#and me having watched this film backwards and forwards am going ‘… you taking the piss?’
daincrediblegg · 8 months
Marvel movie quip humor is going to make the class I’m taking on comedy a living hell isn’t it
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cloud9in · 4 years
Animal Control  (Mc x Poppy)
Summary: Bea decides to buy Poppy a gerbil but it doesn’t go well...A whole bunch of chaos ensues and maybe some hands thrown? Includes Chloe and Veronica. 
Notes: Yeah this is the most chaotic thing my mind has come up with. I hope you enjoy and laugh. It’s FLUFF, and a little angst.
Word Count: 2.4k 
Tags: @samanthadalton @clowneryme @somewillwin @baexpoppy @zigxryanz @uselesslesbianfr @aleiramacaii (sorry if I missed you or if you want to be added to Poppy tags lemme know)
It would be an understatement if I said that the whole world could hear Poppy right now.
Bea, wanting to be a good girlfriend, went out and bought a special gift for the blonde. But it definitely got a reaction she wasn’t hoping for. 
Bea watched as Poppy jumped onto the bathroom sink as a little critter ran across the floor. It wasn’t really a critter though, just a cute little fat animal thing that Bea thought Poppy would gush over. “CHLOE CALL ANIMAL CONTROL”
....she wasn’t hoping for that response either. 
“Pops! Okay okay I’ll get him it’s okay. He won’t hurt you. Well-“
“Well he might give you a little nibble BUT that’s COMPLETELY normal and-“
 Their voices started to boom through the Zeta House as Veronica and Chloe rushed up the stairs and straight into the commotion. The scene before them was utterly shocking in a sense. The blonde stood on the counter, her foot nearly in the sink as she hugged the wall and squeezed her eyes shut...and seemed to be praying to herself? Bea, on the other hand, stood on all 4s as she looked under the cabinet. The Zeta girls glance at each other and then back at the couple as they try to process what was happening. “....So is either one of you going to explain or are we going to-“
 Bea jumped at the new voice in the room, hitting her head on the edge of the cabinet. “Ow!” Veronica bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing as Chloe turned away to hide the grin on her face. Poppy opened her eyes, too distracted to notice Bea wince and rub her head. She peers around the bathroom, breathing a sigh of relief when she doesn’t spot the little gremlin crawling about. The blonde notices her friends standing by the door and her face flushes impossibly red as they watch her from down below. Real nice Poppy, they definitely envy you right now. Is that a new yoga pose you’re doing right now? I don’t think your foot belongs there. 
 She clears her throat and steps down from the counter. “Chloe didn’t you hear me? I said to call animal control there is a rabid pest in the house.” Poppy shoots Bea an annoyed look, and all the brunette could do was stand there and shrug her shoulder sheepishly. Poppy didn’t expect Chloe to full on panic but now there was another blonde running around the room hysterically. Chloe shrieks and whispers to herself, “oh my god a pest?! What if it lays eggs, or what if people hear about this?” She turns towards Poppy and gasps, “do we have to call the terminator?!” Bea blinks in confusion until it hits her, “termin-? wha...OH!” She spins until she faces her girlfriend, “NO! Don’t you dare call the exterminator! It’s a gerbil for crying out loud, it doesn’t deserve that-” Chloe begins to laugh and points an accusing finger at Bea, “it wouldn’t be here in the first place if you stopped coming in here smelling like a farm.”
 The brunette does a double take at the dumb blonde, “EXCUSE ME?!” She takes a deep breath and pinches the top of her nose to calm down, “...Chloe do you even know what a gerbil is?”
 “Oh I’ll tell you what it is! GONE! It’s leaving now Bea.” Poppy stomps in between the two girls with a deadly expression. Poppy was definitely not going to hold either one of them back if they started fighting. The hell does she look like doing that? But they were definitely not going to damage anything in her room so enough was enough. Bea glances at Poppy and can feel her starting to get more pissed off. She should stop, she should definitely stop. Maybe because she doesn’t actually know where said gerbil is…and Poppy would erase her entire existence off of this planet if Bea ever told her that. 
 Chloe looks over at Bea and can tell that she’s starting to back down. “Oooh aren’t you a nice pet, obeying your girlfriend. Where did all of your self respect go?” A cat-like grin slowly appears on the blonde’s face as Bea’s jaw slackens in shock. 
“You’re one to talk bitch! How about I get rid of you while I’m at it.”
“Oh bring it pig girl!-”
 Both girls close in on each other as Poppy is sent sprawling back on her ass. She sits there in complete shock and blinks a couple times to refocus.
 Veronica, still standing by the door, takes no effort in trying to stop the cat fight happening in front of her. In fact she sneaks away to grab her phone and starts filming the whole thing. Perfect for some blackmail later. And well she could probably get paid a lot to sell this video. Thank you Poppy for your glorious last name. 
 Okay now you’re probably wondering where the gerbil comes in to play? We’re getting there, just wait…
 Bea and Chloe tumble into Poppy’s walk in closet as one tries to gain the upper hand. To Bea’s shocking surprise, the blonde knows how to throw hands. But the brunette more so wanted to pin her down instead of actually hitting her, she knows that won’t end well for either of them. 
 Poppy stares at Veronica filming them in all sorts of angles. How did she even get up on that shelf?  She rolls her eyes with irritation, already feeling a headache forming. The screaming match on the other side of the room was not helping either. All the blonde wanted was to have a peaceful spa day and try her new Glossier vitamin skincare mask, and maybe have a nice lunch with Bea. This was definitely going to leave some wrinkles. Poppy sighed heavily and tried to stand up, but a flash of little legs ran across the floor a few feet from where she sat, and she felt her heart stop. Poppy shut her eyes, hoping and praying that it isn’t what she thinks it is, and to her awful surprise it was most definitely the gerbil. One second of silence passes before Poppy lets out the most horrific, high pitched scream known to man. It was serious enough that Veronica stepped down from the shelf and Bea loosened her grip on Chloe’s hair. The adrenaline hit Poppy so hard as she sprinted out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind her, and lunging into the closet where the other girls stood like deers in headlights. Bea quickly approaches her girlfriend, partly terrified and partly concerned. 
 “I just saw it! The- the fiend. It’s in the bathroom still. Just get rid of it Bea please..”
 Poppy cowers in the corner trying to cover herself with faux fur coats and whatever she could find that makes her feel less exposed. The girls just stood and watched her, all sharing confused glances. Poppy loved animals, but she never signed up for rodents as well. This meant a serious talk with Bea after everything settled down. 
The brunette sighs with a little bit of relief at Poppy’s words, “Oh atleast you found it, I thought I lost him for good..”
 The blonde turns so fast it almost makes Bea dizzy. Her face goes pale as Poppy doesn’t break eye contact with her, “ You...what?! You lost it?!” 
 “Poppy that’s really not what we should focus on right now-”
 “If you couldn’t tell...I am losing my mind right now Bea.” She gestures wildly to the mismatched outfit on her body and her tangled locks.  “If we don’t capture this animal and RETURN. IT.” She takes one menacing step towards everyone, “none of you will leave alive, got it?” 
 Okay Poppy is scary, i’ll admit it. 
 Bea exhales nervously and looks at Chloe, and Chloe looks at Veronica who is holding a camera in her face, completely unfazed. Chloe scoffs with disbelief, swatting the phone out of her face, “Really V?! This is not the time for that.”
 The vlogger just kept filming with a shameless smirk painted on her face, “Or what? You’ll fight me too?”
 Before anything could progress again, Bea intervenes even while trying to catch her breath. “Okayyy, lets not do this. Can we just work together and catch the gerbil so Poppy can act normal again?” The brunette laughs internally because she knows that her girlfriend is probably staring directly into her soul, but she doesn’t look. She could not imagine herself fighting Poppy, even though they technically did in the water fountain once, but that was more like a fever dream and she found it kinky, anyways… Bea took the lead and headed straight for the door to the bathroom, preparing herself for the quick little monster. 
“Do we not have a secure plan for this? Just gonna open the door and hope for the best?” Chloe huffs out. And if Bea was being honest, that was the most sensible thing she had said all day.That girl was full of surprises. “I’m not scared of him like ya’ll. He is just very quick and I don’t want to lose him again.” 
 “Listen, I don’t care what you guys are or aren’t. I am still standing by what I said earlier...and I guess I will help as well.” It was already embarrassing how Poppy had acted before, but the blonde wanted to save the last of her dignity and so she stood in the far back, offering to be the last minute captor if anything went wrong. Bea was grateful that she didn’t appear to be very mad at her, but she wasn’t a fool. Still, it was better to be in trouble than dead, in some ways. The brunette braced herself and counted to three before swinging the door open and lunging to the floor immediately. Too bad the gerbil was too quick for Bea and it ran between her legs. She grunted with frustration before tripping backwards and knocking right into Chloe, who fell back onto Veronica like a freaking domino effect. The room erupted into screams as Poppy unwillingly ran forward and grabbed the rodent by its tail and lifted it into the air, hundreds of feets away from her body of course. “I got it! I got it!...Now what do I do, Bea?!!” 
 “Okay! okay calm down...and slowly bring it towards me. That’s it you got it..” Bea cautiously steps towards Poppy and holds her hands out to catch it if things went awry. Poppy stood frozen with fear and shock, still not registering that there was a gerbil scrambling wildly and hanging from her fingers but she pushed the dread away and successfully placed it into Bea’s hands. Mission freaking accomplished. The room visibly sighed with relief after Bea placed the animal back into his cage but Poppy could only stare at her fingers in horror. She’d need to exfoliate it maybe twice, get a new manicure, a skin peel maybe, or just some new skin honestly. 
After the chaos had settled down and Poppy finally scrubbed herself clean, she walked back into her room and saw Bea lazily playing with the gerbil in his cage. If she wasn’t so creeped out by the rodent, the blonde would almost think this view was very sweet. Bea noticed her immediately and sat up with a guilty expression. “Pops...If I had known that you’d react like that I would have never even thought about buying him. It was a stupid decision really and I should’ve made sure you were okay with it first.” There goes Bea again with her puppy eyes and charming choice of words. Poppy sighs internally, already feeling like an asshole. She sits next to Bea and rubs her knuckles soothingly, “Well yeah it was pretty stupid…” The brunette raises an eyebrow amusingly. “But...you couldn’t have known, and I thought it was really sweet that you’d want to surprise me like that. Usually I’m the one buying gifts for others.” Bea sits up straighter feeling a little overwhelmed but wraps her arms around Poppy’s waist, leaning her head on her shoulder. They sat in comfortable silence until the brunette spoke up again, her voice nearly a whisper, “...does this mean we get to keep him?”
 The blonde scoffs loudly but glances over at the cage, her eyes softening just a little bit. She looks down at her girlfriend who seems to have been watching her this whole time. Poppy feels her face start to heat up but for all the right reasons. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to having one of...those. But if you really want me to try then I will.” It was definitely worth it to see Bea’s face beam with joy, she kisses Poppy on the cheek with excitement, “Babe you won’t regret it! And.. if it doesn’t work out then we can always give him a better home okay?” The blonde watches her girlfriend’s eyes sparkle brightly and she can’t help but mirror her smile,“Okay”.
 Bea reaches for the cage and sets it on her lap. She doesn’t take the gerbil out just yet, wanting Poppy to get comfortable with it in her presence. She watches different stages of emotions make its way across the blonde’s face before she relaxes. Poppy looks at her and speaks gently, “have you decided on a name yet?”
 “Well I was hoping we could come up with one together, but after what happened today maybe he can be called….terminator?” 
 Poppy rolls her eyes so far back but lets out a soft laugh, her hair falling softly onto her cheek. When she doesn’t feel Bea brush the strands away she does it herself and watches as Bea observes the little creature. “Okay I change my mind, you’re giving him more attention than me.” The brunette looks up with a sheepish smile but can only stare at Poppy’s loving but teaseful gaze. Of course she has to be a smartass though, “actually did you know that gerbils require your attention on a daily basis, and can develop strong relationships with their owners? Almost sounds like you.” Bea feels the punch in her side before she can see it and pretends to howl in pain. It doesn’t seem to faze poppy though as she smirks at her victim, “keep that up and you will be sleeping in the cage with him.”
 “Oh so you want to lock me up huh?” Bea bites her lip mischievously as she leans into kiss Poppy. Before things can heat up they hear a groan coming from the door. “Ughhh! Of course it had to turn sexual.” Veronica stood with her phone in her hand filming, and a hand over her eyes.
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Kinktober - Day 5
Ok so, second Sterek instalment. Good stuff.
Originally posted on AO3.
xoxo Lexi
“I don't think anyone is really taking this seriously”, Stiles comments, stepping over a tree trunk with the same grace Derek has just showed. Exactly the same. He flays around his arms a tid bit but apart from that? They could be mistaken for the same person.
Derek twists around and goes to help him. “Are you?”.
“Well, considering who thought about this you're damn right I am”.
The treasure hunt was Lydia's idea, a way to build in-pack relationships and create a more stable net of connections among them. If Stiles thinks her intention was to simply prove again to everyone else who's the smartest in the pack—he's certainly not going to tell anyone, he's not suicidal. And that's exactly the same reason he's taking this (honestly a bit ridiculous) relationship building exercise seriously. Or as seriously as he can take it, anyway.
“Lydia scares you?”.
“Of course she does! Doesn't she scare you?”.
“Oh, I'm terrified of her”, Derek answers with a frown. “And she's tiny”.
Stiles laughs, dried leaves crunching underneath his sneakers. “Don't let her hear you”.
“She's not a werewolf”. A small shrug. “Jackson is the only one around and he's at least a mile away”.
As they walk in silence, the only noise around them being their footsteps thudding on the ground, Stiles finally finds some appreciation for the quietness of the preserve. Being here with Derek, letting their shoulders and fingers brush against each other after the messy few weeks they've had with threats in the supernatural world feels comfortable and surreal. And probably it's his leftover-teenage hormones speaking but he can't wait for this treasure hunt to end so Derek and he can run off to his room and blow off some steam. Or blow off something else. That does sound like a plan.
His dad would not come back until later that night, probably after dinner, and that'd give them – Stiles calculates quickly in his mind – five hours to get funky, to jelly roll. Scrog a bit and schtupp together. To take old one eye to the optometrist. To play hide the salami. To dip Derek's cookie in Stiles glass of milk. Numerous times, if the werewolf's refractory period gives any clue. They could start small; make out on Stiles bed and test the sturdiness of the frame – which they've already done, by the way and sneaking out a broken bed slat out of the Sheriff's home is not as easy as it might sound. Which doesn't sound easy. At all. So one can only imagine the uncomfortable conversation he's had to have with Mrs Wunderby from across the road – and then get rid of their clothes because Stiles is a selfless person and Derek's body is something that needs to be cherished and admired. Keeping it clothed would be like...like clipping wings off of a mighty eagle. Or shut down the Smithsonian. It'd have that much of a cultural backfire. It'd be immoral.
So Stiles would take Derek's clothes off and admire that chest of his, all wide and muscly and warm and furry in a sexy way. He'd dip his hand down to follow the line of hairs to his navel, go over it and open his jeans because if unclothing Derek's chest is a cultural aid for the entire state of California, than the sight of his cock is a spiritual experience.
Derek Hale is big. Not impossibly big – Stiles is sure he doesn't live in one of those ridiculous stories people read with enhanced and horse-sized dicks – but nevertheless he's...gifted. Must have something to do with those werewolf genes of his and if that's the case, dear Mother Nature, wolves are a gift to them all. What turns on Stiles though it's not just the size of his shaft – still has a pretty high place in the list of 'Reasons why Derek Hale is a gift from the gods and Stiles is grateful he's his boyfriend' – it's the utter difference there is between the two of them. And that's not a euphemism about his own cock, Stiles is pretty content with his genitals, no complaints there. No, that's not it at all.
Stiles still remember when he recognised what the issue was and he probably has to thank Erica for that.
“You're such a twink, Stiles”, she had said once during their weekly coffee meetings and Stiles has seen enough gay porn after his surprising epiphany in high school to know what a 'twink' is. He's not oblivious, or his name would've been Scott McCall.
He had tried to deny that in front of his salted caramel frappuccino but as usual Erica had her own arguments. “You are, Stiles. You and Derek are literally the epitome of a bear-twink relationship”.
And God, was she right.
The werewolf might be only slightly taller than him but his presence is mightier, his shoulders wider and his arms definitely bigger. Stiles always feels dwarfed every time he's in close proximity with Derek and he does not complaint about that. Not. One. Bit. Dude can pick him up without breaking a sweat and fuck him against the wall as if he weighted less than a baked potato with bacon sprinkles on top. Jeez, those are good times. Hot times. As in Death Valley hot.
Surely they can do something like that today. There are so many options to spend five hours sexing up a werewolf Stiles gets a bit dizzy sometimes: this is literally his teenage dream, with no skinny jeans on and a comfy mattress instead of bedsheets forts in a motel room. Take that Katy Perry.
“What? Whassup?”, he asks turning to look at Derek.
Who is currently staring angrily at him. He seems pretty pissed actually, if Stiles has to tell the truth. Unfortunately he thought he had left all those annoyed stares and growled words in the past so this is turning out to be a shocking turn of events. In a not-so-sexy way.
“Uhm...Der? Everything okay?”.
Green eyes seems to struggle to not turn bright blue, flashing dangerously between the two shades. “Where's your head at?”.
Okay, this does seem like a trick question. Lydia taught me about this sort of things. “On my...shoulders?”.
Derek does not seem impressed. “You smell—you're stinking up the place”.
“Oh. Sorry”, he mutters self-consciously.
