the kids and wouldn’t let them see their father. Annie was especially affected since she was very close to him. They later had joint custody when she was 8 where she was able to visit him at the weekends.
From 8 to 13 years of age, he has been grooming and sexually abusing Annie by touching her privates and taking pictures from up her skirt when she wasn’t looking. He had about over 15 GB of her nudes on his USB in which she found out about it when she was 16.
When she was 11 years old in year 6, she was raped by her class teacher and got bullied by her peers once the news broke out. She was diagnosed with depression and anxiety that same year and didn’t end up going to the leavers prom due to that.
Instead of going to secondary school like everyone else, her mother decided as a way to get her away from her dad was to get her into a school in Nigeria so she went there just to be bullied to the point where she was getting beaten up to the point of having to go to the hospital. She hated it there so much that she begged her mother to take her back home and so she did. Once she spoke to her father, he said that he would take her in and she would go to South Korea to go schooling there and so she did. Once her mother found out, they were in a big fight that led to the father being hospitalised due to her injuries and almost died as a result. She was forced to come home with her mother over the holidays, but she didn’t want to. In fact, she was afraid of her. She decided to stay in South Korea for another year but stayed with her grandparents. Although they were a bit racist to her, she would do anything to stay with her father. However, the mother insisted she should come with her and unfortunately she did.
On her 13th birthday, Jonghyun passed away in which she was super devastated. He was the only person other than her sister and father that she had a connection with. She spoken about this with her father in which he comforted her over the phone as he hears her cries. However, the mother overheard her crying and decided to slut shame her for crying over him. She would abuse her every time she would mention SHINee or Jonghyun.
At that Christmas, her father passed away due to his injuries. He was 38. When it has been brought to her mother’s attention by Annie, she snapped and slammed her face with her plate, knocking her out.
At New Years Eve that same year, Janet passed away. With that information in hand, her brother took his own life on the 1st of January 2018. She was 21 and he was 23. Ever since then, her mother would abuse Annie regardless and put all her anger and rage onto her.
She ran away from home when she was 14 and never looked back ever since. She ended up finding a man named Braydon who was 23 at the time and they both fell in love after hearing each other’s stories.
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Braydon also had a toxic life. His father died when he was 3 and he had to live with his abusive and controlling mother until he moved out at 16. He used to have an older brother but he passed away due to suicide.
He also seen that they were polar opposite, which was very attractive to him. They talk to each other on Tumblr and sometimes meet each other in real life.
Ever since he moved to Manchester, they started seeing each other less and it became every month instead. Until that moment comes, he would facetime her or even send text messages. She now lives with her cousin in East London and is far away from her mother.
Her coping mechanism with Jonghyun’s passing is making fanfictions and posting cute pictures of him. She does this because she wants the good side of Jonghyun to appear online and not the fact that he’s dead. She wants new fans to be able to see how she sees him.
So… what do you guys think?
damn it just keeps getting worse-
thank you for helping out with this study. you can go @howcanibehomophobicmyjjongisgay to log this url to his study!
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calamityblog · 2 years
Do you guys speak any other languages?
Thanks for being patient, guys! Sasha really hates going to the doctor so that was the most worrying part. We finally got her to go and it's just the flu! She's taking some antibiotics now and should be better soon. 💙
Other than English, I speak Thai pretty well! There's a Thai temple near my parents' house that has classes I've been taking. And I have some friends I've been practicing with! I wasn't interested in Thai as a kid and my parents never pushed me to learn it, which I'm kicking myself for now because I would be soo much better at it. But I'm still pretty good at making conversation!
I thought it would be fun to share a few Thai phrases with you in case you were interested!
First, one of the most important things you could say imho (and basically the only Thai Sasha knows), how to say I love you! If you're a man, you'd say ผมรักคุณ (Phom rak khun), and if you're a woman you'd say ฉันรักคุณ (Chan rak khun). It's basically the same format as the English version where Phom/Chan means I, rak means love, and khun means you! Thai really isn't great with other pronouns yet but if you use anything other than he/him or she/her you should use the chan version because that's kind of the gender neutral term and then phom is just for guys?? It's weird.
