primaryblogsblog · 10 months
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Of foxes and Maws designs/doodles!
OFaM AU by @naffeclipse
My designs, especially the masks, are inspired by @lil-lemon-snails ‘s GORGEOUS designs in this post here! If you see this and somehow haven’t seen theirs, please check out their blog!
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vintage-ukraine · 1 year
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Flight by Oleksandr Atsmanchuk, 1965
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huariqueje · 10 months
Civil society organizations that are taking the Dutch state to court over its position in the Gaza war receive broad support for this. Oxfam Novib, PAX and The Rights Forum are demanding in summary proceedings the immediate cessation of the supply of parts for Israeli F35 fighter planes. Amnesty International contributed to the preparation of the lawsuit and several other NGOs have now expressed their support. In addition, more than 1,000 individual Dutch people showed their support by contributing to a crowdfunding campaign. The case will be presented to the court in The Hague on Monday, December 4 at 10 a.m. and can be followed via a livestream.
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I still think of you on too-late nights.
-Confessions of a Masochist
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daringdoombringer · 1 year
a synopsis of what happened in the Artists Of Skylands Server today:
I was thrown in Cloudcracker Prison with Eddy and framed for robot murder through writing. A Chompy stole Snap Shot’s laptop to make a Discord account and join the server. Eddy had his anime villan arc, Fanfic killed Eddy so now he’s the Undead Element. Fanfic changed the server icon to a very cursed Chompy. And as i type this, the *server owner* is joining in on the shenanigans.
goddammit i love this fandom
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simmerandcry · 2 years
would love to try and challenge myself and write something short some day??? how do I not add backstory!?!?
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Ofame: Sounds like a good chance to show off All Might's more cunning side. He's probably been fending off OFA transfer scams or outright demands from the powers that be for decades and knows they'd make a bee line for his kid once it was known. I bet parental concern would have him keep Izuku under wraps as long as possible and make sure he had a crash course in telling people to fuck off or spot a con. Maybe even bite the bullet and call in Gran Torino early.
oh gran would for sure be there from the jump. if the priority isn't on keeping the secret, it's on making the absolute right choice. maybe he and others vote against Izuku because his crybaby nature makes it seem like he won't be able to handle the pressure. and i could also see the time dedicated to public relations training eating into hero training time, which might affect his abilities
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kanonkitastuff · 2 years
Not me having to rewrite Megatron's internal monologue five times because I cannot remember what varieties of physical intimacy he and Starscream have and have not yet engaged in and under what contexts in OFAM...
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tretfure · 17 days
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I will be performing at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus on Saturday, Sept 14 @ 6 PM. The church is located at 93 W. Weisheimer Road, Columbus, Ohio 43214. Tickets can be purchased on OFAM's website  at this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ofam-presents-tret-fure-an-evening-of-music-art-tickets-978204073717
You also have the option to Livestream if you can't make it in person!
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444namesplus · 7 months