He thought Derek liked his smell. Sometimes he also finds him with his face deep into his own pillow when he comes back from the bathroom after Derek spends the night; or he would dip his nose along Stiles' neck while they're watching a film on the were's laptop in his apartment. When they're in public and Stiles thinks about sexy-times-ensuring things Derek always can smell him and he gets this intense expression that almost resembles his old…
Oh. Oh.
“Yeah”, Derek agrees tightly as he steps forward. “Oh”.
“I think—I think my head is not taking this, uh. This treasure hunt as seriously as before, big guy”.
One step forward. “Really now?”.
“Mmh-mm”. Stiles steps back. “I mean. Can you blame me?”.
“I don't know. We were just talking about Jackson”. Another step.
Urgh. “Let's not mention him, deal?”. Last step backwards and Stiles' back hits the thick trunk of a tree. “I really don't wanna think about him and sex together. That's just plain wrong”.
He can see a gleam of amusement and coyness as Derek stops in front of him, face just inches away from Stiles'. “Oh, is that what you were thinking about? Sex?”.
“Uh, duh. I was thinking about, you know, when this stupid treasure hunt is other and we can go back to mine and the fact that my dad is going to be out for at least five hours – I know, I counted them – and we could, you know. Get some stankie on hang down—”.
“God, Stiles”. Derek's face scrunches up horrified. “No”.
“No? You don't like that? Okay, how about I ride your flagpole?”.
“Storm the cotton gin”.
“Hit a home run”.
“Sorry!”, he says with a small smile at Derek's exasperation. “Thought you'd appreciate the baseball reference. But another thing I was thinking was—”.
Derek glares at him. “I swear to God, Stiles. If you say one more—”.
“—you said Jackson is at least a mile away and we're all alone now”. Stiles looks down bashfully and hooks his finger in Derek's waistband. “And who knows when this awful thing is going to end. Might not have time when we get home”. Looking up from under his eyelashes he smirk a bit. “We could save time and...do this. Now. Here”.
 He sees a shiver running up Derek's arms just before they're placed on the tree caging his head. “You want to do it here?”.
“Yes”, he whispers.
“Yeah”. A breath and a whimper.
He has enough time to think about the possibilities when a mouth descends on him and sharp, human teeth bite his lower lip, pulling reverently before nipping it. Stiles gasps when Derek's body presses up against his through the many, too many layers of clothes they're currently wearing. Derek takes that opportunity to slip his tongue between the other's lips, teasing the wet muscle and probing the mouth with deep, hungry movements.
“Lydia's—shit. Lydia's going to be so angry”, Stiles weakly comments before moaning as Derek's hips press against his, trapping him between his warm, strong body and the cold trunk behind him.
“Do you care?”.
“Fuck no”.
He snakes his hands underneath Derek's t-shirt, revelling in the heat of his olive skin, the softness of his hairs and the hardness of his muscles. One of the wolf's thighs gets between his own, providing some blessed friction for Stiles' awakening cock. He rubs himself against Derek, feeling the need to open his legs for him and the sensation of emptiness is starting to get too uncomfortable to be ignored as they're kissing. He's never been an exhibitionist (he thinks, though he's discovering all kinds of kinks in his relationship with Derek) but the idea of having the wolf inside him, right here and now in the middle of the preserve with the afternoon light out still, the terrifying possibility of the pack finding them out—it seems to be exciting in all the wrong ways.
“Derek”, he sighs, lips sensitive from beard burn. “I need—God—I need you to—to fuck me. Like. Yesterday”.
Derek's mouth descends on his neck and at the deep inhale of his arousal Stiles shivers, feeling like the teenager he used to be five years ago. “We don't have anything”.
AH! With a dramatic flourish – probably more ridiculous than dramatic. If only that Sourwolf would stop doing what he was doing with his mouth on his ne—oh. Oh, that's nice – Stiles takes out his phone from his back pocket and slips off the case. “Speak for yourself”. The small packet of KY seems to shine in their eyes, a little lost treasure, their own small miracle. “I think I have a rubber in my wallet as well”.
“Have you always had lube inside your phone case?”, Derek asks with a shocked expression. “And do we need a condom?”.
“Don't want to leak all over my underwear. Especially not around a pack of werewolves, thank you very much”. Stiles takes out a wrapper from his wallet and hands it to Derek before he resumes touching underneath the other's shirt. “And the answer is yes. From the moment we've started dating”.
They kiss, lips open and sharing breath. “Nice to know”.
“We need to—god—”. An aimed thrust sends shivers up his legs. “Derek—we need to move”.
He gets one of his hands down, slipping in the tight fit of Derek's jeans and the hard, big cock he touches through his underwear makes him moan and spread his legs as he leans back to push his hips outward. Stiles has touched it an endless number of times yet every time seems like a new experience, a new discovery.
At Stiles' touch Derek exhales, relieved and aroused. Those lean, slender fingers massage his cock with experienced motions and the grip they use after teasing it into full firmness is heaven for Derek's spurred mind. It doesn't matter if they're in the middle of the woods with a pack of werewolves only a mile away and probably listening in, the Beta can't help but await impatiently to be inside Stiles body and thrust into that heated tightness in abandonment. Maybe there's a part of him – the wild wolf that seems to constantly seek out freedom and nature – that is turned on exactly by that fact; the possibility of being found out while collecting his prize and marking his territory, his mate in the open.
The moment their jeans are undone and their erections brush against each other, Derek grabs Stiles slim hips and turns him quickly but not violently, his cheek now resting on the roughness of the bark and ass pushed back to rub on the wolf's cock. There's only their erratic panting for what feels like ages as Derek rips the lube open and then, “God, Der—Fuck me already”.
“I'm not gonna hurt you, Stiles. Especially not out here”.
“Then shove your fingers in me!”, he cries out turning at an odd angle to plead the wolf with his eyes. “Please, I need you inside. Right now. Please”.
Derek wants that. Oh, he so wants that. And from around that pale, sinewy body he can see Stiles' red dick skim slightly against the trunk of the tree. It can't be comfortable nor pleasurable and even though Stiles seems to have other things in his mind, Derek pulls his hips back a bit more to put more space between the delicate part and the pine husk. He doesn't spend much time warming up the lube and the moment his forefinger touches the puckered hole in front of him he sees Stiles jerk up before quickly settling down again. He prepared him as swiftly and efficiently as standing in the preserve half-naked would allow, Stiles moans and whimpers accompanying each thrust of his fingers.
“Please. Please, just fuck me. Just fuck me, Der”.
Through his lust-fogged mind Stiles hears Derek opening the condom wrapper and sigh deeply as he rolls it on. He wants to reach behind him and touch his shaft, feel the girth of it and its size. Wrap his fingers around it and when noticing he can't fit it all in one hand envelope it with his other one as well. He wants to feel its thickness opening him up, make him almost worry he's gonna split in two.
The first few inches are painful, they always are: Derek might not be overworldly big but he's certainly packing down there and every time he slips inside Stiles needs to relax, bear down and bite his lip until the head is in. It's what happens now, particularly because it's not the most convenient place to have sex despite the packet of lube and the arousal he gets from being so exposed to the elements. After the head is in though...that's when Stiles can remind himself why he craved it so much in the first place. Derek is inside him balls deep and at Stiles' nod he starts to move, thrust in and out. In and out. It's slow at first, careful but they do need to be quick in this situation. The aim is a bit off, the head of the hard cock pounding him simply caresses his prostate in the most heavenly torture sending abortive shivers up from his toes, shocking through his hips and reaching the tip of his own erection like an electric shock. Each thrust, each withdrawal forces moan after moan from his mouth, noises he can't control. Mumbling reaches his ears and with a small sense of amazement he notices it's him.
It's not the best sex they've had but Jesus if it's not the hottest. Derek's hand gripping his hips in a tight hold, his puckered hole contracting around the fat shaft sliding inside and out of him in pure abandonment. Derek slides closer, t-shirt covered chest shaping around Stiles' back, and the slight change of angle causes the wolf to groan in the brunet's ear. It's a sound so primal, so inborn in Derek that Stiles needs to close his eyes not to come right in that moment.
He's so close, though. So close. After getting used to Derek being inside of him without a barrier the rubber desensitises the feeling of being fucked a bit but it's not totally unpleasant; it's smoother and easier. Stiles doesn't know if it's the build-up, the idea of being out here in the forest in broad daylight or Derek's fat, big cock beating into him but he's about to come. He spreads the legs as wide as he can manage with the jeans around his knees and he almost brings his hands back to grab his cheeks and expose himself even further. He doesn't. He needs an anchor and right now the roughness of the bark on his fingertips, under his nails is the thing that keeps him grounded.
“Oh, my God. Der—Derek. Oh, God. Fuck me. Please, fuck me”.
“I am. Shit. You're gripping me so tight”.
“What if—oh, fuck. What if they see us? What if they find us?”.
Stiles senses Derek breath itch next to his ear. “Let them. You're mine. Let them see”.
Oh. My. God. Possessiveness is certainly a kink he didn't know he had. “Say that again”.
“You're mine. Let them see, I don't care. I want them to see. I want them to see you're mine”.
Oh God. Oh God, oh Godohgodohgod.
The orgasm hits him like a blinding light. His back snaps and he arches with the force of it, his cock pulsating and trembling as his cum sprays white on the dark bark. It's seemingly artistic in an erotic way. His insides constrict around Derek and through the condom he can feel his rod vibrate as his thrust become irregular. Slower. Deeper. He misses the sensation of Derek's come hitting his walls but he guesses they still have five hours if they leave now.
“Derek—shit”, Stiles pants out after they both regain their breaths, cheek still against the tree and hips still held by Derek.
“Who would've thought? Public sex is hot”.
“What the fuck guys?!”.
They both jump at the disgusted shout from behind them, Isaac currently standing there dumbstruck, hand on his eyes. “I'm gonna need bleach”.
Yeah. Maybe not as hot around a pack of werewolves.
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malethirsty · 4 years
Male Crow Eater: Tig Trager
Summary: As Charming Cinemas opens with a mattinee of Smokey & The Bandit, you plan on inviting SAMCRO as your plus group, however Tig has a plan of his own.
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Bareback (Wrap Before You Tap!), Vouyerism
Inspired by: https://twitter.com/MaleThirst/status/1201339860633571334
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After what seemed like a long time of work, the final stages of building Charming Cinema had arrived, which is a big time for any constructor as you gazed out at the finished work with SAMCRO all next to you to celebrate “Good work man.” Jax said to you & the club murmured it’s approval “At least your asshole boss will stop hassling you about us now.” Tig snarked “Well he’s gonna get a shock on Grand Opening day.” “Why’s that doll?” Tig asked intrigued, “As a thank you, we get to invite people this weekend, the mattinee is Smokey & The Bandit, and I” “We’re in, whatever it is, we’re in.” Tig proclaimed, causing you to smirk “Was wondering if ya’ll would like to be my invite, I can put it under ‘Teller-Morrow Workers’ so he won’t know it’s you guys, you need to keep you kutte’s out of sight though.” “Seems fair enough.” Jax looked to his brotherhood and asked “All in favour of being Y/N’s date to the Charming Cinema opening say I.” “I” the orher members spoke in unison all raising their hands “That settles it.” Jax said “When do you need us.” “It actually starts at midnight that day, so you all would be up, we get the day off as other people are coming in to make sure things are up and working, so I’ll be at the Clubhouse picking out suits and shit for you guys.” “Deal.” Said Jax leaning in for a kiss to seal the deal, with much wolf whistling from the crowd. “Not right now, I need to head back, but I’ll see you later.” SAMCRO waves you off, before Tig turned to the group “So tonight I’m gonna get Y/N to give me a run through of the place, here’s what we’re gonna do.”
A few days passed where final procedures were put into place. You went over to the clubhouse to get everyone’s measurements for their suits, everyone was cooperative, apart from Tig who asked you for the floorplan. You eventually gave it to him, wondering why he wanted to know “Don’t worry about it doll.” He grinned and winked at you, making you wonder about what he could pull, as Tig was often the most daring SAMCRO member.
The night before the opening finally arrived, and you were brimming with excitement at the product finally being shown off. You had rented out a limo for the club so they could arrive in style and piss off your boss with how formal they were. “I still don’t understand why we can’t scare him with our bikes.” Juice said “I’d love to, but it’s opening night procedure and I have to set an example, after tomorrow, you can rock up and vroom your engine to scare him, but doing it tonight would set people on edge.” “He’s right, we can be formal for one night, right guys?” Jax asked to a murmur of ascent. Things went smoothly after that, you made it to the confectionary stand with no problems with Ratboy being designated on carrying everyone’s snacks and then passing them out so you got your Ice cream and Popcorn to share with Tig who chose to sat right next to you “I’m excited, Smokey & The Bandit is my favourite film of all time! Love that damn film!” You smiled at his enthusiasm “I’m glad you could be here for me, all of you guys.” At that point as everyone had filtered in, the lights dimmed for previews so Jax sent an obligatory thumbs up.
Midway through the film, Tig tapped on your shoulder “What’s up?” You whispered, not wanting anyone else to hear “I need you outside, it’s urgent.” Quickly you rose to your feet and escorted Tig outside “Are you ok? Is something wrong? Are you losing feeling in your legs?” Your questioning was stopped by Tig slamming you into the wall and kissing you deep. “Fuck that was exhilierating.” Tig whispered hotly “You said it was urgent, I feared the worse!” You said a little angrily “It is Y/N.” He moved your hand to his clothed cock “I’ve been fucking hard since you sat next to me, my balls are so full of cum, I need you to milk it out of me like the good Crow Eater you are.” You shook your head, a grin forming on your face “Lead the way Tig.” He scooped you up in his arms and made his way forwards. You expected he’d take you to the men’s toilets to fuck in the cubicle, but he continued up the stairs “Tig, the” “I know doll, I have a surprise that I’ve been planning for a while.” He walked into the staff room, where your boss often had meetings, thank goodness it was empty. Tig sat in your boss’s seat at the head of the table and pushed you to your knees “Suck my dick.” Tig ordered and you wasted no time taking his pants down as he removed his kutte, finishing as you took his cock deep into your mouth “Oh shit, fuck yes!” Tig moaned out as he sat back, arms outstretched as he enjoyed your technique on his dick. “Like that (Y/N), Oh God, you wanna get a raise then you better suck me off like that! Fuck baby!” With the boss/employee storyline in place, you decided to up the ante and moved down and begun to suck his balls “OH FUCK!” Tig yelled out “Fuck yeah! So good for daddy! Now this is that good shit! Suck daddy’s balls baby boy, get em in your mouth, breathe in my musk, smells good huh?” You nodded your head, tongue circling around each of Tig’s balls reducing the man to a collection of groans and moans as he held your head and guided you.
Eventually he pulled you off him “Up on the table babe.” You quickly slid onto the wooden table in front of Tig, noticing out of the corner of your eye the CCTV camera “Oh shit! Tig, we’re being filmed!” You said pointing up at it “Oh yeah, we are!” He waved at the camera “Tig! This is bad! I could lose my-“ “Calm down doll!” He reached into his fallen pants and pulled out his phone. He worked with it for a bit before he showed it to you, on the screen was a FaceTime chat with Clay on the other end in what looked like the CCTV room, with your boss on the floor, seemingly knocked out “We figured your Two Suit Boss needed to get some SAMCRO vengance for the pressure he put you under for being with us, so Clay slipped out earlier and beat him unconscious, he has full control of the cameras & footage, we’re gonna take the footage of us and run our own SAMCRO Cinema unveiling later, the matinee is of you being my good fucking slut and taking daddy’s cock like a good Crow Eater.”
“You are something else Tig.” You knew he was out there but the fact he’d go this far for you was shocking but also really pleasing “Fuck yeah I am. Now spread your legs for me.” You did as he asked “Fuck your asshole looks good, can’t wait to get my dick up inside it.” Tig wasted no more time and fucked himself deep inside said asshole. “FUCK!” You groaned, your head hitting the table “Ouch!” “Fuck, doll, you alright?” Tig rubbed your head soothingly “Yeah, I didn’t expect how hard you’d be.” “Y/N, I’m a very big man, even bigger when I think about ya, now let daddy take care of you.” Tig began to work himself in & out of you with a rough pace, moans falling out of his mouth “You’re so fucking tight babe, fuck you’re the tightest hole I’ve ever fucked, and I’ve fucked so many over my time.” Tig leant down over you, kissing you deep. He rubbed your nipples as you ran your hands down his chest hair “Fuck you’re hot.” I breathed out “Back at ya.” Tig grinned, suddenly pulling out “Turn over.” You swiftly turned over, moaning out as Tig fucked back into you.
Now fucking from behind, Tig was able to go deeper, moaning louder “Fuck Tiggy, you’re so fucking good.” You praised, to the bikers ears “I wanna stay in your ass forever. Your walls are tight and cozy around my dick. Such a good Crow Eater for daddy.” You let multiple moans fall out as he continued to fuck you “Oh yeah!” Tig groaned, loving how well you were taking his cock “This is better than watching Smokey, this is way. fucking. better.” He hit your prostate deeply, leaving you a mess of sweat & moans as you tightened around him. He pulled out yet again, causing you to moan in despair “Tig, I need you!” He laughed “Get up from there babe.” As you moved off the table, you saw him sitting in your boss’s chair again “Sit on it.” He didn’t need to ask twice, you slid your legs in between the slats on the chair and lowered yourself onto his dick. “That’s it, Oh fuck! I fuckin love your ass Y/N!” He groaned out, slapping it as you both returned to your rhythm, the air filling with moans & groans from the both of you. He bit into your nipples making you scream out “OH FUCK TIG!” He laughed, “God I love you Y/N.” “I love you too Tig.” You moaned back, kissing him deep.