And then a little texting lingo in case you're actually talking to someone! If you want to say lol or hahaha, you'd write 555 instead as the texting laugh! And the more 5s you type means the funnier you think it is! And then if you think something is really cute like a cute cat or frog meme you'd say ai tao! And you can use extra os afterwards if you think it's suuper cute!
Sasha is working on learning Spanish! She's using Duolingo right now. She took some classes in high school for it but they weren't very good and she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life then so she didn't think it was as important to learn another language. But now she's trying to start focusing her energy on helping kids who might not speak English as well which is super sweet!
Marcy can say hi in a whole bunch of languages but not much else. I think she just has so many different things that she wants to do that she doesn't have time for everything. She knows a few Japanese and Korean phrases from anime and webcomics and she'll like call stuff kawaii all the time but that's kind of it. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
I hope you guys don't mind that I had such a long response! I think Thai is so cool and I love sharing it with people because it's not as common as other languages here in the US!
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jongnorp · 6 months
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You've got the keys, unlock your new world!
Growing up without parents is something that no one should have to suffer through, but unfortunately for Theodore, he had no choice. When he was eight years old, his parents were taken from him too soon, due to a drunk driving accident. He himself was in the car along with them, but fortunately he wasn’t harmed in the collision apart from a few scrapes and bruises here and there. Despite being so young when he lost his parents, he remembers them with crystal clear accuracy. He was very close to his parents, especially his mother. He was what people would normally call a mama’s boy.
Unlike a lot of boys who cling to their fathers while growing up, Teddy found himself clinging to his mother instead. He formed a special bond with her that people couldn’t really understand and after a while stopped trying to understand. He spent a lot of time with her during the first six years of his life. She was an art school teacher, and she would bring him along with her to work, which was the jumping off point for his love of art. Everything he knows about art today stems from watching her teach her classes, and while he couldn’t really comprehend everything she was saying back then, he was exposed to it quite early, which made it easier for him to adjust to art and all its forms when he started to really study it.
When he was just a few years old, his parents had another baby. He was excited to have a younger sibling, one that he could take care of and have a strong bond with. His little sibling had a love for art as well, and that was something they both bonded over. Even though they were both very young, it was very obvious that the both of them wanted to be artists in some way, shape or form. Their mother surrounded them with art and they both took to it like fish to water. His younger sibling was incredibly close to him, and he loved the bond that the two of them shared. Despite the difference in their ages, they were practically best friends who did everything together.
When their parents passed away, the two of them were forced to separate from one another. They weren’t given a choice in the matter because they were so young. Almost immediately his sibling was adopted and he was placed in foster care, something that he hated with every fiber of his being. The foster family he lived with drove him absolutely crazy. They were diehard Catholics and always tried to enforce their views and religious values onto him, which he had no choice but to accept when he was growing up. As he grew older, the more they tried to force religion onto him, the more he rejected it. By the time he was twelve or thirteen years of age, he had already come to the conclusion that he would not follow through with any religion once he came of age. The idea of organized religion had already been tainted for him, and he no longer wanted anything to do with it anymore. Despite his conclusion that he wouldn’t affiliate himself with any religions anymore, his foster parents forced him to attend bible study, Sunday school and even made him participate in the church’s art classes for children. Although that was something he didn’t really mind in the slightest. Being a part of the church’s art class had somewhat revitalized the love he had for art when he was a little kid, and he found himself looking forward for church every Sunday, because that meant he got to do what he loved.
As soon as he turned eighteen, Teddy set off on his search for his younger sibling, wanting to find them and reconnect with them. His foster parents hadn’t allowed him to do so while he was growing up, but now that he was legal and officially out from under their thumb, he knew there was nothing they could do to stop him from looking for his lost sibling. His search for his kin led him to South Korea, where his parents grew up. Upon finding his sibling and reconnecting with them, he also fell in love with the country. It was the exact change of scenery that he needed and had given him a new incentive to continue on with his art. 
These days, Theodore works as a freelance artist and when he’s not making money doing commissions and projects for people here and there, he makes a living being a personal trainer. He hopes to someday kick off his career as a professional, full time artist, but until then, he’s happy having it as a side job and hobby.
