azurechemist · 11 years
{Waaaaaaaaaaaiwaiwaiwaiwait. This is Dust(astormofdust)-mun, right?}
((That I be.
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You have encountered A FOXE. Options: PET  FOXE | SNUGGLE  FOXE | FEED  FOXE
I can only pick one?
-does it anyways- 
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hahaplaceholderurl · 11 years
You have encountered A FOXE. Options: PET  FOXE | SNUGGLE  FOXE | FEED  FOXE
… ……..
"I’m sure the boss lady wouldn’t mind anyways. You’re one of her Pokeymans." Thus, her private collection of canned Doritos would be fed to the Pokeyman without a second thought.
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subtle-intellect-blog · 11 years
"I see nothing wrong with wearing something that's a memento from the one you hold close. I just..kinda wished my mom did the same before she left my dad behind,"
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mxdrost-blog · 11 years
My muse is dying and nothing can save them. They just want to be held during their last breaths. What does your muse do?
If looks could kill, the furry vulpine would be, ironically, six feet under. “Stop. You’re embarrassing yourself. I can do so much better.”
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
I am an innocent soul who ate that cruel joke and thought it was real....................
((Hahahahahahaha… Ok, I shouldn’t be laughing.
*pats* Shhhh, don’t worry, it’s not real! It’s just a joke… Painful to read but a joke. I thought the mention of 4Kids made it obvious that it was fake.))
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roberttheglitcherino · 11 years
Oh my god I think the five of us are insane
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2 Smashing Mercs started following you
Tumblr media
"Oh! Nice running into you two again!"
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gekkogan · 11 years
Mun: 1 (Greninja) | 2 | 7 / Muse: 3 | 5 | 6
1: [a coyp paste cause im tire orz]
Unusually so I did not attach to human characters this time around, but all of the pokemon within XY. It feels like beyond my imagination this time around. Or perhaps I did put some imagination behind the special battle text, the memory girl in Ainstar city, and what not… but there was a lot to work with this time around… and I deeply admire the design behind Froakie and Greninja (While I don’t dislike Frogadier, it def is the awkward teenager phase like whoa.)
The feelings I get from the two, feels so nostalgic and childishly pure. Like when I first had Pokemon(since Blue) and LOVED THE SHIT OUT OF PIKACHU. PIKA EVERYTHING. /EVERYTHING/ EVEN STICKERS (but I’ll be totally honest, I would probably still love Pikachu if it weren’t for the anime running the poor thing to the ground and game freak giving it a freakishly circular head and super thin and misshapen body…)
It also takes me back to as a kid, I was TOTALLY into frogs in elementary. Had all the tadpoles and frogs and just loved everything about them. (It was briefly ignited by croagunk, but they didn’t keep it lit like Froakie and Greninja do.) 
Froakie’s bubble cape is MY MOST FAVORITE THING. HOW IT EXPRESSES EMOTION, TURNS INTO A HOOD, AND EVEN USED AS A DETACHABLE PILLOW?????????? And how even despite it’s adorable visual potential, it has references to Japanese thieves, (while Frogadier has the posture and expression of a rogue). I just, this frog’s design CAN WE JUST APPRECIATE IT.
And Greninja…. MAN. TONGUE SCARF WHICH WAS A GAMBLE ON GAMEFREAK’S PART WORKED OUT. COULD’VE BEEN GOOFY AS FUCK (and as sparemint shows, it is) but at the same time it’s so goddamn cool. ALSO I have a thing for dark type pokemon since Gen II (as well as steel) and its just ’ i start out with a frog that turns into a dark type yes…) I also love ninja-y things and grabby hand at any pokemon close enough to the quote lie bisharp (STEEL DARK HOLY SHIT), accelgor, ninjask and and shedi etc.  
And I am also a battler when I’m not distracted by life/hobbies.
Look at this beast on the battle field.
its so perfect and critically designed I just……………..
none of what I said explains Roeman himself I am s o r r y.  (well the first paragraph does. Roeman always had my back like a total bro, and we had some shenanigans in the pokemon amie, and he done some incredible feats like smack out entire gyms on his own, his weaknesses included sans fairies. Fairies fuck him up but not his protean family members HAHAH) 
2: I’ll list muses who are active: Dorian, Mario
7: I love Roeman. He is my favorite of my muses and is a precious baby who makes me proud. He gives me confidence in character creation and story telling as well. He is very valuable to me.