Both of your paces began to get sloppy & you knew you wouldn’t last much longer “Fuck Tig, I’m gonna” Tig began to stroke your cock “Do it babe, cum for daddy Tig, shoot all over daddy’s hairy chest!” His dirty talk, his Earth shattering fuck, it finally pulled you under. You were a mess of moans as you shot all over him “Oh fuck! You made a mess of daddy! But I fucking love it!” He went faster than before, causing you to bend backwards a moaning mess as he continued to work into you, your walls now extra tight from your orgasm. “Fuck doll, daddy’s gonna cum, Tiggy’s gonna cum deep inside you! You’re so tight round my cock, make Daddy proud & take all his cum, FUCK!” He kept going roughly before finally “OH YES! FUCK YEAH!” He shuddered roughly as he shot his load deep. You reached back up, giving him a deep kiss that he returned with matching passion, breaking it, you licked his moustache “Fuck, keep that up and I’m gonna get hard again.” You repeated your action & low and behold, his cock began to get hard again “Fuck, you are insatiable!” “Only for you babe, only for you.” You both kissed as you removed your legs from the slats and both of you stood up & started to get dressed again, Tig reached for his phone “What did you think Clay?” “See for yourself.” You heard him say, Tig let out a “Well shit.” Before showing you the phone, Clay was holding his right hand up, covered in his load. You & Tig took a moment to appreciate the sight before Tig disconnected the call. “SAMCRO Cinema is gonna be fucking great, I can tell. We’ll go back and watch the film, then I’ll go get confectionary for us all, then as they watch our movie, I’ll take you down the hall, shove my musky balls in your mouth, you’ll love them, I’ll fucking cum, we’ll have a good fucking night.” You leaped into Tig, wrapping your legs round his back as you kissed him “Damn baby, where did you come from? Doll, I fucking love you.” Tig kissed you deep again as you let his compliments wash over you, SAMCRO was where you belonged.
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kellykadesperate · 5 years
Christmas jumpers
Last of my Christmas AU Fics: 
He’s not even sure why his hopes were raised for those precious few moments. He’s not sure why he’d even began to think they could have a Christmas together when his own husband has no idea who he is anymore.
Robert’s here and not here. He looks the same, sounds the same, smiles the same sometimes too. But he doesn’t love the same. He’s tight and protective and the thought of being around anyone who isn’t Victoria is something he panics about.
Aaron’s decided that there really isn’t a lot to celebrate this year. Robert got everything whacked out of him and there’s no point wishing for any of it back anymore.
He’s been there, done that. There’s nothing.
Aaron’s pulling down tinsel from the tree Robert bought them a few years ago,l when he’s hit by how fragile he looked when he was first bought round. Aaron was crying, face puffy and hands clammy because they mentioned ‘brain damage, they mentioned a struggle, a blocking of information.
“Rob,” Aaron looked down at his husband, bruised and worn and like the stuffing has been pulled out of him. Aaron curved a hand over Robert’s face, breathed him in as much as he could. “Don’t do that to me again.” He said.
Robert just had to stare at him for him to realise he wasn’t there.
“It’s Robert.”
And everything wasn’t the same after that. There were tests and phases of treatment and Robert frustrated over not being able to remember words let alone Aaron.
“He’ll remember.” Aaron said, this hope so tight in his chest that it made it hard to breathe. “He can’t ... he can’t forget us.” Because maybe, if they hadn’t been what they were, Robert could forget Aaron. He could forget his eyes and his smile and the way he slept with his mouth half open sometimes.
But they were them, and he couldn’t forget them.
Then he did.
“It’s just ... this could help.” Aaron said, hands falling over a tinsel and looking up at Robert who was staring at him so blankly.
“You like ... you like Christmas.” Aaron had stumbled on words and felt sick at the sight of Robert facing away from him. “Rob? I mean ... Robert, what’s ...”
“Vic told me about us.” Aaron looked at the back of Robert’s head, felt this rush of something inside him at the thought of Robert knowing. “I just didn’t remember anything.”
Aaron scratched an eyebrow. “Still?”
The still was the saddest thing in the world. The reminder that Robert doesn’t know him, that he’s going from strength to strength in all areas apart from this one right here.
“Sorry.” Robert pushed out. Then he turned, eyes wide and wet. “Sebastian.”
Aaron nodded, dropped the tinsel and walked towards Robert. “Yeah. Seb.”
“Seb.” Robert said, looked lost. “Vic says you love him.”
“I do.”
“You love him even though ...”
“I love him.” Aaron had goosebumps suddenly. “And I love you.” He said, careful, slow and then his hands were around the back of Robert’s neck. “I do.”
“You do.” He did, he did and yet Robert still pulled away like he had to. He let the feeling of Aaron touching him almost completely die out. “S’why I can’t.”
“Touch me.” Aaron’s face was wet with tears, red and puffy and this ache.
Robert frowned. “I could. I could ... I want you like that.” It was progress, it was good, it made Aaron want to kiss him so badly.
“We were always good at that.” Aaron said, hands around Robert’s waist and his head tilted up.
“But you love me and I don’t ...”
Aaron hadn’t heard it put like that before. It made him stumble back, feel like he’s going to faint. “You don’t even know me.”
And all the trying, all this fight he had to make Robert fall in love with him again seems to fly out the window, died on his lips.
“Aaron ... I just don’t want you to think ...” Robert waved a hand out and then gulped. “I might not remember you.”
“But you remember Seb. You remember Vic and — and my mum and ...” Aaron might have chucked tinsel at Robert in his rage. “You’ve given up.”
And maybe he should too.
Now, there’s tinsel around his feet and the sound of Liv coming home. She’s frowning at him like he’s done something wrong.
“Aaron ...”
“Don’t Aaron me.” Aaron pulls down more tinsel and lights. “I don’t want a big song and dance this year for obvious reasons.”
Liv pulls this face, “It’s Christmas Eve and you’ve just changed your mind ... Robert.”
And it’s always, in every single universe, going to be Robert he’s achingly in love with. He closes his eyes, tries not to cry and think about how Robert now knows that they were trying to have a baby too. He thinks about if there could be a scan on the fridge if he hadn’t been where he was that night.
He’s struck by when he told Robert and he can’t move from the memory. Robert was hunched over and looked lost and he just needed to understand.
“You were on your way home.” Aaron looked at him, the space between them on the sofa felt unnatural. “To me. Seb, Liv. We were going to watch a film.”
Robert breathed in. “Too fast?” He couldn’t even get his words out, this slowness to him was still there.
Aaron bent his head and cried, couldn’t hide this wave of guilt he had. “Maybe. I ... I left you this message saying that you owed us a night in, that you were working too hard. They’re not sure if you read it but if you did ...” Robert’s eyes flickered. “Then it’s my fault you crashed.” He had his hands running through his hair, this shortness to his breath. “And I’m so sorry.”
He was so sorry and Robert was so lost but he touched his shoulder, said, “So am I.”
Liv starts putting the lights back on when Aaron grabs them from her. “I meant it Liv. I can’t ... I can’t handle this.”
“He’ll remember.” Liv says, eyes wide and filled with something he can’t see. “Just give him ...”
“He doesn’t want me.” Aaron whispers, “Because he doesn’t know me. Or you. Or ... this place.” He looks around and then sighs. “And tomorrow I can’t ... I can’t do anything without him here.”
Because without him it’s too hard, it’s too much. He remembers the first time Robert slept on the sofa here, Seb asleep on his chest and Aaron bent down to run a hand through his hair.
He remembers a gentle plea he couldn’t help but say, “Please remember me.” He whispered, over and over and over.
Liv steps back, gives up the fight. “I’m sorry.”
Everyone’s sorry, and everything’s shit and the egg nog he’s drinking in front of some shit telly is making him feel sick. It’s later now, and the door bell goes. Aaron sticks his feet up further, turns up the telly until it rings again and he staggers towards it to tell whoever it is to do one.
“Just leave me the fuck ...” it’s not anyone, it’s not just someone. It’s Robert and he’s holding something in his hand. It’s a jumper, all neatly folded and everything. Aaron straightens his back, tries not to sound pissed. “Is that ...”
“For you.” He hasn’t seen Robert for nearly two weeks. He hasn’t looked at him and felt like he was falling further in love in way too long and he wants to kiss him so much.
Aaron takes it gingerly, then breathes in. “Is it ...” He breathes in. “Did Vic tell you about what we used to do ...” He smiles for the first time all day, all week.
Then Robert gulps. “Every ...” He breathes out and then in and he’s struggling to find the word. Aaron steps forward and then feels unsteady until he’s holding Robert’s arm.
“Year.” Aaron says, nods his head gently. “Every stupid year.” He laughs. “Got Seb a silly one too.” He smiles, shows teeth and everything. He holds the jumper in his hand gets lost in it for a second so he doesn’t hear Robert saying his name. “Hmm?”
“Vic didn’t tell me about them.”
Aaron frowns. “So Liv ...” He stops himself, and then he’s understanding because Robert helps him by nodding his head. He smiles, Robert actually smiles.
“I remembered them.” Robert shudders. “On my own. Remembered ... hugging you on Christmas Day. Given you one.” His voice is still stunted, almost punctured but it’s music to Aaron’s ears. “Feeling like ... I was so happy.”
“You ...” Aaron’s not able to say anything, he bursts into tears and wraps his arms around Robert’s neck like he can’t let go. Eventually he leans away because Robert strokes his waist and their noses bump together. “Sorry.” He doesn’t know whether to move away or not but Robert doesn’t seem to want him to.
“I don’t remember everything. I just remember the feeling.” Robert whispers. “But ...”
“It’s enough. For now. It’s ... it’s everything.”
Robert’s shoulders relax like he was wondering if it was. He’s still an idiot then. Aaron steps in even closer, has a hand around the back of Robert’s neck. “You know I love you ... so much.” He says, “And I’ll wait, and I’ll keep ...”
“I know.” Robert says, and then he bends down and their lips brush together for the briefest of seconds. “I know deep down I love you too. I know.” So he kisses him until Aaron’s walking backwards into the bare tree and nearly making it fall over.
They do trip, Aaron’s slightly pissed and he drags Robert down with him as he kisses him again.
“Tomorrow. You’re here yeah?” Aaron whispers against Robert’s mouth. He hopes and wishes he’ll nod his head.
Robert does.
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willowdrabbles · 6 years
I don’t even know what to call this one. But in honor of my sweet baby Chimera coming back soon I had to do another drabble for Eagle! I hope you all enjoy!
Len sighed as she stared at her phone, metholodically deleting spam emails while she waited for the subway car. She shifted her backpack further up on her shoulder and tucked her phone away in her pocket when the bell for the approaching car sounded.
With the exception of a few stragglers making their way to the exit, the platform was pretty empty due to the hour. Work ran late, and after her usual gym session she would be getting home hours later than usual. At least it was the weekend, there would be no rush to get back to the office tomorrow since she closed her Sphinx case.
There was an echo through the tunnel of the train, making her stand up straight as she anxiously waited for her ride home. Leftovers and m&ms were calling her.
The second ding for the arrival caught her attention and she approached the safety line out of habit, thinking about what movie she would put on while she ate her dinner.
That little thought came to a screeching halt as her shoulder was yanked back, her bag being pulled as some kid ran behind her, obviously trying to make a nab for her backpack.
Instinct kicking in from her self defense classes, she let the pull spin her around, hooking her wrist through the strap and locking tight as she brought up her knee and extended into a high kick that resounded with a crack as her heel connected with the kids jaw.
“Ah fuck!” He growled out, his grip not releasing her backpack. With a growl of her own she stuffed her free hand in her pocket and gripped the small black cylinder she kept on her since she was a teen. She had never used it since she bought it, but the movement was clean and sure as she brought it up and aimed.
“You-!” He lunged for her again before realizing what she had aimed at him, her thumb pressing in the button hard as she yelped in surprise.
The burning taste and smell of the air hit her hard, making her squint as the young man gasped and yelled in pain, his hands immediately going to his eyes as he frantically rubbed trying to remove the pepper spray. Len took a step back and lowered her hand, her mind blanking on what to do next.
“Bitch!” The young man snarled out, stumbling one way then the other before he shot forward, his shoulder hitting her in the chest despite her effort to step back and away.
She noticed with a bit of irritation he took off running, that oddly being her main focus as her heel slipped and she began plummeting backwards. The roar of the tracks and the blaring of the horn filled her ears as she bitterly thought of how much she fucked up to have won an altercation, but now she was going to die because of her crappy luck and clumsy footing.
Instead of the inevitable pain she was preparing herself for- landing on her ass before probably being crushed or slammed to death- there was the feeling of being suddenly secure in large strong arms, firmly wrapping around her shoulders and her waist, and with a burst of blue light, she was sailing.
It only lasted a moment, but the defined glow of an aura wrapped around her like a sheet before flickering out, then gravity kicked in again.
Slamming into the ground with a grunt, half of her body ached in protest as it met the cold ground of the other side of the stations platform. The other half was cushioned In impossible warmth and distinctly firmed muscle from the fall. At least she was pretty sure she wasn’t dead. Dreaming maybe, but probably not dead.
“Crap.” She groaned, forcing herself to sit up even though she would have been content to just lay there and enjoy the thick arms around her. “Should have stayed home. I tell myself this everyday.”
A low groan and chuckle followed her, heavy arms still wrapped around her but loosening as her savior sat up as well. “Are you alright?” The slightly familiar voice rumbled right next to her ear and she whipped her head around to be met with dark steel gray eyes.
“Eagle!” She gasped, the aura that grabbed her making sense now. Pushing back stray hairs from her face she nodded “I am, how did you- where?” She scanned the platform, the young man who attacked her was gone, and the few people who were exiting on the other side did not give a second glance, as if they had not seen her fly across the tracks surrounded in a blue aura. Which was good, she didn’t need to go to work on the weekend for an incident report.
“I was on my way home from work.” He answered for her, releasing her slowly before standing up and offering his hands to help her up as well. “Got to the platform just in time to see that pretty sweet roundhouse.” He chuckled again, brushing his hands down her arms and looking he over with concern. “You sure you’re alright? Nothing broken or bruised?”
‘Only my pride and probably my ass but I can’t really say that.’ She thought grimly and nodded for him once more. “Yeah I’m fine, thank you so much. I’d be a pancake or worse right now if not for you.”
Eagle chuckled again, eyes crinkling at her as he did “A cute pancake at least, I’m glad I could help.”
Len’s brain stuttered to a stop as she blinked at him, definitely feeling a flash of heat on the back of her neck from the word ‘cute.’
They both stood in awkward silence for a moment, each of them brushing themselves off before awkwardly smiling at each other again.
“Looks like I missed my ride... I might as well catch a cab instead.” She pursed her lips and reached for her phone still in her pocket.
“Have you had dinner?” Eagle asked suddenly, she paused in searching for the yellow cab number and glanced up at him
“N-no not yet actually.” She said quietly, lowering her phone again.
“Then I’ve got a better idea.” He said with a grin, his large overly warm hand wrapping around her wrist and sliding down to her hand. He gave her plenty of time to pull away, plenty of time to reject his idea and take a cab. But when his hand lightly gripped hers she gripped it back, earning her a vibrant smile before he began tugging her back up to the surface of the city.
He guided her down the street for a ways, both of them quietly taking in the city lights as they walked until they reached a small hole in the wall pub. Literally. A small brick outcropping of the building blocked the alcove to the door, a big solid black door with gold lettering across the top reading “Maze”.
“Chimera used to work here, they have the best food in the city..” Eagle smiled at her still, pulling the door open for her.
“I’ve only seen pubs like this in movies.” She said quietly, following the narrow corridor downwards. The walls were a dark maroon color, and when she peered closer, she realized they were velvet. The floor was a black tile that seemed to give the place almost a creepy vintage look. “You sure you’re not just taking me down here to kill me or sell me off? I gotta say I don’t think my luck is that bad but you never know.”. Eagle laughed behind her quietly.
“This place used to be the hang out for movie stars in the area. There used to be an old poker room in one of the upper floors, mafia bosses would come here for dinner. Place has got history.” Eagle gently touched her back as they entered the dining hall, the bouncer nodding at them as they passed, heading for the tables rather than the bar.
Sliding into a red booth she took in the place again, her mouth slightly hanging open. The room was still pretty dark, illuminated by electric chandeliers and small tea candles on the tables. “I’m not sure if my funds can afford this.” She muttered, noticing the giant black and white portraits of famous stars along the walls. A small tv by the bar was playing some old black and white film.
“It’s not bad, but don’t worry about that just get some food.” Eagle reassured her, taking a menu and looking over for something for himself.
“You helped me with my case and saved my life, shouldn’t I be buying you dinner?” She said skeptically, grabbing the other menu from the waitress and timidly asking for a soda. Eagle agreed for a soda as well and put his menu down once the waitress was out of earshot.
“Fair points, you can get me next time though. I’ll just feel better if you eat something.” He said, staring at her intently. Len arched a brow at him questioningly.
“Why?” She asked, spotting something to her taste on the menu and closing it as well.
“Well I don’t know, maybe because you’re not reacting? Like a normal person?” He said with a tiny bit of sarcasm and concern, mimicking her brow arch almost mockingly.
“I’m a human that works in an office unknown to the public that we deal and manage the affairs of literal gods, monsters and titans.” Len said blandly “I’m not exactly normal.” She shrugged finally, leaning back when the waitress returned with their drinks.
There was a few minutes of silence as she sipped her drink, feeling the cold rush through her limbs and making her shudder.
“Your hands were shaking.” Eagle said quietly, watching her carefully as he twiddled his thumbs together.
“Huh?” She asked dumbfoundedly, looking down at her hands and spreading out her fingers. Sure enough her fingers gave way to small little trembles, the knuckles refusing to go all the way straight. Biting her lip she started shaking her hands out as if she could force herself to stop. “I didn’t notice...” she muttered, just as the waitress care back to ask for their order.