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01. I cannot draw. 02. I have strange eating habits. 03. I am currently obsessed with someone/something. 04. I love tumblr. 05. I just ate a sandwich. 07. I was born in October. 08. I enjoy reading. 09. I am not on anti-depressants. 10. I bite my nails 11. I am in love with Johnny Knoxville. 12. I like English class. 13. I’ve lost my cell phone twice. 14. I hope someday I’ll find happiness. 15. I’m about 5′6″ 16. I like some sports. 17. I am quick witted. 18. I often stare into nothing. 19. I like board games. 20. I appreciate gratitude. 21. I can usually sleep even when I’m not tired. 22. I am too lazy. 23. I hate the smell of movie popcorn. 24. I constantly procrastinate. 25. I have never done hardcore drugs before. 26. I drink alcohol. 27. I wish I had better grades. 28. I love chocolate. 29. Stupid people amuse me. 30. I hate when people judge others without knowing them. 31. I love hot chocolate. 32. I like *some* all kids. 33. I hate cabbage. 34. I dress casually. 35. I am judgemental. 36. I don’t have a favorite television show. 37. I’m not a senior in high school. 38. I am single. 39. I go to ECR. 40. I like Garlic Bread. 41. I am an optimist. 42. I love summer. 43. I haven’t seen Marilyn Manson in concert. 44. I can be harsh. 45. It annoys me when people disrespect nature. 46. I am a hypocrite. 47. I wish i could vote in the 2008 presidential election. 48. I am trustworthy. 49. I wish I could play guitar or sing. 50. I want to get my hair cut. 51. The silence after a long discussion when you’re trying to think of what to say next is terrible. 52. I burn my own cds. 53. I am not passive. 54. The best thing about a guy is his personality. 55. I often put others before myself. 56. I hate it when I don’t understand what the lyrics of a song mean. 57. My mother is a fucking bitch. 58. I am currently smoke-free. 59. I’m half korean and half white. 60. Stupid people really confuse me. 61. I like showers. 62. I love surprises. 63. I’m not fond of confrontation. 64. Sometimes I laugh about absolutely nothing. 65. The known makes me uneasy. 66. I am perfectly comfortable with knowing that I will eventually die. 67. I hate cold showers. 68. I sometimes speak just to fill silence. 69. I am afraid of not having control over my future. 70. I wish I could visit New York. 71. I like to keep life exciting. 72. I have run into a tree. 73. I have walked into windows. 74. I like looking at and taking pictures. 75. I don’t know how to play pool. 76. My favorite sport to watch is basketball. 77. I learn song lyrics quickly. 78. I like candles. 79. I like school sometimes. 80. I am annoyed by phony people . 81. I have studied one language besides English in my life. 82. I don’t have a favorite color. 83. I am avoiding homework, thats why I am doing this. 84. I usually hold doors. 85. I have 1 sister. 86. I don’t like when people brag. 87. I had a bad camping experience. 88. I really want to find love. 89. I like people with a really good sense of humor. 90. I like taking my time, yet I’m impatient with others. 91. I was just on the phone. 92. I like color coordinating my clothes. 93. My hair is brown. 94. I have never dyed my hair. 95. I reminisce to myself a lot. 96. I am fond of Dave Matthews Band. 97. I don’t know who Saul Williams is. 98. I am not a needy person. 99. My bedroom is always messy. 100. I don’t like some fancy jewelry.