Afam Afatul Afekis Afem Afer Aferer Afinir Afir Afufas Afum Afur Afutamuf Akak Akakap Aket Akinop Akol Akomofap Akorapus Alasetut Alen Alepinuk Alil Alituf Alolusop Alurep Alutek Alutis Amapup Amar Amerum Amiparin Amos Amulumor Amuneput Amutimop Anaf Anek Anit Anot Anum Anus Apakipek Apan Apekek Apem Apen Apik Apofar Apol Apop Apoponis Apuf Aramam Arasos Arerosal Aresuf Arifar Arim Arimirus Aritum Arok Aromipop Aror Arusok Arut Arutal Asaraf Asat Asatum Asefal Asekof Asemetis Asit Asuk Asusokat Atap Atefoper Atenut Atesotir Atin Atir Atofifos Atos Efan Efef Efesef Efet Efinem Efisos Efolot Efosaf Efukirun Ekat Ekes Eket Ekin Ekot Ekufof Ekupel Ekurofop Elalolet Elam Elamefom Elas Elat Eleluk Elip Elisalim Elop Elum Elup Elupak Eman Emapef Emasaf Ematerem Emefok Emikemil Emim Emis Emolamon Emul Emusul Enapelap Enapol Enefus Enek Enekes Enenikok Enet Enilelap Enim Eninoral Enol Enur Enuros Epamep Epamepot Epametal Epap Epat Epek Epen Epikanum Epofuk Eponakof Epul Epulerim Epup Eput Erapes Erat Erek Erelam Erok Erorutek Erufel Erumolep Esimefis Esol Esomotar Esop Esot Etaf Etalis Etanas Etap Etataraf Etel Etilisop Etin Etir Etisit Etol Eton Etopet Etorosut Etulak Ifak Ifan Ifarelan Ifen Ifes Ifokaf Ifokipet Ifor Ifotak Ifusun Ikan Ikanok Ikanor Ikik Ikin Ikisat Ikit Ikon Ikosusar Ikuperem Ilaf Ilaforom Ilafus Ilam Ilat Ilem Ilinep Ilinomom Ilofef Ilom Ilor Ilot Iluf Ilul Ilunem Ilup Ilur Ilut Imak Imapurim Imas Imat Imemun Imeturek Imipel Imop Imukaf Imumis Imuronon Imus Inan Inar Inarofar Inefokus Inis Inukot Ipafir Ipam Ipep Ipif Ipinuf Ipofun Ipok Ipolanip Ipolasur Ipop Iral Iranunef Irasip Iren Irom Irop Irur Isaf Isalot Isan Isasit Isef Isif Isifor Isil Isir Isit Isom Isuf Itekem Iterus Itim Itit Ititem Itol Itonusul Ituk Ofam Ofen Ofesik Ofinop Ofit Ofok Ofol Ofolen Okifikof Okikalir Okit Okop Okupetip Olasup Olasupom Olel Olir Oluturus Omakon Omarem Omasip Omerakas Omikak Omikilon Omom Omosirip Omumuf Omut Omutap Onaf Onal Onarol Onipul Onit Onufepik Onuk Opaf Opak Opekan Opekofus Opim Opit Opof Opofifar Opuk Opuleram Orenusaf Orik Orir Orop Orosol Oruf Orus Osamenut Osek Oserik Osok Oson Osup Otakel Otas Otekal Otel Otemor Otenup Oter Otetem Otin Otines Otinimuf Otosik Otur Ufapar Ufaperom Ufarilat Ufas Ufefif Ufen Ufir Ufof Ufolanef Ufolep Ufom Ufot Ukef Ukem Ukenalof Ukepok Uker Ukifatom Ukik Ukit Ukur Ukus Ulal Ular Ulatef Ulem Ulof Uloramol Ulosimak Ulotar Ulul Umaf Umakulep Umef Umepus Umik Umukuful Umup Unanan Unarem Unefimof Unekum Unem Unesapap Unetes Unifof Unin Unurup Unut Upak Upakul Upalis Upat Upel Upelos Upen Uper Upet Upifalol Upifir Upik Upis Upokunek Upolif Upufoker Upupit Uraretep Ureker Urer Ureril Urerul Urik Urisimef Urokelap Uror Urosam Urupof Urus Urut Usakamus Usam Usanekip Usatuk Usekitos Uselanok Usitinas Usor Usot Utek Utem Utemeset Utikek Utir Utokasut Utom Utonok Utorin Utotakek Utotim Utumak
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phoenixonlinemba · 10 months
Online MBA Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide to Vignan University, Amity University, and DY Patil
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I. Overview
The landscape of online MBA programs is diverse, and understanding the nuances of each institution is crucial. Vignan University Online MBA, Amity University Online MBA, Online MBA Amity, MBA Online Amity University, and MBA in DY Patil are keywords that encapsulate the varied offerings discussed in this guide.
II. Vignan University Online MBA
Vignan University’s Online MBA Program is introduced, emphasizing its unique features and strengths. The article delves into the admission process and eligibility criteria, providing prospective students with essential insights. Additionally, testimonials and success stories from Vignan University online MBA alumni offer a real-world perspective on the program’s impact.
III. Amity University Online MBA
A thorough overview ofAmity University’s Online MBA program is provided, highlighting key features and specializations. Prospective students gain insight into admission requirements and the application process, along with comparative analyses with other online MBA programs, including variations offered by Amity University.
IV. Online MBA at Amity University
This section offers an in-depth exploration of Amity University’s general online MBA offerings. The faculty’s expertise and industry connections are discussed, shedding light on the learning methodologies and technological infrastructure that contribute to the program’s success. Alumni success stories and post-graduation opportunities provide a glimpse into the potential outcomes for graduates.
V. MBA Online at DY Patil
DY Patil’s Online MBA program is introduced, covering specializations, curriculum overviews, noteworthy faculty, and industry partnerships. The admission criteria and application process are outlined, offering prospective students a comprehensive understanding of what to expect from DY Patil’s program.