“Why didn’t you just let the bag go?” Eagle said as soon as the waitress was gone again, glancing for a moment at her backpack. “You didn’t scream either when you fell it was like... like you just got pissed off that’s not normal!” Eagle shook his head, looking genuinely baffled.
Len laughed lightly at his expense, taking another sip of her soda. Eagle frowned dissapprovingly. “Fear of death only means you-“
“Fear to live?” Eagle finished for her, an absent minded smirk on his lips that had her stomach doing flip flops. “I think I’m going to have to stick around you for a while.” He muttered mostly to himself, taking a quick drink. When she arched her brow at him again he smiled. “I like you. You’re different. But you don’t have wings like me, someone’s gotta keep an eye on you.”
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taesunglifer · 6 years
Boy(z) In Luv: A Story
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He knew the conversation was far from over but he also knew it wasn’t something they could easily talk about in the van currently carrying all 7 members back to their hotel room. It also didn’t help the fact that Namjoon had planted himself in between Jungkook and Taehyung . Whether that was on purpose or not, he didn’t know. But he speculated it was.
“Why does my right big toe hurt really bad?”  Yoongi asked, breaking the silence.
Jin smirked. “Did you put Jimin’s dainty shoes on again by accident?”
Jimin gasped. “Hey! My ARMY think my feet are beautiful.”
Jin and Yoongi laughed.
Jimin shrugged.
“Well, they probably do. I can ask on my next V.” he stated, referring to the V Live app that the guys used to show their fans their lives, amongst other things.
Tae did his best to tune them out and think back to the conversation. Well, not the conversation so much as the passionate kiss. They’ve had many. He smiled quietly to himself and touched his lips, his fingers tracing where Jungkook’s lips had been soon before. He glanced over at Jungkook to catch him watching Tae closely. When his eyes met Tae’s, he felt the heat behind them. Tae searched his eyes to determine what kind of heat that was and knew within seconds that Jungkook’s mind was in the same place as his. The corner of Jungkook’s mouth raised slightly.
Good, Tae thought.
Namjoon sensed the change in the atmosphere around him and looked up, first at Jungkook then to Tae.
“Oh, come on! I should’ve known better than to sit in between the two of you.” He breathed. Well that denounced Tae’s previous thought of his intentions.
Tae and Jungkook grinned and high fived.
Yoongi leaned forward to rest his head on Namjoon's shoulder.
“You never learn, do you Nam?” He tweaked Namjoon’s dimpled cheek before sitting back.
Namjoon threw a face mask over his eyes, cranked up his earbuds and laid his head back against his seat.
Jungkook glanced around the van at the other members lost in conversation or their music before leaning across Namjoon to whisper to Tae.
“I’m worried.” He said.
Tae’s mouth scrunched up. He figured he was…he supposed he was too. What do you do when everyone is trying to out you? What do you do when everyone has pretty much already outted you? In the grand scheme of things, Tae didn’t care. He was completely fine with it. His family was fine with it. They knew how much he loved Jungkook. They loved him themselves. Sure, they wanted him to marry and have children; in reality, Tae could still do that. His significant other just wouldn’t be someone with a vagina. But they could have children. Oh wow, Tae thought. He felt his stomach tighten at the thought of having children….. With Jungkook.
One step at a time, buddy, he said to himself. You haven’t even told him you loved him.
“I’m worried too but there’s nothing we can do to change everyone’s minds….The WORLD’S minds.” Tae finally said.
“What about ARMY? We’ve been told for years that keeping ourselves unattached is the best thing for our careers.”
Tae’s eyes widened at Jungkook’s comment.
“Kook, the ARMY are the ones that are putting 2 and 2 together!” he exclaimed in a loud whisper.
Jungkook sat back against his seat and closed his eyes.
Tae was the one to lean across Namjoon now.
“It sounds like you’re trying to come up with a reason for this to be wrong and NOT be what we’ve wanted for years.”
There. He said it. He said what he had wanted to say for a very long time. Every time he saw “the look” Jungkook would get when Tae got a little too handsy or over affectionate during a recording or at an awards show. He knew his PDA wasn’t subtle. But he was bursting with love for Jungkook, why in the HELL should he completely shut it down. When he did, people knew. ARMY knew! It was obvious. His jealousy, his sadness, his anger. All of it could be seen in every recording….the times the crew told them to separate a little….the times they purposefully made sure they were on separate teams in games…Tae always walked on eggshells going into a taping because he never knew if they were going to get rules placed on the two of them or not. Lately, there weren’t as many but it was so sporadic. He should’ve known something was up. He fully expected to get called into a meeting with his management soon. But he wasn’t holding back any more. He had the approval of ARMY. And THAT is what mattered because without them, they wouldn’t be arriving at a 5 star hotel after their fifteenth and final stop in Japan for the Wings tour, playing to a crowd of 80,000+.
They gathered their things and exited the vehicle. Tae quickly walked around to the other side of the van to Jungkook and helped him with his camera bag. Jungkook smiled weakly at him and Tae thought maybe  they’d be okay….for now.
Taehyung shook his wet hair and rearranged it as he walked out of the bathroom. He glanced at Jungkook’s bed and saw it empty. He sighed, looking around and failing to see the dark haired boy.
I guess he escaped to Jimin and Yoongi’s  room, he thought.
“Shit!” he heard from somewhere across the room.
Tae stopped dead. What? Who? Where?
“UGH!” he heard as an object come flying at him. He ducked in time and glanced back to see a phone charger hit the wall and slide to the floor. Tae crawled forward across the floor, past his bed and peeked around the edge of Jungkook’s bed. He was met with the sight of Jungkook’s ass in the air, 3 inches from his face.
Well, I don’t mind this sight at all., he thought.
He grinned and slowly inched his hand closer. Right before Tae’s hand reached Jungkook’s shorts, Jungkook leaned up so that he kneeled and he stared at whatever was in his hand. Tae jerked back and waited. Jungkook mumbled to himself and he could picture Jungkook’s furrowed brow as he studied whatever complex situation he found himself in. Tae sat up and slid silently across the carpet behind Jungkook so that his front was at Jungkook’s back. He prepared a sneak attack.
He moved as quietly and slowly as he could and just knew that his cover would be blown any minute. Jungkook always sensed where he was in a room even if he couldn’t see him. He held his breath and his paused two inches from behind him. He swiftly reached around him with both arms, his left hand opening Jungkook’s shorts and the right sliding down into his boxers. Jungkook’s expensive camera hit the floor with a thud and he gasped…..
“Do you want me to stop?” Tae breathed into Jungkook’s ear as his hands slowly moved up and down his length while he started to grind himself into Jungkook’s back…He wanted him to know he was more than ready to go and hoped the younger man wasn’t far behind.
Jungkook let out a deep moan and Tae’s smile lifted even more.
“Can I take that as a yes or….?” His voice trailed off. He nibbled on Jungkook’s ear at the black hoop he sported.
“If you stop, I will have to tie you down and take you myself.” Jungkook finally said, his voice staccato with arousal.
“That’s what I like to hear.” Tae whispered. He jumped to his feet, taking Jungkook with him and slammed him into the mattress on his back. Tae lifted his own shirt over his head and once he slung it to the side, he noticed Jungkook had swiftly removed every bit of his clothing and sat waiting, fully erect.
Tae laughed. “Well damn, someone sure is ready. Here I was worried I was going to get rejected.”
Jungkook laughed. “When has that EVER happened?”
Tae stopped short. “Well there was that time we were in the US for the Billboard Awards…”
“….And we were put in separate rooms, with three other rooms in between us in fact and they kept us so busy we couldn’t see each other privately….” Jungkook finished.
Tae continued. “When we filmed the cooking show for RUN BTS…”
“…and you had pissed me off because you ignored my phone call because you were talking to whats-his-face that you acted with…” Jungkook finished.
Tae ignored him. “Or when we –“
He was cut short when Jungkook grabbed him under both ass cheeks and planted Tae above him, straddling his chest.
“Shut the FUCK up and get in this bed with me. And get naked, why are you still wearing your shorts?” Jungkook asked while yanking them over Tae’s tan hips and down his thighs.
“Why am I doing this, you should have done this already.” He mumbled. Tae laughed and fell backwards off the bed, hitting the floor with his back accompanied by a loud SMACK.
Jungkook jumped up, his erection dipping ever so slightly. His eyed widened.
“ARE YOU OKAY?” he yelled at Tae, who sat up laughing. When he did, he was instantly smacked in the face by Jungkook’s balls.
Tae started laughing hysterically. “We’re a FUCKING mess right now!”
Jungkook shook his head and couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
They stared at each other for a moment as the laughter died down.
“Well…” Tae said. “Since I’m down here….” He leaned forward and took Jungkook completely into his mouth, ignoring his gag reflex.
Jungkook let out a gasp and moan at the same time as his knees buckled and his eyes rolled back. Tae pushed him back on the bed as he licked and sucked every inch, feeling Jungkook begin to twitch under his tongue.
"GOOOOOOOOOD GOD TAEHYUNG." Jungkook managed to croak out. He fisted his hands tightly in Tae's hair, holding him in place as best as he could. His body trembled from toes to eyeballs.
No one could give head like Kim Taehyung.
Tae smirked lightly as he pulled off of Jungkook's cock with a *POP!* after several minutes.
He glanced up at Jungkook's face, trying to catch how it really made him feel before Jungkook could rearrange his expression.
Jungkook was staring at the ceiling, eyes glazed over. It took him a moment to realize that his dick was devoid of Taeyhung's mouth.
He looked down. "Wait, what happend? Did i do something? Why did you stop? Did i gag you to death with my enormous dick?"
Tae let out a hearty laugh. "No, dipshit, i was just pausing to take in the view."
Jungkook sat up on his elbows and narrowed his eyes. "View?"
Tae nodded, shaking his eyebrows up and down. "Of you looking like a completely wrecked mess."
Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Oh come on. Get out of here with that." He laughed and laid back on the bed.
Tae grinned, climbing onto the bed and onto Jungkook. "It's delicious to watch." He straddled his thick thighs and ran his hands up and down Jungkook's chiseled chest.
Jungkook let out a small laugh. "Delicious..."
Tae tilted his head to the side and nodded. "You look delicious....and taste like the snack you are."
"If i taste so good, why'd you stop?" Jungkook asked, smacking both of Tae's ass cheeks loudly.
"You looked like you needed a break."
"And you look like your lips need to get back to work." Jungkook said sitting up to hungrily bite at Tae's neck. He gripped Tae's cock and slowly turned it from semi-hard to standing tall and thick within seconds.
Tae groaned softly at Jungkook's hand holding him tightly. He always knew the right amount of pressure to apply. Such pretty hands....
Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's shaft with one hand and rubbed his thumb over the head with his other hand. He felt Jungkook buck slighly underneath him. Tae leaned down to capture Jungkook's lips in his and kissed him with fervor.
The both pumped each other rapidly, moaning over each others lips.
"I want to come in your mouth." Jungkook mumbled quietly, almost too quietly. Tae sat back slightly, slowing his hand work. His eyebrows shot up in surprise at Jungkook's comment. Of course he had done it before. But he'd never asked....it just...happened.
Taehyung didn't think he possibly could get more turned on but fire and adrenaline kicked into the pit of his stomach as he leapt off the bed and onto the floor in front of Jungkook knees.
Jungkook sat up, grinning wildly at Tae's enthusiasm.
Tae tongued the underside of Jungkook's cock, working it back and forth, massaging the veins there. Jungkook let out a low throaty moan that made Tae's stomach twist into burning knots.
He lifted up slightly to take Jungkook completely into his mouth, his nose hitting the hip bones with ease. If he went at it in the right angle, his gag reflex didn't betray him. He pushed as far as his could and then tightened and loosened the muscles at the back of his throat. He knew they would hit the sensitive tip of Jungkook's cock.
He got the response he wanted. Jungkook dug his hands harshly into Tae's hair, squeezing the sides of his head.
"O-ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyy godddddddddd..." Jungkook's voice trailed off as his eyes rolled back into his head. His right leg began to twitch at the sensation that ran through his groin as Tae continued to push him into the back of his throat.
He pulled out slowly, hollowing his cheeks and twisting his mouth to give Jungkook every possibly enjoyable sensation he could. He lapped at Jungkook's leaking head and that was all it took.
Jungkook didn't have anytime to tell Taehyung that he was going to come before the milky white bursts eruped from him, hitting Tae in the nose and cheeks. Tae quickly closed his mouth over him, sucking down every future drop as Jungkook had requested.
Tae watched as Jungkook's body went through light aftershocks from the orgasm before he released him and climbed next to his side in the bed. He pulled Jungkook close, kissing his shoulder, then his neck and then up to his cheeks and nose.
"Let me guess. You're going to be a typical guy and fall asleep afterwards?" Tae asked.
Jungkook smiled lightly, his eyes closed. "I'm not a typical guy."
Tae nodded. "So you want to play video games....or run a marathon or something?
Jungkook opened one eye to stare at Tae. "You get a head start on that marathon, i'll be right behind you."
He snuggled closer into Taehyung and breathed a sigh of relief.
Part Three
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pixie-mage · 6 years
Jameson's Defender
A Jameson Jackson and Shawn Flynn Friendship Oneshot
Jameson was running late. He knew full well that he was, even before he tugged his pocket watch from his vest pocket. Shawn was waiting for him at the theater, and the movie was bound to start in ten minutes. And to top it all off, he’d been in such a rush he hadn’t even thought to grab his umbrella before walking out the door, so he now found himself rushing down the street on foot with rain drizzling down from the sky above, soaking his clothes a little more with each step.
Jameson rounded the next corner and the rain began to fall harder, turning from a light sprinkling to an actual rainfall. Hopefully it wouldn’t start pouring before he reached the theater doors…
He pursed his lips and checked his watch again. Seven minutes. Damn. His eyes were still downcast, locked on his pocket watch, and that’s why he never saw it coming.
It had only been a moment. He’d only looked down for a moment, had taken his eyes off the way ahead for the briefest of pauses, but that’s all it took for him to become distracted. A rough hand gripped his arm and yanked, hard, and he found himself stumbling sideways. He flung out his arms to catch himself and it was with a freezing splash that he landed on his hands and knees in a puddle of water. He raised his head, peering out from beneath the brim of his hat.
An alley. He’d fallen into an alley, just off the sidewalk he had been strolling down. But who…?
Jameson didn’t even have time to wonder before he was being yanked off the ground by both arms, the grip of the hands there tight and painful. He gasped sharply as he was shoved backward against the wall of the alleyway, behind a dumpster, just out of sight of other passersby. Slowly, nervously, he raised his eyes.
Two men stood before him, both taller than him and both with their hoods pulled up, faces cast in shadow.
“Wallet. Now.”
Oh, sweet jumping jehosafats….
Jameson swallowed thickly. He didn’t have a wallet. He didn’t have any money. Not now. Today was supposed to be Shawn’s treat, so he hadn’t bothered. He raised his hands to try and speak, to try and explain himself, praying that one of them understood sign language, but the second man grabbed one of his wrists and twisted his arm, hard. Jameson’s mouth flew open in a silent cry of pain. Dammit....mother of–
“No funny business!” the second guy snarled, shoving forward into Jameson’s face. “He told ya to give us your wallet. Don’t fuckin’ try anything.”
Jameson bit his lip, his eyes watering. His heart was pounding and fear was beginning to course through his veins. He didn’t have anything to give them, anything for them to take...but he couldn’t even explain that. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t sign. Would they even let him try? He raised his other hand again, slowly, shaking, and tried to spell out something. Anything. Would they even understand? Dammit, where was his chalkboard when he needed it?
“The hell is that?” the first guy bit out, sounding annoyed and pissed. “You tryin’ to flip us off or something?” Jameson shook his head rapidly, eyes wide, but the man wasn’t having any of it. His friend took a step back but never let go of Jameson’s wrist. “Guess we’re doin’ this the hard way, huh?”
Jameson’s breath hitched and his eyes widened further, a quiet panic settling in his chest. Oh hellfire–
He saw the fist coming only milliseconds before the blow landed, and the hasty arm he raised to try and block it didn’t do a damned thing. Pain flared up in his jaw and his head snapped to the side, bouncing back against the brick wall and sending his world spinning. Dots danced across his vision and he gasped for breath, his hat toppling off to the damp ground below. It was raining harder now, and he was sure that - even if he could speak, could shout, could cry out for help - nobody would hear the scuffle going on behind some dumpster in a random back alley. The storm was too loud, the streets too busy.
Not for the first time, Jameson found himself wishing desperately that he could speak.
“Not such a wiseass now, huh?” the second man smirked. “C’mon, just give us the dough. You’re dressed all fancy like that. Don’t try an’ tell us you’re broke because that sure as hell ain’t true.”
It wasn’t a lie. Jameson wasn’t a poor man. But today...today he didn’t have a dime in his pockets. Not even a penny. He mouthed silent pleas and shook his head unsteadily, still reeling from the previous impact of his head with the wall. Please. He didn’t have anything…
“Fuckin’ liar,” the first stranger snarled. He gripped Jameson by the front of his shirt and shook him roughly, slammin him back against the wall again. “Th’ hell’s wrong with you anyway? Don’t know how to talk? Idiot…”
“Just knock ‘im out and search his pockets,” the second man muttered. “It’ll be easier.”
Jameson was expecting another punch to come flying his way, so when the guy in front of him drove his knee into Jameson’s gut, he wasn’t ready. He gasped for air and doubled over, falling to his knees, choking on his own breath. He couldn’t get enough air–
“Oi! Fuckin’ wankers! Pick on somebody ye’re own fuckin’ size, aye?”
A thick Irish accent broke through the storm, and Jameson wasn’t sure if he was hearing things or if that was real...because it sounded a hell of a lot like Shawn.
“Stay outta this and you won’t get hurt.”
“Like hell I am!”