0 notes
alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
296 of 2023
01. I cannot draw. 02. I have strange eating habits. 03. I am currently obsessed with someone/something. 04. I love tumblr. 05. I just ate a sandwich. 07. I was born in October. 08. I enjoy reading. 09. I am not on anti-depressants. 10. I bite my nails 11. I am in love with Johnny Knoxville. 12. I like English class. 13. I’ve lost my cell phone twice. 14. I hope someday I’ll find happiness. 15. I’m about 5′6″ 16. I like some sports. 17. I am quick witted. 18. I often stare into nothing. 19. I like board games. 20. I appreciate gratitude. 21. I can usually sleep even when I’m not tired. 22. I am too lazy. 23. I hate the smell of movie popcorn. 24. I constantly procrastinate. 25. I have never done hardcore drugs before. 26. I drink alcohol. 27. I wish I had better grades. 28. I love chocolate. 29. Stupid people amuse me. 30. I hate when people judge others without knowing them. 31. I love hot chocolate. 32. I like *some* all kids. 33. I hate cabbage. 34. I dress casually. 35. I am judgemental. 36. I don’t have a favorite television show. 37. I’m not a senior in high school. 38. I am single. 39. I go to ECR. 40. I like Garlic Bread. 41. I am an optimist. 42. I love summer. 43. I haven’t seen Marilyn Manson in concert. 44. I can be harsh. 45. It annoys me when people disrespect nature. 46. I am a hypocrite. 47. I wish i could vote in the 2008 presidential election. 48. I am trustworthy. 49. I wish I could play guitar or sing. 50. I want to get my hair cut. 51. The silence after a long discussion when you’re trying to think of what to say next is terrible. 52. I burn my own cds. 53. I am not passive. 54. The best thing about a guy is his personality. 55. I often put others before myself. 56. I hate it when I don’t understand what the lyrics of a song mean. 57. My mother is a fucking bitch. 58. I am currently smoke-free. 59. I’m half korean and half white. 60. Stupid people really confuse me. 61. I like showers. 62. I love surprises. 63. I’m not fond of confrontation. 64. Sometimes I laugh about absolutely nothing. 65. The known makes me uneasy. 66. I am perfectly comfortable with knowing that I will eventually die. 67. I hate cold showers. 68. I sometimes speak just to fill silence. 69. I am afraid of not having control over my future. 70. I wish I could visit New York. 71. I like to keep life exciting. 72. I have run into a tree. 73. I have walked into windows. 74. I like looking at and taking pictures. 75. I don’t know how to play pool. 76. My favorite sport to watch is basketball. 77. I learn song lyrics quickly. 78. I like candles. 79. I like school sometimes. 80. I am annoyed by phony people . 81. I have studied one language besides English in my life. 82. I don’t have a favorite color. 83. I am avoiding homework, thats why I am doing this. 84. I usually hold doors. 85. I have 1 sister. 86. I don’t like when people brag. 87. I had a bad camping experience. 88. I really want to find love. 89. I like people with a really good sense of humor. 90. I like taking my time, yet I’m impatient with others. 91. I was just on the phone. 92. I like color coordinating my clothes. 93. My hair is brown. 94. I have never dyed my hair. 95. I reminisce to myself a lot. 96. I am fond of Dave Matthews Band. 97. I don’t know who Saul Williams is. 98. I am not a needy person. 99. My bedroom is always messy. 100. I don’t like some fancy jewelry.
0 notes
buffintruder · 5 years
my white professor of japanese language in society is not the worst person but sometimes she says things. and just. do you ever think about the implications of what you are saying
#also she the way she speaks often comes off a little condescending tone wise but i don't think she means it in a bad way and also i'm biased#but like she basically implied that a japanese person hating an american was the same as hating foreigners in general#i do not think a store in japan with a sign of 'no americans allowed' is great but there is a history there#the store owner could be a xenophobic nationalist bigot#but it's not the same as saying 'no koreans' or 'no foreigners' or whatever else#america did significant harm to japan not even a life time ago and the power dynamics are so completely different#also 'women in japan flock to white men' is so messed up do i have to explain it to you#i do not care if statistics back that up or not#just saying that contributes to the sexualization (and presumably assult though i don't know statistics) of asian women#in asia as well as america#you have a daughter who is half japanese and there is a fair chance that she's going to have to directly face those sentiments#also making all the people in the class who grew up with some amount of bilingualism share their experiences to monolingual people is iffy#like i love talking about myself but i also love having the ability to say#'no i do not wish to share deeply personal experiences and thoughts in a one sided discussion to a stranger'#like some of the questions she put up to give us a direction in the