3: What characters he’s closest to?
"…I don’t think I’m very close to anyone. ((Sadly))"
In mun’s opinion: Lysandres.
5: anyone you’re in love with?
"Nope."hopin for something with Krieger.
6: Thik you can be friends with your mun?
“Yes. I mean, she wants nothing but the best for me and gives me a lot of attention already~”
0 notes
>>Shyly and without saying much, the furry mercenary offers Peach one of his hand-made banana cupcakes from yesterday.
A confused expression settled on the monarch's features at Fox's unexpected appearance. The manner in which he had approached her was hesitant as if he was debating on how to go about it. When he had finally got to a close enough distance, she noticed an object being held out towards her. Cupped gloved hands stretched out to retrieve whatever item he had come to deliver to her. The cupcake was dropped into her hands shortly after and brought in so she could have a closer look at the delectable treat. It was wrapped in a shiny multi-colored wrapper and perfect in almost every way. It was obvious that the little kitsune had worked his tail off to complete this mission. For a while, she was at a loss for words. This was one of the nicest things he had done for her.
"F-For me?" She uttered out finally, raising her sparkling blue hues towards him. Unable to contain her joy, the princess placed the cupcake down on the stand beside them before glomping him to the ground and brushing their cheeks together.
"Oh, you're just too adorable. There was really no need to do that for me." Peach paused for a moment to plant a gentle kiss upon his cheek. "But I do appreciate it so thank you so much, Fox." 
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hahaplaceholderurl · 11 years
step up oga-kun-senpai
Comprende? El Focks-o?
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mxdrost-blog · 11 years
K for a kiss, H for a hug.
> ( 1 ) Cute hug
The giddy sovereign couldn’t help but giggle at the sight before her — it was simply much too endearing and cute to not affectionately laugh at!
The vulpine standing in front of her, though, was not amused. That much was made obvious by the slight grimace — or was it a scowl? Perhaps it was a glare? — on his furry visage.
He then averted his gaze from her laughing form, sigh leaving his mouth as he did so. When the action only seemed to pull another half-suppressed laugh from the Queen’s mouth, he shot her a look of disapproval and she almost immediately quietened.
“…I-I apologise, Fox," the monarch said after moments of silence and mental composition, "It’s just—”
“Please," he frowned, "don’t say—”
Before the fox could even finish his sentence, he was suddenly pulled into a pair of gloved arms and a soft chest, and it wasn’t a second later before he felt something — probably a head, or something like that — position itself on his shoulder.
And then came the joyful exclamation.
“—you’re so adorable!”
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a-soft-fluffy-girl · 11 years
*Places own URL because of curiosity???*
url: don’t get it | not bad | nice | good job | love it omg | who did you killtheme: not my type | ehh | decent | I like it | pretty amazing | I’m stealing iticon: don’t get it | not bad | nice | pretty | flawless omg | brb killing myselfposts: not my type | not bad | nice job | love | perfection | give me your passwordfollowing: no sorry | just followed | yes | you mean stalk what comments?: ((We've had misunderstandings in the past, and I'm actually surprised you still kinda-sorta pay attention to me, but I harbor no ill-will. It's great following you, just saiyan.))
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kongxquest-archive · 11 years
Ooooh, I thought YOU were that Banjo--I was about to assume that Weege equals Banjo I'm sorry orz
//hey it's no prob! Yeah it's just mostly Luigi and Diddy for the most part at the moment.
//Also, I see that you have struck tumblr with the FOX BOOTY FEVER
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
¿Trick or Treat?
2. A kiss on the cheek
While Joker wasn’t used to walking around, Halloween was a perfect night for him to be out without anyone questioning his unusual attire, people all around the place also dressed up going from apartments to apartments in hopes of getting candies and other treats, himself doing the exact same as it was a lot of fun. 
Ringing at one apartment’s doorbell, he hadn’t expected the person who opened to be an acquaintance of his, a fox-man he had encountered once as he tried to make his services more well-known to gain more followers. While he didn’t care much about him, meeting Fox had been a pleasant surprise.
The jester didn’t say anything, immediately walking to the other’s side, raising his mask ever so slowly until only his lips were shown to place a small kiss on the fox-man’s cheek. He then proceeded to put his mask back before disappearing in the night.
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