No, that was definitely Shawn. Jameson sank back against the rough brick wall behind him, the world still spinning around him. He saw movement, saw a third person stepping into view beyond the legs of his attackers.
“Why the fuck d’you even care? Just back off unless you plan on losin’ your cash too.”
“Nah,” Shawn drawled, pocketing one hand. The other came up to tug at the brim of his hat, a sly grin dancing across his lips. “I’ve got better plans ‘n that, boy-o.”
Jameson wasn’t fully focussed on the moment, but he could tell just by the tone in Shawn’s voice that he was in his element. He might not look it, but the small Irishman was a hell of a fighter. Jameson closed his eyes and rested his head back against the wall, catching his breath for a moment and listening to the rain. He heard rather than saw the scuffle that was happening before him, heard Shawn chuckling now and then between hits. Heard something - or someone - heavy fall still across the alley, and then the sound of running footsteps slapping against the wet pavement. Distant shouts of “FUCKIN’ CRAZY IRISH ASSHOLE!”
Then there was somebody in front of him. He didn’t even have to open his eyes to know that Shawn Flynn was crouched there, leaning forward over him.
“Hey, Jamie-boy,” Shawn spoke up, patting Jameson’s cheek lightly. Jameson opened his eyes slowly, his mustache twitching as a weak smile found its way to his face. He raised his hands - then winced and cradled his left arm close to his chest, grimacing. It hurt...god, it hurt...whatever that jerk had done to him had definitely left a mark.
“Woah, woah...slow down, aye?” Shawn murmured quickly, putting his hands on Jameson’s shoulders. He searched his silent friend’s face with a worried look. “Think you can get up?”
Jameson nodded slowly. Surely he could do that much. Right? He shifted against the wall, accepting Shawn’s help to slowly and carefully get to his feet. He leaned heavily against his friend, still feeling dizzy, and he panted out a few short breaths. God...what a way to ruin the day.
After a few moments, a few precious moments that he took to catch his breath and find his footing, Jameson’s uninjured hand came up to his chest and he signed a single word. A word that only required one hand to say.
“Th’ hell are ye sayin’ sorry for?” Shawn spluttered. “Ye jus’ got fuckin’ slaughtered by a pair o’ shite-arsed bastards, an’ you managed not ta die. So good on ya fer stayin’ tough.”
Jameson let out a breathy chuckle despite himself, ducking his head a little. ‘Tough’ wasn’t the word he’d use, but...well. Sure. He’d let Shawn believe it. The silent young man nodded toward the alley’s entrance and he signed another word. A question.
Shawn snorted and rolled his eyes.
“Ye fuckin’ – no! ‘Course not! Not right now anyway. By jaysus – we’re gonna get you home, get ye patched up, an’ after that maybe we can go see a film. But first we’re makin’ sure ye’re not gonna die in th’ middle o’ watchin’ ‘The Great Race’. Professor Fate an’ The Great Leslie can wait until ye’re not walkin’ like you’re drunk off yer arse. Aye?”
Jameson smiled weakly and huffed out a breathy laugh, tossing a lopsided grin toward his friend. Shawn was right. He still planned on spending the day with Shawn like they’d planned...though this certainly hadn’t been what either of them had had in mind.
“C’mon, boy-o, let’s get ye back to your place.”
They started off down the sidewalk, their pace slow and steady. Jameson’s hat hung loosely from Shawn’s fingers and Jameson continued to use him as a crutch for the time being, and the thought that kept lingering in the back of Jameson’s mind...was how grateful he was to have Shawn as a friend.
A/N - Thanks for reading! ^^ I love writing Jamie and Shawn, I really do. If anyone has any Ego one-shots they’d like to see written (characters, situations, etc), send me an ask! I’m always looking for new writing prompts in the JSE universe!
Please don’t repost my writing anywhere. I’d really appreciate it~ Thanks!
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j-esbian · 7 years
night terrors and sweet dreams - chp. 2
chp. 1
on ao3
Nino awoke the next morning with a warm feeling in his belly, and he carried it all the way to school. Adrien had never answered his texts the night before--not that Nino had expected him to. It wasn’t uncommon for Adrien to not be able to reach his phone, especially during last-minute fittings, but it didn’t matter. Nino was bursting to talk to him at school.
Adrien was already there, scribbling in his notebook, probably scrambling to complete the homework he hadn’t been able to finish over the weekend. He seemed lost in thought, and Nino slipped into the seat next to him and peeked over his shoulder.
“‘Operation: Convince Nino Chat Noir is a Loser?’” Nino read out loud.
Adrien jumped and slammed the cover shut. “Oh, hey.”
“Nuh-uh.” Nino grabbed the notebook before Adrien could stop him, and flipped back to the right page.
“Dude, come on…” Adrien protested.
“Does this say ‘throw a fight?’ Are you proposing to fight Chat Noir, and then purposely lose?”  Nino chuckled. “What would that accomplish, exactly?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Adrien muttered. “I crossed that one out, anyway.”
“‘Act like a cat and see how much he likes it,’” Nino continued. “Man, what evidence do you have that Chat Noir is a literal cat?”
“What evidence do you have that says he isn’t?” Adrien replied. “Are you saying you’re a furry, Nino?”
Nino winked. “When I find out more about this particular feline, I’ll give you my answer.”
“I’m just saying, I’m pretty sure he’s just a regular guy in a costume,” Nino said, shrugging. “But if having a thing for Chat Noir makes me a furry, then so be it.”
Adrien gaped at him.
“What?” Nino asked.
“Nino, man, you’re my best friend, and I love you,” Adrien said. “But sometimes, the things that come out of your mouth make me want to die.”
Nino ripped the page out, crumpled it up, and stuffed it into his bookbag. “Well, anyway, that’s the end of that.”
Adrien tugged at his notebook. “Can I have this back now?” Nino lifted his hands in surrender, and bent down to dig his own notes out of his bag.
He straightened up and spread his books out over the desk, fiddling nervously with his pen. “I mean, it’s not like I have a chance anyway, right?” he laughed.
“What do you mean?” Adrien asked.
Nino scoffed. “Come on. Even if Chat Noir did like dudes, which I doubt, everyone knows he’s, like, singularly obsessed with Ladybug.”
“Wait,” Adrien sputtered, “do you think Chat is straight?”
Nino leaned back in his chair. “Hey, Alya?” She was chatting with Marinette, and it took a few tries to get her attention.
“Is Chat Noir into guys?” Nino asked.
“How should I know?” she returned. “I’ve never asked.”
“Come on,” Nino insisted. “You’ve done, like, millions of interviews.”
“Yeah, and it would be, like, super inappropriate to ask.”
“Oh, he definitely is,” Marinette said confidently. Alya, Nino, and Adrien looked at her in confusion, and she colored slightly. “I mean, I’ve heard him make a lot of jokes about being bisexual. You guys have heard him too, right? I totally get it if you blocked it out thought, because, like, some of them were really bad, and I mean… actually, maybe I’m thinking of someone else, after all. Yeah, that’s probably it.”
“No, I think you’re onto something,” Adrien ventured, eyeing her cautiously. He rounded on Nino. “Told you.”
Nino didn’t look too upset that he’d lost the argument; in fact, he wore a pretty triumphant smirk. The bell rang, and Ms. Bustier waited impatiently for the class to quiet down, putting an end to that discussion, but Nino wiggled his eyebrows at Adrien before turning to face the front.
Nino tried not to get his hopes up, but he couldn’t stop himself from lining up a few bags of snacks within the line of sight of his window. Just in case. But a week passed, and Chat Noir didn’t come by again.
“It’s stupid to think he’d drop in, right?” Nino complained. They were hanging out in Adrien’s room after school, and Nino had sprawled himself over the couch, while Adrien sat on the floor playing video games. “Like, it was just once, and for a dumb reason. And I probably creeped him out.”
“Well, he did show up out of nowhere,” Adrien replied, exasperation creeping into his tone. “And it was your bedroom, and it was late. If anything, he was being weird.”
Nino groaned and threw his arm across his eyes. “Doesn’t matter. I fucked it all up, Adrien. I mean, he didn’t even remember who I was, and I’ve made a movie about him, and then I freaked out when he just stopped in. That’s, like, class-A freaky shit.”
He sat bolt upright with the realization. “Oh god. What if he looked me up after he left and thought I was stalking him or something. Or, I mean, I didn’t ask to his permission to use that footage in the film festival. I know I didn’t win, so hopefully he doesn’t want royalties or anything, but he’s probably still pissed. I should have asked. Should I have? I should have. Right?
“But what if he doesn’t remember at all?” Nino continued. He swung his legs over the side of the couch and leaned forward, burying his head in his hands. “Then me bringing it up would be weird. Do you think he has, like, an email or something? That way it’s not face-to-face, at least.” He turned his head and rested his cheek against his palm, not caring that he was now staring and speaking directly into Adrien’s ear. “Do you think he has a lawyer?”
Adrien paused his game and closed his eyes for a beat, before throwing his controller aside and turning to face Nino. He scooted back to make some space between them and sighed. “Dude.”
Nino blinked innocently. “What?”
“Honestly, if you hit him with all of that, he’s probably just going to tell you to drop it, anyway.”
“Listen, man, I know I’m overthinking things,” Nino moaned. “But, like, how many chances am I going to get at a first impression with this guy? And how long until he connects the dots and realizes that it’s just me every time? God, does that seem desperate? Should I just--”
“Are you sure he didn’t remember who you were?” Adrien asked, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, like you said, you’ve run into him quite a few times now. It was probably just a joke.”
“But what if it wasn’t? And what if it was, but I look dumb for taking it seriously?” Nino leaned backwards, forcefully bouncing off the couch cushions a few times, and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. He let his head loll to the side. “Love is hard, bro.”
“L-love?” Adrien froze.
“I don’t know,” Nino replied helplessly. “I like him a lot, and he seems like a really cool dude. But I guess I don’t really know… anything about him. And I’d like to, you know? If only I could stop acting like such a spaz. I mean, you remember when I liked Marinette, right?”
An idea struck him at that moment, and his face lit up. “Hey, Adrien, you could be my wingman again!”
Adrien snorted. “Nope. No, no, I cannot and will not be your wingman.”
“Why not? I could probably get him to put in a good word for you with Ladybug. You know, after a little bit. When I don’t need you anymore.”
Adrien raised an eyebrow.
“I mean, when I don’t need to talk through you anymore.” Nino pouted.
Adrien winced. “Wouldn’t it be better if you didn’t need me in the first place?”
“Okay, but consider: I’ve already tried talking to him without you around, and it was a disaster.” Nino pleaded. “Come on, man, not even, like, once?”
Adrien sighed in defeat. “Okay, fine. The next time me, you, and Chat Noir are in the same place, I’ll help you flirt with him.” He smiled to himself and shook his head. “Only because I love you, Nino.” He picked up his controller and unpaused the game, signalling an end to the conversation.
Nino pulled his phone out and scrolled through the notifications that clustered on his screen. “Okay, cool,” he said slyly, “because Alya just saw an akuma headed this way, so Chat’s probably not far behind.”
“What?” Adrien whirled around; behind him, his character died, and the video game played a few strains of somber music, but he just stared at Nino blankly.
“Uh, yeah,” Nino replied, grinning shamelessly. “Apparently she thinks it’s Mendeleiev. About time, right?”
“Ha. Yeah, I guess.” Adrien swallowed hard. “Hey, listen, I’m going to go jump in the shower.”
Nino crossed his arms. “Really?”
Adrien laughed nervously. “Yes…? My hair’s been feeling kind of greasy all day, and--”
“Super convenient that it comes up right now, when you literally just said--” Nino cut himself off. “No, you know what? Whatever, dude. I’m going to watch Alya’s livestream.”
Adrien got up and ran to the bathroom, but paused in the doorway. Nino was curled in on himself, sitting with his feet on the couch and his arms resting on his knees, with his back to Adrien. His shoulders rose around his ears when he heard the bathroom door open, and he pointedly ignored the impulse to turn around. He could feel Adrien’s eyes on him.
Good. He should feel bad.
The bathroom door shut a few moments later.
What was it about the Agrestes’ house that made it a magnet for akumas? As the house shook around him, Nino reflected that Adrien might be cursed.
Silenceleste, as Alya’s blog told him, had the power to silence anyone with a single glare. He’d seen the footage where she shot out a bright blue bolt of lasers and snuffed out an entire Jagged Stone concert in seconds.
The Eiffel Tower and the surrounding neighborhood were eerily silent, so he guessed it must have been all too easy to hear him yell, “Fuck yeah!” through the open window when he caught sight of Ladybug swinging past.
Silenceleste slipped in gracefully through the window, and Nino backed up hastily, running for cover. Chat and Ladybug followed her in, landing silently but still attracting her attention, giving Nino time to hide. He jiggled the bathroom handle, but the door was locked, and he banged desperately on it. “Adrien, come on, dude, open the door! I’m not mad at you, it’s dumb, okay? I just really need you to let me in!”
She swiveled her head around to glare at him, and he was briefly blinded by a burst of light, and when he opened his mouth again, nothing came out.
Ladybug winced at him sympathetically, but Chat gestured frantically for him to hunker down somewhere. Ladybug tossed her yo-yo up in the air and mouthed, “Lucky Charm!”
A spotted bandana fell into her hands, and she squinted at it in confusion. Chat, meanwhile, had engaged Silenceleste in combat. It was surreal to see his baton clashing up against her weapon without hearing any of the sounds they should have made. Nino felt like someone had just slipped noise-cancelling headphones over his ears.
Whatever her weapon was, Silenceleste didn’t seem to be very proficient in its use. It appeared to just be a long, flat piece of sturdy metal, which she brandished wildly at Chat in haphazard swipes. He easily sidestepped most of them, but still couldn’t seem to disarm her; every time he seemed close to victory, her slender weapon slipped away again.
A lightbulb went off over Ladybug’s head, and while Chat had the villain distracted, she motioned Nino to her. He crawled over, dodging Chat’s baton a few times, and looked at her inquisitively. She presented the bandana to him, then tapped next to her eyes, and pointed at the bandana in his hands, her gaze darting between him and Silenceleste. He nodded, and tucked it into his pocket before slipping away again.
Ladybug approached Silenceleste, and between the two heroes, her attention was sufficiently diverted enough for Nino to sneak up behind her and pull the bandana around over her eyes. She fell over in alarm, bringing Nino down with her as he held tightly onto the blindfold. In the chaos, they landed on Chat Noir, and Ladybug leaned down daintily to pick up her weapon, snapping it neatly over her knee. As the butterfly emerged from the broken pieces, and she purified the akuma, Nino picked himself up sheepishly, and held out a hand to help Chat stand.
“You okay, man?” he tried to say, but Ladybug still hadn’t used her Miraculous cure. “Oh, sorry. I can’t talk.”
Chat nodded gratefully, and winked instinctively as he let go of Nino’s hand.
Nino’s face turned bright red, and he hastily averted his eyes, trying to suppress a grin. His hand hovered around his mouth, before falling to his side.
He was saved any further embarrassment by the flurry of ladybugs that appeared to do their magic, and when he regained his voice, Chat’s attention was focused elsewhere.
Ladybug held the reconstructed meter stick out to Mme. Mendeleiev, who was standing uncomfortably stiff and silent in the middle of one of her students’ bedrooms.
“Um…” Chat eyed the doors critically. “Sorry about this, ma’am, but I think you’re going to have to leave through the window with us. I don’t think Mr. Agreste would appreciate a stranger going through his house, for whatever reason.”
Nino snickered. Chat leaned out the window, extending his baton until it reached the street, and prodded her to slide down it. She did, at a snail’s pace, gripping the pole tightly and trying not to look down.
“Tell your friend sorry about his room,” Ladybug apologized to Nino. “Although everything should be fine, now.”
Nino waved her off. “He probably didn’t hear anything, and I promise, he won’t even notice.”
Ladybug nodded briskly, and smiled at him in farewell; then she jumped out the window and flew away on her yo-yo.
Chat pulled his baton back up and readied it to launch himself away, but he paused when he noticed Nino staring at him. They stood frozen like that for a few seconds, before the beeping of his ring startled him.
He saluted. “Well, see you around, Nino.”
“Yeah, see you,” Nino replied faintly. Chat took off, and Nino watched him for a few brief moments before he disappeared behind a building.
As soon as he was out of sight, Nino rushed back over to the bathroom door and pounded on it urgently. “Adrien, dude! You’re never going to believe this!”
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nightmareofcat · 7 years
Act of God
“Maybe your blood sugars low or something and that’s why you've got the giggles? Is that even a problem for you guys? I can see what we have for lunch anyway, if you want.” Sophie babbled as she leaned around looking for clothes to put on.
“Maybe it is you that needs to eat a Snickers, elskling.” Loki squeezed, not letting her get away from him just yet.
“A Snickers?! Me?” Sophie leaned into his embrace again and sighed dramatically. “And letting you watch too much TV is as bad letting those kids watch too much. Going around quoting candy ads at me.... What next?”
“Apparently nothing since you won’t allow me to star in films.” He grinned broadly while trying not to giggle.
“There are better ways to get validation than going into acting, dear.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek while reaching for some kind of clothing that was hiding behind him.
“I am sure there are but it sounds delightful. I could insult everyone then blame it on acting.... or was that comedy?” A finger tapped against his lower lip in thought.
“That’s usually comedy, unless your acting is really bad. But right now could you act like you know where my pants are?”
“I could.” Loki nodded then shrugged. “But I do not want to; pants are overrated.”
Sophie let out a tiny frustrated huff. “Natasha might have deployed already and Todd has things to do, but if we are out of here in three day, I guarantee that we will have more visitors. Should I have a conversation with Clint or Tony in my birthday suit?” She arched a daring brow at Loki.