conversation included#something that ended in me talking about whether or not i hold any resentment toward my parents for not being raised fully bilingually#the answer i did not give to that was 'sort of but not really because actually deep down i blame myself and feel like a fake'#also 'do you want to raise your kids bilingually.' i know i won't have kids and this question still keeps me up at night#the people i talked with were super chill like 'sorry we're asking you these kind of invasive questions' and i didn't mind sharing but still#also sometimes the way she talks about interacting with asians in america gives off vaguely white savior-y vibes#i don't want to give off the impression that i'm suffering in class everyday#mostly it's fine and the topics in class are interesting and the people are cool#but also there is a lingering discomfort and sometimes i just want to scream#wow writing down all my frustrations and putting it somewhere other people can see it really does feel nice#personal post
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onyx66 · 3 years
𝕲𝖔𝖙𝖍 𝕶𝖎𝖉𝖘 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
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💀 Half-Korean on his biological mother’s side
💀 Victorian/Romantic goth. Sometimes a corp goth
💀 Wears a corset to go with his romantic goth look. This is why he’s got a small waist to snatch
💀 Has parental issues because his mom and dad argued frequently when he was a kid. In the end, they ended up getting a divorce that greatly impacts Michael
💀 Grew up hating his father and stepmom because they’re both conservative parents and he hates that his father was being an asshole to his mom
💀Even if he’s still angry at his real mom for leaving, Michael truly loves her and misses her deeply
💀 His father worries about him a lot and wonders where he had gone wrong with his parenting in the first place. His stepmother on the other hand is utterly disappointed in his behaviour
💀 Has average grades despite skipping class
💀 Other than gothic novels or Poe, he loves reading Russian literature
💀 Hates getting emotional. When he does, it’s a lot. He will literally have a mental breakdown
💀 Became a literature critic as an adult. He’s notorious for leaving one star reviews and harsh comments on the books he hate
💀Grew up to be a quite handsome man since he’s been blessed with his Korean mother’s beautiful genes and has grown into his nose as he got older
💀 Cat person
💀 Was a shy, quiet kid before he became goth. Then his parents divorce happened and he turned into a people hating introvert
💀 Demisexual
💀 Has trust/abandonment issues due to his parents separating
💀 Speaks Korean and Chinese
🖤 Sometimes cries himself to sleep
🖤 Does thrifting and DIY cuz his family isn’t well off but not as poor as Kenny
🖤 Is a HUGE fan of The Cure hence he gave himself that Robert Smith hairstyle when he grew older
🖤 Started listening to The Cure when he was five. His uncle would blast all of their songs on his boom box so Pete won’t get bored
🖤 When he heard Robert Smith came to South Park once to defeat Mecha Streisand, he freaked out
🖤 When he was getting bullied, he would sit in the corner and cry
🖤 Hates it when people assume he’s a closet emo
🖤 Appearance wise, he’s very soft. Has a baby face because of his soft facial angles and chubby cheeks. His body type is close to fat but isn’t as big as Henrietta
🖤 Is really lonely cuz his uncle isn’t home much
🖤 His parents died in a car crash when he was five so his uncle took him in since he’s the only relative Pete has left
🖤 Doesn’t remember his parents all too well but he gets sad at the thought of his parents dying
🖤 Has a decent relationship with his uncle but isn’t too close to him since he’s not home very often
🖤 Bi-curious
🖤 One time he found a dying baby bird and nursed it back to health
🖤 Has a soft spot for animals like Stan
🖤 Very cute when he pouts or smiles
🖤 Trad/ Deathrocker goth
🖤 Has a kitten sneeze
🖤 Works for the music industry as an adult because he’s been a big fan of music all his life, especially post punk
🖤 Hates it when people calls him cute
🦇 Worships Siouxsie Sioux
🦇 Loves reading about Salem witch trials in the 12th century
🦇 Listens to Deathrock and New Wave more than post punk
🦇 Natural hair colour is dark brown
🦇 Has been made fun of by most of the girls. Since then, she resented the slim, beautiful bleach blonde bimbos for bullying her but secretly wishes she wasn’t so fat. After she turned goth, she grew to love her own body
🦇 Hates her parents because they kept embarrassing her about her weight in front of other people and they kept on being cheerful and didn’t help her at all even when she’s being picked on.
🦇 Lesbian Henrietta ftw
🦇 Runs a hair salon during adulthood
🦇 She was afraid to try different alt styles because she thinks her friends will call her a poser after that emo incident. Now that she’s an adult, she finally has confidence to try any style she wants. Her style now is a mix between emo, goth and scene
🦇 The first mom of the group. The second mom is Michael.