VI. Comparative Analysis
A side-by-side comparison of the features, strengths, and weaknesses of the three mentioned online MBA programs is presented. Considerations for prospective students in making informed choices are discussed, with testimonials or reviews from students who have experienced multiple programs offering valuable insights.
VII. Future Trends in Online MBA Education
The article explores emerging trends in online education and their potential impact on MBA programs. Discussions on technology integration and advancements in online learning provide a forward-looking perspective, offering readers insights into the evolving nature of online MBA education.
VIII. Conclusion
The article concludes with a recap of key points discussed, emphasizing the diverse offerings of Vignan University, Amity University, and DY Patil in the online MBA landscape. Prospective students are encouraged to conduct thorough research and choose the program that best aligns with their career goals, ensuring a successful and fulfilling educational journey.
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Анастасія Колібаба учасниця резиденції Вибачте Номерів Немає у квітні - травні, 2023 року
Анастасія Колібаба - Українська художниця. Народилась у 1994 році у місті Одеса. Закінчила художнє училище імені Грєкова(Одеса), факультет живопису. Працює у галузі живопису, скульптури, графіки. Витвори знаходятся у приватних колекціях Європи, Британії та України, також у колекції Одеського Національного Художнього Музею.
Як автор і як спостерігач я займаюся документацією подій, створенням елементарного сучасного міфу, побудовою мистецьких артефактів согодення  Це роздуми про соціальні, політичні та культурні процеси. Концепції побудовані на контрасті ліричних уявлень про етику і первісних, архаїчних образів.  Художня практика -  праця з переосмислення класичного стилю оповідання до сучасних потреб. Стильове спрямування тяжіє до естетики символізму.
Резиденція Анастасія Колібаба стала можливою завдяки підтримці: The beaux-arts Academy in Paris European Cultural Foundation
Anastasia Kolibaba, participant of residence Sorry No Rooms Available in April - May, 2023
Anastasia Kolibaba is a Ukrainian artist. Was born in Odesa in 1994. Graduated from Grekov Art College(Odesa), where she studied in the department of painting. She works in the field of painting, sculpture, graphics. Works are in private collections in Europe, Great Britain and Ukraine, also, in collection of the Odesa National Art Museum(OFAM).
As an author and as an observer, I am engaged in the documentation of events, the creation of an elementary modern myth, the construction of artistic artifacts of consent. These are reflections on social, political and cultural processes. The concepts are built on the contrast between lyrical ideas about ethics and primitive, archaic images. Artistic practice - work on amend the classic storytelling style for modern needs. The stylistic direction gravitates toward the aesthetics of symbolism.
Anastasia Kolibaba’s residence was made possible thanks to the support of: European Cultural Foundation The beaux-arts Academy in Paris
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bggmhkm3 · 2 years
Recomendación para la señorita francesa ↕/[BCGAME5.COM] ↔ El lugar de las chicas de Barbados
Video de chica francesa ◑/[BCGAME5.COM] → Recomendación de chica francesa Tiktok Sahara [Tele @JBOX7 del texto principal] Dirección de Chica Turca de África Occidental [ 프랑스 Kakao Talk JBOX7] Video de Chica francesa de Televisión] Chica de Red de Televisión de Chicavisión de Francia [To de Dubai] Chica] Chica de TVkaOkaOkaOkaOFTFFFFfSeñorita Dean YouTube France última dirección [Consulta con la sede de Toto] Señorita Siria Señorita Verificada Señorita Francesa Señorita Verificada Chica Francesa [Comprando Toto] Dirección de Chica Francesa Señorita Kakao Talk Vene Casino [Caja KCTU] Italiana Kakao Talkao Talkaotalk TV ChicakaoTalk TV [S Frugiadin TV] Chicaugal TV Frame Ofame Ofugalbandana Frame
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See you in another life, pretty boy
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daringdoombringer · 1 year
writing casual dialogue is so hard.
Now dialogue is easier when there’s something happening. For example, “Trouble At Skylander Academy” had a lot of dialogue that came pretty easy to me, because all the other characters had something to talk about: namely Y/N and how insufferable she was being.
But when the conversations casual and there’s no specific topic? THATS SO HARDSDDKGDGKDKG
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simmerandcry · 1 year
not used to writing morally grey or even straight up psychotic characters - honestly a fun challenge
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