He sighed loudly before reaching below him to grab her pants. “Why must you always make sense? Someday I will get you to lounge about nude without a care in the world.”
“And maybe someday we will be in a place that doesn't have a hundred or so armed lunatics making themselves at home.” Sophie grinned and took the pants from his grasp, shaking them out before getting up to wiggle into them.
“Obviously you have never been to Asgard.” Loki stretched out, crossing his ankles and tucking his hands behind his head. “I think we should work on your combat skills more, it has been awhile since you have sparred.”
Sophie leans over and pokes at Loki's pale chest before grabbing her top. “Is that what you think now?” She teased.
“Fine. I’m never going to be actually ready to fight, so I might as well be as ready as I can be. .... And, no. I obviously have never been to Asgard. I've managed to never go to New Jersey.”
“Better to be half prepared than not at all.” He sat up after the poke and dressed himself. “It also gives us something productive to do.”
“I'm not hungry anyway.” She grinned and planted herself in front of him with her hands on her hips. “Let's go.”
“My my, someone is eager.” He leaned over to steal a quick kiss. “I like it, let us go.” Loki stood and held out his hand for her to take.
Sophie held him by the wrist. “Going downstairs to scare people or are we destroying the kitchen?”
“Downstairs, elskling. That way you do not have access to extra weapons in the off chance I anger you.” He used her hold on his wrist to drag her off balance then gently wrap his arm around her neck. “Or should I correct that to when I anger you?” He grinned wolfishly next to her head before licking her cheek and abruptly letting her go.
“When?” Her eyebrow shot up again. “I'm not sure I like the sounds of that, DEAR.”
“You know as well as I that I cannot keep my mouth shut, love. I have mentioned before that Thanos will try to get in your head and use happy memories; warp them into a bastardization of what they once were. Our training is as much mental as it will be physical; if I can prepare you, even a little, to differentiate between the real and the false then our chances of success increase exponentially.” Loki raised a hand to run the backs of his fingers down her cheek. “We have not the time to fully dive into something that took me centuries to do, and it still failed in the end. My mind is gone but yours has a chance to remain more intact; that is my goal, if you can remain sane then you will be able to bring me back from anything he can do to me.”
“No matter how much I tease you, you know I don't think your mind is gone. Right?” Sophie said seriously as they wandered out of the apartment toward the elevator. “And I've had him in my head before. I know what it's like now, so I can fight it, and so can the tesseract.”
“You have not had the full force of him; what you experienced before was a tickle compared to what he can do.” The elevator arrived with a ding; once they shuffled in he turned to Sophie. “I don't repeat myself because I've forgotten, I say it again so they gravity sinks in as deep as it can. He broke me Sophie, even with the tesseract on our side, I fear what he can do to you. You don't allow me to worry about much but this is something that will eat at me until he breathes his last.” Loki arched a brow at her. “Allow your super gorgeous alien prince boyfriend to worry about you?”
She met his piercing eyes with a clean gaze. “As long you take one thing into consideration before you go crazy with the worry. Remember, I have something pretty strong on my side that I'm not completely sure you did.”
“And that would be?” His gaze turned curious.
“Loki.” She said softly.
Loki stared at Sophie in curiosity, not entirely sure what she meant. “Elaborate please? I am not entirely sure what you mean by me.”
“It's pretty simple,” Sophie said as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. “I have every reason to want to come out of this OK. I have so many things to fight for that the idea of fighting for myself isn't even in the top five. And there are so many people willing to fight with me and for me, and you. Most importantly, I have you.”
She stepped through the doors and gave Loki a sad smile. “But when Thanos had you..... you were all alone and suicidal. No one helped you, probably not even yourself. This is different.”
Loki stepped through after her, head down and shaking sadly. “You are right, I had no one.” He stepped a few paces past her, speaking back over his shoulder. “One may have all the reasons in the world to fight for but if they themselves are not on that list then the other reasons do not matter. I never had a reason to fight for myself; now I do but do you? You say you have so many reasons to come out in one piece but is one of those yourself? Some of the greatest warriors in history say they fought for things greater than themselves; kings, country, gods, any number of things but have any of them ever lived out a full life? Died of old age? Those that war for something other than themselves burn out and die young. You have to be selfish to survive. The Captain may think differently; look where that got him, frozen for a lifetime. I have a theory about that but that is for another time. “He started walking again.” Come along Sophie, we have work to do.
Sophie picked up her pace until she just passed Loki and opened the door to the training room. “I told you. I'm on the list, just not at the top.”
Silently, she said to herself. “You Loki. You're at the top of the list.”
Not hearing the end of what she said, Loki held the door then gave her behind a swat to get her moving. “You need to be at the top. I will be fighting for 3 things; myself, you and Toukka. If I can succeed in fighting for those 3 then everything will be alright. Call me selfish or backwards, I care not.”
She squeaked and spun around, backing into the center of the room. “I'm not the one that needs inspiration, dear. I might not look like it right now, but I'm PISSED OFF at that guy.”
“Good, now...” Loki trailed off, sauntering over to the wall to lean against it. Lazily he moved his hands, summoning a copy of Thanos. The purple behemoth sneered at Sophie, a gut wrenching laugh escaping his hideous face. “Fight him.”
Sophie looked between Loki and the simulacrum with confusion. “With what? My bare feet? Weapons are mostly pointless with the real one anyway, right?”
A selection of blades on a table appeared near his position. “He would grow suspicious if you simply ran at him; have a weapon, draw him close, make him engage you. Otherwise simply running close and throwing your ring at him will just get you killed. He will want to toy with you, show himself as superior before trying to tear you apart atom by atom. All of this at the same time he will try raping your mind, you have witnessed that on a small scale without adding external attacks.” Loki examined his nails. “While I cannot fully penetrate your mind, I can probe enough to cause distraction. Fight him as I do so.”
After slipping a knife into the back waistband of her pants, Sophie picked up a blade in each hand and slid them up her sleeves. She then made her way to the farthest corner of the room from Loki's Thanos, took a deep breath  and with slow deliberate steps, made her way forward. Her eyes darted around the empty room.
The Titan copy moved slowly, sizing up what was in front of him before barking out an ugly laugh. “You think you can defeat me girl? His teeth bared at her. You are nothing but an insect, not worthy of my boot. Run along and send that runt of a Jotun worm to me so I may fillet his hide.” Loki's eye twitched, he may control that freak of nature but he certainly didn't like it.
Sophie ignored Loki as she kept advancing. “He's busy right now. You have to deal with me. Sorry.”
As the Titan advanced, Loki began the mental assault. It didn't take long for him to see the strain fighting and blocking him fatigued her. After a time he stopped and vanished the Thanos copy. “Do we need to stop or can you handle more?”
Sweat beaded on Sophie's brow and upper lip as her brow furrowed while she tried to keep moving toward the looming figure. Nightmares washed over her and made thinking, let alone moving almost impossible. She didn't even notice it disappear at first, she took a staggering lurch forward and almost fell as she was released.
She looked over at Loki with narrowed and reddened eyes. The tesseract on her finger glinted unnaturally. “I'm fine.” She lied with a hoarse voice. “I expected worse than having my own nightmares fed back to me, actually.”
He hummed then tisked. “Try again, love. You are on the verge of collapse.” Loki pushed off the wall while making the table and knives disappear. “That was a Hors d'oeuvre, tomorrow you will have the appetizer, and the entree is still on its way.”
“I'll be able to make it.” Her eyes flashed for a moment as she spoke. Then the strain could be heard in her voice to contradict her words. “Hey, I thought I was going to get to poke at you.”
A water bottle formed in his hand as he walked to her. “Take a break, then you can poke at me.” Loki's lips tilted up at the corners.
As Loki approached, Sophie stepped back. Most certainly, she was sure, so that she could lean against the wall and not because the nightmare images she thought she had banished were flashing behind her eyelids again.
His sharp eye caught her stepping back; once he was within reach and she couldn't step back any more, Loki slowly placed the water in her hand and wrapped his fingers gently around her wrist. His thumb slid along the rapidly thumping pulse. “It's alright, elskling, it's just me.”
“I.. I know that.” She looked up at him with a thin smile. “Why wouldn't I know that?”
“Because I have been where you are right now.” His other hand slid along her arm slowly. “I see the thinly veiled terror behind those beautiful eyes.” The hand reached her shoulder, he took a small step closer. “And I know what it feels like; to feel like you need false bravado to prove a point, you don't need that Sophie.” Fingers traced along her jaw in a feather light caress. “You can fall apart, I'm here to put you back together... My darling.”
\ His voice and gaze held her motionless like she was hypnotized. She nodded emptily and leaned into his touch.
Soon she reached up and slowly pulled Loki's face to hers and gently kissed him with parted lips. Sophie breathed him in, letting his breath fill her until she was satisfied with his realness.
Minutes could have been hours for all Loki knew, letting Sophie reorient with the here and now was his priority. Achingly slow, he withdrew from her lips once he was satisfied she was back. “Welcome back, elskling.” He smiled while his forehead was pressed to hers.
Her hands rested on his shoulders and she closed her eyes.
“Thank you.” She spoke very quietly. “I'll be able to do it. I will. I promise.”
With a slight wooshing sound, the security seal around the door opened. Slightly after the door itself flew open with a bang.
“I'm gonna have to say this scene is a wrap kids. You know the cameras in here feed to security rooms all over the place right? If the FCC gets wind of the kind of stuff you'd be broadcasting if I didn't stop you now, they'd come confiscate all of my cameras. Morality codes and whatnot. Can't have that now, can we?” Tony Stark chattered at them with a knowing grin on his face. “Besides, you should come upstairs. I have new toys. It's like Christmas. Got you a sock full of coal special, Reindeer Games.”
Loki released an agitated sigh while rolling his eyes. “Thank you for your eloquence as always, Stark. You can take that coal and stuff up that gold-titanium arse of yours.” His voice softened while addressing Sophie. “Are you sure I cannot kill him? What about maiming?”
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Easter Hunt
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Characters: Reader, Dean, Sam (all platonic)
Inspiration: Easter!
Warnings: None
Summary: The moment Dean and Sam turned their backs to practice target shooting, you get up to some Easter-themed antics in the Bunker.
Dean and Sam walked into the library after spending the better half of the morning shooting rounds at target practice. It almost felt like they were going to bring the whole place down with the way the gunshot sounds bounced off the walls and echoed to every inch of their home. They took a seat at the library table and poured themselves a glass of whiskey, each taking comfort in the silence.
Wait. Silence? That couldn’t be right. There were three hunters in the bunker the last time the duo had checked.
“Have you seen (Y/n)?” Sam asked, being the first one to realise that they were down a hunter. Dean took a sip of his drink and leaned back in his seat. Just once, he wanted to relax and not be bothered with something trivial like the lost case of (Y/n).
“They’re probably in their room trying to find a spell that’ll bring Cas here.” He assumed but before he could take another swig, the older Winchester was pinned down by his brothers’ glare. They both had walked past your room on the way down and knew that it was unoccupied. The kitchen was the same.
“Just once.” Dean grumbled to himself, straightening up with a sigh and looking up. “(Y/n), where’d you go?”
“Do you think they went out?” Sam wondered. He knew, as well as Dean, that their friend had been on edge with the case of Kelly Kline and now, with Castiel refusing to respond, he feared that maybe you had taken matters into your own hands. You had done it before.
“Impossible. Their bike’s under repair, they hate the other vehicles in the garage, and I’d hear my Baby roar if they’d dared taking her.” Dean reasoned.
All of a sudden, the boys felt their phones buzzing in their respected jacket pockets. Pulling it out, they found a text message from their missing hunter.
‘All was well.’
“All was well? What the hell does that mean?” Dean asked, brows furrowed as he tried to decipher the message like Da Vinci’s Code. Sam chuckled at his brother’s lack of knowledge and the way Dean repeated the three words like a chant. Finally, he grew tired and pointed at Dean’s screen.
“All was well - it’s a quote.”
“A quote from what, the Encyclopaedia?” His brother questioned.
“From the last Harry Potter.”
“Wow, you’ve sucked (Y/n) into your circle of weird.”
“Dude,” Sam took Dean’s phone with an eyeroll and shook it, “They’re giving us clues.”
He walked over to the furthest bookcase on the left and scanned for his selection of Harry Potter books that stood out with their multi-coloured spines. He pulled out the final book and opened the cover only for a small, yellow paper to slip out. Dean bent down and picked it up only to smack his lips and glare at Sam as he held it out for his younger brother to see.
The slip of paper turned out to be a cut-out of a comical chick and Sam couldn’t help but chuckle at the effort (Y/n) put into it. Dean’s scowl remained - these weren’t the chicks that he was fond of.
“If (Y/n) thinks that we’re…”
“Dean, come on. It’s Easter and they’ve already been messed up enough with Cas and Lucifer’s kid. It’s been some time since they’ve done something like this.” Sam argued gently. Dean rolled his eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning and gave Sam the paper in response. Sam smiled quickly before flipping the yellow paper on its back and read the message out loud.
“I’m a room that gives you strength,”
“The arsenal, obvious.” Dean solved.
“But I am not the weapons bay.”
Dean stormed away which left Sam to squint at his actions. “Where are you going?”
“The kitchen!” Dean snapped, still sour about not getting it right the first time. Sam sighed, put the book back in its place on the shelf and hurried after his brother. Sam reached the kitchen a few moments after Dean and found the man staring at the kitchen bench where there was an empty egg-basket.
“What are you doing?” Sam asked and moved forward to grab the basket only to be stopped. “Dude.”
“Don’t. This is the making of every horror film.” Dean told him, one hand on the hilt of his gun while his eyes were trained on the intricately-woven basket, missing the way in which Sam’s hazel eyes rolled to the back of his head with the dramatisation. Sam moved past the blockade and picked up the object, much to the disapproval of Dean, finding the next message in the shape of a rabbit.
“‘Baby, baby, baby’?” Sam frowned. He was stumped by this one. What did they mean by-?
“Baby!” Dean cried out and bolted for the door. Sam jolted at his brother’s outburst and quickly ran out after him.
“Hey, wait!”
Sam sprinted down the kitchen hallway and was hot on his brothers heels until Dean turned a corner and nearly had his brother trip over his misplaced slipper. Sam groaned and finally understood why (Y/n) was always pissed about the hallways.
Looking up, he saw Dean curve a second left and realised that the man was headed to the garage.
Baby, of course. He thought. Sam mapped out the interior of the bunker and instead of following his brothers’ heading, he turned right and took a shortcut instead.
Just as he had planned, Sam reached the garage a few seconds faster than his brother, who halted his runs and started stalking forward instead, like he was on a hunt. The garage was darker than normal and Sam noticed a glimmer of silver as he jogged over, flinching when he saw an angel blade in play.
“Dean, why are you even holding that?”
“This isn’t (Y/n), Sammy. This is some demonic crap that’s messing with us.” Dean stated, his voice low and dangerous. Sam scoffed at the foolery and took the weapon from him, refusing to give his brother an explanation.
Dean scowled as he proceeded deeper into the garage, prepared for a fight oddly enough while the younger Winchester looked through the dark for the next clue. As they took a few more steps forward, Dean kicked something hard that tipped onto the ground and, judging by the sound of it rolling, it was an egg.
Quite suddenly, the lights flicked on and just by Dean and Sam’s feet were a trail of coloured easter eggs that led to the Impala.
“Son of a -”
The Impala was untouched on the outside but the inside of the vehicle was a completely different story. There were coloured eggs crammed in the interior of the car, from the bottom to the top, and very visible through the window.
Dean ran up to his pride and joy and plastered his hands against the window to look inside, hoping that (Y/n) had the decency to leave some room for the leather to breathe.
Nope. There was no space that wasn’t occupied by chocolate.
“Happy Easter!” You cried out, jumping out from behind the glossy, black ride. Sam laughed along, happy to see you smile again, while Dean seemed unable to move. You joined the taller Winchester and shrugged curiously.
“What do you think?” You wondered while Sam glanced at the chocolates.
“Well, I get the hunt but why’d you fill the car with eggs?” He questioned. You opened your mouth, a response on your tongue when Dean suddenly turned and interrupted.
“What did Baby ever do to you?” He asked and, when you looked at him, he was offended.
“It’s a delayed April Fool’s.” You answered, placing a finger on your chin while pretending to think. “I’m pretty sure I mixed a few raw eggs in there.”
“How dare you.”
Laughing, you reached into your pocket and pulled out the keys to the ‘67 Chevrolet, tossing it over to your friend-turned-family.
The instant the keys landed in Dean’s hands, he swiftly unlocked the passenger-side door and chocolate eggs cascaded like a waterfall onto the ground. Dean took a step back to stay clear from the hollow pieces of chocolate but tripped and fell backward, crushing several egg shells beneath his weight while being buried in colour.
You scooped up an armful of sweet treats and bolted from the scene. Sam chuckled to himself and scratched his forehead at your antics.
“I hate this!” Dean shouted as he sat up, pulling out broken fragments of chocolate and then taking a bite out of one.
“Well, Gabriel is their guardian angel.” Sam justified, picking up an egg and unwrapping it before popping it in his mouth while watching his brother sigh heavily.
“Don’t remind me.”
Dean finally got to his feet and started the mission of digging out the eggs as carefully as he could, just in case he broke one of the real ones. Sam had eaten half-a-dozen chocolate eggs in this time and turned to leave only to find you rushing back in.
“Gotta work faster, Dean. We’ve got a case.” You informed, shaking your phone gently.
“You’ve got to be kidding me?” Dean groaned from somewhere in his car as he found a very real egg. Sam ignored his brother and kept focus on the hunter.
“What are we dealing with?”
“There are reports of a creature stalking a small town in Ohio that’s targeting children and leaving their bodies missing of their front teeth.”
“So, rogue faerie?” Sam wondered but you shook your head.