🦇 Adopted a sphynx cat named Felix
🦇 Trad/witch goth
🦇 Loves reading about paganism but it doesn’t hold a candle to Satanism
🔪 Very intelligent and verbose for his age
🔪 Secretly loves Marilyn Manson even if he’s not goth
🔪 Has a big black fluffy cat named Knives and spoils the heck out of it
🔪 Knives is so big that Firkle was nearly crushed by it when he was a kid
🔪 Quotes Edgar Allan Poe and Shakespeare often
🔪 Writes the most poems and stories out of all the goth kids
🔪 Has transparent contact lenses that makes his pupils invisible. He joked about having ‘ghost eyes’ and he likes to wear them to scare the other kids
🔪 Has triple A’s: Agender, Asexual and Aromantic
🔪 Closet has black dresses and skirts cuz gender is a social construct
🔪 Loves dark wave the most
🔪 Talks about a lot of goth stuff to Ike on Twitter
🔪 They’re still friends as grown ups
🔪 Became a tattoo artist as an adult
🔪 Probably a serial killer
🔪 Other kids are afraid of how unconventional and creepy he is
🔪 His parents are decent but they don’t know how to deal with him. Sometimes they ended up neglecting him
🔪 Watches murder porn because his dad left it on one night and watched the whole episode out of curiosity. This also explains his morbid behaviour.
🔪 Loves watching serial killer/true crime documentaries
🔪 Loves Death Note and watches it with Michael. He believes the live action version deserves to be purged
🔪 Has a creepy stuffed bunny plushie he made himself
🔪 Mildly autistic
𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊
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emerald-notes · 2 years
Red Hope! - Part 2
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Specially requested by @lelewright1234. Hope you enjoy!
Note: This work is totally fictional and has nothing to do with BTS on real life. I mean no hate toward any person in particular. This plotline was requested. Though I personally hate bullies, I still believe there is hope for everyone.
Fandom: BTS Pairing: OT7 × OC (Leah) Warning: Bullies, heart condition, divorced parents, etc. Genre: Angst Summary: Leah’s little background check and the start of it all...
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 (Complete)
The name’s Leah and I’m 17 years old. Being born with a heart murmur and having a heart surgery as a baby, gave me the advantage of being spoiled by my whole family.
My parents were originally from Trinidad and Tobago. But I was born and grew up in America. Everything in my life was great until I reached 9 and my parents got divorced, leaving my safe haven being torn apart from the center.
I said my last goodbye to my father with tears on my face and moved with my mother to South Korea. She remarried a South Korean retired marine within a year. My step-father too, like my biological one, spoiled me with everything I wanted.
The main problem was outside my house, the people from the neighborhood. I was always considered an outsider. Being the only black girl in school was really tough for me, until my best friend, Nina joined.
Then there was this boy in class, Jungkook. At first, I considered him to be extremely shy. I really liked him and wanted to be friends. But it turned out to be a nightmare.
Jungkook took me to meet his group of some older boys from the neighborhood. The first meeting proved how wrong I was about Jungkook. He was the naughtiest kid I had ever encountered whenever he was in front of his hyungs.
Speaking of his hyungs, they were crazy as hell. They teased me with such mean comments I never expected on a first meeting. I was on the verge of tearing up when one of them, Namjoon, stopped the others and told me to go away.
Since then I tried my best to avoid them. Even during classes I would avoid sitting with Jungkook and talking with him. But they didn’t give up. It seemed like they really enjoyed bullying me. During breaks, they would all come to our class often to tease me or to make some remarks about me, making others laugh.
This continued, even after we got into high school. Seemed like they always had something new for me and they never got bored. I tried my best to avoid them. But at times, I would aggressively react to their behaviors making them shut up for some days, only for them to return with more jokes after.
I did ballet since I was 2. It was something like breathing to me. I didn’t love doing it, but it was a part of me anyway. I was taking ballet class where every now and then I bumped into Hoseok and Jimin. They also took dance classes. Mostly when they were alone, they would either ignore me or would try to talk nicely. But if they were together, they could make me wish I never took the classes in the first place.
The boys’ behaviors were really confusing sometimes. Most people assumed we were close friends, since we could be seen together in many places, though it was always them following me. Sometimes the boys would actually try to treat me nicely and then again went back to being their old selves.