“Sightings report large ears, whiskers, and a puffy tail.”
“I hate Easter!” Dean declared as he glared at the egg-yolk dripping through his fingers. Sam nodded at the strange turn in events and rolled up his sleeves.
“Looks like we have an evil Easter Rabbit to slay.”
A/n: Hey, hey! Yes, I’m still alive and well. If you want to throw your torches and pitchforks at me for abandoning you – you’re most welcome to do so. It’s been really difficult balancing writing, work, and ‘me’ time :( but I’m trying to fix it.
Unfortunately, the uploads won’t be consistent but I hope to keep them rolling because I love all of you <3
Masterlist here
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thedrowsydoormouse · 4 years
If you could make any household pet enormous what would it be? My dog is already pretty big (he sat on my throat the other day and I almost blacked out).
Favourite mythology/fairy tale etc? I don’t know if this really counts but I really love hearing ghost stories from the Disney parks. I love the contrast between the super clean, family friendly, safe image Disney prides themselves on in the parks versus the darker underbelly of the hauntings showing the not so safe and family friendly side.
If you could design a planet what colours would you choose? Every color of the rainbow, made metallic/sparkly, with a black background so they really pop.
Sentient plants or sentient machines? Machines. I’m basically vegetarian so sentient plants would be a nightmare.
Disney, Pixar or DreamWorks? Disney who also owns Pixar so I guess both of those!
Ice cream or soup? It depends on the weather and what I feel like having because I love both.
If you could live in any TV show/film/book which would you choose? Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist because I would love to know what songs are playing in my head so I can make a playlist.
Futuristic or steampunk? Steampunk. Give me corsets and top hats and all that crazy shit any day!
Space travel or time travel? Time travel because eventually, if you travel far enough into the future, you wind up in space anyway.
Superhero or sidekick? Hero. I hate being told what to do.
Favourite guilty pleasure? I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. If you like something just own up to it and own your truth instead of feeling like it has to be at all shameful.
Best comfort food? I live in Southern California and grew up eating a lot of asian food so my comfort foods have become Chinese takeout, sushi, thai food, and stuff like that.
Least favourite school subject? Biology. My teacher was the worst and it was so boring.
Weird quirks/actions you’ve noticed you do since rp? I don’t rp nearly often enough to have developed any quirks.
Favourite scene from any book/show and why? I have way too many but in the most recent episode of Zoey’s her powers were glitching and she was singing all her inner most thoughts out loud and that entire episode was fucking brilliant!
If you could come back as an undead being which would you choose? Vampire. I’m already basically nocturnal, I’m inhumanly pale, and I can totally get behind the aesthetic.
Rp scene that was the most difficult to film. See previous rp question.
Oddest things you’ve used to make a costume or film stand? When I was in college I had to make a ball gag out of a couple headbands and a dog toy for a student film I worked on. It was a very fun, interesting Halloween.
Favourite type of chocolate? Milk chocolate.
Do you think you’re best known for fluff, angst or crack? I haven’t actually published any of my writing yet but a lot of it is very angst-y.
Favourite hot drink? Tea. I could drink nothing but hot tea all year because there’s so many variations and flavors to suit my moods.
Outfit aesthetic you aspire for? “Is she a witch, a vampire, or a rock star. Or maybe she’s a pirate. I honestly can’t tell but I wish I was her because she is fabulous.”
Sun, moon or stars? Moon AND stars.
If you could master any five languages which would you choose? French, Irish, German, Spanish, and Italian.
Favourite place? It depends. My favorite place here in California is New Orleans Square in Disneyland. But my two favorite places to travel to are New York and New Orleans.
Something that’s bothering you at the moment? I can’t tell if I’m bored or hungry.
Favourite headcanon? Jimmy Palmer (NCIS) is openly bi but completely forgot to come out at work which is why it’s never mentioned or talked about.
Plot of a story/show you wish had been completed? I wish we had actually seen the Tiva reunion in Paris instead of just hearing about it second hand through the notes Senior had Jimmy deliver.
Favourite trope? Sexual tension you could cut with a knife.
Favourite flavour of crisps/chips? Zapp’s Spicy Cajun Crawtators.
Sweet or sour? Both
Spicy or savoury? Both again.
What would be the theme tune to your life? Monster by dodie
Favourite breakfast food? I hate breakfast.
If you could live in any historical era which would you choose? Sometime between the late 60′s (Vietnam Conflict era) and the 80′s when punk and goth were just starting out and counterculture was becoming more of a thing.
Premise of memorable childhood TV shows? I grew up watching a lot of Food Network more than actual kids tv and my favorite show was about how various sack foods are made.
If you could be any shape what shape would you be? I’m already pretty close to an hourglass shape.
If you could switch lives with any character who would it be? Breena Palmer from NCIS. I want a husband who loves me and our kid as much as Jimmy does and it would be kind of awesome to work as a mortician!
If you could switch the limb of one animal with another (e.g a spider leg to a fish tail) what would you choose? I would swap out my dog’s paws with cat paws because his nails hurt like a mother fucker when he steps on me.
If you could create a country what would you name it? Addamsland.
Do you make ny resolutions? Never have, never will.
Season you’re most looking forward to? Fall. I’m ready for Halloween.
Fish scales or reptile scales? Fish. They tend to be more metallic or holographic!
Paper or parchment? Paper because I’m not pretentious.
Paperback or ebook? Paperback. 
Warm tones or cool tones? I am painfully cool toned.
Creative subjects or analytical subjects? Subjects that require creative analysis.
Fog or snow? Fog. Give me those horror movie vibes!
Make up a premise for a TV show you’d want to see. Everyday life of a Chosen One post revolution in the style of B99 or Parks and Rec.
Any unpopular headcanons? Sam never actually got his soul back, he just got better at hiding it.
Favourite story genre? Urban fantasy. Give me magic in a big city like modern day New York and show how it seamlessly weaves into everyday life.
Trope that is most overrated in your opinion? Enemies to lovers but only if it’s done wrong like with (this is gunna piss off a lot of people) Reylo. Don’t have a girl fall in love with her abuser. If it’s done right in a way that doesn’t promote domestic abuse then I’m fine with it and sometimes even enjoy it. But it’s done wrong too often for me to ignore.
City lights or candle light? City lights. I want to bathe in neon.
Which element do you think best represents you. Fire. I can be really useful and helpful but I can very easily get out of control and destroy everything.
Opinions on valentine’s? Fucking hate it.
If you could feasibly live on one other planet, which would you choose?
Wood or marble? Wood. Marble, to me, is a little too Kardashian. I’d rather see an ornately carved wooden entrance way than one with giant marble staircases and marble pillars and the walls painted to match the marble.
Are you a spontaneous planner or an in advance planner? I like to have some idea of what I’m getting myself into but I also enjoy being able to go with the flow the day of and seeing where my moods take me.
Did you have any weird beliefs as a kid? The mirror in my bedroom was a portal to a different universe.
Any famous historical figures you think don’t deserve it? 90% of the famous white men. Like fuck Elvis and fuck the Beatles.
If you could be any plant which would you be? Mistletoe because of my red hair and my love of poison!
Any weird facts? Teeth are actually closer to calcified skin than bone.
Did you have a treehouse as a kid? No.
Rabbits or ferrets? Rabbits.
If you could switch lives with someone you know for a day, who would you choose? My dog. He does basically the same shit I do all day but he doesn’t know what’s going on so he never stresses about anything.
Opinions on nicknames? Some are fine. It depends on who gave it to you and their reason behind it. 
If you could become instantly skilled in one new skill, what would you choose? Fixing computers.
Ink wells or biros? normal pens.
If you had to switch one: fish in the sky or birds in the sea, which would you switch? Birds in the sea. 
Cheesecake or sponge cake? Both.
Weirdest deja vu moment? Last night watching TOWIE and talking with my mom.
Field of wildflowers or a forest? Forest. Weird shit happens in forests.
Nymph or merperson? Nymph.
Funniest story behind an inside joke? My freshman year of high school I was in the fall play and during my costume fitting they had me try on a dress that fit me like a second skin. The problem was they put it on me backwards so I had to rush to get it back on the right way. At the same time, one of the guys in the cast was trying to get into the wardrobe room and was pounding on the door telling us to hurry up which led to my friend, who was helping me with the dress, yelling at me to suck in my boobs (which were shockingly big for my 90 lb., 14 year old self) while twisting the dress around and another friend stopping the guy from opening the door. The whole thing gave off very B99 cold open vibes and it was great! Every time my friend saw me after that she’d yell “suck in your boobs” and we’d both die laughing, much to everyone else’s confusion!
If you could, would you choose to erase any of your memories permanently? I would erase all my memories from 9/11. Hopefully that makes me not as depressed and anxious.
@anangelamuse-castiel-spnfam I don’t know how I finished mine first because that never happens but now it’s your turn!
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autowrite · 6 years
10.12.18 - My Method Of Regulating
What we do have to do, and what we do do are connected to the same branches of the same trees going backwards and forwards. My chest is hot and so is my face, it's my damn responsibility to breathe in and out and correct my spelling and enter dear-eating contests.  I 'Shake it off' by allowing myself to be silly in these texts, to be incredibly random, to say whatever the fuck I want to. It's through action, through flow that I can untangle, feel safe, feel stable. And this is a safe place to do it.  I want you to enter baby, I need you in my life. There is going to be a time when you can do this in real life too. I'm hot chested and quite frankly, stressed to be honest. This tram is pulling into Diepenbeek. I'm all content and no action. That weird chick unlinked us on OKC. I'm not judging I swear, I read self improvement books everyday. I deal with people like you everyday. I'm financing you all the way, I'm angry to the point of aggression. Note to self: look up the difference between anger and aggression. Why am I so pissed of at other people? It's so tough not to judge. My ego is so fragile and constantly under attack, I'm aware of this. I feel the pain and do it anyway, I watch short films like Oh Willy, hang out at the Bozar in Brussels, read 5 pages from the white book, arrive at my destination on time. When I'm home I know where I'm going. When I look at you I look through you. When I look at you it's because i want you to look at me, I'm objectifying you in that way, I think? Life is all about being seen. We need to be seen. We are unfinished business. We can not use this as an excuse to not get on with our lives. I can't think of you in the dark, I will not cheat on my boyfriend with you, i will take you seriously though. I yelled because i want to get out.
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shingekiqts-blog · 6 years
Enlightening Cinema
bound McKennaEnlightening CinemaMetaphysical Articles | February 6, 2005... Cinema By depart ... me tell you why you're here. You're here for you experience ... What you know, you can't explain. But you mood it. You felt it your gross life. so that f movies re' Enlightening Cinema away Jed McKenna"Let me instruct you proof you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You twiddle it your entire life. That three r's something bad with the world. You don't recognize what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your thought driving you mad." -Morpheus, The Matrix This isn't a flick review table and it's not comprehensive. It's aloof some notes about a few movies I think are profitable for the purposes of awakening and why, or that ardent and cause not. along tools of understanding, dreadful is generally better then good. dominant themes represented on this list imply to be these: - Heresy - Captive/Captor - Teacher/Student - Nature of self/man. - Death/rebirth. Cataclysm/epiphany. - Untrustworthiness of mind/memories. The exclusive thing I might suggest with observance to picture and album is to raise the material raise to the level situation it becomes of profit to you. Orwell valor have been writing an anti-communist manifesto, but finetune Eighty-Four is much new interesting scrutinize as the struggle inserted man and his confinement. Apocalypse straightaway is about something other than Viet Nam, whereby to Get Ahead modern Advertising is about something more tan rampant commercialism, etc.::: african Beauty"I touch like dive been in a stupor for the past tweet years. And I'm equitable now alert up." dive included American Beauty principally for what's wrong with it. Lester's major death/rebirth transition fair promise, but what move he development to? Backward to teenage crap, not forward in any sense. A fear-based regression. ludicrous car, ludicrous drugs, irrelevant vanity, ludicrous skirt chasing. Not at all redeemed when lesser sees his own silliness near the end or by sappy/smarmy dead gentleman voice-over. breathtaking movie is slightly reclaimed by the presence of the quasi-mystical neighbor daughter and his video footage of a windblown bag:"That's the light I accomplished that there was this entire get-up-and-go behind things, and this incredibly humane force that wanted me to notice there was no logic to be afraid, ever."::: Apocalypse Now"In a fighting there are many point for mercy and delicate action. responsible are crowded moments for ruthless reaction what is often called ruthless what may in many outlook be apart clarity, noticing clearly what there is to be done and doing it, directly, quickly, awake, looking at it." You'd see that holocaust Now Redux, the director's cut, would be the version to watch, but all the stuff that was justly cut from the original has last wrongly replaced. (Raising the interesting point that administrator and authors often restriction understand the higher utilization of the stories they're telling.) cane with the original past both Redux and gonads Heart of Darkness.Apocalypse immediately is all about the Horror. ac journey of discovery, in the direction of through to the soul of darkness, arriving at this horror. What's the horror? whence do you get there? Why would anyone produce such a journey? enjoy you prepare such a journey? Why or proof not?Note the powerful epiphanies that run the film. The early assassin's character home, ("Sell the house, sell the car, close the kids..."), Dennis Hopper's youthful exuberance, Kurtz's jewel bullet, wizards "...I wasn't even in their squad any more." ::: subsistence There"Spring, summer, autumn, winter... then hop again."A engaging film wrecked by a foolish walking-on-water stunt zigzag on to the end. Without that nonsense the viewer would be handout to think, to decide, to wonder. Instead, the movie zips itself up tight with its adept little dumb-it-down twist. blow the conclusion button during Chauncey is straightening the sapling, before the catastrophic denouement, and it's a fun, splendid film.::: sword Runner"I've notice things you people wouldn't believe. raid ships on fire slight the carry of Orion. I've minded c-beams glitter in the dark adjacent the Tannhauser Gate. All those date will be lost in time like tears in rain. past to die." Were you born quintuple minutes ago? Of plan not, and you have the mind to show it. od'd know if they were artificial implants, because, uh...::: Cast Away"I couldn't square kill I personally the style I asked for to. I had power over nothing."If a guy screams on a vacant island and there's no one to hear him, does he make a sound? breathe it sufficient that he hears it himself? What if not? What's left when you take aside everything?Self deprived bare.This show raises many intriguing query about the substance of self, or lack thereof, and introduce a actual Zen eulogy.::: Dead author SocietyHeresy.::: caroled and Maude"Vice, virtue. It's best not to be too moral... Aim over morality."American Zen, master and disciple. ::: Harvey"For senescence I was smart... I recommend pleasant."Elwood P. Dowd, wisefool. ad sweet depiction of a higher regulation of being misinterpreted as a reduced order of being. exert we notice the remarkable Man during we repartee him? ::: How to Get along In Advertising"Everything I accomplish now makes perfect sense."A thwarted offer for freedom. A decline attempt to overthrow Maya. Enjoy the insanity of the epiphany.::: Joe facing the Volcano"Nobody knows anything, Joe. will take this leap, and we'll see. We'll jump, and wheel see. tatas life, right?"Death and Rebirth. Unlike American Beauty, this is all about moving forward, "away from the things of man."::: brother Facing Southeast (Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste)Watch especially for the ocular poem of a guy crumbling a human scholar into a sink in the time looking for the soul.::: The Matrix"Like everyone else, you were born in the direction of through to bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind." plutos Cave for the people. As allegorically lucid as Joe across Vocano, Pleasantville and leading Wars.::: mint Python's heart of Brian"No, no! attractiveness is a sign that, like Him, we requisite think not of the things of the body, but of the surface and head!"Sacred Cow-tipping at its best."Meaning of Life" also apply on this list.::: finetune Eighty-Four"If you want a vision of the future, Winston, fancy a oxford stamping on a individual faceforever."This show is particular in the sense that it's as good as the book, which is an excessively intimate picture of the captor/captive, Maya/man relationship. Compare this to Moby-Dick or One float Over the Cuckoo's refuge which are superb essay but inoperative movies.::: separate Flew Over the Cuckoo's NestAs with Moby-Dick, Hollywood castrated the book. They stripped it of mine archetypal measure and reduced it to a insignificant pissing race between McMurphy and therapist Ratched. huge entertainment, but for meaningful insight, scan the book.::: Pleasantville"There are some site where the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some point where it keeps on going."A effervescent tale of heresy in which no one is burned at the spike and the new paradigm is, eventually, embraced by all.::: climactic Razor's Edge"The dead look so desperately dead."The razor's edge is what manufacture it interesting; seeing harry shakily offset on the fine streak between what he was and what he's becoming. He is walking the edge between two lives. The check Murray interpretation is a bit unfocused... stick with Tyrone influence or see the book. Maugham probably used Ramana Maharshi as the model for the novel's pure man.::: celebrated Wars"The fury will be with you, always."The premier one, location Luke form the transition from meat to spirit. The hrs Journey.::: dramaturgic Thin glowing Line"Maybe all men receive one immense soul every bit a section of, all faces are the double man."A sublime inquiry toward the intangible nature of man. extra a sad/sweet song tan a historical film.::: climactic Thirteenth Floor"So what're you saying? You're saying that there's another world on top of this one?"Layer after layer. Turtles on top of turtles. ::: Vanilla Sky/Abre Los Ojos"Open your eyes."If you agnate Vanilla Sky, check out the original, the Continental film Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). the above-mentioned two films may be the tough of the bunch for our purposes; the warm to an enlightenment allegory.Of course, the interesting material about sophistication is taking there, not being there, and teats what the above-mentioned films are about; provocation from a false reality, opening your eyes. They're not so much round what's authentic as wits not. It's the version of the journey one takes to get to the place where anything, even jumping off a tall building, would be better than continuing to live a lie, alike a beautiful, blissful lie.Note the existence of the true guru, explaining in clear stipulation why bound off the building is the tough thing to do, and waiting dispassionately for it to be done.::: stirring Life"They say that dreams are isolated real as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same piece about life?"Wide-ranging philosophical inquiry. Provocative. Amusing. Potentially disruptive.::: Wings of Desire"When the child was a child, it was the second of the above-mentioned questions: Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? at did generation begin and where end space end?"A lovely, intelligent, thought-provoking film. Can the awakened life return to the dreamstate? Would he want to?::: OthersSome other films that reward thoughtful viewing are The diviner of Oz, About Schmidt, What thought May Come, Total Recall, All the Mornings about the universe (Tous lies Matins du Monde), and, of course, many more.-Jed McKenna ::: About the Author"Jed McKenna is an American original." -Lama sierra DasJed McKenna is the author of "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing" and "Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment", published by Wisefool Press. Coming in 2005: "Spirituality X" and "Jed McKenna's Notebook". Visit WisefoolPress.com to pick up more.
0 notes
rachelxgreene-blog · 6 years
Enlightening Cinema
bound McKennaEnlightening CinemaMetaphysical Articles | February 6, 2005... Cinema By Jed ... me tell you why you're here. You're here because you appreciate ... What you know, you can't explain. But you mood it. You felt it your entire life. in order that there' Enlightening Cinema through Jed McKenna"Let me tell you proof you're here. You're present because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You caress it your entire life. That there's something bad with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your mind driving you mad." -Morpheus, The Matrix This isn't a movie review table and it's not comprehensive. It's conscientious some synopsis about a few picture I guess are helpful for the purposes of awakening and why, or that are in to and mystery not. by tools of understanding, dreadful is regularly better tan good. primary themes described on this list suggest to be these: - Heresy - Captive/Captor - Teacher/Student - Nature of self/man. - Death/rebirth. Cataclysm/epiphany. - Untrustworthiness of mind/memories. The apart thing I might suggest with heed to feature and album is to raise the material up to the level position it come of value to you. Orwell force have prevail writing an anti-communist manifesto, but canteen Eighty-Four is much further interesting explore as the struggle inserted man and his confinement. Apocalypse forthwith is about something extra than Viet Nam, whence to earn Ahead In Advertising is about being more thaw rampant commercialism, etc.::: african Beauty"I impression like ice been in a slumber for the past tent years. also I'm decent now stirring up." dive included American Beauty above all for what's wrong with it. Lester's major death/rebirth transition pageant promise, but what move he shift to? rearward to teenage crap, not forward in any sense. A fear-based regression. senseless car, stupid drugs, naive vanity, ludicrous skirt chasing. Not at all redeemed when lest sees his own indiscretion near the end or by sappy/smarmy dead dude voice-over. dramaturgic movie is slightly reclaimed by the presence of the quasi-mystical neighbor youth and his video footage of a windblown bag:"That's the sunlight I accomplished that there was this entire life behind things, and this incredibly compassionate force that wanted me to notice there was no reason to be afraid, ever."::: Apocalypse Now"In a warfare there are many point for benevolence and supple action. efficient are countless moments for ruthless action what is often labeled ruthless what may in many precedence be individual clarity, seeing clearly what there is to be done and doing it, directly, quickly, awake, study at it." You'd feel that catastrophe Now Redux, the director's cut, would be the version to watch, but all the stuff that was appropriately cut from the infant has last wrongly replaced. (Raising the interesting mite that head and producer often prohibition understand the higher operation of the stories they're telling.) Stick with the original bygone both Redux and gonads Heart of Darkness.Apocalypse Now is all about the Horror. ah journey of discovery, within the heart of darkness, arriving at this horror. What's the horror? after what precedent do you get there? Why would anyone compose such a journey? consider you compose such a journey? Why or mystery not?Note the powerful epiphanies that drive the film. The head assassin's sign home, ("Sell the house, sell the car, close the kids..."), Dennis Hopper's youthful exuberance, Kurtz's ice bullet, paillards "...I wasn't even in their squad any more." ::: living There"Spring, summer, autumn, winter... then spring again."A lovely film ravaged by a foolish walking-on-water stunt zigzag on to the end. Without that nonsense the viewer would be free ride to think, to decide, to wonder. Instead, the movie zips itself up tight with its astute little dumb-it-down twist. Hit the bar button when Chauncey is straightening the sapling, since the hurtful denouement, and it's a fun, alluring film.::: edge Runner"I've notice things you people wouldn't believe. raid ships on fire finished the take on of Orion. I've patrolled c-beams sheen in the dark near the townhouses Gate. outright those time will be lost in time like tears in rain. turn to die." Were you born quinate minutes ago? Of series not, and you have the remembrance to prove it. You'd know if they were artificial implants, because, uh...::: Cast Away"I couldn't constant kill personally the style I needed to. I had function over nothing."If a fellow screams on a forlorn island and there's no one to hear him, does he make a sound? last it suitable that he hears it himself? What if not? What's sinister when you take away everything?Self undressed bare.This picture raises abounding intriguing query about the substance of self, or lack thereof, and includes a very Zen eulogy.::: Dead dramatist SocietyHeresy.::: haloed and Maude"Vice, virtue. It's best not to be too moral... Aim over morality."American Zen, master and disciple. ::: Harvey"For years I was smart... I recommend pleasant."Elwood P. Dowd, wisefool. ai sweet depiction of a higher system of presence misinterpreted as a subordinate order of being. resolve we appreciate the remarkable Man at we saw him? ::: watch movies for free to Get advanced In Advertising"Everything I do now makes perfect sense."A thwarted bid for freedom. A founder attempt to overthrow Maya. Enjoy the insanity of the epiphany.::: Joe con the Volcano"Nobody knows anything, Joe. wheal take this leap, and we'll see. We'll jump, and will see. tatas life, right?"Death and Rebirth. Unlike American Beauty, this is all about gripping forward, "away from the things of man."::: brother Facing soothes (Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste)Watch especially for the observable poem of a guy crumbling a human scholar into a sink during looking for the soul.::: The Matrix"Like everyone else, you were born within bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A dungeon for your mind." palates Cave for the people. As allegorically lucid as Joe across Vocano, Pleasantville and chief Wars.::: monody Python's activity of Brian"No, no! allure is a sign that, like Him, we duty think not of the things of the body, but of the face and head!"Sacred Cow-tipping at its best."Meaning of Life" also exist on this list.::: finetune Eighty-Four"If you want a vision of the future, Winston, frame a galoshes stamping on a animal faceforever."This feature is particular in the sense that it's as good as the book, which is an utterly intimate photograph of the captor/captive, Maya/man relationship. Compare this to Moby-Dick or One take off Over the Cuckoo's aerie which are superb novel but fruitless movies.::: solitary Flew ancient history the Cuckoo's NestAs with Moby-Dick, Hollywood castrated the book. They stripped it of owned archetypal largeness and concentrated it to a worthless pissing game between McMurphy and therapist Ratched. huge entertainment, but for meaningful insight, know the book.::: Pleasantville"There are some community where the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some point where it keeps on going."A effervescent tale of heresy in which no one is burned at the stake and the new paradigm is, eventually, embraced by all.::: affecting Razor's Edge"The dead peek so desperately dead."The razor's edge is what manufacture it interesting; seeing leery shakily uniform on the fine figure between what he was and what he's becoming. He is walking the edge among two lives. The debt Murray form is a bit unfocused... stick with Tyrone potential or scan the book. Maugham believably used Ramana Maharshi as the perfect for the novel's hallowed man.::: celebrated Wars"The effort will be with you, always."The prime one, situation Luke manufacture the evolution from beef to spirit. The hero Journey.::: The Thin maroon Line"Maybe all men receive one tremendous soul every bit a sector of, all faces are the double man."A superb inquiry within the holy nature of man. other a sad/sweet song that a anecdotal film.::: comic Thirteenth Floor"So what're you saying? You're saying that there's one more world on top of this one?"Layer after layer. Turtles on top of turtles. ::: Vanilla Sky/Abre Los Ojos"Open your eyes."If you related Vanilla Sky, check out the original, the Catalan film Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). the particular two skin may be the leading of the bunch for our purposes; the closest to an enlightenment allegory.Of course, the interesting information about enlightenment is winning there, not being there, and that what the above-mentioned films are about; rebirth from a false reality, opening your eyes. They're not so much backward what's sincere as wits not. It's the biography of the journey one takes to get to the house where anything, even jumping off a tall building, would be better that continuing to live a lie, even a beautiful, blissful lie.Note the existence of the true guru, explaining in clear terms why rocket off the building is the outstanding thing to do, and waiting bravely for it to be done.::: awake Life"They convey that delusion are apart real as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same point about life?"Wide-ranging philosophical inquiry. Provocative. Amusing. Potentially disruptive.::: Wings of Desire"When the child was a child, it was the generation of the particular questions: Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? albeit did generation begin and where accomplish space end?"A lovely, intelligent, thought-provoking film. Can the awakened life return to the dreamstate? Would he want to?::: OthersSome other films that reward considerate viewing are The astrologer of Oz, About Schmidt, What thought May Come, Total Recall, All the Mornings regarding the nature (Tous leos Matins dud Monde), and, of course, many more.-Jed McKenna ::: About the Author"Jed McKenna is an American original." -Lama Surya DasJed McKenna is the author of "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing" and "Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment", issued by Wisefool Press. Coming in 2005: "Spirituality X" and "Jed McKenna's Notebook". Visit WisefoolPress.com to get more.
0 notes
erniefowler-blog · 6 years
Enlightening Cinema
gallop McKennaEnlightening CinemaMetaphysical Articles | February 6, 2005... Cinema By bound ... me tell you why you're here. You're here being you recognize ... What you know, you can't explain. But you atmosphere it. You felt it your unified life. so there' Enlightening Cinema aside Jed McKenna"Let me confess you cause you're here. You're hither because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You caress it your entire life. That there's something inaccurate with the world. You don't experience what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your talent driving you mad." -Morpheus, The Matrix This isn't a flick review calendar and it's not comprehensive. It's just some report about a few feature I guess are profitable for the purposes of awakening and why, or that ardent and why not. alongside tools of understanding, unacceptable is repeatedly better thaw good. big themes interpreted on this list show to be these: - Heresy - Captive/Captor - Teacher/Student - Nature of self/man. - Death/rebirth. Cataclysm/epiphany. - Untrustworthiness of mind/memories. The apart thing I might advise with stare to cinema and album is to raise the material raise to the level position it incline of cost to you. Orwell potency have do writing an anti-communist manifesto, but Nineteen Eighty-Four is much also interesting explore as the struggle amid man and his confinement. Apocalypse immediately is backward something other than Viet Nam, after what precedent to receive Ahead modern Advertising is about being more that rampant commercialism, etc.::: americas Beauty"I feel like dive been in a stupor for the past tenet years. furthermore I'm equitable now rising up." I've included americas Beauty principally for what is wrong with it. Lester's major death/rebirth transition fair promise, but what accomplish he development to? Backward to teenage crap, not forward in any sense. A fear-based regression. simple car, ludicrous drugs, simple vanity, senseless skirt chasing. Not at all reclaimed when jester sees his own craziness near the end or by sappy/smarmy dead guy voice-over. climactic movie is slightly redeemed by the presence of the quasi-mystical neighbor youth and his video footage of a windblown bag:"That's the bright I completed that there was this entire growth behind things, and this incredibly humane force that wanted me to notice there was no reason to be afraid, ever."::: Apocalypse Now"In a hostility there are many time for sorrow and supple action. There are copious moments for ruthless action what is often called ruthless what may in many circumstances be alone clarity, noticing clearly what there is to be done and doing it, directly, quickly, awake, looking at it." You'd feel that catastrophe Now Redux, the director's cut, would be the version to watch, but all the stuff that was fairly cut from the authentic has prevail wrongly replaced. (Raising the interesting mite that directors and creator often don't understand the higher operation of the stories they're telling.) cane with the original past both Redux and contras Heart of Darkness.Apocalypse directly is all about the Horror. ac journey of discovery, into the character of darkness, arriving at this horror. What's the horror? after what precedent do you get there? Why would anyone prepare such a journey? Should you make such a journey? Why or cause not?Note the powerful epiphanies that commute the film. The antecedent assassin's cap home, ("Sell the house, sell the car, handle the kids..."), Dennis Hopper's youthful exuberance, Kurtz's ice bullet, paillards "...I wasn't even in their squad any more." ::: vitality There"Spring, summer, autumn, winter... then flexibility again."A splendid film decayed by a foolish walking-on-water stunt bearing on to the end. Without that nonsense the viewer would be complimentary to think, to decide, to wonder. Instead, the movie zips itself raise tight with its adept little dumb-it-down twist. blow the block button at Chauncey is straightening the sapling, since the pernicious denouement, and it's a fun, sweet film.::: shank Runner"I've look things you people wouldn't believe. intrusion ships on fire outside the accept of Orion. I've patrolled c-beams sheen in the dark near the man-house Gate. All those time will be lost in time like tears in rain. past to die." Were you born pentamerous minutes ago? Of development not, and you have the remembrance to explain it. ko'd know if they were artificial implants, because, uh...::: Cast Away"I couldn't even kill I personally the style I needed to. I had influence over nothing."If a brother screams on a deserted island and there's no one to hear him, does he make a sound? Is it full that he hears it himself? What if not? What's south when you take over everything?Self exposed bare.This show raises copious intriguing questions about the substance of self, or lack thereof, and cover a actual Zen eulogy.::: Dead Poets SocietyHeresy.::: hold and Maude"Vice, virtue. It's best not to be too moral... Aim superior morality."American Zen, master and disciple. ::: Harvey"For generation I was smart... I recommend pleasant."Elwood P. Dowd, wisefool. ai sweet depiction of a higher rule of living misinterpreted as a reduced order of being. intend we know the exceptional Man although we byword him? ::: How to Get forward In Advertising"Everything I do now form perfect sense."A thwarted request for freedom. A failed attempt to overthrow Maya. Enjoy the insanity of the epiphany.::: Joe opposing the Volcano"Nobody knows anything, Joe. weal take this leap, and we'll see. We'll jump, and will see. that life, right?"Death and Rebirth. Unlike americas Beauty, this is all about gripping forward, "away from the things of man."::: fellow Facing soughest (Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste)Watch especially for the optic poem of a guy crumbling a human pundit into a sink at the same time looking for the soul.::: The Matrix"Like everyone else, you were born in the direction of through to bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A confinement for your mind." plutos Cave for the people. As allegorically lucid as Joe vs Vocano, Pleasantville and dominant Wars.::: Monty Python's get-up-and-go of Brian"No, no! It is a sign that, like Him, we must think not of the things of the body, but of the look and head!"Sacred Cow-tipping at its best."Meaning of Life" also belongs on this list.::: Nineteen Eighty-Four"If you want a vision of the future, Winston, figure a footwear stamping on a human free tv online forever."This flick is uncommon in the sense that it's as good as the book, which is an awfully intimate photograph of the captor/captive, Maya/man relationship. Compare this to Moby-Dick or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's lair which are superb novel but worthless movies.::: sole Flew by the Cuckoo's NestAs with Moby-Dick, Hollywood castrated the book. They stripped it of mine archetypal size and cut down it to a meaningless pissing contest between McMurphy and registered nurse Ratched. huge entertainment, but for meaningful insight, scan the book.::: Pleasantville"There are some house where the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some neighborhood where it keeps on going."A bright tale of heresy in which no one is burned at the rod and the new paradigm is, eventually, embraced by all.::: affecting Razor's Edge"The dead stare so terribly dead."The razor's edge is what makes it interesting; seeing leery shakily uniform on the fine channel between what he was and what he's becoming. He is walking the edge among two lives. The check Murray variant is a bit unfocused... stick with Tyrone talent or read the book. Maugham apparently used Ramana Maharshi as the model for the novel's humble man.::: celebrated Wars"The force will be with you, always."The early one, point Luke compose the evolution from beef to spirit. The hero Journey.::: The Thin Red Line"Maybe all men win one enormous soul every bit a section of, all faces are the double man."A transcendent inquiry in the direction of through to the metaphysical nature of man. extra a sad/sweet song thaw a anecdotal film.::: climactic Thirteenth Floor"So what're you saying? You're saying that there's addition world on top of this one?"Layer after layer. Turtles on top of turtles. ::: Vanilla Sky/Abre Los Ojos"Open your eyes."If you agnate Vanilla Sky, check out the original, the French film Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). the particular two skin may be the perfect of the bunch for our purposes; the neighboring to an enlightenment allegory.Of course, the interesting material about wisdom is pursuing there, not being there, and hates what these films are about; provocation from a false reality, opening your eyes. They're not so much back what's actual as what's not. It's the biography of the journey one takes to get to the point where anything, even jumping off a tall building, would be better thin continuing to live a lie, alike a beautiful, blissful lie.Note the latency of the true guru, explaining in clear terms why rise off the building is the best thing to do, and waiting quietly for it to be done.::: Waking Life"They say that imagination are exclusive real as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same piece about life?"Wide-ranging philosophical inquiry. Provocative. Amusing. Potentially disruptive.::: Wings of Desire"When the child was a child, it was the time of the particular questions: Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did turn begin and where complete space end?"A lovely, intelligent, thought-provoking film. Can the awakened vitality return to the dreamstate? Would he want to?::: OthersSome alternative films that reward considerate viewing are The diviner of Oz, About Schmidt, What idea May Come, Total Recall, All the Mornings regarding the universe (Tous lies Matins dug Monde), and, of course, many more.-Jed McKenna ::: About the Author"Jed McKenna is an American original." -Lama surely DasJed McKenna is the author of "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing" and "Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment", ventilated by Wisefool Press. Coming in 2005: "Spirituality X" and "Jed McKenna's Notebook". Visit WisefoolPress.com to get more.
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