So, this was a life I was used to. The teasing and hurtful comments they made about me was somehow bearable until at a point, it got worse and I slowly started to hate them.
But if I had to tell the truth, I pitied them more than I hated them. Here they were, seven very young boys, living together without any guardian. Who could teach them how to behave?
I felt like these boys lack the most important emotion it takes to be a human. The Bangtan Boys lack love.
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revenge-of-the-shit · 3 years
Writing Chinese characters set within Western worlds
If you don’t want to read it on tumblr, go check this out on medium or go follow me on instagram at @annessarose_writes!
Alright. You know what. I’ve seen plenty of stereotypes in fiction (and in social media) that are so incredibly pervasive I’ve seen many Chinese people within the western world internalize it themselves. So here’s a rough guide on writing Chinese characters in an English-speaking Western setting, written by me, a Chinese Canadian woman.
If you’re here to say something racist fuck off. Otherwise, welcome! This is not a comprehensive guide by any means. This is merely a brief overview based on my own experiences. My experience (as someone in North America) will differ from someone living in, say, Europe or South America. I’m not representative of every Chinese person because everyone’s experience is unique. So here were are.
1. Our names
Chinese names are usually written as follows: [family name] [name]. Let’s take a Canadian historical figure as an example: 黃寬先. In Chinese, it’s pronounced “Wong Foon Sien.” On Canadian documents — which are written [First name] [Last name], he’d be called “Foon Sien Wong.” He went by “Foon Sien” for most of his life. That’s his full “first name.” Nobody would call him Foon because that’s just half of his name (unless given permission). It’d be like meeting a stranger called Alex and calling them “Al” right off the bat. Sure, they could go by Al, but you don’t know that.
For those of us living in the Western world, some of us have both a Chinese name and an English name. In these cases, our Chinese name becomes our middle name in English (e.g. a character could be called John Heen-Gwong Lee).
For some people who immigrated to the Western world but were born in China, their legal name would be their Chinese name. Some choose to keep that name. Some choose an English name as their “preferred” name but keep their Chinese name on legal documents. It varies.
2. Parents & Stereotypes
There’s two stereotypes which are so pervasive I see it being used over and over in jokes even within Chinese (and, to a larger extent, asian) communities:
The [abusive] tiger mom and the meek/absent dad
Both parents are unreasonably strict/abusive and they suck
I have yet to see any fiction stories with Chinese parents where they’re depicted as kind/loving/supportive/understanding (if you have recommendations — please do send them my way). Not all Chinese parents are tiger parents. Chinese parents — like all parents — are human. Good god. YES, they’re human! YES, they have flaws! YES, they are influenced by the culture they grew up in!
That isn’t to say there aren’t parents like those tropes. There are. I know this because I grew up in a predominantly Chinese community where I had many a friend’s parent who was like this. Parents who compare their kids to the best kid in class. Parents who force kids into private lessons and competitions that the kid despises because the parents think it’s for the best. Parents who have literally called their kid a disappointment because they didn’t get 100%.
But please, also consider: there’s parents who support their child’s goals and who listen. Not all parents force their kid into the stereotypical trifecta of lawyer/doctor/engineer — I know of a good number who support their child in choosing the path they want. There’s parents who make mistakes and learn and try their best to support their child. So please, for the love of god, if you write a Chinese character, don’t reduce their parents to stereotypes.
3. Language & Learning
When I first read The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan, I was so excited to see a Chinese Canadian character in Frank Zhang. Finally, there was someone like me. Finally, there was representation in well-known western media.
While I do appreciate that RR added in Frank Zhang, it’s pretty obvious that he didn’t really know how to write a Chinese Canadian character. One of the most glaring examples: in The Son of Neptune, Frank reveals he can’t really read Chinese. In like, the next book (I think — it’s been a while since I read it), Frank is suddenly able to read Chinese because he “learned” it in two week’s time.
Nope. Nuh-uh. Learning Chinese is a pain, let me tell you. There’s thousands of different characters and it is something you need to devote a lot of time to learning (especially if you’re progressed past the best childhood years for learning a language). So if you’re writing about a Chinese character living in the western world, here’s what you need to know:
A character who was born and raised in the western world does not necessarily know how to read/write in Chinese.
If they were raised by their own family, the character would very likely know how to speak their own dialect. They’d be able to understand the language used in movies/TV and they sound like a native speaker, but they may not know how to use language outside of certain contexts (the term for this is heritage speaker).
They probably went to Chinese school. They probably hated it. Chinese school is usually universally hated and does not teach you jack shit other than a hatred for the place and a vague memory of learning how to read the language without actually retaining knowledge of what you learned.
Most of my friends who know how to read/write in Chinese learned from tutors, parents, or were born in China.
There’s two main types of written Chinese: Traditional (used by Cantonese speakers) and Simplified (used by Mandarin speakers).
There are MANY other dialects (which I don’t know much about). The most common ones are Mandarin (usually spoken by people from the mainland), then Cantonese (usually spoken by people from Hong Kong).
4. Fitting into the community
Usually, the story is one of two things: they’re the only Asian kid in the entire school, or they grew up in a predominantly East Asian community. Things to consider for both of these when you’re writing:
Growing up the only Asian kid
They’re “that Asian kid.” They’re different. They walk into a class and feel weird and out of place.
They bring food from home (usually ethnic cuisine) to school. Other classmates stare at it, make fun of it, demand what that strange food is.
“Where are you from?” “Here.” “No, like, where are you really from?”
“Your name is funny.”
People literally never getting the character’s name right.
And that horrible, horrible feeling: wishing that they were white so they could avoid all of this.
Growing up in a predominantly East Asian community
It’s not uncommon for Chinese cuisine to mix with other east Asian cuisines. For special occasions (or just for a casual night out), your character could very well go out to get some sushi, or go for some KBBQ, or get some Vietnamese noodles.
Screaming “AIYAA” at/with their friends unironically if they’re annoyed (I’ve done this a lot with Cantonese friends. Less so with Mandarin friends).
Slipping into Chinese for like, two words, during a mostly-English conversation to talk about food or some other topic that can’t be adequately conveyed in English.
Reading books by white authors and learning about white history and growing up thinking white names, white books, and white history is the norm and standard even though the community is surrounded by East Asian people.
When the character leaves this community, there’s a brief culture shock when they realize how sheltered they’ve been.
Things in common for both of these:
The character has grown up on ethnic cuisine. Yes, Chinese people do eat rice with many of our meals. Yes, boba (bubble) tea is extremely popular. No, rice isn’t the only thing we eat. No, not all Chinese people love boba (though as a Chinese person I admit this sounds sacrilegious to say…)
The character likely grew up watching film/TVthat originates from East Asia. It’s not uncommon to watch Studio Ghibli films. It’s not uncommon to watch Japanese or Korean shows with canto/mando dub (examples: Ultraman, Kamen Rider). If you want to see a classic Chinese film from Hong Kong that’s fucking hilarious, watch Kung Fu Hustle.
The character has felt or been told that they’re “too westernized to be Chinese, but too Chinese to fit into the western world.” They’re torn between the two.
5. General portrayal
It’s quite simple, really. We’re human. We’re regular people. We have regular hobbies like all people do. We’re good at some subjects and bad at others. We have likes and dislikes like all people do. So here’s a list of stereotypes you can avoid.
The character is a maths whiz and perfect at all things STEM.
The character is a straight-A+ gifted/IB/AP student.
The character is the next coming of Mozart and is amazing at piano/violin.
The character’s free time is spent only studying.
The character is insanely good at martial arts.
The character is either meek and submissive or an explosive, dangerous force.
I’m not going to mention the other stereotypes. You know, those ones. The really obvious ones that make fun of and demonize (sometimes through multiple untruths) how we look and how we live our lives. You should know.
Of course, there are people who fit into one or more of these. That’s not the point. The point is: molding all Chinese characters to these stereotypes (which white media tends to do) is harmful and reductionist. We’re more than stereotypes.
6. Conclusion
We need more diversity in portrayal of Chinese characters. Reducing us into one-dimensional caricatures has done nothing but harm us — look at what’s happening now. This guide is by no means comprehensive, but I hope it has helped you by providing a quick overview.
If you want to accurately portray Chinese characters, do your research. Read Chinese fiction. Watch Chinese films/TV. Initiate a conversation with the community. Portray us accurately. Quit turning us into caricatures.
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